Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

what he calls a serious diplomatic path forward as putin's fighter jets arrive near ukraine's border. pregnant women and covid: tonight, the new information for expectant mothers weighing whether to get vaccinated. >> i felt irresponsible, because i put me and my baby at risk. >> o'donnell: breaking news on an issue we've covered extensively: sexual harassment in the military. tonight, president biden making it a crime. and from watching her parents sew clothing to designing her own for stars like serena williams, a true example of the american dream. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> o'donnell: good evening, to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us. we're going to begin tonight with major news from here in the nation's capital. after nearly three decades on the supreme court, justice stephen breyer is expected to retire. sources tell cbs news that the 83-year-old will stay on the bench for the rest of this consequential term, deciding on rights, and he'll wait until the senate confirms a successor. the liberal justice is under pressure from the left to step down while democrats maintain control of the senate and the white house, so his replacement won't change the ideological makeup of the nation's highest court. in recent years, breyer has found himself in the dissent on a bench that has moved more to the right with a 6-3 conservative majority. president biden will now be given the opportunity to fulfill a campaign promise and appoint thefirst black female supreme court justice. we have two reports tonight, starting with cbs' chief legal correspondent jan crawford. good evening, jan. some big news today. >> reporter: it could literally change the face of the supreme courah now, justice breyer let president biden know last week that he plans to retire this summer, so that's now shifting the focus to who will replace him. the court's most-senior liberal, justice stephen breyer, made the decision that was widely expected, giving president biden his first supreme court nomination and the chance to fulfill a campaign pledge. >> i'm looking forward to making sure there's a black woman on the supreme court. >> reporter: the top candidates are all sitting judges, the front-runner: 51-year-old federal appeals court judge ketanji brown jackson, a harvare law school graduate. she was a law clerk for justice breyer. nominated in 1994, by president clinton. breyer has been a pragmatic justice, a defender of civil rights and a staunch opponent of the death penalty. engaging and well liked by his colleagues, he also likes to talk and listen as he told me in this conversation in 2019. >> sit down with a colleague and say-- or try to change their mind. >> yes, i might. but i've learned over time, that everyone on the court, of course, wants everyone to agree with him about everything, all the time. >> reporter: there's long been speculation about when breyer, an older justice, though still as mentally sharp and active as ever, would retire. you're not going anywhere. >> i certainly don't intend to. >> reporter: but that was a year before justice ruth bader ginsburg passed away. giving president trump his third supreme court nomination. breyer, an ardent defender of keeping the court separate fromg passed politics. breyer resisted a drumbeat of pressure from progressives last year that he step down so president biden could replace him. >> when exactly i should retire or will retire has many complex parts to it. i think i'm aware of most of them. >> reporter: this year, the decision, which the left hoped for, was his own. >> o'donnell: and jan crawford is back with us from the supreme court. so, jan, tell us about president biden's short list, and the front-runner, judge ketanji brown jackson. >> reporter: behind judge jackson's strong credentials and the clerkship with justice breyer, i think what makes her an early favorite is that she was recently confirmed by the senate to the prestigious federal court of appeals here in d.c. with 53 votes, including three republicans. and, also, the white house is thinking about moving really quickly on this, which our sources sugest that they are, that means she's also been recently vetted and extensively vetted. she even met with president biden. but of course, some of the other potential nominees on that short list have been recently vetted as well, norah. >> o'donnell: i know you'll be watching closely. jan crawford, thank you. president biden is no stranger to supreme court confirmation hearings. he served as the chair of the judiciary committee when justice breyer was confirmed back in 1994. now he gets to pick breyer's successor. cbs' ed o'keefe joins us. the timing of all this is very significant. >> reporter: that's right, norah. while it was widely expected that breyer would announce his retirement later this year, by the end of the court's term, the fact that it leaked now, even before he was able to tell some supreme court