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Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff three Top Obama Administration officials mounted their defense of the Iran Nuclear Deal before a committee of skeptical senators. Secretary of state john kerry challenged those who want to spike the deal by asking, so whats your plan, totally go to war . Well show you some of the exchanges from the hearing right after this news summary. Ifill Islamic State militants fired across the border from syria into turkey today, killing one soldier and wounding two others. Turkish troops returned fire near the town of kilis, on the border with syria. Its a key transport point for both Islamic State fighters and equipment. It comes just days after a Suicide Attack targeted Young Political activists in a southeastern turkish town, killing 32 people. Woodruff turkey has agreed to let the u. S. Start using one of its air bases, at incirlik, for strikes against Islamic State militants in syria. The agreement, first reported by the wall street journal, came after months of negotiations. It will let the u. S. Use the base for manned and unmanned planes, including predator drones. Ifill back in the u. S. , the director of the f. B. I. Now says the Islamic State poses a greater threat to the u. S. Than al qaeda. At the Aspen Security Forum in aspen, colorado last night james comey cited the militants Year Old Campaign on social media to inspire americans to radicalize. The threat that isil presents, thoses to the United States is very different in kind, in type and in degree than al quaida. Isil is not your parents al quaida. Its a very different model and by have virtue of the model its the threat were worrying about in the homeland most of all. Ifill comey also noted the f. B. I. Has arrested a significant number of people over the past eight weeks who were radicalized. And he said some of them were planning attacks around the july fourth holiday. Woodruff more details emerged in the case of sandra bland, a black woman who was found hanging in a texas jail cell last week. Prosecutors delivered results from her autopsy, saying her injuries were consistent with suicide, not violent homicide. Waller county prosecutor Warren Diepraam spoke today in hemptstead, texas. The hands are significant. In a violent homicide or a murder where one person takes another persons life, it is typical, although not in all cases, but it is typical to see some sort of injuries on the persons hands, defensive injuries. They found no evidence whatsoever of any injuries on ms. Blands hands. Woodruff bland also had a substantial amount of marijuana in her system, according to preliminary results of testing. Authorities said it was unclear when or how the marijuana was ingested. Ifill the republicanled house today approved a bill that would crack down on socalled sanctuary cities that protect residents from federal immigration authorities. It comes in the wake of the shooting death of a california woman, allegedly by an illegal immigrant with a long criminal record whod already been deported multiple times. The legislation cuts off federal funds for cities that dont deport undocumented immigrants. But house leaders differ on how to go about solving the issue. Some decide to ignore our laws and not only is that wrong but its clearly dangerous as well. The house is acting today to put state and local officials on notice that well no longer allow them to decide how and when to enforce our nations laws. We have to look at how did this person come into possession in a state where hes having a gun as a convicted felon with very serious questions. Ifill the bill faces an uncertain fate in the senate. In a statement, the white house promised a veto should the legislation reach the president s desk. Woodruff european regulators opened an antitrust case against six major hollywood movie studios and a british satellite broadcaster today. Officials said the studios are illegally blocking consumers in most of europe from watching u. S. Movies, shows and other content because of contracts they made with sky uk. The six studios are disney, nbc universal, paramount, sony, 20th century fox, and warner brothers. Ifill greece is one step closer to receiving a new bailout, after its parliament approved crucial banking and judiciary reforms. The vote came in the early hours of the morning, surviving a revolt from a rebel group of leftwing syriza lawmakers. That paves the way for the debt stricken country to begin talks with its european creditors over a third bailout, valued at 93 billion dollars. Woodruff another round of lackluster corporate earnings reports pushed stocks lower on wall street today. The Dow Jones Industrial average lost 119 points to close just under 17,732. The nasdaq fell 25 points and the s p 500 slipped 12. Still to come on the newshour the iran nulear deal comes under fire on capitol hill. An uncertain future for a Birth Control program in colorado. And much more. Ifill with nearly two months left for congressional review, the Obama Administration came under fire today as it began its public push to sell the nuclear deal with iran on capitol hill. Not unlike a hotel guest that leaves only with a Hotel Bathrobe on its back, i believe youve been fleeced. Ifill there were testy exchanges, and blunt talk, as critics of the Iran Nuclear Agreement confronted secretary of state john kerry for the First Time Since the deal was struck last week. