Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

response if russia invades ukraine. zoo tiger attack, police shoot and kill an endangered tiger after a man reaches into its cage. >> what's happening? >> i'm being attacked by a tiger. >> garrett: truck driver's 110 year sentence reduced. colorado governor shortened sentence to ten years following nationwide outrage. "violence against women act," why lawmakers haven't fully reauthorized a landmark law since it expired in 2013. american ingenuity, how a group of young people came up with the idea of saving the planet by feeding the hungry. and a return trip to atlanta to visit the airport's piano man. >> this is the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capitol. >> garrett: good evening, to our viewers in the west. thank you for joining us. i'm major garrett in for norah. we begin tonight with covid cases soaring. it was exactly two years to the day that the world learned of an unknown virus causing flu-like symptoms in china. now the omicron variant of that coronavirus is fueling another global wave of infection. the u.s. recorded nearly half a million new cases in a single day. that is the largest daily total of any country during this pandemic. meanwhile, and importantly, hospitalizations nationwide are at their highest level since september. today there was big news for parents with the f.d.a. set to authorize pfizer booster shots for 12-15-year-olds. and covid cases among airline workers continue to snarl the skies with more than 1,000 flights canceled today. cbs' nancy chen starts us off tonight from new york city. good evening, nancy. >> reporter: major, good evening to you. it was another record breaking day in new york with nearly 75,000 new cases reported statewide. hospitalizations are also rising fast here, with more than 1,000 hospitals reporting across the country, a critical staffing shortage. with final preps underway for the new year's eve ball drop in times square, covid cases keep rising to record highs. to fight the surge, incoming new york city mayor, eric adams, said he will keep in place a first in the country vaccine mandate for private sector workers. >> our focus is vaccine and testing, vaccine and testing, vaccine and testing. >> reporter: city services are feeling the strain. several subway lines have suspended operations because of staffing shortages. the fire department says 30% of its e.m.s. personnel is out sick, and 21% of n.y.p.d. officers are out, too. in cincinnati, the mayor declared a state of emergency after more than two dozen firefighters came down with covid, with those remaining forced to work overtime. >> nobody can recall a time in recent history within the last almost 50 years where fire fighters have been forced to stay beyond their normal hours. >> reporter: nationwide, covid cases are rising so fast it's estimated more than three americans are testing positive every second. 15 states, plus d.c. and puerto rico, are averaging more daily cases than ever. florida shattered its state record that was set just yesterday. where are we right now in omicron surge nationally? >> we are at the very beginning, unfortunately, and likely have at least 4-8 weeks before we're going to see it rise and then begin to fall again, and during that time, we are going to see covid activity in this country like we haven't seen since the beginning of the pandemic. >> reporter: and as pediatric hospitalizations hit a record high for the year, the f.d.a. is reportedly expected to authorize pfizer boosters for 12-15-year- olds early next week, and boosters for children 5-11 with compromised immunity. johnson & johnson released information showing its booster is effective in reducing hospitalizations against the omicron variant. still, no matter the vaccination status, travelers are urged to avoid cruises in new guidance out today from the c.d.c. more than 5,000 new covid cases on cruise ships were recorded in the last two weeks. omicron's surge has continued to strand those traveling by air. more than 1,000 flights have been canceled today. >> we're not going to live forever in a constant crisis, but for the time being it's going to be a challenge. >> reporter: another tool in the fight against covid is soon on its way. the first of the pills authorized for at-home treatment are expected to go out this week, major. >> garrett: at the very beginning yet again. nancy chen, thank you so much. it's been a wild weather day. wildfires in colorado triggered thousands of evacuations in southern california. heavy rains brought flooding and mudslides. much of the southeast remains on alert for possible tornadoes. cbs' jonathan vigliotti has more. >> reporter: winds whipping across the highway near boulder, colorado, sparked wildfire concerns and sent residents scrambling to escape. multiple grass fires and powerful winds with gusts over 100-mile-per-hour force emergency evacuations in the town of superior. and in california, heavy rain is providing glimmers of hope for the state's ongoing drought, but wreaking havoc in areas previously decimated by fires, or near rivers. at least 50 rescued from this malibu campground when a creek overflowed and raging waters flooded the state park. >> it was very windy and rainy. it got where we got really scared. >> reporter: the storm is also dumping historic amounts of snow in the mountains. lake tahoe has seen more snow this month than any other december in the past 50 years, more than 17 feet. highways in and out of resort areas have been closed for days, but may open to snow lovers hoping to ski into the new year. and here in southern california, the rain will continue through the evening ending overnight. several communities were evacuated because of flooding like this, and the risk of mudslides, major. >> garrett: jonathan vigliotti, thank you. so, what's next? we turn to cbs' lonnie quinn with the forecast. lonnie, good evening. >> reporter: good evening to you, major.u, maj toughest weather anywhere in the country in colorado today. the strongest wind gust 115 miles per hour. currently the winds are gusting around 60 miles an hour, down to the 50s, 40 miles per hour