Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

the new questions tonight about what happened and the threat is is not over. here are tonight's headlines. ♪ ♪ you can just see how much of the landscape has been charred. the town just totally wiped out. our visit to historic lahaina now in ruins. nothing but ashes. it's like an ashen moonscape, every single house. every single tree. and it goes on like this for a block after block after block. we speak with survivors as a community waits for news about their loved ones. >> i do expect the numbers to rise. ♪ ♪ >> heads up, the line is live on the ground right there. >> norah: tonight the new video about what may have caused the fire and the stories of desperation to get out alive. ♪ ♪ > the sirens did not go off and even fire hydrants did not have water. how did so much go so wrong? ♪ ♪ >> one of the island's most famous longtime residents oprah winfrey spent the last several days doing what she could to provide emotional comfort and physical aid to one of the hardest hit areas. ♪ ♪ >> former president donald trump could face a fourth indictment as early as this week. >> we don't take plea deals, because i did nothing wrong. ♪ ♪ >> norah: blindsided, hear why the nfl star and subject of the oscar-winning movie is suing his own family. ♪ ♪ and what one survivor told us about the beauty of maui and its people. ♪ ♪ good evening to our viewers in the west. we are live tonight here on maui, where this community is devastated. and we should note it is not out of danger. there are still fires burning and residents are worried about what's to come with more high winds possible. the embers not far from where we are tonight in kula are still smoldering. linemen working to restore power. today more members of the national guard were activated to help and this just in the breaking news, the death toll on this monday night now at 99. and hawaii's governor tells cbs news that the number could rise dramatically by ten to 20 per day, with hundreds still missing. well, today fema bringing in teams of cadaver dogs from the mainland. it is still so hot here that the dogs have to take breaks to cool down before resuming this difficult and somber work. the scope of the damage is unimaginable. and there are reports tonight that fire hydrants ran out of water as crews race to fight the blaze. we have team coverage, but we are going to start at ground zero, the historic town of lahaina. the area is closed to the public, but we got a firsthand look at why the heart of this community is hurting so deeply. our visit to lahaina once home to 13,000 people, now a desolate ruin. it's just like anything i've ever seen before. it's like an ashen moonscape. look at how much. every single house. every single tree. and it goes on like this for blok after block after block. look at these cars. they are still searching these neighborhoods. the scope of the damage unfathomable, with authority searching for more than 1300 people still missing. you can see that the national guard has most of these blocks roped off. national guard making sure that nobody comes in these areas that have been decimated. the recovery just beginning as 12 more cadaver dogs arrive to help comb through the rubble. >> the dogs can only work 15 minutes at a time and then they overheat because there are still embers burning, it's very hot down there still. they cover 3% of the territory yesterday and there are more fatalities that will come. >> norah: hawaii governor josh green describes the wildfire as a fire hurricane reaching temperatures of 1,000 degrees, fueled by over 80-mile-per-hour winds and tearing through more than 2,000 buildings. >> they find the remains of people -- >> and just ash? >> it's almost entirely ash. so delicate that when we pick up our loved one that is gone, they -- you know, they fall apart. >> norah: and for many families the waiting and the we traveled with volunteers by fishing boat bringing supplies to the hardest hit part of lahaina. this is the poly highway that has actually been shut down only open to emergency vehicles, so that's why we are taking this fishing boat out