colleagues, gives the white house and the democratic-controlled senate more time to consider nominees, make the pick and hold hearings, and it gives time should the first pick be rejected and they need to pick someone else. by nominating a black woman the president hopes to motivate his party's base and show them he made good on a campaign pledge. >> o'donnell: and ed, what are you hearing from the hill about how quickly they want to move forward on this? >> reporter: well, it depends on the president. we know he has blown through self-imposed deadlines before, especially when making big decisions. sources tell us the west wing was fielding calls today from several key allies and lawmakers about specific nominees. once the president makes his pick, the senate is expected to move quickly, and likely at a pace similar to the roughly one month it took to nominate amy coney barrett and had her confirmed by the full senate. and even amid debate over the future of the president's economic agenda and other big issues, majority leader chuck schumer said today he will clear the senate calendar and move on this with all deliberate speed. norah. >> o'donnell: we'll cover those confirmation hearings. ed o'keefe, thank you. well, it was another roller coaster ride on wall street today after the federal reserve signaled it plans on raising interest rates as early as march in an effort to curb inflation. cbs' carter evans has a report on how the central bank's announcement will have a major impact on what you spend on the year ahead. >> reporter: the fed's announcement today is a signal you're about to pay higher interest rates on everything from credit cards to car loans. it's part of a fight to stabilize prices on everyday items like groceries and gas. >> we're prepared to use our tools to assure that higher inflation does not become entrenched. >> reporter: rates on home loans are already on the rise after the central bank began to slow down its bond-buying stimulus program, making it tough on potential buyers, like nathaniel sietz. >> as those rates increased our budget starts to go down. >> reporter: how much would that impact your monthly payment? >> so it's been about already $200 extra on the monthly payment. >> reporter: the pandemic changed the way americans spend their money, less on vacations and eating out and more on consumer goods. that high demand couples with labor shortages and business slowdowns have pushed the u.s. inflation rate to 7%, the highest level in 40 years. the upcoming rate increase is designed to cool inflation by making it more expensive to borrow, and in turn, slow down consumer spending. >> the federal reserve is trying to fight a battle against inflation, and investors are very concerned that that battle is one where the fed may have entered too late and may have to play catch-up. >> reporter: polling out today shows almost half of americans now say rising prices are causing a hardship for their families. >> inflation, right away, right away, forces people like that to make very difficult decisions. >> reporter: economists and investors are anticipating as many as four interest rate hikes this year. what should americans do with this news? >> well, i'll tell you, if i had an outstanding loan, which was going to start increasing in cost, i would try to whittle it down. >> reporter: now, the fed chair does not think the rate increase is going to hurt the job market, and a decrease in consumer spending could potentially relieve some pressure on a supply chain that's still struggling to deliver. norah. >> o'donnell: that would be some good news. carter evans, thank you. tens of millions of americans are dealing with bone-chilling temperatures tonight across much of the great plains and midwest. meanwhile, the northeast is bracing for a nor'easter that could bring blizzard conditions and up to 20 inches of snow to new england. cbs' lonnie quinn joins us with all the details on this bomb cyclone. tell us about that, lonnie. >> that means a storm heavily intensifies in 24 hours. what's tricky with this particular storm, look at the radar picture, we're trying to track something still days away from forming. i know you see some snow there around dallas. that fades away. that's not even a part of what we're looking at. the computer model shows us some time on friday, the storm will form exit off the southeast coast, pushes up to the northeast and by saturday 4:00 p.m. it's putting snow down at least two inches per hour, maybe more, from boston to the hamptons. so if it takes that track, there's a 70% chance it will stay offshore and affect a place like boston with the bullseye of the storm, but there's a 30% chance it will wobble a bit more, and give bigger snow totals to other big cities. but as it stands now, the likelihood is it will stay stays offshore and philadelphia will pick up three inches of snow, new york city could see six inches of snow, hartford, possibly a foot of snow, and the area just south of boston, you could see