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Theyre just vast quantity of love that in the world that wouldnt exist if not for these areas. Woodruff all that and more on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff police are searching for a motive, after last nights shooting at a louisiana Movie Theater. Authorities say 59yearold John Russel Houser killed two and injured nine others, before killing himself. Court documents from years ago showed houser was mentally ill and prone to violence, to the extent he was hospitalized against his will and his wife hid his guns. Well have more on the shooting plus a broader look at gun violence in america after the news summary. Turkish fighter jets bombed Islamic State targets in syria today, in retaliation for an isis attack on a Turkish Military outpost yesterday. Its the first time the countrys military has engaged in direct combat with the militants. Turkish forces also stepped up patrols along the syrian border. And Police Detained nearly 300 people they labeled extremist across the country in Early Morning raids. Turkeys president said the escalation is necessary. translated our state and government will take needed action against any attack no matter what it is. It is not only for last night. We will take the necessary precautions for our nations security and peace. Last night was the start of this, and we will keep going on the same way. Woodruff the u. S. Is expected to step up its airstrikes on Islamic State targets, too. Turkey is letting it use multiple air bases in the southern part of the country for operations against the militants. The pentagon announced a u. S. Airstrike in afghanistan has killed a senior alqaeda operational commander. Abu khalil alsudani was head of alqaedas suicide and explosives operations and has been linked to plots to attack u. S. Targets. President obama arrived in kenya as part of his twonation tour of africa. He touched down late today in the capital city of nairobi. Its his first president ial visit to his fathers homeland and he met with members of his family for dinner. Mr. Obama will also meet with kenyas president and cohost a business summit before leaving for ethiopia on sunday. And in burundi, results from the president ial election were announced, with the incumbent winning a third term. President Pierre Nkurunziza claimed victory in the disputed election, even amid unrest over whether or not his third term is constitutional. Ballot counting started on tuesday, and both the u. S. And britain condemned the vote because of violence, intimidation and questions over the legitimacy of a third term. Back in this country, anthem is buying cigna to create the nations Largest Health insurer by the number of people enrolled. The merged companies would cover about 53 million americans. The deal carries a price tag of 48 billion. It follows a buyout frenzy that arted earlier this month with aetnas successful bid for humana. Fiat chrysler has announced a recall over fears some of its vehicles can be hacked remotely. The company is recalling about 1. 4 million cars and trucks including 2014 and 2015 jeep grand cherokees and Dodge Durango s. U. V. s. The move comes after Cyber Security researchers were able to take control of a jeep over the internet. The company says it will update software to prevent hacking. There were new signs today of a slowdown in the real estate market. The Commerce Department reported new home sales have fallen to a sevenmonth low. That setback helped push stocks lower again on wall street. The Dow Jones Industrial average lost 163 points to close at 17,568. The nasdaq fell more than 57 points and the s p 500 dropped 22 points. For the week the dow lost nearly 3 , the nasdaq fell 2. 3 and the s p 500 slid 2. 2 . The u. S. Justice department is weighing a request to look into the possibility Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information when she was secretary of state. It centered on her use of a private email account. A memo from the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community found some of the emails she sent potentially should have been classified, but none were. Speaking from the campaign trail today in new york, clinton warned reporting on the story was filled with inaccuracies. Maybe the heat is getting to everybody. We all have a responsibility to get this right. I have released 55,000 pages of emails, i have said repeatedly that i will answer questions before the House Committee. We are all accountable to the American People to get the facts right and i will do my part. Woodruff republican Representative Trey Gowdy the chairman of the special House Committee investigating clinton and her involvement in the response to the 2012 attacks in benghazi, libya said handing over emails isnt enough. The committee wants her computer server for forensic evaluation. The food and Drug Administration gave the green light to a new, breakthrough cholesterol medication. The injectable drug called praluent is said to lower bad cholesterol more than older medicines that have been prescribed for decades. Still, experts have raised questions about the drugs high price tag and longterm benefits. The f. D. A. Also proposed today new labeling rules for added sugar today. Under the proposal, Food Companies would need to indicate the amount of added sugar as a percentage of a persons recommended daily intake. The move is part of an overhaul of the nutrition facts label laid out by the obama administration. And don oberdorfer, a longtime diplomat correspondent for the washington post, has died. He had alzheimers disease. Oberdorfer spent 25 years at the post, covering everything from the vietnam war to the fall of the soviet union before retiring in 