Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20171029 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20171029

take a look at this..kron 4 viewer video of a coyote in mclaren park.the video taken this morning serves as a reminder to dog owners to keep their pets close.lance martin/dog ownermonkey, my dog stays close to me so i don't have to worry about it. but i do know that people with very small under 40 pounds should keep them on leashes. i have a big dog. some of the smaller dogs in the neighborhood are obviously getting taken by the coyotes so it is dangerous l/dog owner:ive only lived here about 2 years. but i walk the dog here pretty daily and so ive seen probably half a dozen sightings in 2 years.i think pick him up and also try to make yourself look big but also not try to confront the coyote and try to get out of its space.animal control officials say the best thing to do if you see a coyote.. is pick up your dog if you can, back away, make noise and try to frighten the coyote away. erik schnabel/dog owner:i think you just have to respect their space and be vigilant and be aware that you're in their neighborhood.lance martin/dog ownerwe are going to walk right over here which is just above sunnydale and we are going to see some coyotes im sure in about 5 minutes.we get coyotes here all the time. my dog enjoys barking at them. (justine) on the peninsula... people are seeing mountain lions. both reports came in at about 10 last night in san mateo county. one big cat was seen along highway 35... near the community of kings mountain. there was a second sighting to the south in la honda... the mountain lion was seen near coggins ranch road and woodland vista. in both cases... the san mateo county sheriff's office says the cats were seen crossing the road. (jr stone) fremont police are searching for a man wanted in various crimes. officers believe thomas beltran initially barricaded himself inside a homebut slipped out sometime before or during an eight-hour standoff. police finally got inside only to discover the home was empty. kron four's spencer blake explains how it all started. the fremont police mobile command center and other emergency vehicles arrived at darrow court around ten a-m saturday after a woman called 9-1-1."she informed that she had been battered by her boyfriend who was still in the residence."because they believed he had access to a gun and ammo inside the house, police went into standoff mode, using a bullhorn to try to coax thomas beltran out. "they asked him to please put down his weapon and come out and he refused."standup "fremont police did evacuate the homes immediately neighboring the house. they also had a shelter in place for a few other homes but beyond that they seemed confident that the neighborhood as a whole wasn't in danger." "we have officers in several of the backyards. this specific property is adjacent to at least five other properties. we have officers back in all of those areas."kron four spoke to next- door neighbors who weren't allowed inside their homes until after 6 p-m."we didn't know if we needed to evacuate or not so they told us to sit tight for a while. then they came actually back into the house and they said, 'yes, you need to evacuate and evacuate now.'"because swat teams didn't get any communication from beltran, they eventually breached the house - preceeded by a fremont fire department drone.they searched every inch of the main house, along with the rental home attached to the back where they thought beltran was, but didn't find anyone.beltran already has a drug-related warrant out for his arrest, plus warrants for domestic violence and a felon in possession of ammunition, based on saturday's events.he was last seen wearing a raiders fremont, spencer blake, kron four news. ( justine ) we have been sending out alerts throughout the day about this story through the kron four mobile app. it is free to download for apple and android devices. just make sure to enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (justine) another big story we are following... crews are nearing 100 percent containment on the deadly fires burning in the north bay. here is a quick look at the latest numbers... the atlas fire was fully contained last night. it destroyed several homes... burning over 51-thousand acres in napa and solano counties the tubbs, pocket and nuns fires... each are 97-percent contained. the tubbs fire is the one that burned through santa rosa... and is blamed for 22 deaths. 42 people died in total and more than seven-thousand homes and business were destroyed. cal fire says it hopes to have those fires 100-percent contained by tuesday. (justine) congresswoman nancy pelosi toured the north bay fire zone today... she tweeted out this picture of her with other representatives being updated on the wildfire response. during her tour there was an event to remember the dozens of people who died in the firestorm. kron four's jeff pierce was there as people came to show their support for the community. nat sound bag pipeshundreds of sonoma county residents came together for a day of remembrance for the victims of the north bay fires saturday morning.the number one focus of today is the people we lost in that. so please join me in your thoughts going out to them because we lost lives in that and the thousands who lost their homes, people lost their family members they lost the forty two people that lost their lives and the family members that are effected this will truly change their lives forever.nat sound bell ringingto mark those who lost their lives the santa rosa fire department rang a ceremonial bell for each victim with a final strike for those still missing.nat sound final bell tollyou know there are families that will never have closure but moving the community forward together to remember what have ahead of us is important.and what is ahead of them is the long arduous task of recovery and the commitment that the entire community is about to undertake.we've got to remember everyone who lost their homes, their businesses, we were with you that night we'll be with you's so very very sad and heartbreakingcongresswoman nancy pelosi pledged her support to the community .i want to give you the commitment that we will do everything we can and be with you as long as it takes.but it was the voice of a child that spoke to the challenge.i will rise after every fall, after every fall i will santa rosa jeff pierce kron four news. (jr stone) taking a live look outside... time now to check on our weather... with meterologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: temperatures cooled as high pressure continued to weaken. there were still some highs in the 80s inland but a sea breeze and fog kept it much cooler at the coast. if you're going out tonight make sure to grab a jacket since it will be much cooler than what we've seen as of late. big changes are expected next week too and we could be looking at more rain. on the satellite image you can see the huge dome of high pressure that brought record breaking temperatures to the bay area thoughout the week. but the high is now weakening. and ocean winds cooler and cooler air will bring temperatures down everywhere over the next few days. you will still find 80s in the central valley tomorrow but 60s in san diego and los angeles. highs around the bay area will be cooler on sunday with mid to upper 70s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s at the coast with weather will cool through warming on tuesday. clouds will gather late on thursday chance of rain through next weekend. (jr stone) four people are recovering tonight following a shooting in san francisco's western addition neighborhood. it happened last night near the corner of fillmore street and golden gate avenue. kron 4's camila bernal tells us now two people are under arrest. camila on cam:police tape has been removed here on fillmore street but police officers have been in the area throughout the day. take voit was a very active scene here last night. the shooting happened at around 7:30 near the intersection of fillmore and golden gate avenue.police say 4 people were shot.they were taken to a local hospital and are expected to survive. two people were arrested and were questioned as suspects in this shooting but nonetheless police continue to investigate and are trying to get some answers.we'll definitely be looking whether or not there is any gang connection, there have definitely been shootings here on this block before. whether this one is connected to those, i don't know.camila: the motive is still unknown and it's unclear if the shooting was targeted. police have not yet said if the victims and suspects had any type of relationship. reporting live in sf camila bernal kron 4 news. (justine) the san francisco district attorney's office cleared four officers in the 20-16 death of robert bowerwho died