through the overnight hours. still it's really hard to fight any fire burning out there and no help from mother nature. more wind than rain. where the rain is falling from georgia to south carolina, severe thunderstorm threat for that area until 9:00 p.m. what about new year's eve? new year's eve, i'm going to focus from nashville to memphis, over to arkansas. new year's eve, that's where you have a risk for severe weather. all the while into nears day, snowfall anywhere from kansas city through portions of the great lakes, detroit is cold as well. look at this temperature differential. saturday des moines will have a high of 11 degrees, 21 below average. meanwhile, new orleans 81 degrees, 21 degrees above average. where you get the big clashes in temperatures, the possibility saturday for more severe weather. this active year we've had looks to creep into the new year as well. major, all yours. >> garrett: lonnie quinn, thank you so much. president biden spoke by phone today with vladimir putin over growing tensions over ukraine. cbs' ed o'keefe is traveling with the president in wilmington, delaware. ed, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, major. the president took the call from his home in wilmington. it lasted about 50 minutes and requested by mr. putin. the white house says that the president told russia-- told putin the u.s. and n.a.t.o. will respond decisively if russia invades ukraine and diplomacy can only continue if russia downs it military buildup. 1,000 troops along the border, a buildup that remained since the leaders spoke three weeks ago. the u.s. calls this a crisis. today the u.s. air force sent another spy plane over ukraine with radar trying to track ground movements. russia wants guarantees to make sure nato won't expand to the russian border and wants to make sure u.s. won't place military equipment in ukraine or other eastern european countries. the biden administration will not concede to either of the demands. tonight's call between russian and american diplomats january 10 in geneva over these concerns. major. >> garrett: ed o'keefe, thank you so much. tonight officials at the zoo in naples, florida, are considering increased security around animal enclosures, this after a worker got too close to a tiger and was attacked. the man is recovering and the tiger was put down.overing and i and we must warn you, the body cam footage is graphic. here is cbs' omar villafranca.'l >> i'm being attacked by a tiger, please, please, please. >> reporter: this was the desperate call made to 911 from a man being attacked by a tiger. >> are you in the cage? >> no, i'm just outside of it, he's got my hand. >> the tiger has your hand? >> yeah! >> reporter: body cam video shows the gruesome scene wednesday evening as florida deputies rush to the tiger exhibit at the naples zoo. >> please help me! >> reporter: that's where they found 26-year-old river rosenquist screaming for help, his bloodied arm still in the jaws of a tiger. >> got a tranquilizer? >> reporter: they tried banging on the fence to scare the tiger away, but ultimately deputies were forced to shoot and kill the eight-year-old tiger. rosenquist was airlifted to a nearby hospital and is in fair condition. investigators say rosenquist put his hand in the cage. he was part of a crew hired by the zoo to clean public areas, not animal enclosures, and wasn't supposed to get near the tiger. malayan tigers are considered critically endangered, meaning fewer than 200 remain in the wild. tiger attacks are rare, but have wild. happened in the past. in 2016 a malayan tiger attacked and killed the lead zookeeper at the palm beach zoo. the naples zoo closed today to figure out what happened and if rosenquist will face charges. omar villafranca, cbs news. >> garrett: now to an important topic you will be hearing about when the senate reconvenes next week: a bipartisan push to reauthorize the violence against women act. lawmakers say inaction and plenty of it puts lives at risk. here is cbs' nikole killion. >> reporter: fawn vasquez is happiest when at home with her five children, and away from the man who abused her physically, emotionally and financially for more than a decade, including around the time she was pregnant. >> he just picked me up and threw me through a door, and i landed outside on concrete knocked out. >> reporter: was that the final straw? >> a few days after i looked him in the eye and i said, "i'm so scared you're going to kill me one day." and he said, "i absolutely will." >> my face was swelling... >> reporter: keisha williams was almost left for dead after her abuser shot her in the face at 19. it took her more than 30 years to open up about it. >> i traveled in a place... that only... this type of traumatic situation would bring you to. >> reporter: one critical resource for survivors is the "violence against women act," but the law which covers everything from the domestic violence hotline to legal protections for victims hasn't been re-authorized since 2013. how frustrated are you? >> it is very frustrating because i did work in a shelter environment. >> reporter: iowa senator joni ernst, a survivor herself, has been working to reauthorize vawa since it expired in 2019, stalled by controversial provisions like stricter gun restrictions which some of her fellow republicans oppose. >> this is not a gun control bill. it is a violence against women bill. >> reporter: but after years of ngotiations and intense lobbying from celebrities like angelina jolie, ernst and a bipartisan group of senators aim to introduce a bill early next year after reaching a framework this month to expand access and programs for those like fawn. >> we need to know that people care, that people are going to believe us when we tell our story. >> reporter: to prevent future ones from being told. nikole killion, cbs news, capitol hill. >> garrett: tonight, a bit of american ingenuity. we look at how the next generation is tackling two pressing problems: food waste and climate change.ate change. he here is cbs' catherine herridge. >> reporter: at this los angeles warehouse, they're delivering change. >> there's not a crisis of food