Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622

>> catherine:now at 8 new details about the man suspected in the family massacre in modesto. police say he's also the prime child in 20-14. now questions are being raised about whether the massacre could have prevented.if police had arrested martin martinez earlier. kron-4's jeff bush talked with family members. but first alecia reid joins us live from modesto where a memorial for the victims is happening tonight. "summer evening behind me as a crowd gathers more the loss of five innocent lives. started walking in this park around 6:00 this evening and continued walking to show their respects one of the victim's 38 year-old amanda crews being remembered as a loving doting mother of her two girls sister elizabeth and 6 months old rituals. but the grossman cousin a time for one- on-one with each bird daughters and just two weeks ago many tells me a man had a couple of rough couple days a hard time dealing with the death of her two year-old son christopher who died last october for a brain injury the father of six months old rachel barnes gonzales is also a suspect and then first homicide ships to we adored her children adored children and then didn't call the before racial recall them honey all she ever did go back 830 with the latest from lot televisual./ details of a family murders the victims ranged in age six months to 57. stan herman explains what we know about the suspect.the victims ranged in age 6kron 4's dan kerman explains saturday's murder of 5 people in case, martin martinez. at a news conference monday, police confirmed, the two adults who were killed, were martinez girlfriend amanda crews. the three children murdered were the 6 month old daugther of crews and martinez, the 6 year daughter of crews and a 5 year old distant relative of crews. but it was not for that murder that martinez was arrested, it was for killing crews 2 year old son last year. sot galen carroll/modesto police chief the october"it mr. martinez was listed as a potential suspect in a death of a two year-old christopher ripley. and christopher sustained head injuries while mr. martinez was watching him a lot. police say it took them 9 months for a forensic expert to determine riply's death was not an accident, but homicide they got that verbal word on thursday of last week, but police did not get an arrest warrant for martinez instead they waited until saturday after the 5 people were murdered at this modesto residence. "deductible on this becomes a homicide really have one shot to make haste and much more than just the police department involved in criminal investigations to put together a case there has to be aprowl will cause to arrest the individual that has to be enough to the will to file charges on the case. so no police department did not drop the ball. the debt >> reporter: last year to raise later that child's family also murdered. at this point please do not believe the two are related they don't do not have a motive for saturday's massacre. >> catherine:continuing with our relative of the suspect. jeff bush is live outside the "and even though he is in san jose told face but it saw his face and that other cousin said ok. martina's cousin gina says she's confused and would never have expected her cousin to be a suspected murderer. not"all and let fly was in shock i didn't believe it laugher saw his face there i thought it was like when people fabricate things on faced a person think and on like this is not true and he went and the top on it and start reading up on an ounce like this can't be true" gm >> reporter: as china process all the information and remembers her cousin as friendly and loving" will the"in good harding generous cousin. his father raised him and his brother all by himself use a single parent. raised to both my cousins were so loving every time they see you they hug you do you cast their the most loving people ever. >> reporter: his first court appearance later this week. >> catherine: news we learned just a short time ago on officer involved shooting in fremont. it happened in the area of death and avenue. across the way the see of the shooting we will bring you updates as new information comes into the newsroom. >> catherine: we're less than 12 hours away from a senate meeting in washington d.c. involving kate steinle's family. pier 14 earlier this month. an illegal immigrant confessed to the crime in a jailhouse interview days later. kron 4's j.r. stone joins us live -- and j-r, you talked with family members tonight? >> reporter:i did. they flew out to the nation's capitol on sunday. brad steinle who you see here. he is kate's brother. he tells me "if something is wrong, the right thing to do is fix it." of course he is referring to sanctuary city laws. kate's mom, dad, and brother are in washington all week. this is jim steinle.his daughter kate was shot and killed along pier 14 as he walked with her back on july 6th. the gunman is believed to be, francisco lopez-sanchez an illegal immigrant from mexico. tuesday kate's father jim will speak in front of some of the most powerful people in the united states. a senate committee that includes 11 republicans and 9 democrats. the meeting is titled "oversight of the administration's misdirected immigration enforcement policies: examining the impact of public safety and honoring the victims." jim will be with his son brad and kate's mom liz. after reading a five minute statement each senator will then have 5 minutes to ask questions. kate's brother brad says his family is pushing for change when it comes to sanctuary city policies. policies that allowed lopez sanchez to go free. something that brad says never should have happened. california senator dianne fienstein is one of the senators on this committee. she has previously been critical of the city, the mayor, and the sheriff. i did contact her office to see if she has already met with the steinle family and her office did not respond to my requests. we will be streaming this hearing live tomorrow starting at 7 am on our web site at kron 4 dot com. >> catherine:california officials have announced the first confirmed death this year - linked the person who died is a senior citizen who lived in nevada county. the death comes in a year with an unusually high number of cases of west nile among mosquitoes and birds. infected mosquitoes transmit the virus to humans and animals mostly birds. it is possible that the drought has contributed to the virus. the risk of serious illness to most people is low. down. appeal is waiting a long court battle with the property owner and also people me a meeting in this considers the cause than an like turner live with what they decided >> reporter: 3 are possible more meeting and ago my tesco 9:00 when it's expected end all inside filling a suggestion on, cards exactly how the public misti's this and how they use the beach in the past most importantly how one see that each user in the future. >> reporter: republic access more beach in and out of court and recent years. tonight's public meeting about a half moon bay beach this to get a feel for another fight to apply. "have a public that number to read to validate these concerns and express them themselves and person. >> reporter: orchis porcelain order along that happen reopening the road after essentially a fighter closure for now already though the billionaire landowner has appealed the decision holes you can keep the beach clothes and all these people here on happy about that possibility and that huge and the person about a conceived by a because what is everybody an access road spawns everybody and i take that information and