while in police custody. an autopsy later showed that bower died of a methamphetamine overdose. the d-a's report also cleared two other officers in the 20-15 death of marvin day..who died in police custody officials later learned he had an allergic reaction to taking meth. three officers were cleared in the death of alice brown...who was shot to death as she was driving in 20-15...officials say her erratic driving... posed a threat to the public. also in the report, that a san francisco police officer should not face criminal charges for shooting to death nicholas flusche back in may. police say flusche was stabbing a subway restaurant employee refused the command to get on the floorprompting that officer to shoot and kill him. the officers were cleared by the district attorney's independent investigations bureau, which reviews use of force cases and determines in criminal charges should be filed. (jr stone) police are looking for a man...they say tried to kidnap a seven-year- old girl from soccer practice in marin county. it happened thursday afternoon at the college of marin indian valley in novato. the seven year old had just been dropped off by her mom for practice. officers say the girl was between the parking lot and the soccer field...when a man approached her...demanding that she gets into his car. and when she said no... the man became verbally aggressvive. luckily the young girl ran back to the soccer field...escaping the suspect. (justine) coming up... we are learning new information about robert mueller's investigation into russian meddling with the 20-16 election... when arrests could be coming....(jr stone) plus... a fire breaks out at an apartment... hear how a mother saved her children up ahead.(justine) and... you can soon expect to pay more at the pump for gas... the tax that is going into affect this coming week.. (jrstone) the gas tax in california is set to increase this week. reporter ken mashinchi (ma-sen-chi) has more about how some drivers feel about the price change. california's gas tax, increasing the cost of a gallon by 12 cents, takes effect on november 1. the bill signed by governor jerry brown calls for over $52 billion dollars over the next decade to help fund road repair projects."kinda scary that the fuel prices will be going up substantially, but i just hope it goes to what they say it's going to go to. but i'm not looking forward to it," driver mike french said.knowing the extra money is going toward fixing streets makes it easier for some drivers to accept the tax, many still search for ways to combat the higher prices."i've got some discount cards so i'll be using them every time i can. it's the only thing i can do or buy a more gas efficient vehicle, but i don't see that happening," driver douglas welsch said.jerry surber drives an rv for travel, and says the tax won't keep him from hitting the road."if you can't afford to buy the gas for it, then you really can't afford it," he said. "what's 12 cents when you're traveling? you just have to pay the price. i realize why, but i don't like it."drivers don't find much to like about the new tax, but they know there isn't much to do about it."we gotta have it. we are held hostage to our vehicles," welsch said. "there is nothing we can do about it. just make it work? yes, unfortunately yes." (justine) federal regulators are investigating complaints of loose steering wheels in ford fusions. the probe covers more than 800- thousand cars between 20-14 and 20-16. the investigation comes after three drivers reported their steering wheels coming loose. one driver said the steering wheel fell into their lap while turning into a gas station. the other two say the bolt attaching the wheel to the steering column came loose while driving. no injuries or crashes have been reported. ford has yet to issue a recall. (jr stone) taking a live look outside at the golden gate bridge... time now to check on our weather... with meterologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: temperatures cooled as high pressure continued to weaken. there were still some highs in the 80s inland but a sea breeze and fog kept it much cooler at the coast. if you're going out tonight make sure to grab a jacket since it will be much cooler than what we've seen as of late. big changes are expected next week too and we could be looking at more rain. on the satellite image you can see the huge dome of high pressure that brought record breaking temperatures to the bay area thoughout the week. but the high is now weakening. and ocean winds cooler and cooler air will bring temperatures down everywhere over the next few days. you will still find 80s in the central valley tomorrow but 60s in san diego and los angeles. highs around the bay area will be cooler on sunday with mid to upper 70s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s at the coast with patchy fog. the weather will cool through monday before warming slightly again on tuesday. clouds will gather late on thursday leading to a chance of rain on friday through next weekend. (justine) it's a landmark moment in the investigation into russian meddling in the 20-16 election. sources are telling our partners at cnn...that arrests could come as soon as monday. a senior trump official said saturday that the white house will have "no comment" on the news that charges have been filed in the investigation led by special counsel, robert mueller.the president tweeted before the investigation is a "witch hunt, a hoax, a waste of taxpayers dollars."a federal grand jury approved mueller's first charges in the investigation the former fbi director has been focused on possible russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, potential illegal cooperation between president donald trump's campaign and russia...sources says that anyone charged could be taken into custody as early as monday.the charges filed on friday are under seal..paul callan, former prosecutor: "when you see a sealed indictment like this it almost always happens for one reason, there's a fear the defendant is going to flee the jurisdiction."a spokesman for the special counsel's office isn't commenting on the situation.mueller's team has also examined foreign lobbying conducted by former trump campaign manager paul manafort, former national security adviser michael flynn and others.the special counsel has issued subpoenas for documents and testimony to a handful of figures - including some people close to manafort and others involved in a trump tower meeting between russians and campaign officials. laura coates, former asst. u.s. attorney:"this may be an indication he's not trying to show his hand because he doesn't want people to be able to either conceal evidence, destroy evidence, it may be the reason he was able to do a surprise, no-knock-and- announce warrant on paul manafort's home. there is an urgency that robert mueller is seeing. it may be a flight risk and there may be some missing pieces." (justine) besides possible collusion, mueller is also looking into potential obstruction of justice by president trump. three congressional investigations are under way as well. (justine) coming up... two women and their dogs were rescued after being stranded in the ocean for áfive monthsá hear what family members are saying it was like to finally speak to their daughter.(jr stone) and... a mother trusts a group of strangers to help save her kid's lives... we'll explain after the break. this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. (justine) when one virginia mother found herself in the middle of an apartment fire, she had to take a tremendous leap of faith to save her kids. firfighters say the brave mom dropped her children from a window...trusting strangers below to catch them. inside her apartment...two of her three children...and her disabled mother. with no time to waste...she realized dropping the kids out of her second story apartment might be her best option to save their lives.(sot) (justine) the children were not injured. firefighters rescued spencer's mom...and spencer managed to run down the stairs...and outside to safety. (j.r.) white nationalist squared off against counter protesters today in what many called a "white lives matter" rally which was held in tennessee. this is how many people showed up in shelbyville, tennessee. another rally was supposed to be held in murfreesboro, which is 20 miles north of this area, that one though was cancelled. members of several white nationalists groups attended the rally. there was also a very large numbers of counter protesters and a heavy police presence. counter protesters also showed up in murfreesboro as well. at last check there was just one arrest. a counter protester was taken into custody for disorderly conduct. tonight there are no reports of any fights or injuries during the events. police said they spent a month preparing for this event. (justine) coming up... a mother is reunited with her daughter after five months... the story of her rescue after being stranded in the ocean for months is up ahead. (jr stone) and... president trump declares the opioid crisis a health emergency.... hear the bay area effort to tackle another drug problem. that is after the break.