Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

of the travel mask mandate. viral video outraging. why syracuse police put an we meet the doctor who commutesf hundreds of miles as nearly two dozen states ban or restrict access to abortions. today's other top headlines: why you're paying more for your netflix subscription. a wildfire in arizona explodes. and learning to fly. how these california pilots are teaching kids the sky's the limit when it comes to their dreams. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's norah o'donnell >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this wednesday night. tonight, wart in ukraine nears a turning . as russian forces surround the battered southeastern city of mariupol. russian soldiers and military hardware are pouring into eastern ukraine and ramping up its ground assault along the 300-mile-long front line. now, despite this ground assault thr front, russis not anyni vances a fierce ukrainian resistance. a senior u.s. defense official telling cbs news that the first of 18 howitzers have arrived in europe and are en route to ukraine where it's badly needed to repel the russian attack. moscow took the provocative move of test launching a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile, that's designed to evade defenses. and in some of the strongest criticisms yet from a russian oligarch, oleg tinkov today denounced moscow's massacre in ukraine and called for the end of this crazy war. we have a lot of news to get to today, and cbs' chris livesay will start us off from kyiv. good evening, chris. >> reporter: good evening, norah. tonight, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is warning of a massive attack in the east that could decide the fate of the nation. but with russia unveiling a new intercontinental missile, vladimir putin is out to prove his reach stretches far beyond ukraine. a nuclear-capable missile, armed with a blunt message. vladimir putin warning russia's adversaries now have to think twice. the missile doesn't appear to be ready for use, but the timing couldn't be more conspicuous, aimed to strike fear into western countries, like the u.s., for supporting ukraine against russia. as its forces lay waste, ukrainian cities and civilians, nowhere more apocalyptic than mariupol. among the dead, reported to be a 91-year-old holocaust survivor who hid from the nazis in a basement, only to die in a basement 81 years later. today, another deadline came and went fot mariupol's diehard defenders to lay down their arms and surrender to these pro-russian soldiers. but they refused to give up, barricaded inside a steel mill, with hundreds of soldiers and civilians. this commander begs the world for help on facebook. "we're maybe facing our final hours. we're out-numbered 10 to one. please, take us to safety," he says. elsewhere in the donbas region, ukrainian forces are fighting off heavy attacks as russia concentrate its invasion on eastern ukraine. "they're trying to surround us," says this ukrainian soldier. tphotothe north in kharkiv, the kiin bece so rthe living . wherever russian boots march, they leave behind bodies and booby traps. russian soldiers are gone now, but what's so haunting is you don't know what they've left behind. this yellow dot means that it's already been cleared of mines, but that question mark means that this property over here, it could be booby trapped. ukrainian forces tell children what not to play with and risk their lives to defuse the tools of terror. but sometimes, like these threed minors they become the victims themselves. it's no wonder so many ukrainians continue to flee the country. the u.n. reports more than five million people have left since the start of the invasion, calling it a staggering number, and europe's worst refugee crisis since world war ii. norah. >> o'donnell: chris livesay, thank you. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy, said today his country still does not have enough weapons to resist the invasion. the united states is hoping to answer the call by rushing a major new shipment of artillery and ammunition. cbs' david martin takes a look at the weapons that are just arriving today. >> reporter: as russia continued to pound ukrainian positions, the u.s. flew into europe the first of 18 howitzers bound for ukraine. at the white house, president biden met with his top military commanders to discuss, among other things, u.s. military aid to ukraine. >> weapons and ammunition are flowing in daily. >> reporter: ukrainian soldiers have begun learning how to use the howitzers, which takes