Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

more-contagious omicron strain. doomsday cult mom in court. the new details tonight from the case of lori vallow, accused of killing her children and saying they were zombies. rare nor'easter. wintry weather in april knocks out power to hundreds of thousands across the northeast. mysterious deaths: tonight, the naval investigation into three saferls serving on the same aircraft carrier all found dead within days of each other. today's other top headlines: an independent autopsygrand rapidse shooti. netflix announces its first loss of subscribers in a decade. and finally tonight, the n.b.a. player who's giving up his entire salary for a cause close to his heart. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this tuesday night. we come on the air with some breaking news as cbs news has just learned that the u.s. is preparing a major new shipment of artillery and ammunition to ukraine, rushing to get it there in time to be used against this new russian offensive. rusian forces have launched a full-scale attack into the donbas region with what the pentagon estimates to be an additional 13 battalion tactical groups. the attacks stretch across a 300-mile line from the region's southern tip to the northern end near the city of kharkiv, which remains under intense shelling. civilians continue to be targeted, and humanitarian corridors have now been closed. ukrainian troops are dug in and are mounting a ferocious offense, claiming they've been able to repel russian advances so far. president biden held a video call with allies this morning to discuss the situation. so we've got a lot of news to get to tonight, and cbs' charlie d'agata will start us off from eastern ukraine. good evening, charlie. >> reporter: good evening to you, norah. even after weeks of fighting, this country may be facing its biggest assault yet. president zelenskyy in his late-night address said the russian army will go down in history as the most barbaric and inhuman in the world. from the hard-hit city of kharkiv to the north, to the besieged port city of mariupol to the south, where russian troops stormed the steel works facility where hold-out ukrainian forces are struggling to make a last stand. russian missiles and artillery bombarded targets across a 300-mile front line in a ferocious new phase of the war. ukrainian officials say forces have withstood the worst of the onslaught so far, president zelenskyy vowing, "no matter how many russian troops they send here, we will fight. we will defend ourselves." after failing to capture the capital, kyiv, russia has turned its focus and firepower on the country's industrial heartland in the east, repositioning thousands of troops and heavy weapons to the donbas region, taking over the frontline town of kreminna, and expanding areas already under russian occupation, including the seizure of europe's largest nuclear power plant in zaporizhzhia, after a hard-fought battle that put the facility itself in peril. this river effectively serves as a front line between russian-held territory, including the nuclear power plant, and ukrainian-held territory. but this war has already hit home he today, they held a funeral service for 29-year-old vyacheslav dimov. the airborne lieutenant killed three days ago when his vehicle struck a russian antitank mine. his mother, alla, told us, "he wanted to be a soldier since he was little." "there will never be a child like him," she said. "my shining son. they took my only blood. they took my son. may he rest in peace. they took my angel." dimov and his wife, ivanna, had only been married for a year and a half. they were planning to start a family. "one phone call, and it all gets shattered like a puzzle," she said. "and you end up all alone." she saved the screenshot of hir last video call. are you going to be okay? "this very morning, i asked him to give me all that heroism and strength he possessed and to look after me." ivanna told us she always felt there was a guardian angel looking after her husband as a soldier, and now he has become her guardian angel. norah. >> o'donnell: wow, charlie d'agata, thank you. and we've got this news that's coming in just momenting ago. the department of justice is weighing in tonight on the national travel mask mandate being overturned. it says that if the c.d.c. concludes that requirement is still necessary on public transportation, it will appeal the florida judge's ruling. now, the news comes as the t.s.a. is no longer enforcing the mandate, leaving it up to business and individuals. cbs' errol barnett is at reagan national airport with the latest. ( applause ). >> reporter: there was jubilation in the skies as passengers found out masks were no longer required. >> no one is any happier than we are. >> reporter: one flight attendant celebrating in song. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: all major u.s. airlines made mask wearing optional once the t.s.a. said it would no longer enforce the federal rule. airport officials in houston today, carting away these mask requirement signs, the nation's busiest airports all making masks optional. the white house, hoping to keep the mandate in place through may 3 was caught off guard by monday's announcement. cbs' nancy cordes today asked president biden for his view. >> reporter: will people continue to wear masks on planes? >> it's up to them. >> reporter: but inconsistency remains in places where local mask mandates still exist, like philadelphia and new york city. so for now, fliers into those cities will have to mask up once they land. there was also confusion at new york's penn station, where travelers on new jersey transit and amtrak were not required to wear masks, but new york subway and commuter rail passengers were still required to do so. and tonight, new rules of the road. ride share companies lyft and uber, both making masks optional. >> i just want to feel free and breathe freely. >> reporter: a relief for this driver. >> very happy. i hope this is over for all of us. >> reporter: but there is still concern from parents traveling with children under five who are not vaccinated. >> it is a possibility that we may not travel with him as much anymore. >> reporter: sara nelson, the president of one flight attendant union, says it will also be challenging