Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 3pm 20240708 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 3pm 20240708

cleared. >> a judge overturns the u.s. mask mandate on public transit. what does that mean now? >> big day in sports. home opener and playoff matchup on opposite sides of the bay. >> we start with the breaking news at 3:00. a san francisco man wrongfully convicted for the murder of his friend now exonerated . >> 60-year-old joaquin ciria spent the past decades in prison for the murder that happened in 1990. the san francisco da office and innocence commission worked hard on the case. kpix 5 has been following this story and we will have the full story at 6:00 . >> a federal judge in florida just overturned the national mask mandate covering transportation with regards to mask rules on airplanes and other public transit. she rules the cdc exceeded their statutory authority and did not follow proper rulemaking procedures. the cdc extended the mask rule tiy thencycited concerns about the ba.2 omricron sub variant. there is a little bit of confusion. it is not immediately clear if the cdc will appeal this ruling. there are questions about whether airlines are local transit will have the ability to issue their own mask rules. it is seeking clarification from the tsa on when this would be effective. bart said they would follow the direction of the tsa. mooney says masks are required as they await to learn more. >> cloudier as the day goes on, we could see showers again after dark. >> beautiful shot out. blue skies downtown. paul is here with more. >> a couple sprinkles trying to the ground north of the golden gate but a lot is evaporating. welcome the moisture is to the north and it will make its way down towards us. all of that rain being directed to northern california. the farther north you go the more likely you are to get rain it will be early and heavy. a chance of showers already as we go through this evening. be flexible with your outdoor plans as rain chances continue into tonight. even though widespread rain will give way to scattered showers. for san francisco the central they the best chance of rain holds off well until after the sun goes down. lingering showers for early commuters on tuesday. keep that in mind with extra stopping distance. the best chance of rain is lower for santa several -- santa clara valley. the best chance of rain rolling in before the sun comes up tuesday morning. future cast we will add up with this system. more breaking news. we learned this fire has seen an arrest. the suspect arrested with connection to that fire at home depot, it was a five alarm fire, it broke out april ninth off of blossom hill road. federal and city leaders are holding a news event to release further details and we will be there. >> we understand six suspects are under arrest for string of smash and grab robberies . >> san jose police say these men are part of a robbery crew that targeted jewelry stores from october 2021 two january 2022. the men would come into the stores wearing masks and they would use sledgehammers and tools to break the glass display cases and take off with thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. some were armed with guns and pepper spray. san jose police say they work with other bay area agencies to find the suspects and arrest them and one day . >> we could not have done this without many units. robber units, special operations, a lot of core needed effort went into this operation. >> we brought you that update live on cbs news bay area. you can watch 24/7 streaming on or the kpix news app. >> san francisco leaders announced their plans for 420. >> reporter: if you are not aware, april 20th is an celeg althings marijuana. if you're into it, robin williams meadow is the place to be. check out the scene from 2019. the last year that people were officially allowed to gather what is known as hippie hill. this year the celebration is back with plenty of rules. the event is 21 and up. ids and vaccination status will be checked at the gate and cannabis will be sold on site by approved vendors. >> we have to get this right, like most things less let's show the world the san francisco knows how to do things. we really need your cooperation. >> no pets and no barbecues have been allowed like we have seen in past celebrations. extra officers will be there to enforce it. the hippie hill gathering has been going on for decades and unsanctioned fashion. once part was legalized the city and lucrative sponsors got involved. the event is going on wednesday from 10:00 in the morning until 5:00 p.m. no tickets are required. this year's event is dedicated to robin williams. they will have comedians and djs performing all day. today nurses are staging a one-day strike as they tried to negotiate a contract. nurses walk the picket line at 14 health facilities across northern california. they have been bargaining since the summer. staffing levels are a key issue. >> we cannot be silent anymore. we are standing up for our safety, for our patient safety, four hour nursing practice and our police seem g afears. >> sutter says they are bringing and traveling nurses to keep their health centers (for its part sutter says we value and invest in our caregivers and offers to the union, including generous