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman bob corker weve been through an incredible journey, we began 20 months or so ago with a country that was a rogue nation that had a boot on its neck and our goal was to dismantle their program. Weve ended up in a situation where the deal thats on the table basically codifies the industrialization of their Nuclear Program. Ifill but the committees top democrat, marylands ben cardin, who said hed not yet made a decision on the agreement, said progress had been made. There were many rumors during the last couple months of what was going to be in this agreement and how it was going to be weakened from the april framework that in fact have been strengthened since the april framework. Ifill a 60day period for congress to approve or reject the deal began monday; corker said he might try to extend that review period, which would curb tehrans Nuclear Program in return for easing sanctions. Florida republican marco rubio, whos running for president , said that even if the deal survives in congress, it could well be rolled back in the next administration. The Iranian Regime should know this is your deal next president under no obligation to support it majority of congress and people dont support it. Can go away the day president obama leaves office. Ifill beyond capitol hill the Obama Administration already also faces determined critics. An estimated 10,000 people rallied against the agreement in new york city last night. And special Interest Groups have taken to the airwaves. Congress should reject a bad deal. We need a better deal. Ifill today secretary kerry today fought back. Let me underscore, the alternative to the deal that we have reached is not what ive seen some ads on tv suggesting disingenuously. It isnt a better deal, some sort of unicorn arrangement involving irans complete capitulation. That is a fantasy, plain and simple, and our Intelligence Community will tell you that. Ifill the consequences of congressional rejection, he said, would be grave. The result will be the United States of america walking away from every one of the restrictions that we have achieved, and a great big green light for iran to double the pace of its uranium enrichment. Ifill kerry was joined by Energy Secretary ernest moniz and treasury secretary jacob lew, who said walking away from the deal would pose a wider diplomatic problem. Even if one beleived that we would be left with neither a nuclear deal or effective sanctions. Ifill some like Idaho Nuclear deal nor effective ifill but some, like idaho republican james risch, doubted whether iran would keep the promises it made. With all due respect, you guys have been bamboozled and American People are going to pay for that. Ifill but democrat tom udall pushed moniz for clarification on inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency called for in the deal. Well have containment and surveillance for 20 years of all of the sensitive parts of every machine that they make. So people that have used the analogy so like in a drug crime you flush it down a toilet and its gone and we wont be able to find it, thats in fact been proven out hasnt it . If they try that well find it. Ifill also at issue agreements between the International Atomic Energy Agency and iran that would account for irans past military nuclear activities. Republicans have called these side deals, and demanded that the content of those agreements be shared with congress. On his way out of the hearing kerry said they were standard arrangements. There are no side deals, the i. A. E. A. Has a regular process. Ifill in iran, meanwhile, president Hassan Rouhani was also on a mission to sell the agreement, saying in a national tv address that its sends the message to the world that the most difficult and complex International Issues can be resolved through negotiations. Woodruff next, a colorado Birth Control program is losing its funding despite a remarkable track record. Special correspondent Mary Maccarthy has our report from denver. Reporter victoria garcia was just 22, with big career plans when she found out she was pregnant. The news, she said, was jolting. Motherhood wasnt a stage in my life that i was ready for. I was in college. I was focused on school and getting my degree. Reporter garcia said she had wanted to use a longacting Birth Control method, but couldnt afford it. I was in college at the time when youre barely making ends meet with food and rent. And an i. U. D. Or implant costs 500 out of pocket. Its outrageous. Its too much. Reporter garcia had the baby a son, liam, and still managed to graduate from college. She credits her mother and husband for helping her. But theres Something Else she says that has been critical for her success. The day i got my i. U. D. Placed, the midwife handed me this card and said victoria, you dont have to come back until 2022. This i. U. D. Has been life changing. It really has. Reporter it means freedom. Oh my gosh, yes. Reporter garcia received her i. U. D. Through a program called the colorado Family Planning initiative. It is a privately funded effort to give teens and poor women free access to longacting reversible contraception. The program has had remarkable success since it began six years ago. While nationwide, unintended teen pregnancies have dropped by 20 , in colorado they have dropped by 