hopefully use and in negotiating with the land owner of usage policy. or if it has to go in court prove once and for all the public has a right to enjoy martin's speech. "we beached 24 years to come down here family parties are here all the time. access easy access for people who commit it down to the beach a very far." >> reporter: question what is next nothing will be decided tonight that will actually impact to marlow how people access the beach next step is the land use committee is trying to talk to a property owner negotiate terms on some kind of middle ground where the public as happy as well as the land owner. if that doesn't happen next tuesday a law recently passed this land could commission use eminent domain after january 1st to make sure the public doesn't fact have public access to martin's speech. martin speech beach the law"day at preschool maybe shutdown. also a california firefighters say it to keep running into drones to. push for tougher penalties including jail time. and then a strange weather across the state prison questions about bombing of. and you >> catherine: shall weather in recent weeks mounting evidence that el nino forming in the pacific could be to blame for that. charles clifford live in san francisco toxic national weather service about the impact it's having. the >> reporter: urologists tracking this since last winter getting stronger almost every month general consensus is a continuous it could bring some badly needed moisture california this winter but some evidence it could already be doing that. unusual weather in southern california very hot muggy the unusual here in san francisco. unusual animal activity lately including those sharks setting up and also strange behavior by birds possibly links to this national weather service a. and there's an el nino on the equator usually more hurricanes and tropical storms and normal and eastern pacific. current one form last winter has been getting stronger ever sent so far 2015 there have been for hurricanes compared to just to buy this time last year. the trick"to the insulin california" >> reporter: means hurricane delors was storms the southern and central california hot muggy weather to the bay area. but jalapeno already partly to blame her acclaimed laura laura's action in march with monsoons that is the southwest every july and august. "it's that monsoon weather pattern and local weather pattern ranking cushaw worst storms said non-essential california and those two systems pretty much combined forces. for the >> reporter: unusual weather any behavior the weather service is not know if it's because of all milhaud but to save more summertime oyster is possible summertime up moisture is possible. >> reporter: i've now national weather service is in suspected issue at all milhaud early next month balneal el nino. >> catherine: 64 humidity coming? >> reporter: atop warm and valleys locations even felt warmer than usual because of the humidity owns 40% at that or not done with that another round of it tomorrow it will not be as hewitt certainly it you will feel that money does in the air especially inland valley locations or you don't get the sea breeze like we do about the close or sell francisco areas and he currently temperatures in the '80s a livermore cocker some. these oakland 7 francisco currently at 56¢. rosa at 75 degrees. santa rosa 75 degrees. >> reporter: conditions it will clear around 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, noon time sunny, humid conditions again sofa temperatures around 80 degrees around noontime will not see a '90s especially 90 for inland valleys. satellite rate are showing that moisture tears why we have that humid in place. we have two sources of it what was, remnants of hurricane delores. we have moister monsoon moisture approaching as well from southern california, that is moving from southern nevada regions. and is surrounded by that moister it's really giving us humidity levels and a lot of cloud cover. then around of that also more cloud cover tomorrow before cool things down. claude smiled as expected all. the day and tomorrow tuesday in the north of it widespread as it goes a classical coastal regions. in the sunshine for afternoon hours it will be as clear skies was a. and they forecast a three tomorrow 80 wednesday. and you feel the cool down come thursday 78 degrees or get the ocean sea breeze coming along both in the valley will get release as well for east bay shoreline. the deal sunshine through friday in the weekend ahead. >> catherine:a beloved east bay pre-school is kids' club preschool in antioch says they'll be leaving their the month. leaving the future of 300 children up in the air. kron-4 has been following this story for months. demanding answers from school district officials about why the school is closing. kids club is nearing the end of a lease with the antioch unified school district.and hasn't been able to find a new location yet. but the school says it isn't giving up hope - and will talk about some options on wednesday. >> catherine:firefighters managed to contain two grass fires along i-680 between sunol and pleasanton today. ten-thirty this morning within minutes of each other. one fire was above northbound 680 on coopman road -- and the other was threatening homes on happy valley road off of sunol. about 35 acres burned - and there were no injuries. bcn75:alameda co.: update: 3- alarm brush fire along freeway broke out above highway 6-80 in hard because the small camouflet more for show for explains the risk of run-ins with drones over a wildfire. time possible for anyone convicted of using drones that interfere with firefighting he just by trying to evade it we can have an incident hellfire says philip prosecute offenders under existing laws against tampering firefighting efforts coming up a man running from police and try a time space guitar spam all so said and on for cheating spouse isa man running from police dies spouses? an update on the giants' working for san diego later in this broadcast. between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. >> catherine:it's not just credit card information that's at stake here, it's sex secrets. it's the site best known for people who want to have an extra-marital affair. kron-4's maureen kelly tells us that 'ashley madison dot-com' is admitting that hackers have breached its security. >> reporter: this romance to risky action medicine ashley madison. his short have an affair webb's >> reporter: 5 the with assurances and ominous a discreet encounters. justice to carry and one of percent the street and a secure site. and then calling an impact seen entire office production the main a hacker is demanding a complete shutdown of-the madison: it established men which they call a cover for prostitution a less. the two sets are taken down hackers promised release of customer records including profiles of all customer secret sexual fantasies and matching as part transaction is.l names and addresses see all told a website were on the doorstep of confirming her we believe is the culprit. "somebody who was the former employee?" >> catherine: news side of the east bay and then officer involved shooting this happen in fremont. kron 4 jeff pushout joins us live from the area where this happened what do no death? >> reporter: fremont police are still here on scene investigating this officer involved shooting here at the corner of the bath and avenue pizarro drive a call came out about an hour and a half ago and apparently officers as the story goes encountered a man with an eyeful of the drop it he did not according to sources that officers had opened fire and then the