Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

toxic water military families in hawaii forced into hotels getting sick after drinking water that tastes like vet fuel. >> how long have i been poisoning myself and my kids? >> o'donnell: the breaking news from the navy tonight. no more reading glasses? the new eyedrops that could help millions of americans see clearly, how it works. 'tis the season for shipping. exclusive middle of the night visit to a fedex facility working around the clock to get your holiday packages delivered on time. and on the wings of hope, the monarch butterflies triumphant return to california. # this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting tonight from los angeles. we're going to begin with the new push to boost covid immunity in millions more americans. today the f.d.a. authorized pfizer booster shots for 16 and 17-year-olds. boosters are already encouraged for everyone 18 and up. public health officials are worried people who were vaccinated last winter and spring now have weakened immunity especially against the new omicron variant. now that strain discovered last month has now been found in at least 24 states, most of those omicron infections have actually been in vaccinated people including some who'd received a booster. the more pressing concern tonight is the surge in cases of the delta variant that has hospitalizations rising in more than half the country, and in the hard-hit northeast, national guard troops are being deployed in several states to help overwhelmed hospitals. cbs's nikki battiste leads off our coverage in wilkes-barre, pennsylvania. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, here in pennsylvania, this hospital behind me is so full, covid patients have been packed in the e.r. waiting room for up to 20 hours, as cases rise in the northeast, several national guard troops are being deployed to maine, new york and new hampshire. >> today, we got in more good news from the f.d.a. and the c.d.c. >> reporter: tonight, 16 and 17-year-olds can now get additional protection against covid with the f.d.a. authorizing pfizer booster shots for this age group. it comes as covid cases across the country are on the rise, averaging 117,000 over a seven-day period. new cases have increased nearly 42%, and reported deaths are up 37% from last week. though the delta variant is driving the vast majority of u.s. cases, omicron is showing troubling signs of at least 64 cases identified, more than 75% occurred in vaccinated people and one-third had received a booster. and as holiday gatherings become more frequent, the push for vaccinations grows more urgent. in the northeast, where vaccination rates are among the highest in the nation, cases have ballooned more than 50% in the last week. here in pennsylvania, covid cases have soared 35%. geisinger wyoming valley medical center in wilkes-barre is coping with a dramatic surge if covid cases, most to have the patients are unvaccinated. the hospital is beyond overflow, operating at about 120% capacity with nearly a quarter in the covid unit. emergency room physician dr. easy reed says some patients are not hiding the warnings. >> i don't think we asked ourselves will it be bad today, we ask how bad will it be today. >> reporter: she says an unvaccinated couple critically ill with the virus refused any covid related treatment. both died. >> it's tough to watch when we know it's so preventible. >> reporter: dr. reed told me even though she's seen covid patients who are vaccinated, they're much less sick than the unvaccinated patients. she said she also just treated a three week old baby whose parents had not had a vaccine. norah. >> o'donnell: oh, my goodness. another reason to get the shot. all right, nikki battiste, thank you. breaking news from chicago. a jury just found actor jussie smollett guilty of staging an anti-gay and racist attack on himself and then lying to police about it. let's get the details from cbs's charlie de mar, he is outside the courthouse, good evening, charlie. >> reporter: good evening, norah. the verdict was just read moments ago. jussie smollett found guilty of five of the six disorderly conduct charges that he faced -- jussie smollett faced that foreperson right in the eye us a all six counts were read. he shook his head when the first five guilty verdicts came down. jussie smollett, we did get video of him walking into the courthouse moments before he learned his fate. he was, again, convicted with five of the six felony disorderly conduct counts for staging his own hate crime and then lying to several chicago police officers by reporting it as an