Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20171203 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20171203

midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á (marty) this morning we are learning more about the fatal accident saturday at the bay bridge toll plaza. the c-h-p says the driver of a box truck failed to stop and plowed into several cars -- and then the toll booth itself. five people, not including the driver and his passenger were taken to the hospital for treatment. one woman -- a toll booth worker -- lost her life. kron 4's hermela argawi has more. a caltrans coworker is dead after a box truck plowed into a toll booth on the bay bridge williams/chp spokesman several vehicles at least four or five vehicles that had been initially stopped as they're waiting to go through had been struck by the box truck that box truck continued on after striking those vehicles and collided into the actual toll booth itself. there were several injuries in the vehicles that we mentioned. however all were nonlife threatening.the victim.. 46 year old si si han. who had worked for caltrans for more than a decade. she leaves behind her husband and 10 year old daughter.robert haus/caltrans spokesmanour top priority right now is her family and seeing what we can do to assist them in this hour. we also want to help all of the other toll workers who were there at the time. they witnessed this and you never prepare for something like that when it happens. tyou are just going to work and you don't expect your work zone to turn into a war zone practically. so they are all very traumatized and we want to do what we can do to help them.the suspect 32 year old daniel berk of foster city.. vu williams/chp spokesmanthe driver of the box truck as well as the passenger of the box truck were both ejected out onto the roadway after the collision and apparently were transported to the hospital with some sort of significant injuriesgovernor jerry brown and his wife released a statement saying that flags in the capitol would be flown at half staff in the victim's honor. and continuing with "anne and i are deeply sadderend to learn of the loss of caltrans collector si si han, who died today while serving the traveling public. on behalf of all californians we extend our condolensces to her family, co-workers and friends." (marty) that was hermela argawi reporting. this morning we are learning that the driver of that truck -- 32 year old daniel berk of foster city -- has been arrested on suspicion of d-u-i and vehicular manslaughter. he was taken to highland hospital yesterday with major injuries. ( marty ) new this morning... at least one person is dead after a crash on interstate 880 just north of davis street in san leandro. the crash was reported just before 3 this morning and involved a white dodge charger that struck a pole. further details were not immediately available. (marty) and in the south bay... san jose police are looking for suspects involved in a deadly shooting. it happened around three a.m. saturday in the area of east santa clara street and north 25th street. that's where officers found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. the victim was transported to the hospitalwhere he was pronounced dead. (marty) san francisco police are now releasing the name of the man who was shot and killed by officers on friday. police say 42- year-old keita o-neil was killed after stealing a california lottery van and assaulting its driver. the driver is expected to be okay. the officer involved shooting happened around 10:30 friday near the corner of fitzgerald avenue and griffith street. police say a second car was involved in the heist...and the people in that car were arrested. investigators are now reviewing the police body-cam video from the shooting. (marty) and this was the scene saturday night after a car drove into an apartment in martinez. the contra costa county fire department arrived at "muirwood apartments" at around 8:30 pm. no one was injured in the crash. ( marty ) it's been one year since 36 people died in the ghost ship fire... coming up, we'll show you what is being done in oakland to make sure nothing like that tragedy ever happens again. ( marty ) and... the north bay fires destroyed their high school and their homes, despite that loss, the cardinal newman football team made it to the championship game. highlights coming up. ( marty ) and after the break... a warning from health officials, a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35. the reason ahead. fred would do anything for his daughter. get in, fred! even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain. and that smell puts the giddy in "giddy-up"! ah... the irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. you can't help but smell happy. for your health: here is a look at some of the new medical findings released this week. ( marty ) apple and stanford university's school of medicine are teaming up to study irregular heart rhythms. the study is open to anyone over the age of 22 -- but you must own an apple watch, iphone, and download the "apple heart study" app. the apple watch monitors participants' heart rate and will notify users if they have an irregular heart rate. if needed, participants can see a doctor free of charge as part of the study. ( marty ) a new study finds a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35-years-old. if they dont make some changes in their lifestyles. researchers ran a thousand simulations... mapping out height and weight trajectories. based on those projections... researchers say about 57-percent of kids between the ages of two and 19... will be obese by 35. today.... about 38- percent of americans over the age of 20 are obese. (marty) the tax bill the senate passed this weekend also includes some sweeping changes to health care policy. the senate's bill would repeal the "individual mandate" that requires all americans to have health insurance. analysts say that would result in an estimated 13 million fewer people having insurance over the next 10 years. premiums would also rise 10 percent more per year than they would without this change. the bill would also trigger major cuts to medicare, eliminate tax breaks for interest paid on student loans, and elminate tax credits for pharmacutical companies to develop drugs to treat rare diseases. ( dave )cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? the uncertainties of hep c. full-bodied. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. ( marty ) here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) developing news this morning... police are searching for a man who hit at least four people when he drove down a new york city street. killing one and critically injuring three. this is video of the scene. police say the driver targeted the victims in queens. and that there was a dispute before the incident. but terrorism is not suspected. the injured are being treated at an area hospital. their names and ages have not ben released. ( marty ) a big story we are following... it has been one year since 36 people lost their lives in the ghost ship ware house fire. kron4's jeff pierce was at the memorial where he spoke to friends and family of those killed in the horrific blaze that night. friends and families of those lost in the tragic ghost ship fire in oakland gathered at the site saturday to recognize their loss on the first anniversary of the tragedy. it's been one year, one year today that the ghost ship fire happened and it was very important for us to remember those that were lost.nat sound musicthe grieving was still in evidence for those who came visit the place where they lost loved's so fitting now that we would hear the names of those 36 individuals.nameswe all grieving for the loss of sons, daughters, wives, brothers sisters that we lost.ed bernbaum who lost his son jonathon in the fire has begun vital art, a foundation that hopes to fund safe places to the arts community.the idea was to honor jonathan and other victims of the fire by providing safe and affordable live work and performance spaces for artists and musicians.while the ghost ship still remains a stark reminder of loss there is hope that it could become a monument to those who perished and perhaps to honor oakland's artist's culture.there's a great deal of interest from artists, developers, neighborhood organizations that would like to take this property over and convert this property into a museum, an artists museum and artist's demonstration of something.but saturday it was an event to remember a tragic loss.the ultimate goal here is to not to oakland jeff pierce kron four news. ( marty ) representative barbara lee released a statement acknowledging the ghost ship fire anniversary. saying "the ghost ship fire was an unimaginable disaster yet in the face of this horrendous disaster i have been awed by the compassion and perseverance displayed by our east bay family" ( marty ) almost two months after they lost their high school in the north bay fires... santa rosa's cardinal newman football team fought hard to make it to the championship game against marin catholic. kron 4's ella sogomonian was at the game in ronhert park. sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "at the end of it all the cardinal newman high school football team got through more than just another seasonthey bonded by overcoming one of the worst disaster's in california history and together learned their true strength.(nat: crowd cheers)just seconds after kickoff the cardinal newman high school football team took control of the ball and scored the first touchdown of the ncs championship game against marin catholic. a thrilled crowd cheered for the team who's had to go above and beyond to get here overcoming the loss of their hometown and highschool ravaged by the tubbs fire mid of five players who lost his home says it's his team and football that got him through it.sot: nick george, junior// "just coming to practice every day and just trying to forget. just not space your mind out not forget it completely but just focus on something else and take your mind off it for a couple of hours."they've had to practice on borrowd land at el molina and piner high schools since october but still managed to make it to their second consecutive champsionship game.sot: paul cronin, head football coach// "what they had to do was bond together i think they all kind of struggled in the first week kind of getting through the tragedy but after that they started stepping up and moving forward with their own lives saying you know what there's nothing we can do about this but we can control what we do in the field."sot: ella sogomonian// "are you surprised that considering the recent challenge that you guys were able to make it to the championship tonight?"sot: matthew nielson, junior// "no. i think it was a possibility even if it didn't happen. i think our team is good enough to be here and this is where we belong."sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "a strong finish to a really tough season for these guys who said instead of feeling defeated they came back working harder day in and day out to get see themselves through to the championship. a real life lesson to never give up against the odds taught on the football field. in rohnert park ella sogomonian kron 4 news." ( marty ) marin catholic won the championship game 59 to 56. ( marty ) coming up... a big night in college football. and a big upset. details next. having moderate to seis not always it's a long distance run and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly ten years. it's the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists. more than 250,000 patients have chosen humira to fight their psoriasis. and they're not backing down. for most patients clearer skin is the proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems. serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. join over two hundred and fifty thousand people who have chosen humira. ask your dermatologist about humira and go. toasting dad: i'm not one but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. big night for college football playoff hopes were on the line in the big ten championship urban meyer and the buckeyes were taking on the undefeated wisconsin badgers. j-t barrett had a solid night for ohio state... he punches it in at the goal line to make it 21-7 he finished with 271 yards and 3 touchdowns wisconsin were not going down without a fight -- leon jacobs picks off barrett... the badgers had 2 interceptions tonight. ensuing drive wisconsin's chris james leaps and extends for a touchdown... making it a 3-point game. the buckeyes hold on to win... 27-21 they win their first conference title since 2014 (j.r.)georgia taking on number two ranked auburn in the sec championship game. auburn coming off their big win against alabama last week but they struggled in this one. georgia up six early 4th quarter but on the drive. jake fromm to terry godwin. he's got that in the side of the endzone. georgia increasing their lead. a few minutes later...deandre swift says see yaaaaa....he is gone. 64 yards. this is good. georgia stomped on auburn in the 4th quarter today. they upset the number two ranked team in the land 28 to 7. the last time the bulldogs won an s-e-c championship was back in 2005. tomorrow morning -- we'll know the four teams that will be in the college football playoff(j.r.) the san francisco 49ers are in chicago tonight preparing for a showdown with the bears. both these teams have struggled but niners fans are likely pretty excited about this one. jimmy garoppolo will get the start for the 49ers. jimmy g had been tom brady's backup until the niners aquired him earlier this year. a lot of people believe he is the niners quarterback of the future. the guy to bring them to the promise land. we shall get our first starting glimpse of him come tomorrow at ten a.m. the oakland raiders are taking on the new york giants tomorrow afternoon in oakland. all the national media has been focused on this one because eli manning was benched this week in favor of geno smith. the giants are just two and nine on the season. the raiders are a game below five hundred and this is a big game because they are just one game back of the division lead. kickoff set for 1:25. (camila) oakland raiders toy drive. live report coming up after the break. welcome back to the kron4 morning news. here's a live look outside...sutro cam. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á happening today... the oakland raiders will be in action at the coliseum this afternoon. and the silver n' black helping hands foundation along with the raider commando squad will be busy too, holding their 4th annual bay area toy drive. kron 4's camila bernal is live in oakland with more. camila? (camila)silver n' black helping hands foundation & raider commando squad presents, 4th annual bay area toy drive.first year we took on the 49ers for battle of bay toy drive.. of course we won.. we was able to fill a uhaul van from front to back filled with bags of toys.on sunday december 3rd we are doing it again, "raider style" as we take on new york giants in d lot we will have all you can eat tacos and drinks to those who stop by and donate toys towards our will be donated throughout bay area children's hospitals and family homeless shelters that will include the following: áronald mcdonald house at stanford áronald mcdonald house at sfálucile packard children's hospital áoakland st. vincent de paul shelter áucsf benioff children's hospitalásalvation army/emmanuel houseánfl caring for kids!!please bring a gift and join us!!! any questions you may call 408-439-6403you cant make the game! dont worry you can still donate via paypal.silvernblackhhfou [email protected] will buy toys for you and donate under your name! thanks camila ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor cal fire shelters. volunteers fill them with hats and gloves. and the packs for kids have something extra inside. is the 24th year of the program. and the warm wishes program is always looking for donations to help keep it a success. ( marty ) the victims of the north bay wildfires are still in need of so many necessities like housing and clothes. but there are priceless items that are overlooked. that's why a group of volunteers spent all day taking free, professional family portraits for families who lost everything. kron four's spencer blake has more. (nats)the families who showed up at saint vincent de paul high school in petaluma to get free portrait sessionshardly have any surviving hard copies of family photos.they, like just about all of their other material posessions, burned up in the wildfires."extra special to me because it almost feels like there's two different eras of 'before the fire' and 'after the fire' and i think this is probably the first time mark of looking forward."phoenix photo project - or three p -- began just a couple weeks after the fire. asa mathat and his crew of 25 are giving these victims the star treatment - hair and makeup -- yes even for the men -- and several different photo poses, all for free. "it'll probably remind me of what i felt."they even had a therapy dog on hand!three-p plans on using the free portrait idea as its standard as it looks to expand to other areas nationwide whenever major natural disasters strike. "the fact is you've got something you can rebuild from. you can look back at a photo and remember that time." nick flint and his wife say this is basically the first family outing they've had since the fires destroyed their home."it's very nice that somebody would take the time and the equipment and everybody involved with it to do something nice for somebody else."at the end of the day, every family walked away with a whole s-d card full of áall the digital imagesand will be able to pick up free prints of their favorite portrait at a local walmart."they've related with what happened, but we've put a lot of smiles on faces today."