Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

were unaccounted for have all been found. we have all the details. deadly warehouse collapse, the amazon distribution center in illinois. >> it peeled the warehouse like. a can. >> o'donnell: and the breaking news about an osha investigation. and american strong, how our country's flag symbolizes strength of a town that lost everything but its faith. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting tonight from mayfield, kentucky. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. we're going to begin tonight from one of the hardest-hit parts of the entire state, this tiny close-knit community where every home for as far as the eye can see lacks just like this one. the destruction is indescribable and the loss unfathomable. tens of thousands are without heat, water or electricity. and it is cold here and is only going to get worse with temperatures expected to dip below freezing by the end of the week. for the many people we've met here, losing their homes is nothing compared to losing their loved ones. and today, the saddest news of all, the number of children taken in this tornado outbreak. the devastation spans six states, victims range in age from infants to an 86-year-old. the massive tornado with winds as strong as a cat-5 hurricane touched down in central arkansas and remained on the ground for more than 200 miles as it destroyed everything in its path. president biden, who declared an emergency declaration for kentucky over the weekend, will travel to mayfield and hard-hit dawson springs wednesday. he promised his administration will do whatever needed to help those devastated by the storms. and as we heard here on the ground, that help is desperately needed. tonight, no one here is giving up hope, as k-9 search and rescue teams continue looking for survivors. this once in a century twister tore through the heart of america, more than 1,000 homes across 18 kentucky counties reduced to rubble. >> it's just upsetting, you know, to know that that's the town that you grew up in and everything, you know, the memories is all gone. >> o'donnell: this western town of mayfield, kentucky, population 10,000, is the worst of the tornado's war zone. more than 30 twisters ripped through six states on friday night from arkansas all the way up to illinois. and the death toll is climbing. today, we learned in kentucky alone, at least 74 are confirmed dead. >> of the ones that we know... the age-- the age range is five months to 86 years, and six are younger than 18. >> o'donnell: with more than 100 still missing, we met paramedic bob wagner and his dog. >> the dog make this work so much quicker and more efficient. >> o'donnell: as we toured a radio call came at a home where a cadaver dog hit a scent. >> they're forcing entry, a dog is hitting. >> o'donnell: it was a false alert, heart-stopping moments everywhere. >> we had to climb through all this to get out. >> we went in a little small closet right there. this couple said crawling in the closet saved them. >> i was on top of my grand baby and he was on the door and the roof flew past. >> o'donnell: what you have lost? >> everything but our lives. >> o'donnell: but there is no shortage of heartache as karima told us her family is mourning a child lost. >> i have a niece, she lives in the next block, she lost her son three or four years old. >> o'donnell: 75 miles northeast of here, parts of dawson springs, kentucky, are decimated. tonight, we are learning about the youngest known victim, 2- year-old oaklyn koon, who was hospitalized after the tornado flung her into a neighbor's yard while strapped into a car seat her parents thought would keep her safe. she died of her injuries. >> she was a beautiful little girl and she would have grown up to be awesome. >> o'donnell: but tonight, gifts of kindness from america arein pouring in, more than $6 million sent to a kentucky relief fund. >> we were also seeing destruction met with a lot of compassion, i'm told. everywhere they've gone, they have people volunteering, talking, asking if they cannot only get help but how they can give some help. and so, we continue to pray for everyone. >> o'donnell: there's that physical and financial help, but it's also the emotional help that is needed because we learned today that seven children were killed in warren county, that's not far from here, including two infants and a four-year-old. in the tiny town of dawson springs, the youngest known victim is a two-month-old. lillia luciano will have more from that baby's grandmother coming up. breaking news about the more than 100 people working inside the mayfield candle factory when it took a direct hit from the storm. remember dozens were missing? cbs' david begnaud has new information about those unaccounted for. good evening, david. >> reporter: good evening. i just got off the phone with the c.e.o. of the factory. here's what he says: everyone who was working that night, survived but unaccounted for has been located. they just found some of the last folks in the hospital. 