investigation still currently very very fresh right now it happened about an hour- and-a-half ago as you can see there's still at being chased half a block from our location in all different directions right here everything seemed very quiet under control right now as i said officers investigating police involved shooting believed here is ok. >> catherine: hadstill ahead at 8. a diner owner is under fire the mother's response has gone and next. the maker of a baby crib says you should stop using the a baby crib has been recalled because the company says children could become trapped. it's made by "davinci" - and one of the four metal brackets connected to the mattress support can break. that means a gap - and an uneven sleeping surface for the baby. there are have been 10 reports of the problem -- but no injuries. davinci says customers should stop using it right away. vo + sidepanel ahead at eight. six billion tons of produce is thrown away each year in the u- the local resident who's trying to change that. an east bay family is demanding answers after their son dies while fleeing police. >> catherine:an oakland family is speaking out tonight after a 23-year-old man was found dead by police after he was pulled over by officers. kron 4's kate cagle talked to the young man's motherwho is demanding answers. accompli >> reporter: say they'll try to pull over young man in east oakland last night. you mentioned they say the man ran off and by the time officers found him it was too late! >> reporter: in oakland families want to know why ricky was pulled over last night when he ran away why today he is dead? > >> reporter: officers say they found a 23 year-old man after tough running sunday which between these two buildings on 64th avenue the gap is less than a foot wide please. say he was not responsive when they found him there was no use of force on their behalf. the family has been told rickey choked on his own vomit and shows a picture provided by oakland police turkey's mom. ricky"mom >> reporter: ones are skeptical the store they have not heard from police and not allowed to see the body. but some >> reporter: please have not officially identified the young man who died last night they did say they found a pound of marijuana and the car and that the person had an outstanding warrant for $10,000 there is an internal affairs investigation into what happened. >> catherine: stunned community trying to understand terrible crime five people killed three a chill trans all that when cnn umbel of the mother to children people in the deaths had gather and all so revealed but please today lucia is alive and modesto >> reporter: so for these murder victims is still going people are putting candles and foes of the victims on the table behind me. mother 38 year-old amanda crews being remembered as a loving doting mother for her two girls 6 elizabeth the 6 months old rachel co-workers sharing stories about kurt boy's laugh and how much joy she brought to those around her the talked about how important being a mom was to her as well how she made time for her children when she was a work for patients knew exactly how she felt about them, she cared for them. one french shares or how she asked the man she could be her patient man to tell their well there's a waiting list for three months and the type of person she was loved by many and what they tell me they find comfort in knowing that she is now with all of her children. two brothers arrested a woman and oregon. the car >> catherine: aghast pompous ass chevron station person the fright the flames and that in the elderly woman yelling for help. and then jump from a moving car and ordered helper she managed to break the window with her bare hands. the punched in reached in and then grabbed by the shoulder and then picked out. then moments later filled with plans felipe says an injured hand was a small price to pay with being able to help the woman. a for >> catherine: festival of the produce never makes the market because of tiny imperfections. national waste the irrigation water going down the drain. and then vicki it introduces us to a young entrepreneur who was hoping to change that by convincing us to go ugly. >> reporter: this is ugly produce. that ends up in the dumpster. six billion pounds of it every year - tossed out. wasted. just because it's not pretty enough. meet ben simon. he's the young good looking guy behind imperfect produce. consumer, so called ugly produce at deep discounts. good-looking guy behind imperfect produce was to give us the consumer ugly produce at deep discounts. "of art but as a high shelf life it's perfectly good produce most of it fresher than what you find in a grocery store because we buy directly from california farmers." >> reporter: partnering with chain rally's just to do that. this month trumpet dropping it off on people's doorsteps in the bay area. in berkeley and oakland for starters. who doesn't want to save a dollar. network - saving college drought. maybe going ugly good as going green. kron 4 news. >> catherine: nomination robbery allegedly committed by the same man accused of kidnapping. cry"issues gentians weapon"she was crying issues transience sweat drenched in sweat' >> catherine: groot block and a heart horsecar. under a >> catherine: the diner yelling at the child will get her son to the story. more >> reporter: mehuman today today and set will tell you all about here on a forecast coming up next stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... ♪ [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. 9 >> catherine: darlan the order out shorts that marcy's diner. at the epicenter of this controversy. she is serving a family saturday she says a two- year old child had been crying for 40 minutes. flipped her lid after listening minutes. hands on the counter and then pointed at the child and said - this has got to stop! oh and then the mother screamed at me because i was yell her child. you know what lady, 'you should have taken the kid >> catherine:the parents were so upset they >> reporter: causes the progress the evening and then why can't come in the area and none of that again overnight area as well to a dodgers right now in the '80s load mid-80s for the inland valley locations and. 84 antioch 84 concord 82 out in livermore right now. and then we'll see more upper 60s as well as the north-south pay some. for system console low 60s. if it were to expect in the afternoon and rest of a week for you to the. morning mostly cloudy than gradual clearing in place in the afternoon goes. the sunny conditions slightly humid air will be as human as it was today. that is to have that committee and the atmosphere the rest. like cooler temperatures and then dry conditions coming wednesday to weaken as well early next week. morning lows around 5:00 a.m. will fill the tank is here to. 64 antioch and 65 degrees for inland valleys cities. east bay shoreline should be in the low 60s with onshore breeze and i'll feel chilly along the coastal regions. 59 san francisco. >> reporter: highest moral tries it, will be warmer. 82 antioch 83 out of pittsburgh in the '90s today only about mid '80s low 80's at that tomorrow. unbent humidity levels existing for one more day as in before it trickled down in place. east bay shoreline 72 degrees for east bay cities this. of the city's more like the low 80s as well. some scattered clouds plan to sunshine and the atmosphere tomorrow north bay region 79 degrees out sonoma and napa. and then a microclimates in san francisco for daly city peninsula regions. 