Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20170924 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20170924

where hundreds of demonstrators blocked off several intersections in berkeley yesterday to denounce hate. this came after "berkeley patriot" group called off the events of "free speech week," kron four's philippe djegal takes us inside the "no hate in the bay" rally and march. (philippe)nats- "no hate in the bay. no hate in the bay." a little after noon...nats- "no to nazi's no to hate." hundreds of anti-fascist protestors....nats- "nazi's are not welcome here." bearing flags, signs and some covering their faces... meet up at 63rd and adeline streets. labor, faith and community-based organizations standing united... demonstrating their resistence to white supremacy and neo-nazi violence.lara kisawani/organizer- "the trump administration has emboldened racists and white supremacy in this country. he has made it that much more possible and accepting of people to go out there and incite violence in our communities." berkeley city leaders also spoke out... cheryl davila/councilmember- "we must say no to the militarization -- no to the alt-right. no to the white supremist. now is the time to stand up and be apart of the change." at least one counter protestor was told she was not welcome.nats- "security is going to stay close by. transmitting to the public. that's how insane these people are." some demonstrators showed aggression, but there was no violence. the rally remained mostly peaceful... nats- music and, so was the march that followed... which spanned a little more than two miles...veronica o'neal/student- "no more white supremacy in this american country. this is america -- we are all equal." protestors, at times, stopped traffic...nats- music before the large group to u-c berkeley for a closing rally near in berkeley, philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) sproul plaza on the cal campus is at the site of more possible counterprotes ts today -- as milo yiannopoulos has called for a rally on campus today at noon. this despite the cancellation of the "free speech" event.(ááátake boxesááá) kron four's camila bernal is at sproul plaza this morning, where u-c berkleley police are preparing foranything. (camila)marty, good morning, these two groups have said that they will continue with planned events and protests here at the university.that's why authorities are already here, there's been police presence for a couple of hours already and the barricades have gone up the first event is scheduled to start at 10am and they are calling it "no fascist speech week".organizers say they are gathering to protest white supremacy and fascism.their goal is to protest against milo yiannopoulos, who said that even though the student group had cancelled the "free speech week events" he would still be speaking at the university at noon. you've all seen reported in the press that raise serious questions about whether there was ever actually plans or intentions to hold these events, or whether what we witnessed was a somewhat cynical effort to create a false narrative and score political points."milo yiannopoulos: "i don't believe that the students intended to cancel. i don't think they were trying - i don't think it was a publicity stunt for them. i think they really wanted these talks to happen."> (camila)some of these protests have gotten violent in the past, so authorities are preparing for any possible scenarios.the university is asking students to carry their id's because they will also be on high security. reporting live from uc berkeley, camila bernal kron 4 news. ( marty ) thanks camila. we will check back with you throughout the morning. (marty) we'll continue to follow this story throughout the morning here and on our newly updated kron 4 app. it's free to download for apple and android devices. make sure you enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (marty) president trump's comments about player protests in the n-f-l caused one baseball player to take a stand... by taking a knee. oakland a's catcher bruce maxwell took a knee during the national anthem on saturday as the team took on the texas rangers. he is the first major league baseball player to do so. teammate and cal alum mark canha stood behind maxwell and put his hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity. maxwell later tweeted "don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now." ( marty ) and new this morning.. under armour is now showing it's support for steph curry after he and the warriors were disinvited to the white house yesterday. the sports apparel company tweeted that it "stands for the flag and by our athletes for free speech, expression and a unified america." (marty) the raiders have a game in our nation's capitol vs washington this evening. nfl network's ian rapoport is reporting that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during the national anthem. we'll have much more on the president's comments and reaction coming up later in the newscast. more quakes have hit central mexico. we'll take a look at new damage. the controversy between the president and the n-f-l, and n- b-a is escalating. we'll have president trump's latest the tweets. it could cost you more if you are planning on flying soon, we'll show you the extra fee that could cost you. after the break. for your money: .here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. (marty) airlines keep finding new ways to tack on added fees. if you're trying to bring luggage onto a flight as a carry-on, make sure you check the airline's policy beforehand. several airlines are now charging what critics call a "punishment fee." you can be charged extra for checking your bag at the gate. and if you book a basic economy ticket, some airlines won't let you use the overhead bin. that means if your personal items don't fit under the seat in front of you... you could end up paying more. credit reporting company equifax revealed this week that it had another breach back in march... about two months before the major breach that impacted 143 million people. hackers were able to access information including social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and driver's license numbers. several high-level executives sold nearly $2 million in company stock after learning of the breach -- long before it was reported to the public. a class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. tensions continue to increase between the u.s. and north korea. why thousands rallied in pyonyang yesterday. live look outside... bay bridge toll plaza. for the weekend... it's the annual fall antuque faire in petaluma. check out affordable antiques from over 180 dealers. it is happening in historic downtown petaluma from 8 a-m to 4 p-m. the event is free to attend. in this home we make breakfast. sometimes messes! but always masterpieces ...together. what matters most is made at home. oh mom! making them eat there favorite snack in the back seat. whatever happened to eating at the table? that's what cup holders are for. people love my and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box. (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. (marty) tensions between the united states and north korea continue to escalate. in the latest move, the u-s made a show of force. the pentagon says that these u-s "b-one-b" bombers flew in international airspace above the rogue nation saturday. after president trump, recently threatened to - quote - "totally destroy" the outlaw nation.... north korea's foreign minister spoke at the u.n. general assembly in new york... saying that a strike on the u.s. mainland was inevitable. response. "just heard foreign minister of north korea speak at u.n. if he echoes thoughts of little rocket man, they won't be around much longer!" "rocket man" is trump's nickanme for north korean leader kim jong un. (marty) meanwhile in pyongyang, thousands supported the government. north korea's state-run television aired this video today showing tens of thousands of people attending an anti-u-s rally. north korea's official news agency claims more than 100- thousand people the rally and gave speeches supporting kim jong un. (marty) mexico was hit by two more earthquakes yesterday. just days after a 7-point- 1 quake struck central mexico tuesday. yesterday's 6-point-1 tremor was centered about 275 miles southeast of mexico city. a 4-point-5 quake hit oaxaca yesterday afternoon. that caused some quake damaged highways and a bridge to collapse. the mexican government says search and rescue missions could continue for at least "two more weeks." (marty) rescue crews from across the u-s, including several teams from the bay area are in mexico helping with the search effort . (marty) people along the carolinas and the mid-atlantic coasts are being warned to watch the progress of hurricane maria... the u-s national hurricane center announced hurricane watches may go into effect today. (marty) this as tens of thousands of people who live near a failing dam in puerto rico have been forced to evacuate. if the dam fails, it would cause life- threatening flash flooding. at least ten people are already dead due to the storm ...and that number is expected to go up. days after the storm blew through, officials still have yet to reach some of the more remote towns in the country.. over 75-percent of the island remains without power or water. (marty) and a reminder if you are taking bart today. the south fremont station will be closed for the next two weekends for construction work on the bart extension to silicon valley. a free bus will run between the south fremont and fremont stations every 20 minutes. bart officials are telling riders to expect a 20 to 30 minute delay. ( marty ) soul singer charles bradley has passed away after a battle with cancer. bradley died last night surrounded by his friends, family and bandmates. the singer gained popularity later in life. his first album was released in 2011. his final album was released last year. bradley was 68 years old. ( marty ) the worlds of politics, and sports collide. hear steve kerr's reaction to the president taking back the warriors' invitation to the white house. live look outside... richmond bridge this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. you wof your daily routine, so why treat your mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine® help prevent plaque, early gum disease, bad breath and kill up to 99.9% of germs. listerine® bring out the bold™ thanks j.r. it was also a big day in college football. cal had their work cut out for them.... hosting fifth ranked u-s-c. the trojans had won 13 straight against the golden bears coming in... but this one was one of the tightest matchups in years. game was tied going into the 4th... but southern california's defense forced one of six cal turnovers to setup a stephen carr touchdown. that was enough for the trojans to win 30-20. trojans have now won 13 in a row, and move to 4- 0 on the season. cal falls to 3 and 1. and stanford beat u-c-l-a in an shootout, 58-34. (marty) niners played thursday, so only the raiders going today... facing washington in our nation's capital. the 2-0 raiders are 3 point favorites in a nationally televised game that kicks off at 5:30 local time. as we mentioned earlier.... the nfl network reports that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during tonight's national anthem. and players for the baltimore ravens and jacksonville jaguars demonstrated before todays kickoff in london. live look outside... golden gate bridge.. for the weekend... it's the cole valley fair in san francisco check out historic photos, vintage cars and more. it is happening on cole street and parnassus avenue from 10 a-m to 5 p-m. the event is free to attend. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. one pint-sized hero was on a mission.lavor, looks like somebody's gotta save snack time from a serious case of boring. watch babybel's big taste leap into action in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. ♪ creamy, delicious, 100% real cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) president trump took a shot at steph curry by rescinding his white house invitation áafterá curry said he was not interested in the event. the warriors say they'll now use their trip to the nation's capital in febuary to "celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion." kron four's ella sogomonian reports with how fans are reacting to the team's decision. so: steph curry, warriors guard// "our president has... the things that he said and hasn't said at the right times... we won't stand for it. by acting, or not going, hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country."warriors all star steph curry in a press conference friday saying he may break tradition and deny a visit to the white house to celebrate his team's championship.trump fired back on twitter the morning after... saying "going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" warriors fans scoffed at the idea of revoking an unaccepted invitation.sot: lavonn johnson, warriors fan// "california, we didn't vote for trump so they weren't going to go anyway so it wasn't a big deal for him to tell them he doesn't want them to come because it was a waste of time, they weren't going anyway." a few hours later steph explained in another interview - that his refusal to visit the white house is not about division but instead promoting an understanding society. sot: stephen curry, warriors player// "at the end of the day i commend and applaud everybody that's spoken up its what we are supposed to do we're supposed to continue this conversation and promote change and everybody's doing it in their own way. it's just really important."the warriors released a statement as well saying quote while we intended to meet as a team at the first opportunity we had this morning to collaboratively discuss a potential visit to the white house we accept that president trump has made it clear that we are not invited. warriors fans we spoke with agree with steph and the team's stance.sot: rafael sanchez, warriors fan// "well i think he's doing the right thing because the president has demonstrated time and time again he does not like minorities he doesn't not care for minorities . why would you go up in his house and grin in his face when he's thinking bad thoughts about you?" ( marty ) lebron james is a rival to steph curry and the warriors on the court. but james is supporting curry off the court. on social media he slammed president trump's comments about players taking a knee during the national anthem. james says that sports should be a platform to bring people together.( marty ) and future n-b-a hall of famer kobe bryant also attacked the president saying quote "a potus whose name alone creates division and anger. whose words inspire dissension and hatred can't possibly "make america great again." ( marty ) both the n-b-a and n-f-l commissioners released statements supporting their players decision to exercise their first amendment rights. commissioner roger goodell responded to president trump saying n-f-l owners should fire their players to refuse to stand for the national anthem. his statement reads, in part: "divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the n-f-l, our great game and all of our players." he also called trump's comment "a failure to understand an overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." (marty)new this morning... trump doubling down on his comments on n-f-l protests. tweeting "if nfl fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our flag & country, you will see change take place fast. fire or suspend!" (marty) trump continued..." attendance and ratings are way down. boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. league should back u.s." ( marty ) we spoke to kron four sports director gary radnich about how criticizing the president could impact both the nfl and the nba moving forward. ( marty ) you can visit our website at kron four dot com to hear more of gary's reaction to president trump's comments. ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes horribly wrong. we will show you the surveillance video. next. live look outside... san francisco international airport. ( marty ) for the weekend: it's the pacific coast fog fest in pacifica. enjoy arts and crafts, food and live music. it is happening on palmetto avenue from 10 a-m to 6 p-m. the event is free to attend. today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this... how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn't know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there's good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. at enterprise, we guarantee it. next vehicle purchase? head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. atm robbery gone wrong near modesto. two men drove the back of a pick up truck into the front of a convenience store... and took off. its happened just after four friday morning. police say the two men backed the pick up truck into the part of the store where the atm was located. but when the security alarm went off... the men took off. and the truck itself was stolen. surveillance video shows the men stealing the truck just a few hours earlier. it was found abandoned two blocks away from the store. ( marty ) owners of the store say the damage to the building will cost more than the atm itself. live look outside... san mateo bridge. we took legendary, and made it liberating. we took safe, and made it daring. we took intelligent, and made it utterly irresistible. we took the most advanced e-class ever, and made the most exciting e-class ever. the all-new e-class coupe from mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. are you totally ready? to catch an eye for sparks to fly for mr. right colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for a healthier mouth. so you're totally ready! colgate total. be totally ready for life. live look outside from our sutro cam... (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school year with a new pair of shoes. kron4's jeff pierce was at the giveaway... that has grown so big it was held at oracle arena. new shoes, thousands of them were given out saturday morning by oakland's first african methodist episcipalian church at oracle arena. the event is now in it's twenty first year, one that had modest it's infancy we started out in our church parking lot we gave away sixty pairs of shoes.they have come a long way from that day twenty one years ago to be able to give over three thousand pairs of new shoes to young students.they started out with a generous instinct in their back parking lot, today they are serving thousands of families here in oracle arena.with the help of dozens of sponsers and hundreds of volunteers it has become an event that could only be contained in an arena. i think it's really good for these kids to have a nice pair of shoes to go back to school, hang out with their friends, it's important. if it makes a difference in their life that's great oakland sports teams stepped up to plate with the raiderettes pitching in. the warriors handed out book bags and gave them a peak at their locker room. oakland a's bruce maxell knew the importance these things mean to young students.just being able to have a new pair of shoes a quality pair of shoes, a book bag those are essential to have somebody feel like they belong somewhere. it's been amazing how the sports team oakland have stepped up because they want to be a part of enriching our young people and were just excited that so many organizations have caught the vision of one church.the event also gave young minds the opportunity to think of those whose fortunes are now in peril.we're asking people to write a note to a hurricane victim and we will mail them to either houston or florida. kron four's pam moore has been attending this event for years and recognized the need. there's so much need in the world today with all the natural disasters but there is also need in our own community so whenever you can do good, it's a good thing.looking at the growth of this event that we know that we are answering a very real need in the oracle arena in oakland jeff pierce kron four news.enjoy your new shoes, have fun in school okay. ( marty ) more and more people are sharing homes because of the rising cost of living in the bay area. more people often means more cars with drivers competing for limited parking spots. stanley roberts discovered people often find creative places to park which sometimes conflict with city laws. to many the guy across the street he got he got two. over there they got 4 over here they got 4 the other guy they got 4 and they guy three, the nex the next door they got 4he is taking about cars and while you have own as many cars as you want where you place the cars in daly city can be a problem the daly city municipal code forbids drivers from parking on your lawn . but if you driver around daly city you will see just that cars parked on laws nats ambiance i followed daly city parking enforcement around looking for violators he show me this blue bmw so it's what we consider off driveway so you're your driveway, this is the driveway here an it doesn't help with the lawn "quote unquote lawn being here not to mention the car appears to be no operational because it was in a crash even if you fill your driveway with rocks, you still can't park your car on the unpaved section of the front of your house sound of scraping now if you happen to pave over the grassy part of your lawn then you can park there but there is a catch . you see you need to file for a permitpermits are required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in daly citydaly city is simply following the california building code, so any work done needs a permit one of the reasons why you are not permitted to park on laws is simple the ground mat not be stable enough hold the weight of a car and could rupture the a water line and we all know if a water line breaks the whole block is without water nats: ambiance oh yea back to the lawn being paved over, according to city officials there is no permit on file . so this might be a problem so as long as its parked in your driveway or with permitted changes you are fine. however, if your neighbor complains you could end up with a 38 dollar ticket oh and if the car is broke down that could result in code enforcement knocking on your door in daly city stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) heads up shellfish lovers .. lobsters are getting their own special day.. we'll have all the details - right after the break. beyond is a natural pet food that goes beyond assuming ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. the bay area is dungeness crab country. but there is another crustacean that will soon be celebrated. in today's dine and dish, vicki liviakis gets you prepared for the upcoming national lobster day. sure, we love our crabs. dungeness is the local favorite, of course. but there's a visitor from the east coast - who's muscling in on the shellfish action. here for national lobster day, these maine lobsters are hoping to make it onto your dinner plate. well, actually they may not... but the maine lobstermen sure hope so. lobstermen like mike here on a tour to convince top chefs like stuart brioza of state bird provisions to embrace new shell lobsters. what's new shell? lobster rolls are where you typically find some of these crustaceans... stuart has decided to give it a san francisco spin - and whip up some sour dough lobster pancakes. kudos to the chef, the lobster pancakes are delicious! the lobster - is the star of the show, and doesn't want to be upstaged. and from the taste of it - our local dungeness can take a much needed break... that is until next dungeness season. in san francisco, vicki liviakis. ( marty ) if you have a restaurant, bistro, cafe or bar that you'd like to see featured on 'dine and dish'. you can send an email to dine and dish at kron 4 dot com .... or fill out the submission form on our website. you can also check out our new 'dine and dish' facebook page coming up on kron four news weekend... as one a's player makes history by taking a knee.... we'll tell you how athletes around the sports world are responding to presdient trump. (camila)and a live report from the site of proposed counterprotests today here in berkeley... ♪ ♪ be a powerful force. nature valley producer: sophie silletto x 8982 desk: x8905 (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. (marty) we begin in the east bay this morning. where hundreds of demonstrators blocked off several intersections in berkeley yesterday to denounce hate. this came after "berkeley patriot" group called off the events of "free speech week," kron four's philippe djegal takes us inside the "no hate in the bay" rally and march. (philippe)nats- "no hate in the bay. no hate in the bay." a little after noon...nats- "no to nazi's no to hate." hundreds of anti-fascist protestors....nats- "nazi's are not welcome here." bearing flags, signs and some covering their faces... meet up at 63rd and adeline streets. labor, faith and community-based organizations standing united... demonstrating their resistence to white supremacy and neo-nazi violence.lara kisawani/organizer- "the trump administration has emboldened racists and white supremacy in this country. he has made it that much more possible and accepting of people to go out there and incite violence in our communities." berkeley city leaders also spoke out... cheryl davila/councilmember- "we must say no to the militarization -- no to the alt-right. no to the white supremist. now is the time to stand up and be apart of the change." at least one counter protestor was told she was not welcome.nats- "security is going to stay close by. transmitting to the public. that's how insane these people are." some demonstrators showed aggression, but there was no violence. the rally remained mostly peaceful... nats- music and, so was the march that followed... which spanned a little more than two miles...veronica o'neal/student- "no more white supremacy in this american america -- we are all equal." at times, stopped traffic... nats- music before the finally made it to u-c berkeley for a closing sproul plaza. in berkeley, philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) sproul plaza on the cal campus is at the site of more possible counterprotes ts today -- as milo yiannopoulos has called for a rally on campus today at noon. this despite the cancellation of the "free speech" event.(ááátake boxesááá) kron four's camila bernal is at sproul plaza this morning, where u-c berkleley police are preparing foranything. (camila)marty, good morning, these two groups have said that they will continue with planned events and protests here at the university.that's why authorities are already here, there's been police presence for a couple of hours already and the barricades have gone up the first event is scheduled to start at 10am and they are calling it "no fascist speech week".organizers say they are gathering to protest white supremacy and fascism.their goal is to protest against milo yiannopoulos, who said that even though the student group had cancelled the "free speech week events" he would still be speaking at the university at noon. (camila)some of these protests have gotten violent in the past, so authorities are preparing for any possible scenarios.the university is asking students to carry their id's because they will also be on high security. reporting live from uc berkeley, camila bernal kron 4 news. ( marty ) thanks camila. we will check back with you throughout the morning. (marty) we'll continue to follow this story throughout the morning here and on our newly updated kron 4 app. it's free to download for apple and android devices. make sure you enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (marty) president trump's comments about player protests in the n-f-l caused one baseball player to take a stand... by taking a knee. oakland a's catcher bruce maxwell took a knee during the national anthem on saturday as the team took on the texas rangers. he is the first major league baseball player to do so. teammate and cal alum mark canha stood behind maxwell and put his hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity. maxwell later tweeted "don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now." ( marty ) and new this morning.. under armour is now showing it's support for steph curry after he and the warriors were disinvited to the white house yesterday. the sports apparel company tweeted that it "stands for the flag and by our athletes for free speech, expression and a unified america." (marty) the raiders have a game in our nation's capitol vs washington this evening. nfl network's ian rapoport is reporting that starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during the national anthem. we'll have much more on the president's comments and reaction coming up later in the newscast. more quakes have hit central mexico. we'll take a look at new damage. the controversy between the president and the n-f-l, and n- b-a is escalating. we'll have president trump's latest the tweets. it could cost you more if you are planning on flying soon, we'll show you the extra fee that could cost you. after the break. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. at stanford health care, we can now repair complex aortic aneurysms without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. the money: .here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. (marty) airlines keep finding new ways to tack on added fees. if you're trying to bring luggage onto a flight as a carry-on, make sure you check the airline's policy beforehand. several airlines are now charging what critics call a "punishment fee." you can be charged extra for checking your bag at the gate. and if you book a basic economy ticket, some airlines won't let you use the overhead bin. that means if your personal items don't fit under the seat in front of you... you could end up paying more. (marty) credit reporting company equifax revealed this week that it had another breach back in march... about two months before the major breach that impacted 143 million people. hackers were able to access information including social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and driver's license numbers. several high-level executives sold nearly $2 million in company stock after learning of the breach -- long before it was reported to the public. a class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. tensions continue to increase between the u.s. and north korea. why thousands rallied in pyonyang yesterday. live look outside... bay bridge toll plaza. for the weekend... it's the annual fall antuque faire in petaluma. check out affordable antiques from over 180 dealers. it is happening in historic downtown petaluma from 8 a-m to 4 p-m. the event is free to attend. ♪ hey! ♪ bee to hive for that honey you know ♪ ♪ a sweet tasty bowl ♪ of that get up and go ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ honey to the o is the yum in yo bowl ♪ ♪ playing around that's how we roll ♪ ♪ start with the good and watch good flow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ ♪ good goes around good goes around and around and around. hey! ♪ at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) breaking overnight... a man has died following an officer involved shooting in san francisco. it happened around 11-35 last night on salmon street. police say the man was inside an apartment with a weapon along with his wife and two young children. officers heard a gunshot when they arrived. officers tried negotiating with the man for three hours. police say the man stopped negotiating and fired another gunshot. officers entered the apartment and shot the man. he was taken to hte hospital where he later died. no one else inside the apartment was injured. (marty) tensions between the united states and north korea continue to escalate. in the latest move, the u-s made a show of force. the pentagon says that these u-s "b-one-b" bombers flew in international airspace above the rogue nation saturday. after president trump, recently threatened to - quote - "totally destroy" the outlaw nation.... north korea's foreign minister spoke at the u.n. general assembly in new york... saying that a strike on the u.s. mainland was inevitable. korea's state-run television aired this video today showing tens of thousands of people attending an anti-u-s rally. north korea's official news agency claims more than 100- thousand people gathered for the rally and gave speeches supporting kim jong un. (marty) mexico was hit by two more earthquakes yesterday. just days after a 7-point- 1 quake struck central mexico tuesday. yesterday's 6-point-1 tremor was centered about 275 miles southeast of mexico city. a 4-point-5 quake hit oaxaca yesterday afternoon. that caused some quake damaged highways and a bridge to collapse. the mexican government says search and rescue missions could continue for at least "two more weeks." rescue crews from across the u-s, including several teams from the bay area are in mexico helping with the search effort . (marty) people along the carolinas and the mid-atlantic coasts are being warned to watch the progress of hurricane maria... the u-s national hurricane center announced hurricane watches may go into effect (marty) this as tens of thousands of people who live near a failing dam in puerto rico have been forced to evacuate. if the dam fails, it would cause life- threatening flash flooding. at least ten people are already dead due to the storm ...and that number is expected to go up. days after the storm blew through, officials still have yet to reach some of the more remote towns in the country.. over 75-percent of the island remains without power or water. (marty) and a reminder if you are taking bart today. the south fremont station will be closed for the next two weekends for construction work on the bart extension to silicon valley. a free bus will run between the south fremont and fremont stations every 20 minutes. bart officials are telling riders to expect a 20 to 30 minute delay. ( marty ) soul singer charles bradley has passed away after a battle with cancer. bradley died last night surrounded by his friends, family and bandmates. the singer gained popularity later in life. his first album was released in 2011. his final album was released last year. bradley was 68 years old. ( marty ) the worlds of politics, and sports collide. hear steve kerr's reaction to the president taking back the warriors' invitation to the white house. live look outside... richmond bridge i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. (marty) thanks j.r. it was also a big day in college football. cal had their work cut out for them.... hosting fifth ranked u-s-c. the trojans had won 13 straight against the golden bears coming in... but this one was one of the tightest matchups in years. game was tied going into the 4th... but southern california's defense forced one of six cal turnovers to setup a stephen carr touchdown. that was enough for the trojans to win 30-20. trojans have now won 13 in a row, and move to 4- 0 on the season. cal falls to 3 and 1. and stanford beat u-c-l-a in an shootout, 58-34. (marty) niners played thursday, so only the raiders going today... facing washington in our nation's capital. the 2-0 raiders are 3 point favorites in a nationally televised game that kicks off at 5:30 local time. as we mentioned earlier.... the nfl network reports that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during tonight's national anthem. ( marty ) the president is speaking out against the warriors. we'll have what people in the sports world are saying about his comments. after the break. live look outside... golden gate bridge.. for the weekend... it's the cole valley fair in san francisco check out historic photos, vintage cars and more. it is happening on cole street and parnassus avenue from 10 a-m to 5 p-m. the event is free to attend. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. looking live at the sutro cam. (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) president trump took a shot at steph curry by rescinding his white house invitation áafterá curry said he was not interested in the event. the warriors say they'll now use their trip to the nation's capital in febuary to "celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion." kron four's ella sogomonian reports with how fans are reacting to the team's decision. so: steph curry, warriors guard// "our president has... the things that he said and hasn't said at the right times... we won't stand for it. by acting, or not going, hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country."warriors all star steph curry in a press conference friday saying he may break tradition and deny a visit to the white house to celebrate his team's championship.trump fired back on twitter the morning after... saying "going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" warriors fans scoffed at the idea of revoking an unaccepted invitation.sot: lavonn johnson, warriors fan// "california, we didn't vote for trump so they weren't going to go anyway so it wasn't a big deal for him to tell them he doesn't want them to come because it was a waste of time, they weren't going anyway." a few hours later steph explained in another interview - that his refusal to visit the white house is not about division but instead promoting an understanding society. sot: stephen curry, warriors player// "at the end of the day i commend and applaud everybody that's spoken up its what we are supposed to do we're supposed to continue this conversation and promote change and everybody's doing it in their own way. it's just really important."the warriors released a statement as well saying quote while we intended to meet as a team at the first opportunity we had this morning to collaboratively discuss a potential visit to the white house we accept that president trump has made it clear that we are not invited. warriors fans we spoke with agree with steph and the team's stance.sot: rafael sanchez, warriors fan// "well i think he's doing the right thing because the president has demonstrated time and time again he does not like minorities he doesn't not care for minorities . why would you go up in his house and grin in his face when he's thinking bad thoughts about you?" ( marty ) lebron james is a rival to steph curry and the warriors on the court. but james is supporting curry off the court. on social media he slammed president trump's comments about players taking a knee during the national anthem. james says that sports should be a platform to bring people together.( marty ) and future n-b-a hall of famer kobe bryant also attacked the president saying quote "a potus whose name alone creates division and anger. whose words inspire dissension and hatred can't possibly "make america great again." ( marty ) both the n-b-a and n-f-l commissioners released statements supporting their players decision to exercise their first amendment rights. commissioner roger goodell responded to president trump saying n-f-l owners should fire their players to refuse to stand for the national anthem. his statement reads, in part: "divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the n-f-l, our great game and all of our players." he also called trump's comment "a failure to understand an overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." (marty)new this morning... trump doubling down on his comments on n-f-l protests. tweeting "if nfl fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our flag & country, you will see change take place fast. fire or suspend!" (marty) trump continued..." attendance and ratings are way down. boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. league should back u.s." football players from the baltimore ravens and the jacksonville jaguars kneeled and linked arms before their game in london today. it happened during the national anthem at wembley stadium. again, this comes after the president's remarks that football players who don't stand for the anthem should be fired. ( marty ) we spoke to kron four sports director gary radnich about how criticizing the president could impact both the nfl and the nba moving forward. ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes horribly wrong. we will show you the surveillance ( marty @landing) it was an atm robbery gone wrong near modesto. two men drove the back of a pick up truck into the front of a convenience store... and took off. its happened just after four friday morning. police say the two men backed the pick up truck into the part of the store where the atm was located. but when the security alarm went off... the men took off. and the truck itself was stolen. surveillance video shows the men stealing the truck just a few hours earlier. it was found abandoned two blocks away from the store. ( marty ) owners of the store say the damage to the building will cost more than the atm itself. live look outside from our sutro cam... (marty and anny beyond is a natural pet food that goes beyond assuming ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school year with a new pair of shoes. kron4's jeff pierce was at the giveaway... that has grown so big it was held at oracle arena. new shoes, thousands of them were given out saturday morning by oakland's first african methodist episcipalian church at oracle arena. the event is now in it's twenty first year, one that had modest it's infancy we started out in our church parking lot we gave away sixty pairs of shoes.they have come a long way from that day twenty one years ago to be able to give over three thousand pairs of new shoes to young students.they started out with a generous instinct in their back parking lot, today they are serving thousands of families here in oracle arena.with the help of dozens of sponsers and hundreds of volunteers it has become an event that could only be contained in an arena. i think it's really good for these kids to have a nice pair of shoes to go back to school, hang out with their friends, it's important. if it makes a difference in their life that's great oakland sports teams stepped up to plate with the raiderettes pitching in. the warriors handed out book bags and gave them a peak at their locker room. oakland a's bruce maxell knew the importance these things mean to young students.just being able to have a new pair of shoes a quality pair of shoes, a book bag those are essential to have somebody feel like they belong somewhere. it's been amazing how the sports team oakland have stepped up because they want to be a part of enriching our young people and were just excited that so many organizations have caught the vision of one church.the event also gave young minds the opportunity to think of those whose fortunes are now in peril.we're asking people to write a note to a hurricane victim and we will mail them to either houston or florida. kron four's pam moore has been attending this event for years and recognized the need. there's so much need in the world today with all the natural disasters but there is also need in our own community so whenever you can do good, it's a good thing.looking at the growth of this event that we know that we are answering a very real need in the oracle arena in oakland jeff pierce kron four news.enjoy your new shoes, have fun in school okay. ( marty ) with parking at a premium here in the bay area.... stanley roberts discovered some people finding more "creative" places to park -- in this edition of people behaving badly. to many the guy across the street he got he got two. over there they got 4 over here they got 4 the other guy they got 4 and they guy three, the nex the next door they got 4he is taking about cars and while you have own as many cars as you want where you place the cars in daly city can be a problem the daly city municipal code forbids drivers from parking on your lawn . but if you driver around daly city you will see just that cars parked on laws nats ambiance i followed daly city parking enforcement around looking for violators he show me this blue bmw so it's what we consider off driveway so you're your driveway, this is the driveway here an it doesn't help with the lawn "quote unquote lawn being here not to mention the car appears to be no operational because it was in a crash even if you fill your driveway with rocks, you still can't park your car on the unpaved section of the front of your house sound of scraping now if you happen to pave over the grassy part of your lawn then you can park there but there is a catch . you see you need to file for a permitpermits are required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in daly citydaly city is simply following the california building code, so any work done needs a permit one of the reasons why you are not permitted to park on laws is simple the ground mat not be stable enough hold the weight of a car and could rupture the a water line and we all know if a water line breaks the whole block is without water nats: ambiance oh yea back to the lawn being paved over, according to city officials there is no permit on file . so this might be a problem so as long as its parked in your driveway or with permitted changes you are fine. however, if your neighbor complains you could end up with a 38 dollar ticket oh and if the car is broke down that could result in code enforcement knocking on your door in daly city stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) heads up shellfish lovers .. lobsters are getting their own special day.. we'll have all the details - right after the break. wahhhh... right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. you wof your daily routine, so why treat your mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine® help prevent plaque, early gum disease, bad breath and kill up to 99.9% of germs. listerine® bring out the bold™ ( marty ) the bay area is dungeness crab country. but there is another crustacean that will soon be celebrated. in today's dine and dish, vicki liviakis gets you prepared for the upcoming national lobster day. sure, we love our crabs. dungeness is the local favorite, of course. but there's a visitor from the east coast - who's muscling in on the shellfish action. here for national lobster day, these maine lobsters are hoping to make it onto your dinner plate. well, actually they may not... but the maine lobstermen sure hope so. lobstermen like mike here on a tour to convince top chefs like stuart brioza of state bird provisions to embrace new shell lobsters. what's new shell? lobster rolls are where you typically find some of these crustaceans... stuart has decided to give it a san francisco spin - and whip up some sour dough lobster pancakes. kudos to the chef, the lobster pancakes are delicious! the lobster - is the star of the show, and doesn't want to be upstaged. and from the taste of it - our local dungeness can take a much needed break... that is until next dungeness season. in san francisco, vicki liviakis. coming up on kron four news weekend... as one a's player makes history by taking a knee.... we'll tell you how athletes around the sports world are responding to presdient trump. (camila)and a live report from the site of proposed counterprotests today here in berkeley... the east bay this morning. where hundreds of demonstrators blocked off several intersections in berkeley yesterday to denounce hate. this came after "berkeley patriot" group called off the events of "free speech week," kron four's philippe djegal takes us inside the "no hate in the bay" rally and march. (philippe)nats- "no hate in the bay. no hate in the bay." a little after noon...nats- "no to nazi's no to hate." hundreds of anti-fascist protestors....nats- "nazi's are not welcome here." bearing flags, signs and some covering their faces... meet up at 63rd and adeline streets. labor, faith and community-based organizations standing united... demonstrating their resistence to white supremacy and neo-nazi violence.lara kisawani/organizer- "the trump administration has emboldened racists and white supremacy in this country. he has made it that much more possible and accepting of people to go out there and incite violence in our communities." berkeley city leaders also spoke out... cheryl davila/councilmember- "we must say no to the militarization -- no to the alt-right. no to the white supremist. now is the time to stand up and be apart of the change." at least one counter protestor was told she was not welcome.nats- "security is going to stay close by. transmitting to the public. that's how insane these people are." some demonstrators showed aggression, but there was no violence. the rally remained mostly peaceful... nats- music and, so was the march that followed... which spanned a little more than two miles...veronica o'neal/student- "no more white supremacy in this american country. this is america -- we are all equal." protestors, at times, stopped traffic...nats- music before the large group finally made it to u-c berkeley for a closing rally near sproul plaza. in berkeley, philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) sproul plaza on the cal campus is at the site of more possible counterprotes ts today -- as milo yiannopoulos has called for a rally on campus today at noon. this despite the cancellation of the "free speech" event.(ááátake boxesááá) kron four's camila bernal is at sproul plaza this morning, where u-c berkleley police are preparing foranything. (camila)marty, good morning, these two groups have said that they will continue with planned events and protests here at the university.that's why authorities are already here, there's been police presence for a couple of hours already and the barricades have gone up the first event is scheduled to start at 10am and they are calling it "no fascist speech week".organizers say they are gathering to protest white supremacy and fascism.their goal is to protest against milo yiannopoulos, who said that even though the student group had cancelled the "free speech week events" he would still be speaking at the university at noon. (camila)some of these protests have gotten violent in the past, so authorities are preparing for any possible scenarios.the university is asking students to carry their id's because they will also be on high security. reporting live from uc berkeley, camila bernal kron 4 news. ( marty ) thanks camila. we will check back with you throughout the morning. (marty) we'll continue to follow this story throughout the morning here and on our newly updated kron 4 app. it's free to download for apple and android devices. make sure you enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (marty) president trump's comments about player protests in the n-f-l caused one baseball player to take a stand... by taking a knee. oakland a's catcher bruce maxwell took a knee during the national anthem on saturday as the team took on the texas rangers. he is the first major league baseball player to do so. teammate and cal alum mark canha stood behind maxwell and put his hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity. maxwell later tweeted "don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now." ( marty ) and new this morning.. under armour is now showing it's support for steph curry after he and the warriors were disinvited to the white house yesterday. the sports apparel company tweeted that it "stands for the flag and by our athletes for free speech, expression and a unified america." (marty) the raiders have a game in our nation's capitol vs washington this evening. nfl network's ian rapoport is reporting that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during the national anthem. we'll have much more on the president's comments and reaction coming up later in the newscast. more quakes have hit central mexico. we'll take a look at new damage. the controversy between the president and the n-f-l, and n- b-a is escalating. we'll have president trump's latest the tweets. it could cost you more if you are planning on flying soon, we'll show you the extra fee that could cost you. after the break. people love my breakfast burritos. and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box. for your money: .here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. (marty) airlines keep finding new ways to tack on added fees. if you're trying to bring luggage onto a flight as a carry-on, make sure you check the airline's policy beforehand. several airlines are now charging what critics call a "punishment fee." you can be charged extra for checking your bag at the gate. and if you book a basic economy ticket, some airlines won't let you use the overhead bin. that means if your personal items don't fit under the seat in front of you... you could end up paying more. (marty) credit reporting company equifax revealed this week that it had another breach back in march... about two months before the major breach that impacted 143 million people. hackers were able to access information including social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and driver's license numbers. several high-level