the bullseye with two feet of snow, maybe more, in some spots. we have to watch the track. we're still days away. this would be friday night into saturday. we'll give you updates, norah, as we get them. >> o'donnell: thank you, lonnie quinn. well now to the frigid relationship between the u.s. and russia over ukraine. this was a day of diplomatic discussions and military maneuvers. cbs' chief foreign affairs correspondent margaret brennan has more. >> reporter: with more russian fighter jets positioned in neighboring belarus within striking distance of ukraine, six u.s. fighter jets arrived to the region ahead of an attack that the u.s. estimates could come in the next three weeks. >> that's what's really causing all the tensions right now is this very, very big buildup of forces that he has along the border with ukraine and belarus. >> reporter: today, the u.s. and nato offered vladimir putin a way out. the u.s. ambassador to moscow delivered a written response to russia's demand that nato halt its expansion and never allow former soviet states, including ukraine, to join the alliance. >> there's no change. there will be no change. >> reporter: secretary blinken said no such concessions will be made, but the u.s. did put an offer on the table. was this just to show you tried? >> as we said, the placement of offensive missile systems in ukraine, military exercises and maneuvers in europe, all of these things would address i think mutual concerns, including concerns stated by russia, and advance collective security. >> reporter: 8500 u.s. troops were put on high alert for near- term deployment in case diplomacy fails. toats secrary-general says 5,000 allied forces are set to go. >> we have plans in place that we can activate, execute on very short notice. >> reporter: no one is quite sure what vladimir putin will do. next week, he is set to travel to china for the start of the olympic games. and the state department says that may impact timing of an attack. >> i think that probably president xi jinping would not be ecstatic if putin chose that moment to invade ukraine. so that may affect his timing and his thinking. >> o'donnell: it's a really interesting point. margaret joins us now. you have reporting on whether president biden would want to personally sanction the russian president. >> reporter: norah, the u.s. could sanction putin, but at this point, the white house has not decided to do so. according to source i speak to, if you do that, it creates some technical complications. if you sanction someone, you have to negotiate with, how do they travel? coordination-wise, it also gets complicated. what may be more effective as a strategy is putting pressure on the oligarchs close to him, their business interests and heir bank accounts so they, in turn, put pressure on putin. >> o'donnell: all right, margaret brennan, thank you. turning now to covid. the c.d.c. predicts at least 62,000 more americans could die from the virus over the next four weeks. the u.s. now averages more than 2,200 covid deaths a day. that's a 21% increase since last week. meanwhile, the federal government started the distribution of 400 million free n95 masks from its strategic national stockpile at pharmacies and community health centers. there is news tonight about whether the covid vaccine and community health centers. there is news about whether the impacts fertility. cbs' nikki battiste reports not only does data say the vaccines are safe and effective and don't cause infertility. but a new study shows not being vaccinate result in dire outcomes. >> reporter: at seven months pregnant, this is not where kntrice anadumaka expected to be-- battling covid in an i.c.u. bed wearing an oxygen mask, fighting for her life and her baby's. >> i would wake up gasping for air. and experiencing that night after night, and i would sit and count my breaths because i didn't know if i would survive the night. >> reporter: she was unvaccinated. what is going through your mind? >> to be honest-- and this part gets me a little emotional-- i felt irresponsible because i put me and my baby at risk. >> i will never forget the look of complete fear in her eyes. >> reporter: dr. emily miller, chief of obstetrics at northwestern memorial hospital in chicago, was her physician. >> a large portion of her lungs were really destroyed by the virus. >> reporter: a recent study from scotland found that more than 90% of pregnant women hospitalized with covid are unvaccinated, a group at much higher risk of severe complications, like premature birth, stillbirth, or neonatal death, which occurs when a baby is less than a month old. luckily, anadumaka gave birth to c.j., a healthy baby boy. >> c.j.! >> reporter: now seven months old, they reunited with dr. miller, whom the new mom says saved their lives. >> your momma is a fighter. she is. she's a rock star. >> reporter: during her eight weeks in the hospital, anadumaka did get vaccinated. >> i'm so glad they actually get to be here to mother him and love