Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20171104 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20171104

hard-working. >> reporter: the three friends were killed halloween night when the vehicle plunged off skyline boulevard near baer golf road. >> i have video of the vehicles, and there is one that matches the description. >> reporter: selva skyline resident, eric carson, shot this video of a sideshow that occurred at the clouds rest vista. , halloween night, 8 miles south of where the crash occurred. he says at one point, several cars sped off to the north at a high rate of speed. >> i had a really bad feeling with that, i don't usually see them take off in a big group like that. i even tried to find out where they had gone. and then sadly the next morning i learned that somebody had gone off the road. >> reporter: carson and his never say they have filed numerous complaints about the ongoing sideshows here. they say the sideshows often include drinking, dragracing, burnouts and cars spinning donuts. the pavement is covered with a tire marks for hundreds of feet. chp says it is looking into these reports. back in menlo park the focus is on the young men and their families. >> the chp brought in their special investigative team. they will do a thorough investigation. i am not privy to any speculation. i would not want to do that again again they would do blood, toxicology, all of those different things. these are good kids, we do not think there is any issues that they will find their, again we will leave that to the chp to determine what exactly happened. we have not heard anything about racing. >> reporter: to be clear the chp says it has rolled out nothing, at this point. they are waiting results of toxicology reports. it will be looking into those reports of street racing going the clouds rest vista point f where the crashiwx>@@ 9úlçoccurred.8r >> sad story. time now to check on weather, here is a look at storm tracker 4 radar. rain falling all over the bay area today. james fletcher has a look at your we can forecast. >> you can see we are &:s dealing with rain areawide. it will be about 5 p.m. before we get most of , bank íjron saturday being a relatively wet day wish hours often on for most of the day. how much rain will we get out of perhaps may be upwards of an inch san francisco. a little more than half-inch in oakland. perhaps .25 inches-.3 inches in concord. showers often on throughout the day. san francisco, san jose to most amateurs only in mid to upper 50s. maybe if we are lucky low 60s down toward san jose. your full 7 they forecast coming up. this is a serious, critical, catastrophic event. >> it was incredibly fast. >> everyone else also lost their house. we are grateful we have our k ids, and our families. >> it is unreal. it looks like something bombed out from world war ii or something. >> that is some of the reaction of the north bay while fires broke out nearly a month ago now. 43 people were killed in the fires, and more than a thousand homes and doctors are destroyed. tonight families are still trying to figure out how they will rebuild. kron4 is working with the salvation army to help everyone affected by those fires. continuing our fundraiser telethon tonight. we are live with a preview of what is to come. how are we doing? fan -- phone lines about to open on the right? >> our news team is so busy working monitoring new developments on the bay area. do not worry about that, we still have you covered on the news you cron has decided -- kron4 has decided to help our neighbors in the northbay. >> it was fleet week everything was really happy, then on that sunday night if i happen. continuous coverage for about two weeks we were caught the truck in the story, in the middle of it all made a promise to ourselves that we would not forget what happened and how long it would take to recover from the most horrific fire that happened in california history. >> it also happens when there is a catastrophe of any sort. the news media is there right away. as the weeks go on, we move on to other things. we just want our neighbors to know that we are here for you, and we are raising money tonight, with the salvation army starting at 5:45. the phone lines will open. we hope to hear you call in and donate to help our neighbors. >> we did something like this during hurricane harvey. the interesting thing was how generous the people in the bay area were for our neighbors to the south. this time it is for us. it is for us and our neighbors. so many people have reached out and said "hey, we want to help our neighbors uncle. tonight we are giving you a chance to do that. >> salvation army volunteers will be manning the phones. we will be looking forward to you calling us tonight. >> a lot of great stories. getting really active starting about 5:45. we of course, expect your generosity. >> west go back to the studio with vicky and grandson do little more more news. we will check back with you in a moment. >> the bay area is incredibly generous. >> no doubt. an elderly woman hospitalized after the deadly wildfire destroyed her home. she is finally back home with her family. >> today she sat down with us, and she recounts the terrifying night she was forced to evacuate. mac nearly a month after being hospitalized, 86-year-old, shirley maroney, still dressed in her hospital gown and wearing a hospital bracelet, feels fortunate to still be alive. if not for the quick thinking for another police officer who helped her evacuate her house, shirley says she might not be here today. >> the police man told me that it was not going to survive these gas lines, it will take everything. that was it. >> reporter: the journeys and mobile home park with shirley's community for the past couple of years. it is where she planned to live out her days. her three-bedroom home is gone now, and some of her neighbors did not survive. >> i cannot believe the destruction the fire did. geez. it was terrible. >> reporter: surely made it out of the fire and injured, but was hospitalized the day after it started because of a fall. >> i think i blacked out. >> reporter: fortunately her younger son lives by, so she is staying with him now. she was released from her doctors thursday night. the couch is her temporary bed, while her son prepares a room for her it pains her to think of all of the stuff she has lost, including sentimental items she shared with her late husband. >> i had a lot of pictures from my wedding. i had been married 65 years i had all of these pictures and they went up in flames. >> reporter: but not her drive to live on. >> i was just happy that i got out so my family would not have to suffer. that was it. i hope other families done the same. >> reporter: now she is looking forward to getting healthy and eventually going back to church. her home may be gone, but it was insured. and her family is still whole, and for shirley, that is what matters most. governor brown wrote a letter to president trump requesting at least $7 billion in fire relief aid. the governor along with state officials are also asking the president to adopt the third disaster related bill to help the northbay recover. it would go towards cleanup, housing support and other services. >> tonight we are hearing from the first responders of the f ire. many of them were out helping victims while their own homes were being destroyed. we spoke with the santa rosa police chief about how they are looking towards recovery. >> reporter: i am joined by the cheese -- chief of police here in santa rosa, you are sharing with me, some of the officers actually lost everything. they were able to get their families out, but their homes are destroyed. >> that is true. we had over nine employees at the police department, 16 retirees have lost everything in the fire. it is one of those areas we are trying to support people, and they came out that night despite everything. it may have been for them, away to get their arms around some of this, and do what they have always done, that was public safety. >> reporter: you have been in santa rosa for a couple of decades. have you ever seen anything like this before? >> i have never seen anything like this. it even took me a couple of days to understand how big the event was for this community. you always think you will get a handle on it or get it figured out. and then you start realizing this is bigger than anything i've ever seen. >> reporter: when you go through those neighborhoods, what goes through your mind. >> it is even abstract. even in the news, when you drive in the neighborhoods and you see how many families have lost everything, that is when it really starts sinking in, how devastating this was to this community. >> reporter: there are a lot of police officers that risked their lives going in and saving people's lives. you guys are heroes. >> i think you never do it thinking you're going to be a hero. you do what you are supposed to do to try to help your community. that goes across the board for everybody. i think in the police department as well as the fire department, everybody wants to be part of it and help in someone. that night they got put into a situation where they never thought they would be. you are racing door-to-door, knocking on doors, getting people out, moving them into safety. loading them into a car, a patrol car, raising them a hill, never even crossed your mind that it would be something you would end up doing. >> reporter: that is the chief of police here in santa rosa. >> the kron4 morning news raise more than $70,000. our phone lines will open once again at 5:45 p.m. we will be taking donations until about úú3i10 p.m. [ñ this evening. ñ for the bomb threat called into dublin high &mf the threat was made by a former student. >> reporter: that is what police are saying, they released this mug shot of 20- year-old taylor pearson, she used to be a student at dublin high. investigators say she used herself on to make the call yesterday threatening to blow up the school. that led to students being dismissed early, the campus was evacuated. police and deputies were all over the campus yesterday. they had bomb sniffing dogs, but never found anything. after an interview with the dublin police, pearson later turned herself in. as to a motive, she -- a reference these photos of a 14- year-old girl who says she was assaulted on campus by a white male student. the teenager who do not want to be identified said the boy had objected to her asking one of his friends not to use the "and" word. police say the 20-year-old who called in the bomb threat says she was upset by how the school was handling that incident. she is in the santa rita jail tonight. back to you. coming up on kron4 news, a new report shows strong evidence of global warming, saying it has been caused by humans. if you drive a bmw. certain models could catch fire. details about the warnings coming up. (grant) gun-related deaths in the united states are climbing. according to the c-d-c... the number is up for the second year in a row. early estimates suggest homicides-- ra gun related deaths in the u.s. are climbing. according to the cdc, the numbers up for the second year in a row. early estimates suggest homicides, rather than suicides are responsible for that increase. roughly two thirds of gun related deaths are suicides. that number has been declining over the past 10 years. the number of homicides increases. guns killed more than 38,000 people in the u.s. in 2016. before that, done related deaths were relatively steady for the past 15 years. one of two major cities where police officers cannot use tasers. it is a hot topic, a lot of people talking about it. it might change tonight as the issue comes back before the san francisco police commission for a vote. opponents of the plan gathered outside city hall, prior to the 5 p.m. meeting with signs reading "taser free city." in his recent review of the san francisco police force, the u.s. doj recommended the department should strongly consider deploying tasers. police support the plan, but some community members are wary. >> studies show it reduces suspect injuries, and it also reduces injuries to officers. when you have to use force, it ends those encounters faster and more safely. >> there is huge concern about how this will impact the process that san francisco is moving towards with de- escalation time and distance. the chief put out an article this week saying that would not hinder that. but the community is concerned. >> during public meetings, 87% of people speaking oppose their use. police say if the plan is approved, it could take up to a year before they are actually deployed. dan is at that meeting right n ow, he will have an update throughout the evening. global warming is happening. it is caused by humans and we are in danger of reaching a tipping.where the damage can never be repaired. a remarkable new study on climate change. >> not only because of its grain production, but also because it was endorsed by the white house. catherine heenan has been studying the reports. why was -- with the trump administration released a report that contradicts its own official position. this appeared today with the approval of the white house office of science and technology policy. we are talking about thousands of pages of documentation with one conclusion. >> monstrous wildfires, raging flash floods, destructive super storms, once they were rare enough to be called 100 year events. the report says they are the new normal. the balance of nature has shifted, perhaps permanently. based on all of the evidence, it says it is extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases are the dominant cause of the observed warnings since the mid 20th century. from 19012 last year, the average temperature rise in the u.s. was 1.8 degrees. it is expected to rise another 2.5 degrees by 2050 and 9 degrees or more by 2099. the report details how that change will affect california, and the west, predicting extended drugs will become chronic. the sierra is getting smaller. we are likely to see marcy's like this one when states no surveyors on nothing to measure. then there is a wildfire danger, the report cites what it calls the profound increase in recent years as warm dry summer weather made more fuel available. climate change could bring more huge fires like the one in the north bay. each covering 50,000 acres or more. at the same time, we could see more flooding. global warning -- warming seems to increasing the frequency and the intensity of the l nino, la niña cycle. last year's coyote creek flooding may be the sign of what lies ahead. the white house tried to downplay the significance of the studies on these findings. the climate has changed, and is always changing. back to you. the u.s. soldier who deserted afghanistan in 2009 q08mwill n tojpfy a.ñsjail. sergeant beau bergdahl was e[g, captive for five years, y:fthen was 4?