Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703

day, here are tonight's headlines. ♪ ♪ >> we are getting out of here. >> major: at desert late man turns into a massive mud pit, forcing festivalgoers to shelter in place and can serve food and water. >> no one has seen this kind of effect in there, ever. ♪ ♪ >> major: as summer winds down, americans from the midwest to the east face brutally high temperatures. >> it's that september heat, 177 million above 99 degrees today. speak of the convicted killer who escaped from a prison in chester county pennsylvania is still on the run. >> we are doing everything in our power to get this guy. ♪ ♪ >> major: north korean leader at kim jong un talking weapons with a vladimir putin. ♪ ♪ how one airline is cracking down on skid lagging, a popular trick for cheaper flights. we will explain the pros and cons. >> use get blagg to pay less and i ended up paying a lot more. >> at this pennsylvania eye clinic, people are looking at this rescue cats that loves wearing one of her 25 pairs of glasses. >> it's always been my goal that i create a fun and positive memory. major: and remembering an all-star, smash mouth front man steve harel. ♪ ♪ hello, everyone, thank you for joining us, we begin with the delayed exodus from burning man. the culture old festival held on what is a dry and dusty lakebed in the nevada desert. but over the weekend i majored down pour turned the ground into the thick mud. the sub meant like sludge stranding more than 75,000 people and forcing them to shelter in place and can serve food and water. conditions at the makeshift city quickly turned bleak. one death was reported, though there are no details yet on the cause of that death. with the ground so wet, many who tried to leave the area were stuck spinning their wheels were knee-deep in mud. tonight the only road out is finally dry enough for people to slowly start making their way back to civilization. cbs's elise preston leads us all from blackrock desert just outside the camp and all the chaos. elyse, thank good evening. >> reporter: good evening to you, major, we are right outside the camp site and you can see how remote this is. about 140 miles from reno. they may look like ants on your screen, but thousands of cars are snaking through the desert barely moving. >> we are getting out of here. >> reporter: today was finally moving day, but it was a slow slog, tens of thousands attending the event that celebrates being off the grid have been stuck in gridlock. there's just one road to leave the isolated blackrock desert. >> we just spent four hours in line to get out. and the people in line now, they might spend 12 hours. >> reporter: after two months of rain fell in one day, burning man officials warn festivalgoers to shelter in place. not to try to make them a more than 5-mile check out. the mud so thick even large vehicles could not move, and those who chose to walk barefoot risk chemical burns, because the mud is alkaline. >> for me and my husband this is an escape from the hard things, and this is kind of hard. >> many took the risk to leave early, posting as they went including d.j. diplo and comedian chris rock who hiked out and then caught a ride. annual burning man festival attracts artists, free spirits and the counterculture and the wealthy, bringing all of them to the remote to desert to hang out. campouts and practice what organizers call radical self-reliance. >> this is the best burn ever. >> reporter: that has been put to the test as food supplies dwindled in portable toilets cannot be emptied. some may be in survival mode, to others being stranded in the muck is just another experience. >> seriously, like this has given us the opportunity to rise to self reliance and support each other in the community. and i am having the best time. >> reporter: all of this mess was part of a larger storm system that cause flooding and left heavy damage in las vegas, nearly 500 miles to the south. back in the blackrock desert where the city grows out of nowhere every summer for burning man. this year emptying that city is a full-time headache. it could take more than 12 hours to get out of this camp site traffic. organizers are asking people to stagger their departures to help relieve some of this traffic jam. meanwhile, hotels and nearby cities and towns are preparing for an influx of travelers. many are already sold out. major. >> major: it will be a challenge to leave no trace. elise preston, thank you. for half the country, the official end of summer was as hot as mid-july. 170 million americans faltered in temperatures above 90. some with historic high temperatures for september. and cbs's meg oliver reports that heat is impacting the star of the school year. >> reporter: as extreme heat continues to roast new york, fans and players at the u.s. open tennis championship in flushing are trying to cope. >> it is doable when you have a fan. >> reporter: today hit 90, 10 degrees higher than normal. ahead of the first day of school tomorrow, the philadelphia public school district announced early dismissals through wednesday for students who attend schools with little or no ar conditioning. cooling centers are open and washington, d.c., where a hot weather emergency is in effect. 98 degrees has not stopped lee and tammy robbie who came from boise to visit in the national monuments. >> we stop and sit down every once in a while and try to find some shade. the breeze is wonderful if you can get in. >> reporter: the heat stretches from the midwest to the east coast with record-breaking temperatures across five states. people braved the temperatures at the minnesota state fair on sunday hitting a record tying 9r than usual. >> as i feel myself getting too hot, i just make sure we go to the shade and cool down, drink water. >> reporter: more than 1,000 miles away in new jersey, some headed to the shore hoping to find relief in the waves. >> how was the weather down on the shore? >> it was really hot, the waves were nice. >> the waves were crashing. >> reporter: those powerful waves are remnants of hurricane idl yell which is way off shore now, but still creating a high risk of rip currents from the jersey shore stretching all the way to virginia, major. >> major: meg oliver, thank you so much. for more on where the dangerous heat is next, let's bring in chris warren from our partners at the weather channel. chris, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, major, september heat will be building, some sizzling temperatures expected because of this. a big ridge of high pressure is going to be centered over the seven planes, but it is going to expand the temperatures over the next few days will be well into the 90s for the northeast, triple digits in the southern plains including most of texas, the potential for record heat in the northeast includes on wednesday 97 in philadelphia. also watching what is expected to be the next name storm in the atlantic ocean, and we do have to continue to watch where it ultimately goes, more likely to stay away from lands, but still, major, it's too early to say for sure. >> major: we will keep an eye out, chris warren, thank you. police in pennsylvania happy may be closing in on an convicted killer from last week. there were more sightings of danilo kovel can't take over the weekend, people should stay alert. here is marcelo dunn in tow. >> reporter: caught this weekend less than 2 miles from where he escaped. >> we are doing everything in our power to get this guy. people