on him and raise him. i'm just honored that we made it. >> reporter: a new study out today shows covid vaccines do not affect fertility. other new data reveals women vaccinated during pregnancy in any trimester pass antibodies to their fetus. norah. >> o'donnell: such important reporting. thank you, nikki battiste. president biden signed an executive order today to make sexual harassment a crime under military law. the order also improves the way domestic violence cases are handled and toughens penalties for sharing sexual images without permission. this news comes after our multi- year cbs news investigation that reported extensively on how victims felt ignored, or even faced retaliation, after making complaints. these are historic changes and a step forward in a decades-long battle for reform. all right, there is still much more news ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." an explosion rocks a louisiana chemical plant. and why neil young's music is being removed from spotify. sic s beale removed from spotify. i'm a fancy exercise bike noobie. and i've gone from zero to obsessed in like... three days. instructor: come on milwaukee! i see you! after riding twelve miles to nowhere, i'm taking a detour. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could be working out a way to pay for this yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! >> o'donnell: six people were hurt from an explosion today at a louisiana chemical plant. thick, black smoke rose from the westlake chemical plant. the company says a fire occurred near a storage tank that had been taken out of service. five of the injured were treated at hospitals. all right, a texas man is under arrest tonight on a federal gun charge related to this month's synagogue standoff near dallas. prosecutors say henry williams sold the semiautomatic pistol used to hold a rabbi and three others hostage for almost 11 hours. the gunman allegedly said he bought it to intimidate somebody who owed him money. you won't be able to listen to neil young on spotify anymore. the streaming service is honoring his demand to be taken off the platform. young is angry at spotify for featuring comedian joe rogan's podcast. young accuses rogan of spreading misinformation about covid vaccines. spotify said in a statement they regret young's decision but hope to welcome him back soon. coming up next, a fashion designer's journey from the garment factory to beverly hills. designer's journey from the garment factory to beverly hills. 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>> it's very empowering to let come from.proud of whehey >> reporter: the name glaudi honors her mother, gladis, who now works alongside her. hernandez also created a line for men, inspired by her father, who recently died of covid. >> i wanted to bring a light and honor them. >> reporter: celebrating her family and culture, the most important threads in her life. >> with everything in my life, when things are hard, i try to see the bright side. >> reporter: the bright side! >> you just gave me my new slogan. >> reporter: lilia luciano, cbs news, beverly hills. >> o'donnell: that is the american dream. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. construct. construction. there is a crack. oh god are you kidding me?! oh god... hi, aren't you tired of this? -yes! good days start with good nights. seems like a good time to find out about both. why are you talking like that? is this an ad? are we in an ad? as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> o'donnell: on tomorrow's "cbs evening news," in our latest "eye on america," struggling ranchers find innovative ways to keep going in the face of an historic drought. and if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is onight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell in our nation's capital. a lot of news today. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captione by media acce . his target was the asian community. he is accused in a string of san francisco hate crimes, the da wanted him behind bars, why isn't he? suspect in and out of trouble. and why the chp says he was trying to get hit by oncoming traffic. the one simple question, is there anybody sane in california any more? a legal showdown in san jose as gun the city's new insurance requirements. and getting the red and gold, meeting the 49ers l.a. fan base as we give you a live look at coit tower. as the landmarks lit up for the 49ers tonight. good evening. the team hit the practice field in santa clara today ahead of the trip to l.a. to meet the rival rams in the championship. vern tkpwepb is -- vern glen is there with the action. >> reporter: not about the action happening inside it is about the practice field outside. as championship week continues to soldier on. today was a big one. game plan insulation day. samuel, nice and loose. then, the quarterback, jimmy garoppolo, he continues to take plenty of

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240708

