Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

the bloody weekend with three mass shootings leave two dead and dozens injured. what is leading to the rise in violence. severe weather threats, april nor'easter brings rain, high winds and possibly ten inches of snow to pennsylvania and new york. tonight's treacherous travel conditions. but the chilly weather didn't stop the return of the white house easter egg roll. new deadly ride report. tonight the results of the investigation about what lead to a 14 year old sliding out of a harness and falling to his death. and running for history, how women changed the boston marathon. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us as we start a new week together. tonight we have breaking news: for the first time in more than a year, the travel mask mandate is not in effect. on and mask mandate was struck down. that means that tsa will not enforce the rule at airports that means that the t.s.a. will not enforce the rule at airports and other transportation hubs. now the news comes after a federal judge in florida today ruled that the c.d.c. exceeded its authority and failed to follow proper rule making. the question now is whether the federal government will appeal that judge's decision. also the association of flight attendants is weighing in urging calm from passengers saying it usually takes 24 to 48 hours to implement new procedures. now the c.d.c. still recommends masks for all travelers. now all this comes as covid-19 cases are once again on the rise driven by the ba.2 subvariant. cbs' nikki battiste will start us off from philadelphia where an indoor mask mandate was just reinstated. a lot of news to get to good evening, nikki. >> reporter: norah, good evening. we are just getting some clarity we are just getting clarity from the are mirgs, saying they are reviewing the judge's order but for now the tsa will not enforce the mask mandate on public transportation and adding to all that confusion as you mentioned there is a new mask mentioned, there is a new mask mandate here in philadelphia that took effect today. that means about 20,000 fans heading to this 76ers game tonight will once again have to mask up. you can now fly or ride the buses and trains mask-free. the move comes just hours after pay federal judge in florida ruled it was unlawful. today a u.s. district judge said the court accepts the c.d.c.'s argument that masks limit covid spread but that alone was not sufficient to exceed the agency's authority. infectious disease specialist dr. celine gounder says it is still too soon. >> we don't now how the ba .2 variant will play out across the country. as of right now my advice as a physician to anybody traveling on a plane would be to continue wearing a mask when are you traveling on public transportation, including on an airplane. >> reporter: meanwhile, philadelphia is the only u.s. city bringing back indoor masks as a precaution, there has been a 67 percent increasine iddaysov that's an average of over 200 covid cases per day. >> i think it is unsafe. >> reporter: philadelphia restaurant owner yeshooda sichel is concerned the revived mandate will hurt business again. >> when masks were mandated, people are less inclined to go out to the city. the city, there are a lot of people that live in the city but really the city thrives off people coming from the suburbs. >> reporter: a group of 22 business owners and residents is suing the city seeking to overturn the mask mandate. >> philadelphia actually did away with the c.d.c. guidelines as the standard and they have invented their own guidelines. they are making this stuff up. >> reporter: in response to the lawsuit, the city says it has the legal authority. >> the role of the c.d.c. is really to provide minimum guidelines in terms of what is safe. so a city like philadelphia can decide to be more aggressive about what they require and other places might choose not to be so aggressive. it is now up to individual airlines to decide the they will require masks. delta, united and alaska airlines are the first to say effective immediately, that passengers do not have to wear masks on their planes. but to reiterate, nora, the cdc does still recommend wearing a mask on public transportation. >> o'donnell: nikki battiste with all that news, thank you. let's turn now to overseas where russia is ramping up its attacks on ukraine with a barrage of new missile strikes across the country, most of today's rocket attacks targeted cities in eastern ukraine where president volodymyr zelenskyy says the battle for donbas has begun. cbs' chris livesay reports tonight from kyiv. >> reporter: the next chapter of the war is here. russian troops have begun the battle for donbas, says ukrainian president zelenskyy. a major development after russian troops pulled back from kyiv and turned their attention to the east, setting the stage for major clashes of tanks and heavy artillery unlike anything we've seen since world war ii, ukraine said. but there are no safe havens. russian air strikes killed at least seven people. the first known deaths in lviv close to the