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>> new cbs polling on how voters see the candidates now. the president with his family at camp david after a weekend of fund-raising. we'll have the latest. also tonight, police in utica, new york, release new body cam video after the fatal police shooting of a 13-year-old boy. >> drop it! >> i'm michael george in utica, where the community is demanding answers about the actions of the officers. powering up. hurricane beryl takes aim with life-threatening force. the race in the caribbean to get ready. plus, how weather could impact your fourth of july getaway. a record number of americans taking to the roads and packing planes. >> i'm adam yamaguchi at the los angeles international airport, where they are bracing for potentially record-breaking crowds. and later, a sweet discovery at george washington's mount vernon home. >> they seem pretty well preserved to you? >> the cherries are incredible. >> we take a trip back in time ahead of america's 248th birthday. >> announcer: this is the "cbs weekend news" from new york with jericka duncan. good evening and thank you for joining us on this sunday. we are following several developing stories happening right now, including hurricane beryl powering up the caribbean to a dangerous category 4 storm and severe weather that could affect millions of americans traveling this holiday week. but we begin tonight with new concerns about president biden's re-election campaign after his first debate for 2024. in a cbs news poll out today, it finds nearly three-quarters of registered voters now say mr. biden should not be running. cbs's skyler henry is at the white house and leads us off tonight. skyler, good evening to you. >> reporter: hey, jericka. good evening. it's not encouraging among democrats either as nearly half of those polled say he shouldn't remain the nominee. the biden campaign says it's full steam ahead and is focused on reminding voters about the choice between him and former president trump. democrats are hitting several swing states and the airwaves, telling their voter base to stay the course following president biden's debate performance. >> the president had a difficult night just like every single one of us do. but i think that we know that when we get knocked down, we get back up. >> reporter: however, maryland congressman jamie raskin says rigorous talks within the party are taking place. >> we're having a serious conversation about what to do. one thing i can tell you is that regardless of what president biden decides, our party is going to be unified. >> reporter: democrats called the debate bad for both presumptive nominees, critical of trump's lies and embellishments, though just released cbs news polling shows 46% of registered democratic voters think president biden should not run, up 10% in four months. >> i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul i can do this job. >> reporter: the biden/harris campaign says it's instead highlighting moments like the president on the trail in north carolina, as they're characterizing the race as a binary choice. republicans say it's an easy decision. >> everyone is talking about should joe biden stay in the race. that's never happened in our history. it was such a dominant performance by president trump in this debate. >> reporter: tonight, president biden is at camp david with his family to celebrate the 4th. his campaign says the money keeps rolling in, raising $33 million since the debate. >> skyler, something else worth noting. tomorrow the supreme court is set to issue that landmark decision on whether presidents are granted a degree of immunity from criminal prosecution. how do you think that will impact this 2024 race? >> reporter: yeah. how the justices respond could determine not only whether the criminal charges against the former president can stick, but also whether a trial against him could happen before the general election. if it came to that, special counsel jack smith could try to launch a trial in september or october at the earliest, weeks before voters head to the polls. jericka. >> all right. skyler henry for us at the white house, thank you. tonight the new york state attorney general's office is investigating the police shooting death of