Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20240622 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20240622

of 2014 without their officers firing their weapons, and 10 consecutive-months in 2013 with no officer involved shootings. in oakland haaziq madyun kron4news >> pam:an armed home invasion has residents on edge tonight after three men forced their way into partnership with abc 7. officials say the same flag was flown at ground zero after 911 also on the last mission agenda nasa this time the flag flew here for 15 hours one hour for each year underserved in the police department a brief ceremony brought out dozens of people including blood news parents the other flag was carefully removed and will be ready for it is next displaythe fire has destroyed more than >> pam: the happened last night in fallout so the suspects are still on a loose again, and live a police headquarters 9-and this all started with a piece the delivery? >> reporter: years we have to ask yourself as someone not in your door and said hey at a pizza for you would open up the door and whether you ordered it or not problem was once a gallop in the door of that to these folks didn't get in trouble for how the police or no fuel identify this man sunday evening he poses a pizza delivery man forced his way into a home on suzanne drive a company name him to mess men was armed with a knife the others with a semiautomatic pistol. the commotion"caused the husband of the home to come out also went to confront them at the point of the suspects left on foot foot. "victimize was specifically targeted by the suspects are for a. takeda and the reasons now to what we believe that, we believe this was not a random attack. still >> reporter: has neighbors on edge. "heard some banging and screaming and is a little bit scary" "of the two dogs of it on the vital things you conceive a four year week you open the door restaurant planning to do. >> reporter: the of the two suspects wearing masks as you imagine the description of those to somewhat limited all they will say is both about 6 ft. 22 under 20 lbs. with muscular builds coming up tonight at 6:00 we give you tips from police about what you can do to protect yourself in case of home invasion robbery. while >> pam: fires ravishing california's cnidocil from lake county. this is continuing to a burn out of control and the. edges from helicopter partnership abc seven. the fire has destroyed more than 60,000 a.. only 12 percent contained at this hour a. and charles clifford live in like port tonight charles we understand thousand people are still. >> pam: check on charles later there's a prom with a live report will get you do that in the meantime. >> grant: addition the l.a. county fire which we will get to nearly two dozen other major wildfires are burning california tonight. clay county fire far and away the. largest and that is where the evacuation concerns are most prevalent. that one is burning south 8 east of clear lake== we're also monitoring a there's also the madera county the sierra national== and the lake berryessa fire.justthat fire started nearly two weeks ago.and flared up last week when it broke containment lines. it's damaged one home and four outbuildings.two other outbuildings were destroyed. this is video from last month.courtesy of our partnership with abc7. more than eight thousand acres's 95 percent the damge in butte county is now being surveyed. two homes are gone.more than a dozen outbuildings also destroyed. this fire burned only 400 acres north-east of yuba city.but it had a big impact. evacuation orders are lifted. it's 95 percent contained. that one has burned nearly six thousand acres.after starting a week and a half ago. some still littering complicating matters for crews out there continue to follow the situation throughout california >> reporter: i confirmed this morning 5000 of those residences resulted in 13,000 people having to flee their homes guy and take a look at some video from an hour ago this fire is a very active while fire 60,000 a. have been burned 12 percent contained so far for the most part the fire's been kept the fuqua was how 16 as you can see in this video fire crews rushing had a small coal-fired jump about how we 20 aboard of 50 a. of rich and very aggressively to get in there and bring the fire under control and now this croute these trees also traveled containment lines and others as a fire and very rough terrain hilly a very broad conditions out there bubble aircraft working in the area water drops turn to this fire under control and they're still dozens of roads and neighborhoods close it will be for some time no evacuations have been lifted because there's still a lot of fire crews working in the area of now there are fire crews from all over the region about 3000 firefighters are here san francisco fire chuckle by also crews from all across the state and the exact cause of this fire still under investigation and they don't all how it started last friday run through the afternoon. they're now estimating that this fire could be under control by about august 10th were expecting another update from cal fire around 6:00 p.m. and will have those details for you are 6:00 newscast. >> pam: according to cal fire at least 100,000 a. have burned since the start of the year 14 percent more the burn this time last year the total number of fires have 4042% jump from last year and diane as in our weather center tracking the conditions than the wind is still a problem for firefighters? when to >> reporter: undyed council's mostar in lower dealing with right now high 8 degrees minimum humidity 22% and a peak when speed at 20 m.p.h. in or having transition of wednesday is not dying down for about 105 osorno toastmaster and also giving the forecast here nor rain showers are forecast that's also a factor when they find these fires strike conditions warm weather also humidity levels are low so what we do have that might help them for the next couple days will pressure moving in from the coast with cool temperatures bringing them down solely for the wednesday to make an impact guy down till tomorrow afternoon and wednesday. for now looking at 20 m.p.h. when speeds for them as they're fighting this fire. >> catherine:but a special olympics athlete who vanished in los angeles saturday appeared safe and apparently unharmed at the hayward police station early this morning. he simply walked in, picked up the phone, spoke to us and we came out and started talking to him. hayward police quickly connected their visitor to the missing persons alert circulated statewide after andi gusmari was reported missing saturday night. the 44-year-old bowler is from albania who apparently speaks little english. police admit getting his story was a challenge. well we contacted the at&t language line and we enlisted the services of an albanian interpreter, so we were able to get some information but very limited indications are he made the 350 mile trip from los angeles to hayward by bus. he was dressed only in shorts and a t=shirt. he did look cold. we gave him a blanket and and some food. he had no visible injuries. he was gusmari also spoke by phone with family members. representatives from the los angeles police and special olympics came to pick him up. he'll be sent back home with quirea story to tell. another special olympic athlete went missing for several hours today. a 15=year old table tennis competitor from the ivory coast. disappeared from l=a=x at six=thirty this morning. inglewood. >> pam:san francisco public schools are today. and the district is scrambling to hire teachers. right now, there are 51- positions open. the superintendent recently took the unprecented step of sending out an email to his staffers. asking them help recruit some factors responsible for the shortage. the high cost of bay area housing. and the pool of qualified candidates shrinking statewide. a district spokesperson says, over the last five years there has been a 53-percent drop in the number of people coming out of credentialing programs. "in the state" "not the district is not on the way other districts hurt and constant communication with them in terms of coming up with shared solutions strategies in san francisco unified we've done some very aggressive are rich recruitment so we know or head of the game compared to a lot of follow districts in the state. has fewer vacancies than it did this time last year, and officials are confident they by the time school starts. they say they are talking with the city and the union. about creating workforce housing, or creating rent subsidies, in order to attract a whale washes ashore. another dead humpback whale washes up on pacifica beach. what scientists say likely caused the death. ahead. three drones are spotted three- days in- a- row. flying above j- f-k airport in new york. next. and president obama lays out an ambitious plan to fight climate change. a move which he says. will actually help the economy. >> catherine:the drama over an alleged 'fight club' at the san francisco jail continues. to a new lawsuit. three former inmates have now filed a legal claim against the city and county. charging that deputies forced them to fight each other for entertainment. the lawsuit says the men punishment -- and the intentional infliction of emotional distress. lawsuit. the claims - first made in march - spurred an independent fbi investigation. >> pam: late last month. has been charged with a slew of charges, including attempting carjacking. the incident happened on july 26th. a 24-year-old man crashed an allegedly stolen car into a light pole near the airport. police say, the man then attempted to carjack a vehicle. officer got to scene. a foot chase ended with the man getting shot in the abdomen by an officer. he remains in jail on 750- thousand dollars bail. by sfpd officer near sfo official said the fare back while blue for straw like incest left hip by ship beach. also likely die a ship strikes strike. another humpback was also likely federal officials have asked large ships to slow down in gather to feed between may and it's unclear what will happen to this latest whale's body. we'll have a live report from at 8:00. >> reporter: is enough temperatures today mostly sunny skies for the afternoon now the wind speed is slowly picking up for lovey's wednesday as for the rest leading it cannot proclaim 79 hayward area city of 40 mi. per hour temperatures are now running upper '70's for inland valley location 70 antioch unconquered east bay shoreline low 70's in san francisco peninsula upper 60s to as planner looks like the rest evening 10:00 p.m. drop in the '60s notice the fog rolling in the coastal regions fell we pretty stubborn to stay with us are a little small morning partly sunny skies temperatures again in the low 60s so subtle area are showing no rain and are forecast now what we're dealing with those is the low pressure system all this low clouds fog will make its way into our region hear all the activity pushing over to the east of us and we're dealing with low pressure for a while i will keep our temperature slightly cooler than average the another round of high pressure and a few days it will give our temperatures back to where we should be for this time of year next is a quick this tuesday 78 degrees for inland valley locations. 73 for east bay shoreline by wednesday was the cause of the system temperatures will be in the '80s for in the city's 76 freeze the shoreline by thursday of more sunshine in place and mild the warm temperatures >> pam:today, president obama made a bold pitch for the u-s to play an important role in curbing climate change. but the administrations proposals are already being met with skepticism by some republicans. from our partners at c-n-n. ryan nobles has the story. president obama says that now is the time for the u-s to act to curb climate change. "i believe there is such a thing as being too late." >> reporter: administration wants to cut u-s carbon emissions from power plants by 32 percent over the next fifteen years. a move he economy. "i am here to say that if we want to protect our economy, and our security, and our children's health, we are going to have to do more." but it is the ecomonic argument that is already drawing skeptisim. much of the obama plan calls for dramatic reductions in the use of coal. a main component of the u-s energy market presidential candidate "if you're a single mom in tampa florida, and your electric bill goes up by 30 dollars a month that is catastrophic." the president attempted to show thatsmart planning when it comes to energy. could lead to a cleaner earth. and a more robust economy. "if you're a single mom in but not everyone- especially human activity. fax matter here the fax ... satellite data the last 18 years the zero recorded warming to enact meaningful change about will likely have to do so through executive order >> pam:in the coming weeks, president he will speak at the 'national clean energy summit' in nevada. and will later become the first sitting president to visit the alaskan arctic. in national news -- there is a troubling new warning regarding >> pam:people aren't just fed up with pilots. chilling warning for u.s. law enforcement. they say that terrorists could use drones to bring down planes. in the past few days three drones were spotted close to flights trying to land at new york's j-f-k airport. address the terror threat -- senator chuck schumer says he at least has an idea to keep most drones away from forbidden places. "and to suffer a drone at nominal cost the program that does not let them fly in certain places within 2 mi. of the airport 500 ft. over the empire state building pentagon. >> pam: >> catherine:schumer wants the f-a-a to require that every single drone made for use here or abroad -- has the geo-fencing. terror threat -- but but experts say a drone could fly into a plane's engine --- destroying it. next. the niners kicked off their first practice of the season. how the sod -saga is continuing ronda rousey takes out her latest opponent in a masterpiece of a fight. what's next after this dominating win. ahead. is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. only at a sleep number store. right now, save up to $1000 on select mattress and adjustable base sets. know better sleep with sleep number. >> grant: they did it's found in the niners practice saturday night conditioned. prompting the team to move today's practice it out of the one year-old stadium to nearby practice field from saturday fans in the stands new head coach said that his guys would not practice there again if the issues persisted grounds crews worked overnight saturday and sunday