wage increases that exceed those in the region reflect that commitment . >> today is the anniversary of the great earthquake of 1906. the san francisco mayor joined other city and community leaders to mark the 116 years. wearing period costumes of the day, today's event is also in honor of the brave san franciscans who rebuilt the city from the ashes, quite literally. and a reminder to be prepared. for a comprehensive guide on what to do and how to be prepared check out . >> it is a big day in bay area sports. the a are hosting the orioles in their home opener at the coliseum. chopper 5 was overhead as they got the field ready. the wires take on the nuggets in game two of their playoff run at chase center. vern glenn is here with us. before he heads out the door, you're always busy . >> it will be a busy day but i would not have it any other way. with the old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. bad enough that opposing defenses have to worry about steph curry, klay thompson and draymond green. what about a pool party for jordan poole on saturday . >> he is who the world has grown to know. he has never shied away from the ball. to see him have the success that he is having is not surprising. >> he had a warriors playoff debut not seen since jason richardson and world time lay before him. he had 30 points and sent a message that this 22-year-old is one of the teams most important weapons. >> without him we would not be where we are at. we should be very grateful for the development and the type of player he has become. he is incredible. >> it is cool to have the trust of the vets. it is amazing. just being able to trust me it just put the team in a good position to win and it is pretty cool. >> poole was in the starting lineup because steph curry came off the bench for the first time since injury. i fully expect the denver nuggets to deliver their best punch. i expect there best player, nikola jokic to be a bull in the china shop. that will tell us a lot for game two. we will see you at chase center. >> tesla and netflix are among the major companies delivering their earnings reports. today shares of twitter jumped more than 7% after the company announced friday that they would adopt a poison pill plan to resist any hostile takeover e temp from elon musk. the dow fell 39 points, the nasdaq down 19 and the nasdaq dropped about a point. >> the latest out of ukraine, the death toll continues to rise this afternoon. officials say they have no intention of surrendering to the russians. skyler henry is reporting on the ground and vowing to fight. >> reporter: rush to renew their aerial assault on ukraine on monday. hundreds of atss left at least seven dead in the western city of lviv. the mayor said it is the first people killed there since the war began. moscow has redirected most of its ground forces to southeastern ukraine. some russian troops appeared on the verge of capturing variable after ukrainians ignored a ultimatum on sunday. ukraine's government said the attacks on the city could be cease-fire talked with moscow. new pictures emerged showing the last moments of the russian warship. ukraine said they say the ship with missile strikes. u.s. intelligence agreed with that assessment. the kremlin insisted that it went down after an onboard fire caused an ammunition explosion. the ukrainian president, volodomyr zelenskyy has asked president biden to visit his country. he believes president biden will accept the invitation. the white house says that there are no plans for the president to make such a trip. russia's ability to strike targets throughout ukraine exit even more unlikely. skyler henry, cbs news the white house. >> still ahead on kpix 5 , tens of millions of people quit their jobs during the pandemic, what to do now if you have resignation regret . >> a growing problem in the skies. the fa some disturbing and breaking news out of stockton. you can see the police outside of a high school. a 15-year-old student stabbed on campus within the boundaries. now in the hospital. we have been asking questions. a district spokesperson told us an intruder came onto campus and attacked the student. they put the school on lockdown, pretty scary moments. authorities believe the student was targeted >> vice presidenka visiting vandenberg space for space. it is part of a weeklong trip. she will get a briefing on the u.s. space force and then attend a dnc fundraiser. thursday she will be in san francisco for an event focused on maternal health. >> california is near the top of the list for incidents involving laser strikes that you hear about against pilots. the faa says nationwide the number jumped 41% in the last 12 months. pilots have a lot to say about this. kris van cleave says the bright lights can be a matter of life and death. >> we were just hit with a laser. >> reporter: flying low over florida sheriffs watched the helicopter get lit up by a blinding laser aimed at the crew from the ground . >> all you see is green. it is very disorienting. >> reporter: deputy ben c horn was at the controls. >> once the laser hits the cop it bounces everywhere and it is blinding. >> reporter: laser strikes on aircraft are soaring up 41% last year to more than 9700. that is more than an one in our. >> reporter: california, texas and florida lead the nation in incidents. 