[ prison exchange. the military judge decided that bergdahl will be demoted and dishonorably discharged. you also pay about $10,000 over the course of 10 months. he pleaded guilty last month to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. also during the trial he apologized to the servicemen and women injured while trying to rescue him. president trump is voicing his disappointment with the sentence on twitter saying "the decision on sergeant bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our country and our military. president trump has never been a fan of bergdahl. earlier this year he called the sergeant a "dirty rotten trader . " bmw is recalling a million cars and suvs because of the risk of fires under the. there are two recalls including the three and five series cars, the ex five, the x3, and the z4, mainly from 20,722,011. federal investigators say a part of the engine can short circuit and melts increasing the chances of a fire, even if the vehicle is not in use. bmw says it does not know of any accidents or injuries related to the issue. the second recall covers an overheating risk due to faulty wiring in the heating and air- conditioning system. there were three injuries related to this problem. dealers will be replacing necessary parts starting december 18. the new iphone 10 is out today, and as of wednesday morning hundreds of new smart phones were stolen out of a delivery truck in san francisco's mall. the van was parked at the loading dock when the crooks stole the phones. the police department would not say that smart phones were in txpc÷si a lot ]oxof excitement all waited to get phone. this is video as people lined up outside of an apple store today. the lines were so long, apple employees gave water to those waiting to get 30 funds. one person visiting from london spent his last day in san francisco waiting in that long line before flying back home tomorrow. >> i am from london and i knew it would be quicker for me to get it here now rather than try to get it there. [inaudible] >> you to know you can buy your iphone. it's offer me comments for my wife. >> a generous gift for his wife. that new iphone has a 999- dollar price tag. we are hearing tonight stories from people who put their own lives on the line to help save others during the north bay firestorm. coming up we will hear how one man saved his neighbor's home. a warning for parents. how predators could be targeting your children on social media. new tonight at 5-- a warning from police about monitoring your kids online activity. there is new rn about a warning from police about monitoring your kids online activity. new concern about sexual predator seeing what your children are doing through live streaming apps. if you are a parent this has to be a part-time job. there has been a rise in cases, in florida, of young kids being solicited online to perform sex acts. >> we have seen increase in young children using live streaming apps, and being lord in and solicited by sometimes other kids her age, but also adults, as well. anything from ascending nudity, photos, to actual sexual acts. >> police say the google family app is a resource to may be help parents, giving them control over everything on their kids funds. coming up, the rain hitting the bay area means a lot of snow in tahoe this weekend. a live update from the sierra. plus, taking a live look right now in the kron4 news newsroom getting set for a big fundraiser partnering with the salvation army. he has behaving nicely this evening. he will be answering phones as is captain heenan. vicki and i will be up there, at times. phones are about to start ringing. we will have the number for you to call, coming up. if you are not able to call in, or you want to donate later on, will have the link, as well. there is a number. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. ayep, and my teeth are yellow.? time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? it's dry... your scalp? mine gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and... ...keeps you up to 100% flake free head and shoulders' dry scalp care tonight-- kron four is working with the salvation army to raise money for victims of the north bay wildfire. (grant) we are kron4 is working with the salvation army to raise money for the victims of the north bay wildfire. >> people have been donating for weeks, we are going to ramp up the effort again. we are talking about thousands of lives that are still turned upside down. people do not have their homes, we are getting ready tonight, to open the phone lines again after raising more than $70,000 during the kron4 morning news. the calls will soon be coming in. >> my gosh, we almost feel like the calvary has arrived. the salvation army is so excited, because this morning we had such a great response from people at home. they were answering phones all through the day. take a break! we will get you busy again tonight. >> they are just arriving, we are heading out these forms so they can get ready to take your calls. stanley is a ready taking a call. take one second here and let us about the caller. >> i'm talking to a gentleman out of san jose, he just donated a hundred dollars. tried to fill out his information so i can get this done and hopefully we will get more calls coming in. his name is darren. >> darren thank you for calling helping your neighbors in the north bay. let's give the phone number out, because these phone numbers -- phonelines are going to start ringing. >> we are going to be giving you this number all night long. >> steve's microphone cut out a little bit. 561-8063. >> let's give that number again. can you see it here, 415-561- 8063. volunteers are getting in place . >> we were so impressed back when the boss said, the people in texas need our help. all of a sudden, out of the blue we asked if we could do a telethon and salvation army worked with us, they did. you folks at home and pressed us much, it was inspiring. >> we raise the hundred $40,000 for the victims of hurricane harvey. we thought, you know what, let's take care of our neighbors here. we talked about that in the middle of the continuous "breaking news" coverage. >> we are looking to hear from you we will be back in a few minutes. back to you in the studio. check back with us on this telethon it is getting hot in here. >> we will be back to you shortly. >> the money raised so far this morning, nearly $75,000. the phones are lighting up again. that number will surely soar throughout the night. we thank you for being so generous. we are also hearing stories about heroes who helped save homes when the fire started. >> no shortage of heroes. he spoke to one man who saved his neighbor's house. >> reporter: i met a man being called a hero here in santa rosa, after what he did to save his neighbor's home. >> it was really sad to see what happened to your neighbors. >> that man saved my home. he is my hero. >> reporter: this man here? >> yes, he is a wonderful neighbor, he saved my home. he worked so hard, and i am so proud of him. you're the greatest. >> thank you. >> reporter: what did he do exactly? >> it was burning, so he got leaves, hoses, he just banged on putting out the hotspots. there was no one to help him. >> reporter: have you ever done anything like that before? >> not here, in mexico a long time ago. i saw my dad cry because he lost everything in his house. everything we had, he lost everything. not here, that is the first time in my life. like i said, i still don't believe it. >> reporter: this is a spirit of community that is bonding these neighbors together. they tell me they will rebuild again. >> what an incredibly emotional gathering there. what an amazing man. the kron4 morning news raise more than $74,000 during their newscast this morning. our phone lines are open again. we will take your donations until 10 p.m. tonight. pam and steve are upstairs. stanley roberts a plus all of the folks at the salvation army are standing by to take your call. >> people called him, and a lot of them want to talk to stanley because hey, i see people blowing the stop sign at this intersection, you've got to go catch people behaving badly. if you call in and donate money, stanley and anybody else will be happy to chat with you. we appreciate your generosity, this is an important night here at kron4. we cannot do it without you and again, thanks in advance. time to check on our weather. another big story we are u[8p tracking. fundraiser. you can see spotty showers resume, especially near concord north of san ramon, a little so right there north of fremont, and parts of san francisco by the coast, the seacliff neighborhood might be getting some light showers right now. james fletcher has a look at how the rain will progress throughout the weekend. as we look at the forecast going forward, the rain we see tonight will get more intense as we head into the overnight hours we are still waiting for the front it's self to pass overhead. we are thinking closer towards midnight and 3 a.m. you can see we are still dealing with rain bay area wide. that it will be that way all the way through 9 a.m. it probably will not be until 5 p.m. on saturday before we get most of this moisture to clear out. bank on saturday being a relatively wet day with showers often on for most of the day. how much rain will we get out of it? futurecast 4 thinking perhaps of -- an answer san francisco, .50 inches oakland, .25 inches near concord for that gives you an idea of how much rain we are expecting with the system. showers often on dress today day. san francisco, oakland and san jose. tomorrow's temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. maybe, if we are lucky low 60s down near san jose. your full seven day forecast. coming up. the rain tonight means a lot of snow is expected to fall in the sierra over the weekend. >> a pretty cool system as you get into the higher elevation. training is live on the phone, john sauter, with a sugar bowl. how's it looking up there? are you guys open? >> not quite open, we are sure working hard to make sure that happens. >> do you see snow falling as we speak? >> yeah, we have a little bit of snowfall when i came to work today, about an inch of snow, it snowed on and off throughout the day. tonight it looks like we are going to get a significant snowfall. we could wake up to a couple of feet. >> we are looking at video right now is snow coming down, it looks like it is just giving you a light dusting. just tempting you. when do you think you might be able to strap on the skis? >> goss, it is hard to tell. we are going to make sure we have a quality product to open our mountain. we want to offer top to bottom skiing before we announce it opening day. the way the system is rolling in, it could be sometime near thanksgiving. >> john, i know some people, even if most of the resorts are not open, still like to a(ñ!-t 2ñtahoe to be in the snow. what is your advice for people in the bay area who might be thinking about taking a weekend trip to tahoe to get a taste of xzízlç?yg9 season? area. you probably can get a great deal on a hotel room. see the beautiful sites, roads should be good to travel on. >> alright. thank you. you are getting us very excited about being able to go up there and do a little bit of skiing finally. >> by the way, if you would like to see when the resorts plan to open we have a list on on when the skis on the boards will be on the the p i8lines are open, we are ready to take your calls. kron4 teaming up with the little money for the north bay >> we will check in with únn>.  break.wie8p,k sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. (vicki) and the phone lines are now open. kron 4 is teaming up with the salvation army to raise money north ba lines are opee)eulñi:ynow. kron4 teaming up with the salvation army. trying to raise money for the north they fire victims. they are all standing by to take your calls. (vicki) tonight-- kron four is working with the salvation army to raise money for victims of the north bay wildfire. (grant) the phone lines are now open again kron4 is joining forces with the salvation army to raise money for the victims of the northbay welfare. >> the phone lines have just opened after we raised nearly $75,000 this morning. steve davidson is live in our newsroom. are the phone started to light up? >> they sure are. we aren't official until this second right now. as you pull back you can see the phones have been ringing. here's the number to call if you want to play along everybody at home, 415-561-8063. we are going to be making those phones and seeing for the next 4-5 hours, depending on you. this is the longest, continuous "breaking news" that i have ever been a part of freedom and doing television for a really long time. it continued, along the way people were just on that was going on at the northbay. after was all done, people said wow, that was an amazing thing. a lot of people wondering what they could do. tonight is an opportunity for you to reach out and help your neighbor. it is not just 6 degrees of separation here in the bay area. as you realize you have a friend or neighbor, someone you went to school with, someone who moved away, and they moved to the northbay because they wanted to have that life in napa . everyone is reaching out to help their friends and neighbors tonight. come on out here, want to introduce you to somebody. one of my colleagues. we are part mates. she came in today to do a special project at 10 a.m. the phones were still ringing here. maureen has been answering the phones since this morning. actually it is great, even though you got distracted from your task of the day. >> i barely got any work done at all. the phones were ringing off the hook. the people who had tried to donate during the morning show and they cannot get through. they just kept calling back and calling back. i probably took 25 calls today easily. >> what were some of the stories you heard as people called in and said they only had a little bit of money to offer, but they wanted to do it. what did they talk about? >> i talked to a lot of seniors. a lot of people said i am on a fixed income that they could only give so much. one person gave me $10, one person $25. other people called in and said $500 was the most i got in one call. >> governor brown asked the federal government for 74 -- $7.4 billion, that is a sign of how enormous and how long it will take for this recovery to become complete. we are doing our part. neighbors helping neighbors tonight. read the number for us, would you? >> absolutely. 415-561-8063. >> any special sorry that you had from today? >> every story was special. like i said i talked to seniors on fixed incomes. they felt really moot. i talked to one man who used to live in santa rosa and he was really touched by what happened. he said santa rosa such a pitiful place, and he really felt moved. i think that man gave me $20. >> that is great. i'll let you get back to work. i hope those phones start ringing real soon here. early on you hear from people, what can i do? people were bringing clothing, bringing diapers. they were bringing all sorts of things. i had a friend in my neighborhood who said he had to get in his pickup truck, loaded it with a bunch of stuff, and you cannot put a dollar amount on that. that is reaching out to help friends. all of our friends from the salvation army who have been on the ground from the moment it started, that sunday night into monday morning. they have been on the ground here. here stanley taking phone calls. while you are not on the phone right now, stanley. tell me who you have heard from. >> there is one lady that wants to talk to me personally, she is on hold right now. let me go talk to her. >> you are telling me, she will give money but only if she gets to talk to stanley? i am with that. let's come over here. we are going to listen a little bit. this is just an indication of the kind of personal thing that you can have. with that person mind if we put this on speakerphone so we could hear the conversation? ask their permission of course. they might be shy. >> yes. [laughter] that's a funny. but to put you on speakerphone. hold on. here we go. are you there? >> yeah, i imagine the program right now. i see steve over by the lady with the blonde hair and the dark glasses. >> yes, you're on speakerphone right now so the whole world can hear you. [ laughter] what did you tell them when you called? >> i told them you were my boyfriend. >> we have been wondering who stanley's girlfriend was, now we know. >> we were supposed to have lunch. >> yeah you made a donation last time? >> yes, that was to the texas hurricane. we have everything taken care of but you have to pick a date. >> you guys have been busy with all of the fires, i wasn't going to call you and tell you call me, but then when i saw you were taking donations tonight, i would like to make a donation. >> how much would you like to donate? did you hear.