Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

>> the new mug shot of the former president, we are learning what happened inside the pole taking county jail, the details after the former chief of staff and top aides already turn themselves in. ♪ ♪ >> stay the [bleep] away, there is a shooting going on. >> four people are dead and at least six injured following the latest countries mass shooting. among the dead is the alleged gunman. ♪ ♪ >> new details about the plane >> new details about the plane crash that killed pergoshen. >> it's likely that pergoshen was killed, nothing to indicate that there was a service air missile. >> he had a complicated fate vladimir putin said, and he made some serious mistakes. ♪ ♪ >> it was a heated night in milwaukee for the first republican primary debates. >> eight gop candidates were on stage. >> do you want to super pac or do you want a patriot who speaks the truth? >> if you want something said, ask a man. if you want something done, ask a woman. >> subway is being sold to a private equity firm roark capital, the same company behind arby's, , buffalo wiwild wings,, carvrvel, and sosonic. >> norah: eye on america eye on america, inside efforts to let bison run free on america's tribal lands. >> my geneneration nevever grewp withth buffalo.. now my children and my grandchildren are able to witness them on our homeland. ♪ ♪ >> norah: and the new out of this world pictures from india's lunar landing. ♪ ♪ good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. we begin with breaking news, former president donald trump just surrendered at the atlanta. trump booked, processed on 13 charges including conspiracy and racketeering related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election. like all the other people who walk through the doors of that jail, the former president was fingerprinted, had his weight and height recorded and a mug shot was taken trump joins 11 of his codefenders, and mark meadows surrendered at the same jail. the remaining seven have until noon tomorrow to do the same. nikole killion will start us off tonight from atlanta, good evening, nicole. >> reporter: good evening, norah. this area was locked down as former president trump turned himself and accompanied by a new lawyer that he hired just hours before his surrender. tonight former president trump joined 11 of his codefendants booked, fingerprinted and photographed. >> we did nothing wrong at all, and we have every right, every single right to challenge an election that we think is dishonest. >> reporter: the former president was processed in less than an hour and treated like any other criminal defendant at the fulton county jail which is under investigation by the department of justice for poor conditions. outside the jail, protesters stood by their man. >> he can run this country from jail, i would not care, we would still vote for them. absolutely. >> reporter: trumps bond set at $200,000, charged with 13 counts, racketeering, conspiracy, and making false statements for his alleged effort to overturn the 2020 election in georgia stemming from this call with secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> reporter: the former president called it a perfect phone call and continue to deny any wrongdoing in a pretaped interview at tucker carlson. >> so i got indicted four times, all trivia nonsense, bull [bleep]. >> reporter: mark meadows who was also on that 2021 call with donald trump and raffensperger finally turned himself in after his efforts to delay his surrender were rejected by a federal judge. district attorney fani willis has set a noon deadline for friday for everyone to turn themselves in. today she proposed a new trial date for october 23rd this year, several months earlier than expected. the district attorney pushed up the date from march 4th next year after one of the defendants asked for a speedy trial, trump's new legal team opposed the move and said it once his case handled separately. norah. >> norah: nikole killion with all of those new details, thank you. tonight, the pentagon, for the first time, saying it believes russian warlord yevgeny prigozhin is dead. u.s. intelligence indicates the plane that the mercenary was on was brought down by an explosion on board. cbs's debora patta reports from southern ukraine. >> reporter: this is what residents in a russian village north of moscow saw and heard. >> [gasp] >> reporter: the plane was flying, says anastasia bukharova, and then boom, it exploded. flight data shows it reached an altitude of 28,000 feet before spiraling to the ground with a missing wing and bursting into flames in a nearby field. a u.s. official has told cbs news the most likely explanation is an explosion on board the jet, possibly caused by a bomb. all ten bodies have been recovered and taken for identification. the man who once said the only thing he could not forgive was betrayal acknowledged today that yevgeny prigozhin was probably on that doomed flight. "he had a complicated fate," president vladimir putin said, "and he made some serious mistakes." the most srious, that audacious mutiny, and the moment prigozhin in all likelihood signed his death warrant. the consensus from western intelligence is that the crash is most likely a cold slice of revenge, dished up by putin. prigozhin's fighters laid flowers and lit candles outside wagner's headquarters today. "it feels like losing a father," said this soldier. all "he was everything for us." and without prigozhin, it is feared wagner poses an even bigger threat under putin. here in ukraine, which celebrated its independence day today, president zelenskyy said kyiv had nothing to do with the plane crash, but everyone is aware who was involved. norah? >> norah: quite a story, debora patta, thank you. back here at home, police have identified the suspect responsible for a mass shooting last night at a popular biker bar just south of los angeles. witnesses say retired police officer john snowling killed three people and wounded six others, including his estranged wife, who he was believed to be targeting. cbs's carter evans reports the government was fatally shot by deputies. [siren sounding] >> reporter: another community enduring moments of sheer terror. as more than a dozen deputies descend on the cook's corner all bar, the sound of constant gunfire. [multiple gunshots] >> i was so scared. that the gunman was chasing me. that is how loud the gunshots were. >> reporter: as jacqueline bass ran for her life. >> i immediately called my daughter first. >> reporter: what did you tell her? >> i don't really remember. i just said, "shooter, there is shooter." >> i said, "can i come get you?" she said, "no, don't come anywhere near here. i'm going to find a way out." and she was just, she was terrified. >> reporter: she also texted her boyfriend. shoot, e.r., help? help? >> if something happens to me, know that i am thinking about you. >> reporter: another patron at the bar took this video. >> oh, my god, marie. >> reporter: marie snowling had been severely wounded. marie's estranged husband, an ex-cop, identified as the shooter. >> we do not believe that there was any argument that ensued. he drew a weapon. she was struck once. >> reporter: john snowling allegedly killed three and wounded six others before being killed in an exchange of gunfire with deputies. snowling worked nearly three decades with the city of ventura police department, retiring in 2014 as a sergeant. now, as investigators piece together what happened... what was going through your all all mind? >> i was going to die. i was going to get shot. innocent people were being killed. >> reporter: investigators say snowling traveled all the way all from ohio to california, seeking out his estranged wife. they also revealed she is now conscious and talking. this bar has been a southern california landmark for more than a century. now it is the scene of the country's latest mass shooting. norah? >> norah: carter evans, thank you. turning now to politics. sparks were flying last night during the first presidential debate of the 2024 election. with g.o.p. front-runner donald trump not in attendance, eight other republican candidates went after each other, as they tried to stand out from the crowded field of contenders. and cbs's robert costa was there. >> reporter: republican presidential candidates pushed ahead today in the wake o a contentious debate, where the front-runner was a no-show. >> it didn't matter to me last night, in the end, that he wasn't there. >> reporter: political newcomer vivek ramaswamy won