(lawrence) a big change in the weather is coming our way. i'll have details coming up. ♪ with the alaska airlines visa signature card you get a companion ticket every year. so why not take someone that you see all the time. someone like, i dunno, me? i mean i always spell your name right and put a little unicorn in your foam. no pressure but i really need to get out of here. they've been playing the same playlist for three months and i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat scones for dinner this many days in a row. mexico, hawaii, costa rica, i don't really know. i'm a quick packer. ♪ (justine) just days after president trump declared the opiod crisis a public health emergency... law enforcement agencies across the country and around the bay area partnered to take expired prescription drugs off the streets. welcome back to kron four news at ten...i'm justine waldman.(jr stone) and i'm jr stone. today, kron four's philippe djegal stopped by a few collections sites in the east bay. (philippe)nats- unused, expired and potentially deadly if ingested...nats- these prescription drugs phyllis cedars collected from her cabinets...nats/phyllis- "i am so glad you do this." and, dropped off at the orinda police department. are thrown in burn-up bins, and later taken to the u-s drug enforcement administration office in oakland... where the pills are safely incinerated.phyllis cedars/dropping of drugs- "i didn't want to contaminate the ground water, or the environment with pills and expired medicines." this is the 14th drug take back day sponsored by the d-e-a, partnering with law enforcement agencies in the united states.nats- "i'm so glad a i saw this." in addition to orinda, the lafaeyette police department accepted drugs...nats- "you guys have a good one. take care." and, so did officers in daniville. a 20-15 national survey on drug use and health... found that six-point-four million americans abused controlled prescription drugs.president donald trump- "as americans, we cannot allow this to continue." earlier this week... president donald trump declared america's opiod crisis a public health emergency... possibly making additional federal funds available to fight the problem. studies show that a majority of the people who abuse prescription drugs get them from family members and friends.phyllis cedars/droppin g of drugs- "kids put everything in their mouth. and, so, if you leave pills laying around, they are exploring and grabbing medicine, and i didn't want my grandson to find these things and get curious about them." because that's how addiction starts.bryan walley/ordina police dept.- "they can mistakenly take it and then have an overdose, uh, that's not intended at all, and um, so we might be saving lives today." since this program started, more than eight million pounds drugs have been collected. in orinda alone saturday more than a hundred pounds were taken back. philippe djegal, kron four news. (live) taking a live look outside at san francisco's embarcadero.... (anchor) time now to check on our weather... with meterologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: temperatures cooled as high pressure continued to weaken. there were still some highs in the 80s inland but a sea breeze and fog kept it much cooler at the coast. if you're going out tonight make sure to grab a jacket since it will be much cooler than what we've seen as of late. big changes are expected next week too and we could be looking at more rain. on the satellite image you can see the huge dome of high pressure that brought record breaking temperatures to the bay area thoughout the week. but the high is now weakening. and ocean winds cooler and cooler air will bring temperatures down everywhere over the next few days. you will still find 80s in the central valley tomorrow but 60s in san diego and los angeles. highs around the bay area will be cooler on sunday with mid to upper 70s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s at the coast with patchy fog. the weather will cool through monday before warming slightly again on tuesday. clouds will gather late on thursday leading to a chance of rain on friday through next weekend. (jrstone) two women were rescued at sea earlier this week... after being lost for five months. we are now hearing from the mother of one of those women. reporter kevin quinn has more about what happened when the two finally spoke. nats: dogs barking, woman on boat yelling, blowing kisses you could see the jubilation on board this sailboat when located by the u.s. navy after more than five months adrift at sea.joyce appel / mother of rescued sailor:"i just had no idea it would be more than five months before she would reach shore? so i was worried." that's jennifer appel right there waiving in the rescuers. her mother joyce appel, of houston, says she was relieved to finally talk to her daughter briefly after they were safe."when she got on the telephone she was very enthusiastic and she just sounded great. she sounded wonderful, so i was happy." appel, a friend and their two dogs set sail from honolulu for tahiti in may. they were found thousands of miles off course after a series of troubles--jennifer dropped her sat phone in the ocean. the engine died. the mast was damaged. they were hit by three massive storms and even endured two shark attacks."it sounds like everything that could have gone wrong, did.""i think so!"thankfully they'd brought a water purifier and enough food for a year. appel said after their rescue that she'd sent out a distress call daily for 98 days-- without response. until, a taiwanese fishing vessel spotted them and called the coast guard. jennifer appel / rescued sailor:"we honestly did not think we would survive another 24 hours in the current situation.""i thank god that he was watching over her and taking care of her."they were all smiles as they climbed aboard the u.s.s. ashland...even the dogs.this is a picture of jennifer appel thanking officers.joyce appel hopes her daughter won't be setting sail again, anytime soon. (jr stone) coming up... a group of children hold a protest days before halloween... hear what they are asking their local politicians to do.(justine) plus... as crews reach full containment on the deadly wildfires in the north bay.... we'll show you the emotional return of senior citizens who were forced to evacuate. that is after the break. (justine) it was a happy homecoming for a group of senior citizens...forced to evacuate during the fire in santa rosa... all of them suffer from some form of memory loss. and the night the fires started raging, they all had to get out immediately. earlier this week they got to go back to their care community. i took a look at the emotional welcome back celebration. after two weeks away. the senior citizens at the vineyard at foutaingrove memory care.. finally returned a champagne celebration!natsbig hugs welcomed all 17 of the residents back.the people who live here.. suffer from memory loss.making the trauma of the fire and its aftermath that much harder to process.sot it is amazing how we escaped it allcharlie king sot we just grabbed clothes these are the only shoes i have had for weeks with the fire alarms blaring and flickering lights. maintenance worker hercules cuveas came to help his work family in the middle of the night.he and three caregivers, sensed the fires danger knew they had to get everyone out of harm's way.hercules cuveas / maintenance worker sot it was pretty rough some of them were startled they didn't know who i was but we did it it was awesomewith fire burning around them, he first took them to his church in santa rosa. they stayed until the flames threated them there eventually, some were moved to vineyards sister facility in they are back and reunited again.sot things are starting to get back to normal so it is a blessingsu the fire got so close to the building it burned the hillside just to the west of the building the flames got just inches away from a residents window.nat fansonly a few fans in the hallway blow out the lingering smell of smoke.the community is basically brand new, it just started caring for people in august.sot i am feeling so sad for the people who are suffering we didn't lose a thingsome cannot recall anything about the fire, evacuating, being away or even understand where they are now. while a few know just how special this day is sot that is the other thing i feel so luckybecause there is no place like santa rosa justine waldman kron 4 news (jr stone) (justine) coming up... we get lost inside one of the bay area's oldest