a week, a week they may not have. >> reporter: time is not our friend. and the clock is a bit of an enemy here, too. >> reporter: even if they arrive in time, 18 howitzers are only a fraction of what the ukrainians need. although, later this week, president biden is expected to order a dramatic increase in artillery for ukraine. >> if there's a slowly emerging awareness that they have to do more to ensure ukrainian success. >> reporter: retired army general michael repass says artillery could blunt the russian offensive. >> the artillery that we're giving them is a method to counter that artillery fire that the russians are pouring on to the ukrainian troops, and also to the civilian communities. >> reporter: the russian plan calls for sending some 90,000 troops to encircle the ukrainian army in the east. artillery plus real-time battlefield intelligence provided by the u.s., could give the ukrainians a fighting chance. battlefield math holds that the offense needs a three-to-one advantage over the defense in order to break through. right now, the russians do not have a three-to-one advantage in eastern ukraine. norah. >> o'donnell: that's some significant reporting. david martin, thank you. let's turn now to some breaking news. the department of justice is moving to reinstate the transportation mask mandate at the request of the c.d.c. this is setting the country up for a legal showdown. cbs' errol barnett is at reagan national airport with this latest news. good evening, errol. this is big. >> reporter: absolutely, norah. good evening. this decision by the biden administration is likely to fuel more mask confusion. the c.d.c. says an appeal is needed to protect its public health authority. meantime, though, air travelers, like the ones you see around me, will be stuck with a decision: to mask or unmask. for travelers who are immunocompromised or with young, unvaccinated children, the maskless reality is a new and frightening challenge. brian vastag traveled to alaska for treatment for his auto immune disorders. the moneyidate was lifted. now he feels stranded. >> it's been extremely stressful and frustrating, anger provoking. >> reporter: also fearful of flying home. >> we travel for medical care all the time, especially people with rare diseases or hard-to-treat diseases. it's going to be riskier for us. >> reporter: was this policy ended too soon? >> no question about it. >> reporter: cbs medical consultant dr. david agus says even though aircraft have exceptional air circulation filtered every two to three minutes, travelers with suppressed immune systems are still especially vulnerable. >> those people will have more of a difficulty going out in public with a potential being exposed. they can get very ill. >> reporter: new polling finds morethan half of americans support mask requirements for travel. bus transport poses the highest risk for covid exposure. >> i don't think we should have an option. i think while it's still on, you know, it's still not safe. >> reporter: followed by train travel. >> i would feel more comfortable if there was still a mandate. >> reporter: the decision by the department of justice to appeal the ruling that struck down the mandate came after the c.d.c. concluded the mask extension remains necessary. >> to be clear, we are recommending everyone wear masks on planes. >> reporter: that's now the decision many parents traveling with young children must make, as covid cases continue to rise, even though hospitalizations and deaths are down. >> you can minimize it, put the child, you know, on the inside window seat and you sit and try to buffer them from people around them, but it's certainly not perfect. >> reporter: also new tonight, the f.a.a. announced its covid-era zero tolerance policy toward unruly passengers is now permanent. the agency says fines, which have been as high as $80,000 in some cases and totaled more than $2 million this year, helped reduce the unruly incident rate, norah, by 60%. >> o'donnell: well, that's good. errol barnett, thank you. let's turn now america's southwest where a wildfire near flagstaff, arizona, has tripled in size, forcing more than 2,000 people from their homes. powerful gusts have fanned the flames as high as 100 feet in the air. the fire started sunday and has burned at least two dozen structures and charred an area larger than manhattan. about 1,000 animals, including horses and goats, have been moved to shelters. streaming giant netflix suffered its biggest stock loss in nearly two decades, losing more than $50 billion in market value. today's losses come after