102 people have been found alive, eight died and all eight who died were recovered on the night of the tornado. i want to show you this. this is satellite imagery. it shows the factory before the tornado and then what it looked like right after. before we got the word that everyone unasked for has, inct fact, been found, we went to the site today and found crews usinr a crane to remove steel beams to look for victims. cadaver dogs were at the ready. as soon as we got up to the disaster site, from 100 yards away, you could smell the overwhelming odor of scented candles. >> thank you, god, for giving me life. >> reporter: felisa lynn started working at the factory in september. she was near the bathrooms with other workers when the roofs were torn off and the ceiling caved in on them. >> there's so many people in there. >> reporter: she limped out of the wreckage and recorded this video. you hear her repeatedly saying thank you, god, for saving me. >> thank you, god! >> reporter: she calls this man her hero, her supervisor, nelson gonzalez. he helped to free her legs so co that she could get out. >> i was making sure that thee people who was next to me, i wasn't going to leave them behind. i'm not going to let them down. they are my family as well. >> reporter: part of the family is barbara tate. an employee for two years, she was working along with her brother. both escaped the wreckage. physically, she says she's fine, but emotionally she's still haunted. >> i close my eyes and all i see is people hollering and screaming for help. i'm not doing good at all. it mess with a person when you see that and can't help anybody. you have to help yourself get out. >> reporter: one of the eight who died at the factory, robert daniel. jenna daniel is his daughter. >> i can't believe it. he was such a great dad. he was such a good dad. >> reporter: robert daniel was a sheriff's deputy. he died after helping others get to safety inside the factory before the tornado hit. this was his first week assigned to the candle factory where he was supervising inmates who were part of a work release program. robert daniel was 47 years old, a father of seven and grandfather to seven. >> he did what he could when he could, even if he couldn't he still tried. i'm going to miss him. >> reporter: and robert's daughter told me he was so excited to have that job at the factory because it was overtime. it was the first time, she said, that he was going to be able to afford all the christmas presents he wanted to buy for all the people he loved. >> o'donnell: some of the hardest working people. >> reporter: and you and i have been lucky to meet a lot of them. >> o'donnell: david, thank you. one of the other hardest hit areas is warren county about two and a half hours east of here where at least 15 people were killed there, including 11 people who lived on the same and as we mentioned, seven of those victim were children. communities in nearby hopkins county were obliterated including three-quarters of the buildings in the small town of dawson springs. cbs' lilia luciano shows us the devastation. >> reporter: two-month-old oaklyn koon is among the youngest known victims. her grandmother audrey carmen remembers little oaklyn as precious. >> she was the light of their life. my son was so excited to have his little baby girl. >> reporter: oaklyn's mother posted about their ordeal on facebook, including photos of oaklyn and brothers at the hospital, showing their injuries. >> we'll never know who she'll look like for sure, what she would have done in life, but that's okay. >> reporter: her family sheltered inside a bathroom as the tornado ripped through town. overnight she held her baby's hand saying at least i know who will be watching over you there for me, my dad. god, this doesn't seem real." at least 17 people killed in hopkins county, drone footage shows the path of destruction, uprooted trees, cars tossed like toys and demolished buildings, changing the landscape of this small community of 2,700 people. >> it just moved everything. >> reporter: there's nothing left at lacy duke's home. >> the house started shaking. we heard stuff hitting. the next thing we know, it was just gone and we were in it. >> they were hidden in here. >> reporter: the dukes found cover in a small storm cellar. what were you thinking? >> that we were going to die. don't know what else to tell you. >> reporter: as they searched for their cat, lucy's little sister says she's grateful to be alive. >> people who lost their family, it's really sad because they lost people they knew. >> reporter: i asked the dukes what's next, and they said, well, housing. this shelter is now the home of about 30 people who lost their homes over there in dawson springs. over the weekend, governor andy brasher toured the area. as you mentioned, president biden is expected to be around there this week. >> o'donnell: many people living in schools and churches. lilia, thank you.t the tornadoes hit as far north as illinois and in the town of edwardsville at least six were killed in an amazon distribution center, and a sign of how unusual a december outbreak of tornadoes is, the illinois governor announced he will look into strengthening building codes. cbs' mola lenghi is in edwardsville. good evening, mola. >> reporter: good evening, norah. one person, an employee, remains critically as crews clear debris, the governor of illinois told me state and local officials have started investigating whether this facility was structurally sound before the tornado hit, that is in addition to a federal osha investigation that was just launched. >> as soon as i pulled in, everybody was screaming shelter in place. r >> reporter: 26-year-old david coziac was working his regular night shift when the tornado hit. we were with him when he came back monday to identify his totaled car. this really illustrates the power of the storm and the destruction it caused. >> it peeled the warehouse like a can. >> reporter: coziac says he and employees said they took cover in two nearby restrooms. >> i was going to go to the other one that was destroyed and i would have been a casualty. >> reporter: satellite images show before and after the destruction of the 1.1 million square foot amazon facility which opened in july of 2020. six employees were killed. the last time carla cope spoke to