39 , and the abortion rate for teens has dropped by 42 . But the Foundation Money for the initiative was due to end in june, so advocates went to the state legislature asking for 5 million a year to continue it. Republicans who control the senate said no. It puzzles me that they insist they need the public funds when its actually available through the insurance system. Reporter republican state senator Kevin Lundberg says under the Affordable Care act, Insurance Companies must offer free Birth Control so state money isnt needed. He also says state funding cant be used for any device that may cause an abortion. The use of the i. U. D in the eyes of many people is an abortifacient. And colorado law doesnt allow state funding for any purposes of that sort. We have two types of i. U. D. S and a third is about to come out. Reporter but Nurse Practitioner susan keithley, with the Tricounty Health clinics, explained that an i. U. D. Doesnt cause an abortion. It prevents fertilization, and it does so with remarkable effectiveness. The research thats out there on the longacting reversible contraceptives is that theyre 99 effective. So pregnancy rates with our long acting contraceptives are less than 1 . Reporter and these are not your mothers i. U. D. S. Todays versions are far different than the ones that caused disease and even infertility in the 1970s. Last fall the American Academy of pediatrics cited their efficacy, safety and ease of use and said they should be considered a first line option for adolescents. But they are expensive and even after passage of the aca, many Insurance Companies are still charging for some methods of Birth Control. And some women, its estimated about 5 , still dont have insurance because they cant afford it yet they dont qualify for medicaid. Thats the case for College Student shelby ingle, who came to Tricounty Health two years ago. If you had come in and they said there was a cost of 400, would you have been able to afford it . Theres no way. I was working at a papa murphys making minimum wage. That would have been a months paycheck almost. Reporter nurse keithley is disappointed with the legislatures decision and says her clinic cant afford to offer i. U. D. S without the extra funding. I think its going to be a tough year ahead. Especially with our clients who have benefited from the program and are due to have their devices replaced or renewed. When they come in, were going to have to say im so happy its worked so well for you, but im sorry, we only have these limited options for you now. Reporter have you been surprised at the success . I was surprised. Reporter dr. Larry wolk heads the Colorado Department of public health. He says its shortsighted for lawmakers to focus on the cost, when they should be looking at the benefits. We have data that says young women who have unintended pregnancies have a higher risk of suffering medical complications, they have a higher risk for living in poverty. The children born to these women have a higher risk for medical conditions. Not to mention the cost to the public assistance programs, whether its medicaid or food stamps or wic. Weve demonstrated theres been a decrease in the amount of public services, as a result of making these i. U. D. S and implants available. If the promoters of this initiative are convinced that this has continue, that i would urge them to do what 100,000 well thousands of other organizations do look for private money. They should do the same thing. Reporter that frustrates victoria garcia who says helping poor young women with long acting Birth Control should be an obligation of the state. It transforms womens lives. Having a longterm Birth Control method buys you time. Time to finish your goals. Time to finish your school, if thats what youre doing. Reporter advocates say theyre trying to find private funding to continue the program into the new year, but then they will once again lobby the legislature for a longterm financial solution. For the pbs newshour, im Mary Maccarthy in denver. Ifill also ahead on the newshour making sense of trends before they take off. A critically acclaimed new book on being black in america. And, chef alice waters on inspiring young people to cook. Woodruff this week marks the 25th anniversary of a milestone civil rights bill signed into law the ada, or americans with disabilities act. Its legacy continues to grow, yet formidable problems and discrepancies remain a daily part of life in the u. S. We explore those challenges, but first, a bit of background on some of the accomplishments. With todays signing of the landmark americans with disabilities act every man woman, and child with a disability can now pass through once closed doors into a bright new era of equality, independence, and freedom. Woodruff on a clear summer day 25 years ago president george h. W. Bush signed into law equal protection of civil rights for americans with a disability. The landmark bill prohibits employment discrimination and guarantees access to Public Places restaurants, hotels and most critically, to public transportation. Over 56 millions americans have some type of disability. Over half of them a severe disability. The law has succeeded in many ways. Its put ramps on public buildings, created access to health care, fought housing discrimination, and opened Important School doors. Fred weiner is an assistant Vice President at gallaudet university. For