insecurity in the united states, there's a crisis of indifference. we're growing enough food to feed every person in the country and honestly on the planet. >> reporter: childhood friends james kanoff and aidan reiley launched the farm link project during the pandemic. >> farm link is a student-led movement with the goal of connecting farms across the country that have surplus food to food banks that need it. >> reporter: one of the farmers, shay myers, asked for help on tiktok. >> i want to show you one of the ramifications of covid 19. >> reporter: demand down, thousands of pounds of onions piled up. >> why are you dumping and not donating? the supply chain is broken, guys. if we can't get into the city, we still have to throw them away. >> reporter: instead, the farm link team connected myers to food banks who needed his produce. >> looked him up, found his phone number, said hey, i heard you had trouble moving onions, we'd like to help. >> reporter: for those who work the land, its a heartbreaking dilemma. >> farmers are paying $80 a ton to throw away food. >> reporter: quality food like these lemons. >> the skin is dried. >> reporter: and papayas. >> ejected because it had spots. >> reporter: end up in land fills, creating greenhouse gases. what do you want people to know about the environmental impact. >> it plays one of the biggest roles in climate change, greenhouse gas emissions. >> our job is to create a bridge between the mountain of food and the tremendous need. >> reporter: demand is constant with rising grocery prices and double lines at food banks. >> we still need the fresh food and the health benefits it gives. >> reporter: driven by student volunteers during the pandemic, and now operating in 48 states, this month farm link hit a milestone: 50 million pounds of produce recovered. >> it's satisfying to see how proud farmers are to be able to do that. >> reporter: these friends saw a solution where others saw blocks. >> i've never been a part of something that felt more important. >> reporter: catherine herridge, cbs news, los angeles. >> garrett: still ahead, a truck driver's 110-year sentence reduced by colorado's governor. plus a huge drug bust on the high seas and a recall of nearly half a million f a million teslas. -nice smile, brad. -nice! thanks? crest 3d white. 100% stain removal. crest. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. hi, my name is cherrie. i'm 76 and i live on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. now you can enjoy the best eggs in so many delicious ways. eggland's best. the farm-fresh taste you love. plus, superior nutrition. only eggland's best. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ 'tis the season to break tradition in a cadillac. don't just put on a light show—be the light show. make your nights anything but silent. and ride in a sleigh that really slays. because in a cadillac, tradition is yours to define. so visit a cadillac showroom, and start celebrating today. ♪ ♪ (vo) at dog chow we believe helping dogs live their best life... so visshould be simple.wroom, and start celebrating today. that's why dog chow is made with real chicken and no fillers. purina dog chow. keep life simple. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. what if you could see the details of your great-grandparents wedding day... ...or the record that welcomed your great-grandmother to the world. your family story is waiting to be discovered, and now you can search for those fascinating details for free—at ancestry. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. and now you can search for those fascinating details what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. >> garrett: breaking news, a truck driver sentenced to 110 years in prison for a 2019 crash that left four dead outside denver had his sentence reduced to ten years by colorado's governor. the original sentence drew outrage across the country, more than five million people signed an online petition seeking clemency. the u.s. navy and coast guard made a huge drug bust this week in the arabian sea destroying 850 pounds of heroin worth about $4 million. it was aboard a fishing boat with a crew from iran. the navy says more than $193 million in drugs has been seized at sea this year, more than the total of the last four years combined. tonight, tesla is recalling half a million electric cars in the u.s., model 3s from 2017 through 2020 because of an issue with the rearview camera, and model s vehicles dating back to 2014 because of a potential problem with the front hood latch. tesla says neither problem has been linked to crashes or injuries. up next, a return visit to atlanta's airport piano man and the gift that musically keeps on giving. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. >> garrett: we have told the stories of some amazing people in 2021. cbs' well-traveled mark strassmann revisited one of them in a place where they both spent a lot of time, the atlanta airport. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: christmas came five months early for tonee valentine, the atlanta airport's piano man. >> it's changed my life. not the money, but the act itself changed my life in a lot of ways. >> reporter: a traveler heard tonee play back in july and felt something. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i feel lighter. >> reporter: carlos whittaker, a motivational speaker, asked his 170,000 instagram followers to create a virtual tip jar for valentine. >> you don't know, but you've got a lot of money coming your way, bro. >> reporter: $60,000, almost right away. over time, 85,000. strangers showing him love. >> it made me want to be a better human. >> reporter: generosity. >> yeah. humanity. i'd given up on it. >> reporter: valentine has to give himself kidney dialysis nine hours a day. on most of them, he's lucky to make 100 bucks in tips. whittaker gave him a retirement fund. >> i don't even know you, but i love you. >> we talk all the time. he's like my son or something. >> reporter: you made a buddy. >> a buddy more than the money. >> reporter: a buddy for life. that's a gift in any season. mark strassmann, cbs news, atlanta. ( cheers and applause ) >> garrett: and we'll be right back. back. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain with aspercreme. 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Major Garrett , News , Omicron , Cbsn Bay Area , Kpix 5 , News App , Captioning Sponsored , Covid Wave , 00 , 6 , 5 , Action , Garrett , Booster Shots , Celebrations , Record Setting Infections , Pfizer , Caution , Families , Health Officials , At Large , Vaccine , Coast To , Wildfires , Storms , Children , Colorado , Study , Threats , Effectiveness , 12 , 12 15 Year Olds , 15 , Biden , Flooding , Lot , U S , Vladimir Putin , Southern California , South , Mess , Warning , Tiger , Man , Truck Driver , Cage , Ukraine , Zoo Tiger Attack , Response , Police , Russia , 110 , Violence Against Women Act , Governor , Sentence , Landmark Law , Outrage , Lawmakers Haven T , 2013 , Ten , 2013 American , People , Group , Ingenuity , Planet , Trip , Airport , Airport Piano Man , Idea , Atlanta , Cbs , Cases , Evening , Nation , Evening News , Viewers , West , Capitol , Norah O Donnell , Norah , World , Wave , Infection , Symptoms , Virus , Coronavirus , China , A Million , Two , Hospitalizations , Pandemic , Country , Fda , Daily , Level , Set , Parents , Covid , Nancy Chen , Airline Workers , New York City , Nancy , 1000 , Reporter , Hospitals , Staffing Shortage , 75000 , Place , Surge , Eric Adams , Highs , Ball Drop , Preps , Times Square , Country Vaccine Mandate , Sector , Lines , Testing , Fire Department , Workers , Strain , Focus , Staffing Shortages , City Services , Operations , Subway , 30 , Fire Fighters , State Of Emergency , Sick , Officers , Ems Personnel , Nypd , Cincinnati , 21 , Nobody , Three , 50 , Florida , State Record , Puerto Rico , States , Second , Plus D C , Covid Activity , Haven T , 8 , 4 , Record , Boosters , Beginning , Immunity , 11 , Johnson , Booster , Vaccination Status , Travelers , Cruises , Matter , Information , Crisis , Traveling , Air , Flights , Cruise Ships , 5000 , Major , Way , First , Tool , Fight , Pills , Challenge , At Home Treatment , Mudslides , Jonathan Vigliotti , Thousands , Evacuations , Alert , Remains , Tornadoes , Rains , Grass Fires , Wildfire Concerns , Highway , Residents , Boulder , Drought , Winds , Areas , State , Fires , Gusts , Emergency Evacuations , Superior , Force , Town , Wreaking , Havoc , Hope , Heavy Rain , Glimmers , 100 , Rivers , Waters , Creek Overflowed , State Park , Malibu , Snow , Resort Areas , Storm , Highways , Mountains , Amounts , Feet , December , Lake Tahoe , 17 , The Rain , Communities , Risk , Forecast , Lonnie Quinn , Maj , Major U , Fire , Wind Gust , 40 , 115 , 60 , New Year S Eve , Help , Area , Rain , Thunderstorm Threat , Mother Nature , Rain Is Falling , South Carolina , Georgia , Arkansas , Memphis , 9 , Weather , Cold , Anywhere , Portions , Temperature Differential , Kansas City , Detroit , Great Lakes , Des Moines , High , Clashes , Temperatures , Possibility , New Orleans , 81 , President , Looks , Ed O Keefe , Phone Today , Yours , Tensions , Wilmington , Delaware , Call , Home , Mr , Nato , White House , Military Buildup , Buildup , Border , Diplomacy , Leaders , Troops , Russia Downs , Won T , Spy Plane , Ground Movements , Guarantees , Radar , U S Air Force , Countries , Demands , Diplomats , Administration , Military Equipment , Eastern European , January 10 , Zoo , Animal Enclosures , Worker , Concerns , Officials , Security , Naples , 10 , Body Cam Footage , Omar Villafranca , Down Overing , Hand , Scene , Body Cam Video , 911 , River Rosenquist , Screaming , Jaws , Arm , Naples Zoo , Florida Deputies Rush , 26 , Deputies , Fence , Tranquilizer , Eight , Wasn T , Part , Crew , Hospital , Condition , Investigators , Malayan Tigers , Wild , Lead , Tiger Attacks , Zookeeper , 200 , 2016 , Hearing , Charges , Topic , Palm Beach Zoo , Senate , Naples Zoo Closed , Fawn Vasquez , Inaction , Lives , Push , Nikole Killion , Lawmakers , Five , Straw , Concrete , Door , Eye , Me One Day , One , Keisha Williams , Face , Swelling , Abuser , 19 , Law , Resource , Survivors , Type , Situation , Joni Ernst , Domestic Violence , Victims Hasn T , Re Authorized , Protections , Hotline , Everything , Shelter Environment , Iowa , Gun Control Bill , Survivor , Gun Restrictions , Republicans , Provisions , Reauthorize Vawa , 2019 , Violence Against Women Bill , Senators , Celebrities , Bill , Framework , Lobbying , Angelina Jolie , Access , Story , Ones , Programs , Care , Fawn , Generation , Problems , Bit , Food Waste , Catherine Herridge , Capitol Hill , Climate Change Ate , Food , Change , Person , Warehouse , Indifference , Food Insecurity , Los Angeles , Childhood Friends James Kanoff , Food Banks , Farms , Farmers , Student Led Movement , Project , The Farm , Goal , Farm Link , Aidan Reiley , Onions , Supply Chain , Ramifications , Guys , Demand Down , Shay Myers , Tiktok , Team , Produce , City , Phone Number , Trouble , Land , Land Fills , Dilemma , Ton , Lemons , Skin , Spots , Papayas , 80 , 0 , Job , Greenhouse Gases , Impact , Roles , Bridge , Climate Change , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Demand , Mountain , Need , Grocery Prices , Health Benefits , Student Volunteers , Hit A Milestone , 50 Million , 48 , Something , Saw , Blocks , Solution , Friends Saw A , Drug Bust , Recall , Teslas , High Seas , Brand , Sam , My Name Is Cherrie , Crest , Smile , Thanks , Oregon Coast , Hi , Brad , Crest 3d , Stain Removal , 1 , 3 , 76 , Memory , Granddaughters , On The Beach , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , Memories , 53 , Ways , Life , Click , Eggs , Puzzle Pieces , Prevagen , Eggland S Best , Healthier Brain , Season , Tradition , Tis , Cadillac , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Don T , Show , Ride , Sleigh , Anything , Dogs , Dog Chow , Cadillac Showroom , Vo , Relief , Fillers , Life Simple , Chicken , Laser , Gels , Pain Hits Fast , Purina Dog Chow , So Visshould , Simple Wroom , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Details , Medicine Fast , Great Grandmother , Pill , Water , Packs , Pain Relief , Cough , Family Story , Ancestry , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Liz , Nerd , Works , Coughs , Mucinex Dm , Rob , Crash , Breaking News , Prison , Denver , Drew Outrage , Four , Five Million , U S Navy , Seeking Clemency , Fishing Boat , Coast Guard , Arabian Sea , Iran , 850 , Million , 4 Million , Drugs , Total , Sea , Navy , Cars , 93 Million , 193 Million , Problem , Model , Rearview Camera , Latch , Issue , Vehicles , Front Hood , 2014 , 2017 , 2020 , Gift , Injuries , Crashes , Up Next , Ingestion , Heartburn , Pepto Bismol , Upset Stomach , Coating , Diarrheaaaa , Soothing , Stories , Mark Strassmann , 2021 , Money , Act , Atlanta Airport , Tonee Valentine , Play Back , Felt , Traveler Heard Tonee , Valentine , Carlos Whittaker , Followers , Tip Jar , Instagram , Don T Know , 170000 , Strangers , Generosity , Human , Humanity , Bro , 60000 , 0000 , 85000 , Most , Retirement Fund , I Love You , 100 Bucks , Nine , Buddy , Son , Cheers , Applause , A Buddy For Life , Inflammation , Back , Strength , Gods , Aspercreme Arthritis , Kick Pain , Music , Stages , Colon Cancer , Habits , Cologuard , Sizes , Walks , Stool , Dna , Colon Cancers , Results , Provider , Yep , 92 , 45 , Detergent , Folks , Scrubbing , Dishwasher Brands , Dishwasher Doesn T Get Everything Clean , Rinsing , Dishes , Time , Cascade Platinum , Dishwasher , Unique Actionpacs , Cbs Evening News , On The Road , Update , Blues , Dad , Steve Hartman , Michigan , Kids , Ice , Dvr , Cbs Captioned By Media Access Group , Wgbh Access Org , Live , 7 , Game , Test , Scramble , Warriors , Look , Stake A Covid , Chase Center , Top Berkeley Expert , Rise , Disconnect , Parts , Wake , Prediction , Winter Storms , Resources , Guns , Long Way To Go Anita , Denver Nuggets , Allen Martin , Amanda Starrantino , San Francisco , Elizabeth , Charlie Walter , Nuggets , Bodies , Buddies , Basketball , Players , Covid List Today , Things , I , Bench , Covid World , Nba , On Tuesday ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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response if russia invades ukraine. zoo tiger attack, police shoot and kill an endangered tiger after a man reaches into its cage. >> what's happening? >> i'm being attacked by a tiger. >> garrett: truck driver's 110 year sentence reduced. colorado governor shortened sentence to ten years following nationwide outrage. "violence against women act," why lawmakers haven't fully reauthorized a landmark law since it expired in 2013. american ingenuity, how a group of young people came up with the idea of saving the planet by feeding the hungry. and a return trip to atlanta to visit the airport's piano man. >> this is the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capitol. >> garrett: good evening, to our viewers in the west. thank you for joining us. i'm major garrett in for norah. we begin tonight with covid cases soaring. it was exactly two years to the day that the world learned of an unknown virus causing flu-like symptoms in china. now the omicron variant of that coronavirus is fueling another global wave of infection. the u.s. recorded nearly half a million new cases in a single day. that is the largest daily total of any country during this pandemic. meanwhile, and importantly, hospitalizations nationwide are at their highest level since september. today there was big news for parents with the f.d.a. set to authorize pfizer booster shots for 12-15-year-olds. and covid cases among airline workers continue to snarl the skies with more than 1,000 flights canceled today. cbs' nancy chen starts us off tonight from new york city. good evening, nancy. >> reporter: major, good evening to you. it was another record breaking day in new york with nearly 75,000 new cases reported statewide. hospitalizations are also rising fast here, with more than 1,000 hospitals reporting across the country, a critical staffing shortage. with final preps underway for the new year's eve ball drop in times square, covid cases keep rising to record highs. to fight the surge, incoming new york city mayor, eric adams, said he will keep in place a first in the country vaccine mandate for private sector workers. >> our focus is vaccine and testing, vaccine and testing, vaccine and testing. >> reporter: city services are feeling the strain. several subway lines have suspended operations because of staffing shortages. the fire department says 30% of its e.m.s. personnel is out sick, and 21% of n.y.p.d. officers are out, too. in cincinnati, the mayor declared a state of emergency after more than two dozen firefighters came down with covid, with those remaining forced to work overtime. >> nobody can recall a time in recent history within the last almost 50 years where fire fighters have been forced to stay beyond their normal hours. >> reporter: nationwide, covid cases are rising so fast it's estimated more than three americans are testing positive every second. 15 states, plus d.c. and puerto rico, are averaging more daily cases than ever. florida shattered its state record that was set just yesterday. where are we right now in omicron surge nationally? >> we are at the very beginning, unfortunately, and likely have at least 4-8 weeks before we're going to see it rise and then begin to fall again, and during that time, we are going to see covid activity in this country like we haven't seen since the beginning of the pandemic. >> reporter: and as pediatric hospitalizations hit a record high for the year, the f.d.a. is reportedly expected to authorize pfizer boosters for 12-15-year- olds early next week, and boosters for children 5-11 with compromised immunity. johnson & johnson released information showing its booster is effective in reducing hospitalizations against the omicron variant. still, no matter the vaccination status, travelers are urged to avoid cruises in new guidance out today from the c.d.c. more than 5,000 new covid cases on cruise ships were recorded in the last two weeks. omicron's surge has continued to strand those traveling by air. more than 1,000 flights have been canceled today. >> we're not going to live forever in a constant crisis, but for the time being it's going to be a