Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

the queen's gambit, her imagine industry strips prince andrew md duties as he faces a sexual assault lawsuit as a private citizen. dangerous winter storm, heavy snow and arctic cold from the midwest to the east coast heading our way. voting rights defeat, just days after the president vowed to pass landmark legislation, tonight the serious hors hurdle he faces. eye on america, the two unlikely heroes hoping to bring vital services to one of the nation's poorest communities. and writing to freedom, one afghan woman's journey from taliban rule to the american dream. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. we start tonight with some very significant decisions by the u.s. supreme court. a mixed pair of rights that will directly impact nearly 100 million americans. the cort's conservative majority says the biden administration does not have the authority to impose a vaccine or test rule on private companies, but it does have the ability to mandate covid shots for most health workers. president biden said he was disappointed by the decision to block "common sense requirements for large businesses" but that keeping the rule for doctors nurses and others who work in settings that receive federal aid will save lives. the decisions as the u.s. is facing a surge in new cases and record hospitalizations. as we come on the air, nearly 63% of americans are fully vaccinated. cbs's meg oliver joins us with all of the day's developments. good evening, meg. >> reporter:more, good evening. we have new details about those rulings, and the news comes as president biden announced new resources for hospitals facing staffing issues like this one, and the administration will buy 500 million more covid 19 at-home tests for americans. tonight a blow to the biden administration as covid cases careen out of control across the u.s. the supreme court blocking the president's bland to require employees at large private companies to be vaccinated or test w weekly for covid. but the court is allowing the mandate for most healthcare workers, this as the president called in the military today to help overwhelmed hospitals in six states survive the surge. >> if you're unvaccinated, if they test positive, you are 17 times more likely to get hospitalized. as a result, their crowding the hospitals, leaving little rim for anyone else who might have a heart attack or an injury in an automobile accident. >> reporter: tooled marked the highest 7-day average for hospitalizations since the pandemic began and, in new jersey, hospitalizations are up more than 320% compared to this time last month. at university hospital in newark, more than 300 workers are out, while patients continue to stream in, nearly half are infected with covid, 17 of them are on ventilators. how dire is your staffing shortage? >> extremely dire right now. it's really bad, i'm being transparent with the public but also my staff. >> reporter: 123 medics will arrive next week to help for a month. >> the risk of losing hospital care and more staff every day, all of those keep me up every night. >> reporter: one out of every five hospitals has a critical staffing shortage nationwide and six states report an i.c.u. capacity of less than 10%. so you've reached the break point? >> i really do think so. i think our nurses who have been working again for weeks on end and our doctors and our support staff really are at the limit. >> reporter: there is a glimmer of hope. over the last four days here, the doctor sails cases have leveled off but the staffing spornlgts could last several weeks if not months. norah. >> o'donnell: thinking of our healthcare workers, meg oliver, thanks. we turn to a significant new development into the sprawling investigation into the january 6th attack on the capitol. the justice department today, for the first time, filing the most serious charge yet against members of the oath keepers -- seditious conspiracy, alleging the group confired to overthrow the u.s. government with force. cbs's jeff pegues has all the stunning new details. >> reporter: prosecutors say the eleven oath keepers charged today with seditious conspiracy began planning for attack shortly after president biden's victory became official. >> it's amazing trump will let the election be stolen out from under him and the country be stolen, our government. >> reporter: the far right ar leader with a yale law degree sent a message on january 5 #, we aren't getting true this without a civil war. over the next month, prosecutors say rhodes arrested today in texas used encrypted apps to organize the assault. oath keepers outfitted in combat gear were seen marching in tack formation through the crowd up the east steps of the capitol. prosecutors say rhodes who was not at the capitol was directing them through cell phone and a chat app. they allege the stack it mr. in two once inside the chamber, one towards the chamber to disrupt certification and the other to the house to speaker pelosi. officers say rhodes had offstandby forces in virginia to be called to escalate the attack. 20 oath keepers have been charged today with insurrection. >> it wasn't just unruly mob. >> reporter: harry litman, u.s. attorney. >> we're past the point of seeing this as some kind of spontaneous riot and really into sikh it as an actual assault on the operation offu.s. law itself. >> reporter: tonight, rhodes' attorney disputed the charges contained in the court documents including the allegation that, after all the violence here on january 6th, some of the oath keepers went to a restaurant in nearby virginia, and they celebrated, and also allegedly planned what was coming next. norah. >> o'donnell: jeff pegues on capitol hill. now to the weather. a massive storm system will bring up to a foot of snow for parts to have the plains and midwest before aiming at the south and east this "weekend news." cbs's lonnie quinn is tracking the storm for us. what are we going to get? >> reporter: we're watching a storm that doesn't look like a storm now. it's going to develop. if you take a look at the radar picture, around seattle, just coming onshore. now it's a mess. it orgs, gets pushed through the northern plains. des moines picks up a half or food or more by saturday morning at 6:00 a.m., snowing starred st. louis. sunday morning snow as faras jackson, h's h's, stretching to places like north carolina or so. the icing is taking place from atlanta into raleigh. by monday snowing from rail lea into pennsylvania. wernl north carolina and western virginia, upstate new york the biggest numbers, nashville 6 