47 pilots reported injuries last year. lasers can cause a temporary blindness and some cases lasting eye injuries. they often occur just as pilots are about to land. we >> we have a laser pointed at us. >> reporter: in seattle the fbi is offering a $10,000 reward after a dramatic increase in laser incidents. pilots reported more than 100 strikes january. 28 occurring in three days while airliners were taking off or landing . >> we have to be able to see to land the aircraft. >> reporter: it happened to captain laura while she was flying. >> first officer exclaimed and said laser as the entire cockpit lit up and i are bright green. >> reporter: the faa thinks that the laser strikes are increasing the way they are because they are cheap. pilots are trained to look away from the lasers if they see one coming. last year washington state patrol pilots are first in the nation to test new glasses developed by the air force research lab aimed at filtering out laser light to reduce the impact of these strikes. while the number of incidents continue to decline, arrests are rare. -- was able to hone in on one with a laser directing officers to a 17-year-old who is now facing fines on the faa. a warning from police that a beam of light could have you headed to jail in a flash. kris van cleave, cbs news. a recent survey focuses on some of the 47 million people who with their jobs during last year's so-called great resignation. one in five of those who quit during the pandemic had some regrets. many of them wanted higher pay and more responsibility and then they realized their new gig was not their dream job. what if you're trying to move on? on cbs mornings linkedin career expert kathy fisher had this advice . >> it is important to say i took this job, i did not ask the right questions that i needed to. what i discovered during this three month job is this is what is important to me. if you use that time to be self reflective and be honest about it, i think it makes you a strong candidate. if you are being honest and you say i took this job because this is what i was looking for and i realized what i need to be successful -- >> you made a mistake. i think people appreciate it when you say you made a mistake . >> just do not do it all the time. >> the grass is always greener . >> especially if we get more rain. >> look at that transition. that was professionally done. >> we will see more rain tonight and tomorrow and the rest of the work week. it will be damp. the bulk of the rain will move through before the sun comes up on tuesday. allow extra time in the morning. a more powerful system is aiming at us for late wednesday and continuing thursday and friday. we are seeing some returns on radar, we have not had any reports of any traces of rain so far but this is starting to get some of the higher elevations. the bulk of the moisture is still farther off to the north but eventually it will swing towards us. let's switch over to future cast. a good chance of rain moving over the north bay even before the sun goes down. be flexible with outdoor plants north of the golden gate, that rain making its way down towardthe ld gate by 11thmovi a rainfall even in the rain shadow, the valley will be a little lighter. the rain is gone midday tomorrow. cloud cover overhead and a couple sprinkles for the north bay by midday, decreasing class by the afternoon. we will see increasing clouds on wednesday but the rain, it looks like it will hold off until later in the day, maybe a sprinkle for the north bay. the bulk of the rain with the next system will hold off until wednesday evening and wednesday night. most of us will get less than 1/10 of an inch of rain. some spots leveling out between .1 0 1/4 of an inch of rainfall. the santa clara valley will barely get a trace. we do have more in the forecast for later this week. this will be a snow maker for the sierra. from 2:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m. snow above 6500 feet above the highest peaks picking up about 10 inches of snow. the next snow maker for them in the next rainmaker for us moves in late wednesday and the best chances are wednesday night, thursday and lingering showers on friday. the in the forecast droverweekl ofes ceouide right now santrosa mo cloud head far innd trae of e homeopener as they take on the baltimore orioles. temperatures will be in the upper 50s throughout most of the game. partly cloudy skies and it should remain dry unless they go into extra extra innings as shower activity makes its way down towards the central bay. temperatures tonight only dropping down to the mid and upper 40s to around 50. most of it should stay at or above 50. temperatures tomorrow a little below average with the cloud cover for the first half of the day, upper 50s along the coast, mid 60s around the bay mid and upper 60s farther inland. we should be dry for most of the day. showers moving in by wednesday evening. there is the rain icon for thursday and lingering showers friday. dry weather returns over the weekend with warmer temperatures inland reading close to 80 by early next week. things will be drying out once again. at least we have the rain chances this week. how the warriors organization is getting into entertainment. there are movie fans and then the warriors are getting into