Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

♪ ♪ 's be on tonight the assault charges after a massive brawl breaks out at a dock in alabama what police are saying tonight about whether or not the fight was racially motivated. here are tonight's headlines... ♪ ♪ the violent altercation caught on video. what sparked the fight, and why more charges are expected. >> this is not indicative of who we are as a city. the city of montgomery is much better than that. ♪ ♪ >> we want take it anymore. >> reporter: 11,000 city workers are walking off the job in los angeles demanding higher pay and benefits. >> reporter: members of the union representing these employees are accusing the city on refusing agreements on unfair labor practices. ♪ ♪ >> major: deadly storms sweep through the east coast causing mayhem on the road and in the sky. >> this tree slice through the home trapping the homeowner inside under a pile of debris. >> reporter: the nation's airlines are in recovery mode after the storm canceled more than 1700 flights and delayed nearly 8,000 more. ♪ ♪ >> major: breaking news, a divided supreme court allows president biden to regulate ghost guns. what it means for the country. >> these guns or weapons of choice for many criminals. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: rockaway beach remains closed after a woman was attacked by a shark. >> she was bitten so badly they are, she was rushed to the hospital. >> major: a record jackpot. today's mega millions price surpasses $1.5 billion. >> everybody clap your hands! ♪ how low can you go ♪ >> major: and remembering the d.j. who brought us the "cha cha slide." ♪ ♪ >> major: good evening, everyone, thank you for joining us, i am major garrett and for norah. we begin with new details on the violent river fight dock brawl in montgomery, alabama that went viral and has drawn nationwide attention. arrest warrants have been issued for three individuals on assault charges. this after a simple disagreement turned into a massive fight involving more than a dozen people. videos of this incident blew up on social media after a black cocaptain was assaulted by a group of white men. many social media commentators noted the racial makeup of the alleged attackers, but police said today the fight did not fit the criteria of a hate crime. the bss omar villafranca will start us off tonight from montgomery, omar, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, this was a boat that was trying to dock but was blocked for 40 minutes which many people are calling mele and montgomery. a viral boat side brawl that was all hands on deck. >> get out the way! >> reporter: video taken by eyewitnesses show damien pickett, cocaptain of a large river boat asking a crew to move their pontoon so the riverboats could dock in its assigned sp space. they refuse and attack pickett rest wrestling him to the ground while punching and kicking him. his coworkers rushed to his aid including 16-year-old aaron rudoplh who jumped into the water and swam to help. once the riverboat doctor, the fight escalated. one woman was pushed into the river. ♪ ♪ this man uses a folding chair as a weapon and hits this woman. multiple people recorded the including christa owen's. >> i just wanted to make sure when the police knew at the end to through the first punches. >> reporter: today authorities have charged three white men with third-degree assault and are looking to question the man who was wielding the chair. >> we did examine if there was enough to file hate crimes charges on this case and have also looked at what it takes to elevate this to a riot. we have worked with the district attorney, and it fit the criteria for that. >> reporter: the first black mayor aaron reid says this should not be marked by the incident. >> this is not indicative of who we are. i think it's important to address this as an isolated incident. one that was avoidable. >> reporter: police say the investigation is active and still ongoing and that more charges are expected. major. >> major: omar villafranca, thank you. tonight thousands across the mid-atlantic are picking up the pieces and assessing damage following a series of powerful storms overnight. at least two people were killed. one in alabama and one in south carolina. cbs's meg oliver is an white hall, maryland where she has seen some of the damage up close. >> reporter: powerful storms pummeled the northeast today with a toronado knocking down trees as it goes through massachusetts. two days of raging storms cause flooding across the state, making some roads impossible. on monday from new york to tennessee, the force of mother nature was evident. the storms brought down trees and knocked out power for thousands in knoxville, tennessee, eye-opening scenes everywhere. >> aaron! >> reporter: frightened drivers and westminster, maryland, were caught in a dangerous thunderstorm monday as winds up to 80 miles per hour knocked down power lines like dominoes. nearly 50 people were rescued from their cars. the wild weather brought airports across the east coast to a standstill. kris van cleave is that washington's reagan national airport. >> reporter: what a difference in a day makes, only one cancellation here in washington as the nation's airlines were cover from the storm that canceled more than 1700 flights and delayed about 8,000 more. from new york to atlanta, travelers still found themselves camping out at airports stranded by the storm, waiting for word on when they could finally get a flight home. >> it was. >> yet, so, i am just saying we are very tired. >> reporter: here in whitehall, maryland, a giant tree sliced openness house trapping his mother. what was she trapped under? >> drywall, tree limbs. >> reporter: firefighters quickly rescued her from the debris. does it feel like a miracle to you? >> there is heavenly land guardian angel inside this residence. >> reporter: today crews remove that big tree that split the house and boarded up the roof. meantime power outages in the mid-atlantic and south have seen a dramatic improvement with less than 200,000 still without electricity. major. >> major: meg oliver, thank you. for more in the storms and the brutal heat, let's bring a our partners at the weatherfrom- channel. chris, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, major. as meg showed us, trees are extremely dangerous when there are storms around when you are outside or even in your home coming and there were a lot of strong winds creating a lot of damage. more than 600 storm reports widespread across the southeast all the way up to new england and the mid-atlantic. heat still a big concern across the southern plains and continuing to expand as well across the gulf coast. and around the gulf coast you have a lot more access to humidity, so temperatures while we are going to see readings into the triple digits, you get close to the gulf and florida, some areas it's going to feel like it is 110 plus. >> major: chris warren, we thank you. swimmers kept out of the water today at a popular new york city beach after what is believed to have been an extremely rare shark attacks. a 65-year-old woman was severely injured. we get the latest now from alice gainer of our cbs station. >> reporter: officials say the 65 year old woman was about 10 feet into the water at rockaway beach in queens yesterday evening when she felt a pain in her left leg. >> is crazy. someone got attacked. breath >> reporter: lifeguards rushed in trying to