challenge. >> reporter: another tool in the fight against covid is soon on its way. the first of the pills authorized for at-home treatment are expected to go out this week, major. >> garrett: at the very beginning yet again. nancy chen, thank you so much. it's been a wild weather day. wildfires in colorado triggered thousands of evacuations in southern california. heavy rains brought flooding and mudslides. much of the southeast remains on alert for possible tornadoes. cbs' jonathan vigliotti has more. >> reporter: winds whipping across the highway near boulder, colorado, sparked wildfire concerns and sent residents scrambling to escape. multiple grass fires and powerful winds with gusts over 100-mile-per-hour force emergency evacuations in the town of superior. and in california, heavy rain is providing glimmers of hope for the state's ongoing drought, but wreaking havoc in areas previously decimated by fires, or near rivers. at least 50 rescued from this malibu campground when a creek overflowed and raging waters flooded the state park. >> it was very windy and rainy. it got where we got really scared. >> reporter: the storm is also dumping historic amounts of snow in the mountains. lake tahoe has seen more snow this month than any other december in the past 50 years, more than 17 feet. highways in and out of resort areas have been closed for days, but may open to snow lovers hoping to ski into the new year. and here in southern california, the rain will continue through the evening ending overnight. several communities were evacuated because of flooding like this, and the risk of mudslides, major. >> garrett: jonathan vigliotti, thank you. so, what's next? we turn to cbs' lonnie quinn with the forecast. lonnie, good evening. >> reporter: good evening to you, major.u, maj toughest weather anywhere in the country in colorado today. the strongest wind gust 115 miles per hour. currently the winds are gusting around 60 miles an hour, down to the 50s, 40 miles per hour through the overnight hours. still it's really hard to fight any fire burning out there and no help from mother nature. more wind than rain. where the rain is falling from georgia to south carolina, severe thunderstorm threat for that area until 9:00 p.m. what about new year's eve? new year's eve, i'm going to focus from nashville to memphis, over to arkansas. new year's eve, that's where you have a risk for severe weather. all the while into nears day, snowfall anywhere from kansas city through portions of the great lakes, detroit is cold as well. look at this temperature differential. saturday des moines will have a high of 11 degrees, 21 below average. meanwhile, new orleans 81 degrees, 21 degrees above average. where you get the big clashes in temperatures, the possibility saturday for more severe weather. this active year we've had looks to creep into the new year as well. major, all yours. >> garrett: lonnie quinn, thank you so much. president biden spoke by phone today with vladimir putin over growing tensions over ukraine. cbs' ed o'keefe is traveling with the president in wilmington, delaware. ed, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, major. the president took the call from his home in wilmington. it lasted about 50 minutes and requested by mr. putin. the white house says that the president told russia-- told putin the u.s. and n.a.t.o. will respond decisively if russia invades ukraine and diplomacy can only continue if russia downs it military buildup. 1,000 troops along the border, a buildup that remained since the leaders spoke three weeks ago. the u.s. calls this a crisis. today the u.s. air force sent another spy plane over ukraine with radar trying to track ground movements. russia wants guarantees to make sure nato won't expand to the russian border and wants to make sure u.s. won't place military equipment in ukraine or other eastern european countries. the biden administration will not concede to either of the demands. tonight's call between russian and american diplomats january 10 in geneva over these concerns. major. >> garrett: ed o'keefe, thank you so much. tonight officials at the zoo in naples, florida, are considering increased security around animal enclosures, this after a worker got too close to a tiger and was attacked. the man is recovering and the tiger was put down.overing and i and we must warn you, the body cam footage is graphic. here is cbs' omar villafranca.'l >> i'm being attacked by a tiger, please, please, please. >> reporter: this was the desperate call made to 911 from a man being attacked by a tiger. >> are you in the cage? >> no, i'm just outside of it, he's got my hand. >> the tiger has your hand? >> yeah! >> reporter: body cam video shows the gruesome scene wednesday evening as florida deputies rush to the tiger exhibit at the naples zoo. >> please help me! >> reporter: that's where they found 26-year-old river rosenquist screaming for help, his bloodied arm still in the jaws of a tiger. >> got a tranquilizer? >> reporter: they tried banging on the fence to scare the tiger away, but ultimately deputies were forced to shoot and kill the eight-year-old tiger. rosenquist was airlifted to a nearby hospital and is in fair condition. investigators say rosenquist put his hand in the cage. he was part of a crew hired by the zoo to clean public areas, not animal enclosures, and wasn't supposed to get near the tiger. malayan tigers are considered critically endangered, meaning fewer than 200 remain in the wild. tiger attacks are rare, but have wild. happened in the past. in 2016 a malayan tiger attacked and killed the lead zookeeper at the palm beach zoo. the naples zoo closed today to figure out what happened and if rosenquist will face charges. omar villafranca, cbs news. >> garrett: now to an important topic you will be hearing about when the senate reconvenes next week: a bipartisan push to reauthorize the violence against women act. lawmakers say inaction and plenty of it puts lives at risk. here is cbs' nikole killion. >> reporter: fawn vasquez is happiest when at home with her five children, and away from the man who abused her physically, emotionally and financially for more