a 13-year-old boy in utica, new york. michael george is there as the boy's family and community are demanding answers. michael. >> reporter: well, jericka, right now community members are meeting with the mayor here. there are also newly released body camera videos from the three officers involved. we want to caution some viewers may find these disturbing. utica police say they stopped this 13-year-old and another teen friday night because they matched the description of robbery suspects. >> can i just pat you down and make sure you got no weapons on you? >> reporter: the teen runs. police say he pointed what looked like a gun at officers. >> got a gun! >> reporter: it was later confirmed to be this pellet gun, police say designed to look like a glock with a detachable magazine. one officer wrestles the teen to the ground and punches him. another officer fires. >> oh, m god! joe, he just -- he just shot him. >> reporter: the teen, identified as nyah mway, died at the hospital. this witness, who asked us to hide her identity, recorded the video of the incident. >> from what you witnessed, do you believe the officer was justified in shooting? >> no. no. that's somebody's baby, and he didn't fight back even when y'all laid him on the ground and was punching on him and stuff. that boy didn't fight back. >> reporter: the officers are on paid leave pending an investigation to see if they followed protocol. after the shooting, officers performed chest compressions. initially, there's confusion about who was shot and who fired. >> i don't know if he shot me. >> check him. body check him. >> are there any more shots? >> just one shot. it was me. >> reporter: mway was a refugee from myanmar and a part of the karen ethnic minority. at a vigil saturday night, community members prayed for mway and demanded justice. and karen community leaders are condemning the actions of utica police, calling it excessive force. the new york attorney general's office is investigating. jericka. >> michael george in utica, thank you. overseas now to france where voters turned out in big numbers to cast ballots in a snap parliamentary election with the far right leading in round one of voting. that's a rebuke to the centrist government of french president emmanuel macron. a final round of voting takes place next sunday. today in israel, thousands of ultra orthodox jews took to the streets to protest conscription. israel's supreme court recently ended their exemption, ruling young religious men must enlist for military service. there's also new concern tonight about the conflict between hamas and israel expanding to include hezbollah and lebanon. cbs's imtiaz tyab is in tel aviv and has the very latest on that. imtiaz. >> reporter: jericka, good evening. gaza's health ministry says around 40 palestinians have been killed in a series of strikes over the past 24 hours as the israeli military pushes ahead with a now days-long offensive against hamas in a gaza city neighborhood. israeli forces on the advance, seen here in shujayea in eastern gaza city. four days ago, israel sent reinforcements back into the area to target what's been described as hamas gunmen and infrastructure above and below ground. at least two israeli soldiers have been killed in the fighting. so, too, have several palestinians. some of the dead and injured have been taken here to one of the last semi-functioning hospitals in the central city of deir al balah, where this young man didn't make it. >> so this lung is normal lung. >> reporter: also in deir al balah is dr. mohammed subeh, an e.r. doctor from california now on his second humanitarian mission to the gaza strip, who we reached over a bad line. >> and the volumes of patients that are coming in have increased dramatically compared to my prior mission. you can tell people are hungry, people are malnow nourished just by looking at skin on bones. this can be stopped now. >> reporter: earlier this week, we traveled with the u.s. military to the $230 million humanitarian pier off the coast of gaza. since becoming operational in mid-may, it's been plagued with problems, only functioning as it's meant to for around 18 days. in that time, over 8,000 metric tons of aid, or around 500 truckloads, had made it in, the same amount that would normally