are working around the clock. i understand their fears. >> reporter: police blaring a message from his mother urging him to surrender. they have narrowed their search to a residential area that is deep in the woods closing off roads with access in or out, police say they have responded to well over 100 tips from neighbors in the area. since his estate from the chester county present, cavalcante has been spotted four times in this area outside of philadelphia. >> the fact that this guy is still out there after all of this time is insane. >> reporter: lance lehman came back from his holiday trip early after seeing that surveillance video. >> we want to make sure that everything is clear and he is not hiding in our skirt structure. >> reporter: cavalcante serving a life sentence after he was found guilty of killing his ex-girlfriend in front of her two small children. >> we want it to be over. it has been a really scary couple of days here in the community. >> reporter: how he managed to leave the prison is still under investigation, but this is a second escape since may. >> it's not easy to get across, it's perfect hiding grounds for the ultimate game of hide and go seek. are still working to confirm whether or several home burglaries are connected to cavalcante, major. >> major: marcella baietto, thank you. a meeting between russia and north korea, two's nondispose of the u.s., they have learned that kim jong un and vladimir putin will meet later this month to discuss, among other things, for a supply of weapons for russia's invasion of ukraine. cbs's ed o'keefe has more. >> word of the scheduled meeting between kim j jong un and m has been coming as the biden administration has warned that meetings between korea and russia are advancing. they recently traveled to north korea to try to convince pyongyang to sell all artillery ammunition to russia. after that visit, the u.s. pollutant and kim exchanged letters to increase her bilateral cooperation. they say that to russia and north korea have mutual respect old corporations and contacts are being made at various levels. both russia and china sent delegations to korea in july. to the person visits by top or an since the covid-19 pandemic began in 2020. president biden today ignored shattered questions about a potential arms deal. but the white house has been warning north korea officially known as the democratic people's republic of korea, or dprk not to help russia. >> we urge the dprk to cease its arms negotiations with russia and we will identify, expose, and counter the acquirement to from the dp rk or any other states that are prepared to support its boring ukraine. >> plans for a meeting between kim and, as president biden is said to leave later this week for the g20 swamp land g20 summit before making a visit in vietnam, where major pollutant is not scheduled to attend. >> major: ed o'keefe, thank you so much. leor rios, star pitcher for the los angeles dodgers is out of jail on bail tonight, he is now charged with felony, domestic violence, rios was arrested sunday night near the l.a. soccer stadium where lionel messi was playing, the 2019 the league suspended him for 20 games following the domestic battery arrest. no charges were filed in that case. tonight millions of americans are hitting the roads and skies as the labor day weekend wraps up. tsa expects to screen more than 14 million passengers through% the six-day stretch that ends wednesday. aaa says in international bookings were up 44%, domestic bookings of 4%. if you are looking to avoid congestion, they say tonight is the best time to hit the road. some air passengers avoiding that ticket with a popular tactic called skip lagging. and skipping the last leg of the trip. and now cracking down on this cost-cutting travel hack, and taking the company behind it to federal courts. here's cbs's kris van cleave. >> reporter: cassie and ren thought she saved a couple of hundred bucks on a flight to visit mom using skip lagging, she hosted a city fare to boston with a connection in washington, d.c., her actual final destination. >> the moment i saw my ticket, and they told me to see an agent i was already panicking. and the panic just got worse every step of the way. >> reporter: it got worse, because skipping that last leg violates the terms of service, the rules for flyers agreed to follow when they buy a ticket. just so you know if you do not go to boston, then you will be banned from american airlines forever. >> reporter: american denied to content, but his schooling the ensuing skip lag, saying they are not authorized to buy american tickets and deceives the public with access to some secret loophole, they say that tickets issued by the decade old website are at risk for invalidation. >> airlines will take every step they can to protect their businesses. they don't like the use and abuse of hidden city pairs, they want to stop this while it is a small problem. >> skip lag sued earlier lawsuits, united airlines had its case thrown out. in a statement, they'd tell cbs news, we will be fighting this ridiculous lawsuit until the very end to protect consumer rights to the lowest fares. ultimately cassie aran canceled her fight and booked a direct one to d.c. >> i used skiplagged to pay less and ended up paying a lot more. >> reporter: airlines argue if you book a seat on a flight you don't intend to take it keep somebody else from being able to travel and major, it cost the airlines money. >> major: kris van cleave, thank you very much paired president biden and spent part of the labor day drumming up support for unions and said that he is celebrating good paying union jobs. his comments come as 146,000 union workers wage a historic strike against the nation's big three automakers. the president says that he does not think that strike will happen. returning to work after an extended stay in space. the nasa contracted space capsule successfully splashed down off of the coast of florida just after midnight. the crew spent six months at the international space station, part of the ongoing rotation while on board. the astronauts did experience and maintenance on earth, and the team is looking forward to steaming coffee and hot showers. agenda reveal stunned ends in tragedy in mexico. we wilill have thehe details t ststraight ahehead. oncece-daily. when i i wanted toto see results s fast, rinvoq d delivered rapipid symptom m relief anand helped l 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(s(sfx: familyly screams i n backckground) my name'e's dan and d i live e in s san antonioio, texas. mymy wife magdgda and i hahe beenen married f for 39 year. abouout three oror four yearar, i wawasn't feeliling as if i s as s sharp as i i used to b. i wanteded to try sosomething t was s over-the-c-counter. i sasaw the prevevagen commeme. after r a short amamount of t time takingng prevagen, i stararted noticicing a didifference---- thatat i'm rememembering thi, i'm m rememberining that. i ststopped takiking prevagegd i found mymyself slackcking bk soso i jumped d right backck . i feel as s if it's brbroughte back to o the good ' 'ol day. prprevagen. atat stores evevee without t a prescrcription. >> major: a pilot has died after a g a gender reveal stunnn mexico. video shows the plane releasing pink smoke while flying above the expecting couple and cheering guests over the weekend, but seconds later the plane's left wing appears to collapse, sending the aircraft spinning out of control. the pilot was the only person on board. he died at the hospital. firefighters in southern california rescued a driver who was trapped in a wrecked truck for five days. the driver was in their pickup truck when it plunged off a 100-foot cliff last tuesday. someone finally spotted the wreck in the steep ravine and called 911. a team of first responders formed a human chain and pulled the driver to safety. the singer behind '90s megahit has died. we will remember the iconic lead singer. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: if you can't watch the "cbs evening news" you can listen. subscribe where ever you your podcast. d bad d days, (couough, cough)h) flflare-ups ththat could p permanentlyy damagege my lungs.s. with breztztri, things c changed foror me. breztri gagave me betterer breathingng. startiting within n 5 minute, i noticedd mymy lung funcnction improro. it helped d improve mymy symp, and breztrtri was evenen prn to r reduce flarare-ups,s, inincluding ththose that coululd send me e to the hosos. so now i i look forwrward to more e good days.s. breztri wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer fofor sudden b breathing problems.. itit is not fofor asthma.. tell y your doctoror if you haa hearart conditioion oror high blooood pressurere before t taking it.. dodon't take b breztri moroe than p prescribed.d. breztrtri may incrcrease your k of t thrush, pneneumonia, d osteoporososis. cacall your dodoctor if woword brbreathing, chest t pain, moututh or tonongue swelliling, problemsms urinatingng, visn changes, o or eye painin occ. can't affoford your memedicat? astrazazeneca may y be able to hehelp. ask k your doctotor about brbr. 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Challenge , Leave No Trace , Heat , The Star Of School , Meg Oliver , 90 , 170 Million , Hit 90 , Players , Tennis Championship , Fans , Cope , Flushing , Fan , U S Open , New York , Schools , Dismissals , Students , School , Philadelphia , Ar Conditioning , Cooling Centers , Public School District , 10 , Weather , Boise , Tammy Robbie , Washington D C , Emergency , Monuments , Sit , Lee , 98 , States , Shade , Breeze , East Coast , Minnesota State Fair , 9 , Five , Rapipid Symptom M , Shore , Waves , Drink Water , Cool Down , New Jersey , 1000 , Remnants , Hurricane Idl Yell , Partners , Rip Currents , Jersey Shore , Weather Channel , Virginia , Chris Warren , Ridge Of High Pressure , Planes , Building , September Heat , Seven , Northeast , Record , Most , Potential , Texas , Digits , Southern Plains , 97 , Eye Out , Storm , Lands , Name , Atlantic Ocean , Police , Weekend , Sightings , Danilo Kovel , Clock , Marcelo Dunn , Tow , 2 , Deep In The Woods , Message , Fears , In Or Out , Roads , Times , Fact , Neighbors , Estate , Cavalcante , 100 , Surveillance Video , Skirt Structure , Lance Lehman , Couple , Children , Front , Life Sentence , Investigation , Home , May , Game , Hiding Grounds , Hide And Go , Meeting , Russia , Burglaries , Nondispose , Marcella Baietto , Biden Today , Supply , Ed O Keefe , Invasion , Weapons , Ukraine , Word , Administration , Jong Un , Kim J , Visit , Meetings , Pyongyang , Artillery Ammunition , Pollutant , Contacts , Letters , Cooperation , Levels , Delegations , Corporations , Arms , Warning , Pandemic , Questions , White House , Covid , 19 , 2020 , Arms Negotiations , Acquirement , Expose , President , G20 Swamp Land Summit , Plans , Dp Rk , Leor Rios , Felony , Bail , Jail , Vietnam , Star Pitcher , Los Angeles Dodgers , Case , Lionel Messi , L A Soccer Stadium , Games , Playing , League , Domestic Violence , Charges , Millions , Sunday Night , Domestic Battery Arrest , 2019 , 20 , Bookings , Labor Day Weekend , Aaa , Skies , Tsa , 4 , 14 Million , 44 , Six , Ticket , Skip Lagging , Leg , Air Passengers , Congestion , Tactic , Cassie Aran , Company , Courts , Trip , Travel Hack , Kris Van Cleave , Ren , Flight , Mom , Boston , Agent , City Fare , Connection , Step , Flyers , Panic , Rules , Terms Of Service , Lag , Schooling , Skip , Content , American Airlines , United Airlines , Tickets , Risk , Public , Invalidation , Website , Loophole , Businesses , Problem , Cbs News , Statement , City Pairs , Lawsuits , Abuse , Lawsuit , Fight , Fares , Consumer Rights , Money , Skiplagged , Somebody , Seat , Comments , Support , Unions , Union Workers , Union Jobs , 146000 , Strike , Space , Nation , Stay , Space Capsule , Nasa , Big Three Automakers , Three , Space Station , Coast , Astronauts , Crew , Rotation , Maintenance , On Board , Florida , Earth , Results S Fast , Team , Toto , Agenda , Rinvoq D , Coffee , Showers , Tragedy , Relief Anand , Ends , Thehe , Oncece Daily , Mexico , Rapipid , Ststraight Ahehead , Bathroomom Urgency B , Remimission , Lining , Withth Rinvoq , Repepairing My Colon L , Steroroid , Whwhen Uc , Causused Damamage Rinvoq Q , Uc Trtried , Throuough By V , Laststing , Dr , Seriouous Infectioions , Rinvnvoq , Chance E , Check , Anand Check , Lalasting Stereroid , Skskin Cancer , Cancerers , Colon Linini , Inclcluding Tb , Ababy , Includiding Lympha , Viy Repairir , Fight Infnfections , Fa , Blblood Clots , Doctctor , D , H , Risks , Factor , Peoplele 50 , Tears , Ololder H , Allergicc , Reaeactions Cacan , Dodon T , It Thehere , Put T Uc In Chececk , Intesestines Occucurred , Str , Stoh , Heart Attttack , E Pregna , Keepp , Ririnvoq , 1 , 50 , Youou , Rorosie , P Part , Refund , Busininess Howevever You , How Abbvie , Tax , Rinvoq Anand , Lelet Innovatition Refundsds , Refufd , Ask K , Gastrtroenterologt , See E Fit , Ererc , Allergens , Symptoms , W , Wonderfl Timeme , Yeyear Non Drowsysy Claritinn , Stop Waititing , Ououtdoor Patit , Gogo , 0 , 200 , Life , Tododay Ththe , Feel T , Napap Of My Y , Clarityty Anand , Liveve Claritin N , Papapa , Knknocking Youou , Comingng Out Of Hihibernatn , Hungngry , Wononderful Timie , Yeaear , Cacar Insurancnce , Got Hot D , Thi , Whilile , Dog Buns , Pay , Cooooler , Nonot , H Hittin The Trail , Chcheddar , I Veve , Magdgda , In S San Antonioio , Di Live E , Yearar , Sfx , S Sharp , Mymy , I Wawasn T Feeliling , Er Protected D , Familyly Screams In Backckground , Abouout Three Oror , Allstatate , Me E Roar , Mayhehem , Name E S Dan , 39 , Sosomething T Was S Over The , T Time , Backck , Prevevagen Commeme , Noticicing A Didifference , Thatat , Takingng Prevagen , Takiking Prevagegd , I M Rememberining , Rememembering Thi , Ra Short Amamount , Mymyself Slackcking , It , Pilot , Stores , Ta Prescrcription , Ol Day , The Good , Brbroughte , Prprevagen , Atat , Evevee , Plane , Aga Gender , Cheering , Guests , Video , Smoke , Out Of Control , Stunnn Mexico , Wing , Driver , Person , Firefighters , Truck , Pickup Truck , Hospital , Southern California , Singer , Someone , Responders , Safety , Wreck , Cliff Last Tuesday , Steep Ravine , Human Chain , 90s Megahit Has , 911 , Announcer , Cbs Evening News , Bad D , Podcast , Lead Singer , Couough , Ththat , Mymy Symp , Things C , Me Betterer Breathingng , Startiting , My Lungs S With Breztztri , Noticedd Mymy , Permanentlyy Damagege , Foror Me , Lung Funcnction Improro , Flflare , Breztri Gagave , Breathing Problems , Doctoror , Asthma , Us , Ups , Me E , Conditioion Oror High Blooood Pressurere , Hosos , Reduce , Flarare , Breztrtri , Inincluding Ththose , Sudden B , Haa Hearart , Itit , Inhalerer Fofor , Rescscue , Coululd , Days S Breztri Wowon T Replacace , Look Forwrward , Eye Painin Occ , Dodoctor , Chest , Dodon T Take B Breztri , Prescribed D Breztrtri , Visn Changes , Woword Brbreathing , Moututh , T Pain , D Osteoporososis , T Thrush , Pneneumonia , Problemsms Urinatingng , Tonongue Swelliling , Doctotor , Astrazazeneca May Y , Memedicat , Brbr , Hehelp , Sneezeze , Allergy , Relef Ththat , Stereroid , Astetepro , Bladder , Ovoveractive B , Plalan My S Araround Findiding , Relelief Yoyou , Astepepro , Beeeen There Ii , Otheher Allergyy Spsprays , Unbeaeataby Fast , A Bathrhr , Gog , 30 , 3 , Anand U Don T , Fear , And Ii , Accident , Lifife Back , Embabarrag Bladder , Axoxonics Therarapy , Real Relelief , Th , You U , Lilive , Nonon Drug Solulut , Likike Google , Fo , Isis Right Foror You Anand , Discucuss Potetential Risksks , Go To O Findrealrerelief Com , Axonics Theherapy , Yoyour , Results Anand Experienences , Ask Aa Bladder Spspecialist , Isis , Devie , Duckduduckgo Comeses , May Varyry , Iti , Ads , Tb , Comp , Doesn N T Spy On Y , We M Make Money Y , Ses , Blocki Anand , Ththey Don T F , G Google , Follow You D Jojoin , You Broe Likeke Chrome , Duckckduckgo Letets , There E S No Catchch , Deviceces Toda , Downloadingng Duckducko , Milillions Of P Pee Tataking , Steve Harwell , Ban Manager , Voice , Died Today , Game On Go Play Major , Idaho , Movies , Liver Failure , Song , Shrek , Parrot Heads , Spotify , Grammy , 1 Billion , Sunday , Tributes , Native , Procession , Sound , Global Margaritaville Brand , Key West , Jimmy Buffett , Mississippi , 76 , Kids , Cat , Somewhere , Nod , Hits , Knowing , Portion , 00 , Lolong , Discovover , Longng Live Dreaeams , Kiss Kelly , Treatmenent Optionn , Kiss Kekelly Com , Ononger Wit , Fafamily Tim , Kisqali , Lead , Pill , Aromatase Inhibitor , Yoyou Re L Living Wellll , Women , Preserve Quality , Caususe , Ababnormal Heaeartbeat Which Can N , Life E Soso , Kisqalali , Jusust Livin , Lung Prors , To Dedeath , Skin Reactctions , Doctor , It C , Avoid D , Result , Blood , Cell , Heartrtb , Severe Infefections , Livever Problemsms , Inclcluding Breaeathing Probob , Worsenining Symptomoms , Aa Change In N , Grapefruitit Duduring Treatatment , Mayay , Chest Paiain , Eyeyes , B Breastfeediding , Othther Symptomoms , Infectioion , Arare Or Plan N , Loloss Of Appepetite , Yellolowing , Chihills , Pre , Dizzininess , Abdodomen , Bleedingng , Fever , Tiredndness , Dark Uririne , Woworsening Rar , Bruisingng , Sesevere , Long Live E Hugs And K Ki , Long Live E , Market Events , Market , Alerts , Insights , Decision Tech , Moves , Ask Abouout Kisqali I , We H Have , Fidelity , Moms Whoho , Lolost Our Chihildren , Toto Social Memedia Harms , Polititicians Haveve Fai , Safefety T , Voicece , Joinin Us , Jojoin Us , The Kids O , Workrking , U Us , Lolobbyists , Lelet , Fall L , Keeeep Workingg , Tense Mumusic , My Magagic , Bones C Cracking , Justst One Aleveve , F Aleve E Who Dodo You Take , Uninterrupupd , What D , Freeways , Car , Payay , Whatat , You Need D That S , Stayay , We Alwayays Say , Liberty Mumutual Custotomizes , My Boy , What T You Nee , Sotyktu , Liberty Y , Libertyty , Libeberty , Libererty , First Of Itits , Plplaque Psoririasis , Clear Skskin , Bebeen Lookingng For , Psoriaiasis Treatmtment She , E Feeling Ofof , Almosost , Momoderate , The Feeleling Of F Finding Youour , Fininding Psoririasis , Thehese Thighs S Oncece , Cacan T Deny The Splendodr , Likike , Daily Sototyktu , Anan Infectionon , Don T , Your , Chananges , Abiy , Leadingng Pill , Allerc , Toto Sotyktu , Clclearer Skinin , Yoyou , Sotyktu U , Seririous Reactitions , Fight Infecections Including G Tb , Cances Inclcluding Lympmphoma , Cerertain Las Have O , Oco , Muscle Proroblems , Liver , Skin , Jak I Inhibitors S Find What T , Plaque Psosoriass Hahas , Sotytyktu , Jak Family Y , Kidney , Tyk2k2 , Tyk2 Inhibib , Sotytyu Hahas , Sotyktu Fofor , Hididing , High T Triglyceridides , Vaccicine , Sameme , Asask , Derermatologistst , Child , Eyes , Focus , Jenna , Truffles , Job , Day Job , Tricks , Apple , Loes , Rescue Cat , Beginning , Kids Ambition , Fingers , Vision Issue , Kills , Joella , Sensation , Works , Hope , World , Jan Crawford , All Of Us , Mechanicsburg , Norah O Donnell , Judge Judy , House , Locks , Correct , Pool Table , Junk , Sex , Everything Must Go , 8 , 1200 , Three Hundred , Three Hundred Dollars , Courtroom , Judith Sheindlin , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Michael Holden , Lupita Gutierrez , Eviction , Belongings , Return , Rise , Byrd , Parties , Gutierrez , Calendar , Matter , Ms , Holden Vs , 377 , Mr , Apartment , 2015 , February Of 2017 , 2017 , October Of 2015 , 15 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703

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day, here are tonight's headlines. ♪ ♪ >> we are getting out of here. >> major: at desert late man turns into a massive mud pit, forcing festivalgoers to shelter in place and can serve food and water. >> no one has seen this kind of effect in there, ever. ♪ ♪ >> major: as summer winds down, americans from the midwest to the east face brutally high temperatures. >> it's that september heat, 177 million above 99 degrees today. speak of the convicted killer who escaped from a prison in chester county pennsylvania is still on the run. >> we are doing everything in our power to get this guy. ♪ ♪ >> major: north korean leader at kim jong un talking weapons with a vladimir putin. ♪ ♪ how one airline is cracking down on skid lagging, a popular trick for cheaper flights. we will explain the pros and cons. >> use get blagg to pay less and i ended up paying a lot more. >> at this pennsylvania eye clinic, people are looking at this rescue cats that loves wearing one of her 25 pairs of glasses. >> it's always been my goal that i create a fun and positive memory. major: and remembering an all-star, smash mouth front man steve harel. ♪ ♪ hello, everyone, thank you for joining us, we begin with the delayed exodus from burning man. the culture old festival held on what is a dry and dusty lakebed in the nevada desert. but over the weekend i majored down pour turned the ground into the thick mud. the sub meant like sludge stranding more than 75,000 people and forcing them to shelter in place and can serve food and water. conditions at the makeshift city quickly turned bleak. one death was reported, though there are no details yet on the cause of that death. with the ground so wet, many who tried to leave the area were stuck spinning their wheels were knee-deep in mud. tonight the only road out is finally dry enough for people to slowly start making their way back to civilization. cbs's elise preston leads us all from blackrock desert just outside the camp and all the chaos. elyse, thank good evening. >> reporter: good evening to you, major, we are right outside the camp site and you can see how remote this is. about 140 miles from reno. they may look like ants on your screen, but thousands of cars are snaking through the desert barely moving. >> we are getting out of here. >> reporter: today was finally moving day, but it was a slow slog, tens of thousands attending the event that celebrates being off the grid have been stuck in gridlock. there's just one road to leave the isolated blackrock desert. >> we just spent four hours in line to get out. and the people in line now, they might spend 12 hours. >> reporter: after two months of rain fell in one day, burning man officials warn festivalgoers to shelter in place. not to try to make them a more than 5-mile check out. the mud so thick even large vehicles could not move, and those who chose to walk barefoot risk chemical burns, because the mud is alkaline. >> for