entertainment. golden state entertainment will produce documentaries, even and music. tee ng at a ioregular-season finale. okland a's recording artist will be golden state entertainment lead artist with a new multi-album contract. >> from music to movies. a lot of people are going back to the theaters. >> not as much as this guy. this is ramiro alanis. he spent $3500 on tickets just to see spiderman no way home. why $3500? he watched it 300 times. in the process he broke the world's record for most cinema productions attended. he spent 720 hours or 30 days watching the film 292 times in the theaters from mid-december to mid-march. some days he watched it five times in a row. to break the record he was not allowed to nap, use his phone or even go to the bathroom during the movie. i have the same rules for my kids. >> he has free time. this is not his first time in the record books. he broke the cord in 2019 by watching avengers: endgame 191 times. >> i wonder what kind of a first date he has. big day coming up at 5:00. the visual reminder of the power of the 1906 quake . >> we take you to show you a unique landmark still standing. that is coming up at 5:00. >> this is a complaint for a lot of people, cell phones have cut down on dinner conversation. >> and eatery in england is offering incentive to stay locked in and engaged with the people you're eating with. you get 20% off your bill if you lock your cell phones away is something called a tabletop phone jail. put your phone in jail and get a discount. it is called spice fusion. they say dinner is better when we eat together. >> i like that . >> it's okay unless you're eating with someone very boring. >> paul, what is the escape word? >> i have no idea. captioning sponsored by cbs >> o'donnell: tonight the breaking news just coming in, the travel mask mandate lifted. the big news that you won't need to wear your mask on a pher pubc transportation. this after a judge's shocking ruling. mask confusion at airports after the surprising order. but in one of america's largest cities, an indoor mask mandate is reinstated. what is means for you. russia's new attacks. tonight ukrainian president zelenskyy announces putin's forces have launch aid new offensive after missiles strublg and killed seven in leviv a city close to the polish border. cyberthreats on the homeland. the new interview from "60 minutes," could russia blow up an oil refinery in the u.s.?

Related Keywords

Moscow , Moskva , Russia , United States , Santa Clara Valley , California , China , Florida , Stockton , Poland , Kremlin , Washington , Seattle , Lviv , L Vivs Ka Oblast , Ukraine , San Francisco , Polish , America , Ukrainians , Ukrainian , Russian , Russians , Klay Thompson , Ramiro Alanis , Tsa Mooney , Robin Williams , Kathy Fisher ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 3pm 20240708 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 3pm 20240708

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cleared. >> a judge overturns the u.s. mask mandate on public transit. what does that mean now? >> big day in sports. home opener and playoff matchup on opposite sides of the bay. >> we start with the breaking news at 3:00. a san francisco man wrongfully convicted for the murder of his friend now exonerated . >> 60-year-old joaquin ciria spent the past decades in prison for the murder that happened in 1990. the san francisco da office and innocence commission worked hard on the case. kpix 5 has been following this story and we will have the full story at 6:00 . >> a federal judge in florida just overturned the national mask mandate covering transportation with regards to mask rules on airplanes and other public transit. she rules the cdc exceeded their statutory authority and did not follow proper rulemaking procedures. the cdc extended the mask rule tiy thencycited concerns about the ba.2 omricron sub variant. there is a little bit of confusion. it is not immediately clear if the cdc will appeal this ruling. there are questions about whether airlines are local transit will have the ability to issue their own mask rules. it is seeking clarification from the tsa on when this would be effective. bart said they would follow the direction of the tsa. mooney says masks are required as they await to learn more. >> cloudier as the day goes on, we could see showers again after dark. >> beautiful shot out. blue skies downtown. paul is here with more. >> a couple sprinkles trying to the ground north of the golden gate but a lot is evaporating. welcome the moisture is to the north and it will make its way down towards us. all of that rain being directed to northern california. the farther north you go the more likely you are to get rain it will be early and heavy. a chance of showers already as we go through this evening. be flexible with your outdoor plans as rain chances continue into tonight. even though widespread rain will give way to scattered showers. for san francisco the central they the best chance of rain holds off well until after the sun goes down. lingering showers for early commuters on tuesday. keep that in mind with extra stopping distance. the best chance of rain is lower for santa several -- santa clara valley. the best chance of rain rolling in before the sun comes up tuesday morning. future cast we will add up