Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

$10,000 a day fine for not turning over documentses. mysterious children's disease, an outbreak of liver infections in young kids. the symptoms parents should look out for. trove of texts. the never-before seen messages from lawmakers and president trump's son to chief of staff mark meadows. what they say. >> execution halted. the new evidence that texas mother says exonerates her in the murder of her two year old daughter. >> tonight the new crime scene photos and bodycam footage released in the alec baldwin movie shooting probe. the supreme court and school prayer. the nation's highest court hears the case of a high school football coach who prayed on the field. >> that is pure religious discrimination. >> o'donnell: and a concert for ukraine. the special tri hands-off approach to content will make twitter a haven for ds information and hate speech. musk has used the platform to bully critics and reporters who have written articles about him or his companies. the network has nearly 400 million users. someone not on twitter, donald trump. a little over a year ago the former president was banned from the site but even with new ownership, trump told fox news he will not rejoin and instead stick with his own social media platform. cbs news nikki battiste will start us off from new york. good evening, nikki. >> good evening, it was a rocky court with threats and count threats but if this deal ultimately goes through elon musk will have complete control of a huge social media platform, already entrenched in a debate over free speech. it took 11 days before twitter's board unanimously approved billionaire elon musk's bid for the company. immediately after musk tweeted to his nearly 84 million followers, free speech is the bed rock of a functioning democracy and twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated. and elon musk owned twitter could look significantly different, with fewer ads, less content oversight and some type of edit button. owning twitter would also give him the power to address one of the biggest criticisms of the social media platform, its limits on free speech whih he addressed in this recent ted talk. >> we want to be just very reluctant to delete things and have-- just be very cautious with permanent bans. >> musk, the initial offer was met with resistance. twitter even voted to adopted what is called a poison pill to prevent musk from gaining a majority stake. but proof of financing and no better offer lead to a deal. >> this makes elon musk at the top of mind of every one in the world. twitter isn't the biggest social network in the world but it's certainly the buzziest and maybe the most influential. >> musk's own behavior on twitter has gotten him in trouble. this 2020 tweet lead to his electric car company losing billions in value. and these 2018 tweets ran him afoul of the sec. >> is there any danger in a twitter owned by elon musk? >> misinformation and disinformation could be amplified considerably, so the reality of an elon musk-owned twitter is that a number of these bad actors could run rampant across the social network. >> tonight we are hearing the c.e.o. of twitter has told employees that if the sale goes through, the future of the social media firm is uncertain. we do know the sale is expected to schos this year, set to a vote of twitter shareholders and regulatory approval, twitter stock was up 5.6 percent at the close of trading today on wall street. norah. >> o'donnell: quite a story, nikki battiste, thank you. now to ukraine which received its biggest show of solidarity yet with the visit from the hawaiiest ranking u.s. delegation. the risk-- risky trip was kept under wrapping including a ten hour train ride into the capitol. >> traveling by train to a secret underground location, handshakes, even a couple of hugs began high stakes talks in ukrainian's capitol, a symbol of solidarity from secretary of state blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin, seachly back across in poland the secretary of state said russia's attempt to sub ju gate ukraine has failed. >> we don't know howe the rest of this war will unfold. but we do know that a sovereign, independent ukraine will be around a lot longer than vladimir putin is on the scene. >> hours after the delegation crossed out of ukraine, russian air strikes pounded five train stations in the space of an hour, including a strike on lviv, the region they had just left. at the beseiged plant in mariupol today the russian military announced a unilateral ceasefire to evacuate thousands of civilians who have been sheltering in bunkers for nearly two months. but ukraine denied that a deal had been struck. >> those who managed to escape from mariupol and other russian-held territories arrive here, a tent outside a shopping center in zaporizhzhia. >> it took iririna osadchaya and her children 13 hours to travel a hundred miles by bus. >> she said every one on the bus cried when they reached the first ukrainian held checkpoint. volunteer ekaterina marchenko said those arrive interesting from mariupol had suffered more than most. >> we understand how it is hard forb them. we understand that they leave in hell, it was hell. >> at a nearby hospital turned combat trauma ward we find 27 year old nazar gnativ, the radio host from lviv volunteered when the war began, yesterday on the front line, a russian artillery round tore through both his legs and his arm. >> you want to fight again. >> yeah, of course. >> of course, because it's my land. it is my country it is my motherland. >> tomorrow secretary general heads to moscow to meet with president putin in person for the first time since this war began. he then travels here to ukraine to meet with president zelenskyy in the hope of a diplomatic breakthrough. norah. >> o'donnell: charlie d'agata, thank you. >> former president donald trump was held in contempt of court today in order to pay a fine of 10,000 dollars a day. a new york judge made the ruling against trump for failing to adequately respond to a subpoena from new york's attorney general. major garrett is with us, this was a start egg-- startling decision. >> it was indeed, the decision was blunt and swift. the judge didn't even wait to write the order, he delivered it from the bench. he said this