netflix announced its first loss of subscribers in more than 10 years, and now the company is considering some major changes. here's cbs' carter evans. >> reporter: the latest netflix blockbuster drama is netflix itself. >> special agent john hartley. f.b.i. >> reporter: the streaming giant lost 200,000 subscribers last quarter when it was expecting to add 2.5 million. one problem? customers are sharing passwords and netflix estimates more than 100 million viewers are watching for free. >> they love the service. we just have to get paid, you know, some degree for them. >> throwin my at productionslikr stre7,se netflix stood out. today, it's buried in competition. >> this is your captain. >> reporter: 85% of u.s. households subscribe to streaming services now, pagan average of $47 a month, more than $500 a year. >> it's hard for netflix to stand out and say, "hey, look, we have original programming." almost every service out there has original programming. >> when i first had netflix it was i think $7.99 a month, and now i'm over $20 a month. and i don't know what i'm paying for anymore. >> reporter: inflation is one reason heather lefort is cancelling netflix next month after being a customer for more than a decade. it sounds like you just feel you're not getting your money's worth anymore. >> yeah, yeah. enough is enough with stuff. if you don't need it, you get rid of it. >> it's really hard for most people to pay for all of the streaming services out there. netflix might be at the top of the cut list. >> reporter: in the future, netflix says customers who share passwords might have to pay more. the company is also considering adding commercials, something they said they'd never do. norah. >> o'donnell: that's what we do here. carter evans, thank you. we turn now to the nationwide battle over abortion rights. nearly two dozen states have banned or severely restricted access to abortions. now, this is all happening as the nation awaits a supreme court ruling that could essentially overturn the landmark "roe v. wade" ruling. tonight, cbs' janet shamlian reports in depth from south dakota, which has one clinic left, and access is a challenge for patients and doctors. >> reporter: dr. sarah traxler works at the only abortion clinic in the state of south dakota. but she lives hours away in minnesota. what's your roundtrip commute in miles? >> oh, oh, i don't know. hundreds. yes. >> reporter: her trip involves a flight from minneapolis to sioux falls, an escort at the airport for security reasons, and a 20-minute drive to the clinic, all before her first patient. a commute she's done monthly for the past seven years. you feel committed to do it? >> i sort of feel at some level if i don't do it and the other three physicians who do it with me, who else is going to do it? there wouldn't be anything for these patients. >> reporter: the clinic says it hasn't been able to get in-state doctors, who fear harassment and possible retaliation from hospitals. even with four doctors traveling from other states, nurse misty parrow says patients face a five-week wait for an appointment. >> they're angry about it. they're angry about the hoops that they have to jump throug h. >> reporter: south dakota requires a 72-hour waiting period between initial consultantation and pbo appointments. the state's republican governor wants a law requiring three trips for medication abortion. the consultation and one for each dose. an unprecedented restriction. >> these restrictions are going to disproportionately impact already-marginalized communities. hello? >> reporter: traxler saw 10 patients on this day, and says most sacrifice to get here. >> they're having us live in a post-roe world, even when "roe" is still the law of the land. >> reporter: for many, a long road to what for now is legal healthcare. janet shamlian, cbs news, sioux falls, south dakota. >> o'donnell: and still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," why an incident between syracuse police officers and a young child is sparking outraging. and the news about the production company behind alec baldwin's movie "rust" being hit with a big fine over that deadly shooting on set. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: worth is watching your employees grow with it. try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette i thought i was getting my floors clean. and then i learned my mop could be loaded with bacteria. so, i got a swiffer wetjet to get a cleaner... clean guarantee. the spray breaks down dirt and the pad absorbs it deep inside.k y he.mys d doesn't d. ma'ts. it's time for migraine prevention delivered differently, through an iv infusion. start working fast, itgne to and to last with a 30-minute iv infusion, 4 times a year delivering 100% of the medication directly into your bloodstream. the power of a vyepti infusion can help to reduce monthly migraine days. some had fewer migraine days with the very first treatment. don't take if allergic to vyepti. common side effects are allergic reactions, icctions include rash, don't take if allergic to vyepti. swelling, trouble breathing, hives, and redness of the face. choose to infuse with migraine prevention delivered differently. talk to a neurologist or migraine specialist about vyepti. learn how you could save. . >> o'donnell: an incident caught on tape is sparking outraging and an investigation tonight into how syracuse police officers treat aid young child accused of stealing a bag of chips. video of sunday's altercation rk gnokathy hochcall the heawren stiditcommni liasol wpaolar t bringo s fathe no charges were filed. the production company in charge of the western movie set where actor alec baldwin accidentally shot and killed a cinematographer has been hit with a maximum fine of nearly $140,000 by new mexico workplace safety regulators. baldwin claims the prop gun went off in his hand, but that he didn't pull the trigger. inspectors say the company committed multiple safety violations. the investigation found "this tragic incident never would hve happened if "rust" movie productions had followed national film industry standards for firearm safety." the company says it plans to appeal the fine. all right, coming up next, meet the pilots who are helping a new generation soar to new heights. 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, Worth , Wall , Stuff , Top , Something , Commercials , In The Future , Share Passwords , Cut List , States , Battle , Abortion Rights , Supreme Court , Patients , Clinic , Doctors , South Dakota , Sarah Traxler , Landmark , Depth , Left , Janet Shamlian , Roe V Wade , Yes , Roundtrip Commute , Estate , Abortion Clinic , I Don T Know , Minnesota , Oh , Trip , Commute , Patient , Security Reasons , Airport , Flight , Drive , Escort , Sioux Falls , Physicians , Feel , Level , Anything , There Wouldn T , Seven , Hasn T , Hospitals , Harassment , Retaliation , Misty Parrow , Four , Five , Consultantation , Appointment , Hoops , Pbo , 72 , Restrictions , Medication Abortion , Consultation , Appointments , Law , Restriction , Governor , Dose , Republican , Trips , Roe , Sacrifice , Traxler Saw , Healthcare , Many , Road , Law Of The Land , Production Company , Incident , Fine , Police Officers , Outraging , Movie , Rust , Alec Baldwin , Hit , Set , Shooting , Employee , Wealth , Office , Party , Life , Lifetime , Mike S Retirement Party , Business , Employees , Smoking , Nicorette , Mop , Try Hypnosis , Floors , Bacteria , Cold Turkey , Spray Breaks , Cleaner , Guarantee , Pad , It Deep Inside Ky He Mys D , Dirt , Swiffer Wetjet , Migraine Prevention , Iv Infusion , It S Time , Doesn T D Ma Ts , Power , Times , Medication , Vyepti , Infusion , Bloodstream , Itgne To , Start Working Fast , 4 , 30 , Reactions , Don T , Face , Swelling , Trouble Breathing , Migraine , Side Effects , Redness , Hives , Icctions , Rash , Migraine Specialist , Neurologist , Investigation , Chips , Bag , Tape , Sunday , Altercation Rk Gnokathy Hochcall , Video , Liasol Wpaolar , Heawren Stiditcommni , Bringo S Fathe , Charges , Charge , Cinematographer , Western Movie Set , New Mexico , 140000 , 40000 , Regulators , Baldwin , Prop Gun , Trigger , Hand , Safety Violations , Inspectors , Heights , Generation , Right , National Film Industry Standards For Firearm Safety , Productions , Soar , Person , Shoes , Wasn T , Toes , Surgery , Rebecca , Fisher Investments , Money Manager , Money Managers , Announcer , Investment Products , Same , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , 1 , Commissions , Trades , Fees , Fisher , Breathing , Ur D , Clientsey Manager , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Dbeyf , Fr Ffert , Ezi , Asthma , Doctor , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Rescue Inhaler , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Mouth , Tongue , Heart Condition , Breztri , Pain , Problems , Vision Changes , Eye , Copd , Dream , Mission , Chance , Skies , California Nonprofit , Airline , Encounter , Brakes , Arnold , Ofavators , Christmas Eve , Woman Pilot , Nonprofit , Spended Ises At Fly Compton , Men , Others , Inner City Kids To Aviation , Compton , Founders , Cockpit , Class , Student , Alaska Airlines , Ron Normon , 50 , Idea , Aviation Successes , Pandemic , Way , Guy , Women , Community , Part , Color , 93 , 93 , 5 , Kris Van Cleave , Story , Limit , Altitude , Sky , Heartburn , Bite , Heartburn Hits , Relief , Tums Chewy Bites , Tums Vs , Music Playing , Chewy Inside , Crunchy Outside , Spins , Chuckles , Uh , 4 1 2 , Du , Progressive , Crazy Commutes , Dupixent , Crowd Control , Sign , Have A Nice Day , Types , Asthma Attacks , Add On , Steroids , Lung Function , Stop Asthma Medicines , More , Breath , Numbness , Limbs , Tingling , Shortness , Joint Aches , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Technology , Innovator , Treatments , Table , Healthcare Provider , 19 , Symptoms , Fast , Disease , Don T Wait , Act , Rayna , Thinking , Plan , Retirement , Fidelity , Reward , Planning Effect , Broadcast , Colleague , Legend , Mike Hopkins , Seat , Events , Logistic , Addresses Eweot On The Wa Hitch , Laughter , Tears , Hard Storieske , Hoppie , Quick Witted , Family , Guarantied , Coworker , Prayers , Smile , Wife , Kathy , Ashley , Tommy , Ryan , Hearts , Halls , Mets , Judge Judy , Boat Owner , Engine , Bailing , Cbs Captioned , Captioning Sponsored , This Machine , Media Access Gro , Boat , Fountain , Ship , Mechanic , Judith Sheindlin , Courtroom , Captions , Boat Repairman Roger Fountain , Hiser , Cbs Television Distribution , Honor , Rise , Matter , Calendar , Fountain Vs , 287 , Case , Defendant , Parties , You Re Welcome , Kind , Mccluskey , Byrd , B U Maeated , M , Sea Doo , Ferguson , Challenger , Ma Am , 2015 , 1997 , 97 , April Of 2015 , Time , Landscape , Landscaping , Bleep , Businessman , Price , Due Diligence , Sale , 000 , 8000 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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of the travel mask mandate. viral video outraging. why syracuse police put an we meet the doctor who commutesf hundreds of miles as nearly two dozen states ban or restrict access to abortions. today's other top headlines: why you're paying more for your netflix subscription. a wildfire in arizona explodes. and learning to fly. how these california pilots are teaching kids the sky's the limit when it comes to their dreams. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's norah o'donnell >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this wednesday night. tonight, wart in ukraine nears a turning . as russian forces surround the battered southeastern city of mariupol. russian soldiers and military hardware are pouring into eastern ukraine and ramping up its ground assault along the 300-mile-long front line. now, despite this ground assault thr front, russis not anyni vances a fierce ukrainian resistance. a senior u.s. defense official telling cbs news that the first of 18 howitzers have arrived in europe and are en route to ukraine where it's badly needed to repel the russian attack. moscow took the provocative move of test launching a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile, that's designed to evade defenses. and in some of the strongest criticisms yet from a russian oligarch, oleg tinkov today denounced moscow's massacre in ukraine and called for the end of this crazy war. we have a lot of news to get to today, and cbs' chris livesay will start us off from kyiv. good evening, chris. >> reporter: good evening, norah. tonight, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is warning of a massive attack in the east that could decide the fate of the nation. but with russia unveiling a new intercontinental missile, vladimir putin is out to prove his reach stretches far beyond ukraine. a nuclear-capable missile, armed with a blunt message. vladimir putin warning russia's adversaries now have to think twice. the missile doesn't appear to be ready for use, but the timing couldn't be more conspicuous, aimed to strike fear into western countries, like the u.s., for supporting ukraine against russia. as its forces lay waste, ukrainian cities and civilians, nowhere more apocalyptic than mariupol. among the dead, reported to be a 91-year-old holocaust survivor who hid from the nazis in a basement, only to die in a basement 81 years later. today, another deadline came and went fot mariupol's diehard defenders to lay down their arms and surrender to these pro-russian soldiers. but they refused to give up, barricaded inside a steel mill, with hundreds of soldiers and civilians. this commander begs the world for help on facebook. "we're maybe facing our final hours. we're out-numbered 10 to one. please, take us to safety," he says. elsewhere