to address that when terror from various concert other sporting events make the turf an issue right there the niners will have an open practice of this coming sunday. >> pam:ronda rousey is trending for her 34- second knockout of brazilian bethe correia over the weekend. but is anyone really surprised? she even took down the insider's michael yo! >> reporter: will they end its star sector receive double the $? said a >> reporter: ignite rowdy showed the but. additional 65,000 a show another 65,000 for the wind hundred 30,000 she got a $50,000 bonus given by the u.s. for the performance of the night getting knocked out that canada did 80,000 in june as a cut of the pay-per-view make several million dollars in the range of 5 million even a little more even in the opinion of i'll figures, fighting insider says or off the is the highest-paid female competitor earnings come up short in comparison to the male competition. >> reporter: 11 have a good history of japanese share of suffering and after beating at espy's the domestic violence. >> reporter: your whole floyd fields by be being beaten by women. at 7:30 it's entertainment tonight. then we're back with kron 4 news coming up at 5:30. fleeing the flames. thousands evacuated from their homes as a raging wildfire explodes in size. how many acres have been claimed so far and new information in the sentencing phase of the case against colorado theater shooter james holmes. the big step taken by the jury today. >> pam: affairs says at least 60,000 a. have been torched an account wildfire so far falls of people have been told to evacuate will trend has more on what firefighters are setting up this latest/. >> reporter: the 27 firefighters working 24 hour shifts a rocket fire the continues to burn out of control firefighter say this one as especially tough battle. cs >> reporter: and firefighters are but haven't seen fire spread a move like this buyers moved in the entire career a couple days ago we actually let it consume 20,000 a. in a matter of about five hours has so the combination of a lot of things draw like conditions hot dry vegetation as an so that vegetation is being so dry mix for explosive fire behavior. "jim folks be pro-active in case something happens there vertigo take things like medication valuables things that are important to sustain in the everyday life as of monday for 16 major wildfires in place to our state and at this location however if they should help it should not be a problem as the political resources to come to like pork. >> pam: are being sent to help battle california wildfires. including the raging lake county fire. the c-130 planes come from a base in colorado. and are arriving at mcclellan airtanker base near sacramento. the planes are equipped with large fire fighting systems. they can drop 3-thousand gallons of water or fire retardant. in less than five- seconds. they can be refilled in less than 12- minutes. -chain chin heading to the overnight hours 6 say anything to most the fog moving and san francisco said mattel even though also east bay shoreline areas oakland hey word parts of fremont even up to the north center fell the nicosia's intel arledge, are most of that pulls back and burns off but the fog and the voice of high clouds to replace bulky temperatures cooler close or block, especially in the valley as well all of clause in the forecast even the east bay shoreline you see that and continues to 10:00 p.m. another round of a come wednesday will see much of a warm-up to lend a week steer highs for tomorrow stang pre much: the cool side 78 anaximenes 7 pleasanton east bay shoreline upper sixties to low 70's all severs the scope and is listed as the upper 60s table. for convicted colorado >> pam: theater shooter james holmes. the jury agreed today. to send the sentencing of james holmes to a third and final phase. colorado law requires juries to deliberate three- times. before delivering a death penalty sentence. holmes was found guilty of opening fire in a crowded movie theater in aurora, colorado, back in 20-12. killing 12- people. his lawyers argue. holmes was mentally ill when the shootings happened. a manhunt is over for an ex- con. suspected of killing a memphis police officer over the weekend. 29-year-old tremain wilbourn. turned himself in to federal authorities in memphis tennessee, today. wilbourn is accused of shooting night. police say, the officer had interrupted a drug deal. after a regular traffic stop. before his capture. wilbourn was wanted on a charge of first- degree murder. memphis, tenn. - the latest on nine >> pam: year-old keyser was running to retrieve a bat and a better took a practice swing axle and struck him although young kaiser wearing a helmet the hit was severe authorities say he died at a hospital on sunday incident happens liberal competing in the national baseball congress will series. >> catherine: first-person luck and philadelphia might remember is how canadian research of people this has meant him as country during of sir leon yoko shall show and all loans repeatedly kicked robots see their bracken began stopping again people upset ugly to a man researchers try really trigger of support made six will ship across can german problem all in the west's thing really nasty coming up, find out how one parent is coping with the added cheese. sur pogrip sealout re fd paicles. soour od w't g stu. and yocan joy ery ngleite. t lo. li lou supepoliip. ses oumoreood. ♪ super ligr hol you dentes thtlyn ple. youeverave holback. ugh ud. li lou sur pogrip get rongll d hol to tell >> catherine: but facing sunscreen backlash. that this woman tried it twice and then she put it on both times and she is not publicly responded apparently is working on damage control all of the critics of people who use the sun screen had on their children and looking over here the children suffered painful sunburns another woman says she applied it liberally every hour to a baby girl but the little girl was still burned in the company based in santa monica. >> pam: suggest that one family adapting to life after a disability. >> reporter: for a special chairs and cherishes moments like this two years ago in a serious a tv accident changed her life. "unless the weeks pregnant with my son of t. 12 level injuries monochord. pretty much cut off the feeling of movement belie bellybutton. >> reporter: 11 will share also heard in normal and the challenging parts of caring for low thomas and 80 picks up from his crib or play area. "put on here i would love to maunders armpit and lift them from their like that the deal. your team gets easier the older he gets thomas enjoys helping his mom. "a paris hangups thinking there could will not have a note show dissatisfaction to them when it's actually decay the teach's bomber dad it is one see ma and dad. "time jennifer makes use of the pool to the permanent injury and she cites herself on the bed. some the"the display at will tickle him like crazy and i condemn the symbol and not missing out any time with your son. , >> pam: cast make changing the way you watch tv new feature that helps you interact using your voice check this out. with xfinity home we get 24/7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. that's way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. my name is peter tran. i'm a gas service representative. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california. the wildfire of lake county still on the move as reported the blazes now jumped highway 20 video taken from an hour ago helicopter partners at abc seven clerics specing an update on the fire fight in just a few minutes trawls clifford will have the new numbers for us all coming up the top the hour on kron 4 news at 6. get >> reporter: cable-tv this will improve your tv watching experience, cassocks they unveiled new this new remote- control with a very unique feature the new remote has a blue note mike but here in the center for the voice command featured it lets you control your cable box tv with your voice push this button holddown speaker tv goes into listening mode awaiting your command. >> reporter: to the channel finder favorite shows search by actor a stranding to talk or whether people are watching narrow control has to other really handy features come with equities and bonds suet doing a darkroom arrow should have this and in anywhere with this remote you don't need a line of sight your cable box means you can keep the box and set a cabinet and a tennis center new voice for a cause of the next monday are boxed if your have one ticking year-old drought into congress stores which south for new voice controller 043 x 1 box compatible with most plans should the chair sysop's offer the new box if you have yet. >> pam: >> reporter: system disguised as of right now. growing in the area along the morning lows as well 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning when you wake up zero sixties from the value vacation 61 antioch 60 pleasanton cost so little close '60s for oakland hayward area as well pack a methodical so regions scattered even throat and hayward what to expect tonight afternoon and the rest a week for you tonight mostly cloudy conditions in the afternoon gradual clearing with those clouds red around 11 to noon time or sunshine peeking out of a week ahead for you was a sunny skies with seasonal temperatures back in our forecast all dealing with color temperatures for now and all the fog and clouds because of low pressure system off the coast there sec in the white area indicating clouds the five making its way into our region that will keep in place for the next couple days a for actually feel warm up their highs in the matter will only be to the upper 80's ladies i should say 80 brentwood this is further ago several routes will be low 70's said the danville's and 64 muckrake over eastern shore of closed cities as a more passive but in this area in the morning hours and obviously compared inland valley cities and in yourself a regions' woes have scattered clouds here overall killing of more cloudy conditions reason conditions at that when speeds averaging 15 hours per hour than die down to about five descend in the evening hours. the north bay area's will have 77 degrees on average daytime highs san francisco peninsula again heavy pettifog in these areas for the morning hours and then they become high clouds and place for an afternoon it and psi as it was today than scorekeeping debitors on the close of the things was too much of a warm-up and until the end the week at least 87 degrees because the '90s by friday saturday sunday another round of those clouds coming and still temperatures will stay seasonal average and seasonal talking low eighties for inland valley cities upper seventies for the east bay shoreline and a day of quiet conditions in exchange for such conditions to a week and. >> reporter: and the recently nothing like 23 percent if he bought on the open he bought it was down 29 down 16% greek bank's great stock market were closed for for five weeks that gone to their restructuring very open to a tumble 25% one day it pretty scary greece. his problem for europe and the and have to make some painful economic reforms a lot of state businesses that pensions and the public trading company to privatize them an cautionary tale here with a lot of pension promises and the united states as well nowhere near but on the road is the thought of how you pay for everything we promised. >> reporter: watching at&t direct tv gave permission to go through their merger they have and it's good for consumers account changes are in see here? . this is >> reporter: interesting so far always seen as bundles that need a little bit less than what i mean by that is combining internet cable landlines not at&t offering dirty part their bundle announced on august 10th tentative dollars a month but was khalil be able to put dirty and phone idea of watching live sports on my phone at the gym works for me. the price of $28 a share first- rate as 25 couple years ago never been below 38 today they might crack or monks 30 and talk about them being acquired will be heating up only company that really seems adjusting the potentially this will be global they just shut down low + is a disaster so really expensive of the skillet until the stock hits $24 a share may be as low as 15 a concert career with companies like microsoft assailants i say again training track shall not on all the trackcoming up i've said it once but ill say it again, you can only or near the tracks of people behaving badly h the whole family. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00 tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. there is this one location in burlingame where driver's are constantly looking over their shoulder and she not looking for nats: ambiance nats: ambiance or this driver. but what are they looking for? it simple. a 79 mile per hour train, why you ask its because they are sitting on a set of active caltrain tracks this driver could care less thathe is on the track in fact he takes time to look at this phone. you can't make this stuff up nats: of train plowing through he this is sitting on one set of tracks as soon as he starts to move the signal of an uncoming train starts going off an another driver ignores the signal and blows through nats: ambiance people seem to have a fascination with stopping on active train tracks maybe it the thrill of living on the edge i've said it once but i'll say it again you can only get hit by a train if you are on or near the tracks and by say near the law says more than 15 feet from the tracks chevy have a motto for its trucks i believe it is "find new roads," i can bet money on this if a train were to hit this big rig stretched over two sets of tracks they would be finding new roads alright nats: of train passing this black and white sign means it's a requirement not a request, if you ignore the requirement and get caught the fine is pretty close to 500 dollars but the cost of a train hitting you is something that cannot be caculated in dollars in 2015 accoriding to the federal railroad adminstration 54 fatalites and 150 not fatal collisions in california alone nats: ambiance what i find intresting is that i always talk to people who say they would never stop on train tracks yet i find lost of people doing it not in two days but in all these in 2 hours and this driver was ablt to back up but you may not have that option always remember train tracks are not a joke expecally if the is a train coming in burlingame stanley roberts kron 4 news >> pam: fire burning in lake county massive other major fires ravishing the state talk live to account fire presentive coming up its six to get some perspective on how many wild fires are burning and the challenges the state is facing right now that talk about this woman who police say robert hahn and on the on-line message he is again in the first place kron 4 is at sixth just 90 seconds away x 6 cooler weather but not cooling-off the slowdown like county fire has roughly tripled in size since the weekend and generating its own storm bernie across 93 square miles forcing more than 13,000 people to flee their homes thousands of homes are still threatened tonight as the wild fires still burn trulls clifford reporting from the fire line in lake county grand is your my entering other intense well fires and our state tonight. the villa with charles and lee county it what is the latest? >> reporter: at this point monday afternoon at 60,000 a. at 12 percent containment plus four days it's been but a burning for four days now putting a good job motta contain south of highway 20 list of highly 16 about a bad news the fire has jumped over highway 20 beginning to burn out of the " for containment area. "clock it's been kicking up we get out there aggressively hit that and then today hit 20 we did everything we could on that at this point it looks like it's well established vendors across your fingers to make and ship it to jump to 20 and appears to will established. all but 6000 structures are residences and then as you heard pam's a moment ago 13,000 people forced from their homes. of the >> reporter: reactive wild fire crews are on 3000 firefighters here all over the region san francisco fire just short while ago trend bring this thing under control dozens of people on the roads evacuated regulations will remain in place for the time being because crews working in the area their chance to keep people out 75 in this fire the exact cause the blaze under investigation cal fire estimated they believe it may be appealing it contained by august 10th hoping. again for some new details here with the next hour or so have those three little later on kron 4 news firefighting resources stretched into i across california a number of wild fires burning in the state right now several of those are in northern california cries here now for an update for us. a brae >> grant: tougher unprecedented to fire conditions according to hellfire hundred thousand acres have burned so far this year and 2015 compare that to the start of last year when about 87,000 a. have burned and that is significantly different also number of fires in 2015 so far more than 4200 last year 2900 and that is some 42% more this year than last year joining us now on the phone in your living in the your hear from the rocky fire truck clifford was just live in lake county commission. firefighters call this historic and we learned it has in fact jumped highway 20 another was a challenge was the latest this firefight. "was a whole the south of highway 20 fire activity did pick up we so far that fire has spurned zero well over a hundred acres there are aggressively trying to attack the fire comes we do not want this fire to continue to spread on our side of highway 20 their tens of thousands of acres of dry thick brush ready to burn much like the vegetation already burned in this and now we are making progress despite this buyers continued growth we are making progress of the fired 12 percent contained and were in right now and a briefing with the folks on our on line today with an idea of those in just a little bit what progress was made today and how much bigger the fires gone. the the"tunnel under conditions for several years now talking about the morning of justice same scenario was interesting as this fire is fire to grow in such a rapid rate without a factor like a santa ana wind blowing among rows and our unprecedented this is historical such a large growth in such short my time delay their concern for us as things are rolling again dreyer sept. oct. historic lows you largest damaging fire as still prepared a lot of additional crews and resources making progress on many of the other fires burning up and down the state that allows us to reassign them striking keeper protecting the rocket fire with everything we got." this >> grant: software and i'll tend to destroy the mobile homes, the fight wildfires to injured threat to state and then blending prompting hundreds of small wild fires are especially open the whole county area. "making good progress on the fire several others lending sparks to continue to grow lightning can by thursday afternoon across the north bay on the north coast of the northern california lightning definitely kids created several hundred fires many of them got on very large and some of the men very remote areas of maturity county's costa county area the lightning death like continues to be concerned on into tomorrow for the north part of a state with a potential more dry lightning strikes so do need the votes kopit's try out their fire danger is high department sparking a fire. >> reporter: 80 degrees good news it was not a 90 degree upper 90s normally this time here gets to committee down 22% in the peak winds eased i'll car windows and on average really deal with the winds began the evening was see it die down not until tomorrow evening if anything cooler temperatures had away coz a low pressure system off the coast there brings and cooler air also cooling things down forests temperature rise " we really need is more rain to setting any of it or getting a lot of dry conditions here so this was helping the fire spread anything though the wind speeds will die down for tomorrow and the rest of a week put temperatures heading in the forecast. >> pam: is officer going up with tears in surgery after being wounded in a shootout with a special assault suspect this happened 130 monday morning on memo cable barred police chief shot went says his officers just alive at the location suspects opened fire is an assault rifle spec"cannot with a rifle and immediately began firing upon the officers and from the house to police officers returned fire striking the suspect one the police officers was struck by gunfire. >> pam: suspect a 49 year-old oakland resident still yet to be named killed during the shootout with police caught a police looking for a breeze and trail of armed robbers that pushed their way on a family while stockholm incident has shaken residents in the area news of the incident is spreading their the anchorman's live at police headquarters in pottos tonight and then tells us this all started as a pizza delivery elizabeth family is made to think. >> reporter: so think this was random and think they're targeted at this point the pleased nonautomotive and residents describe the bright color tortures neighborhood is crime free sleepy in fact and that's not how was sunday night adult of teenage daughter a went open the door of a man standing on our front porch holding a pizza delivery bag wearing clothing similar to pizza delivery persons uniform she had ordered a pizza and heat when she close the door to try and the context he kept the door open pushed the door and walked in the house soon followed by two masked men fortunately police say the white started screaming the husband confronted the suspects which cause them believe without taking anything. "normally we say do you think this sets some people resist for other people that may be to fight back in the family in this case did everything right as evidenced by the fact of them were seriously injured and very fortunate about that. the orchards is a quiet neighborhood and a. faq anything could happen and little bit scary place now release the sketch one of the three suspects: posing as a pizza delivery man. cried as a white man in his 20s 5 ft. 8 in. tall running a hundred 70 lbs. with blond hair and brown eyes,. description >> reporter: of the other suspects wearing masks to under 20 lbs. mussels builds both about 6 to sell the half of them another piece of good news in this case and only did they not take anything virtually all injuries the mother of the home did suffer a small scratch an airlift from one the suspects tried to cover mouth otherwise that said. >> pam: still had a comic a knee is serious smog gun-control " the senior senator. president of the motte dire predictions of a major push for climate control and a special olympian from albania gets lost a loss angela's ends up in the bay area special >> pam: excess fleet suddenly mysteriously turns up at the hayward police station. saturday >> grant: 2:00 this morning he goes ahead or police station fidget 50 mi. away. making matters more complicated from albania. speech impediment speaks no english. "tried several times to look of the service or language line and find out exactly what happened and motor transportation to one dropped off the table us in the. >> grant: impossible he infects arrived by bus special mix officials showed up today to escort him back to make sure he gets home to albania safely. 27 >> pam: year-old is in custody for stealing from a home in san francisco's outer sunset the home in question rented through on-line " lodging website. police say the suspect ransacked the home during your stay late april and allegedly stole more than $35,000 worth of items according the severance as a police she was already in custody in sonoma county after being arrested on july the 26th. as their francisco unified school district is scrambling to hire dozens of teachers before the full first day of school. it's only two weeks away maureen kelly reports on the reason why it's getting tougher to find qualified candidates. 51 >> reporter: and gis will positions in the school classrooms the august 17th coming up quick and then they're in better than this time last year it. still superintended unprecedented move of sending out this e-mail distaffers asking them to try and recruit. this need special lead bilingual math and science teachers to. one reason for the trouble shrinking pool of qualified candidates people turned off the profession after years of layoffs during recession. california >> reporter: the whole a massive decline in the percentage of people who are exiting to get credential programs with the soffit deeper into% decrease over the last five years. so we are worried. >> reporter: reason high cost of housing the bay area. "you think about the holocaust in lives and did it takes a look and now staggering. the chair >> reporter: come up with long-term solutions to that problem. bill >> reporter: the affordable housing would be with educators and their with district providing property land on which to build. he's doing it as those of a comeback and cosseted the few. texas air francisco itself as a powerful recruitment tool. often all the classroom positions we filled in time the first day of class. california >> pam: has come to understand this water is also considered of vital resources in the minds of most americans news as edith press finds two-thirds of americans think of water as a limited resource that can be depleted if people used to much of it. the nationwide poll 1004 adults also found 70 percent believe governments should restrict how much residents and businesses use when drought takes hold. >> reporter: and of that drought and are forecast along with satellite radar image nor in our forecast this race season but we just the last week because they damage indication for california drought we certainly do need that and is not and are forecast forming things up and then daytime highs as well for right now temperatures currently an inland valley locations a person news as well for copper 67 cisco daly city area. cycladic conditions temperatures in the mid-60s and then by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow partly sunny skies we have what fog makes his way into our area come tomorrow morning and then will burn off a light breeze averaging about 8 mi. per hour ahead of that sunshine and then wind speeds right now out stay with us for couple days here, plan on our windows oakland 17 for hayward in the delegation is expected reconditions the next few days and indicating fog rolling in the area and its so especially in the north as well and then even in the east bay shoreline oakland hayward livermore fremont expect foggy conditions all around 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and then around noontime fog burns off and transitions high clouds and exchange in land values livermore on a cloud cover as well cooling things down thought pignut also more clause implies for the afternoon hours and this was keeping our corrective measures color for should be for this your afternoon highs 3:00 p.m. opera '70s for inland valleys close late this is a post in the upper 80s and then run a kesia tomorrow east bay shoreline much cooler as well to attend vigilance and francisco peninsula sunday forecast called conditions more of a gradual clearing that makes our way for sunshine wednesday thursday start the one thing the temperature was come thursday friday and then 87 degrees for inland cities and that these for east bay shoreline even down the coastal 70 degrees and two degrees and then saturday sunday another round of credit conditions exchange for cooler temperatures by next week. the town >> pam: the for colorado shrewder james holmes jury decided today the sun the sentencing phase against james holmes to a third final step colada law requires juries to have three times a for imposing a death penalty sentence holmes found guilty of opening fire a crowded movie theater are colorado killing 12 people his lawyers are saying holmes was mentally ill and that 2012 shooting actress amy and near senator chuck he joined forces on capitol hill cat/. 