ñóñ:o" that? >> anyon&vs"who has a boyfrien like you ûwrt do wxkip 415-561-8063 let's play along. let's help our neighbors in the north bay. see you in a minute. (grant) tonight-- if you are just joining us tonight on kron4 news at 5 p.m. you missed a woman donating $10,000 about five minutes ago. >> stanley roberts girlfriend. >> i do wonder what stanley's fianci thinks about that. it is all fun, right. we are partnering with the salvation army to raise money for the north bay fire victims tonight. >> we hear over $77,000, that does not include the $10,000. when we head back to the newsroom, going to get that board, because people want to do that number grow. it is very important. steve is live in the newsletter that was pretty remarkable, right? >> that is kron4. what we do is news, but tonight we are building on the news, that is the way we are doing it with your help. 415-561-8063. we have an incredible support from the salvation army here tonight. i feel like the calvary has arrived to take the phone calls. this is justin, right here, he was up there in the trenches in the north bay. tell us what you saw and show some pictures. >> i was up there and welcoming people as they came back into their neighborhood. some of those folks, many of them had no home to come back to. but they had to come back and see what was there. what we were doing is we were helping register the cars as they came through, we were coordinating with the national guard and handing out supplies to some of these folks who literally had nothing coming back in. for the most part, the spirit of the people they were pretty much upbeat. it surprised me, but pleasantly so. that is the national guard, and part of their efforts of distributing water and other supplies, as well. >> that is putting a human face on the strong embrace that we are giving to our friends and neighbors in the north bay and it starts tonight, starts right here. thank you for joining us. give a couple bucks if you can. we will be here until 10 a.m. doing this exact thing, asking you to touch the heartstrings there. we are here from 6-10 p.m. we will be right back. ( pam ) good evening i'm pam moore... it is a big ni here at kron good evening everyone. it is a big night for kron4 news. we are teaming up with the salvation army in order to raise money. this time for the north bay fire storm victims, our neighbors. the phone lines just open a bit ago, and you will be able to see several familiar faces from our news team. they are standing by ready to talk to you about the bay area's generosity and to take your cause. here's the phone number we would like you to call. you will be able to see it right there on your screen. pick up the phone and make a donation. all of the money you donate tonight will help our neighbors here in the bay area affected by the fire. there is another way to contribute you can do so online. just go to our web right, click the link on the front page, and it will direct you to the online donation site. the fundraising actually started here on kron4 during our morning news. we can tell you probably tonight that more than $77,000 has been raised so far. during our last effort with the salvation army we brought in $140,000. that was for hurricane harvey relief. we want to take you live to our we are going to give you "ha quick look at some of y( o , ; /c. california is asking the federal government for $7.4 billion in funding for the relief and recovery effort associated with the firestorm. governor jerry brown along with state senators and congressional delegation have sent a letter to the white house requesting more help. that money will go towards cleanup, housing, and a number of other important services that are needed. we already know more than $3 billion in insurance claims has been filed as a result of the firestorm. that number is expected to climb. 86-year-old woman in santa rosa is back with her family this evening. after spending nearly a month in the hospital. shirley moran he was forced to evacuate her home at the journeys and mobile home park. the night of october 8. unfortunately, her home did burn down. the next day she blacked out. she had been in the hospital until she was released last night. she is now going to live with her youngest son who also lives in santa rosa. she says it hurts to know that so many people have lost everything. a place to stay. i ñi mí will help him as much as i nk3x and hat. ÷c%ñ >> once she gets her energy back, she hopes to be a regular face h#ñejríat her church oncej she says, fortunately it was insured. we have an 5ñ@8 that kron4 first to tell you about yesterday. y arrested for the attack on the female student earlier this week will not face charges. according to the high school, it was the girl who started the incident.ebqiusf beau bergdahl has avoided going to juaú]prison after p=y and being captured by $hithe taliban. he arrived to9rmgai court @r1éa bragg, north carolina facing f life in prison. he pleaded guilty last month to desertion, and misbehavior before the enemy. the judge decided not to send him to prison, but did give him a dishonorable discharge, reduced his rank from sergeant to private, and ordered him to forfeit up to $1000 in pay each month for 10 months. the dishonorable discharge could strip bergdahl of almost all of his veteran benefits. president trump blasted the sentence in a tweet calling it "a complete and total disgrace ." kron4 want you to join us tonight, through the night, and help us raise money for the victims of the north bay firestorm. let's check in on our telethon. steve is standing by with all of the volunteers. how's it going? >> it is going great. we are over $80,000. we are just getting started h ere. it is friday night. do you want to feel good? i have a great easy way for you to do. sometimes, this is our sports department right over here. normally gary is busy tapping away at his computer, but tonight we are devoted to this. this telethon for our friends and neighbors on the north bay. if you want to feel good it will take about a minute, maybe two, just give us a call. get all these people from the salvation army volunteering. just when we got on the phone on the air right now, those phone started to ring. thank you, be persistent, we will get this done in a minute or two. and then we are on to you. stanley is taking personal calls, grant is taking personal calls. vicki is over in the corner. if you want to talk to a favorite newsperson, now is the chancery to do it. a quick moment to let you know how important this money is tonight. there is a rebuilding effort that will take a long time. people need to get into their homes, rebuild their homes, recover completely. jobs that will not come back for months or even a year in some cases. then there are people who are still an immediate need. they need food, they need shelter, they need counseling in some cases. whether it is john counseling or personal counseling. salvation army does does such a good job about this. of all of the organizations that are out there that you can give your money to, this is the one that has the least overhead. they spend so little money on administering of costs because they give the money to the people who need it the most. many of them are here volunteering of their own time tonight to take your phone calls, we hope you will join us over the next several hours. two minutes is about how long it takes to do the fulfillment. in my ear right now, i said it we just got over $80,000, it is over 90. thank you. last time for hurricane harvey won $40,000. i think we will surpass that tonight. we have just got started we are over $90,000. we have in the field tonight one of our reporters. people up in the north bay nonstop for 14 days. around the clock for 14 days, and the need is still very great there. there is a shelter up there where people are still being taken care of, and i want to get you out to gabe slates, because he is out there telling the story of some of the people out there. stanley just got off the phone. your friend, you are going to go to lunch with gave $10,000 for hurricane harvey, gave $10,000 for the north bay fire really. there are other people that want to talk to you. you better have a good supper because you're going to busy today. >> it's funny, because phyllis called me her boyfriend, took me a second to register who phyllis was. i remember now that she was a big donor. $10,000 is a lot of money. >> what does diane think about you having a girlfriend? [ laughter] >> she didn't make a donation to go to dinner, i added a $5000 for donation for dinner. since she to be $10,000 she automatically qualified. that someone else called and made a $10,000, and then another person paid $5000. i filled up the dinner thing just like that. >> does it ever stop surprising how generous people are. stanley is a guy out there saying, you know what people, do not go to the red light and then there is these other people. >> i was tell people there isc8 no such thing as bad people just people that behave badly. we educate people by showing them what you should not do. it's about education. but at the same time a lot of these people like h%nü)ñbkphy are other giving and they don't mind opening up their checkbook uú0@6cj& ñmwn!÷bknow what? i spent a week in santa rosa and i've never seen so much devastation like what i saw there. i'm standing on top of a ridge looking down at miles of devastation. i've covered fires, earthquakes . this was just horrible. look what has happened here. >> when you're up there, you did a story about people that were behaving badly, a couple of them. boy the number of people doing good are so great. >> yes. the bad part about when people do behave badly is that it weighs heavily on the people who are trying to do the right thing. when you get up there there people feeding people, people volunteering. and then you have all of these different agencies that come up there and help and assist people. i see this every day, they take their overtime, they come out there to help out. >> we have so many stories to share with you tonight. we went to them all in, that is for sure. the point is the 6 degrees of separation would be -- we all know about, we all know someone who has been affected by what is going on. some people are still in harm's way. some people are still struggling to get that first foot going forward. gabe's plate out there right now tonight. let me send it down to the studio. we are waiting for you to come up here, we will see in a little bit. >> i will be upstairs in the newsroom shortly. of course it is friday and we're heading into the weekend. let's take a live look at our storm tracker 4 radar. here is meteorologist, james fletcher. >> as we look at the forecast going forward, the rain we are seeing tonight will be more intense as we head into the overnight hours. we are still waiting for the front itself to pass overhead. that will happen closer between midnight and 3 a.m. you can see we are still dealing with rain bay area white. it will be that way all the way through 9 a.m. it probably will not be until 5 p.m. on saturday when we get most of this moisture to clear out. bank on saturday being a relatively wet they wish hours often on for most of the day. how much rain, futurecast 4 thinking perhaps upwards of an inch in san francisco. half-inch in oakland. maybe .25 inches near concord. showers often on throughout the day, san francisco open and san jose thomas temperatures we are only good to be in the mid to upper 50s. maybe if we are lucky low 60s down near san jose. your full subject a forecast coming up. we are rocking and rolling here in the kron4 news room with vicki. >> i am excited we cannot do a telethon without a whiteboard. right now it is not that it is zero, it is just that it is fresh. can you tell me where we stand? >> we are going to take a quick rake and we will come back. the phone number is right here, right there, and every which way you look area 415-561-8063 çáshx0ì(lc0c0@6cj,ack.#÷ñ sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. welcome back. we're live in the kron4 newsroom. vicki is talking to stanley >> 's family was on the line, there was someone who did not want to talk to stanley. she wanted to talk to me. should i that messed up. >> we are competing. this is janet morehead. we ran into each other at honolulu at the airport. it was my anniversary. janet here, we've got you on the right now. you're going to donate a little money can we put you on speaker? >> now, you're online. janet, no pressure, my friend. are you going to donate? >> yes, i am. >> beautiful. our neighbors to the north, i'm not sure you live. we are all brothers and sisters here. we are taking good care of each other. what can we put you down for? >> we are here in livermore so we are not too far away from those guys. >> janet, stanley is taking notes here, what can we get you down for? >> $250. >> this is my hawaii buddy. >> thank you, janet. >> janet, you rock. thank you very much, we will give you all the deep -- give the details to grant so he can take it away. >> we are going to pass the phone to stanley and he will get you situated. all speakerphone, that is just one example of generosity. >> we are going to have stanley take care of all of the hard stuff right now. you know what we have a tally right now, it is 92,777 dollars. this gets us all really worked up. $92,775. we want that to grow by what? >> 10 times [laughter] >> that would be really awesome. anything you can give, the point is if you cannot give $250, if you could get five dollars, that matters. if you can give $10, that matters. it all adds up. people are still in shelters right now. people who lost their homes, gave his outside of one of those shelters in santa rosa. >> let's go ahead and talk to him. >> reporter: i am here, if you can hear me. i just want to mention, it started really coming down hard here raining in santa rosa about 10 minutes ago. it has light up a little bit. i am in santa rosa at the finley community center off west college road. there is still a shelter going on here, 67 people stayed last night. that number changes every night. ÷to find housing. l+gñ;grt3>tuzis going on here. that is the shelter in their that was formerly run by the red cross. catholic charities k] there is ajwwñmobile laundry un on site. een people use a here. overhear, this blue trailer,ng2 this ÷pr&er is a mobile shower unit. i've also been seen people use that. and they have the additional outhouses set up as well,. i just really want to point this out that this is an active shelter. people are still here, and they are very thankful for it. let's go a here some sound from one of the people who is staying here now. >> we have been staying here for about 1.5 weeks, every day. it helps out a lot for people, for me, too. the red cross, catholic charities, everybody has helped out, the community has helped out a lot. it is really good. this isn't really a shelter. there are other shelters out there that should open up, at two for ;zz-%l >> for different reasons, people might not qualify for fema assistance. they might not have had home insurance. they could be undocumented. disabled, or maybe do not have friends to stay with her relatives, or money -- money for hotel. there are still people out shelters, they could use your help. catholic charities that is running the shelter, they need help. they need supplies and money. they would take anything pretty good go to their website to find out how you can help. volunteering is good for them, too. >> really good information. a lot of folks staying on friends couch, staying with relatives, staying at shelters. we have done stories on this over the past couple of weeks. short supply to begin with, and now with all of those homes that have gone up in flames, it is pretty tough going trying to find a rental, or a place to call home. >> generosity coming in all different forms. you can make the argument before this firestorm with the housing crisis, not only in santa rosa but all of the communities throughout the bay. now it is profoundly more serious. obviously. it is going to take the generosity of not only people donating to the salvation army through kron4 at the telephone. but also people opening their homes for people to crash on the couch. >> you can only do that for so long, so hopefully we can get homes on a more permanent basis. on a lighter note we lost to stanley because he got dragged into this corning ny? >> she wanted to tell me that she loved me. >> another one of stanley's girlfriends. [ laughter] >> i think stanley's head might be getting bigger and bigger, and bigger. [laughter] >> she commented and said i was one of the best on tv. i appreciate that. that's humbling. it was fun to talk to her. i'm glad she made a donation. the key part here is we are helping victims of those fires. people need help. the more people that call, the more money we can generate. i do appreciate thou reach from the public saying thank you. i say to them, thank you for calling in and donating. >> stanley we appreciate your efforts, too. stanley, not behaving badly today. i'll be here until the cows come home. >> you can call the phone lines and get that ringing, too. 415-561-8063 >> listen if you cannot get your calls through, we do have a lot of people answering the phones, even catherine heenan is taking down information. if it is busy, please don't give up. if you can't seem to get there for any reason, the phone lines will be open until 10 p.m. also you can certainly make a donation online at we've got a new number, that is $20,000 since we went on the air. our morning team did a great job nearly $75,000. we are keeping the ball r olling -- rolling. >> this is a good competition to have. if you can raise more money than your colleagues, no one will have a problem in that -- without. that number to call 415-561- 8063. the salvation army, because we know it will go directly to the folks that need it. >> a lot of folks said they have done their homework they know a lot about the salvation army and their reputation is just sterling. >> are you going to give us a credit card? >> and that is how this works. >> we will put the number on the air, we promise. >> you can donate numbers of ways, it can be credit card, but it doesn't have to be a credit card we have the phone number on the screen. if you would like to call in, we would greatly appreciate it. 415-561-8063. we have catherine, stanley, pam, steve, we are all taking calls. in addition to salvation army did -- volunteers and employees. we will be here all night. >> if we weren't yammering on so much we would be picking up the phones, too. >> that is all for now from h ere, again that number 415-561- 8063. we will be checking back in here in our newsletter momentarily. that is the number to call, 415-561-8063. do you want to feel good? take a look at what grant is doing right now. what about right there. write the number. this is how much money you, and your neighbors have generated so far. >> 98,695. >> i love the sound of that phone ringing in the background. >> all right bay area! we are just grateful. we are grateful for every penny. we are. >> yes we are, it is okay if we want to go more than 98,600. >> 99 already. >> we raise $140,000 for hurricane harvey relief. let's exceed that, at least you >> that will be our goal. it is funny, this happened to our friends and neighbors, it was amazing to talk to people who were being affected, who were in harms way. people were racing up there to try to help somehow someway. >> everybody has been touched in someway. i think everybody in the newsroom has a friend, or a friend of a friend who has been affected by their employment. how many times you go to napa and think the people who wait the tables, play the rhine, and the tasting rooms, all of the people picking the grapes. these are the people that not only help that economy up and they create the community. i think of one of my friends the fire burned all the way down to a swimming pool. his home is right next to the pool. just like that, it could have been all gone. we were all feeling the scars, we are sharing those cars, trying to heal them tonight by raising money to help our neighbors. >> what hasn't salvation army been doing on the ground from the beginning. in the course of a normal year, salvation army feed 900,000 people. they have had 100,000 in the northbay alone. that is how much the need was for this incredible disaster that they were taking care of. >> while we wait for that number to cross over the hundred thousand mark. with me now as lieutenant colonel cindy foley. thank you so much, you and all of the volunteers. tell me about the money that is being raised in this room tonight? what will happen without money? >> we will continue with the services we are already providing. rental assistance, helping people with cleanup kits, replacing clothing that was l ost. money for transportation if they have lost the car. some people are still receiving food boxes, we are providing hot meals for people still in shelters or staying with f riends. >> many people think that the salvation army is there right after the catastrophe hits and the heat of the catastrophe is over now, but there is still so much need. >> the salvation army will be there until the very end. we are already working with other nonprofit organizations to develop our long-term plan. we want to make sure there is not a duplication of services. the army is checking with other people, the government to see what is exactly needed. we know for sure we will be providing things like rental assistance, renters insurance for people. we will be continuing with case management. people may be in short-term housing now, but six months from now when they get back into the home they will need a water heater, or a couch. the assistance goes on. the salvation army wants everyone to know that 100% of their donation for a disaster goes to that disaster. we do not divert the money, we don't roll it up to the national office or another opportunity. >> we have to interrupt, we have news. let's look at the board. grants, you have to change it. >> trying to get the exact. >> let's wring our bills. that is exactly what we wanted to see. we are over the 100,000-dollar mark. just as cindy was saying, all of the money that you are sending in stays right here in the bay area. 100% of those dollars go to help the victims. >> that is right. we will take up no overhead. it will all go in direct services to people affected by the northbay fire. >> you also offer mental health. >> correct. one of the distinct services the salvation army does -- provides is emotional and service -- personal care. people were coming in dazed and confused, not sure what was going on, or if their home and valuables had been saved. as we were serving mills, there were people sitting with you to listen to your story, and share with you, to give that hugger that kind word. or even just to sit in silence. as the days went by in the neighborhoods were opening. the salvation army was there helping to make sure the right people were going into the neighborhood, and the walking alongside you as you went back to the ashes of your home. we provide people to help you dig through to find out if there's anything saved. and then a cleanup kit for people that have the fortune to know that their home was spared but there is smoke and other damage. we can give you that cleanup kits and be there with you as you process those emotions of going back into your home. >> thank you so much. you can know that your dollars are still helping the people in need. >> how about this context right here? the salvation army has helped in so many different w ays. but how about a gift card? you might think a gift card is something you can give at christmas time. if you are a person in need and the salvation army comes you and gives you a hundred dollars gift card that you can spend to give your children the clothing they need to get back to school. that is big stuff. the salvation army has generated $100,000, before tonight, strictly in gift cards. now we have another hundred thousand dollars to distribute. i think that is really cool. >> i feel so proud of our community. we are happy to be here tonight helping others. >> look who is in the house. >> oh, my gosh. >> i just got back from my daughter's final volleyball game possibly of her career. eighth grade. >> to she win? >> came out on the short end. >> i would never cross gary but i will give spencer the microphone. >> hi. >> you guys are doing great. if you been up in that area, i don't how my makeup on, take it easy. [laughter] if you've been up in the area, you know how rough it is up there. i know steve can sell it, and everything. you know what i would do, if you are asking me, you know, again, i stole this from another telethon. one cup of coffee, five dollars, starbucks, you give it along to people in need. just go up 101, take a look around, that will tell you the story, you know? >> lets and it with spencer. spencer their kids watching out there, what would you say to kids just like you to make a difference tonight? >> just donate one dollar. anything helps. >> that is perfect. >> let's show you the phone number again, 415-561-8063. we are here all night. we will take a quick break and we will be right back. when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. welcome back this is the kron4 cares special telethon to help our neighbors in the northbay. we are partnering with the salvation army, raising money all night long in a telefon that started at 6 a.m. this morning. >> we are doing pretty well, right? >> how well are we doing? >> we can erase this number, and just add 8002 that, because we just tabulated all of the online contributions. 109400. you can donate by calling the number we have been putting on the screen. you can also go to, that is where this new $8000 came from. that $8000 is all online. >> it is a wonderful life when an angel gets its wings. we have been ringing this bell like crazy. help us ring the bell for pete sakes. gary is taking calls. one hundred dollars? your name is? spell the last name for me. >> i am wondering if he told them the giants will be better, or not? give us a call, there's a number right there 415-561-8063. it is raining today. you are indoors, we are having a good time doing a telethon for our friends in the northbay. we will be right back. look at that, that is melissa, then justin. spencer is helping his dad, gary and there is catherine. is your phone ringing? >> nonstop. you know what i love, husbands and wives are competing. people have been just lovely. >> tell me what sound you have been hearing from? >> san jose, hayward, alameda, vallejo. just all over. some of them, and i said this before our calling from quite a distance area it's not that they were personally affected, but they are just saying it means so much to do this. this is making it easy for people. >> there's a number to call right there. gary is over there, pam is over there, she has a great story. can you walk backwards? >> sure i can walk backwards. every call that comes in here is from somebody who wants to make a difference. pam has someone to tell a story. >> i do. but first let me introduce lieutenant romero, how long have you been with the army. >> about nine years. some of you have someone on the phone that we want to hear from, her name is darlene. darlene, i hope we can hear you. tell me where you're calling from? >> i am calling from santa clara >> you want to donate tonight in honor of your dad? >> yeah, i want to honor my stepdad, he was a palo alto fire captain who passed away of moses salvation army. >> thank you so much, darling. we are going to let the lieutenant take your call. we appreciate in honor of your stepdad that you're making a donation to help neighbors in the northbay firestone. hold on the line. all right, steve, back to you. >> that was incredible generosity. it makes a difference. now we are going to throw the microphone to grant because we have an update. >> okay, new number, vicki. $113,550. >> that is the progress area gary wants to talk i think. >> this is the second person who says, where's your wife? that is a good question. you enjoy my wife on there, dear? >> can we put on speakerphone. grant is putting you on, steve is putting on. you enjoy my wife on the tv? >> very much. she is a great balance to your show. she is charming, i enjoy listening to her humor. >> i know this is a telethon, but i have to be rough, to hell with her, what about me? >> well, of course, you are the perfect accent to her. >> my son, spencer is here tonight. >> hi, spencer. >> we just went to spencer's molly morgan, they came up a little short, but he wanted to come in here and help steve, grant. anyway, that is very nice of you, i'm going to have somebody call you back and you can give them all of the information on whether you are to do it by card or however you want to do it. >> tonight spencer, good night gary. >> thank you. >> thanks so much to her, we have her number, we will call her back. >> we have been sitting here, the girls are taking a break while we are waiting for some phones to open so we can answer some calls. >> actually we would love to talk with the folks who are calling in. everybody has a story, and the generosity is really inspiring. >> you are up in the fire zone, you know the emotion of it all, the dress -- stress associated with a crisis like this. >> the thing that is uplifting, is that people know one another there. they are a very tight community, and they do take care of each other. we have done stories, there is one is coming up and i happen to love this one, because i know joe. joe saved his neighbors, i don't want to give it away but it is a really great story. in fact he went to go knock on the neighbors door, and the neighbor thought it was a robber has showed up with a gun and almost shot him. >> oh, my gosh, he was there to help. that is what a seller for nasa name, in light of this tremendous disaster how much people have come out to help one another. napa and sonoma are open for business. they want us to come up enjoy the restaurants and wineries and support the workers. they need us to come up. they do. i'm here to tell you, because i have been up there since. the fire is devastating, no doubt, but it is patches of it, the air is clear now, and the food is as great as it ever was. the scenery, the wine is flowing, they want you there, and we want you there, the more than that, right now, this moment we want you to call, and make a donation. >> will show you the number. >> the number to call, 415-561- 8063. look right there, $5000 coming in right now. [ cheering] we will see you guys after the break. i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you. welcome back to kron4 cares. we are raising money for the northbay fire victims. our last total was $113,550. the grant has an update. we are over $115,000. gary is on the phone's taking calls, stanley is taking calls, catherine is taking calls. >> we are going to be here through the night, just to let you know how big a difference your little contribution can make. catherine has a six year old who emptied their piggy bank. >> a man said $100, he said oh wait, isabel to give everything she has which was, $7.06. it was all she had, she gave it all to us. god bless isabel. that is a bellringer. >> that is what we are all about. it will continue until 10 p.m. >> let's show gary over there laboring away. >> hey, julie, you actually watch the show? >> we have to wrap it up. we will be right back starting at 8 o'clock. please come back and join us everybody. >> did he kill his mother-in- law to be? >> we found her in the kitchen. she is not moving. >> how do you know this woman. >> it is my fiance's mother. >> he was a pallbearer at her funeral on the day he was supposed to be married. the twitter employee who shut down president trump's twitter account on the last day of work. >> quitting your job epic style. paris jackson versus wendy williams. the real reason she says wendy fainted. was michelle pfeiffer oogled on the red carpet after she said this. >> my industry has stepped up to the place. >> are the police about to arrest movie mogul harvey weinstein. and then ordinary things that leave you wondering what the heck is that for. >> fantastic. >> the secret way of telling if your bread is fresh. >> look at the color to know. >> and the pompom at the top of your ski hat, it serves an important purpose. >> isn't that cool. plus, why these little kids are screaming for joy. now "inside edition" with deborah norville. >> hello. i'm diane mcinerney in today for deborah norville. it should have been a joyous time, planning a wedding. now the future groom is in jail, accused of killing his mother-in-law, four days before he was to walk down the aisle. >> among the pallbearers, her son-in-law who police say brutally murdered her. he appeared in court in ohio today, charged with stabbing and shooting his future mother- in-law, linda. >> bond will be set at $1 million. >> melinda's funeral was held on the same day that her daughter anna was to get married. the wedding was canceled. the wedding registry on bed bath and beyond can be found online still. they listed an ironing board and towels, the usual gifts a bride and groom would want. it was sculin who called 911 after finding his mother-in-law to be. >> you found her on the floor. >> we found her in the kitchen. she is not moving. i took the kids and i walked out. >> how do you know this woman. >> i live here. i live here. she is my fiance's mother. >> i think someone killed my wife. >> you think someone killed your wife? >> yeah. it looks like she has stab wounds on her back. there is a pool of blood. >> can you see if she is breathing? >> no, she is not. >> he came under suspicion when cops found a bloody knife in his pickup truck. >> he served as a pallbearer in the funeral. it kind of gives you an idea of just how shocking this likely is to the family if he was around the family in the days afterwards. he was a pallbearer in the funeral. and then just days later, he's arrested for her murder. >> melinda was a probably middle school acher in a school outside of cleveland. she played on a

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20171104 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20171104