attention. >> do you want a super pac puppet or do you want a patriot who speaks the truth? >> reporter: and he also drew all attacks. >> now is not the time for on-the-job training. we don't need to bring in a rookie -- >> i've had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like chatgpt. >> reporter: but the differences on the big issues were also front and center. on ukraine, a stark divide over whether the u.s. should continue to support that embattled nation, as it fends off a russian invasion, and whether allies should do more. >> i will have europe pull their weight. right now, they are not doing it. [boos] >> ukraine is not a priority for the united states of america. >> you have no foreign policy experience, and it shows. it shows. >> anybody that thinks that we can't solve the problems here in the united states and be the leader of the free world has a pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth. >> reporter: on former president donald trump, whose interview with tucker carlson posted just before the debate, there were sharp words over his four indictments, and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> someone's got to stop normalizing this conduct, okay? >> he asked me to put him over the constitution, and i chose the constitution. >> reporter: but many on stage said they'd still back trump as the nominee, even if he is convicted. >> please raise your hand if you would. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: on abortion rights, there were standoffs over possible restrictions. >> we must have a president of the united states who will advocate and fight for, at the minimum, a 15-week limit. >> would you sign a six-week ban federally? >> i'm going to stand on the side of life. >> can't we all agree that we are not going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion? >> reporter: and inside the desantis campaign, there is confidence tonight that he largely avoided becoming a target on stage. behind the scenes, his donors tell me they believe desantis solidified his standing after a tough summer, but strategists for others contenders tell me the road ahead for rivals is tricky, especially as trump supporters echo his grievances about these latest indictments. norah? >> norah: it's interesting to watch. robert costa, thank you very much. the trial of quadruple murder suspect bryan kohberger has been indefinitely delayed. kohberger, who waived his right to a speedy trial, is charged with the brutal stabbing of four university of idaho students last november. his attorneys requested the delay, saying they need more time to prepare their defense. kohberger has pleaded not guilty. tonight, the county of maui filed a lawsuit against the hawaiian electric company alleging the utility's neglect caused the deadliest wildfire in the u.s. in more than a century. meanwhile, cbs's ben tracy reports the search for victimsot ruins and the sea were many tried to escape. >> reporter: divers are scouring a 4-mile stretch of water off lahaina, searching for any human remains. scores of people jumped into the water to escape the fast-moving fire on august 8th. not everyone made it out. back on shore, the painstakingly grim search for the deaead cocontinues. > the amoununt of -- ofof fie deststruction ththat has hapappd hehere makes e everything blend together, so... >> reporter: mike pruitt is part of fema's search team, now focused on combing through the e town's mulultistory anand commercial properties. hundreds of emergency personnel and 50 k-9 units are part of the search. why is it taking so long to get through the entire town? >> it takes inch-by-inch, meticulous, looking through every bit of ash, looking for anything that might resemble remains. >> reporter: the fbi is analyzing cell data to try to identify who might be among the missing. and maui officials plan to soon release a list of more than 1,000 still unaccounted for. >> this isn't fair. i feel like i was used. i feel like crap on the ground. >> reporter: meanwhile, residents who have lost nearly everything vented their understandable anger over the government's response to the fire, demanding accountability. >> they failed here. they failed. the government failed. >> reporter: there is hope here in lahaina that when they release that list of the unaccounted for, that many of the people will be found alive and just not know they were on that list. when a wild fire destroyed the town of paradise, california, back in 2018, they released a similar list that had 1300 people on it, and norah, they were able to whittle that down to less than 12. >> norah: good perspective. let's hope so. ben tracy, thank you. today, japan started releasing treated radioactive waste water from the fukushima nuclear plant disaster into the pacific. japan says the water is safe, and a u.n. watchdog agrees. the first batch could fill three olympic-size swimming pools. 31,000 tons of water will be released by next march. critics charge the long-range impact is unclear. in tonight's "eye on america," a closer look at the icon of the american west: the bison. 60 million bison once roamed north america. cbs's adam yamaguchi reports on the enormous efforts to reintroduce this majestic animal to native american territory. >> reporter: at the fort peck indian reservation in montana, a bison calf just a few hours old is the newest member of one of the e first herdrds to roam m te assiniboboine and sisioux landsn more than n a cenentury. thisis must be r really spececir you.u. >> my generation never gotot to grow u up around b buffalo. nonow, my chilildren and m my granandchildren n are able t to wiwitness themem being on n our hohomeland. >> repeporter: robobbie magnanan manages fofort peck r reservatis fishsh and game e departmentnt, overseeingng a bison h herd that stararted 20 yeaears ago thahats now growown to 800. >> shehe is ready y to m move. >> reporteter: that wawas fast. wowow. >> that t is mother r nature's , gegetting themem moving riright. >> reporter: the fort peck buffalo o program isis part of a project t reintroducuce bison to tribibal lands t throughout t te countrtry, using a animals frorm yellowowstone natitional park.k. ththe herd at t yellowstonone ir its s regulated d capacity, , ae to brucecellosis, a a bacteriall disease e that can i infect andd to stillbibirths in cacattle, bn are nott protecteded outside the parkrk, so the o only way bn are e able to leleave yellowowss by completeting an upup-to-three-e-year quararantit culminatates in a tetesting facy in forort peck. >> thihis morning,g, we're goioo the rurunning alleley. > reporter:r: corrallining 76 hehead of buffffalo. >> unwnwilling buffalo.. [lauaughs] come o on, get thehem down theh! come on,n, come on!! move it! yoyou guys tagag him. timeme to see. >> nice.e. therere you go.. >> wowow. [l[laughter] >> this waway. got it! [laughteter] >> reporteter: the quauarantine program m has protecected hundrs ofof animals f from slaughghterd reintrtroduced bisison to 24 t s across 12 2 states, bubut advocs say it is s unnecessarary, since cattlele have nevever contractcd brucelellosis fromom wild bisos. >> i feel l sad when t there are animimals in the system, and buffffalo stressss out very y e, but t in order t to save youour, i've got t to do this,s, and thi don'n't feel so o bad. i knknow what i i am doing i isr the grgreater goodod. >> reporteter: and aftfter toda, it's more e months, onone more , anand then.... >> thehen they arere done. >> r reporter: f freedom. > right. > reporter:r: for "e"eye on amererica," adamam yai at t the fort pepeck indiann reservation. >> norah: a young child playing in shallow water is bitten by a shark in north carolina. the scary details next. nortrth carolinana. ththe scary dedetails nexext. (smellining) ew. gogotta get ririd of this.. ♪tell m me why♪ because itit stinks. ♪hahave you triried downy y rinse and d refresh♪ it helps r remove odorors 3x betteter than detergenent alone. it worked d guys! ♪yeahahhhh♪ downy ririnse and rerefresh. ththe pandemicic may be ovov, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. i'm patrtriotic kennnny. and, h hi, i'm m amanda on n t. my s scooter broroke down. i went intnto a depresession. how do youou feel abouout tha? pretty sad. and i posted it to show ththat kenny''s not alalways h. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. nono, you'rere kidding.. wewe set up ththe patriotitc kenny y foundationon to givive mobilityty scooters to veteterans. it has chahanged my y life trtremendouslyly. none of f this wouldld've hapad wiwithout tiktktok. i'm shsholeh, it has chahanged my y life trtremendouslyly. and i lolost 75 poununds withth golo. i i went from m a size 200 to a s size 6. befofore golo, nothing seseemed to wowork. i was exerercising for over a an hour evevery da. it w was really y discouragig. bubut golo's s so easy, the weigight just fafalls of. "l"look at thihis skin, baba. she e is glowingng. shshe is 1 of f 1." with newew olay h hyaluronic c body wash 95% of w women had d visibly-bebetter skin. "my skin i is so m much more m moisturized" see e the differerence with h . salonpas l lidocaine f flex. a super ththin, flexibible h withth maximum otc strerength lidococaine that conontours to t the y toto relieve p pain right whwhere it hururts. and d did we menention, it r r, reallyly sticks? salonpas, , it's good d medic. >> norah: a 9-year-old boy was bitten by a shark in the waters off oak island, north carolina. the boy was playing in water just 2-3 feet deep. his family noticed a fish jumping near him just before a small shark bit him in the shoulder. his family rushed into the hospital. the good news, he has been releaseded. ththe big salele for subwaway, t memeans for yoyour next fofoot-. that's's next. is gettiting smallerer bebecause of m my sight. bubut now, i c can open upp mymy world witith vabysmo.. vabysmsmo is the f first fda-apprproved treatatment for peoplele with wet t amd that impmproves visision anand deliversrs a chancee for upup to 4 montnths between trtreatments.. which means s doing more o of what i l love. ♪ vabybysmo is thehe only treatmement designeded to blockk 2 2 causes of f wet amd. vavabysmo is a an eye injectction. don't t take it ifif you he anan infectionon or activee swelelling in or around d your eye,, or are allllergic to i it or anyny of its iningredie. treatmentsts like vabybysmo can n cause eye e infectn or retininal detachmhment. vabysmsmo may caususe a tempory increasese in eye prpressure afteter receivining the injectction. althouough uncommomon, therere is a pototential ririsk of hearart attack or strokoke associatated with b blood clotsts. open up p your worldld! a chancece for up toto 4 mons betwtween treatmtments with vababysmo. ask your d doctor. ♪ i it's ththe most wononderl time o of the yearar ♪ ♪ nonon-drowsy c claritin knococks out symymptoms from o over 200 alallergens. wiwithout knococking you o o. feel thehe clarity and d make todayay the e most wondederful timee ofof the year.r. live c claritin clclear. your r record labebel is t taking off.f. but soso is your s sound engin. you u need to hihire. i i need indeeeed. indeed y you do. indeeded instant m match instay delivers q quality canandidats matctching your r job descriri. vivisit it ain't m my dad's rarazor, dad. ay watch i it! it's f from gilletettelabs. this g green bar r releases trapapped hairs s from my fafa. gamemechanga! .....while thehe flexdiscc contouours to it.. so the f five bladeses can get vivirtually everery hair in n one stroke. for ththe ultimatete gillette shshaving expeperience. the bestst a man canan get isis gillettelelabs. when m my doctor g gave me breztrtri for my c copd thinings changeded for me. brezeztri gave m me better brereathing, symptom imimprovement,t, and reduduced flare-e-ups. brezeztri won't t replace a rescue i inhaler fofor sudden b breathing p pro. it i is not for r asthma. tell youour doctor i if you e a heart t conditionn or higigh blood prpressure bebefore takining it. don't takeke breztri morere than presescribed. breztri i may increaease your r risk of thrhrush, pneumomonia, and o osteoporo. call youour doctor i if worsd brbreathing, c chest pain,, moututh or tongugue swelli, problelems urinatiting, vivision changnges, or e eye pain ococcur. ask yourur doctor ababout bre. >> norah: subway, the giant sandwich chain, is about to be sold. the price tag? nearly $10 billion. that is according to "the wall street journal." the buyer, roark capital, a private equity firm that owns fast food outlets like dunkin' and arby's. subway has some 37,000 stores in 100 countries. the new owner plans to update and expand the menu. i ate there a lot in high school. all right, amazing pictures from a historic moon landing. those images next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by angi. visit to connect with skilled professionals for all your home projects. ll your home projects. mamartial artsts is my pasass. i work o out whenevever i c. but t with my momoderate- to-severere eczema, , itit can be totough. mymy skin was s so uncomfofort. the e itching wawas so bad. now, i'm s staying ahead of m my eczema.. there's a a power inside allll of us toto live our r passion. and dudupixent works onon the insidide to help heheal your skskin fromom within. it h helps blockck a key source of f inflammatition ininside the b body ththat can cauause eczema.a. so adudults can hahave lolong-lastingng clearerer n and fastst itch relilief. seriouous allergicic reactios can ococcur that c can be seve. tellll your doctctor about nr woworsening eyeye problemsms suchch as eye papain oror vision chchanges includingg blurrered vision,, joint achehes and painin, or a parasasitic infection.n. don'n't change o or stop asthma m medicines wiwithout talklking toto your doctctor. healing g from witithin isis a powerfuful thing. ask your e eczema spececialit how w dupixent c can help hel yourur skin fromom within. not flosossing well?l? then adddd the whoa!a! of l listerine t to your rouou. nenew sciencee shshows listerinine is 5x morere effectiveve than flossss at reducucing plaqueue above ththe gumline.e. for a clcleaner, hehealthier momouth. ahahhhhh. listerine.e. fefeel the whohoa! (michael) copd is harder on the folks around you, i think. my wife smsmoked, and shshe quit. because shshe needs to b be here foror toto take carere of me. (announcncer) the pepeople u love are w worth quitttting . you u can quit.. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. we, the moms who have lost our childldren to s social medidia harms. we, we, wewe have had d enough. ouour politicicians have f fa. workining for lobbbbyists, nonot us. we need yoyour voice t to ps ththe kids onlnline safetytyt ththis fall. join us.s. join u us. join us.s. jojoin us. ♪♪ let's lead the wayay. ♪♪♪ ♪ohoh♪ ♪ththen you takake me by ththe♪ ♪♪i feel betetter againn♪ ♪♪oh i feeeel better n now♪ [sneeze]e] (♪♪♪) astepro alallergy, steroioid free allllergy relif thatat starts woworking in 30 0 minutes, whwhile other r allergy sprarays take hohours. wiwith asteproro's unbeatataby fast allllergy relieief you u can asteprpro and go!! the pandemicic may be ovover, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. >> norah: finally, tonight, some incredible images that are truly out of this world. take a look at this historic touchdown of india's robotic lander on the surface of the moon. india joins the united states, the former soviet union, and china as the only countries to achieve this milestone. but they did one better: the indian spacecraft was the first ever to land near the lunar south pole, thought to be home to frozen water deposits. scientists believe these water deposits could be converted into drinking water, or rocket fuel, for future missions. well, that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell. good night. ♪ ♪ . busted windows, stolen stuff, things many of us have seen and experienced here in san francisco. they took all of our passports, computer, ipad. >> enough is enough. we have to do more. now the police are literally going to set bait. plus you are looking at the possible future home of the oakland a's. confused? we will explain. the power of sea otters how they are fierce fighters of climate change from below the surface. looking forward to seeing more otter populations in the whole west coast because they provide a valuable role. >> this is cbs news bay area. with juliette goodrich. we have seen these videos. stealing valuables in just seconds, this year, the police responded to more than 13,000 car break ins in san