me and my husband this is an escape from the hard things, and this is kind of hard. >> many took the risk to leave early, posting as they went including d.j. diplo and comedian chris rock who hiked out and then caught a ride. annual burning man festival attracts artists, free spirits and the counterculture and the wealthy, bringing all of them to the remote to desert to hang out. campouts and practice what organizers call radical self-reliance. >> this is the best burn ever. >> reporter: that has been put to the test as food supplies dwindled in portable toilets cannot be emptied. some may be in survival mode, to others being stranded in the muck is just another experience. >> seriously, like this has given us the opportunity to rise to self reliance and support each other in the community. and i am having the best time. >> reporter: all of this mess was part of a larger storm system that cause flooding and left heavy damage in las vegas, nearly 500 miles to the south. back in the blackrock desert where the city grows out of nowhere every summer for burning man. this year emptying that city is a full-time headache. it could take more than 12 hours to get out of this camp site traffic. organizers are asking people to stagger their departures to help relieve some of this traffic jam. meanwhile, hotels and nearby cities and towns are preparing for an influx of travelers. many are already sold out. major. >> major: it will be a challenge to leave no trace. elise preston, thank you. for half the country, the official end of summer was as hot as mid-july. 170 million americans faltered in temperatures above 90. some with historic high temperatures for september. and cbs's meg oliver reports that heat is impacting the star of the school year. >> reporter: as extreme heat continues to roast new york, fans and players at the u.s. open tennis championship in flushing are trying to cope. >> it is doable when you have a fan. >> reporter: today hit 90, 10 degrees higher than normal. ahead of the first day of school tomorrow, the philadelphia public school district announced early dismissals through wednesday for students who attend schools with little or no ar conditioning. cooling centers are open and washington, d.c., where a hot weather emergency is in effect. 98 degrees has not stopped lee and tammy robbie who came from boise to visit in the national monuments. >> we stop and sit down every once in a while and try to find some shade. the breeze is wonderful if you can get in. >> reporter: the heat stretches from the midwest to the east coast with record-breaking temperatures across five states. people braved the temperatures at the minnesota state fair on sunday hitting a record tying 9r than usual. >> as i feel myself getting too hot, i just make sure we go to the shade and cool down, drink water. >> reporter: more than 1,000 miles away in new jersey, some headed to the shore hoping to find relief in the waves. >> how was the weather down on the shore? >> it was really hot, the waves were nice. >> the waves were crashing. >> reporter: those powerful waves are remnants of hurricane idl yell which is way off shore now, but still creating a high risk of rip currents from the jersey shore stretching all the way to virginia, major. >> major: meg oliver, thank you so much. for more on where the dangerous heat is next, let's bring in chris warren from our partners at the weather channel. chris, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, major, september heat will be building, some sizzling temperatures expected because of this. a big ridge of high pressure is going to be centered over the seven planes, but it is going to expand the temperatures over the next few days will be well into the 90s for the northeast, triple digits in the southern plains including most of texas, the potential for record heat in the northeast includes on wednesday 97 in philadelphia. also watching what is expected to be the next name storm in the atlantic ocean, and we do have to continue to watch where it ultimately goes, more likely to stay away from lands, but still, major, it's too early to say for sure. >> major: we will keep an eye out, chris warren, thank you. police in pennsylvania happy may be closing in on an convicted killer from last week. there were more sightings of danilo kovel can't take over the weekend, people should stay alert. here is marcelo dunn in tow. >> reporter: caught this weekend less than 2 miles from where he escaped. >> we are doing everything in our power to get this guy. people are working around the clock. i understand their fears. >> reporter: police blaring a message from his mother urging him to surrender. they have narrowed their search to a residential area that is deep in the woods closing off roads with access in or out, police say they have responded to well over 100 tips from neighbors in the area. since his estate from the chester county present, cavalcante has been spotted four times in this area outside of philadelphia. >> the fact that this guy is still out there after all of this time is insane. >> reporter: lance lehman came back from his holiday trip early after seeing that surveillance video. >> we want to make sure that everything is clear and he is not hiding in our skirt structure. >> reporter: cavalcante serving a life sentence after he was found guilty of killing his ex-girlfriend in front of her two small children. >> we want it to be over. it has been a really scary couple of days here in the community. >> reporter: how he managed to leave the prison is still under investigation, but this is a second escape since may. >> it's not easy to get across, it's perfect hiding grounds for the ultimate game of hide and go seek. are still working to confirm whether or several home burglaries are connected to cavalcante, major. >> major: marcella baietto, thank you. a meeting between russia and north korea, two's nondispose of the u.s., they have learned that kim jong un and vladimir putin will meet later this month to discuss, among other things, for a supply of weapons for russia's invasion of ukraine. cbs's ed o'keefe has more. >> word of the scheduled meeting between kim j jong un and m has been coming as the biden administration has warned that meetings between korea and russia are advancing. they recently traveled to north korea to try to convince pyongyang to sell all artillery ammunition to russia. after that visit, the u.s. pollutant and kim exchanged letters to increase her bilateral cooperation. they say that to russia and north korea have mutual respect old corporations and contacts are being made at various levels. both russia and china sent delegations to korea in july. to the person visits by top or an since the covid-19 pandemic began in 2020. president biden today ignored shattered questions about a potential arms deal. but the white house has been warning north korea officially known as the democratic people's republic of korea, or dprk not to help russia. >> we urge the dprk to cease its arms negotiations with russia and we will identify, expose, and counter the acquirement to from the dp rk or any other states that are prepared to support its boring ukraine. >> plans for a meeting between kim and, as president biden is said to leave later this week for the g20 swamp land g20 summit before making a visit in vietnam, where major pollutant is not scheduled to attend. >> major: ed o'keefe, thank you so much. leor rios, star pitcher for the los angeles dodgers is out of jail on bail