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hard-working. >> reporter: the three friends were killed halloween night when the vehicle plunged off skyline boulevard near baer golf road. >> i have video of the vehicles, and there is one that matches the description. >> reporter: selva skyline resident, eric carson, shot this video of a sideshow that occurred at the clouds rest vista. , halloween night, 8 miles south of where the crash occurred. he says at one point, several cars sped off to the north at a high rate of speed. >> i had a really bad feeling with that, i don't usually see them take off in a big group like that. i even tried to find out where they had gone. and then sadly the next morning i learned that somebody had gone off the road. >> reporter: carson and his never say they have filed numerous complaints about the ongoing sideshows here. they say the sideshows often include drinking, dragracing, burnouts and cars spinning donuts. the pavement is covered with a tire marks for hundreds of feet. chp says it is looking into these reports. back in menlo park the focus is on the young men and their families. >> the chp brought in their special investigative team. they will do a thorough investigation. i am not privy to any speculation. i would not want to do that again again they would do blood, toxicology, all of those different things. these are good kids, we do not think there is any issues that they will find their, again we will leave that to the chp to determine what exactly happened. we have not heard anything about racing. >> reporter: to be clear the chp says it has rolled out nothing, at this point. they are waiting results of toxicology reports. it will be looking into those reports of street racing going the clouds rest vista point f where the crashiwx>@@ 9úlçoccurred.8r >> sad story. time now to check on weather, here is a look at storm tracker 4 radar. rain falling all over the bay area today. james fletcher has a look at your we can forecast. >> you can see we are &:s dealing with rain areawide. it will be about 5 p.m. before we get most of , bank íjron saturday being a relatively wet day wish hours often on for most of the day. how much rain will we get out of perhaps may be upwards of an inch san francisco. a little more than half-inch in oakland. perhaps .25 inches-.3 inches in concord. showers often on throughout the day. san francisco, san jose to most amateurs only in mid to upper 50s. maybe if we are lucky low 60s down toward san jose. your full 7 they forecast coming up. this is a serious, critical, catastrophic event. >> it was incredibly fast. >> everyone else also lost their house. we are grateful we have our k ids, and our families. >> it is unreal. it looks like something bombed out from world war ii or something. >> that is some of the reaction of the north bay while fires broke out nearly a month ago now. 43 people were killed in the fires, and more than a thousand homes and doctors are destroyed. tonight families are still trying to figure out how they will rebuild. kron4 is working with the salvation army to help everyone affected by those fires. continuing our fundraiser telethon tonight. we are live with a preview of what is to come. how are we doing? fan -- phone lines about to open on the right? >> our news team is so busy working monitoring new developments on the bay area. do not worry about that, we still have you covered on the news you cron has decided -- kron4 has decided to help our neighbors in the northbay. >> it was fleet week everything was really happy, then on that sunday night if i happen. continuous coverage for about two weeks we were caught the truck in the story, in the middle of it all made a promise to ourselves that we would not forget what happened and how long it would take to recover from the most horrific fire that happened in california history. >> it also happens when there is a catastrophe of any sort. the news media is there right away. as the weeks go on, we move on to other things. we just want our neighbors to know that we are here for you, and we are raising money tonight, with the salvation army starting at 5:45. the phone lines will open. we hope to hear you call in and donate to help our neighbors. >> we did something like this during hurricane harvey. the interesting thing was how generous the people in the bay area were for our neighbors to the south. this time it is for us. it is for us and our neighbors. so many people have reached out and said "hey, we want to help our neighbors uncle. tonight we are giving you a chance to do that. >> salvation army volunteers will be manning the phones. we will be looking forward to you calling us tonight. >> a lot of great stories. getting really active starting about 5:45. we of course, expect your generosity. >> west go back to the studio with vicky and grandson do little more more news. we will check back with you in a moment. >> the bay area is incredibly generous. >> no doubt. an elderly woman hospitalized after the deadly wildfire destroyed her home. she is finally back home with her family. >> today she sat down with us, and she recounts the terrifying night she was forced to evacuate. mac nearly a month after being hospitalized, 86-year-old, shirley maroney, still dressed in her hospital gown and wearing a hospital bracelet, feels fortunate to still be alive. if not for the quick thinking for another police officer who helped her evacuate her house, shirley says she might not be here today. >> the police man told me that it was not going to survive these gas lines, it will take everything. that was it. >> reporter: the journeys and mobile home park with shirley's community for the past couple of years. it is where she planned to live out her days. her three-bedroom home is gone now, and some of her neighbors did not survive. >> i cannot believe the destruction the fire did. geez. it was terrible. >> reporter: surely made it out of the fire and injured, but was hospitalized the day after it started because of a fall. >> i think i blacked out. >> reporter: fortunately her younger son lives by, so she is staying with him now. she was released from her doctors thursday night. the couch is her temporary bed, while her son prepares a room for her it pains her to think of all of the stuff she has lost, including sentimental items she shared with her late husband. >> i had a lot of pictures from my wedding. i had been married 65 years i had all of these pictures and they went up in flames. >> reporter: but not her drive to live on. >> i was just happy that i got out so my family would not have to suffer. that was it. i hope other families done the same. >> reporter: now she is looking forward to getting healthy and eventually going back to church. her home may be gone, but it was insured. and her family is still whole, and for shirley, that is what matters most. governor brown wrote a letter to president trump requesting at least $7 billion in fire relief aid. the governor along with state officials are also asking the president to adopt the third disaster related bill to help the northbay recover. it would go towards cleanup, housing support and other services. >> tonight we are hearing from the first responders of the f ire. many of them were out helping victims while their own homes were being destroyed. we spoke with the santa rosa police chief about how they are looking towards recovery. >> reporter: i am joined by the cheese -- chief of police here in santa rosa, you are sharing with me, some of the officers actually lost everything. they were able to get their families out, but their homes are destroyed. >> that is true. we had over nine employees at the police department, 16 retirees have lost everything in the fire. it is one of those areas we are trying to support people, and they came out that night despite everything. it may have been for them, away to get their arms around some of this, and do what they have always done, that was public safety. >> reporter: you have been in santa rosa for a couple of decades. have you ever seen anything like this before? >> i have never seen anything like this. it even took me a couple of days to understand how big the event was for this community. you always think you will get a handle on it or get it figured out. and then you start realizing this is bigger than anything i've ever seen. >> reporter: when you go through those neighborhoods, what goes through your mind. >> it is even abstract. even in the news, when you drive in the neighborhoods and you see how many families have lost everything, that is when it really starts sinking in, how devastating this was to this community. >> reporter: there are a lot of police officers that risked their lives going in and saving people's lives. you guys are heroes. >> i think you never do it thinking you're going to be a hero. you do what you are supposed to do to try to help your community. that goes across the board for everybody. i think in the police department as well as the fire department, everybody wants to be part of it and help in someone. that night they got put into a situation where they never thought they would be. you are racing door-to-door, knocking on doors, getting people out, moving them into safety. loading them into a car, a patrol car, raising them a hill, never even crossed your mind that it would be something you would end up doing. >> reporter: that is the chief of police here in santa rosa. >> the kron4 morning news raise more than $70,000. our phone lines will open once again at 5:45 p.m. we will be taking donations until about úú3i10 p.m. [ñ this evening. ñ for the bomb threat called into dublin high &mf the threat was made by a former student. >> reporter: that is what police are saying, they released this mug shot of 20- year-old taylor pearson, she used to be a student at dublin high. investigators say she used herself on to make the call yesterday threatening to blow up the school. that led to students being dismissed early, the campus was evacuated. police and deputies were all over the campus yesterday. they had bomb sniffing dogs, but never found anything. after an interview with the dublin police, pearson later turned herself in. as to a motive, she -- a reference these photos of a 14- year-old girl who says she was assaulted on campus by a white male student. the teenager who do not want to be identified said the boy had objected to her asking one of his friends not to use the "and" word. police say the 20-year-old who called in the bomb threat says she was upset by how the school was handling that incident. she is in the santa rita jail tonight. back to you. coming up on kron4 news, a new report shows strong evidence of global warming, saying it has been caused by humans. if you drive a bmw. certain models could catch fire. details about the warnings coming up. (grant) gun-related deaths in the united states are climbing. according to the c-d-c... the number is up for the second year in a row. early estimates suggest homicides-- ra gun related deaths in the u.s. are climbing. according to the cdc, the numbers up for the second year in a row. early estimates suggest homicides, rather than suicides are responsible for that increase. roughly two thirds of gun related deaths are suicides. that number has been declining over the past 10 years. the number of homicides increases. guns killed more than 38,000 people in the u.s. in 2016. before that, done related deaths were relatively steady for the past 15 years. one of two major cities where police officers cannot use tasers. it is a hot topic, a lot of people talking about it. it might change tonight as the issue comes back before the san francisco police commission for a vote. opponents of the plan gathered outside city hall, prior to the 5 p.m. meeting with signs reading "taser free city." in his recent review of the san francisco police force, the u.s. doj recommended the department should strongly consider deploying tasers. police support the plan, but some community members are wary. >> studies show it reduces suspect injuries, and it also reduces injuries to officers. when you have to use force, it ends those encounters faster and more safely. >> there is huge concern about how this will impact the process that san francisco is moving towards with de- escalation time and distance. the chief put out an article this week saying that would not hinder that. but the community is concerned. >> during public meetings, 87% of people speaking oppose their use. police say if the plan is approved, it could take up to a year before they are actually deployed. dan is at that meeting right n ow, he will have an update throughout the evening. global warming is happening. it is caused by humans and we are in danger of reaching a tipping.where the damage can never be repaired. a remarkable new study on climate change. >> not only because of its grain production, but also because it was endorsed by the white house. catherine heenan has been studying the reports. why was -- with the trump administration released a report that contradicts its own official position. this appeared today with the approval of the white house office of science and technology policy. we are talking about thousands of pages of documentation with one conclusion. >> monstrous wildfires, raging flash floods, destructive super storms, once they were rare enough to be called 100 year events. the report says they are the new normal. the balance of nature has shifted, perhaps permanently. based on all of the evidence, it says it is extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases are the dominant cause of the observed warnings since the mid 20th century. from 19012 last year, the average temperature rise in the u.s. was 1.8 degrees. it is expected to rise another 2.5 degrees by 2050 and 9 degrees or more by 2099. the report details how that change will affect california, and the west, predicting extended drugs will become chronic. the sierra is getting smaller. we are likely to see marcy's like this one when states no surveyors on nothing to measure. then there is a wildfire danger, the report cites what it calls the profound increase in recent years as warm dry summer weather made more fuel available. climate change could bring more huge fires like the one in the north bay. each covering 50,000 acres or more. at the same time, we could see more flooding. global warning -- warming seems to increasing the frequency and the intensity of the l nino, la niña cycle. last year's coyote creek flooding may be the sign of what lies ahead. the white house tried to downplay the significance of the studies on these findings. the climate has changed, and is always changing. back to you. the u.s. soldier who deserted afghanistan in 2009 q08mwill n tojpfy a.ñsjail. sergeant beau bergdahl was e[g, captive for five years, y:fthen was 4?