today, mr. trump, i know you take your business seriously and i take mine seriously. i hearby hold you in civil contempt. now this is about a long-running feud over documents related to mr. trump's business holdings, golf courses, buildings with his name on and the like. and what the new york attorney general leticia james says were gimmicks, tricks and financial slight of hand that trump was a trump organization used she alleged to either inflate or hide their true value. why? to get loans, pay lower taxes and obtain better insurance rates. >> o'donnell: has there been a response yet from mr. trump. >> not from trump but his attorneys late today said they will appeal this contempt holding in part, because they say the subpoena documents simply don't exist. trump's attorney said that she went to mar-a-lago, interviewed trump, looked for these document, couldn't find them. she also called this information quote a political crusade that continues to grow and expand. trump's attorney also said the former president would swear an affidavit that he provided all relevant documents, we should note he has not provided that affidavit as of yet. >> o'donnell: major garrett, thank you. all right, there are new text messages from then white house chief of staff mark meadows and they were unveiled today. among the texts a suggestion from members of congress that president trump declare martial law and use the military to remain in office. cbs's robert costa has more. >> on january 6th as rioters stormed the capitol, white house chief of staff mark meadows was bombarded with messages from republicans. even the president's son. urging the president to intervene. donald trump, jr. warned they will try to expletive his entire legacy on this if it gets worse. from south carolina congressman william timmons, the president needs to stop this asap. and from georgia congresswoman margie-- marjorie taylor green, please tell the president to calm people, this isn't the way to solve anything. the newly unveiled texts first reported by cnn and con virmed by cbs news are among the thousands meadows provided to the house committee investigating the capitol attacks. they also reveal house republicans were discussing martial law, using the military to keep trump in power. just days before president biden's inauguration. on january 17th, green texts meadows. in our private chat with only members, several are saying the only way to save our republic is for trump to call for martial law. i don't know on those things, i just wanted you to tell him. that text raises new questions about her testimony last week. under oath during a court challenge to keep her off the ballot. >> did you advocate to president trump to impose martial law way to remain in power. >> i don't recall. >> so are you not denying, you you just don't remember. >> i don't remember. >> sources close to the committee tell cbs news that the committee will continue to probe the role of house republicans in the coming days as it moves closer to public hearings and a final report. norah? >> o'donnell: robert costa, thank you so much. and this breaking news just coming in, a federal judge is temporarily blocking the biden administration from ending a trump era pandemic restriction that allowed u.s. immigration officials to quickly expel my grants, that was supposed to happen on may 23rd. 21 republican lead states filed suit to block the termination of this rule known as title 42. let's turn now to new mexico where the sheriff's office today released never before seen videos and photos of its investigation into that deadly shooting on the set of what hapd and i can't say who that is, but i know it's not me. >> investigators are still waiting for phone records and ballistic information before they wrap up the criminal investigation. baldwin has not been charged. norah? >> o'donnell: omar villafranca, thank you. >> all right, tonight the world health organization is sounding the alarm about a rare and mysterious outbreak of severe hepatitis in children in the u.s. and europe. there are at least 172 quaises of this serious liver inflammation reported in 12 countries. at least one child has died. cbs news chief medical reporter jon lapook reports on the cases here in the u.s >>the cdc's nationwide alert is warning doctors to look for severe inflammation of the liver in otherwise healthy children. from october to february nine children in alabama were diagnosed, two requiring liver transplants. two other cases were found in north carolina. all 11 are doing well and three more suspected cases were just reported today from illinois. >> dr. marcus buck ddz fellner is one the treating doctors at university of alabama at birmingham. >> do you think this is a new problem that hasn't really existed before or we just didn't know about it. >> it could be either. it say little bit too soon for us to tell. i'm really hoping that our investigation into this will spur on more patient stories being submitted to us. >> many of the children had a common infection called adenovirus it is not known to cause help tight us in healthy-- help tightist in healthy children. the first cases were discovered in the u.k. where alan raine daughter tested positive for adenovirus in march and soon needed a liver transplant. >> we were told it is not a matter of days but hours. so it was absolutely vital that we got this process as quickly as physically possible. children in alabama or were vaccinated against covid or had evidence of covid. >> o'donnell: that is scary, thank you so much. still ahead on tonight's cbs evening news, the supreme court tackleness the case of a former high school football coach who prayed on the field and a risky stunt goes horribly wrong after two daredevil pilots try to swap planes mid air. talk to a hand specialist about your options, including nonsurgical treatments. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .5% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkle results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. welcome to allstate. where everyone saves when they bundle their home and auto insurance. isn't that right, frank? 