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County , Per Octopi , Garden , Moss Landing , 20000 , 280 , It , Water , Researchers , Octopus Eggs , Octopi , Underwater Volcano , Degree , Accident , Development Process , 51 , 2018 , 15 , Cbs , Norah O Donnell S , Cbs News , Evening News , Ryan , Bay Ea , 30 , 0 , Two , 7 , President , Fulton County Jail , Breaking News , Donald Trump , Details , Surrender , Defendant , Felony Charges , Headlines , American , 13 , Mug Shot , County Jail , Pole , Learning , People , Gunman , Countries , Shooting , Dead , Aides , Chief Of Staff , Bleep , Mass Shooting , Six , Four , Plane , Plane Crash , Pergoshen , Nothing , Mistakes , Fate , Republican , Stage , Patriot , Candidates , Night , Debates , Air Missile , Super Pac , Vladimir Putin , Milwaukee , Eight , Man , Something , Truth , Woman , Subway , Norah , Efforts , Lands , Company , On America , Grewp Withth Buffalo , Arby S , Sosonic , Private Equity Firm Roark Capital , Buffalo Wiwild Wings , Geneneration Nevever , Carvrvel , Bison Run , 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Investigators , Exchange , Sergeant , City , Mind , Ventura Police Department , 2014 , Shot , California , Ohio , Scene , Southern California Landmark , Debate , Contenders , Front Runner , Politics , Mother , Attendance , Sparks , 2024 , It Didn T Matter , Robert Costa , In The End , Oa , No Show , Me Last Night , Vivek Ramaswamy Won , Attention , Attacks , Puppet , Rookie , On The Job Training , Nation , Center , Differences , Guy , Issues , Invasion , Divide , Allies , Chatgpt , Foreign Policy Experience , Priority , Europe , Boos , World , Problems , Anybody , View , Leader , Earth , Indictments , Constitution , Many , Someone , Conduct , Words , Nominee , Hand , Applause , Cheers , Abortion Rights , President Of The United States , Restrictions , Limit , Ban , Standoffs , Abortion , Side , Campaign , Confidence , Death Penalty , Desantis , Donors , Rivals , Target , Strategists , Grievances , Supporters , Road , Summer , Standing , Behind The Scenes , Attorneys , Bryan Kohberger , Murder , Stabbing , Who , University Of Idaho Students Last November , Delay , Lawsuit , Search , Wildfire , Defense , Utility , Neglect , Ben Tracy , Hawaiian Electric Company , Maui , Victimsot Ruins , Sea , Divers , Fie Deststruction Ththat , Fast Moving Fire On August 8th , Human Remains , Scores , Shore , Amoununt , Deaead Cocontinues , Ofof , Hapappd Hehere , Off Lahaina , August 8th , 8 , Hundreds Of Emergency Personnel , Part , Search Team , E Town , Mike Pruitt , Fema , Mulultistory Anand Commercial Properties , Town , Bit , Ash , Anything , K 9 , 9 , 50 K , List , Cell Data , Officials , Remains , Missing , Fbi , Isn T Fair , 1000 , Fire , Anger , Crap , Accountability , Response , Hope , Lahaina , Radioactive Waste Water , Paradise , Japan , Let , 1300 , 12 , U N , Safe , Swimming , Disaster , Tons , Fukushima Nuclear Plant , Batch , Next March , Pacific , 31000 , Look , Critics , Impact , Icon , North America , The American West , Adam Yamaguchi , 60 Million , Animal , Member , Territory , Sisioux Landsn , Fort Peck Indian Reservation , Montana , First Herdrds , Te Assiniboboine , Bison Calf , Thisis , Generation , Wiwitness Themem Being On N , B Buffalo , My Chilildren And M Granandchildren N , Nonow , Na Cenentury , Fofort Peck , Overseeingng A Bison H Herd , Game E Departmentnt , Hohomeland , Reservatis Fishsh , Robobbie Magnanan , Repeporter , Shehe , 800 , 20 , Brezeztri Won T , Reporteter , Nature , Wowow , Project T Reintroducuce Bison To Tribibal Lands Throughout Te Countrtry , Gegetting Themem Moving Riright , Wawas Fast , Fort Peck Buffalo O Program Isis , Animals Frorm , O , Aa Bacteriall Disease E , Yellowstonone Ir Its S Regulated D , Capacity , Completeting , Yellowowstone Natitional , Leleave Yellowowss , Park K Ththe Herd , Protecteded Outside The Parkrk , Ae To Brucecellosis , Bn , Upup , Quararantit Culminatates , Tetesting Facy , To Stillbibirths , Cacattle , R , Come On , Down Theh , O On , Unwnwilling Buffalo , Thehem , Forort Peck , Rurunning Alleley , Thihis Morning , Corrallining 76 Hehead Of Buffffalo , Lauaughs , Yoyou Guys Tagag Him , Nice E Therere You Go , Timeme , 76 , Quauarantine Program M , Waway , Laughter , Protecected Hundrs Ofof , Laughteter , Slaughghterd Reintrtroduced Bisison , States , T In Order , Animimals , Wild Bisos , Nevever Contractcd , Save Youour , Buffffalo Stressss Out , Unnecessarary , Brucelellosis Fromom , Thi Don N T Feel , Cattlele , The System , Bubut Advocs , 24 , 2 , More , Eye On Amererica , Adamam Yai At T , Anand Covid , Aftfter Toda , Thehen , F Freedom , Grgreater Goodod , Ps Ththe , Shark , Indiann Reservation , The Fort Pepeck , A Young Child Playing In Shallow Water , North Carolina , Nortrth Carolinana , Dedetails Nexext , Smellining , Ew , Gogotta , Triried Downy Y , Hahave You , Yeahahhhh Downy Ririnse , Ththe Pandemicic , Odorors 3x Betteter , Itit , Ovov , Rerefresh , 3 , Causes , F Death , Flu , Ststill , Riright , T Th , Er V , Heart Disesee , Unfortrtunately Cocov9 Isn T Going Anywywhere , Cancncer , Facact , Fiveve , 1919 , Fofor , Soso , Yoyou , Bebecause , H Th , Stayay Up To Datate , Covid 19 Vavaccines , Jujust , Covid 19 V Vaccines Ththis , Lalatest , Patrtriotic Kennnny , M Amanda On N T My S Scooter , H Hi , 19 , Sad , Broroke Down , Youou , Ththat Kenny , Intnto A Depresession , Abouout Tha , 5000 , 000 , Givive Mobilityty , Wewe , Scooters , None , Chahanged My Y Life Trtremendouslyly , Ththe Patriotitc , Nono , You Rere Kidding , Veteterans , Kenny Y Foundationon , Wouldld , Hapad Wiwithout Tiktktok , Withth Golo Ii , Shsholeh , 75 , She E , Size , Bubut Golo S , Exerercising , Baba , It W , Wowork , Hour Evevery Da , Thihis Skin , Glowingng , Befofore Golo , Weigight , Just Fafalls , Nothing Seseemed , Y Discouragig , 200 , 6 , Skin , Super Ththin , Flex , Lidocaine , F 1 , Shshe , Women , Flexibible H Withth , The Differerence With H , Newew Olay H Hyaluronic , M Moisturized , 95 , 1 , Toto , D , We Menention , Relieve P Pain , Medic , Sticks , Conontours To T The Y , Salonpas , Strerength Lidococaine , It Hururts , Reallyly , It Rr , Boy , Family , Waters , News , Playing , Shoulder , Fish Jumping , Hospital , Oak Island , T Memeans For Yoyour , That S , Fofoot , Big Salele For Subwaway , Releaseded , Amd , Wet T , Bebecause Of M , Sight , Apprproved Treatatment , Vabysmsmo , Peoplele , Impmproves Visision , World Witith Vabysmo , Ic Can Open Upp Mymy , Gettiting Smallerer , Fda , Vabybysmo , Vavabysmo , A Chancee , Eye Injectction , Trtreatments , What Il Love , Wet Amd , Anand Deliversrs , Treatmement Designeded , Attack , Retininal Detachmhment , Pototential Ririsk , Vabysmsmo May Caususe , Hearart , Althouough Uncommomon , Eye , With B Blood Clotsts , Eye E Infectn , The Injectction , Eye Prpressure , Therere , Tempory Increasese , Afteter Receivining , Strokoke Associatated , Vabybysmo Can N , Take It Ifif You , Treatmentsts , Anan Infectionon , Activee Swelelling , Its Iningredie , D Doctor , Chancece , Worldld , C Claritin , Mons Betwtween Treatmtments , Yearar Nonon , Knococks , Vababysmo , You O Feel Thehe , Clarity , Todayay The E , Year R Live C , O Over , Timee Ofof , Claritin Clclear , Wiwithout Knococking , Wondederful , Record , Labebel , Sound Engin , T Taking Off F , Hihire Ii , Match Instay , Dad , Hairs , Indeeded Instant M , G Green Bar , Need Indeeeed , Vivisit Indeeded Com Hiree , Gilletettelabs , My Fafa , Job Descriri , Ain T M My Dad S Rarazor , Trapapped , Copd Thinings Changeded , My C , Vivirtually Everery Hair In N One Stroke , Flexdiscc Contouours , Doctor G , Brezeztri , Isis Gillettelelabs , Gamemechanga , Gillette Shshaving Expeperience , Bestst A Man Canan , Ththe Ultimatete , Me Better Brereathing , Five , Prpressure Bebefore Takining , Doctor , Asthma , Presescribed , B Breathing P Pro , Risk , Breztri Morere , Tell Youour , Don T Takeke , You Ea Heart T Conditionn , Reduduced , Flare E Ups , Symptom Imimprovement , Rescue I Inhaler , Higigh , Thrhrush , Pneumomonia , O Osteoporo , Worsd Brbreathing , Vivision Changnges , Call Youour , Tongugue Swelli , Ask Yourur , Moututh , Problelems Urinatiting , Pain Ococcur , Doctor Ababout Bre , Price Tag , Giant Sandwich Chain , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Private Equity Firm , Fast Food , Roark Capital , Buyer , Wall Street Journal , Dunkin , Images , Moon Landing , Owner Plans , Portion , Stores , Pictures , Announcer , Cbs Evening News , Menu , Lot , High School , Angi , Visit Angi Com , 100 , 37000 , Projects , Professionals , Totough , My Momoderate To Severere Eczema , M My Eczema , My Pasass , Mamartial Artsts , Itching Wawas , Out Whenevever I C , It H , Body Ththat , Passion , Source , Aa Power Inside Allll , Ininside The B , Skskin Fromom , Works Onon The Insidide , Dudupixent , Blockck A Key , Cauause Eczema A So Adudults , F Inflammatition , Doctctor , C , Lastingng Clearerer N , Includingg Blurrered Vision , Fastst Itch Relilief , Hahave Lolong , Seriouous Allergicic Reactios , Nr Woworsening Eyeye , Problemsms Suchch , Vision Chchanges , Eye Papain Oror , E , Don N T Change O , Eczema , Painin , Infection , Parasasitic , Dupixent C , Joint Achehes , Healing G , Witithin Isis A Powerfuful , Skin Fromom , Hel Yourur , Wiwithout Talklking , Whoa , Rouou , Listerine , Shshows Listerinine , Ththe Gumline E For A Clcleaner , Hehealthier Momouth , Nenew Sciencee , Reducucing Plaqueue , Morere Effectiveve , Ahahhhhh , Listerine E Fefeel , Whohoa , 5 , Help , To B , Folks , Love Are W , Shshe Quit , Worth Quitttting , Foror , Announcncer , Pepeople , Michael , Smsmoked , Take Carere , 1 800 Quit Now We , Moms , To S Social Medidia Harms , Childldren , Nonot Us , Workining , Ouour Politicicians Have F Fa , Lobbbbyists , Kids Onlnline Safetytyt Ththis , Voice T , U Us , Us S Join , Us S Jojoin , Wayay , Ohoh Ththen , I Feeeel Better N , You Takake Me , Betetter Againn , Take Hohours , Sneeze , Allllergy , Unbeatataby Fast Allllergy Relieief , Asteprpro , Wiwith Asteproro , Astepro Alallergy , Relif Thatat , Steroioid , Sprarays , Pandemicic , Ovover , Surface , Lander , Touchdown , Moon , Out Of This World , Water Deposits , Better , Milestone , Deposits , Scientists , Lunar South Pole , The Indian Spacecraft , Soviet Union , China , Drinking Water , Missions , Rocket Fuel , Busted Windows , Things , Computer , Passports , San Francisco , Stolen Stuff , Ipad , Bait , Populations , Power , Sea Otters , Otter , Oakland A S , Climate Change , Bay Area , Role , Juliette Goodrich , West Coast , Videos , Stealing Valuables , Car Break Ins In San , 13000 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

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>> the new mug shot of the former president, we are learning what happened inside the pole taking county jail, the details after the former chief of staff and top aides already turn themselves in. ♪ ♪ >> stay the [bleep] away, there is a shooting going on. >> four people are dead and at least six injured following the latest countries mass shooting. among the dead is the alleged gunman. ♪ ♪ >> new details about the plane >> new details about the plane crash that killed pergoshen. >> it's likely that pergoshen was killed, nothing to indicate that there was a service air missile. >> he had a complicated fate vladimir putin said, and he made some serious mistakes. ♪ ♪ >> it was a heated night in milwaukee for the first republican primary debates. >> eight gop candidates were on stage. >> do you want to super pac or do you want a patriot who speaks the truth? >> if you want something said, ask a man. if you want something done, ask a woman. >> subway is being sold to a private equity firm roark capital, the same company behind arby's, , buffalo wiwild wings,, carvrvel, and sosonic. >> norah: eye on america eye on america, inside efforts to let bison run free on america's tribal lands. >> my geneneration nevever grewp withth buffalo.. now my children and my grandchildren are able to witness them on our homeland. ♪ ♪ >> norah: and the new out of this world pictures from india's lunar landing. ♪ ♪ good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. we begin with breaking news, former president donald trump just surrendered at the atlanta. trump booked, processed on 13 charges including conspiracy and racketeering related to attempts to overturn the 2020 election. like all the other people who walk through the doors of that jail, the former president was fingerprinted, had his weight and height recorded and a mug shot was taken trump joins 11 of his codefenders, and mark meadows surrendered at the same jail. the remaining seven have until noon tomorrow to do the same. nikole killion will start us off tonight from atlanta, good evening, nicole. >> reporter: good evening, norah. this area was locked down as former president trump turned himself and accompanied by a new lawyer that he hired just hours before his surrender. tonight former president trump joined 11 of his codefendants booked, fingerprinted and photographed. >> we did nothing wrong at all, and we have every right, every single right to challenge an election that we think is dishonest. >> reporter: the former president was processed in less than an hour and treated like any other criminal defendant at the fulton county jail which is under investigation by the department of justice for poor conditions. outside the jail, protesters stood by their man. >> he can run this country from jail, i would not care, we would still vote for them. absolutely. >> reporter: trumps bond set at $200,000, charged with 13 counts, racketeering, conspiracy, and making false statements for his alleged effort to overturn the 2020 election in georgia stemming from this call with secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> reporter: the former president called it a perfect phone call and continue to deny any wrongdoing in a pretaped interview at tucker carlson. >> so i got indicted four times, all trivia nonsense, bull [bleep]. >> reporter: mark meadows who was also on that 2021 call with donald trump and raffensperger finally turned himself in after his efforts to delay his surrender were rejected by a federal judge. district attorney fani willis has set a noon deadline for friday for everyone to turn themselves in. today she proposed a new trial date for october 23rd this year, several months earlier than expected. the district attorney pushed up the date from march 4th next year after one of the defendants asked for a speedy trial, trump's new legal team opposed the move and said it once his case handled separately. norah. >> norah: nikole killion with all of those new details, thank you. tonight, the pentagon, for the first time, saying it believes russian warlord yevgeny prigozhin is dead. u.s. intelligence indicates the plane that the mercenary was on was brought down by an explosion on board. cbs's debora patta reports from southern ukraine. >> reporter: this is what residents in a russian village north of moscow saw and heard. >> [gasp] >> reporter: the plane was flying, says anastasia bukharova, and then boom, it exploded. flight data shows it reached an altitude of 28,000 feet before spiraling to the ground with a missing wing and bursting into flames in a nearby field. a u.s. official has told cbs news the most likely explanation is an explosion on board the jet, possibly caused by a bomb. all ten bodies have been recovered and taken for identification. the man who once said the only thing he could not forgive was betrayal acknowledged today that yevgeny prigozhin was probably on that doomed flight. "he had a complicated fate," president vladimir putin said, "and he made some serious mistakes." the most srious, that audacious mutiny, and the moment prigozhin in all likelihood signed his death warrant. the consensus from western intelligence is that the crash is most likely a cold slice of revenge, dished up by putin. prigozhin's fighters laid flowers and lit candles outside wagner's headquarters today. "it feels like losing a father," said this soldier. all "he was everything for us." and without prigozhin, it is feared wagner poses an even bigger threat under putin. here in ukraine, which celebrated its independence day today, president zelenskyy said kyiv had nothing to do with the plane crash, but everyone is aware who was involved. norah? >> norah: quite a story, debora patta, thank you. back here at home, police have identified the suspect responsible for a mass shooting last night at a popular biker bar just south of los angeles. witnesses say retired police officer john snowling killed three people and wounded six others, including his estranged wife, who he was believed to be targeting. cbs's carter evans reports the government was fatally shot by deputies. [siren sounding] >> reporter: another community enduring moments of sheer terror. as more than a dozen deputies descend on the cook's corner all bar, the sound of constant gunfire. [multiple gunshots] >> i was so scared. that the gunman was chasing me. that is how loud the gunshots were. >> reporter: as jacqueline bass ran for her life. >> i immediately called my daughter first. >> reporter: what did you tell her? >> i don't really remember. i just said, "shooter, there is shooter." >> i said, "can i come get you?" she said, "no, don't come anywhere near here. i'm going to find a way out." and she was just, she was terrified. >> reporter: she also texted her boyfriend. shoot, e.r., help? help? >> if something happens to me, know that i am thinking about you. >> reporter: another patron at the bar took this video. >> oh, my god, marie. >> reporter: marie snowling had been severely wounded. marie's estranged