1993. Over his career, he traveled to more than 50 countries and appeared often on the newshour. Don oberdorfer was 84 years old. Still to come on the newshour a look at gun violence in america, forprofit colleges and the tax payer money designed to educate our veterans, mark shields and david brooks on the Iran Nuclear Deal and more, and comedian aziz ansari on modern romance. We take a deeper look now at last nights deadly shooting in louisiana and the broader questions raised after tragedies involving guns. William brangham starts us off. Reporter police and Emergency Responders quickly descended on the Movie Theater after gunfire erupted during a showing last night of the comedy trainwreck. We were buying popcorn at the concession stand when a whole group of people, teenagers mainly, running out, telling everyone to run for their life. And then we saw a lady with blood all over her leg. I just grabbed my child, i mean we just all ran. Reporter the gunman identified as 59yearold John Russel Houser opened fire on the crowd just 20 minut into the film. Investigators this morning characterized houser as a drifter. It is apparent that he was intent on shooting and then escaping. What happened is that the quick Law Enforcement response forced him back into the theater, at which time he shot himself. Reporter court papers from 2008 revealed that housers family had filed a temporary restraining order against him, saying he was violent and mentally ill. The court filing also stated housers wife kellie who filed for divorce in march had removed all the weapons from their house out of concern over his mental state. Officials today said houser had been denied a concealedweapons permit in 2006 because of an arson arrest and Domestic Violence complaint. Last nights tragedy comes in the wake of two other, recent highprofile Mass Shootings four marines and a sailor were killed in chattanooga, tennessee last week and in june, nine members of emanuel a. M. E. Church in charleston, South Carolina were killed during an evening bible study. The f. B. I. Today said suspect dylan roof shouldve been blocked from buying the gun used in that attack, but the background check system failed to pick up on roofs previous narcotics charge. At the scene of the lafayette shooting today, state representative terry landry called for stricter gun control. It is our job as legislators to close the loop holes in these gun laws. When person with mental capacity or not mentally stable can get access to a gun and wreak havoc on our community, it tells we have to have a serious conversation, we have to have some serious repeals in the gun restrictions or lack of gun restrictions in our community. If not well be meeting somewhere another day another time. Reporter back in 2013, president obama mounted an ambitious effort to overhaul the nationgun laws. That push followed two tragedies the 2011 tucson shooting at an event for then u. S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the 2012 rampage in newtown, connecticut, where 20 children and six adults were murdered. But ultimately, the president s proposals failed in the u. S. Senate. Yesterday, in an interview with the b. B. C. Just hours before the lafayette shooting, the president said he intended to keep pushing for gun control. If you ask me where the one area where i feel ive been the most frustrated and most stymied, it is the fact that the United States of america is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient commonsense, gunsafety laws. Even in the face of repeated mass killings. Reporter todays calls for a reform of the nations gun laws come amid the ongoing sentencing phase in the trial of james holmes, who killed 12 people and injured over 70 in a shooting rampage at a Movie Theater in aurora, colorado back in 2012. For the pbs newshour, im william brangham. Woodruff Mass Shootings make up a small fraction of overall gun violence in the country, but the f. B. I. Counted more than 170 cases of mass killings between 2006 and 2011. Usa today has been tracking those cases and the connection with guns. Meghan hoyer is a data reporter their reporting team found the official count is understated. Meghan hoyer is a data reporter and she joins us now. Meghan welcome. Thank you about. Define what you mean by mass killing. A mass killing is basically four or more dead not including the shooter. And thats the fbis original definition. Woodruff so technically what happened last night in louisiana wouldnt be considered a mass killing . That might be considered a mass shooting not a mass killing. We are interested in the four or more dead. Woodruff what have you learned about the people who do those shoots, who are they . Sure. Theyre overwhelmingly male. 97 of the cases theyre men. Their average age is about 30 but it really ranges. We had teenagers to older adults. Men tend to use more guns. Women tend to kill this other ways. Arson, drownings things like that. Woodruff and what did you learn about the circumstances . About who the victims are, how these things or is there a pattern . Theres not necessarily a pattern but there are certain things that stand out. More than 50 are familyrelated. So and in woodruff more than 50 . More than 50 . In well more than 50 of the cases the victim know their shooter. Stranger on strange are crime that doesnt happen very much, only about 15 of the killings. The vast majority are family cases inside the home. Woodruff and in fact what we saw in the last week killings that didnt get the kind of Public Comment that didnt get the of the publicity, there were 75 mass killings this week doesnt include the shooting in the theater last night. Again, the majority of those were family killings. A family found dead in modesto a woman