Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

coastline completely burned. >> felt this heat, this tremendous heat. >> major: the urgent need for more resources as just 100 firefighters struggle to get control of the massive blaze. ♪ ♪ >> president biden has signed off on what will likely be a politically-charged agreement with iran to bring home five imprisoned american citizens. >> in exchange, the iranian regime will gain access to billions of dollars in blocked funds. ♪ ♪ >> the assassination of a presidential candidate rocking the country of ecuador. this less than two weeks before an election has led to a state of emergency there. ♪ ♪ >> the new consumer price index, or cpi, shows inflation rose for the first time in 12 months. >> i have to choose, milk one week, eggs the next week. and it is very difficult. ♪ ♪ >> major: "eye on america." how a deep-diving robot is helping electric vehicle manufacturers keep up with demand. >> each $5 million robotic vehicle uses cameras and artificial intelligence to find rocks that contain metals, but not animal life. ♪ ♪ >> the barriers that once existed to becoming an astronaut are being broken down. >> major: and virgin galactic's maiden voyage taking tourists into space. >> i'm still up there. >> without a doubt the most exciting day of my life. >> i definitely feel a lot more connected to earth itself, and a lot more motivated to explore and be even more adventurous. ♪ ♪ >> major: good evening to our viewers in the west. thank you for joining us. i am major garrett in for norah. we begin tonight with those catastrophic wildfires in hawaii that are tearing a path through maui, leaving behind death and destruction. the fast-moving flames have turned this colorful, tropical paradise into black smoke, ash, and soot. take a look at these before and after photos from the city of lahaina and its historic harbor. a vibrant neighborhood reduced to scorched earth. at least 53 people have been killed and an unknown number are missing. president biden today approved a major disaster declaration for hawaii. and county officials say the fire near lahaina is 80% contained. cbs's jonathan vigliotti will start us off tonight. jonathan, good evening. >> reporter: and major, good evening to you. battling wildfires is an enormous job, but here on the island, there are only around 100 firefighters responding to three different scenes. for context, in new york city, 200 firefighters responded to a crane fire last week. and for that reason, the military has been brought in to assist with search and rescue, and even civilians are helping out. tonight, hawaii is in a state of shock, and resources are stretched thin, as firefighters battle three large wildfires burning in maui. >> [bleep] fire right here. >> reporter: hundreds of structures, mostly in the town of lahaina, are already gone. >> and there goes the house i lived in. >> reporter: blue hawaiian helicopters is delivering basic supplies to those who lost everything. >> roads are blocked and power lines are down. one of the quickest ways to get these in and to get people out >t of their prototype, which used a retractable arm to pluck rocks off the bottom of the lake. the real thing will be three times larger and travel four miles down into the deep sea. each $5 million robotic vehicle uses cameras and artificial intelligence to find rocks that contain metals, but not animal life. >> so, the claws themselves are driven by the ai and saying, take it, leave it, take it, leave it. to be able to ensure that the ecosystem on the seafloor remains intact. >> reporter: typical deep-sea mining uses robot vacuums to dredge the seafloor and could soon be approved in what is known as the clarion-clipperton zone. 2 million square miles of the pacific ocean rich with mineral deposits. scientists are worried that mining here will destroy the habitat of thousands of rare deep-sea species and spread plumes of toxic sediment. >> you can't try to save the planet by breaking the planet in the process. those several years of mining are going to cause centuries of damage. >> reporter: renee grogan says deep-sea mining can be done responsibly with artificial intelligence. she expects her