her son clay who worked at the facility, she did what moms do: told him to be safe. >> we talked to him on the phone and said, "you know, the storm's heading your way." and i heard him say, "i guess we should go tell that guy." and lynn said, "let him know." and i said, "and get yourself to shelter." we hung up the phone and that the last we talked to him. >> reporter: the copes drove to the amazon facility and waited outside more than six hours for word on their son. >> about 4:30 in the morning, i think the fire chief and the coroner came to the car and told us that they'd located his body. >> reporter: clay, a navy veteran and avid outdoorsman was set to turn 30 in just two weeks. >> he was just a really good soul. i have to wait a minute... he just had a really big heart. he would do anything for anybody. >> reporter: amazon insists this building was safe and adequately built to code, and the company tells me tonight, "edwardsville is our home and we plan to rebuid here." norah. >> o'donnell: mola lenghi, thank you. in these stories of loss are also stories of survival and hope. one of the many people we met here lived in this duplex behind me. he's a veteran and told us the community he loves now looks like a battlefield. you're a marine? >> yes, ma'am. >> o'donnell: david turner served in vietnam and says this feels like a war zone. how are you doing? >> i'm hanging in there. i can't let it get to me. it's hard. o >> o'donnell: what are you going to do? >> i'm trying to get my stuff out that survived. >> o'donnell: one of the first things he rescued, his american flag. what does it mean finding your flags inside your home? >> it means a lot to me, a whole lot. >> o'donnell: a whole lot to the whole town. >> a lot of nice people. >> o'donnell: a lot of nice people. a lot of nice people here in your town. amidst all the despair, you see this: old glory. american flags planted, a sign of strength, a sign of hope and resilience among the people of mayfield. like that famous line from the national anthem, our flag was still there. it survived then and now, and so will david turner. >> i'll make it. i'll survive. i'm a survivor. i've survived a lot of things. i'm going to survive this, too. >> o'donnell: david turner, just one of the many reminders here about the heart of america. well, still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," some of the other stories making headlines including those new mask mandates in california and new york. he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus, trulicity can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. it can also help you lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. show your world what's truly inside. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. >> o' >> o'donnell: tonight, one year after the first covid vaccines in the u.s. started to roll out, covid hospitalizations are rising in at least 30 states. today, california announced it's bringing back its statewide indoor mask mandate. new york state is also requiring mandates in all public places where vaccines aren't required. the u.s. supreme court said it won't block new york state's requirement for healthcare workers which does not offer an exemption for religious reasons. >> o'donnell: tonight the congressional committee investigating the deadly assault on the u.s. capitol is recommending contempt charges against mark meadows. meadows, on orders from former president trump, is refusing to cooperate with the investigation, siting executive privilege. they want to ask meadows about his efforts to help mr. trump over turn his defeat in the presidential election. >> and coming up next...amid the widespread destruction here in kentucky, the glimmers of hope. >> o'donnell: in the wake of disasters, we often find communities that come together, and this is when you find the very best that america has to offer. mayfield, kentucky, is the quintessential small town. now mayfield is a town of devastation. but for every destroyed home here, you will also find symbols of america. not just flags that survived a monster tornado, but neighbors helping neighbors, strangers helping strangers. this was supposed to be a joyous season. for many here, christmas will mean rebuilding. barbara patterson's home is uninhabitable, but what's remarkable is what survived the storm. the only thing left untouched, a brand-new christmas tree and all the gifts underneath, and with that a reminder to be thankful and to hug your loved ones tight. such an important thing to think about this holiday season.a what we do have and how to give back. we'll be right back. and where we come from. ...right here? 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News , Night , 00 , 7 , Cbs O Donnell , Town , Heartache , Information , U S , Number , Heartland , Tornado Outbreaks , Death Toll Rises , Captioning Sponsored , 100 , One , Survivors , Loss , Towns , Families , Rescue Workers , Search , Debris , Futures , Victims , Car Seat , Safe , Mayfield , Breaking News , Employees , Candle Factory , Kids , Economy , Backbone , Two , Seven , Distribution Center , Warehouse , Can , Illinois , Amazon , Details , Deadly Warehouse Collapse , Investigation , Everything , Strength , Country , Flag , Osha , Strong , Faith , Cbs Evening News , Kentucky , Norah O Donnell , Hit Parts , Destruction , Community , Home , State , Tens Of Thousands , Eye , People , Homes , Nothing , Cold , Heat , Water , Electricity , Temperatures , The End , Children , Wall , Devastation , States , Loved Ones , Tornado Outbreak , Saddest , 86 , Six , Tornado , Biden , Winds , Ground , Path , Hurricane , Emergency Declaration , Central Arkansas , 200 , 5 , Storms , Weekend , Administration , Will Travel To Mayfield , Hit Dawson Springs Wednesday , Help , Twister , No One , Teams , Up Hope , Search And Rescue , As K 9 , Heart Of America , 9 , 1000 , Counties , Memories , Rubble , 18 , Way , Worst , War Zone , Population , Death Toll , Climbing , 30 , 10000 , Ones , Age , Five , 74 , Dog , Bob Wagner , Dog Hit , Cadaver , Work , Scent , Radio Call , Heart , Closet , Everywhere , Hitting , Alert , Entry , Baby , Lives , Roof , Crawling , Door , Family , Son , Child , Lost , Shortage , Mourning , Niece , Karima , Oaklyn Koon , Neighbor , Learning , Parts Of Dawson Springs , 2 , 75 , Four , Three , Injuries , Girl , Gifts , Parents , Kindness , America Arein Pouring In , Lot , Compassion , Relief Fund , Talking , Volunteering , 6 Million , Million , Everyone , Victim , Infants , Warren County , Dawson Springs , Lillia Luciano , Storm , Mayfield Candle , Hit , Grandmother , Cbs , David Begnaud , Dozens , Reporter , Factory , Phone , Evening , Unaccounted , Ceo , Folks , Eight , Satellite Imagery , 102 , Word , Fact , Site , Has , Crane , Steel , Usinr , Inct , Cadaver Dogs , God , Candles , Disaster Site , Odor , Felisa Lynn , Giving Me Life , Workers , Bathrooms , Ceiling , Roofs , Wreckage , Video , Nelson Gonzalez , Legs , Man , Thee , Employee , Both , Part , Brother , Tate , Person , Anybody , Fine , It Mess , Eyes , Robert Daniel , Dad , Jenna Daniel , Daughter , Tornado Hit , Others , Inmates , Deputy , Sheriff , Grandfather , Work Release Program , He Couldn T , Father , 47 , Time , Job , Hardest Hit Areas , Some , 15 , Communities , Block As , Hopkins County , 11 , Lilia Luciano , Buildings , Audrey Carmen , Quarters , Little Oaklyn , Life , Brothers , Including Photos Of Oaklyn , Hospital , Mother , Light , Baby Girl , Oaklyn , Facebook , Bathroom , Least , Hand , Drone Footage , Doesn T Seem Real , 17 , Toys , Cars , Landscape , Uprooted Trees , Path Of Destruction , 2700 , Thing , Dukes , Cover , Stuff Hitting , House , Lacy Duke , Storm Cellar , Don T , Little Sister , Cat , Lucy , Shelter , Housing , What S Next , Andy Brasher , Area , Tornadoes , Of Edwardsville , Churches , Schools , Thank You T , Sign , Governor , December Outbreak , Building Codes , Edwardsville , Mola Lenghi , Facility , Crews Clear Debris , Officials , Norah , David Coziac , Everybody , Place , Addition , R , 26 , Power , Car , Night Shift , Restrooms , Casualty , Satellite Images , Coziac , Cope , July , Moms , Son Clay , 1 Million , July Of 2020 , 2020 , The Storm , Guy , Coroner , Copes , Last , Fire Chief , 4 , Clay , Veteran , Body , Avid Outdoorsman , Navy , Anything , Building , Code , Soul , Company , Stories , Hope , Survival , David Turner , Duplex , Battlefield , Marine , Yes , Ma Am , Vietnam , Stuff , O Donnell , Things , Flags , American Flag , Despair , Resilience , I M A Survivor , Line , National Anthem , Reminders , California , Mask Mandates , Headlines , Game , New York , Risk , Insulin , Stop Trulicity , A1c , Events , Plus , Ten , Doctor , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , It , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , It Isn T , Use , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Stomach Pain , Taking Trulicity , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diabetic Retinopathy , Td Ameritrade , Trading Experience , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , World , Support , Orders , Innovation , Trading , Education , Perspective , Charts , Style , Interfaces , Level , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Doctors , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Vaccines , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , O , Covid , Aleve , Motrin , Mask Mandate , New York State , Hospitalizations , U S Supreme Court , Mandates , Healthcare Workers , Places , Requirement , Reasons , Exemption , Assault , Meadows , Committee , Contempt Charges , Mark Meadows , U S Capitol , Trump , Election , Efforts , Mr , Siting Executive Privilege , Defeat , Of Hope , Disasters , Wake , Symbols , Now Mayfield , Neighbors , Is , Monster Tornado , Strangers , Season , Rebuilding , Barbara Patterson , Christmas Tree , Reminder , Gifts Underneath , Mystery , My God , Dupuytren S Contracture , That S What Ancestry , Condition , Market , Game Changer , Option , Treatments , Decision Tech , Moves , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Market Events , Alerts , Insights , Fidelity , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Benefits , Stroke , Heart Protection , Heart Attack , Mind , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Symptoms , Infections , Tremfya , Reactions , Adults , Patients , Ability , Infection , Vaccine , Allstate , Auto Rates , Ride , More , Women , Thousands , Hands , Auto Rate , Taking Ibrance , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Breast Cancer , Men , Therapy , Hormonal , Aromatase Inhibitor , Death , Disease Progression , Blood Cell , Inflammation , Lungs , Breathing , Chills , Chest Pain , Signs , Liver , Breastfeeding , Cough , Trouble , Fever , Edition , Coverage , Dvr , Live , Ni , Atmospheres , Rain , Flooding , Trees , Punch , Engine Greens , Round , Sera , Wool , Dumping , Snow , Kpix 5 Original Report , Effect , Industry , Conditions , Changes , Incentive , Instrument , Bay Area , Alameda County , Atmospheric Revert Making Roads Slippery , Checkout , 880 , River , Little , Damage , Alan Martin , Elizabeth Cook , Areas , Blizzard Conditions , Paul Heggen , Flooding Problems , Led , Lighter , Peak , Mountains , Front , Pockets , Santa Cruz ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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were unaccounted for have all been found. we have all the details. deadly warehouse collapse, the amazon distribution center in illinois. >> it peeled the warehouse like. a can. >> o'donnell: and the breaking news about an osha investigation. and american strong, how our country's flag symbolizes strength of a town that lost everything but its faith. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting tonight from mayfield, kentucky. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us. we're going to begin tonight from one of the hardest-hit parts of the entire state, this tiny close-knit community where every home for as far as the eye can see lacks just like this one. the destruction is indescribable and the loss unfathomable. tens of thousands are without heat, water or electricity. and it is cold here and is only going to get worse with temperatures expected to dip below freezing by the end of the week. for the many people we've met here, losing their homes is nothing compared to losing their loved ones. and today, the saddest news of all, the number of children taken in this tornado outbreak. the devastation spans six states, victims range in age from infants to an 86-year-old. the massive tornado with winds as strong as a cat-5 hurricane touched down in central arkansas and remained on the ground for more than 200 miles as it destroyed everything in its path. president biden, who declared an emergency declaration for kentucky over the weekend, will travel to mayfield and hard-hit dawson springs wednesday. he promised his administration will do whatever needed to help those devastated by the storms. and as we heard here on the ground, that help is desperately needed. tonight, no one here is giving up hope, as k-9 search and rescue teams continue looking for survivors. this once in a century twister tore through the heart of america, more than 1,000 homes across 18 kentucky counties reduced to rubble. >> it's just upsetting, you know, to know that that's the town that you grew up in and everything, you know, the memories is all gone. >> o'donnell: this western town of mayfield, kentucky, population 10,000, is the worst of the tornado's war zone. more than 30 twisters ripped through six states on friday night from arkansas all the way up to illinois. and the death toll is climbing. today, we learned in kentucky alone, at least 74 are confirmed dead. >> of the ones that we know... the age-- the age range is five months to 86 years, and six are younger than 18. >> o'donnell: with more than 100 still missing, we met paramedic bob wagner and his dog. >> the dog make this work so much quicker and more efficient. >> o'donnell: as we toured a radio call came at a home where a cadaver dog hit a scent. >> they're forcing entry, a dog is hitting. >> o'donnell: it was a false alert, heart-stopping moments everywhere. >> we had to climb through all this to get out. >> we went in a little small closet right there. this couple said crawling in the closet saved them. >> i was on top of my grand baby and he was on the door and the roof flew past. >> o'donnell: what you have lost? >> everything but our lives. >> o'donnell: but there is no shortage of heartache as karima told us her family is mourning a child lost. >> i have a niece, she lives in the next block, she lost her son three or four years old. >> o'donnell: 75 miles northeast of here, parts of dawson springs, kentucky, are decimated. tonight, we are learning about the youngest known victim, 2- year-old oaklyn koon, who was hospitalized after the tornado flung her into a neighbor's yard while strapped into a car seat her parents thought would keep her safe. she died of her injuries. >> she was a beautiful little girl and she would have grown up to be awesome. >> o'donnell: but tonight, gifts of kindness from america arein pouring in, more than $6 million sent to a kentucky relief fund. >> we were also seeing destruction met with a lot of compassion, i'm told. everywhere they've gone, they have people volunteering, talking, asking if they cannot only get help but how they can give some help. and so, we continue to pray for everyone. >> o'donnell: there's that physical and financial help, but it's also the emotional help that is needed because we learned today that seven children were killed in warren county, that's not far from here, including two infants and a four-year-old. in the tiny town of dawson springs, the youngest known victim is a two-month-old. lillia luciano will have more from that baby's grandmother coming up. breaking news about the more than 100 people working inside the mayfield candle factory when it took a direct hit from the storm. remember dozens were missing? cbs' david begnaud has new information about those unaccounted for. good evening, david. >> reporter: good evening. i just got off the phone with the c.e.o. of the factory. here's what he says: everyone who was working that night, survived but unaccounted for has been located. they just found some of the last folks in the hospital. 