and her children. A family in oklahoma where two teenagers have been arrested and the rest of their family has was stabbed. Woodruff and again these are the kinds of things that often dont get the kind of attention . Right they dont get get the national buzz. What did you learn about the guns whether they are gotten legally or not . In terms of mass killings about three quarters, a quarter of them are not gun related at all. Of the gun killings, what weve seen are that most guns are handguns. They are not these high capacity assault rifles or high capacity assault weapons that we hear so much about. We looked a little bit legal versus nonlegal acquisition. And in a majority of cases theyre acquired legally. And even in cases where theyre not what experts say is these are people who tend to be very determined and where theres a will theres a way. Even if they have been banned from getting guns, if they have prior record generally they find a way to find a weapon. Woodruff meghan hoyer with u. S. A. Today. We thank you. Gs. Thank you judy. Now we begin a series of conversations were calling guns in america. We will talk with people intimately involved in the debate, coming to it from a variety of perspectives. Tonight we hear from retired nasa astronaut and navy combat veteran, mark kelly. His wife, former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was severely wounded after being shot in the head at an event in tucson, arizona in january 2011. Gabby giffords continues to recover from the shooting. In the wake of the tragedy at sandy hook elementary school, they founded americans for responsible solutions as a way to bring attention to ways to make our communities safer. Captain kelly, thank you for joining us. Youre welcome judy. We dont have all the details about this shooting incident last night in lafayette louisiana but knowing what you know your background on this how do you respond to Something Like this . Well, i think, you know, a logical response is that we have a lot of gun voyages in this country. We have gun violence in this country. We have over 30,000 people die from gun violence every year. In states that have the weakest gun laws we tend to have more gun violence and congress is perfectly capable of doing something about it but they choose not o. And thats something that, you know, people should demand. They should demand action because unless we make changes to our laws and changes to easy access for felons domestic abusers people who are mentally ill, we will continue to see this very high rate of gun violence. Woodruff what kinds of things should be done . What we do know about this shooter in louisiana is he did have some sort of criminal background. He was denied access, he wasnt allowed to buy or get a concealcarry permit but what kinds of changes need to be made . Well, first of all i dont know all the details. And i think it will take several days to come out whether or not he was a convicted felon. You know that should be pretty clear that we shouldnt allow convicted felons to get access to guns or domestic abusers or people who are dangerously mentally ill. If he fell into one of those categories in the state of louisiana wherever he had was able to get this gun from if they knew about it then weve got to look as to why. Maybe he went to a gun show where you dont need to get a background check. Clear things we could do, i believe we would agree, keeping guns dangerous firearms out of the hands of criminals we ought to be able to agree with that. But because of special interests in washington, d. C. And other state capitals, our political leaders tend to be paralyzed on this issue. Woodruff i know your group says, americans for responsible solutions you say theres a way to do this and still respect and adhere to the second amendment. In oth words, there still be the right to have a gun. So where do you draw the line . I mean theres been as you just said, its been so hard to get anything done in washington. Well, responsible citizens or responsible gun owners should have access to guns for whatever reason they want. To protect themselves, to go hunting, to go targetshooting. Im a gun owner gabbys a gun owner. We dont want to negatively affect anybodys rights and i dont think Many Americans do. But clearly the easy access we provide to felons and criminals is something that really shouldnt exist. A simple background check should prevent not everything from happening but it should prevent some criminals who commit crimes with these weapons from getting them. Thats pretty clear and obvious and as an organization weve made a lot of progress in a lot of states and were hopeful that in time were going to make progress on capitol hill. Woodruff we have seen shooting after shooting after shooting in talking to the reporter from u. S. A. Today its a regular thing and guns are the way people typically kill someone in this one or kill several people. Why has progress been so difficult . Well its really because of a very powerful special interest in washington, d. C. And in state capitals. If you were to poll lets do a big samplesize National Poll on Something Like background checks and youll find that probably 90 of americans think you should get a background check before buying a gun. You know the United States senate could not pangs the pass the Manchin Toomey bill. We have 15 to 20 times the death rate from gun violence than any industrialized country. We should be able to fix that and we can fix that. People need to write their congressmen and governors and in time we will get the country back on track. Captain kelly how much of this has to do with enforcing the laws that are on the books . The shooter in South Carolina shouldnt have been able to get a gun but because