74 cast 7 day forecast! >> reporter: of most could disguise next saturday sunday it will have tetras war about our forecast. there are by our forecast by downloading our free mobile application. >> catherine: had more information on the suspects behind vallejo kidnapping case and home invasion robbery chilling new details and sports we take a look at how the giants are doing in san diego as the go for their seventh straight win and it delayed british open comes down to a three-way playoff pilots all the sports coming up next now that there's foster farms simply raised, it's tougher than ever to be a foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken is 100 percent natural with no antibiotics. well you're an herbalist. help us to be natural. will those herbs do it? those? one grows hair, the other increases energy. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. call me natural. you look like a steve. can i call you steve? hi steve. i'm natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? introducing new simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. simply better. >> catherine: smaller in a dublin home invasion robbery and suspect's case and a black woman kidnap. you might remember initially was symptoms by police as a hoax and documents obtained by kron 4 today indicate that case in dublin was vividly real. kelly has. the a >> reporter: broderick words pulled the dublin couple after breaking into this home on north paris you drive according to this problem will cause document allegedly entered the homes master bedroom confronted the sitting victims before 38 3:38 a.m.. and then described very, wearing what appeared to be a security guard uniform. but then pulled a couple the turn overly face down on their beds and put their hands behind their backs. according to court records appointed a flashlight and a husband and a red laser pointer at the wife. that's when mahler allegedly told parents we have a daughter and she said. daughters find sir billion adult woman had been asleep and ate another room and then you believe molar may of been intending to kidnap her other the faces a kidnapping charge for the ransom plot of these hoskins. except in a dublin incident the father fought back and talk to me chittered and fighting him as the whitewater sofa and the vatican called 911. muller allegedly commit on the head with a metal object possibly a flashlight. then took off please. it will attract smaller from cellphone track at the scene. and then arresting him at south lake tahoe home two days later. fbi believes there are other victims out there for. rhodope think he is a prime suspect in another home invasion robbery in 2009. former prosecutor thinks there could be many other cases. "so out there so extreme that it's hard to believe somebody discount in touristy times this feels like a thrill motivated of crime and a sure investigators aren't caught finished in this investigation. >> catherine: about the so too often troubled and a hot car happened in kansas saturday. not the parents who came to the rescue. it was a local store manager and self on video there you can see people desperately trying to break the window to get the little girl out to. it did not work at first but the manager famous footwear have been calling someone an ever workers ran inside screaming for help. "windows totally all doors locked she was covered in sweat while it in the window she pulled her hair back ends what was trippet jet dripped of getting so mad that the window and break. on a spring break the window she's gonna die." >> catherine: on the scene give medical care at any rate. did work to get the car opened the child was picked up by her grandmother later. police did ticket the couple for child endangerment. >> gary: giants trying for seven in a row tonight. good evening everyone in san diego on the short end to one and our great producer christina informs me her sister is in ecu the weather. will be throwing out the first pitch tomorrow at the chance jackie moved on and thrown up the first pitch tomorrow at the padre's and giants pays title tonight again the giants highlights little bit later than 11 and was the golf the past five days of the lot fund which. of the morning have something different look at could do the bagpipes' but nonetheless gulf was great mark fishman on his way to a three- way tie shoots 66 final round of course because of bad weather saturday. story jordan speed max and ben hogan somebody who won the first two majors in the calendar year to tie for the lead on the 16th hole. tina anzac johnson. he ties the lead at 15 under is that, not just us to spread out in company goldwork note feet majors in a row speak bogey 17 stock finished the tournament one stroke back lewis used heisenberg on 18 types for lead johnson the birdie putt. he takes a one stroke lead in the playoffs. m. but who's " boost highs and is often misses and johnson is your winner's that johnson in order as is what the trophy and he is the champ second major championship and his first british open title earlier this morning taking place in catherine's favorite see andrews in scotland you have been their correct? >> catherine: mistake might say i've been there. >> gary: mistake i'm a barrier can groups and as they used to go out to an uncle pops in livermore. >> gary: appoint to $4 billion nfl made last year to 26 per team and then at a virtual reality may be i don't know prefer people tackling and catching and running virtual gimme real reality but now virtual reality 49ers dallas cowboys come up with the technology that allows players to watch a video from ask and the gate to cope with this deal as stanford former stanford kicker a virtual reality 49ers first on born. in real quick charles haley went happily goes in the hall of fame the barlow has already and the presenter for bill walsh. so did for joe montana fred dean and jerry white. charles lower of five super bowl rings to the forty- niners the hall of fame next month that he will send his name congratulation alex call soccer player part of our world cup team sheehan lionel will be on the cover of the eea sports soccer game warden becomes the first woman to ever grace the cover. hanafi thought the great set bladder it's all free doubt you can comedian goes around and upsets press conferences. he's the guy who took all the money under the table throwing dollar bills sf. gary: see to say you we should on you wink and you get down and laughed special. congress will let the new president of the thought and set the letter filed memory could be the guy doing the business so that tough breaks down but it is an easy sitting there getting a speech was your what life you have the most import figures phone company does not know how to react. occasionally of those who grow and in the orchards and does it feel funny around. >> catherine: popular doughnut chain coming to the bay area next e a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪♪♪] >> catherine: this is the restaurants and fresno also sell francisco dunkin donuts opening these over the next few years companies signed agreements with two franchise groups develop and of the fresno area of the bay area a meaningful new donuts and its old school very popular coffee some people argue duncan comes has good coffee long before it became an. >> reporter: monday forecast things will be cooler for most places come wednesday released tomorrow 80 degrees inland valleys feels slightly humid air in place regrettable that humidity come wednesday. dropping temperatures down to the '70s for thursday and then color skies and that friday things back up the seasonal average where we should be for this time of year when dave humidity but we needed. see >> grant: state connected see later tonight at 11.