[ prison exchange. the military judge decided that bergdahl will be demoted and dishonorably discharged. you also pay about $10,000 over the course of 10 months. he pleaded guilty last month to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. also during the trial he apologized to the servicemen and women injured while trying to rescue him. president trump is voicing his disappointment with the sentence on twitter saying "the decision on sergeant bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our country and our military. president trump has never been a fan of bergdahl. earlier this year he called the sergeant a "dirty rotten trader . " bmw is recalling a million cars and suvs because of the risk of fires under the. there are two recalls including the three and five series cars, the ex five, the x3, and the z4, mainly from 20,722,011. federal investigators say a part of the engine can short circuit and melts increasing the chances of a fire, even if the vehicle is not in use. bmw says it does not know of any accidents or injuries related to the issue. the second recall covers an overheating risk due to faulty wiring in the heating and air- conditioning system. there were three injuries related to this problem. dealers will be replacing necessary parts starting december 18. the new iphone 10 is out today, and as of wednesday morning hundreds of new smart phones were stolen out of a delivery truck in san francisco's mall. the van was parked at the loading dock when the crooks stole the phones. the police department would not say that smart phones were in txpc÷si a lot ]oxof excitement all waited to get phone. this is video as people lined up outside of an apple store today. the lines were so long, apple employees gave water to those waiting to get 30 funds. one person visiting from london spent his last day in san francisco waiting in that long line before flying back home tomorrow. >> i am from london and i knew it would be quicker for me to get it here now rather than try to get it there. [inaudible] >> you to know you can buy your iphone. it's offer me comments for my wife. >> a generous gift for his wife. that new iphone has a 999- dollar price tag. we are hearing tonight stories from people who put their own lives on the line to help save others during the north bay firestorm. coming up we will hear how one man saved his neighbor's home. a warning for parents. how predators could be targeting your children on social media. new tonight at 5-- a warning from police about monitoring your kids online activity. there is new rn about a warning from police about monitoring your kids online activity. new concern about sexual predator seeing what your children are doing through live streaming apps. if you are a parent this has to be a part-time job. there has been a rise in cases, in florida, of young kids being solicited online to perform sex acts. >> we have seen increase in young children using live streaming apps, and being lord in and solicited by sometimes other kids her age, but also adults, as well. anything from ascending nudity, photos, to actual sexual acts. >> police say the google family app is a resource to may be help parents, giving them control over everything on their kids funds. coming up, the rain hitting the bay area means a lot of snow in tahoe this weekend. a live update from the sierra. plus, taking a live look right now in the kron4 news newsroom getting set for a big fundraiser partnering with the salvation army. he has behaving nicely this evening. he will be answering phones as is captain heenan. vicki and i will be up there, at times. phones are about to start ringing. we will have the number for you to call, coming up. if you are not able to call in, or you want to donate later on, will have the link, as well. there is a number. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. ayep, and my teeth are yellow.? time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? it's dry... your scalp? mine gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and... ...keeps you up to 100% flake free head and shoulders' dry scalp care tonight-- kron four is working with the salvation army to raise money for victims of the north bay wildfire. (grant) we are kron4 is working with the salvation army to raise money for the victims of the north bay wildfire. >> people have been donating for weeks, we are going to ramp up the effort again. we are talking about thousands of lives that are still turned upside down. people do not have their homes, we are getting ready tonight, to open the phone lines again after raising more than $70,000 during the kron4 morning news. the calls will soon be coming in. >> my gosh, we almost feel like the calvary has arrived. the salvation army is so excited, because this morning we had such a great response from people at home. they were answering phones all through the day. take a break! we will get you busy again tonight. >> they are just arriving, we are heading out these forms so they can get ready to take your calls. stanley is a ready taking a call. take one second here and let us about the caller. >> i'm talking to a gentleman out of san jose, he just donated a hundred dollars. tried to fill out his information so i can get this done and hopefully we will get more calls coming in. his name is darren. >> darren thank you for calling helping your neighbors in the north bay. let's give the phone number out, because these phone numbers -- phonelines are going to start ringing. >> we are going to be giving you this number all night long. >> steve's microphone cut out a little bit. 561-8063. >> let's give that number again. can you see it here, 415-561- 8063. volunteers are getting in place . >> we were so impressed back when the boss said, the people in texas need our help. all of a sudden, out of the blue we asked if we could do a telethon and salvation army worked with us, they did. you folks at home and pressed us much, it was inspiring. >> we raise the hundred $40,000 for the victims of hurricane harvey. we thought, you know what, let's take care of our neighbors here. we talked about that in the middle of the continuous "breaking news" coverage. >> we are looking to hear from you we will be back in a few minutes. back to you in the studio. check back with us on this telethon it is getting hot in here. >> we will be back to you shortly. >> the money raised so far this morning, nearly $75,000. the phones are lighting up again. that number will surely soar throughout the night. we thank you for being so generous. we are also hearing stories about heroes who helped save homes when the fire started. >> no shortage of heroes. he spoke to one man who saved his neighbor's house. >> reporter: i met a man being called a hero here in santa rosa, after what he did to save his neighbor's home. >> it was really sad to see what happened to your neighbors. >> that man saved my home. he is my hero. >> reporter: this man here? >> yes, he is a wonderful neighbor, he saved my home. he worked so hard, and i am so proud of him. you're the greatest. >> thank you. >> reporter: what did he do exactly? >> it was burning, so he got leaves, hoses, he just banged on putting out the hotspots. there was no one to help him. >> reporter: have you ever done anything like that before? >> not here, in mexico a long time ago. i saw my dad cry because he lost everything in his house. everything we had, he lost everything. not here, that is the first time in my life. like i said, i still don't believe it. >> reporter: this is a spirit of community that is bonding these neighbors together. they tell me they will rebuild again. >> what an incredibly emotional gathering there. what an amazing man. the kron4 morning news raise more than $74,000 during their newscast this morning. our phone lines are open again. we will take your donations until 10 p.m. tonight. pam and steve are upstairs. stanley roberts a plus all of the folks at the salvation army are standing by to take your call. >> people called him, and a lot of them want to talk to stanley because hey, i see people blowing the stop sign at this intersection, you've got to go catch people behaving badly. if you call in and donate money, stanley and anybody else will be happy to chat with you. we appreciate your generosity, this is an important night here at kron4. we cannot do it without you and again, thanks in advance. time to check on our weather. another big story we are u[8p tracking. fundraiser. you can see spotty showers resume, especially near concord north of san ramon, a little so right there north of fremont, and parts of san francisco by the coast, the seacliff neighborhood might be getting some light showers right now. james fletcher has a look at how the rain will progress throughout the weekend. as we look at the forecast going forward, the rain we see tonight will get more intense as we head into the overnight hours we are still waiting for the front it's self to pass overhead. we are thinking closer towards midnight and 3 a.m. you can see we are still dealing with rain bay area wide. that it will be that way all the way through 9 a.m. it probably will not be until 5 p.m. on saturday before we get most of this moisture to clear out. bank on saturday being a relatively wet day with showers often on for most of the day. how much rain will we get out of it? futurecast 4 thinking perhaps of -- an answer san francisco, .50 inches oakland, .25 inches near concord for that gives you an idea of how much rain we are expecting with the system. showers often on dress today day. san francisco, oakland and san jose. tomorrow's temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. maybe, if we are lucky low 60s down near san jose. your full seven day forecast. coming up. the rain tonight means a lot of snow is expected to fall in the sierra over the weekend. >> a pretty cool system as you get into the higher elevation. training is live on the phone, john sauter, with a sugar bowl. how's it looking up there? are you guys open? >> not quite open, we are sure working hard to make sure that happens. >> do you see snow falling as we speak? >> yeah, we have a little bit of snowfall when i came to work today, about an inch of snow, it snowed on and off throughout the day. tonight it looks like we are going to get a significant snowfall. we could wake up to a couple of feet. >> we are looking at video right now is snow coming down, it looks like it is just giving you a light dusting. just tempting you. when do you think you might be able to strap on the skis? >> goss, it is hard to tell. we are going to make sure we have a quality product to open our mountain. we want to offer top to bottom skiing before we announce it opening day. the way the system is rolling in, it could be sometime near thanksgiving. >> john, i know some people, even if most of the resorts are not open, still like to a(ñ!-t 2ñtahoe to be in the snow. what is your advice for people in the bay area who might be thinking about taking a weekend trip to tahoe to get a taste of xzízlç?yg9 season? area. you probably can get a great deal on a hotel room. see the beautiful sites, roads should be good to travel on. >> alright. thank you. you are getting us very excited about being able to go up there and do a little bit of skiing finally. >> by the way, if you would like to see when the resorts plan to open we have a list on on when the skis on the boards will be on the the p i8lines are open, we are ready to take your calls. kron4 teaming up with the little money for the north bay >> we will check in with únn>.  break.wie8p,k sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. (vicki) and the phone lines are now open. kron 4 is teaming up with the salvation army to raise money north ba lines are opee)eulñi:ynow. kron4 teaming up with the salvation army. trying to raise money for the north they fire victims. they are all standing by to take your calls. (vicki) tonight-- kron four is working with the salvation army to raise money for victims of the north bay wildfire. (grant) the phone lines are now open again kron4 is joining forces with the salvation army to raise money for the victims of the northbay welfare. >> the phone lines have just opened after we raised nearly $75,000 this morning. steve davidson is live in our newsroom. are the phone started to light up? >> they sure are. we aren't official until this second right now. as you pull back you can see the phones have been ringing. here's the number to call if you want to play along everybody at home, 415-561-8063. we are going to be making those phones and seeing for the next 4-5 hours, depending on you. this is the longest, continuous "breaking news" that i have ever been a part of freedom and doing television for a really long time. it continued, along the way people were just on that was going on at the northbay. after was all done, people said wow, that was an amazing thing. a lot of people wondering what they could do. tonight is an opportunity for you to reach out and help your neighbor. it is not just 6 degrees of separation here in the bay area. as you realize you have a friend or neighbor, someone you went to school with, someone who moved away, and they moved to the northbay because they wanted to have that life in napa . everyone is reaching out to help their friends and neighbors tonight. come on out here, want to introduce you to somebody. one of my colleagues. we are part mates. she came in today to do a special project at 10 a.m. the phones were still ringing here. maureen has been answering the phones since this morning. actually it is great, even though you got distracted from your task of the day. >> i barely got any work done at all. the phones were ringing off the hook. the people who had tried to donate during the morning show and they cannot get through. they just kept calling back and calling back. i probably took 25 calls today easily. >> what were some of the stories you heard as people called in and said they only had a little bit of money to offer, but they wanted to do it. what did they talk about? >> i talked to a lot of seniors. a lot of people said i am on a fixed income that they could only give so much. one person gave me $10, one person $25. other people called in and said $500 was the most i got in one call. >> governor brown asked the federal government for 74 -- $7.4 billion, that is a sign of how enormous and how long it will take for this recovery to become complete. we are doing our part. neighbors helping neighbors tonight. read the number for us, would you? >> absolutely. 415-561-8063. >> any special sorry that you had from today? >> every story was special. like i said i talked to seniors on fixed incomes. they felt really moot. i talked to one man who used to live in santa rosa and he was really touched by what happened. he said santa rosa such a pitiful place, and he really felt moved. i think that man gave me $20. >> that is great. i'll let you get back to work. i hope those phones start ringing real soon here. early on you hear from people, what can i do? people were bringing clothing, bringing diapers. they were bringing all sorts of things. i had a friend in my neighborhood who said he had to get in his pickup truck, loaded it with a bunch of stuff, and you cannot put a dollar amount on that. that is reaching out to help friends. all of our friends from the salvation army who have been on the ground from the moment it started, that sunday night into monday morning. they have been on the ground here. here stanley taking phone calls. while you are not on the phone right now, stanley. tell me who you have heard from. >> there is one lady that wants to talk to me personally, she is on hold right now. let me go talk to her. >> you are telling me, she will give money but only if she gets to talk to stanley? i am with that. let's come over here. we are going to listen a little bit. this is just an indication of the kind of personal thing that you can have. with that person mind if we put this on speakerphone so we could hear the conversation? ask their permission of course. they might be shy. >> yes. [laughter] that's a funny. but to put you on speakerphone. hold on. here we go. are you there? >> yeah, i imagine the program right now. i see steve over by the lady with the blonde hair and the dark glasses. >> yes, you're on speakerphone right now so the whole world can hear you. [ laughter] what did you tell them when you called? >> i told them you were my boyfriend. >> we have been wondering who stanley's girlfriend was, now we know. >> we were supposed to have lunch. >> yeah you made a donation last time? >> yes, that was to the texas hurricane. we have everything taken care of but you have to pick a date. >> you guys have been busy with all of the fires, i wasn't going to call you and tell you call me, but then when i saw you were taking donations tonight, i would like to make a donation. >> how much would you like to donate? did you hear.