Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

destruction. we are talking miles of coastline completely burned. >> this heat, this tremendous heat. >> major: the urgent need for more resources as just 100 firefighters struggled to get control of the massive blaze. ♪ ♪ >> president biden has signed off on what will likely be a politically charged agreement with iran to bring home five imprisoned american citizens. >> in exchange, the iranian regime will gain access to billions of dollars in blocked funds. ♪ ♪ >> the assassination of a presidential candidate rocking the country of ecuador. this less than two weeks before an election has led to a state of emergency there. ♪ ♪ >> the new consumer price index or cpi for joe's inflation rose for the first time in 12 months. >> i have to choose. it is very difficult. ♪ ♪ >> major: "eye on america." how a deep diving robot is helping electric vehicle manufacturers keep up with demand. >> each $5 million robotic vehicle uses cameras and artificial intelligence to find rocks that contain metals, but not animal life. ♪ ♪ >> bears that once existed to become astronaut are being broken down. >> major: virgin galactic's maiden voyage taking tourists into space. >> i'm still up there. >> without a doubt the most exciting day of my life. >> i definitely feel a lot more connected to earth itself, and a lot more motivated to explore and be even more adventurous. ♪ ♪ >> major: good evening everyone and thank you for joining us. i am major garrett in for norah. we begin tonight with those catastrophic wildfires in hawaii that are tearing a path through maui, leaving behind death and destruction. the fast-moving flames have turned this colorful, tropical paradise into black smoke, ash, and soot. take a look at these before and after photos from the city of lahaina and its historic harbor. a vibrant neighborhood reduced to scorched earth. at least 36 people have been killed and an unknown number are missing. president biden today approved a major disaster declaration for hawaii. and county officials say the fire near lahaina is 80% contained. cbs's jonathan videography will start us off tonight. jonathan, good evening. >> reporter: major, good evening to you. battling wildfires is an enormous job, but here on the island, there are only around 100 firefighters responding to three different scenes. for context, in new york city, 200 firefighters responded to a crane fire last week. and for that reason, the military has been brought in to assist with search and rescue, and even civilians are helping out. tonight, hawaii is in a state of shock, and resources are stretched thin as firefighters battle three large wildfires burning in maui. >> [bleep] fire right here appeared to hundreds of structures, mostly in the town of lahaina, are already gone. >> the house i lived in. >> reporter: blue hawaiian helicopters has delivered basic supplies to those who lost everything. >> roads are blocked and power lines are down. one of the quickest ways to get these in and to get people out is by air. >> reporter: we were there as they help this family evacuate. >> our people need them, we are there. we're going to take care of them and make sure they get support. >> reporter: hurricane-force winds sent a wall of flames tearing across the island on tuesday, giving residents little time to react. the coast guard rescued 17 people who ran into the ocean to escape the flames in an apocalyptic scene. >> this is not even the worst of it. still get dead bodies in the water, floating, and on the seawall. they've been sitting there since last night. >> oh, my gosh, look at the harbor. >> reporter: the death toll is expected to climb, as block after block of lahaina has been reduced to charred rubble. we are talking dozens of homes in this neighborhood alone, completely gone, and what's incredible, miles of this coastline are charred just like this. gallery owner alan dickar watched the entire business district go up in flames before quickly evacuating. >> grab some people who didn't have a way out. he told them to get their stuff. get in my truck. and we headed out. >> reporter: more than 11,000 people, mostly tourists, have already been evacuated. it's a major blow to maui's economy. last year, tourism generated more than $5.5 billion in revenue, roughly 80% of total revenue. >> the wind was so intense. >> reporter: 76 euros william bugle said he was burned on his arm on the roof blew off his house and he was hit by red-hot shingles. >> you saw this fire -- >> oh, yeah! it went from like, nothing, to like them i felt this heat, this tremendous heat. >> reporter: and we have spoken with a number of survivors who describe truly nightmarish scenes. the bodies of people in the street, in burned-out cars, even on the beach. tonight, the search continues and sources close to it say they fear that death toll could rise significantly, major. >> major: working around the clock for us, jonathan vigliotti, thank you. for more now on how strong winds from hurricane dora are fueling these claims, let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel. mike, good evening. >> major, good evening. unfortunately, it was a perfect set of weather circumstances that came together to fan the flames in maui. high-pressure to the north of the islands, a hurricane to the south, and the pressure gradient created a very intense wind. wins intense out of the northeast, you can clearly see that depicted here and then the fires that broke out, especially the one there in lahaina that created all of the destruction, and we know a number of lives have been lost be up on the big island, 80 to mile-per-hour winds come on maui's winds have gusted as high as 62 miles per hour, then drought goes hand-in-hand, were the worst drought in all of the island, the western shores of maui, where we had the fires. now, unfortunately, we don't think the winds are going to let up all that much. the hurricane is pulling away, major, but the winds will remain intense for at least the next 24 hours if not beyond. >> major: mike bettes, thank you. now to a surprise deal between the united states and iran that will free five imprisoned americans in exchange for releasing billions of dollars in frozen funds. cbs's chief foreign affair correspondence margaret brennan on why some are criticizing the agreement. >> reporter: as the first staff of president biden's deale americans were casper from tehran's notorious prison to house arrest. the secretary of state antony blinken. >> my believe is this is the beginning of the end of their nightmare. >> reporter: the prisoners may be back on u.s. soil as soon as september. for years, the detainees' family bring these loved ones home. >> dad, welcome home. >> reporter: businessman emad shargi was taken in 2018. so is environmentalist morad tahbaz. the lure of gnomic brother of siamak namazi, imprisoned in 2015, today called the past eigf imprisonment horrific. two other americans, whose names are withheld, will also be released. the breakthrough comes amid tension. earlier this summer, the u.s. sent additional warships and marines to the gulf after iran attempted to seize two oil tankers peered today, the white house declined to detail the deal, citing negotiations as both delicate and ongoing. in exchange, iran will be able to access $6 billion in a restricted account in south korea. those funds will be transferred to qatar. once there, iran will be able to use those funds for purchases permitted under u.s. sanctions. now, the white house said this is not ransom and no u.s. taxpayer dollars are involved, but in the meantime, iran claims that the u.s. will also release and pardon five iranian prisoners. as of tonight, major, the u.s. says no one in u.s. custody has been released. >> major: within the context and the details. margaret brennan, thank you. breaking to make him a grand jury in new york city has indicted a 17-year-old suspect on a hate crime charge. after a brutal confrontation at a gas pump in brooklyn resulted in the death of o'shae sibley, a 28-year-old black man. cbs's michael george has more. >> o'shae and his friends were allegedly targeted... >> reporter: prosecutors a professional dancer o'shae sibley was targeted because he was gay. a 17-year-old