company's technology to be deployed within five years. and that could lead to a slight name change. >> i'm looking forward to the day we can just, yeah, take those two off and look at that. >> reporter: change the name again. [laughter] for "eye on america," ben tracy, on the shores of lake huron. >> major: a former olympian, a mother-daughter duo, and their high-flying adventure. that's next. ♪ ♪ hihigh-flying g adventure.e. thatat's next. ♪ ♪ (geri) i i smoked and i haveve copd. my children are really worried. my tip is, send your kids a a text. it may b be the lastst time that you d do. (announcerer) you can n quit. callll 1-800-quiuit-now fofor help getting free medicication. bubug spray woworks best.... whwhen your fafamily acactually weaears it. ♪♪ get odor-f-free eieight hour p protectionn from mosququitoes and d tics without ththe ick. zevo o on-body repepellent. people lovove it. bugs hate it.. i'm sholeh, people lovove it. and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i wewent from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i i was exercicising fofor over an hour everyry da. it wasas really didiscouragin. but t golo's so o easy, the weightht just falllls of. let ininnovation r refunds help with y your erc tatax refund so y you can impmprove your bususiness however yoyou see fit.t. rorosie used p part of her r refund to buiuild an outdtdoor patio. clink! drdr. marshallll used d pat of his r refund to give e his practitice a faceliftft. emily useded part of h her refund to o buy... i run a wawax museum.. let ininnovation r refunds help y you get statarted on y your erc tatax refund.. stop waiting. gogo to you really got the b brows. struggliling with ththe hs and d lows of bibipolar 1? ask about t vraylar. because yoyou are greaeater than youour bipolar r 1, and you cacan help takake contntrol of youour symptoms - - with vraylylar. some medicicines only y tt the lolows or highghs. vraylar r treats depepres, acutute manic, anand mixed epepisodes off bibipolar 1 inin adults. proven, fufull-spectrum relilf for all bibipolar 1 sysympt. anand in vraylyr clinical s studie, most saw o subsbstantial imimpt on w weight. eldederly dementntia patients have increreased riskk of d death or ststroke. callll your doctctor about unususual changeges in behavar or suiuicidal thououghts. antitidepressantnts can incrce these inin childrenn and d young adulults. reportrt fever, ststiff muscls or confusision which h may mean a a lilife-threatetening reactct, or uncontrtrollable muscle m movements which may y be permanenent. high b blood sugarar, which n lead to cocoma or deatath, weightht gain and d high cholesteterol may ococcur. movementnt dysfunctition and d restlessneness are commonon side effefects. sleepineness and stotomach iss are e also commomon. sidede effects m may not apppr for seveveral weweeks. ask about t vraylr and d learn how w abbe could helplp you sa. >> major: now, space tourism history. billionaire richard branson's virgin galactic rocket-powered space plane zoomed up into the sky, carrying its first group of tourists. a former british olympian paid $200,000 for his ticket back in 2005. the cost now is $450,000. mother and daughter from antigua and barbuda, won their tickets in a contest, were also on board. the spacecraft returned safely to its runway in new mexico. tonight, higher prices at two streaming services. disney+ is raising the subscription fee on its ad-free service from $10.99 a month to $13.99. that's double what it cost in 2019 when the service launched. hulu's ad-free packages going from $14.99 to $17.99. streamers have been raising prices on premium plans, apparently hoping to drive customers to cheaper plans that carry ads. important news tonight if you have kiwis in your fridge. next. tonight if yoyou have kiwiwis i. next. like here.e. and d here. nonot so much h here. ifif you have e chronic kidney disisease, farxiga cacan help youou keep l living lifefe. ♪ farxixiga ♪ and d farxiga rereduces ththe risk of f kidney faiail, which can n lead to didialysi. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehyhydratio, urinarary tract oror genital yt infectionsns in women n and m, and low w blood sugagar. ketotoacidosis is a s serious sidide effect thatat may lead d to death.. a rarare life-ththreateningg bactcterial infefection in t the skin ofof the perinim could occucur. stop t taking farxrxiga and cl yourur doctor riright away ifif you have e symptoms of thihis bacteriaial infecti, an allergigic reactionon, oror ketoacidodosis. farxiga a can help y you keepep living lilife. ask k your doctotor for farxra fofor chronic c kidney disise. ifif you can''t affordrd your mededication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ new w nature's b bounty hahair growth.h. clinicallyly shown to o hep growow thicker, , fuller hr with j just one cacapsule a y of a advanced hahair compl. conqueuer hair thihinnin. .....and fall l in love withth your hairir all over r . ononly from nanature's bouou. more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm m saving witith liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check itit out, you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs jujust by swititching. ooooooh, i'llll look intoto that. let me putut a remindeder on my phonone. sasave $700 dodollars. pick up p dad from airirport? ohohhhhhh. ononly pay foror what you u n. ♪♪ libertyty. liberty.y. liberty.y. liberty. . ♪ (owner) purina one... we switched and wow! from day 1, its proven natural. nutrition supports charlie's strong immune system... and ginger's healthy heart. (vo) healthy differences today and for a lifetime. purina one. a difference from day one. the e pandemic m may be over, bubut unfortununately covivi9 isn't gogoing anywhehere. in fact,t, it's stilill ag the e top five l leading cacauses of dedeath in thehe, righght after heheart disease and cancerer. and d covid-19 r related er visisits are ththree times s higher than t the flu. so s stay up-to-o-date wiwith the latatest cocovid-19 vacaccines thisis , justst like you u do with thth. becacause you'veve got nono time for r 19. stay u up-to-date e with the latetest covid-19 vaccccines. >> major: now a consumer alert. one-pound packages of organic kiwis sold under the brand name zespri are being recalled in 14 states because they might be contaminated with listeria. so far, no illnesses have been reported. please take a look at this map, showing where the recalled zespri kiwis were shipped between june 14th and july 7th. customers are urged to throw away the recalled fruit. we return to hawaii and the tragic loss of life and history. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by fresh pet. it's not dog food, it's food food. these hands used to hold me as a little girl. would comfort me. but now, they've become aggressive. ththis mouth used to sing me lullabies. now, it's unrecogngnizable. if your r loved one e with alzheimer'r's dementiaia hahas become a agitated, it's notot their fauault. they couould have agagitation in alzheheimer's dementia,a, which cacan cause bebehavior beyond theheir controlol. help your r loved one.e. learn momore at my cpapa told me i woululdn't qualilify for r the erc tatax refund,, so i calleled innovationon refunds.. their team of inindependet tatax attorneyeys wiwill work wiwith your cpa to determimine if your compapany is eligigi. [whihip sound] tatake the firirst step toto sf yourur small bususiness qualal. [sneeze] (♪♪♪) asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref that s starts workrking in 30 miminutes, whilile other alallergy spraysys take hoururs. withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff you cacan astepro o and go! (vo) crabfest is back at red lobster. withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff when you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like roasted garlic butter... ...this is not your grandpa's crabfest... ...unless grandpa's got flavor. dayumm! crabfest is here for a limited time. welcome to fun dining. the cost of homeownership has been a struggle. [ violin playing] with utility prices rising -- sweetie, can you practice that somewhere else? [ voice brbreaking ] the goodod news is,, nenew customerers who bundne and d save with h progressie save o over 20% onon averag. [ sobbing g ] sorry. she'e's just reaeally good a a. she found d it. the feeleling of fininding the e psoriasis