in the donbas region, ukrainian forces are fighting off heavy attacks as russia concentrate its invasion on eastern ukraine. "they're trying to surround us," says this ukrainian soldier. tphotothe north in kharkiv, the kiin bece so rthe living . wherever russian boots march, they leave behind bodies and booby traps. russian soldiers are gone now, but what's so haunting is you don't know what they've left behind. this yellow dot means that it's already been cleared of mines, but that question mark means that this property over here, it could be booby trapped. ukrainian forces tell children what not to play with and risk their lives to defuse the tools of terror. but sometimes, like these threed minors they become the victims themselves. it's no wonder so many ukrainians continue to flee the country. the u.n. reports more than five million people have left since the start of the invasion, calling it a staggering number, and europe's worst refugee crisis since world war ii. norah. >> o'donnell: chris livesay, thank you. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy, said today his country still does not have enough weapons to resist the invasion. the united states is hoping to answer the call by rushing a major new shipment of artillery and ammunition. cbs' david martin takes a look at the weapons that are just arriving today. >> reporter: as russia continued to pound ukrainian positions, the u.s. flew into europe the first of 18 howitzers bound for ukraine. at the white house, president biden met with his top military commanders to discuss, among other things, u.s. military aid to ukraine. >> weapons and ammunition are flowing in daily. >> reporter: ukrainian soldiers have begun learning how to use the howitzers, which takes a week, a week they may not have. >> reporter: time is not our friend. and the clock is a bit of an enemy here, too. >> reporter: even if they arrive in time, 18 howitzers are only a fraction of what the ukrainians need. although, later this week, president biden is expected to order a dramatic increase in artillery for ukraine. >> if there's a slowly emerging awareness that they have to do more to ensure ukrainian success. >> reporter: retired army general michael repass says artillery could blunt the russian offensive. >> the artillery that we're giving them is a method to counter that artillery fire that the russians are pouring on to the ukrainian troops, and also to the civilian communities. >> reporter: the russian plan calls for sending some 90,000 troops to encircle the ukrainian army in the east. artillery plus real-time battlefield intelligence provided by the u.s., could give the ukrainians a fighting chance. battlefield math holds that the offense needs a three-to-one advantage over the defense in order to break through. right now, the russians do not have a three-to-one advantage in eastern ukraine. norah. >> o'donnell: that's some significant reporting. david martin, thank you. let's turn now to some breaking news. the department of justice is moving to reinstate the transportation mask mandate at the request of the c.d.c. this is setting the country up for a legal showdown. cbs' errol barnett is at reagan national airport with this latest news. good evening, errol. this is big. >> reporter: absolutely, norah. good evening. this decision by the biden administration is likely to fuel more mask confusion. the c.d.c. says an appeal is needed to protect its public health authority. meantime, though, air travelers, like the ones you see around me, will be stuck with a decision: to mask or unmask. for travelers who are immunocompromised or with young, unvaccinated children, the maskless reality is a new and frightening challenge. brian vastag traveled to alaska for treatment for his auto immune disorders. the moneyidate was lifted. now he feels stranded. >> it's been extremely stressful and frustrating, anger provoking. >> reporter: also fearful of flying home. >> we travel for medical care all the time, especially people with rare diseases or hard-to-treat diseases. it's going to be riskier for us. >> reporter: was this policy ended too soon? >> no question about it. >> reporter: cbs medical consultant dr. david agus says even though aircraft have exceptional air circulation filtered every two to three minutes, travelers with suppressed immune systems are still especially vulnerable. >> those people will have more of a difficulty going out in public with a potential being exposed. they can get very ill. >> reporter: new polling finds morethan half of americans support mask requirements for