hooves clopping, carriage trundling nd preacher eaking german indistinct conversations Stoltzfus Jacob was a good farmer. None better. beiler but not the man to buy a horse for you. Hochleitner, wasnt it your father sold him the horse with a ruptured im ticle . tom, chuckling he told him it was a bee sting made him limp that way. daniel that horse had one good one. Thats all it takes. all chuckling men speaking german male speaker daniel. indistinct conversation daniel rachel. Im sorry about jacob. I know hell walk with god. rachel thank you, daniel. whispered remarks enchanted music engine revs, horse nickers hum of traffic daniel bitte. eli daniel. daniel guten morgen, guten morgen. So, first time to the big city. Youll see so many things. Close your eyes. Open. samuel danke train whistle blows rachel samuel, careful youll come back soon . rachel el samuel. Here. eli and you be careful out among the english. grand music mama, look giggling public address announcer . Atlantic city express bus to atlantic city. female speaker oh, hes a cute little amish boy. Isnt he cute . I think so. rachel we have tickets to baltimore. Where is that train, please . ticket agent its delayed three hours. Youll hear an announcement when its time to board. Just take a seat right over there. But i just take a seat, i have to wait on these people. Yes, sir. , si there. Yes, sir. samuel mama, look. Whats that thing . public address announcer now boarding, stairway three, track four. rachel dont go far, samuel. echoed conversations, announcements soft, fantastical music mama . Hmm . samuel speaks german rachel its over there. Samuel. Thy hut. rachel speaking german water splashing mcfee hey, man victim hey hey urgent music sounds of struggle partner what areou doing, man . Washing my hands, man. partner what . Come on, lets get out of here hold tight. Uhh. partner i ready did that. mcfee just checkin again. shuffling footsteps police radio chatter book move these people back. They shouldnt be this close, get them out of here. Get scha fer get on the phone,ere. Get him down here now. Right. book richard, who found the body . richard right over there, sir. book how you doing, pop, you found the body . male spear not me, daddy, i just reported it. It was the kid. What kid . male speaker how the hell i know what kid it was . It was the kid in the funny black threads in here. book thanks, pop. Hows he doin . Im a polifficer, maam. I have to talk to the boy. Whats your name . rachel samuel. Samuel lapp. book and hes your son . rachel we were on our way to baltimore. My sister is expecting us. Soon our train is leaving. Then well get you on another train. Sam, the man who was killed tonight was a policeman. Itmy job to find out what happened. I want you to tell me everything you saw when you went in the bathroom. Um. There were two. Two men . I only saw one. Does anybody know about this . No. Nobodys had a chance to talk to him. book what did he look like . The man that you saw. He was. Like him. book he was a black man . He had black skin . Ja. But not schtumpig. book schtumpig . Whats schtumpig . rachel on a farm, when a pig is born small like that, its schtumpig. A runt. So. So he wasnt a runt. He was a. He was a big guy, like me . Big guy police radio subject is armed, wanted for the stabbing death of a narcotics officer. carter i shoulda been there, john. indistinct remarks book thats not the pot, thats the risk. indistinct nversation rachel where are you taking us . book oh, im sorry. Were looking for a suspect. We got reason to believe hes still in the neighborhood, and i want the little boy to take a look at him. rachel you have no right to keep us here. Uh, yes, i do. Your sons a material witness to a homicide. W rachel you dont understand. Weve got nothing to do with your laws. book doesnt surprise me. A lot of people i meet are like that. carter chuckles conversing in german book what did he say . rachel he asked who you are. Your name. Told him we didnt need to know anything about you. Book. John book. boy speaker hey, man, where you hiding . Dont you hear me . new wave music plays in bar laughter, chatter carter ha seat, youngblood, what are you doing . Lookin good, tbone. book hey, man, how you doin . tbone what the hey, man lets get his arm. Hey is this the man, sam . Is this him . You sure . angry chatter in background back off. You listen to me. I want no further part of this, nor does my son. Okay, okay. Get back in the car. Back in the car. indistinct Heated Exchange hey, honest mistake, all right . laughter tbone go on. carter john, what are we gonna do with them . book what . carter well, a hotel or what . book