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what he calls a serious diplomatic path forward as putin's fighter jets arrive near ukraine's border. pregnant women and covid: tonight, the new information for expectant mothers weighing whether to get vaccinated. >> i felt irresponsible, because i put me and my baby at risk. >> o'donnell: breaking news on an issue we've covered extensively: sexual harassment in the military. tonight, president biden making it a crime. and from watching her parents sew clothing to designing her own for stars like serena williams, a true example of the american dream. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> o'donnell: good evening, to our viewers in the west, and thank you for joining us. we're going to begin tonight with major news from here in the nation's capital. after nearly three decades on the supreme court, justice stephen breyer is expected to retire. sources tell cbs news that the 83-year-old will stay on the bench for the rest of this consequential term, deciding on rights, and he'll wait until the senate confirms a successor. the liberal justice is under pressure from the left to step down while democrats maintain control of the senate and the white house, so his replacement won't change the ideological makeup of the nation's highest court. in recent years, breyer has found himself in the dissent on a bench that has moved more to the right with a 6-3 conservative majority. president biden will now be given the opportunity to fulfill a campaign promise and appoint thefirst black female supreme court justice. we have two reports tonight, starting with cbs' chief legal correspondent jan crawford. good evening, jan. some big news today. >> reporter: it could literally change the face of the supreme courah now, justice breyer let president biden know last week that he plans to retire this summer, so that's now shifting the focus to who will replace him. the court's most-senior liberal, justice stephen breyer, made the decision that was widely expected, giving president biden his first supreme court nomination and the chance to fulfill a campaign pledge. >> i'm looking forward to making sure there's a black woman on the supreme court. >> reporter: the top candidates are all sitting judges, the front-runner: 51-year-old federal appeals court judge ketanji brown jackson, a harvare law school graduate. she was a law clerk for justice breyer. nominated in 1994, by president clinton. breyer has been a pragmatic justice, a defender of civil rights and a staunch opponent of the death penalty. engaging and well liked by his colleagues, he also likes to talk and listen as he told me in this conversation in 2019. >> sit down with a colleague and say-- or try to change their mind. >> yes, i might. but i've learned over time, that everyone on the court, of course, wants everyone to agree with him about everything, all the time. >> reporter: there's long been speculation about when breyer, an older justice, though still as mentally sharp and active as ever, would retire. you're not going anywhere. >> i certainly don't intend to. >> reporter: but that was a year before justice ruth bader ginsburg passed away. giving president trump his third supreme court nomination. breyer, an ardent defender of keeping the court separate fromg passed politics. breyer resisted a drumbeat of pressure from progressives last year that he step down so president biden could replace him. >> when exactly i should retire or will retire has many complex parts to it. i think i'm aware of most of them. >> reporter: this year, the decision, which the left hoped for, was his own. >> o'donnell: and jan crawford is back with us from the supreme court. so, jan, tell us about president biden's short list, and the front-runner, judge ketanji brown jackson. >> reporter: behind judge jackson's strong credentials and the clerkship with justice breyer, i think what makes her an early favorite is that she was recently confirmed by the senate to the prestigious federal court of appeals here in d.c. with 53 votes, including three republicans. and, also, the white house is thinking about moving really quickly on this, which our sources sugest that they are, that means she's also been recently vetted and extensively vetted. she even met with president biden. but of course, some of the other potential nominees on that short list have been recently vetted as well, norah. >> o'donnell: i know you'll be watching closely. jan crawford, thank you. president biden is no stranger to supreme court confirmation hearings. he served as the chair of the judiciary committee when justice breyer was confirmed back in 1994. now he gets to pick breyer's successor. cbs' ed o'keefe joins us. the timing of all this is very significant. >> reporter: that's right, norah. while it was widely expected that breyer would announce his retirement later this year, by the end of the court's term, the fact that it leaked now, even before he was able to tell some supreme