executives sold nearly $2 million in company stock after learning of the breach -- long before it was reported to the public. a class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. tensions continue to increase between the u.s. and north korea. why thousands rallied in pyonyang yesterday. live look outside... bay bridge toll plaza. (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) breaking overnight... a man has died following an officer involved shooting in san francisco. averages. seasonal remain above temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) breaking overnight... a man has died following an officer involved shooting in san francisco. it happened around 11-35 last night on salmon street. (ááátriggerááá) police say the man was inside an apartment with a weapon along with his wife and two young children. officers heard a gunshot when they arrived. officers tried negotiating with the man for three hours. police say the man stopped negotiating and fired another gunshot. officers entered the apartment and shot the man. he was taken to hte hospital where he later died. no one else inside the apartment was injured. (marty) tensions between the united states and north korea continue to escalate. in the latest move, the u-s made a show of force. the pentagon says that these u-s "b-one-b" bombers flew in international airspace above the rogue nation saturday. after president trump, recently threatened to - quote - "totally destroy" the outlaw nation.... north korea's foreign minister spoke at the u.n. general assembly in new york... saying that a strike on the u.s. mainland was inevitable. the person who is chastised even by american people as "commander in grief", "lyin king", "president evil" is holding the seat of the u.s. president,.... holds the nuclear button; these are what constitute the gravest threat to the international peace and security today.">(marty) last night, president trump tweeted this response. "just heard foreign minister of north korea speak at u.n. if he echoes thoughts of little rocket man, they won't be around much longer!" "rocket man" is trump's nickanme for north korean leader kim jong un. (marty) meanwhile in pyongyang, thousands supported the government. north korea's state-run television aired this video today showing tens of thousands of people attending an anti-u-s rally. north korea's official news agency claims more than 100- thousand people gathered for the rally and gave speeches supporting kim jong un. (marty) mexico was hit by two more earthquakes yesterday. just days after a 7-point- 1 quake struck central mexico tuesday. yesterday's 6-point-1 tremor was centered about 275 miles southeast of mexico city. a 4-point-5 quake hit oaxaca yesterday afternoon. that caused some quake damaged highways and a bridge to collapse. the mexican government says search and rescue missions could continue for at least "two more weeks." rescue crews from across the u-s, including several teams from the bay area are in mexico helping with the search effort . (marty) people along the carolinas and the mid-atlantic coasts are being warned to watch the progress of hurricane maria... the u-s national hurricane center announced hurricane watches may go into effect today. (marty) this as tens of thousands of people who live near a failing dam in puerto rico have been forced to evacuate. if the dam fails, it would cause life- threatening flash flooding. at least ten people are already dead due to the storm ...and that number is expected to go up. days after the storm blew through, officials still have yet to reach some of the more remote towns in the country.. over 75-percent of the island remains without power or water. (marty) and a reminder if you are taking bart today. the south fremont station will be closed for the next two weekends for construction work on the bart extension to silicon valley. a free bus will run between the south fremont and fremont stations every 20 minutes. bart officials are telling riders to expect a 20 to 30 minute delay. ( marty ) soul singer charles bradley has passed away after a battle with cancer. bradley died last night surrounded by his friends, family and bandmates. the singer gained popularity later in life. his first album was released in 2011. his final album was released last year. bradley was 68 years old. ( marty ) the worlds of politics, and sports collide. hear steve kerr's reaction to the president taking back the warriors' invitation to the white house. oard. your clue is a great way to start the day. what is the final letter? luten-free, luten-free. it's a g it's a g g,g,g,g,g! g! z. oh! what! show me z. no we were looking for g. gluten-free breakfast cereal. good starts with g. and now introducing new blueberry chex. (marty) thanks j.r. it was also a big day in college football. cal had their work cut out for them.... hosting fifth ranked u-s-c. the trojans had won 13 straight against the golden bears coming in... but this one was one of the tightest matchups in years. game was tied going into the 4th... but southern california's defense forced one of six cal turnovers to setup a stephen carr touchdown. that was enough for the trojans to win 30-20. trojans have now won 13 in a row, and move to 4- 0 on the season. cal falls to 3 and 1. and stanford beat u-c-l-a in an shootout, 58-34. (marty) niners played thursday, so only the raiders going today... facing washington in our nation's capital. the 2-0 raiders are 3 point favorites in a nationally televised game that kicks off at 5:30 local time. as we mentioned earlier.... the nfl network reports that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during tonight's national anthem. ( marty ) the president is speaking out against the warriors. we'll have what people in the sports world are saying about his comments. after the break. looking live at the sutro cam. (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) president trump took a shot at steph curry by rescinding his white house invitation áafterá curry said he was not interested in the event. the warriors say they'll now use their trip to the nation's capital in febuary to "celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion." kron four's ella sogomonian reports with how fans are reacting to the team's decision. so: steph curry, warriors guard// "our president has... the things that he said and hasn't said at the right times... we won't stand for it. by acting, or not going, hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country."warriors all star steph curry in a press conference friday saying he may break tradition and deny a visit to the white house to celebrate his team's championship.trump fired back on twitter the morning after... saying "going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" warriors fans scoffed at the idea of revoking an unaccepted invitation.sot: lavonn johnson, warriors fan// "california, we didn't vote for trump so they weren't going to go anyway so it wasn't a big deal for him to tell them he doesn't want them to come because it was a waste of time, they weren't going anyway." a few hours later steph explained in another interview - that his refusal to visit the white house is not about division but instead promoting an understanding society. sot: stephen curry, warriors player// "at the end of the day i commend and applaud everybody that's spoken up its what we are supposed to do we're supposed to continue this conversation and promote change and everybody's doing it in their own way. it's just really important."the warriors released a statement as well saying quote while we intended to meet as a team at the first opportunity we had this morning to collaboratively discuss a potential visit to the white house we accept that president trump has made it clear that we are not invited. warriors fans we spoke with agree with steph and the team's stance.sot: rafael sanchez, warriors fan// "well i think he's doing the right thing because the president has demonstrated time and time again he does not like minorities he doesn't not care for minorities . why would you go up in his house and grin in his face when he's thinking bad thoughts about you?" ( marty ) lebron james is a rival to steph curry and the warriors on the court. but james is supporting curry off the court. on social media he slammed president trump's comments about players taking a knee during the national anthem. james says that sports should be a platform to bring people together.( marty ) and future n-b-a hall of and future n-b-a hall of famer kobe bryant also attacked the president saying quote "a potus whose name alone creates division and anger. whose words inspire dissension and hatred can't possibly "make america great again." (marty)new this morning... trump doubling down on his comments on n-f-l protests. tweeting "if nfl fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our flag & country, you will see change take place fast. fire or suspend!" (marty) trump continued..." attendance and ratings are way down. boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. league should back u.s." football players from the baltimore ravens and the jacksonville jaguars kneeled and linked arms before their game in london today. it happened during the national anthem at wembley stadium. again, this comes after the president's remarks that football players who don't stand for the anthem should be fired. ( marty ) we spoke to kron four sports director gary radnich about how criticizing the president could impact both the nfl and the nba moving forward. ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes to steal an ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes horribly wrong. we will show you the surveillance video. next. live look outside... san francisco international airport. ( marty ) for the weekend: it's the pacific coast fog fest in pacifica. enjoy arts and crafts, food and live music. it is happening on palmetto avenue from 10 a-m to 6 p-m. the event is free to attend. an atm robbery gone wrong near modesto. two men drove the back of a pick up truck into the front of a convenience store... and took off. its happened just after four friday morning. police say the two men backed the pick up truck into the part of the store where the atm was located. but when the security alarm went off... the men took off. and the truck itself was stolen. surveillance video shows the men stealing the truck just a few hours earlier. it was found abandoned two blocks away from the store. owners of the store say the damage to the building will cost more than the atm itself. live look outside from our sutro cam... (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school year with a new pair of shoes. kron4's jeff pierce was at the giveaway... that has grown so big it was held at oracle arena. new shoes, thousands of them were given out saturday morning by oakland's first african methodist episcipalian church at oracle arena. the event is now in it's twenty first year, one that had modest it's infancy we started out in our church parking lot we gave away sixty pairs of shoes.they have come a long way from that day twenty one years ago to be able to give over three thousand pairs of new shoes to young students.they started out with a generous instinct in their back parking lot, today they are serving thousands of families here in oracle arena.with the help of dozens of sponsers and hundreds of volunteers it has become an event that could only be contained in an arena. i think it's really good for these kids to have a nice pair of shoes to go back to school, hang out with their friends, it's important. if it makes a difference in their life that's great oakland sports teams stepped up to plate with the raiderettes pitching in. the warriors handed out book bags and gave them a peak at their locker room. oakland a's bruce maxell knew the importance these things mean to young students.just being able to have a new pair of shoes a quality pair of shoes, a book bag those are essential to have somebody feel like they belong somewhere. it's been amazing how the sports team oakland have stepped up because they want to be a part of enriching our young people and were just excited that so many organizations have caught the vision of one church.the event also gave young minds the opportunity to think of those whose fortunes are now in peril.we're asking people to write a note to a hurricane victim and we will mail them to either houston or florida. kron four's pam moore has been attending this event for years and recognized the need. there's so much need in the world today with all the natural disasters but there is also need in our own community so whenever you can do good, it's a good thing.looking at the growth of this event that we know that we are answering a very real need in the oracle arena in oakland jeff pierce kron four news.enjoy your new shoes, have fun ( marty ) with parking at a premium here in the bay area.... stanley roberts discovered some people finding more "creative" places to park -- in this edition of people behaving badly. to many the guy across the street he got he got two. over there they got 4 over here they got 4 the other guy they got 4 and they guy three, the nex the next door they got 4he is taking about cars and while you have own as many cars as you want where you place the cars in daly city can be a problem the daly city municipal code forbids drivers from parking on your lawn . but if you driver around daly city you will see just that cars parked on laws nats ambiance i followed daly city parking enforcement around looking for violators he show me this blue bmw so it's what we consider off driveway so you're your driveway, this is the driveway here an it doesn't help with the lawn "quote unquote lawn being here not to mention the car appears to be no operational because it was in a crash even if you fill your driveway with rocks, you still can't park your car on the unpaved section of the front of your house sound of scraping now if you happen to pave over the grassy part of your lawn then you can park there but there is a catch . you see you need to file for a permitpermits are required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in daly citydaly city is simply following the california building code, so any work done needs a permit one of the reasons why you are not permitted to park on laws is simple the ground mat not be stable enough hold the weight of a car and could rupture the a water line and we all know if a water line breaks the whole block is without water nats: ambiance oh yea back to the lawn being paved over, according to city officials there is no permit on file . so this might be a problem so as long as its parked in your driveway or with permitted changes you are fine. however, if your neighbor complains you could end up with a 38 dollar ticket oh and if the car is broke down that could result in code enforcement knocking on your door in daly city stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) heads up shellfish lovers .. lobsters are getting their own special day.. we'll have all the details -the break. ( marty ) the bay area is dungeness crab country. but there is another crustacean that will soon be celebrated. in today's dine and dish, vicki liviakis gets you prepared for the upcoming national lobster day. sure, we love our crabs. dungeness is the local favorite, of course. but there's a visitor from the east coast - who's muscling in on the shellfish action. here for national lobster day, these maine lobsters are hoping to make it onto your dinner plate. well, actually they may not... but the maine lobstermen sure hope so. lobstermen like mike here on a tour to convince top chefs like stuart brioza of state bird provisions to embrace new shell lobsters. what's new shell? lobster rolls are where you typically find some of these crustaceans... stuart has decided to give it a san francisco spin - and whip up some sour dough lobster pancakes. kudos to the chef, the lobster pancakes are delicious! the lobster - is the star of the show, and doesn't want to be upstaged. and from the taste of it - our local dungeness can take a much needed break... that is until next dungeness season. in san francisco, vicki liviakis. ( marty ) if you have a restaurant, bistro, cafe or bar that you'd like to see featured on 'dine and dish'. you can send an email to dine and dish at kron 4 dot com .... or fill out the submission form on our website. you can also check out our new 'dine and dish' facebook page ad lib final 7 day forecast thats kron 4 news weekend for this saturday morning... i'm marty gonzalez. from all of us thanks for watching. join us for kron4 news weekend tomorrow morning starting at 8 o'clock ... and tonight for kron 4 news at eight. [ engines revving ] when you drop a 603-horsepower v8 biturbo engine into one of mercedes-benz's finest luxury sedans, what do you get? [ engine stalls ] you get out of the way. 0-to-60 in 3.3 seconds. the mercedes-amg e63 s sedan. [music] >> joel osteen: well, god bless you. it's a joy to be with you. if you're ever in our area, please stop by. i promise you, we'll make you feel right at home. i like to start with something funny. and i heard about these three sisters, ages 96, 94, and 92, that lived together. one day, the 96-year-old draws a bath. she puts one foot in and stops. she hollers downstairs, "i can't remember if i was getting or getting out." the 94-year-old said, "just a second. i'll come up and help ya." she gets halfway up the stairs and stops. she says, "i can't remember

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20170924 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20170924