with this system. more breaking news. we learned this fire has seen an arrest. the suspect arrested with connection to that fire at home depot, it was a five alarm fire, it broke out april ninth off of blossom hill road. federal and city leaders are holding a news event to release further details and we will be there. >> we understand six suspects are under arrest for string of smash and grab robberies . >> san jose police say these men are part of a robbery crew that targeted jewelry stores from october 2021 two january 2022. the men would come into the stores wearing masks and they would use sledgehammers and tools to break the glass display cases and take off with thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. some were armed with guns and pepper spray. san jose police say they work with other bay area agencies to find the suspects and arrest them and one day . >> we could not have done this without many units. robber units, special operations, a lot of core needed effort went into this operation. >> we brought you that update live on cbs news bay area. you can watch 24/7 streaming on or the kpix news app. >> san francisco leaders announced their plans for 420. >> reporter: if you are not aware, april 20th is an celeg althings marijuana. if you're into it, robin williams meadow is the place to be. check out the scene from 2019. the last year that people were officially allowed to gather what is known as hippie hill. this year the celebration is back with plenty of rules. the event is 21 and up. ids and vaccination status will be checked at the gate and cannabis will be sold on site by approved vendors. >> we have to get this right, like most things less let's show the world the san francisco knows how to do things. we really need your cooperation. >> no pets and no barbecues have been allowed like we have seen in past celebrations. extra officers will be there to enforce it. the hippie hill gathering has been going on for decades and unsanctioned fashion. once part was legalized the city and lucrative sponsors got involved. the event is going on wednesday from 10:00 in the morning until 5:00 p.m. no tickets are required. this year's event is dedicated to robin williams. they will have comedians and djs performing all day. today nurses are staging a one-day strike as they tried to negotiate a contract. nurses walk the picket line at 14 health facilities across northern california. they have been bargaining since the summer. staffing levels are a key issue. >> we cannot be silent anymore. we are standing up for our safety, for our patient safety, four hour nursing practice and our police seem g afears. >> sutter says they are bringing and traveling nurses to keep their health centers (for its part sutter says we value and invest in our caregivers and offers to the union, including generous wage increases that exceed those in the region reflect that commitment . >> today is the anniversary of the great earthquake of 1906. the san francisco mayor joined other city and community leaders to mark the 116 years. wearing period costumes of the day, today's event is also in honor of the brave san franciscans who rebuilt the city from the ashes, quite literally. and a reminder to be prepared. for a comprehensive guide on what to do and how to be prepared check out . >> it is a big day in bay area sports. the a are hosting the orioles in their home opener at the coliseum. chopper 5 was overhead as they got the field ready. the wires take on the nuggets in game two of their playoff run at chase center. vern glenn is here with us. before he heads out the door, you're always busy . >> it will be a busy day but i would not have it any other way. with the old saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. bad enough that opposing defenses have to worry about steph curry, klay thompson and draymond green. what about a pool party for jordan poole on saturday . >> he is who the world has grown to know. he has never shied away from the ball. to see him have the success that he is having is not surprising. >> he had a warriors playoff debut not seen since jason richardson and world time lay before him. he had 30 points and sent a message that this 22-year-old is one of the teams most important weapons. >> without him we would not be where we are at. we should be very grateful for the development and the type of player he has become. he is incredible. >> it is cool to have the trust of the vets. it is amazing. just being able to trust me it just put the team in a good position to win and it is pretty cool. >> poole was in the starting lineup because steph curry came off the bench for the first time since injury. i fully expect the denver nuggets to deliver their best punch. i expect there best player, nikola jokic to be a bull in the china shop. that will tell us a lot for game two. we will see you at chase center. >> tesla and netflix are among the major companies delivering their earnings reports. today shares of twitter jumped more than 7% after the company announced friday that they would adopt a poison pill plan to resist any hostile takeover e temp from elon musk. the dow fell 39 points, the nasdaq down 19 and the nasdaq dropped about a point. >> the latest out of ukraine, the death toll continues to rise this afternoon. officials say they have