Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

tonight the news from new york city as the rate of cases picks up. what does it mean for you? >> alabama jail break, tonight an accused murderer on the run. why officials believe a female corrections officer may have helped him. the biggest wildfire in america. the worst drought conditions in two decades forces hundreds to evacuate. we're following the fast-moving developments. >> remembering naomi judd. >> love can build a bridge. ♪. >> the news that stunned the country music world ahead of the star's induction into the hall of fame. >> and honoring that special woman in our lives ahead of mother's day. we kick off our news series on the modern mom. >> this is the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell. reporting from the nation's capitol. >> good evening and thank you for joining us as we start a new week together. we begin tonight with the race to escape mariupol, the city reduced to rubble. and tonight after spending more than two months underground at least 100 civilians were able to get out from the beseiged steel plant in ukraine's port town. but there are more still trapped arch the red cross and united nations called off the evacuation today because of constant russian shelling. it comes as the highest ranking u.s. official, speaker of the house nancy pelosi made a surprise advicit kyiv. today pelosi and a delegation of democratic lawmakers pet with the polish president in warsaw after a secreted trip to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy in kyiv. we're learning more tonight about what u.s. officials believe is russia's plan for putin's war. the kremlin is planning to an ex the two eastern regions of ukraine after failing to cap tour the capitol and overthrow the government. we have a lot of news to get to tonight and cbs's chris livesay will start us off from kyiv, good evening, chris. >> good evening, norah. pelosi's visit to the region comes as president biden is requesting $33 billion in funding for ukraine. that's money for defense, economic and humanitarian aid and no city needs it more than mariupol. >> after two months of hell on earth, the relief of escape. in a major breakthrough for the u.n. and the international committee of the red cross, women, children and elderly are among the first to leave the darkness of the mariupol steel mill. we won't have to go to the bathroom with a flash light any more says national natalia. they were bombing the whole time olga sobbed. bombing that continues across ukraine. a country under seige by land and a block aid by sea. in the coastal city of odessa a child was killed in a russian missile strike on a residential building, according to emergency officials. combined with russian attacks ot isow struggling to find enough food and fuel with vehicles lining up at the pump for miles. but ukraine is not without its victory, a drone strike taking out two russian patrol boats on the black sea. throughout the war ukraine has creatively defended it's territory, not afraid to blowp its own bridges, roads, anything to slow down the russians. just outside kyiv that meant breaching this dam. at great cost to the nearby town of demydiv. >> the water completely destroying this part of town, destroying possessions, destroying homes, but we're told they were happy to do it because if they didn't the russians were going to destroy it for them. they effectively saved their village and the capitol kyiv just further on in that direction. >> a local residents russ us through the ashes. >> the russian soldiers were here. and russian shells maria warns us in her vegetable garden, invisible beneath the murky water. the same shelling rocked her neighbor valentinea's house as her family of six hid inside the basement while it slowly filled with water. >> we had to climb out, she said, but at the same time the russians had to retreat. this water saved us. >> and with that russian retreat from kyiv, the u.s. today officially resumed diplomatic operations in ukraine. albeit in the western city of lviv. however the acting ambassador said the embassy may return here to the capitol by the end of this month. norah? inn that's some news, chris livesay, thank you. tonight residents in south central kansas are still digging through debris following friday's ef-3 tornado that carved a path of destruction nearly 13 miles long. just take a look at this as a fun el cloud destroyed everything in its path in the city of andover, nearly 1,000 buildings were damaged, three university of oklahoma college students chasing a tornado were killed in a car crash because of slick roads. the same area from kansas to observation oak is bracing for more severe weather tonight. for the forecast let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel, good evening, mik >> good evening, indeed another stretch is very active weather ahead. this say virtual view of kansas city, missouri, taking really heavy rain, potential ponding on the streets and in neighborhoods and yes, potential for some severe storms as well. let's show you the future radar, you can see the storm ripping through the middle of the country through the evening and overnight. many storms push eastbound through the day on tuesday. that includes the ohio valley, targets will be louisville, cincinnati, columbus and over towards pittsburgh, pennsylvania therch right back to the plains once again come wednesday with a target in oklahoma city where tornadoes could erupt again but as far norths wichita, south as abilene and yes t is may, may historically the most active months for severe weather and tornadoes, norah, so this should come as no surprise. >> o'donnell: good point, mike bettes, thank you. let's turn now to alabama and a story that sounds like the plolt from a movie of the week. the fbi has now joined the manhunt for an escaped prison inmate and a corrections officer who they say helped him with the jail break. here is cbs's janet shamlian. >> tonight an alabama sheriff searching for an escaped capitol murder suspect says one of his own corrections officers vickie white was in on it. >> we have had a warrant issued for vickie white, the charges are permitted or facilitating an escape in the first degree. >> white qulaims she was driving inmate casey white, no relation from the jail to a courthouse mental health