Known as dreamers. Members of coness are trustees of the people and our nation. Why are w n here i to protect the patriotic people who are termined to contribute and strengthen america . Robert by friday, President Trumped sign a spendingackage, expanding coffers. We explain whats inside the twoyear deal. Plus, damage control. The white house chief of staff under scrutiny for his handling of abuse allegations against former top aide rob porter. The time line raises questions about who else was aware of porters past and trouble with his security clearance. The president weighs in sing hes very sad about the departure. W well,e wish him well. He worked very hard as you prob hably kno says hes innocent. And i think you have to remember that. Be and a market ce rection. Thdow dropped more than 1,000 points not once, but twice. Whats driving market turmoil . Well get highlights from Kristen Welker of nbc news. Peterer b of the new york times. And kelsey snell of npr. This is Washington Week. Funding is provide by their leadership is insince the active instinctive. They research the technologies of tomorrow. Some call them veterans. We call themart ofur team. On a cruise with american cruise lines travelers experience the Maritime Heritage and culture of new england. Our fleet of small cruise ships explores american landscapes. Seaside vilges and historic harbors where you can experience localustoms and cuisine. American cruise lines, proud sponsor of Washington Week. Announce additional funding is provided by neumanns own ti foun, donating all profits from neumanns own Food Products to charity and nourishing the ood. On the ethics and excellence in urnalism foundation, ku and patricia ewing, committed to bridging culture differences in our communities, the corporation of public broadcasts and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Once again from washington, moderator robt costa. Robert good evening. President trump signea bipartisan 400 bill budget agreement friday ending a brief Government Shutdown that began at mid night. It faced opposition from the right and the left. Rand paul tried to block the bill with a procedure move. But he was denied. The twoyear budget will lift the debt limit until march 2019, increase military spending by 165 billion. Plus, tick up domestic spending by 131 billion and to add 90 billion for disaster relief. Senator paul isnt the only i conservati the house and senate who considered the package fiscally irresponsible and House Democrats their attemptste to pro young documented immigrants brought to this couldry as cn also failed just weeks ahead of a march 5thin dea peter, when you look at this budget deal, its a tick up ind sp, a major increase in spending. You have to wonder is this trpublican party which cs the white house a different Republican Party than it was under president obama when it comes to being fiscally conservative and trying to maintain the budget caps . Pete they can solve their partisan differences by spending other people money. Were spending money what we want and it doesnt matter if it leaves a debt for ourn kids d the road. Given how much fractured relationship we had it may be the only way to get thrgh it. What was interesting was who was in theel se, President Trump. He said lets have a shutdown. I want a shutdown so we have an immigration deal. Id they se are not going to Pay Attention to that. The president signed it. But it wasnt hisea he said he was going to restore fiscal sanity. He was going to eliminate the entire demet eight years. Now were heading the other direction. Robert the question of why the president didnt get what he wanted, kelsey, it comes down to who controls congress. We hear on the right they wanted to be more fiscally responsible. Yet, its the middle, the appropriateators. And now the middle has a little bit morpower because theyre the only people who can seem to come together. Whenoure trying to cobble together 61 votes and 218 votes in the00 youre absolutely not y ing to be getting that b trying to court the far right and the far left because theyre never going to come together. Thats part o the problem on immigration. On spending at least, when you put tether a big package like hie one that just past, theres a little bit som for everybody. Its not going to be that way for immigration. The debt limit was extended 1 until the markets may like that. The Federal Reserve moves to increase the Interest Rates the c. B. O. Says this isoing to cost 100 billion more in intere alone. The word that i keep hearing is an experimen a fiscal experiment because in times of e thy economy, a strong economy, rip roaring growth, job growth, you dont see spending like this, a tax increase of 125 trillion, a bipartisan spending plan to the tune that we s agreed this week, people dont have a historical precedent for h this is going to play out in Economic Times just like this. Well, what i think is interesting about this, the president is saying, hey, this is a victory because we did ncrease military spending. Yt it has infuriated the two bases. Talk to President Trumps base, theres no funding for the all . Er w when are we going to deal with thatis campaign pr and the deficit is on the way up. We havoc dts saying we didnt deal with the one issue we wanted to deal with which was dreamers. Thats why you had nancy pelosi trying to block this she wasnt able to. And i think there was sense that she wasnt going to be able to ultimately. But still you s the two sides of this and how far apart they are. And it raises aot of questions about how do they get an immigration deal done by that march 5th deadline . They want to get a deal o Border Security and dreamers. Are they going to be able to do it. Robert you dont really hav a debate in this congress about military spending. It goes up billion in this agreement. Whats happened in this country thatseb changed thee where theres really little debate on how much thes. Military g its striking because the president wanted to retreat a little bit in his view early in his engagements overseas. He did agree to some small deployment that the asked him to make. Were not currently in iraq orl syria ie numbers. So the idea that were going to build up in aime whereere pulling back to some extent is striking. Butar the mil felt constrained by these caps. Stered theyve complained vigorously. Its one that democrats feel on the defensive about. Its an easy pass on that way. Robert they extended the Childrens Health insurance program. Even more, 131 billion for domestic spending. 