keep her conscious. before emts took her to a local hospital. >> the fact that it was a shark bite blew my mind. >> reporter: they want surveillance drones but were unable to spot any sharks. >> it's concerning, but at the end of the day that's where sharks live. >> reporter: today another popular beach nearby was closed after a shark sighting. monday's apparent attack the latest in a busy season for new york beachgoers. five byte incidens already this summer, all in just 36 hours over the fourth of july weekend. >> i felt like i was trapped, he was holding onto me and i did not know that it was a shark. >> reporter: signed to say while still extremely rare, cleaner and warmer waters could be contributing. >> there's a lot more close to shore than we are used to seeing, and with outcomes that the predators that feed on them. >> reporter: rockaway beach remains close to the public as officials investigate yesterday's incident. if confirmed, this would mark the first shark bite here since 1953. major. >> major: alice gainer, thank you. tonight the city of stars is now a city on strike with thousands of los angeles workers joining an already crowded set up picket lines. government employees, traffic cops and airport workers hope their one-day disruption of city services will draw attention to their stalled contract negotiations. here is cbs's mark strassmann. >> reporter: l.a. is a city counting strikes like a bowling alley. 11,000 city employees, all union servic workers are staging a 24-hour walk out. they are indignant, contract talks with the city have sputtered. >> think of all of this as a warning shot. a 24-hour reminder of what disruption feels like. custodian phyllis stringer echoes the frustrations of hundreds rallying outside city hall. double trouble, low wages, high inflation. >> we need some help. >> reporter: you are working too hard to make into little? >> yes, yes. we need a lot more employees to come out and work. >> no contract. >> no action. >> reporter: and two hollywood themes have struck the set. with all studio production has stopped. what is scarce here is insight into an end in sight. l.a.'s labor actions just the latest in america's summer of strikes. widespread walkouts from nurses to bury status. nearly 340,000 union strikers this year, more than ten times the number just two years ago. one unusual demand here, filling existing job openings to ease workloads. >> if you had to strike for real, would you do it? >> if i had to, yes, i will sacrifice pair just like i have today. >> reporter: l.a. mayor karen bass is in a tough spot. she is prounion, but at the crosshairs of the strikers she has said they deserve a pure contract. by defining fairness is always the great divide between management and workers. major. >> major: indeed, mark strassmann, thank you. from the union square last friday has estimated a $200,000 according to cbs new york. chaos broke out when thousands of teenagers showed up for a giveaway promoted on social media. the crowd ripped down construction barriers, damage police cars, private vehicles and the new entrance to a subway station. influencer kai sinnott has bee charged with inciting a riot. police are scrubbing video of the incident and intend to make more arrests. the divided supreme court today sided with the biden administration's crackdown on so-called ghost guns or firearms without serial numbers. cbs's ed o'keefe reports on the significance of the ruling as the use of these untraceable guns rises. >> reporter: police stations wide say ghost guns are a reason that crime has spiked in recent years. they have been used as school shootings in carolina, maryland, and elelsewhere. ghostt guns can be bought onlin. some with a 3d printer. most don't carry serial numbers making them harder to track. today the supreme court with the way of the supreme justice john roberts and amy coney barrett joining the liberals of the committee allowed it to stay in place while legal challenges continue. the new rules were first introduced last summer sponsoring the growing wave of violent crime and seeking to treat ghost guns like other firearms. >> simply treat them as firearms under the gun control act. you have to present identification and pass a background check. >> the former number two at the atf and helped draft of the regulations. >> increasingly what we are seeing is a criminal's turn to the internet and order these kits from the comfort of their home, and have a firearm that is not easily protected by law enforcement. >> reporter: atf shows the number of ghost guns recovered have doubled from 2020 since 2021. it has led to violent crime like this incident in new york last month when a 25-year-old man on a scooter allegedly shot up six locations across the city using a ghost gun. opponents to the new regulations argued in federal court that atf does not have the legal authority to change gun laws on its own. that case can drag on for years. the white house says it will continue to use every tool available to stop gun violence in our country. >> major: ed o'keefe, thank you very much. a big campaign shake-up in the 2024 race for president. republican candidates and florida governor ron desantis has promoted his campaign manager and put the chief of staff of his governor's office this move comes weeks after ron desantis let go of a third of his campaign workers. ron desantis has been struggling to gain traction against upfront roman or for the g.o.p. nomination form or president donald trump. now to make and millions mean neon, though their largest jackpot in history is up for grabs tonight with a history of $1.5 billion on the line. or a $300.5 million payout, cbs's carter evans reports at all it takes to $2 in a dream. >> reporter: across the country people are lining up to pay up. for a minuscule chance of becoming a billionaire. >> if you can't play, you don't win. >> reporter: the lottery is the most popular form of gambling in the u.s. where people spend upwards of $100 billion on tickets and 2021. and tonight the line to buy them as out the door at bluebird liquor, and considered one of the luckiest stores in los angeles. fernando lyons drove almost two hours to buy a ticket here. >> what will you do with the money? >> persing i am going to do is change my phone number. >> reporter: two tickets worth more than a billion dollars were recently sold in the los angeles area. one at that store in july just blocks from skid row downtown. and while there is nothing you can do to increase your odds, there is a strategy to avoid having to share your winnings according to this harvard statistician. >> we should just have pattern less numbers, no birthdays or things that have special meaning, because people are% likely to make those same picks. >> reporter: carter evans joins us from los angeles, so come on, what are the odds? >> well, you are truly paying for an opportunity to dream, because the odds are not good at all. one in 300 million, that means you are more likely to get hit by falling space debris, major. >> major: so you are telling me have got a chance. to the popular drug wegovy could have additional benefits far beyoyond diabetetes and weieigh. we will explain a all of thatat next.. with 2 20 grams ofof pron for musclele health versus 1 16 grams inin enensure® h high proteiein. boostt® high h proteiein. now available e in cinnabobo® babakery-inspipired flavoro. learn more at my cpa told me i woululdn't qualilify for r the erc tatax refund,, so