polish border and a refuge for those fleeing the fighting. in kharkiv close to the russian border, shelling offers no rest for the wounded or the medics there to save them. but nowhere is the terror more total than mariupol. diehard defenders holed up in a steel mill refuse to give up despite russia's ultimatum, surrender or die. it's a vindictiveness ukrainians trace to russian setbacks like the moskva, this unverifhoiessia warship struck by ukrainian missiles in the black sea last week. and chernihiv, a city that was supposed to mark a swift russian victory north of kyiv but instead a triumph for ukraine shooting down this russian bomber last month. it crashed into this home killing the owner but shockingly no more. its payload failing to explode when it landed on a door's doorstep. but elsewhere, the bombs worked, this one killing some 50 people in an apartment block, one of the deadliest single strikes of the war. "all of a sudden i was covered in shattered glass," says larissa. she takes me into her bunker where they have been hiding for more than a month. they are a afraid they will come back. "the war goes on, we don't know what is waiting are is out there." and tonight nowhere feels morse vulnerable than eastern ukraine. where fighting is intensifying. president zelenskyy said no matter how many russian soldiers are brought here we will fight, we will defend ourselves and not give up anything that is not ukrainian. norah? >> o'donnell: chris livesay in ukraine, thank you and stay safe. tonight there is growing concern about russian threats here at home. u.s. authorities warn that the about russian kremlin could launch cyberattacks on american soil. experts say this could impact everything from public transit to banks to the energy sector. for "60 minutes," cbs's bill whitaker spoke with dmitri alperovitch of crowdstrike and a member of the homeland security advisory council. >> reporter: so all of these things they can do. what is the one that troubles you the most? >> an attack on the oil and gas industry where they go after the safety systems again. and it can cause cascading effects and fires and potentially explosions and people die. >> reporter: to require a response as were you saying could escalate. >> it absolutely would. >> reporter: not just a cyberwar but a real war. >> it is a real concern and the reality is we have seen the russians in cyberspace do some things that we thought were just nuts. that were so provocative, so escalatory and you look at that and say who is controlling these guys. when the united states opens operations, there is an army of lawyers say looking at that operation saying are you going to cause casualties or anything disfortunate. they don't have any of that in russia. and that can lead us down a very dark path. >> o'donnell: and bill whitaker joins us from new york. that sounds really alarming. you point out the russians have already targeted a refinery in the past, right? >> reporter: yes, they have, norah. in 2017 russian hackers launched a cyberattack against a huge oil refinery in saudi arabia that targeted those safety control systems. in this case, the hackers made a small coding mistake and they ended up shutting down the refinery instead of triggering a deadly explosion. but the experts have told us, russian hackers learn from their mistakes. >> o'donnell: it is really interesting. and do we know is there any indication that russians are preparing for a similar cyberattack now? >> reporter: well, just last week the u.s. government issued a warning about a new piece of malware dubbed pipedream, one cybersecurity expert told us the initial targets are liquefied natural gas and electric power sites in north america. the malware is suspected to be of russian origin and it's far more advanced and versatile than what was used in saudi arabia. norah? >> o'donnell: bill whitaker of "60 minutes," thank you. now to the weather, where a rare late season nor'easter is threatening to bring heavy snow and strong winds from michigan to new england. let's bring in chris warren from our partner the weather channel. good evening, chris. >> reporter: good evening, norah. this is going to be an impactful late season snow for parts of the northeast, with several inches expected, making for a rough morning commute tomorrow for a lot of areas. we're going to see a lot of this snow during the overnight it is going to be marginal in terms of temperatures so right around the freezing mark, which is going to lead to some of that very heavy and very wet snow that is expected to be falling during the overnight hours tonight and into the day tomorrow before itn tapers off. it'ssiblerethe snow fall totals, could be a foot to a foot and a half for some. and norah, this very heavy wet snow could lead to downed trees and power outages. >> o'donnell: chris, thanks. well, tonight, police in south carolina and pittsburgh are investigating three mass shootings over the weekend that left two teenagers dead and dozens of other people wounded. the shootings are the latest in a wave of violence plaguing america's cities and fueled by a flood