evaluation on friday. then going to a medical appointment herself. the sheriff now says neither statement was true. and taking a prisoner without a second deputy was a violation of policy. her patrol car was found in a shopping center parking lot later that day. >> the patrol car left the detention center and went straight to the parking lot. and there was not enough time for them to even attempt to try tho come to the courthouse. >> this is casey white last week inside the jail where i was being held on charges of capitol murder. six foot nine, and 250 pounds. >> he was put into the patrol car handcuffed and shackled. >> we have gotten a couple of tips on the possible vehicle, we're still pursuing that, trying to get a positive con fir maitionz on the possible vehicle they switched into. >> 56 year old vickie white has been with the department almost 17 years. several times named employee of the year. the widow who had no children submitted retirement papers thursday, friday was to be her last day. >> she did sell her home about a month ago. and talked about going to the beach, everybody thought she was going to retire. nobody saw this coming. >> vickie white's mom says her daughter never mentioned casey white whose only been in that jail since the end of february. authorities are now reviewing video from inside to determine the nature of the relationship. >> norah? >> o'donnell: quite a story, janet, thank you. tonight the covid risk level in new york city has been raised from low to medium as the rate of cases picks up. the new designation betweens new yorkers need to be more cautious. health officials advise wearing a mask in public indoor settings where vaccine stat sus not known. and this update tonight on vice president harris, nearly a week after testing positive she's covid free and returning to the white house tomorrow. back here in washington, a federal jury convicted of new york city police veteran of assaulting an officer, during the january 6th attack on the capitol. 56 year old thomas webster was the first capitol rye et defendant to be tried on an assault charge and the first to present a jury with a self-defense argument. he was found guilty of all six counts and faces up to 20 years in prison. he will be sentenced in september. let's turn now to the election trail because the first major contest of the 2022 mid terms is under way in ohio. with republican voters picking their nominees for governor and the u.s. senate. a cbs's robert costa reports it is also a mares don ump' continued influence over the party. >> former president trump is dominating te senate primary here in ohio. and contenders spent weeks fighting for his support. his name ult erred constantly. >> president trump. >> president trump. >> jd advance a well-known author and political novice won the trump endorsement battle last month. and has since become the frontrunner. advance was a never trumper in 20-- vance was a never trumper in 2016 but tells voters he was wrong. the former president has been forgiving. >> he is a guy that said some bad [bleep] about me, but you know what, every one of the others did also. >> vance told us he is confident he can shake off any suspicions from trump voters and spent the weekend campaigning with staunch trump applies matt gaetz and margie pay letter greene. >> is the trump endorsement enough to put you over the top? >> i think st. >> the president support it is usually helpful because it snrails which side he is on. >> primary veat voters say they are mostly concerned about the economy. >> everybody is paying more for everything. >> the prices are real bad right now. >> in many states trump's backing will help vance who along with most other top candidates have falsely argued the 2020 election was rigged. once donald trump gave his endorsement, i think you know they will look buy it. >> trump's hold on the gop is unprecedented. but it will be tested in primaries across the country this month. >> we've endorsed dr. oz. >> in pennsylvania trump is backing celebrity dr. mehmet oz for senate and also endorsed several troafntional candidates including herschel walker in georgia, previously accused of domestic violence. in charles herbster for governor in nebraska, accused by multiple wiment of sexual assault. trump campaign for him sunday night. >> i defend people when i know they're good. >> one candidate who might benefit from the fight on the trump side here in ohio in tomorrow's primary is state senator matt dolan, one of the owners of the cleveland guardian's baseball team, he ha been running as a traditional republican and a trump critic and he has been gaining in the polls. norah? >> o'donnell: interesting to watch. robert costa with all that news, thank you. >> let's turn now to breaking news in the century long fight for justice for the last known survivors of the 1921 tulsa race massacre. a judge rule thed can make their case to hold the city accountable. omar villafranca has the late developing details. >> the last three survivors entered court for what could be a last effort to force the city of tulsa to pay reparations for a 1921 massacre that killed an estimated 300 black residents. >> we know what happened 100 years ago. and it is time for the city of tulsa to do what is right and stand on the right side of history. >> the survivors, viola fletcher, lessie benningfield randle and hughes van ellis are all more than 100 years old. they were small children living in the greenwood section of town known as black wall street, a thriving back community in the middle of the jim yoa era. in 1921 a young black man was accused of assaulting a white teenage girl, a white mob including members of the tulsa sheriff's department torched roughly 35 blocks of homes and businesses. nearly wiping out the city's black residents. >> i on the night of the massacres i was awakened by my family. >> now 107 viola fletcher saw her community torn apart by that white mob. >> i think about it every day t is nothing i will never forget. >> no one was ever held accountable for what happened that day. and the lawsuit alleges that the defendants exploitation of death, destruction and disparities they created have resulted in their unjust enrichment at the expense of these communities. the city is arguing it should not be forced to pay anything because today's residents had nothing to