have gone into gaza in a single day before october 7th. and the temporary floating pier was yet again dismantled this weekend because of bad weather, jericka, with a pentagon spokesperson saying it's unclear when or if it will ever be reinstalled unless aid agencies can reach an agreement to distribute the supplies to those who so desperately need it. >> imtiaz tyab, thank you for your reporting. to the caribbean now, where beryl, the first hurricane of the 2024 season, has intensified into a powerful and dangerous category 4 storm. in barbados, people there are getting ready for a direct hit. let's check in with meteorologist andrew kozak from our cbs station in philadelphia. >> yeah, jericka. we are witnessing history in the making as hurricane beryl becomes the first category 4 hurricane to ever form in the atlantic in the month of june. so now we're watching it with max winds of 130 miles per hour, making its way toward the windward islands. by the end of the upcoming week, it does have its eyes set on the yucatan. currently, no threat of u.s. landfall. we are looking at travel conditions this week with dry conditions out west, storms in the midwest, showers in the south, but beautiful up toward the northeast. meantime, the storms will start to develop in the ohio valley as we head toward wednesday. for the july 4th holiday, hot, especially in the south, and the midwest will continue to see triple-digit heat. for the upcoming weekend, we have dry conditions out west. stormy, though, in the east. jericka. >> andrew kozak, thank you. as andrew just mentioned, americans this weekend are clearly on the go. aaa reports that nearly 72 million people are expected to be on the move this holiday weekend. cbs's adam yamaguchi is at l.a.x. with more on some record-setting travel numbers there. adam. >> reporter: good evening, jericka. so things are relatively quiet right now, but nearly a million people are expected here at l.a.x. over the next few days as travelers make their holiday getaway. the holiday travel rush is on at l.a.x. and airports across the country, with long lines at tsa checkpoints and ticket counters. >> it's annoying, but it's like we kind of expected that it was going to be this bad. >> reporter: this summer surge of travelers has tsa screening passengers in record numbers. six of their busiest days in its history have been this june. record crowds are also expected this coming wednesday, july 3rd. air travel is up 7% from last fourth of july. helping to pack those planes, ticket prices that are about 18% lower than a year ago. >> we got ours, like, two or three months ago, so i wouldn't say they were too bad. >> reporter: aaa forecasts that most americans, close to 90%, will travel by road this holiday. these trips cost californians the most, with gas at an average of $4.80 a gallon. but overall, prices are down about six cents. navigating traffic, weather, and airport crowds can be stressful, but for many, the final destination justifies the travel headaches. >> our trip out here was really nice, and things weren't too crowded. and we spent a few days in l.a. at the beach, and now we're heading back home. >> reporter: with so many traveling this week, aaa expects another mad rush next sunday, when all those millions of americans head back to work. jericka. >> we say it all the time. you just have to have patience. adam yamaguchi, thank you. a surprise appearance this weekend in britain. coldplay headlined the glastonbury festival for a record fifth time with a little help from michael j. fox. fox, who has parkinson's disease, played guitar with coldplay from his wheelchair. front man chris martin hailing fox their hero. straight ahead on the "cbs weekend news," crowds celebrate pride month from coast to coast. and in florida, forget the ice. panther fans celebrate their first championship. we'll take you there. and later, the surprise find dug up at one of america's most historic places. stay with us. with us. 