court colleagues, gives the white house and the democratic-controlled senate more time to consider nominees, make the pick and hold hearings, and it gives time should the first pick be rejected and they need to pick someone else. by nominating a black woman the president hopes to motivate his party's base and show them he made good on a campaign pledge. >> o'donnell: and ed, what are you hearing from the hill about how quickly they want to move forward on this? >> reporter: well, it depends on the president. we know he has blown through self-imposed deadlines before, especially when making big decisions. sources tell us the west wing was fielding calls today from several key allies and lawmakers about specific nominees. once the president makes his pick, the senate is expected to move quickly, and likely at a pace similar to the roughly one month it took to nominate amy coney barrett and had her confirmed by the full senate. and even amid debate over the future of the president's economic agenda and other big issues, majority leader chuck schumer said today he will clear the senate calendar and move on this with all deliberate speed. norah. >> o'donnell: we'll cover those confirmation hearings. ed o'keefe, thank you. well, it was another roller coaster ride on wall street today after the federal reserve signaled it plans on raising interest rates as early as march in an effort to curb inflation. cbs' carter evans has a report on how the central bank's announcement will have a major impact on what you spend on the year ahead. >> reporter: the fed's announcement today is a signal you're about to pay higher interest rates on everything from credit cards to car loans. it's part of a fight to stabilize prices on everyday items like groceries and gas. >> we're prepared to use our tools to assure that higher inflation does not become entrenched. >> reporter: rates on home loans are already on the rise after the central bank began to slow down its bond-buying stimulus program, making it tough on potential buyers, like nathaniel sietz. >> as those rates increased our budget starts to go down. >> reporter: how much would that impact your monthly payment? >> so it's been about already $200 extra on the monthly payment. >> reporter: the pandemic changed the way americans spend their money, less on vacations and eating out and more on consumer goods. that high demand couples with labor shortages and business slowdowns have pushed the u.s. inflation rate to 7%, the highest level in 40 years. the upcoming rate increase is designed to cool inflation by making it more expensive to borrow, and in turn, slow down consumer spending. >> the federal reserve is trying to fight a battle against inflation, and investors are very concerned that that battle is one where the fed may have entered too late and may have to play catch-up. >> reporter: polling out today shows almost half of americans now say rising prices are causing a hardship for their families. >> inflation, right away, right away, forces people like that to make very difficult decisions. >> reporter: economists and investors are anticipating as many as four interest rate hikes this year. what should americans do with this news? >> well, i'll tell you, if i had an outstanding loan, which was going to start increasing in cost, i would try to whittle it down. >> reporter: now, the fed chair does not think the rate increase is going to hurt the job market, and a decrease in consumer spending could potentially relieve some pressure on a supply chain that's still struggling to deliver. norah. >> o'donnell: that would be some good news. carter evans, thank you. tens of millions of americans are dealing with bone-chilling temperatures tonight across much of the great plains and midwest. meanwhile, the northeast is bracing for a nor'easter that could bring blizzard conditions and up to 20 inches of snow to new england. cbs' lonnie quinn joins us with all the details on this bomb cyclone. tell us about that, lonnie. >> that means a storm heavily intensifies in 24 hours. what's tricky with this particular storm, look at the radar picture, we're trying to track something still days away from forming. i know you see some snow there around dallas. that fades away. that's not even a part of what we're looking at. the computer model shows us some time on friday, the storm will form exit off the southeast coast, pushes up to the northeast and by saturday 4:00 p.m. it's putting snow down at least two inches per hour, maybe more, from boston to the hamptons. so if it takes that track, there's a 70% chance it will stay offshore and affect a place like boston with the bullseye of the storm, but there's a 30% chance it will wobble a bit more, and give bigger snow totals to other big cities. but as it stands now, the likelihood is it will stay stays offshore and philadelphia will pick up three inches of snow, new york city could see six inches of snow, hartford, possibly a foot of snow, and the area just south of boston, you could