we put em in a hotel, theyre not gonna be there in the morning. Youll have to send somebody to baltimore for them. carter well, what . book i got it. This is my sister, elaine. This is mrs. Lapp and samuel. Hi. Where do you want em, elaine . The back bedroom, the blue room . Oh, yeah, sure, the blue room. Th can i help you with something . rachel uh, no, no. book right back there, sam. elaine how could you do this to me tonight . book its important. It elaine just keep going straight through. Theres a folding cot for your son. Oh, he turned on the light, good. I told you i had company wheres jason billy . Upstairs asleep. book you got a man in the house and the kids are upstairs . elaine thats none of your business. You should keep your holierthanthou mouth shut. Anyway, they like fred. Fred . Now we got a fred. elaine who are these orphans, anyway . book theyre amish. Ey door closes elaine everything okay . rachel yes, thank you. John says youre amish. rachel yes. Oh. samuel do we have to stay here . rachel no, we dont. Just for the night. Say your prayers. Hey, captain. Hiya, bob. rachel when can we leave the city . book trying to get this over with quick as i can. Then you can go. rachel good. book but samuels probably gonna have to come back and testify. Im sorry. No youre not, youre glad. Glad . Because now you have a witness. book yeah, now i got a witness. rachel i just dont like my son spending all his time with a man who carries a gun and goes around whacking people. book whacking . Whacking . Come here, kiddo. book grunts big guy. Now, dont be frightened. You can seem, but they cant see you. detective i want the hats and the sunglasses off. Straighten up. boo i want you to tell me if any of these men are the man that you saw in the bathroom. Take your time. Are the man that you saw inlook real carefully. Make sure. Make are you sure . Okay. knocks three dogs to stay. Thank y. Thank you. Cash Register rings as traffic noise, hum of conversation rachel ja. These we call inaudible . book great. Great. Your, um, your sister said you dont have a family. No, i dont. Hmm. She thinks that you ought to get married and have children of your own instead of trying to be a father to hers. Oh, yeah . Except she thinks youre afraid of the responsibility. Thats interesting. Anything els mmhmm, yeah. Um. She said that she thinks that you like policing because you think youre right about everything and that ure the only one who can do anything about it. And that, um, when you drink a lot of beer, you say things like, none of the other police know a crook from a, um, bag of elbows. I believe thats what she said. belches good appetite. chatter, typewriter clacking in background male speaker captain . Captain. Yeah. male speaker Sergeant Carter for you on line 23. book thanks. Hey. How are you doin . I dont know. Little boy. Look. Hes shy. male speaker psst hey rattling handcuff huh . Hey. Huh . male speaker hey, knock it off soft, ominous music doorbell rings ill get it doorbell rings oh, hi. Hi, kathy. Dad . book hello, marilyn. marilyn hi, john. Its mcfee, paul. Hes one of em, anyway. Positive i. D. From the amish kid. Mcfee . Lieutenant in narcotics . book right. schaeffer i hope you dont have any doubt about that. It all fits, paul. Four years ago, narcotics runs a raid in which, amongst other things, 550 gallons of this p2p stuff is confiscated. They put it in police storage. Philadelphia supplies all the major cities in the country with speed. They need this p2p stuff to make the speed. They pay up to 5,000 a pint for it. I called police storage. No record of 10 55gallon drums of p2p. Thats 22 million,aul. And guess o ran the raid four years ago . Mcfee. Right. Have you talked to him about it . No. Novacation, florida. Fl all right, what do you need to clean this up . Peoplepeople from outside the department. Put some guys on this mcfee. Watch him, wait him out. Right, fbi and maybe somebody from treasury. Ill take care of that. I want maximum security on this. Wheres the boy . My sisters house. Hes gonna have to be moved. Who else knows about this . Just you and i. schaeffer lets leave it that y. tires squealing elevator bell dings car door closes footsteps gunshot gunfire male speaker twyla, get back here get back police back in the elevator twyla thats our car book get in the elevator you idiot i know you tires squealing tense music elaine its john. He says you have to leave now. What . He says its urgent. I dont know. Get dressed quickly. John. John . K put my car in the garage and close the door. John, i dont understand any of this. book u dont know anything, okay . I borrowed your car. All right . I didnt say why. You never heard of the woman and her boy. John, please tell me why. Just do it. rachel you said we would be safe in philadelphia. book well, i wawrong. telephone ringing did you deliver the kids interview to schaeffer . No. book i want all the paperwork on this job disappeared. Tonight, you understand . John, you know what youre telling me to do . Just do it, man. Im gonna disappear for a couple days. R a john, whats goin on, man . What is happening . Ill call you when i can. And partner, watch your back. Schaeffers in this thing, too. What are you doing . Working late, man. dtive whats going on . banging at lock fergie thats it. soft music clattering hey, fergie. Told you i hit him. schaeffer hes in trouble. I want to help him, i want you to help him. We just need to know where he is. What kind of trouble . At schaeffer thats a departmental matter, you dont have to worry about it. If we can just talk to him, we can straighten it out. A departmental matter . Right. Ure saying hes involved in sethingllegal . schaeffer im afraid so. she chuckles anybody who knows john knows thats a damn lie. schaeffer of course it is, elaine. But as long as theres any doubt, its better that john should come in and clear his name. Its better you should get off my porch. I dont want to have to take you in for questioning. He left with the amish woman, right . mcfee she say where he is . I dont think she knows. What about carter . mcfee tight. But im workin on him. chickens clucking eli Samuel Samuel gropa indistinct conversation you should rest. Ill make us some coffee. book no, i cant stay. Will you be coming back to take samuel to trial . There isnt gonna be any trial. eli rachel . eli speaking german rachel, what happened . Rachel, who was that man . horn blaring crash eli speaks german samuel mama mama samuel speaks german mama, theres blood. Oh, john eli rachel speaks german my god, why didnt you get to a hospital . book no, no doctor. Gunshot wound, they have to make a report. And if they make a report, theyll find me. And if they find me, they find the boy. hooves clopping, carriage clattering urging horse whoa. Whoa is the english dead . No. Looks dead. eli speaks german rachel speak german germ eli speaks german straining s upstairs. German h conversing in german book groans i feel. Burning. The bullet entered there. And came out there. Theres danger of infection. Hs lost a great deal of blood. Im not a doctor. That should be treated in a hospital. Theres nothing i can do for him. No no. He must stay here. eli speaks german e eli what if he dies . Then the sheriff will come here. Theyll say we broke their laws. rachel well, then we must pray that he doesnt die. But if he does, then we must find a way so no one knows. But rachel, this is a mans life. We hold it in our hands. I know that. God help me, i know that, eli. But ill tell you, if he is found, the people who did this to him will come get samuel. stoltzfus then well make a poultice. Three parts milk, two parts linseed oil for the infection. I will send mary by with some teas i will brew myself. rachel thank you. stoltzfus lapp. Ill have to speak with the elders on this matter. eli as you see fit. horse neighs farm animals grunting close eli speaks german soft music rachel shh. book breathes heavily, stammers book dont do it. Ill kill you. Youre an ass. Hes no longer. rachel john . John . lored breathing schaeffer are you trying to tell me that theres no way we can locate this woman . Were talking aut 20th century law enforcement, sergeant. Rc sergeant theres your problem, chief. Your amishman doesnt live in the 20th century, doesnt think in the 20th century. Chief, if the amish have taken your man in, i wouldnt wanna hang from a rope until you find him. Look, the problem is, about every third amishman around here is named lapp. Weve got upwards of 14,000 amishmen around here. Thats just Lancaster County. Yeah. Now, over in. Thats very interesting, sergeant. But this is a very important matter. It involves the murder of a police officer. Now, there must be a directory of some sort of these people somewhere. Sure. Tax roles, voter registration. Tell you right now, i dont have the manpower end a deputy to every lapp farm in Lancaster County to see if theyve got your rachel. Maybe, sergeant, you could do a little telephoning. Yeah. Maybe i could. But since the amish dont have any telephones, ll. Wouldnt know who t thank you, sergeant. Its been an education. whispering male voice shh, shh, shh, shh who e they . rachel the leadership of our district. They decided to come see you for themselves. Except stoltzfus. He came the first day. I think