actual hate crime. now, the jury, which was made up of six men and six women, deliberated for more than nine hours over two days. smollett took the stand in his own defense in this case telling the jury he was the actual victim of a hate crime. he told the jury that back in january 2019 that his attackers yelled racial and homophobic slurs, doused him with bleach and draped a rope around his neck. but the brothers also took the stand telling a much different story, saying they were paid $3,500 to carry out the attack and that smollett planned the entire stopt because he wanted publicity. prosecutors poked holes in smollett's testimony mainly that he didn't cooperate with certain aspects of the investigation. again, a jury here in cook county finding jussie smollett guilty on five of the six disorderly conduct charges that he is now facing. we expect it here from both prosecutors and the defense in this case. it's unclear if smollett will make any remarks after being convicted of those five charges, norah. >> o'donnell: charlie de mar, thank you. well, tonight, a major loss for former president trump in his battle to shield documents from congress and its investigation into the deadly attack on the u.s. capitol. a federal appeals court ruled late today that the congressional committee's unique need for the requested documents outweighs the former president's claim of executive privilege. it's not clear when the former president will have to turn over those documents including notes and visitor logs from the day of the january 6th insurrection. we turn now to president bien's efforts to prevent a foreign policy crisis on the russia-ukraine border where nearly 100,000 russian troops are amassed and could invade. cbs's weijia jiang has new details tonight from the white house. >> reporter: in a one-hour phone call this afternoon, president biden reiterated to ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky that the u.s. and n.a.t.o. allies will offer support if rust invades. nearly 100,000 russian troops have already flooded the border. ukrainian military officials reportedly warned that they are not equipped to deal with the full-scale attack without the help of western forces, and experts predicted that the russians could wipe out the ukrainian army in under one hour. on wednesday, the president ruled out sending in u.s. troops. >> that is not on the table. >> reporter: zelensky said his country needs more help on top of 88 tons of ammunition and antitank missiles the u.s. spried earlier this year, there are also 150 american military advisors in ukraine. president biden warned island tuesday there would be severe consequences if russia invades. >> i am absolutely c confident e got the message. >> reporter: today he spoke with the leaders of nine countries on n.a.t.o.'s eastern flank, uneasy about the instability in the region. >> our objective is to make clear the significant and severe economic consequences if russia were to invade ukraine. >> reporter: but today, vladimir putin escalated his rhetoric saying that the situation in ukraine resembles genocide. the white house dismissed the comment, advising the public to take it with a grain of salt, pointing out that the aggression is coming from russia. norah. >> o'donnell: weijia jiang, thank you. well, there is a contaminated water crisis on the hu hawaiian island of o'ahu impacted military families. the u.s. navy has been forced to shut down the use of two underground jet fuel storage tanks after complaints of water smelling and looking like it contains fuel. cbs's lilia luciano reports from honolulu. >> reporter: crystal murray and her four children left home about a week ago after spending days unknowingly drinking, cooking and bathing with toxic water. >> like the whole house started smelling literally like a mechanic's shop, and then the next morning i ended up in the hospital. >> reporter: the navy now admits their water was contaminated by jet fuel leaking from this transfer facility. it was flowing into the faucets of thousands of military homes. the military mobilized troops to distribute safe water. >> go get your towel, please. >> reporter: mothers like jamie yuccas can bathe their children like this. >> how long have i been poisoning myself and my kids? our children haven't bathed since saturday, we have been baifting out of bottled water. >> reporter: at town hall meetics, military officials have tried to reassure anxious families. >> i understand your from you administrations -- frustrations and concerns and i understand them. we are working day and night to figure out the sources of the odors. >> reporter: for many, reassurance came too late. >> when we could smell the fuel in the water, i was told we cannot get told anything, we canot give you any information. why is that okay? >> sir, it's not okay, bottom line. >> i have an 18-week high-risk pregnant wife and i'm being told you can use the water, go away. >> reporter: the murrays and thousands of military families have now been forced to move from their contaminated homes. she's not sure what it would mean to return here. how would you feel coming back here? >> nervous. i think i'll probably take my own money and kind of check the water. >> reporter: many of those families evacuated to this busy hotel and the risk of toxic water may extend beyond military families. those navy fuel tanks sit above a source that supplies water, norah, for more than 400,000 people here in honolulu. >> o'donnell: wow, what a critical story. lilia luciano, thank you. well, now, some eye opening news for millions of americans who wear glasses. new prescription eyedrops became available today that could potentially replace reading glasses for people who have trouble seeing close up. one woman tells cbs's jericka duncan the drops changed her life. >> reporter: for most her life, toni wright has had perfect vision but after turning 50 she used readers allowing her to see things clearly that are close up. how many readers do you think you have in all. >> probably eight pairs. >> reporter: in 2019, her doctor told her about eyedrops with the potential to correct her vision problems temporarily. >> i would put the drops in my eyes in the morning. >> reporter: what did you notice instantly? >> i would not need my readers as much. >> reporter: wright was one of 750 participants in a clinical trial to test vuity, the first yierp to -- eye drop to treat presbyopia, it takes effect in about 15 minutes. >> vuity utilizes the eye's natural ability to reduce the pupil size. reducing the pupil size expands the depth of peeled or focus. >> reporter: one drop in each eye provides sharper vision for six to ten hours. a spokesperson for vuity says the medicine wll cost about $80t expected to be covered by insurance. the drug works best in people age 40 to 55 and side effects included headaches and red eyes. as for toni wright, it's an easy backup solution with a clear advantage. >> definitely a life changer. just a convenience to have that option. >> reporter: jericka duncan, cbs news, zelienople, pennsylvania. >> o'donnell: 'tis the season of giving which also meanseth the season of shipping. nearly 60% of americans will buy their gifts online this year and that means hundreds of millions of packages. so how does it all get done? well we got rare access inside the fedex processing center here in los angeles to find out. >> i feel like in some ways we're inside santa's workshop. >> o'donnell: santa may see you when you're sleeping and he knows his helpers at fedex are wide awake. >> it's 3:30 a.m. it's the middle of the night and there's a lot going on. >> our employees, they look forward to this time of year because they know so many folks are depending on us to get them their packages. >> o'donnell: fedex expects to ship 100 million more packages this holiday season and each day 240,000 go through this facility alone. starting this summer, fedex added 14.4 million square feet of sorting capacity for this holiday season. >> on the peak, we're here long days. >> reporter: peak season. peak season. >> reporter: kyle showed us a step in the complicated dance. >> when the packages go bay, liebles up. >> reporter: bobby willis is vice president of operations on west coast for fedex and took us on santa's slaying, a boeing 767. no passengers on board. >> no passengers on this part of the aircraft, only cargo. >> o'donnell: how long does it take to fill a plane like this? >> 30 and 40 minutes. >> o'donnell: pretty fast. yes, we can do it prase fast. >> o'donnell: it's a live game of tetrus called t stacking, placed in the metal containers designed to fit on the cargo plane. does a plane like this go out empty or even half full? >> no. >> o'donnell: especially not this time of year. >> not this time of year. >> o'donnell: and not just toys on these conveyor belts. >> but also our vaccines. >> o'donnell: operations manager steve was there for the first shipment of shots a year ago. so that vaccine likely came through here in fedex. >> exactly. >> o'donnell: how long are the vaccines in the fedex network? >> from pickup to delivery a total of 20 hours. we're saving lives. potentially millions of people with those 290 million vaccines that are coming through our system that we've