inches, asheville 16 inches. the biggest number buffalo 20 inches. the biggest northeast cities missed this one about an inch around philadelphia, boston and new york city. that's the way we see this storm. >> o'donnell: lonnie quinn, thank you. in a last ditch effort to pass voting rights legislation, president biden made his way down pennsylvania avenue toward capitol hill to complete with senate d.m.s. the president all but accepted the defeat admitting he doesn't have the votes to get the bill through kong. scott macfarlane. >> reporter: mr. president, whose mind can be changed? president biden tried to swing u.s. snrtsdz today but was disarmed before he arrived. >> joint that we can get it done but i know as long as i have a breath in me, i'm going to be fighting to change the way these legislators are moving. >> reporter: one of the two democratic senators the president needed announcedoton senate floor she was not on board. >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division iinfecting our country. >> reporter: democrats are pushing voting rights legislation to make election day a federal holiday, require all states to allow early and mail-in voting andmaker i want harder for states to pass voter i.d. laws. without all 50 democrats voting, there's no path forward. president obama tried to nudge the holdouts saying america's longstanding experiment in democracy is being sorely tested. there are limits on ballot boxes and tougher restrictions on voter i.d.s. >> we missed this time and the the state legislative bodies continue to change the law not as to who can vote but who gets to count the vote, count the vote, count the vote! >> he's running scared. the left believes he's failed on multiple fronts and they don't believe he's fought hard enough to bring about voting rights. >> reporter: cbs news learned the two holdout senators are meeting at the white house tonight, but there's no indication of any spark to jump start his stalled political effort. norah.>>nellme lni arm twisting. scott macfarlane, thank you. a stunning turn in the prince andrew jeffrey epstein scandal, queen elizabeth stripped her son of all royal titles and duties. a terse two sentence statement a month before the queen celebrates her platinum jubilee marking her 70 year reign as monarch. >> reporter: of all that glittered in prince andrew's glittered life, it was the pomp and pageantry of the military that saw him on parade, and, now, that's gone. in a brief statement from the queen tonight, she stripped her second son of a range of military affiliations and royal patpatronages. a royal source confirmed prince andrew would no longer use the title his royal highness. this a day after a manhattan court judge rejected his efforts to dismiss a sexual assault civil lawsuit against him by virginia. giuffre says jeffrey epstein trafficked her to the prince in early 2000s when she was just 17 and says she was raped by andrew, allegations he denies. >> so the idea of a financial settlement is not the thing that's of interest to her, then, is it? >> a beautiful financial settlement is not anything that i think she's interested in. >> reporter: right. >> reporter: this latest twist after 150 british military veterans wrote to the queen to ask her to strip the prince of his honorary military roles. andrew hasn't performed any official duty since 2019 and is rarely seen in public but was pictured leaving his home in windsor today hours before the queen's announcement. a source close to prince andrew tells cbs news this case is "a marathon and not a sprint" and that andrew will continue to defend himself, but, after tonight, that defense, the palace says, will be as a private citizen. norah. >> o'donnell: imtiaz tyab in london. breaking news, california governor gavin newsom denied parole to robert f. kennedy's assassin sirhan sirhan after more than a half century behind bars. newsom rejected a recommendation from a patrol commissioners saying sirhan sirhan was an unreasonable public threat, the kennedy familiar sly says they're deeply relieved by the decision. a hidden cries in vulnerable communities, many are living without things most of us take for granted, like running water and sanitation. the new trillion infrastructure act provides nearly # $12 billion to fix that. in tonight's eye on america, cbs's adam yamaguchi takes us to rural alabama where help is needed. >> reporter: america in 21st cee in the backyards of the rural poor. in lowndes county, alabama, perman hardy knows all about it. >> when there's a lot of rain you cannot flush the toilet. >> reporter: if you did it would be all over your house. >> yes, when it goes bloop, bloop, get ready, here it comes. >> reporter: in the unincorporated areas of this county, the martin luther king famously led selma to montgomery march, there's no municipal sewage system and for an estimated 80% of households no adequate september system either. >> backs up in the shower, backs up in the tub, gnats everywhere. >> reporter: r raw sewage flooded his mother's house. >> this is the tub that had the most problems. >> reporter: were you concerned about her health. >> yes, very. >> reporter: untreated sewage can lead to bacterial infections and intestinal parasites. the only solution is a new system, but the hard clay soil here requires specially designed septic systems that can cause as much as a median household income in lowndes county, alabama. >> with the brown car. ick house. >> reporter: which is why sherry bradley of the alabama department of public health and perman hardy are taking matters into their own hands. >> this is the first meeting to have the black elt unincorporated waste water program. >> reporter: bradley and hardy raised $700,000 in donations to install working systems. qualifying residents make a one-time down payment, then pay a $20 monthly fee. >> every time it rains, people -- they know what might happen, they know that sewage may shoot out and come back in the house. >> reporter: that sort of damage does that do? >> i can't imagine. i just can't imagine. thank you so much for helping out here. >> reporter: but on this day, bradley and hardy's teamwork paid off. they got a new septic system installed at earnestine gordon's place. >> i am so happy that i don't know have to come outside and look at this. it's going to go that way instead of that way. momma says hallelujah! hallelujah! >> it's great. been a long hot day. >> reporter: renna gordon can only hope she's next. do you know when it might happen? >> i really don't know. i hope it will be soon. >> reporter: adam yamaguchi for eye on america, cbs news, lowndes county, alabama. >> o'donnell: we learned the justice department is opening an investigation into the state. tonight on "cbs evening news," a wild video of a brazen carjacking this afternoon in new york city. with unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans, there's so much to take advantage of. like $0 copays on virtual visits... - wow! - uh-huh. ...