corn mazes... and we brought along quadcopter four -- to help our reporter find the way out... (jr stone)adlibs sports (justine) a hiker in oregon who was stranded in the woods for five days is speaking for the first time. (jr stone) the man says he's happy to be alive. reporter, lashay wesley has the story. nathan mitchell, hiker:"my kind of mantra was stay hydrated, keep us warm as you can in your core."nathan mitchell is recovering in the hospital after several days in the woods. he was alone and admittedly unprepared. nathan mitchell, hiker:"i should've stayed on the top of boulder ridge."mitchell was hiking in the wildwood recreation area saturday when a storm came in. nathan mitchell, hiker:"there was water coming over the trail. but i didn't think it was a significant storm. i've been training all over the summer."he says his first mistake - going off trail.once he did that, he fell and was disoriented.second mistake - later that night he lost his backpack and fell down the mountain. nathan mitchell, hiker:"that was a turning point for the whole trip."he says at that point he knew he had to go into survival mode, doing his best to find a way out and to be noticed.nathan mitchell, hiker:"that's what i've been looking for a date to day three, day four, day five a trail or a sign up. i don't care if it went to timberline lodge i just wanted to go on a trail that i knew there was going to be a hiker on or helicopters i could see me or an in point."all the while friends and family, plus several search and rescue teams were looking for mitchell every day.thursday, their had work and perseverance paid off. friends were the one to find him alive. mitchell says he knew people were searching for him and that helped keep him going. nathan mitchell, hiker:"i wasn't going to leave myself but they weren't either." (justine) for many kids... halloween is their favorite holiday because they get to trick or treat in their neighborhood. but for one group of kids... they want more time to collect all their candy. to change it... a group of fouth graders in ohio are protested outside their city hall...with the hope of extending trick-or- treating hours by 30 minutes. around 200 kids signed a petition... and personally delivered their case to the mayor. "allowing us the opportunity to receive more candy. having more time to visit and spend with family and friends. having more time to be in a halloween costume. enjoy the scary holiday longer."(justine) mayor tom coyne not only heard the children's pleas...he came out to hear them state their case in person. and it appears the kids were pretty convincing. the mayor granted their wish -- they'll be allowed to trick or treat from six to eight-thirty p-m. (jr stone) there's been a lot of tough news coming out of the north bay after this month's deadly and destructive wildfires. tonight though we want to shine a little light on one of the bright spots coming from up north.(justine) one of those bright spots is the petaluma pumpkin patch. its phone lines have been down because of the firestorm, but the family- friendly place is still open. (jr stone) before the fires broke out, kron four's spencer blake went out with quadcopter four to get an aerial view .... as he got lost in one of the bay area's oldest corn mazes. (pkg)the corn maze at petaluma pumpkin patch just off highwy 101has been jim groverman's fall project for decades.he has no idea how many people come, but he's sure it's been getting more popular."every year, just the number of cars that are in the parking lot increases."though pumpkins are the farmers money-maker, the maze is the draw that brings people - and quadcopter four - our drone took flight overhead, i strapped on a chest-mounted go-pro, and started my way through the labyrinth."my maze is an actual maze. there's one way in, one way out. most of the mazes, they are a picture of something you can see from an aerial view. i've always just done an actual maze."also unlike other mazes, there's no g-p-s guidance or tractors involved in creating this one. groverman simply cuts it himself.when the corn is still small, he makes his own winding paths by digging certain stalks out with a shovel."i don't write anything down, i kind of have an idea of what i want, and i try to make it as challenging as possible. you can make it too challenging, though, and people get frustrated and they can't get out. so there's kind of a balance there.""two, three, four, five, six."with multiple of these identical six-way intersectionsit's no wonder groverman himself sometimes has to stop to get his bearings.(standup) "fortunately there is a little bit of help. this is one of two look-out towers inside the maze. it takes you nine feet above the ground, and when you get to the top, you kind of have a better idea of what's in front of you."the good ones take a half hour to finish the maze, but other people are stuck in there for up to an hour and a half.let's just say i was on the longer end of that scale.seeing the drone above was a tease - an eye in the sky that couldn't give me any hints.but to be honest, i got plenty of tips from the maze master."people come out of the exit and there's a lot of hollering and a lot of, ya know, 'we made it!'""is that what i think it is?!"you still have until halloween to get lost in a good petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (jr stone) game four of the world series. dodgers trying to even the series after falling in game three...5-3 both teams nice and loose before the game. we had to go to the sixth for the first run -- george springer hits one deep off alex wood... breaking his no-hitter. game tied at one -- after going 0-11... the stuggling cody bellinger finally gets it going -- he brings in the go-ahead run... dodgers take the lead 2-1 l-a wasn't done -- joc pederson rips a 3-run bomb to blow the game wide open. astros bullpen give up five runs in the ninth dodgers win 6-2 series is tied at two. game five will be sunday night (j.r.)the san jose sharks out east on a five game road trip. out in buffalo today even the little kids were on hand. sharks jooanas donskoi on the breakaway. he's got no one in front of him. he's got himself a goal. sharks go on the board first one to nothing. this was a good one though. we go to the third period. tied at 2.logan couture. he's got the puck.untouched as he skates towards the goal. he's got it. couture with the goal. shot that right over the goalie's left shoulder. beautiful shot right there. that would prove to be the game winning goal as the sharks go on to win this thing. 3 to 2. sharks went 3 and 2 on the road trip. couture had 5 goals during this trip. sharks are back in san jose monday against toronto as partick marleau makes his return to san jose. (j.r.)the golden state warriors are off tonight but many are waiting to hear what is going to happen with draymond green. so far no suspension of fine has been given.draymond green got into a bit of a scuffle last night as the team was taking on the washington wizards over at oracle arena. you can see what the maylay looked like in this video. green and wizards guard bradley beal got tied up together. in some of the slow mow shots it looked like green took an elbow to the face. the two pushed and shoved their way onto the ground. when draymond finally came out of the pile up his shirt was ripped. both players were ejected. green didn't speak to the media and beal wouldn't talk about what happened. as draymond was leaving though he yelled, "they out to get me, bro. they been that way though." again as of tonight no suspensions or fines handed out. (jr stone) that was sports.... we'll be back sports.... we'll be back right after the break. it all started when sophia stopped into marshalls and found a mug for surprisingly little green. she paired that with some succulents. and suddenly something clicked. that surprise led to a stylish wood mirror, soothing lavender oils, a party llama... or is that an alpaca? super soft towels, and an enchanting vase that magically tied it all together. she arranged it all into the greatest guest bathroom ever. did sophia expect to get so much bang for so few bucks? no. but great things happen when you choose surprise. marshalls. your surprise is waiting. but ghe's brought us to the wobstructed justice at the fbi. and in direct violation of the constitution, he's taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer and, like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet, today, people in congress and his own administration know this president is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. ♪ >> all right, guys. hey, what brings us all here, i think most of you know we're going to be serving a search and arrest warrant. our bad guy's name is dwight charles [bleep], and he goes by "chuck." we currently have an active ramey that's been entered for 245 pc, 422 pc, and 417.