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Fremont , California , United States , Nevada County , Nevada , Nile , Washington , Fresno , Oakland , Turkey , China , Sonoma , New School , San Diego , Oregon , Dublin , Ireland , District Of Columbia , Jordan , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Stanford , Leicestershire , Mexico , Berkeley , Arizona , Daly City , South Lake , Kansas , Dallas , Texas , France , Milhaud , Languedoc Roussillon , Hawaii , Hawaiian , French , British , Scotland , Sheehan Lionel , Kate Cagle , Ben Simon , Alecia Reid , Francisco Dunkin , Laura , Jeff Bush , Rachel Barnes Gonzales , Ocean Sea , Lopez Sanchez , Dan Kerman , Martin Martinez , Charles Haley , Charles Clifford , Ashley Madison , Galen Carroll Modesto , Maureen Kelly , El Nino , Stan Herman , Ben Hogan , Christopher Ripley ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20240622

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>> catherine:now at 8 new details about the man suspected in the family massacre in modesto. police say he's also the prime child in 20-14. now questions are being raised about whether the massacre could have prevented.if police had arrested martin martinez earlier. kron-4's jeff bush talked with family members. but first alecia reid joins us live from modesto where a memorial for the victims is happening tonight. "summer evening behind me as a crowd gathers more the loss of five innocent lives. started walking in this park around 6:00 this evening and continued walking to show their respects one of the victim's 38 year-old amanda crews being remembered as a loving doting mother of her two girls sister elizabeth and 6 months old rituals. but the grossman cousin a time for one- on-one with each bird daughters and just two weeks ago many tells me a man had a couple of rough couple days a hard time dealing with the death of her two year-old son christopher who died last october for a brain injury the father of six months old rachel barnes gonzales is also a suspect and then first homicide ships to we adored her children adored children and then didn't call the before racial recall them honey all she ever did go back 830 with the latest from lot televisual./ details of a family murders the victims ranged in age six months to 57. stan herman explains what we know about the suspect.the victims ranged in age 6kron 4's dan kerman explains saturday's murder of 5 people in case, martin martinez. at a news conference monday, police confirmed, the two adults who were killed, were martinez girlfriend amanda crews. the three children murdered were the 6 month old daugther of crews and martinez, the 6 year daughter of crews and a 5 year old distant relative of crews. but it was not for that murder that martinez was arrested, it was for killing crews 2 year old son last year. sot galen carroll/modesto police chief the october"it mr. martinez was listed as a potential suspect in a death of a two year-old christopher ripley. and christopher sustained head injuries while mr. martinez was watching him a lot. police say it took them 9 months for a forensic expert to determine riply's death was not an accident, but homicide they got that verbal word on thursday of last week, but police did not get an arrest warrant for martinez instead they waited until saturday after the 5 people were murdered at this modesto residence. "deductible on this becomes a homicide really have one shot to make haste and much more than just the police department involved in criminal investigations to put together a case there has to be aprowl will cause to arrest the individual that has to be enough to the will to file charges on the case. so no police department did not drop the ball. the debt >> reporter: last year to raise later that child's family also murdered. at this point please do not believe the two are related they don't do not have a motive for saturday's massacre. >> catherine:continuing with our relative of the suspect. jeff bush is live outside the "and even though he is in san jose told face but it saw his face and that other cousin said ok. martina's cousin gina says she's confused and would never have expected her cousin to be a suspected murderer. not"all and let fly was in shock i didn't believe it laugher saw his face there i thought it was like when people fabricate things on faced a person think and on like this is not true and he went and the top on it and start reading up on an ounce like this can't be true" gm >> reporter: as china process all the information and remembers her cousin as friendly and loving" will the"in good harding generous cousin. his father raised him and his brother all by himself use a single parent. raised to both my cousins were so loving every time they see you they hug you do you cast their the most loving people ever. >> reporter: his first court appearance later this week. >> catherine: news we learned just a short time ago on officer involved shooting in fremont. it happened in the area of death and avenue. across the way the see of the shooting we will bring you updates as new information comes into the newsroom. >> catherine: we're less than 12 hours away from a senate meeting in washington d.c. involving kate steinle's family. pier 14 earlier this month. an illegal immigrant confessed to the crime in a jailhouse interview days later. kron 4's j.r. stone joins us live -- and j-r, you talked with family members tonight? >> reporter:i did. they flew out to the nation's capitol on sunday. brad steinle who you see here. he is kate's brother. he tells me "if something is wrong, the right thing to do is fix it." of course he is referring to sanctuary city laws. kate's mom, dad, and brother are in washington all week. this is jim steinle.his daughter kate was shot and killed along pier 14 as he walked with her back on july 6th. the gunman is believed to be, francisco lopez-sanchez an illegal immigrant from mexico. tuesday kate's father jim will speak in front of some of the most powerful people in the united states. a senate committee that includes 11 republicans and 9 democrats. the meeting is titled "oversight of the administration's misdirected immigration enforcement policies: examining the impact of public safety and honoring the victims." jim will be with his son brad and kate's mom liz. after reading a five minute statement each senator will then have 5 minutes to ask questions. kate's brother brad says his family is pushing for change when it comes to sanctuary city policies. policies that allowed lopez sanchez to go free. something that brad says never should have happened. california senator dianne fienstein is one of the senators on this committee. she has previously been critical of the city, the mayor, and the sheriff. i did contact her office to see if she has already met with the steinle family and her office did not respond to my requests. we will be streaming this hearing live tomorrow starting at 7 am on our web site at kron 4 dot com. >> catherine:california officials have announced the first confirmed death this year - linked the person who died is a senior citizen who lived in nevada county. the death comes in a year with an unusually high number of cases of west nile among mosquitoes and birds. infected mosquitoes transmit the virus to humans and animals mostly birds. it is possible that the drought has contributed to the virus. the risk of serious illness to most people is low. down. appeal is waiting a long court battle with the property owner and also people me a meeting in this considers the cause than an like turner live with what they decided >> reporter: 3 are possible more meeting and ago my tesco 9:00 when it's expected end all inside filling a suggestion on, cards exactly how the public misti's this and how they use the beach in the past most importantly how one see that each user in the future. >> reporter: republic access more beach in and out of court and recent years. tonight's public meeting about a half moon bay beach this to get a feel for another fight to apply. "have a public that number to read to validate these concerns and express them themselves and person. >> reporter: orchis