to lahaina and residents have requested fire extinguishers. so they are on this boat as well to be delivered to people, because there are still some fires and flames that are erupting. on land we met rob owen who escaped the flames but lost his home. >> my house is gone. it is right down just beyond the smokestack. it is just rubble down there, smoke and ash. >> norah: this island is no straner to wildfires, but this% was different. >> you have fire tornadoes going off, and it was just mayhem. >> norah: what does that fire tornado look like? >> that's just it. flames spinning, you know? >> norah: and the fire moved quickly engulfing the town with no warning as questions mount about why the 80 outdoor sirens stayed silent. what about when people said there was only one way out. >> i can't say there was one way out, but i can say the exit was always changing, because power lines were still coming down and cars were getting trapped to reverse and go back out. so everyone was weaving through neighborhoods and trying to dodge trees. you see the aerial footage and you can see the cars all this way, so they went with it till the fire jumped to the other side, and people got trapped in the middle. and those are a lot of the people that had to like -- they were breathing the smoke and had to just jump into the ocean at that point and swim, you know? >> norah: almost one week later, the emotion for owen is still raw. >> my stuff that is lost, i am fine with that. but it is the kids in the older people that were stuck in the houses. it's hard to think about. they did not really have a warning to get out. they did not have any time to get out either. you know? >> norah: that is the concern that people did not have any time to get out. we are just learning from the governor that the first 80 confirmed deaths in lahaina were found in their cars or in the water. and of course there are those growing questions about how this tragedy happened. how an entire town was nearly wiped out. cbs's jonathan vigliotti has been doing new reporting all week long, and i know that you have some new information for us tonight. >> reporter: norah, i spoke with the fire chief who confirms the sirens did not go off and believe this, the fire hydrants actually ran out of water. how this happened is still unclear tonight, but what we do know is so many people had to self evacuate, and by the time they chose to do so, it was too late. before the flames, there were warning signs as 80-mile-per-hour winds whip lashed power lines. >> heads up, the line is live on the ground right there. >> reporter: for several hours hawaii officials did not shut down the power or stage fire crews out of caution. soon the fire sparked then exploded. the flames spreading a mile a minute, all while warning sirens sat silent. investigators are trying to determine if power lines caused the fire. amid the ashes, there is anger. could a few extra minutes have given residents a chance to flee before the fire engulfed lahaina? we have spoken with so many survivors who say there were no evacuations issued, no text alerts, the sirens did not go off and even fire hydrants did not have water. how did so much go so wrong? >> i can't speak to a lot of those parts, they are not part of our department. >> reporter: today fema confirmed there was an issue impacting water supply to the hydrants. all as the search continues for the missing. the task overwhelming. they only cover 3% of this massive disaster zone. with so many still missing there is a google doc to help locate residents. over 5,000 names, most found, but hundreds are still unaccounted for. for lahaina residents who got out safely, roadblocks are preventing them from returning. >> i feel the anger and the angst that people want to go home. everyone wants to go home. there are so many of our friends and family that never left. >> reporter: and fema is asking family members to now submit to dna samples. only two of the victims have been identified so far. it is a process that could take several months. >> norah: so sensitive and painstaking, jonathan vigliotti, thank you so much. getting food and supplies