do with what happened more than a century ago. just minutes ago the judge partially ruled for the plaintiff, a trial will take place, that means the three remaining survivors will get a chance to make their case against the city of tulsa for reparations. no trial date has been set. norah? >> o'donnell: the arc of history bends towards justice, omar villafranca, thank you. well tonight tributes are pouring in for country music legend naomi judd who died unexpectedly over the weekend. she was 76. her death sheds a shining light on the disease of mental ill, a battle judd herself was very public about. here's cbs's jim axelrod. love can build a bridge. ♪. >> no one would have been surprised that judds were being inducted into the country music hall of fame last night. >> after all, the between 1984 and 1991 naomi judd and her daughter wynona had 14 number one hits. >> this is the first time i've talked since saying good-bye. >> know what stunned the music world was naomi's death the day before the induction. >> i didn't prepare anything tonight because i knew mom would probably talk the most. >> the judd family and carefully chosen words said naomi judd died at the age of 76 from quote the disease of mental illness. the 2016 memoir river of time detailed her struggle with depression. her daughter actress ashley judd last night. >> my mama loved you so much. and she appreciated your love for her. and i'm sorry that she couldn't hang on until today. >> less than a month ago naomi and wynona judd shaired a stage at the cmt awards. tonight taking in their last performance together t is wynona's words that speak for so many. >> it is a really strange dynamic to to be this broken and this blessed. >> blessed to have shared the music of naomi judd, broken at the thought there will be no more. >> jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: i know almost all those songs by heart. still ahead on tonight's cbs evening news, the forcing families from their homes and a former philadelphia plises officer is charged with murdering a 12 year old boy. or atopic dermit under control? 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>> when twins mitchell and maksim were born and 3 and 4 pounds the world was in the throws of a new pandemic. >> these kids really came in to the world against all odds, i feel. >> it was april 2020, jen law bach went into labor early, sick with covid, andre couldn't with be there, he had covid too, they couldn't see the boys in person for three weeks rely on facetime back and that's hard for me as a mom because those first few weeks and days are so important with your child. >> these are the twins two years later. and now they have company am baby sister live was just born, no covid, no complications. >> i have bounded with her so much already-- bonded with her so much already. and i didn't get that with the boys. >> has this experience helped heal those wounds. >> yes, definitely, definitely. >> you know, andre was able to be there. i wasn't isolated and alone when when she was borned they placed her right on my chest. >> and do you have a little sister now. >> yeah. >> what is her name. >> baby. >> baby. >> jen's first mother's day was in the n icu. this next one, in a home full of laughter. >> despite how hard it was for us, we're healthy and strong now and we have a happy ending. >> adriana diaz, cbs news. >> o'donnell: that's great news, and three under three, that's tough, hats off to you, we'll be right back. 6 >> o'donnell: tomorrow she was preg nantz and 16 and told she was never amount to anything. meet the supermom who proved ll >> judge judy: i don't think you're a bad young lady. i just think that you're a fibber. >> announcer: a teen's trouble with the truth. >> judge judy: so, your daughter lied to you, and then she went to her boyfriend's house at 2:00 in the morning. >> i'm not supposed to be in contact with him. >> judge judy: she must not like him for a reason. >> announcer: and mom always knows best. >> judge judy: and then what happened? >> we started fighting, and i started to walk home in the snow with just my socks on. >> judge judy: when you act stupid, stupid things happen. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 19-year-old gianni smith is suing her ex-boyfriend, 21-year-old joshua rainone, for assault, false imprisonment, and the cost of a new phone. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 516 on the calendar in the matter of smith vs. rainone. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. ma'am, have a seat. >> judge judy: ms. smith, how old are you? >> 19 years old. >> judge judy: and how old are you, mr. rainone? >> 21. >> judge judy: how long had you and ms. smith been dating? >> since about february of last year. >> judge judy: it appears, ms. smith, from what you say, that you were staying over at the defendant's house, and that was january of this year. had you done that often? >> staying at his house? yes, ma'am. >> judge judy: with your mother's permission? >> yes. >> judge judy: what time had you arrived at his house on the 28th? >> i'd say probably around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. >> judge judy: you got there at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning? >> yes. i was out of town with some friends that night, and when i got back in town, i went over to his house and saw him. >> judge judy: where had you been? >> winona. >> judge judy: what were you doing there? >> seeing friends, hanging out. >> judge judy: why didn't you go home? >> i just didn't want to. and he invited me over, and i said okay. >> judge judy: well, you live at home with your mother. i'm just trying to put this all together. and you were out with some friends. >> mm-hmm. >> judge judy: getting home at 2:00 in the morning. could i ask you a question?