porcelain order along that happen reopening the road after essentially a fighter closure for now already though the billionaire landowner has appealed the decision holes you can keep the beach clothes and all these people here on happy about that possibility and that huge and the person about a conceived by a because what is everybody an access road spawns everybody and i take that information and hopefully use and in negotiating with the land owner of usage policy. or if it has to go in court prove once and for all the public has a right to enjoy martin's speech. "we beached 24 years to come down here family parties are here all the time. access easy access for people who commit it down to the beach a very far." >> reporter: question what is next nothing will be decided tonight that will actually impact to marlow how people access the beach next step is the land use committee is trying to talk to a property owner negotiate terms on some kind of middle ground where the public as happy as well as the land owner. if that doesn't happen next tuesday a law recently passed this land could commission use eminent domain after january 1st to make sure the public doesn't fact have public access to martin's speech. martin speech beach the law"day at preschool maybe shutdown. also a california firefighters say it to keep running into drones to. push for tougher penalties including jail time. and then a strange weather across the state prison questions about bombing of. and you >> catherine: shall weather in recent weeks mounting evidence that el nino forming in the pacific could be to blame for that. charles clifford live in san francisco toxic national weather service about the impact it's having. the >> reporter: urologists tracking this since last winter getting stronger almost every month general consensus is a continuous it could bring some badly needed moisture california this winter but some evidence it could already be doing that. unusual weather in southern california very hot muggy the unusual here in san francisco. unusual animal activity lately including those sharks setting up and also strange behavior by birds possibly links to this national weather service a. and there's an el nino on the equator usually more hurricanes and tropical storms and normal and eastern pacific. current one form last winter has been getting stronger ever sent so far 2015 there have been for hurricanes compared to just to buy this time last year. the trick"to the insulin california" >> reporter: means hurricane delors was storms the southern and central california hot muggy weather to the bay area. but jalapeno already partly to blame her acclaimed laura laura's action in march with monsoons that is the southwest every july and august. "it's that monsoon weather pattern and local weather pattern ranking cushaw worst storms said non-essential california and those two systems pretty much combined forces. for the >> reporter: unusual weather any behavior the weather service is not know if it's because of all milhaud but to save more summertime oyster is possible summertime up moisture is possible. >> reporter: i've now national weather service is in suspected issue at all milhaud early next month balneal el nino. >> catherine: 64 humidity coming? >> reporter: atop warm and valleys locations even felt warmer than usual because of the humidity owns 40% at that or not done with that another round of it tomorrow it will not be as hewitt certainly it you will feel that money does in the air especially inland valley locations or you don't get the sea breeze like we do about the close or sell francisco areas and he currently temperatures in the '80s a livermore cocker some. these oakland 7 francisco currently at 56¢. rosa at 75 degrees. santa rosa 75 degrees. >> reporter: conditions it will clear around 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, noon time sunny, humid conditions again sofa temperatures around 80 degrees around noontime will not see a '90s especially 90 for inland valleys. satellite rate are showing that moisture tears why we have that humid in place. we have two sources of it what was, remnants of hurricane delores. we have moister monsoon moisture approaching as well from southern california, that is moving from southern nevada regions. and is surrounded by that moister it's really giving us humidity levels and a lot of cloud cover. then around of that also more cloud cover tomorrow before cool things down. claude smiled as expected all. the day and tomorrow tuesday in the north of it widespread as it goes a classical coastal regions. in the sunshine for afternoon hours it will be as clear skies was a. and they forecast a three tomorrow 80 wednesday. and you feel the cool down come thursday 78 degrees or get the ocean sea breeze coming along both in the valley will get release as well for east bay shoreline. the deal sunshine through friday in the weekend ahead. >> catherine:a beloved east bay pre-school is kids' club preschool in antioch says they'll be leaving their the month. leaving the future of 300 children up in the air. kron-4 has been following this story for months. demanding answers from school district officials about why the school is closing. kids club is nearing the end of a lease with the antioch unified school district.and hasn't been able to find a new location yet. but the school says it isn't giving up hope - and will talk about some options on wednesday. >> catherine:firefighters managed to contain two grass fires along i-680 between sunol and pleasanton today. ten-thirty this morning within minutes of each other. one fire was above northbound 680 on coopman road -- and the other was threatening homes on happy valley road off of sunol. about 35 acres burned - and there were no injuries. bcn75:alameda co.: update: 3- alarm brush fire along freeway broke out above highway 6-80 in hard because the small camouflet more for show for explains the risk of run-ins with drones over a wildfire. time possible for anyone convicted of using drones that interfere with firefighting he just by trying to evade it we can have an incident hellfire says philip prosecute offenders under existing laws against tampering firefighting efforts coming up a man running from police and try a time space guitar spam all so said and on for cheating spouse isa man running from police dies spouses? an update on the giants' working for san diego later in this broadcast. between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. >> catherine:it's not just credit card information that's at stake here, it's sex secrets. it's the site best known for people who want to have an extra-marital affair. kron-4's maureen kelly tells us that 'ashley madison dot-com' is admitting that hackers have breached its security. >> reporter: this romance to risky action medicine ashley madison. his short have an affair webb's >> reporter: 5 the with assurances and ominous a discreet encounters. justice to carry and one of percent the street and a secure site. and then calling an impact seen entire office production the main a hacker is demanding a complete shutdown of-the madison: it established men which they call a cover for prostitution a less. the two sets are taken down hackers promised release of customer records including profiles of all customer secret sexual fantasies and matching as part transaction is.l names and addresses see all told a website were on the doorstep of confirming her we believe is the culprit. "somebody who was the former employee?" >> catherine: news side of the east bay and then officer involved shooting this happen in fremont. kron 4 jeff pushout joins us live from the area where this happened what do no death? >> reporter: fremont police are still here on scene investigating this officer involved shooting here at the corner of the bath and avenue pizarro drive a call came out about an hour and a half ago and apparently officers as the story goes encountered a man with an eyeful of the drop it he did not according to sources that officers had opened fire and then the investigation still currently very very fresh right now it happened about an hour- and-a-half ago as you can