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where hundreds of demonstrators blocked off several intersections in berkeley yesterday to denounce hate. this came after "berkeley patriot" group called off the events of "free speech week," kron four's philippe djegal takes us inside the "no hate in the bay" rally and march. (philippe)nats- "no hate in the bay. no hate in the bay." a little after noon...nats- "no to nazi's no to hate." hundreds of anti-fascist protestors....nats- "nazi's are not welcome here." bearing flags, signs and some covering their faces... meet up at 63rd and adeline streets. labor, faith and community-based organizations standing united... demonstrating their resistence to white supremacy and neo-nazi violence.lara kisawani/organizer- "the trump administration has emboldened racists and white supremacy in this country. he has made it that much more possible and accepting of people to go out there and incite violence in our communities." berkeley city leaders also spoke out... cheryl davila/councilmember- "we must say no to the militarization -- no to the alt-right. no to the white supremist. now is the time to stand up and be apart of the change." at least one counter protestor was told she was not welcome.nats- "security is going to stay close by. transmitting to the public. that's how insane these people are." some demonstrators showed aggression, but there was no violence. the rally remained mostly peaceful... nats- music and, so was the march that followed... which spanned a little more than two miles...veronica o'neal/student- "no more white supremacy in this american country. this is america -- we are all equal." protestors, at times, stopped traffic...nats- music before the large group to u-c berkeley for a closing rally near in berkeley, philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) sproul plaza on the cal campus is at the site of more possible counterprotes ts today -- as milo yiannopoulos has called for a rally on campus today at noon. this despite the cancellation of the "free speech" event.(ááátake boxesááá) kron four's camila bernal is at sproul plaza this morning, where u-c berkleley police are preparing foranything. (camila)marty, good morning, these two groups have said that they will continue with planned events and protests here at the university.that's why authorities are already here, there's been police presence for a couple of hours already and the barricades have gone up the first event is scheduled to start at 10am and they are calling it "no fascist speech week".organizers say they are gathering to protest white supremacy and fascism.their goal is to protest against milo yiannopoulos, who said that even though the student group had cancelled the "free speech week events" he would still be speaking at the university at noon. you've all seen reported in the press that raise serious questions about whether there was ever actually plans or intentions to hold these events, or whether what we witnessed was a somewhat cynical effort to create a false narrative and score political points."milo yiannopoulos: "i don't believe that the students intended to cancel. i don't think they were trying - i don't think it was a publicity stunt for them. i think they really wanted these talks to happen."> (camila)some of these protests have gotten violent in the past, so authorities are preparing for any possible scenarios.the university is asking students to carry their id's because they will also be on high security. reporting live from uc berkeley, camila bernal kron 4 news. ( marty ) thanks camila. we will check back with you throughout the morning. (marty) we'll continue to follow this story throughout the morning here and on our newly updated kron 4 app. it's free to download for apple and android devices. make sure you enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (marty) president trump's comments about player protests in the n-f-l caused one baseball player to take a stand... by taking a knee. oakland a's catcher bruce maxwell took a knee during the national anthem on saturday as the team took on the texas rangers. he is the first major league baseball player to do so. teammate and cal alum mark canha stood behind maxwell and put his hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity. maxwell later tweeted "don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now." ( marty ) and new this morning.. under armour is now showing it's support for steph curry after he and the warriors were disinvited to the white house yesterday. the sports apparel company tweeted that it "stands for the flag and by our athletes for free speech, expression and a unified america." (marty) the raiders have a game in our nation's capitol vs washington this evening. nfl network's ian rapoport is reporting that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during the national anthem. we'll have much more on the president's comments and reaction coming up later in the newscast. more quakes have hit central mexico. we'll take a look at new damage. the controversy between the president and the n-f-l, and n- b-a is escalating. we'll have president trump's latest the tweets. it could cost you more if you are planning on flying soon, we'll show you the extra fee that could cost you. after the break. for your money: .here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. (marty) airlines keep finding new ways to tack on added fees. if you're trying to bring luggage onto a flight as a carry-on, make sure you check the airline's policy beforehand. several airlines are now charging what critics call a "punishment fee." you can be charged extra for checking your bag at the gate. and if you book a basic economy ticket, some airlines won't let you use the overhead bin. that means if your personal items don't fit under the seat in front of you... you could end up paying more. credit reporting company equifax revealed this week that it had another breach back in march... about two months before the major breach that impacted 143 million people. hackers were able to access information including social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and driver's license numbers. several high-level executives sold nearly $2 million in company stock after learning of the breach -- long before it was reported to the public. a class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. tensions continue to increase between the u.s. and north korea. why thousands rallied in pyonyang yesterday. live look outside... bay bridge toll plaza. for the weekend... it's the annual fall antuque faire in petaluma. check out affordable antiques from over 180 dealers. it is happening in historic downtown petaluma from 8 a-m to 4 p-m. the event is free to attend. in this home we make breakfast. sometimes messes! but always masterpieces ...together. what matters most is made at home. oh mom! making them eat there favorite snack in the back seat. whatever happened to eating at the table? that's what cup holders are for. people love my and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box. (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. (marty) tensions between the united states and north korea continue to escalate. in the latest move, the u-s made a show of force. the pentagon says that these u-s "b-one-b" bombers flew in international airspace above the rogue nation saturday. after president trump, recently threatened to - quote - "totally destroy" the outlaw nation.... north korea's foreign minister spoke at the u.n. general assembly in new york... saying that a strike on the u.s. mainland was inevitable. response. "just heard foreign minister of north korea speak at u.n. if he echoes thoughts of little rocket man, they won't be around much longer!" "rocket man" is trump's nickanme for north korean leader kim jong un. (marty) meanwhile in pyongyang, thousands supported the government. north korea's state-run television aired this video today showing tens of thousands of people attending an anti-u-s rally. north korea's official news agency claims more than 100- thousand people the rally and gave speeches supporting kim jong un. (marty) mexico was hit by two more earthquakes yesterday. just days after a 7-point- 1 quake struck central mexico tuesday. yesterday's 6-point-1 tremor was centered about 275 miles southeast of mexico city. a 4-point-5 quake hit oaxaca yesterday afternoon. that caused some quake damaged highways and a bridge to collapse. the mexican government says search and rescue missions could continue for at least "two more weeks." (marty) rescue crews from across the u-s, including several teams from the bay area are in mexico helping with the search effort . (marty) people along the carolinas and the mid-atlantic coasts are being warned to watch the progress of hurricane maria... the u-s national hurricane center announced hurricane watches may go into effect today. (marty) this as tens of thousands of people who live near a failing dam in puerto rico have been forced to evacuate. if the dam fails, it would cause life- threatening flash flooding. at least ten people are already dead due to the storm ...and that number is expected to go up. days after the storm blew through, officials still have yet to reach some of the more remote towns in the country.. over 75-percent of the island remains without power or water. (marty) and a reminder if you are taking bart today. the south fremont station will be closed for the next two weekends for construction work on the bart extension to silicon valley. a free bus will run between the south fremont and fremont stations every 20 minutes. bart officials are telling riders to expect a 20 to 30 minute delay. ( marty ) soul singer charles bradley has passed away after a battle with cancer. bradley died last night surrounded by his friends, family and bandmates. the singer gained popularity later in life. his first album was released in 2011. his final album was released last year. bradley was 68 years old. ( marty ) the worlds of politics, and sports collide. hear steve kerr's reaction to the president taking back the warriors' invitation to the white house. live look outside... richmond bridge this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. you wof your daily routine, so why treat your mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine® help prevent plaque, early gum disease, bad breath and kill up to 99.9% of germs. listerine® bring out the bold™ thanks j.r. it was also a big day in college football. cal had their work cut out for them.... hosting fifth ranked u-s-c. the trojans had won 13 straight against the golden bears coming in... but this one was one of the tightest matchups in years. game was tied going into the 4th... but southern california's defense forced one of six cal turnovers to setup a stephen carr touchdown. that was enough for the trojans to win 30-20. trojans have now won 13 in a row, and move to 4- 0 on the season. cal falls to 3 and 1. and stanford beat u-c-l-a in an shootout, 58-34. (marty) niners played thursday, so only the raiders going today... facing washington in our nation's capital. the 2-0 raiders are 3 point favorites in a nationally televised game that kicks off at 5:30 local time. as we mentioned earlier.... the nfl network reports that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during tonight's national anthem. and players for the baltimore ravens and jacksonville jaguars demonstrated before todays kickoff in london. live look outside... golden gate bridge.. for the weekend... it's the cole valley fair in san francisco check out historic photos, vintage cars and more. it is happening on cole street and parnassus avenue from 10 a-m to 5 p-m. the event is free to attend. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. one pint-sized hero was on a mission.lavor, looks like somebody's gotta save snack time from a serious case of boring. watch babybel's big taste leap into action in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. ♪ creamy, delicious, 100% real cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) president trump took a shot at steph curry by rescinding his white house invitation áafterá curry said he was not interested in the event. the warriors say they'll now use their trip to the nation's capital in febuary to "celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion." kron four's ella sogomonian reports with how fans are reacting to the team's decision. so: steph curry, warriors guard// "our president has... the things that he said and hasn't said at the right times... we won't stand for it. by acting, or not going, hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country."warriors all star steph curry in a press conference friday saying he may break tradition and deny a visit to the white house to celebrate his team's championship.trump fired back on twitter the morning after... saying "going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" warriors fans scoffed at the idea of revoking an unaccepted invitation.sot: lavonn johnson, warriors fan// "california, we didn't vote for trump so they weren't going to go anyway so it wasn't a big deal for him to tell them he doesn't want them to come because it was a waste of time, they weren't going anyway." a few hours later steph explained in another interview - that his refusal to visit the white house is not about division but instead promoting an understanding society. sot: stephen curry, warriors player// "at the end of the day i commend and applaud everybody that's spoken up its what we are supposed to do we're supposed to continue this conversation and promote change and everybody's doing it in their own way. it's just really important."the warriors released a statement as well saying quote while we intended to meet as a team at the first opportunity we had this morning to collaboratively discuss a potential visit to the white house we accept that president trump has made it clear that we are not invited. warriors fans we spoke with agree with steph and the team's stance.sot: rafael sanchez, warriors fan// "well i think he's doing the right thing because the president has demonstrated time and time again he does not like minorities he doesn't not care for minorities . why would you go up in his house and grin in his face when he's thinking bad thoughts about you?" ( marty ) lebron james is a rival to steph curry and the warriors on the court. but james is supporting curry off the court. on social media he slammed president trump's comments about players taking a knee during the national anthem. james says that sports should be a platform to bring people together.( marty ) and future n-b-a hall of famer kobe bryant also attacked the president saying quote "a potus whose name alone creates division and anger. whose words inspire dissension and hatred can't possibly "make america great again." ( marty ) both the n-b-a and n-f-l commissioners released statements supporting their players decision to exercise their first amendment rights. commissioner roger goodell responded to president trump saying n-f-l owners should fire their players to refuse to stand for the national anthem. his statement reads, in part: "divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the n-f-l, our great game and all of our players." he also called trump's comment "a failure to understand an overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." (marty)new this morning... trump doubling down on his comments on n-f-l protests. tweeting "if nfl fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our flag & country, you will see change take place fast. fire or suspend!" (marty) trump continued..." attendance and ratings are way down. boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. league should back u.s." ( marty ) we spoke to kron four sports director gary radnich about how criticizing the president could impact both the nfl and the nba moving forward. ( marty ) you can visit our website at kron four dot com to hear more of gary's reaction to president trump's comments. ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes horribly wrong. we will show you the surveillance video. next. live look outside... san francisco international airport. ( marty ) for the weekend: it's the pacific coast fog fest in pacifica. enjoy arts and crafts, food and live music. it is happening on palmetto avenue from 10 a-m to 6 p-m. the event is free to attend. today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this... how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn't know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there's good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. at enterprise, we guarantee it. next vehicle purchase? head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. atm robbery gone wrong near modesto. two men drove the back of a pick up truck into the front of a convenience store... and took off. its happened just after four friday morning. police say the two men backed the pick up truck into the part of the store where the atm was located. but when the security alarm went off... the men took off. and the truck itself was stolen. surveillance video shows the men stealing the truck just a few hours earlier. it was found abandoned two blocks away from the store. ( marty ) owners of the store say the damage to the building will cost more than the atm itself. live look outside... san mateo bridge. we took legendary, and made it liberating. we took safe, and made it daring. we took intelligent, and made it utterly irresistible. we took the most advanced e-class ever, and made the most exciting e-class ever. the all-new e-class coupe from mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. are you totally ready? to catch an eye for sparks to fly for mr. right colgate total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums for a healthier mouth. so you're totally ready! colgate total. be totally ready for life. live look outside from our sutro cam... (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school year with a new pair of shoes. kron4's jeff pierce was at the giveaway... that has grown so big it was held at oracle arena. new shoes, thousands of them were given out saturday morning by oakland's first african methodist episcipalian church at oracle arena. the event is now in it's twenty first year, one that had modest it's infancy we started out in our church parking lot we gave away sixty pairs of shoes.they have come a long way from that day twenty one years ago to be able to give over three thousand pairs of new shoes to young students.they started out with a generous instinct in their back parking lot, today they are serving thousands of families here in oracle arena.with the help of dozens of sponsers and hundreds of volunteers it has become an event that could only be contained in an arena. i think it's really good for these kids to have a nice pair of shoes to go back to school, hang out with their friends, it's important. if it makes a difference in their life that's great oakland sports teams stepped up to plate with the raiderettes pitching in. the warriors handed out book bags and gave them a peak at their locker room. oakland a's bruce maxell knew the importance these things mean to young students.just being able to have a new pair of shoes a quality pair of shoes, a book bag those are essential to have somebody feel like they belong somewhere. it's been amazing how the sports team oakland have stepped up because they want to be a part of enriching our young people and were just excited that so many organizations have caught the vision of one church.the event also gave young minds the opportunity to think of those whose fortunes are now in peril.we're asking people to write a note to a hurricane victim and we will mail them to either houston or florida. kron four's pam moore has been attending this event for years and recognized the need. there's so much need in the world today with all the natural disasters but there is also need in our own community so whenever you can do good, it's a good thing.looking at the growth of this event that we know that we are answering a very real need in the oracle arena in oakland jeff pierce kron four news.enjoy your new shoes, have fun in school okay. ( marty ) more and more people are sharing homes because of the rising cost of living in the bay area. more people often means more cars with drivers competing for limited parking spots. stanley roberts discovered people often find creative places to park which sometimes conflict with city laws. to many the guy across the street he got he got two. over there they got 4 over here they got 4 the other guy they got 4 and they guy three, the nex the next door they got 4he is taking about cars and while you have own as many cars as you want where you place the cars in daly city can be a problem the daly city municipal code forbids drivers from parking on your lawn . but if you driver around daly city you will see just that cars parked on laws nats ambiance i followed daly city parking enforcement around looking for violators he show me this blue bmw so it's what we consider off driveway so you're your driveway, this is the driveway here an it doesn't help with the lawn "quote unquote lawn being here not to mention the car appears to be no operational because it was in a crash even if you fill your driveway with rocks, you still can't park your car on the unpaved section of the front of your house sound of scraping now if you happen to pave over the grassy part of your lawn then you can park there but there is a catch . you see you need to file for a permitpermits are required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in daly citydaly city is simply following the california building code, so any work done needs a permit one of the reasons why you are not permitted to park on laws is simple the ground mat not be stable enough hold the weight of a car and could rupture the a water line and we all know if a water line breaks the whole block is without water nats: ambiance oh yea back to the lawn being paved over, according to city officials there is no permit on file . so this might be a problem so as long as its parked in your driveway or with permitted changes you are fine. however, if your neighbor complains you could end up with a 38 dollar ticket oh and if the car is broke down that could result in code enforcement knocking on your door in daly city stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) heads up shellfish lovers .. lobsters are getting their own special day.. we'll have all the details - right after the break. beyond is a natural pet food that goes beyond assuming ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. the bay area is dungeness crab country. but there is another crustacean that will soon be celebrated. in today's dine and dish, vicki liviakis gets you prepared for the upcoming national lobster day. sure, we love our crabs. dungeness is the local favorite, of course. but there's a visitor from the east coast - who's muscling in on the shellfish action. here for national lobster day, these maine lobsters are hoping to make it onto your dinner plate. well, actually they may not... but the maine lobstermen sure hope so. lobstermen like mike here on a tour to convince top chefs like stuart brioza of state bird provisions to embrace new shell lobsters. what's new shell? lobster rolls are where you typically find some of these crustaceans... stuart has decided to give it a san francisco spin - and whip up some sour dough lobster pancakes. kudos to the chef, the lobster pancakes are delicious! the lobster - is the star of the show, and doesn't want to be upstaged. and from the taste of it - our local dungeness can take a much needed break... that is until next dungeness season. in san francisco, vicki liviakis. ( marty ) if you have a restaurant, bistro, cafe or bar that you'd like to see featured on 'dine and dish'. you can send an email to dine and dish at kron 4 dot com .... or fill out the submission form on our website. you can also check out our new 'dine and dish' facebook page coming up on kron four news weekend... as one a's player makes history by taking a knee.... we'll tell you how athletes around the sports world are responding to presdient trump. (camila)and a live report from the site of proposed counterprotests today here in berkeley... ♪ ♪ be a powerful force. nature valley producer: sophie silletto x 8982 desk: x8905 (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. (marty) we begin in the east bay this morning. where hundreds of demonstrators blocked off several intersections in berkeley yesterday to denounce hate. this came after "berkeley patriot" group called off the events of "free speech week," kron four's philippe djegal takes us inside the "no hate in the bay" rally and march. (philippe)nats- "no hate in the bay. no hate in the bay." a little after noon...nats- "no to nazi's no to hate." hundreds of anti-fascist protestors....nats- "nazi's are not welcome here." bearing flags, signs and some covering their faces... meet up at 63rd and adeline streets. labor, faith and community-based organizations standing united... demonstrating their resistence to white supremacy and neo-nazi violence.lara kisawani/organizer- "the trump administration has emboldened racists and white supremacy in this country. he has made it that much more possible and accepting of people to go out there and incite violence in our communities." berkeley city leaders also spoke out... cheryl davila/councilmember- "we must say no to the militarization -- no to the alt-right. no to the white supremist. now is the time to stand up and be apart of the change." at least one counter protestor was told she was not welcome.nats- "security is going to stay close by. transmitting to the public. that's how insane these people are." some demonstrators showed aggression, but there was no violence. the rally remained mostly peaceful... nats- music and, so was the march that followed... which spanned a little more than two miles...veronica o'neal/student- "no more white supremacy in this american america -- we are all equal." at times, stopped traffic... nats- music before the finally made it to u-c berkeley for a closing sproul plaza. in berkeley, philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) sproul plaza on the cal campus is at the site of more possible counterprotes ts today -- as milo yiannopoulos has called for a rally on campus today at noon. this despite the cancellation of the "free speech" event.(ááátake boxesááá) kron four's camila bernal is at sproul plaza this morning, where u-c berkleley police are preparing foranything. (camila)marty, good morning, these two groups have said that they will continue with planned events and protests here at the university.that's why authorities are already here, there's been police presence for a couple of hours already and the barricades have gone up the first event is scheduled to start at 10am and they are calling it "no fascist speech week".organizers say they are gathering to protest white supremacy and fascism.their goal is to protest against milo yiannopoulos, who said that even though the student group had cancelled the "free speech week events" he would still be speaking at the university at noon. (camila)some of these protests have gotten violent in the past, so authorities are preparing for any possible scenarios.the university is asking students to carry their id's because they will also be on high security. reporting live from uc berkeley, camila bernal kron 4 news. ( marty ) thanks camila. we will check back with you throughout the morning. (marty) we'll continue to follow this story throughout the morning here and on our newly updated kron 4 app. it's free to download for apple and android devices. make sure you enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (marty) president trump's comments about player protests in the n-f-l caused one baseball player to take a stand... by taking a knee. oakland a's catcher bruce maxwell took a knee during the national anthem on saturday as the team took on the texas rangers. he is the first major league baseball player to do so. teammate and cal alum mark canha stood behind maxwell and put his hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity. maxwell later tweeted "don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now." ( marty ) and new this morning.. under armour is now showing it's support for steph curry after he and the warriors were disinvited to the white house yesterday. the sports apparel company tweeted that it "stands for the flag and by our athletes for free speech, expression and a unified america." (marty) the raiders have a game in our nation's capitol vs washington this evening. nfl network's ian rapoport is reporting that starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during the national anthem. we'll have much more on the president's comments and reaction coming up later in the newscast. more quakes have hit central mexico. we'll take a look at new damage. the controversy between the president and the n-f-l, and n- b-a is escalating. we'll have president trump's latest the tweets. it could cost you more if you are planning on flying soon, we'll show you the extra fee that could cost you. after the break. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. at stanford health care, we can now repair complex aortic aneurysms without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. the money: .here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. (marty) airlines keep finding new ways to tack on added fees. if you're trying to bring luggage onto a flight as a carry-on, make sure you check the airline's policy beforehand. several airlines are now charging what critics call a "punishment fee." you can be charged extra for checking your bag at the gate. and if you book a basic economy ticket, some airlines won't let you use the overhead bin. that means if your personal items don't fit under the seat in front of you... you could end up paying more. (marty) credit reporting company equifax revealed this week that it had another breach back in march... about two months before the major breach that impacted 143 million people. hackers were able to access information including social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and driver's license numbers. several high-level executives sold nearly $2 million in company stock after learning of the breach -- long before it was reported to the public. a class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. tensions continue to increase between the u.s. and north korea. why thousands rallied in pyonyang yesterday. live look outside... bay bridge toll plaza. for the weekend... it's the annual fall antuque faire in petaluma. check out affordable antiques from over 180 dealers. it is happening in historic downtown petaluma from 8 a-m to 4 p-m. the event is free to attend. ♪ hey! ♪ bee to hive for that honey you know ♪ ♪ a sweet tasty bowl ♪ of that get up and go ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ honey to the o is the yum in yo bowl ♪ ♪ playing around that's how we roll ♪ ♪ start with the good and watch good flow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ ♪ good goes around good goes around and around and around. hey! ♪ at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) breaking overnight... a man has died following an officer involved shooting in san francisco. it happened around 11-35 last night on salmon street. police say the man was inside an apartment with a weapon along with his wife and two young children. officers heard a gunshot when they arrived. officers tried negotiating with the man for three hours. police say the man stopped negotiating and fired another gunshot. officers entered the apartment and shot the man. he was taken to hte hospital where he later died. no one else inside the apartment was injured. (marty) tensions between the united states and north korea continue to escalate. in the latest move, the u-s made a show of force. the pentagon says that these u-s "b-one-b" bombers flew in international airspace above the rogue nation saturday. after president trump, recently threatened to - quote - "totally destroy" the outlaw nation.... north korea's foreign minister spoke at the u.n. general assembly in new york... saying that a strike on the u.s. mainland was inevitable. korea's state-run television aired this video today showing tens of thousands of people attending an anti-u-s rally. north korea's official news agency claims more than 100- thousand people gathered for the rally and gave speeches supporting kim jong un. (marty) mexico was hit by two more earthquakes yesterday. just days after a 7-point- 1 quake struck central mexico tuesday. yesterday's 6-point-1 tremor was centered about 275 miles southeast of mexico city. a 4-point-5 quake hit oaxaca yesterday afternoon. that caused some quake damaged highways and a bridge to collapse. the mexican government says search and rescue missions could continue for at least "two more weeks." rescue crews from across the u-s, including several teams from the bay area are in mexico helping with the search effort . (marty) people along the carolinas and the mid-atlantic coasts are being warned to watch the progress of hurricane maria... the u-s national hurricane center announced hurricane watches may go into effect (marty) this as tens of thousands of people who live near a failing dam in puerto rico have been forced to evacuate. if the dam fails, it would cause life- threatening flash flooding. at least ten people are already dead due to the storm ...and that number is expected to go up. days after the storm blew through, officials still have yet to reach some of the more remote towns in the country.. over 75-percent of the island remains without power or water. (marty) and a reminder if you are taking bart today. the south fremont station will be closed for the next two weekends for construction work on the bart extension to silicon valley. a free bus will run between the south fremont and fremont stations every 20 minutes. bart officials are telling riders to expect a 20 to 30 minute delay. ( marty ) soul singer charles bradley has passed away after a battle with cancer. bradley died last night surrounded by his friends, family and bandmates. the singer gained popularity later in life. his first album was released in 2011. his final album was released last year. bradley was 68 years old. ( marty ) the worlds of politics, and sports collide. hear steve kerr's reaction to the president taking back the warriors' invitation to the white house. live look outside... richmond bridge i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. (marty) thanks j.r. it was also a big day in college football. cal had their work cut out for them.... hosting fifth ranked u-s-c. the trojans had won 13 straight against the golden bears coming in... but this one was one of the tightest matchups in years. game was tied going into the 4th... but southern california's defense forced one of six cal turnovers to setup a stephen carr touchdown. that was enough for the trojans to win 30-20. trojans have now won 13 in a row, and move to 4- 0 on the season. cal falls to 3 and 1. and stanford beat u-c-l-a in an shootout, 58-34. (marty) niners played thursday, so only the raiders going today... facing washington in our nation's capital. the 2-0 raiders are 3 point favorites in a nationally televised game that kicks off at 5:30 local time. as we mentioned earlier.... the nfl network reports that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during tonight's national anthem. ( marty ) the president is speaking out against the warriors. we'll have what people in the sports world are saying about his comments. after the break. live look outside... golden gate bridge.. for the weekend... it's the cole valley fair in san francisco check out historic photos, vintage cars and more. it is happening on cole street and parnassus avenue from 10 a-m to 5 p-m. the event is free to attend. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. looking live at the sutro cam. (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) president trump took a shot at steph curry by rescinding his white house invitation áafterá curry said he was not interested in the event. the warriors say they'll now use their trip to the nation's capital in febuary to "celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion." kron four's ella sogomonian reports with how fans are reacting to the team's decision. so: steph curry, warriors guard// "our president has... the things that he said and hasn't said at the right times... we won't stand for it. by acting, or not going, hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country."warriors all star steph curry in a press conference friday saying he may break tradition and deny a visit to the white house to celebrate his team's championship.trump fired back on twitter the morning after... saying "going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" warriors fans scoffed at the idea of revoking an unaccepted invitation.sot: lavonn johnson, warriors fan// "california, we didn't vote for trump so they weren't going to go anyway so it wasn't a big deal for him to tell them he doesn't want them to come because it was a waste of time, they weren't going anyway." a few hours later steph explained in another interview - that his refusal to visit the white house is not about division but instead promoting an understanding society. sot: stephen curry, warriors player// "at the end of the day i commend and applaud everybody that's spoken up its what we are supposed to do we're supposed to continue this conversation and promote change and everybody's doing it in their own way. it's just really important."the warriors released a statement as well saying quote while we intended to meet as a team at the first opportunity we had this morning to collaboratively discuss a potential visit to the white house we accept that president trump has made it clear that we are not invited. warriors fans we spoke with agree with steph and the team's stance.sot: rafael sanchez, warriors fan// "well i think he's doing the right thing because the president has demonstrated time and time again he does not like minorities he doesn't not care for minorities . why would you go up in his house and grin in his face when he's thinking bad thoughts about you?" ( marty ) lebron james is a rival to steph curry and the warriors on the court. but james is supporting curry off the court. on social media he slammed president trump's comments about players taking a knee during the national anthem. james says that sports should be a platform to bring people together.( marty ) and future n-b-a hall of famer kobe bryant also attacked the president saying quote "a potus whose name alone creates division and anger. whose words inspire dissension and hatred can't possibly "make america great again." ( marty ) both the n-b-a and n-f-l commissioners released statements supporting their players decision to exercise their first amendment rights. commissioner roger goodell responded to president trump saying n-f-l owners should fire their players to refuse to stand for the national anthem. his statement reads, in part: "divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the n-f-l, our great game and all of our players." he also called trump's comment "a failure to understand an overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities." (marty)new this morning... trump doubling down on his comments on n-f-l protests. tweeting "if nfl fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our flag & country, you will see change take place fast. fire or suspend!" (marty) trump continued..." attendance and ratings are way down. boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. league should back u.s." football players from the baltimore ravens and the jacksonville jaguars kneeled and linked arms before their game in london today. it happened during the national anthem at wembley stadium. again, this comes after the president's remarks that football players who don't stand for the anthem should be fired. ( marty ) we spoke to kron four sports director gary radnich about how criticizing the president could impact both the nfl and the nba moving forward. ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes horribly wrong. we will show you the surveillance ( marty @landing) it was an atm robbery gone wrong near modesto. two men drove the back of a pick up truck into the front of a convenience store... and took off. its happened just after four friday morning. police say the two men backed the pick up truck into the part of the store where the atm was located. but when the security alarm went off... the men took off. and the truck itself was stolen. surveillance video shows the men stealing the truck just a few hours earlier. it was found abandoned two blocks away from the store. ( marty ) owners of the store say the damage to the building will cost more than the atm itself. live look outside from our sutro cam... (marty and anny beyond is a natural pet food that goes beyond assuming ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school year with a new pair of shoes. kron4's jeff pierce was at the giveaway... that has grown so big it was held at oracle arena. new shoes, thousands of them were given out saturday morning by oakland's first african methodist episcipalian church at oracle arena. the event is now in it's twenty first year, one that had modest it's infancy we started out in our church parking lot we gave away sixty pairs of shoes.they have come a long way from that day twenty one years ago to be able to give over three thousand pairs of new shoes to young students.they started out with a generous instinct in their back parking lot, today they are serving thousands of families here in oracle arena.with the help of dozens of sponsers and hundreds of volunteers it has become an event that could only be contained in an arena. i think it's really good for these kids to have a nice pair of shoes to go back to school, hang out with their friends, it's important. if it makes a difference in their life that's great oakland sports teams stepped up to plate with the raiderettes pitching in. the warriors handed out book bags and gave them a peak at their locker room. oakland a's bruce maxell knew the importance these things mean to young students.just being able to have a new pair of shoes a quality pair of shoes, a book bag those are essential to have somebody feel like they belong somewhere. it's been amazing how the sports team oakland have stepped up because they want to be a part of enriching our young people and were just excited that so many organizations have caught the vision of one church.the event also gave young minds the opportunity to think of those whose fortunes are now in peril.we're asking people to write a note to a hurricane victim and we will mail them to either houston or florida. kron four's pam moore has been attending this event for years and recognized the need. there's so much need in the world today with all the natural disasters but there is also need in our own community so whenever you can do good, it's a good thing.looking at the growth of this event that we know that we are answering a very real need in the oracle arena in oakland jeff pierce kron four news.enjoy your new shoes, have fun in school okay. ( marty ) with parking at a premium here in the bay area.... stanley roberts discovered some people finding more "creative" places to park -- in this edition of people behaving badly. to many the guy across the street he got he got two. over there they got 4 over here they got 4 the other guy they got 4 and they guy three, the nex the next door they got 4he is taking about cars and while you have own as many cars as you want where you place the cars in daly city can be a problem the daly city municipal code forbids drivers from parking on your lawn . but if you driver around daly city you will see just that cars parked on laws nats ambiance i followed daly city parking enforcement around looking for violators he show me this blue bmw so it's what we consider off driveway so you're your driveway, this is the driveway here an it doesn't help with the lawn "quote unquote lawn being here not to mention the car appears to be no operational because it was in a crash even if you fill your driveway with rocks, you still can't park your car on the unpaved section of the front of your house sound of scraping now if you happen to pave over the grassy part of your lawn then you can park there but there is a catch . you see you need to file for a permitpermits are required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in daly citydaly city is simply following the california building code, so any work done needs a permit one of the reasons why you are not permitted to park on laws is simple the ground mat not be stable enough hold the weight of a car and could rupture the a water line and we all know if a water line breaks the whole block is without water nats: ambiance oh yea back to the lawn being paved over, according to city officials there is no permit on file . so this might be a problem so as long as its parked in your driveway or with permitted changes you are fine. however, if your neighbor complains you could end up with a 38 dollar ticket oh and if the car is broke down that could result in code enforcement knocking on your door in daly city stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) heads up shellfish lovers .. lobsters are getting their own special day.. we'll have all the details - right after the break. wahhhh... right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. you wof your daily routine, so why treat your mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine® help prevent plaque, early gum disease, bad breath and kill up to 99.9% of germs. listerine® bring out the bold™ ( marty ) the bay area is dungeness crab country. but there is another crustacean that will soon be celebrated. in today's dine and dish, vicki liviakis gets you prepared for the upcoming national lobster day. sure, we love our crabs. dungeness is the local favorite, of course. but there's a visitor from the east coast - who's muscling in on the shellfish action. here for national lobster day, these maine lobsters are hoping to make it onto your dinner plate. well, actually they may not... but the maine lobstermen sure hope so. lobstermen like mike here on a tour to convince top chefs like stuart brioza of state bird provisions to embrace new shell lobsters. what's new shell? lobster rolls are where you typically find some of these crustaceans... stuart has decided to give it a san francisco spin - and whip up some sour dough lobster pancakes. kudos to the chef, the lobster pancakes are delicious! the lobster - is the star of the show, and doesn't want to be upstaged. and from the taste of it - our local dungeness can take a much needed break... that is until next dungeness season. in san francisco, vicki liviakis. coming up on kron four news weekend... as one a's player makes history by taking a knee.... we'll tell you how athletes around the sports world are responding to presdient trump. (camila)and a live report from the site of proposed counterprotests today here in berkeley... the east bay this morning. where hundreds of demonstrators blocked off several intersections in berkeley yesterday to denounce hate. this came after "berkeley patriot" group called off the events of "free speech week," kron four's philippe djegal takes us inside the "no hate in the bay" rally and march. (philippe)nats- "no hate in the bay. no hate in the bay." a little after noon...nats- "no to nazi's no to hate." hundreds of anti-fascist protestors....nats- "nazi's are not welcome here." bearing flags, signs and some covering their faces... meet up at 63rd and adeline streets. labor, faith and community-based organizations standing united... demonstrating their resistence to white supremacy and neo-nazi violence.lara kisawani/organizer- "the trump administration has emboldened racists and white supremacy in this country. he has made it that much more possible and accepting of people to go out there and incite violence in our communities." berkeley city leaders also spoke out... cheryl davila/councilmember- "we must say no to the militarization -- no to the alt-right. no to the white supremist. now is the time to stand up and be apart of the change." at least one counter protestor was told she was not welcome.nats- "security is going to stay close by. transmitting to the public. that's how insane these people are." some demonstrators showed aggression, but there was no violence. the rally remained mostly peaceful... nats- music and, so was the march that followed... which spanned a little more than two miles...veronica o'neal/student- "no more white supremacy in this american country. this is america -- we are all equal." protestors, at times, stopped traffic...nats- music before the large group finally made it to u-c berkeley for a closing rally near sproul plaza. in berkeley, philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) sproul plaza on the cal campus is at the site of more possible counterprotes ts today -- as milo yiannopoulos has called for a rally on campus today at noon. this despite the cancellation of the "free speech" event.(ááátake boxesááá) kron four's camila bernal is at sproul plaza this morning, where u-c berkleley police are preparing foranything. (camila)marty, good morning, these two groups have said that they will continue with planned events and protests here at the university.that's why authorities are already here, there's been police presence for a couple of hours already and the barricades have gone up the first event is scheduled to start at 10am and they are calling it "no fascist speech week".organizers say they are gathering to protest white supremacy and fascism.their goal is to protest against milo yiannopoulos, who said that even though the student group had cancelled the "free speech week events" he would still be speaking at the university at noon. (camila)some of these protests have gotten violent in the past, so authorities are preparing for any possible scenarios.the university is asking students to carry their id's because they will also be on high security. reporting live from uc berkeley, camila bernal kron 4 news. ( marty ) thanks camila. we will check back with you throughout the morning. (marty) we'll continue to follow this story throughout the morning here and on our newly updated kron 4 app. it's free to download for apple and android devices. make sure you enable the push alert feature to receive breaking news updates. (marty) president trump's comments about player protests in the n-f-l caused one baseball player to take a stand... by taking a knee. oakland a's catcher bruce maxwell took a knee during the national anthem on saturday as the team took on the texas rangers. he is the first major league baseball player to do so. teammate and cal alum mark canha stood behind maxwell and put his hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity. maxwell later tweeted "don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now." ( marty ) and new this morning.. under armour is now showing it's support for steph curry after he and the warriors were disinvited to the white house yesterday. the sports apparel company tweeted that it "stands for the flag and by our athletes for free speech, expression and a unified america." (marty) the raiders have a game in our nation's capitol vs washington this evening. nfl network's ian rapoport is reporting that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during the national anthem. we'll have much more on the president's comments and reaction coming up later in the newscast. more quakes have hit central mexico. we'll take a look at new damage. the controversy between the president and the n-f-l, and n- b-a is escalating. we'll have president trump's latest the tweets. it could cost you more if you are planning on flying soon, we'll show you the extra fee that could cost you. after the break. people love my breakfast burritos. and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box. for your money: .here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. (marty) airlines keep finding new ways to tack on added fees. if you're trying to bring luggage onto a flight as a carry-on, make sure you check the airline's policy beforehand. several airlines are now charging what critics call a "punishment fee." you can be charged extra for checking your bag at the gate. and if you book a basic economy ticket, some airlines won't let you use the overhead bin. that means if your personal items don't fit under the seat in front of you... you could end up paying more. (marty) credit reporting company equifax revealed this week that it had another breach back in march... about two months before the major breach that impacted 143 million people. hackers were able to access information including social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and driver's license numbers. several high-level executives sold nearly $2 million in company stock after learning of the breach -- long before it was reported to the public. a