a long time, the only college for students who are hearing impaired. He said access to education has greatly expanded since the ada people who are deaf and hard of hearing have more places to go, they can select a Public College or a private college. They can pick a variety of educational settings. And so its not just access to the classroom, but its learning in a broader sense. Its access to cultural institutions like museums, cultural events, thats really part of the fabric of learning. Woodruff but more education has not always translated into Employment Opportunities 41 of those with a disability and of working age are employed, compared with 79 of those without a disability. Even those who are employed earn on average 37 less than their able bodied counterparts. President obama made note of the disparity at a celebration for the act earlier this week. In some cases, its a lack of access to skills training. In some cases, its an employer that cant see all that these candidates for a job have to offer. Whatever the reason, weve got to do better. Our country cannot let all that incredible talent go to waste. Woodruff while much work to enforce the law remains to be done, Technological Advancements over the past 25 years are creating opportunities where there once seemed no hope. Jason barnes lost part of his arm during a work accident. He was a talented drummer and originally continued playing with a rudimentary prosthetic. After seeing videos of the musical cyborgs robots that collaborate musically with humans created by gil weinberg, a professor at georgia tech university, jason reached out and gil designed a robotic prothesis for him. The arm can drum at 20 hits per second, a speed not humanly possible. So there is one stick that is controlled via emg. So there are muscles in my arm essentially there are signals that pick up the residual muscle signals and so i can control it accordingly, its routed through a computer. And the second stick is actually kind of a mind of its own, it runs off its own computer. It listens to the music and compliments it how it thinks it should be complemented with its own rhythms. Hes the envy of all kinds of heavy metal drummers that would love to have his speed right now. Technology can create all kinds of things for people with leg and arm amputees such as running if youre talking about leg or drumming if youre talking about arms and allow people with disabilities to really exceed and put the line in the sand for us to try and explore that for ourselves. Woodruff and beyond Technological Advancements fred weiner hopes 25 years from now well have achieved much more hopefully well be talking about the president of the United States whos disabled and that nobody thinks anything of it. Woodruff we hear more on all this from three people who have long been involved in the effort to end discrimination Judith Heumann is a longtime activist for those with disabilities and now special advisor for International Disability rights at the state department. Tatyana mcfadden is a wheelchair racer who has medaled in each of the last three paralympics including winning three gold medals in the 2012 paralympics in london. And u. S. Representative jim langevin of rhode island is, among his other duties, cochair of the bipartisan disabilities caucus. We welcome all three of you to the program. Tatiana, to you, first the a. D. A. Was already the law of the land when you tame to the United States at age 6 from russia. How has it made a difference in your life do you think . I really have to thank the people who came before me and who made a. D. A. Possible. I have the right to an education. I graduated recently from the university of illinois. Im going to get my masters program. But the most important way the a. D. A. Took part was when i was in high school. Coming back from athens in 2004, i was a paralympics medalist. I wanted to be part of the High School Track team. They denied me the right to a uniform, said i could run with my own kind and wouldnt allow me to participate in high school sports. We took action and filed a lawsuit with no money. Because of the a. D. A. , we could sue and i thanked the a. D. A. For that. Woodruff id made a huge difference for you. Judith heumann how has it made a difference for you . Im 64. I had polio in 1949 right after president roosevelt died. When i was growing up i was denied the right to go to school because i used a wheelchair. I only had a teacher who came two and a half hours a week until i was nine years old and went to universities but they were very inaccessible. Now i work at the state department, as you said, and i go to work every day on an accessible bus. I take the train home frequently. I fly on airplanes. I can get on trains to get up the east coast and travel around the world where conditions are not as good as here. Woodruff congressman langevin, you wrote an article this week which, among other things you for all the accomplishments of the a. D. A. , its promise has not been fulfilled. What did you mean by that . Well, first of all, i wanted to say that the americans with disabilities act has had an impact on my life. I was injured about ten years before the a. D. A. Passed, so i remember what the world was like before a. D. A. Was passed and after it was enacted. Clearly, its broken down barriers and obstacles and has open doors for people with disabilities. But there is