$0 copays on primary care visits... ...and lab tests. - wow. - uh-huh. plus, $0 copays on tier 1 & tier 2 prescription drugs. - wow. - uh-huh. unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. most plans have a $0 premium. take advantage now. wow! hello, how can i? 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yeah, i was afraid if someone is seeing me, like they will beat me or maybe they will harass me. >> reporter: she persevered, ultimately leading the afghanistan women's cycling team, which was nominated for the nobel peace prize, but then last summer the taliban resumed control. what was behind your decision to get out and were you afraid then? >> i'm sorry... >> reporter: after four dangers days of waiting, she finally got a flight out. >> i left my bicycle, my everything, my family. >> reporter: she's starting a new life in virginia, pursuing her goal of becoming a dentist and joining a competitive bike team. her focus, to compete in the olympics. >> what flag would you hope to represent? >> for my country. >> reporter: for afghanistan? for afghanistan. >> reporter: and for all the young girls still there. jan crawford,cc, fairfax, -- cbs news, fairfax, virginia. >> o'donnell: we are cheering her on. we'll be right back. a heart va. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. # stewart stewart try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! manhood looks different from guy to guy. but when yours bends in a different direction, you might feel bothered by it. so talk to a urologist. because a bend in your erection might be peyronie's disease or pd. it's a condition that involves a buildup of scar tissue. but, it's treatable. xiaflex is the only fda- approved nonsurgical treatment for appropriate adult men with peyronie's disease. along with daily penile stretching and straightening exercises, xiaflex has been proven to help gradually reduce the bend. don't receive if the treatment area involves your urethra, or if you're allergic to any collagenase or any of the ingredients. may cause serious side effects, including: penile fracture or other serious injury during an erection, and severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. seek help if you have any of these symptoms. do not have any sexual activity during and for at least 4 weeks after each treatment cycle. sudden back pain reactions after treatment may occur. tell your doctor if you have a bleeding condition or take blood thinners as risk of bleeding or bruising at the treatment site is increased. talk to a urologist about what your manhood could look like. find a xiaflex-trained urologist at do you struggle with occasional nerve aches talk to a urologist about what your manhood could look like. in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. >> reporter: on tomorrow's "cbs evening news," steve hartman has a lost and found love story more than 40 years in the making. and also a quick thank you -- we have been overwhelmed by how many of you have donated blood this week and tagged us. every donation can save three lives, so thank you so much. if you still want to donate, we have resources on our web site. that's tonig >> judge judy: of what crime were you convicted and placed on probation? >> identity theft, prescription fraud and possession. >> judge judy: were you incarcerated at all? >> yes, ma'am. >> announcer: an addict on the path to clean living. >> judge judy: he was required to live in a sober-living residence. >> announcer: then... >> judge judy: you did not take the requested drug test when they asked you to. >> announcer: did his life take a wrong turn? >> judge judy: so they threw you out... >> yes. >> judge judy: ...because that broke the rules. well, what're they supposed to do, give you a dinner? >> announcer: judge judy. you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution jennie noonan and her son christopher "patrick" are suing christopher's former landlords, chalene ergler and kelly schleiffers for the return of a security deposit, rent, stolen property and emotional distress. >> byrd: order. all rise. your honor, this is case number 578 on the calendar in the matter of noonan versus ergler/schleiffers. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. gentlemen, have a seat. >> judge judy: mrs. noonan, this is what you're complaining about.i. is that correct? >> yes, it is. >> judge judy: and he has some sort of an addiction problem. i don't know what it is. we'll get to it in a moment. as part of his probation period, because i assume he was arrested and convicted of a crime -- i don't know what -- he was required to live in a sober-living residence. and the defendants run a sober-living residence. he was living there. at some point, according to the defendant, your son was asked to take a drug test. this was after his probation period had expired, shortly after his probation period had expired. he was asked to take a drug test along with everyone else who lived in the facility. your son, according to the defendants, declined to take the drug test. and he was evicted, summarily. they packed up his things and left. you are suing for the following. you'ui

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Sense , Hospitalizations , Cases , Lives , Nurses , Surge , Doctors , Settings , On The Air , Record , Aid , Reporter , Cbs , Wall , News , Evening , Details , Developments , Meg Oliver , 63 , Staffing , Resources , Control , Tests , Issues , 19 , Mandate , Bland , Employees , States , Times , Unvaccinated , Result , Six , 17 , Injury , Heart Attack , Anyone Else , Rim , Automobile Accident , Pandemic , Tooled , New Jersey , 7 , Patients , Workers , Half , University Hospital In Newark , 300 , 320 , Staff , Staffing Shortage , Public , Medics , Ventilators , 123 , Risk , Capacity , Hospital Care , Shortage , Icu , 10 , Five , Support Staff , Break Point , Limit , Glimmer Of Hope , Doctor , Norah , Staffing Spornlgts , Thinking , Four , Investigation , Attack , Capitol , Development , Justice , Members , Department Today , Government , Jeff Pegues , Force , Group , Confired , Eleven , Ar Leader , Country , Planning , Election , Victory , Trump , We Aren T , Message , Law Degree , Yale , Civil War , January 5 , 5 , Assault , Marching , Apps , Tack Formation , Crowd , Texas , Combat Gear , It , Mr , Chamber , Steps , Cell Phone , Chat App , Western Virginia , House , Other , Certification , Offstandby Forces , Speaker Pelosi , Officers , Harry Litman , Point , Kind , It Wasn T , Insurrection , Mob , Riot , 20 , Charges , Some , Allegation , Attorney , Documents , Rhodes , Violence , Operation Offu S Law Itself , Storm System , Restaurant , Weather , Capitol Hill , Storm , Weekend News , Parts , Plains , Foot , Lonnie Quinn , Look , Doesn T , Radar Picture , Mess , It Orgs , Seattle , Places , Food , Snowing Starred St , Sunday Morning Snow , North Carolina , Northern Plains , H S , Des Moines , Louis , Faras Jackson , 00 , Place , Icing , Monday Snowing , Upstate New York , Pennsylvania , Atlanta , Raleigh , Rail Lea , Wernl , Numbers , Cities , New York City , Asheville , Buffalo , Philadelphia , Boston , 16 , Effort , Voting Rights Legislation , Ditch , Dms , Senate , Pennsylvania Avenue , Scott Macfarlane , Defeat , Votes , Mind , Snrtsdz , Bill Through Kong , Announcedoton , Senators , Legislators , Breath , Fighting , Election Day , Disease , Actions , Bills , Division , Democrats , Holiday , Path , Voting , Laws , Voter I D , Voting Andmaker , 50 , Obama , Democracy , Holdouts , Experiment , Ballot Boxes , Estate , Vote , Law , Restrictions , Bodies , Voter Ids , Running Scared , Cbs News , Left , Fronts , Meeting , Voting Rights , Holdout Senators , Indication , Spark , White House , Jeffrey Epstein , Arm Twisting , Turn , Lni , Nellme , Queen , Son , Statement , Queen Elizabeth , Titles , Reign , Scandal , Jubilee , Sentence , 70 , Life , Prince , Monarch , Pomp , Pageantry , Him On Parade , Source , His Royal Highness , Royal , Military Affiliations , Range , Royal Patpatronages , Judge , Giuffre , Efforts , Sexual Assault , Lawsuit , Manhattan , Him , Settlement , Anything , Thing , Idea , Allegations , Interest , 2000 , Veterans , Twist , Military Roles , Duty , British , 2019 , 150 , Home , Case , Announcement , Marathon And Not A Sprint , Windsor , Defense , Breaking News , Palace , Imtiaz Tyab , In London , California , Gavin Newsom , Patrol Commissioners , Parole , Assassin , Recommendation , Bars , Sirhan , Robert F Kennedy , Living , Many , Sly , Threat , Cries , Things , Take , Running Water , Sanitation , Adam Yamaguchi , Infrastructure Act , 2 Billion , 12 Billion , Help , Alabama , Backyards , Lowndes County , Poor , America In 21st Cee , Perman Hardy , 21 , Bloop , Yes , County , Martin Luther King , Lot , Rain , Areas , Toilet , Get Ready , Tub , Sewage System , Households , September System , Backs , Everywhere , Shower , Gnats , Selma To Montgomery March , 80 , Mother , R Raw Sewage , Hard Clay Soil , Sewage , System , Problems , Health , Solution , Infections , Intestinal Parasites , Hands , Household Income , Car , Ick House , Alabama Department Of Public Health , Sherry Bradley , Elt Unincorporated Waste Water Program , Systems , Residents , Donations , Bradley , Fee , Down Payment , 700000 , 00000 , 0 , People , In The House , It Rains , Damage , Septic System , Teamwork , Earnestine Gordon S , Renna Gordon , Momma , Adam Yamaguchi For Eye On America , Justice Department , Don T Know , Plans , Carjacking , Video , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Advantage , Wow , Visits , Lab Tests , Prescription Drugs , Uh Huh , Copays On Tier 1 , 1 , 2 , , Sore Throat Pain , Name , Premium , Aarp , Hello , Company , Acting , Sore Throat Relief Ahhh , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Honey Lemon Chill , Kayak , Ocean , Job Description , My Name Is Douglas , Writer , Director , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Work , Somewhere , Line , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Condition , Police Officer , Carjackings , Officer , Student Loans , Camera , Suspect , Taser V Aerali Cars W , Tn 400000 Pe , 400000 , Debt Relief , Student Loan Companies , Debt , Nav Yent , Pay , Wrongdoing , Ride , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Ce Wempic , Stroke , Adults , Events , Heart Disease , Weight , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Family , Don T , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Reuse , Share , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Reaction , Changes , Insulin , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Nausea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Plug In , Type 2 Diabetes , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Diarrhea , 25 , 3 , Technology , Scent , Advisor , Febreze Fade Defy Plug , La , Planning Effect , Picture , Wealth , Investing Strategies , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Change , Jan Crawford , Odds , Quiet Bike Path , Story , Inspiration , Perseverance , Afghanistan , Sky , Women Weren T , Girl , Flying , Struggle , Peace Of Mind , Peace And Freedom , Rukhsar Habibzai , Washington D C , Afghanistan Women S Cycling Team , Bike , Someone , Nobel Peace Prize , Everything , Waiting , Goal , Dentist , Bicycle , Flight , Girls , Bike Team , Olympics , Focus , Flag , Stop Taking Eliquis , Treatment , Warfarin , Stroke Risk , Trail , Fairfax , Cc , Heart Va , Bleeding , Both , Artificial Heart Valve , Stewart , Aspirin , Vazalore , Urologist , Manhood , Guy , Bend , Direction , Erection , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Adult , Scar Tissue , Buildup , Men , Exercises , Stretching , Xiaflex , Peyronie S Disease , Fda , Treatment Area , Any , Reactions , Collagenase , Ingredients , Urethra , Penile Fracture , Anaphylaxis , May , Back Pain Reactions , Blood Thinners , Activity , Bleeding Condition , Treatment Cycle , Site , Symptoms , Bruising , 4 , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Feet , World , Weakness , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Love Story , Discomfort , Steve Hartman , Lost And Found , Quick , Blood , Donation , Donate , Making , 40 , Three , Judge Judy , Announcer , Probation , Web Site , Crime , Addict , Tonig , Possession , Prescription Fraud , Identity Theft , Ma Am , Drug Test , Sober Living Residence , Rules , Dinner , Courtroom , Patrick , Jennie Noonan , Captions , Suing Christopher , Cbs Television Distribution , Judith Sheindlin , Distress , Landlords , Property , Return , Rent , Security Deposit , Byrd , Kelly Schleiffers , Chalene Ergler , Parties , Honor , Matter , Seat , Order , Rise , Calendar , Noonan Versus Ergler , Schleiffers , Mrs , Gentlemen , 578 , Addiction Problem , Part , Sort , Defendants , Defendant , Everyone Else , Facility , Following , You Ui ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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the queen's gambit, her imagine industry strips prince andrew md duties as he faces a sexual assault lawsuit as a private citizen. dangerous winter storm, heavy snow and arctic cold from the midwest to the east coast heading our way. voting rights defeat, just days after the president vowed to pass landmark legislation, tonight the serious hors hurdle he faces. eye on america, the two unlikely heroes hoping to bring vital services to one of the nation's poorest communities. and writing to freedom, one afghan woman's journey from taliban rule to the american dream. this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. we start tonight with some very significant decisions by the u.s. supreme court. a mixed pair of rights that will directly impact nearly 100 million americans. the cort's conservative majority says the biden administration does not have the authority to impose a vaccine or test rule on private companies, but it does have the ability to mandate covid shots for most health workers. president biden said he was disappointed by the decision to block "common sense requirements for large businesses" but that keeping the rule for doctors nurses and others who work in settings that receive federal aid will save lives. the decisions as the u.s. is facing a surge in new cases and record hospitalizations. as we come on the air, nearly 63% of americans are fully vaccinated. cbs's meg oliver joins us with all of the day's developments. good evening, meg. >> reporter:more, good evening. we have new details about those rulings, and the news comes as president biden announced new resources for hospitals facing staffing issues like this one, and the administration will buy 500 million more covid 19 at-home tests for americans. tonight a blow to the biden administration as covid cases careen out of control across the u.s. the supreme court blocking the president's bland to require employees at large private companies to be vaccinated or test w weekly for covid. but the court is allowing the mandate for most healthcare workers, this as the president called in the military today to help overwhelmed hospitals in six states survive the surge. >> if you're unvaccinated, if they test positive, you are 17 times more likely to get hospitalized. as a result, their crowding the hospitals, leaving little rim for anyone else who might have a heart attack or an injury in an automobile accident. >> reporter: tooled marked the highest 7-day average for hospitalizations since the pandemic began and, in new jersey, hospitalizations are up more than 320% compared to this time last month. at university hospital in newark, more than 300 workers are out, while patients continue to stream in, nearly half are infected with covid, 17 of them are on ventilators. how dire is your staffing shortage? >> extremely dire right now. it's really bad, i'm being transparent with the public but also my staff. >> reporter: 123 medics will arrive next week to help for a month. >> the risk of losing hospital care and more staff every day, all of those keep me up every night. >> reporter: one out of every five hospitals has a critical staffing shortage nationwide and six states report an i.c.u. capacity of less than 10%. so you've reached the break point? >> i really do think so. i think our nurses who have been working again for weeks on end and our doctors and our support staff really are at the limit. >> reporter: there is a glimmer of hope. over the last four days here, the doctor sails cases have leveled off but the staffing spornlgts could last several weeks if not months. norah. >> o'donnell: thinking of our healthcare workers, meg oliver, thanks. we turn to a significant new development into the sprawling investigation into the january 6th attack on the capitol. the justice department today, for the first time, filing the most serious charge yet against members of the oath keepers -- seditious conspiracy, alleging the group confired to overthrow the u.s. government with force. cbs's jeff pegues has all the stunning new details. >> reporter: prosecutors say the eleven oath keepers charged today with seditious conspiracy began planning for attack shortly after president biden's victory became official. >> it's amazing trump will let the election be stolen out from under him and the country be stolen, our government. >> reporter: the far right ar leader with a yale law degree sent a message on january 5 #, we aren't getting true this without a civil war. over the next month, prosecutors say rhodes arrested today in texas used encrypted apps to organize the assault. oath keepers outfitted in combat gear were seen marching in tack formation through the crowd up the east steps of the capitol. prosecutors say rhodes who was not at the capitol was directing them through cell phone and a chat app. they allege the stack it mr. in two once inside the chamber, one towards the chamber to disrupt certification and the other to the house to speaker pelosi. officers say rhodes had offstandby forces in virginia to be called to escalate the attack. 20 oath keepers have been charged today with insurrection. >> it wasn't just unruly mob. >> reporter: harry litman, u.s. attorney. >> we're past the point of seeing this as some kind of spontaneous riot and really into sikh it as an actual assault on the operation offu.s. law itself. >> reporter: tonight, rhodes' attorney disputed the charges contained in the court documents including the allegation that, after all the violence here on january 6th, some of the oath keepers went to a restaurant in nearby virginia, and they celebrated, and also allegedly planned what was coming next. norah. >> o'donnell: jeff pegues on capitol hill. now to the weather. a massive storm system will bring up to a foot of snow for parts to have the plains and midwest before aiming at the south and east this "weekend news." cbs's lonnie quinn is tracking the storm for us. what are we going to get? >> reporter: we're watching a storm that doesn't look like a storm now. it's going to develop. if you take a look at the radar picture, around seattle, just coming onshore. now it's a mess. it orgs, gets pushed through the northern plains. des moines picks up a half or food or more by saturday morning at 6:00 a.m., snowing starred st. louis. sunday morning snow as faras jackson, h's h's, stretching to places like north carolina or so. the icing is taking place from atlanta into raleigh. by monday snowing from rail lea into pennsylvania. wernl north carolina and western virginia, upstate new york the biggest numbers, nashville 6 