for immunocompromised travelers. >> there are people who are going to care for their loved ones who are in a very compromised position medically, and they want to make sure that they're not taking any additional risk to them. >> reporter: now, the c.d.c. acknowledged today it is no longer enforcing its mask mandate. it's no longener effect, but it does still recommend the use of maskwhile in indoor transportation settings, like this one. what's interesting, norah, is most of the passengers moving through the terminal here are using their face coverings. so keep these coverings close. >> o'donnell: errol barnett, thank you. many health officials are worried we're lifting the mask mandates too soon, especially with the emergence of a more contagious subvariant that now makes up nearly 20% of new cases. for more on what this means, let's bring in cbs news chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook. jon, we're gla you're with us to help make sense of all this. some people excited, some are still nervous. what do our viewers need to know? >> reporter: first of all, remember this was a court decision not a public health agency decision. so with that said, there's a lot of confusion around the country right now, and it does seem like the floodgates are opening for people taking off their masks. so with this kind of confusion, i think it's reasonable for people to ask themselves two questions. first, what's the covid weather report where i live. you can go to, put in where you live and it will tell you how much covid there is around that area. the second is what is your risk profile, what is your risk tolerance in the next two tow of to three weeks? if in the next two to three weeks you will see somebody vulnerable or have an important event, you might say, for the next two to three weeks i'll be very, very careful, wear a mask when i can, especially an n95 and kn95. . >> really smart. what about families with kid under five who aren't eligible for a vaccine yet? >> reporter: that said, remember that kids who are unvaccinated are at risk, and if they do get infected, even though in general they tend to do well, they can get very, very sick. they can get hospitalized. and they can also infect other people. they can infect their parents and grandparents and other vulnerable people. i think it's worth a cry. >> o'donnell: i'm thinking we're just weeks away from the unofficial start of summer, and a.a.a. is saying travel reservations are up 122% since last year. so what should you know if you're getting on a plane? >> reporter: well, the good news is during flight there are ventilation and filtration systems that are pret good at decreasing the risk of infection. the problem is when you're at the gate, and those systems aren't operative. when you're boarding the plane, when you're getting off, or even when you're going through the airport you may be at increased risk. that maybe a good time to take out the n95, the kn95 to decrease your risk. >> o'donnell: also, there was news today moderna plans to update its boosters for the fall that includes protection against this new omicron variant? >> reporter: yes, and we're going to to see what happens in the fall. people should remember, if you're eligible for that second shot, that second booster, to go ahead and get it. >> o'donnell: go ahead and get it. dr. jon lapook, thank you so much. well, medicine in the east were cleaning up today after severe storms slammed the region. in annapolis, maryland, a man was killed when a tree foal his home. a woman and child were hurt. wet and windy weather knocked out power to more than 200,000 homes and businesses across the northeast. also, about half a foot or more of heavy wet snow blanketed parts of west virginia, pennsylvania, upstate new york, and northern new england. the highest reported total was 18 inches in virgil, new york. all right, now to a bizaire case that you may remember involving allegations of zombies and doomsday predictions. lori and chad daybell appeared in court today on charges related to the deaths of her two children more than two years ago. prosecutors say the two used their religious beliefs in an effort to justify the murders. cbs' jonathan vigliotti has been following the story. >> reporter: lori vallow daybell was silent as she faced multiple counts in an idaho courtroom, including first-degree murder in the deaths of her children, j.j. vallow, and tylee ryan. her attorney pleaded not guilty on her behalf. >> your honor, she intends to remain silent. >> reporter: today's arraignment was delayed 10 months after she was declared mentally unfit to stand trial. last week, a judge ruled her competent. j.j.'s grandparents, larry and kay woodcock, know she knew what she was doing. >> she was never incompetent to begin with. >> it was fallacy. >> reporter: j.j. and tylee were last seen in september 2019 after their mother allegedly told friends her children were zombies. their bodies wereularity discovered buried in chad daybell's backyard. in 2021, daybell's five children told me he was innocent. then, why werd in your father's backe wouldn't be foolish enough to put the evidence in his own backyard. >> i can understand how it's easier to be ignorant than to realize what is right in front of you. >> reporter: prosecutors say evidence includes text messages and gps daleadr thilweied. j.j.'s grandparents say they will be in court every day until justice is served. >> we will be here every step of the way until they're in prison forever. >> reporter: the trial for lori valow daybell is set to begin in october. we reached out future's office late today. they would not confirm if they are seeking the death penalty, norah. >> o'donnell: such an awful story. jonathan vigliotti, thank you. well, tonight, the navy is investigating the deaths of three sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier uss "washington," in newport news, virginia. they all died within a week of each other. no word yet on the causes of their deaths, but the navy says they don't appear to be related. one sailor died aboard the ship on april 15. the others were found days earlier at separate offsite locations. coastal cities across the country are being warned that sea levels are projected to rise up to an additional foot by the year 2050 due to climate change. as part of