(reporter)phoenix photo project still has plenty of sessions open for families on sunday. you can sign up for some of those spots at phoenix photo project dot org or even just walk in - they say they'd be happy to get your portraits taken. in petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (marty) today is the last day to take advantage of the free service being offered as part of the phoenix photo project. portraits will be taken this morning starting at 9 at st. vincent de paul high school in petaluma. i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. thousands of drivers cross the bay bridge every day, and some of them look for ways to avoid paying the toll.. stanley roberts shows us in this edition of people behaving badly. i stopped you because you are not suppose to be in this lane this is a bus only lane out side of carpool hour do you have you drivers license registration and insurance? these three lines were recited over and over again near the toll plaza of thebay bridge let me paint a picture . just before you reach the toll plaza there is something called the flyover, during non commute hours it's only for buses .however on any given day you will see really tiny buses whow are we kidding we see cars and motorcycles using the flyover i'm with officer wilkenfield of the oakland area office of the california highway patrol on of the biggest offenfders are uber ans lyft drivers where you guys heading . the driver claimed he was trying to get to oakland, ironacally he is in oakland so offficer welkinfiled asked the passenger so why would you have taken an exit if you are trying to get to san francisco let's hear how this plays out if you're a professional driver which you are you're a rideshare we're going to hold you to a little bit of a higher standard on top of that we appreaceate honesty so don't tell me your going to oakland when i can easily ask your passenger and he can tell me your heading to san francisco we don't like people who lie then there was this motorcycle rider with passenger, they were also caught on the flyover but the driver was missing something rather important you just rode thought the fast track lanes but you don't have any license plates the driver was also missing a transponder with is required to used any fastrak lanethen something happened, apparently rider was sitting on something oh you have the plates on you and just like that the rider removed the dealer paper plates and installed the license plate which just happened to have the registration sticker attached funny how thaqt works let's hear how this one plays out you're not even allowed to be in that lane i found you in the first place so this is citation i'm citing you for toll evasion ok toll evasion not paying the toll because you don't have a fast track and the license plates weren't on your car the end oh wait i almost forgot the fine for the carpool violation will set you back close to 500 dollars and the toll evasion is 238 dollars but there are no points associated with either ticket at the bay bridge toll plaza stanley roberts kron 4 news and... if you are looking for a quick and easy getaway. look north. our travel expert joins me in the studio with a look at the stunning oregon coast. having moderate to severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it's a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. ask about the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. humira & go. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á kron oregon coast when it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some in the bay area getaways, living quick and easy when it comes to coast kron oregon kron oregon coastwhen it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some great options - the type that make you wish you had more vacation time. travel enthusiast dana rebmann joins us now to explain why we should all be headed to oregon's central, beaches, hiking, good eats like fresh dungeness crab. now that i've got your attention.. the hop to portland is an easy one for bay area folks. from there it takes about two hours to get to the central worries. breaking up the drive is easy thanks to oregon's willamette (will-lam-it) valley. there's hundreds of wineries to choose from. i wound up at where the hilltop views put you in the vacation state of mind. the tasting room is open seven days a week and you don't need a reservation unless you're part of a group of six or more. the tasting fee is $ could dedicate an entire getaway to wine country..but today we're headed to the coast.newport is waiting. it's easy to stroll in this friendly fishing town. you'll hear barking sea lions from just about everywhere. for a closer look head to the wooden docks they haul out on here might remind you a bit of pier 39's k-dock.but for the best taste of the coast, don't just walk along the water, get on it. marine discovery tours runs two hour cruises focusing on oregon wildlife. (it's a gentle ride on 65 foot boat. the cruise route varies depending on the ocean conditions.) we saw gray whales, seals, sea lions, harbor porpoise and a variety of marine birds. but hands-on crabbing experience is where visitors can show their salt, so to speak. the onboard naturalist passes along all sorts of facts and tips, including how to hold a crab so its claws are out of reach. oregon boast more than 350 miles of shoreline, so hitting a beach at some point is a given.with so many sandy spots to choose from, you could wing it, pulling over when the mood strikes. but if you're looking for a suggestion cape kiwanda isn't too shabby. you'll find a little bit of everything here.. surfers, paddlers, walkers. it's a good warm up for a longer a few hours to exploreit's only about a 20 minute drive from cape kiwanda, so it's easy to combine the two. at 2.4 miles the combine the two. at 2.4 miles the cape trail is what i'd call a good moderate hike. but the views give you that needed excuse to stop and catch your breath if needed.folks forage here as well. this is actually a local chef named andrew garrison from salishan resort. (about an hour to the south) he was all smiles about the mushrooms he stumbled upon and added to dinner plans that night.but it's the views that attract most folks. cape trail is an out-and-back trail, and you should expect one to two hours each way, but much of that is because of photo stops, that are incredibly abundant. your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. well? tastes like victory t. tastes like victory. they're great! ( marty ) coming up in the next hour of the kron4 morning news -- the latest on the bay bridge toll plaza crash that killed a toll booth worker yesterday. what we're learning about the driver who caused it. (dave)cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! ( ♪ ) when it comes to holiday shopping, my wife loves style, my son is all about technology and my daughter? she just loves horses. don't you just love one-stop shopping? i do. ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp on most 2017 luxury suv models. that's over $7,100 on this buick envision essence. experience the new buick this holiday season. ( marty ) here is a live look at the embarcadero. ( marty ) here is dave spahr with the weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á (marty) this morning we are learning more about the fatal accident saturday at the bay bridge toll plaza. the c-h-p says the driver of a box truck failed to stop and plowed into several cars -- and then the toll booth itself. five people, not including the driver and his passenger were taken to the hospital for treatment. one woman -- a toll booth worker -- lost her life. kron 4's hermela argawi has more. a caltrans coworker is dead after a box truck plowed into a toll booth on the bay bridge williams/chp spokesman several vehicles at least four or five vehicles that had been initially stopped as they're waiting to go through had been struck by the box truck that box truck continued on after striking those vehicles and collided into the actual toll booth itself. there were several injuries in the vehicles that we mentioned. however all were nonlife threatening.the victim.. 46 year old si si han. who had worked for caltrans for more than a decade. she leaves behind her husband and 10 year old daughter.robert haus/caltrans spokesmanour top priority right now is her family and seeing what we can do to assist them in this hour. we also want to help all of the other toll workers who were there at the time. they witnessed this and you never prepare for something like that when it happens. tyou are just going to work and you don't expect your work zone to turn into a war zone practically. so they are all very traumatized and we want to do what we can do to help them.the suspect 32 year old daniel berk of foster city.. vu williams/chp spokesmanthe driver of the box truck as well as the passenger of the box truck were both ejected out onto the roadway after the collision and apparently were transported to the hospital with some sort of significant injuriesgovernor jerry brown and his wife released a statement saying that flags in the capitol would be flown at half staff in the victim's honor. and continuing with "anne and i are deeply sadderend to learn of the loss of caltrans collector si si han, who died today while serving the traveling public. on behalf of all californians we extend our condolensces to her family, co-workers and friends." (marty) that was hermela argawi reporting. this morning we are learning that the driver of that truck -- 32 year old daniel berk of foster city -- has been arrested on suspicion of d-u-i and vehicular manslaughter. he was taken to highland hospital yesterday with major injuries. ( marty ) new this morning... at least one person is dead after a crash on interstate 880 just north of davis street in san leandro. the crash was reported just before 3 this morning and involved a white dodge charger that struck a pole. further details were not immediately available. (marty) and in the south bay... san jose police are looking for suspects involved in a deadly shooting. it happened around three a.m. saturday in the area of east santa clara street and north 25th street. that's where officers found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. the victim was transported to the hospitalwhere he was pronounced (marty) san francisco police are now releasing the name of the man who was shot and killed by officers on friday. police say 42- year-old keita o-neil was killed after stealing a california lottery van and assaulting its driver. the driver is expected to be okay. the officer involved shooting happened around 10:30 friday near the corner of fitzgerald avenue and griffith street. police say a second car was involved in the heist...and the people in that car were arrested. investigators are now reviewing the police body-cam video from the shooting. (marty) and this was the scene saturday night after a car drove into an apartment in martinez. the contra costa county fire department arrived at "muirwood apartments" at around 8:30 pm. no one was injured in the crash. ( marty ) it's been one year since 36 people died in the ghost ship fire... coming up, we'll show you what is being done in oakland to make sure nothing like that tragedy ever happens again. ( marty ) and... the north bay fires destroyed their high school and their homes, despite that loss, the cardinal newman football team made it to the championship game. highlights coming up. ( marty ) and after the break... a warning from health officials, a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35. the reason ahead. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at for your health: here is a look at some of the new medical findings released this week. ( marty ) a new study finds a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35-years-old. if they dont make some changes in their lifestyles. researchers ran a thousand simulations... mapping out height and weight trajectories. based on those projections... researchers say about 57-percent of kids between the ages of two and 19... will be obese by 35. today.... about 38- percent of americans over the age of 20 are obese. (marty) the tax bill the senate passed this weekend also includes some sweeping changes to health care policy. the senate's bill would repeal the "individual mandate" that requires all americans to have health insurance. analysts say that would result in an estimated 13 million fewer people having insurance over the next 10 years. premiums would also rise 10 percent more per year than they would without this change. the bill would also trigger major cuts to medicare, eliminate tax breaks for interest paid on student loans, and elminate tax credits for pharmacutical companies to develop drugs to treat rare diseases. ( dave )cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ or, you could a dog's big life,ell. is measured in wags. and when you feed your dog nature's recipe, you fuel the wag with our premium recipes like chicken, sweet potato and pumpkin. nature's recipe. fuel the wag. here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) developing news this morning... police are searching for a man who hit at least four people when he drove down a new york city street. killing one and critically injuring three. this is video of the scene. police say the driver targeted the victims in queens. and that there was a dispute before the incident. but terrorism is not suspected. the injured are being treated at an area hospital. their names and ages have not ben released. ( marty ) a big story we are following... it has been one year since 36 people lost their lives in the ghost ship ware house fire. kron4's jeff pierce was at the memorial where he spoke to friends and family of those killed in the horrific blaze that night. friends and families of those lost in the tragic ghost ship fire in oakland gathered at the site saturday to recognize their loss on the first anniversary of the tragedy. it's been one year, one year today that the ghost ship fire happened and it was very important for us to remember those that were lost.nat sound musicthe grieving was still in evidence for those who came visit the place where they lost loved's so fitting now that we would hear the names of those 36 individuals.nameswe all grieving for the loss of sons, daughters, wives, brothers sisters that we lost.ed bernbaum who lost his son jonathon in the fire has begun vital art, a foundation that hopes to fund safe places to the arts community.the idea was to honor jonathan and other victims of the fire by providing safe and affordable live work and performance spaces for artists and musicians.while the ghost ship still remains a stark reminder of loss there is hope that it could become a monument to those who perished and perhaps to honor oakland's artist's culture.there's a great deal of interest from artists, developers, neighborhood organizations that would like to take this property over and convert this property into a museum, an artists museum and artist's demonstration of something.but saturday it was an event to remember a tragic loss.the ultimate goal here is to not to oakland jeff pierce kron four news. ( marty ) representative barbara lee released a statement acknowledging the ghost ship fire anniversary. saying "the ghost ship fire was an unimaginable disaster yet in the face of this horrendous disaster i have been awed by the compassion and perseverance displayed by our east bay family" ( marty ) almost two months after they lost their high school in the north bay fires... santa rosa's cardinal newman football team fought hard to make it to the championship game against marin catholic. kron 4's ella sogomonian was at the game in ronhert park. sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "at the end of it all the cardinal newman high school football team got through more than just another seasonthey bonded by overcoming one of the worst disaster's in california history and together learned their true strength.(nat: crowd cheers)just seconds after kickoff the cardinal newman high school football team took control of the ball and scored the first touchdown of the ncs championship game against marin catholic. a thrilled crowd cheered for the team who's had to go above and beyond to get here overcoming the loss of their hometown and highschool ravaged by the tubbs fire mid of five players who lost his home says it's his team and football that got him through it.sot: nick george, junior// "just coming to practice every day and just trying to forget. just not space your mind out not forget it completely but just focus on something else and take your mind off it for a couple of hours."they've had to practice on borrowd land at el molina and piner high schools since october but still managed to make it to their second consecutive champsionship game.sot: paul cronin, head football coach// "what they had to do was bond together i think they all kind of struggled in the first week kind of getting through the tragedy but after that they started stepping up and moving forward with their own lives saying you know what there's nothing we can do about this but we can control what we do in the field."sot: ella sogomonian// "are you surprised that considering the recent challenge that you guys were able to make it to the championship tonight?"sot: matthew nielson, junior// "no. i think it was a possibility even if it didn't happen. i think our team is good enough to be here and this is where we belong."sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "a strong finish to a really tough season for these guys who said instead of feeling defeated they came back working harder day in and day out to get see themselves through to the championship. a real life lesson to never give up against the odds taught on the football field. in rohnert park ella sogomonian kron 4 news." ( marty ) marin catholic won the championship game 59 to 56. ( marty ) coming up... a big night in college football. and a big upset. details next. ♪ this year, start a new holiday tradition... delicious recipes made with nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at (jr stone) big night for college football playoff hopes were on the line in the big ten championship urban meyer and the buckeyes were taking on the undefeated wisconsin badgers. j-t barrett had a solid night for ohio state... he punches it in at the goal line to make it 21-7 he finished with 271 yards and 3 touchdowns wisconsin were not going down without a fight -- leon jacobs picks off barrett... the badgers had 2 interceptions tonight. ensuing drive wisconsin's chris james leaps and extends for a touchdown... making it a 3-point game. the buckeyes hold on to win... 27-21 they win their first conference title since 2014 (j.r.)georgia taking on number two ranked auburn in the sec championship game. auburn coming off their big win against alabama last week but they struggled in this one. georgia up six early 4th quarter but on the drive. jake fromm to terry godwin. he's got that in the side of the endzone. georgia increasing their lead. a few minutes later...deandre swift says see yaaaaa....he is gone. 64 yards. this is good. georgia stomped on auburn in the 4th quarter today. they upset the number two ranked team in the land 28 to 7. the last time the bulldogs won an s-e-c championship was back in 2005. tomorrow morning -- we'll know the four teams that will be in the college football playoff(j.r.) the san francisco 49ers are in chicago tonight preparing for a showdown with the bears. both these teams have struggled but niners fans are likely pretty excited about this one. jimmy garoppolo will get the start for the 49ers. jimmy g had been tom brady's backup until the niners aquired him earlier this year. a lot of people believe he is the niners quarterback of the future. the guy to bring them to the promise land. we shall get our first starting glimpse of him come tomorrow at ten a.m. the oakland raiders are taking on the new york giants tomorrow afternoon in oakland. all the national media has been focused on this one because eli manning was benched this week in favor of geno smith. the giants are just two and nine on the season. the raiders are a game below five hundred and this is a big game because they are just one game back of the division lead. kickoff set for 1:25. live look outside... golden gate bridge.. your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. well? tastes like victory t. tastes like victory. they're great! welcome back to the kron4 morning news. here's a live look outside...sutro cam. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor cal fire shelters. volunteers fill them with hats and gloves. and the packs for kids have something extra inside. priceless items that are overlooked. that's why a group of volunteers spent all day taking free, professional family portraits for families who lost everything. kron four's spencer blake has more. (nats)the families who showed up at saint vincent de paul high school in petaluma to get free portrait sessionshardly have any surviving hard copies of family photos.they, like just about all of their other material posessions, burned up in the wildfires."extra special to me because it almost feels like there's two different eras of 'before the fire' and 'after the fire' and i think this is probably the first time mark of looking forward."phoenix photo project - or three p -- began just a couple weeks after the fire. asa mathat and his crew of 25 are giving these victims the star treatment - hair and makeup -- yes even for the men -- and several different photo poses, all for free. "it'll probably remind me of what i felt."they even had a therapy dog on hand!three-p plans on using the free portrait idea as its standard as it looks to expand to other areas nationwide whenever major natural disasters strike. "the fact is you've got something you can rebuild from. you can look back at a photo and remember that time." nick flint and his wife say this is basically the first family outing they've had since the fires destroyed their home."it's very nice that somebody would take the time and the equipment and everybody involved with it to do something nice for somebody else."at the end of the day, every family walked away with a whole s-d card full of áall the digital imagesand will be able to pick up free prints of their favorite portrait at a local walmart."they've related with what happened, but we've put a lot of smiles on faces today."(reporter)phoenix photo project still has plenty of sessions open for families on sunday. you can sign up for some of those spots at phoenix photo project dot org or even just walk in - they say they'd be happy to get your portraits taken. in petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (marty) today is the last day to take advantage of the free service being offered as part of the phoenix photo project. portraits will be taken this morning starting at 9 at st. vincent de paul high school in petaluma. ( marty ) police made a massive ammunition bust in sonoma county. they rounded up over 15-thousand rounds of ammunition and an explosives. police released these pictures. they say they saw a man in a suspicious car. he was identified as convicted felon cean garner. he was arrested last month for possession of illegal guns. police found a hand gun, 49 large capacity rifle magazines and between 15 to 20-thousand rounds of ammunition. explosives were also found in the car. garner is being held in the sonoma ( marty ) in the south bay this month deputies are launching "operation second chance" . the program will help people with a non-violent misdemeanor or traffic warrant... get a new court date. offenders will be able to avoid jail time during the holidays. but they must show up to any santa clara county law enforcement agency and sign a "promise to appear" for a future court date. officials say the program has helped 35-hundred people over the last 10 years.. live look outside... san mateo bridge. happy thanks for giving! thanks for giving lien the strength to outrun her brother. thanks for giving victor the energy to be the rowdiest fan. and joseph, the ability to see monsters. when you choose walgreens, you choose to make a difference... like how every vitamin and flu shot you get at walgreens helps give life-changing vitamins and vaccines... to children in need around the world and here at home. so, really... happy thanks for giving! walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. thousands of drivers cross the bay bridge every day, and some of them look for ways to avoid paying the toll.. stanley roberts shows us in this edition of people behaving badly. i stopped you because you are not suppose to be in this lane this is a bus only lane out side of carpool hour do you have you drivers license registration and insurance? these three lines were recited over and over again near the toll plaza of thebay bridge let me paint a picture . just before you reach the toll plaza there is something called the flyover, during non commute hours it's only for buses .however on any given day you will see really tiny buses whow are we kidding we see cars and motorcycles using the flyover i'm with officer wilkenfield of the oakland area office of the california highway patrol on of the biggest offenfders are uber ans lyft drivers where you guys heading . the driver claimed he was trying to get to oakland, ironacally he is in oakland so offficer welkinfiled asked the passenger so why would you have taken an exit if you are trying to get to san francisco let's hear how this plays out if you're a professional driver which you are you're a rideshare we're going to hold you to a little bit of a higher standard on top of that we appreaceate honesty so don't tell me your going to oakland when i can easily ask your passenger and he can tell me your heading to san francisco we don't like people who lie then there was this motorcycle rider with passenger, they were also caught on the flyover but the driver was missing something rather important you just rode thought the fast track lanes but you don't have any license plates the driver was also missing a transponder with is required to used any fastrak lanethen something happened, apparently rider was sitting on something oh you have the plates on you and just like that the rider removed the dealer paper plates and installed the license plate which just happened to have the registration sticker attached funny how thaqt works let's hear how this one plays out you're not even allowed to be in that lane i found you in the first place so this is citation i'm citing you for toll evasion ok toll evasion not paying the toll because you don't have a fast track and the license plates weren't on your car the end oh wait i almost forgot the fine for the carpool violation will set you back close to 500 dollars and the toll evasion is 238 dollars but there are no points associated with either ticket at the bay bridge toll plaza stanley roberts kron 4 news (marty) still ahead on the kron4 morning news... how to get into the holiday season without overdoing it. our vicki liviakis show us the delicious mock-tails ... that mixologists are whipping up. and... if you are looking for a quick and easy getaway. look north. our travel expert joins me in the studio with a look at the stunning oregon coast. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á kron oregon coastwhen it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some great options - the type that make you wish you had more vacation time. travel enthusiast dana rebmann joins us now to explain why we should all be headed to oregon's central, beaches, hiking, good eats like fresh dungeness crab. now that i've got your attention.. the hop to portland is an easy one for bay area folks. from there it takes about two hours to get to the central worries. breaking up the drive is easy thanks to oregon's willamette (will-lam-it) valley. there's hundreds of wineries to choose from. i wound up at where the hilltop views put you in the vacation state of mind. the tasting room is open seven days a week and you don't need a reservation unless you're part of a group of six or more. the tasting fee is $ could dedicate an entire getaway to wine country..but today we're headed to the coast.newport is waiting. it's easy to stroll in this friendly fishing town. you'll hear barking sea lions from just about everywhere. for a closer look head to the wooden docks they haul out on here might remind you a bit of pier 39's k-dock.but for the best taste of the coast, don't just walk along the water, get on it. marine discovery tours runs two hour cruises focusing on oregon wildlife. (it's a gentle ride on 65 foot boat. the cruise route varies depending on the ocean conditions.) we saw gray whales, seals, sea lions, harbor porpoise and a variety of marine birds. but hands-on crabbing experience is where visitors can show their salt, so to speak. the onboard naturalist passes along all sorts of facts and tips, including how to hold a crab so its claws are out of reach.oregon boast more than 350 miles of shoreline, so hitting a beach at some point is a given.with so many sandy spots to choose from, you could wing it, pulling over when the mood strikes. but if you're looking for a suggestion cape kiwanda isn't too shabby. you'll find a little bit of everything here.. surfers, paddlers, walkers. it's a good warm up for a longer a few hours to exploreit's only about a 20 minute drive from cape kiwanda, so it's easy to combine the two. at 2.4 miles the cape trail is what i'd call a good moderate hike. but the views give you that needed excuse to stop and catch your breath if needed. folks forage here as well. this is actually a local chef named andrew garrison from salishan resort. (about an hour to the south) he was all smiles about the mushrooms he stumbled upon and added to dinner plans that night.but it's the views that attract most folks. cape trail is an out-and-back trail, and you should expect one to two hours each way, but much of that is because of photo stops, that are incredibly abundant. alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you. do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ the holidays are upon us, and so are all the food and drinks that come along with them. but this season, there's a trend towards getting áintoá the spirit without overdoing it áoná the spirits. on this edition of dine and dish - vicki liviakis introduces us to some alcohol-free "mocktails." this looks like your typical hipster cocktail san francisco's bar agricole. millennials mingling... mixologists mixing. but with a twist. these aren't cocktails but mocktails. booze-free. they're sipping on seedlip - called the world's first non-alcoholic distilled spirit. founded by englishman founded by englishman ben branson in his kitchen in the woods. like a character from sherlock holmes, branson extracted ancient recipes from the crumbling pages of this - the art of distillation from 1651 which documents apothecaries' distilled non- alcoholic herbal remedies. brilliantly designed cocktails by two of the bay's best mixologists: morgan schick of trick dog and lazy bear's nicolas torres. for tea-toddlers seedlip's distilled all-natural botanicals could be considered the credible adult alternative to alcohol if not drinking. and the best part - no hang- over to get over. in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron 4 news. ( marty ) nissan went all-out with its "star wars" tie-in at the los angeles auto show. last year, nissan produced one "star wars" themed vehicle for the event, to coincide with the release of the movie "rogue one." this year, nissan made seven vehicles to promote the soon-to-be- released film, "the last jedi." there's one made to look like a "tie fighter." they aren't for sale, though. they were created to promote the brand and show how nissan cars can be customized. (dave)cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! (camilla) oakland raiders toy drive. live report coming up in the next hour. toasting dad: i'm not one for speeches. but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. here is a live look at the embarcadero. ( marty ) here is dave spahr with the weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á (marty) (marty) this morning we are learning more about the fatal accident saturday at the bay bridge toll plaza. the c-h-p says the driver of a box truck failed to stop and plowed into several cars -- and then the toll booth itself. five people, not including the driver and his passenger were taken to the hospital for treatment. one woman -- a toll booth worker -- lost her life. kron 4's hermela argawi has more. a caltrans coworker is dead after a box truck plowed into a toll booth on the bay bridge williams/chp spokesman several vehicles at least four or five vehicles that had been initially stopped as they're waiting to go through had been struck by the box truck that box truck continued on after striking those vehicles and collided into the actual toll booth itself. there were several injuries in the vehicles that we mentioned. however all were nonlife threatening.the victim.. 46 year old si si han. who had worked for caltrans for more than a decade. she leaves behind her husband and 10 year old daughter.robert haus/caltrans spokesmanour top priority right now is her family and seeing what we can do to assist them in this hour. we also want to help all of the other toll workers who were there at the time. they witnessed this and you never prepare for something like that when it happens. tyou are just going to work and you don't expect your work zone to turn into a war zone practically. so they are all very traumatized and we want to do what we can do to help them.the suspect 32 year old daniel berk of foster city.. vu williams/chp spokesmanthe driver of the box truck as well as the passenger of the box truck were both ejected out onto the roadway after the collision and apparently were transported to the hospital with some sort of significant injuriesgovernor jerry brown and his wife released a statement saying that flags in the capitol would be flown at half staff in the victim's honor. and continuing with "anne and i are deeply sadderend to learn of the loss of caltrans collector si si han, who died today while serving the traveling public. on behalf of all californians we extend our condolensces to her family, co-workers and friends." (marty) that was hermela argawi reporting. this morning we are learning that the driver of that truck -- 32 year old daniel berk of foster city -- has been arrested on suspicion of d-u-i and vehicular manslaughter. he was taken to highland hospital yesterday with major injuries. ( marty ) new this morning... at least one person is dead after a crash on interstate 880 just north of davis street in san leandro. the crash was reported just before 3 this morning and involved a white dodge charger that struck a pole. further details were not immediately (marty) and in the south bay... san jose police are looking for suspects involved in a deadly shooting. it happened around three a.m. saturday in the area of east santa clara street and north 25th street. that's where officers found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. the victim was transported to the hospitalwhere he was pronounced happening today... the oakland raiders will be in action at the coliseum this afternoon. and the silver n' black helping hands foundation along with the raider commando squad will be busy too, holding their 4th annual bay area toy drive. kron 4's camila bernal is live in oakland with more. camila? (camila)silver n' black helping hands foundation & raider commando squad presents, 4th annual bay area toy drive.first year we took on the 49ers for battle of bay toy drive.. of course we won.. we was able to fill a uhaul van from front to back filled with bags of toys.on sunday december 3rd we are doing it again, "raider style" as we take on new york giants in d lot we will have all you can eat tacos and drinks to those who stop by and donate toys towards our will be donated throughout bay area children's hospitals and family homeless shelters that will include the following: áronald mcdonald house at stanford áronald mcdonald house at sfálucile packard children's hospital áoakland st. vincent de paul shelter áucsf benioff children's hospitalásalvation army/emmanuel houseánfl caring for kids!!please bring a gift and join us!!! any questions you may call 408-439-6403you cant make the game! dont worry you can still donate via paypal.silvernblackhhfou [email protected] will buy toys for you and donate under your name! thanks camila for your health: here is a look at some of the new medical findings released this week. ( marty ) apple and stanford university's school of medicine are teaming up to study irregular heart rhythms. the study is open to anyone over the age of 22 -- but you must own an apple watch, iphone, and download the "apple heart study" app. the apple watch monitors participants' heart rate and will notify users if they have an irregular heart rate. if needed, participants can see a doctor free of charge as part of the study. ( marty ) a new study finds a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35-years-old. if they dont make some changes in their lifestyles. researchers ran a thousand simulations... mapping out height and weight trajectories. based on those projections... researchers say about 57-percent of kids between the ages of two and 19... will be obese by 35. today.... about 38- percent of americans over the age of 20 are obese. (marty) the tax bill the senate passed this weekend also includes some sweeping changes to health care policy. the senate's bill would repeal the "individual mandate" that requires all americans to have health insurance. analysts say