to those who need it most in lahaina is another challenge facing this island. but that's not slowing down the efforts of hundreds of volunteers. they are all pitching in trying to help their neighbors. reporter rudabeh shahbazi from our cbs los angeles station shows us tonight how this close-knit community is really pulling together. >> reporter: at docks across the island, it is all hands on deck. small armies of maui residents are working in brigade lines, loading boats with emergency supplies being shipped to maui's hardest hit areas. >> there is immense frustration. >> reporter: some residents we spoke to said the government response has not come fast enough. >> we are still loading up our personal vehicles to go to parts of the community that have not seen federal, state, or county employees. >> reporter: meanwhile relief workers are moving tons of supplies by sea, air, and land. >> we get water, we get food. we get toilet paper. >> reporter: those essentials are going to thousands of people now staying in shelters or hotels. kamuela kawaakoa, his girlfriend, and their six-year-old son are now living in a parking lot. >> these are our belongings inside of it. >> reporter: the state supplies are coming in nonstop and working to sort, organize, and deliver them. for some survivors the need is even greater. >> i said, if i am going to die, i am going to do it here. >> reporter: three years ago tai hoefer said he learned he had an incurable disease and moved to hopefully live out his remaining days in peace. >> what more do you want from me? i can't give you anything else. you have taken everything from me. >> reporter: and the donations continue to pour in at this church behind me. hawaiians locals on the ground and jumped into action immediately they have a long tradition of helping themselves. many of them tell me they weren't going to wait for the government to save them. norah. >> norah: i heard that too, rudabeh shahbazi, thank you so much. one of those providing relief is longtime maui resident oprah winfrey, who today promised a major donation after all of the smoke and ash has settled. she is not just providing aid, but also emotional support visiting people in some of the hardest hit areas. cbs's tony dokoupil joined oprah outside a shelter to meet those who have lost everything but hope. >> we find her at the entrance of the biggest evacuation shelter in maui county, still home to a thousand people and where oprah has been quietly visiting survivors. she wants us to hear some of the stories she has been hearing. and since cameras are not allowed inside, we find a spot to talk just outside the fence. if we were inside, what would we see? >> you would see people with all of their worldly possessions in a small garbage bag. >> reporter: she introduces us first to kanani adolpho, who despite losing some of her own family has been a volunteer here from the very first night. >> i'm just a volunteer. this is my county, i was born and raised here. i'm never leaving. >> reporter: next oprah returned with two sisters, both feeling lucky to be alive. >> six hours in the water, we jumped to the ocean, because we were trapped. >> reporter: they have nine family members in all inside the shelter, and yet -- >> every time i've see you and your family your spirits are always so high. you seem so okay? >> you know, it's so sad, no more memories, everything we let go. only in the heart, that's all that we bring in. >> reporter: and finally julius -- what happened here? [sighs] he says he heard his skin popping in the heat as he ran. >> at that moment when i am running, because i can't see anything. it's all black. i thought i was going to die. >> reporter: he started praying and then an opening. you ran, and you prayed? and you made it, you seem like you don't realize it yet, but you are here. you made it through. >> aloha spirit is about community and family and we have seen it here, most people never get to imagine it. >> reporter: another of the evacuees in the shelter behind me, told me although she has lost her house she plans to pitch a tent and restart her garden just as soon as humanly