high school student was arrested for the stabbing. >> we will never tolerate acts of hate crimes or any intolerance that is directed at any particular groups. >> reporter: the suspect, whose name was not released, is facing a charge of second-degree murder as a hate crime. last month, authorities say the 17-year-old hurled homophobic slurs toward sibley and his friends when they stopped to get gas. the argument escalated, and sibley was stabbed in the chest, and later died. >> o'shae came to new york to follow his dream, like many new yorkers, and his light was shut off. >> reporter: on tuesday, hundreds of people attended sibley's funeral in his hometown of philadelphia. michael george, cbs news, new york. >> major: today, we got new economic data showing consumer prices rose 3.2% in july, far smaller than the 8.5% at this time last year. cbs's carter evans reports that while inflation has fallen in some areas, the summer heat is keeping some costs white-hot. >> i don't have to worry about paying this air-conditioning bill. >> reporter: for robin line, the air conditioning in her building's community room is a welcome relief. >> reporter: what do you keep the thermostat in your apartmen? >> oh, 78. >> reporter: but her july electric bill still jumped 46%, and on a fixed income, she can barely cover the basics. >> i have to choose, you know, milk one week, eggs the next week, it's very difficult. >> reporter: the inflation numbers him to be easing. are you feeling at home, though? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: running air-conditioning in the record heat is expected to drive up energy costs nearly 12% this summer. it's a budget buster for some families. >> there's a lot of work that shows that poorer households do suffer high inflation rate. these people are feeling it somewhere on 5-6%. >> reporter: that is because most of low-income families budget goes to necessities, which are still rising, like rent, groceries, and electricit. and there is no evidence people are using credit cards to cover the bills. for the first time in the u.s., credit card debt has surpassed $1 trillion. >> we polled consumers that carry credit card balances about what was behind that, what caused it? emergency and unplanned expenses was the top answer. but even everyday expenses, about one in four, a sign of financial strain. >> reporter: now gas prices have been taking up in recent weeks. a little too late to impact the july inflation report but if those prices keep rising, it could add some inflationary -- inflationary pressure when the september reading comes around next month. major? >> major: necessities, they always matter. carter evans, thank you for your a political assassination in ecuador has thrown the country into a state of emergency, and tonight, an fbi is arriving there to assist in the investigation. a presidential candidate who vowed to root out corruption was shot and killed after a rally on wednesday. seven suspects from colombia were arrested. one died after a gun battle. ecuador, a key u.s. ally in the fight against drug trafficking, he said to have its presidential election later this month. president biden marked the one-year anniversary of the pact act. that is the bipartisan law that expanded health benefits to veterans who were exposed to toxic fumes from military burn pits and other sources. cbs's ed o'keefe reports the deadline to qualify for retroactive benefits has been extended, but time is running out. >> in april of this year... >> reporter: marking the anniversary of a landmark law, today in utah, president biden recalled his son, beau, one of the veterans exposed to toxic fumes from burn pits at bases in iraq and afghanistan. and later died of brain cancer. >> it's personal for my family, but it's also personal for so many of you. >> reporter: army reservist le roy torres also served in iraq. ten years later, he was diagnosed with constrictive bronchitis. >> i was more concerned with either, you know, indirect fire or being shot, but never did i know that, you know, this invisible enemy was going to follow us home. >> reporter: the pact act is designed to