the laws were not followed, records were not kept, he was able to get a gun. What about that . Well, i think specifically with this case. This happened yesterday so i think its going to take some time for facts to be out there. But clearly when people are prohibited purchasers sometimes there are holes in that system. Sometimes there are mistakes made. But i can tell you one big hole is the 40 of gun sales that are done without a background check that you can drive a truck through. I mean thats a huge hole that can be filled, we can fix that problem and we can fix others and were not going to stop every one of these things from happening. But we could you know we can put a pretty big dent in it. I mean when you think about it, 33000 people every single year die from gun violence in the United States. And that is an enormous number. Imagine the steps we would take if suddenly we had 30,000 people dying in airplane accidents. I mean we would go we would make an enormous effort to do something about it and we should be doing the same thing here. Woodruff captain mark kelly talking to us about the epidemic of gun violence in this country. Thank you very much. Youre welcome judy thanks for having me on. In laf eid louisiana say the surety John Russell Houser bought the handgun he used legally at a pawn shop in alabama in 2014. The g. I. Bill represents americas promise to its veterans. Since 2009, it has paid the cost of College Tuition for those who served in iraq or afghanistan up to 21,000 a year of taxpayer dollars. Today, 40 of that money is flowing to forprofit schools, according to the department of veterans affairs. But when veterans finish their studies, some employers and graduate programs dont recognize or value those degrees. From the center for investigative reporting and reveal, aaron glantz reports reporter three years ago, president obama said he would stop forprofit schools from taking advantage of Service Members and veterans. They are trying to swindle and hoodwink you. And today here at fort stewart, were putting an end to it. Reporter the president was responding to reports that for profit colleges enjoyed virtually unrestricted access to bases where they enrolled new students and profited from taxpayer money. Were going to up our oversight of improper Recruitment Practices. Were going to strengthen the rules about who can come on post and talk to Service Members. Reporter president obama signed an executive order that placed restrictions on forprofit schools, to weed out deceptive Recruitment Practices. Three years after the president s executive order, no School Receives more g. I. Bill money than the university of phoenix, according to the department of veterans affairs. The university of phoenix is a large forprofit College Chain with about 200,000 students a majority of whom take classes online. We wanted to know whether the university of phoenix was complying with the spirit and the letter of the rules president obama put in place, and whether the forprofit college had gained an advantage through its relationship with the military. University of phoenix was one of the first schools to contact me. Reporter iraq war veteran dan dresen wanted to be a social worker, so he could help other veterans. The university of phoenix gave him College Credit for his military service so he could graduate quickly. Thats what convinced him to enroll. He even got credits for marksmanship. For learning how to shoot a firearm in the Army National guard, you got course credits for social work . Yes. Reporter when dresen went to apply for a masters in social work at a state university, that school wouldnt recognize his bachelors degree. I was devastated. I cant use my degree. Reporter it was stories like dresens that led to the president s executive order. The military followed up with new rules that ban inducements including entertainment for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service Members. But what constitutes recruiting . The university paid for the reality t. V. Star, big smo, to entertain the troops. Here at Fort Campbell the university of phoenix is spending thousands of dollars to sponsor this concert. Its one of dozens of events the forprofit school is sponsoring on military bases across the country. The university of phoenixs representative was introduced onstage as a friend of the military. He gave away electronic devices. 15 minutes after the concert began, the army kicked me off the base. An army press officer told me off camera that i was asked to leave because i was talking on camera about the militarys relationship with the university of phoenix. Robert muth is a former officer in the marine corps. He runs a legal clinic for veterans at the university of san diego. It looks like you have a corporate entity buying access to look like the preferred or the selected educational provider for the veterans or soontobe veterans at a base. Reporter under president obamas 2012 order, schools are allowed to recruit on base only as part of official, regulated, education activities documents from five military bases obtained using the freedom of information act show the university of phoenix sponsored events that had little to with education. Hundreds of events over the last five years. The question remains was the university of phoenix recruiting at these events . At the five bases we looked at, it paid the military about a Million Dollars for this access the investment is dwarfed by the 345 million in g. I. Bill money it received last year. And, according to the department of veterans affairs, which oversees the program, more than 1. 