90 million for disaster relief. Senator cruz got behind that. Jon tester of mt. Got behind the extension of Community Health senators. Theres a lot in this. Whats most important . They locked in the parity. Thats the thing you hear them talk about. Why do youear them talk about pari tmbs y. Domestic pgrams are worth spending the same as the military. Th were worried that republicans were going to get some longer ention tension of mill xtension of military funding and it would forever changehe domestic programs that most people interact with on a daily basis. The thing that you got out of this is not having to talk about spendift until a the election. They dont want to be in charge of having a spending orhutdown fight. Every couple of weeks. Robert theyo kicked that the road, cayla, but they havent addressed immigration. E whats your on the next step for a possible dreamers package . Will the moderates takero . Will this be another leadership deal . We heard senator jeff flake saying there is a deal even acough we havent seen the contours of thaally get agreed to. But what struck me this week is you heard Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan say that they woard move t an immigration debate and regular order on immiation, but not guaranteeing any outcome. It seemed that they were hedging their bets because they didnt want to commit to actually agreeing to a package because they dont know what the president will supporth at tis time. Thats something that speaker ry said again and senator majority leader Mitch Mcconnell doesnt know where he can get the votes. Robert can they have lear schumer and mcconnell hatch another plan on immigration . I think t officials at the white house are going to be deeply engaged. The Vice President ands well as john kelly. Although hes had a rocky wk. ve seen this president take a step back to some extent and so art ofow his team to take the lead and trying to get some legislative victories. We saw that during tax reform. We let his team take the lead there. His proposal would give 2 million dreamer as pathway to citizenship. Thats something that has him the nickname of amnesty don r his base. This is something that hes willing to compromise on. Hes willing, i think toake a couple of steps toward the left to try to get something done. The question is, to what extent is he going to tweet, maybe say ing that could royalse the active negotiations. They still have to figure out what theyre going to on immigration. There are other factors that play in these debates. And one of them is wall street, t wall street volatility. The stock market it took ae n dive twice, going down more than 1,000 points on monday and thursday. If the economy is strong with its fundamentalsg acord to some analysts then why the market so volatil the first initial trigger was the strong jobs report. And the idea that jobs are increasing. Maybe you would see intert rates go up faster. Andehat spooked peo a little bit. Jay powell is not in his first week at the Federal Reserve. He hasnt made any publicem stts. Theres really nothing that happened to spook people except that theyre starting to figure, ok, the market has gone up 35 . Corporate earnings are strong pullback. As to be a and what happens here . The president s enjoyed a safety net of sts from the stock market that has been able to absorb all the headline risk that has come out of thehite hous weve seen fractures. Weve seen some of the slipups. Discussing the dollar. You saw the market really go into a tail spin when that happened. And so if the market starts to control showing cracks, the white house is going t have to be more thoughtful about how it addresses Economic Policy and how it controls the headlines. Cayla mentioned that jay powell is raling market. In your piece, peter, you mentioned in 199 when greenspan comes in he rattles the markets. Angle with itical all this your headline in the time was live by the dow, die by the dow as a memo to President Trump. Look, this is a president who unlike hiss predecess touted the rise in the stock market. I he d 25 times in january alone. Thats somethings preside dont do because what goes up can come down. If you want to take credit youre going to be blamed for the bad days. The president tri put that aside. He said it makes no sense that the stock marketn went d since everything is good. But thats the way the markets work. They dont respond to dictates of a president. You have to b careful of the president to be too outout there. Robert will the white house ange its tune about the stock market . I think were starting to see that you said Sara Huckabee sanders say look the fundamentals are strong. You have unemployment coming you have other strong indicators in the economy. But i think we also saw ik something sg which is that President Trump wasnt tweeting a whole lot about the sck market this week. One way or the other. When you talk to officials on capitol hill they say this is a big problem. Hes got to pull back. N so hes just getting from top officials who are telling himts stop to weigh in on the stock mark. I think hes getting it from allies and outside house as well. Robert the higher the deficits rise the more likely it is thre in rates will surge, stock and s consumer spendsing the overall economy. What do they do on capitol hill matters for the economy. It absolutely do. We sawd paul saying that at the begin og