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Kyiv , Polish , Nancy Pelosi , Russian Shelling , Secreted , Democratic , In Warsaw , Planning , War , In Kyiv , Plan , Regions , Putin , Ex , Tour , Russia , Kremlin , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Cap , Biden , Norah , Lot , Visit , Government , Region , Chris Livesay , Funding , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Aid , Escape , Relief , Defense , Hell On Earth , Money , First , Darkness , Breakthrough , International Committee Of The Red Cross , Steel Mill , U N , Country , Bathroom , Flash Light , Natalia , Bombing , Land , Olga , Child , Emergency Officials , Sea , Building , Missile Strike , Attacks , Odessa , Food , Vehicles , Fuel , Drone Strike , Pump , Victory , Black Sea , Patrol Boats , Town , It , Anything , Roads , Cost , Bridges , Territory , Dam , Water , Part , Possessions , Destroying Homes , Demydiv , Residents , Shells Maria , Vegetable Garden , The Ashes , Soldiers , Family , Basement , Neighbor Valentinea , Six , Operations , Retreat , Thank You , Capitol , Embassy , Inn , Acting , Ambassador , South Central , Kansas , The End , Lviv , Friday , Look , Path Of Destruction , Path , Buildings , Debris , Fun El Cloud Destroyed Everything , Ef 3 , Andover , 13 , Three , 1000 , Mike Bettes , Partners , Forecast , Car Crash , Students , Area , Oak , Weather Channel , University Of Oklahoma , Storms , Stretch , Streets , Kansas City , Neighborhoods , Ponding , Potential , View , Heavy Rain , Missouri , Ohio Valley , Middle , Targets , Storm , Pennsylvania , Columbus , Cincinnati , Pittsburgh , Louisville , Radar , Tornadoes , May , South , Oklahoma City , Plains , Yes T , Therch , Abilene , Far Norths Wichita , Story , Fbi , Surprise , Point , Movie , Prison Inmate , Manhunt , Alabama , Plolt , Vickie White , Sheriff , Murder Suspect , Corrections Officers , Jail Break , Warrant , Janet Shamlian , Jail , Inmate Casey White , Courthouse , Charges , Relation , Degree , Mental Health Evaluation , White Qulaims , Patrol Car , Prisoner Without A Second Deputy , Statement , Policy , Violation , Shopping Center Parking Lot , Appointment , Parking Lot , Detention Center , Capitol Murder , 250 , Nine , Vehicle , Tips , Couple , Patrol Car Handcuffed , Positive Con Fir Maitionz , Widow , Employee Of The Year , Times , Department , Retirement Papers , 17 , 56 , Everybody , Daughter , Nobody Saw , Beach , Coming , Relationship , Covid Risk Level , Nature , Low , Designation , Betweens , New Yorkers , Video , Authorities , Harris , Settings , Mask , Health Officials , Positive , Update , White House , Vaccine Stat Sus , Officer , Jury , Assault Charge , Attack , Veteran , Capitol Rye Et Defendant , New York City Police , Washington , Thomas Webster , 6 , January 6th , Election , Counts , Contest , Prison , Self Defense Argument , Terms , 2022 , 20 , Voters , President Trump , Governor , Republican , Don Ump , Robert Costa , Party , Influence , U S Senate , Way , Nominees , Trump , Ult Erred Constantly , Contenders , Author , Support , Novice , Jd , Trumper , Advance , Frontrunner , Trump Endorsement Battle Last Month , 2016 , Vance , Guy , Campaigning , Suspicions , Bad , Others , Bleep , Side , Endorsement , Snrails , Letter , Top , Greene , Matt Gaetz , Margie Pay , Candidates , Backing , Everything , States , Economy , Prices , 2020 , Celebrity Dr , Primaries , Hold , Pennsylvania Trump , Dr , Oz , Mehmet Oz , Domestic Violence , Sexual Assault , Wiment , Herschel Walker , Georgia , Nebraska , Charles Herbster , People , Sunday Night , Candidate , Matt Dolan , Campaign , Fight , Primary Is , Guardian , Breaking News , Baseball Team , Critic , Polls , Owners , He Ha , Cleveland , Survivors , Case , Accountable , Justice , Omar Villafranca , Judge Rule Thed , Tulsa Race Massacre , 1921 , Reparations , Massacre , Court , City Of Tulsa , Details , Effort , 300 , History , Viola Fletcher , Van Ellis , Lessie Benningfield Randle , Wall Street , Section , Young Black Man , White Teenage Girl , Homes , Mob , Blocks , Members , Businesses , Tulsa Sheriff S Department , 35 , No One , Nothing , Community , Massacres , Saw , 107 , Defendants , Death , Communities , Expense , Disparities , Lawsuit , Enrichment , Exploitation , Judge , Trial , Place , Plaintiff , Chance , Set , Arc , Tributes , History Bends Towards Justice , Light , Disease , Weekend , Country Music , Battle Judd , Jim Axelrod , Mental Ill , 76 , Wall , Judds , Last Night , Country Music Hall Of Fame , 1984 , Time , Hits , Number One , Wynona Judd Shaired A Stage , 14 , 1991 , World , Words , Music , Most , Quote , Age , Depression , Ashley Judd , River , Mama , Memoir , Mental Illness , Ago Naomi , She Couldn T Hang On , Cmt Awards , Dynamic , Many , Thought , Performance , Blessed , Together T Is Wynona , More , Cbs News , Heart , Songs , Skin , Boy , Families , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Atopic , Philadelphia , Plises , Dermit , 12 , Dupixent , Eczema , Itch , Adults , Step , Doctor , Don T , Vision , Reactions , Changes , Eye Pain , Pain , Eye Problems , Joint Aches , Eczema Specialist , Change , Infection , Feels , Asthma , Kind , Taking Trulicity , Dad , Some , College , Hobbies , Habits , Life , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , 2 , 10 , Type 1 Diabetes , Use , Reaction , It Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Swelling , Neck , Stop Trulicity , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Choices , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Stomach Pain , Kidney Problems , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diabetic Retinopathy , Wildfires , Fire , Southwest , Foothills , Hundreds , New Mexico , Las Vegas , Rocky Mountains , 120000 , Saul Mendoza , Police Officer , Murder , Shooting , Right , Tj Siderio , Fattal , Ed , Plition Say , 30 , Back , Police Car , Ground , Gun , Window , Investigators , Booyah , Tank , Sure , Casa , 25 , 7 , Home , You Weren T Kidding , Head Nods , Auto , Quote Today , Let S Circle Back , Working From Home , Allstate , Peanut Butter Box , Peanut Butter , Out Of The Box , Box , Yes , Flea , Pharmacy Box , Giorgio , Ralph , Plaque Psoriasis , Pet Prescriptions , Door , Chewy , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Choice , Memories , Spin , Feelings , Risk , Thoughts , Weight Loss , Medicines , Treatment , Weight , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Superpower , Moms , Parent , Birth , Height , Anyone , Pandemic , Healing Experience , Series , Adriana Diaz , Twins , Kids , Law , Hi , Jen , Against All Odds , Maksim , April 2020 , 4 , Andre Couldn T , Covid , Labor , They Couldn T , Sick , Person , The Boys , Bach , Covid Too , Company , Experience , Complications , Boys , Name , Sister , Wounds , Chest , Baby , Laughter , Ending , Icu , Hats , Tough , Preg Nantz , 16 , Judge Judy Why Didn T , House , Announcer , Contact , Supermom , Teen , Lady , Fibber , Trouble , Truth , Boyfriend , 00 , Things , Fighting , Reason , Snow , Socks On , Gianni Smith , Courtroom , Ex Boyfriend , Joshua Rainone , Captions , Judith Sheindlin , 19 , 21 , Assault , Matter , Imprisonment , Phone , Rise , Calendar , Byrd , Smith Vs , 516 , Ms , How Old Are You , Parties , Mr , Dating , Seat , Ma Am , Mother , Judge Judy , Defendant , Permission , 28 , Friends , Winona , Question ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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tonight the news from new york city as the rate of cases picks up. what does it mean for you? >> alabama jail break, tonight an accused murderer on the run. why officials believe a female corrections officer may have helped him. the biggest wildfire in america. the worst drought conditions in two decades forces hundreds to evacuate. we're following the fast-moving developments. >> remembering naomi judd. >> love can build a bridge. ♪. >> the news that stunned the country music world ahead of the star's induction into the hall of fame. >> and honoring that special woman in our lives ahead of mother's day. we kick off our news series on the modern mom. >> this is the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell. reporting from the nation's capitol. >> good evening and thank you for joining us as we start a new week together. we begin tonight with the race to escape mariupol, the city reduced to rubble. and tonight after spending more than two months underground at least 100 civilians were able to get out from the beseiged steel plant in ukraine's port town. but there are more still trapped arch the red cross and united nations called off the evacuation today because of constant russian shelling. it comes as the highest ranking u.s. official, speaker of the house nancy pelosi made a surprise advicit kyiv. today pelosi and a delegation of democratic lawmakers pet with the polish president in warsaw after a secreted trip to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy in kyiv. we're learning more tonight about what u.s. officials believe is russia's plan for putin's war. the kremlin is planning to an ex the two eastern regions of ukraine after failing to cap tour the capitol and overthrow the government. we have a lot of news to get to tonight and cbs's chris livesay will start us off from kyiv, good evening, chris. >> good evening, norah. pelosi's visit to the region comes as president biden is requesting $33 billion in funding for ukraine. that's money for defense, economic and humanitarian aid and no city needs it more than mariupol. >> after two months of hell on earth, the relief of escape. in a major breakthrough for the u.n. and the international committee of the red cross, women, children and elderly are among the first to leave the darkness of the mariupol steel mill. we won't have to go to the bathroom with a flash light any more says national natalia. they were bombing the whole time olga sobbed. bombing that continues across ukraine. a country under seige by land and a block aid by sea. in the coastal city of odessa a child was killed in a russian missile strike on a residential building, according to emergency officials. combined with russian attacks ot isow struggling to find enough food and fuel with vehicles lining up at the pump for miles. but ukraine is not without its victory, a drone strike taking out two russian patrol boats on the black sea. throughout the war ukraine has creatively defended it's territory, not afraid to blowp its own bridges, roads, anything to slow down the russians. just outside kyiv that meant breaching this dam. at great cost to the nearby town of demydiv. >> the water completely destroying this part of town, destroying possessions, destroying homes, but we're told they were happy to do it because if they didn't the russians were going to destroy it for them. they effectively saved their village and the capitol kyiv just further on in that direction. >> a local residents russ us through the ashes. >> the russian soldiers were here. and russian shells maria warns us in her vegetable garden, invisible beneath the murky water. the same shelling rocked her neighbor valentinea's house as her family of six hid inside the basement while it slowly filled with water. >> we had to climb out, she said, but at the same time the russians had to retreat. this water saved us. >> and with that russian retreat from kyiv, the u.s. today officially resumed diplomatic operations in ukraine. albeit in the western city of lviv. however the acting ambassador said the embassy may return here to the capitol by the end of this month. norah? inn that's some news, chris livesay, thank you. tonight residents in south central kansas are still digging through debris following friday's ef-3 tornado that carved a path of destruction nearly 13 miles long. just take a look at this as a fun el cloud destroyed everything in its path in the city of andover, nearly 1,000 buildings were damaged, three university of oklahoma college students chasing a tornado were killed in a car crash because of slick roads. the same area from kansas to observation oak is bracing for more severe weather tonight. for the forecast let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel, good evening, mik >> good evening, indeed another stretch is very active weather ahead. this say virtual view of kansas city, missouri, taking really heavy rain, potential ponding on the streets and in neighborhoods and yes, potential for some severe storms as well. let's show you the future radar, you can see the storm ripping through the middle of the country through the evening and overnight. many storms push eastbound through the day on tuesday. that includes the ohio valley, targets will be louisville, cincinnati, columbus and over towards pittsburgh, pennsylvania therch right back to the plains once again come wednesday with a target in oklahoma city where tornadoes could erupt again but as far norths wichita, south as abilene and yes t is may, may historically the most active months for severe weather and tornadoes, norah, so this should come as no surprise. >> o'donnell: good point, mike bettes, thank you. let's turn now to alabama and a story that sounds like the plolt from a movie of the week. the fbi has now joined the