possible. norah, that's what people mean here when they say the aloha spirit can rebuild the world. >> norah: i felt it. tony dokoupil, thank you so much. and for those wanting to help the victims and the recovery effort here on maui, you can go to for more information. residents we spoke with are concerned that they could be hit by more storms just at a time when they are trying to assess the true scope of the disaster. let's bring in meteorologist chris warren from our partners at the weather channel, how could these additional storms impact the area? >> reporter: norah, there are a couple of areas in the pacific that could eventually bring some gusty winds to hawaii, and a tropical storm greg will go well to the south. this one by early next week hurricane fernando could bring some gusty winds, however what is different, last week there was a big area of high pressure, could be some gusty winds with fernando. meanwhile some gusty winds. and severe weather flaring up this evening, and once again the possibility for more severe weather will be back from the southeast to the northeast tomorrow. >> norah: chris, thank you very much. the other big story today, another looming indictment for donald trump. there are signs of a georgia grand jury investigating the former president is moving faster than expected. a number of key witnesses testifying and the former lieutenant governor of georgia, cbs's nikole killion is at the courthouse with new details. >> reporter: one by one witnesses arrived at the fulton county courthouse today as district attorney fani willis moved quickly to presentrney fas moved quickly to present alleged interference in georgia's 2020 election by former president trump and his allies. former republican lieutenant governor geoff duncan testified a day earlier than expected. former democratic state senator jen jordan also gave testimony she attended the capitol in 2020 when trump attorney rudy giuliani gave a presentation. >> reporter: what raised a red flag to you? >> the idea that there were ballots and cars being driven in and out, suitcases and people were trying to overthrow the election and how crazy, everything they talked about that was abnormal to them could be explained away very simply in terms of how elections are run in georgia. >> reporter: you think there could be multiple indictments? >> i think there will be multiple defendants indicted. >> reporter: michael moore is a former u.s. attorney and says willis could pursue racketeering charges given the sprawling nature of the case. >> here i think she will do this. >> reporter: tonight there are signs that a turning decision could be imminent since the presiding judge in this incident has not left the courthouse yet, norah. >> norah: nikole killion, thank you. a former nfl player whose adoption inspired and oscar-nominated movie now says that story is a lie. we will have the details next. fe adoption inspired and oscar-nonominated movie now sass ththat story i is a lie. we wilill have thehe details n . we w will have t the detailsls . my heaeart doesn''t pupump enough h blood... so my y doctor gavave me farxi. ♪ farxixiga ♪ it helelps my hearart do its jobob better. farxigiga helps keep me e living lifife... and out ofof the hospipital for r heart faililure. farxiga can caususe serious s e efeffects inclcluding dehyhydr, urinary trtract or genenital yeast infefections in womomen and menen and d low blood d sugar. ketoacacidosis is s a serious sidede effect thatat may lead d to death.. a rare l life-threatatening bacteriaial infectioion in thehe skin of t the perinem cocould occur.r. stop t taking farxrxiga and cl yourur doctor riright away if y you have sysymptoms of this s bacterial l infecti, anan allergic c reaction,, or k ketoacidosisis. more timime with herer? 