still much more work to be done. Itit has also changed the psychological barriers that existed before the a. D. A. Was passed, and it really is the civil rights law of our time. But we have more work to do in terms of providing real Employment Opportunities for people with disabilities. There is still too many people with disabilities that are unemployed. Approximately 34 among the people that would have the disability that have jobs, theres so much more work to do there. Transportation, making that truly accessible and easy to access, still we need more work to do. Accessible transportation is not abundant, where it needs to be for people with disabilities. Affordable housing, accessible housing is another area where we have more work to do. Woodruff let me turn to you on that tatyana. How do you see the psychological barriers out there whether to employment or education. What do you see . I believe there is more work to be done and i believe its my generations turn to take over and to help and to say that people with disabilities should be employed and we see the change coming, but i see the change will be definitely in the future. Woodruff what do you think is holding it back . The president said sometimes it may be discouragement on the part of those with disabilities. Maybe theyre not going after some of the jobs they could get. I think its just education and talking about disability. Disability is part of who i am and its just sharing that with the public and saying i can do this, this is what i can do and this is how i do it and showing the public that. Woodruff judith, how about the question of employment, lack of employment for people who are ablebodied . They say its too much to waste. So many people stopped looking for jobs because of bad experiences, but many are looking for jobs and are not being given equal opportunities. So i think right now the president has an initiative to get the federal government to be employing more disabled people, and now we have about 13 of the federal workforce are people with disabilities and i think quite frankly having disabled people in the workforce also, we reach out to other people we feel are qualified to get them to apply for jobs. So the state department, weve definitely en an increase in the number of individuals who have disabilities and the numbered of disabled individuals who are willing to disclose they have them. Woodruff what is stopping employers sometimes from hiring someone with a disability . Well again, back to what i said earlier is there may be a bit of fear about what it means to have a reasonable accommodation, what does that mean, and there are some people who think there are extraordinary measures that have to be gone through to employ somebody with a disability. Thats not what the a. D. A. Requires. Reasonable accommodations what its all about. I would also say that perhaps people with disabilities, theres a fear factor of not wanting to go out to find a job because theyre afraid theyre going to lose their longterm or shortterm Community Supports things like p. C. A. S and such. There has been woodruff p. C. A. Meaning personal care attendants. Woodruff oh. Also fear of losing health care. There has been progress made on things like the ticket to work program and other programs that help to ensure that people wont lose things like their health care and other supports. So jading people with disabilities so educating people with disabilities that there are opportunities out there and still more work to be done in that area. There are things other than just the financial income somebody may lose by going off of s. S. I. Or s. S. D. I. Woodruff the Social Security benefits youre referring to. Yes. Woodruff to all three of you, what do you want people watching and listening to this to know . People who are ablebodied, who dont have a disability, what should they know about those with disabilities and what you really want . That if you employ somebody someone with a dicialghts i think youre creating a better and more equal world, and its just about showing the possibilities of what can be done. We live in america where that can be done so thats what im hoping to teach people and to show people, that this is all possible, and just to keep moving forward. Woodruff and judy heumann, what about attitudes and how people look at people with disabilities . Things are not going to changeover night. I think the network and the National Organization on disability that are working with Many Employers who say they are interested in employing more disabled people and i think theres going to be data coming out in the near future that have how companies are doing to advance employment. Ultimately, what we want is that society sees us as just a part of society. Thats really is, that they see us as valued members of our communities. Congressman langevin quickly, what do you want people to know about those with disabilities . That people with disabilities are tremendous employees, they have incredible gifts and talents to contribute to accompany a place of business to the world in general and ive often said i still believe people with disabilities, one of the nations greatest untapped resources that we need to tap into, and i know we can make it certainly a better world and again, continued to realize full promise of the americans with disabilities act. That is my goal as a member of congress who i am the