2 billion since 2009, when the new g. I. Bill went into effect. The university of phoenix also produced a coin. That its representatives hand out on military bases. It includes the insignias of every branch of the service on one side and the university of phoenix logo on the other. Theres a long tradition within the military of commanders providing challenge coins to individual troops whove done something great. If im a 19yearold Lance Corporal and i see that coin i assume that the department of defense has viewed and vetted that organization and approved them in some way to provide me with an education. Reporter Many Organizations produce military coins, we found the university of phoenix was using military insignia without authorization. We asked the pentagon and the university of phoenix about the coin. Dawn bilodeau, is the chief of Education Programs for the defense department. Does that concern you . Yes. That would be, depending on where that was received and if theyre currently handing them out and it was reported, i would be compelled to take action. Reporter retired Major General spider marks is a dean at the university of phoenix. If theres an issue with the specific coins that we were passing out, were gonna get to the bottom of that and those have been taken off the shelf. Theyre not available. Theyre gone. Reporter even so marks says the coin doesnt imply the university of phoenix has the militarys seal of approval. There isnt an endorsement implicit or explicit by the use of that coin that d. O. D. Thinks any differently about the university of phoenix than it does Lockheed Martin or it does Prudential Life insurance or other companies that have challenge coins. Reporter Ryan Holleran served 11months in iraq. When he returned home, he wanted to get an education. I have a bunch of friends whove gone through the university of phoenix. I have comrades, buddies who i went to war with who their partners were going to the university of phoenix. Reporter hes headed for a Naval Air Station outside dallas to attend a hiring our heroes job fair. Sponsored by the university of phoenix. Holleran agreed to take a hidden camera onto the base so we could see if the university of phoenix was following the rules. The sponsorship of this event is permitted, as long as the school doesnt use the event to recruit students. Holleran attended a resume workshop taught by the school. When you walk in, theres four or five fliers and the biggest logo on all those fliers is the university of phoenix. Reporter the presentation had the schools branding on every slide. And participants were repeatedly encouraged to visit the university of phoenixs website. Model resumes used by the university of phoenixs trainer included a degree from the university of phoenix, yet the main online campus that 24,000 veterans attended last year has a Graduation Rate of 7. 3 , according to the department of education. It wasnt like they were just mentioning, oh, here. Go get a higher education. Its like, hey. Come, come buy my product. Reporter last month, two former university of phoenix recruiters filed a lawsuit in a Kentucky Circuit Court against the school alleging they were improperly fired. The recruiters said hiring our heroes was just a cover, that they were required to operate stealthfully. It was a tool for surreptitiously obtaining personal information and or prohibited recruitment activity. The university of phoenix denies the allegations. Internal Company Documents show the university of phoenix has been tracking recruitment numbers on military bases including at job fairs and entertainment events, where recruiting is supposed to be banned by military regulations. And so, even as the university of phoenix lost half its students amid scrutiny from congress and the media, the number of iraq and afghanistan veterans using the g. I. Bill there tripled. Thats according to the securities and Exchange Commission and the department of veterans affairs. We contacted the fort worth Naval Air Station about the hiring our heroes event, they directed us to the pentagon. Again, dawn bilodeau. If anyone of our educational institutions was providing a workshop where they provided their own marketing materials used their own references and had their slides with their name, that would be a reportable offence, a noncompliance action. We would receive those and adjudicate them. Reporter but so far, youve received no such complaints about hiring our heroes . No, sir. Reporter but if it turned out to be true, that would be very troubling to you . It would be listed and we would take action. Reporter as for morale boosting events such as big name concerts, bilodeau said the pentagon is aware of past improper Recruitment Practices and is taking action. In the past, it was a concern, but i feel very confident with the new agreement that we have in place that were going to be able to enforce the requirements that are in there and take action, place schools on probation when needed, which impacts their bottom line if theyre not able to recruit new students. Reporter the university of phoenixs spider marks says the school is following the president s executive order and department of defense regulations. In terms of compliance, we do compliance exceptionally well. If were going to sponsor morale, welfare and recreation events on military installations, its to benefit the Service Member and bring entertainment to them, opportunities with businesses off post, that kind of stuff. If we are looking to find students who want to go through the university of phoenix experience as they transition or while theyre on active duty, thats a separate and completely distinct action on our part. Reporter dan dresen says he was betrayed by the university of phoenix. Hes already spent most of his g. I. Bill and, on top of that, hes 9,000 in debt. I feel i wasted my v. A. Benefits going