class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. tensions continue to increase between the u.s. and north korea. why thousands rallied in pyonyang yesterday. live look outside... bay bridge toll plaza. (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) breaking overnight... a man has died following an officer involved shooting in san francisco. averages. seasonal remain above temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) breaking overnight... a man has died following an officer involved shooting in san francisco. it happened around 11-35 last night on salmon street. (ááátriggerááá) police say the man was inside an apartment with a weapon along with his wife and two young children. officers heard a gunshot when they arrived. officers tried negotiating with the man for three hours. police say the man stopped negotiating and fired another gunshot. officers entered the apartment and shot the man. he was taken to hte hospital where he later died. no one else inside the apartment was injured. (marty) tensions between the united states and north korea continue to escalate. in the latest move, the u-s made a show of force. the pentagon says that these u-s "b-one-b" bombers flew in international airspace above the rogue nation saturday. after president trump, recently threatened to - quote - "totally destroy" the outlaw nation.... north korea's foreign minister spoke at the u.n. general assembly in new york... saying that a strike on the u.s. mainland was inevitable. the person who is chastised even by american people as "commander in grief", "lyin king", "president evil" is holding the seat of the u.s. president,.... holds the nuclear button; these are what constitute the gravest threat to the international peace and security today.">(marty) last night, president trump tweeted this response. "just heard foreign minister of north korea speak at u.n. if he echoes thoughts of little rocket man, they won't be around much longer!" "rocket man" is trump's nickanme for north korean leader kim jong un. (marty) meanwhile in pyongyang, thousands supported the government. north korea's state-run television aired this video today showing tens of thousands of people attending an anti-u-s rally. north korea's official news agency claims more than 100- thousand people gathered for the rally and gave speeches supporting kim jong un. (marty) mexico was hit by two more earthquakes yesterday. just days after a 7-point- 1 quake struck central mexico tuesday. yesterday's 6-point-1 tremor was centered about 275 miles southeast of mexico city. a 4-point-5 quake hit oaxaca yesterday afternoon. that caused some quake damaged highways and a bridge to collapse. the mexican government says search and rescue missions could continue for at least "two more weeks." rescue crews from across the u-s, including several teams from the bay area are in mexico helping with the search effort . (marty) people along the carolinas and the mid-atlantic coasts are being warned to watch the progress of hurricane maria... the u-s national hurricane center announced hurricane watches may go into effect today. (marty) this as tens of thousands of people who live near a failing dam in puerto rico have been forced to evacuate. if the dam fails, it would cause life- threatening flash flooding. at least ten people are already dead due to the storm ...and that number is expected to go up. days after the storm blew through, officials still have yet to reach some of the more remote towns in the country.. over 75-percent of the island remains without power or water. (marty) and a reminder if you are taking bart today. the south fremont station will be closed for the next two weekends for construction work on the bart extension to silicon valley. a free bus will run between the south fremont and fremont stations every 20 minutes. bart officials are telling riders to expect a 20 to 30 minute delay. ( marty ) soul singer charles bradley has passed away after a battle with cancer. bradley died last night surrounded by his friends, family and bandmates. the singer gained popularity later in life. his first album was released in 2011. his final album was released last year. bradley was 68 years old. ( marty ) the worlds of politics, and sports collide. hear steve kerr's reaction to the president taking back the warriors' invitation to the white house. oard. your clue is a great way to start the day. what is the final letter? luten-free, luten-free. it's a g it's a g g,g,g,g,g! g! z. oh! what! show me z. no we were looking for g. gluten-free breakfast cereal. good starts with g. and now introducing new blueberry chex. (marty) thanks j.r. it was also a big day in college football. cal had their work cut out for them.... hosting fifth ranked u-s-c. the trojans had won 13 straight against the golden bears coming in... but this one was one of the tightest matchups in years. game was tied going into the 4th... but southern california's defense forced one of six cal turnovers to setup a stephen carr touchdown. that was enough for the trojans to win 30-20. trojans have now won 13 in a row, and move to 4- 0 on the season. cal falls to 3 and 1. and stanford beat u-c-l-a in an shootout, 58-34. (marty) niners played thursday, so only the raiders going today... facing washington in our nation's capital. the 2-0 raiders are 3 point favorites in a nationally televised game that kicks off at 5:30 local time. as we mentioned earlier.... the nfl network reports that the raiders starting offensive line intends to sit or kneel as a group during tonight's national anthem. ( marty ) the president is speaking out against the warriors. we'll have what people in the sports world are saying about his comments. after the break. looking live at the sutro cam. (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) president trump took a shot at steph curry by rescinding his white house invitation áafterá curry said he was not interested in the event. the warriors say they'll now use their trip to the nation's capital in febuary to "celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion." kron four's ella sogomonian reports with how fans are reacting to the team's decision. so: steph curry, warriors guard// "our president has... the things that he said and hasn't said at the right times... we won't stand for it. by acting, or not going, hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country."warriors all star steph curry in a press conference friday saying he may break tradition and deny a visit to the white house to celebrate his team's championship.trump fired back on twitter the morning after... saying "going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" warriors fans scoffed at the idea of revoking an unaccepted invitation.sot: lavonn johnson, warriors fan// "california, we didn't vote for trump so they weren't going to go anyway so it wasn't a big deal for him to tell them he doesn't want them to come because it was a waste of time, they weren't going anyway." a few hours later steph explained in another interview - that his refusal to visit the white house is not about division but instead promoting an understanding society. sot: stephen curry, warriors player// "at the end of the day i commend and applaud everybody that's spoken up its what we are supposed to do we're supposed to continue this conversation and promote change and everybody's doing it in their own way. it's just really important."the warriors released a statement as well saying quote while we intended to meet as a team at the first opportunity we had this morning to collaboratively discuss a potential visit to the white house we accept that president trump has made it clear that we are not invited. warriors fans we spoke with agree with steph and the team's stance.sot: rafael sanchez, warriors fan// "well i think he's doing the right thing because the president has demonstrated time and time again he does not like minorities he doesn't not care for minorities . why would you go up in his house and grin in his face when he's thinking bad thoughts about you?" ( marty ) lebron james is a rival to steph curry and the warriors on the court. but james is supporting curry off the court. on social media he slammed president trump's comments about players taking a knee during the national anthem. james says that sports should be a platform to bring people together.( marty ) and future n-b-a hall of and future n-b-a hall of famer kobe bryant also attacked the president saying quote "a potus whose name alone creates division and anger. whose words inspire dissension and hatred can't possibly "make america great again." (marty)new this morning... trump doubling down on his comments on n-f-l protests. tweeting "if nfl fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our flag & country, you will see change take place fast. fire or suspend!" (marty) trump continued..." attendance and ratings are way down. boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. league should back u.s." football players from the baltimore ravens and the jacksonville jaguars kneeled and linked arms before their game in london today. it happened during the national anthem at wembley stadium. again, this comes after the president's remarks that football players who don't stand for the anthem should be fired. ( marty ) we spoke to kron four sports director gary radnich about how criticizing the president could impact both the nfl and the nba moving forward. ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes to steal an ( marty ) two men try to steal an atm but it goes horribly wrong. we will show you the surveillance video. next. live look outside... san francisco international airport. ( marty ) for the weekend: it's the pacific coast fog fest in pacifica. enjoy arts and crafts, food and live music. it is happening on palmetto avenue from 10 a-m to 6 p-m. the event is free to attend. an atm robbery gone wrong near modesto. two men drove the back of a pick up truck into the front of a convenience store... and took off. its happened just after four friday morning. police say the two men backed the pick up truck into the part of the store where the atm was located. but when the security alarm went off... the men took off. and the truck itself was stolen. surveillance video shows the men stealing the truck just a few hours earlier. it was found abandoned two blocks away from the store. owners of the store say the damage to the building will cost more than the atm itself. live look outside from our sutro cam... (marty and anny at wing) (anny hong): high pressure off the west coast will gradually build eastward and over california through midweek, maintaining a warming trend through wednesday. slight cooling is expected late in the week, but temperatures will remain above seasonal averages. ( marty ) for more than two decades... one bay area church has been getting kids ready for the school year with a new pair of shoes. kron4's jeff pierce was at the giveaway... that has grown so big it was held at oracle arena. new shoes, thousands of them were given out saturday morning by oakland's first african methodist episcipalian church at oracle arena. the event is now in it's twenty first year, one that had modest it's infancy we started out in our church parking lot we gave away sixty pairs of shoes.they have come a long way from that day twenty one years ago to be able to give over three thousand pairs of new shoes to young students.they started out with a generous instinct in their back parking lot, today they are serving thousands of families here in oracle arena.with the help of dozens of sponsers and hundreds of volunteers it has become an event that could only be contained in an arena. i think it's really good for these kids to have a nice pair of shoes to go back to school, hang out with their friends, it's important. if it makes a difference in their life that's great oakland sports teams stepped up to plate with the raiderettes pitching in. the warriors handed out book bags and gave them a peak at their locker room. oakland a's bruce maxell knew the importance these things mean to young students.just being able to have a new pair of shoes a quality pair of shoes, a book bag those are essential to have somebody feel like they belong somewhere. it's been amazing how the sports team oakland have stepped up because they want to be a part of enriching our young people and were just excited that so many organizations have caught the vision of one church.the event also gave young minds the opportunity to think of those whose fortunes are now in peril.we're asking people to write a note to a hurricane victim and we will mail them to either houston or florida. kron four's pam moore has been attending this event for years and recognized the need. there's so much need in the world today with all the natural disasters but there is also need in our own community so whenever you can do good, it's a good thing.looking at the growth of this event that we know that we are answering a very real need in the oracle arena in oakland jeff pierce kron four news.enjoy your new shoes, have fun ( marty ) with parking at a premium here in the bay area.... stanley roberts discovered some people finding more "creative" places to park -- in this edition of people behaving badly. to many the guy across the street he got he got two. over there they got 4 over here they got 4 the other guy they got 4 and they guy three, the nex the next door they got 4he is taking about cars and while you have own as many cars as you want where you place the cars in daly city can be a problem the daly city municipal code forbids drivers from parking on your lawn . but if you driver around daly city you will see just that cars parked on laws nats ambiance i followed daly city parking enforcement around looking for violators he show me this blue bmw so it's what we consider off driveway so you're your driveway, this is the driveway here an it doesn't help with the lawn "quote unquote lawn being here not to mention the car appears to be no operational because it was in a crash even if you fill your driveway with rocks, you still can't park your car on the unpaved section of the front of your house sound of scraping now if you happen to pave over the grassy part of your lawn then you can park there but there is a catch . you see you need to file for a permitpermits are required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure in daly citydaly city is simply following the california building code, so any work done needs a permit one of the reasons why you are not permitted to park on laws is simple the ground mat not be stable enough hold the weight of a car and could rupture the a water line and we all know if a water line breaks the whole block is without water nats: ambiance oh yea back to the lawn being paved over, according to city officials there is no permit on file . so this might be a problem so as long as its parked in your driveway or with permitted changes you are fine. however, if your neighbor complains you could end up with a 38 dollar ticket oh and if the car is broke down that could result in code enforcement knocking on your door in daly city stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) heads up shellfish lovers .. lobsters are getting their own special day.. we'll have all the details -the break. ( marty ) the bay area is dungeness crab country. but there is another crustacean that will soon be celebrated. in today's dine and dish, vicki liviakis gets you prepared for the upcoming national lobster day. sure, we love our crabs. dungeness is the local favorite, of course. but there's a visitor from the east coast - who's muscling in on the shellfish action. here for national lobster day, these maine lobsters are hoping to make it onto your dinner plate. well, actually they may not... but the maine lobstermen sure hope so. lobstermen like mike here on a tour to convince top chefs like stuart brioza of state bird provisions to embrace new shell lobsters. what's new shell? lobster rolls are where you typically find some of these crustaceans... stuart has decided to give it a san francisco spin - and whip up some sour dough lobster pancakes. kudos to the chef, the lobster pancakes are delicious! the lobster - is the star of the show, and doesn't want to be upstaged. and from the taste of it - our local dungeness can take a much needed break... that is until next dungeness season. in san francisco, vicki liviakis. ( marty ) if you have a restaurant, bistro, cafe or bar that you'd like to see featured on 'dine and dish'. you can send an email to dine and dish at kron 4 dot com .... or fill out the submission form on our website. you can also check out our new 'dine and dish' facebook page ad lib final 7 day forecast thats kron 4 news weekend for this saturday morning... i'm marty gonzalez. from all of us thanks for watching. join us for kron4 news weekend tomorrow morning starting at 8 o'clock ... and tonight for kron 4 news at eight. [ engines revving ] when you drop a 603-horsepower v8 biturbo engine into one of mercedes-benz's finest luxury sedans, what do you get? [ engine stalls ] you get out of the way. 0-to-60 in 3.3 seconds. the mercedes-amg e63 s sedan. [music] >> joel osteen: well, god bless you. it's a joy to be with you. if you're ever in our area, please stop by. i promise you, we'll make you feel right at home. i like to start with something funny. and i heard about these three sisters, ages 96, 94, and 92, that lived together. one day, the 96-year-old draws a bath. she puts one foot in and stops. she hollers downstairs, "i can't remember if i was getting or getting out." the 94-year-old said, "just a second. i'll come up and help ya." she gets halfway up the stairs and stops. she says, "i can't remember

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