102 people have been found alive, eight died and all eight who died were recovered on the night of the tornado. i want to show you this. this is satellite imagery. it shows the factory before the tornado and then what it looked like right after. before we got the word that everyone unasked for has, inct fact, been found, we went to the site today and found crews usinr a crane to remove steel beams to look for victims. cadaver dogs were at the ready. as soon as we got up to the disaster site, from 100 yards away, you could smell the overwhelming odor of scented candles. >> thank you, god, for giving me life. >> reporter: felisa lynn started working at the factory in september. she was near the bathrooms with other workers when the roofs were torn off and the ceiling caved in on them. >> there's so many people in there. >> reporter: she limped out of the wreckage and recorded this video. you hear her repeatedly saying thank you, god, for saving me. >> thank you, god! >> reporter: she calls this man her hero, her supervisor, nelson gonzalez. he helped to free her legs so co that she could get out. >> i was making sure that thee people who was next to me, i wasn't going to leave them behind. i'm not going to let them down. they are my family as well. >> reporter: part of the family is barbara tate. an employee for two years, she was working along with her brother. both escaped the wreckage. physically, she says she's fine, but emotionally she's still haunted. >> i close my eyes and all i see is people hollering and screaming for help. i'm not doing good at all. it mess with a person when you see that and can't help anybody. you have to help yourself get out. >> reporter: one of the eight who died at the factory, robert daniel. jenna daniel is his daughter. >> i can't believe it. he was such a great dad. he was such a good dad. >> reporter: robert daniel was a sheriff's deputy. he died after helping others get to safety inside the factory before the tornado hit. this was his first week assigned to the candle factory where he was supervising inmates who were part of a work release program. robert daniel was 47 years old, a father of seven and grandfather to seven. >> he did what he could when he could, even if he couldn't he still tried. i'm going to miss him. >> reporter: and robert's daughter told me he was so excited to have that job at the factory because it was overtime. it was the first time, she said, that he was going to be able to afford all the christmas presents he wanted to buy for all the people he loved. >> o'donnell: some of the hardest working people. >> reporter: and you and i have been lucky to meet a lot of them. >> o'donnell: david, thank you. one of the other hardest hit areas is warren county about two and a half hours east of here where at least 15 people were killed there, including 11 people who lived on the same and as we mentioned, seven of those victim were children. communities in nearby hopkins county were obliterated including three-quarters of the buildings in the small town of dawson springs. cbs' lilia luciano shows us the devastation. >> reporter: two-month-old oaklyn koon is among the youngest known victims. her grandmother audrey carmen remembers little oaklyn as precious. >> she was the light of their life. my son was so excited to have his little baby girl. >> reporter: oaklyn's mother posted about their ordeal on facebook, including photos of oaklyn and brothers at the hospital, showing their injuries. >> we'll never know who she'll look like for sure, what she would have done in life, but that's okay. >> reporter: her family sheltered inside a bathroom as the tornado ripped through town. overnight she held her baby's hand saying at least i know who will be watching over you there for me, my dad. god, this doesn't seem real." at least 17 people killed in hopkins county, drone footage shows the path of destruction, uprooted trees, cars tossed like toys and demolished buildings, changing the landscape of this small community of 2,700 people. >> it just moved everything. >> reporter: there's nothing left at lacy duke's home. >> the house started shaking. we heard stuff hitting. the next thing we know, it was just gone and we were in it. >> they were hidden in here. >> reporter: the dukes found cover in a small storm cellar. what were you thinking? >> that we were going to die. don't know what else to tell you. >> reporter: as they searched for their cat, lucy's little sister says she's grateful to be alive. >> people who lost their family, it's really sad because they lost people they knew. >> reporter: i asked the dukes what's next, and they said, well, housing. this shelter is now the home of about 30 people who lost their homes over there in dawson springs. over the weekend, governor andy brasher toured the area. as you mentioned, president biden is expected to be around there this week. >> o'donnell: many people living in schools and churches. lilia, thank you.t the tornadoes hit as far north as illinois and in the town of edwardsville at least six were killed in an amazon distribution center, and a sign of how unusual a december outbreak of tornadoes is, the illinois governor announced he will look into strengthening building codes. cbs' mola lenghi is in edwardsville. good evening, mola. >> reporter: good evening, norah. one person, an employee, remains critically as crews clear debris, the governor of illinois told me state and local officials have started investigating whether this facility was structurally sound before the tornado hit, that is in addition to a federal osha investigation that was just launched. >> as soon as i pulled in, everybody was screaming shelter in place. r >> reporter: 26-year-old david coziac was working his regular night shift when the tornado hit. we were with him when he came back monday to identify his totaled car. this really illustrates the power of the storm and the destruction it caused. >> it peeled the warehouse like a can. >> reporter: coziac says he and employees said they took cover in two nearby restrooms. >> i was going to go to the other one that was destroyed and i would have been a casualty. >> reporter: satellite images show before and after the destruction of the 1.1 million square foot amazon facility which opened in july of 2020. six employees were killed. the last time carla cope spoke to her son clay who worked at the facility, she did what moms do: told him to be safe. >> we talked