ñóñ:o" that? >> anyon&vs"who has a boyfrien like you ûwrt do wxkip 415-561-8063 let's play along. let's help our neighbors in the north bay. see you in a minute. (grant) tonight-- if you are just joining us tonight on kron4 news at 5 p.m. you missed a woman donating $10,000 about five minutes ago. >> stanley roberts girlfriend. >> i do wonder what stanley's fianci thinks about that. it is all fun, right. we are partnering with the salvation army to raise money for the north bay fire victims tonight. >> we hear over $77,000, that does not include the $10,000. when we head back to the newsroom, going to get that board, because people want to do that number grow. it is very important. steve is live in the newsletter that was pretty remarkable, right? >> that is kron4. what we do is news, but tonight we are building on the news, that is the way we are doing it with your help. 415-561-8063. we have an incredible support from the salvation army here tonight. i feel like the calvary has arrived to take the phone calls. this is justin, right here, he was up there in the trenches in the north bay. tell us what you saw and show some pictures. >> i was up there and welcoming people as they came back into their neighborhood. some of those folks, many of them had no home to come back to. but they had to come back and see what was there. what we were doing is we were helping register the cars as they came through, we were coordinating with the national guard and handing out supplies to some of these folks who literally had nothing coming back in. for the most part, the spirit of the people they were pretty much upbeat. it surprised me, but pleasantly so. that is the national guard, and part of their efforts of distributing water and other supplies, as well. >> that is putting a human face on the strong embrace that we are giving to our friends and neighbors in the north bay and it starts tonight, starts right here. thank you for joining us. give a couple bucks if you can. we will be here until 10 a.m. doing this exact thing, asking you to touch the heartstrings there. we are here from 6-10 p.m. we will be right back. ( pam ) good evening i'm pam moore... it is a big ni here at kron good evening everyone. it is a big night for kron4 news. we are teaming up with the salvation army in order to raise money. this time for the north bay fire storm victims, our neighbors. the phone lines just open a bit ago, and you will be able to see several familiar faces from our news team. they are standing by ready to talk to you about the bay area's generosity and to take your cause. here's the phone number we would like you to call. you will be able to see it right there on your screen. pick up the phone and make a donation. all of the money you donate tonight will help our neighbors here in the bay area affected by the fire. there is another way to contribute you can do so online. just go to our web right, click the link on the front page, and it will direct you to the online donation site. the fundraising actually started here on kron4 during our morning news. we can tell you probably tonight that more than $77,000 has been raised so far. during our last effort with the salvation army we brought in $140,000. that was for hurricane harvey relief. we want to take you live to our we are going to give you "ha quick look at some of y( o , ; /c. california is asking the federal government for $7.4 billion in funding for the relief and recovery effort associated with the firestorm. governor jerry brown along with state senators and congressional delegation have sent a letter to the white house requesting more help. that money will go towards cleanup, housing, and a number of other important services that are needed. we already know more than $3 billion in insurance claims has been filed as a result of the firestorm. that number is expected to climb. 86-year-old woman in santa rosa is back with her family this evening. after spending nearly a month in the hospital. shirley moran he was forced to evacuate her home at the journeys and mobile home park. the night of october 8. unfortunately, her home did burn down. the next day she blacked out. she had been in the hospital until she was released last night. she is now going to live with her youngest son who also lives in santa rosa. she says it hurts to know that so many people have lost everything. a place to stay. i ñi mí will help him as much as i nk3x and hat. ÷c%ñ >> once she gets her energy back, she hopes to be a regular face h#ñejríat her church oncej she says, fortunately it was insured. we have an 5ñ@8 that kron4 first to tell you about yesterday. y arrested for the attack on the female student earlier this week will not face charges. according to the high school, it was the girl who started the incident.ebqiusf beau bergdahl has avoided going to juaú]prison after p=y and being captured by $hithe taliban. he arrived to9rmgai court @r1éa bragg, north carolina facing f life in prison. he pleaded guilty last month to desertion, and misbehavior before the enemy. the judge decided not to send him to prison, but did give him a dishonorable discharge, reduced his rank from sergeant to private, and ordered him to forfeit up to $1000 in pay each month for 10 months. the dishonorable discharge could strip bergdahl of almost all of his veteran benefits. president trump blasted the sentence in a tweet calling it "a complete and total disgrace ." kron4 want you to join us tonight, through the night, and help us raise money for the victims of the north bay firestorm. let's check in on our telethon. steve is standing by with all of the volunteers. how's it going? >> it is going great. we are over $80,000. we are just getting started h ere. it is friday night. do you want to feel good? i have a great easy way for you to do. sometimes, this is our sports department right over here. normally gary is busy tapping away at his computer, but tonight we are devoted to this. this telethon for our friends and neighbors on the north bay. if you want to feel good it will take about a minute, maybe two, just give us a call. get all these people from the salvation army volunteering. just when we got on the phone on the air right now, those phone started to ring. thank you, be persistent, we will get this done in a minute or two. and then we are on to you. stanley is taking personal calls, grant is taking personal calls. vicki is over in the corner. if you want to talk to a favorite newsperson, now is the chancery to do it. a quick moment to let you know how important this money is tonight. there is a rebuilding effort that will take a long time. people need to get into their homes, rebuild their homes, recover completely. jobs that will not come back for months or even a year in some cases. then there are people who are still an immediate need. they need food, they need shelter, they need counseling in some cases. whether it is john counseling or personal counseling. salvation army does does such a good job about this. of all of the organizations that are out there that you can give your money to, this is the one that has the least overhead. they spend so little money on administering of costs because they give the money to the people who need it the most. many of them are here volunteering of their own time tonight to take your phone calls, we hope you will join us over the next several hours. two minutes is about how long it takes to do the fulfillment. in my ear right now, i said it we just got over $80,000, it is over 90. thank you. last time for hurricane harvey won $40,000. i think we will surpass that tonight. we have just got started we are over $90,000. we have in the field tonight one of our reporters. people up in the north bay nonstop for 14 days. around the clock for 14 days, and the need is still very great there. there is a shelter up there where people are still being taken care of, and i want to get you out to gabe slates, because he is out there telling the story of some of the people out there. stanley just got off the phone. your friend, you are going to go to lunch with gave $10,000 for hurricane harvey, gave $10,000 for the north bay fire really. there are other people that want to talk to you. you better have a good supper because you're going to busy today. >> it's funny, because phyllis called me her boyfriend, took me a second to register who phyllis was. i remember now that she was a big donor. $10,000 is a lot of money. >> what does diane think about you having a girlfriend? [ laughter] >> she didn't make a donation to go to dinner, i added a $5000 for donation for dinner. since she to be $10,000 she automatically qualified. that someone else called and made a $10,000, and then another person paid $5000. i filled up the dinner thing just like that. >> does it ever stop surprising how generous people are. stanley is a guy out there saying, you know what people, do not go to the red light and then there is these other people. >> i was tell people there isc8 no such thing as bad people just people that behave badly. we educate people by showing them what you should not do. it's about education. but at the same time a lot of these people like h%nü)ñbkphy are other giving and they don't mind opening up their checkbook uú0@6cj& ñmwn!÷bknow what? i spent a week in santa rosa and i've never seen so much devastation like what i saw there. i'm standing on top of a ridge looking down at miles of devastation. i've covered fires, earthquakes . this was just horrible. look what has happened here. >> when you're up there, you did a story about people that were behaving badly, a couple of them. boy the number of people doing good are so great. >> yes. the bad part about when people do behave badly is that it weighs heavily on the people who are trying to do the right thing. when you get up there there people feeding people, people volunteering. and then you have all of these different agencies that come up there and help and assist people. i see this every day, they take their overtime, they come out there to help out. >> we have so many stories to share with you tonight. we went to them all in, that is for sure. the point is the 6 degrees of separation would be -- we all know about, we all know someone who has been affected by what is going on. some people are still in harm's way. some people are still struggling to get that first foot going forward. gabe's plate out there right now tonight. let me send it down to the studio. we are waiting for you to come up here, we will see in a little bit. >> i will be upstairs in the newsroom shortly. of course it is friday and we're heading into the weekend. let's take a live look at our storm tracker 4 radar. here is meteorologist, james fletcher. >> as we look at the forecast going forward, the rain we are seeing tonight will be more intense as we head into the overnight hours. we are still waiting for the front itself to pass overhead. that will happen closer between midnight and 3 a.m. you can see we are still dealing with rain bay area white. it will be that way all the way through 9 a.m. it probably will not be until 5 p.m. on saturday when we get most of this moisture to clear out. bank on saturday being a relatively wet they wish hours often on for most of the day. how much rain, futurecast 4 thinking perhaps upwards of an inch in san francisco. half-inch in oakland. maybe .25 inches near concord. showers often on throughout the day, san francisco open and san jose thomas temperatures we are only good to be in the mid to upper 50s. maybe if we are lucky low 60s down near san jose. your full subject a forecast coming up. we are rocking and rolling here in the kron4 news room with vicki. >> i am excited we cannot do a telethon without a whiteboard. right now it is not that it is zero, it is just that it is fresh. can you tell me where we stand? >> we are going to take a quick rake and we will come back. the phone number is right here, right there, and every which way you look area 415-561-8063 çáshx0ì(lc0c0@6cj,ack.#÷ñ sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. for health insurance starting january 1st, enroll by december 15th. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. welcome back. we're live in the kron4 newsroom. vicki is talking to stanley >> 's family was on the line, there was someone who did not want to talk to stanley. she wanted to talk to me. should i that messed up. >> we are competing. this is janet morehead. we ran into each other at honolulu at the airport. it was my anniversary. janet here, we've got you on the right now. you're going to donate a little money can we put you on speaker? >> now, you're online. janet, no pressure, my friend. are you going to donate? >> yes, i am. >> beautiful. our neighbors to the north, i'm not sure you live. we are all brothers and sisters here. we are taking good care of each other. what can we put you down for? >> we are here in livermore so we are not too far away from those guys. >> janet, stanley is taking notes here, what can we get you down for? >> $250. >> this is my hawaii buddy. >> thank you, janet. >> janet, you rock. thank you very much, we will give you all the deep -- give the details to grant so he can take it away. >> we are going to pass the phone to stanley and he will get you situated. all speakerphone, that is just one example of generosity. >> we are going to have stanley take care of all of the hard stuff right now. you know what we have a tally right now, it is 92,777 dollars. this gets us all really worked up. $92,775. we want that to grow by what? >> 10 times [laughter] >> that would be really awesome. anything you can give, the point is if you cannot give $250, if you could get five dollars, that matters. if you can give $10, that matters. it all adds up. people are still in shelters right now. people who lost their homes, gave his outside of one of those shelters in santa rosa. >> let's go ahead and talk to him. >> reporter: i am here, if you can hear me. i just want to mention, it started really coming down hard here raining in santa rosa about 10 minutes ago. it has light up a little bit. i am in santa rosa at the finley community center off west college road. there is still a shelter going on here, 67 people stayed last night. that number changes every night. ÷to find housing. l+gñ;grt3>tuzis going on here. that is the shelter in their that was formerly run by the red cross. catholic charities k] there is ajwwñmobile laundry un on site. een people use a here. overhear, this blue trailer,ng2 this ÷pr&er is a mobile shower unit. i've also been seen people use that. and they have the additional outhouses set up as well,. i just really want to point this out that this is an active shelter. people are still here, and they are very thankful for it. let's go a here some sound from one of the people who is staying here now. >> we have been staying here for about 1.5 weeks, every day. it helps out a lot for people, for me, too. the red cross, catholic charities, everybody has helped out, the community has helped out a lot. it is really good. this isn't really a shelter. there are other shelters out there that should open up, at two for ;zz-%l >> for different reasons, people might not qualify for fema assistance. they might not have had home insurance. they could be undocumented. disabled, or maybe do not have friends to stay with her relatives, or money -- money for hotel. there are still people out shelters, they could use your help. catholic charities that is running the shelter, they need help. they need supplies and money. they would take anything pretty good go to their website to find out how you can help. volunteering is good for them, too. >> really good information. a lot of folks staying on friends couch, staying with relatives, staying at shelters. we have done stories on this over the past couple of weeks. short supply to begin with, and now with all of those homes that have gone up in flames, it is pretty tough going trying to find a rental, or a place to call home. >> generosity coming in all different forms. you can make the argument before this firestorm with the housing crisis, not only in santa rosa but all of the communities throughout the bay. now it is profoundly more serious. obviously. it is going to take the generosity of not only people donating to the salvation army through kron4 at the telephone. but also people opening their homes for people to crash on the couch. >> you can only do that for so long, so hopefully we can get homes on a more permanent basis. on a lighter note we lost to stanley because he got dragged into this corning ny? >> she wanted to tell me that she loved me. >> another one of stanley's girlfriends. [ laughter] >> i think stanley's head might be getting bigger and bigger, and bigger. [laughter] >> she commented and said i was one of the best on tv. i appreciate that. that's humbling. it was fun to talk to her. i'm glad she made a donation. the key part here is we are helping victims of those fires. people need help. the more people that call, the more money we can generate. i do appreciate thou reach from the public saying thank you. i say to them, thank you for calling in and donating. >> stanley we appreciate your efforts, too. stanley, not behaving badly today. i'll be here until the cows come home. >> you can call the phone lines and get that ringing, too. 415-561-8063 >> listen if you cannot get your calls through, we do have a lot of people answering the phones, even catherine heenan is taking down information. if it is busy, please don't give up. if you can't seem to get there for any reason, the phone lines will be open until 10 p.m. also you can certainly make a donation online at we've got a new number, that is $20,000 since we went on the air. our morning team did a great job nearly $75,000. we are keeping the ball r olling -- rolling. >> this is a good competition to have. if you can raise more money