travel. bus transport poses the highest risk for covid exposure. >> i don't think we should have an option. i think while it's still on, you know, it's still not safe. >> reporter: followed by train travel. >> i would feel more comfortable if there was still a mandate. >> reporter: the decision by the department of justice to appeal the ruling that struck down the mandate came after the c.d.c. concluded the mask extension remains necessary. >> to be clear, we are recommending everyone wear masks on planes. >> reporter: that's now the decision many parents traveling with young children must make, as covid cases continue to rise, even though hospitalizations and deaths are down. >> you can minimize it, put the child, you know, on the inside window seat and you sit and try to buffer them from people around them, but it's certainly not perfect. >> reporter: also new tonight, the f.a.a. announced its covid-era zero tolerance policy toward unruly passengers is now permanent. the agency says fines, which have been as high as $80,000 in some cases and totaled more than $2 million this year, helped reduce the unruly incident rate, norah, by 60%. >> o'donnell: well, that's good. errol barnett, thank you. let's turn now america's southwest where a wildfire near flagstaff, arizona, has tripled in size, forcing more than 2,000 people from their homes. powerful gusts have fanned the flames as high as 100 feet in the air. the fire started sunday and has burned at least two dozen structures and charred an area larger than manhattan. about 1,000 animals, including horses and goats, have been moved to shelters. streaming giant netflix suffered its biggest stock loss in nearly two decades, losing more than $50 billion in market value. today's losses come after netflix announced its first loss of subscribers in more than 10 years, and now the company is considering some major changes. here's cbs' carter evans. >> reporter: the latest netflix blockbuster drama is netflix itself. >> special agent john hartley. f.b.i. >> reporter: the streaming giant lost 200,000 subscribers last quarter when it was expecting to add 2.5 million. one problem? customers are sharing passwords and netflix estimates more than 100 million viewers are watching for free. >> they love the service. we just have to get paid, you know, some degree for them. >> throwin my at productionslikr stre7,se netflix stood out. today, it's buried in competition. >> this is your captain. >> reporter: 85% of u.s. households subscribe to streaming services now, pagan average of $47 a month, more than $500 a year. >> it's hard for netflix to stand out and say, "hey, look, we have original programming." almost every service out there has original programming. >> when i first had netflix it was i think $7.99 a month, and now i'm over $20 a month. and i don't know what i'm paying for anymore. >> reporter: inflation is one reason heather lefort is cancelling netflix next month after being a customer for more than a decade. it sounds like you just feel you're not getting your money's worth anymore. >> yeah, yeah. enough is enough with stuff. if you don't need it, you get rid of it. >> it's really hard for most people to pay for all of the streaming services out there. netflix might be at the top of the cut list. >> reporter: in the future, netflix says customers who share passwords might have to pay more. the company is also considering adding commercials, something they said they'd never do. norah. >> o'donnell: that's what we do here. carter evans, thank you. we turn now to the nationwide battle over abortion rights. nearly two dozen states have banned or severely restricted access to abortions. now, this is all happening as the nation awaits a supreme court ruling that could essentially overturn the landmark "roe v. wade" ruling. tonight, cbs' janet shamlian reports in depth from south dakota, which has one clinic left, and access is a challenge for patients and doctors. >> reporter: dr. sarah traxler works at the only abortion clinic in the state of south dakota. but she lives hours away in minnesota. what's your roundtrip commute in miles? >> oh, oh, i don't know. hundreds. yes. >> reporter: her trip involves a flight from minneapolis to sioux falls, an escort at the airport for security reasons, and a 20-minute drive to the clinic, all before her first patient. a commute she's done monthly for the past seven years. you feel committed to do it? >> i sort of feel at some level if i don't do it and the other three physicians who do it with me, who else is going to do it? there wouldn't be anything for these