he saved your life. stoltzfus no. That was not i. book who else knows im here . rachel no one. book how long have i been here . rachel days. stoltzfus rest, mr. Book. Thats the ticket. And drink my tea, lots of my tea. book tell him his tea stinks. rachel you can tell him when youre able. Were all very happy that youre going to live, john book. We didnt know what we were gonna do with you if youd died. Y peaking german elder listen. Its not our place to ask how he came to us. thunder rumbles, rain patters conversing in german book dont move what are you doin . Come here. Come here, samuel. Sit down. This is a loaded gun. This is very, very dangerous. Very never, ever touch a loaded gun. Now im taking the bullets out. Now its safe. Okay . Okaymr. Book. Look, you can call me john. I just dont want you to get hurt. I dont mean to yell at you, i just dont want you to get hurt. Look, its all right for you to look at it now. Its unloaded, its safe. if you want to handle it, you can handle it while im here. But that. Thats not right. rachel samuel. Wait for me downstairs. John book, while you are in this house, i insist that you respect our ways. Right. Here. Take it. Put it somewhere where its safe, where he wont find it. Er eli this gun of the hand is for the taking of human life. We believe it is wrong to take life. That is only for god. At i many times wars have come, and people have said to us, you must fight. You must kill. It is the only way to preserve the good. But samuel, there is never only one way. Remember that. Would you kill another man . samuel i would only kill a bad man. eli only the bad man, i see. Anknow these bad men by sight . You are able to look into their hearts and see this badness . samuel i can see what they do. Have seen it. eli and having seen, you become one of them. Dont you understand . What you take into your hands, you take into your heart. Wherefore, come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the lord. And touch not the unclean thing. Go and finish your chores now. samuel yes, grossvater. rachel enjo your reading . book oh, yeah. Learning a lot about manure. Very interesting. Whats that . rachel your clothes are stained with blood. I have them soaking. You can wear these. They your husbands . Yes. Its good that someone can have the use of them. Besides, in your clothes, youd stand out to strangers. Oh, i should tell you that this kind of coat doesnt have buttons. See . Hooks and eyes. Something wrong with buttons . Buttons are hochmut. Proud. Vain. Its not plain. Got anything against zippers . You making fun of me . No. Like the tourists. Staring all the time. Sometimes they come into the yard. Its very rude. They seem to think were quaint. I cant imagine why they think that. Look, is there a phone somewhere near . The guhers across the valley. Theyre mennonites. They have cars and refrigerators. No, i mean a pay phone, public phone. rachel the store at stroudsburg. But you wont be going to stroudsburg for a while. book im going this morning. But stoltzfus said you cant i know what he said. U can go with eli. Hes taking samuel to school. But youd better hurry. Rachel. Nothing. eli whoa. laughing what . rachel continues laughing eli hurry up, john book you better get going. samuel hurry up, john book book my gun. I need my gun. Thanks. The bullets . Its not much good wiitt em. rachel of course. blows book thank you. Uh, how do i look . I mean, do i look. Amish . You look plain. Okay. hooves clopping on pavement oove indistinct conversation horse whinnies eli der mann . Er ist ein englischmann. Das ist nicht seine kleidung. Ist der kleidung vor jacob. all ohh. eli seine kleidung war geschmutzed. telephone rings carter here. book hey, partner, how you doing . G . You okay . Yeah. You . book listen, man. Im coming in to take care of business. How hot am i . Too hot. Dont do it. Dont come in. Theyre looking you. book d the kid. Man, i gotta make a move. Listen, john, dont do it. You couldnt get within a mile of schaeffer right now. You hear me . book ah. Yeah. Uh. What are we gonna do . Fbi . We g maybe. carter what about one of those reporters . Those investigative reporters . No, its too risky, theyd want to talk to the kid. Listen, ill make a couple of calls, let you know when maybe you can come in. I gotta go. Take care of yourself, carter. Yeah, you too. typewriter clacking phone clicks into receiver book whistling book here. Dont put em in the peaches. samuel see this stream . Th it goes to the wheel and it makes the wheel turn around. And then it goes it makes this wire pump the pump over there, into the well, and the wells water goes into the house. book