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Fremont , California , United States , Alaska , Ashland , La Honda , San Diego , Togo , Russia , Murfreesboro , Tennessee , San Francisco , Jersey , Mexico , Marin County , Lake Merced , Costa Rica , Marshall Islands , San Mateo County , France , Petaluma , Hawaii , Americans , America , Marshalls , French , Russian , Lawrence Karnow , Spencer Blake , Sea Joyce , Jeff Pierce , Francisco Embarcadero , Erik Schnabel , Bryan Walley , Philippe Nats , Packer Justine , Robert Mueller , Tom Coyne , Bradley Beal , Joc Pederson , Thomas Beltran , Tom Steyer , Nats Phyllis , Justine Waldman , Nathan Mitchell , Waldman Kron , Waldman Jr ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20171029 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20171029

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take a look at this..kron 4 viewer video of a coyote in mclaren park.the video taken this morning serves as a reminder to dog owners to keep their pets close.lance martin/dog ownermonkey, my dog stays close to me so i don't have to worry about it. but i do know that people with very small under 40 pounds should keep them on leashes. i have a big dog. some of the smaller dogs in the neighborhood are obviously getting taken by the coyotes so it is dangerous l/dog owner:ive only lived here about 2 years. but i walk the dog here pretty daily and so ive seen probably half a dozen sightings in 2 years.i think pick him up and also try to make yourself look big but also not try to confront the coyote and try to get out of its space.animal control officials say the best thing to do if you see a coyote.. is pick up your dog if you can, back away, make noise and try to frighten the coyote away. erik schnabel/dog owner:i think you just have to respect their space and be vigilant and be aware that you're in their neighborhood.lance martin/dog ownerwe are going to walk right over here which is just above sunnydale and we are going to see some coyotes im sure in about 5 minutes.we get coyotes here all the time. my dog enjoys barking at them. (justine) on the peninsula... people are seeing mountain lions. both reports came in at about 10 last night in san mateo county. one big cat was seen along highway 35... near the community of kings mountain. there was a second sighting to the south in la honda... the mountain lion was seen near coggins ranch road and woodland vista. in both cases... the san mateo county sheriff's office says the cats were seen crossing the road. (jr stone) fremont police are searching for a man wanted in various crimes. officers believe thomas beltran initially barricaded himself inside a homebut slipped out sometime before or during an eight-hour standoff. police finally got inside only to discover the home was empty. kron four's spencer blake explains how it all started. the fremont police mobile command center and other emergency vehicles arrived at darrow court around ten a-m saturday after a woman called 9-1-1."she informed that she had been battered by her boyfriend who was still in the residence."because they believed he had access to a gun and ammo inside the house, police went into standoff mode, using a bullhorn to try to coax thomas beltran out. "they asked him to please put down his weapon and come out and he refused."standup "fremont police did evacuate the homes immediately neighboring the house. they also had a shelter in place for a few other homes but beyond that they seemed confident that the neighborhood as a whole wasn't in danger." "we have officers in several of the backyards. this specific property is adjacent to at least five other properties. we have officers back in all of those areas."kron four spoke to next- door neighbors who weren't allowed inside their homes until after 6 p-m."we didn't know if we needed to evacuate or not so they told us to sit tight for a while. then they came actually back into the house and they said, 'yes, you need to evacuate and evacuate now.'"because swat teams didn't get any communication from beltran, they eventually breached the house - preceeded by a fremont fire department drone.they searched every inch of the main house, along with the rental home attached to the back where they thought beltran was, but didn't find anyone.beltran already has a drug-related warrant out for his arrest, plus warrants for domestic violence and a felon in possession of ammunition, based on saturday's events.he was last seen wearing a raiders fremont, spencer blake, kron four news. ( justine ) we have been sending out alerts throughout the day about this story through the kron four mobile app. it is free to download for apple and android devices. just make sure to enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (justine) another big story we are following... crews are nearing 100 percent containment on the deadly fires burning in the north bay. here is a quick look at the latest numbers... the atlas fire was fully contained last night. it destroyed several homes... burning over 51-thousand acres in napa and solano counties the tubbs, pocket and nuns fires... each are 97-percent contained. the tubbs fire is the one that burned through santa rosa... and is blamed for 22 deaths. 42 people died in total and more than seven-thousand homes and business were destroyed. cal fire says it hopes to have those fires 100-percent contained by tuesday. (justine) congresswoman nancy pelosi toured the north bay fire zone today... she tweeted out this picture of her with other representatives being updated on the wildfire response. during her tour there was an event to remember the dozens of people who died in the firestorm. kron four's jeff pierce was there as people came to show their support for the community. nat sound bag pipeshundreds of sonoma county residents came together for a day of remembrance for the victims of the north bay fires saturday morning.the number one focus of today is the people we lost in that. so please join me in your thoughts going out to them because we lost lives in that and the thousands who lost their homes, people lost their family members they lost the forty two people that lost their lives and the family members that are effected this will truly change their lives forever.nat sound bell ringingto mark those who lost their lives the santa rosa fire department rang a ceremonial bell for each victim with a final strike for those still missing.nat sound final bell tollyou know there are families that will never have closure but moving the community forward together to remember what have ahead of us is important.and what is ahead of them is the long arduous task of recovery and the commitment that the entire community is about to undertake.we've got to remember everyone who lost their homes, their businesses, we were with you that night we'll be with you's so very very sad and heartbreakingcongresswoman nancy pelosi pledged her support to the community .i want to give you the commitment that we will do everything we can and be with you as long as it takes.but it was the voice of a child that spoke to the challenge.i will rise after every fall, after every fall i will santa rosa jeff pierce kron four news. (jr stone) taking a live look outside... time now to check on our weather... with meterologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: temperatures cooled as high pressure continued to weaken. there were still some highs in the 80s inland but a sea breeze and fog kept it much cooler at the coast. if you're going out tonight make sure to grab a jacket since it will be much cooler than what we've seen as of late. big changes are expected next week too and we could be looking at more rain. on the satellite image you can see the huge dome of high pressure that brought record breaking temperatures to the bay area thoughout the week. but the high is now weakening. and ocean winds cooler and cooler air will bring temperatures down everywhere over the next few days. you will still find 80s in the central valley tomorrow but 60s in san diego and los angeles. highs around the bay area will be cooler on sunday with mid to upper 70s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s at the coast with weather will cool through warming on tuesday. clouds will gather late on thursday chance of rain through next weekend. (jr stone) four people are recovering tonight following a shooting in san francisco's western addition neighborhood. it happened last night near the corner of fillmore street and golden gate avenue. kron 4's camila bernal tells us now two people are under arrest. camila on cam:police tape has been removed here on fillmore street but police officers have been in the area throughout the day. take voit was a very active scene here last night. the shooting happened at around 7:30 near the intersection of fillmore and golden gate avenue.police say 4 people were shot.they were taken to a local hospital and are expected to survive. two people were arrested and were questioned as suspects in this shooting but nonetheless police continue to investigate and are trying