to the school. Reporter hes starting over at this Community College in sacramento. Its a little late for me because i already went there. I think the other veterans should get out while they still can. Reporter dresen hopes more veterans will step forward to complain. If that happens, he says, perhaps the government will stop the flow of g. I. Bill money to forprofit schools. For the pbs newshour, im aaron glantz from reveal in sacramento. Woodruff after learning about reveals report, democratic senator dick durbin of illinois sent a letter to the pentagon asking it to investigate Recruitment Practices by the university of phoenix. The d. O. D. Says it takes the allegations seriously and is looking into the matter. Stay with us. Coming up on the newshour comedian aziz ansari on dating in the digital age. But now to the analysis of shields and brooks. Thats syndicated columnist mark shields and New York Times columnist david brooks. So lets go back to the lead story. David, a string of shootings just in the last few weeks including this one last night in lafayette louisiana. We talked to mark kelly at the top of the program, Gabrielle Giffords husband. What, is there anything to be done . Im for doing all the front control you can think of, the event control small weapons you might do some good. Id be a little modest about how much good you do. This has been studied quite lot by the cdc, ama series of studies all the gun control legislation thats hatched in the past and its hard to find strong effects. There are 250 million guns in this country and as we heard earlier in the program where theres a will theres a way. People find ways to have guns. Im for it but weve seen 50 reduction in homicide in this country in the generation and a lot of other things are effective in reducing gun violence. Lets do it but dont expect it to be a big effect. You have seen a lot to do with treatment programs with the Police Programs there are a lot of ways i think to reduce violence that are producing bigger outcomes than the gun control stuff. Woodruff mark. Judy, i listened to mark kelly and the point he made about the public support of background checks. Hes absolutely right. 81 actually by the pew poll favor background checks by a 7 to wu margin but yet it couldnt pass the senate. And you know theres a sense of frustration after newtown, charleston, lafayette, what its going to take . The only idea that strikes a spark with me and i agree with david on the measures and i believe we have too many guns, too many s much access to them, too many people who are unstable who shouldnt have that access. The suggestion made by Daniel Patrick moinahan introduced, said we have enough guns in this country for 200 years but we only have enough ammunition for two months, for four months, im sorry. He said why not tax ammunition . I mean not 22s for target practice but when youre talking about ammunition for weapons, of personal and mass personal destruction, you know, we have to think in those terms. Theres no question, that the debate has been won right now, not permanently but has been won by the rifle association. Woodruff gun rights. Do you believe the emphasis should be, choice should be on control. Guns, gun ownership or control of guns . 15 years ago by a 2 to 1 margin people wanted to control gun ownership. And now, its a question that control peoples right to bear a gun is a majority believes thats the priority. Woodruff theres just such a gap though david theres this outrage after these shootings yet we keep having the same conversation, theres nothing to be done. As i say Public Policy is hard and getting change is hard. And you know i think getting the background checks in any of these cases reinforcement would have helped, im not sure. A lot of these guns were acquired legally, sometimes flaws in the system. I tell you the thing i think needs to be done and this is not a government thing, this is a community thing. One thing that these cases have in common whether its the household killings or the racist killing or the perverse young man come we all know people in our communities and if you see a kid whos grown increasingly isolated, whose views are going increasingly extreme then act. And that is one way, and you know, we all have these webs of social networks. Prevent something from happening, i bleach thats something that could have a positive impact. We heard from the u. S. A. Today reporter, there is a pattern and its typically a man and a young man. The administration facing an uphill battle selling this Iran Nuclear Deal. What kind of job are they doing defending it could they could congress end up killing this thing . I think congress a good bet as we mentioned last week, that congress will vote to reject it. But i i think the administration is rightly and logically concentratingts efforts on not winning republicans. People like jeff flaik senator from arizona says he has an open mind, demonstrated it in the past but the emphasis has to be on democrats to prayed democrats, why they should support the agreement and the strongest argument is that there is no alternative and to bring in the fact that people of great substance from Brent Scocroft to diplomatic giants like Thomas Pickering and lee hamilton and crocker are supporting it. So i really think that its not this is the almighty but what is the alternative . And i think thats the case that theyre making theyre trying to persuade probably 145 democrats in the house to stick with the president. Woodruff but in the meantime its a real buzz saw theyre facing isnt it . Its not exactly leading from a position of strength. Purpose of leadership in government is to provide the country with good options. An they have gotten in a situation where we have