yeah . samuel this place really echoes. Th hello kitten mewing whats up there . Corn. Would you like to hold my kitten . Ill show you how to do a back rub on them. A you hold them like that, you push their head back, and you start rubbing their neck. engine turning over eli book . Is that you, book . What are you doing there . cow mooing oh, uh. Just trying to get the car started. The battery. If youre well enough to do that. You can do work for me. book yeah. What can i do . Milking, maybe. Milking . eli cows, you know. Cows. book yeah, ive seen pictures. eli good. You start tomorrow. Yo cows mooing speaking in german its 4 30, time for milking. cows mooing milking ool, milking hat. Theres the milk. Firm grip. Pinch the p off and squeeze. Didnt you hear me . Squeeze. book i am squeezing. You never had yo hands on a teat before. book not one this big. mooing continues eli laughs liquid patters on metal oh hey, i goit i got it i think. cow moos cmon, hup gently gently bell rings samuel, help him. speaking in german no, no, no. No, please. Eat, book. Eat. Whats the matter with your appetite . book im not used to eating in the middle of the night. eli youre not used to hard work. Th makes appetite. Rachel. Samuel. book honey, thats great coffee. Its a. Its a joke. Its a commercial. On television. utensils scrapi crow cawing birdsong book, is it . Yeah. daniel youre the yankee they talabout. I thought i was the english. English, yankee, its the same. My name is daniel. Daniel hochleitner. How do you do . You look plain, book. Very plain. I came to see rachel. birdsong scraping um. Eli said i could use his tools and. Try to fix that bird house. I brought you some lemonade. Oh, great. Thanks. What happeneto hochleitner . He went home. loud scraping hes a friend of the family. Hes like a son to eli. loud scraping you know carpentry. Yeah, a bit. Can you do anything else . Whacking. Im hell at whacking. Whacking is not much use on a farm. Tomorrow ill let out those trousers for you. Good. insects chirring rachel i told eli that youre a carpenter. book hold this up closer, will you . He said you could come ooks barnraising. Well. If im still here. radio personality weenie roasts . I dont know anything about weenie roasts. Thats a west coast thing. Great. radio personality lets have some letters on weenie roasts. Why not . engine turns over presenting golden oldies. We got some great ones and some old ones coming right up. Heres one that takes me back. Im afraid to say, it dates me. Maybe it dates you. Wonderful World plays book oh, oh. This is great. This is the best. Dont owuch. Biology male singer dont ale much about science books dont know much about the french i took male singer but i do know that i love you and i know that if you love me too what a Wonderful World this would be dont know much about geography dont know much trigonometry dont know much about algebra dont know what a slide rule is for but i do know one and one is two could be with you. What a Wonderful World. This would be she giggles and shrieks male singer . To be an a student come on. What are you doing . male singer for maybe by being an a student, baby i can win your love for me dont know much about history dont know much. Biology dont know much about. Science books exclaiming laughing but i do know. That i love you and i know that if you love me too what a Wonderful World this would be singer vocalizing backup singers history ng biology singer vocalizing backup singers science book french i took french i took i do knower b that i love you she giggles eli rachel male singer . Love me too, what a Wonderful World this would be rachel speakin german die musik . radio chatter eli die musik . Rachel . speaking in german radio chatter continues radio turns off rachel. Rachel, what is it with you . Is this the ordnung . I have done nothing against the rule of the ordnung. Nothing . You bring this man to our house, with his gun of the hand. You bring fear to this house. Fear of english with guns coming after. rachel ive committed no sin. eli maybe. Maybe not yet. T rachel, it does not look. You know there has been talk. Talk about going to the bishop and having you shunned. That is idle talk. Oh, do not take it lightly. Rachel they can do it. They can do it just like that. You know what it means, shunning . I cannot sit at table with you. I cannot take a thing from your hand. I cannot go to worship with you. Oh child, do not go so far. rachel im not a child. But you are acting like one. Ill be the judge of that. No. They will be the judge of that, d so will i, if you shame me. You shame yourself. crickets chirring schaeffer why dont you tell