our "earth 365" series, cbs' ben tracy takes a look at an extraordinary project that could save america's coastlines. >> reporter: how high did the water go? >> it was over eight feet high where those little waves are. >> reporter: bill merrell will never forget the night he spent trapped inside this building in galveston, texas, as hurricane ike slammed ashore in 2008. the storm caused $30 billion in damage. >> it was probably a thirst yer storm. >> reporter: merrell, an oceanographer at texas a&m, was reminded of the giant floodgates he had seen in the netherlands. >> these are gates you can see from space. these are movable objects you can see from space. these are huge. >> reporter: he sketched out a texas version, which came to be known as the "ike dike," and this is where it may soon stand guard-- galveston bay, home to the largest export harbor and the biggest petrol chemical complex in the western hemisphere. what was the initial response to this idea? >> oh, ridicule, craziest idea they ever heard. >> reporter: that crazy idea is now part of the army corps of engineers' $29 billion plan to defend a large part of the texas gulf coast. it calls for massive gates designed to fend off 22 feet of storm surge and 43 miles of sand dunes to protect against hurricanes. >> if we want to live here on the coast, then we have to provide a level of defense. >> reporter: kelly burks-copes, with the army corps, says this would be the largest infrastructure project in the nation, and take up to 20 years to design and build. >> and the intent here is to keep the surge that comes with hurricanes out in the gulf and not let it into the bay. >> reporter: if congress funds the project, the federal government will pick up 65% of the cost. texas would pay the rest. >> building this one time is going to pay for itself over and over again. >> reporter: state senator larry taylor says with climate change making storms more intense, there's no time to waste. >> it's not a matter of if we have a storm. it's when and how many. and here we have a chance for our government to be proactive rather than be reactive. >> reporter: as the storms only grow stronger. ben tracy, cbs news, galveston. >> o'donnell: and still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the findings of an independent autopsy on a man who was killed by a police officer. and why netflix says it just suffered its first loss of subscribers in years. 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you know, the stevensons told me they saved money bundling their boat insurance with progressive. no one knows who those people are. -it can be painful. -hand me your coats. there's an extra seat right here. no, no, no, no, no. we don't need a coat wrangler. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home, auto, and more with us. no one who made the movie is here. . >> o'donnell: the n.b.a. play-offs are under way, and the top-seed phoenix suns are favored to win it all, and while every n.b.a. player dreams of winning the title, one member of the team is playing for so much more. here's cbs' jamie yuccas. >> reporter: in a league loaded with millionaires, phoenix suns center bismarck biyombo is one in a million. >> when i'm set on something, nobody is really, especially, like, something like this, nobody is changing my mind. >> reporter: the 11-year where n.b.a. veteran is giving up his entire salary this season, $1.3 million, to build a hospital in his home country, the dominican republic of the congo. what did your agent say? >> okay, i'll get to work. >> reporter: really? >> yes. >> reporter: he wase, "you're crazy? >> no. >> biyombo has established schools and basketball academies but he feels the most urgent need is healthcare. there is only one doctor for 10,000 people in the congo? >> yes, innocent it crazy? >> mind-boggling. >> one doctor for every 10,000. if your loved one goes to the hospital, they have a higher chance of dying than surviving. it really breaks my heart. >> reporter: grief that is also deeply personal. his father died of covid last summer in the congo, but not before instilling in him the value of public service. >> i wanted to do something for him that would continue to service people, but most important, save lives. >> reporter: hope and inspiration from a basketball giant with an even bigger heart. jamie yuccas, cbs news. >> o'donnell: and we can tell you, biyombo is the winner of the march n.b.a. cares community assist award. no doubt, he deserves it. we'll be right back. on every purchase. and with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to our business needs. what's in your wallet? 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Estimates , Tip , Donbas , Kharkiv , 13 , Biden , Video Call , Civilians , Offense , Shelling , Corridors , Advances , Allies , News , Lot , Fighting , Situation , Charlie D Agata , Norah , Zelenskyy , Assault , World , North , History , Address , Russian Army , South , Steel Works Facility Where , Missiles , Port City , Mariupol , Last Stand , Officials , War , Matter , Phase , Targets , Worst , Onslaught , East , Focus , Capital , Firepower , Repositioning Thousands , Kyiv , Weapons , Of Kreminna , Areas , Frontline , Occupation , Seizure , Town , Europe , Battle , Peril , Facility , Zaporizhzhia , Vyacheslav Dimov , Airborne Lieutenant , Home , Funeral Service , Vehicle , Antitank Mine , 29 , Child , Soldier , Mother , Son , Blood , My Shining Son , Alla , Family , Ivanna , Planning , Angel , Phone Call , Peace , Half , Puzzle , One , Strength , Heroism , Screenshot Of Hir , Husband , Guardian Angel , Wow , Department Of Justice , Thank You , Requirement , Travel Mask Mandate , Public Transportation , Judge , Mandate , Tsa , Latest , Ruling , Individuals , Errol Barnett Is At Reagan National Airport , Florida , Masks , Passengers , Flight Attendant Celebrating In Song , Jubilation , Skies , Airport Officials , Rule , Airlines , Carting , Mask Requirement Signs , Houston , Nation , Announcement , Airports , Place , White House , Making Masks Optional , Nancy Cordes , 3 , May 3 , People , Mask , Places , Fliers , Planes , View , Inconsistency , New York City , Philadelphia , Confusion , Cities , Commuter Rail Passengers , New Jersey Transit , New York Subway , Penn Station , Amtrak , Making , Uber , Relief , Driver , Rules Of The