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(sfxfx: family s screams inn backgrground) my mosost importanant kitchen totool? my b brain. soso i choose e neuriva plpl. unlike somome others,, neuriva a plus is a a multitar supportiting 6 key i indicas of b brain healtlth. to h help keep m me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. >> norah: the former nfl player who inspired the oscar-nominated movie "the blindside" is suing the couple he now says falsely claimed to have adopted him. michael oher says he learned earlier this year that the couple never actually adopted him, but he says tricked him out of millions of dollars. the former super bowl champion is asking a court in tennessee to terminate the conservatorship he signed back in 2004. and we will be right back with an important cookie recall. bach an importatant cookie e recall. . sotyktuu is thehe first-of-f-its-kind, oncece-daily pilill for r moderate-t-to-severe plaque psosoriasis for r the chancece at clearr or almlmost clear r skin. it's l like the fefeeling ofof finding y your back.... is back.k. or f finding psosoriasis can't denyny the splenendor of t these thighghs. ononce-daily s sotyktu is s pn to get morore people clearer skskin thanan the leadiding pill. don'n't take if f you're allllc to sotyktutu; seserious reacactions can n o. sotyktktu can lowewer your abiy toto fight infnfections includining tb. seririous infectctions, cancns inincluding lylymphoma, muscle p problems, and chchanges in c certain las haveve occurred.d. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue an infectition, livever or kidneney problems, highgh triglycererides, oror had a vacaccine or plpla. sosotyktu is a a tyk2 inhihib. tytyk2 is partrt of thehe jak familily. it's not k known if sosotyktu has the sasame risks as jakak inhibitorors. find whahat plaque p psoriass has been h hiding. ask your d dermatologigist abt sotyktu u for clearerer skin. soso clearly y you. sotyktk. 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liberty y mutual cusustomizes your carar insurancece... so youou only payy for whwhat you neeeed. thatat's my boy.y. ♪♪ ststay off thehe freeways!s! only p pay for whahat you nee. ♪ libertyty. liberty.y. liberty. libiberty. ♪ [sneneeze] (♪♪♪) asteprpro allergy,y, ststeroid freeee allergy r ref that startrts workingg inin 30 minutetes, while otother allergrgy sprays takake hours. with aststepro's unbnbeataby fastst allergy r relief you can asastepro and d go! sometitimes jonah h wrestles withth falling a asleep... he takeses zzzquil.. the world'd's #1 sleepep aid d fofor a betterer night slele. so n now, he wakakes up feelining like himimself. the reigigning familily room middle-weieight champipion. bebetter d days start t wih zzzquil l nights. ♪♪ with wet a amd, sometitimes i i worry my w world is getetting smallller because ofof my sight.t. but now,w, i can opepen up my worldld with vabybysmo. vavabysmo is t the first fda-a-approved t treatment for pepeople with h wet amd thatat improves s vision and delilivers a chahance fofor up to 4 4 months betweeeen treatmenents. whwhich memeans doingg momore of whatat i love. ♪♪ vabysmo isis the only trereatment desisigned to blblock 2 causeses of wet amamd. vabysmo o is an eye injection. dodon't take i it if you h he an infecection or acactive swelling i in or aroround your e eye, or arere allergic c to it oror any of itits ingredieie. treatmtments like e vabyo can cause e eye infectction or r retinal detetachment. vavabysmo may y cause a tetempy incrcrease in eyeye pressurere after receceiving the ininjection. alalthough uncncommon, there is a a potentialal risk of f heart attatack or s stroke assosociated wiwith blood c clots. openen up your w world! a chchance for u up to 4 mons between trtreatments withth vabysmo.. ask yoyour doctor.r. i'm amber, i've lost 128 pounds with golo, taking release. between trtreatments withth vabysmo.. i have literally tried everything. i was on the verge of getting gastric bypassss surgery,, and d i saw the e golo commeme, and it wasas the last t thing i tried 'c'cause it woworked. my cpa tolold me i wouldn't't qualify for the e erc tax rerefund, so i i called innonovation refefunds. theieir teamam of indepependt tax atattorneys will w work with y your cpa to d determine i if yourur company i is eligible. [whip sosound] take t the first s step to seef your smamall businesess quali. >> norah: we want >> norah: we want to end tonight right where we started. right here on