i calleled innovationon 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[whihip sound] tatake the firirst step toto sf yourur small bususiness qualal. these handnds used to o hold e as a litittle girl.. would d comfort meme. bubut now, they've bebecome aggreressiv. ththis mouth used to sing meme lullabieses. now, it't's unrecogngnizable. if your r loved one e with alzheimer'r's dementiaia hahas become a agitated, it's notot their fauault. they couould have agagitation in alzheimer's dementia, which can cause bebehavior beyond theheir controlol. help your r loved one.e. learn momore at to give e your teethth a dentntist clean n feeling. start withth a round b brush . add popower. and you've got o oral-b. round clcleans betteter by surroununding each h th to rememove 100% m more plaqu. for a a superior c clean. ororal-b. brbrush like a a pro. remember the thingsgs you loveded... .....before asasthma got t in the wayay? fasesenra is an n add-on trereat for r asthma dririven by e eosinophilsls. itit's designened to targegt and reremove themm and hehelps prevenent asthmama attacks.. fasesenra is notot for susudden breatathing problbls oror other eoeosinophilicic conditiono. allergrgic reactioions may occ. don'n't stop y your asasthma treatatments withthout talkining withth your doctctor. tellll your doctctor if youour asthma w worsens. heheadache andnd sore t throat may y occur. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue a parasititic infectioion. get backck to betterer breathi. ask your d doctor abouout fasen. -okay, and one more. -i think we got it. -yeah, letet's focus o on t. -r-rv? okayay, everybodody, lookok at the rvrv and smil. ththis is whatat you wantt for yoyour family y portrai? good pointnt. we bundldled tht with our h home and auauto . -hey, teamam, get on i in. -teaeam? ohoh. fun. now eveveryone sayay "24/7 finil protecection with h progressi! 24/7 f financial protection with p progressiveve! okay.. lelet's get sosome singless ofof me on thehe bike. honey.y. yeyeah. [ [ leaf blowewer whirringn] >> major: and tonight's health watch, a new study by the diabetes prescription wegovy finds it could also help heart health. a new pharmaceutical company novo nordisk saying treating them with cardiovascular disease shows that wegovy can cut the risk of serious heart problems by 20%. these result if independently verified could put pressure on insurance companies to cover the popular drug. federal regulators are looking into a potential power steering problem in more than 15 million ram pickup trucks. the investigation was open after 400 complaints were filed about the issue and model years 2013-2016. official state that the problem has led to three crashes, but no injuries. the truck maker says it is cooperating with the investigation. criminal charges are pending after a car goes flying into a house. we wilill have thehe details n . ♪ ♪ s your s sound enginineer. you neneed to hirere. i neneed indeed.d. indeed youou do. indeed i instant matatch instay dedelivers quauality candidids matchihing your jojob descript. visisit with newew scope sququeez mouthwasash concentrtrate, just add w water, squeeze toto control t the streh ofof your moututhwash. anand find a z zone... all yourur own. ♪♪♪ scope sqsqueez. my most t importantt kikitchen toolol? my brarain. so i i choose neneuriva plus. ununlike some e others, neuriva plplus is a mumultitar supportingng 6 key indndicas of brarain health.h. to helelp keep me e sharp. neuriviva: think b bigger. if you s struggle. and struruggle. and struruggle with h cpap. you shouldld check outut insp. no mask. n no hose. jujust sleep.. leararn more andnd view impopot sasafety inforormation at i (vo) crabfest is back at red lobster. leararn more andnd view impopot sasafety inforormation when you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like roasted garlic butter... ...this is not your grandpa's crabfest... ...unless grandpa's got flavor. dayumm! crabfest is here for a limited time. welcome to fun dining. what do wewe always sasay, so? libeberty mutualal customizes yourur car insururance... soso you only y pay fofor what youou need. that's my y boy. ♪ stay offff the freeweways! ononly pay foror what you u ne ♪ l liberty. liliberty. liberty.y. liberty. . ♪ (chef vo) fancy feast. ononly chef-inspired. you u ne cat-adored. every silky broth, every impeccable paté, every delicious detail... brings you and your cat... closer together. fancy feast. love is in the details. okay eveveryone, ourur missions compmplete balananced nutriti. totogether we e provide nunutrs to suppoport immune,e, musclele, bone, and hearart health.. yayaaay! woo o hoo! ensurere with 25 vitaminsns and minererals and d ensure comomplete withth 30 grams of proteinin. ♪ >> major: cars might fly one day, but we hope not like this. a home in central pennsylvania was damaged when a car crashed into the second floor. you can see how here they got wedged upstairs. police say the driver intentionally launched the car into the house and not surprisingly will face criminal charges. no one inside was injured. dangerous currents were no match for the impressive teamwor displayed by a group of lifeguards in flagler beach florida. drum video shot last weekend shows the lifeguards forming a perfectly choreographed human chain. connecting themselves with ropes and buoys to rescue a man on a boogie board who apparently ended up too far from shore. they got him back on dry land in no time. we remember the man behind the popular dance craze "cha cha slide." that is next. >> announcer: if you can't watch the cbs evening news, you can listen. subscribe where ever memeet ar. you u your podcacasts. so cleararly you. sosotyktu. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent t thousandss on othther diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high s school weight. you're not gonna believeve this thing is possible bubut it is. >> major: finally, we learn today that musician dj casper has died following a seven year battle with cancer. you might not know his name, but you deftly follow his orders on the dance floor. ♪ right foot let's stop ♪ ♪ left foot let's stomp. ♪ ♪ the >> major: best known as the creator of the world famous cha cha slide, the hit song released in 1998 is officially n at fitness centers around chicago before exploding on the radio, yes the radio two years later. "cha cha slide" was a staple at weddings, flash mobs and store sporting events. it's meant weeks on the u.s. and british music charts. dj casper born william perry jr. was 58 years old. and that is tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i am major garrett, good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: is a tenant's excuse for not paying just hot air? >> judge judy: you were using the money for the rent to plan for the hurricane. >> announcer: now, storm clouds are swirling again. >> my apartment sustained severe damage. >> not true. >> judge judy: if it's not uninhabitable, you have to pay rent. you didn't pay him in september before the hurricane. we had an agreement that it was okay because the apartment was blown out. >> judge judy: this is a perennial victim. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution brian semmler is suing his former tenant, jason beal, for unpaid rent and for the cost of wooden benches jason used to board up his apartment during hurricane irma. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 440 on the calendar in the matter of semmler vs. beal. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. ma'am, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. semmler, you own a condo in naples, florida. >> that is correct, your honor. >> judge judy: it's a