bad options. To me, the worst part about the treaty is it will give iran maybe 150 billion, maybe as high as 700 billion of revenue to which they can spread their terror through the terror armies theyre already using. In the short term, whether its Nuclear Weapons it will destabilize the middle east. They are not stupid to say the alternative is worse, that if we do this, the sanctions, france wants to sell nuclear stuff, russia is certainly eager to sell nuclear stuff to the iranians. If the u. S. Does reject it, it will get worse. So their option is, their argument is not that the treaty is so great, but the alternative is worth worse worse. My guess at the end of the day is the democrats who are in play here will not opt for that worse alternative. I could argue that they should but. Woodruff do you think democrats would co. E around . Democrats are being smart politically by saying theyre open, theyre listening theres no point in taking a position until they have to. I dont think theres many open minds on either side. The money is irans money. It isnt like were writing a check to them. It has been frozen and i think that you know, that has to be understood. So i you know, i dont think there is an alternative. I think quite frankly that Prime Minister netanyahu hurt himself and his cause by pushing so hard for military action against iran and by intruding in the United States election, on the romney side and using the house of representatives as a Campaign Spot to run against iran. He just put himself and israel quite honestly in an untenable position. Woodruff lets talk about Hillary Clinton. David, emails, congress has this special committee in the house is coming after her now theyre saying the department of justice theyve asked the department to look into whether classified information was shared that shouldnt have been. Is she in real jeopardy politically or legally . I assume she shared classified information. It was all on this private server. There is so much classified information in government, i assume some did get into them. That is not a careerkiller, thats not a president candidacy killer. But it is about her character and it is about why there was the privacy of the server, her unwillingness to release the server now which people want to get ahold of. Deleting all the emails. I dont think however this shakes out it will be something to end her candidacy. But no question the sustained and continued investigations are stains. I frankly dont have clarity on what kind of investigations is about to happen in all the reporting there is a lot of passive voice so you dont quite know how much shes actually being investigated. So thats unclear. It will shake out the next few days maybe. But its still a long running stain that goes to a core concern people have about her which is openness transparency and trustworthiness. Woodruff david. Theres two clintons, the clinton of great boom balanced budget happy and prosperous and optimistic and confident america and theres the clinton memories of whitewater and those Law Firm Billing rights that were miraculously discovered. All of this comes back and i think it hurt her in 2007 which is run against barack obama. It hurt both al gore and john kerry. George bush was seen as more honest and more likable personally than either of them. Thats the last time the democrats lost the white house two times in a row. I think it was a problem, she was trying to avoid intense scrutiny by having a private server and she ends up getting more intense scrutiny. I think one salvation she has is republicans will overplay, House Republicans in particular will overplay their hand with their hearings and sort of an inquisitional attitude and air. Its not a help, it certainly brings back unpleasant memories. Woodruff 40 seconds left. Donald trump. Hes got into a big fuss with john mccain assaulted john mccain last weekend, Lindsay Graham this week. But donald trump is still alive and well and out on the campan trail. Will he stay . Eventually hell run after the republicans, i have to say the show will close he makes jerry spring are look like machesmasterpiece theater. Mitt romney such a straight laced party. Woodruff ten seconds. Donald trump shame on us. Hes the catnip, we cant stay away from him. He will never be president of the United States. He made a terrible mistake going after john mccain. John mccain wasnt a hero because he was captured, he was a hero because he be avoided early release, donald trump avoided capture by staying at studio 54. Mark shields and david brooks we thank you. Woodruff next the joy of modern romance, all just a click away. Where todays singles can search for partners through a Digital World of online or mobile dating sites. It can seem so easy and yet so potentially awkward. Add in the speed and instant connection of texting and phones, and according to one of todays leading young comics aziz ansari, you get a new age of anxiety of the heart. Jeffrey brown caught up with him. Spending a lot of time together and everything yeah i know. I want to keep doing that till youre dead. Woodruff aziz ansari gained widespread attention on parks and recreation. Le is what you make of it. Woodruff now 32yearold comedian and actor is selling out large venues including Madison Square garden for netflix finding the laughter in the pain of dating. No one wants to commit to bleep because theyre terrified that something betters coming along. Woodruff hes turn it. Brown hes turned it into a book. The realities hes seen in his own life. For instance you text someone they dont write back. You wonder why they didnt write back, theyre busy, and then you look on facebook, theyre posting a recipe for an omelet. I didnt even have that dilemma taken, 15 years ago, that didnt exist. Sitting staring at this little thing waiting for something. Brown aziz thinks the sheer number of choices for people nowadays is driving people crazy. Eric klineen klinenberg and he worked together. Like an overall shift in this kind of how our culture views marriage. And you know, you look at we looked at these studies that they found from like the 1930s in like philadelphia, and you know people, married people that lived in a very close proximity to where they live like people, married people that lived a few blocks away, like 1 out of 3 people married someone that lived like in a six block radius. 