to get some answers.we'll definitely be looking whether or not there is any gang connection, there have definitely been shootings here on this block before. whether this one is connected to those, i don't know.camila: the motive is still unknown and it's unclear if the shooting was targeted. police have not yet said if the victims and suspects had any type of relationship. reporting live in sf camila bernal kron 4 news. (justine) the san francisco district attorney's office cleared four officers in the 20-16 death of robert bowerwho died while in police custody. an autopsy later showed that bower died of a methamphetamine overdose. the d-a's report also cleared two other officers in the 20-15 death of marvin day..who died in police custody officials later learned he had an allergic reaction to taking meth. three officers were cleared in the death of alice brown...who was shot to death as she was driving in 20-15...officials say her erratic driving... posed a threat to the public. also in the report, that a san francisco police officer should not face criminal charges for shooting to death nicholas flusche back in may. police say flusche was stabbing a subway restaurant employee refused the command to get on the floorprompting that officer to shoot and kill him. the officers were cleared by the district attorney's independent investigations bureau, which reviews use of force cases and determines in criminal charges should be filed. (jr stone) police are looking for a man...they say tried to kidnap a seven-year- old girl from soccer practice in marin county. it happened thursday afternoon at the college of marin indian valley in novato. the seven year old had just been dropped off by her mom for practice. officers say the girl was between the parking lot and the soccer field...when a man approached her...demanding that she gets into his car. and when she said no... the man became verbally aggressvive. luckily the young girl ran back to the soccer field...escaping the suspect. (justine) coming up... we are learning new information about robert mueller's investigation into russian meddling with the 20-16 election... when arrests could be coming....(jr stone) plus... a fire breaks out at an apartment... hear how a mother saved her children up ahead.(justine) and... you can soon expect to pay more at the pump for gas... the tax that is going into affect this coming week.. (jrstone) the gas tax in california is set to increase this week. reporter ken mashinchi (ma-sen-chi) has more about how some drivers feel about the price change. california's gas tax, increasing the cost of a gallon by 12 cents, takes effect on november 1. the bill signed by governor jerry brown calls for over $52 billion dollars over the next decade to help fund road repair projects."kinda scary that the fuel prices will be going up substantially, but i just hope it goes to what they say it's going to go to. but i'm not looking forward to it," driver mike french said.knowing the extra money is going toward fixing streets makes it easier for some drivers to accept the tax, many still search for ways to combat the higher prices."i've got some discount cards so i'll be using them every time i can. it's the only thing i can do or buy a more gas efficient vehicle, but i don't see that happening," driver douglas welsch said.jerry surber drives an rv for travel, and says the tax won't keep him from hitting the road."if you can't afford to buy the gas for it, then you really can't afford it," he said. "what's 12 cents when you're traveling? you just have to pay the price. i realize why, but i don't like it."drivers don't find much to like about the new tax, but they know there isn't much to do about it."we gotta have it. we are held hostage to our vehicles," welsch said. "there is nothing we can do about it. just make it work? yes, unfortunately yes." (justine) federal regulators are investigating complaints of loose steering wheels in ford fusions. the probe covers more than 800- thousand cars between 20-14 and 20-16. the investigation comes after three drivers reported their steering wheels coming loose. one driver said the steering wheel fell into their lap while turning into a gas station. the other two say the bolt attaching the wheel to the steering column came loose while driving. no injuries or crashes have been reported. ford has yet to issue a recall. (jr stone) taking a live look outside at the golden gate bridge... time now to check on our weather... with meterologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: temperatures cooled as high pressure continued to weaken. there were still some highs in the 80s inland but a sea breeze and fog kept it much cooler at the coast. if you're going out tonight make sure to grab a jacket since it will be much cooler than what we've seen as of late. big changes are expected next week too and we could be looking at more rain. on the satellite image you can see the huge dome of high pressure that brought record breaking temperatures to the bay area thoughout the week. but the high is now weakening. and ocean winds cooler and cooler air will bring temperatures down everywhere over the next few days. you will still find 80s in the central valley tomorrow but 60s in san diego and los angeles. highs around the bay area will be cooler on sunday with mid to upper 70s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s at the coast with patchy fog. the weather will cool through monday before warming slightly again on tuesday. clouds will gather late on thursday leading to a chance of rain on friday through next weekend. (justine) it's a landmark moment in the investigation into russian meddling in the 20-16 election. sources are telling our partners at cnn...that arrests could come as soon as monday. a senior trump official said saturday that the white house will have "no comment" on the news that charges have been filed in the investigation led by special counsel, robert mueller.the president tweeted before the investigation is a "witch hunt, a hoax, a waste of taxpayers dollars."a federal grand jury approved mueller's first charges in the investigation the former fbi director has been focused on possible russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, potential illegal cooperation between president donald trump's campaign and russia...sources says that anyone charged could be taken into custody as early as monday.the charges filed on friday are under seal..paul callan, former prosecutor: "when you see a sealed indictment like this it almost always happens for one reason, there's a fear the defendant is going to flee the jurisdiction."a spokesman for the special counsel's office isn't commenting on the situation.mueller's team has also examined foreign lobbying conducted by former trump campaign manager paul manafort, former national security adviser michael flynn and others.the special counsel has issued subpoenas for documents and testimony to a handful of figures - including some people close to manafort and others involved in a trump tower meeting between russians and campaign officials. laura coates, former asst. u.s. attorney:"this may be an indication he's not trying to show his hand because he doesn't want people to be able to either conceal evidence, destroy evidence, it may be the reason he was able to do a surprise, no-knock-and- announce warrant on paul manafort's home. there is an urgency that robert mueller is seeing. it may be a flight risk and there may be some missing pieces." (justine) besides possible collusion, mueller is also looking into potential obstruction of justice by president trump. three congressional investigations are under way as well. (justine) coming up... two women and their dogs were rescued after being stranded in the ocean for áfive monthsá hear what family members are saying it was like to finally speak to their daughter.(jr stone) and... a mother trusts a group of strangers to help save her kid's lives... we'll explain after the break. this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. (justine) when one virginia mother found herself in the middle of an apartment fire, she had to take a tremendous leap of faith to save her kids. firfighters say the brave mom dropped her children from a window...trusting strangers below to catch them. inside her apartment...two of her three children...and her disabled mother. with no time to waste...she realized dropping the kids out of her second story apartment might be her best option to save their lives.