me where he is . You know, dont you . I just want to talk to him. I want to talk some sense into him. You know, we go way back. John and i were a team once. Like you two are now. I trained him. He is a fine policeman. I know hes with the amish. God, id give anything to see him now. Can you see john at a prayer meeting . schaeffer laughs were like the amish. Were a cult too. Well. A club. With our own rules. John has broken those rules. As youre breaking them now. hooves clopping dramatic music chattering in german wagon driver whoa chatter daniel i hear youre a carpenter. book uh, well, its been a while. s daniel no matter. We can always use a good one. Hurry up now we have a barn to raise, and a day to do it female speaker rachel, kommst du her rachel good luck. daniel your hole is better now . book yeah, its pretty much healed. daniel good. Then you can go home. music lightens men conveing in german book yes, sir. speaking in german directing in german birds chirping chatter chatter continues hammering, chatter children laughing, yelling chatter mrs. Yoder everyone has an idea ayout you and the englishman, book. rachel all of them charitable, im sure. mrs. Yoder hardly any of them. chatter insects chirring speaking in german rachel john. Amos. speaking in german rachel this is lydia and amos. John book. Hello. rachel its their barn you built today. book oh. We just got married. Yeah . Thatthats great. men singing in german thunder rumbling water dripping thunder rumbling rain pelting birdsong book rachel . cow mooing chickens clucking rachel. If wed made love last night, id have to stay. Or youd have to leave. tour guide jump off the bus, everybody. Welcome to amish country. This is the most famous amish Grocery Store in the area. Now, stay close together, cause were only gonna be here another 15 minutes. No pictures. tour ide now, be careful with photographing the amish. They dont like it but you can sneak one now and then. All right . Stay together. female tourist woohoo . Young man hello. Were just here for the day. Would you mind if i took your picture . Now just stand still, please. Fix your hat a little bit. Lady, you take my picture with that thing im gonna rip your brassiere off and strangle you with it. You got that . female tourist willy, did you hear what that amish just said to me . telephone ringing homicide. Elton carter. Ar whos calling . A friend. telephone rings male speaker yeah, salazar, public relations. Can i help you . Uh, yeah, im trying to reach Sergeant Elton carter. salazar are you a member of the family . What . No, im a friend. salazar then i regret to inform you Sergeant Carter is dead. What . He died last night, killed in the line of duty. Should you require further dramatic music telephone ringing hello . Yes. Paul paul, its john book. schaeffer ill take it in the study. Uh. Um. How are you, john . Hello, john. Calling me at home. I cant trace the call. Thats smart, john. Very smart. Lost the meaning, didnt you, paul . What . Isnt that what you used to say about dirty cops . Somewhere along the way they lost the meaning. Dont make it difficult, john. We know where you are. Were about no, no, you got it wrong, man. Im coming to get you. I like your style, john. Ive always liked your style. Im gonna do to you whatever you did to zenovich and whatever you did to carter. Im gonna do that to you too. horn blaring indistinct comments heckler cmon, youre blocking the road i cant back ts up. Yeah, yeah. Just give it a shot. Look, look. heckler t give it a shot. No, look, look, you look. daniel it takes half hour to turn back. slap, horse whinnies laughter, chatter eli it happens sometimes. Do nothing. heckler i asked you to move this buggy. Come on come on, goldilocks. speaking in german heckler hey, dont you speak english . heckler you dont hear very good, do you . lr heckler on the chin on the chin the chin, yeah heckler you look better, buddy. speaking in german ey, theyre not allowed to fight, man. Are you a man or what . Yeah thats right, no fighting. They wont fight for their country, either. Its not our way. But its my way. eli book, no book hows it look . It looks great give it to me. heckler oh, hey, hey. Check this out. Here comes another one. Look at this. Whoa. Whoa. Its all right, book. heckler hey,atch it, frank, hes gonna hit you with his bible. laughing frank aw. book youre making a mistake. Hey, hey, hey. Ooo. laughter boo. grunting, groaning commotion eli book commotion female speaker somebody give me a handkerchief, hes bleeding ominous music frank you didnt have to break my nose overlapping chatter passerby never seen anythg like it in all my years. passerby