10 here now talk about their joint appearance in the fighting than violence. >> grant: these two are cousins the. >> catherine: schumer digit have a joint news conference to talk about new gun-control legislation if it was triggered by last month's shooting a movie theater louisiana a man killed two women before turning the gun on himself happened at a showing comedian train wreck and she talked today about how she felt when she first heard that news. "this man chose my movies tend personal lives is very personal for me. the talk >> catherine: about four states require this information about special background check system to do that than to get rewarded states said do not comply would be penalized and measure seems to have a lot of early support. official >> pam: karioke move the oil and pacifica more honors for the fallen police officers scott led marron a word >> pam: a 38 ft. whale first appeared on the beach early yesterday morning. the third will to wash up on a beach in pacifica since april and still had in world news investigators prepare for a crucial test for the fund cause of the jumbo jet crashed and thus president ought to a campaign to save the world's climate. >> reporter: says has for now all change for the rest leaker 74 castanet next. >> reporter: result to keep this fire so of highway 16 on monday afternoon in the conditions the fire may of jump over highway 20 the bad news and. at last check preserves money aggressively the bring this under control the. 18,000 people remain evacuated from their homes in the area. office >> reporter: response to a sexual assault call ending in a violent shootout when the one officer fatally wounding a sexual assault suspect. cannot"of the front door with the rifle and immediately began firing upon officers and of the house and is currently and serious condition. special >> reporter: flexor money for sergeant scott the officer killed in the line of duty and sunday night at 10:00 this fight put out here in from the hayward police department u.s. honor fly officials say the flag flew at ground cheered after an 11 also flown in space on last nasa and that out here for 15 hours our for each year that scott served at 1:00 p.m. but there's a non. please >> reporter: a man posing as a pizza delivery man forces into a home behind him to ask men both armed poem of the house started screaming or husband then came confronted the three and then ran off without taking anything please. now released this sketch of a man posing as a pizza delivery man as far as the motive for this commendation police say at this point they do not know tickly the property or money. >> reporter: some russian hill and on edge after the signs went up over weekend this screen rapist at the top there really is a rapist please several sexual batteries that have happened since february the men in their 20s and 30s reported being attacked and my time and also in his 20s or 30s the most recent happen on and place stepped-up market and a mark controls' make sure that kept the man responsible.. >> reporter: status: two weeks away for the public-school system here and this is scrambling to build 51 open teaching positions and then the superintendent on president moved of sending this e-mail out distaffers asking them to recruit amongst their friends the problem statewide there's been a 52% decline of last five years people leaving credential programs also high cost of housing in the bay area the district says they're talking with the city and the teachers' union about creating work force house in the district is confident the short term they will be able to fill all the empty tin sheeting positions a first of school >> reporter: fire conditions mostly cloudy skies for the afternoon in your highs tomorrow much cooler than what we expected for this time of your tv example livermore this time of year 80 degrees will be about 10 degrees cooler than that tapping at about 76 for taurus i never world's those 78 for danville's 72 foreign debt martina's it's about 76 degrees and then the state's shoreline cities since story since it somewhat to the cheers of pettifogging places like san leandro and the city volunteer oakland hayward and your temperature is running a purse '60s the low seventies for that matter and then your has more of the south bay have some sunshine but again covered mostly with those high clouds and place so far reconditions and mourning those high clouds roll and giving to the chair is quite clear like the colors and seven for saturday's 79 for campbell cupertino should get was 78 degrees north they cities again expected pettifog for mill valley center felt otherwise live along was a cloudy skies for tomorrow and are forecast and will not see a warm-up not until later on in the week deal with these cold temperatures cause of low pressure is in place and the sourcing what is clear areas in our forecast 74 cast city tomorrow before wednesday clear skies for wednesday thursday. and we start feeling the warm-up come friday will have more cause rolling and in time for the weekend. were dealing with a cloudy conditions tomorrow on a fog for the next few days in the morning the most dishonest as the rest we had. >> pam: in the plan unveiled by president a bomb today and at dramatically cutting a mission for new u.s. car plants president already getting a lot of resistance president's warning if nothing is done about, change it will really threaten future generations his plan is even stricter limits on the car monoxide levels and then anybody expected requires a 32 percent cut by 2030 compared to 2005 and components already gone to the government is to the plan will cost jobs and energy costs and then president argue it's critically important and might even save lives "such a thing as being too late" >> catherine: to surprise of this the presidential campaign with republican bush and scott walker arguing against the president's move some energy companies saying they will go to court tonight some states with republican governors say they will simply refuse to comply with the president's plan to cut emissions. the job >> pam: as particles of place trying to land at jfk airport officials did not say any specific threat did warn the campeau's danger planes and recent throne siding is being investigated by the faa and the authorities there of course is another problem draws also interfered with reason firefighting efforts in california forcing fire aircrafts to the ground for safety reasons in illinois ephah they're behind bars after police say the children everson teenager he thought or trouble is daughter >> reporter: a finance friend were at a nearby ski park wednesday night when they heard yelling at north and elementary school are for police say the father never had any of the kids but can offer close 56 year-old bridge a call please himself after hearing is the 18 year-old daughter was involved in a fight officers say they did later on for them as a first when after the kids came williams got back into his car and went after them and as i see the. >> reporter: they stood and watched at first of it and believe it claims it the scene afterwards waiting for cops to arrive he was arrested on the spot after police saw the video. the we"of resolve that without being any for the romans >> pam: had air crash investigators and france still ready to examine a i'll aircraft part intended determine what caused air malaysia 47 lead evanish more than a year ago >> reporter: does tend on the market to replace windows eight should you upgrade your computer or tablet of this new operating system my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. >> grant: believed to be the part of the missing knowledge airliner arrived in paris officials from several countries and the u.s. going to begin extensive process to see if in fact the matched damage to 70 presentive crashed a few years ago never found the manufacturing code on a piece of debris is that of a triple seven malaysian flight 370 research odd-lotters where the the debris was found in a nutshell and enlistees and the crash much of 2014 and two injured 39 people on board died. >> pam: the giants and " let's the and then all sports carries the next. >> gary: gents of plaister joe penick second base from the 15 days of inflammation in his lower back and also scratch from ties trance lineup san francisco to go out and do their business without two of their starters this is turner fields in close. all these guys getting new ballparks that the thing carry on with the a's already there or new ballpark everyone's getting one buster posey has a home run at 16 for nothing giants ran in crawford to run blast in his own six nothing stethoscope crawford 18 on the year the lego bottom six mccain is cruising without casey peterson 3 run blast in canada exit three innings 10 hits foreruns proud. julie will get the win tonight as the giants' right now leading 75 in the ninth bowling amount abbot's has come back with back pain probably going to get the win at the bullpen collapse. pat finn did the option to aaa nashville today became the first such pitcher in both ways to pitch in a big-league game since 1995. cocoa crisper returns to the a's lineup tonight when they play baltimore came off the disabled list and had a right elbow surgery spent just this season rehabing he went down to the minor leagues with a tool of an average two home runs three rbis five games and is in place and it pays baltimore tell you i'll is in jericho chris when you went to a minor-league about four years ago never forget mcdonnell rolls-royce you're down in that car he drove his rolls-royce perform in the minor-league and always thought you'd me i think it myself on the and drive down to a minor- league this guy went down orel's royster former minor-league in the texas water guts to roll in their reason year in the minors japan doing anything in the majors in a good stuff clay thompson their families feeling really good the dead former nba player his brother tracy thompson is a baseball player called up from the minors to play for the white sox selected him second in the 2009 amateur draft he's been struggling a little bit seven minor-league seasons in charlotte pitt to 41 of those things you'll get a chance but the expense under seven years in the minors a tough tough nut to crack a less grand than this cousin comes the shoe deals and who is worth it right up your alley listen to this james horton has been offered to a hundred million dollars to sign a deal no cover 13 years and with nike now listen to some of these should deal scavenger rant injured million for nike tenures school brought has $350 million in nike endorsements and i can understand the brawn and he's the best and the world. 200 million for james parton. i don't mind paying whenever the fringes of a bet about a guy who's a step below that two injured million? he beat off the ndp and all that business adidas and nike hate each other so the battle. adidas lost a contract for mba uniforms decided not to get into a bidding war with nike who will take over so i guess they say we all these reforms would just fall apart memo. >> gary: and simple request these things are settling million grant got in there deaver by issue right across the orioles for it?. this was >> catherine: 86 3/7. >> grant: or blue and red that with velcro is in the laces kasparov playing pool. >> gary: of the converse man and you're in the irrigation was as woody aware cashews snow boots could be bryants in china arnes best " can one of his friends potto east side prep coach donovan blight in of whose affair with donovan blight look better believe it there is goes from kevin the bodyguard kobe bryant this the connection with ago donovan he's working with kobe now running a basketball camp in china can't cross, the dogs surfing as the young skit status unless story this and for fun if it can get it i love you if you can't love you nonetheless alright here comes 50 canine competitors in san diego 10th annual pepsico's dog competition all breeze in size and divided panel of judges poster for taylor knox making the call second euro that thought as he would really come through 15 lbs. american eskimo won the crown congratulations and all people that are connected with him. . >> pam: as much as a sausage races. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00 tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. a spot near the golden gate bridge restricted if people like to go there in the next edition of people behaving badly tonight at a. >> pam: finally at 6 gary actors will smith and data smith getting divorced at one point today not getting divorced according to an on-line website for couples decide to pull the plug on the 17 year marriage. and by their fortune of $40 million the sight read our on- line described it as a carefully choreographed the deal and the problem is there was no deal there was no pulling out the plug the splitting of the millions no divorce. at a tent news tonight at 87:00 followed by entertainment tonight at 730. and then we will be back with kron 4 news at 8:00 and an update on all the fires burning as well all the day's news weather and sports and this checkback in with the and the weather is certainly important. >> reporter: last week we'll be dealing with he and much cooler talk much to degrees cooler than normal. fires wednesday still pick up and have 20 percent humidity were dealing with in the wind speeds pick up for that matter than guy down later on this week so 74 cast having put up for you as you can see temperatures again are cooling down until the end of the week the. we finally get where we should be this time of year the mid '80s for inland valleys and for saturday sunday we of more cloud cover again so as to the interesting will have any rain in the forecast of for this week or even early next week. but we just have the low pressure system in place behind it is a high-pressure system and means to heaven urate a forecast. stay connected on website kron- 4-dot-com sur pogrip sealout re fd paicles. soour od w't g stu. and yocan joy ery ngleite. t lo. li lou supepoliip. ses oumoreood. ♪ super ligr hol you dentes thtlyn ple. youeverave holback. ugh ud. li lou sur pogrip get rongll d hol "the insider" from hollywood. your 24/7 celebrity conversation. >> your contenders share the stage tonight. the event will not include donald trump. >> i'm in first place by a lot. >> the donald skips out on the gop's first televised presidential forum. >> i know what crazy is. >> will it ruin his ratings or his own credibility? >> i'm jessica alba, founder of the honest company. >> under fire after customers feel the burn from allegedly defective sun block. >> i learned most things from the internet. and you can't bring down one direction. the new single shattering records worldwide. plus if you saw ronda rousey -- the beatdown in 34 seconds. who's the ultimate fighting female champion paid like boxing's big boys? rowdy ronda is worth her weight in gold. now hollywood from the inside out. it's "the insider" together with yahoo. jessica alba's billion dollar lifestyle brand feeling the burn. tonight we go inside jessica's honest mistake. >> we take you inside the biggest trending stories of the day and make no mistake, trump is trending big time as the number of polls have him leading the republican pack going into thursday night's highly anticipated debate. >> but now news that donald won't be at the gop forum in new hampshire alongside the rest of his opponents. >> who really is the biggest loser here? and is trump's mission adding more fuel to the campaign fire? >> tonight's event will not include donald trump. >> i'm very surprised to hear that.

