Kremlin media in Baltics take plea deal in EU sanctions breach case 7 Oleg Solodov / Raitis Plauks/F64/IR/Re:Baltica The case for the alleged breach of EU sanctions against Russia by the owner of the Baltic media-powerhouse which distributes popular Russian TV channels may end up being heard in court behind closed doors. The co-owner of Baltic Media Alliance (BMA), Oleg Solodov, and his Estonian partner, Margus Merima, have entered plea bargains, the prosecutor Aldis Lasmanis confirmed to the Baltic Center of Investigative Journalism Re:Baltica. The case shook the local media world when Latvian and Estonian security police carried out simultaneous searches in BMA offices in Riga and Tallinn on February 4, 2020, in a recently started criminal case of the sanctions breach, surrounded by deafening silence on its content.