delivered, to me that's incredible. >> o'donnell: between vaccine shipments and the holiday season, this is fedex's super bowl, and steve calls his employees industrial athletes. >> every day, first five minutes is a stretch and flex. they're coming out here living 50 pounds, packages up to 150 pounds coming through the system, you've got to be warm, loose and ready to go. >> o'donnell: ready to go like this treatment in griffin. it's physically demanding, not only at night. >> it is. it takes our arms, upper bodies to do this. >> o'donnell: santa's elves need big muscles. ( laughter ) >> yes! >> o'donnell: big muscles indeed, they work very hard. tonight ahead on "cbs evening news," a major snowstorm wallops the west while forecasters warn of a possible tornado outbreak. brand prescribed by cardiologists. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. ge entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive ure ouar so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. when traders tell us how to make thinkorswim even better, we listen. like jack. he wanted a streamlined version he could access anywhere, no download necessary. and kim. she wanted to execute a pre-set trade strategy in seconds. so we gave 'em thinkorswim web. because platforms this innovative, aren't just made for traders - they're made by them. thinkorswim trading. from td ameritrade. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. rob did his best to manage his constipation with belly pain day after day. but after realizing it was ibs-c, he found another way. and finally said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements, and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. >> o'donnell: the mountains here in the west are getting much-needed snow. california's sierra, utah's wasatch mountsens have a fresh foot of snow. another foot expected in utah and colorado tomorrow. friday, at least six inches of snow could bury upper parts of midwest include the twin cities and south record high temperatures could give way to a tornado outbreak. president biden and congressional leaders paid tribute to former u.s. soldier and senator bob dole as he lay in state at the u.s. capitol. dole died sunday after stage four lung cancer at age 98. the president called bob dole a giant in our history. dole's funeral is tomorrow at the washington national cathedral. winged corruss return to california in droves and people are sure happy to see them. 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[steve] we met online about 10 years ago. as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> o'donnell: to more, a holiday tradition, the 15 15th annual "on the road" secret santa, find out who he's helping this yea >> judge judy: so you give him the thousand dollars. and you were having second thoughts. >> announcer: a cautious car buyer bails on their deal. >> we came to the agreement that he would give me my deposit back. >> judge judy: the next day, she told you she didn't want to buy the car. >> that is not true. >> announcer: is he laughing all the way to the bank? >> judge judy: when did you sell the car? >> two days after. >> judge judy: that means that you sold a $2,500 car for $3,500. that's pretty good. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 22-year-old darian randles is suing cristafer gunter for the return of a deposit she put down on a car. >> byrd: order. all rise. >> byrd: now it's case number 104 on the calendar, in the matter of randles vs. gunter. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> judge judy: mr. gunter, what do you do for a living, sir? >> i own my own business. >> judge judy: what kind of business? >> uh, auto mechanic shop. >> judge judy: where? >> in victorville. >> judge judy: how long have you owned it? >> it's been about 8 months now. >> judge judy: now, you were selling a car. what kind of car? >> a 2000 honda civic ex. >> judge judy: where did you get it? >> uh, it's been in the family ever since it came out. >> judge judy: so it went through several members of your family. >> three. >> judge judy: three members of your family since 2000. >> yes, ma'am. >> judge judy: when did it become yours? >> when my father passed away. >> judge judy: when -- when was that? >> in 2009. >> judge judy: when did you decide to sell it? >> when i had purchased a new vehicle. >> judge judy: when was that? >> i believe it was february 2016. >> judge judy: you put an ad for the car online? >> yes. >> judge judy: what service? >> i put it on facebook, craigslist and autotrader. >> judge judy: and how much were you selling it for? >> uh, $2,500. >> judge judy: is that the blue book value of the car? >> yes. >> judge judy: how many miles did it have? >> i think it was 170,000. >> judge judy: lot of mileage. >> yes. >> judge judy: but one would assume that you took good care of it because that's your business. >> yes. >> judge judy: do you remember what date in february? >>t