manhunt for an escaped prison inmate and a corrections officer who they say helped him with the jail break. here is cbs's janet shamlian. >> tonight an alabama sheriff searching for an escaped capitol murder suspect says one of his own corrections officers vickie white was in on it. >> we have had a warrant issued for vickie white, the charges are permitted or facilitating an escape in the first degree. >> white qulaims she was driving inmate casey white, no relation from the jail to a courthouse mental health evaluation on friday. then going to a medical appointment herself. the sheriff now says neither statement was true. and taking a prisoner without a second deputy was a violation of policy. her patrol car was found in a shopping center parking lot later that day. >> the patrol car left the detention center and went straight to the parking lot. and there was not enough time for them to even attempt to try tho come to the courthouse. >> this is casey white last week inside the jail where i was being held on charges of capitol murder. six foot nine, and 250 pounds. >> he was put into the patrol car handcuffed and shackled. >> we have gotten a couple of tips on the possible vehicle, we're still pursuing that, trying to get a positive con fir maitionz on the possible vehicle they switched into. >> 56 year old vickie white has been with the department almost 17 years. several times named employee of the year. the widow who had no children submitted retirement papers thursday, friday was to be her last day. >> she did sell her home about a month ago. and talked about going to the beach, everybody thought she was going to retire. nobody saw this coming. >> vickie white's mom says her daughter never mentioned casey white whose only been in that jail since the end of february. authorities are now reviewing video from inside to determine the nature of the relationship. >> norah? >> o'donnell: quite a story, janet, thank you. tonight the covid risk level in new york city has been raised from low to medium as the rate of cases picks up. the new designation betweens new yorkers need to be more cautious. health officials advise wearing a mask in public indoor settings where vaccine stat sus not known. and this update tonight on vice president harris, nearly a week after testing positive she's covid free and returning to the white house tomorrow. back here in washington, a federal jury convicted of new york city police veteran of assaulting an officer, during the january 6th attack on the capitol. 56 year old thomas webster was the first capitol rye et defendant to be tried on an assault charge and the first to present a jury with a self-defense argument. he was found guilty of all six counts and faces up to 20 years in prison. he will be sentenced in september. let's turn now to the election trail because the first major contest of the 2022 mid terms is under way in ohio. with republican voters picking their nominees for governor and the u.s. senate. a cbs's robert costa reports it is also a mares don ump' continued influence over the party. >> former president trump is dominating te senate primary here in ohio. and contenders spent weeks fighting for his support. his name ult erred constantly. >> president trump. >> president trump. >> jd advance a well-known author and political novice won the trump endorsement battle last month. and has since become the frontrunner. advance was a never trumper in 20-- vance was a never trumper in 2016 but tells voters he was wrong. the former president has been forgiving. >> he is a guy that said some bad [bleep] about me, but you know what, every one of the others did also. >> vance told us he is confident he can shake off any suspicions from trump voters and spent the weekend campaigning with staunch trump applies matt gaetz and margie pay letter greene. >> is the trump endorsement enough to put you over the top? >> i think st. >> the president support it is usually helpful because it snrails which side he is on. >> primary veat voters say they are mostly concerned about the economy. >> everybody is paying more for everything. >> the prices are real bad right now. >> in many states trump's backing will help vance who along with most other top candidates have falsely argued the 2020 election was rigged. once donald trump gave his endorsement, i think you know they will look buy it. >> trump's hold on the gop is unprecedented. but it will be tested in primaries across the country this month. >> we've endorsed dr. oz. >> in pennsylvania trump is backing celebrity dr. mehmet oz for senate and also endorsed several troafntional candidates including herschel walker in georgia, previously accused of domestic violence. in charles herbster for governor in nebraska, accused by multiple wiment of sexual assault. trump campaign for him sunday night. >> i defend people when i know they're good. >> one candidate who might benefit from the fight on the trump side here in ohio in tomorrow's primary is state senator matt dolan, one of the owners of the cleveland guardian's baseball team, he ha been running as a traditional republican and a trump critic and he has been gaining in the polls. norah? >> o'donnell: interesting to watch. robert costa with all that news, thank you. >> let's turn now to breaking news in the century long fight for justice for the last known survivors of the 1921 tulsa race massacre. a judge rule thed can make their case to hold the city accountable. omar villafranca has the late developing details. >> the last three survivors entered court for what could be a last effort to force the city of tulsa to pay reparations for a 1921 massacre that killed an estimated 300 black residents. >> we know what happened 100 years ago. and it is time for the city of tulsa to do what is right and stand on the right side of history. >> the survivors, viola fletcher, lessie benningfield randle and hughes van ellis are all more than 100 years old. they were small children living in the greenwood section of town known as black wall street, a thriving back community in the middle of the jim yoa era. in 1921 a young black man was accused of assaulting a white teenage girl, a white mob including members of the tulsa sheriff's department torched roughly 35 blocks of homes and businesses. nearly wiping out the city's black residents. >> i on the night of the massacres