see the bullseye with two feet of snow, maybe more, in some spots. we have to watch the track. we're still days away. this would be friday night into saturday. we'll give you updates, norah, as we get them. >> o'donnell: thank you, lonnie quinn. well now to the frigid relationship between the u.s. and russia over ukraine. this was a day of diplomatic discussions and military maneuvers. cbs' chief foreign affairs correspondent margaret brennan has more. >> reporter: with more russian fighter jets positioned in neighboring belarus within striking distance of ukraine, six u.s. fighter jets arrived to the region ahead of an attack that the u.s. estimates could come in the next three weeks. >> that's what's really causing all the tensions right now is this very, very big buildup of forces that he has along the border with ukraine and belarus. >> reporter: today, the u.s. and nato offered vladimir putin a way out. the u.s. ambassador to moscow delivered a written response to russia's demand that nato halt its expansion and never allow former soviet states, including ukraine, to join the alliance. >> there's no change. there will be no change. >> reporter: secretary blinken said no such concessions will be made, but the u.s. did put an offer on the table. was this just to show you tried? >> as we said, the placement of offensive missile systems in ukraine, military exercises and maneuvers in europe, all of these things would address i think mutual concerns, including concerns stated by russia, and advance collective security. >> reporter: 8500 u.s. troops were put on high alert for near- term deployment in case diplomacy fails. toats secrary-general says 5,000 allied forces are set to go. >> we have plans in place that we can activate, execute on very short notice. >> reporter: no one is quite sure what vladimir putin will do. next week, he is set to travel to china for the start of the olympic games. and the state department says that may impact timing of an attack. >> i think that probably president xi jinping would not be ecstatic if putin chose that moment to invade ukraine. so that may affect his timing and his thinking. >> o'donnell: it's a really interesting point. margaret joins us now. you have reporting on whether president biden would want to personally sanction the russian president. >> reporter: norah, the u.s. could sanction putin, but at this point, the white house has not decided to do so. according to source i speak to, if you do that, it creates some technical complications. if you sanction someone, you have to negotiate with, how do they travel? coordination-wise, it also gets complicated. what may be more effective as a strategy is putting pressure on the oligarchs close to him, their business interests and heir bank accounts so they, in turn, put pressure on putin. >> o'donnell: all right, margaret brennan, thank you. turning now to covid. the c.d.c. predicts at least 62,000 more americans could die from the virus over the next four weeks. the u.s. now averages more than 2,200 covid deaths a day. that's a 21% increase since last week. meanwhile, the federal government started the distribution of 400 million free n95 masks from its strategic national stockpile at pharmacies and community health centers. there is news tonight about whether the covid vaccine and community health centers. there is news about whether the impacts fertility. cbs' nikki battiste reports not only does data say the vaccines are safe and effective and don't cause infertility. but a new study shows not being vaccinate result in dire outcomes. >> reporter: at seven months pregnant, this is not where kntrice anadumaka expected to be-- battling covid in an i.c.u. bed wearing an oxygen mask, fighting for her life and her baby's. >> i would wake up gasping for air. and experiencing that night after night, and i would sit and count my breaths because i didn't know if i would survive the night. >> reporter: she was unvaccinated. what is going through your mind? >> to be honest-- and this part gets me a little emotional-- i felt irresponsible because i put me and my baby at risk. >> i will never forget the look of complete fear in her eyes. >> reporter: dr. emily miller, chief of obstetrics at northwestern memorial hospital in chicago, was her physician. >> a large portion of her lungs were really destroyed by the virus. >> reporter: a recent study from scotland found that more than 90% of pregnant women hospitalized with covid are unvaccinated, a group at much higher risk of severe complications, like premature birth, stillbirth, or neonatal death, which occurs when a baby is less than a month old. luckily, anadumaka gave birth to c.j., a healthy baby boy. >> c.j.! >> reporter: now seven months old, they reunited with dr. miller, whom the new mom says saved their lives. >> your momma is a fighter. she is. she's a rock star. >> reporter: during her eight weeks in the hospital, anadumaka did get vaccinated. >> i'm so glad they actually get to be here to mother him and