Road , Ride Share Companies Lyft , Wall , Parents , Sara Nelson , Possibility , Flight Attendant , Five , Loved Ones , Union , Travelers , Position , Risk , Maskwhile , Longener Effect , Use , Coverings , Most , Health , Transportation Settings , Terminal , Errol Barnett , Correspondent , Emergence , Jon Lapook , Cases , Subvariant , Sense , 20 , Some , Viewers , Court Decision , Public Health Agency Decision , Covid , Floodgates , First , Kind , Weather Report , Questions , Opening , Two , Event , Somebody , Risk Profile , Risk Tolerance , Second , Area , Tow , Vaccine , N95 , Families , Aren T , Kid , Kids , General , Unvaccinated , Grandparents , Plane , Start , Summer , Cry , Travel Reservations , Aaa , 122 , Filtration Systems , Problem , Airport , Gate , Systems Aren T , Ventilation , Infection , Operative , Plans , Protection , Boosters , Omicron Variant , Moderna , Medicine , Shot , Booster , More , Man , Storms , Foot , Homes , Businesses , Tree Foal , Snow , Annapolis , Maryland , Hurt , Woman , 200000 , Parts , Doomsday Predictions , Allegations , Right , Highest , Upstate New York , West Virginia , Virgil , Pennsylvania , New England , Bizaire , 18 , Chad Daybell , Prosecutors , Charges , Jonathan Vigliotti , Murders , Beliefs , Effort , Story , J , Attorney , Tylee Ryan , Behalf , Counts , Courtroom , Murder , Idaho , Honor , Trial , Larry Taylor , Competent , Arraignment , 10 , Fallacy , Bodies , Friends , Kay Woodcock , Wereularity , 2019 , September 2019 , Father , Chad Daybell S Backyard , 2021 , Evidence , Backyard , Front , Backe Wouldn T , Justice , Gps , Text Messages , Step , Daleadr Thilweied , Way , Prison , Death Penalty , Lori Valow Daybell , Navy , Causes , Newport News , Sailors , Word , Virginia , Washington , Ship , Sailor , Sea Levels , Locations , Others , 15 , April 15 , Project , Feet , Coastlines , Look , Series , Ben Tracy , Water , Climate Change , Earth 365 , 365 , 2050 , Eight , Storm , Building , Waves , Galveston , Texas , Bill Merrell Will , Hurricane Ike Slammed Ashore , 30 Billion , 0 Billion , 2008 , Space , Gates , Damage , Thirst , Oceanographer , Merrell , Netherlands , Texas A M , He Sketched Out A Texas Version , Guard , Harbor , Export , Objects , Galveston Bay , Ike Dike , Idea , Petrol , Response , Texas Gulf Coast , Western Hemisphere , Ridicule , Army Corps Of Engineers , 9 Billion , 29 Billion , Hurricanes , Storm Surge , Coast , Defense , Sand Dunes , Level , 22 , 43 , Surge , Intent , Infrastructure Project , Build , Army Corps , Bay , Gulf , Kelly Burks Copes , Government , Cost , Rest , Climate Change Making Storms , Congress , 65 , Chance , Many , Police Officer , Autopsy , Findings , Dogs , Dog Chow , Life Simple , Purina Dog Chow , Vo , Doctor , Flare Ups , Copd , Breathing , Breztri , Ups , Symptom Improvement , Which , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Copd Medicine , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , 52 , Don T , Chest Pain , Swelling , Pain , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Eye , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Patches , Medicine Wealth , Muscle Pain , Data , Patients , Salonpas , Agreed , 12 , Life , Worth , Employee , Wealth , Ground , Office , Foundation , Mike S Retirement Party , Party , Lifetime , Business , Employees , Technology , Things , Innovator , Everyone , Table , Sleep , Sleep3 , Night , Nighttime , Bountifully , Bounty , Nature S Bounty , Nature , Feeling Refreshed , Benefits , Action , Back , Autopsy Order , Bullet , Patrick Lyoya , 26 , Doesn T Pound , Autopsy Report , Officer , Officers , Leave , Body Cam Video , Protests , Shooting , Traffic Stop , Investigation , Police , Grand Rapids , Michigan , Lyoya Scuffling , Time , Ray Decade , Qfort , Company Stock Plunging , Competition , Losses , Password Sharing , Training , Inflation , Crowd , 25 , Migraine , Generosity , Body , Height , Migraine Prevention , Iv Infusion , It S Time , Light , Preventive Treatment , Eyes , Adults , Stomach Isn T Nauseous , Times , Vyepti , Medication , Bloodstream , Infusion , 30 , 4 , 100 , Side Effects , Reactions , Trouble Breathing , Treatment , Face , Throat , Redness , Rash , Hives , Stuffy Nose , Migraine Specialist , Neurologist , Pediatricians , 4 3 Million , 67000 , Grandkids , Movies , Popcorn , Snacks , Music , It , No One , Stevensons , Progressive , Homeowners , Know , Bathroom , Boat Insurance , Bathrooms , Coats , Money Bundling , Seat , Auto , Movie , Coat Wrangler , Play Offs , Phoenix Suns , Dreams , Team , League , Millionaires , Member , Title , Jamie Yuccas , Something , Nobody , One In A Million , Bismarck Biyombo , Mind , Season , Veteran , 11 , 1 3 Million , A Million , 3 Million , Hospital , Yes , Dominican Republic Of The Congo , Agent , Healthcare , Need , Basketball Academies , Schools , It Crazy , Congo , Mind Boggling , 10000 , Grief , Public Service , Value , Important , Basketball Giant , Hope , Inspiration , Save Lives , Winner , March Nba Cares Community Assist Award , No Doubt , A1c , Wallet , Stop Rybelsus , Purchasing Power , Purchase , Business Needs , Spending Limit , Ruby , Study , Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Help , Isn T , Pill , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , 1 , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Insulin , Nausea , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Provider , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Spaghetti , Breath , Condition , Doctors , Book , Atrial Fibrillation , Didn T Wait , My Name Is Douglas , Heartbeat , Stroke , Symptoms , Lightheadedness , Director Contact , Fatigue , Shortness , Writer , Heart Racing , Work , Somewhere , Prevagen , Game Changer , Memory , Healthier Brain , Nonprofit , Aviation , Reminder , California , Judge Judy , Announcer , Couple , Dvr , Clash , Inebriated , Argument , Live , The Beginning Of End , Norah Donnell , Vase , Oven , Toaster Oven , Jennifer Matschi , Jerry Heck , Captions , Judith Sheindlin , Cbs Television Distribution , Ma Am , Loan , Insurance Deductible , Rise , Calendar , Byrd , 246 , Defendant , Parties , You Re Welcome , Ms , Matschi Vs , Apartment , Components , Relationship , 14 , Promise , Sir , Correct , Payments , Interest , Interest Rate , Plaintiff , 2013 , June Of 2013 , 29 9 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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more-contagious omicron strain. doomsday cult mom in court. the new details tonight from the case of lori vallow, accused of killing her children and saying they were zombies. rare nor'easter. wintry weather in april knocks out power to hundreds of thousands across the northeast. mysterious deaths: tonight, the naval investigation into three saferls serving on the same aircraft carrier all found dead within days of each other. today's other top headlines: an independent autopsygrand rapidse shooti. netflix announces its first loss of subscribers in a decade. and finally tonight, the n.b.a. player who's giving up his entire salary for a cause close to his heart. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this tuesday night. we come on the air with some breaking news as cbs news has just learned that the u.s. is preparing a major new shipment of artillery and ammunition to ukraine, rushing to get it there in time to be used against this new russian offensive. rusian forces have launched a full-scale attack into the donbas region with what the pentagon estimates to be an additional 13 battalion tactical groups. the attacks stretch across a 300-mile line from the region's southern tip to the northern end near the city of kharkiv, which remains under intense shelling. civilians continue to be targeted, and humanitarian corridors have now been closed. ukrainian troops are dug in and are mounting a ferocious offense, claiming they've been able to repel russian advances so far. president biden held a video call with allies this morning to discuss the situation. so we've got a lot of news to get to tonight, and cbs' charlie d'agata will start us off from eastern ukraine. good evening, charlie. >> reporter: good evening to you, norah. even after weeks of fighting, this country may be facing its biggest assault yet. president zelenskyy in his late-night address said the russian army will go down in history as the most barbaric and inhuman in the world. from the hard-hit city of kharkiv to the north, to the besieged port city of mariupol to the south, where russian troops stormed the steel works facility where hold-out ukrainian forces are struggling to make a last stand. russian missiles and artillery bombarded targets across a 300-mile front line in a ferocious new phase of the war. ukrainian officials say forces have withstood the worst of the onslaught so far, president zelenskyy vowing, "no matter how many russian troops they send here, we will fight. we will defend ourselves." after failing to capture the capital, kyiv, russia has turned its focus and firepower on the country's industrial heartland in the east, repositioning thousands of troops and heavy weapons to the donbas region, taking over the frontline town of kreminna, and expanding areas already under russian occupation, including the seizure of europe's largest nuclear power plant in zaporizhzhia, after a hard-fought battle that put the facility itself in peril. this river effectively serves as a front line between russian-held territory, including the nuclear power plant, and ukrainian-held territory. but this war has already hit home he today, they held a funeral service for 29-year-old vyacheslav dimov. the airborne lieutenant killed three days ago when his vehicle struck a russian antitank mine. his mother, alla, told us, "he wanted to be a soldier since he was little." "there will never be a child like him," she said. "my shining son. they took my only blood. they took my son. may he rest in peace. they took my angel." dimov and his wife, ivanna, had only been married for a year and a half. they were planning to start a family. "one phone call, and it all gets shattered like a puzzle," she said. "and you end up all alone." she saved the screenshot of hir last video call. are you going to be okay? "this very morning, i asked him to give me all that heroism and strength he possessed and to look after me." ivanna told us she always felt there was a guardian angel looking after her husband as a soldier, and now he has become her guardian angel. norah. >> o'donnell: wow, charlie d'agata, thank you. and we've got this news that's coming in just momenting ago. the department of justice is weighing in tonight on the national travel mask mandate being overturned. it says that if the c.d.c. concludes that requirement is still necessary on public transportation, it will appeal the florida judge's ruling. now, the news comes as the t.s.a. is no longer enforcing the mandate, leaving it up to business and individuals. cbs' errol barnett is at reagan national airport with the latest. ( applause ). >> reporter: there was jubilation in the skies as passengers found out masks were no longer required. >> no one is any happier than we are. >> reporter: one flight attendant celebrating in song. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: all major u.s. airlines made mask wearing optional once the t.s.a. said it would no longer enforce the federal rule. airport officials in houston today, carting away these mask requirement signs, the nation's busiest airports all making masks optional. the white house, hoping to keep the mandate in place through may 3 was caught off guard by monday's announcement. cbs' nancy cordes today asked president biden for his view. >> reporter: will people continue to wear masks on planes? >> it's up to them. >> reporter: but inconsistency remains in places where local mask mandates still exist, like philadelphia and new york city. so for now, fliers into those cities will have to mask up once they land. there was also confusion at new york's penn station, where travelers on new jersey transit and amtrak were not required to wear masks, but new york subway and commuter rail passengers were still required to do so. and tonight, new rules of the road. ride share companies lyft and uber, both making masks optional. >> i just want to feel free and breathe freely. >> reporter: a relief for this driver. >> very happy. i hope this is over for all of us. >> reporter: but there is still concern from parents traveling with children under five who are not vaccinated. >> it is a possibility that we may not travel with him as much anymore. >> reporter: sara nelson, the president of one flight attendant union, says it will also be challenging