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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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$10,000 a day fine for not turning over documentses. mysterious children's disease, an outbreak of liver infections in young kids. the symptoms parents should look out for. trove of texts. the never-before seen messages from lawmakers and president trump's son to chief of staff mark meadows. what they say. >> execution halted. the new evidence that texas mother says exonerates her in the murder of her two year old daughter. >> tonight the new crime scene photos and bodycam footage released in the alec baldwin movie shooting probe. the supreme court and school prayer. the nation's highest court hears the case of a high school football coach who prayed on the field. >> that is pure religious discrimination. >> o'donnell: and a concert for ukraine. the special tri hands-off approach to content will make twitter a haven for ds information and hate speech. musk has used the platform to bully critics and reporters who have written articles about him or his companies. the network has nearly 400 million users. someone not on twitter, donald trump. a little over a year ago the former president was banned from the site but even with new ownership, trump told fox news he will not rejoin and instead stick with his own social media platform. cbs news nikki battiste will start us off from new york. good evening, nikki. >> good evening, it was a rocky court with threats and count threats but if this deal ultimately goes through elon musk will have complete control of a huge social media platform, already entrenched in a debate over free speech. it took 11 days before twitter's board unanimously approved billionaire elon musk's bid for the company. immediately after musk tweeted to his nearly 84 million followers, free speech is the bed rock of a functioning democracy and twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated. and elon musk owned twitter could look significantly different, with fewer ads, less content oversight and some type of edit button. owning twitter would also give him the power to address one of the biggest criticisms of the social media platform, its limits on free speech whih he addressed in this recent ted talk. >> we want to be just very reluctant to delete things and have-- just be very cautious with permanent bans. >> musk, the initial offer was met with resistance. twitter even voted to adopted what is called a poison pill to prevent musk from gaining a majority stake. but proof of financing and no better offer lead to a deal. >> this makes elon musk at the top of mind of every one in the world. twitter isn't the biggest social network in the world but it's certainly the buzziest and maybe the most influential. >> musk's own behavior on twitter has gotten him in trouble. this 2020 tweet lead to his electric car company losing billions in value. and these 2018 tweets ran him afoul of the sec. >> is there any danger in a twitter owned by elon musk? >> misinformation and disinformation could be amplified considerably, so the reality of an elon musk-owned twitter is that a number of these bad actors could run rampant across the social network. >> tonight we are hearing the c.e.o. of twitter has told employees that if the sale goes through, the future of the social media firm is uncertain. we do know the sale is expected to schos this year, set to a vote of twitter shareholders and regulatory approval, twitter stock was up 5.6 percent at the close of trading today on wall street. norah. >> o'donnell: quite a story, nikki battiste, thank you. now to ukraine which received its biggest show of solidarity yet with the visit from the hawaiiest ranking u.s. delegation. the risk-- risky trip was kept under wrapping including a ten hour train ride into the capitol. >> traveling by train to a secret underground location, handshakes, even a couple of hugs began high stakes talks in ukrainian's capitol, a symbol of solidarity from secretary of state blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin, seachly back across in poland the secretary of state said russia's attempt to sub ju gate ukraine has failed. >> we don't know howe the rest of this war will unfold. but we do know that a sovereign, independent ukraine will be around a lot longer than vladimir putin is on the scene. >> hours after the delegation crossed out of ukraine, russian air strikes pounded five train stations in the space of an hour, including a strike on lviv, the region they had just left. at the beseiged plant in mariupol today the russian military announced a unilateral ceasefire to evacuate thousands of civilians who have been sheltering in bunkers for nearly two months. but ukraine denied that a deal had been struck. >> those who managed to escape from mariupol and other russian-held territories arrive here, a tent outside a shopping center in zaporizhzhia. >> it took iririna osadchaya and her children 13 hours to travel a hundred miles by bus. >> she said every one on the bus cried when they reached the first ukrainian held checkpoint. volunteer ekaterina marchenko said those arrive interesting from mariupol had suffered more than most. >> we understand how it is hard forb them. we understand that they leave in hell, it was hell. >> at a nearby hospital turned combat trauma ward we find 27 year old nazar gnativ, the radio host from lviv volunteered when the war began, yesterday on the front line, a russian artillery round tore through both his legs and his arm. >> you want to fight again. >> yeah, of course. >> of course, because it's my land. it is my country it is my motherland. >> tomorrow secretary general heads to moscow to meet with president putin in person for the first time since this war began. he then travels here to ukraine to meet with president zelenskyy in the hope of a diplomatic breakthrough. norah. >> o'donnell: charlie d'agata, thank you. >> former president donald trump was held in contempt of court today in order to pay a fine of 10,000 dollars a day. a new york judge made the ruling against trump for failing to adequately respond to a subpoena from new york's attorney general. major garrett is with us, this was a start egg-- startling decision. >> it was indeed, the decision was blunt and swift. the judge didn't even wait to write the order, he delivered it from the bench. he said this today, mr. trump, i know you take your business seriously and i take mine seriously. i