i was awakened by my family. >> now 107 viola fletcher saw her community torn apart by that white mob. >> i think about it every day t is nothing i will never forget. >> no one was ever held accountable for what happened that day. and the lawsuit alleges that the defendants exploitation of death, destruction and disparities they created have resulted in their unjust enrichment at the expense of these communities. the city is arguing it should not be forced to pay anything because today's residents had nothing to do with what happened more than a century ago. just minutes ago the judge partially ruled for the plaintiff, a trial will take place, that means the three remaining survivors will get a chance to make their case against the city of tulsa for reparations. no trial date has been set. norah? >> o'donnell: the arc of history bends towards justice, omar villafranca, thank you. well tonight tributes are pouring in for country music legend naomi judd who died unexpectedly over the weekend. she was 76. her death sheds a shining light on the disease of mental ill, a battle judd herself was very public about. here's cbs's jim axelrod. love can build a bridge. ♪. >> no one would have been surprised that judds were being inducted into the country music hall of fame last night. >> after all, the between 1984 and 1991 naomi judd and her daughter wynona had 14 number one hits. >> this is the first time i've talked since saying good-bye. >> know what stunned the music world was naomi's death the day before the induction. >> i didn't prepare anything tonight because i knew mom would probably talk the most. >> the judd family and carefully chosen words said naomi judd died at the age of 76 from quote the disease of mental illness. the 2016 memoir river of time detailed her struggle with depression. her daughter actress ashley judd last night. >> my mama loved you so much. and she appreciated your love for her. and i'm sorry that she couldn't hang on until today. >> less than a month ago naomi and wynona judd shaired a stage at the cmt awards. tonight taking in their last performance together t is wynona's words that speak for so many. >> it is a really strange dynamic to to be this broken and this blessed. >> blessed to have shared the music of naomi judd, broken at the thought there will be no more. >> jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. >> o'donnell: i know almost all those songs by heart. still ahead on tonight's cbs evening news, the forcing families from their homes and a former philadelphia plises officer is charged with murdering a 12 year old boy. or atopic dermit under control? 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>> when twins mitchell and maksim were born and 3 and 4 pounds the world was in the throws of a new pandemic. >> these kids really came in to the world against all odds, i feel. >> it was april 2020, jen law bach went into labor early, sick with covid, andre couldn't with be there, he had covid too, they couldn't see the boys in person for three weeks rely on facetime back and that's hard for me as a mom because those first few weeks and days are so important with your child. >> these are the twins two years later. and now they have company am baby sister live was just born, no covid, no complications. >> i have bounded with her so much already-- bonded with her so much already. and i didn't get that with the boys. >> has this experience helped heal those wounds. >> yes, definitely, definitely. >> you know, andre was able to be there. i wasn't isolated and alone when when she was borned they placed her right on my chest. >> and do you have a little sister now. >> yeah. >> what is her name. >> baby. >> baby. >> jen's first mother's day was in the n icu. this next one, in a home full of laughter. >> despite how hard it was for us, we're healthy and strong now and we have a happy ending. >> adriana diaz, cbs news. >> o'donnell: that's great news, and three under three, that's tough, hats off to you, we'll be right back. 6 >> o'donnell: tomorrow she was preg nantz and 16 and told she was never amount to anything. meet the supermom who proved ll >> judge judy: i don't think you're a bad young lady. i just think that you're a fibber. >> announcer: a teen's trouble with the truth. >> judge judy: so, your daughter lied to you, and then she went to her boyfriend's house at 2:00 in the morning. >> i'm not supposed to be in contact with him. >> judge judy: she must not like him for a reason. >> announcer: and mom always knows best. >> judge judy: and then what happened? >> we started fighting, and i started to walk home in the snow with just my socks on. >> judge judy: when you act stupid, stupid things happen. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 19-year-old gianni smith is suing her ex-boyfriend, 21-year-old joshua rainone, for assault, false imprisonment, and the cost of a new phone. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 516 on the calendar in the matter of smith vs. rainone. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. ma'am, have a seat. >> judge judy: ms. smith, how old are you? >> 19 years old. >> judge judy: and how old are you, mr. rainone? >> 21. >> judge judy: how long had you and ms. smith been dating? >> since about february of last year. >> judge judy: it appears, ms. smith, from what you say, that you were staying over at the defendant's house, and that was january of this year. had you done that often? >> staying at his house? yes, ma'am. >> judge judy: with your mother's permission? >> yes. >> judge judy: what time had you arrived at his house on the 28th? >> i'd say probably around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. >> judge judy: you got there at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning? >> yes. i was out of town with some friends that night, and when i got back in town, i went over to his house and saw him. >> judge judy: where had you been? >> winona. >> judge judy: what were you doing there? >> seeing friends, hanging out. >> judge judy: why didn't you go home? >> i just didn't want to. and he invited me over, and i said okay. >> judge judy: well, you live at home with your mother. i'm just trying to put this all together. and you were out with some friends. >> mm-hmm. >> judge judy: getting home at 2:00 in the morning. could i ask you a question?

