Transcripts For KQEH The David Rubenstein Show Peer To Peer

KQEH The David Rubenstein Show Peer To Peer Conversations November 27, 2017

I began to take on the life of being an interviewer, even though i have a day job of running a private equity firm. [david reading onscreen text] appreciate it. Welcome to the Financial Capital of the world. All right, well. Man just to work, yeah. Right. All right. We are at your favorite restaurant in omaha, gorats. Why do you like it so much . Is it the food, or the price, or the combination of both . Warren its the food, and the price, and the heritage. I four generations of the gorat family were involved here. Pal gorat and i went to Grammar School together, and so ive known the people over the years. The steaks are great, you know, the prices are right, so. I had lunch here earlier today, it was very good, and it wasnt that expensive, and i quite enjoyed it. Lot cheaper than new york, washington. A lot. Thats why i buy people lunch here, then they can buy me the lunch in new york. Thats a good deal, a good arbitrage. You grew up in omaha, but then you moved to washington when your father became a congressman. Right. Did you really wanna move to washington . Or your father kind of forced you, you were too young to be able to resist . Yeah, no, i did not want to move. I was having a great time, i was in eighth grade, just entering eighth grade, and lots of friends, and. Everything was going wonderfully in the world, and now i had to move to a strange environment. So we moved first to fredericksburg, virginia, because my dad thought that washington was probably a den of inequity of some sort, and if he could keep us geographically separated it might not taint us. So we moved there. And i lived there for six weeks, and i got very unhappy, so i developed this strange malady where i told my parents, i cant breathe at night, but dont worry about it, ill just stand up all night. You get a good night sleep and dont worry about me. That message got back to my grandfather, and my grandfather says, come back. So i went back and lived for a while with him, and then when we moved to washington itself, okay. My family decided theyd heard enough of that. How did you start your Business Career in washington, with various pinball machines or golf businesses . Yeah, i was like that with a couple businesses going, and the best business we had was the pinball machine business, which was the wilson coinoperated machine company, and that was named after the high school my partner and i went to. But we had our machines in barbershops, and the barbers always wanted to put machines with flippers, which were just coming in. But those machines cost 350 bucks, whereas an old obsolete machine costs 25 bucks, so we always told them wed take it up with mr. Wilson. This mythical mr. Wilson, he was one tough guy, i gotta tell you. Heh. So when you graduated from high school you werent as interested in academics, i assume, at that time . I was not interested. Your High School Yearbook said, hes likely to be a stockbroker, hes very good in math. Why did you go to wharton, why did you only stay two years there . I didnt wanna go to college, and but my dad wanted me to go to college, and we didnt have sats then, but he practically would have done the sats for me, so he in the truth, i always wanted to please my dad. I mean, he was a hero to me and still is, but so he kept kind of cajoling me along, and said, well, why dont we just fill out an application for the hell of it . And so he suggested wharton, and i applied there and they let me in. And after the first year i wanted to quit and go into business, and my dad said, well, give it one more year. And so i went the second year, and i said, i still wanna quit. And he said, well, you know, youve got almost enough credits. If you go to nebraska which i was quite willing to do. For one year, you can get out in three years. So thats what i did. Has wharton ever called you up and said, youre a half graduate, you give us money . Or they never bothered you . Heh. So far they havent tried that line, but they may after they watch this. So after that, you wanted to go to Business School . Yeah. Id won some minor scholarship at nebraska to go to any graduate school i wanted to, that theyd give me 500 bucks. And so i applied my dad suggested harvard. So i applied. And you didnt get in . I didnt get in. I mean it took 10 minutes for the guy guy near chicago interviewed me, so i spent about 10 hours going to see him, and he looked at me and he said, forget it. And have you ever run into that guy again or you ever heard from him since . No, he needs protection now. Heh, heh. You went to columbia Business School why did you go to columbia . I was leafing through catalogs, and i just happened to see that columbia had graham and dodd as teachers, and id read their book, but i had no idea that they were teaching. So i wrote dean dodd, and i said, dear dean dodd, i said, i thought you guys were dead. I said, but now that i found out youre alive id like to come to columbia if you can get me in. So you did, i assume, pretty well at columbia Business School . I did okay there, yeah. You worked for mr. Graham and his partnership, and how did that work . Well, it was terrific in the sense i was working for my hero, but ben was going to retire in a couple of years, and so i was only back there about a year and a half. But every day i was excited about being able to work for him. So what you were good at was picking stocks, according to his formula, which was to look for companies that were undervalued, now we call it value investing. Did you realize that he had some principles that were very unique, and is that what you followed his guidance . Well, by the time i went to work for him i probably couldve recited the words in his book better than he couldve. Id read his books multiple times, and so it was more of a question of being inspired by him, than it was by learning something new from him. Why did you come back to omaha . I wanted