hearby hold you in civil contempt. now this is about a long-running feud over documents related to mr. trump's business holdings, golf courses, buildings with his name on and the like. and what the new york attorney general leticia james says were gimmicks, tricks and financial slight of hand that trump was a trump organization used she alleged to either inflate or hide their true value. why? to get loans, pay lower taxes and obtain better insurance rates. >> o'donnell: has there been a response yet from mr. trump. >> not from trump but his attorneys late today said they will appeal this contempt holding in part, because they say the subpoena documents simply don't exist. trump's attorney said that she went to mar-a-lago, interviewed trump, looked for these document, couldn't find them. she also called this information quote a political crusade that continues to grow and expand. trump's attorney also said the former president would swear an affidavit that he provided all relevant documents, we should note he has not provided that affidavit as of yet. >> o'donnell: major garrett, thank you. all right, there are new text messages from then white house chief of staff mark meadows and they were unveiled today. among the texts a suggestion from members of congress that president trump declare martial law and use the military to remain in office. cbs's robert costa has more. >> on january 6th as rioters stormed the capitol, white house chief of staff mark meadows was bombarded with messages from republicans. even the president's son. urging the president to intervene. donald trump, jr. warned they will try to expletive his entire legacy on this if it gets worse. from south carolina congressman william timmons, the president needs to stop this asap. and from georgia congresswoman margie-- marjorie taylor green, please tell the president to calm people, this isn't the way to solve anything. the newly unveiled texts first reported by cnn and con virmed by cbs news are among the thousands meadows provided to the house committee investigating the capitol attacks. they also reveal house republicans were discussing martial law, using the military to keep trump in power. just days before president biden's inauguration. on january 17th, green texts meadows. in our private chat with only members, several are saying the only way to save our republic is for trump to call for martial law. i don't know on those things, i just wanted you to tell him. that text raises new questions about her testimony last week. under oath during a court challenge to keep her off the ballot. >> did you advocate to president trump to impose martial law way to remain in power. >> i don't recall. >> so are you not denying, you you just don't remember. >> i don't remember. >> sources close to the committee tell cbs news that the committee will continue to probe the role of house republicans in the coming days as it moves closer to public hearings and a final report. norah? >> o'donnell: robert costa, thank you so much. and this breaking news just coming in, a federal judge is temporarily blocking the biden administration from ending a trump era pandemic restriction that allowed u.s. immigration officials to quickly expel my grants, that was supposed to happen on may 23rd. 21 republican lead states filed suit to block the termination of this rule known as title 42. let's turn now to new mexico where the sheriff's office today released never before seen videos and photos of its investigation into that deadly shooting on the set of what hapd and i can't say who that is, but i know it's not me. >> investigators are still waiting for phone records and ballistic information before they wrap up the criminal investigation. baldwin has not been charged. norah? >> o'donnell: omar villafranca, thank you. >> all right, tonight the world health organization is sounding the alarm about a rare and mysterious outbreak of severe hepatitis in children in the u.s. and europe. there are at least 172 quaises of this serious liver inflammation reported in 12 countries. at least one child has died. cbs news chief medical reporter jon lapook reports on the cases here in the u.s >>the cdc's nationwide alert is warning doctors to look for severe inflammation of the liver in otherwise healthy children. from october to february nine children in alabama were diagnosed, two requiring liver transplants. two other cases were found in north carolina. all 11 are doing well and three more suspected cases were just reported today from illinois. >> dr. marcus buck ddz fellner is one the treating doctors at university of alabama at birmingham. >> do you think this is a new problem that hasn't really existed before or we just didn't know about it. >> it could be either. it say little bit too soon for us to tell. i'm really hoping that our investigation into this will spur on more patient stories being submitted to us. >> many of the children had a common infection called adenovirus it is not known to cause help tight us in healthy-- help tightist in healthy children. the first cases were discovered in the u.k. where alan raine daughter tested positive for adenovirus in march and soon needed a liver transplant. >> we were told it is not a matter of days but hours. so it was absolutely vital that we got this process as quickly as physically possible. children in alabama or were vaccinated against covid or had evidence of covid. >> o'donnell: that is scary, thank you so much. still ahead on tonight's cbs evening news, the supreme court tackleness the case of a former high school football coach who prayed on the field and a risky stunt goes horribly wrong after two daredevil pilots try to swap planes mid air. talk to a hand specialist about your options, including nonsurgical treatments. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .5% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkle results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. welcome to allstate. where everyone saves when they bundle their home and auto insurance. isn't that right, frank? 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Walking , Feeding , Infants , Point , Surveillance Footage , Door To , Police Officers , Neighbors , Area , Path , Suspect , San Jose , Car , Briefing , Amber Alert ,

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