to him on the phone and said, "you know, the storm's heading your way." and i heard him say, "i guess we should go tell that guy." and lynn said, "let him know." and i said, "and get yourself to shelter." we hung up the phone and that the last we talked to him. >> reporter: the copes drove to the amazon facility and waited outside more than six hours for word on their son. >> about 4:30 in the morning, i think the fire chief and the coroner came to the car and told us that they'd located his body. >> reporter: clay, a navy veteran and avid outdoorsman was set to turn 30 in just two weeks. >> he was just a really good soul. i have to wait a minute... he just had a really big heart. he would do anything for anybody. >> reporter: amazon insists this building was safe and adequately built to code, and the company tells me tonight, "edwardsville is our home and we plan to rebuid here." norah. >> o'donnell: mola lenghi, thank you. in these stories of loss are also stories of survival and hope. one of the many people we met here lived in this duplex behind me. he's a veteran and told us the community he loves now looks like a battlefield. you're a marine? >> yes, ma'am. >> o'donnell: david turner served in vietnam and says this feels like a war zone. how are you doing? >> i'm hanging in there. i can't let it get to me. it's hard. o >> o'donnell: what are you going to do? >> i'm trying to get my stuff out that survived. >> o'donnell: one of the first things he rescued, his american flag. what does it mean finding your flags inside your home? >> it means a lot to me, a whole lot. >> o'donnell: a whole lot to the whole town. >> a lot of nice people. >> o'donnell: a lot of nice people. a lot of nice people here in your town. amidst all the despair, you see this: old glory. american flags planted, a sign of strength, a sign of hope and resilience among the people of mayfield. like that famous line from the national anthem, our flag was still there. it survived then and now, and so will david turner. >> i'll make it. i'll survive. i'm a survivor. i've survived a lot of things. i'm going to survive this, too. >> o'donnell: david turner, just one of the many reminders here about the heart of america. well, still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," some of the other stories making headlines including those new mask mandates in california and new york. he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus, trulicity can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. it can also help you lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. show your world what's truly inside. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective. and a dedicated trade desk of expert-level support. that will push you to be even better. and just might change how you trade—forever. because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. >> o' >> o'donnell: tonight, one year after the first covid vaccines in the u.s. started to roll out, covid hospitalizations are rising in at least 30 states. today, california announced it's bringing back its statewide indoor mask mandate. new york state is also requiring mandates in all public places where vaccines aren't required. the u.s. supreme court said it won't block new york state's requirement for healthcare workers which does not offer an exemption for religious reasons. >> o'donnell: tonight the congressional committee investigating the deadly assault on the u.s. capitol is recommending contempt charges against mark meadows. meadows, on orders from former president trump, is refusing to cooperate with the investigation, siting executive privilege. they want to ask meadows about his efforts to help mr. trump over turn his defeat in the presidential election. >> and coming up next...amid the widespread destruction here in kentucky, the glimmers of hope. >> o'donnell: in the wake of disasters, we often find communities that come together, and this is when you find the very best that america has to offer. mayfield, kentucky, is the quintessential small town. now mayfield is a town of devastation. but for every destroyed home here, you will also find symbols of america. not just flags that survived a monster tornado, but neighbors helping neighbors, strangers helping strangers. this was supposed to be a joyous season. for many here, christmas will mean rebuilding. barbara patterson's home is uninhabitable, but what's remarkable is what survived the storm. the only thing left untouched, a brand-new christmas tree and all the gifts underneath, and with that a reminder to be thankful and to hug your loved ones tight. such an important thing to think about this holiday season.a what we do have and how to give back. we'll be right back. and where we come from. ...right here? 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News , Night , 00 , 7 , Cbs O Donnell , Town , Heartache , Information , U S , Number , Heartland , Tornado Outbreaks , Death Toll Rises , Captioning Sponsored , 100 , One , Survivors , Loss , Towns , Families , Rescue Workers , Search , Debris , Futures , Victims , Car Seat , Safe , Mayfield , Breaking News , Employees , Candle Factory , Kids , Economy , Backbone , Two , Seven , Distribution Center , Warehouse , Can , Illinois , Amazon , Details , Deadly Warehouse Collapse , Investigation , Everything , Strength , Country , Flag , Osha , Strong , Faith , Cbs Evening News , Kentucky , Norah O Donnell , Hit Parts , Destruction , Community , Home , State , Tens Of Thousands , Eye , People , Homes , Nothing , Cold , Heat , Water , Electricity , Temperatures , The End , Children , Wall , Devastation , States , Loved Ones , Tornado Outbreak , Saddest , 86 , Six , Tornado , Biden , Winds , Ground , Path , Hurricane , Emergency Declaration , Central Arkansas , 200 , 5 , Storms , Weekend , Administration , Will Travel To Mayfield , Hit Dawson Springs Wednesday , Help , Twister , No One , Teams , Up Hope , Search And Rescue , As K 9 , Heart Of America , 9 , 1000 , Counties , Memories , Rubble , 18 , Way , Worst , War Zone , Population , Death Toll , Climbing , 30 , 10000 , Ones , Age , Five , 74 , Dog , Bob Wagner , Dog Hit , Cadaver , Work , Scent , Radio Call , Heart , Closet , Everywhere , Hitting , Alert , Entry , Baby , Lives , Roof , Crawling , Door , Family , Son , Child , Lost , Shortage , Mourning , Niece , Karima , Oaklyn Koon , Neighbor , Learning , Parts Of Dawson Springs , 2 , 75 , Four , Three , Injuries , Girl , Gifts , Parents , Kindness , America Arein Pouring In , Lot , Compassion , Relief Fund , Talking , Volunteering , 6 Million , Million , Everyone , Victim , Infants , Warren County , Dawson Springs , Lillia Luciano , Storm , Mayfield Candle , Hit , Grandmother , Cbs , David Begnaud , Dozens , Reporter , Factory , Phone , Evening , Unaccounted , Ceo , Folks , Eight , Satellite Imagery , 102 , Word , Fact , Site , Has , Crane , Steel , Usinr , Inct , Cadaver Dogs , God , Candles , Disaster Site , Odor , Felisa Lynn , Giving Me Life , Workers , Bathrooms , Ceiling , Roofs , Wreckage , Video , Nelson Gonzalez , Legs , Man , Thee , Employee , Both , Part , Brother , Tate , Person , Anybody , Fine , It Mess , Eyes , Robert Daniel , Dad , Jenna Daniel , Daughter , Tornado Hit , Others , Inmates , Deputy , Sheriff , Grandfather , Work Release Program , He Couldn T , Father , 47 , Time , Job , Hardest Hit Areas , Some , 15 , Communities , Block As , Hopkins County , 11 , Lilia Luciano , Buildings , Audrey Carmen , Quarters , Little Oaklyn , Life , Brothers , Including Photos Of Oaklyn , Hospital , Mother , Light , Baby Girl , Oaklyn , Facebook , Bathroom , Least , Hand , Drone Footage , Doesn T Seem Real , 17 , Toys , Cars , Landscape , Uprooted Trees , Path Of Destruction , 2700 , Thing , Dukes , Cover , Stuff Hitting , House , Lacy Duke , Storm Cellar , Don T , Little Sister , Cat , Lucy , Shelter , Housing , What S Next , Andy Brasher , Area , Tornadoes , Of Edwardsville , Churches , Schools , Thank You T , Sign , Governor , December Outbreak , Building Codes , Edwardsville , Mola Lenghi , Facility , Crews Clear Debris , Officials , Norah , David Coziac , Everybody , Place , Addition , R , 26 , Power , Car , Night Shift , Restrooms , Casualty , Satellite Images , Coziac , Cope , July , Moms , Son Clay , 1 Million , July Of 2020 , 2020 , The Storm , Guy , Coroner , Copes , Last , Fire Chief , 4 , Clay , Veteran , Body , Avid Outdoorsman , Navy , Anything , Building , Code , Soul , Company , Stories , Hope , Survival , David Turner , Duplex , Battlefield , Marine , Yes , Ma Am , Vietnam , Stuff , O Donnell , Things , Flags , American Flag , Despair , Resilience , I M A Survivor , Line , National Anthem , Reminders , California , Mask Mandates , Headlines , Game , New York , Risk , Insulin , Stop Trulicity , A1c , Events , Plus , Ten , Doctor , Type 2 Diabetes , Type 1 Diabetes , It , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , It Isn T , Use , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Stomach Pain , Taking Trulicity , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diabetic Retinopathy , Td Ameritrade , Trading Experience , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , World , Support , Orders , Innovation , Trading , Education , Perspective , Charts , Style , Interfaces , Level , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Doctors , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Vaccines , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , O , Covid , Aleve , Motrin , Mask Mandate , New York State , Hospitalizations , U S Supreme Court , Mandates , Healthcare Workers , Places , Requirement , Reasons , Exemption , Assault , Meadows , Committee , Contempt Charges , Mark Meadows , U S Capitol , Trump , Election , Efforts , Mr , Siting Executive Privilege , Defeat , Of Hope , Disasters , Wake , Symbols , Now Mayfield , Neighbors , Is , Monster Tornado , Strangers , Season , Rebuilding , Barbara Patterson , Christmas Tree , Reminder , Gifts Underneath , Mystery , My God , Dupuytren S Contracture , That S What Ancestry , Condition , Market , Game Changer , Option , Treatments , Decision Tech , Moves , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Market Events , Alerts , Insights , Fidelity , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Benefits , Stroke , Heart Protection , Heart Attack , Mind , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Symptoms , Infections , Tremfya , Reactions , Adults , Patients , Ability , Infection , Vaccine , Allstate , Auto Rates , Ride , More , Women , Thousands , Hands , Auto Rate , Taking Ibrance , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Breast Cancer , Men , Therapy , Hormonal , Aromatase Inhibitor , Death , Disease Progression , Blood Cell , Inflammation , Lungs , Breathing , Chills , Chest Pain , Signs , Liver , Breastfeeding , Cough , Trouble , Fever , Edition , Coverage , Dvr , Live , Ni , Atmospheres , Rain , Flooding , Trees , Punch , Engine Greens , Round , Sera , Wool , Dumping , Snow , Kpix 5 Original Report , Effect , Industry , Conditions , Changes , Incentive , Instrument , Bay Area , Alameda County , Atmospheric Revert Making Roads Slippery , Checkout , 880 , River , Little , Damage , Alan Martin , Elizabeth Cook , Areas , Blizzard Conditions , Paul Heggen , Flooding Problems , Led , Lighter , Peak , Mountains , Front , Pockets , Santa Cruz ,

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