see there's still at being chased half a block from our location in all different directions right here everything seemed very quiet under control right now as i said officers investigating police involved shooting believed here is ok. >> catherine: hadstill ahead at 8. a diner owner is under fire the mother's response has gone and next. the maker of a baby crib says you should stop using the a baby crib has been recalled because the company says children could become trapped. it's made by "davinci" - and one of the four metal brackets connected to the mattress support can break. that means a gap - and an uneven sleeping surface for the baby. there are have been 10 reports of the problem -- but no injuries. davinci says customers should stop using it right away. vo + sidepanel ahead at eight. six billion tons of produce is thrown away each year in the u- the local resident who's trying to change that. an east bay family is demanding answers after their son dies while fleeing police. >> catherine:an oakland family is speaking out tonight after a 23-year-old man was found dead by police after he was pulled over by officers. kron 4's kate cagle talked to the young man's motherwho is demanding answers. accompli >> reporter: say they'll try to pull over young man in east oakland last night. you mentioned they say the man ran off and by the time officers found him it was too late! >> reporter: in oakland families want to know why ricky was pulled over last night when he ran away why today he is dead? > >> reporter: officers say they found a 23 year-old man after tough running sunday which between these two buildings on 64th avenue the gap is less than a foot wide please. say he was not responsive when they found him there was no use of force on their behalf. the family has been told rickey choked on his own vomit and shows a picture provided by oakland police turkey's mom. ricky"mom >> reporter: ones are skeptical the store they have not heard from police and not allowed to see the body. but some >> reporter: please have not officially identified the young man who died last night they did say they found a pound of marijuana and the car and that the person had an outstanding warrant for $10,000 there is an internal affairs investigation into what happened. >> catherine: stunned community trying to understand terrible crime five people killed three a chill trans all that when cnn umbel of the mother to children people in the deaths had gather and all so revealed but please today lucia is alive and modesto >> reporter: so for these murder victims is still going people are putting candles and foes of the victims on the table behind me. mother 38 year-old amanda crews being remembered as a loving doting mother for her two girls 6 elizabeth the 6 months old rachel co-workers sharing stories about kurt boy's laugh and how much joy she brought to those around her the talked about how important being a mom was to her as well how she made time for her children when she was a work for patients knew exactly how she felt about them, she cared for them. one french shares or how she asked the man she could be her patient man to tell their well there's a waiting list for three months and the type of person she was loved by many and what they tell me they find comfort in knowing that she is now with all of her children. two brothers arrested a woman and oregon. the car >> catherine: aghast pompous ass chevron station person the fright the flames and that in the elderly woman yelling for help. and then jump from a moving car and ordered helper she managed to break the window with her bare hands. the punched in reached in and then grabbed by the shoulder and then picked out. then moments later filled with plans felipe says an injured hand was a small price to pay with being able to help the woman. a for >> catherine: festival of the produce never makes the market because of tiny imperfections. national waste the irrigation water going down the drain. and then vicki it introduces us to a young entrepreneur who was hoping to change that by convincing us to go ugly. >> reporter: this is ugly produce. that ends up in the dumpster. six billion pounds of it every year - tossed out. wasted. just because it's not pretty enough. meet ben simon. he's the young good looking guy behind imperfect produce. consumer, so called ugly produce at deep discounts. good-looking guy behind imperfect produce was to give us the consumer ugly produce at deep discounts. "of art but as a high shelf life it's perfectly good produce most of it fresher than what you find in a grocery store because we buy directly from california farmers." >> reporter: partnering with chain rally's just to do that. this month trumpet dropping it off on people's doorsteps in the bay area. in berkeley and oakland for starters. who doesn't want to save a dollar. network - saving college drought. maybe going ugly good as going green. kron 4 news. >> catherine: nomination robbery allegedly committed by the same man accused of kidnapping. cry"issues gentians weapon"she was crying issues transience sweat drenched in sweat' >> catherine: groot block and a heart horsecar. under a >> catherine: the diner yelling at the child will get her son to the story. more >> reporter: mehuman today today and set will tell you all about here on a forecast coming up next stay tuned. ♪ ♪ ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... ♪ [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. 9 >> catherine: darlan the order out shorts that marcy's diner. at the epicenter of this controversy. she is serving a family saturday she says a two- year old child had been crying for 40 minutes. flipped her lid after listening minutes. hands on the counter and then pointed at the child and said - this has got to stop! oh and then the mother screamed at me because i was yell her child. you know what lady, 'you should have taken the kid >> catherine:the parents were so upset they >> reporter: causes the progress the evening and then why can't come in the area and none of that again overnight area as well to a dodgers right now in the '80s load mid-80s for the inland valley locations and. 84 antioch 84 concord 82 out in livermore right now. and then we'll see more upper 60s as well as the north-south pay some. for system console low 60s. if it were to expect in the afternoon and rest of a week for you to the. morning mostly cloudy than gradual clearing in place in the afternoon goes. the sunny conditions slightly humid air will be as human as it was today. that is to have that committee and the atmosphere the rest. like cooler temperatures and then dry conditions coming wednesday to weaken as well early next week. morning lows around 5:00 a.m. will fill the tank is here to. 64 antioch and 65 degrees for inland valleys cities. east bay shoreline should be in the low 60s with onshore breeze and i'll feel chilly along the coastal regions. 59 san francisco. >> reporter: highest moral tries it, will be warmer. 82 antioch 83 out of pittsburgh in the '90s today only about mid '80s low 80's at that tomorrow. unbent humidity levels existing for one more day as in before it trickled down in place. east bay shoreline 72 degrees for east bay cities this. of the city's more like the low 80s as well. some scattered clouds plan to sunshine and the atmosphere tomorrow north bay region 79 degrees out sonoma and napa. and then a microclimates in san francisco for daly city peninsula regions. 