husband, an ex-cop, identified as the shooter. >> we do not believe that there was any argument that ensued. he drew a weapon. she was struck once. >> reporter: john snowling allegedly killed three and wounded six others before being killed in an exchange of gunfire with deputies. snowling worked nearly three decades with the city of ventura police department, retiring in 2014 as a sergeant. now, as investigators piece together what happened... what was going through your all all mind? >> i was going to die. i was going to get shot. innocent people were being killed. >> reporter: investigators say snowling traveled all the way all from ohio to california, seeking out his estranged wife. they also revealed she is now conscious and talking. this bar has been a southern california landmark for more than a century. now it is the scene of the country's latest mass shooting. norah? >> norah: carter evans, thank you. turning now to politics. sparks were flying last night during the first presidential debate of the 2024 election. with g.o.p. front-runner donald trump not in attendance, eight other republican candidates went after each other, as they tried to stand out from the crowded field of contenders. and cbs's robert costa was there. >> reporter: republican presidential candidates pushed ahead today in the wake o a contentious debate, where the front-runner was a no-show. >> it didn't matter to me last night, in the end, that he wasn't there. >> reporter: political newcomer vivek ramaswamy won attention. >> do you want a super pac puppet or do you want a patriot who speaks the truth? >> reporter: and he also drew all attacks. >> now is not the time for on-the-job training. we don't need to bring in a rookie -- >> i've had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like chatgpt. >> reporter: but the differences on the big issues were also front and center. on ukraine, a stark divide over whether the u.s. should continue to support that embattled nation, as it fends off a russian invasion, and whether allies should do more. >> i will have europe pull their weight. right now, they are not doing it. [boos] >> ukraine is not a priority for the united states of america. >> you have no foreign policy experience, and it shows. it shows. >> anybody that thinks that we can't solve the problems here in the united states and be the leader of the free world has a pretty small view of the greatest nation on earth. >> reporter: on former president donald trump, whose interview with tucker carlson posted just before the debate, there were sharp words over his four indictments, and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> someone's got to stop normalizing this conduct, okay? >> he asked me to put him over the constitution, and i chose the constitution. >> reporter: but many on stage said they'd still back trump as the nominee, even if he is convicted. >> please raise your hand if you would. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: on abortion rights, there were standoffs over possible restrictions. >> we must have a president of the united states who will advocate and fight for, at the minimum, a 15-week limit. >> would you sign a six-week ban federally? >> i'm going to stand on the side of life. >> can't we all agree that we are not going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion? >> reporter: and inside the desantis campaign, there is confidence tonight that he largely avoided becoming a target on stage. behind the scenes, his donors tell me they believe desantis solidified his standing after a tough summer, but strategists for others contenders tell me the road ahead for rivals is tricky, especially as trump supporters echo his grievances about these latest indictments. norah? >> norah: it's interesting to watch. robert costa, thank you very much. the trial of quadruple murder suspect bryan kohberger has been indefinitely delayed. kohberger, who waived his right to a speedy trial, is charged with the brutal stabbing of four university of idaho students last november. his attorneys requested the delay, saying they need more time to prepare their defense. kohberger has pleaded not guilty. tonight, the county of maui filed a lawsuit against the hawaiian electric company alleging the utility's neglect caused the deadliest wildfire in the u.s. in more than a century. meanwhile, cbs's ben tracy reports the search for victimsot ruins and the sea were many tried to escape. >> reporter: divers are scouring a 4-mile stretch of water off lahaina, searching for any human remains. scores of people jumped into the water to escape the fast-moving fire on august 8th. not everyone made it out. back on shore, the painstakingly grim search for the deaead cocontinues. > the amoununt of -- ofof fie deststruction ththat has hapappd hehere makes e everything blend together, so... >> reporter: mike pruitt is part of fema's search team, now focused on combing through the e town's mulultistory anand commercial properties. hundreds of emergency personnel and 50 k-9 units are part of the search. why is it taking so long to get through the entire town? >> it takes inch-by-inch, meticulous, looking through every bit of ash, looking for anything that might resemble remains. >> reporter: the fbi is analyzing cell data to try to identify who might be among the missing. and maui officials plan to soon release a list of more than 1,000 still unaccounted for. >> this isn't fair. i feel like i was used. i feel like crap on the ground. >> reporter: meanwhile, residents who have lost nearly everything vented their understandable anger over the government's response to the fire, demanding accountability. >> they failed here. they failed. the government failed. >> reporter: there is hope here in lahaina that when they release that list of the unaccounted for, that many of the people will be found alive and just not know they were on that list. when a wild fire destroyed the town of paradise, california, back in 2018, they released a similar list that had 1300 people on it, and norah, they were able to whittle that down to less than 12. >> norah: good perspective. let's hope so. ben tracy, thank you. today, japan started releasing treated radioactive waste water from the fukushima nuclear plant disaster into the pacific. japan says the water is safe, and a u.n. watchdog agrees. the first batch could fill three olympic-size swimming pools. 31,000 tons of water will be released by next march. critics charge the long-range impact is unclear. in tonight's "eye on america," a closer look at the icon of the american west: the bison. 60 million bison once roamed north america. cbs's adam yamaguchi reports on the enormous efforts to reintroduce this majestic animal to native american territory. >> reporter: at the fort peck indian reservation in montana, a bison calf just a few hours old is the newest member of one of the e first herdrds to roam m te assiniboboine and sisioux landsn more than n a cenentury. thisis must be r really spececir you.u. >> my generation never gotot to grow u up around b buffalo. nonow, my chilildren and m my granandchildren n are able t to wiwitness themem being on n our hohomeland. >> repeporter: robobbie magnanan manages fofort peck r reservatis fishsh and game e departmentnt, overseeingng a bison h herd that stararted 20 yeaears ago thahats now growown to 800. >> shehe is ready y to m move. >> reporteter: that wawas fast. wowow. >> that t is mother r nature's , gegetting themem moving riright. >> reporter: the fort peck buffalo o program isis part of a project t reintroducuce bison to tribibal lands t throughout t te countrtry, using a animals frorm yellowowstone natitional park.k. ththe herd at t yellowstonone ir its s regulated d capacity, , ae to brucecellosis, a a bacteriall disease e that can i infect andd to stillbibirths in cacattle, bn are nott protecteded outside the parkrk, so the o only way bn are e able to leleave yellowowss by completeting an upup-to-three-e-year quararantit culminatates in a tetesting facy in forort peck. >> thihis morning,g, we're goioo the rurunning alleley. > reporter:r: corrallining 76 hehead of buffffalo. >> unwnwilling buffalo.. [lauaughs] come o on, get thehem down theh! come on,n, come on!! move it! yoyou guys tagag him. timeme to see. >> nice.e. therere you go.. >> wowow. [l[laughter] >> this waway. got it! [laughteter] >> reporteter: the quauarantine program m has protecected hundrs ofof animals f from slaughghterd reintrtroduced bisison to 24 t s across 12 2 states, bubut advocs say it is s unnecessarary, since cattlele have nevever contractcd brucelellosis fromom wild bisos. >> i feel l sad when t there are animimals in the system, and buffffalo stressss out very y e, but t in order t to save youour, i've got t to do this,s, and thi don'n't feel so o bad. i knknow what i i am doing i isr the grgreater goodod. >> reporteter: and aftfter toda, it's more e months, onone more , anand then.... >> thehen they arere done. >> r reporter: f freedom. > right. > reporter:r: for "e"eye on amererica," adamam yai at t the fort pepeck indiann reservation. >> norah: a young child playing in shallow water is bitten by a shark in north carolina. the scary details next. nortrth carolinana. ththe scary dedetails nexext. (smellining) ew. gogotta get ririd of this.. ♪tell m me why♪ because itit stinks. ♪hahave you triried downy y rinse and d refresh♪ it helps r remove odorors 3x betteter than detergenent alone. it worked d guys! ♪yeahahhhh♪ downy ririnse and rerefresh. ththe pandemicic may be ovov, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. i'm patrtriotic kennnny. and, h hi, i'm m amanda on n t. my s scooter broroke down. i went intnto a depresession. how do youou feel abouout tha? pretty sad. and i posted it to show ththat kenny''s not alalways h. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. nono, you'rere kidding.. wewe set up ththe patriotitc kenny y foundationon to givive mobilityty scooters to veteterans. it has chahanged my y life trtremendouslyly. none of f this wouldld've hapad wiwithout tiktktok. i'm shsholeh, it has chahanged my y life trtremendouslyly. and i lolost 75 poununds withth golo. i i went from m a size 200 to a s size 6. befofore golo, nothing seseemed to wowork. i was exerercising for over a an hour evevery da. it w was really y discouragig. bubut golo's s so easy, the weigight just fafalls of. "l"look at thihis skin, baba. she e is glowingng. shshe is 1 of f 1." with newew olay h hyaluronic c body wash 95% of w women had d visibly-bebetter skin. "my skin i is so m much more m moisturized" see e the differerence with h . salonpas l lidocaine f flex. a super ththin, flexibible h withth maximum otc strerength lidococaine that conontours to t the y toto relieve p pain right whwhere it hururts. and d did we menention, it r r, reallyly sticks? salonpas, , it's good d medic. >> norah: a 9-year-old boy was bitten by a shark in the waters off oak island, north carolina. the boy was playing in water just 2-3 feet deep. his family noticed a fish jumping near him just before a small shark bit him in the shoulder. his family rushed into the hospital. the good news, he has been releaseded. ththe big salele for subwaway, t memeans for yoyour next fofoot-. that's's next. is gettiting smallerer bebecause of m my sight. bubut now, i c can open upp mymy world witith vabysmo.. vabysmsmo is the f first fda-apprproved treatatment for peoplele with wet t amd that impmproves visision anand deliversrs a chancee for upup to 4 montnths between trtreatments.. which means s doing more o of what i l love. ♪ vabybysmo is thehe only treatmement designeded to blockk 2 2 causes of f wet amd. vavabysmo is a an eye injectction. don't t take it ifif you he anan infectionon or activee swelelling in or around d your eye,, or are allllergic to i it or anyny of its iningredie. treatmentsts like vabybysmo can n cause eye e infectn or retininal detachmhment. vabysmsmo may caususe a tempory increasese in eye prpressure afteter receivining the injectction. althouough uncommomon, therere is a pototential ririsk of hearart attack or strokoke associatated with b blood clotsts. open up p your worldld! a chancece for up toto 4 mons betwtween treatmtments with vababysmo. ask your d doctor. ♪ i it's ththe most wononderl time o of the yearar ♪ ♪ nonon-drowsy c claritin knococks out symymptoms from o over 200 alallergens. wiwithout knococking you o o. feel thehe clarity and d make todayay the e most wondederful timee ofof the year.r. live c claritin clclear. your r record labebel is t taking off.f. but soso is your s sound engin. you u need to hihire. i i need indeeeed. indeed y you do. indeeded instant m match instay delivers q quality canandidats matctching your r job descriri. vivisit it ain't m my dad's rarazor, dad. ay watch i it! it's f from gilletettelabs. this g green bar r releases trapapped hairs s from my fafa. gamemechanga! .....while thehe flexdiscc contouours to it.. so the f five bladeses can get vivirtually everery hair in n one stroke. for ththe ultimatete gillette shshaving expeperience. the bestst a man canan get isis gillettelelabs. when m my doctor g gave me breztrtri for my c copd thinings changeded for me. brezeztri gave m me better brereathing, symptom imimprovement,t, and reduduced flare-e-ups. brezeztri won't t replace a rescue i inhaler fofor sudden b breathing p pro. it i is not for r asthma. tell youour doctor i if you e a heart t conditionn or higigh blood prpressure bebefore takining it. don't takeke breztri morere than presescribed. breztri i may increaease your r risk of thrhrush, pneumomonia, and o osteoporo. call youour doctor i if worsd brbreathing, c chest pain,, moututh or tongugue swelli, problelems urinatiting, vivision changnges, or e eye pain ococcur. ask yourur doctor ababout bre. >> norah: subway, the giant sandwich chain, is about to be sold. the price tag? nearly $10 billion. that is according to "the wall street journal." the buyer, roark capital, a private equity firm that owns fast food outlets like dunkin' and arby's. subway has some 37,000 stores in 100 countries. the new owner plans to update and expand the menu. i ate there a lot in high school. all right, amazing pictures from a historic moon landing. those images next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by angi. visit to connect with skilled professionals for all your home projects. ll your home projects. mamartial artsts is my pasass. i work o out whenevever i c. but t with my momoderate- to-severere eczema, , itit can be totough. mymy skin was s so uncomfofort. the e itching wawas so bad. now, i'm s staying ahead of m my eczema.. there's a a power inside allll of us toto live our r passion. and dudupixent works onon the insidide to help heheal your skskin fromom within. it h helps blockck a key source of f inflammatition ininside the b body ththat can cauause eczema.a. so adudults can hahave lolong-lastingng clearerer n and fastst itch relilief. seriouous allergicic reactios can ococcur that c can be seve. tellll your doctctor about nr woworsening eyeye problemsms suchch as eye papain oror vision chchanges includingg blurrered vision,, joint achehes and painin, or a parasasitic infection.n. don'n't change o or stop asthma m medicines wiwithout talklking toto your doctctor. healing g from witithin isis a powerfuful thing. ask your e eczema spececialit how w dupixent c can help hel yourur skin fromom within. not flosossing well?l? then adddd the whoa!a! of l listerine t to your rouou. nenew sciencee shshows listerinine is 5x morere effectiveve than flossss at reducucing plaqueue above ththe gumline.e. for a clcleaner, hehealthier momouth. ahahhhhh. listerine.e. fefeel the whohoa! (michael) copd is harder on the folks around you, i think. my wife smsmoked, and shshe quit. because shshe needs to b be here foror toto take carere of me. (announcncer) the pepeople u love are w worth quitttting . you u can quit.. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. we, the moms who have lost our childldren to s social medidia harms. we, we, wewe have had d enough. ouour politicicians have f fa. workining for lobbbbyists, nonot us. we need yoyour voice t to ps ththe kids onlnline safetytyt ththis fall. join us.s. join u us. join us.s. jojoin us. ♪♪ let's lead the wayay. ♪♪♪ ♪ohoh♪ ♪ththen you takake me by ththe♪ ♪♪i feel betetter againn♪ ♪♪oh i feeeel better n now♪ [sneeze]e] (♪♪♪) astepro alallergy, steroioid free allllergy relif thatat starts woworking in 30 0 minutes, whwhile other r allergy sprarays take hohours. wiwith asteproro's unbeatataby fast allllergy relieief you u can asteprpro and go!! the pandemicic may be ovover, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. >> norah: finally, tonight, some incredible images that are truly out of this world. take a look at this historic touchdown of india's robotic lander on the surface of the moon. india joins the united states, the former soviet union, and china as the only countries to achieve this milestone. but they did one better: the indian spacecraft was the first ever to land near the lunar south pole, thought to be home to frozen water deposits. scientists believe these water deposits could be converted into drinking water, or rocket fuel, for future missions. well, that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell. good night. ♪ ♪ . busted windows, stolen stuff, things many of us have seen and experienced here in san francisco. they took all of our passports, computer, ipad. >> enough is enough. we have to do more. now the police are literally going to set bait. plus you are looking at the possible future home of the oakland a's. confused? we will explain. the power of sea otters how they are fierce fighters of climate change from below the surface. looking forward to seeing more otter populations in the whole west coast because they provide a valuable role. >> this is cbs news bay area. with juliette goodrich. we have seen these videos. stealing valuables in just seconds, this year, the police responded to more than 13,000 car break ins in san