of illegal guns. here's cbs's jeff pegues. >> reporter: the easter holiday weekend didn't bring peace to america's streets. >> they got shot. >> reporter: in south carolina there were two mass shootings, 14 people wounded when gunshots erupted at this mall. another nine hurt after a shooting in a club run out of this home. in pittsburgh, two 17 year olds were killed and ten wounded after more than 100 rounds were fired inside a packed underage party early sunday morning. scott schubert is a pittsburgh police chief. how would you characterize this kind of violence? >> senseless. i mean there is no need for this. it is just, it breaks your heart when you start thinking about what happened in pittsburgh. it seems like every day you just, you look and you see it is happening somewhere else. >> reporter: in the first four months of the year, there have been 144 mass shootings. among them, new york city subway shooting, six killed and 12 wounded in downtown sacramento, two dead in cedar rapids, iowa. ten shot on spring break in dallas. the number two official at the a.t.f. told us guns used by criminals are being modified and turned into fully automatic weapons. >> we haven't seen so many machine guns used in crimes since prohibition. >> reporter: these so called ghost guns have no registration number, meaning there is no way to trace them back to the original owner. the f.b.i. and police searching this townhouse in buffalo found a ghost gun tied to a triple shooting. another pressing issue for law enforcement is the rising number of juveniles committing gun crimes, many of whom have been previously arrested. >> we see sometimes it is the same person over and over again. and that is frustrating, it is frustrating for us and for the community and frustrating for the victims who are injured in these assaults. >> reporter: local police chiefs are blaming the court system for releasing too many violent criminals and setting low bonds in response. some court systems call those allegations speculation. during the interview with us today when asked about rising crime, pittsburgh's police chief told us that he believes that it is going to get worse before it gets better. norah. >> o'donnell: jeff pegues, thank you. there are tragic new details tonight in the investigation into a 14 year old boy's fatal fall last month from an amusement park ride in orlando, florida. we get more from cbs's manuel bojorquez. >> this report confirms our department findings of the operator of the orlando drop tower made manual adjustments to the ride resulting it in being unsafe. >> reporter: a forensic investigation into what lead to the death of 14 year old tyree sampson last month on the orlando free fall ride highlights a sensor on the ride's harnesses that signals when the gap below the harness is near three inches. what the report calls normal. it ays the sensor on sampson seat was manually loosened, adjusted and tightened to allow restraint opening of near seven inches, which may have grown to as much as ten inches as the ride's 70 mile per hour drop slowed and sampson slipped out. >> these allow the safety light to illuminate. improperly satisfying the ride's electronic safety mechanisms that allow the ride to operate. >> reporter: investigators also said the manufacturers maximum weight for the 400 foot free fall ride was 250 pounds. and sampson, an 8th grade football standout from missouri weighed more than 300 pounds. >> my understanding it was seats one and seat two only that were adjusted and presumably to allow for larger riders. which should not have happened. based on the manufacturers guidelines. >> reporter: the ride remains closed. an attorney for the rides owner slingshot group said in a statement it has fully cooperated with investigators and that the company followed all procedure, protocols and safety measures provided by the ride's manufacturer. norah? >> o'donnell: manny bojorquez, thank you. and still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the investigation into the gruesome murder of a new york city mother whose body was found in a duffel bag. and the u.s. postal service announces plans to cut costs. how will it impact delivery times. times. >> o'donnell: tonight, the new york city police department is looking for the killer of a woman whose body was found inside a duffel bag blocks from her home in queens. the n.y.p.d. searched the family's garage and left with evidence, police sources tell wcbs the 51 year old mother of two was stabbed more than 50 times an suffered blunt force trauma. the u.s. postal service said today it is slowing delivery times for more than a third of all first class packages as part of this effort to lower costs and reduce its reliance on air transportation. instead it will use more trains and trucks. the new policy is scheduled to go into effect may 1st will add up to one or two days for some packages traveling long most package delivery times will be unaffected. and coming up, you don't want to miss this story about the boston marathon and the women who ran for equality. for equality. >> o'donnell: the boston marathon