assist up to 4.5 million veterans exposed to burn pits or to agent orange in vietnam. so far, there have been about 800,000 sign-ups. veterans like us are now eligible for a new va care and benefits. >> reporter: secretary of veterans affairs denis mcdonough. >> we are providing more care, more benefits, to more veterans than in the history of the united states. >> reporter: army staff sergeant dan nevins lost both legs in iraq. he was later diagnosed with colon cancer and has signed up fofor the pact act. >> should i succumb to this disease, my family will be taken care of, and that... it's powerful. it's just a testimony to our nation standing behind our warriors. >> reporter: important to note, eligible veterans or their survivors can apply for benefits at any time, but today was the original deadline to also earn a year's worth of retroactive benefits. met last minute crush of applicants to the va's website slow down the process, so the department has now extended the deadline until monday. major? >> major: ed o'keefe for us at the white house, thank you. sales of electric vehicles in the u.s. are up 63% from a year ago. that means higher demand for the metals needed to make ev batteries peered in tonight's "eye on america," cbs's ben tracy does a deep dive into how artificial intelligence is helping find those materials in a place you not expect. >> reporter: this underwater robot being lowered into lake huron is built by a company called impossible metals. impossible because this is hard to do? >> yes, very much so. >> reporter: that's because it's job is to mind the bottom of the ocean. >> deep-sea mining is the concept of pulling metals off the ocean floor. >> reporter: company cofounder renee grogan says parts of the ocean floor are filled with potato sized rocks containing vast amounts of cobalt, copper, and nickel, metals needed to make batteries for electric cars. how much of this stuff is down there? >> a lot. the second question is, how do you get it? >> reporter: we watched a test of the prototype, which used a retractable arm to pluck rocks off the bottom of the lake. the real thing will be three times larger and travel for miles down into the deep sea. each $5 million robotic vehicle uses cameras and artificial intelligence to find rocks that contain metals, but not animal life. >> so, the clause themselves driven by the ai and saying, take it, leave it, take it, leave it. to be able to ensure that the ecosystem on the seafloor remains intact. >> reporter: typical deep-sea mining uses a robot to dredge the seafloor and could soon be approved and what is known as the clarion-clipperton zone. 2 million square miles of the pacific ocean rich with mineral deposits. scientists are worried that mining here will destroy the habitat of thousands of prayer deep-sea species and spread plumes of toxic sediment. >> you can't try to save the planet by breaking the planet in the process. those several years of mining are going to cause centuries of damage. >> reporter: renee grogan says deep-sea mining can be done responsibly with artificial intelligence. she expects her company's technology to be deployed within five years. and that could lead to a slight name change. >> i'm looking forward to the day we can just, yeah, take those two off and look at that. >> reporter: change the name again. [laughter] for "eye on america," ben tracy, on the shores of lake huron. >> major: a former olympian, a mother-daughter duo, and theheir hihigh-flying g adventure.e. thatat's next. ♪ ♪ (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my children are really worried.. my tip is, sendnd your kidsds a text. it mayay be the lalast time that youou do. 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(vo) healthy differences today and for a lifetime. purina one. a difference from day one. the pandemicic may be ovo, but unfortrtunately cocov9 isn't t going anywywhere. in facact, it's ststill among ththe top fiveve leading causes of f death in t th, riright after r heart disesee and cancncer. anand covid-1919 related er v visits are e three timemes higher thanan the flu.. soso stay up-t-to-date with the l latest covid-19 v vaccines ththis , jujust like yoyou do with h th. bebecause you'u've got no time fofor 19. stayay up-to-datate with the lalatest covid-19 vavaccines. >> major: now a consumer alert. 