(sot) (justine) the children were not injured. firefighters rescued spencer's mom...and spencer managed to run down the stairs...and outside to safety. (j.r.) white nationalist squared off against counter protesters today in what many called a "white lives matter" rally which was held in tennessee. this is how many people showed up in shelbyville, tennessee. another rally was supposed to be held in murfreesboro, which is 20 miles north of this area, that one though was cancelled. members of several white nationalists groups attended the rally. there was also a very large numbers of counter protesters and a heavy police presence. counter protesters also showed up in murfreesboro as well. at last check there was just one arrest. a counter protester was taken into custody for disorderly conduct. tonight there are no reports of any fights or injuries during the events. police said they spent a month preparing for this event. (justine) coming up... a mother is reunited with her daughter after five months... the story of her rescue after being stranded in the ocean for months is up ahead. (jr stone) and... president trump declares the opioid crisis a health emergency.... hear the bay area effort to tackle another drug problem. that is after the break.(lawrence) a big change in the weather is coming our way. i'll have details coming up. ♪ with the alaska airlines visa signature card you get a companion ticket every year. so why not take someone that you see all the time. someone like, i dunno, me? i mean i always spell your name right and put a little unicorn in your foam. no pressure but i really need to get out of here. they've been playing the same playlist for three months and i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat scones for dinner this many days in a row. mexico, hawaii, costa rica, i don't really know. i'm a quick packer. ♪ (justine) just days after president trump declared the opiod crisis a public health emergency... law enforcement agencies across the country and around the bay area partnered to take expired prescription drugs off the streets. welcome back to kron four news at ten...i'm justine waldman.(jr stone) and i'm jr stone. today, kron four's philippe djegal stopped by a few collections sites in the east bay. (philippe)nats- unused, expired and potentially deadly if ingested...nats- these prescription drugs phyllis cedars collected from her cabinets...nats/phyllis- "i am so glad you do this." and, dropped off at the orinda police department. are thrown in burn-up bins, and later taken to the u-s drug enforcement administration office in oakland... where the pills are safely incinerated.phyllis cedars/dropping of drugs- "i didn't want to contaminate the ground water, or the environment with pills and expired medicines." this is the 14th drug take back day sponsored by the d-e-a, partnering with law enforcement agencies in the united states.nats- "i'm so glad a i saw this." in addition to orinda, the lafaeyette police department accepted drugs...nats- "you guys have a good one. take care." and, so did officers in daniville. a 20-15 national survey on drug use and health... found that six-point-four million americans abused controlled prescription drugs.president donald trump- "as americans, we cannot allow this to continue." earlier this week... president donald trump declared america's opiod crisis a public health emergency... possibly making additional federal funds available to fight the problem. studies show that a majority of the people who abuse prescription drugs get them from family members and friends.phyllis cedars/droppin g of drugs- "kids put everything in their mouth. and, so, if you leave pills laying around, they are exploring and grabbing medicine, and i didn't want my grandson to find these things and get curious about them." because that's how addiction starts.bryan walley/ordina police dept.- "they can mistakenly take it and then have an overdose, uh, that's not intended at all, and um, so we might be saving lives today." since this program started, more than eight million pounds drugs have been collected. in orinda alone saturday more than a hundred pounds were taken back. philippe djegal, kron four news. (live) taking a live look outside at san francisco's embarcadero.... (anchor) time now to check on our weather... with meterologist lawrence karnow. lawrence karnow: temperatures cooled as high pressure continued to weaken. there were still some highs in the 80s inland but a sea breeze and fog kept it much cooler at the coast. if you're going out tonight make sure to grab a jacket since it will be much cooler than what we've seen as of late. big changes are expected next week too and we could be looking at more rain. on the satellite image you can see the huge dome of high pressure that brought record breaking temperatures to the bay area thoughout the week. but the high is now weakening. and ocean winds cooler and cooler air will bring temperatures down everywhere over the next few days. you will still find 80s in the central valley tomorrow but 60s in san diego and los angeles. highs around the bay area will be cooler on sunday with mid to upper 70s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay and 50s and low 60s at the coast with patchy fog. the weather will cool through monday before warming slightly again on tuesday. clouds will gather late on thursday leading to a chance of rain on friday through next weekend. (jrstone) two women were rescued at sea earlier this week... after being lost for five months. we are now hearing from the mother of one of those women. reporter kevin quinn has more about what happened when the two finally spoke. nats: dogs barking, woman on boat yelling, blowing kisses you could see the jubilation on board this sailboat when located by the u.s. navy after more than five months adrift at sea.joyce appel / mother of rescued sailor:"i just had no idea it would be more than five months before she would reach shore? so i was worried." that's jennifer appel right there waiving in the rescuers. her mother joyce appel, of houston, says she was relieved to finally talk to her daughter briefly after they were safe."when she got on the telephone she was very enthusiastic and she just sounded great. she sounded wonderful, so i was happy." appel, a friend and their two dogs set sail from honolulu for tahiti in may. they were found thousands of miles off course after a series of troubles--jennifer dropped her sat phone in the ocean. the engine died. the mast was damaged. they were hit by three massive storms and even endured two shark attacks."it sounds like everything that could have gone wrong, did.""i think so!"thankfully they'd brought a water purifier and enough food for a year. appel said after their rescue that she'd sent out a distress call daily for 98 days-- without response. until, a taiwanese fishing vessel spotted them and called the coast guard. jennifer appel / rescued sailor:"we honestly did not think we would survive another 24 hours in the current situation.""i thank god that he was watching over her and taking care of her."they were all smiles as they climbed aboard the u.s.s. ashland...even the dogs.this is a picture of jennifer appel thanking officers.joyce appel hopes her daughter won't be setting sail again, anytime soon. (jr stone) coming up... a group of children hold a protest days before halloween... hear what they are asking their local politicians to do.(justine) plus... as crews reach full containment on the deadly wildfires in the north bay.... we'll show you the emotional return of senior citizens who were forced to evacuate. that is after the break. (justine) it was a happy homecoming for a group of senior citizens...forced to evacuate during the fire in santa rosa... all of them suffer from some form of memory loss. and the night the fires started raging, they all had to get out immediately. earlier this week they got to go back to their care community. i took a look at the emotional welcome back celebration. after two weeks away. the senior citizens at the vineyard at foutaingrove memory care.. finally returned a champagne celebration!natsbig hugs welcomed all 17 of the residents back.the people who live here.. suffer from memory loss.making the trauma of the fire and its aftermath that much harder to process.sot it is amazing how we escaped it allcharlie king sot we just grabbed clothes these are the only shoes i have had for weeks with the fire alarms blaring and flickering lights. maintenance worker hercules cuveas came to help his work family in the middle of the night.he and three caregivers, sensed the fires danger knew they had to get everyone out of harm's way.hercules cuveas / maintenance worker sot it was pretty rough some of them were startled they didn't know who i was but we did it it was awesomewith fire burning around them, he first took them to his church in santa rosa. they stayed until the flames threated them there eventually, some were moved to vineyards sister facility in they are back and reunited again.sot things are starting to get back to normal so it is a blessingsu the fire got so close to the building it burned the hillside just to the west of the building the flames got just inches away from a residents window.nat fansonly a few fans in the hallway blow out the lingering smell of smoke.the community is basically brand new, it just started caring for people in august.sot i am feeling so sad for the people who are suffering we didn't lose a thingsome cannot recall anything about the fire, evacuating, being away or even understand where they are now. while a few know just how special this day is sot that is the other thing i feel so