first quadriplegic elected to congress and i work with my colleagues to bring down the barriers, open up doors and create job opportunities, and i know we have great support here on the hill and we just need to get the word out to realize the promise of a. D. A. Woodruff congressman jim langevin, Judith Heumann from the state department, Tatyana Mcfadden paralympics gold medalist, we thank you all three. Thank you. Ifill were bombarded with ads every day on tv, online, or just Walking Around the neighborhood. Thats no accident. The ad business spends over 160 billion a year. But even before the ad reaches your smart phone, ad makers are busy spotting trends before they take shape. Economics correspondent paul solman went to california to take a peek at that, for our weekly segment, making sense, which airs every thursday on the newshour. When we talk about trends were cap capturing whats happening in the culture and with human behavior. Companies need to know what to prepare for next says trendmaker d. D. Gordon, on brand building nd new product development. We look for opportunity and space for an opening here for us to create something. The first slight transformation in gordons latest guide to the cutting edge gendered and tethered. A lot of people are talk about gender now. I make my own couture. The next big movement is this idea to move in and out of gender. There is this woman whos an actress on orange is the new black, her name is ruby rose, and she identifies as genderfluid. She has videos posted online where she transforms from being a woman into a man. And institutional america is being to respond to the gender untethered trend. 1500 universities that have gender neutral housing and bathrooms. When you think about Corporate America and h. R. Theyre having to learn and understand a new vernacular like what do you call a person who is a he one day and a she the next . Athas gordon points out products marketed explicitly by gender can put up to half of potential sales at risk. What might a gender untethered product look like . I want to create a physical product to allow you to be fluid. H this doll allows you to change the gender as you like. Were just kind of pushing an idea out there and getting people to think about it differently. Gordon is president of the Innovation Group of sterling brands, part of the omnicon advertising and marketing conglomerate, based in the los angeles building that doubles for a tech firm in the hbo series silicon valley. But to gordon one to have the new trends is antitech, a growing desire for privacy. Isolation, people are feeling overwhelmed by all the data and are trying to find ways of being on the grid while being off the grid. Are you concerned about wireless snooping . Theres a wallet called the block it and allows you to put your device inside this sleeve so there are no signals to get to your device. It helps you maintain your privacy in an ever increasingly wireless world. There is a pair of jeans theyve sewn this material into the pockets. Theres no way anybody can hack the technology. In the near future, there might be a privacy helmet that prevents cameras from capturing the wearers face. The privacy helmet is not a real product. When we support on a trend we like to showcase evidence in the world that brings the trend to life, but we also like to future cast where we think is trend can gordon has been trend spotting since late 90s when she was profiled in the new yorker and later featured in a front line documentary as a cool hunter. People would scour the streets for the next biggest thing and give it to companies. It gets out there and everybody has it. She fakes a longer view. When i do my friend research im looking for a Larger Movement that arent going to quickly go away off. Like technology itself. For example hyperexperiences, people need to be more immersed in products and brands. Virtual reality. Even the culture and the expectation people have when they go to theme park destinations. My favorite part was the heat. Even things happening at home, like an Entertainment System that allows you to have music or any kind of audio playing throughout your house. They have done a partnership with phillips where its now linked to lighting so you can create different moods within your own personal environment. What does that going to mean for the workplace, automotive, for when you go out and eat with your family on a sunday night . A related trend says gordon is life framing, taking pictures of your sunday meal, for example, to post online. That trend is all about the documentation of experiences, how consumers are using photography to frame up these experiences to be able to elevate their status amongst their group of peers on their network. Have you heard of instasham . Its a web site where you can download pictures of any possible scenario, like a wild party or a scene of hiking up a mountain, and post it when people are going to think i did that. And what are the economic implications . Right now consumers are more interested in experience than products. They want to be able to interact with other people. They want to be able to feel a connection, they want to be able to meet other people that are likeminded. In phrase, experience over consumption, an example of the trend gordon calls calls fujwa. Consumers are conscious of what theyre spending so they want chings that are cheap but designed