tonight, he is now charged with felony, domestic violence, rios was arrested sunday night near the l.a. soccer stadium where lionel messi was playing, the 2019 the league suspended him for 20 games following the domestic battery arrest. no charges were filed in that case. tonight millions of americans are hitting the roads and skies as the labor day weekend wraps up. tsa expects to screen more than 14 million passengers through% the six-day stretch that ends wednesday. aaa says in international bookings were up 44%, domestic bookings of 4%. if you are looking to avoid congestion, they say tonight is the best time to hit the road. some air passengers avoiding that ticket with a popular tactic called skip lagging. and skipping the last leg of the trip. and now cracking down on this cost-cutting travel hack, and taking the company behind it to federal courts. here's cbs's kris van cleave. >> reporter: cassie and ren thought she saved a couple of hundred bucks on a flight to visit mom using skip lagging, she hosted a city fare to boston with a connection in washington, d.c., her actual final destination. >> the moment i saw my ticket, and they told me to see an agent i was already panicking. and the panic just got worse every step of the way. >> reporter: it got worse, because skipping that last leg violates the terms of service, the rules for flyers agreed to follow when they buy a ticket. just so you know if you do not go to boston, then you will be banned from american airlines forever. >> reporter: american denied to content, but his schooling the ensuing skip lag, saying they are not authorized to buy american tickets and deceives the public with access to some secret loophole, they say that tickets issued by the decade old website are at risk for invalidation. >> airlines will take every step they can to protect their businesses. they don't like the use and abuse of hidden city pairs, they want to stop this while it is a small problem. >> skip lag sued earlier lawsuits, united airlines had its case thrown out. in a statement, they'd tell cbs news, we will be fighting this ridiculous lawsuit until the very end to protect consumer rights to the lowest fares. ultimately cassie aran canceled her fight and booked a direct one to d.c. >> i used skiplagged to pay less and ended up paying a lot more. >> reporter: airlines argue if you book a seat on a flight you don't intend to take it keep somebody else from being able to travel and major, it cost the airlines money. >> major: kris van cleave, thank you very much paired president biden and spent part of the labor day drumming up support for unions and said that he is celebrating good paying union jobs. his comments come as 146,000 union workers wage a historic strike against the nation's big three automakers. the president says that he does not think that strike will happen. returning to work after an extended stay in space. the nasa contracted space capsule successfully splashed down off of the coast of florida just after midnight. the crew spent six months at the international space station, part of the ongoing rotation while on board. the astronauts did experience and maintenance on earth, and the team is looking forward to steaming coffee and hot showers. agenda reveal stunned ends in tragedy in mexico. we wilill have thehe details t ststraight ahehead. oncece-daily. when i i wanted toto see results s fast, rinvoq d delivered rapipid symptom m relief anand helped l leave bathroomom urgency b behind. check. when uc trtried to slow w me down..... i got laststing, steroroid-free remimission withth rinvoq. check. and whwhen uc causused damamage rinvoq q came throuough by v visibly repepairing my colon l lining. check. rapipid symptom m relief.... lalasting stereroid-free remimission... ...and t the chance e to viy repairir the c colon linini. check,k, check, anand check. rinvnvoq can lowower your ababy toto fight infnfections, inclcluding tb.. seriouous infectioions and blblood clots,s, some fa; cancerers, includiding lympha and skskin cancer;r; death,h, heart attttack, str, and d tears in t the stoh or intesestines occucurred. peoplele 50 and ololder h at least 1 1 heart disiseae risk f factor hahave higher r risks. dodon't take i if allergicc to rinvovoq as s serious reaeactions cacan occur. tellll your doctctor if you e or m may become e pregna. put t uc in chececk and keepp it thehere with ririnvoq. ask k your gastrtroenterologt abouout rinvoq anand learn how abbvie can help you save. lelet innovatition refundsds hp wiwith your ererc tax refufd so youou can improrove your busininess howevever you see e fit. rorosie used p part of her r refund to b build an ououtdoor patit. stop waititing. gogo to innovavationrefundndsm clink!k! ♪♪ it's s the most w wonderfl timeme of the yeyear ♪ ♪♪ non-drowsysy claritinn knknocks out s symptoms fromom over 200 0 allergens. without knknocking youou . feel t the clarityty anand make tododay ththe most wononderful timie of the yeaear. liveve claritin n clear. i'm a a bear. i'm comingng out of hihibernatn after ththe best napap of my y life... and papapa is hungngry. and whilile you're h hittin' the trail,l, i'm hittining your cooooler. oh, chcheddar! i'veve got hot d dog buns! and d your cut-r-rate cacar insurancnce might nonot pay for r all thi. so g get allstatate, and be e r protected d from mayhehem, like me.e. roar.. (s(sfx: familyly screams i n backckground) my name'e's dan and d i live e in s san antonioio, texas. mymy wife magdgda and i hahe beenen married f for 39 year. abouout three oror four yearar, i wawasn't feeliling as if i s as s sharp as i i used to b. i wanteded to try sosomething t was s over-the-c-counter. i sasaw the prevevagen commeme. after r a short amamount of t time takingng prevagen, i stararted noticicing a didifference---- thatat i'm rememembering thi, i'm m rememberining that. i ststopped takiking prevagegd i found mymyself slackcking bk soso i jumped d right backck . i feel as s if it's brbroughte back to o the good ' 'ol day. prprevagen. atat stores evevee without t a prescrcription. >> major: a pilot has died after a g a gender reveal stunnn mexico. video shows the plane releasing pink smoke while flying above the expecting couple and cheering guests over the weekend, but seconds later the plane's left wing appears to collapse, sending the aircraft spinning out of control. the pilot was the only person on board. he died at the hospital. firefighters in southern california rescued a driver who was trapped in a wrecked truck for five days. the driver was in their pickup truck when it plunged off a 100-foot cliff last tuesday. someone finally spotted the wreck in the steep ravine and called 911. a team of first responders formed a human chain and pulled the driver to safety. the singer behind '90s megahit has died. we will remember the iconic lead singer. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: if you can't watch the "cbs evening news" you can listen. subscribe where ever you your podcast. d bad d days, (couough, cough)h) flflare-ups ththat could p permanentlyy damagege my lungs.s. with breztztri, things c changed foror me. breztri gagave me betterer breathingng. startiting within n 5 minute, i noticedd mymy lung funcnction improro. it helped d improve mymy symp, and breztrtri was evenen prn to r reduce flarare-ups,s, inincluding ththose that coululd send me e to the hosos. so now i i look forwrward to more e good days.s. breztri wowon't replacace a rescscue inhalerer fofor sudden b breathing problems.. itit is not fofor asthma.. tell y your doctoror if you haa hearart conditioion oror high blooood pressurere before t taking it.. dodon't take b breztri moroe than p prescribed.d. breztrtri may incrcrease your k of t thrush, pneneumonia, d osteoporososis. cacall your dodoctor if woword brbreathing, chest t pain, moututh or tonongue swelliling, problemsms urinatingng, visn changes, o or eye painin occ. can't affoford your memedicat? astrazazeneca may y be able to hehelp. ask k your doctotor about brbr. [sneezeze] (♪♪♪) astepro o allergy, stereroid free a allergy relef ththat starts s working in 3 30 minutes,s, while otheher allergyy spsprays take e hours. with astepepro's unbeaeataby fast a allergy relelief yoyou can astetepro and gog! ovoveractive b bladder? i've beeeen there. i i also used d to plalan my s araround findiding a bathrhr, in fear r of an embabarrag bladder r accident.. you'u're not alolone, anand u don't t have to lilive like th. i don't!t! i founund real relelief with axoxonics therarapy, a a proven nonon-drug solulut, and i i got my lifife back. go to o to get s started. ask a a bladder spspecialist if a axonics theherapy isis right foror you anand to discucuss potetential risksks. results anand experienences may varyry. yoyour life isis waiting!! here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduduckgo comeses with a bun engine likike google, , but iti and doesn'n't spy on y your ses and duckckduckgo letets you broe likeke chrome, b but it blocki anand creepy a ads that fofolla from g google and d other comp. and there'e's no catchch, it's. we m make money y from ads, but ththey don't f follow you d jojoin the milillions of p pee tataking back k their privacy by d downloadingng duckducko on all y your deviceces toda. >> major: the former smash mouth lead singer steve harwell, voice of the ubiquitous hit "all-star" died today. ♪ hey now you're an all-star ♪ ♪ get your game on ♪ ♪ go play ♪ >> major: the ban manager confirmed that he died in his home in boise, idaho, after suffering liver failure, the grammy nominated song has been seen in multiple movies including "shrek" and has garnered 1 billion streams on spotify. thousands of parrot heads flocked to key west for a second procession to honor legendary singer jimmy buffett. the 76-year-old died friday. then mississippi native called key west home for many years. that's where he perfected his laid-back sound and where he launched his global margaritaville brand. sunday's tributes started at 5:00. a knowing nod to his hits rather "it's 5:00 somewhere." one very special cat is helping kids see life in a whole new way. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of "cbs evening news" is sponsored by kiss kelly. discovover more abobout this treatmenent optionn at kiss ononger wit. so, lolong live fafamily tim. longng live dreaeams. and longng live you.u. kisqali i is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life.e. soso you're not jusust livin, yoyou're l living wellll. kisqalali can caususe lung prors or an ababnormal heaeartbeat which can n lead to dedeath. it c can cause s serious skin reactctions, livever problemsms, and low w e blood d cell countnts that mayay result in s severe infefections. avoid d grapefruitit duduring treatatment. tell your r doctor rigight y if y you have nenew or worsenining symptomoms, inclcluding breaeathing probob, cough,h, chest paiain, a a change in n your heartrtb, dizzininess, yellolowing of the s skin or eyeyes, dark uririne, tiredndness, loloss of appepetite, abdodomen, bleedingng, bruisingng, fever, chihills, or othther symptomoms of a an infectioion, a sesevere or woworsening rar, arare or plan n to become e pre, or b breastfeediding. long live e hugs and k ki. ask abouout kisqali.i. and d long live e life. if you wake up thinking about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech. for insights on when to buy and sell. and proactive alerts on market events. that's decision tech. only from fidelity. we, ththe moms whoho have lolost our chihildren toto social memedia harms.. we,, we, we h have had..... enough. our polititicians haveve fai. workrking for lolobbyists, not us. we need d your voicece to ps the kids o online safefety t this fall.l. join u us. joinin us. jojoin us. join u us. ♪♪ lelet's lead the way. [bones c cracking] ♪ (tense mumusic) ♪ one aleveve works alall day soso i can keeeep workingg my magagic. justst one aleveve. 12 h hours of f uninterrupupd papain relief.f. aleve.e. who dodo you take e it for? what d do we alwayays say, so? liberty mumutual custotomizes your car i insurance..... so you o only pay for whatat you need.d. that's's my boy. ♪ stayay off the f freeways! only payay for what t you nee. ♪ libertyty. liberty.y. libeberty. libererty. ♪ she fofound it. the e feeling ofof finding the psoriaiasis treatmtment she's bebeen lookingng for. sotyktu is the f first-of-itits-kind, once-d-daily pilll for momoderate-to-o-severe plplaque psoririasis for ththe chance a at clear or almosost clear skskin. it's likike the feeleling of f finding youour back.... is back. or fininding psoririasis cacan't deny t the splendodr of thehese thighs.s. oncece-daily sototyktu is prpn toto get more e people clclearer skinin than t the leadingng pill. don't t take if yoyou're allerc toto sotyktu;; seririous reactitions can oco. sotyktu u can lower r your abiy to f fight infecections including g tb. seriouous infectioions, cances inclcluding lympmphoma, muscle proroblems, and chananges in cerertain las have o occurred. tellll your doctctor if you ue anan infectionon, liver r or kidney y problems, high t triglyceridides, or h had a vaccicine or plana. sotytyktu is a t tyk2 inhibib. tyk2k2 is part of the j jak family.y. itit's not knonown if sotytyu hahas the sameme risks as jak i inhibitors.s. find what t plaque psosoriass hahas been hididing. asask your derermatologistst t sotyktu fofor clearer r skin. so c clearly youou. sotyktu. >> major: we end tonight looking through the eyes of a child via one very cool cat. jenna crawford brings it all into focus. >> show me the apple, good job. >> reporter: in her spare time truffles the kid he knows a lot of tricks. but she has an important day job, she models glasses for kids. >> kids just related to her right from the beginning. >> reporter: at this pennsylvania eye clinic, kids are excited to copy this rescue cat who loes wearing one of her 25 pairs of glasses. what are we missing generally with kids ambition? >> if you like the moment a child gets glasses is such an important moment in their life and it has always been my goal that i create a positive and fun memory. fingers crossed. >> reporter: a quarter of kills the limit kids like joella has a vision issue undiagnosed, it's not it was great for kids that are feeling different and it's scary. that's where truffles comes in. >> truffles and joella are both different and they both have a heart to hope. >> reporter: kids all over the world looked at truffles, an online sensation to show them how it is done. >> thank you, truffles. >> reporter: for all of her good works, at heart she has a cat. she seems like she owns the place. >> she definitely must feel like she owns the place. >> reporter: jan crawford, cbs news, mechanicsburg, pennsylvania. >> major: and that is tonight's "cbs evening news," for norah o'donnell and all of us at cbs news, thank you for joining us on this labor day. good night. ♪ ♪ >> judge judy: i assume you weren't getting along. >> correct. >> judge judy: and it's her house. >> that's correct, too. >> judge judy: she throws you out and changes the locks. >> announcer: his ex said everything must go. >> there was a pool table, 8-foot pool table, about $1,200. >> judge judy: do you remember what you sold it for? >> three hundred dollars. i was left without a job, and i had no money. >> judge judy: she's not responsible for holding on to your junk for 4 months. >> well, who is? >> judge judy: you are! >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution michael holden is suing his ex-girlfriend, lupita gutierrez, for an illegal eviction and the return of his belongings. >> byrd: order! all rise! it's case number 377 on the calendar in the matter of holden vs. gutierrez. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> judge judy: mr. holden, from when to when did you and ms. gutierrez live together as a couple in a house that she owned? >> from october of 2015 until january, february of 2017. >> judge judy: and in february of 2017, where did you go, mr. holden? >> i have moved to an apartment located approximately 15