no intention of surrendering to the russians. skyler henry is reporting on the ground and vowing to fight. >> reporter: rush to renew their aerial assault on ukraine on monday. hundreds of atss left at least seven dead in the western city of lviv. the mayor said it is the first people killed there since the war began. moscow has redirected most of its ground forces to southeastern ukraine. some russian troops appeared on the verge of capturing variable after ukrainians ignored a ultimatum on sunday. ukraine's government said the attacks on the city could be cease-fire talked with moscow. new pictures emerged showing the last moments of the russian warship. ukraine said they say the ship with missile strikes. u.s. intelligence agreed with that assessment. the kremlin insisted that it went down after an onboard fire caused an ammunition explosion. the ukrainian president, volodomyr zelenskyy has asked president biden to visit his country. he believes president biden will accept the invitation. the white house says that there are no plans for the president to make such a trip. russia's ability to strike targets throughout ukraine exit even more unlikely. skyler henry, cbs news the white house. >> still ahead on kpix 5 , tens of millions of people quit their jobs during the pandemic, what to do now if you have resignation regret . >> a growing problem in the skies. the fa some disturbing and breaking news out of stockton. you can see the police outside of a high school. a 15-year-old student stabbed on campus within the boundaries. now in the hospital. we have been asking questions. a district spokesperson told us an intruder came onto campus and attacked the student. they put the school on lockdown, pretty scary moments. authorities believe the student was targeted >> vice presidenka visiting vandenberg space for space. it is part of a weeklong trip. she will get a briefing on the u.s. space force and then attend a dnc fundraiser. thursday she will be in san francisco for an event focused on maternal health. >> california is near the top of the list for incidents involving laser strikes that you hear about against pilots. the faa says nationwide the number jumped 41% in the last 12 months. pilots have a lot to say about this. kris van cleave says the bright lights can be a matter of life and death. >> we were just hit with a laser. >> reporter: flying low over florida sheriffs watched the helicopter get lit up by a blinding laser aimed at the crew from the ground . >> all you see is green. it is very disorienting. >> reporter: deputy ben c horn was at the controls. >> once the laser hits the cop it bounces everywhere and it is blinding. >> reporter: laser strikes on aircraft are soaring up 41% last year to more than 9700. that is more than an one in our. >> reporter: california, texas and florida lead the nation in incidents. 47 pilots reported injuries last year. lasers can cause a temporary blindness and some cases lasting eye injuries. they often occur just as pilots are about to land. we >> we have a laser pointed at us. >> reporter: in seattle the fbi is offering a $10,000 reward after a dramatic increase in laser incidents. pilots reported more than 100 strikes january. 28 occurring in three days while airliners were taking off or landing . >> we have to be able to see to land the aircraft. >> reporter: it happened to captain laura while she was flying. >> first officer exclaimed and said laser as the entire cockpit lit up and i are bright green. >> reporter: the faa thinks that the laser strikes are increasing the way they are because they are cheap. pilots are trained to look away from the lasers if they see one coming. last year washington state patrol pilots are first in the nation to test new glasses developed by the air force research lab aimed at filtering out laser light to reduce the impact of these strikes. while the number of incidents continue to decline, arrests are rare. -- was able to hone in on one with a laser directing officers to a 17-year-old who is now facing fines on the faa. a warning from police that a beam of light could have you headed to jail in a flash. kris van cleave, cbs news. a recent survey focuses on some of the 47 million people who with their jobs during last year's so-called great resignation. one in five of those who quit during the pandemic had some regrets. many of them wanted higher pay and more responsibility and then they realized their new gig was not their dream job. what if you're trying to move on? on cbs mornings linkedin career expert kathy fisher had this advice . >> it is important to say i took this job, i did not ask the right questions that i needed to. what i discovered during this three month job is this is what is important to me. if you use that time to be self reflective and be honest about it, i think it makes you a strong candidate. if you are being honest and you say i took this job because this is what i was looking for and i realized what i need to be successful -- >> you made a mistake. i think people appreciate it when you say you made a mistake . >> just do not do it all the time. >> the grass is always greener . >> especially if we get more rain. >> look at that transition. that was professionally done. >> we will see more rain tonight and tomorrow and the rest of the work week. it