to function, last and look really good. Fast fashion products like h m or cause which is a more adult line from h m. And one more final trend from which gordon advices her corporate clients. The backlash, about single living. Against buying in bulk. Correct. If youre a Single Person living in a small apartment with not a lot of storage and capacity, you want to be able to buy just for you. Come to think of it, with baby boomers downsizing as well this could be a trend for young and old alike. This is economics correspondent paul solomon reporting to the pbs newshour from los angeles, california, where i actually was. Woodruff now, another addition to the newshour bookshelf. Ferguson, baltimore, charleston. Just three of the roll call of American Cities where deadly violence has been directed against black citizens this year. Its an issue confronted head on by atlantic magazine columnist Tanehisi Coates in his newest book, between the world and me. He talked recently with Hari Sreenivasan in our new york studios. Tony morrison who knows something about literature says this is required reading. In america, it is tradition toll destroy the black body. It is heritage. What does that mean . Thats a statement of history. The africanamerican presence in this country begins roughly by the time this countrys deep history began, 1619. After that, we had 250 years of enslavement. After that, we had 100 years of jim crow. Jim crow was enforced through violence, through destruction of black bodies, lynching mass murder and terrorism up until this very day. Were in this era now where we have police forces, you know who are in our communities and we, you know, seems like every week get a shooting or somebody beaten up or somebody as with sandra bland, somebody who dies under mysterious circumstances and we accept this in a normal way of doing business. We think that it is okay to have the Worlds Largest prison population, and we think its okay that one particular ethnic group is more in that population, prisons are violent incarceration is violent, bodies are destroyed in prison. Theres no way to get around it. Reporter you write this as a letter to your 14yearold son almost as a guide to figure out how to protect his body. You had a passage where he waited up for the decision on the Michael Brown case and he went to his room and started crying. Whats interesting is your response wasnt to tell him it would be okay. What did you say . I told him it wont be okay. I said, this is what it is. This is your country. You, frankly, have to get used to a lot more of this and you have to figure out how youre going to live. Thats your charge. Sreenivasan youre an amazon best seller. Thats positive. Were you expecting negative pushback as well . Not like ive got. As a writer, i was thinking about i just wanted it to work. Somehow, i was not prepared it required me to shift away from the internal process of a writer and examine things externally. Sreenivasan david brooks was one of the first critiques that came out and he said you distort history, that its unfair to look at america through just the lens of violence, that for every kkk, there is a Harlem School zone that the American Dream is what binds people across race across caste and class. Well, you know, i appreciate david actually reading the book and him engaging in the book and writing a column about that, not just sort of ignoring it. But i strongly disagree with that. The harlem childrens zone is a fairly new thing. There isnt one at a fairly unique level in the investments of lives of young black people. Across time, the ku klux klan is the most lethal Domestic Terrorist Organization in history. Thats what they are. They have marked our history for the past 150 years. I believe the harlem childrens is only about ten or 15 years old. I dont think that comparison works. For every Jefferson Davis theres an Abraham Lincoln. No, Abraham Lincoln was singular. He made a stand against white spremsy. Theres not another president as progressive that made that stand for probably another hundred years, dills regarding ulysses s. Grant. Jefferson davis is quite normal regretly across american history. So i disagree with that. Sreenivasan at what point does personal responsibility play into this . I am for personal responsibility. I think theres plenty exhibited by black people across history. Were about as responsible as everybody else. Its the weight on our shoulders is whats actually different. We have the weight and burden of history. How long are we content to have sandra bland a situation in which she was stopped for failing to signal for a turn. How long are we okay with freddie gray basically dying for living in the wrong neighborhood . I cant be okay with it. Sreenivasan whats the possibility in the future . Lets say you get this, you read the book, you understand it, you become at some level more aware. Its humility. I dont think america is especially bad. Theres no country i expect to go to and find people who are somehow better, where we dont have to be a world where we look out in west baltimore and see someone burn down a cvs and are shocked that happen and it sprang out of nowhere, where we see people on the streets of ferguson who are totally upset and takes the Justice Department report to realize the government was basically plundering those people. Sreenivasan why do you think this is happening, this conversation