1 pound packages of organic kiwis sold under the brand name zespri are being recalled in 14 states because they might be contaminated with stereo. so far, no illnesses have been reported. please take a look at this map, showing where the recalled zespri's kiwis were shipped between june 14th and july 7th. customers are urged to throw away the recalled fruit. we returned to hawaii and the tragic loss of life and history. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of the "cbs evening news" is sponsored by fresh pet. it's not dog food, it's food food. these hands used to hold me as a little girl. would comfort me. but now, they've become aggressive. this mouthth used to sing me lullabibies. now, i it's unrecocognizable. if youour loved onone with alzheimemer's dementntia has becomeme agitated,d, it's n not their f fault. they c could have e agitation inin alzheimerer's dementit, which h can cause e behavior beyond t their contrtrol. help youour loved onone. learn n more at agitatioioninalz.comom. my cpa told me i wowouldn't quaualify fofor the erc c tax refundn, so i calalled innovatition refundsds. their team of f independet tax attornrneys will work k with your cpa to deterermine if your comompany is eleligi. [w[whip sound]d] take the f first step p to sef yoyour small b business ququal. [sneeze]e] (♪♪♪) astepro alallergy, steroioid free allllergy relif thatat starts woworking in 30 0 minutes, whwhile other r allergy sprarays take hohours. wiwith asteproro's unbeatataby fast allllergy relieief you u can asteprpro and go!! (vo) crabfest is back at red lobster. wiwith asteproro's unbeatataby fast allllergy relieief when you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like roasted garlic butter... ...this is not your grandpa's crabfest... ...unless grandpa's got flavor. dayumm! crabfest is here for a limited time. welcome to fun dining. the cost of homeownership has been a struggle. [ violin playing] with utility prices rising -- sweetie, can you practice that somewhere else? [ voice e breaking ] ] the gogood news isis, new customomers who bubundle anand save witith progressse saveve over 20% % on averag. [ sobbining ] sorry.y. shshe's just r really goodod a. she founund it. the fefeeling of f finding ththe psoriasisis treatmenet she's beenen looking f for. sosotyktu is the firirst-of-its-s-kind, once-daiaily pill for modederate-to-sesevere plaqaque psoriasasis for the e chance at t clear or almost t clear skinin. it's like e the feelining of fininding your r back... isis back. or findiding psoriasasis can'n't deny thehe splendorr of thesese thighs. once-d-daily sotykyktu is pron to g get more pepeople cleaearer skin than thehe leading p pill. don't tatake if you'u're allerc to s sotyktu; seriouous reactionons can occ. sotyktu cacan lower yoyour abiy to figight infectitions inincluding tbtb. serious s infectionsns, cances includuding lymphohoma, mumuscle problblems, and changeges in certatain las have occccurred. tell y your doctoror if you he an i infection,, liver oror kidney prproblems, high tririglycerideses, or hadad a vaccinene or plan . sotyktktu is a tykyk2 inhibit. tyk2 i is part of the jakak family. it's's not knownwn if sotyktu has s the same r risks as jak inhnhibitors. fifind what plplaque psoriris has s been hidining. ask k your dermamatologist a t sosotyktu for r clearer sksk. so clelearly you. . sotyktu. >> major: finally, tonight, the devastating loss from the maui wildfires has wiped away centuries of history in this proud community. the flames engulfing the coastal town of lahaina have forever changed one of hawaii's most historic cities. one that date back to the late 1700s and once served as the capital of the hawaiian kingdom. an inferno that left people with little or no time to escape is eerily reminiscent of the 2018 california campfire. >> heavenly father, please help us. >> major: the deadliest and most destructive in that state's history. now, much