of the show. Its something that House Republicans had been screaming is that they are worried that they were talking about huge deficits here. They werent 34ri9ically politically. But they worry about, you know, the political outcomes and the onomic outcomes of the policies theyve made. But some of the irony is that theyve taken the deficit hawks. Four separate democrats raise it is issue of deficit spending where money for infrastructure is cm. Ming f its traditional for the Minority Party to take the opposition for any polic thats lace. But the irony is that dems have become the deficit hawks a budget fight, the stock markets going here and there. It was a big wklready. But there was more. More staff turmoil at the white house this week. Staff secretary rob porter resigned after allegations ofme ic abuse from two former wives. Porter had worked in the west wing for more than a year serving his white house staff his reputation it was similar to john kellys. A smart, steady member, but reports that he abused both of he is exwives led to his resignation. John kelly took no action and did not advise the president. And don mcgan news about the allegations about physica and Emotional Abuse at least a year ago. On friday President Trump shared his thoughts on porter. President rump he said very strongly yesterday that hes innocent. ll have to talk to him about that. But we absolutely wish him well. Did a very good job while he was at the white house. Robert you spoke with one of s exwives, jennifer willowbee. Put a human on this story. Well, i spoke to jennifer. He has quite a story to tell. She says that her relationship wasbusive mostly. Emotionally abusive. She does describe an incident when she was in the shower, she was pulled off aggressively by rob porter. She filed a resthraining order and deuring that t he crashed in a window. She was terrified. She called police. But what i also found very significant about what she said is that she tolall of thi to the f. B. I. She shared her story with t f. B. I. As did rob porters first wife. And she was very detailed, she says. When they asked her if rob porter could bebl vulne to blackmail . Maybe because he had hadall these volatile relationships. The white house was made aware of this. White House Council don mcgan and we belief that the chief of staff was made aware once again. Ues had the le chance to actually ask him in person, when did you find out . General kelly, he said look, he knew that there was aholdup in terms rob porteretting his Security Status but he doesnt know. Robert when it comes to security pcess and also credibility questions, how he handled it. This ise supposed to b a nono sense general. If he didnt get the details, y didnt he go after the details . Because robr por is and was a righthand man or aids to the president. Its raised questions and among others around President Trump who has been on and off on john kelly. You add that to the daca comment about how some i too lazy to apply under the daca program. It creates anf impression a chief of staff who is on the bubble here. Now the president has talked to of th advise ors advisors well, mull vainy might be chief of staff. H a way to play personnel off each other. But its certainly a hard week for him. From headhunters and from people who are considering joining the administration, you want to know who the chief of staff will be, who youll be reporting to. So especially now that we are justeyond the oneyear mark op the trump administration, there are a lot of people who ar returning to the private sector or think tanks and the white house is going t have to do a big hiring surge yet again. And having situations like that continue to g unresolved are not helpful. We had david sorenson, a speech writer for the white house, he resigned amid allegations from a i believe it was his wormerife. These are everywhere. T yeah, the think that i think is important tnk about with the hill though, they want to see more of this stability. All of thisak instability them feel like they cant trust the white house. They trust kelly. Psthey have relationsith him. And it makes it so much harder to strike a deal. Rey wouldher work with somebody they know, understand and trust than to b put in a volatile situations where they dont know what the president is going to do and who the chief of staff is going to be. What i found striking is that you had rob shaw from the podium acknowledging that this situationad been mishandled. John kelly put out a statement when the first news reports came ou saying that he had absolute faith in rob porter and then the very next day essentially walking that back. And so the president was vertr fred by the way that this was frustrated. And so you have publicly and privately these frustrations iling over. I have to say being at the white house this week has to be one of the most volatile weeks because of this rob porter upheaval since the very early days when people were on friday we had resignations andit ousters. Felt very tense. Robert rob porter wasnt just another aid. He was someone who controlled e paper flow. Clean cut. The seniorisor to the president. Close with general kelly. His remova is not just an embarrassment for the white house, not just a troubling situation but he was part of that knew clouse that runs nucleus that runs the white house. The truth is he was given the benefit of the doubt in part because he seemed very professional. He seemed vy reliable, very competent, mature in a white house that is kind dysfunctional. So onkelly relied on him and john kelly relied on him and was willing to overlookome things because they need him. We got before air, rachel brand just resigned today. She would be the person whoul step in if rod rosen steen were somehow fired which we spent a lot o time wondering about. So another big blow to creating a coh team that can move forward on all these big iorities. Don mcgan, whats his staths he talk about the time line . Based on my con