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Kyiv , Polish , Nancy Pelosi , Russian Shelling , Secreted , Democratic , In Warsaw , Planning , War , In Kyiv , Plan , Regions , Putin , Ex , Tour , Russia , Kremlin , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Cap , Biden , Norah , Lot , Visit , Government , Region , Chris Livesay , Funding , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Aid , Escape , Relief , Defense , Hell On Earth , Money , First , Darkness , Breakthrough , International Committee Of The Red Cross , Steel Mill , U N , Country , Bathroom , Flash Light , Natalia , Bombing , Land , Olga , Child , Emergency Officials , Sea , Building , Missile Strike , Attacks , Odessa , Food , Vehicles , Fuel , Drone Strike , Pump , Victory , Black Sea , Patrol Boats , Town , It , Anything , Roads , Cost , Bridges , Territory , Dam , Water , Part , Possessions , Destroying Homes , Demydiv , Residents , Shells Maria , Vegetable Garden , The Ashes , Soldiers , Family , Basement , Neighbor Valentinea , Six , Operations , Retreat , Thank You , Capitol , Embassy , Inn , Acting , Ambassador , South Central , Kansas , The End , Lviv , Friday , Look , Path Of Destruction , Path , Buildings , Debris , Fun El Cloud Destroyed Everything , Ef 3 , Andover , 13 , Three , 1000 , Mike Bettes , Partners , Forecast , Car Crash , Students , Area , Oak , Weather Channel , University Of Oklahoma , Storms , Stretch , Streets , Kansas City , Neighborhoods , Ponding , Potential , View , Heavy Rain , Missouri , Ohio Valley , Middle , Targets , Storm , Pennsylvania , Columbus , Cincinnati , Pittsburgh , Louisville , Radar , Tornadoes , May , South , Oklahoma City , Plains , Yes T , Therch , Abilene , Far Norths Wichita , Story , Fbi , Surprise , Point , Movie , Prison Inmate , Manhunt , Alabama , Plolt , Vickie White , Sheriff , Murder Suspect , Corrections Officers , Jail Break , Warrant , Janet Shamlian , Jail , Inmate Casey White , Courthouse , Charges , Relation , Degree , Mental Health Evaluation , White Qulaims , Patrol Car , Prisoner Without A Second Deputy , Statement , 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Advance , Frontrunner , Trump Endorsement Battle Last Month , 2016 , Vance , Guy , Campaigning , Suspicions , Bad , Others , Bleep , Side , Endorsement , Snrails , Letter , Top , Greene , Matt Gaetz , Margie Pay , Candidates , Backing , Everything , States , Economy , Prices , 2020 , Celebrity Dr , Primaries , Hold , Pennsylvania Trump , Dr , Oz , Mehmet Oz , Domestic Violence , Sexual Assault , Wiment , Herschel Walker , Georgia , Nebraska , Charles Herbster , People , Sunday Night , Candidate , Matt Dolan , Campaign , Fight , Primary Is , Guardian , Breaking News , Baseball Team , Critic , Polls , Owners , He Ha , Cleveland , Survivors , Case , Accountable , Justice , Omar Villafranca , Judge Rule Thed , Tulsa Race Massacre , 1921 , Reparations , Massacre , Court , City Of Tulsa , Details , Effort , 300 , History , Viola Fletcher , Van Ellis , Lessie Benningfield Randle , Wall Street , Section , Young Black Man , White Teenage Girl , Homes , Mob , Blocks , Members , Businesses , Tulsa Sheriff S Department , 35 , No One , Nothing , Community , Massacres , Saw , 107 , Defendants , Death , Communities , Expense , Disparities , Lawsuit , Enrichment , Exploitation , Judge , Trial , Place , Plaintiff , Chance , Set , Arc , Tributes , History Bends Towards Justice , Light , Disease , Weekend , Country Music , Battle Judd , Jim Axelrod , Mental Ill , 76 , Wall , Judds , Last Night , Country Music Hall Of Fame , 1984 , Time , Hits , Number One , Wynona Judd Shaired A Stage , 14 , 1991 , World , Words , Music , Most , Quote , Age , Depression , Ashley Judd , River , Mama , Memoir , Mental Illness , Ago Naomi , She Couldn T Hang On , Cmt Awards , Dynamic , Many , Thought , Performance , Blessed , Together T Is Wynona , More , Cbs News , Heart , Songs , Skin , Boy , Families , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Atopic , Philadelphia , Plises , Dermit , 12 , Dupixent , Eczema , Itch , Adults , Step , Doctor , Don T , Vision , Reactions , Changes , Eye Pain , Pain , Eye Problems , Joint Aches , Eczema Specialist , Change , Infection , Feels , Asthma , Kind , Taking Trulicity , Dad , Some , College , Hobbies , Habits , Life , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , 2 , 10 , Type 1 Diabetes , Use , Reaction , It Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Swelling , Neck , Stop Trulicity , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Choices , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Stomach Pain , Kidney Problems , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diabetic Retinopathy , Wildfires , Fire , Southwest , Foothills , Hundreds , New Mexico , Las Vegas , Rocky Mountains , 120000 , Saul Mendoza , Police Officer , Murder , Shooting , Right , Tj Siderio , Fattal , Ed , Plition Say , 30 , Back , Police Car , Ground , Gun , Window , Investigators , Booyah , Tank , Sure , Casa , 25 , 7 , Home , You Weren T Kidding , Head Nods , Auto , Quote Today , Let S Circle Back , Working From Home , Allstate , Peanut Butter Box , Peanut Butter , Out Of The Box , Box , Yes , Flea , Pharmacy Box , Giorgio , Ralph , Plaque Psoriasis , Pet Prescriptions , Door , Chewy , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Choice , Memories , Spin , Feelings , Risk , Thoughts , Weight Loss , Medicines , Treatment , Weight , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Superpower , Moms , Parent , Birth , Height , Anyone , Pandemic , Healing Experience , Series , Adriana Diaz , Twins , Kids , Law , Hi , Jen , Against All Odds , Maksim , April 2020 , 4 , Andre Couldn T , Covid , Labor , They Couldn T , Sick , Person , The Boys , Bach , Covid Too , Company , Experience , Complications , Boys , Name , Sister , Wounds , Chest , Baby , Laughter , Ending , Icu , Hats , Tough , Preg Nantz , 16 , Judge Judy Why Didn T , House , Announcer , Contact , Supermom , Teen , Lady , Fibber , Trouble , Truth , Boyfriend , 00 , Things , Fighting , Reason , Snow , Socks On , Gianni Smith , Courtroom , Ex Boyfriend , Joshua Rainone , Captions , Judith Sheindlin , 19 , 21 , Assault , Matter , Imprisonment , Phone , Rise , Calendar , Byrd , Smith Vs , 516 , Ms , How Old Are You , Parties , Mr , Dating , Seat , Ma Am , Mother , Judge Judy , Defendant , Permission , 28 , Friends , Winona , Question ,

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