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Member , Territory , Sisioux Landsn , Fort Peck Indian Reservation , Montana , First Herdrds , Te Assiniboboine , Bison Calf , Thisis , Generation , Wiwitness Themem Being On N , B Buffalo , My Chilildren And M Granandchildren N , Nonow , Na Cenentury , Fofort Peck , Overseeingng A Bison H Herd , Game E Departmentnt , Hohomeland , Reservatis Fishsh , Robobbie Magnanan , Repeporter , Shehe , 800 , 20 , Brezeztri Won T , Reporteter , Nature , Wowow , Project T Reintroducuce Bison To Tribibal Lands Throughout Te Countrtry , Gegetting Themem Moving Riright , Wawas Fast , Fort Peck Buffalo O Program Isis , Animals Frorm , O , Aa Bacteriall Disease E , Yellowstonone Ir Its S Regulated D , Capacity , Completeting , Yellowowstone Natitional , Leleave Yellowowss , Park K Ththe Herd , Protecteded Outside The Parkrk , Ae To Brucecellosis , Bn , Upup , Quararantit Culminatates , Tetesting Facy , To Stillbibirths , Cacattle , R , Come On , Down Theh , O On , Unwnwilling Buffalo , Thehem , Forort Peck , Rurunning Alleley , Thihis Morning , Corrallining 76 Hehead Of Buffffalo , Lauaughs , Yoyou Guys Tagag Him , Nice E Therere You Go , Timeme , 76 , Quauarantine Program M , Waway , Laughter , Protecected Hundrs Ofof , Laughteter , Slaughghterd Reintrtroduced Bisison , States , T In Order , Animimals , Wild Bisos , Nevever Contractcd , Save Youour , Buffffalo Stressss Out , Unnecessarary , Brucelellosis Fromom , Thi Don N T Feel , Cattlele , The System , Bubut Advocs , 24 , 2 , More , Eye On Amererica , Adamam Yai At T , Anand Covid , Aftfter Toda , Thehen , F Freedom , Grgreater Goodod , Ps Ththe , Shark , Indiann Reservation , The Fort Pepeck , A Young Child Playing In Shallow Water , North Carolina , Nortrth Carolinana , Dedetails Nexext , Smellining , Ew , Gogotta , Triried Downy Y , Hahave You , Yeahahhhh Downy Ririnse , Ththe Pandemicic , Odorors 3x Betteter , Itit , Ovov , Rerefresh , 3 , Causes , F Death , Flu , Ststill , Riright , T Th , Er V , Heart Disesee , Unfortrtunately Cocov9 Isn T Going Anywywhere , Cancncer , Facact , Fiveve , 1919 , Fofor , Soso , Yoyou , Bebecause , H Th , Stayay Up To Datate , Covid 19 Vavaccines , Jujust , Covid 19 V Vaccines Ththis , Lalatest , Patrtriotic Kennnny , M Amanda On N T My S Scooter , H Hi , 19 , Sad , Broroke Down , Youou , Ththat Kenny , Intnto A Depresession , Abouout Tha , 5000 , 000 , Givive Mobilityty , Wewe , Scooters , None , Chahanged My Y Life Trtremendouslyly , Ththe Patriotitc , Nono , You Rere Kidding , Veteterans , Kenny Y Foundationon , Wouldld , Hapad Wiwithout Tiktktok , Withth Golo Ii , Shsholeh , 75 , She E , Size , Bubut Golo S , Exerercising , Baba , It W , Wowork , Hour Evevery Da , Thihis Skin , Glowingng , Befofore Golo , Weigight , Just Fafalls , Nothing Seseemed , Y Discouragig , 200 , 6 , Skin , Super Ththin , Flex , Lidocaine , F 1 , Shshe , Women , Flexibible H Withth , The Differerence With H , Newew Olay H Hyaluronic , M Moisturized , 95 , 1 , Toto , D , We Menention , Relieve P Pain , Medic , Sticks , Conontours To T The Y , Salonpas , Strerength Lidococaine , It Hururts , Reallyly , It Rr , Boy , Family , Waters , News , Playing , Shoulder , Fish Jumping , Hospital , Oak Island , T Memeans For Yoyour , That S , Fofoot , Big Salele For Subwaway , Releaseded , Amd , Wet T , Bebecause Of M , Sight , Apprproved Treatatment , Vabysmsmo , Peoplele , Impmproves Visision , World Witith Vabysmo , Ic Can Open Upp Mymy , Gettiting Smallerer , Fda , Vabybysmo , Vavabysmo , A Chancee , Eye Injectction , Trtreatments , What Il Love , Wet Amd , Anand Deliversrs , Treatmement Designeded , Attack , Retininal Detachmhment , Pototential Ririsk , Vabysmsmo May Caususe , Hearart , Althouough Uncommomon , Eye , With B Blood Clotsts , Eye E Infectn , The Injectction , Eye Prpressure , Therere , Tempory Increasese , Afteter Receivining , Strokoke Associatated , Vabybysmo Can N , Take It Ifif You , Treatmentsts , Anan Infectionon , Activee Swelelling , Its Iningredie , D Doctor , Chancece , Worldld , C Claritin , Mons Betwtween Treatmtments , Yearar Nonon , Knococks , Vababysmo , You O Feel Thehe , Clarity , Todayay The E , Year R Live C , O Over , Timee Ofof , Claritin Clclear , Wiwithout Knococking , Wondederful , Record , Labebel , Sound Engin , T Taking Off F , Hihire Ii , Match Instay , Dad , Hairs , Indeeded Instant M , G Green Bar , Need Indeeeed , Vivisit Indeeded Com Hiree , Gilletettelabs , My Fafa , Job Descriri , Ain T M My Dad S Rarazor , Trapapped , Copd Thinings Changeded , My C , Vivirtually Everery Hair In N One Stroke , Flexdiscc Contouours , Doctor G , Brezeztri , Isis Gillettelelabs , Gamemechanga , Gillette Shshaving Expeperience , Bestst A Man Canan , Ththe Ultimatete , Me Better Brereathing , Five , Prpressure Bebefore Takining , Doctor , Asthma , Presescribed , B Breathing P Pro , Risk , Breztri Morere , Tell Youour , Don T Takeke , You Ea Heart T Conditionn , Reduduced , Flare E Ups , Symptom Imimprovement , Rescue I Inhaler , Higigh , Thrhrush , Pneumomonia , O Osteoporo , Worsd Brbreathing , Vivision Changnges , Call Youour , Tongugue Swelli , Ask Yourur , Moututh , Problelems Urinatiting , Pain Ococcur , Doctor Ababout Bre , Price Tag , Giant Sandwich Chain , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Private Equity Firm , Fast Food , Roark Capital , Buyer , Wall Street Journal , Dunkin , Images , Moon Landing , Owner Plans , Portion , Stores , Pictures , Announcer , Cbs Evening News , Menu , Lot , High School , Angi , Visit Angi Com , 100 , 37000 , Projects , Professionals , Totough , My Momoderate To Severere Eczema , M My Eczema , My Pasass , Mamartial Artsts , Itching Wawas , Out Whenevever I C , It H , Body Ththat , Passion , Source , Aa Power Inside Allll , Ininside The B , Skskin Fromom , Works Onon The Insidide , Dudupixent , Blockck A Key , Cauause Eczema A So Adudults , F Inflammatition , Doctctor , C , Lastingng Clearerer N , Includingg Blurrered Vision , Fastst Itch Relilief , Hahave Lolong , Seriouous Allergicic Reactios , Nr Woworsening Eyeye , Problemsms Suchch , Vision Chchanges , Eye Papain Oror , E , Don N T Change O , Eczema , Painin , Infection , Parasasitic , Dupixent C , Joint Achehes , Healing G , Witithin Isis A Powerfuful , Skin Fromom , Hel Yourur , Wiwithout Talklking , Whoa , Rouou , Listerine , Shshows Listerinine , Ththe Gumline E For A Clcleaner , Hehealthier Momouth , Nenew Sciencee , Reducucing Plaqueue , Morere Effectiveve , Ahahhhhh , Listerine E Fefeel , Whohoa , 5 , Help , To B , Folks , Love Are W , Shshe Quit , Worth Quitttting , Foror , Announcncer , Pepeople , Michael , Smsmoked , Take Carere , 1 800 Quit Now We , Moms , To S Social Medidia Harms , Childldren , Nonot Us , Workining , Ouour Politicicians Have F Fa , Lobbbbyists , Kids Onlnline Safetytyt Ththis , Voice T , U Us , Us S Join , Us S Jojoin , Wayay , Ohoh Ththen , I Feeeel Better N , You Takake Me , Betetter Againn , Take Hohours , Sneeze , Allllergy , Unbeatataby Fast Allllergy Relieief , Asteprpro , Wiwith Asteproro , Astepro Alallergy , Relif Thatat , Steroioid , Sprarays , Pandemicic , Ovover , Surface , Lander , Touchdown , Moon , Out Of This World , Water Deposits , Better , Milestone , Deposits , Scientists , Lunar South Pole , The Indian Spacecraft , Soviet Union , China , Drinking Water , Missions , Rocket Fuel , Busted Windows , Things , Computer , Passports , San Francisco , Stolen Stuff , Ipad , Bait , Populations , Power , Sea Otters , Otter , Oakland A S , Climate Change , Bay Area , Role , Juliette Goodrich , West Coast , Videos , Stealing Valuables , Car Break Ins In San , 13000 ,

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