of lahaina, once graced with stately landmarks, is but smoldering ruins. a majestic 150-year-old banyan tree offering shelter and shade to locals and visitors for generations, is badly burned, but still standing. a symbol of the city's proud heritage and resilience. and that is tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i am at major garrett night. ♪ ♪ >> judge judy: you'll never figure out where i'm going, so just try to keep the answers honest. >> announcer: a couple's power struggle over the power bill... >> judge judy: for some reason, you put the electricity in your name. who was paying for the electricity? >> i was paying for electricity, your honor. >> announcer: ...then their breakup was charged up. >> judge judy: you say that he vandalized your car. >> we had split up. i noticed there was something leaking. he calle me out of nowhere and was like, "hey. how's your jeep running?" >> judge judy: tell me what you did to her car. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution patricia coffey is suing her ex-fiancé, zak carron, for money owed, vandalism and the return of property, including her son's pet turtle. >> byrd: order! all rise! it's case number 367 on the calendar in the matter of coffey vs. carron. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. sir, have a seat. >> judge judy: ms. coffey, this case emanates from incidents that happened a couple of years ago when mr. carron and yourself were a couple and lived together, and you lived together, according to what i read, in a home that was owned by your grandmother. >> yes, your honor. >> judge judy: and when did you move in to that home? >> december of 2015. >> judge judy: so he was living in his grandmother's house, and you moved in with a child of yours. >> two children. >> judge judy: two children. >> i moved in about 4 or 5 months later. >> judge judy: okay. good. so then you moved in, but when you moved in to his house, for some reason, you put

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Euros , 5 Billion , Nothing , Hit , Shingles , Survivors , Cars , Search , On The Beach , Sources , The Street , Winds , Claims , Evening , Mike Bettes , Clock , Partners , Weather Channel , Jonathan Vigliotti , Hurricane Dora , Hurricane , Circumstances , Islands , Weather , North , South , Set , Pressure Gradient , Out , Lives , Northeast , Big Island , 62 , Drought , Fires , Hand In , Western Shores , Americans , Deal , Thank You , 24 , Margaret Brennan , Correspondence , Staff , Deale Americans Were Casper From Tehran S Notorious Prison , Chief Foreign Affair , Believe , Prisoners , Secretary Of State , Nightmare , Detainees , Soil , House Arrest , Antony Blinken , The Beginning Of End , Home , Morad Tahbaz , Gnomic Brother Of Siamak Namazi , Lure , Welcome Home , Dad , Businessman Emad Shargi , Past Eigf Imprisonment Horrific , Loved Ones , 2015 , 2018 , Warships , Breakthrough , Names , Tension , Gulf , Oil Tankers , Marines , White House , Negotiations , Account , South Korea , 6 Billion , Billion , Purchases , Ransom , Sanctions , Taxpayer , Qatar , Custody , Details , Grand Jury , Suspect , Dancer O Shae Sibley , Hate Crime Charge , Confrontation , Gas Pump , Michael George , Brooklyn , Old Black Man , 28 , Friends , Hate Crimes , Prosecutors , Stabbing , Acts , High School Student , Name , Intolerance , Hate Crime , Charge , Groups , Murder , Authorities , Sibley , Homophobic Slurs , Gas , Light , Argument , Chest , Dream , New Yorkers , Funeral , Hometown , Data , Cbs News , Consumer Prices , Philadelphia , 3 2 , Inflation , Carter Evans , Summer Heat , Areas , 8 5 , Air Conditioning , Relief , Air Conditioning Bill , Bill , Building , Fixed Income , Community Room , Apartmen , Thermostat , Robin Line , Oh , 46 , 78 , Inflation Numbers , Milk , Eggs , Basics , Households , Families , Work , Record , Energy , Budget Buster , Budget , Somewhere , Necessities , Rent , Groceries , Evidence , Electricit , Inflation Rate , 6 , 5 , Expenses , Time , Consumers , Credit Cards , Credit Card , Emergency , Credit Card Debt , Answer , Bills , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Prices , Little , Sign , Strain , Four , Pressure , Inflationary , Reading , Fbi , Corruption , Investigation , Rally , Ally , Gun Battle , Colombia , Suspects , Seven , Veterans , Law , Fumes , Health Benefits , Fact , Pact , Fight , Drug Trafficking , Military Burn Pits , Benefits , Anniversary , Landmark Law , Utah , Ed O Keefe , Son , Brain Cancer , Many , Beau , Army Reservist Le Roy Torres , Iraq , Afghanistan , Shot , Either , Invisible Enemy , Constrictive Bronchitis , Ten , Pits , The Pact Act , Va Care , Secretary Of Veterans Affairs , Vietnam , Agent Orange , Sign Ups , 800000 , 4 5 Million , Colon Cancer , Legs , Staff Sergeant , Up Fofor The Pact Act , Army , Denis Mcdonough , Disease , Care Of , Testimony , Standing , Nation , Warriors , Process , Worth , Applicants , Website , Crush , Va S , Met , Vehicles , Department , Sales , Ev Batteries Peered , 63 , Company , Robot , Materials , Dive , Place , Ben Tracy , Lake Huron , Bottom , Deep Sea Mining , Cofounder Renee Grogan , Ocean Floor , Parts , Concept , Potato , Copper , Cobalt , Nickel , Amounts , Batteries , Test , Lake , Question , Prototype , The Real Thing , Times , Travel , Clause , Deep Sea , It , Leave It , Ecosystem , Saying , Ai , Seafloor , Mining , Species , Thousands , Mineral Deposits , Plumes , Habitat , Scientists , Pacific Ocean , Prayer Deep Sea , Clarion Clipperton , Toxic Sediment , 2 Million , Planet , Damage , Change , Technology , Olympian , Shores , Laughter , Mother Daughter Duo , Theheir Hihigh Flying G , Adventure E Thatat S Next , Children , Copd , R , Tip , Medication , Cacall , Text , Bug Spray Y , Announcncer , Gettingng Freeee , Works Bestst , Kidsds , Sendnd , 1 800 Q Quit Now , 800 , 1 , Love It , Size , Repellent , Withth Golo Ii , People L , Hourur Protectioion , Bubugs , Shsholeh , Mososquitoes Anand Tics Without T The Ick , Odoror , Zevovo , Hate Itit , 75 , Eight , Refund , Tax , B Business , Exerercising , Bubut Golo S , It W , Let T Innovationon , Hour Evevery Da , Befofore Golo , Nothing Seseemed , Just Fafalls , Weigight , Hr Withth , Wowork , Erc , Y Discouragig , Hp , Part , Marshahall , Emily Usused , Dr , Ofof , Fifit , B Build , Herer , Ououtdoor Patit , Rosie Useded , Hisis , Pracactice A Facelilift , Wax Museum , Tax Refund , Struggggling , Highs Anand Lows , Stopop Waiting , Innonovationrefufundsm You Realally , Got Thehe Br , Ask Abouout Vraylar R Because E , C , Take , Cocontrol , Lows , Episodes , Rerelief , Bipolalar 1 , Bipolar 1 , Symptots , Vraylar , Vraraylar , Hihighs , Mededicines Onlnly , Depressive , Adults S , Acacute Manic , Anantidepressasants , Stroke , Suicidal Ththoughts , Ununusual Chananges , Sympt , Onon Weight , Incncreased Risisk Ofof , Vraraylar Clinicalal Studie , Sawao Susubstantial , Elelderly Demementia Patieies , Dodoctor , Childreren Anand Young Adadults , Dedeath , Anand High Cholesesterol May Y , Which N , Highgh Blood Sugugar , Muscss , Unconontrollablee Musclele Movementsts Which Mamay Be Permamanent , Confufusion Whicich May Meanan A Life Threaeatening Reaeac , Repoport Fever , Weigight Gain , Side Efeffects , Movemement Dysfuncnction , Anand Restlessssness , Isss Arare , Apr , Seseveral L , Siside Effectsts May , Vraylr Anand , Ask Abouout , Comommon , Sleepipiness , Hehelp You Sa , Hohow Abbe , Being , Group , Space Tourism History , Virgin Galactic Space , Richard Branson , British , Cost , Spacecraft , Contest , Ticket , Daughter , Tickets , Mother , Runway , Antigua And Barbuda , New Mexico , 50000 , 00000 , 450000 , 200000 , 2005 , Disney , Services , Service , It Cost , Double , Subscription Fee , 13 99 , 3 99 , 10 99 , 2019 , 0 99 , Customers , News , Plans , Carry , Streamers , Packages , F You Have K Kiwis I Next , 17 99 , 14 99 , 7 99 , 4 99 , You Keepep Living Lilife , Herere , Farxiga , Risk O , Side Effects , Anand Farxiga , Which Cacan , Dedehydratio , Kidney F Failur , O Dialysi , Urininary Tract T , Genitalalt Infectioions , Awayy , Havave Symptomsms Of T , Side Effect , Deatht , Babacterial Ininfection Inin The Skin N , Bactererial Infectc , Keketoacidosisis , Stopop Taking Fafarxiga , Lolow Blood Susugar , Yoyour Doctor , Life E Threateninig , Pererim , Ococcur , N , Dococtor , You Kekeep Living G Life , Farxigiga , Helplp , Astrazeneca , Chroninic Kidney D Diseas , Fafara , Allerergic Reactition , Ketoacicidosis , Asask , Ovever , Hahair , Fuller H , Hair Complpl , Nenew Nature S , Conqnquer Hair T Thinnin , M Nature S B Boun , Bounty Hair Growtwth , Hep Grgrow Thickerer , Lovee Wiwith , Clinicalally , More , Shopping , Yoyou , Check K , Sasave 700 Dollalars , It Out , Me P Put A Remininder On My Phphone , You N Need , Shshould Watchch , Yoyour Spendining Honey , Liberty Y Mutual , Momom , Yourur , Car Insururance , Swswitching , 700 , 00 , Liliberty , Liberty , Libiberty , Save , Airport , Pay , Ohhhhhh , 0 Dollars , 0 , Lifetime , Purina One , Natural , Nutrition , Owner , Heart , Differences , Vo , Difference , Immune System , Ginger , Day One , Charlie , Pandemicic , F Death , Causes , Ovo , Ththe , Heart Disesee , Cancncer , Anand Covid , Ststill , T Th , Er V , Unfortrtunately Cocov9 Isn T Going Anywywhere , Riright , Facact , Fiveve , 1919 , Fofor , Flu , Soso , Covid 19 V Vaccines Ththis , H Th , Lalatest , Stayay Up To Datate , Jujust , Bebecause , Covid 19 Vavaccines , 19 , Zespri , States , Consumer , Stereo , Pound Packages , Illnesses , Kiwis , 14 , History , Loss , Map , Fruit , July 7th , June 14th , 7 , Announcer , Dog Food , Food , Pet , Portion , Cbs Evening News , Hands , Little Girl , Becomeme , Inin Alzheimerer S Dementit , Youour , Mouthth , Fault , D , Loved Onone With Alzheimemer S Dementntia , Me Lullabibies , Unrecocognizable , Which H , Cpa , Behavior , Tax Refundn , Innovatition Refundsds , Contrtrol , Erc C , Me I Wowouldn T Quaualify Fofor , Help Youour Loved Onone , Agitatioioninalz Comom , Team , Comompany , Sound , Sneeze , Sef Yoyour , Eleligi , First Step P , Tax Attornrneys Will Work K , Small B , Allllergy , F Independet , Steroioid , Relif Thatat , Deterermine , Business Ququal , Astepro Alallergy , Take Hohours , Unbeatataby Fast Allllergy Relieief , Wiwith Asteproro , Asteprpro , Sprarays , 30 , Crabfest , Crab , Flavors , Garlic Butter , Red Lobster , Grandpa , Homeownership , Utility Prices , Struggle , Fun Dining , Sweetie , Got Flavor , Dayumm , Violin Playing , Shshe , Averag , Sorry Y , New Customomers , Voice E Breaking , Witith Progressse Saveve , Bubundle Anand Save , News Isis , Gogood , Who , Sobbining , Goodod A , 20 , Its , Kind , Fefeeling , Sosotyktu , Finding Ththe , Firirst Of , Psoriasisis Treatmenet She , Beenen Looking F For , Chance , Back , Feelining , Psoriasasis Can N T , Plaqaque Psoriasasis , Clear Skinin , Sesevere , Isis Back , Findiding , Modederate , Fininding , Thehe Splendorr , Thesese Thighs , Skin , Daily Sotykyktu , To S Sotyktu , P Pill , Serious S Infectionsns , Sotyktu Cacan , Pepeople Cleaearer , Seriouous Reactionons , Occ , Don T Tatake , Yoyour Abiy , Infectitions Inincluding Tbtb , Cances Includuding Lymphohoma , Vaccinene , I Infection , Changeges , Doctoror , Sotyktktu , Jakak Family , Certatain Las Have Occccurred , Mumuscle Problblems , Liver Oror , Hadad , High Tririglycerideses , Kidney Prproblems , Tykyk2 Inhibit , Tyk2 , Jak Inhnhibitors , It S , Been Hidining , Dermamatologist , Ask K , Plplaque Psoriris , Fifind , Clearer Sksk , Community , Inferno , Cities , Capital , Hawaiian Kingdom , 1700 , Estate , Ruins , Father , Destructive , Banyan Tree Offering , Stately Landmarks , California Campfire , Heavenly , 150 , Visitors , Generations , Resilience , Locals , Shelter , Shade , Symbol , Heritage , Still Standing , Judge Judy , Couple , Power Bill , Power Struggle , Norah O Donnell , Electricity , Honor , Car , Out Of Nowhere , Breakup , Something , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Jeep Running , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Patricia Coffey , Zak Carron , Pet Turtle , Vandalism , Property , Money , Return , Rise , Byrd , Parties , Case , Calendar , Matter , Ms , Seat , Sir , Carron , You Re Welcome , Coffey Vs , 367 , Grandmother , Mr , Incidents , Yes , December , December Of 2015 , Child , Grandmother S House , 4 ,

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