s treatmentt shshe's been l looking foro. sotytyktu isis the firstst-of-its-kiki, once-dailyly pill for moderarate-to-sevevere plaqueue psoriasisis for the chance at clclear oror almost clclear skin.. itit's like ththe feelingg of findiding your baback... is b back. or findingng psoriasisis can't t deny the s splendor of these t thighs. once-daiaily sotyktutu is pron to getet more peopople clearerer skin than the l leading pilill. don't takeke if you'rere allerc to sototyktu; serious s reactions s can occ. sosotyktu can n lower yourur ay to fightht infectionons inclcluding tb.. serious ininfections, , cances includining lymphomama, muscscle problemems, anand changes s in certainin s have occururred. tell youour doctor i if you he an infnfection, liver or k kidney proboblems, high triglglycerides,, or had a a vaccine o or plan . sotyktu u is a tyk2 2 inhibit. tyk2 is s part ofof the jak f family. it's n not known i if sotyktu has ththe same risisks asas jak inhibibitors. findnd what plaqaque psoriass has bebeen hiding.g. ask yoyour dermatotologist abt sotytyktu for clclearer skin. so cleararly you. sosotyktu. >> major: finally, tonight, the devastating loss from the maui wildfires has wiped away centuries of history in this proud community. the flames engulfing the coastal town of lahaina have forever changed one of hawaii's most historic cities. one that dates back to the late 1700s and once served as the capital of the hawaiian kingdom. an inferno that left people with little or no time to escape is eerily reminiscent of the 2018 california campfire. >> heavenly father, please help us. >> major: the deadliest and most destructive in that state's history. now, much of lahaina, once graced with stately landmarks, is but smoldering ruins. a majestic 150-year-old banyan tree, offering shelter and shade to locals and visitors for generations, is badly burned, but still standing. a symbol of the city's proud heritage and resilience. and that is tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i'm major garrett. good night. ♪ ♪

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Laughter , Shores , Mother Daughter Duo , Ben Tracy , Adventure E Thatat S Next , Flying G , Lake Huron , Hihigh , Tip , Medicication , Children , Text , Kids , Announcerer , Callll 1 800 Quiuit , Copd , 800 , 1 , 1 800 Quiuit Now , Used D , Ththe Ick , Bugs , Zevo O , Hour P Protectionn , On Body Repepellent , Bubug Spray Woworks , Fafamily , Acactually Weaears , Whwhen , Mosququitoes , Size , Nothing , Exercicising Fofor , Golo , Work Ii , Weightht , T Golo , Just Falllls , Sholeh , People Lovove , Everyry Da , It Wasas , 75 , 6 , 20 , Refund , Pat , Help , P Part , Inindependet Tatax , Erc , R , Ininnovation R , Bususiness , Outdtdoor Patio , See Fit T Rorosie , Drdr , Practitice A Faceliftft , Marshallll , Emily Useded , Part , Gogo , O Buy , B Brows , Stop Waiting , Wawax Museum , Takake Contntrol , Symptoms , Ththe Hs And D , Vraylar R , Lows , T Vraylar , Vraylylar , Youour , Struggliling , Yoyou , Highghs , Medicicines , Bipolar R 1 , Y Tt , Lolows , Acutute Manic , Depepres , Subsbstantial Imimpt On W Weight , Anand Changes S In Certainin Have Occururred , Increreased Riskk Of D , Patients , Spectrum Relilf , Bibipolar 1 Sysympt , Eldederly Dementntia , Inin Adults , Epepisodes , Fufull , Vraylyr Clinical S Studie , Lead , Doctctor , Inin Childrenn And D , Which N , Uncontrtrollable Muscle M , Confusision Which H May , Deatath , Unususual Changeges , Suiuicidal Thououghts , Ststiff Muscls , Threatetening Reactct , Ststroke , Antitidepressantnts , Young Adulults , Lilife , High B Blood Sugarar , To Cocoma , Behavar , Permanenent , Reportrt Fever , Stotomach Iss Are E , Side Effefects , Sidede , Weightht Gain , May Ococcur , High Cholesteterol , Movementnt Dysfunctition , Restlessneness , Sleepineness , Commomon , Seveveral Weweeks , Helplp You Sa , T Vraylr , Space Plane , Group , Sky , Space Tourism History , Billionaire , Richard Branson , Cost , Spacecraft , Prices , Contest , Ticket , Daughter , Tickets , Mother , Runway , British , Antigua And Barbuda , New Mexico , 50000 , 200000 , 2005 , 00000 , 450000 , Disney , Services , Service , It Cost , Double , Subscription