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20240622 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20240622

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of 2014 without their officers firing their weapons, and 10 consecutive-months in 2013 with no officer involved shootings. in oakland haaziq madyun kron4news >> pam:an armed home invasion has residents on edge tonight after three men forced their way into partnership with abc 7. officials say the same flag was flown at ground zero after 911 also on the last mission agenda nasa this time the flag flew here for 15 hours one hour for each year underserved in the police department a brief ceremony brought out dozens of people including blood news parents the other flag was carefully removed and will be ready for it is next displaythe fire has destroyed more than >> pam: the happened last night in fallout so the suspects are still on a loose again, and live a police headquarters 9-and this all started with a piece the delivery? >> reporter: years we have to ask yourself as someone not in your door and said hey at a pizza for you would open up the door and whether you ordered it or not problem was once a gallop in the door of that to these folks didn't get in trouble for how the police or no fuel identify this man sunday evening he poses a pizza delivery man forced his way into a home on suzanne drive a company name him to mess men was armed with a knife the others with a semiautomatic pistol. the commotion"caused the husband of the home to come out also went to confront them at the point of the suspects left on foot foot. "victimize was specifically targeted by the suspects are for a. takeda and the reasons now to what we believe that, we believe this was not a random attack. still >> reporter: has neighbors on edge. "heard some banging and screaming and is a little bit scary" "of the two dogs of it on the vital things you conceive a four year week you open the door restaurant planning to do. >> reporter: the of the two suspects wearing masks as you imagine the description of those to somewhat limited all they will say is both about 6 ft. 22 under 20 lbs. with muscular builds coming up tonight at 6:00 we give you tips from police about what you can do to protect yourself in case of home invasion robbery. while >> pam: fires ravishing california's cnidocil from lake county. this is continuing to a burn out of control and the. edges from helicopter partnership abc seven. the fire has destroyed more than 60,000 a.. only 12 percent contained at this hour a. and charles clifford live in like port tonight charles we understand thousand people are still. >> pam: check on charles later there's a prom with a live report will get you do that in the meantime. >> grant: addition the l.a. county fire which we will get to nearly two dozen other major wildfires are burning california tonight. clay county fire far and away the. largest and that is where the evacuation concerns are most prevalent. that one is burning south 8 east of clear lake== we're also monitoring a there's also the madera county the sierra national== and the lake berryessa fire.justthat fire started nearly two weeks ago.and flared up last week when it broke containment lines. it's damaged one home and four outbuildings.two other outbuildings were destroyed. this is video from last month.courtesy of our partnership with abc7. more than eight thousand acres's 95 percent the damge in butte county is now being surveyed. two homes are gone.more than a dozen outbuildings also destroyed. this fire burned only 400 acres north-east of yuba city.but it had a big impact. evacuation orders are lifted. it's 95 percent contained. that one has burned nearly six thousand acres.after starting a week and a half ago. some still littering complicating matters for crews out there continue to follow the situation throughout california >> reporter: i confirmed this morning 5000 of those residences resulted in 13,000 people having to flee their homes guy and take a look at some video from an hour ago this fire is a very active while fire 60,000 a. have been burned 12 percent contained so far for the most part the fire's been kept the fuqua was how 16 as you can see in this video fire crews rushing had a small coal-fired jump about how we 20 aboard of 50 a. of rich and very aggressively to get in there and bring the fire under control and now this croute these trees also traveled containment lines and others as a fire and very rough terrain hilly a very broad conditions out there bubble aircraft working in the area water drops turn to this fire under control and they're still dozens of roads and neighborhoods close it will be for some time no evacuations have been lifted because there's still a lot of fire crews working in the area of now there are fire crews from all over the region about 3000 firefighters are here san francisco fire chuckle by also crews from all across the state and the exact cause of this fire still under investigation and they don't all how it started last friday run through the afternoon. they're now estimating that this fire could be under control by about august 10th were expecting another update from cal fire around 6:00 p.m. and will have those details for you are 6:00 newscast. >> pam: according to cal fire at least 100,000 a. have burned since the start of the year 14 percent more the burn this time last year the total number of fires have 4042% jump from last year and diane as in our weather center tracking the conditions than the wind is still a problem for firefighters? when to >> reporter: undyed council's mostar in lower dealing with right now high 8 degrees minimum humidity 22% and a peak when speed at 20 m.p.h. in or having transition of wednesday is not dying down for about 105 osorno toastmaster and also giving the forecast here nor rain showers are forecast that's also a factor when they find these fires strike conditions warm weather also humidity levels are low so what we do have that might help them for the next couple days will pressure moving in from the coast with cool temperatures bringing them down solely for the wednesday to make an impact guy down till tomorrow afternoon and wednesday. for now looking at 20 m.p.h. when speeds for them as they're fighting this fire. >> catherine:but a special olympics athlete who vanished in los angeles saturday appeared safe and apparently unharmed at the hayward police station early this morning. he simply walked in, picked up the phone, spoke to us and we came out and started talking to him. hayward police quickly connected their visitor to the missing persons alert circulated statewide after andi gusmari was reported missing saturday night. the 44-year-old bowler is from albania who apparently speaks little english. police admit getting his story was a challenge. well we contacted the at&t language line and we enlisted the services of an albanian interpreter, so we were able to get some information but very limited indications are he made the 350 mile trip from los angeles to hayward by bus. he was dressed only in shorts and a t=shirt. he did look cold. we gave him a blanket and and some food. he had no visible injuries. he was gusmari also spoke by phone with family members. representatives from the los angeles police and special olympics came to pick him up. he'll be sent back home with quirea story to tell. another special olympic athlete went missing for several hours today. a 15=year old table tennis competitor from the ivory coast. disappeared from l=a=x at six=thirty this morning. inglewood. >> pam:san francisco public schools are today. and the district is scrambling to hire teachers. right now, there are 51- positions open. the superintendent recently took the unprecented step of sending out an email to his staffers. asking them help recruit some factors responsible for the shortage. the high cost of bay area housing. and the pool of qualified candidates shrinking statewide. a district spokesperson says, over the last five years there has been a 53-percent drop in the number of people coming out of credentialing programs. "in the state" "not the district is not on the way other districts hurt and constant communication with them in terms of coming up with shared solutions strategies in san francisco unified we've done some very aggressive are rich recruitment so we know or head of the game compared to a lot of follow districts in the state. has fewer vacancies than it did this time last year, and officials are confident they by the time school starts. they say they are talking with the city and the union. about creating workforce housing, or creating rent subsidies, in order to attract a whale washes ashore. another dead humpback whale washes up on pacifica beach. what scientists say likely caused the death. ahead. three drones are spotted three- days in- a- row. flying above j- f-k airport in new york. next. and president obama lays out an ambitious plan to fight climate change. a move which he says. will actually help the economy. >> catherine:the drama over an alleged 'fight club' at the san francisco jail continues. to a new lawsuit. three former inmates have now filed a legal claim against the city and county. charging that deputies forced them to fight each other for entertainment. the lawsuit says the men punishment -- and the intentional infliction of emotional distress. lawsuit. the claims - first made in march - spurred an independent fbi investigation. >> pam: late last month. has been charged with a slew of charges, including attempting carjacking. the incident happened on july 26th. a 24-year-old man crashed an allegedly stolen car into a light pole near the airport. police say, the man then attempted to carjack a vehicle. officer got to scene. a foot chase ended with the man getting shot in the abdomen by an officer. he remains in jail on 750- thousand dollars bail. by sfpd officer near sfo official said the fare back while blue for straw like incest left hip by ship beach. also likely die a ship strikes strike. another humpback was also likely federal officials have asked large ships to slow down in gather to feed between may and it's unclear what will happen to this latest whale's body. we'll have a live report from at 8:00. >> reporter: is enough temperatures today mostly sunny skies for the afternoon now the wind speed is slowly picking up for lovey's wednesday as for the rest leading it cannot proclaim 79 hayward area city of 40 mi. per hour temperatures are now running upper '70's for inland valley location 70 antioch unconquered east bay shoreline low 70's in san francisco peninsula upper 60s to as planner looks like the rest evening 10:00 p.m. drop in the '60s notice the fog rolling in the coastal regions fell we pretty stubborn to stay with us are a little small morning partly sunny skies temperatures again in the low 60s so subtle area are showing no rain and are forecast now what we're dealing with those is the low pressure system all this low clouds fog will make its way into our region hear all the activity pushing over to the east of us and we're dealing with low pressure for a while i will keep our temperature slightly cooler than average the another round of high pressure and a few days it will give our temperatures back to where we should be for this time of year next is a quick this tuesday 78 degrees for inland valley locations. 73 for east bay shoreline by wednesday was the cause of the system temperatures will be in the '80s for in the city's 76 freeze the shoreline by thursday of more sunshine in place and mild the warm temperatures >> pam:today, president obama made a bold pitch for the u-s to play an important role in curbing climate change. but the administrations proposals are already being met with skepticism by some republicans. from our partners at c-n-n. ryan nobles has the story. president obama says that now is the time for the u-s to act to curb climate change. "i believe there is such a thing as being too late." >> reporter: administration wants to cut u-s carbon emissions from power plants by 32 percent over the next fifteen years. a move he economy. "i am here to say that if we want to protect our economy, and our security, and our children's health, we are going to have to do more." but it is the ecomonic argument that is already drawing skeptisim. much of the obama plan calls for dramatic reductions in the use of coal. a main component of the u-s energy market presidential candidate "if you're a single mom in tampa florida, and your electric bill goes up by 30 dollars a month that is catastrophic." the president attempted to show thatsmart planning when it comes to energy. could lead to a cleaner earth. and a more robust economy. "if you're a single mom in but not everyone- especially human activity. fax matter here the fax ... satellite data the last 18 years the zero recorded warming to enact meaningful change about will likely have to do so through executive order >> pam:in the coming weeks, president he will speak at the 'national clean energy summit' in nevada. and will later become the first sitting president to visit the alaskan arctic. in national news -- there is a troubling new warning regarding >> pam:people aren't just fed up with pilots. chilling warning for u.s. law enforcement. they say that terrorists could use drones to bring down planes. in the past few days three drones were spotted close to flights trying to land at new york's j-f-k airport. address the terror threat -- senator chuck schumer says he at least has an idea to keep most drones away from forbidden places. "and to suffer a drone at nominal cost the program that does not let them fly in certain places within 2 mi. of the airport 500 ft. over the empire state building pentagon. >> pam: >> catherine:schumer wants the f-a-a to require that every single drone made for use here or abroad -- has the geo-fencing. terror threat -- but but experts say a drone could fly into a plane's engine --- destroying it. next. the niners kicked off their first practice of the season. how the sod -saga is continuing ronda rousey takes out her latest opponent in a masterpiece of a fight. what's next after this dominating win. ahead. is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. only at a sleep number store. right now, save up to $1000 on select mattress and adjustable base sets. know better sleep with sleep number. >> grant: they did it's found in the niners practice saturday night conditioned. prompting the team to move today's practice it out of the one year-old stadium to nearby practice field from saturday fans in the stands new head coach said that his guys would not practice there again if the issues persisted grounds crews worked overnight saturday and sunday to address that when terror from