to come back to omaha. I had made many friends in new york, i had a lot of friends in new york, but we had two kids by that time, and i lived in white plains, id take the train, and id take the train back. And it didnt strike me as much of a life compared to being here in omaha. And both sets of grandparents were alive at that time, and it just uncles and aunts and omaha was a more Pleasant Place to live. All right, so you buy a house here . I rent a house. You rented a house . I rent a house for 175 a month. Okay, and when did you buy your house that youre still in . In 1958. My third child was on the way. So you started partnership here, and how did you raise money . Well, david, actually when i came back i had about 175,000. And i thought that was all i would need to live the rest of my life. I could take care of everything. So i really planned to go to school i thought about going to law school. Think how successful you couldve been as a lawyer. Thats true. Ive regretted it ever since. Right, i know. So your first partnership, when you had people cobbled together some money, how much money did you actually cobble together . Well, we met one night in may, early in may, of 1956, and there were seven people there, aside from myself. And they put in 105,000, and i put in 100. So we started with 105,100, and i gave them a little piece of paper called the ground rules. But ultimately you ended that partnership well, what happened was that between may of 56 and january 1st of 62 i started 10 more partnerships. I made a mistake. I had no secretary, no accountant or anything. So every time id buy a stock id break it into 11 tickets. Id write 11 checks, i kept 11 sets of books, filed 11 tax returns. And and i did it all myself. And i took the liberty of those stocks. I was worried, it was other peoples money. Id go to the bank, have these things delivered, drafted. Finally i got wise, and on january 1st, 62, i put all 11 of the previous partnerships together in something called buffett partnership. I ran that till the end of 1969, at which time i dissolved it. You dissolve that then in 1969 you started a new partnership . No, in 1969, i i ma by that time we had about 105 million in the partnership, and about 70 million or so of that was in cash to be distributed, and the balance was in three stocks. Mostly Berkshire Hathaway, that i distributed pro rata to everybody. Okay. And then you started buying more stocks through the vehicle Berkshire Hathaway . Stocks and businesses, yeah. What would you say is the reason for your ability to do this . Is it that you study the companies more than anybody else . Youve stuck to your principles . Youre smarter than other people . People were just caught up with fads, you didnt get caught up with fads . What would you say is the reason for the success . Well, the first two to quite an extent. We bought businesses that we thought were decent businesses at sensible prices, and we had good people to run them. But we also bought marketable securities in berkshire. Over time, the emphasis shifted from marketable securities over to buying businesses. Over the years youve bought a number of companies and had stakes in companies. One of the ones that i know very well is Washington Post. How did that come about . Well, in 1973. The Washington Post company had gone public in 1971, right about the pentagon papers time, but in 73, the Nixon Administration was through bebe rebozo, who was a pal of nixons, they were challenging the licenses of two of the Florida Television stations the post owned, so the stock went from 37 down to 16. Now, at 16 there were about 5 million shares outstanding. So the whole Washington Post company was selling for 80 million, and that included the newspaper, four big tv stations, newsweek, and some other assets, and no debt to speak of. So the Washington Post company, which was intrinsically worth 400 or 500 million, was selling for about 80 million in the market. We bought most of our stock at about the equivalent of 100 million in the market, and it was ridiculous. I mean, you had a business that unquestionably was worth four or five times what it was selling for. And nixon wasnt going to put them out of business. You bought a stake in it, and was kay graham upset initially that you bought a stake . She was apprehensive. I wrote her a letter. She called it the dear mrs. Graham letter, and i said, i own or Berkshire Hathaway owns a little less than 10 percent of your stock, and we recognize that the company is graham owned, graham controlled, and we welcome that, and, you know, i have been a big admirer of the post over the years, and here i am. You admire the name graham, right . Absolutely. When youre doing these analyses, then and now, do you have computers that help you . Or how did you actually read all . Would you just get printed materials, or how did you, in those days, get the materials to read about the Washington Post . Or how do you do it today . Well, pretty much the same way, except theres fewer opportunities now. But i met bob woodward back, and hed just come out with all the president s men, and all of a sudden is that below 30 years of age he was getting quite wealthy, and we had breakfast, or lunch, over at the madison hotel, and he said, what do i do with this money . And i said, investing is just about assigning yourself the right story. I said, imagine ben bradley this morning said to you, what is the Washington Post Company Worth . what would you do . You have to write the story in a month. Youd go out and interview tv brokers, newspaper brokers, and owners, and you try to value each asset. I said, thats what i do. I assign myself the right story. And its nothing more than that. Now, theres some stories i cant write. If you asked me to write a story on, you know, what is some glamorous but nonprofitmaking business worth, i dont how to write that story. But if you asked me to write a story on what is Potomac Electric power worth or Something Like that, i can write the story. And thats what im