will be damp. the bulk of the rain will move through before the sun comes up on tuesday. allow extra time in the morning. a more powerful system is aiming at us for late wednesday and continuing thursday and friday. we are seeing some returns on radar, we have not had any reports of any traces of rain so far but this is starting to get some of the higher elevations. the bulk of the moisture is still farther off to the north but eventually it will swing towards us. let's switch over to future cast. a good chance of rain moving over the north bay even before the sun goes down. be flexible with outdoor plants north of the golden gate, that rain making its way down towardthe ld gate by 11thmovi a rainfall even in the rain shadow, the valley will be a little lighter. the rain is gone midday tomorrow. cloud cover overhead and a couple sprinkles for the north bay by midday, decreasing class by the afternoon. we will see increasing clouds on wednesday but the rain, it looks like it will hold off until later in the day, maybe a sprinkle for the north bay. the bulk of the rain with the next system will hold off until wednesday evening and wednesday night. most of us will get less than 1/10 of an inch of rain. some spots leveling out between .1 0 1/4 of an inch of rainfall. the santa clara valley will barely get a trace. we do have more in the forecast for later this week. this will be a snow maker for the sierra. from 2:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m. snow above 6500 feet above the highest peaks picking up about 10 inches of snow. the next snow maker for them in the next rainmaker for us moves in late wednesday and the best chances are wednesday night, thursday and lingering showers on friday. the in the forecast droverweekl ofes ceouide right now santrosa mo cloud head far innd trae of e homeopener as they take on the baltimore orioles. temperatures will be in the upper 50s throughout most of the game. partly cloudy skies and it should remain dry unless they go into extra extra innings as shower activity makes its way down towards the central bay. temperatures tonight only dropping down to the mid and upper 40s to around 50. most of it should stay at or above 50. temperatures tomorrow a little below average with the cloud cover for the first half of the day, upper 50s along the coast, mid 60s around the bay mid and upper 60s farther inland. we should be dry for most of the day. showers moving in by wednesday evening. there is the rain icon for thursday and lingering showers friday. dry weather returns over the weekend with warmer temperatures inland reading close to 80 by early next week. things will be drying out once again. at least we have the rain chances this week. how the warriors organization is getting into entertainment. there are movie fans and then the warriors are getting into entertainment. golden state entertainment will produce documentaries, even and music. tee ng at a ioregular-season finale. okland a's recording artist will be golden state entertainment lead artist with a new multi-album contract. >> from music to movies. a lot of people are going back to the theaters. >> not as much as this guy. this is ramiro alanis. he spent $3500 on tickets just to see spiderman no way home. why $3500? he watched it 300 times. in the process he broke the world's record for most cinema productions attended. he spent 720 hours or 30 days watching the film 292 times in the theaters from mid-december to mid-march. some days he watched it five times in a row. to break the record he was not allowed to nap, use his phone or even go to the bathroom during the movie. i have the same rules for my kids. >> he has free time. this is not his first time in the record books. he broke the cord in 2019 by watching avengers: endgame 191 times. >> i wonder what kind of a first date he has. big day coming up at 5:00. the visual reminder of the power of the 1906 quake . >> we take you to show you a unique landmark still standing. that is coming up at 5:00. >> this is a complaint for a lot of people, cell phones have cut down on dinner conversation. >> and eatery in england is offering incentive to stay locked in and engaged with the people you're eating with. you get 20% off your bill if you lock your cell phones away is something called a tabletop phone jail. put your phone in jail and get a discount. it is called spice fusion. they say dinner is better when we eat together. >> i like that . >> it's okay unless you're eating with someone very boring. >> paul, what is the escape word? >> i have no idea. captioning sponsored by cbs >> o'donnell: tonight the breaking news just coming in, the travel mask mandate lifted. the big news that you won't need to wear your mask on a pher pubc transportation. this after a judge's shocking ruling. mask confusion at airports after the surprising order. but in one of america's largest cities, an indoor mask mandate is reinstated. what is means for you. russia's new attacks. tonight ukrainian president zelenskyy announces putin's forces have launch aid new offensive after missiles strublg and killed seven in leviv a city close to the polish border. cyberthreats on the homeland. the new interview from "60 minutes," could russia blow up an oil refinery in the u.s.?

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