74 cast 7 day forecast! >> reporter: of most could disguise next saturday sunday it will have tetras war about our forecast. there are by our forecast by downloading our free mobile application. >> catherine: had more information on the suspects behind vallejo kidnapping case and home invasion robbery chilling new details and sports we take a look at how the giants are doing in san diego as the go for their seventh straight win and it delayed british open comes down to a three-way playoff pilots all the sports coming up next now that there's foster farms simply raised, it's tougher than ever to be a foster farms chicken. but foster farms simply raised chicken is 100 percent natural with no antibiotics. well you're an herbalist. help us to be natural. will those herbs do it? those? one grows hair, the other increases energy. gasp! do i look natural herb man? can i call you herb man? i'm trying to look natural. call me natural. you look like a steve. can i call you steve? hi steve. i'm natural. say something. why aren't you guys saying anything? introducing new simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. from foster farms. simply better. >> catherine: smaller in a dublin home invasion robbery and suspect's case and a black woman kidnap. you might remember initially was symptoms by police as a hoax and documents obtained by kron 4 today indicate that case in dublin was vividly real. kelly has. the a >> reporter: broderick words pulled the dublin couple after breaking into this home on north paris you drive according to this problem will cause document allegedly entered the homes master bedroom confronted the sitting victims before 38 3:38 a.m.. and then described very, wearing what appeared to be a security guard uniform. but then pulled a couple the turn overly face down on their beds and put their hands behind their backs. according to court records appointed a flashlight and a husband and a red laser pointer at the wife. that's when mahler allegedly told parents we have a daughter and she said. daughters find sir billion adult woman had been asleep and ate another room and then you believe molar may of been intending to kidnap her other the faces a kidnapping charge for the ransom plot of these hoskins. except in a dublin incident the father fought back and talk to me chittered and fighting him as the whitewater sofa and the vatican called 911. muller allegedly commit on the head with a metal object possibly a flashlight. then took off please. it will attract smaller from cellphone track at the scene. and then arresting him at south lake tahoe home two days later. fbi believes there are other victims out there for. rhodope think he is a prime suspect in another home invasion robbery in 2009. former prosecutor thinks there could be many other cases. "so out there so extreme that it's hard to believe somebody discount in touristy times this feels like a thrill motivated of crime and a sure investigators aren't caught finished in this investigation. >> catherine: about the so too often troubled and a hot car happened in kansas saturday. not the parents who came to the rescue. it was a local store manager and self on video there you can see people desperately trying to break the window to get the little girl out to. it did not work at first but the manager famous footwear have been calling someone an ever workers ran inside screaming for help. "windows totally all doors locked she was covered in sweat while it in the window she pulled her hair back ends what was trippet jet dripped of getting so mad that the window and break. on a spring break the window she's gonna die." >> catherine: on the scene give medical care at any rate. did work to get the car opened the child was picked up by her grandmother later. police did ticket the couple for child endangerment. >> gary: giants trying for seven in a row tonight. good evening everyone in san diego on the short end to one and our great producer christina informs me her sister is in ecu the weather. will be throwing out the first pitch tomorrow at the chance jackie moved on and thrown up the first pitch tomorrow at the padre's and giants pays title tonight again the giants highlights little bit later than 11 and was the golf the past five days of the lot fund which. of the morning have something different look at could do the bagpipes' but nonetheless gulf was great mark fishman on his way to a three- way tie shoots 66 final round of course because of bad weather saturday. story jordan speed max and ben hogan somebody who won the first two majors in the calendar year to tie for the lead on the 16th hole. tina anzac johnson. he ties the lead at 15 under is that, not just us to spread out in company goldwork note feet majors in a row speak bogey 17 stock finished the tournament one stroke back lewis used heisenberg on 18 types for lead johnson the birdie putt. he takes a one stroke lead in the playoffs. m. but who's " boost highs and is often misses and johnson is your winner's that johnson in order as is what the trophy and he is the champ second major championship and his first british open title earlier this morning taking place in catherine's favorite see andrews in scotland you have been their correct? >> catherine: mistake might say i've been there. >> gary: mistake i'm a barrier can groups and as they used to go out to an uncle pops in livermore. >> gary: appoint to $4 billion nfl made last year to 26 per team and then at a virtual reality may be i don't know prefer people tackling and catching and running virtual gimme real reality but now virtual reality 49ers dallas cowboys come up with the technology that allows players to watch a video from ask and the gate to cope with this deal as stanford former stanford kicker a virtual reality 49ers first on born. in real quick charles haley went happily goes in the hall of fame the barlow has already and the presenter for bill walsh. so did for joe montana fred dean and jerry white. charles lower of five super bowl rings to the forty- niners the hall of fame next month that he will send his name congratulation alex call soccer player part of our world cup team sheehan lionel will be on the cover of the eea sports soccer game warden becomes the first woman to ever grace the cover. hanafi thought the great set bladder it's all free doubt you can comedian goes around and upsets press conferences. he's the guy who took all the money under the table throwing dollar bills sf. gary: see to say you we should on you wink and you get down and laughed special. congress will let the new president of the thought and set the letter filed memory could be the guy doing the business so that tough breaks down but it is an easy sitting there getting a speech was your what life you have the most import figures phone company does not know how to react. occasionally of those who grow and in the orchards and does it feel funny around. >> catherine: popular doughnut chain coming to the bay area next e a bow and arrow ♪ ♪ a broken guitar ♪ ♪ while the rainwater washes away ♪ ♪ who you are ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ ♪ we go over the mountains ♪ ♪ and under the stars ♪ [♪♪♪] >> catherine: this is the restaurants and fresno also sell francisco dunkin donuts opening these over the next few years companies signed agreements with two franchise groups develop and of the fresno area of the bay area a meaningful new donuts and its old school very popular coffee some people argue duncan comes has good coffee long before it became an. >> reporter: monday forecast things will be cooler for most places come wednesday released tomorrow 80 degrees inland valleys feels slightly humid air in place regrettable that humidity come wednesday. dropping temperatures down to the '70s for thursday and then color skies and that friday things back up the seasonal average where we should be for this time of year when dave humidity but we needed. see >> grant: state connected see later tonight at 11.

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Fremont , California , United States , Nevada County , Nevada , Nile , Washington , Fresno , Oakland , Turkey , China , Sonoma , New School , San Diego , Oregon , Dublin , Ireland , District Of Columbia , Jordan , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Stanford , Leicestershire , Mexico , Berkeley , Arizona , Daly City , South Lake , Kansas , Dallas , Texas , France , Milhaud , Languedoc Roussillon , Hawaii , Hawaiian , French , British , Scotland , Sheehan Lionel , Kate Cagle , Ben Simon , Alecia Reid , Francisco Dunkin , Laura , Jeff Bush , Rachel Barnes Gonzales , Ocean Sea , Lopez Sanchez , Dan Kerman , Martin Martinez , Charles Haley , Charles Clifford , Ashley Madison , Galen Carroll Modesto , Maureen Kelly , El Nino , Stan Herman , Ben Hogan , Christopher Ripley ,

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