that would result in an estimated 13 million fewer people having insurance over the next 10 years. premiums would also rise 10 percent more per year than they would without this change. the bill would also trigger major cuts to medicare, eliminate tax breaks for interest paid on student loans, and elminate tax credits for pharmacutical companies to develop drugs to treat rare diseases. ( dave )cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) a big story we are following... it has been one year since 36 people lost their lives in the ghost ship ware house fire. kron4's jeff pierce was at the memorial where he spoke to friends and family of those killed in the horrific blaze that night. friends and families of those lost in the tragic ghost ship fire in oakland gathered at the site saturday to recognize their loss on the first anniversary of the tragedy. it's been one year, one year today that the ghost ship fire happened and it was very important for us to remember those that were lost.nat sound musicthe grieving was still in evidence for those who came visit the place where they lost loved's so fitting now that we would hear the names of those 36 individuals.nameswe all grieving for the loss of sons, daughters, wives, brothers sisters that we lost.ed bernbaum who lost his son jonathon in the fire has begun vital art, a foundation that hopes to fund safe places to the arts community.the idea was to honor jonathan and other victims of the fire by providing safe and affordable live work and performance spaces for artists and musicians.while the ghost ship still remains a stark reminder of loss there is hope that it could become a monument to those who perished and perhaps to honor oakland's artist's culture.there's a great deal of interest from artists, developers, neighborhood organizations that would like to take this property over and convert this property into a museum, an artists museum and artist's demonstration of something.but saturday it was an event to remember a tragic loss.the ultimate goal here is to not to oakland jeff pierce kron four news. ( marty ) representative barbara lee released a statement acknowledging the ghost ship fire anniversary. saying "the ghost ship fire was an unimaginable disaster yet in the face of this horrendous disaster i have been awed by the compassion and perseverance displayed by our east bay family" ( marty ) almost two months after they lost their high school in the north bay fires... santa rosa's cardinal newman football team fought hard to make it to the championship game against marin catholic. kron 4's ella sogomonian was at the game in ronhert park. sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "at the end of it all the cardinal newman high school football team got through more than just another seasonthey bonded by overcoming one of the worst disaster's in california history and together learned their true strength.(nat: crowd cheers)just seconds after kickoff the cardinal newman high school football team took control of the ball and scored the first touchdown of the ncs championship game against marin catholic. a thrilled crowd cheered for the team who's had to go above and beyond to get here overcoming the loss of their hometown and highschool ravaged by the tubbs fire mid of five players who lost his home says it's his team and football that got him through it.sot: nick george, junior// "just coming to practice every day and just trying to forget. just not space your mind out not forget it completely but just focus on something else and take your mind off it for a couple of hours."they've had to practice on borrowd land at el molina and piner high schools since october but still managed to make it to their second consecutive champsionship game.sot: paul cronin, head football coach// "what they had to do was bond together i think they all kind of struggled in the first week kind of getting through the tragedy but after that they started stepping up and moving forward with their own lives saying you know what there's nothing we can do about this but we can control what we do in the field."sot: ella sogomonian// "are you surprised that considering the recent challenge that you guys were able to make it to the championship tonight?"sot: matthew nielson, junior// "no. i think it was a possibility even if it didn't happen. i think our team is good enough to be here and this is where we belong."sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "a strong finish to a really tough season for these guys who said instead of feeling defeated they came back working harder day in and day out to get see themselves through to the championship. a real life lesson to never give up against the odds taught on the football field. in rohnert park ella sogomonian kron 4 news." ( marty ) marin catholic won the championship game 59 to 56. big night for college football playoff hopes were on the line in the big ten championship urban meyer and the buckeyes were taking on the undefeated wisconsin badgers. j-t barrett had a solid night for ohio state... he punches it in at the goal line to make it 21-7 he finished with 271 yards and 3 touchdowns wisconsin were not going down without a fight -- leon jacobs picks off barrett... the badgers had 2 interceptions tonight. ensuing drive wisconsin's chris james leaps and extends for a touchdown... making it a 3-point game. the buckeyes hold on to win... 27-21 they win their first conference title since 2014 (j.r.)georgia taking on number two ranked auburn in the sec championship game. auburn coming off their big win against alabama last week but they struggled in this one. georgia up six early 4th quarter but on fromm to terry godwin. he's got that in the side of the endzone. georgia increasing their lead. a few minutes later...deandre swift says see yaaaaa....he is gone. 64 yards. this is good. georgia stomped on auburn in the today. they upset the number two ranked team in the land 28 to 7. the last time the bulldogs won an s-e-c championship was back in 2005. tomorrow morning -- we'll know the four teams that will be in the college football playoff(j.r.) the san francisco 49ers are in chicago tonight preparing for a showdown with the bears. both these teams have struggled but niners fans are likely pretty excited about this one. jimmy garoppolo will get the start for the 49ers. jimmy g had been tom brady's backup until the niners aquired him earlier this year. a lot of people believe he is the niners quarterback of the future. the guy to bring them to the promise land. we shall get our first starting glimpse of him come tomorrow at ten a.m. the oakland raiders are taking on the new york giants tomorrow afternoon in oakland. all the national media has been focused on this one because eli manning was benched this week in favor of geno smith. the giants are just two and nine on the season. the raiders are a game below five hundred and this is a big game because they are just one game back of the division lead. kickoff set for 1:25. welcome back to the kron4 morning news. here's a live look outside...sutro cam. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á happening today... the oakland raiders will be in action at the coliseum this afternoon. and the silver n' black helping hands foundation along with the raider commando squad will be busy too, holding their 4th annual bay area toy drive. kron 4's camila bernal is live in oakland with more. camila? (camila)silver n' black helping hands foundation & raider commando squad presents, 4th annual bay area toy drive.first year we took on the 49ers for battle of bay toy drive.. of course we won.. we was able to fill a uhaul van from front to back filled with bags of toys.on sunday december 3rd we are doing it again, "raider style" as we take on new york giants in d lot we will have all you can eat tacos and drinks to those who stop by and donate toys towards our will be donated throughout bay area children's hospitals and family homeless shelters that will include the following: áronald mcdonald house at stanford áronald mcdonald house at sfálucile packard children's hospital áoakland st. vincent de paul shelter áucsf benioff children's hospitalásalvation army/emmanuel houseánfl caring for kids!!please bring a gift and join us!!! any questions you may call 408-439-6403you cant make the game! dont worry you can still donate via paypal.silvernblackhhfou [email protected] will buy toys for you and donate under your name! thanks camila ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor cal fire shelters. volunteers fill them with hats and gloves. and the packs for kids have something extra inside. is the 24th year of the program. and the warm wishes program is always looking for donations to help keep it a success. ( marty ) the victims of the north bay wildfires are still in need of so many necessities like housing and clothes. but there are priceless items that are overlooked. that's why a group of volunteers spent all day taking free, professional family portraits for families who lost everything. kron four's spencer blake has more. (nats)the families who showed up at saint vincent de paul high school in petaluma to get free portrait sessionshardly have any surviving hard copies of family photos.they, like just about all of their other material posessions, burned up in the wildfires."extra special to me because it almost feels like there's two different eras of 'before the fire' and 'after the fire' and i think this is probably the first time mark of looking forward."phoenix photo project - or three p -- began just a couple weeks after the fire. asa mathat and his crew of 25 are giving these victims the star treatment - hair and makeup -- yes even for the men -- and several different photo poses, all for free. "it'll probably remind me of what i felt."they even had a therapy dog on hand!three-p plans on using the free portrait idea as its standard as it looks to expand to other areas nationwide whenever major natural disasters strike. "the fact is you've got something you can rebuild from. you can look back at a photo and remember that time." nick flint and his wife say this is basically the first family outing they've had since the fires destroyed their home."it's very nice that somebody would take the time and the equipment and everybody involved with it to do something nice for somebody else."at the end of the day, every family walked away with a whole s-d card full of áall the digital imagesand will be able to pick up free prints of their favorite portrait at a local walmart."they've related with what happened, but we've put a lot of smiles on faces today."(reporter)phoenix photo project still has plenty of sessions open for families on sunday. you can sign up for some of those spots at phoenix photo project dot org or even just walk in - they say they'd be happy to get your portraits taken. in petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (marty) today is the last day to take advantage of the free service being offered as part of the phoenix photo project. portraits will be taken this morning starting at 9 at st. vincent de paul high school in petaluma. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. thousands of drivers cross the bay bridge every day, and some of them look for ways to avoid paying the toll.. stanley roberts shows us in this edition of people behaving badly. i stopped you because you are not suppose to be in this lane this is a bus only lane out side of carpool hour do you have you drivers license registration and insurance? these three lines were recited over and over again near the toll plaza of thebay bridge let me paint a picture . just before you reach the toll plaza there is something called the flyover, during non commute hours it's only for buses .however on any given day you will see really tiny buses whow are we kidding we see cars and motorcycles using the flyover i'm with officer wilkenfield of the oakland area office of the california highway patrol on of the biggest offenfders are uber ans lyft drivers where you guys heading . the driver claimed he was trying to get to oakland, ironacally he is in oakland so offficer welkinfiled asked the passenger so why would you have taken an exit if you are trying to get to san francisco let's hear how this plays out if you're a professional driver which you are you're a rideshare we're going to hold you to a little bit of a higher standard on top of that we appreaceate honesty so don't tell me your going to oakland when i can easily ask your passenger and he can tell me your heading to san francisco we don't like people who lie then there was this motorcycle rider with passenger, they were also caught on the flyover but the driver was missing something rather important you just rode thought the fast track lanes but you don't have any license plates the driver was also missing a transponder with is required to used any fastrak lanethen something happened, apparently rider was sitting on something oh you have the plates on you and just like that the rider removed the dealer paper plates and installed the license plate which just happened to have the registration sticker attached funny how thaqt works let's hear how this one plays out you're not even allowed to be in that lane i found you in the first place so this is citation i'm citing you for toll evasion ok toll evasion not paying the toll because you don't have a fast track and the license plates weren't on your car the end oh wait i almost forgot the fine for the carpool violation will set you back close to 500 dollars and the toll evasion is 238 dollars but there are no points associated with either ticket at the bay bridge toll plaza stanley roberts kron 4 news ( ♪ ) when it comes to holiday shopping, my wife loves style, my son is all about technology and my daughter? she just loves horses. don't you just love one-stop shopping? i do. ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp on most 2017 luxury suv models. that's over $7,100 on this buick envision essence. experience the new buick this holiday season. a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á kron oregon coastwhen it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some great options - the type that make you wish you had more vacation time. travel enthusiast dana rebmann joins us now to explain why we should all be headed to oregon's central, beaches, hiking, good eats like fresh dungeness crab. now that i've got your attention.. the hop to portland is an easy one for bay area folks. from there it takes about two hours to get to the central worries. breaking up the drive is easy thanks to oregon's willamette (will-lam-it) valley. there's hundreds of wineries to choose from. i wound up at where the hilltop views put you in the vacation state of mind. the tasting room is open seven days a week and you don't need a reservation unless you're part of a group of six or more. the tasting fee is $ could dedicate an entire getaway to wine country..but today we're headed to the coast.newport is waiting. it's easy to stroll in this friendly fishing town. you'll hear barking sea lions from just about everywhere. for a closer look head to the wooden docks they haul out on here might remind you a bit of pier 39's k-dock.but for the best taste of the coast, don't just walk along the water, get on it. marine discovery tours runs two hour cruises focusing on oregon wildlife. (it's a gentle ride on 65 foot boat. the cruise route varies depending on the ocean conditions.) we saw gray whales, seals, sea lions, harbor porpoise and a variety of marine birds. but hands-on crabbing experience is where visitors can show their salt, so to speak. the onboard naturalist passes along all sorts of facts and tips, including how to hold a crab so its claws are out of reach. oregon boast more than 350 miles of shoreline, so hitting a beach at some point is a given.with so many sandy spots to choose from, you could wing it, pulling over when the mood strikes. but if you're looking for a suggestion cape kiwanda isn't too shabby. you'll find a little bit of everything here.. surfers, paddlers, walkers. it's a good warm up for a longer a few hours to exploreit's only about a 20 minute drive from cape kiwanda, so it's easy to combine the two. at 2.4 miles the cape trail is what i'd call a good moderate hike. but the views give you that needed excuse to stop and catch your breath if needed.folks forage here as well. this is actually a local chef named andrew garrison from salishan resort. (about an hour to the south) he was all smiles about the mushrooms he stumbled upon and added to dinner plans that night.but it's the views that attract most folks. cape trail is an out-and-back trail, and you should expect one to two hours each way, but much of that is because of photo stops, that are incredibly abundant. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. thats kron 4 news weekend for this saturday morning... i'm marty gonzalez. from all of us thanks for watching. join us for kron4 news weekend tomorrow morning starting at 8 o'clock ... and tonight for kron 4 [music] i like to start with something funny. one day adam said to god, "why did you make eve so beautiful?" god said, "so you would love her." he said, "well, why did you give her such long flowing hair?" god said it again, "so you would love her." "so, well, god, why'd you give her such a great figure?" god said the same thing, "so you would love her." adam said, "all right, god, you made her so beautiful, so attractive, why'd you make her so dumb?" god said, "that's easy, adam, so she would love you!" and all the ladies said amen! say it like you mean it: "this is my bible. i am what it says i am. i have what it says i have

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New York , United States , Georgia , Dungeness , Alabama , Portland , Oregon , Saint Vincent And The Grenadines , San Leandro , California , Highland Hospital , San Francisco , Marin County , Phoenix , Arizona , Marshall Islands , South Korea , Saint Vincent , Marshalls , Han , American , Marty Dave Spahr , Spencer Blake , Marin Catholic , Chris James , Daniel Berk , Robert Haus , Nick Flint , Camila Oakland , Jeff Pierce , Matthew Nielson , Embarcadero Marty , Mary Omara , Marty , Camilla Oakland , Terry Godwin , Ben Branson , Nick George , Marty Marin , Williams Chp , Marty Nissan , Camila Bernal , Vincent De Paul , Petaluma Marty , Dave Spahr , Nicolas Torres , Marty Marin Catholic , Stanley Roberts Kron , Marty Gonzalez , Camila Marty , Eli Manning ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20171203 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20171203