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Norah , Three , Incident , Group , Social Media , Men , Videos , Makeup , Commentators , Black Cocaptain , Criteria , Boat , Hate Crime , Attackers , Omar Villafranca , Bss , Way , Hands On Deck , 40 , Damien Pickett , Riverboats , Eyewitnesses , River Boat , Ground , Crew , Space , Pontoon , Attack Pickett , Sp , Water , Aaron Rudoplh , Riverboat Doctor , Punching , Aid , Coworkers , 16 , Man , River , Folding Chair , Weapon , One , Assault , Punches , Authorities , The End , Christa Owen S , Case , Riot , Hate Crimes Charges , Chair , District Attorney , Aaron Reid , The First Black , Investigation , Mid Atlantic , Tonight Thousands , Thank You , Picking Up The Pieces , Cbs , Meg Oliver , Damage , White Hall , Maryland , Some , Series , South Carolina , Two , Trees , Estate , Roads , Flooding , Toronado , Massachusetts , New York , Thousands , Power , Force , Mother Nature , Tennessee , Knoxville , Cars , Power Lines , Everywhere , Drivers , Scenes , Thunderstorm , Dominoes , Westminster , 80 , 50 , Airports , Weather , Reagan National Airport , Standstill , Difference , Kris Van Cleave , Washington , Cancellation , Travelers , Cover , Flights , Word , Atlanta , White House , Flight Home , Tree , Land , Guardian Angel , Firefighters , Mother , Miracle , Drywall , Tree Limbs , House , Big Tree , Crews , Residence , Roof , Improvement , Power Outages , 200000 , Heat , Evening , Electricity , Partners , Chris Warren , Weatherfrom Channel , Lot , Winds , New England , 600 , Concern , Readings , Humidity , Access , Gulf Coast , Southern Plains , Flagler Beach Florida , Gulf , Areas , Digits , New York City Beach , Swimmers , 110 , Officials , Station , Shark Attacks , Alice Gainer , 65 , 10 , Lifeguards , Pain , Breath , Someone , Leg , Emts , The End Of Day , Sharks , Shark Bite , Shark Sighting , Fact , Mind , Drones , Today Another Popular Beach , Latest , Beachgoers , Attack , Season , Byte Incidens , Monday , Fourth Of July , 36 , Five , Outcomes , Waters , Seeing , Predators , Public , 1953 , Workers , Government Employees , Airport Workers , Strike , Stars , City Services , Disruption , Picket Lines , Traffic Cops , Mark Strassmann , City Counting , Contract Negotiations , Bowling Alley , Contract , Wall , City Employees , Warning Shot , Indignant , Union Servic , 24 , Double Trouble , Reminder , Frustrations , Wages , Custodian Phyllis Stringer , City Hall , Hundreds Rallying , Yes , Action , Little , Help , End , Set , Themes , Sight , Actions , Studio Production , Hollywood , Number , Strikers , Status , Strikes , Walkouts , Times , Nurses , Demand , Ten , 340000 , Karen Bass , Workloads , Job Openings , Real , Pair , Divide , Fairness , Management , Spot , Crosshairs , Prounion , Chaos , Teenagers , Giveaway , Crowd , Union Square , 00000 , Subway Station , Damage Police Cars , Construction Barriers , Entrance , Vehicles , Bee , Arrests , Influencer Kai Sinnott , Numbers , Firearms , Ed O Keefe Reports , Guns Rises , Administration , Crackdown , Ruling , Significance , Use , Don T , Crime , Ghost , School Shootings , 3d Printer , Ghostt , Reason , Elelsewhere , Onlin , Police Stations , 3 , Challenges , Liberals , Justice , Committee , Place , Rules , Coney Barrett , John Roberts , Under The Gun Control Act , Growing Wave , Background Check , Identification , Atf , Regulations , Firearm , Kits , Criminal , Comfort , Draft , Internet , Led , Law Enforcement , Scooter , Six , 25 , 2020 , 2021 , Ghost Gun , Opponents , Tool , Authority , Locations , Gun Laws , Federal Court , Ron Desantis , Campaign Shake Up , Candidates , Campaign Manager , Gun Violence , Race , Ed O Keefe , Republican , 2024 , Chief Of Staff , Campaign Workers , Move , Office , Traction , Let Go Of A Third , Line , History , Millions , Donald Trump , Nomination Form , Neon , Grabs , Payout , Dream , Carter Evans , 00 5 Million , 2 , , 300 5 Million , Form , Chance , Tickets , Lottery , Play , Billionaire , Gambling , You Don T Win , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Money , Ticket , Door , Bluebird Liquor , Fernando Lyons , Store , Phone Number , Persing , Los Angeles Area , Skid Row , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Odds , Birthdays , Strategy , Nothing , Winnings , Harvard Statistician , Things , Picks , Meaning , Opportunity , Wegovy , Drug , Hit , Space Debris , 300 Million , Boost Com Tv My Cpa , Musclele Health Versus , H High Proteiein , High H Proteiein , Inspipired Flavoro , Boostt , Weieigh , Thatat Next , Ofof Pron , Inin Enensure , Cinnabobo , Babakery , 20 , 1 , Toto , Compapany , Cpa A , Team , Eligigi , Me I Woululdn T Qualilify , Inindependet Tatax , Attorneyeys Wiwill , Whihip Sound , Innovationon , Tatax Refund , Erc , Firirst Step , Ththis Mouth , O Hold E , Handnds , Would D , Comfort Meme , Sf Yourur Small Bususiness Qualal , Litittle Girl , Bebecome Aggreressiv , Bubut , Meme Lullabieses , It T S Unrecogngnizable , Agitated , One E Learn Momore At Agitationininalz Com , Bebehavior , Dementia , Agagitation , Theheir Controlol , Notot , Alzheimer S , Alzheimer R S Dementiaia Hahas , Fauault , Surroununding Each H Th , Round , Round B Brush , Start Withth , Dentntist Clean N Feeling , Oral B , Clcleans Betteter , Teethth , Add Popower , Plaqu , Superior C , Ororal B Brbrush , 100 , Like Aa Pro , Asthma , Fasesenra , Wayay , Asasthma Got T , Hehelps Prevenent Asthmama Attacks , Susudden Breatathing , Add On Trereat , Thingsgs , Reremove Themm , Problbls Oror , Eoeosinophilicic Conditiono , E Eosinophilsls , Designened To Targegt , Itit , You Loveded , Doctctor , Abouout Fasen , D , Backck , Throat May Y , Dodoctor , Don N T , Betterer Breathi , Withthout , Talkining Withth , Heheadache Andnd , Youour Asthma W , Yoyoue , Allergrgic Reactioions May Occ , Parasititic Infectioion , Teamam , H , Focus O On T R , Everybodody , You Wantt , Okayay , Letet , Rvrv , Smil , Lookok , Yoyour Family Y Portrai , Good Pointnt , Auauto , Teaeam , P Progressiveve , Honey Y , Finil Protecection , Fun , H Progressi , Ohoh , Sosome Singless , Lelet , Ofof Me On Thehe Bike , Yeyeah , Leaf , Blowewer Whirringn , 24 7 , Study , Health Watch , Novo Nordisk , Diabetes Prescription Wegovy , Heart Health , Heart Problems , Risk , Cardiovascular Disease , Pressure , Insurance Companies , Power Steering Problem , Regulators , Result , Pickup Trucks , Ram , 15 Million , Truck Maker , Complaints , Problem , Issue , Crashes , Injuries , 2013 , 400 , 2016 , Car , Your , Thehe Details N , Indeed D Youou , Matatch Instay , Quauality Candidids Matchihing , Sound Enginineer , Hirere , Jojob Descript , Control T , Moututhwash , Streh Ofof , Visisit Indeed C Com Hire , Mouthwasash Concentrtrate , Just Add W , Yourur Own , Newew Scope Sququeez , Az Zone , Anand , Brarain Health H To Helelp , Others , Me E Sharp , Indndicas , Neneuriva Plus , Importantt , Kikitchen Toolol , My Brarain , Scope Sqsqueez , So Ii , Neuriva Plplus , Mumultitar , Ununlike , 6 , Think B Bigger , Neuriviva , Struruggle , Mask , Hose , You S Struggle , Outut Insp , H Cpap , Jujust Sleep , Andnd , Grandpa , Crabfest , Crab , Garlic Butter , Flavors , I Inspiresleeeep Com , Impopot Sasafety Inforormation , Got Flavor , Vo , Leararn , Red Lobster , Dayumm , Fun Dining , Youou Need , You U Ne L Liberty , Wewe Always Sasay , Ononly , Soso , Yourur Car Insururance , Libeberty Mutualal , My Y Boy , Freeweways , Stay Offff , Fancy Feast , You U Ne , Detail , Chef Vo , Cat , Broth , PatÉ , Liberty Y , Liliberty , Health , Love , O Hoo , Vitaminsns , E , Totogether We E , Ourur Missions Compmplete , Hearart , Ensurere , Okay Eveveryone , Balananced Nutriti , Suppoport Immune , Bone , Yayaaay , Minererals , Proteinin , Comomplete , 30 , Floor , Pennsylvania , Teamwor , Match , No One Inside , Driver , Currents , Ropes , Shore , Buoys , Boogie Board , Drum Video , Human Chain , Announcer , Dance Craze , Evening News , Podcacasts , Memeet Ar , Sosotyktu , Thing , School Weight , Didn T Work , Golo , Michael , Thousandss On Othther , Gonna Believeve , 70 , Dj Casper , Dance Floor , Cancer , Battle , Orders , Seven , Let S Stomp , Creator Of The World Famous Cha Slide , Chicago , 1998 , Sporting Events , Charts , Radio , Music , Flash Mobs , Weddings , Staple , British , Dj Casper Born , Cbs Evening News , Major Garrett , Norah O Donnell , 58 , Judge Judy , Jason Beal , Rent , Hurricane , Excuse , Hair , Storm Clouds , Judge , Apartment , Agreement , Victim , Brian Semmler , Courtroom , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Rise , Benches , Cost , Byrd , Hurricane Irma , Honor , Condo , Parties , Calendar , Matter , Seat , You Re Welcome , Semmler Vs , Naples , Ma Am , 440 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240704

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♪ ♪ 's be on tonight the assault charges after a massive brawl breaks out at a dock in alabama what police are saying tonight about whether or not the fight was racially motivated. here are tonight's headlines... ♪ ♪ the violent altercation caught on video. what sparked the fight, and why more charges are expected. >> this is not indicative of who we are as a city. the city of montgomery is much better than that. ♪ ♪ >> we want take it anymore. >> reporter: 11,000 city workers are walking off the job in los angeles demanding higher pay and benefits. >> reporter: members of the union representing these employees are accusing the city on refusing agreements on unfair labor practices. ♪ ♪ >> major: deadly storms sweep through the east coast causing mayhem on the road and in the sky. >> this tree slice through the home trapping the homeowner inside under a pile of debris. >> reporter: the nation's airlines are in recovery mode after the storm canceled more than 1700 flights and delayed nearly 8,000 more. ♪ ♪ >> major: breaking news, a divided supreme court allows president biden to regulate ghost guns. what it means for the country. >> these guns or weapons of choice for many criminals. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: rockaway beach remains closed after a woman was attacked by a shark. >> she was bitten so badly they are, she was rushed to the hospital. >> major: a record jackpot. today's mega millions price surpasses $1.5 billion. >> everybody clap your hands! ♪ how low can you go ♪ >> major: and remembering the d.j. who brought us the "cha cha slide." ♪ ♪ >> major: good evening, everyone, thank you for joining us, i am major garrett and for norah. we begin with new details on the violent river fight dock brawl in montgomery, alabama that went viral and has drawn nationwide attention. arrest warrants have been issued for three individuals on assault charges. this after a simple disagreement turned into a massive fight involving more than a dozen people. videos of this incident blew up on social media after a black cocaptain was assaulted by a group of white men. many social media commentators noted the racial makeup of the alleged attackers, but police said today the fight did not fit the criteria of a hate crime. the bss omar villafranca will start us off tonight from montgomery, omar, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, this was a boat that was trying to dock but was blocked for 40 minutes which many people are calling mele and montgomery. a viral boat side brawl that was all hands on deck. >> get out the way! >> reporter: video taken by eyewitnesses show damien pickett, cocaptain of a large river boat asking a crew to move their pontoon so the riverboats could dock in its assigned sp space. they refuse and attack pickett rest wrestling him to the ground while punching and kicking him. his coworkers rushed to his aid including 16-year-old aaron rudoplh who jumped into the water and swam to help. once the riverboat doctor, the fight escalated. one woman was pushed into the river. ♪ ♪ this man uses a folding chair as a weapon and hits this woman. multiple people recorded the including christa owen's. >> i just wanted to make sure when the police knew at the end to through the first punches. >> reporter: today authorities have charged three white men with third-degree assault and are looking to question the man who was wielding the chair. >> we did examine if there was enough to file hate crimes charges on this case and have also looked at what it takes to elevate this to a riot. we have worked with the district attorney, and it fit the criteria for that. >> reporter: the first black mayor aaron reid says this should not be marked by the incident. >> this is not indicative of who we are. i think it's important to address this as an isolated incident. one that was avoidable. >> reporter: police say the investigation is active and still ongoing and that more charges are expected. major. >> major: omar villafranca, thank you. tonight thousands across the mid-atlantic are picking up the pieces and assessing damage following a series of powerful storms overnight. at least two people were killed. one in alabama and one in south carolina. cbs's meg oliver is an white hall, maryland where she has seen some of the damage up close. >> reporter: powerful storms pummeled the northeast today with a toronado knocking down trees as it goes through massachusetts. two days of raging storms cause flooding across the state, making some roads impossible. on monday from new york to tennessee, the force of mother nature was evident. the storms brought down trees and knocked out power for thousands in knoxville, tennessee, eye-opening scenes everywhere. >> aaron! >> reporter: frightened drivers and westminster, maryland, were caught in a dangerous thunderstorm monday as winds up to 80 miles per hour knocked down power lines like dominoes. nearly 50 people were rescued from their cars. the wild weather brought airports across the east coast to a standstill. kris van cleave is that washington's reagan national airport. >> reporter: what a difference in a day makes, only one cancellation here in washington as the nation's airlines were cover from the storm that canceled more than 1700 flights and delayed about 8,000 more. from new york to atlanta, travelers still found themselves camping out at airports stranded by the storm, waiting for word on when they could finally get a flight home. >> it was. >> yet, so, i am just saying we are very tired. >> reporter: here in whitehall, maryland, a giant tree sliced openness house trapping his mother. what was she trapped under? >> drywall, tree limbs. >> reporter: firefighters quickly rescued her from the debris. does it feel like a miracle to you? >> there is heavenly land guardian angel inside this residence. >> reporter: today crews remove that big tree that split the house and boarded up the roof. meantime