various concert other sporting events make the turf an issue right there the niners will have an open practice of this coming sunday. >> pam:ronda rousey is trending for her 34- second knockout of brazilian bethe correia over the weekend. but is anyone really surprised? she even took down the insider's michael yo! >> reporter: will they end its star sector receive double the $? said a >> reporter: ignite rowdy showed the but. additional 65,000 a show another 65,000 for the wind hundred 30,000 she got a $50,000 bonus given by the u.s. for the performance of the night getting knocked out that canada did 80,000 in june as a cut of the pay-per-view make several million dollars in the range of 5 million even a little more even in the opinion of i'll figures, fighting insider says or off the is the highest-paid female competitor earnings come up short in comparison to the male competition. >> reporter: 11 have a good history of japanese share of suffering and after beating at espy's the domestic violence. >> reporter: your whole floyd fields by be being beaten by women. at 7:30 it's entertainment tonight. then we're back with kron 4 news coming up at 5:30. fleeing the flames. thousands evacuated from their homes as a raging wildfire explodes in size. how many acres have been claimed so far and new information in the sentencing phase of the case against colorado theater shooter james holmes. the big step taken by the jury today. >> pam: affairs says at least 60,000 a. have been torched an account wildfire so far falls of people have been told to evacuate will trend has more on what firefighters are setting up this latest/. >> reporter: the 27 firefighters working 24 hour shifts a rocket fire the continues to burn out of control firefighter say this one as especially tough battle. cs >> reporter: and firefighters are but haven't seen fire spread a move like this buyers moved in the entire career a couple days ago we actually let it consume 20,000 a. in a matter of about five hours has so the combination of a lot of things draw like conditions hot dry vegetation as an so that vegetation is being so dry mix for explosive fire behavior. "jim folks be pro-active in case something happens there vertigo take things like medication valuables things that are important to sustain in the everyday life as of monday for 16 major wildfires in place to our state and at this location however if they should help it should not be a problem as the political resources to come to like pork. >> pam: are being sent to help battle california wildfires. including the raging lake county fire. the c-130 planes come from a base in colorado. and are arriving at mcclellan airtanker base near sacramento. the planes are equipped with large fire fighting systems. they can drop 3-thousand gallons of water or fire retardant. in less than five- seconds. they can be refilled in less than 12- minutes. -chain chin heading to the overnight hours 6 say anything to most the fog moving and san francisco said mattel even though also east bay shoreline areas oakland hey word parts of fremont even up to the north center fell the nicosia's intel arledge, are most of that pulls back and burns off but the fog and the voice of high clouds to replace bulky temperatures cooler close or block, especially in the valley as well all of clause in the forecast even the east bay shoreline you see that and continues to 10:00 p.m. another round of a come wednesday will see much of a warm-up to lend a week steer highs for tomorrow stang pre much: the cool side 78 anaximenes 7 pleasanton east bay shoreline upper sixties to low 70's all severs the scope and is listed as the upper 60s table. for convicted colorado >> pam: theater shooter james holmes. the jury agreed today. to send the sentencing of james holmes to a third and final phase. colorado law requires juries to deliberate three- times. before delivering a death penalty sentence. holmes was found guilty of opening fire in a crowded movie theater in aurora, colorado, back in 20-12. killing 12- people. his lawyers argue. holmes was mentally ill when the shootings happened. a manhunt is over for an ex- con. suspected of killing a memphis police officer over the weekend. 29-year-old tremain wilbourn. turned himself in to federal authorities in memphis tennessee, today. wilbourn is accused of shooting night. police say, the officer had interrupted a drug deal. after a regular traffic stop. before his capture. wilbourn was wanted on a charge of first- degree murder. memphis, tenn. - the latest on nine >> pam: year-old keyser was running to retrieve a bat and a better took a practice swing axle and struck him although young kaiser wearing a helmet the hit was severe authorities say he died at a hospital on sunday incident happens liberal competing in the national baseball congress will series. >> catherine: first-person luck and philadelphia might remember is how canadian research of people this has meant him as country during of sir leon yoko shall show and all loans repeatedly kicked robots see their bracken began stopping again people upset ugly to a man researchers try really trigger of support made six will ship across can german problem all in the west's thing really nasty coming up, find out how one parent is coping with the added cheese. sur pogrip sealout re fd paicles. soour od w't g stu. and yocan joy ery ngleite. t lo. li lou supepoliip. ses oumoreood. ♪ super ligr hol you dentes thtlyn ple. youeverave holback. ugh ud. li lou sur pogrip get rongll d hol to tell >> catherine: but facing sunscreen backlash. that this woman tried it twice and then she put it on both times and she is not publicly responded apparently is working on damage control all of the critics of people who use the sun screen had on their children and looking over here the children suffered painful sunburns another woman says she applied it liberally every hour to a baby girl but the little girl was still burned in the company based in santa monica. >> pam: suggest that one family adapting to life after a disability. >> reporter: for a special chairs and cherishes moments like this two years ago in a serious a tv accident changed her life. "unless the weeks pregnant with my son of t. 12 level injuries monochord. pretty much cut off the feeling of movement belie bellybutton. >> reporter: 11 will share also heard in normal and the challenging parts of caring for low thomas and 80 picks up from his crib or play area. "put on here i would love to maunders armpit and lift them from their like that the deal. your team gets easier the older he gets thomas enjoys helping his mom. "a paris hangups thinking there could will not have a note show dissatisfaction to them when it's actually decay the teach's bomber dad it is one see ma and dad. "time jennifer makes use of the pool to the permanent injury and she cites herself on the bed. some the"the display at will tickle him like crazy and i condemn the symbol and not missing out any time with your son. , >> pam: cast make changing the way you watch tv new feature that helps you interact using your voice check this out. with xfinity home we get 24/7 professional monitoring and video monitoring we can watch on our own tv. that's way better than our old security system. [metal clanking] [chip crunching] [baby crying] don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. my name is peter tran. i'm a gas service representative. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california. the wildfire of lake county still on the move as reported the blazes now jumped highway 20 video taken from an hour ago helicopter partners at abc seven clerics specing an update on the fire fight in just a few minutes trawls clifford will have the new numbers for us all coming up the top the hour on kron 4 news at 6. get >> reporter: cable-tv this will improve your tv watching experience, cassocks they unveiled new this new remote- control with a very unique feature the new remote has a blue note mike but here in the center for the voice command featured it lets you control your cable box tv with your voice push this button holddown speaker tv goes into listening mode awaiting your command. >> reporter: to the channel finder favorite shows search by actor a stranding to talk or whether people are watching narrow control has to other really handy features come with equities and bonds suet doing a darkroom arrow should have this and in anywhere with this remote you don't need a line of sight your cable box means you can keep the box and set a cabinet and a tennis center new voice for a cause of the next monday are boxed if your have one ticking year-old drought into congress stores which south for new voice controller 043 x 1 box compatible with most plans should the chair sysop's offer the new box if you have yet. >> pam: >> reporter: system disguised as of right now. growing in the area along the morning lows as well 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning when you wake up zero sixties from the value vacation 61 antioch 60 pleasanton cost so little close '60s for oakland hayward area as well pack a methodical so regions scattered even throat and hayward what to expect tonight afternoon and the rest a week for you tonight mostly cloudy conditions in the afternoon gradual clearing with those clouds red around 11 to noon time or sunshine peeking out of a week ahead for you was a sunny skies with seasonal temperatures back in our forecast all dealing with color temperatures for now and all the fog and clouds because of low pressure system off the coast there sec in the white area indicating clouds the five making its way into our region that will keep in place for the next couple days a for actually feel warm up their highs in the matter will only be to the upper 80's ladies i should say 80 brentwood this is further ago several routes will be low 70's said the danville's and 64 muckrake over eastern shore of closed cities as a more passive but in this area in the morning hours and obviously compared inland valley cities and in yourself a regions' woes have scattered clouds here overall killing of more cloudy conditions reason conditions at that when speeds averaging 15 hours per hour than die down to about five descend in the evening hours. the north bay area's will have 77 degrees on average daytime highs san francisco peninsula again heavy pettifog in these areas for the morning hours and then they become high clouds and place for an afternoon it and psi as it was today than scorekeeping debitors on the close of the things was too much of a warm-up and until the end the week at least 87 degrees because the '90s by friday saturday sunday another round of those clouds coming and still temperatures will stay seasonal average and seasonal talking low eighties for inland valley cities upper seventies for the east bay shoreline and a day of quiet conditions in exchange for such conditions to a week and. >> reporter: and the recently nothing like 23 percent if he bought on the open he bought it was down 29 down 16% greek bank's great stock market were closed for for five weeks that gone to their restructuring very open to a tumble 25% one day it pretty scary greece. his problem for europe and the and have to make some painful economic reforms a lot of state businesses that pensions and the public trading company to privatize them an cautionary tale here with a lot of pension promises and the united states as well nowhere near but on the road is the thought of how you pay for everything we promised. >> reporter: watching at&t direct tv gave permission to go through their merger they have and it's good for consumers account changes are in see here? . this is >> reporter: interesting so far always seen as bundles that need a little bit less than what i mean by that is combining internet cable landlines not at&t offering dirty part their bundle announced on august 10th tentative dollars a month but was khalil be able to put dirty and phone idea of watching live sports on my phone at the gym works for me. the price of $28 a share first- rate as 25 couple years ago never been below 38 today they might crack or monks 30 and talk about them being acquired will be heating up only company that really seems adjusting the potentially this will be global they just shut down low + is a disaster so really expensive of the skillet until the stock hits $24 a share may be as low as 15 a concert career with companies like microsoft assailants i say again training track shall not on all the trackcoming up i've said it once but ill say it again, you can only or near the tracks of people behaving badly h the whole family. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00 tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. there is this one location in burlingame where driver's are constantly looking over their shoulder and she not looking for nats: ambiance nats: ambiance or this driver. but what are they looking for? it simple. a 79 mile per hour train, why you ask its because they are sitting on a set of active caltrain tracks this driver could care less thathe is on the track in fact he takes time to look at this phone. you can't make this stuff up nats: of train plowing through he this is sitting on one set of tracks as soon as he starts to move the signal of an uncoming train starts going off an another driver ignores the signal and blows through nats: ambiance people seem to have a fascination with stopping on active train tracks maybe it the thrill of living on the edge i've said it once but i'll say it again you can only get hit by a train if you are on or near the tracks and by say near the law says more than 15 feet from the tracks chevy have a motto for its trucks i believe it is "find new roads," i can bet money on this if a train were to hit this big rig stretched over two sets of tracks they would be finding new roads alright nats: of train passing this black and white sign means it's a requirement not a request, if you ignore the requirement and get caught the fine is pretty close to 500 dollars but the cost of a train hitting you is something that cannot be caculated in dollars in 2015 accoriding to the federal railroad adminstration 54 fatalites and 150 not fatal collisions in california alone nats: ambiance what i find intresting is that i always talk to people who say they would never stop on train tracks yet i find lost of people doing it not in two days but in all these in 2 hours and this driver was ablt to back up but you may not have that option always remember train tracks are not a joke expecally if the is a train coming in burlingame stanley roberts kron 4 news >> pam: fire burning in lake county massive other major fires ravishing the state talk live to account fire presentive coming up its six to get some perspective on how many wild fires are burning and the challenges the state is facing right now that talk about this woman who police say robert hahn and on the on-line message he is again in the first place kron 4 is at sixth just 90 seconds away x 6 cooler weather but not cooling-off the slowdown like county fire has roughly tripled in size since the weekend and generating its own storm bernie across 93 square miles forcing more than 13,000 people to flee their homes thousands of homes are still threatened tonight as the wild fires still burn trulls clifford reporting from the fire line in lake county grand is your my entering other intense well fires and our state tonight. the villa with charles and lee county it what is the latest? >> reporter: at this point monday afternoon at 60,000 a. at 12 percent containment plus four days it's been but a burning for four days now putting a good job motta contain south of highway 20 list of highly 16 about a bad news the fire has jumped over highway 20 beginning to burn out of the " for containment area. "clock it's been kicking up we get out there aggressively hit that and then today hit 20 we did everything we could on that at this point it looks like it's well established vendors across your fingers to make and ship it to jump to 20 and appears to will established. all but 6000 structures are residences and then as you heard pam's a moment ago 13,000 people forced from their homes. of the >> reporter: reactive wild fire crews are on 3000 firefighters here all over the region san francisco fire just short while ago trend bring this thing under control dozens of people on the roads evacuated regulations will remain in place for the time being because crews working in the area their chance to keep people out 75 in this fire the exact cause the blaze under investigation cal fire estimated they believe it may be appealing it contained by august 10th hoping. again for some new details here with the next hour or so have those three little later on kron 4 news firefighting resources stretched into i across california a number of wild fires burning in the state right now several of those are in northern california cries here now for an update for us. a brae >> grant: tougher unprecedented to fire conditions according to hellfire hundred thousand acres have burned so far this year and 2015 compare that to the start of last year when about 87,000 a. have burned and that is significantly different also number of fires in 2015 so far more than 4200 last year 2900 and that is some 42% more this year than last year joining us now on the phone in your living in the your hear from the rocky fire truck clifford was just live in lake county commission. firefighters call this historic and we learned it has in fact jumped highway 20 another was a challenge was the latest this firefight. "was a whole the south of highway 20 fire activity did pick up we so far that fire has spurned zero well over a hundred acres there are aggressively trying to attack the fire comes we do not want this fire to continue to spread on our side of highway 20 their tens of thousands of acres of dry thick brush ready to burn much like the vegetation already burned in this and now we are making progress despite this buyers continued growth we are making progress of the fired 12 percent contained and were in right now and a briefing with the folks on our on line today with an idea of those in just a little bit what progress was made today and how much bigger the fires gone. the the"tunnel under conditions for several years now talking about the morning of justice same scenario was interesting as this fire is fire to grow in such a rapid rate without a factor like a santa ana wind blowing among rows and our unprecedented this is historical such a large growth in such short my time delay their concern for us as things are rolling again dreyer sept. oct. historic lows you largest damaging fire as still prepared a lot of additional crews and resources making progress on many of the other fires burning up and down the state that allows us to reassign them striking keeper protecting the rocket fire with everything we got." this >> grant: software and i'll tend to destroy the mobile homes, the fight wildfires to injured threat to state and then blending prompting hundreds of small wild fires are especially open the whole county area. "making good progress on the fire several others lending sparks to continue to grow lightning can by thursday afternoon across the north bay on the north coast of the northern california lightning definitely kids created several hundred fires many of them got on very large and some of the men very remote areas of maturity county's costa county area the lightning death like continues to be concerned on into tomorrow for the north part of a state with a potential more dry lightning strikes so do need the votes kopit's try out their fire danger is high department sparking a fire. >> reporter: 80 degrees good news it was not a 90 degree upper 90s normally this time here gets to committee down 22% in the peak winds eased i'll car windows and on average really deal with the winds began the evening was see it die down not until tomorrow evening if anything cooler temperatures had away coz a low pressure system off the coast there brings and cooler air also cooling things down forests temperature rise " we really need is more rain to setting any of it or getting a lot of dry conditions here so this was helping the fire spread anything though the wind speeds will die down for tomorrow and the rest of a week put temperatures heading in the forecast. >> pam: is officer going up with tears in surgery after being wounded in a shootout with a special assault suspect this happened 130 monday morning on memo cable barred police chief shot went says his officers just alive at the location suspects opened fire is an assault rifle spec"cannot with a rifle and immediately began firing upon the officers and from the house to police officers returned fire striking the suspect one the police officers was struck by gunfire. >> pam: suspect a 49 year-old oakland resident still yet to be named killed during the shootout with police caught a police looking for a breeze and trail of armed robbers that pushed their way on a family while stockholm incident has shaken residents in the area news of the incident is spreading their the anchorman's live at police headquarters in pottos tonight and then tells us this all started as a pizza delivery elizabeth family is made to think. >> reporter: so think this was random and think they're targeted at this point the pleased nonautomotive and residents describe the bright color tortures neighborhood is crime free sleepy in fact and that's not how was sunday night adult of teenage daughter a went open the door of a man standing on our front porch holding a pizza delivery bag wearing clothing similar to pizza delivery persons uniform she had ordered a pizza and heat when she close the door to try and the context he kept the door open pushed the door and walked in the house soon followed by two masked men fortunately police say the white started screaming the husband confronted the suspects which cause them believe without taking anything. "normally we say do you think this sets some people resist for other people that may be to fight back in the family in this case did everything right as evidenced by the fact of them were seriously injured and very fortunate about that. the orchards is a quiet neighborhood and a. faq anything could happen and little bit scary place now release the sketch one of the three suspects: posing as a pizza delivery man. cried as a white man in his 20s 5 ft. 8 in. tall running a hundred 70 lbs. with blond hair and brown eyes,. description >> reporter: of the other suspects wearing masks to under 20 lbs. mussels builds both about 6 to sell the half of them another piece of good news in this case and only did they not take anything virtually all injuries the mother of the home did suffer a small scratch an airlift from one the suspects tried to cover mouth otherwise that said. >> pam: still had a comic a knee is serious smog gun-control " the senior senator. president of the motte dire predictions of a major push for climate control and a special olympian from albania gets lost a loss angela's ends up in the bay area special >> pam: excess fleet suddenly mysteriously turns up at the hayward police station. saturday >> grant: 2:00 this morning he goes ahead or police station fidget 50 mi. away. making matters more complicated from albania. speech impediment speaks no english. "tried several times to look of the service or language line and find out exactly what happened and motor transportation to one dropped off the table us in the. >> grant: impossible he infects arrived by bus special mix officials showed up today to escort him back to make sure he gets home to albania safely. 27 >> pam: year-old is in custody for stealing from a home in san francisco's outer sunset the home in question rented through on-line " lodging website. police say the suspect ransacked the home during your stay late april and allegedly stole more than $35,000 worth of items according the severance as a police she was already in custody in sonoma county after being arrested on july the 26th. as their francisco unified school district is scrambling to hire dozens of teachers before the full first day of school. it's only two weeks away maureen kelly reports on the reason why it's getting tougher to find qualified candidates. 51 >> reporter: and gis will positions in the school classrooms the august 17th coming up quick and then they're in better than this time last year it. still superintended unprecedented move of sending out this e-mail distaffers asking them to try and recruit. this need special lead bilingual math and science teachers to. one reason for the trouble shrinking pool of qualified candidates people turned off the profession after years of layoffs during recession. california >> reporter: the whole a massive decline in the percentage of people who are exiting to get credential programs with the soffit deeper into% decrease over the last five years. so we are worried. >> reporter: reason high cost of housing the bay area. "you think about the holocaust in lives and did it takes a look and now staggering. the chair >> reporter: come up with long-term solutions to that problem. bill >> reporter: the affordable housing would be with educators and their with district providing property land on which to build. he's doing it as those of a comeback and cosseted the few. texas air francisco itself as a powerful recruitment tool. often all the classroom positions we filled in time the first day of class. california >> pam: has come to understand this water is also considered of vital resources in the minds of most americans news as edith press finds two-thirds of americans think of water as a limited resource that can be depleted if people used to much of it. the nationwide poll 1004 adults also found 70 percent believe governments should restrict how much residents and businesses use when drought takes hold. >> reporter: and of that drought and are forecast along with satellite radar image nor in our forecast this race season but we just the last week because they damage indication for california drought we certainly do need that and is not and are forecast forming things up and then daytime highs as well for right now temperatures currently an inland valley locations a person news as well for copper 67 cisco daly city area. cycladic conditions temperatures in the mid-60s and then by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow partly sunny skies we have what fog makes his way into our area come tomorrow morning and then will burn off a light breeze averaging about 8 mi. per hour ahead of that sunshine and then wind speeds right now out stay with us for couple days here, plan on our windows oakland 17 for hayward in the delegation is expected reconditions the next few days and indicating fog rolling in the area and its so especially in the north as well and then even in the east bay shoreline oakland hayward livermore fremont expect foggy conditions all around 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and then around noontime fog burns off and transitions high clouds and exchange in land values livermore on a cloud cover as well cooling things down thought pignut also more clause implies for the afternoon hours and this was keeping our corrective measures color for should be for this your afternoon highs 3:00 p.m. opera '70s for inland valleys close late this is a post in the upper 80s and then run a kesia tomorrow east bay shoreline much cooler as well to attend vigilance and francisco peninsula sunday forecast called conditions more of a gradual clearing that makes our way for sunshine wednesday thursday start the one thing the temperature was come thursday friday and then 87 degrees for inland cities and that these for east bay shoreline even down the coastal 70 degrees and two degrees and then saturday sunday another round of credit conditions exchange for cooler temperatures by next week. the town >> pam: the for colorado shrewder james holmes jury decided today the sun the sentencing phase against james holmes to a third final step colada law requires juries to have three times a for imposing a death penalty sentence holmes found guilty of opening fire a crowded movie theater are colorado killing 12 people his lawyers are saying holmes was mentally ill and that 2012 shooting actress amy and near senator chuck he joined forces on capitol hill cat/. 