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midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á (marty) this morning we are learning more about the fatal accident saturday at the bay bridge toll plaza. the c-h-p says the driver of a box truck failed to stop and plowed into several cars -- and then the toll booth itself. five people, not including the driver and his passenger were taken to the hospital for treatment. one woman -- a toll booth worker -- lost her life. kron 4's hermela argawi has more. a caltrans coworker is dead after a box truck plowed into a toll booth on the bay bridge williams/chp spokesman several vehicles at least four or five vehicles that had been initially stopped as they're waiting to go through had been struck by the box truck that box truck continued on after striking those vehicles and collided into the actual toll booth itself. there were several injuries in the vehicles that we mentioned. however all were nonlife threatening.the victim.. 46 year old si si han. who had worked for caltrans for more than a decade. she leaves behind her husband and 10 year old daughter.robert haus/caltrans spokesmanour top priority right now is her family and seeing what we can do to assist them in this hour. we also want to help all of the other toll workers who were there at the time. they witnessed this and you never prepare for something like that when it happens. tyou are just going to work and you don't expect your work zone to turn into a war zone practically. so they are all very traumatized and we want to do what we can do to help them.the suspect 32 year old daniel berk of foster city.. vu williams/chp spokesmanthe driver of the box truck as well as the passenger of the box truck were both ejected out onto the roadway after the collision and apparently were transported to the hospital with some sort of significant injuriesgovernor jerry brown and his wife released a statement saying that flags in the capitol would be flown at half staff in the victim's honor. and continuing with "anne and i are deeply sadderend to learn of the loss of caltrans collector si si han, who died today while serving the traveling public. on behalf of all californians we extend our condolensces to her family, co-workers and friends." (marty) that was hermela argawi reporting. this morning we are learning that the driver of that truck -- 32 year old daniel berk of foster city -- has been arrested on suspicion of d-u-i and vehicular manslaughter. he was taken to highland hospital yesterday with major injuries. ( marty ) new this morning... at least one person is dead after a crash on interstate 880 just north of davis street in san leandro. the crash was reported just before 3 this morning and involved a white dodge charger that struck a pole. further details were not immediately available. (marty) and in the south bay... san jose police are looking for suspects involved in a deadly shooting. it happened around three a.m. saturday in the area of east santa clara street and north 25th street. that's where officers found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. the victim was transported to the hospitalwhere he was pronounced dead. (marty) san francisco police are now releasing the name of the man who was shot and killed by officers on friday. police say 42- year-old keita o-neil was killed after stealing a california lottery van and assaulting its driver. the driver is expected to be okay. the officer involved shooting happened around 10:30 friday near the corner of fitzgerald avenue and griffith street. police say a second car was involved in the heist...and the people in that car were arrested. investigators are now reviewing the police body-cam video from the shooting. (marty) and this was the scene saturday night after a car drove into an apartment in martinez. the contra costa county fire department arrived at "muirwood apartments" at around 8:30 pm. no one was injured in the crash. ( marty ) it's been one year since 36 people died in the ghost ship fire... coming up, we'll show you what is being done in oakland to make sure nothing like that tragedy ever happens again. ( marty ) and... the north bay fires destroyed their high school and their homes, despite that loss, the cardinal newman football team made it to the championship game. highlights coming up. ( marty ) and after the break... a warning from health officials, a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35. the reason ahead. fred would do anything for his daughter. get in, fred! even if it means being the back half of a unicorn. fear not fred, the front half washed his shirt with gain. and that smell puts the giddy in "giddy-up"! ah... the irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. you can't help but smell happy. for your health: here is a look at some of the new medical findings released this week. ( marty ) apple and stanford university's school of medicine are teaming up to study irregular heart rhythms. the study is open to anyone over the age of 22 -- but you must own an apple watch, iphone, and download the "apple heart study" app. the apple watch monitors participants' heart rate and will notify users if they have an irregular heart rate. if needed, participants can see a doctor free of charge as part of the study. ( marty ) a new study finds a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35-years-old. if they dont make some changes in their lifestyles. researchers ran a thousand simulations... mapping out height and weight trajectories. based on those projections... researchers say about 57-percent of kids between the ages of two and 19... will be obese by 35. today.... about 38- percent of americans over the age of 20 are obese. (marty) the tax bill the senate passed this weekend also includes some sweeping changes to health care policy. the senate's bill would repeal the "individual mandate" that requires all americans to have health insurance. analysts say that would result in an estimated 13 million fewer people having insurance over the next 10 years. premiums would also rise 10 percent more per year than they would without this change. the bill would also trigger major cuts to medicare, eliminate tax breaks for interest paid on student loans, and elminate tax credits for pharmacutical companies to develop drugs to treat rare diseases. ( dave )cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? the uncertainties of hep c. full-bodied. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. ( marty ) here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) developing news this morning... police are searching for a man who hit at least four people when he drove down a new york city street. killing one and critically injuring three. this is video of the scene. police say the driver targeted the victims in queens. and that there was a dispute before the incident. but terrorism is not suspected. the injured are being treated at an area hospital. their names and ages have not ben released. ( marty ) a big story we are following... it has been one year since 36 people lost their lives in the ghost ship ware house fire. kron4's jeff pierce was at the memorial where he spoke to friends and family of those killed in the horrific blaze that night. friends and families of those lost in the tragic ghost ship fire in oakland gathered at the site saturday to recognize their loss on the first anniversary of the tragedy. it's been one year, one year today that the ghost ship fire happened and it was very important for us to remember those that were lost.nat sound musicthe grieving was still in evidence for those who came visit the place where they lost loved's so fitting now that we would hear the names of those 36 individuals.nameswe all grieving for the loss of sons, daughters, wives, brothers sisters that we lost.ed bernbaum who lost his son jonathon in the fire has begun vital art, a foundation that hopes to fund safe places to the arts community.the idea was to honor jonathan and other victims of the fire by providing safe and affordable live work and performance spaces for artists and musicians.while the ghost ship still remains a stark reminder of loss there is hope that it could become a monument to those who perished and perhaps to honor oakland's artist's culture.there's a great deal of interest from artists, developers, neighborhood organizations that would like to take this property over and convert this property into a museum, an artists museum and artist's demonstration of something.but saturday it was an event to remember a tragic loss.the ultimate goal here is to not to oakland jeff pierce kron four news. ( marty ) representative barbara lee released a statement acknowledging the ghost ship fire anniversary. saying "the ghost ship fire was an unimaginable disaster yet in the face of this horrendous disaster i have been awed by the compassion and perseverance displayed by our east bay family" ( marty ) almost two months after they lost their high school in the north bay fires... santa rosa's cardinal newman football team fought hard to make it to the championship game against marin catholic. kron 4's ella sogomonian was at the game in ronhert park. sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "at the end of it all the cardinal newman high school football team got through more than just another seasonthey bonded by overcoming one of the worst disaster's in california history and together learned their true strength.(nat: crowd cheers)just seconds after kickoff the cardinal newman high school football team took control of the ball and scored the first touchdown of the ncs championship game against marin catholic. a thrilled crowd cheered for the team who's had to go above and beyond to get here overcoming the loss of their hometown and highschool ravaged by the tubbs fire mid of five players who lost his home says it's his team and football that got him through it.sot: nick george, junior// "just coming to practice every day and just trying to forget. just not space your mind out not forget it completely but just focus on something else and take your mind off it for a couple of hours."they've had to practice on borrowd land at el molina and piner high schools since october but still managed to make it to their second consecutive champsionship game.sot: paul cronin, head football coach// "what they had to do was bond together i think they all kind of struggled in the first week kind of getting through the tragedy but after that they started stepping up and moving forward with their own lives saying you know what there's nothing we can do about this but we can control what we do in the field."sot: ella sogomonian// "are you surprised that considering the recent challenge that you guys were able to make it to the championship tonight?"sot: matthew nielson, junior// "no. i think it was a possibility even if it didn't happen. i think our team is good enough to be here and this is where we belong."sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "a strong finish to a really tough season for these guys who said instead of feeling defeated they came back working harder day in and day out to get see themselves through to the championship. a real life lesson to never give up against the odds taught on the football field. in rohnert park ella sogomonian kron 4 news." ( marty ) marin catholic won the championship game 59 to 56. ( marty ) coming up... a big night in college football. and a big upset. details next. having moderate to seis not always it's a long distance run and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly ten years. it's the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists. more than 250,000 patients have chosen humira to fight their psoriasis. and they're not backing down. for most patients clearer skin is the proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems. serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. join over two hundred and fifty thousand people who have chosen humira. ask your dermatologist about humira and go. toasting dad: i'm not one but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. big night for college football playoff hopes were on the line in the big ten championship urban meyer and the buckeyes were taking on the undefeated wisconsin badgers. j-t barrett had a solid night for ohio state... he punches it in at the goal line to make it 21-7 he finished with 271 yards and 3 touchdowns wisconsin were not going down without a fight -- leon jacobs picks off barrett... the badgers had 2 interceptions tonight. ensuing drive wisconsin's chris james leaps and extends for a touchdown... making it a 3-point game. the buckeyes hold on to win... 27-21 they win their first conference title since 2014 (j.r.)georgia taking on number two ranked auburn in the sec championship game. auburn coming off their big win against alabama last week but they struggled in this one. georgia up six early 4th quarter but on the drive. jake fromm to terry godwin. he's got that in the side of the endzone. georgia increasing their lead. a few minutes later...deandre swift says see yaaaaa....he is gone. 64 yards. this is good. georgia stomped on auburn in the 4th quarter today. they upset the number two ranked team in the land 28 to 7. the last time the bulldogs won an s-e-c championship was back in 2005. tomorrow morning -- we'll know the four teams that will be in the college football playoff(j.r.) the san francisco 49ers are in chicago tonight preparing for a showdown with the bears. both these teams have struggled but niners fans are likely pretty excited about this one. jimmy garoppolo will get the start for the 49ers. jimmy g had been tom brady's backup until the niners aquired him earlier this year. a lot of people believe he is the niners quarterback of the future. the guy to bring them to the promise land. we shall get our first starting glimpse of him come tomorrow at ten a.m. the oakland raiders are taking on the new york giants tomorrow afternoon in oakland. all the national media has been focused on this one because eli manning was benched this week in favor of geno smith. the giants are just two and nine on the season. the raiders are a game below five hundred and this is a big game because they are just one game back of the division lead. kickoff set for 1:25. (camila) oakland raiders toy drive. live report coming up after the break. welcome back to the kron4 morning news. here's a live look outside...sutro cam. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á happening today... the oakland raiders will be in action at the coliseum this afternoon. and the silver n' black helping hands foundation along with the raider commando squad will be busy too, holding their 4th annual bay area toy drive. kron 4's camila bernal is live in oakland with more. camila? (camila)silver n' black helping hands foundation & raider commando squad presents, 4th annual bay area toy drive.first year we took on the 49ers for battle of bay toy drive.. of course we won.. we was able to fill a uhaul van from front to back filled with bags of toys.on sunday december 3rd we are doing it again, "raider style" as we take on new york giants in d lot we will have all you can eat tacos and drinks to those who stop by and donate toys towards our will be donated throughout bay area children's hospitals and family homeless shelters that will include the following: áronald mcdonald house at stanford áronald mcdonald house at sfálucile packard children's hospital áoakland st. vincent de paul shelter áucsf benioff children's hospitalásalvation army/emmanuel houseánfl caring for kids!!please bring a gift and join us!!! any questions you may call 408-439-6403you cant make the game! dont worry you can still donate via paypal.silvernblackhhfou ndation@gmail.comwe will buy toys for you and donate under your name! thanks camila ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor cal fire shelters. volunteers fill them with hats and gloves. and the packs for kids have something extra inside. is the 24th year of the program. and the warm wishes program is always looking for donations to help keep it a success. ( marty ) the victims of the north bay wildfires are still in need of so many necessities like housing and clothes. but there are priceless items that are overlooked. that's why a group of volunteers spent all day taking free, professional family portraits for families who lost everything. kron four's spencer blake has more. (nats)the families who showed up at saint vincent de paul high school in petaluma to get free portrait sessionshardly have any surviving hard copies of family photos.they, like just about all of their other material posessions, burned up in the wildfires."extra special to me because it almost feels like there's two different eras of 'before the fire' and 'after the fire' and i think this is probably the first time mark of looking forward."phoenix photo project - or three p -- began just a couple weeks after the fire. asa mathat and his crew of 25 are giving these victims the star treatment - hair and makeup -- yes even for the men -- and several different photo poses, all for free. "it'll probably remind me of what i felt."they even had a therapy dog on hand!three-p plans on using the free portrait idea as its standard as it looks to expand to other areas nationwide whenever major natural disasters strike. "the fact is you've got something you can rebuild from. you can look back at a photo and remember that time." nick flint and his wife say this is basically the first family outing they've had since the fires destroyed their home."it's very nice that somebody would take the time and the equipment and everybody involved with it to do something nice for somebody else."at the end of the day, every family walked away with a whole s-d card full of áall the digital imagesand will be able to pick up free prints of their favorite portrait at a local walmart."they've related with what happened, but we've put a lot of smiles on faces today."