patients. >> reporter: the clinic says it hasn't been able to get in-state doctors, who fear harassment and possible retaliation from hospitals. even with four doctors traveling from other states, nurse misty parrow says patients face a five-week wait for an appointment. >> they're angry about it. they're angry about the hoops that they have to jump throug h. >> reporter: south dakota requires a 72-hour waiting period between initial consultantation and pbo appointments. the state's republican governor wants a law requiring three trips for medication abortion. the consultation and one for each dose. an unprecedented restriction. >> these restrictions are going to disproportionately impact already-marginalized communities. hello? >> reporter: traxler saw 10 patients on this day, and says most sacrifice to get here. >> they're having us live in a post-roe world, even when "roe" is still the law of the land. >> reporter: for many, a long road to what for now is legal healthcare. janet shamlian, cbs news, sioux falls, south dakota. >> o'donnell: and still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," why an incident between syracuse police officers and a young child is sparking outraging. and the news about the production company behind alec baldwin's movie "rust" being hit with a big fine over that deadly shooting on set. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: worth is watching your employees grow with it. try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette i thought i was getting my floors clean. and then i learned my mop could be loaded with bacteria. so, i got a swiffer wetjet to get a cleaner... clean guarantee. the spray breaks down dirt and the pad absorbs it deep inside.k y he.mys d doesn't d. ma'ts. it's time for migraine prevention delivered differently, through an iv infusion. start working fast, itgne to and to last with a 30-minute iv infusion, 4 times a year delivering 100% of the medication directly into your bloodstream. the power of a vyepti infusion can help to reduce monthly migraine days. some had fewer migraine days with the very first treatment. don't take if allergic to vyepti. common side effects are allergic reactions, icctions include rash, don't take if allergic to vyepti. swelling, trouble breathing, hives, and redness of the face. choose to infuse with migraine prevention delivered differently. talk to a neurologist or migraine specialist about vyepti. learn how you could save. . >> o'donnell: an incident caught on tape is sparking outraging and an investigation tonight into how syracuse police officers treat aid young child accused of stealing a bag of chips. video of sunday's altercation rk gnokathy hochcall the heawren stiditcommni liasol wpaolar t bringo s fathe no charges were filed. the production company in charge of the western movie set where actor alec baldwin accidentally shot and killed a cinematographer has been hit with a maximum fine of nearly $140,000 by new mexico workplace safety regulators. baldwin claims the prop gun went off in his hand, but that he didn't pull the trigger. inspectors say the company committed multiple safety violations. the investigation found "this tragic incident never would hve happened if "rust" movie productions had followed national film industry standards for firearm safety." the company says it plans to appeal the fine. all right, coming up next, meet the pilots who are helping a new generation soar to new heights. 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Person , Shoes , Wasn T , Toes , Surgery , Rebecca , Fisher Investments , Money Manager , Money Managers , Announcer , Investment Products , Same , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , 1 , Commissions , Trades , Fees , Fisher , Breathing , Ur D , Clientsey Manager , Flare Ups , Symptom Improvement , Dbeyf , Fr Ffert , Ezi , Asthma , Doctor , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Rescue Inhaler , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Mouth , Tongue , Heart Condition , Breztri , Pain , Problems , Vision Changes , Eye , Copd , Dream , Mission , Chance , Skies , California Nonprofit , Airline , Encounter , Brakes , Arnold , Ofavators , Christmas Eve , Woman Pilot , Nonprofit , Spended Ises At Fly Compton , Men , Others , Inner City Kids To Aviation , Compton , Founders , Cockpit , Class , Student , Alaska Airlines , Ron Normon , 50 , Idea , Aviation Successes , Pandemic , Way , Guy , Women , Community , Part , Color , 93 , 93 , 5 , Kris Van Cleave , Story , Limit , Altitude , Sky 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