is always a special day for hundreds of thousands of runners and spectators from all around the world. one of this year's inspiring stories is adrienne haslett, who lost her leg in the 2013 bombing attack. the former professional ballroom dancer is the epitome of boston strong. this is also the 50th anniversary since women were officially allowed to compete. the historical moment honored by many women who ran today. here's cbs's nancy chen. >> reporter: 75 year old val rogosheske isn't just taking on the boston marathon, as one of the first eight women officially allowed into the race. >> pretty crazy to think of 50 years ago, eight people standing on the line and here we are with thousands of women. >> reporter: why weren't women allowed to run in the boston marathon before 1972? >> part of it was just social convention it wasn't good for women to sweat it wasn't good for women to have big muscles. >> reporter: it wasn't good for women to be strong. >> there, that's a good one right there, yeah. >> reporter: but before 1972, only men could compete, there were few women who did crash the race. so those first eight understood what was at stake. >> so to year nobody watched, nobody drops out for sure. >> reporter: they all finished. today, rogosheske tackled the course once again, this time with her daughters. >> more and more i really see my mom made change, made history. my mom made history. >> reporter: now more than 10,000 are following in her footsteps. >> so i'm just thinking about yeah, the cycle of life and it's almost like handing the baton to them. and it makes me feel very, very good. >> reporter: nancy chen, cbs news, boston. >> o'donnell: women are theew strongest people i know, congratulations. we'll be right back. right for . lower. longer. leqvio. >> o'donnell: on tomorrow's "cbs evening news," our climate change series "earth 365" takes a look at what is being done to prevent one major american city from drowning due to rising sea levels. and if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your d.v.r. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs f0 a >> right now at 7:00. a, you know we're here. >> a bay area mother in tears as her son learns he is a free man after 32 years after a conviction he didn't commit. more rain changes it forecast later this week. i'm tracking it hour by hour. >> we're learning of an arrest in a destructive fire that gutted a home depot. >> could we be seeing one of the last home owners in oakland? >> streaming, he was sent to prison for life for first degree murder. 32 years later, he is about to be set free in san francisco after a judge ruled he didn't do it. i'm july >> spoke with the man's mother who broke down in tears when she heard the news. >> it is a bittersweet mood here at the district attorney's office. it is part celebratory and also they are resolved to do better. >> it was a good day for joaquin syria and it is a good day for the family. >> this was the moment a judge overturned the conviction of joaquin syria, arrested exactly 32 years ago today and he just learned he is a free man. his mother was there and said she visited and called him since day one in prison. >> it is very hard seeing your kids taking away seeing him growing up by himself. a lot of things happened to him, you know. >> april, 1990. a man by the name of felix was shot and killed in san francisco. the jury heard from witnesses who were at a distance in

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Operations , Guys , Casualties , Operation Saying , Lawyers , Army , Russians , Refinery , Down A Very Dark Path , Hackers , Cyberattack , Safety Control Systems , Case , Mistake , Coding , Saudi Arabia , 2017 , Indication , Explosion , Mistakes , Dubbed Pipedream , Warning , Sites , Piece , Targets , One Cybersecurity Expert , Natural Gas , Origin , Season , Weather Channel , Nor Easter , Winds , New England , Michigan , Chris Warren , It Ssiblerethe Snow , Parts , Northeast , Commute , Areas , Temperatures , Some , Totals , Mark , Itn Tapers Off , Foot , Police , Pittsburgh , Half , Trees , Power Outages , South Carolina , Guns , Weekend , Latest , Wave , Flood , Teenagers , Jeff Pegues , Shooting , Gunshots , Streets , Easter Holiday Weekend Didn T , Peace , Mall , Club Run , Nine , Pittsburgh Police Chief , Rounds , Scott Schubert , Sunday Morning , Olds , 17 , 100 , Need , Kind , Heart , Senseless , Somewhere , Downtown Sacramento , New York City Subway , Four , 144 , 12 , Six , Criminals , Official , Spring Break , Weapons , Iowa , Cedar Rapids , Dallas , Atf , Machine Guns , Crimes , We Haven T , Prohibition , Ghost Guns , Way , Registration Number , Fbi , Juveniles , Number , Many , Gun Crimes , Ghost Gun , Issue , Townhouse , Law Enforcement , Buffalo , Victims , Court System , Person , Chiefs , Community , Assaults , Crime , Court Systems , Allegations Speculation , Bonds , Amusement Park Ride , Details , Orlando , Manuel Bojorquez , Old Boy , Ride , Report , Operator , Adjustments , Department Findings , Drop Tower , Harnesses , Gap , Sensor , Lead , Restraint Opening , Sampson , Sensor On Sampson