10 here now talk about their joint appearance in the fighting than violence. >> grant: these two are cousins the. >> catherine: schumer digit have a joint news conference to talk about new gun-control legislation if it was triggered by last month's shooting a movie theater louisiana a man killed two women before turning the gun on himself happened at a showing comedian train wreck and she talked today about how she felt when she first heard that news. "this man chose my movies tend personal lives is very personal for me. the talk >> catherine: about four states require this information about special background check system to do that than to get rewarded states said do not comply would be penalized and measure seems to have a lot of early support. official >> pam: karioke move the oil and pacifica more honors for the fallen police officers scott led marron a word >> pam: a 38 ft. whale first appeared on the beach early yesterday morning. the third will to wash up on a beach in pacifica since april and still had in world news investigators prepare for a crucial test for the fund cause of the jumbo jet crashed and thus president ought to a campaign to save the world's climate. >> reporter: says has for now all change for the rest leaker 74 castanet next. >> reporter: result to keep this fire so of highway 16 on monday afternoon in the conditions the fire may of jump over highway 20 the bad news and. at last check preserves money aggressively the bring this under control the. 18,000 people remain evacuated from their homes in the area. office >> reporter: response to a sexual assault call ending in a violent shootout when the one officer fatally wounding a sexual assault suspect. cannot"of the front door with the rifle and immediately began firing upon officers and of the house and is currently and serious condition. special >> reporter: flexor money for sergeant scott the officer killed in the line of duty and sunday night at 10:00 this fight put out here in from the hayward police department u.s. honor fly officials say the flag flew at ground cheered after an 11 also flown in space on last nasa and that out here for 15 hours our for each year that scott served at 1:00 p.m. but there's a non. please >> reporter: a man posing as a pizza delivery man forces into a home behind him to ask men both armed poem of the house started screaming or husband then came confronted the three and then ran off without taking anything please. now released this sketch of a man posing as a pizza delivery man as far as the motive for this commendation police say at this point they do not know tickly the property or money. >> reporter: some russian hill and on edge after the signs went up over weekend this screen rapist at the top there really is a rapist please several sexual batteries that have happened since february the men in their 20s and 30s reported being attacked and my time and also in his 20s or 30s the most recent happen on and place stepped-up market and a mark controls' make sure that kept the man responsible.. >> reporter: status: two weeks away for the public-school system here and this is scrambling to build 51 open teaching positions and then the superintendent on president moved of sending this e-mail out distaffers asking them to recruit amongst their friends the problem statewide there's been a 52% decline of last five years people leaving credential programs also high cost of housing in the bay area the district says they're talking with the city and the teachers' union about creating work force house in the district is confident the short term they will be able to fill all the empty tin sheeting positions a first of school >> reporter: fire conditions mostly cloudy skies for the afternoon in your highs tomorrow much cooler than what we expected for this time of your tv example livermore this time of year 80 degrees will be about 10 degrees cooler than that tapping at about 76 for taurus i never world's those 78 for danville's 72 foreign debt martina's it's about 76 degrees and then the state's shoreline cities since story since it somewhat to the cheers of pettifogging places like san leandro and the city volunteer oakland hayward and your temperature is running a purse '60s the low seventies for that matter and then your has more of the south bay have some sunshine but again covered mostly with those high clouds and place so far reconditions and mourning those high clouds roll and giving to the chair is quite clear like the colors and seven for saturday's 79 for campbell cupertino should get was 78 degrees north they cities again expected pettifog for mill valley center felt otherwise live along was a cloudy skies for tomorrow and are forecast and will not see a warm-up not until later on in the week deal with these cold temperatures cause of low pressure is in place and the sourcing what is clear areas in our forecast 74 cast city tomorrow before wednesday clear skies for wednesday thursday. and we start feeling the warm-up come friday will have more cause rolling and in time for the weekend. were dealing with a cloudy conditions tomorrow on a fog for the next few days in the morning the most dishonest as the rest we had. >> pam: in the plan unveiled by president a bomb today and at dramatically cutting a mission for new u.s. car plants president already getting a lot of resistance president's warning if nothing is done about, change it will really threaten future generations his plan is even stricter limits on the car monoxide levels and then anybody expected requires a 32 percent cut by 2030 compared to 2005 and components already gone to the government is to the plan will cost jobs and energy costs and then president argue it's critically important and might even save lives "such a thing as being too late" >> catherine: to surprise of this the presidential campaign with republican bush and scott walker arguing against the president's move some energy companies saying they will go to court tonight some states with republican governors say they will simply refuse to comply with the president's plan to cut emissions. the job >> pam: as particles of place trying to land at jfk airport officials did not say any specific threat did warn the campeau's danger planes and recent throne siding is being investigated by the faa and the authorities there of course is another problem draws also interfered with reason firefighting efforts in california forcing fire aircrafts to the ground for safety reasons in illinois ephah they're behind bars after police say the children everson teenager he thought or trouble is daughter >> reporter: a finance friend were at a nearby ski park wednesday night when they heard yelling at north and elementary school are for police say the father never had any of the kids but can offer close 56 year-old bridge a call please himself after hearing is the 18 year-old daughter was involved in a fight officers say they did later on for them as a first when after the kids came williams got back into his car and went after them and as i see the. >> reporter: they stood and watched at first of it and believe it claims it the scene afterwards waiting for cops to arrive he was arrested on the spot after police saw the video. the we"of resolve that without being any for the romans >> pam: had air crash investigators and france still ready to examine a i'll aircraft part intended determine what caused air malaysia 47 lead evanish more than a year ago >> reporter: does tend on the market to replace windows eight should you upgrade your computer or tablet of this new operating system my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. >> grant: believed to be the part of the missing knowledge airliner arrived in paris officials from several countries and the u.s. going to begin extensive process to see if in fact the matched damage to 70 presentive crashed a few years ago never found the manufacturing code on a piece of debris is that of a triple seven malaysian flight 370 research odd-lotters where the the debris was found in a nutshell and enlistees and the crash much of 2014 and two injured 39 people on board died. >> pam: the giants and " let's the and then all sports carries the next. >> gary: gents of plaister joe penick second base from the 15 days of inflammation in his lower back and also scratch from ties trance lineup san francisco to go out and do their business without two of their starters this is turner fields in close. all these guys getting new ballparks that the thing carry on with the a's already there or new ballpark everyone's getting one buster posey has a home run at 16 for nothing giants ran in crawford to run blast in his own six nothing stethoscope crawford 18 on the year the lego bottom six mccain is cruising without casey peterson 3 run blast in canada exit three innings 10 hits foreruns proud. julie will get the win tonight as the giants' right now leading 75 in the ninth bowling amount abbot's has come back with back pain probably going to get the win at the bullpen collapse. pat finn did the option to aaa nashville today became the first such pitcher in both ways to pitch in a big-league game since 1995. cocoa crisper returns to the a's lineup tonight when they play baltimore came off the disabled list and had a right elbow surgery spent just this season rehabing he went down to the minor leagues with a tool of an average two home runs three rbis five games and is in place and it pays baltimore tell you i'll is in jericho chris when you went to a minor-league about four years ago never forget mcdonnell rolls-royce you're down in that car he drove his rolls-royce perform in the minor-league and always thought you'd me i think it myself on the and drive down to a minor- league this guy went down orel's royster former minor-league in the texas water guts to roll in their reason year in the minors japan doing anything in the majors in a good stuff clay thompson their families feeling really good the dead former nba player his brother tracy thompson is a baseball player called up from the minors to play for the white sox selected him second in the 2009 amateur draft he's been struggling a little bit seven minor-league seasons in charlotte pitt to 41 of those things you'll get a chance but the expense under seven years in the minors a tough tough nut to crack a less grand than this cousin comes the shoe deals and who is worth it right up your alley listen to this james horton has been offered to a hundred million dollars to sign a deal no cover 13 years and with nike now listen to some of these should deal scavenger rant injured million for nike tenures school brought has $350 million in nike endorsements and i can understand the brawn and he's the best and the world. 200 million for james parton. i don't mind paying whenever the fringes of a bet about a guy who's a step below that two injured million? he beat off the ndp and all that business adidas and nike hate each other so the battle. adidas lost a contract for mba uniforms decided not to get into a bidding war with nike who will take over so i guess they say we all these reforms would just fall apart memo. >> gary: and simple request these things are settling million grant got in there deaver by issue right across the orioles for it?. this was >> catherine: 86 3/7. >> grant: or blue and red that with velcro is in the laces kasparov playing pool. >> gary: of the converse man and you're in the irrigation was as woody aware cashews snow boots could be bryants in china arnes best " can one of his friends potto east side prep coach donovan blight in of whose affair with donovan blight look better believe it there is goes from kevin the bodyguard kobe bryant this the connection with ago donovan he's working with kobe now running a basketball camp in china can't cross, the dogs surfing as the young skit status unless story this and for fun if it can get it i love you if you can't love you nonetheless alright here comes 50 canine competitors in san diego 10th annual pepsico's dog competition all breeze in size and divided panel of judges poster for taylor knox making the call second euro that thought as he would really come through 15 lbs. american eskimo won the crown congratulations and all people that are connected with him. . >> pam: as much as a sausage races. happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card brentwood sweet corn is 4 for $1.00 tropicana orange juice or farmstand juice is $2.49 and lays potato chips are just $1.99. happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better. a spot near the golden gate bridge restricted if people like to go there in the next edition of people behaving badly tonight at a. >> pam: finally at 6 gary actors will smith and data smith getting divorced at one point today not getting divorced according to an on-line website for couples decide to pull the plug on the 17 year marriage. and by their fortune of $40 million the sight read our on- line described it as a carefully choreographed the deal and the problem is there was no deal there was no pulling out the plug the splitting of the millions no divorce. at a tent news tonight at 87:00 followed by entertainment tonight at 730. and then we will be back with kron 4 news at 8:00 and an update on all the fires burning as well all the day's news weather and sports and this checkback in with the and the weather is certainly important. >> reporter: last week we'll be dealing with he and much cooler talk much to degrees cooler than normal. fires wednesday still pick up and have 20 percent humidity were dealing with in the wind speeds pick up for that matter than guy down later on this week so 74 cast having put up for you as you can see temperatures again are cooling down until the end of the week the. we finally get where we should be this time of year the mid '80s for inland valleys and for saturday sunday we of more cloud cover again so as to the interesting will have any rain in the forecast of for this week or even early next week. but we just have the low pressure system in place behind it is a high-pressure system and means to heaven urate a forecast. stay connected on website kron- 4-dot-com sur pogrip sealout re fd paicles. soour od w't g stu. and yocan joy ery ngleite. t lo. li lou supepoliip. ses oumoreood. ♪ super ligr hol you dentes thtlyn ple. youeverave holback. ugh ud. li lou sur pogrip get rongll d hol "the insider" from hollywood. your 24/7 celebrity conversation. >> your contenders share the stage tonight. the event will not include donald trump. >> i'm in first place by a lot. >> the donald skips out on the gop's first televised presidential forum. >> i know what crazy is. >> will it ruin his ratings or his own credibility? >> i'm jessica alba, founder of the honest company. >> under fire after customers feel the burn from allegedly defective sun block. >> i learned most things from the internet. and you can't bring down one direction. the new single shattering records worldwide. plus if you saw ronda rousey -- the beatdown in 34 seconds. who's the ultimate fighting female champion paid like boxing's big boys? rowdy ronda is worth her weight in gold. now hollywood from the inside out. it's "the insider" together with yahoo. jessica alba's billion dollar lifestyle brand feeling the burn. tonight we go inside jessica's honest mistake. >> we take you inside the biggest trending stories of the day and make no mistake, trump is trending big time as the number of polls have him leading the republican pack going into thursday night's highly anticipated debate. >> but now news that donald won't be at the gop forum in new hampshire alongside the rest of his opponents. >> who really is the biggest loser here? and is trump's mission adding more fuel to the campaign fire? >> tonight's event will not include donald trump. >> i'm very surprised to hear that.

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