love on him and raise him. i'm just honored that we made it. >> reporter: a new study out today shows covid vaccines do not affect fertility. other new data reveals women vaccinated during pregnancy in any trimester pass antibodies to their fetus. norah. >> o'donnell: such important reporting. thank you, nikki battiste. president biden signed an executive order today to make sexual harassment a crime under military law. the order also improves the way domestic violence cases are handled and toughens penalties for sharing sexual images without permission. this news comes after our multi- year cbs news investigation that reported extensively on how victims felt ignored, or even faced retaliation, after making complaints. these are historic changes and a step forward in a decades-long battle for reform. all right, there is still much more news ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." an explosion rocks a louisiana chemical plant. and why neil young's music is being removed from spotify. sic s beale removed from spotify. i'm a fancy exercise bike noobie. and i've gone from zero to obsessed in like... three days. instructor: come on milwaukee! i see you! after riding twelve miles to nowhere, i'm taking a detour. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could be working out a way to pay for this yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! >> o'donnell: six people were hurt from an explosion today at a louisiana chemical plant. thick, black smoke rose from the westlake chemical plant. the company says a fire occurred near a storage tank that had been taken out of service. five of the injured were treated at hospitals. all right, a texas man is under arrest tonight on a federal gun charge related to this month's synagogue standoff near dallas. prosecutors say henry williams sold the semiautomatic pistol used to hold a rabbi and three others hostage for almost 11 hours. the gunman allegedly said he bought it to intimidate somebody who owed him money. you won't be able to listen to neil young on spotify anymore. the streaming service is honoring his demand to be taken off the platform. young is angry at spotify for featuring comedian joe rogan's podcast. young accuses rogan of spreading misinformation about covid vaccines. spotify said in a statement they regret young's decision but hope to welcome him back soon. coming up next, a fashion designer's journey from the garment factory to beverly hills. designer's journey from the garment factory to beverly hills. 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>> it's very empowering to let come from.proud of whehey >> reporter: the name glaudi honors her mother, gladis, who now works alongside her. hernandez also created a line for men, inspired by her father, who recently died of covid. >> i wanted to bring a light and honor them. >> reporter: celebrating her family and culture, the most important threads in her life. >> with everything in my life, when things are hard, i try to see the bright side. >> reporter: the bright side! >> you just gave me my new slogan. >> reporter: lilia luciano, cbs news, beverly hills. >> o'donnell: that is the american dream. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. construct. construction. there is a crack. oh god are you kidding me?! oh god... hi, aren't you tired of this? -yes! good days start with good nights. seems like a good time to find out about both. why are you talking like that? is this an ad? are we in an ad? as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> o'donnell: on tomorrow's "cbs evening news," in our latest "eye on america," struggling ranchers find innovative ways to keep going in the face of an historic drought. and if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is onight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell in our nation's capital. a lot of news today. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captione by media acce . his target was the asian community. he is accused in a string of san francisco hate crimes, the da wanted him behind bars, why isn't he? suspect in and out of trouble. and why the chp says he was trying to get hit by oncoming traffic. the one simple question, is there anybody sane in california any more? a legal showdown in san jose as gun the city's new insurance requirements. and getting the red and gold, meeting the 49ers l.a. fan base as we give you a live look at coit tower. as the landmarks lit up for the 49ers tonight. good evening. the team hit the practice field in santa clara today ahead of the trip to l.a. to meet the rival rams in the championship. vern tkpwepb is -- vern glen is there with the action. >> reporter: not about the action happening inside it is about the practice field outside. as championship week continues to soldier on. today was a big one. game plan insulation day. samuel, nice and loose. then, the quarterback, jimmy garoppolo, he continues to take plenty of

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