for immunocompromised travelers. >> there are people who are going to care for their loved ones who are in a very compromised position medically, and they want to make sure that they're not taking any additional risk to them. >> reporter: now, the c.d.c. acknowledged today it is no longer enforcing its mask mandate. it's no longener effect, but it does still recommend the use of maskwhile in indoor transportation settings, like this one. what's interesting, norah, is most of the passengers moving through the terminal here are using their face coverings. so keep these coverings close. >> o'donnell: errol barnett, thank you. many health officials are worried we're lifting the mask mandates too soon, especially with the emergence of a more contagious subvariant that now makes up nearly 20% of new cases. for more on what this means, let's bring in cbs news chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook. jon, we're gla you're with us to help make sense of all this. some people excited, some are still nervous. what do our viewers need to know? >> reporter: first of all, remember this was a court decision not a public health agency decision. so with that said, there's a lot of confusion around the country right now, and it does seem like the floodgates are opening for people taking off their masks. so with this kind of confusion, i think it's reasonable for people to ask themselves two questions. first, what's the covid weather report where i live. you can go to, put in where you live and it will tell you how much covid there is around that area. the second is what is your risk profile, what is your risk tolerance in the next two tow of to three weeks? if in the next two to three weeks you will see somebody vulnerable or have an important event, you might say, for the next two to three weeks i'll be very, very careful, wear a mask when i can, especially an n95 and kn95. . >> really smart. what about families with kid under five who aren't eligible for a vaccine yet? >> reporter: that said, remember that kids who are unvaccinated are at risk, and if they do get infected, even though in general they tend to do well, they can get very, very sick. they can get hospitalized. and they can also infect other people. they can infect their parents and grandparents and other vulnerable people. i think it's worth a cry. >> o'donnell: i'm thinking we're just weeks away from the unofficial start of summer, and a.a.a. is saying travel reservations are up 122% since last year. so what should you know if you're getting on a plane? >> reporter: well, the good news is during flight there are ventilation and filtration systems that are pret good at decreasing the risk of infection. the problem is when you're at the gate, and those systems aren't operative. when you're boarding the plane, when you're getting off, or even when you're going through the airport you may be at increased risk. that maybe a good time to take out the n95, the kn95 to decrease your risk. >> o'donnell: also, there was news today moderna plans to update its boosters for the fall that includes protection against this new omicron variant? >> reporter: yes, and we're going to to see what happens in the fall. people should remember, if you're eligible for that second shot, that second booster, to go ahead and get it. >> o'donnell: go ahead and get it. dr. jon lapook, thank you so much. well, medicine in the east were cleaning up today after severe storms slammed the region. in annapolis, maryland, a man was killed when a tree foal his home. a woman and child were hurt. wet and windy weather knocked out power to more than 200,000 homes and businesses across the northeast. also, about half a foot or more of heavy wet snow blanketed parts of west virginia, pennsylvania, upstate new york, and northern new england. the highest reported total was 18 inches in virgil, new york. all right, now to a bizaire case that you may remember involving allegations of zombies and doomsday predictions. lori and chad daybell appeared in court today on charges related to the deaths of her two children more than two years ago. prosecutors say the two used their religious beliefs in an effort to justify the murders. cbs' jonathan vigliotti has been following the story. >> reporter: lori vallow daybell was silent as she faced multiple counts in an idaho courtroom, including first-degree murder in the deaths of her children, j.j. vallow, and tylee ryan. her attorney pleaded not guilty on her behalf. >> your honor, she intends to remain silent. >> reporter: today's arraignment was delayed 10 months after she was declared mentally unfit to stand trial. last week, a judge ruled her competent. j.j.'s grandparents, larry and kay woodcock, know she knew what she was doing. >> she was never incompetent to begin with. >> it was fallacy. >> reporter: j.j. and tylee were last seen in september 2019 after their mother allegedly told friends her children were zombies. their bodies wereularity discovered buried in chad daybell's backyard. in 2021, daybell's five children told me he was innocent. then, why werd in your father's backe wouldn't be foolish enough to put the evidence in his own backyard. >> i can understand how it's easier to be ignorant than to realize what is right in front of you. >> reporter: prosecutors say evidence includes text messages and gps daleadr thilweied. j.j.'s grandparents say they will be in court every day until justice is served. >> we will be here every step of the way until they're in prison forever. >> reporter: the trial for lori valow daybell is set to begin in october. we reached out future's office late today. they would not confirm if they are seeking the death penalty, norah. >> o'donnell: such an awful story. jonathan vigliotti, thank you. well, tonight, the navy is investigating the deaths of three sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier uss "washington," in newport news, virginia. they all died within a week of each other. no word yet on the causes of their deaths, but the navy says they don't appear to be related. one sailor died aboard the ship on april 15. the others were found days earlier at separate offsite locations. coastal cities across the country are being warned that sea levels are projected to rise up to an additional foot by the year 2050 due to climate change. as part of our "earth 365" series, cbs' ben tracy takes a look at an extraordinary project that could save america's coastlines. >> reporter: how high did the water go? >> it was over eight feet high where those little waves are. >> reporter: bill merrell will never forget the night he spent trapped inside this building in galveston, texas, as hurricane ike slammed ashore in 2008. the storm caused $30 billion in damage. >> it was probably a thirst yer storm. >> reporter: merrell, an oceanographer at texas a&m, was reminded of the giant floodgates he had seen in the netherlands. >> these are gates you can see from space. these are movable objects you can see from space. these are huge. >> reporter: he sketched out a texas version, which came to be known as the "ike dike," and this is where it may soon stand guard-- galveston bay, home to the largest export harbor and the biggest petrol chemical complex in the western hemisphere. what was the initial response to this idea? >> oh, ridicule, craziest idea they ever heard. >> reporter: that crazy idea is now part of the army corps of engineers' $29 billion plan to defend a large part of the texas gulf coast. it calls for massive gates designed to fend off 22 feet of storm surge and 43 miles of sand dunes to protect against hurricanes. >> if we want to live here on the coast, then we have to provide a level of defense. >> reporter: kelly burks-copes, with the army corps, says this would be the largest infrastructure project in the nation, and take up to 20 years to design and build. >> and the intent here is to keep the surge that comes with hurricanes out in the gulf and not let it into the bay. >> reporter: if congress funds the project, the federal government will pick up 65% of the cost. texas would pay the rest. >> building this one time is going to pay for itself over and over again. >> reporter: state senator larry taylor says with climate change making storms more intense, there's no time to waste. >> it's not a matter of if we have a storm. it's when and how many. and here we have a chance for our government to be proactive rather than be reactive. >> reporter: as the storms only grow stronger. ben tracy, cbs news, galveston. >> o'donnell: and still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the findings of an independent autopsy on a man who was killed by a police officer. and why netflix says it just suffered its first loss of subscribers in years. 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you know, the stevensons told me they saved money bundling their boat insurance with progressive. no one knows who those people are. -it can be painful. -hand me your coats. there's an extra seat right here. no, no, no, no, no. we don't need a coat wrangler. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home, auto, and more with us. no one who made the movie is here. . >> o'donnell: the n.b.a. play-offs are under way, and the top-seed phoenix suns are favored to win it all, and while every n.b.a. player dreams of winning the title, one member of the team is playing for so much more. here's cbs' jamie yuccas. >> reporter: in a league loaded with millionaires, phoenix suns center bismarck biyombo is one in a million. >> when i'm set on something, nobody is really, especially, like, something like this, nobody is changing my mind. >> reporter: the 11-year where n.b.a. veteran is giving up his entire salary this season, $1.3 million, to build a hospital in his home country, the dominican republic of the congo. what did your agent say? >> okay, i'll get to work. >> reporter: really? >> yes. >> reporter: he wase, "you're crazy? >> no. >> biyombo has established schools and basketball academies but he feels the most urgent need is healthcare. there is only one doctor for 10,000 people in the congo? >> yes, innocent it crazy? >> mind-boggling. >> one doctor for every 10,000. if your loved one goes to the hospital, they have a higher chance of dying than surviving. it really breaks my heart. >> reporter: grief that is also deeply personal. his father died of covid last summer in the congo, but not before instilling in him the value of public service. >> i wanted to do something for him that would continue to service people, but most important, save lives. >> reporter: hope and inspiration from a basketball giant with an even bigger heart. jamie yuccas, cbs news. >> o'donnell: and we can tell you, biyombo is the winner of the march n.b.a. cares community assist award. no doubt, he deserves it. we'll be right back. on every purchase. and with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to our business needs. what's in your wallet? 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Estimates , Tip , Donbas , Kharkiv , 13 , Biden , Video Call , Civilians , Offense , Shelling , Corridors , Advances , Allies , News , Lot , Fighting , Situation , Charlie D Agata , Norah , Zelenskyy , Assault , World , North , History , Address , Russian Army , South , Steel Works Facility Where , Missiles , Port City , Mariupol , Last Stand , Officials , War , Matter , Phase , Targets , Worst , Onslaught , East , Focus , Capital , Firepower , Repositioning Thousands , Kyiv , Weapons , Of Kreminna , Areas , Frontline , Occupation , Seizure , Town , Europe , Battle , Peril , Facility , Zaporizhzhia , Vyacheslav Dimov , Airborne Lieutenant , Home , Funeral Service , Vehicle , Antitank Mine , 29 , Child , Soldier , Mother , Son , Blood , My Shining Son , Alla , Family , Ivanna , Planning , Angel , Phone Call , Peace , Half , Puzzle , One , Strength , Heroism , Screenshot Of Hir , Husband , Guardian Angel , Wow , Department Of Justice , Thank You , Requirement , Travel Mask Mandate , Public Transportation , Judge , Mandate , Tsa , Latest , Ruling , Individuals , Errol Barnett Is At Reagan National Airport , Florida , Masks , Passengers , Flight Attendant Celebrating In Song , Jubilation , Skies , Airport Officials , Rule , Airlines , Carting , Mask Requirement Signs , Houston , Nation , Announcement , Airports , Place , White House , Making Masks Optional , Nancy Cordes , 3 , May 3 , People , Mask , Places , Fliers , Planes , View , Inconsistency , New York City , Philadelphia , Confusion , Cities , Commuter Rail Passengers , New Jersey Transit , New York Subway , Penn Station , Amtrak , Making , Uber , Relief , Driver , Rules Of The Road , Ride Share Companies Lyft , Wall , Parents , Sara Nelson , Possibility , Flight Attendant , Five , Loved Ones , Union , Travelers , Position , Risk , Maskwhile , Longener Effect , Use , Coverings , Most , Health , Transportation Settings , Terminal , Errol Barnett , Correspondent , Emergence , Jon Lapook , Cases , Subvariant , Sense , 20 , Some , Viewers , Court Decision , Public Health Agency Decision , Covid , Floodgates , First , Kind , Weather Report , Questions , Opening , Two , Event , Somebody , Risk Profile , Risk Tolerance , Second , Area , Tow , Vaccine , N95 , Families , Aren T , Kid , Kids , General , Unvaccinated , Grandparents , Plane , Start , Summer , Cry , Travel Reservations , Aaa , 122 , Filtration Systems , Problem , Airport , Gate , Systems Aren T , Ventilation , Infection , Operative , Plans , Protection , Boosters , Omicron Variant , Moderna , Medicine , Shot , Booster , More , Man , Storms , Foot , Homes , Businesses , Tree Foal , Snow , Annapolis , Maryland , Hurt , Woman , 200000 , Parts , Doomsday Predictions , Allegations , Right , Highest , Upstate New York , West Virginia , Virgil , Pennsylvania , New England , Bizaire , 18 , Chad Daybell , Prosecutors , Charges , Jonathan Vigliotti , Murders , Beliefs , Effort , Story , J , Attorney , Tylee Ryan , Behalf , Counts , Courtroom , Murder , Idaho , Honor , Trial , Larry Taylor , Competent , Arraignment , 10 , Fallacy , Bodies , Friends , Kay Woodcock , Wereularity , 2019 , September 2019 , Father , Chad Daybell S Backyard , 2021 , Evidence , Backyard , Front , Backe Wouldn T , Justice , Gps , Text Messages , Step , Daleadr Thilweied , Way , Prison , Death Penalty , Lori Valow Daybell , Navy , Causes , Newport News , Sailors , Word , Virginia , Washington , Ship , Sailor , Sea Levels , Locations , Others , 15 , April 15 , Project , Feet , Coastlines , Look , Series , Ben Tracy , Water , Climate Change , Earth 365 , 365 , 2050 , Eight , Storm , Building , Waves , Galveston , Texas , Bill Merrell Will , Hurricane Ike Slammed Ashore , 30 Billion , 0 Billion , 2008 , Space , Gates , Damage , Thirst , Oceanographer , Merrell , Netherlands , Texas A M , He Sketched Out A Texas Version , Guard , Harbor , Export , Objects , Galveston Bay , Ike Dike , Idea , Petrol , Response , Texas Gulf Coast , Western Hemisphere , Ridicule , Army Corps Of Engineers , 9 Billion , 29 Billion , Hurricanes , Storm Surge , Coast , Defense , Sand Dunes , Level , 22 , 43 , Surge , Intent , Infrastructure Project , Build , Army Corps , Bay , Gulf , Kelly Burks Copes , Government , Cost , Rest , Climate Change Making Storms , Congress , 65 , Chance , Many , Police Officer , Autopsy , Findings , Dogs , Dog Chow , Life Simple , Purina Dog Chow , Vo , Doctor , Flare Ups , Copd , Breathing , Breztri , Ups , Symptom Improvement , Which , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Copd Medicine , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , 52 , Don T , Chest Pain , Swelling , Pain , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Eye , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Patches , Medicine Wealth , Muscle Pain , Data , Patients , Salonpas , Agreed , 12 , Life , Worth , Employee , Wealth , Ground , Office , Foundation , Mike S Retirement Party , Party , Lifetime , Business , Employees , Technology , Things , Innovator , Everyone , Table , Sleep , Sleep3 , Night , Nighttime , Bountifully , Bounty , Nature S Bounty , Nature , Feeling Refreshed , Benefits , Action , Back , Autopsy Order , Bullet , Patrick Lyoya , 26 , Doesn T Pound , Autopsy Report , Officer , Officers , Leave , Body Cam Video , Protests , Shooting , Traffic Stop , Investigation , Police , Grand Rapids , Michigan , Lyoya Scuffling , Time , Ray Decade , Qfort , Company Stock Plunging , Competition , Losses , Password Sharing , Training , Inflation , Crowd , 25 , Migraine , Generosity , Body , Height , Migraine Prevention , Iv Infusion , It S Time , Light , Preventive Treatment , Eyes , Adults , Stomach Isn T Nauseous , Times , Vyepti , Medication , Bloodstream , Infusion , 30 , 4 , 100 , Side Effects , Reactions , Trouble Breathing , Treatment , Face , Throat , Redness , Rash , Hives , Stuffy Nose , Migraine Specialist , Neurologist , Pediatricians , 4 3 Million , 67000 , Grandkids , Movies , Popcorn , Snacks , Music , It , No One , Stevensons , Progressive , Homeowners , Know , Bathroom , Boat Insurance , Bathrooms , Coats , Money Bundling , Seat , Auto , Movie , Coat Wrangler , Play Offs , Phoenix Suns , Dreams , Team , League , Millionaires , Member , Title , Jamie Yuccas , Something , Nobody , One In A Million , Bismarck Biyombo , Mind , Season , Veteran , 11 , 1 3 Million , A Million , 3 Million , Hospital , Yes , Dominican Republic Of The Congo , Agent , Healthcare , Need , Basketball Academies , Schools , It Crazy , Congo , Mind Boggling , 10000 , Grief , Public Service , Value , Important , Basketball Giant , Hope , Inspiration , Save Lives , Winner , March Nba Cares Community Assist Award , No Doubt , A1c , Wallet , Stop Rybelsus , Purchasing Power , Purchase , Business Needs , Spending Limit , Ruby , Study , Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Help , Isn T , Pill , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , 1 , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Insulin , Nausea , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Provider , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Spaghetti , Breath , Condition , Doctors , Book , Atrial Fibrillation , Didn T Wait , My Name Is Douglas , Heartbeat , Stroke , Symptoms , Lightheadedness , Director Contact , Fatigue , Shortness , Writer , Heart Racing , Work , Somewhere , Prevagen , Game Changer , Memory , Healthier Brain , Nonprofit , Aviation , Reminder , California , Judge Judy , Announcer , Couple , Dvr , Clash , Inebriated , Argument , Live , The Beginning Of End , Norah Donnell , Vase , Oven , Toaster Oven , Jennifer Matschi , Jerry Heck , Captions , Judith Sheindlin , Cbs Television Distribution , Ma Am , Loan , Insurance Deductible , Rise , Calendar , Byrd , 246 , Defendant , Parties , You Re Welcome , Ms , Matschi Vs , Apartment , Components , Relationship , 14 , Promise , Sir , Correct , Payments , Interest , Interest Rate , Plaintiff , 2013 , June Of 2013 , 29 9 ,

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