about race in America Today . Its been on the backs of tragedy after tragedy after tragedy a right . Two things are happening, one thing, during the civil rights movement, there was a technological leap. The kind of violence you saw was not typically remarkable in history for black people. The news cameras were there to carry it across the world all of a sudden. You have the revolution of cameras everywhere. People having the ability to show people a Police Officer shooting walter scott in the back. The africanamerican president , having the leader of the free world be black. The president has been called upon to respond to this stuff and theres been so much that as an africanamerican he would respond and have more insight in the way someone else wouldnt and that ramped up everything. Sreenivasan between the world and me. Thanks for joining us. Thank you so much. Ifill now, another in a series of interviews were calling brief but spectacular. Tonight we hear from alice waters, the chef and owner of the famed chez panisse restaurant in berkeley california. Shes a pioneer in the movement for a food economy that she says can be good, clean and fair. Here, waters talks about the benefits of working in the kitchen, and how to inspire young people to grow and cook their own food. When you eat fast food you not only eat the food that is unhealthy for you, but you digest the value that comes with that food. Theyre really about fast, cheap and easy. Its so important that we understand that things can be affordable but they can never be cheap, because if theyre cheap somebodys missing out. The fast food culture tells us that, you know, cooking is not something important, and it can be in the basement, it can be in the back, when, in fact, its the most important work that we do. Ido. I think it is the unrealistic value of a fast food culture that are really making us very unhappy, that were all going a little crazy. We spend as much searching for our cell phone than we do preparing a meal. I think that the very best way to teach slowfood values in a fastfood culture is through edible education. So i created a project called the Edible School yard. Our Public School system is our last truly democratic institution. Its the one place where we can reach every child. The idea is to bring them into a new relationship to food and agriculture and theyre learning about history of a foreign country, and theyre cooking the food of that place. Probably the greatest lesson ive learned from the Edible Schoolyard project is that, when children grow food and they cook it, they all want to eat it. Im alice waters and this is my brief but spectacular take on edible education. Woodruff and you can see m woodruff you can see more brief but spectacular takes on breaking barriers, racism poetry, and more. Those are on our website, pbs. Org newshour. Ifill finally tonight our newshour shares of the day. Something that caught our eye which might be of interest to you, too. Heres a look 11yearold Logan Fairbanks of michigan is having a blast in washington, d. C. This week touring the mon nentsments, getting vip treatment at restaurants, even a visit to the white house. School. I hope that he does ifill it happened after logan read an internet comment people posted ability him on the video. I hope people dont bully other people online anymore and that this helps. Ifill it went viral and caught the eye of senior white house advisor Valerie Jarrett who tweeted with logan to stop by the white house if he was ever in washington. He took her up on that offer. We caught up with him in congressman fred uptons office to ask him how it went. I really cant explain it. Happy. I was happy that i got to go there, but i always know that i didnt make the video for the awards. I made it for the messages. Ifill the message stop cyber bullying, and he wants that to go viral, too. You can learn more about take the power, an antibullying initiative that logan started with his father, online, at takethepower. Org. Woodruff on the newshour online, in anticipation of the release of a longlost dr. Seuss manuscript next week we compiled a list of eight things you probably didnt know about the green eggs and ham writer. For example, did you know he wrote that book on a bet . Read about that, and seven other facts, on our home page, pbs. Org newshour. Ifill later this evening, tune in to charlie rose, for his conversation with New York Times columnist tom friedman on the Iran Nuclear Deal. Woodruff and thats the newshour for tonight. On friday, well talk with comedian aziz ansari about his im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. Join us online, and again here tomorrow evening with mark shields and david brooks. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org this is nightly Business Report with Tyler Mathisen and sue herera. Earnings surprise amazon turns an unexpected profit, its stocks soar in after hours trading, making it a more valuable company than walmart, General Electric and jpmorgan. Charge it thats what most people did last quarter. Why china may no longer be the driver of global growth. And why that has some of the worlds biggest American Companies on edge. All that and more tonight on nightly gizBusiness Report for thursday july 23rd. Good evening, everyone im sharon epperson. Welcome one and all. What an evening for amazon

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