inches, asheville 16 inches. the biggest number buffalo 20 inches. the biggest northeast cities missed this one about an inch around philadelphia, boston and new york city. that's the way we see this storm. >> o'donnell: lonnie quinn, thank you. in a last ditch effort to pass voting rights legislation, president biden made his way down pennsylvania avenue toward capitol hill to complete with senate d.m.s. the president all but accepted the defeat admitting he doesn't have the votes to get the bill through kong. scott macfarlane. >> reporter: mr. president, whose mind can be changed? president biden tried to swing u.s. snrtsdz today but was disarmed before he arrived. >> joint that we can get it done but i know as long as i have a breath in me, i'm going to be fighting to change the way these legislators are moving. >> reporter: one of the two democratic senators the president needed announcedoton senate floor she was not on board. >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division iinfecting our country. >> reporter: democrats are pushing voting rights legislation to make election day a federal holiday, require all states to allow early and mail-in voting andmaker i want harder for states to pass voter i.d. laws. without all 50 democrats voting, there's no path forward. president obama tried to nudge the holdouts saying america's longstanding experiment in democracy is being sorely tested. there are limits on ballot boxes and tougher restrictions on voter i.d.s. >> we missed this time and the the state legislative bodies continue to change the law not as to who can vote but who gets to count the vote, count the vote, count the vote! >> he's running scared. the left believes he's failed on multiple fronts and they don't believe he's fought hard enough to bring about voting rights. >> reporter: cbs news learned the two holdout senators are meeting at the white house tonight, but there's no indication of any spark to jump start his stalled political effort. norah.>>nellme lni arm twisting. scott macfarlane, thank you. a stunning turn in the prince andrew jeffrey epstein scandal, queen elizabeth stripped her son of all royal titles and duties. a terse two sentence statement a month before the queen celebrates her platinum jubilee marking her 70 year reign as monarch. >> reporter: of all that glittered in prince andrew's glittered life, it was the pomp and pageantry of the military that saw him on parade, and, now, that's gone. in a brief statement from the queen tonight, she stripped her second son of a range of military affiliations and royal patpatronages. a royal source confirmed prince andrew would no longer use the title his royal highness. this a day after a manhattan court judge rejected his efforts to dismiss a sexual assault civil lawsuit against him by virginia. giuffre says jeffrey epstein trafficked her to the prince in early 2000s when she was just 17 and says she was raped by andrew, allegations he denies. >> so the idea of a financial settlement is not the thing that's of interest to her, then, is it? >> a beautiful financial settlement is not anything that i think she's interested in. >> reporter: right. >> reporter: this latest twist after 150 british military veterans wrote to the queen to ask her to strip the prince of his honorary military roles. andrew hasn't performed any official duty since 2019 and is rarely seen in public but was pictured leaving his home in windsor today hours before the queen's announcement. a source close to prince andrew tells cbs news this case is "a marathon and not a sprint" and that andrew will continue to defend himself, but, after tonight, that defense, the palace says, will be as a private citizen. norah. >> o'donnell: imtiaz tyab in london. breaking news, california governor gavin newsom denied parole to robert f. kennedy's assassin sirhan sirhan after more than a half century behind bars. newsom rejected a recommendation from a patrol commissioners saying sirhan sirhan was an unreasonable public threat, the kennedy familiar sly says they're deeply relieved by the decision. a hidden cries in vulnerable communities, many are living without things most of us take for granted, like running water and sanitation. the new trillion infrastructure act provides nearly # $12 billion to fix that. in tonight's eye on america, cbs's adam yamaguchi takes us to rural alabama where help is needed. >> reporter: america in 21st cee in the backyards of the rural poor. in lowndes county, alabama, perman hardy knows all about it. >> when there's a lot of rain you cannot flush the toilet. >> reporter: if you did it would be all over your house. >> yes, when it goes bloop, bloop, get ready, here it comes. >> reporter: in the unincorporated areas of this county, the martin luther king famously led selma to montgomery march, there's no municipal sewage system and for an estimated 80% of households no adequate september system either. >> backs up in the shower, backs up in the tub, gnats everywhere. >> reporter: r raw sewage flooded his mother's house. >> this is the tub that had the most problems. >> reporter: were you concerned about her health. >> yes, very. >> reporter: untreated sewage can lead to bacterial infections and intestinal parasites. the only solution is a new system, but the hard clay soil here requires specially designed septic systems that can cause as much as a median household income in lowndes county, alabama. >> with the brown car. ick house. >> reporter: which is why sherry bradley of the alabama department of public health and perman hardy are taking matters into their own hands. >> this is the first meeting to have the black elt unincorporated waste water program. >> reporter: bradley and hardy raised $700,000 in donations to install working systems. qualifying residents make a one-time down payment, then pay a $20 monthly fee. >> every time it rains, people -- they know what might happen, they know that sewage may shoot out and come back in the house. >> reporter: that sort of damage does that do? >> i can't imagine. i just can't imagine. thank you so much for helping out here. >> reporter: but on this day, bradley and hardy's teamwork paid off. they got a new septic system installed at earnestine gordon's place. >> i am so happy that i don't know have to come outside and look at this. it's going to go that way instead of that way. momma says hallelujah! hallelujah! >> it's great. been a long hot day. >> reporter: renna gordon can only hope she's next. do you know when it might happen? >> i really don't know. i hope it will be soon. >> reporter: adam yamaguchi for eye on america, cbs news, lowndes county, alabama. >> o'donnell: we learned the justice department is opening an investigation into the state. tonight on "cbs evening news," a wild video of a brazen carjacking this afternoon in new york city. with unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans, there's so much to take advantage of. like $0 copays on virtual visits... - wow! - uh-huh. ...