Seat , 70 , Safety , Investigators , Manufacturers , Safety Mechanisms , Weight , 400 , Missouri , 8th Grade Football Standout , Seat , 250 , 8 , 300 , Riders , Manufacturers Guidelines , Statement , Attorney , Owner Slingshot , Mother , Murder , Thank You , Manufacturer , Procedure , Protocols , Company , Times , Costs , Body , Duffel Bag , Plans , U S Postal Service , New York City Police Department , Family , Queens , Woman , Killer , Garage , Evidence , Police Sources , Tell Wcbs , Blunt Force Trauma , 51 , Part , Packages , Class , Trains , Reliance , Third , Effort , Trucks , Air Transportation , Policy , Story , Coming Up , May 1st , 1 , Equality , Thousands , Epitome , Spectators , Bombing , Ballroom Dancer , Runners , Stories , Hundreds , Leg , Adrienne Haslett , All Around The World , Boston Strong , 2013 , Rogosheske Isn T , Ran Today , 50th Anniversary , Nancy Chen , 75 , Race , Line , Eight , Wasn T Good , Why Weren T Women , Convention , Muscles , 1972 , Nobody , Men , Crash , Stake , Mom , Course , Daughters , Made Change , Made History , Rogosheske , Sure , Life , Footsteps , Cycle , Baton , 10000 , Cbs News , Congratulations , Boston , Leqvio , Look , Series , Climate Change , Earth 365 , 365 , Don T , Sea Levels , Dvr , Night , Live , Tears , F0 A , Bay Area , 7 , 00 , Man , Son , Conviction , Rain , 32 , Learning , Fire , Arrest , Home Depot , Prison , Owners , Degree , San Francisco , Streaming , Oakland , Mood , Office , District Attorney , Joaquin Syria , Day One , Kids , Distance , Witnesses , Name , Jury , April , Felix , April 1990 , 1990 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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the bloody weekend with three mass shootings leave two dead and dozens injured. what is leading to the rise in violence. severe weather threats, april nor'easter brings rain, high winds and possibly ten inches of snow to pennsylvania and new york. tonight's treacherous travel conditions. but the chilly weather didn't stop the return of the white house easter egg roll. new deadly ride report. tonight the results of the investigation about what lead to a 14 year old sliding out of a harness and falling to his death. and running for history, how women changed the boston marathon. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us as we start a new week together. tonight we have breaking news: for the first time in more than a year, the travel mask mandate is not in effect. on and mask mandate was struck down. that means that tsa will not enforce the rule at airports that means that the t.s.a. will not enforce the rule at airports and other transportation hubs. now the news comes after a federal judge in florida today ruled that the c.d.c. exceeded its authority and failed to follow proper rule making. the question now is whether the federal government will appeal that judge's decision. also the association of flight attendants is weighing in urging calm from passengers saying it usually takes 24 to 48 hours to implement new procedures. now the c.d.c. still recommends masks for all travelers. now all this comes as covid-19 cases are once again on the rise driven by the ba.2 subvariant. cbs' nikki battiste will start us off from philadelphia where an indoor mask mandate was just reinstated. a lot of news to get to good evening, nikki. >> reporter: norah, good evening. we are just getting some clarity we are just getting clarity from the are mirgs, saying they are reviewing the judge's order but for now the tsa will not enforce the mask mandate on public transportation and adding to all that confusion as you mentioned there is a new mask mentioned, there is a new mask mandate here in philadelphia that took effect today. that means about 20,000 fans heading to this 76ers game tonight will once again have to mask up. you can now fly or ride the buses and trains mask-free. the move comes just hours after pay federal judge in florida ruled it was unlawful. today a u.s. district judge said the court accepts the c.d.c.'s argument that masks limit covid spread but that alone was not sufficient to exceed the agency's authority. infectious disease specialist dr. celine gounder says it is still too soon. >> we don't now how the ba .2 variant will play out across the country. as of right now my advice as a physician to anybody traveling on a plane would be to continue wearing a mask when are you traveling on public transportation, including on an airplane. >> reporter: meanwhile, philadelphia is the only u.s. city bringing back indoor masks as a precaution, there has been a 67 percent increasine iddaysov that's an average of over 200 covid cases per day. >> i think it is unsafe. >> reporter: philadelphia restaurant owner yeshooda sichel is concerned the revived mandate will hurt business again. >> when masks were mandated, people are less inclined to go out to the city. the city, there are a lot of people that live in the city but really the city thrives off people coming from the suburbs. >> reporter: a group of 22 business owners and residents is suing the city seeking to overturn the mask mandate. >> philadelphia