power outages in the mid-atlantic and south have seen a dramatic improvement with less than 200,000 still without electricity. major. >> major: meg oliver, thank you. for more in the storms and the brutal heat, let's bring a our partners at the weatherfrom- channel. chris, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, major. as meg showed us, trees are extremely dangerous when there are storms around when you are outside or even in your home coming and there were a lot of strong winds creating a lot of damage. more than 600 storm reports widespread across the southeast all the way up to new england and the mid-atlantic. heat still a big concern across the southern plains and continuing to expand as well across the gulf coast. and around the gulf coast you have a lot more access to humidity, so temperatures while we are going to see readings into the triple digits, you get close to the gulf and florida, some areas it's going to feel like it is 110 plus. >> major: chris warren, we thank you. swimmers kept out of the water today at a popular new york city beach after what is believed to have been an extremely rare shark attacks. a 65-year-old woman was severely injured. we get the latest now from alice gainer of our cbs station. >> reporter: officials say the 65 year old woman was about 10 feet into the water at rockaway beach in queens yesterday evening when she felt a pain in her left leg. >> is crazy. someone got attacked. breath >> reporter: lifeguards rushed in trying to keep her conscious. before emts took her to a local hospital. >> the fact that it was a shark bite blew my mind. >> reporter: they want surveillance drones but were unable to spot any sharks. >> it's concerning, but at the end of the day that's where sharks live. >> reporter: today another popular beach nearby was closed after a shark sighting. monday's apparent attack the latest in a busy season for new york beachgoers. five byte incidens already this summer, all in just 36 hours over the fourth of july weekend. >> i felt like i was trapped, he was holding onto me and i did not know that it was a shark. >> reporter: signed to say while still extremely rare, cleaner and warmer waters could be contributing. >> there's a lot more close to shore than we are used to seeing, and with outcomes that the predators that feed on them. >> reporter: rockaway beach remains close to the public as officials investigate yesterday's incident. if confirmed, this would mark the first shark bite here since 1953. major. >> major: alice gainer, thank you. tonight the city of stars is now a city on strike with thousands of los angeles workers joining an already crowded set up picket lines. government employees, traffic cops and airport workers hope their one-day disruption of city services will draw attention to their stalled contract negotiations. here is cbs's mark strassmann. >> reporter: l.a. is a city counting strikes like a bowling alley. 11,000 city employees, all union servic workers are staging a 24-hour walk out. they are indignant, contract talks with the city have sputtered. >> think of all of this as a warning shot. a 24-hour reminder of what disruption feels like. custodian phyllis stringer echoes the frustrations of hundreds rallying outside city hall. double trouble, low wages, high inflation. >> we need some help. >> reporter: you are working too hard to make into little? >> yes, yes. we need a lot more employees to come out and work. >> no contract. >> no action. >> reporter: and two hollywood themes have struck the set. with all studio production has stopped. what is scarce here is insight into an end in sight. l.a.'s labor actions just the latest in america's summer of strikes. widespread walkouts from nurses to bury status. nearly 340,000 union strikers this year, more than ten times the number just two years ago. one unusual demand here, filling existing job openings to ease workloads. >> if you had to strike for real, would you do it? >> if i had to, yes, i will sacrifice pair just like i have today. >> reporter: l.a. mayor karen bass is in a tough spot. she is prounion, but at the crosshairs of the strikers she has said they deserve a pure contract. by defining fairness is always the great divide between management and workers. major. >> major: indeed, mark strassmann, thank you. from the union square last friday has estimated a $200,000 according to cbs new york. chaos broke out when thousands of teenagers showed up for a giveaway promoted on social media. the crowd ripped down construction barriers, damage police cars, private vehicles and the new entrance to a subway station. influencer kai sinnott has bee charged with inciting a riot. police are scrubbing video of the incident and intend to make more arrests. the divided supreme court today sided with the biden administration's crackdown on so-called ghost guns or firearms without serial numbers. cbs's ed o'keefe reports on the significance of the ruling as the use of these untraceable guns rises. >> reporter: police stations wide say ghost guns are a reason that crime has spiked in recent years. they have been used as school shootings in carolina, maryland, and elelsewhere. ghostt guns can be bought onlin. some with a 3d printer. most don't carry serial numbers making them harder to track. today the supreme court with the way of the supreme justice john roberts and amy coney barrett joining the liberals of the committee allowed it to stay in place while legal challenges continue. the new rules were first introduced last summer sponsoring the growing wave of violent crime and seeking to treat ghost guns like other firearms. >> simply treat them as firearms under the gun control act. you have to present identification and pass a background check. >> the former number two at the atf and helped draft of the regulations. >> increasingly what we are seeing is a criminal's turn to the internet and order these kits from the comfort of their home, and have a firearm that is not easily protected by law enforcement. >> reporter: atf shows the number of ghost guns recovered have doubled from 2020 since 2021. it has led to violent crime like this incident in new york last month when a 25-year-old man on a scooter allegedly shot up six locations across the city using a ghost gun. opponents to the new regulations argued in federal court that atf does not have the legal authority to change gun laws on its own. that case can drag on for years. the white house says it will continue to use every tool available to stop gun violence in our country. >> major: ed o'keefe, thank you very much. a big campaign shake-up in the 2024 race for president. republican candidates and florida governor ron desantis has promoted his campaign manager and put the chief of staff of his governor's office this move comes weeks after ron desantis let go of a third of his campaign workers. ron desantis has been struggling to gain traction against upfront roman or for the g.o.p. nomination form or president donald trump. now to make and millions mean neon, though their largest jackpot in history is up for grabs tonight with a history of $1.5 billion on the line. or a $300.5 million payout, cbs's carter evans reports at all it takes to $2 in a dream. >> reporter: across the country people are lining up to pay up. for a minuscule chance of becoming a billionaire. >> if you can't play, you don't win. >> reporter: the lottery is the most popular form of gambling in the u.s. where people spend upwards of $100 billion on tickets and 2021. and tonight the line to buy them as out the door at bluebird liquor, and considered one of the luckiest stores in los angeles. fernando lyons drove almost two hours to buy a ticket here. >> what will you do with the money? >> persing i am going to do is change my phone number. >> reporter: two tickets worth more than a billion dollars were recently sold in the los angeles area. one at that store in july just blocks from skid row downtown. and while there is nothing you can do to increase your odds, there is a strategy to avoid having to share your winnings according to this harvard statistician. >> we should just have pattern less numbers, no birthdays or things that have special meaning, because people are% likely to make those same picks. >> reporter: carter evans joins us from los angeles, so come on, what are the odds? >> well, you are truly paying for an opportunity to dream, because the odds are not good at all. one in 300 million, that means you are more likely to get hit by falling space debris, major. >> major: so you are telling me have got a chance. to the popular drug wegovy could have additional benefits far beyoyond diabetetes and weieigh. we will explain a all of thatat next.. with 2 20 grams ofof pron for musclele health versus 1 16 grams inin enensure® h high proteiein. boostt® high h proteiein. now available e in cinnabobo® babakery-inspipired flavoro. learn more at my cpa told me i woululdn't qualilify for r the erc tatax refund,, so i calleled innovationon 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[whihip sound] tatake the firirst step toto sf yourur small bususiness qualal. these handnds used to o hold e as a litittle girl.. would d comfort meme. bubut now, they've bebecome aggreressiv. ththis mouth used to sing meme lullabieses. now, it't's unrecogngnizable. if your r loved one e with alzheimer'r's dementiaia hahas become a agitated, it's notot their fauault. they couould have agagitation in alzheimer's dementia, which can cause bebehavior beyond theheir controlol. help your r loved one.e. learn momore at to give e your teethth a dentntist clean n feeling. start withth a round b brush . add popower. and you've got o oral-b. round clcleans betteter by surroununding each h th to rememove 100% m more plaqu. for a a superior c clean. ororal-b. brbrush like a a pro. remember the thingsgs you loveded... .....before asasthma got t in the wayay? fasesenra is an n add-on trereat for r asthma dririven by e eosinophilsls. itit's designened to targegt and reremove themm and hehelps prevenent asthmama attacks.. fasesenra is notot for susudden breatathing problbls oror other eoeosinophilicic conditiono. allergrgic reactioions may occ. don'n't stop y your asasthma treatatments withthout talkining withth your doctctor. tellll your doctctor if youour asthma w worsens. heheadache andnd sore t throat may y occur. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue a parasititic infectioion. get backck to betterer breathi. ask your d doctor abouout fasen. -okay, and one more. -i think we got it. -yeah, letet's focus o on t. -r-rv? okayay, everybodody, lookok at the rvrv and smil. ththis is whatat you wantt for yoyour family y portrai? good pointnt. we bundldled tht with our h home and auauto . -hey, teamam, get on i in. -teaeam? ohoh. fun. now eveveryone sayay "24/7 finil protecection with h progressi! 24/7 f financial protection with p progressiveve! okay.. lelet's get sosome singless ofof me on thehe bike. honey.y. yeyeah. [ [ leaf blowewer whirringn] >> major: and tonight's health watch, a new study by the diabetes prescription wegovy finds it could also help heart health. a new pharmaceutical company novo nordisk saying treating them with cardiovascular disease shows that wegovy can cut the risk of serious heart problems by 20%. these result if independently verified could put pressure on insurance companies to cover the popular drug. federal regulators are looking into a potential power steering problem in more than 15 million ram pickup trucks. the investigation was open after 400 complaints were filed about the issue and model years 2013-2016. official state that the problem has led to three crashes, but no injuries. the truck maker says it is cooperating with the investigation. criminal charges are pending after a car goes flying into a house. we wilill have thehe details n . ♪ ♪ s your s sound enginineer. you neneed to hirere. i neneed indeed.d. indeed youou do. indeed i instant matatch instay dedelivers quauality candidids matchihing your jojob descript. visisit with newew scope sququeez mouthwasash concentrtrate, just add w water, squeeze toto control t the streh ofof your moututhwash. anand find a z zone... all yourur own. ♪♪♪ scope sqsqueez. my most t importantt kikitchen toolol? my brarain. so i i choose neneuriva plus. ununlike some e others, neuriva plplus is a mumultitar supportingng 6 key indndicas of brarain health.h. to helelp keep me e sharp. neuriviva: think b bigger. if you s struggle. and struruggle. and struruggle with h cpap. you shouldld check outut insp. no mask. n no hose. jujust sleep.. leararn more andnd view impopot sasafety inforormation at i (vo) crabfest is back at red lobster. leararn more andnd view impopot sasafety inforormation when you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like roasted garlic butter... ...this is not your grandpa's crabfest... ...unless grandpa's got flavor. dayumm! crabfest is here for a limited time. welcome to fun dining. what do wewe always sasay, so? libeberty mutualal customizes yourur car insururance... soso you only y pay fofor what youou need. that's my y boy. ♪ stay offff the freeweways! ononly pay foror what you u ne ♪ l liberty. liliberty. liberty.y. liberty. . ♪ (chef vo) fancy feast. ononly chef-inspired. you u ne cat-adored. every silky broth, every impeccable paté, every delicious detail... brings you and your cat... closer together. fancy feast. love is in the details. okay eveveryone, ourur missions compmplete balananced nutriti. totogether we e provide nunutrs to suppoport immune,e, musclele, bone, and hearart health.. yayaaay! woo o hoo! ensurere with 25 vitaminsns and minererals and d ensure comomplete withth 30 grams of proteinin. ♪ >> major: cars might fly one day, but we hope not like this. a home in central pennsylvania was damaged when a car crashed into the second floor. you can see how here they got wedged upstairs. police say the driver intentionally launched the car into the house and not surprisingly will face criminal charges. no one inside was injured. dangerous currents were no match for the impressive teamwor displayed by a group of lifeguards in flagler beach florida. drum video shot last weekend shows the lifeguards forming a perfectly choreographed human chain. connecting themselves with ropes and buoys to rescue a man on a boogie board who apparently ended up too far from shore. they got him back on dry land in no time. we remember the man behind the popular dance craze "cha cha slide." that is next. >> announcer: if you can't watch the cbs evening news, you can listen. subscribe where ever memeet ar. you u your podcacasts. so cleararly you. sosotyktu. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent t thousandss on othther diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high s school weight. you're not gonna believeve this thing is possible bubut it is. >> major: finally, we learn today that musician dj casper has died following a seven year battle with cancer. you might not know his name, but you deftly follow his orders on the dance floor. ♪ right foot let's stop ♪ ♪ left foot let's stomp. ♪ ♪ the >> major: best known as the creator of the world famous cha cha slide, the hit song released in 1998 is officially n at fitness centers around chicago before exploding on the radio, yes the radio two years later. "cha cha slide" was a staple at weddings, flash mobs and store sporting events. it's meant weeks on the u.s. and british music charts. dj casper born william perry jr. was 58 years old. and that is tonight's "cbs evening news." for norah o'donnell, i am major garrett, good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: is a tenant's excuse for not paying just hot air? >> judge judy: you were using the money for the rent to plan for the hurricane. >> announcer: now, storm clouds are swirling again. >> my apartment sustained severe damage. >> not true. >> judge judy: if it's not uninhabitable, you have to pay rent. you didn't pay him in september before the hurricane. we had an agreement that it was okay because the apartment was blown out. >> judge judy: this is a perennial victim. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution brian semmler is suing his former tenant, jason beal, for unpaid rent and for the cost of wooden benches jason used to board up his apartment during hurricane irma. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 440 on the calendar in the matter of semmler vs. beal. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. ma'am, have a seat. >> judge judy: mr. semmler, you own a condo in naples, florida. >> that is correct, your honor. >> judge judy: it's a

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, Crackdown , Ruling , Significance , Use , Don T , Crime , Ghost , School Shootings , 3d Printer , Ghostt , Reason , Elelsewhere , Onlin , Police Stations , 3 , Challenges , Liberals , Justice , Committee , Place , Rules , Coney Barrett , John Roberts , Under The Gun Control Act , Growing Wave , Background Check , Identification , Atf , Regulations , Firearm , Kits , Criminal , Comfort , Draft , Internet , Led , Law Enforcement , Scooter , Six , 25 , 2020 , 2021 , Ghost Gun , Opponents , Tool , Authority , Locations , Gun Laws , Federal Court , Ron Desantis , Campaign Shake Up , Candidates , Campaign Manager , Gun Violence , Race , Ed O Keefe , Republican , 2024 , Chief Of Staff , Campaign Workers , Move , Office , Traction , Let Go Of A Third , Line , History , Millions , Donald Trump , Nomination Form , Neon , Grabs , Payout , Dream , Carter Evans , 00 5 Million , 2 , , 300 5 Million , Form , Chance , Tickets , Lottery , Play , Billionaire , Gambling , You Don T Win , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Money , Ticket , Door , Bluebird Liquor , Fernando Lyons , Store , Phone Number , Persing , Los Angeles Area , Skid Row , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Odds , Birthdays , Strategy , Nothing , Winnings , Harvard Statistician , Things , Picks , Meaning , Opportunity , Wegovy , Drug , Hit , Space Debris , 300 Million , Boost Com Tv My Cpa , Musclele Health Versus , H High Proteiein , High H Proteiein , Inspipired Flavoro , Boostt , Weieigh , Thatat Next , Ofof Pron , Inin Enensure , Cinnabobo , Babakery , 20 , 1 , Toto , Compapany , Cpa A , Team , Eligigi , Me I Woululdn T Qualilify , Inindependet Tatax , Attorneyeys Wiwill , Whihip Sound , Innovationon , Tatax Refund , Erc , Firirst Step , Ththis Mouth , O Hold E , Handnds , Would D , Comfort Meme , Sf Yourur Small Bususiness Qualal , Litittle Girl , Bebecome Aggreressiv , Bubut , Meme Lullabieses , It T S Unrecogngnizable , Agitated , One E Learn Momore At Agitationininalz Com , Bebehavior , Dementia , Agagitation , Theheir Controlol , Notot , Alzheimer S , Alzheimer R S Dementiaia Hahas , Fauault , Surroununding Each H Th , Round , Round B Brush , Start Withth , Dentntist Clean N Feeling , Oral B , Clcleans Betteter , Teethth , Add Popower , Plaqu , Superior C , Ororal B Brbrush , 100 , Like Aa Pro , Asthma , Fasesenra , Wayay , Asasthma Got T , Hehelps Prevenent Asthmama Attacks , Susudden Breatathing , Add On Trereat , Thingsgs , Reremove Themm , Problbls Oror , Eoeosinophilicic Conditiono , E Eosinophilsls , Designened To Targegt , Itit , You Loveded , Doctctor , Abouout Fasen , D , Backck , Throat May Y , Dodoctor , Don N T , Betterer Breathi , Withthout , Talkining Withth , Heheadache Andnd , Youour Asthma W , Yoyoue , Allergrgic Reactioions May Occ , Parasititic Infectioion , Teamam , H , Focus O On T R , Everybodody , You Wantt , Okayay , Letet , Rvrv , Smil , Lookok , Yoyour Family Y Portrai , Good Pointnt , Auauto , Teaeam , P Progressiveve , Honey Y , Finil Protecection , Fun , H Progressi , Ohoh , Sosome Singless , Lelet , Ofof Me On Thehe Bike , Yeyeah , Leaf , Blowewer Whirringn , 24 7 , Study , Health Watch , Novo Nordisk , Diabetes Prescription Wegovy , Heart Health , Heart Problems , Risk , Cardiovascular Disease , Pressure , Insurance Companies , Power Steering Problem , Regulators , Result , Pickup Trucks , Ram , 15 Million , Truck Maker , Complaints , Problem , Issue , Crashes , Injuries , 2013 , 400 , 2016 , Car , Your , Thehe Details N , Indeed D Youou , Matatch Instay , Quauality Candidids Matchihing , Sound Enginineer , Hirere , Jojob Descript , Control T , Moututhwash , Streh Ofof , Visisit Indeed C Com Hire , Mouthwasash Concentrtrate , Just Add W , Yourur Own , Newew Scope Sququeez , Az Zone , Anand , Brarain Health H To Helelp , Others , Me E Sharp , Indndicas , Neneuriva Plus , Importantt , Kikitchen Toolol , My Brarain , Scope Sqsqueez , So Ii , Neuriva Plplus , Mumultitar , Ununlike , 6 , Think B Bigger , Neuriviva , Struruggle , Mask , Hose , You S Struggle , Outut Insp , H Cpap , Jujust Sleep , Andnd , Grandpa , Crabfest , Crab , Garlic Butter , Flavors , I Inspiresleeeep Com , Impopot Sasafety Inforormation , Got Flavor , Vo , Leararn , Red Lobster , Dayumm , Fun Dining , Youou Need , You U Ne L Liberty , Wewe Always Sasay , Ononly , Soso , Yourur Car Insururance , Libeberty Mutualal , My Y Boy , Freeweways , Stay Offff , Fancy Feast , You U Ne , Detail , Chef Vo , Cat , Broth , PatÉ , Liberty Y , Liliberty , Health , Love , O Hoo , Vitaminsns , E , Totogether We E , Ourur Missions Compmplete , Hearart , Ensurere , Okay Eveveryone , Balananced Nutriti , Suppoport Immune , Bone , Yayaaay , Minererals , Proteinin , Comomplete , 30 , Floor , Pennsylvania , Teamwor , Match , No One Inside , Driver , Currents , Ropes , Shore , Buoys , Boogie Board , Drum Video , Human Chain , Announcer , Dance Craze , Evening News , Podcacasts , Memeet Ar , Sosotyktu , Thing , School Weight , Didn T Work , Golo , Michael , Thousandss On Othther , Gonna Believeve , 70 , Dj Casper , Dance Floor , Cancer , Battle , Orders , Seven , Let S Stomp , Creator Of The World Famous Cha Slide , Chicago , 1998 , Sporting Events , Charts , Radio , Music , Flash Mobs , Weddings , Staple , British , Dj Casper Born , Cbs Evening News , Major Garrett , Norah O Donnell , 58 , Judge Judy , Jason Beal , Rent , Hurricane , Excuse , Hair , Storm Clouds , Judge , Apartment , Agreement , Victim , Brian Semmler , Courtroom , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Rise , Benches , Cost , Byrd , Hurricane Irma , Honor , Condo , Parties , Calendar , Matter , Seat , You Re Welcome , Semmler Vs , Naples , Ma Am , 440 ,

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