maui. on every street, every corner of hard hit lahaina, we saw the heartbreak and the loss. but one resident said something that stuck with us. the beauty here is indestructible. we saw it in the rainbows in the mountains, a common sight on the island. a sign of hope. we saw it in the aloha spirit, ohana, family, helping one another. these two little boys hugging after one of them said he was sad and felt like crying. a reminder that even in the worst moments of life, a friend can make everything better. and we see it every night with the most spectacular sunsets and with every sunset comes a sunrise. a new beginning for a community just starting to grasp the difficult road ahead, but a road they won't have to travel alone. and that's tonight's "cbs evening news." for all of us at cbs news, i am norah o'donnell on maui. good night. ♪ ♪ . a k-9 crew from california among those heading to maui. their tough task in the midst of the destruction. a lot of responsibility. it means a lot. i have met people impacted by this already. >> he is one of the youngest mayors in the county. we check back in with the mayor of hercules. >> historically the day time population is low. we did not have to think about walkability at 2:30 in the afternoon. hello, let's get to breaking news cbs news confirmed a grand jury in georgia, looking into former president trump's alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election has returned 10 indictments. but we are still waiting to learn who the defendants are and the exact charges that they face. the documents still have to be processed by the court before they are made public if that happens dure that newscast, we will bring

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Michael Oher , Family , Lie , Petition , Movie , Conservatorship , Premise , Didn T Adopt Him , 2009 , Paperwork , Money , Accounting , Newspaper , Story , Son , Likeness , Website , Husband , Leigh Anne Tuohy , Maui , Anger , Death Toll , Tonight A Special Edition , Cbs Evening News , Lahaina Wildfire , America , Questions , Threat , Headlines , Town , Single , Tree , Nothing , Landscape , Lahaina , Visit , Ashes , Ruins , House , Ashen Moonscape , Community , Survivors , Block , News , Line , Ground , Numbers , Heads Up , Loved Ones , Norah , Water , Island , One , Fire , Fire Hydrants , Sirens , Oprah Winfrey , Stories , Video , Desperation , Alive , Donald Trump , Hit Areas , Indictment , Aid , Plea Deals , Comfort , Beauty , Survivor , Star And Subject Of The Oscar , Blindsided , Nfl , People , Viewers , West , Residents , Danger , Winds , Guard , Embers , Linemen , Members , Restore Power , 99 , Dogs , Governor , Fema , Cbs News , Hundreds , Number , Breaks , Teams , Mainland , Hawaii , Cadaver Dogs , Ten , 20 , Damage , Scope , Work , Home , Heart , Public , Area , Of Lahaina , Crews , Blaze , Team Coverage , Desolate Ruin , Look , Ground Zero , Zero , 13000 , Anything , Cars , Neighborhoods , Blok , Most , Blocks , Authority , National Guard , 1300 , Areas , Rubble , Nobody , Cadaver , Recovery , Comb , 15 , 12 , Fatalities , Wildfire , Territory , Buildings , Josh Green , Fire Hurricane Reaching Temperatures , 1000 , 80 , 3 , 2000 , Norah O Donnell , Loved One , Ash , Volunteers , Fishing Boat , Families , Waiting , Poly Highway , Boat , Emergency Vehicles , To Lahaina , Fire Extinguishers , Flames , Smoke , Fires , Rob Owen , Land , Smokestack , Erupting , Warning , Straner , Wildfires , Fire Tornado , Tornadoes , Flames Spinning , Power Lines , Exit , Everyone , Trees , Footage , Weaving , Lot , Ocean , Way , Side , Middle , Owen , Swim , Emotion , Houses , Kids , Stuff , Deaths , Concern , Tragedy , Course , Reporter , Information , Fire Chief , Know , Jonathan Vigliotti , Warning Signs , Wall , Power , Officials , Caution , Investigators , Warning Sirens Sat Silent , Stage Fire Crews , Chance , Engulfed Lahaina , Parts , Text Alerts , Department , Evacuations , Water Supply , Hydrants , Issue , Task , Missing , Doc , Search , Help , Disaster Zone , Google , Family Members , Many , Roadblocks , Friends , Names , Angst , 5000 , Victims , Process , Two , Dna Samples , Painstaking , Supplies , Food , Efforts , Challenge , Neighbors , Pitching , Hands On Deck , Rudabeh Shahbazi , Station Shows , Docks , Armies , Los Angeles , Government , Emergency Supplies , Boats , Frustration , Brigade Lines , Estate , Vehicles , Relief Workers , Response , Employees , Hair , Sea , County , Kamuela Kawaakoa , Parking Lot , Toilet Paper , Shelters , Essentials , Girlfriend , Hotels , Belongings , Six , Need , Disease , Sort , Tai Hoefer , Three , Everything , Donations , Peace , Anything Else , Hawaiians , Action , Tradition , Relief , Donation , Who , Some , Hope , Shelter , Support , Tony Dokoupil , Hearing , Spot , Evacuation Shelter , Entrance , Cameras , Maui County , A Thousand , Kanani Adolpho , Possessions , Volunteer , Fence , Garbage Bag , Night , Spirits , Sisters , Nine , Memories , Skin Popping , Julius , It , Opening , Heat , Running , Black , Aloha Spirit , Another , Evacuees , Tent , Garden , World , Spirit , Recovery Effort , Storms , Chris Warren , Hit , Disaster , Partners , Couple , Pacific , Weather Channel , Tropical Storm Greg , High Pressure , Fernando , South , Hurricane Fernando , Weather , Possibility , Southeast , President , Signs , Big Story Today , Georgia Grand Jury , Details , Courthouse , Georgia , Witnesses , Lieutenant Governor , One By , Nikole Killion , Election , Former , Geoff Duncan , Allies , Interference , Fulton County Courthouse , Trump , Fani Willis , District Attorney , Presentrney Fas , Republican , 2020 , Rudy Giuliani , Jen Jordan , Capitol , Presentation , Testimony , Former Democratic , Idea , Elections , Red Flag , Suitcases , Terms , Crazy , Ballots , Run , Defendants , Indictments , Michael Moore , Racketeering Charges , Presiding Judge , Case , Incident , Decision , Nature , Player , Whose Adoption Inspired , Pupump , Thehe Details N We W Will Have T The Detailsls , Doctor , Ththat Story , Me Farxi , Oscar Nonominated , Fe Adoption , Heaeart Doesn , It Helelps My Hearart , Farxixiga , Farxiga , Jobob Better , Caususe , Farxigiga , Fefeeling Ofof , The Hospipital , Heart Faililure , Inclcluding Dehyhydr , Efeffects , Me E Living Lifife , Bacteriaial Infectioion , Death , D , Sugar , Yeast Infefections , Perinem Cocould Occur R Stop T Taking Farxrxiga , Effect Thatat , Thehe Skin Of T , Urinary Trtract , Serious Sidede , Threatatening , Cl Yourur , Menen , Womomen , Ketoacacidosis Is Sa , Y , Reaction , Timime , Bacterial , Anan Allergic C , Sysymptoms , Ask Yoyour Doctor , Farxia Fofor , Or K Ketoacidosisis , Heart Fafailure , Herer , Sounds Gooood , Astrazeneneca May Bebe , Affoford Yoyour Medicatation , Hairs , Dad , Farxigaga , Vivirtually Everery Hair In N One Stroke , Gilletettelabs , G Green Bar , My Fafa , Flexdiscc Contouours , Hehelp , It Ain T M My Dad S Rarazor , Trapapped , Gamemechanga , Gillette Shshaving Expeperience , Ththe Ultimatete , Five , O , C Claritin , Clarity , Todayay The E , Year R Live C , Ththe , Yearar Nonon , Timee Ofof , Isis Gillettelelabs , O Over , Knococks , Wiwithout Knococking , Bestst A Man Canan , Wondederful , 200 , I , Nap , Bebear , Coming O Out Of Hibebernn , Hungryry , Papapa , Claritin Clclear , My Lilife , E , Pay , Buns , Hitting G , Yoyour , Car R Insurancee , Hitittin , Ththe Trail , Coolel , Chededdar , Cut Ratate , Alall Thi , Getet Allstate , Ber Prprotected Frfrom Mayhem , Roar , Sfxfx , Family S Screams Inn Backgrground , B Brain , Others , Soso , Neuriva Plpl , Kitchen Totool , Neuriva A Plus , Mosost Importanant , B Brain Healtlth , Somome , Multitar , Me Sharp , 6 , Oscar , Neuriva , The Blindside , Court , Champion , Dollars , Millions , Super Bowl , Tennessee , Sotyktuu , Cookie , Its , Kind , Recall , Importatant , Bach , 2004 , R , Skin , Chancece , Back , The Splenendor Of T , Clearr , Plaque Psosoriasis , Finding Psosoriasis , Oncece Daily Pilill , Back K , Can T Denyny , Thighghs , Don N T , Toto , Muscle P Problems , Seririous Infectctions , Sotyktu , O Sotyktktu , Allllc To Sotyktutu , Seserious Reacactions , Pn , Skskin Thanan , Leadiding Pill , Ononce , Morore , Fight Infnfections Includining Tb , Abiy , Cancns Inincluding Lylymphoma , Thehe Jak Familily , Chchanges , Dodoctor , Risks , Partrt , Sosotyktu , Hiding , Yoyoue An Infectition , Tyk2 Inhihib , Plpla , Kidneney Problems , Tytyk2 , Plaque P Psoriass , Oror , Livever , Occurred D Tetell , Jakak Inhibitorors , Find Whahat , Highgh Triglycererides , Las Haveve , Vacaccine , Sotyktk , Clearerer , Sotyktu U , Dermatologigist , Mind , Drea , Business , Sleep , Me T , Age , Mom , Progressive , Auto , Ei , Waitit , Goodod , Earlre Chimney Swsweep , D Yknonow , Bug Spspray , Familyly , Would Jamimie , Ameririca , Mymy , Biggegest Spokespersrson , Debatablele , Doors , Advisor , Peopople , Odor Freee Eight T Hour Protetection Fromom Mosquitoeoes , Bugs , Fidelity , Love Itit , Tics Withthout The Icick , Zevo , On Bobody Repellelent , Eight , Growth , Income , Plan , Anywhere , Isisn T Going G , Ununfortunatelely Covid , Pandndemic May B Be Over , 9 , U , With T , Cancer , Latestt Covid D , Flu , Death H , Leadiding Causeses , Relatated Er Visitss , Covivid , Times Highgher , Right Afafter Heart T Dise , It T S Still Amamg , Inin Fact , 19 , Withth , Stay Up , C Covid , No Timime , 1 , Nestle , Cookie Dough , Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Break , Batches , Toll House , Customers , Dough , Bake Bar , Wood Chips , Illnesses , Products , Stores , Whoa , Paradise , Par , Announcer , Portion , Listerine , April 24th , 25 , 24 , 25th , Cleaner , Floss , Liststerine , Healthieier Mouth , Feelel The Whohoa , Plplaque Abovove , The Gumlmline , Ra , 5 , Sing Me Lulullabies , Feel , Nonow , Listererine , Ununrecognizabab , Holdle Asas A Little E Girl , Thesese , Usused , Theyey , Becomeme Aggressiv , Itit , Loveved , Agitation , C Control , Fault , Ththey , Bebecome Agitatated , Whwhich , Agititationinalzlz Com , Dedementia , Withh Alzhzheimer , Cacause , Alzheimer S Dementia , Lelearn , Love , Bountnty Hair G , Natuture , Capsulule Ay , Advananced Hair C Comple , Hahair Thinnining , Clininically Shohown , Grow Thihicker , Fullller Har , Naturere S Bou , Andnd , Youour Hair Allll Over A , Freeways , Liberty Y , P Pay , My Boy Y , Payy , Thatat , Libertyty , Whwhat , Carar Insurancece , Ststay , Whatat , We Alwlways Say , Cusustomizes , You Neeeed , You Nee , Libiberty , Allergy , Go , Ref , Startrts Workingg , Otother Allergrgy , Inin 30 Minutetes , Ststeroid Freeee Allergy , Unbnbeataby Fastst Allergy , Sneneeze , Aststepro , 30 , Takeses Zzzquil , Reigigning Familily , Bebetter D , Jonah H , World D S , Up Feelining , Sometitimes , Sleepep Aid D Fofor , Weieight Champipion , Wih Zzzquil , S So , Night Slele , Himimself , Worldld , Amd , Sometitimes Ii Worry My W , Vabybysmo , Getetting Smallller , Ofof My Sight T , Vavabysmo Is T , Chahance Fofor , Fda A Approved T Treatment For Pepeople With H Wet , Betweeeen Treatmenents , Thatat Improves S Vision , Whwhich Memeans , Doingg Momore , 4 , Dodon T , C , Infecection , Causeses , Eye Injection , Eye , Vabysmo O , Swelling , Eye Infectction , E Vabyo , Vabysmo Isis , Treatmtments , Wet Amamd , Trereatment Desisigned , Arere , Itits Ingredieie , 2 , Risk , Stroke , Chchance , Vavabysmo May Y , Blood C Clots , Trtreatments Withth Vabysmo , Eyeye Pressurere , Receceiving The Ininjection , Alalthough Uncncommon , Openen , Retinal Detetachment , Tetempy Incrcrease , Up To 4 Mons , Golo Commeme , Release , Thing , Surgery , Verge , Ask Yoyour Doctor R I M Amber , Golo , Gastric Bypassss , Di , C Cause , It Woworked , 128 , Company , Cpa , Me I Wouldn T , Indepependt Tax Atattorneys Will W , Sosound , Theieir Teamam , So Ii , Yourur , Innonovation Refefunds , Erc , Tax Rerefund , Take T The First S Step , Something , Heartbreak , Resident , Street , Loss , Corner , Hard Hit Lahaina , Businesess Quali , Smamall , Sign , Sight , Mountains , Rainbows , Indestructible , Friend , Felt , Reminder , Boys , Ohana , Sunset , Beginning , Road , Sunsets , Road Ahead , Sunrise , All Of Us , Crew , K 9 , California , Heading , Responsibility , Mayors , Destruction , Midst , Population , Mayor , Hercules , Grand Jury , Let S Get To Breaking News , Hello , 10 , Charges , Newscast , Documents , Dure ,

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