than your colleagues, no one will have a problem in that -- without. that number to call 415-561- 8063. the salvation army, because we know it will go directly to the folks that need it. >> a lot of folks said they have done their homework they know a lot about the salvation army and their reputation is just sterling. >> are you going to give us a credit card? >> and that is how this works. >> we will put the number on the air, we promise. >> you can donate numbers of ways, it can be credit card, but it doesn't have to be a credit card we have the phone number on the screen. if you would like to call in, we would greatly appreciate it. 415-561-8063. we have catherine, stanley, pam, steve, we are all taking calls. in addition to salvation army did -- volunteers and employees. we will be here all night. >> if we weren't yammering on so much we would be picking up the phones, too. >> that is all for now from h ere, again that number 415-561- 8063. we will be checking back in here in our newsletter momentarily. that is the number to call, 415-561-8063. do you want to feel good? take a look at what grant is doing right now. what about right there. write the number. this is how much money you, and your neighbors have generated so far. >> 98,695. >> i love the sound of that phone ringing in the background. >> all right bay area! we are just grateful. we are grateful for every penny. we are. >> yes we are, it is okay if we want to go more than 98,600. >> 99 already. >> we raise $140,000 for hurricane harvey relief. let's exceed that, at least you >> that will be our goal. it is funny, this happened to our friends and neighbors, it was amazing to talk to people who were being affected, who were in harms way. people were racing up there to try to help somehow someway. >> everybody has been touched in someway. i think everybody in the newsroom has a friend, or a friend of a friend who has been affected by their employment. how many times you go to napa and think the people who wait the tables, play the rhine, and the tasting rooms, all of the people picking the grapes. these are the people that not only help that economy up and they create the community. i think of one of my friends the fire burned all the way down to a swimming pool. his home is right next to the pool. just like that, it could have been all gone. we were all feeling the scars, we are sharing those cars, trying to heal them tonight by raising money to help our neighbors. >> what hasn't salvation army been doing on the ground from the beginning. in the course of a normal year, salvation army feed 900,000 people. they have had 100,000 in the northbay alone. that is how much the need was for this incredible disaster that they were taking care of. >> while we wait for that number to cross over the hundred thousand mark. with me now as lieutenant colonel cindy foley. thank you so much, you and all of the volunteers. tell me about the money that is being raised in this room tonight? what will happen without money? >> we will continue with the services we are already providing. rental assistance, helping people with cleanup kits, replacing clothing that was l ost. money for transportation if they have lost the car. some people are still receiving food boxes, we are providing hot meals for people still in shelters or staying with f riends. >> many people think that the salvation army is there right after the catastrophe hits and the heat of the catastrophe is over now, but there is still so much need. >> the salvation army will be there until the very end. we are already working with other nonprofit organizations to develop our long-term plan. we want to make sure there is not a duplication of services. the army is checking with other people, the government to see what is exactly needed. we know for sure we will be providing things like rental assistance, renters insurance for people. we will be continuing with case management. people may be in short-term housing now, but six months from now when they get back into the home they will need a water heater, or a couch. the assistance goes on. the salvation army wants everyone to know that 100% of their donation for a disaster goes to that disaster. we do not divert the money, we don't roll it up to the national office or another opportunity. >> we have to interrupt, we have news. let's look at the board. grants, you have to change it. >> trying to get the exact. >> let's wring our bills. that is exactly what we wanted to see. we are over the 100,000-dollar mark. just as cindy was saying, all of the money that you are sending in stays right here in the bay area. 100% of those dollars go to help the victims. >> that is right. we will take up no overhead. it will all go in direct services to people affected by the northbay fire. >> you also offer mental health. >> correct. one of the distinct services the salvation army does -- provides is emotional and service -- personal care. people were coming in dazed and confused, not sure what was going on, or if their home and valuables had been saved. as we were serving mills, there were people sitting with you to listen to your story, and share with you, to give that hugger that kind word. or even just to sit in silence. as the days went by in the neighborhoods were opening. the salvation army was there helping to make sure the right people were going into the neighborhood, and the walking alongside you as you went back to the ashes of your home. we provide people to help you dig through to find out if there's anything saved. and then a cleanup kit for people that have the fortune to know that their home was spared but there is smoke and other damage. we can give you that cleanup kits and be there with you as you process those emotions of going back into your home. >> thank you so much. you can know that your dollars are still helping the people in need. >> how about this context right here? the salvation army has helped in so many different w ays. but how about a gift card? you might think a gift card is something you can give at christmas time. if you are a person in need and the salvation army comes you and gives you a hundred dollars gift card that you can spend to give your children the clothing they need to get back to school. that is big stuff. the salvation army has generated $100,000, before tonight, strictly in gift cards. now we have another hundred thousand dollars to distribute. i think that is really cool. >> i feel so proud of our community. we are happy to be here tonight helping others. >> look who is in the house. >> oh, my gosh. >> i just got back from my daughter's final volleyball game possibly of her career. eighth grade. >> to she win? >> came out on the short end. >> i would never cross gary but i will give spencer the microphone. >> hi. >> you guys are doing great. if you been up in that area, i don't how my makeup on, take it easy. [laughter] if you've been up in the area, you know how rough it is up there. i know steve can sell it, and everything. you know what i would do, if you are asking me, you know, again, i stole this from another telethon. one cup of coffee, five dollars, starbucks, you give it along to people in need. just go up 101, take a look around, that will tell you the story, you know? >> lets and it with spencer. spencer their kids watching out there, what would you say to kids just like you to make a difference tonight? >> just donate one dollar. anything helps. >> that is perfect. >> let's show you the phone number again, 415-561-8063. we are here all night. we will take a quick break and we will be right back. when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. welcome back this is the kron4 cares special telethon to help our neighbors in the northbay. we are partnering with the salvation army, raising money all night long in a telefon that started at 6 a.m. this morning. >> we are doing pretty well, right? >> how well are we doing? >> we can erase this number, and just add 8002 that, because we just tabulated all of the online contributions. 109400. you can donate by calling the number we have been putting on the screen. you can also go to, that is where this new $8000 came from. that $8000 is all online. >> it is a wonderful life when an angel gets its wings. we have been ringing this bell like crazy. help us ring the bell for pete sakes. gary is taking calls. one hundred dollars? your name is? spell the last name for me. >> i am wondering if he told them the giants will be better, or not? give us a call, there's a number right there 415-561-8063. it is raining today. you are indoors, we are having a good time doing a telethon for our friends in the northbay. we will be right back. look at that, that is melissa, then justin. spencer is helping his dad, gary and there is catherine. is your phone ringing? >> nonstop. you know what i love, husbands and wives are competing. people have been just lovely. >> tell me what sound you have been hearing from? >> san jose, hayward, alameda, vallejo. just all over. some of them, and i said this before our calling from quite a distance area it's not that they were personally affected, but they are just saying it means so much to do this. this is making it easy for people. >> there's a number to call right there. gary is over there, pam is over there, she has a great story. can you walk backwards? >> sure i can walk backwards. every call that comes in here is from somebody who wants to make a difference. pam has someone to tell a story. >> i do. but first let me introduce lieutenant romero, how long have you been with the army. >> about nine years. some of you have someone on the phone that we want to hear from, her name is darlene. darlene, i hope we can hear you. tell me where you're calling from? >> i am calling from santa clara >> you want to donate tonight in honor of your dad? >> yeah, i want to honor my stepdad, he was a palo alto fire captain who passed away of moses salvation army. >> thank you so much, darling. we are going to let the lieutenant take your call. we appreciate in honor of your stepdad that you're making a donation to help neighbors in the northbay firestone. hold on the line. all right, steve, back to you. >> that was incredible generosity. it makes a difference. now we are going to throw the microphone to grant because we have an update. >> okay, new number, vicki. $113,550. >> that is the progress area gary wants to talk i think. >> this is the second person who says, where's your wife? that is a good question. you enjoy my wife on there, dear? >> can we put on speakerphone. grant is putting you on, steve is putting on. you enjoy my wife on the tv? >> very much. she is a great balance to your show. she is charming, i enjoy listening to her humor. >> i know this is a telethon, but i have to be rough, to hell with her, what about me? >> well, of course, you are the perfect accent to her. >> my son, spencer is here tonight. >> hi, spencer. >> we just went to spencer's molly morgan, they came up a little short, but he wanted to come in here and help steve, grant. anyway, that is very nice of you, i'm going to have somebody call you back and you can give them all of the information on whether you are to do it by card or however you want to do it. >> tonight spencer, good night gary. >> thank you. >> thanks so much to her, we have her number, we will call her back. >> we have been sitting here, the girls are taking a break while we are waiting for some phones to open so we can answer some calls. >> actually we would love to talk with the folks who are calling in. everybody has a story, and the generosity is really inspiring. >> you are up in the fire zone, you know the emotion of it all, the dress -- stress associated with a crisis like this. >> the thing that is uplifting, is that people know one another there. they are a very tight community, and they do take care of each other. we have done stories, there is one is coming up and i happen to love this one, because i know joe. joe saved his neighbors, i don't want to give it away but it is a really great story. in fact he went to go knock on the neighbors door, and the neighbor thought it was a robber has showed up with a gun and almost shot him. >> oh, my gosh, he was there to help. that is what a seller for nasa name, in light of this tremendous disaster how much people have come out to help one another. napa and sonoma are open for business. they want us to come up enjoy the restaurants and wineries and support the workers. they need us to come up. they do. i'm here to tell you, because i have been up there since. the fire is devastating, no doubt, but it is patches of it, the air is clear now, and the food is as great as it ever was. the scenery, the wine is flowing, they want you there, and we want you there, the more than that, right now, this moment we want you to call, and make a donation. >> will show you the number. >> the number to call, 415-561- 8063. look right there, $5000 coming in right now. [ cheering] we will see you guys after the break. i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you. welcome back to kron4 cares. we are raising money for the northbay fire victims. our last total was $113,550. the grant has an update. we are over $115,000. gary is on the phone's taking calls, stanley is taking calls, catherine is taking calls. >> we are going to be here through the night, just to let you know how big a difference your little contribution can make. catherine has a six year old who emptied their piggy bank. >> a man said $100, he said oh wait, isabel to give everything she has which was, $7.06. it was all she had, she gave it all to us. god bless isabel. that is a bellringer. >> that is what we are all about. it will continue until 10 p.m. >> let's show gary over there laboring away. >> hey, julie, you actually watch the show? >> we have to wrap it up. we will be right back starting at 8 o'clock. please come back and join us everybody. >> did he kill his mother-in- law to be? >> we found her in the kitchen. she is not moving. >> how do you know this woman. >> it is my fiance's mother. >> he was a pallbearer at her funeral on the day he was supposed to be married. the twitter employee who shut down president trump's twitter account on the last day of work. >> quitting your job epic style. paris jackson versus wendy williams. the real reason she says wendy fainted. was michelle pfeiffer oogled on the red carpet after she said this. >> my industry has stepped up to the place. >> are the police about to arrest movie mogul harvey weinstein. and then ordinary things that leave you wondering what the heck is that for. >> fantastic. >> the secret way of telling if your bread is fresh. >> look at the color to know. >> and the pompom at the top of your ski hat, it serves an important purpose. >> isn't that cool. plus, why these little kids are screaming for joy. now "inside edition" with deborah norville. >> hello. i'm diane mcinerney in today for deborah norville. it should have been a joyous time, planning a wedding. now the future groom is in jail, accused of killing his mother-in-law, four days before he was to walk down the aisle. >> among the pallbearers, her son-in-law who police say brutally murdered her. he appeared in court in ohio today, charged with stabbing and shooting his future mother- in-law, linda. >> bond will be set at $1 million. >> melinda's funeral was held on the same day that her daughter anna was to get married. the wedding was canceled. the wedding registry on bed bath and beyond can be found online still. they listed an ironing board and towels, the usual gifts a bride and groom would want. it was sculin who called 911 after finding his mother-in-law to be. >> you found her on the floor. >> we found her in the kitchen. she is not moving. i took the kids and i walked out. >> how do you know this woman. >> i live here. i live here. she is my fiance's mother. >> i think someone killed my wife. >> you think someone killed your wife? >> yeah. it looks like she has stab wounds on her back. there is a pool of blood. >> can you see if she is breathing? >> no, she is not. >> he came under suspicion when cops found a bloody knife in his pickup truck. >> he served as a pallbearer in the funeral. it kind of gives you an idea of just how shocking this likely is to the family if he was around the family in the days afterwards. he was a pallbearer in the funeral. and then just days later, he's arrested for her murder. >> melinda was a probably middle school acher in a school outside of cleveland. she played on a

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