actually did away with the c.d.c. guidelines as the standard and they have invented their own guidelines. they are making this stuff up. >> reporter: in response to the lawsuit, the city says it has the legal authority. >> the role of the c.d.c. is really to provide minimum guidelines in terms of what is safe. so a city like philadelphia can decide to be more aggressive about what they require and other places might choose not to be so aggressive. it is now up to individual airlines to decide the they will require masks. delta, united and alaska airlines are the first to say effective immediately, that passengers do not have to wear masks on their planes. but to reiterate, nora, the cdc does still recommend wearing a mask on public transportation. >> o'donnell: nikki battiste with all that news, thank you. let's turn now to overseas where russia is ramping up its attacks on ukraine with a barrage of new missile strikes across the country, most of today's rocket attacks targeted cities in eastern ukraine where president volodymyr zelenskyy says the battle for donbas has begun. cbs' chris livesay reports tonight from kyiv. >> reporter: the next chapter of the war is here. russian troops have begun the battle for donbas, says ukrainian president zelenskyy. a major development after russian troops pulled back from kyiv and turned their attention to the east, setting the stage for major clashes of tanks and heavy artillery unlike anything we've seen since world war ii, ukraine said. but there are no safe havens. russian air strikes killed at least seven people. the first known deaths in lviv close to the polish border and a refuge for those fleeing the fighting. in kharkiv close to the russian border, shelling offers no rest for the wounded or the medics there to save them. but nowhere is the terror more total than mariupol. diehard defenders holed up in a steel mill refuse to give up despite russia's ultimatum, surrender or die. it's a vindictiveness ukrainians trace to russian setbacks like the moskva, this unverifhoiessia warship struck by ukrainian missiles in the black sea last week. and chernihiv, a city that was supposed to mark a swift russian victory north of kyiv but instead a triumph for ukraine shooting down this russian bomber last month. it crashed into this home killing the owner but shockingly no more. its payload failing to explode when it landed on a door's doorstep. but elsewhere, the bombs worked, this one killing some 50 people in an apartment block, one of the deadliest single strikes of the war. "all of a sudden i was covered in shattered glass," says larissa. she takes me into her bunker where they have been hiding for more than a month. they are a afraid they will come back. "the war goes on, we don't know what is waiting are is out there." and tonight nowhere feels morse vulnerable than eastern ukraine. where fighting is intensifying. president zelenskyy said no matter how many russian soldiers are brought here we will fight, we will defend ourselves and not give up anything that is not ukrainian. norah? >> o'donnell: chris livesay in ukraine, thank you and stay safe. tonight there is growing concern about russian threats here at home. u.s. authorities warn that the about russian kremlin could launch cyberattacks on american soil. experts say this could impact everything from public transit to banks to the energy sector. for "60 minutes," cbs's bill whitaker spoke with dmitri alperovitch of crowdstrike and a member of the homeland security advisory council. >> reporter: so all of these things they can do. what is the one that troubles you the most? >> an attack on the oil and gas industry where they go after the safety systems again. and it can cause cascading effects and fires and potentially explosions and people die. >> reporter: to require a response as were you saying could escalate. >> it absolutely would. >> reporter: not just a cyberwar but a real war. >> it is a real concern and the reality is we have seen the russians in cyberspace do some things that we thought were just nuts. that were so provocative, so escalatory and you look at that and say who is controlling these guys. when the united states opens operations, there is an army of lawyers say looking at that operation saying are you going to cause casualties or anything disfortunate. they don't have any of that in russia. and that can lead us down a very dark path. >> o'donnell: and bill whitaker joins us from new york. that sounds really alarming. you point out the russians have already targeted a refinery in the past, right? >> reporter: yes, they have, norah. in 2017 russian hackers launched a cyberattack against a huge oil refinery in saudi arabia that targeted those safety control systems. in this case, the hackers made a small coding mistake and they ended up shutting down the refinery instead of triggering a deadly explosion. but the experts have told us, russian hackers learn from their mistakes. >> o'donnell: it is really interesting. and do we know is there any indication that russians are preparing for a similar cyberattack now? >> reporter: well, just last week the u.s. government issued a warning about a new piece of malware dubbed pipedream, one cybersecurity expert told us the initial targets are liquefied natural gas and electric power sites in north america. the malware is suspected to be of russian origin and it's far more advanced and versatile than what was used in saudi arabia. norah? >> o'donnell: bill whitaker of "60 minutes," thank you. now to the weather, where a rare late season nor'easter is threatening to bring heavy snow and strong winds from michigan to new england. let's bring in chris warren from our partner the weather channel. good evening, chris. >> reporter: good evening, norah. this is going to be an impactful late season snow for parts of the northeast, with several inches expected, making for a rough morning commute tomorrow for a lot of areas. we're going to see a lot of this snow during the overnight it is going to be marginal in terms of temperatures so right around the freezing mark, which is going to lead to some of that very heavy and very wet snow that is expected to be falling during the overnight hours tonight and into the day tomorrow before itn tapers off. it'ssiblerethe snow fall totals, could be a foot to a foot and a half for some. and norah, this very heavy wet snow could lead to downed trees and power outages. >> o'donnell: chris, thanks. well, tonight, police in south carolina and pittsburgh are investigating three mass shootings over the weekend that left two teenagers dead and dozens of other people wounded. the shootings are the latest in a wave of violence plaguing america's cities and fueled by a flood of illegal guns. here's cbs's jeff pegues. >> reporter: the easter holiday weekend didn't bring peace to america's streets. >> they got shot. >> reporter: in south carolina there were two mass shootings, 14 people wounded when gunshots erupted at this mall. another nine hurt after a shooting in a club run out of this home. in pittsburgh, two 17 year olds were killed and ten wounded after more than 100 rounds were fired inside a packed underage party early sunday morning. scott schubert is a pittsburgh police chief. how would you characterize this kind of violence? >> senseless. i mean there is no need for this. it is just, it breaks your heart when you start thinking about what happened in pittsburgh. it seems like every day you just, you look and you see it is happening somewhere else. >> reporter: in the first four months of the year, there have been 144 mass shootings. among them, new york city subway shooting, six killed and 12 wounded in downtown sacramento, two dead in cedar rapids, iowa. ten shot on spring break in dallas. the number two official at the a.t.f. told us guns used by criminals are being modified and turned into fully automatic weapons. >> we haven't seen so many machine guns used in crimes since prohibition. >> reporter: these so called ghost guns have no registration number, meaning there is no way to trace them back to the original owner. the f.b.i. and police searching this townhouse in buffalo found a ghost gun tied to a triple shooting. another pressing issue for law enforcement is the rising number of juveniles committing gun crimes, many of whom have been previously arrested. >> we see sometimes it is the same person over and over again. and that is frustrating, it is frustrating for us and for the community and frustrating for the victims who are injured in these assaults. >> reporter: local police chiefs are blaming the court system for releasing too many violent criminals and setting low bonds in response. some court systems call those allegations speculation. during the interview with us today when asked about rising crime, pittsburgh's police chief told us that he believes that it is going to get worse before it gets better. norah. >> o'donnell: jeff pegues, thank you. there are tragic new details tonight in the investigation into a 14 year old boy's fatal fall last month from an amusement park ride in orlando, florida. we get more from cbs's manuel bojorquez. >> this report confirms our department findings of the operator of the orlando drop tower made manual adjustments to the ride resulting it in being unsafe. >> reporter: a forensic investigation into what lead to the death of 14 year old tyree sampson last month on the orlando free fall ride highlights a sensor on the ride's harnesses that signals when the gap below the harness is near three inches. what the report calls normal. it ays the sensor on sampson seat was manually loosened, adjusted and tightened to allow restraint opening of near seven inches, which may have grown to as much as ten inches as the ride's 70 mile per hour drop slowed and sampson slipped out. >> these allow the safety light to illuminate. improperly satisfying the ride's electronic safety mechanisms that allow the ride to operate. >> reporter: investigators also said the manufacturers maximum weight for the 400 foot free fall ride was 250 pounds. and sampson, an 8th grade football standout from missouri weighed more than 300 pounds. >> my understanding it was seats one and seat two