80 the same building now like its not they dont even do those studies anymore because it doesnt happen. Brown so where toss the Technology Fit into all of this . Does it make harder easier . Well the technology stuff i think, you know, obviously like Online Dating is a tremendous presence on how people meet now. 1 out of 3 people that are married now they met their spouses through Online Dating. And you know you can look at that, some people that do Online Dating its very frustrating very annoying. Youre meeting people you dont like, sorting through these messages, this is kind of become burden for people but then the other way the vast quantity of love that has been created in the world that wouldnt have existed without online. If you think about cave men right . The anxiety, the you know the uncertainty, the awkwardness of relationships, i would think cavemen were worried about what was going on in the caves. You read a jane austin novel and the anxiety of waiting for mr. Darcy and things like that. The old issues, new forms, and its like okay you know now when you have a partner, right, like theres weird things that didnt exist before its like your Digital World kind of melts, like you glance at your wifes phone and theres like seven texts from a guy named christopher. Youre like this is weird, who is christopher. Theres texts the next day from christopher, christopher is texting my wife quite a bit. Maybe in cave man times a guy named christopher poked his head in but its a new version of that. Would it be weird if i checked my wifes phone i see a message from christopher is open. Do i read the message, should i read it . New interesting things that people have to deal with. Brown heres the amazing thing though, aziz ansari is himself a product of an arranged marriage of his parents who got married in South Carolina. Week six months, really quick. Especially from what people do now. Brown what do you think of the lefns of your parents lfnsparents lessons of your parents marriage . The interesting thing about those arranged marriages, a lot of times its successful because it starts at a sim are and builds to a boil. Im in it, im going to have a family with this person. Id say my parents have seen my observations, theyre really in love and i think their relationship has gotten better kind of grown together, raised kids together and everything. Theres so much social science that shows that spending time with people and getting to know them thats how you get to the connections that lead to the boiling water. If you have one drink with someone go on boring date with someone, that is not really fun. I dont think you gave them a chance. Brown for record, aziz says he is in a long term committed relationship but he told me hes not above checking his girlfriends phone to see if that christopher character is texting yet again. For newshour im jeffrey brown. Woodruff on the newshour online 50 years ago this weekend, bob dylan plugged in. For the first time on stage. His legendary performance at the newport folk festival shocked many, and the story reverberates today. So to commemorate the event, we compiled eight things you didnt know about the electric guitar. Thats on our home page. Also there, relive one of the iconic hiphop albums of the 1980s. All day today, seattle station k. E. X. P. Paid homage to the beastie boys classic pauls boutique, with songs and interviews, which weve embedded on our website pbs. Org newshour. And a reminder about some upcoming programs from our pbs colleagues. Gwen ifill is preparing for washington week, which airs later this evening. Heres a preview ifill summer politics when nothing goes as predicted. When donald trump can visit the u. S. Mexico border wearing golf shoes. When Bernie Sanders can get booed at a liberal conference. When Hillary Clinton cant stay ahead of her emails and when her husband and her opponents brother can be friends through it all. We tell you what does and doesnt matter tonight on washington week. Judy . Woodruff on pbs newshour weekend saturday does the so called sharing economy really work for its workers . And well be back, right here, on monday thats the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. Have a great weekend. Thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. The lemelson foundation. Committed to improving lives through invention. In the u. S. And developing countries. On the web at lemelson. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media acce group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org this is nightly Business Report with tyler math son and sue herrera. Then there were three. Raising new questions about competition costs, choice and what may change when guyou go see your doctor. Steer clear. How chrysler plans to fix its vehicles who are susceptible to being hacked. What president ial candidate Hillary Clinton has planned for your investment returns. All that and more tonight on nightly Business Report for friday july 24. Good evening, everyone. Im sharon ep per sonperson in tonight for sue herrera

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