$0 copays on primary care visits... ...and lab tests. - wow. - uh-huh. plus, $0 copays on tier 1 & tier 2 prescription drugs. - wow. - uh-huh. unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. most plans have a $0 premium. take advantage now. wow! hello, how can i? 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yeah, i was afraid if someone is seeing me, like they will beat me or maybe they will harass me. >> reporter: she persevered, ultimately leading the afghanistan women's cycling team, which was nominated for the nobel peace prize, but then last summer the taliban resumed control. what was behind your decision to get out and were you afraid then? >> i'm sorry... >> reporter: after four dangers days of waiting, she finally got a flight out. >> i left my bicycle, my everything, my family. >> reporter: she's starting a new life in virginia, pursuing her goal of becoming a dentist and joining a competitive bike team. her focus, to compete in the olympics. >> what flag would you hope to represent? >> for my country. >> reporter: for afghanistan? for afghanistan. >> reporter: and for all the young girls still there. jan crawford,cc, fairfax, -- cbs news, fairfax, virginia. >> o'donnell: we are cheering her on. we'll be right back. a heart va. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. # stewart stewart try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! manhood looks different from guy to guy. but when yours bends in a different direction, you might feel bothered by it. so talk to a urologist. because a bend in your erection might be peyronie's disease or pd. it's a condition that involves a buildup of scar tissue. but, it's treatable. xiaflex is the only fda- approved nonsurgical treatment for appropriate adult men with peyronie's disease. along with daily penile stretching and straightening exercises, xiaflex has been proven to help gradually reduce the bend. don't receive if the treatment area involves your urethra, or if you're allergic to any collagenase or any of the ingredients. may cause serious side effects, including: penile fracture or other serious injury during an erection, and severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. seek help if you have any of these symptoms. do not have any sexual activity during and for at least 4 weeks after each treatment cycle. sudden back pain reactions after treatment may occur. tell your doctor if you have a bleeding condition or take blood thinners as risk of bleeding or bruising at the treatment site is increased. talk to a urologist about what your manhood could look like. find a xiaflex-trained urologist at do you struggle with occasional nerve aches talk to a urologist about what your manhood could look like. in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. >> reporter: on tomorrow's "cbs evening news," steve hartman has a lost and found love story more than 40 years in the making. and also a quick thank you -- we have been overwhelmed by how many of you have donated blood this week and tagged us. every donation can save three lives, so thank you so much. if you still want to donate, we have resources on our web site. that's tonig >> judge judy: of what crime were you convicted and placed on probation? >> identity theft, prescription fraud and possession. >> judge judy: were you incarcerated at all? >> yes, ma'am. >> announcer: an addict on the path to clean living. >> judge judy: he was required to live in a sober-living residence. >> announcer: then... >> judge judy: you did not take the requested drug test when they asked you to. >> announcer: did his life take a wrong turn? >> judge judy: so they threw you out... >> yes. >> judge judy: ...because that broke the rules. well, what're they supposed to do, give you a dinner? >> announcer: judge judy. you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution jennie noonan and her son christopher "patrick" are suing christopher's former landlords, chalene ergler and kelly schleiffers for the return of a security deposit, rent, stolen property and emotional distress. >> byrd: order. all rise. your honor, this is case number 578 on the calendar in the matter of noonan versus ergler/schleiffers. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. gentlemen, have a seat. >> judge judy: mrs. noonan, this is what you're complaining about.i. is that correct? >> yes, it is. >> judge judy: and he has some sort of an addiction problem. i don't know what it is. we'll get to it in a moment. as part of his probation period, because i assume he was arrested and convicted of a crime -- i don't know what -- he was required to live in a sober-living residence. and the defendants run a sober-living residence. he was living there. at some point, according to the defendant, your son was asked to take a drug test. this was after his probation period had expired, shortly after his probation period had expired. he was asked to take a drug test along with everyone else who lived in the facility. your son, according to the defendants, declined to take the drug test. and he was evicted, summarily. they packed up his things and left. you are suing for the following. you'ui

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Sense , Hospitalizations , Cases , Lives , Nurses , Surge , Doctors , Settings , On The Air , Record , Aid , Reporter , Cbs , Wall , News , Evening , Details , Developments , Meg Oliver , 63 , Staffing , Resources , Control , Tests , Issues , 19 , Mandate , Bland , Employees , States , Times , Unvaccinated , Result , Six , 17 , Injury , Heart Attack , Anyone Else , Rim , Automobile Accident , Pandemic , Tooled , New Jersey , 7 , Patients , Workers , Half , University Hospital In Newark , 300 , 320 , Staff , Staffing Shortage , Public , Medics , Ventilators , 123 , Risk , Capacity , Hospital Care , Shortage , Icu , 10 , Five , Support Staff , Break Point , Limit , Glimmer Of Hope , Doctor , Norah , Staffing Spornlgts , Thinking , Four , Investigation , Attack , Capitol , Development , Justice , Members , Department Today , Government , Jeff Pegues , Force , Group , Confired , Eleven , Ar Leader , Country , Planning , Election , Victory , Trump , We Aren T , Message , Law Degree , Yale , Civil War , January 5 , 5 , Assault , Marching , Apps , Tack Formation , Crowd , Texas , Combat Gear , It , Mr , Chamber , Steps , Cell Phone , Chat App , Western Virginia , House , Other , Certification , Offstandby Forces , Speaker Pelosi , Officers , Harry Litman , Point , Kind , It Wasn T , Insurrection , Mob , Riot , 20 , Charges , Some , Allegation , Attorney , Documents , Rhodes , Violence , Operation Offu S Law Itself , Storm System , Restaurant , Weather , Capitol Hill , Storm , Weekend News , Parts , Plains , Foot , Lonnie Quinn , Look , Doesn T , Radar Picture , Mess , It Orgs , Seattle , Places , Food , Snowing Starred St , Sunday Morning Snow , North Carolina , Northern Plains , H S , Des Moines , Louis , Faras Jackson , 00 , Place , Icing , Monday Snowing , Upstate New York , Pennsylvania , Atlanta , Raleigh , Rail Lea , Wernl , Numbers , Cities , New York City , Asheville , Buffalo , Philadelphia , Boston , 16 , Effort , Voting Rights Legislation , Ditch , Dms , Senate , Pennsylvania Avenue , Scott Macfarlane , Defeat , Votes , Mind , Snrtsdz , Bill Through Kong , Announcedoton , Senators , Legislators , Breath , Fighting , Election Day , Disease , Actions , Bills , Division , Democrats , Holiday , Path , Voting , Laws , Voter I D , Voting Andmaker , 50 , Obama , Democracy , Holdouts , Experiment , Ballot Boxes , Estate , Vote , Law , Restrictions , Bodies , Voter Ids , Running Scared , Cbs News , Left , Fronts , Meeting , Voting Rights , Holdout Senators , Indication , Spark , White House , Jeffrey Epstein , Arm Twisting , Turn , Lni , Nellme , Queen , Son , Statement , Queen Elizabeth , Titles , Reign , Scandal , Jubilee , Sentence , 70 , Life , Prince , Monarch , Pomp , Pageantry , Him On Parade , Source , His Royal Highness , Royal , Military Affiliations , Range , Royal Patpatronages , Judge , Giuffre , Efforts , Sexual Assault , Lawsuit , Manhattan , Him , Settlement , Anything , Thing , Idea , Allegations , Interest , 2000 , Veterans , Twist , Military Roles , Duty , British , 2019 , 150 , Home , Case , Announcement , Marathon And Not A Sprint , Windsor , Defense , Breaking News , Palace , Imtiaz Tyab , In London , California , Gavin Newsom , Patrol Commissioners , Parole , Assassin , Recommendation , Bars , Sirhan , Robert F Kennedy , Living , Many , Sly , Threat , Cries , Things , Take , Running Water , Sanitation , Adam Yamaguchi , Infrastructure Act , 2 Billion , 12 Billion , Help , Alabama , Backyards , Lowndes County , Poor , America In 21st Cee , Perman Hardy , 21 , Bloop , Yes , County , Martin Luther King , Lot , Rain , Areas , Toilet , Get Ready , Tub , Sewage System , Households , September System , Backs , Everywhere , Shower , Gnats , Selma To Montgomery March , 80 , Mother , R Raw Sewage , Hard Clay Soil , Sewage , System , Problems , Health , Solution , Infections , Intestinal Parasites , Hands , Household Income , Car , Ick House , Alabama Department Of Public Health , Sherry Bradley , Elt Unincorporated Waste Water Program , Systems , Residents , Donations , Bradley , Fee , Down Payment , 700000 , 00000 , 0 , People , In The House , It Rains , Damage , Septic System , Teamwork , Earnestine Gordon S , Renna Gordon , Momma , Adam Yamaguchi For Eye On America , Justice Department , Don T Know , Plans , Carjacking , Video , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Advantage , Wow , Visits , Lab Tests , Prescription Drugs , Uh Huh , Copays On Tier 1 , 1 , 2 , , Sore Throat Pain , Name , Premium , Aarp , Hello , Company , Acting , Sore Throat Relief Ahhh , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon , Honey Lemon Chill , Kayak , Ocean , Job Description , My Name Is Douglas , Writer , Director , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Work , Somewhere , Line , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Condition , Police Officer , Carjackings , Officer , Student Loans , Camera , Suspect , Taser V Aerali Cars W , Tn 400000 Pe , 400000 , Debt Relief , Student Loan Companies , Debt , Nav Yent , Pay , Wrongdoing , Ride , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Ce Wempic , Stroke , Adults , Events , Heart Disease , Weight , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Family , Don T , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Reuse , Share , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Reaction , Changes , Insulin , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Nausea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Plug In , Type 2 Diabetes , Health Care Provider , Dehydration , Diarrhea , 25 , 3 , Technology , Scent , Advisor , Febreze Fade Defy Plug , La , Planning Effect , Picture , Wealth , Investing Strategies , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Change , Jan Crawford , Odds , Quiet Bike Path , Story , Inspiration , Perseverance , Afghanistan , Sky , Women Weren T , Girl , Flying , Struggle , Peace Of Mind , Peace And Freedom , Rukhsar Habibzai , Washington D C , Afghanistan Women S Cycling Team , Bike , Someone , Nobel Peace Prize , Everything , Waiting , Goal , Dentist , Bicycle , Flight , Girls , Bike Team , Olympics , Focus , Flag , Stop Taking Eliquis , Treatment , Warfarin , Stroke Risk , Trail , Fairfax , Cc , Heart Va , Bleeding , Both , Artificial Heart Valve , Stewart , Aspirin , Vazalore , Urologist , Manhood , Guy , Bend , Direction , Erection , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Adult , Scar Tissue , Buildup , Men , Exercises , Stretching , Xiaflex , Peyronie S Disease , Fda , Treatment Area , Any , Reactions , Collagenase , Ingredients , Urethra , Penile Fracture , Anaphylaxis , May , Back Pain Reactions , Blood Thinners , Activity , Bleeding Condition , Treatment Cycle , Site , Symptoms , Bruising , 4 , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Feet , World , Weakness , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Love Story , Discomfort , Steve Hartman , Lost And Found , Quick , Blood , Donation , Donate , Making , 40 , Three , Judge Judy , Announcer , Probation , Web Site , Crime , Addict , Tonig , Possession , Prescription Fraud , Identity Theft , Ma Am , Drug Test , Sober Living Residence , Rules , Dinner , Courtroom , Patrick , Jennie Noonan , Captions , Suing Christopher , Cbs Television Distribution , Judith Sheindlin , Distress , Landlords , Property , Return , Rent , Security Deposit , Byrd , Kelly Schleiffers , Chalene Ergler , Parties , Honor , Matter , Seat , Order , Rise , Calendar , Noonan Versus Ergler , Schleiffers , Mrs , Gentlemen , 578 , Addiction Problem , Part , Sort , Defendants , Defendant , Everyone Else , Facility , Following , You Ui ,

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