only that were adjusted and presumably to allow for larger riders. which should not have happened. based on the manufacturers guidelines. >> reporter: the ride remains closed. an attorney for the rides owner slingshot group said in a statement it has fully cooperated with investigators and that the company followed all procedure, protocols and safety measures provided by the ride's manufacturer. norah? >> o'donnell: manny bojorquez, thank you. and still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the investigation into the gruesome murder of a new york city mother whose body was found in a duffel bag. and the u.s. postal service announces plans to cut costs. how will it impact delivery times. times. >> o'donnell: tonight, the new york city police department is looking for the killer of a woman whose body was found inside a duffel bag blocks from her home in queens. the n.y.p.d. searched the family's garage and left with evidence, police sources tell wcbs the 51 year old mother of two was stabbed more than 50 times an suffered blunt force trauma. the u.s. postal service said today it is slowing delivery times for more than a third of all first class packages as part of this effort to lower costs and reduce its reliance on air transportation. instead it will use more trains and trucks. the new policy is scheduled to go into effect may 1st will add up to one or two days for some packages traveling long most package delivery times will be unaffected. and coming up, you don't want to miss this story about the boston marathon and the women who ran for equality. for equality. >> o'donnell: the boston marathon is always a special day for hundreds of thousands of runners and spectators from all around the world. one of this year's inspiring stories is adrienne haslett, who lost her leg in the 2013 bombing attack. the former professional ballroom dancer is the epitome of boston strong. this is also the 50th anniversary since women were officially allowed to compete. the historical moment honored by many women who ran today. here's cbs's nancy chen. >> reporter: 75 year old val rogosheske isn't just taking on the boston marathon, as one of the first eight women officially allowed into the race. >> pretty crazy to think of 50 years ago, eight people standing on the line and here we are with thousands of women. >> reporter: why weren't women allowed to run in the boston marathon before 1972? >> part of it was just social convention it wasn't good for women to sweat it wasn't good for women to have big muscles. >> reporter: it wasn't good for women to be strong. >> there, that's a good one right there, yeah. >> reporter: but before 1972, only men could compete, there were few women who did crash the race. so those first eight understood what was at stake. >> so to year nobody watched, nobody drops out for sure. >> reporter: they all finished. today, rogosheske tackled the course once again, this time with her daughters. >> more and more i really see my mom made change, made history. my mom made history. >> reporter: now more than 10,000 are following in her footsteps. >> so i'm just thinking about yeah, the cycle of life and it's almost like handing the baton to them. and it makes me feel very, very good. >> reporter: nancy chen, cbs news, boston. >> o'donnell: women are theew strongest people i know, congratulations. we'll be right back. right for . lower. longer. leqvio. >> o'donnell: on tomorrow's "cbs evening news," our climate change series "earth 365" takes a look at what is being done to prevent one major american city from drowning due to rising sea levels. and if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your d.v.r. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs f0 a >> right now at 7:00. a, you know we're here. >> a bay area mother in tears as her son learns he is a free man after 32 years after a conviction he didn't commit. more rain changes it forecast later this week. i'm tracking it hour by hour. >> we're learning of an arrest in a destructive fire that gutted a home depot. >> could we be seeing one of the last home owners in oakland? >> streaming, he was sent to prison for life for first degree murder. 32 years later, he is about to be set free in san francisco after a judge ruled he didn't do it. i'm july >> spoke with the man's mother who broke down in tears when she heard the news. >> it is a bittersweet mood here at the district attorney's office. it is part celebratory and also they are resolved to do better. >> it was a good day for joaquin syria and it is a good day for the family. >> this was the moment a judge overturned the conviction of joaquin syria, arrested exactly 32 years ago today and he just learned he is a free man. his mother was there and said she visited and called him since day one in prison. >> it is very hard seeing your kids taking away seeing him growing up by himself. a lot of things happened to him, you know. >> april, 1990. a man by the name of felix was shot and killed in san francisco. the jury heard from witnesses who were at a distance in

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