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>> this is a once-in-a-lifetime discovery. it's extraordinarily rare. >> reporter: along the potomac river at george washington's mount vernon estate, archeologists were working on an expansion of the historic site, which was a major plantation once tended by enslaved people. and their jaws dropped when they found these -- nearly three dozen dirt-covered glass bottles buried 250 years ago beneath washington's home. inside, well preserved, still intact cherries and berries from the washington plantation like they picked for baking or booze-making, marinating for a quarter of a millennium in water inside the bottles caked in clay. >> they seem pretty well preserved to you? >> the cherries are incredible. >> reporter: mount vernon director doug bradburn says the bottles were undisturbed, covered just years after their burial by flooring for a cellar during an expansion of the estate in the 1700s. >> it's extraordinary. to find these under the floor. i mean this is under a paved floor in washington's cellar, and so they were completely forgotten at the time. but there they are laid out like a mini regiment. >> these are real survivors, but it's also a testament to the way that they were preserved by the enslaved folks that did this entire process. >> reporter: archaeologist jason booughs says an enslaved woman named doll oversaw the estate's kitchen. >> we think of her as one of the first early american cooks. >> reporter: boroughs says they dropped a scope camera into the bottles before using gentle suction devices and narrow spoons to remove the cherries. >> these have been preserved for over 250 years. >> that's them right there. >> we certainly didn't want to damage them now. >> reporter: just 15 miles outside the nation's capital, washington's home has been a draw to hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, who trek to see the artifacts of america's first president. >> mount vernon's been a pilgrimage site for americans since george washington was alive. these authentic things can really connect people to the past in a way that helps your imagination. >> reporter: operators of the historic site hope to preserve and put some of this on display by america's 250th birthday, july 4th, 2026. a fitting honor for the man who not only famously chopped down a cherry tree but founded a nation. scott macfarlane, cbs news, mount vernon, virginia. that is the "cbs weekend news" for this sunday. i'm jericka duncan in new york. from all of us here, we thank you for watching. have a good night. now at 6:00, celebrating pride month in style. we'll take you to this year's parade in san francisco. and plus hot weather is on the way. the push from south bay firefighters to avoid lighting illegal fireworks. a new boba shop in concord, but the shop's owner is not getting the warmest welcome from local law enforcement. live from the studios of san francisco, i'm brian hackney. >> i'm andrea nakano. the streets of san francisco were filled with pride today. >> reporter: lots of people and rainbow flags lined the street this afternoon. kelsi thorud was there. >> reporter: well, it is one of the most joyful days of the year here in san francisco. of course, it is the annual pride parade and thousands of people have packed into downtown san francisco for this parade. we talk to people in the parade as well as spectators about what this event means to them. with the revving of their engines and the honkin

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Stake , Stern Grove , Fans , Music , Kind , Conclusion , U S , Spirit , News , Genre , Album , 6 , 00 , Joe Biden , Race , Conversation , Democrats , Voter Concerns , President , Cbs , Voters , Utica , Utica Police , New York , Weekend , Family , Video , Polling , Latest , Candidates , Fund Raising , Camp David , Body Cam , 13 , Officers , Community , Boy , In Utica , Michael George , Actions , Answers , Aim , Hurricane Beryl , Weather , Planes , Caribbean , Los Angeles International Airport , Adam Yamaguchi , Force , Record Number , Getaway , Roads , Fourth Of July , Cherries , Mount Vernon Home , Crowds , George Washington S , Sweet Discovery , Cbs Weekend News , Jericka Duncan , Birthday , Announcer , 248 , Storm , Millions , Evening , Stories , 4 , Debate , Cbs News , Campaign , Concerns , Poll , Re Election , Quarters , 2024 , Three , Reporter , Skyler Henry , Skyler , Mr , Shouldn T , White House , Polled , Swing States , Trump , Nominee , Choice , Steam , Airwaves , Voter Base , Party , Course , Jamie Raskin , Debate Performance , One Of Us , Edo , Talks , Maryland , One , Place , Thing , Nominees , Embellishments , Lies , Critical Of Trump , 46 , Four , 10 , Job , Trail , All My Heart And Soul , North Carolina , Harris , Binary Choice , History , Everyone , 4th , Decision , Stay , Performance , Republicans , Money , Presidents , Degree , Landmark Decision , Immunity , Prosecution , Supreme Court , Rolling In , Something Else Worth , 3 Million , 33 Million , Trial , Justices , Charges , Election , Jack Smith , Polls , New York State Attorney General S Office , Police Shooting Death , Community Members , Videos , Body Camera , Mayor , Viewers , Meeting , Gun , Robbery Suspects , Description , Runs , Weapons , Teen , Ground , Officer , Officer Fires , Pellet Gun , Glock , Magazine , God , Joe , Witness , Hospital , Identity , Nyah Mway , The Incident , Shooting , Somebody , Leave , Punching , Stuff , Baby , Investigation , Protocol , Boy Didn T Fight Back , Confusion , Shot , Shots , Body , Chest Compressions , Part , Saturday Night , Justice , Minority , Refugee , Community Leaders , Mway , Myanmar , France , Numbers , Ballots , Snap , New York Attorney General S Office , Thousands , Voting , Rebuke , Government , Israel , Emmanuel Macron , Ultra Orthodox Jews , Israel S Supreme Court , Men , Streets , Concern , Conflict , Military Service , Exemption , Hamas , Conscription , Palestinians , Imtiaz Tyab , Series , Strikes , Gaza , Health Ministry , Lebanon , Hezbollah , Tel Aviv , 40 , Forces , Offensive , Neighborhood , Advance , Gaza City , Israeli Military , Shujayea , 24 , Reinforcements , Fighting , Infrastructure , Area , Gunmen , Soldiers , Two , Oman , Some , City , Hospitals , Dead , Injured , Deir Al Balah , Doctor , Mission , Dr , Lung , Line , Volumes , Patients , California , E R , Mohammed Subeh , People , Skin , Have , Bones , Malnow Nourished , Pier , Problems , Coast , Military , Mid May , Metric Tons , 30 Million , 230 Million , 8000 , 18 , It , Amount , Aid , Truckloads , October 7th , 500 , 7 , Reporting , Supplies , Spokesperson , Agreement , Aid Agencies , Pentagon , Hurricane , Snow , Season , Hit , Barbados , History In The Making , Station , Andrew Kozak , Category , Philadelphia , Atlantic , Way , Landfall , Winds , Threat , Eyes , The End , Windward Islands , Yucatan , 130 , Storms , South , Conditions , Northeast , Showers , Midwest , Ohio Valley , Least , Heat , Go , Stormy , Aaa , July 4th , 72 Million , Things , Travel Numbers , Move , A Million , Country , Holiday Travel Rush , Travelers , Ticket Counters , Lines , Airports , Checkpoints , Holiday Getaway , Tsa , Record , Record Numbers , Summer Surge , Screening Passengers , Bad , July 3rd , Wednesday July 3rd , 3 , Six , Air Travel , Ticket Prices , Most , Holiday , Trips Cost , Traffic , Road , Californians , Prices , Average , Gallon , Gas , Airport Crowds , 90 , 4 80 , 80 , Home , Things Weren T , Trip , Many , Beach , Travel Headaches , Final Destination , Patience , Appearance , Mad Rush Next Sunday , Britain , Help , Fox , Parkinson S Disease , Wheelchair , Hero , Michael J Fox , Coldplay , Glastonbury Festival , Front , Chris Martin , Pride Month , Panther Fans , Championship , Florida , Ice , Coast To , Places , Vo , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Maintenance Options , Prescribed Entyvio , Entyvio Pen , 1 , Infection , Symptoms , Risk , Infections , Reactions , Entyvio , Brain Infection , Infusion , Treatment , Sores , Pml , Liver Problems , Relief , Remission , For Real , Will Psoriasis , Psoriasis , Confidence , Piece , Wings , Moderate , Plaques , Psoriasis Control Plaques , Bimzelx , Targets , Adults , Calm Inflammation , 17 , Results , Dose , Skin Fast , Shorts , Freedom , Head To Toe , Dare To Wear Black , 100 , Side Effects , Vaccine , Ability , Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Thoughts , Behavior , Hair , Women , Hair Damage , Dryness , Dermatologist , Frizz , 80 , Moisture , Damage , Wash , Pearls , Weigh , Locks , Pantene Miracle Rescue Deep Conditioner , Herbs , Combination , Iberogast Bloating , Thanks , Stomach , Pantene , Resilient , Migraine , Qulipta , Power , Nature , Spain , Plans , Worry , Didn T , Pill , Attacks , Don T , Migraine Feeling , Frequency , Look At Me Now , Cgrp , Zero , Pride Parades , Constipation , Sleepiness , Migraine Medicine , Cities , Nausea , New York City , Fire , Escapes , Scaffolding , Fifth Avenue , Greenwich Village , Spectators , Contracting Mpox , San Francisco , Health Officials , Lgbt Community , View , World , Celebrations , Market Street , Public Health , Officials , Pride Month Events , Monkeypox , Celine Gounder , Army Cachero , Mpox , Message , Public Health Outreach Team , Stick It , Need , Ucla , Virus , Countries , Resurgence , Fever , Blistering , Body Aches , 2022 , 23 , Jose Velasquez Didn T , Sleeve , Arm , Fear , Point , Lymph Nodes , Anything , Barriers , Black , Health , Health Care , Repeat , Vaccination Rates , Color , Misinformation , Trust , Scrambling , Keletso Makofane , Neighbors , Summer , Panic , Nick Diamond , Research , Friends , Public Health Advocates , Collaboration , Messaging , Homes , Speed , Thinking , Urgency , Stanley , Hockey Fans , Inflammation , Albuterol Asthma Rescue Inhaler , Rescue , Bit , Dinosaur , Asthma Experts , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Airsupra , Asthma Attacks , Fda , Both , Heart Problems , Breathing , Life , Maintenance Treatment , Asthma Rescue , Denture , Thrush , Age , Discomfort , Heart Disease , Mouth , Superior Hold Plus , Poligrip , Pressure Absording Layer , Bite , Struggle , Power Max Hold Comfort , Dracula , Ldl C , Repatha , Bad Cholesterol , Heart , Statins , Statin , Heart Attack , Repatha Plus , Healthy Diet R , 63 , Signs , Common Cold Symptoms , Back Pain , Injection Site , Trouble Breathing , Flu , High Blood Sugar , Face , Swelling , Swallowing , Runny Nose , Bruising , Sore Throat , Redness , Amyloid Plaques , Brain , Issues , Memory , Buildup , Keys , Visit Morethannormalaging Com , Skyrizi , Il 23 , Intestinal Lining , Control , Everything , Crohn S , Gastroenterologist , Panthers , Championship Parade , Team , Surprise Strike , Victory Lap , Win , Florida Panthers , Fort Lauderdale , Stanley Cup , Oilers , Passengers Scrambling , Maintenance , Workers , Airline , Westjet , Canada , 50000 , 400 , Kevin Costner , Epic , Box Office , Job Offer , Company , Dust , Third , Western , Horizon An American Saga Chapter 1 , Something , Inside Out 2 , Spot , Pixar , 11 Million , 2 , 1 Million , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Kidney Failure , Urinary Tract , Dehydration , Genital , Stop Taking Farxiga , Reaction , Blood Sugar , Perineum , Hundreds , Stilts , Liberty , Car Insurance , Pay , Hot Dog Stand , Liberty Mutual , Hi Honey , Ahhh Ooh , Over The Counter , Eye Disease , Back , Eye Drops , Xiidra , Coming , Prescription , Vision , Eye Irritation , Taste Sensation , Grunt , Dry Eye Disease , 0 , , The One And Only Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Feeling , Finding Psoriasis , Chance , Background , Close Up , Better , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Liver , Changes , Lymphoma , Labs , Cancers , Triglycerides , Tb , Find , Risks , Jak Family , Hiding , Name , One Sotyktu , Jak Inhibitors , Discovery , Fathers , Independence , Virginia , Scott Macfarlane , Caretakers , Riverfront Estate , Father , In A Lifetime Discovery , Mother , Cellar Door , Site , Expansion , Archeologists , Plantation , Enslaved , Mount Vernon Estate , Potomac River , Inside , Jaws , Washington , Berries , 250 , Bottles , Doug Bradburn , Booze Making , Baking , Marinating , Water , Undisturbed , Clay , Cellar , Floor , Estate , Flooring , Burial , 1700 , Survivors , Regiment , Testament , Process , Folks , Archaeologist Jason Booughs , Boroughs , Camera , Devices , Woman , Kitchen , Cooks , Scope , Doll Oversaw The Estate , Gentle Suction , Visitors , Nation , Spoons , Draw , Capital , 15 , Pilgrimage Site , Imagination , Hope , Operators , George Washington , Artifacts Of America S First President , Display , Cherry Tree , Honor , 2026 , July 4th 2026 , Night , All Of Us , Parade , Push , Style , Celebrating Pride Month , Shop , Owner , Fireworks , Firefighters , Boba , Warmest , Law Enforcement , Studios , Concord , South Bay , Brian Hackney , Andrea Nakano , Rainbow , Lots , Pride Today , Street , The Streets Of San Francisco , Kelsi Thorud , Pride Parade , Downtown San Francisco , Event , Honkin , Engines , Revving ,

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