well then, them ohio amish must be different. Cousin. He round here, the brethren dont have anything like that kind of fight in them. Good day to you, mr. Lapp. This aint good for the tourist trade, ya know . Tell that to your ohio friends one of the kids broke his nose. He was with old eli lapp. Where did you get that . Book gave it to me. Book he said it was a special present. toy clicking samuel, time for bed. Samuel. You can take the toy with you. Hes leaving, isnt he . Tomorrow morning. Hell need his city clothes. Why . Whats he going back to . Nothing. Hes going back to his world, where he belongs. He knows it. I and you know it too. solemn music music intensifies dark music bullets clattering ominous m usic grunt, crash, scr schaeffer its all right, were police officers. Check the rest of the house. Shhshhshh. Its all right, were police officers. Philadelphia police. Its all right, mrs. Lapp. Why dont you sit down . Its going to be all right. Were not going to harm your boy. Its book we want. Now ere is he . crying, whimpering book clattering fergie, come on come o come on come on, damnit door clatters hey. samuel what is it . What are they doing . book listen, samuel. I want you to go to hochleitners farm as fast as you can. And stay there, do you understand me . Are they gonna kill you . Ill be all right. samuel but you dont have your gun. book run, samuel. Run run engine turns over dog barking cow mooing engine turns over come on come on come on come on. Come on. Come on. gunshot Samuel Samuel, hes out there nl no, rachel gunshot gunshot cows mooing book yah book banging cows mooing music intensifies music softens thunderous pattering yelling thunderous rumbling yelling, coughing yelling gagging, choking rumbling continues fergie pattering continues fergie pattering slows, stops thumping gunshot schaeffer mcfee gunshot cows mooing mcfee fergie foreboding music whats wrong . I cant figure it out. Wheres fergie . mcfee i dont know. You better come on up. sot clattering eli whispers rachel exclaims no shh. Come on. Were going outside. come on. eli go. schaeffer come on dramatic music schaeffer book come on. gunshot groaning gunshot bell ringing schaeffer stop the boy ringing that bell. I want you to stop the boy ringing that bell. I want you to stop him now get outta here now let her go, paul put the gun down, book overlapping yelling let her go i could blow her head off. Let her go. Let her go, paul, the guns down guns wn. Guns down its down, its down. Dont hurt her. mus lightens speaking in german book its all right, rachel. Just move. Go on. Rachel, just move. Go chatter eli rachel rachel. schaeffer its all right, im a police officer. Mans wanted for murder. No. Now stand back. book what are you gonna do, paul . You gonna kill me . Are you gonna shoot me . E you gonna shoot him . Stand back are you gonna shoot him . Is that what youre gonna do, paul . Him . The woman . Me . birds chirping its over engh enough enough. whispered chatter radio chatter birds chirping samuel goodbye, john book. Goodbye, samuel. tender music you be careful out among them english. music intensifies engine starts [ machine beeps ] man hey, sweetie, its daddy. I i just wanted to tell you that i love you. I. I really, really love you. I and. Theyre saying everythings gonna be all right. Theyre saying that were going to be able to leave the building soon. Im gonna be all right. And im gonna call you, ok . [ hangs up ] [ machine beeps ] hey, sweetie, its daddy. I i just wanted to tell you that i love you. I. I really, really love you. And. Theyre saying everythings gonna be all right. Theyre saying that were going to be able to leave the building soon. Im gonna be all right. And. And you will, too. [ hangs up ] Film School Shorts is made possible by a grant from maurice kanbar, celebrating the vitality and power of the moving image. And by the members of kqed. Deep beneath the cumberland mountains near pelham tennessee lies one of the worlds most magical musical adventures. Its bluegrass underground. Three millars in the making. Pure acoustics offer music from the heart of the american experience. Center stage and deep inside the mountain this week welcoming keb mo. Well i got to say. Youre the only one. A little bit bluegrass, a little bit underground. Its bluegrass underground, coming up next. Bluegrass underground is made possible in part by. Country. Blues. Rock. And everything in between. Where it all started and never stopped. The soundtrack of america. Made in tennessee. And by grundy county, tennessee. Wild heights and waterfalls in the heart of the south

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