than a decade, including around the time she was pregnant. >> he just picked me up and threw me through a door, and i landed outside on concrete knocked out. >> reporter: was that the final straw? >> a few days after i looked him in the eye and i said, "i'm so scared you're going to kill me one day." and he said, "i absolutely will." >> my face was swelling... >> reporter: keisha williams was almost left for dead after her abuser shot her in the face at 19. it took her more than 30 years to open up about it. >> i traveled in a place... that only... this type of traumatic situation would bring you to. >> reporter: one critical resource for survivors is the "violence against women act," but the law which covers everything from the domestic violence hotline to legal protections for victims hasn't been re-authorized since 2013. how frustrated are you? >> it is very frustrating because i did work in a shelter environment. >> reporter: iowa senator joni ernst, a survivor herself, has been working to reauthorize vawa since it expired in 2019, stalled by controversial provisions like stricter gun restrictions which some of her fellow republicans oppose. >> this is not a gun control bill. it is a violence against women bill. >> reporter: but after years of ngotiations and intense lobbying from celebrities like angelina jolie, ernst and a bipartisan group of senators aim to introduce a bill early next year after reaching a framework this month to expand access and programs for those like fawn. >> we need to know that people care, that people are going to believe us when we tell our story. >> reporter: to prevent future ones from being told. nikole killion, cbs news, capitol hill. >> garrett: tonight, a bit of american ingenuity. we look at how the next generation is tackling two pressing problems: food waste and climate change.ate change. he here is cbs' catherine herridge. >> reporter: at this los angeles warehouse, they're delivering change. >> there's not a crisis of food insecurity in the united states, there's a crisis of indifference. we're growing enough food to feed every person in the country and honestly on the planet. >> reporter: childhood friends james kanoff and aidan reiley launched the farm link project during the pandemic. >> farm link is a student-led movement with the goal of connecting farms across the country that have surplus food to food banks that need it. >> reporter: one of the farmers, shay myers, asked for help on tiktok. >> i want to show you one of the ramifications of covid 19. >> reporter: demand down, thousands of pounds of onions piled up. >> why are you dumping and not donating? the supply chain is broken, guys. if we can't get into the city, we still have to throw them away. >> reporter: instead, the farm link team connected myers to food banks who needed his produce. >> looked him up, found his phone number, said hey, i heard you had trouble moving onions, we'd like to help. >> reporter: for those who work the land, its a heartbreaking dilemma. >> farmers are paying $80 a ton to throw away food. >> reporter: quality food like these lemons. >> the skin is dried. >> reporter: and papayas. >> ejected because it had spots. >> reporter: end up in land fills, creating greenhouse gases. what do you want people to know about the environmental impact. >> it plays one of the biggest roles in climate change, greenhouse gas emissions. >> our job is to create a bridge between the mountain of food and the tremendous need. >> reporter: demand is constant with rising grocery prices and double lines at food banks. >> we still need the fresh food and the health benefits it gives. >> reporter: driven by student volunteers during the pandemic, and now operating in 48 states, this month farm link hit a milestone: 50 million pounds of produce recovered. >> it's satisfying to see how proud farmers are to be able to do that. >> reporter: these friends saw a solution where others saw blocks. >> i've never been a part of something that felt more important. >> reporter: catherine herridge, cbs news, los angeles. >> garrett: still ahead, a truck driver's 110-year sentence reduced by colorado's governor. plus a huge drug bust on the high seas and a recall of nearly half a million f a million teslas. -nice smile, brad. -nice! thanks? 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works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. >> garrett: breaking news, a truck driver sentenced to 110 years in prison for a 2019 crash that left four dead outside denver had his sentence reduced to ten years by colorado's governor. the original sentence drew outrage across the country, more than five million people signed an online petition seeking clemency. the u.s. navy and coast guard made a huge drug bust this week in the arabian sea destroying 850 pounds of heroin worth about $4 million. it was aboard a fishing boat with a crew from iran. the navy says more than $193 million in drugs has been seized at sea this year, more than the total of the last four years combined. tonight, tesla is recalling half a million electric cars in the u.s., model 3s from 2017 through 2020 because of an issue with the rearview camera, and model s vehicles dating back to 2014 because of a potential problem with the front hood latch. tesla says neither problem has been linked to crashes or injuries. up next, a return visit to atlanta's airport piano man and the gift that musically keeps on giving. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa.♪ try pepto bismol with a powerful coating action. for fast and soothing relief. pepto bismol for fast relief when you need it most. >> garrett: we have told the stories of some amazing people in 2021. cbs' well-traveled mark strassmann revisited one of them in a place where they both spent a lot of time, the atlanta airport. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: christmas came five months early for tonee valentine, the atlanta airport's piano man. >> it's changed my life. not the money, but the act itself changed my life in a lot of ways. >> reporter: a traveler heard tonee play back in july and felt something. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i feel lighter. >> reporter: carlos whittaker, a motivational speaker, asked his 170,000 instagram followers to create a virtual tip jar for valentine. >> you don't know, but you've got a lot of money coming your way, bro. >> reporter: $60,000, almost right away. over time, 85,000. strangers showing him love. >> it made me want to be a better human. >> reporter: generosity. >> yeah. humanity. i'd given up on it. >> reporter: valentine has to give himself kidney dialysis nine hours a day. on most of them, he's lucky to make 100 bucks in tips. whittaker gave him a retirement fund. >> i don't even know you, but i love you. >> we talk all the time. he's like my son or something. >> reporter: you made a buddy. >> a buddy more than the money. >> reporter: a buddy for life. that's a gift in any season. mark strassmann, cbs news, atlanta. ( cheers and applause ) >> garrett: and we'll be right back. back. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain with aspercreme. 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Major Garrett , News , Omicron , Cbsn Bay Area , Kpix 5 , News App , Captioning Sponsored , Covid Wave , 00 , 6 , 5 , Action , Garrett , Booster Shots , Celebrations , Record Setting Infections , Pfizer , Caution , Families , Health Officials , At Large , Vaccine , Coast To , Wildfires , Storms , Children , Colorado , Study , Threats , Effectiveness , 12 , 12 15 Year Olds , 15 , Biden , Flooding , Lot , U S , Vladimir Putin , Southern California , South , Mess , Warning , Tiger , Man , Truck Driver , Cage , Ukraine , Zoo Tiger Attack , Response , Police , Russia , 110 , Violence Against Women Act , Governor , Sentence , Landmark Law , Outrage , Lawmakers Haven T , 2013 , Ten , 2013 American , People , Group , Ingenuity , Planet , Trip , Airport , Airport Piano Man , Idea , Atlanta , Cbs , Cases , Evening , Nation , Evening News , Viewers , West , Capitol , Norah O Donnell , Norah , World , Wave , Infection , Symptoms , Virus , Coronavirus , China , A Million , Two , Hospitalizations , Pandemic , Country , Fda , Daily , Level , Set , Parents , Covid , Nancy Chen , Airline Workers , New York City , Nancy , 1000 , Reporter , Hospitals , Staffing Shortage , 75000 , Place , Surge , Eric Adams , Highs , Ball Drop , Preps , Times Square , Country Vaccine Mandate , Sector , Lines , Testing , Fire Department , Workers , Strain , Focus , Staffing Shortages , City Services , Operations , Subway , 30 , Fire Fighters , State Of Emergency , Sick , Officers , Ems Personnel , Nypd , Cincinnati , 21 , Nobody , Three , 50 , Florida , State Record , Puerto Rico , States , Second , Plus D C , Covid Activity , Haven T , 8 , 4 , Record , Boosters , Beginning , Immunity , 11 , Johnson , Booster , Vaccination Status , Travelers , Cruises , Matter , Information , Crisis , Traveling , Air , Flights , Cruise Ships , 5000 , Major , Way , First , Tool , Fight , Pills , Challenge , At Home Treatment , Mudslides , Jonathan Vigliotti , Thousands , Evacuations , Alert , Remains , Tornadoes , Rains , Grass Fires , Wildfire Concerns , Highway , Residents , Boulder , Drought , Winds , Areas , State , Fires , Gusts , Emergency Evacuations , Superior , Force , Town , Wreaking , Havoc , Hope , Heavy Rain , Glimmers , 100 , Rivers , Waters , Creek Overflowed , State Park , Malibu , Snow , Resort Areas , Storm , Highways , Mountains , Amounts , Feet , December , Lake Tahoe , 17 , The Rain , Communities , Risk , Forecast , Lonnie Quinn , Maj , Major U , Fire , Wind Gust , 40 , 115 , 60 , New Year S Eve , Help , Area , Rain , Thunderstorm Threat , Mother Nature , Rain Is Falling , South Carolina , Georgia , Arkansas , Memphis , 9 , Weather , Cold , Anywhere , Portions , Temperature Differential , Kansas City , Detroit , Great Lakes , Des Moines , High , Clashes , Temperatures , Possibility , New Orleans , 81 , President , Looks , Ed O Keefe , Phone Today , Yours , Tensions , Wilmington , Delaware , Call , Home , Mr , Nato , White House , Military Buildup , Buildup , Border , Diplomacy , 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Re Authorized , Protections , Hotline , Everything , Shelter Environment , Iowa , Gun Control Bill , Survivor , Gun Restrictions , Republicans , Provisions , Reauthorize Vawa , 2019 , Violence Against Women Bill , Senators , Celebrities , Bill , Framework , Lobbying , Angelina Jolie , Access , Story , Ones , Programs , Care , Fawn , Generation , Problems , Bit , Food Waste , Catherine Herridge , Capitol Hill , Climate Change Ate , Food , Change , Person , Warehouse , Indifference , Food Insecurity , Los Angeles , Childhood Friends James Kanoff , Food Banks , Farms , Farmers , Student Led Movement , Project , The Farm , Goal , Farm Link , Aidan Reiley , Onions , Supply Chain , Ramifications , Guys , Demand Down , Shay Myers , Tiktok , Team , Produce , City , Phone Number , Trouble , Land , Land Fills , Dilemma , Ton , Lemons , Skin , Spots , Papayas , 80 , 0 , Job , Greenhouse Gases , Impact , Roles , Bridge , Climate Change , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Demand , Mountain , Need , Grocery Prices , Health Benefits , Student Volunteers , Hit A Milestone , 50 Million , 48 , Something , Saw , Blocks , Solution , Friends Saw A , Drug Bust , Recall , Teslas , High Seas , Brand , Sam , My Name Is Cherrie , Crest , Smile , Thanks , Oregon Coast , Hi , Brad , Crest 3d , Stain Removal , 1 , 3 , 76 , Memory , Granddaughters , On The Beach , Daughters , Taking Prevagen , Memories , 53 , Ways , Life , Click , Eggs , Puzzle Pieces , Prevagen , Eggland S Best , Healthier Brain , Season , Tradition , Tis , Cadillac , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Don T , Show , Ride , Sleigh , Anything , Dogs , Dog Chow , Cadillac Showroom , Vo , Relief , Fillers , Life Simple , Chicken , Laser , Gels , Pain Hits Fast , Purina Dog Chow , So Visshould , Simple Wroom , Tylenol Rapid , Drilled Holes , Details , Medicine Fast , Great Grandmother , Pill , Water , Packs , Pain Relief , Cough , Family Story , Ancestry , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Liz , Nerd , Works , Coughs , Mucinex Dm , 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