doing every day. Im assigning myself a story, and i go out and do it. So you get the annual reports, and then you read them, just like other people might read novels, you read annual reports. Thats right. And then do you do the calculations of what things are worth in your head, or do you have computers that help you . No, no. If you need to carry something out to four decimal places, forget it. Heh. Today do you use a computer today even . I use it to play bridge. And i use it to go to search. To search . A lot. Yeah. Theres a computer in your office . You use i dont use i dont have one in the office, but i have one at home. And like for a smart phone, if somebody wants to, you know, get ahold of you, can they get ahold of you on a smart phone or a mobile telephone . No, a smart phone is too smart for me. And a computer you use rarely . Well, i use it quite a bit one of the trick questions that bill gates and i give when were talking to an audience is whos on the computer more . Excluding email. And the answer is i probably am. Because i probably play 12 hours a week of bridge on it, and then i use it a lot for search. But who do you play bridge with . Is it anonymous people in bridge or regular . No, i my name is tbone, and i play with a woman in San Francisco who goes by the name of sirloin, and shes a twotime world champ, and im twotime world chump. So were a good weve been playing together for decades. And are you at a worldclass level after all these years . No, no. I. I she you couldnt have a better teacher than she is, but the student has limitations. Heh. Now, you mentioned bill gates. How did you actually come to know bill gates . It came about because meg greenfield, who was the editor of the editorial page of the post, called me in the late 1980s, and she said, warren, ive always loved the pacific northwest. She had grown up there. And she said, i wanna know whether i have enough money to be able to afford to buy a house, kind of a vacation type house, on Bainbridge Island near seattle. And i said, meg, anybody that calls and asks me whether theyve got enough money does. The ones that dont call dont have it. She bought the house. So she invited me and kate graham and a few people out to the house, and she knew the elder gates. And so she called mary gates, and then mary went to work on bill to try and get him to come. And bill said, im not gonna go to meet some stockbroker or something. And mary was a very firm type and said, youre coming. And he said, im not coming. By the end they started negotiating hours. She said four hours, and he said one hour. And this went back and forth, and he came down, and when we met we talked for about 11 hours straight without being interrupted. Wow. Yeah. So that was the beginning of the relationship . Yeah, we hit it off. But you never bought any of his shares of you just i bought 100 shares, to keep track of what this kid was doing. Okay. And hes now on your board, is that right . Thats correct. So the relationship has become very close, and you get involved with him in many philanthropic things as well . Oh, yeah. Yeah, we have a lot of fun talking. So let me just ask about the philanthropic things youve done with bill and melinda. Bill became a philanthropist in very serious ways when he hit the age of 50. He retired, i think, at 52 or 53, from being ceo of microsoft, then he decided to devote himself fulltime to philanthropy. And he has the bill Melinda Gates foundation. You gave the largest gift anybody has ever given to another foundation, which is the gift that youve given to the bill Melinda Gates foundation. How did that idea of giving away your money to somebody elses Foundation Come to you . Well, i originally had planned that my first wife would handle the disposition of, well, everything that we had. And we came to that conclusion when we were in our 20s, and we started something called the Buffett Foundation over 50 years ago. But i didnt give away a lot of money during those intermediate years because i felt i was compounding at a rate that i could give away billions instead of millions, if i waited a little while. She died in 2004, so that plan disappeared, and then i was faced with the question of, how do i give away this money in a way that goes to the people i want, without me doing all the work . So the idea of giving away the bulk of your fortune to bill and Melinda Gates, that idea came to you when, in the middle of the night, or how did that happen . No, but it after my first wife died in 2004 i had to come up with another plan. And i literally had five foundations that i gave although because of the scale of things, and because obviously because bill and melinda had a similar goal, and had a feeling that every human life is of equal value, and. And they were young, they were using their own money, they were bright, they were hardworking. It made a lot of sense to have them be the number one beneficiary, their foundation. So you called bill, or melinda one day and said, im gonna give you the bulk of my fortune, what was their reaction . It wasnt quite as elegant as that, actually. Hahaha. I you know, ive been asked that i dont remember that, clearly, but i just at some point i did call them up. It was done over the phone i think. And i and you didnt ask them to say, well call it the bill and Melinda Gates and warren Buffett Foundation . No, i did not think that would do any good. So you are on the board of the bill Melinda Gates foundation now . That is true, but they run it. Im gonna give him a stock tip now. [woman laughs] david what would you say are the highlights . The deals that youre most proud of. Lets take one that you did recently. The biggest deal youve ever done was precision castparts. About 37 billion in Purchase Price . Yeah, it was between 32 and 33 billion of cash, and then we assumed about 4 billion in debt. Okay. So how much . You to spend 37 billion, you spent a year studying the company . No. Heh. How much time did you

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