(reporter)phoenix photo project still has plenty of sessions open for families on sunday. you can sign up for some of those spots at phoenix photo project dot org or even just walk in - they say they'd be happy to get your portraits taken. in petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (marty) today is the last day to take advantage of the free service being offered as part of the phoenix photo project. portraits will be taken this morning starting at 9 at st. vincent de paul high school in petaluma. i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. thousands of drivers cross the bay bridge every day, and some of them look for ways to avoid paying the toll.. stanley roberts shows us in this edition of people behaving badly. i stopped you because you are not suppose to be in this lane this is a bus only lane out side of carpool hour do you have you drivers license registration and insurance? these three lines were recited over and over again near the toll plaza of thebay bridge let me paint a picture . just before you reach the toll plaza there is something called the flyover, during non commute hours it's only for buses .however on any given day you will see really tiny buses whow are we kidding we see cars and motorcycles using the flyover i'm with officer wilkenfield of the oakland area office of the california highway patrol on of the biggest offenfders are uber ans lyft drivers where you guys heading . the driver claimed he was trying to get to oakland, ironacally he is in oakland so offficer welkinfiled asked the passenger so why would you have taken an exit if you are trying to get to san francisco let's hear how this plays out if you're a professional driver which you are you're a rideshare we're going to hold you to a little bit of a higher standard on top of that we appreaceate honesty so don't tell me your going to oakland when i can easily ask your passenger and he can tell me your heading to san francisco we don't like people who lie then there was this motorcycle rider with passenger, they were also caught on the flyover but the driver was missing something rather important you just rode thought the fast track lanes but you don't have any license plates the driver was also missing a transponder with is required to used any fastrak lanethen something happened, apparently rider was sitting on something oh you have the plates on you and just like that the rider removed the dealer paper plates and installed the license plate which just happened to have the registration sticker attached funny how thaqt works let's hear how this one plays out you're not even allowed to be in that lane i found you in the first place so this is citation i'm citing you for toll evasion ok toll evasion not paying the toll because you don't have a fast track and the license plates weren't on your car the end oh wait i almost forgot the fine for the carpool violation will set you back close to 500 dollars and the toll evasion is 238 dollars but there are no points associated with either ticket at the bay bridge toll plaza stanley roberts kron 4 news and... if you are looking for a quick and easy getaway. look north. our travel expert joins me in the studio with a look at the stunning oregon coast. having moderate to severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it's a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. ask about the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. humira & go. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á kron oregon coast when it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some in the bay area getaways, living quick and easy when it comes to coast kron oregon kron oregon coastwhen it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some great options - the type that make you wish you had more vacation time. travel enthusiast dana rebmann joins us now to explain why we should all be headed to oregon's central, beaches, hiking, good eats like fresh dungeness crab. now that i've got your attention.. the hop to portland is an easy one for bay area folks. from there it takes about two hours to get to the central worries. breaking up the drive is easy thanks to oregon's willamette (will-lam-it) valley. there's hundreds of wineries to choose from. i wound up at where the hilltop views put you in the vacation state of mind. the tasting room is open seven days a week and you don't need a reservation unless you're part of a group of six or more. the tasting fee is $ could dedicate an entire getaway to wine country..but today we're headed to the coast.newport is waiting. it's easy to stroll in this friendly fishing town. you'll hear barking sea lions from just about everywhere. for a closer look head to the wooden docks they haul out on here might remind you a bit of pier 39's k-dock.but for the best taste of the coast, don't just walk along the water, get on it. marine discovery tours runs two hour cruises focusing on oregon wildlife. (it's a gentle ride on 65 foot boat. the cruise route varies depending on the ocean conditions.) we saw gray whales, seals, sea lions, harbor porpoise and a variety of marine birds. but hands-on crabbing experience is where visitors can show their salt, so to speak. the onboard naturalist passes along all sorts of facts and tips, including how to hold a crab so its claws are out of reach. oregon boast more than 350 miles of shoreline, so hitting a beach at some point is a given.with so many sandy spots to choose from, you could wing it, pulling over when the mood strikes. but if you're looking for a suggestion cape kiwanda isn't too shabby. you'll find a little bit of everything here.. surfers, paddlers, walkers. it's a good warm up for a longer a few hours to exploreit's only about a 20 minute drive from cape kiwanda, so it's easy to combine the two. at 2.4 miles the combine the two. at 2.4 miles the cape trail is what i'd call a good moderate hike. but the views give you that needed excuse to stop and catch your breath if needed.folks forage here as well. this is actually a local chef named andrew garrison from salishan resort. (about an hour to the south) he was all smiles about the mushrooms he stumbled upon and added to dinner plans that night.but it's the views that attract most folks. cape trail is an out-and-back trail, and you should expect one to two hours each way, but much of that is because of photo stops, that are incredibly abundant. your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. well? tastes like victory t. tastes like victory. they're great! ( marty ) coming up in the next hour of the kron4 morning news -- the latest on the bay bridge toll plaza crash that killed a toll booth worker yesterday. what we're learning about the driver who caused it. (dave)cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! ( ♪ ) when it comes to holiday shopping, my wife loves style, my son is all about technology and my daughter? she just loves horses. don't you just love one-stop shopping? i do. ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp on most 2017 luxury suv models. that's over $7,100 on this buick envision essence. experience the new buick this holiday season. ( marty ) here is a live look at the embarcadero. ( marty ) here is dave spahr with the weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á (marty) this morning we are learning more about the fatal accident saturday at the bay bridge toll plaza. the c-h-p says the driver of a box truck failed to stop and plowed into several cars -- and then the toll booth itself. five people, not including the driver and his passenger were taken to the hospital for treatment. one woman -- a toll booth worker -- lost her life. kron 4's hermela argawi has more. a caltrans coworker is dead after a box truck plowed into a toll booth on the bay bridge williams/chp spokesman several vehicles at least four or five vehicles that had been initially stopped as they're waiting to go through had been struck by the box truck that box truck continued on after striking those vehicles and collided into the actual toll booth itself. there were several injuries in the vehicles that we mentioned. however all were nonlife threatening.the victim.. 46 year old si si han. who had worked for caltrans for more than a decade. she leaves behind her husband and 10 year old daughter.robert haus/caltrans spokesmanour top priority right now is her family and seeing what we can do to assist them in this hour. we also want to help all of the other toll workers who were there at the time. they witnessed this and you never prepare for something like that when it happens. tyou are just going to work and you don't expect your work zone to turn into a war zone practically. so they are all very traumatized and we want to do what we can do to help them.the suspect 32 year old daniel berk of foster city.. vu williams/chp spokesmanthe driver of the box truck as well as the passenger of the box truck were both ejected out onto the roadway after the collision and apparently were transported to the hospital with some sort of significant injuriesgovernor jerry brown and his wife released a statement saying that flags in the capitol would be flown at half staff in the victim's honor. and continuing with "anne and i are deeply sadderend to learn of the loss of caltrans collector si si han, who died today while serving the traveling public. on behalf of all californians we extend our condolensces to her family, co-workers and friends." (marty) that was hermela argawi reporting. this morning we are learning that the driver of that truck -- 32 year old daniel berk of foster city -- has been arrested on suspicion of d-u-i and vehicular manslaughter. he was taken to highland hospital yesterday with major injuries. ( marty ) new this morning... at least one person is dead after a crash on interstate 880 just north of davis street in san leandro. the crash was reported just before 3 this morning and involved a white dodge charger that struck a pole. further details were not immediately available. (marty) and in the south bay... san jose police are looking for suspects involved in a deadly shooting. it happened around three a.m. saturday in the area of east santa clara street and north 25th street. that's where officers found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. the victim was transported to the hospitalwhere he was pronounced (marty) san francisco police are now releasing the name of the man who was shot and killed by officers on friday. police say 42- year-old keita o-neil was killed after stealing a california lottery van and assaulting its driver. the driver is expected to be okay. the officer involved shooting happened around 10:30 friday near the corner of fitzgerald avenue and griffith street. police say a second car was involved in the heist...and the people in that car were arrested. investigators are now reviewing the police body-cam video from the shooting. (marty) and this was the scene saturday night after a car drove into an apartment in martinez. the contra costa county fire department arrived at "muirwood apartments" at around 8:30 pm. no one was injured in the crash. ( marty ) it's been one year since 36 people died in the ghost ship fire... coming up, we'll show you what is being done in oakland to make sure nothing like that tragedy ever happens again. ( marty ) and... the north bay fires destroyed their high school and their homes, despite that loss, the cardinal newman football team made it to the championship game. highlights coming up. ( marty ) and after the break... a warning from health officials, a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35. the reason ahead. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at for your health: here is a look at some of the new medical findings released this week. ( marty ) a new study finds a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35-years-old. if they dont make some changes in their lifestyles. researchers ran a thousand simulations... mapping out height and weight trajectories. based on those projections... researchers say about 57-percent of kids between the ages of two and 19... will be obese by 35. today.... about 38- percent of americans over the age of 20 are obese. (marty) the tax bill the senate passed this weekend also includes some sweeping changes to health care policy. the senate's bill would repeal the "individual mandate" that requires all americans to have health insurance. analysts say that would result in an estimated 13 million fewer people having insurance over the next 10 years. premiums would also rise 10 percent more per year than they would without this change. the bill would also trigger major cuts to medicare, eliminate tax breaks for interest paid on student loans, and elminate tax credits for pharmacutical companies to develop drugs to treat rare diseases. ( dave )cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ or, you could a dog's big life,ell. is measured in wags. and when you feed your dog nature's recipe, you fuel the wag with our premium recipes like chicken, sweet potato and pumpkin. nature's recipe. fuel the wag. here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) developing news this morning... police are searching for a man who hit at least four people when he drove down a new york city street. killing one and critically injuring three. this is video of the scene. police say the driver targeted the victims in queens. and that there was a dispute before the incident. but terrorism is not suspected. the injured are being treated at an area hospital. their names and ages have not ben released. ( marty ) a big story we are following... it has been one year since 36 people lost their lives in the ghost ship ware house fire. kron4's jeff pierce was at the memorial where he spoke to friends and family of those killed in the horrific blaze that night. friends and families of those lost in the tragic ghost ship fire in oakland gathered at the site saturday to recognize their loss on the first anniversary of the tragedy. it's been one year, one year today that the ghost ship fire happened and it was very important for us to remember those that were lost.nat sound musicthe grieving was still in evidence for those who came visit the place where they lost loved's so fitting now that we would hear the names of those 36 individuals.nameswe all grieving for the loss of sons, daughters, wives, brothers sisters that we lost.ed bernbaum who lost his son jonathon in the fire has begun vital art, a foundation that hopes to fund safe places to the arts community.the idea was to honor jonathan and other victims of the fire by providing safe and affordable live work and performance spaces for artists and musicians.while the ghost ship still remains a stark reminder of loss there is hope that it could become a monument to those who perished and perhaps to honor oakland's artist's culture.there's a great deal of interest from artists, developers, neighborhood organizations that would like to take this property over and convert this property into a museum, an artists museum and artist's demonstration of something.but saturday it was an event to remember a tragic loss.the ultimate goal here is to not to oakland jeff pierce kron four news. ( marty ) representative barbara lee released a statement acknowledging the ghost ship fire anniversary. saying "the ghost ship fire was an unimaginable disaster yet in the face of this horrendous disaster i have been awed by the compassion and perseverance displayed by our east bay family" ( marty ) almost two months after they lost their high school in the north bay fires... santa rosa's cardinal newman football team fought hard to make it to the championship game against marin catholic. kron 4's ella sogomonian was at the game in ronhert park. sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "at the end of it all the cardinal newman high school football team got through more than just another seasonthey bonded by overcoming one of the worst disaster's in california history and together learned their true strength.(nat: crowd cheers)just seconds after kickoff the cardinal newman high school football team took control of the ball and scored the first touchdown of the ncs championship game against marin catholic. a thrilled crowd cheered for the team who's had to go above and beyond to get here overcoming the loss of their hometown and highschool ravaged by the tubbs fire mid of five players who lost his home says it's his team and football that got him through it.sot: nick george, junior// "just coming to practice every day and just trying to forget. just not space your mind out not forget it completely but just focus on something else and take your mind off it for a couple of hours."they've had to practice on borrowd land at el molina and piner high schools since october but still managed to make it to their second consecutive champsionship game.sot: paul cronin, head football coach// "what they had to do was bond together i think they all kind of struggled in the first week kind of getting through the tragedy but after that they started stepping up and moving forward with their own lives saying you know what there's nothing we can do about this but we can control what we do in the field."sot: ella sogomonian// "are you surprised that considering the recent challenge that you guys were able to make it to the championship tonight?"sot: matthew nielson, junior// "no. i think it was a possibility even if it didn't happen. i think our team is good enough to be here and this is where we belong."sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "a strong finish to a really tough season for these guys who said instead of feeling defeated they came back working harder day in and day out to get see themselves through to the championship. a real life lesson to never give up against the odds taught on the football field. in rohnert park ella sogomonian kron 4 news." ( marty ) marin catholic won the championship game 59 to 56. ( marty ) coming up... a big night in college football. and a big upset. details next. ♪ this year, start a new holiday tradition... delicious recipes made with nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at (jr stone) big night for college football playoff hopes were on the line in the big ten championship urban meyer and the buckeyes were taking on the undefeated wisconsin badgers. j-t barrett had a solid night for ohio state... he punches it in at the goal line to make it 21-7 he finished with 271 yards and 3 touchdowns wisconsin were not going down without a fight -- leon jacobs picks off barrett... the badgers had 2 interceptions tonight. ensuing drive wisconsin's chris james leaps and extends for a touchdown... making it a 3-point game. the buckeyes hold on to win... 27-21 they win their first conference title since 2014 (j.r.)georgia taking on number two ranked auburn in the sec championship game. auburn coming off their big win against alabama last week but they struggled in this one. georgia up six early 4th quarter but on the drive. jake fromm to terry godwin. he's got that in the side of the endzone. georgia increasing their lead. a few minutes later...deandre swift says see yaaaaa....he is gone. 64 yards. this is good. georgia stomped on auburn in the 4th quarter today. they upset the number two ranked team in the land 28 to 7. the last time the bulldogs won an s-e-c championship was back in 2005. tomorrow morning -- we'll know the four teams that will be in the college football playoff(j.r.) the san francisco 49ers are in chicago tonight preparing for a showdown with the bears. both these teams have struggled but niners fans are likely pretty excited about this one. jimmy garoppolo will get the start for the 49ers. jimmy g had been tom brady's backup until the niners aquired him earlier this year. a lot of people believe he is the niners quarterback of the future. the guy to bring them to the promise land. we shall get our first starting glimpse of him come tomorrow at ten a.m. the oakland raiders are taking on the new york giants tomorrow afternoon in oakland. all the national media has been focused on this one because eli manning was benched this week in favor of geno smith. the giants are just two and nine on the season. the raiders are a game below five hundred and this is a big game because they are just one game back of the division lead. kickoff set for 1:25. live look outside... golden gate bridge.. your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. well? tastes like victory t. tastes like victory. they're great! welcome back to the kron4 morning news. here's a live look outside...sutro cam. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor cal fire shelters. volunteers fill them with hats and gloves. and the packs for kids have something extra inside. priceless items that are overlooked. that's why a group of volunteers spent all day taking free, professional family portraits for families who lost everything. kron four's spencer blake has more. (nats)the families who showed up at saint vincent de paul high school in petaluma to get free portrait sessionshardly have any surviving hard copies of family photos.they, like just about all of their other material posessions, burned up in the wildfires."extra special to me because it almost feels like there's two different eras of 'before the fire' and 'after the fire' and i think this is probably the first time mark of looking forward."phoenix photo project - or three p -- began just a couple weeks after the fire. asa mathat and his crew of 25 are giving these victims the star treatment - hair and makeup -- yes even for the men -- and several different photo poses, all for free. "it'll probably remind me of what i felt."they even had a therapy dog on hand!three-p plans on using the free portrait idea as its standard as it looks to expand to other areas nationwide whenever major natural disasters strike. "the fact is you've got something you can rebuild from. you can look back at a photo and remember that time." nick flint and his wife say this is basically the first family outing they've had since the fires destroyed their home."it's very nice that somebody would take the time and the equipment and everybody involved with it to do something nice for somebody else."at the end of the day, every family walked away with a whole s-d card full of áall the digital imagesand will be able to pick up free prints of their favorite portrait at a local walmart."they've related with what happened, but we've put a lot of smiles on faces today."(reporter)phoenix photo project still has plenty of sessions open for families on sunday. you can sign up for some of those spots at phoenix photo project dot org or even just walk in - they say they'd be happy to get your portraits taken. in petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (marty) today is the last day to take advantage of the free service being offered as part of the phoenix photo project. portraits will be taken this morning starting at 9 at st. vincent de paul high school in petaluma. ( marty ) police made a massive ammunition bust in sonoma county. they rounded up over 15-thousand rounds of ammunition and an explosives. police released these pictures. they say they saw a man in a suspicious car. he was identified as convicted felon cean garner. he was arrested last month for possession of illegal guns. police found a hand gun, 49 large capacity rifle magazines and between 15 to 20-thousand rounds of ammunition. explosives were also found in the car. garner is being held in the sonoma ( marty ) in the south bay this month deputies are launching "operation second chance" . the program will help people with a non-violent misdemeanor or traffic warrant... get a new court date. offenders will be able to avoid jail time during the holidays. but they must show up to any santa clara county law enforcement agency and sign a "promise to appear" for a future court date. officials say the program has helped 35-hundred people over the last 10 years.. live look outside... san mateo bridge. happy thanks for giving! thanks for giving lien the strength to outrun her brother. thanks for giving victor the energy to be the rowdiest fan. and joseph, the ability to see monsters. when you choose walgreens, you choose to make a difference... like how every vitamin and flu shot you get at walgreens helps give life-changing vitamins and vaccines... to children in need around the world and here at home. so, really... happy thanks for giving! walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. thousands of drivers cross the bay bridge every day, and some of them look for ways to avoid paying the toll.. stanley roberts shows us in this edition of people behaving badly. i stopped you because you are not suppose to be in this lane this is a bus only lane out side of carpool hour do you have you drivers license registration and insurance? these three lines were recited over and over again near the toll plaza of thebay bridge let me paint a picture . just before you reach the toll plaza there is something called the flyover, during non commute hours it's only for buses .however on any given day you will see really tiny buses whow are we kidding we see cars and motorcycles using the flyover i'm with officer wilkenfield of the oakland area office of the california highway patrol on of the biggest offenfders are uber ans lyft drivers where you guys heading . the driver claimed he was trying to get to oakland, ironacally he is in oakland so offficer welkinfiled asked the passenger so why would you have taken an exit if you are trying to get to san francisco let's hear how this plays out if you're a professional driver which you are you're a rideshare we're going to hold you to a little bit of a higher standard on top of that we appreaceate honesty so don't tell me your going to oakland when i can easily ask your passenger and he can tell me your heading to san francisco we don't like people who lie then there was this motorcycle rider with passenger, they were also caught on the flyover but the driver was missing something rather important you just rode thought the fast track lanes but you don't have any license plates the driver was also missing a transponder with is required to used any fastrak lanethen something happened, apparently rider was sitting on something oh you have the plates on you and just like that the rider removed the dealer paper plates and installed the license plate which just happened to have the registration sticker attached funny how thaqt works let's hear how this one plays out you're not even allowed to be in that lane i found you in the first place so this is citation i'm citing you for toll evasion ok toll evasion not paying the toll because you don't have a fast track and the license plates weren't on your car the end oh wait i almost forgot the fine for the carpool violation will set you back close to 500 dollars and the toll evasion is 238 dollars but there are no points associated with either ticket at the bay bridge toll plaza stanley roberts kron 4 news (marty) still ahead on the kron4 morning news... how to get into the holiday season without overdoing it. our vicki liviakis show us the delicious mock-tails ... that mixologists are whipping up. and... if you are looking for a quick and easy getaway. look north. our travel expert joins me in the studio with a look at the stunning oregon coast. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á kron oregon coastwhen it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some great options - the type that make you wish you had more vacation time. travel enthusiast dana rebmann joins us now to explain why we should all be headed to oregon's central, beaches, hiking, good eats like fresh dungeness crab. now that i've got your attention.. the hop to portland is an easy one for bay area folks. from there it takes about two hours to get to the central worries. breaking up the drive is easy thanks to oregon's willamette (will-lam-it) valley. there's hundreds of wineries to choose from. i wound up at where the hilltop views put you in the vacation state of mind. the tasting room is open seven days a week and you don't need a reservation unless you're part of a group of six or more. the tasting fee is $ could dedicate an entire getaway to wine country..but today we're headed to the coast.newport is waiting. it's easy to stroll in this friendly fishing town. you'll hear barking sea lions from just about everywhere. for a closer look head to the wooden docks they haul out on here might remind you a bit of pier 39's k-dock.but for the best taste of the coast, don't just walk along the water, get on it. marine discovery tours runs two hour cruises focusing on oregon wildlife. (it's a gentle ride on 65 foot boat. the cruise route varies depending on the ocean conditions.) we saw gray whales, seals, sea lions, harbor porpoise and a variety of marine birds. but hands-on crabbing experience is where visitors can show their salt, so to speak. the onboard naturalist passes along all sorts of facts and tips, including how to hold a crab so its claws are out of reach.oregon boast more than 350 miles of shoreline, so hitting a beach at some point is a given.with so many sandy spots to choose from, you could wing it, pulling over when the mood strikes. but if you're looking for a suggestion cape kiwanda isn't too shabby. you'll find a little bit of everything here.. surfers, paddlers, walkers. it's a good warm up for a longer a few hours to exploreit's only about a 20 minute drive from cape kiwanda, so it's easy to combine the two. at 2.4 miles the cape trail is what i'd call a good moderate hike. but the views give you that needed excuse to stop and catch your breath if needed. folks forage here as well. this is actually a local chef named andrew garrison from salishan resort. (about an hour to the south) he was all smiles about the mushrooms he stumbled upon and added to dinner plans that night.but it's the views that attract most folks. cape trail is an out-and-back trail, and you should expect one to two hours each way, but much of that is because of photo stops, that are incredibly abundant. alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you. do you need the most trusted battery this holiday? maybe not. maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. (screaming) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ the holidays are upon us, and so are all the food and drinks that come along with them. but this season, there's a trend towards getting áintoá the spirit without overdoing it áoná the spirits. on this edition of dine and dish - vicki liviakis introduces us to some alcohol-free "mocktails." this looks like your typical hipster cocktail san francisco's bar agricole. millennials mingling... mixologists mixing. but with a twist. these aren't cocktails but mocktails. booze-free. they're sipping on seedlip - called the world's first non-alcoholic distilled spirit. founded by englishman founded by englishman ben branson in his kitchen in the woods. like a character from sherlock holmes, branson extracted ancient recipes from the crumbling pages of this - the art of distillation from 1651 which documents apothecaries' distilled non- alcoholic herbal remedies. brilliantly designed cocktails by two of the bay's best mixologists: morgan schick of trick dog and lazy bear's nicolas torres. for tea-toddlers seedlip's distilled all-natural botanicals could be considered the credible adult alternative to alcohol if not drinking. and the best part - no hang- over to get over. in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron 4 news. ( marty ) nissan went all-out with its "star wars" tie-in at the los angeles auto show. last year, nissan produced one "star wars" themed vehicle for the event, to coincide with the release of the movie "rogue one." this year, nissan made seven vehicles to promote the soon-to-be- released film, "the last jedi." there's one made to look like a "tie fighter." they aren't for sale, though. they were created to promote the brand and show how nissan cars can be customized. (dave)cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! (camilla) oakland raiders toy drive. live report coming up in the next hour. toasting dad: i'm not one for speeches. but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. here is a live look at the embarcadero. ( marty ) here is dave spahr with the weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á (marty) (marty) this morning we are learning more about the fatal accident saturday at the bay bridge toll plaza. the c-h-p says the driver of a box truck failed to stop and plowed into several cars -- and then the toll booth itself. five people, not including the driver and his passenger were taken to the hospital for treatment. one woman -- a toll booth worker -- lost her life. kron 4's hermela argawi has more. a caltrans coworker is dead after a box truck plowed into a toll booth on the bay bridge williams/chp spokesman several vehicles at least four or five vehicles that had been initially stopped as they're waiting to go through had been struck by the box truck that box truck continued on after striking those vehicles and collided into the actual toll booth itself. there were several injuries in the vehicles that we mentioned. however all were nonlife threatening.the victim.. 46 year old si si han. who had worked for caltrans for more than a decade. she leaves behind her husband and 10 year old daughter.robert haus/caltrans spokesmanour top priority right now is her family and seeing what we can do to assist them in this hour. we also want to help all of the other toll workers who were there at the time. they witnessed this and you never prepare for something like that when it happens. tyou are just going to work and you don't expect your work zone to turn into a war zone practically. so they are all very traumatized and we want to do what we can do to help them.the suspect 32 year old daniel berk of foster city.. vu williams/chp spokesmanthe driver of the box truck as well as the passenger of the box truck were both ejected out onto the roadway after the collision and apparently were transported to the hospital with some sort of significant injuriesgovernor jerry brown and his wife released a statement saying that flags in the capitol would be flown at half staff in the victim's honor. and continuing with "anne and i are deeply sadderend to learn of the loss of caltrans collector si si han, who died today while serving the traveling public. on behalf of all californians we extend our condolensces to her family, co-workers and friends." (marty) that was hermela argawi reporting. this morning we are learning that the driver of that truck -- 32 year old daniel berk of foster city -- has been arrested on suspicion of d-u-i and vehicular manslaughter. he was taken to highland hospital yesterday with major injuries. ( marty ) new this morning... at least one person is dead after a crash on interstate 880 just north of davis street in san leandro. the crash was reported just before 3 this morning and involved a white dodge charger that struck a pole. further details were not immediately (marty) and in the south bay... san jose police are looking for suspects involved in a deadly shooting. it happened around three a.m. saturday in the area of east santa clara street and north 25th street. that's where officers found a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. the victim was transported to the hospitalwhere he was pronounced happening today... the oakland raiders will be in action at the coliseum this afternoon. and the silver n' black helping hands foundation along with the raider commando squad will be busy too, holding their 4th annual bay area toy drive. kron 4's camila bernal is live in oakland with more. camila? (camila)silver n' black helping hands foundation & raider commando squad presents, 4th annual bay area toy drive.first year we took on the 49ers for battle of bay toy drive.. of course we won.. we was able to fill a uhaul van from front to back filled with bags of toys.on sunday december 3rd we are doing it again, "raider style" as we take on new york giants in d lot we will have all you can eat tacos and drinks to those who stop by and donate toys towards our will be donated throughout bay area children's hospitals and family homeless shelters that will include the following: áronald mcdonald house at stanford áronald mcdonald house at sfálucile packard children's hospital áoakland st. vincent de paul shelter áucsf benioff children's hospitalásalvation army/emmanuel houseánfl caring for kids!!please bring a gift and join us!!! any questions you may call 408-439-6403you cant make the game! dont worry you can still donate via paypal.silvernblackhhfou ndation@gmail.comwe will buy toys for you and donate under your name! thanks camila for your health: here is a look at some of the new medical findings released this week. ( marty ) apple and stanford university's school of medicine are teaming up to study irregular heart rhythms. the study is open to anyone over the age of 22 -- but you must own an apple watch, iphone, and download the "apple heart study" app. the apple watch monitors participants' heart rate and will notify users if they have an irregular heart rate. if needed, participants can see a doctor free of charge as part of the study. ( marty ) a new study finds a majority of american kids could be obese by the time they're 35-years-old. if they dont make some changes in their lifestyles. researchers ran a thousand simulations... mapping out height and weight trajectories. based on those projections... researchers say about 57-percent of kids between the ages of two and 19... will be obese by 35. today.... about 38- percent of americans over the age of 20 are obese. (marty) the tax bill the senate passed this weekend also includes some sweeping changes to health care policy. the senate's bill would