Fee , 3 99 , 10 99 , 0 99 , 13 99 , Plans , Customers , Packages , News , Streamers , Carry Ads , Fridge , Zespri Kiwis , Hulu , 2019 , 4 99 , 7 99 , 17 99 , 14 99 , Yoyou Have Kiwiwis I Next , Here E And D , Rereduces Ththe , Side Effects , Risk , Farxiga , Farxixiga , Which Can N , Farxiga Cacan , Living Lifefe , Nonot , Kidney Faiail , To Didialysi , Dehyhydratio , Ifif You Have E Chronic Kidney Disisease , D , Life Ththreateningg , Urinarary Tract Oror Genital Yt Infectionsns In Women N And M , Ketotoacidosis , Sidide Effect Thatat , Blood Sugagar , Bactcterial Infefection In T The Skin Ofof , Occucur , Rarare , Perinim , Doctor , Doctotor , Stop T Taking Farxrxiga , Thihis Bacteriaial Infecti , Allergigic Reactionon , Cl Yourur , Oror Ketoacidodosis , You Keepep Living Lilife , Kidney Disise , Ask K , Farxra Fofor Chronic C , Astrazeneca , You Can , Farxiga New W Nature S B , Ifif , Mededication , O Hep Growow Thicker , Bounty Hahair Growth H Clinicallyly , Hahair Compl , Cacapsule Ay , Hair Thihinnin , Fuller Hr , Conqueuer , Liberty Mutual , Spending Honey , Shopping , Mom , Car Insurance , Saveve , Ononly , Nanature S Bouou , Witith , Check Itit Out , Dollarsrs Jujust , 700 , 7 , , 00 , P Dad , I Llll Look Intoto , Swititching , Ooooooh , Remindeder On My Phonone , Sasave 700 Dodollars , Airirport , Ohohhhhhh , Libertyty , Nutrition , Purina One , Natural , Liberty Y , Owner , Immune System , Ginger , Heart , Charlie , Lifetime , Vo , Differences , Difference , Cacauses , Fact , Dedeath , Stilill Ag The E , Pandemic M May , Day One , Bubut Unfortununately Covivi9 , Thehe , Isn T Gogoing Anywhehere , Stay , Flu , Thth , Covid , Justst , Cancerer , Er Visisits , Latatest Cocovid , Becacause You Veve , Heheart Disease , Righght , Vacaccines Thisis , 19 , Up To Date E , Covid 19 Vaccccines , Latetest , Consumer Alert , States , Listeria , Zespri , 14 , History , Loss , Illnesses , Map , Fruit , July 7th , June 14th , Dog Food , Food , Announcer , Portion , Pet , Cbs Evening News , Hands , Little Girl , Alzheimer R S Dementiaia Hahas , Ththis Mouth , Unrecogngnizable , Dementia , Agitated , Agagitation , One E Learn Momore At Agitationininalz Com , Theheir Controlol , Notot , Cause Bebehavior , Alzheheimer , Fauault , Innovationon , Compapany , Cpa , Sneeze , Tatax Refund , Eligigi , Attorneyeys Wiwill , Me I Woululdn T Qualilify , Sf Yourur Small Bususiness Qualal , My Cpapa , Determimine , Toto , Firirst Step , Whihip Sound , Withth Astepro S , Steroid D , Cacan Astepro O , Asastepro Allelergy , Allerergy , Go , Take Hoururs , Unbeatablby Fast Allerergy Relieff , Alallergy Spraysys , Miminutes , Whilile , 30 , Crabfest , Red Lobster , Grandpa , Crab , Flavors , Garlic Butter , Fun Dining , Got Flavor , Dayumm , Save O , Utility Prices , Save , Struggle , Homeownership , Sweetie , Somewhere , Nenew Customerers , Sobbing G , Violin Playing , Onon Averag , Who Bundne , H Progressie , Voice Brbreaking , Goodod News Is , A , Just Reaeally , She E S , Skin , Psoriasis , Foro , Chance , Baback , Feeleling Of Fininding , Treatmentt Shshe , Sotytyktu Isis , Firstst Of Its Kiki , Itit , Plaqueue Psoriasisis , Clclear Oror , Findiding , Sevevere , Ththe Feelingg , Moderarate , B , Serious S Reactions , Can T , Daiaily Sotyktutu , Splendor , You Rere Allerc , Findingng Psoriasisis , Don T Takeke , Peopople Clearerer , T Thighs , To Sototyktu , Can Occ , Pilill , Tyk2 2 Inhibit , Vaccine , Kidney Proboblems , Sosotyktu Can N , Sotyktu U , Serious Ininfections , Tell Youour , Lower Yourur Ay , Muscscle Problemems , Fightht Infectionons Inclcluding Tb , Cances Includining Lymphomama , Infnfection , High Triglglycerides , 2 , Plaqaque Psoriass , Sotyktu , Abt Sotytyktu , Jak F Family , Findnd , Risisks Asas , Clclearer , Jak Inhibibitors , Bebeen Hiding G Ask Yoyour Dermatotologist , Community , Inferno , Cities , Capital , Hawaiian Kingdom , 1700 , 2018 , Lahaina , Estate , Ruins , Father , Destructive , California Campfire , Heavenly , Stately Landmarks , Visitors , Tree , Shade , Locals , Generations , Offering Shelter , Resilience , Heritage , Symbol , Still Standing , 150 , Major Garrett , Norah O Donnell ,

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