luckybecause there is no place like santa rosa justine waldman kron 4 news (jr stone) (justine) coming up... we get lost inside one of the bay area's oldest corn mazes... and we brought along quadcopter four -- to help our reporter find the way out... (jr stone)adlibs sports (justine) a hiker in oregon who was stranded in the woods for five days is speaking for the first time. (jr stone) the man says he's happy to be alive. reporter, lashay wesley has the story. nathan mitchell, hiker:"my kind of mantra was stay hydrated, keep us warm as you can in your core."nathan mitchell is recovering in the hospital after several days in the woods. he was alone and admittedly unprepared. nathan mitchell, hiker:"i should've stayed on the top of boulder ridge."mitchell was hiking in the wildwood recreation area saturday when a storm came in. nathan mitchell, hiker:"there was water coming over the trail. but i didn't think it was a significant storm. i've been training all over the summer."he says his first mistake - going off trail.once he did that, he fell and was disoriented.second mistake - later that night he lost his backpack and fell down the mountain. nathan mitchell, hiker:"that was a turning point for the whole trip."he says at that point he knew he had to go into survival mode, doing his best to find a way out and to be noticed.nathan mitchell, hiker:"that's what i've been looking for a date to day three, day four, day five a trail or a sign up. i don't care if it went to timberline lodge i just wanted to go on a trail that i knew there was going to be a hiker on or helicopters i could see me or an in point."all the while friends and family, plus several search and rescue teams were looking for mitchell every day.thursday, their had work and perseverance paid off. friends were the one to find him alive. mitchell says he knew people were searching for him and that helped keep him going. nathan mitchell, hiker:"i wasn't going to leave myself but they weren't either." (justine) for many kids... halloween is their favorite holiday because they get to trick or treat in their neighborhood. but for one group of kids... they want more time to collect all their candy. to change it... a group of fouth graders in ohio are protested outside their city hall...with the hope of extending trick-or- treating hours by 30 minutes. around 200 kids signed a petition... and personally delivered their case to the mayor. "allowing us the opportunity to receive more candy. having more time to visit and spend with family and friends. having more time to be in a halloween costume. enjoy the scary holiday longer."(justine) mayor tom coyne not only heard the children's pleas...he came out to hear them state their case in person. and it appears the kids were pretty convincing. the mayor granted their wish -- they'll be allowed to trick or treat from six to eight-thirty p-m. (jr stone) there's been a lot of tough news coming out of the north bay after this month's deadly and destructive wildfires. tonight though we want to shine a little light on one of the bright spots coming from up north.(justine) one of those bright spots is the petaluma pumpkin patch. its phone lines have been down because of the firestorm, but the family- friendly place is still open. (jr stone) before the fires broke out, kron four's spencer blake went out with quadcopter four to get an aerial view .... as he got lost in one of the bay area's oldest corn mazes. (pkg)the corn maze at petaluma pumpkin patch just off highwy 101has been jim groverman's fall project for decades.he has no idea how many people come, but he's sure it's been getting more popular."every year, just the number of cars that are in the parking lot increases."though pumpkins are the farmers money-maker, the maze is the draw that brings people - and quadcopter four - our drone took flight overhead, i strapped on a chest-mounted go-pro, and started my way through the labyrinth."my maze is an actual maze. there's one way in, one way out. most of the mazes, they are a picture of something you can see from an aerial view. i've always just done an actual maze."also unlike other mazes, there's no g-p-s guidance or tractors involved in creating this one. groverman simply cuts it himself.when the corn is still small, he makes his own winding paths by digging certain stalks out with a shovel."i don't write anything down, i kind of have an idea of what i want, and i try to make it as challenging as possible. you can make it too challenging, though, and people get frustrated and they can't get out. so there's kind of a balance there.""two, three, four, five, six."with multiple of these identical six-way intersectionsit's no wonder groverman himself sometimes has to stop to get his bearings.(standup) "fortunately there is a little bit of help. this is one of two look-out towers inside the maze. it takes you nine feet above the ground, and when you get to the top, you kind of have a better idea of what's in front of you."the good ones take a half hour to finish the maze, but other people are stuck in there for up to an hour and a half.let's just say i was on the longer end of that scale.seeing the drone above was a tease - an eye in the sky that couldn't give me any hints.but to be honest, i got plenty of tips from the maze master."people come out of the exit and there's a lot of hollering and a lot of, ya know, 'we made it!'""is that what i think it is?!"you still have until halloween to get lost in a good petaluma, spencer blake, kron four news. (jr stone) game four of the world series. dodgers trying to even the series after falling in game three...5-3 both teams nice and loose before the game. we had to go to the sixth for the first run -- george springer hits one deep off alex wood... breaking his no-hitter. game tied at one -- after going 0-11... the stuggling cody bellinger finally gets it going -- he brings in the go-ahead run... dodgers take the lead 2-1 l-a wasn't done -- joc pederson rips a 3-run bomb to blow the game wide open. astros bullpen give up five runs in the ninth dodgers win 6-2 series is tied at two. game five will be sunday night (j.r.)the san jose sharks out east on a five game road trip. out in buffalo today even the little kids were on hand. sharks jooanas donskoi on the breakaway. he's got no one in front of him. he's got himself a goal. sharks go on the board first one to nothing. this was a good one though. we go to the third period. tied at 2.logan couture. he's got the puck.untouched as he skates towards the goal. he's got it. couture with the goal. shot that right over the goalie's left shoulder. beautiful shot right there. that would prove to be the game winning goal as the sharks go on to win this thing. 3 to 2. sharks went 3 and 2 on the road trip. couture had 5 goals during this trip. sharks are back in san jose monday against toronto as partick marleau makes his return to san jose. (j.r.)the golden state warriors are off tonight but many are waiting to hear what is going to happen with draymond green. so far no suspension of fine has been given.draymond green got into a bit of a scuffle last night as the team was taking on the washington wizards over at oracle arena. you can see what the maylay looked like in this video. green and wizards guard bradley beal got tied up together. in some of the slow mow shots it looked like green took an elbow to the face. the two pushed and shoved their way onto the ground. when draymond finally came out of the pile up his shirt was ripped. both players were ejected. green didn't speak to the media and beal wouldn't talk about what happened. as draymond was leaving though he yelled, "they out to get me, bro. they been that way though." again as of tonight no suspensions or fines handed out. (jr stone) that was sports.... we'll be back sports.... we'll be back right after the break. it all started when sophia stopped into marshalls and found a mug for surprisingly little green. she paired that with some succulents. and suddenly something clicked. that surprise led to a stylish wood mirror, soothing lavender oils, a party llama... or is that an alpaca? super soft towels, and an enchanting vase that magically tied it all together. she arranged it all into the greatest guest bathroom ever. did sophia expect to get so much bang for so few bucks? no. but great things happen when you choose surprise. marshalls. your surprise is waiting. but ghe's brought us to the wobstructed justice at the fbi. and in direct violation of the constitution, he's taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer and, like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet, today, people in congress and his own administration know this president is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. ♪ >> all right, guys. hey, what brings us all here, i think most of you know we're going to be serving a search and arrest warrant. our bad guy's name is dwight charles [bleep], and he goes by "chuck." we currently have an active ramey that's been entered for 245 pc, 422 pc, and 417.

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