repeal the "individual mandate" that requires all americans to have health insurance. analysts say that would result in an estimated 13 million fewer people having insurance over the next 10 years. premiums would also rise 10 percent more per year than they would without this change. the bill would also trigger major cuts to medicare, eliminate tax breaks for interest paid on student loans, and elminate tax credits for pharmacutical companies to develop drugs to treat rare diseases. ( dave )cold in the wake of last night showers...your forecast is next ! here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á ( marty ) a big story we are following... it has been one year since 36 people lost their lives in the ghost ship ware house fire. kron4's jeff pierce was at the memorial where he spoke to friends and family of those killed in the horrific blaze that night. friends and families of those lost in the tragic ghost ship fire in oakland gathered at the site saturday to recognize their loss on the first anniversary of the tragedy. it's been one year, one year today that the ghost ship fire happened and it was very important for us to remember those that were lost.nat sound musicthe grieving was still in evidence for those who came visit the place where they lost loved's so fitting now that we would hear the names of those 36 individuals.nameswe all grieving for the loss of sons, daughters, wives, brothers sisters that we lost.ed bernbaum who lost his son jonathon in the fire has begun vital art, a foundation that hopes to fund safe places to the arts community.the idea was to honor jonathan and other victims of the fire by providing safe and affordable live work and performance spaces for artists and musicians.while the ghost ship still remains a stark reminder of loss there is hope that it could become a monument to those who perished and perhaps to honor oakland's artist's culture.there's a great deal of interest from artists, developers, neighborhood organizations that would like to take this property over and convert this property into a museum, an artists museum and artist's demonstration of something.but saturday it was an event to remember a tragic loss.the ultimate goal here is to not to oakland jeff pierce kron four news. ( marty ) representative barbara lee released a statement acknowledging the ghost ship fire anniversary. saying "the ghost ship fire was an unimaginable disaster yet in the face of this horrendous disaster i have been awed by the compassion and perseverance displayed by our east bay family" ( marty ) almost two months after they lost their high school in the north bay fires... santa rosa's cardinal newman football team fought hard to make it to the championship game against marin catholic. kron 4's ella sogomonian was at the game in ronhert park. sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "at the end of it all the cardinal newman high school football team got through more than just another seasonthey bonded by overcoming one of the worst disaster's in california history and together learned their true strength.(nat: crowd cheers)just seconds after kickoff the cardinal newman high school football team took control of the ball and scored the first touchdown of the ncs championship game against marin catholic. a thrilled crowd cheered for the team who's had to go above and beyond to get here overcoming the loss of their hometown and highschool ravaged by the tubbs fire mid of five players who lost his home says it's his team and football that got him through it.sot: nick george, junior// "just coming to practice every day and just trying to forget. just not space your mind out not forget it completely but just focus on something else and take your mind off it for a couple of hours."they've had to practice on borrowd land at el molina and piner high schools since october but still managed to make it to their second consecutive champsionship game.sot: paul cronin, head football coach// "what they had to do was bond together i think they all kind of struggled in the first week kind of getting through the tragedy but after that they started stepping up and moving forward with their own lives saying you know what there's nothing we can do about this but we can control what we do in the field."sot: ella sogomonian// "are you surprised that considering the recent challenge that you guys were able to make it to the championship tonight?"sot: matthew nielson, junior// "no. i think it was a possibility even if it didn't happen. i think our team is good enough to be here and this is where we belong."sot: ella sogomonian, ronhert park// "a strong finish to a really tough season for these guys who said instead of feeling defeated they came back working harder day in and day out to get see themselves through to the championship. a real life lesson to never give up against the odds taught on the football field. in rohnert park ella sogomonian kron 4 news." ( marty ) marin catholic won the championship game 59 to 56. big night for college football playoff hopes were on the line in the big ten championship urban meyer and the buckeyes were taking on the undefeated wisconsin badgers. j-t barrett had a solid night for ohio state... he punches it in at the goal line to make it 21-7 he finished with 271 yards and 3 touchdowns wisconsin were not going down without a fight -- leon jacobs picks off barrett... the badgers had 2 interceptions tonight. ensuing drive wisconsin's chris james leaps and extends for a touchdown... making it a 3-point game. the buckeyes hold on to win... 27-21 they win their first conference title since 2014 (j.r.)georgia taking on number two ranked auburn in the sec championship game. auburn coming off their big win against alabama last week but they struggled in this one. georgia up six early 4th quarter but on fromm to terry godwin. he's got that in the side of the endzone. georgia increasing their lead. a few minutes later...deandre swift says see yaaaaa....he is gone. 64 yards. this is good. georgia stomped on auburn in the today. they upset the number two ranked team in the land 28 to 7. the last time the bulldogs won an s-e-c championship was back in 2005. tomorrow morning -- we'll know the four teams that will be in the college football playoff(j.r.) the san francisco 49ers are in chicago tonight preparing for a showdown with the bears. both these teams have struggled but niners fans are likely pretty excited about this one. jimmy garoppolo will get the start for the 49ers. jimmy g had been tom brady's backup until the niners aquired him earlier this year. a lot of people believe he is the niners quarterback of the future. the guy to bring them to the promise land. we shall get our first starting glimpse of him come tomorrow at ten a.m. the oakland raiders are taking on the new york giants tomorrow afternoon in oakland. all the national media has been focused on this one because eli manning was benched this week in favor of geno smith. the giants are just two and nine on the season. the raiders are a game below five hundred and this is a big game because they are just one game back of the division lead. kickoff set for 1:25. welcome back to the kron4 morning news. here's a live look outside...sutro cam. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á happening today... the oakland raiders will be in action at the coliseum this afternoon. and the silver n' black helping hands foundation along with the raider commando squad will be busy too, holding their 4th annual bay area toy drive. kron 4's camila bernal is live in oakland with more. camila? (camila)silver n' black helping hands foundation & raider commando squad presents, 4th annual bay area toy drive.first year we took on the 49ers for battle of bay toy drive.. of course we won.. we was able to fill a uhaul van from front to back filled with bags of toys.on sunday december 3rd we are doing it again, "raider style" as we take on new york giants in d lot we will have all you can eat tacos and drinks to those who stop by and donate toys towards our will be donated throughout bay area children's hospitals and family homeless shelters that will include the following: áronald mcdonald house at stanford áronald mcdonald house at sfálucile packard children's hospital áoakland st. vincent de paul shelter áucsf benioff children's hospitalásalvation army/emmanuel houseánfl caring for kids!!please bring a gift and join us!!! any questions you may call 408-439-6403you cant make the game! dont worry you can still donate via paypal.silvernblackhhfou ndation@gmail.comwe will buy toys for you and donate under your name! thanks camila ( marty ) a huge backpack give-away in marin county helped out victims of the north bay fires. on saturday "warm wishes" stuffed 5-thousand back packs for the homeless. they were given out to 40 different agencies in the bay area to distribute to those in need. this year, the packs also went to nor cal fire shelters. volunteers fill them with hats and gloves. and the packs for kids have something extra inside. is the 24th year of the program. and the warm wishes program is always looking for donations to help keep it a success. ( marty ) the victims of the north bay wildfires are still in need of so many necessities like housing and clothes. but there are priceless items that are overlooked. that's why a group of volunteers spent all day taking free, professional family portraits for families who lost everything. kron four's spencer blake has more. (nats)the families who showed up at saint vincent de paul high school in petaluma to get free portrait sessionshardly have any surviving hard copies of family photos.they, like just about all of their other material posessions, burned up in the wildfires."extra special to me because it almost feels like there's two different eras of 'before the fire' and 'after the fire' and i think this is probably the first time mark of looking forward."phoenix photo project - or three p -- began just a couple weeks after the fire. asa mathat and his crew of 25 are giving these victims the star treatment - hair and makeup -- yes even for the men -- and several different photo poses, all for free. "it'll probably remind me of what i felt."they even had a therapy dog on hand!three-p plans on using the free portrait idea as its standard as it looks to expand to other areas nationwide whenever major natural disasters strike. "the fact is you've got something you can rebuild from. you can look back at a photo and remember that time." nick flint and his wife say this is basically the first family outing they've had since the fires destroyed their home."it's very nice that somebody would take the time and the equipment and everybody involved with it to do something nice for somebody else."at the end of the day, every family walked away with a whole s-d card full of áall the digital imagesand will be able to pick up free prints of their favorite portrait at a local walmart."they've related with what happened, but we've put a lot of smiles on faces today."(reporter)phoenix photo project still has plenty of sessions open for families on sunday. you can sign up for some of those spots at phoenix photo project dot org or even just walk in - they say they'd be happy to get your portraits taken. in petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (marty) today is the last day to take advantage of the free service being offered as part of the phoenix photo project. portraits will be taken this morning starting at 9 at st. vincent de paul high school in petaluma. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. thousands of drivers cross the bay bridge every day, and some of them look for ways to avoid paying the toll.. stanley roberts shows us in this edition of people behaving badly. i stopped you because you are not suppose to be in this lane this is a bus only lane out side of carpool hour do you have you drivers license registration and insurance? these three lines were recited over and over again near the toll plaza of thebay bridge let me paint a picture . just before you reach the toll plaza there is something called the flyover, during non commute hours it's only for buses .however on any given day you will see really tiny buses whow are we kidding we see cars and motorcycles using the flyover i'm with officer wilkenfield of the oakland area office of the california highway patrol on of the biggest offenfders are uber ans lyft drivers where you guys heading . the driver claimed he was trying to get to oakland, ironacally he is in oakland so offficer welkinfiled asked the passenger so why would you have taken an exit if you are trying to get to san francisco let's hear how this plays out if you're a professional driver which you are you're a rideshare we're going to hold you to a little bit of a higher standard on top of that we appreaceate honesty so don't tell me your going to oakland when i can easily ask your passenger and he can tell me your heading to san francisco we don't like people who lie then there was this motorcycle rider with passenger, they were also caught on the flyover but the driver was missing something rather important you just rode thought the fast track lanes but you don't have any license plates the driver was also missing a transponder with is required to used any fastrak lanethen something happened, apparently rider was sitting on something oh you have the plates on you and just like that the rider removed the dealer paper plates and installed the license plate which just happened to have the registration sticker attached funny how thaqt works let's hear how this one plays out you're not even allowed to be in that lane i found you in the first place so this is citation i'm citing you for toll evasion ok toll evasion not paying the toll because you don't have a fast track and the license plates weren't on your car the end oh wait i almost forgot the fine for the carpool violation will set you back close to 500 dollars and the toll evasion is 238 dollars but there are no points associated with either ticket at the bay bridge toll plaza stanley roberts kron 4 news ( ♪ ) when it comes to holiday shopping, my wife loves style, my son is all about technology and my daughter? she just loves horses. don't you just love one-stop shopping? i do. ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp on most 2017 luxury suv models. that's over $7,100 on this buick envision essence. experience the new buick this holiday season. a weak low pressure trough will move to the east of our area this morning and widely scattered light rain showers are expected to end by daybreak. expect dry weather through the week ahead. cooling is forecast today and nights will be very cool in the valleys starting tonight and continuing through midweek. daytime temperatures will gradually warm through the week as high pressure strengthens over california. áwind advisory 10 this evening until 10 am tuesday for the north and east bay hill above 1000 feet. winds of 25-35mph gusts of 45. á kron oregon coastwhen it comes to quick and easy getaways, living in the bay area comes with some great options - the type that make you wish you had more vacation time. travel enthusiast dana rebmann joins us now to explain why we should all be headed to oregon's central, beaches, hiking, good eats like fresh dungeness crab. now that i've got your attention.. the hop to portland is an easy one for bay area folks. from there it takes about two hours to get to the central worries. breaking up the drive is easy thanks to oregon's willamette (will-lam-it) valley. there's hundreds of wineries to choose from. i wound up at where the hilltop views put you in the vacation state of mind. the tasting room is open seven days a week and you don't need a reservation unless you're part of a group of six or more. the tasting fee is $ could dedicate an entire getaway to wine country..but today we're headed to the coast.newport is waiting. it's easy to stroll in this friendly fishing town. you'll hear barking sea lions from just about everywhere. for a closer look head to the wooden docks they haul out on here might remind you a bit of pier 39's k-dock.but for the best taste of the coast, don't just walk along the water, get on it. marine discovery tours runs two hour cruises focusing on oregon wildlife. (it's a gentle ride on 65 foot boat. the cruise route varies depending on the ocean conditions.) we saw gray whales, seals, sea lions, harbor porpoise and a variety of marine birds. but hands-on crabbing experience is where visitors can show their salt, so to speak. the onboard naturalist passes along all sorts of facts and tips, including how to hold a crab so its claws are out of reach. oregon boast more than 350 miles of shoreline, so hitting a beach at some point is a given.with so many sandy spots to choose from, you could wing it, pulling over when the mood strikes. but if you're looking for a suggestion cape kiwanda isn't too shabby. you'll find a little bit of everything here.. surfers, paddlers, walkers. it's a good warm up for a longer a few hours to exploreit's only about a 20 minute drive from cape kiwanda, so it's easy to combine the two. at 2.4 miles the cape trail is what i'd call a good moderate hike. but the views give you that needed excuse to stop and catch your breath if needed.folks forage here as well. this is actually a local chef named andrew garrison from salishan resort. (about an hour to the south) he was all smiles about the mushrooms he stumbled upon and added to dinner plans that night.but it's the views that attract most folks. cape trail is an out-and-back trail, and you should expect one to two hours each way, but much of that is because of photo stops, that are incredibly abundant. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. thats kron 4 news weekend for this saturday morning... i'm marty gonzalez. from all of us thanks for watching. join us for kron4 news weekend tomorrow morning starting at 8 o'clock ... and tonight for kron 4 [music] i like to start with something funny. one day adam said to god, "why did you make eve so beautiful?" god said, "so you would love her." he said, "well, why did you give her such long flowing hair?" god said it again, "so you would love her." "so, well, god, why'd you give her such a great figure?" god said the same thing, "so you would love her." adam said, "all right, god, you made her so beautiful, so attractive, why'd you make her so dumb?" god said, "that's easy, adam, so she would love you!" and all the ladies said amen! say it like you mean it: "this is my bible. i am what it says i am. i have what it says i have

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