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Ththe , Feel T , Napap Of My Y , Clarityty Anand , Liveve Claritin N , Papapa , Knknocking Youou , Comingng Out Of Hihibernatn , Hungngry , Wononderful Timie , Yeaear , Cacar Insurancnce , Got Hot D , Thi , Whilile , Dog Buns , Pay , Cooooler , Nonot , H Hittin The Trail , Chcheddar , I Veve , Magdgda , In S San Antonioio , Di Live E , Yearar , Sfx , S Sharp , Mymy , I Wawasn T Feeliling , Er Protected D , Familyly Screams In Backckground , Abouout Three Oror , Allstatate , Me E Roar , Mayhehem , Name E S Dan , 39 , Sosomething T Was S Over The , T Time , Backck , Prevevagen Commeme , Noticicing A Didifference , Thatat , Takingng Prevagen , Takiking Prevagegd , I M Rememberining , Rememembering Thi , Ra Short Amamount , Mymyself Slackcking , It , Pilot , Stores , Ta Prescrcription , Ol Day , The Good , Brbroughte , Prprevagen , Atat , Evevee , Plane , Aga Gender , Cheering , Guests , Video , Smoke , Out Of Control , Stunnn Mexico , Wing , Driver , Person , Firefighters , Truck , Pickup Truck , Hospital , Southern California , Singer , Someone , Responders , Safety , Wreck , Cliff Last Tuesday , Steep Ravine , Human Chain , 90s Megahit Has , 911 , Announcer , Cbs Evening News , Bad D , Podcast , Lead Singer , Couough , Ththat , Mymy Symp , Things C , Me Betterer Breathingng , Startiting , My Lungs S With Breztztri , Noticedd Mymy , Permanentlyy Damagege , Foror Me , Lung Funcnction Improro , Flflare , Breztri Gagave , Breathing Problems , Doctoror , Asthma , Us , Ups , Me E , Conditioion Oror High Blooood Pressurere , Hosos , Reduce , Flarare , Breztrtri , Inincluding Ththose , Sudden B , Haa Hearart , Itit , Inhalerer Fofor , Rescscue , Coululd , Days S Breztri Wowon T Replacace , Look Forwrward , Eye Painin Occ , Dodoctor , Chest , Dodon T Take B Breztri , Prescribed D Breztrtri , Visn Changes , Woword Brbreathing , Moututh , T Pain , D Osteoporososis , T Thrush , Pneneumonia , Problemsms Urinatingng , Tonongue Swelliling , Doctotor , Astrazazeneca May Y , Memedicat , Brbr , Hehelp , Sneezeze , Allergy , Relef Ththat , Stereroid , Astetepro , Bladder , Ovoveractive B , Plalan My S Araround Findiding , Relelief Yoyou , Astepepro , Beeeen There Ii , Otheher Allergyy Spsprays , Unbeaeataby Fast , A Bathrhr , Gog , 30 , 3 , Anand U Don T , Fear , And Ii , Accident , Lifife Back , Embabarrag Bladder , Axoxonics Therarapy , Real Relelief , Th , You U , Lilive , Nonon Drug Solulut , Likike Google , Fo , Isis Right Foror You Anand , Discucuss Potetential Risksks , Go To O Findrealrerelief Com , Axonics Theherapy , Yoyour , Results Anand Experienences , Ask Aa Bladder Spspecialist , Isis , Devie , Duckduduckgo Comeses , May Varyry , Iti , Ads , Tb , Comp , Doesn N T Spy On Y , We M Make Money Y , Ses , Blocki Anand , Ththey Don T F , G Google , Follow You D Jojoin , You Broe Likeke Chrome , Duckckduckgo Letets , There E S No Catchch , Deviceces Toda , Downloadingng Duckducko , Milillions Of P Pee Tataking , Steve Harwell , Ban Manager , Voice , Died Today , Game On Go Play Major , Idaho , Movies , Liver Failure , Song , Shrek , Parrot Heads , Spotify , Grammy , 1 Billion , Sunday , Tributes , Native , Procession , Sound , Global Margaritaville Brand , Key West , Jimmy Buffett , Mississippi , 76 , Kids , Cat , Somewhere , Nod , Hits , Knowing , Portion , 00 , Lolong , Discovover , Longng Live Dreaeams , Kiss Kelly , Treatmenent Optionn , Kiss Kekelly Com , Ononger Wit , Fafamily Tim , Kisqali , Lead , Pill , Aromatase Inhibitor , Yoyou Re L Living Wellll , Women , Preserve Quality , Caususe , Ababnormal Heaeartbeat Which Can N , Life E Soso , Kisqalali , Jusust Livin , Lung Prors , To Dedeath , Skin Reactctions , Doctor , It C , Avoid D , Result , Blood , Cell , Heartrtb , Severe Infefections , Livever Problemsms , Inclcluding Breaeathing Probob , Worsenining Symptomoms , Aa Change In N , Grapefruitit Duduring Treatatment , Mayay , Chest Paiain , Eyeyes , B Breastfeediding , Othther Symptomoms , Infectioion , Arare Or Plan N , Loloss Of Appepetite , Yellolowing , Chihills , Pre , Dizzininess , Abdodomen , Bleedingng , Fever , Tiredndness , Dark Uririne , Woworsening Rar , Bruisingng , Sesevere , Long Live E Hugs And K Ki , Long Live E , Market Events , Market , Alerts , Insights , Decision Tech , Moves , Ask Abouout Kisqali I , We H Have , Fidelity , Moms Whoho , Lolost Our Chihildren , Toto Social Memedia Harms , Polititicians Haveve Fai , Safefety T , Voicece , Joinin Us , Jojoin Us , The Kids O , Workrking , U Us , Lolobbyists , Lelet , Fall L , Keeeep Workingg , Tense Mumusic , My Magagic , Bones C Cracking , Justst One Aleveve , F Aleve E Who Dodo You Take , Uninterrupupd , What D , Freeways , Car , Payay , Whatat , You Need D That S , Stayay , We Alwayays Say , Liberty Mumutual Custotomizes , My Boy , What T You Nee , Sotyktu , Liberty Y , Libertyty , Libeberty , Libererty , First Of Itits , Plplaque Psoririasis , Clear Skskin , Bebeen Lookingng For , Psoriaiasis Treatmtment She , E Feeling Ofof , Almosost , Momoderate , The Feeleling Of F Finding Youour , Fininding Psoririasis , Thehese Thighs S Oncece , Cacan T Deny The Splendodr , Likike , Daily Sototyktu , Anan Infectionon , Don T , Your , Chananges , Abiy , Leadingng Pill , Allerc , Toto Sotyktu , Clclearer Skinin , Yoyou , Sotyktu U , Seririous Reactitions , Fight Infecections Including G Tb , Cances Inclcluding Lympmphoma , Cerertain Las Have O , Oco , Muscle Proroblems , Liver , Skin , Jak I Inhibitors S Find What T , Plaque Psosoriass Hahas , Sotytyktu , Jak Family Y , Kidney , Tyk2k2 , Tyk2 Inhibib , Sotytyu Hahas , Sotyktu Fofor , Hididing , High T Triglyceridides , Vaccicine , Sameme , Asask , Derermatologistst , Child , Eyes , Focus , Jenna , Truffles , Job , Day Job , Tricks , Apple , Loes , Rescue Cat , Beginning , Kids Ambition , Fingers , Vision Issue , Kills , Joella , Sensation , Works , Hope , World , Jan Crawford , All Of Us , Mechanicsburg , Norah O Donnell , Judge Judy , House , Locks , Correct , Pool Table , Junk , Sex , Everything Must Go , 8 , 1200 , Three Hundred , Three Hundred Dollars , Courtroom , Judith Sheindlin , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Michael Holden , Lupita Gutierrez , Eviction , Belongings , Return , Rise , Byrd , Parties , Gutierrez , Calendar , Matter , Ms , Holden Vs , 377 , Mr , Apartment , 2015 , February Of 2017 , 2017 , October Of 2015 , 15 ,

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