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Reporter , Hospital , Pennsylvania , Wilkes Barre , Coverage , Waiting Room , E R , 20 , Protection , New York , Maine , New Hampshire , Age Group , Deaths , Averaging , 117000 , Seven , Majority , Signs , 37 , 64 , 75 , Vaccinations , Highest , Nation , Third , Holiday Gatherings , Vaccination Rates , One , 50 , Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center , 35 , Easy Reed , Physician , Overflow , Unvaccinated , Covid Unit , Capacity , 120 , Warnings , Couple , Virus , Covid Related Treatment , Baby , Covid Patients , Both , Three , Vaccine , Jussie Smollett Guilty , Jury , Norah , Shot , Reason , Goodness , Staging , Parents , Actor , Attack , Charlie De Mar , Courthouse , Evening , Details , Charges , Counts , Five , Verdicts , Head , Six , Hate Crime , Video , Conduct , Fate , Felony , It , Stand , Defense , Police Officers , Men , Women , Nine , Two , Brothers , Attackers , Victim , Slurs , Bleach , Rope , Neck , January 2019 , 2019 , Story , Prosecutors , Stopt , Publicity , Holes , 3500 , 500 , Investigation , Testimony , Finding , Cook County , Aspects , Documents , Loss , Trump , Smollett , Battle , Remarks , Federal Appeals Court , U S Capitol , Claim , Unique , Executive Privilege , Congressional Committee , Congress , Foreign Policy Crisis , Visitor Logs , Notes , Efforts , January 6th Insurrection , Bien , 6 , January 6th , Biden , Phone Call , White House , Afternoon , Weijia Jiang Has , 100000 , Border , Support , Nato , Rust Invades , Volodymyr Zelensky , Allies , Experts , Army , Forces , On Wednesday , Missiles , Table , Top , Ammunition , 88 , Consequences , Message , Island , Advisors , Spried , Invades , 150 , Leaders , Countries , Objective , Region , Instability , Eastern Flank , Vladimir Putin , Comment , Public , Situation , Rhetoric , Genocide , Aggression , Grain , Salt , Families , U S Navy , Use , Water Crisis , Thank You , Weijia Jiang , Hu Hawaiian Island , O Ahu , Children , Fuel , Crystal Murray , Lilia Luciano , Storage Tanks , Complaints , Water Smelling , Home , Underground Jet Fuel , Honolulu , Four , House , Drinking , Mechanic , Shop , Bathing , Thousands , Mothers , Towel , Transfer Facility , Military Homes , Military , Faucets , Jet Fuel , Children Haven T , Jamie Yuccas , Baifting , You Administrations , Many , Concerns , Sources , Frustrations , Odors , Town Hall Meetics , Sir , Reassurance , Anything , Okay , Wife , Information , Bottom Line , Murrays , Homes , Kind , Money , Risk , Hotel , Check , Nervous , Source , Fuel Tanks , 400000 , Prescription Eyedrops , Glasses , Woman , Duncan , Trouble , Jericka Duncan , Life , Things , Readers , Vision , Wall , Toni Wright , Doctor , Eyes , Vision Problems , Pairs , Potential , Eight , Test Vuity , Participants , Yierp To , Clinical Trial , 750 , Pupil Size , Ability , Presbyopia , Effect , Focus , Depth , The Eye , 15 , Side Effects , Eye , Insurance , Medicine Wll Cost , Drug , Spokesperson , Vuity , 55 , 0 , 80 , Ten , 40 , Life Changer , Headaches , Convenience , Backup , Advantage , Solution , Option , Packages , Cbs News , Gifts , Giving , Hundreds , Zelienople , 60 , Helpers , Ways , Sleeping , Fedex Processing Center , Santa S Workshop , Access , Santa , Employees , Lot , Middle , Folks , 30 , Holiday Season , Sorting Capacity , 240000 , 100 Million , 14 4 Million , Kyle , Peak , Dance , Peak Season , Packages Go Bay , Passengers , Boeing 767 , Vice President , Part , Operations , Liebles Up , On Santa , West Coast , Bobby Willis , 767 , Game , Plane , Cargo , Aircraft , Prase Fast , Tetrus , T Stacking , Cargo Plane , Containers , Steve , Vaccines , Shipment , Toys , Conveyor Belts , Vaccine Shipments , System , Network , Pickup , 290 Million , Stretch , Athletes , Flex , Super Bowl , Treatment , The System , Griffin , Muscles , Snowstorm , Arms , Bodies , Laughter , Santa S Elves , Tornado Outbreak , Forecasters , Entresto , Heart , Superior , Ge Entresto , Brand , Cardiologists , Ure Ouar , Don T , Blood , Death , Body , Harm , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Ace , Arb , Potassium , Heart Failure , Traders , Jack , Download , Anywhere , Version , Em Thinkorswim , Kim , Web , Platforms , Aren T , Thinkorswim Trading , Td Ameritrade , Pre Set Trade Strategy , Daughter , Pay , Wash , Couldn T , Stains , Bargain Detergent , Tide , Linzess , Rob , Way , Best , Yess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Constipation , Ibs C , Bowel Movements , Symptoms Belly Pain , Stomach Pain , Bloating , Discomfort , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Side Effect , Abbvie , Pain , Diarrhea , Area , Swelling , Gas , Ironwood , Snow , Mountains , California S Sierra , Utah , Foot , Parts , Temperatures , Wasatch Mountsens , Colorado , Twin Cities , Friday , Midwest , Bob Dole , State , Soldier , Tribute , Lung Cancer , 98 , Funeral , Giant , History , Dole , Washington National Cathedral , Judith Sheindlin , Money Manager , Market , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Droves , Wave , Client Portfolios , Winged Corruss , Investments , Commissions , Client , Views , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Interest , Act , Skin , Eczema , Clients , Under Control , Moderate , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Yep , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Anaphylaxis , Reactions , Relief , Adults , Itch , Vision Changes , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Infection , Feels , Asthma Medicines , Don T Change , Family , Change , Eggs , Eczema Specialist , Taste , Eggland S Best , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Heart Attack , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Stroke , Benefits , Heart Protection , Mind , Butter , Pal , Word , Cup , More , Come On In , Geico Motorcycle , Fifteen , Groups , Golfers , Carter Evans , Crack Of Dawn , Return , Butterfly Lovers , Aflutter , Counting , Hole , Clustering , Pine Cones , Researcher Richard Brockman , Monarchs , Thought , Some , Winter , Leaves , Verge , Extinction , Factors , 200000 , 2000 , Comeback , Monarchs Cluster , Monarch , Numbers , Habitat Loss , Populations , Insecticides , Energy , Final , Generations , Trees , Polleny , Plans , Journey , Insects , Spectacular , In My Life , Husband , Truck , Aspirin Regimen , Heart Isn T , Lightning Strikes , Bayer Aspirin , Thing , Vehicles , Businesses , Tailpipe Emissions , Head Turner , The Lights On , Zero , Sixty , Blood Clot , Dvt , Game Plan , Corner , Questions , Revolutionary , Eliquis Didn T , Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Another , Pe , Injection , Artificial Heart Valve , Care , Medicines , Numbness , Bruise , Bruising , Muscle Weakness , Tingling , Procedures , Bewe Listen Nt Game , Lea , Art Teacher , A Retired School Counselor , North Pole , Alaska , Prevagen , Hearing , Prescription , Memory , Hearing Aids , 10 , Sense , Healthier Brain , Judge Judy , Announcer , Holiday Tradition , On The Road , Thoughts , Car Buyer , Deal , Agreement , Secret Santa , Yea , Car , Deposit , Bank , The Next Day , 2500 , Courtroom , Captions , Darian Randles , Cbs Television Distribution , 22 , Order , Calendar , Cristafer Gunter , Byrd , 104 , Uh , Business , Parties , You Re Welcome , Matter , Living , Auto Mechanic Shop , Victorville , Randles Vs , 8 , Yes , Members , Honda Civic , Father , Ma Am , Vehicle , Ad , Autotrader , Facebook , Craigslist , 2009 , February 2016 , 2016 , Blue Book Value , Mileage , 170000 , T ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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toxic water military families in hawaii forced into hotels getting sick after drinking water that tastes like vet fuel. >> how long have i been poisoning myself and my kids? >> o'donnell: the breaking news from the navy tonight. no more reading glasses? the new eyedrops that could help millions of americans see clearly, how it works. 'tis the season for shipping. exclusive middle of the night visit to a fedex facility working around the clock to get your holiday packages delivered on time. and on the wings of hope, the monarch butterflies triumphant return to california. # this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting tonight from los angeles. we're going to begin with the new push to boost covid immunity in millions more americans. today the f.d.a. authorized pfizer booster shots for 16 and 17-year-olds. boosters are already encouraged for everyone 18 and up. public health officials are worried people who were vaccinated last winter and spring now have weakened immunity especially against the new omicron variant. now that strain discovered last month has now been found in at least 24 states, most of those omicron infections have actually been in vaccinated people including some who'd received a booster. the more pressing concern tonight is the surge in cases of the delta variant that has hospitalizations rising in more than half the country, and in the hard-hit northeast, national guard troops are being deployed in several states to help overwhelmed hospitals. cbs's nikki battiste leads off our coverage in wilkes-barre, pennsylvania. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, here in pennsylvania, this hospital behind me is so full, covid patients have been packed in the e.r. waiting room for up to 20 hours, as cases rise in the northeast, several national guard troops are being deployed to maine, new york and new hampshire. >> today, we got in more good news from the f.d.a. and the c.d.c. >> reporter: tonight, 16 and 17-year-olds can now get additional protection against covid with the f.d.a. authorizing pfizer booster shots for this age group. it comes as covid cases across the country are on the rise, averaging 117,000 over a seven-day period. new cases have increased nearly 42%, and reported deaths are up 37% from last week. though the delta variant is driving the vast majority of u.s. cases, omicron is showing troubling signs of at least 64 cases identified, more than 75% occurred in vaccinated people and one-third had received a booster. and as holiday gatherings become more frequent, the push for vaccinations grows more urgent. in the northeast, where vaccination rates are among the highest in the nation, cases have ballooned more than 50% in the last week. here in pennsylvania, covid cases have soared 35%. geisinger wyoming valley medical center in wilkes-barre is coping with a dramatic surge if covid cases, most to have the patients are unvaccinated. the hospital is beyond overflow, operating at about 120% capacity with nearly a quarter in the covid unit. emergency room physician dr. easy reed says some patients are not hiding the warnings. >> i don't think we asked ourselves will it be bad today, we ask how bad will it be today. >> reporter: she says an unvaccinated couple critically ill with the virus refused any covid related treatment. both died. >> it's tough to watch when we know it's so preventible. >> reporter: dr. reed told me even though she's seen covid patients who are vaccinated, they're much less sick than the unvaccinated patients. she said she also just treated a three week old baby whose parents had not had a vaccine. norah. >> o'donnell: oh, my goodness. another reason to get the shot. all right, nikki battiste, thank you. breaking news from chicago. a jury just found actor jussie smollett guilty of staging an anti-gay and racist attack on himself and then lying to police about it. let's get the details from cbs's charlie de mar, he is outside the courthouse, good evening, charlie. >> reporter: good evening, norah. the verdict was just read moments ago. jussie smollett found guilty of five of the six disorderly conduct charges that he faced -- jussie smollett faced that foreperson right in the eye us a all six counts were read. he shook his head when the first five guilty verdicts came down. jussie smollett, we did get video of him walking into the courthouse moments before he learned his fate. he was, again, convicted with five of the six felony disorderly conduct counts for staging his own hate crime and then lying to several chicago police officers by reporting it as an actual hate crime. now, the jury, which was made up of six men and six women, deliberated for more than nine hours over two days. smollett took the stand in his own defense in this case telling the jury he was the actual victim of a hate crime. he told the jury that back in january 2019 that his attackers yelled racial and homophobic slurs, doused him with bleach and draped a rope around his neck. but the brothers also took the stand telling a much different story, saying they were paid $3,500 to carry out the attack and that smollett planned the entire stopt because he wanted publicity. prosecutors poked holes in smollett's testimony mainly that he didn't cooperate with certain aspects of the investigation. again, a jury here in cook county finding jussie smollett guilty on five of the six disorderly conduct charges that he is now facing. we expect it here from both prosecutors and the defense in this case. it's unclear if smollett will make any remarks after being convicted of those five charges, norah. >> o'donnell: charlie de mar, thank you. well, tonight, a major loss for former president trump in his battle to shield documents from congress and its investigation into the deadly attack on the u.s. capitol. a federal appeals court ruled late today that the congressional committee's unique need for the requested documents outweighs the former president's claim of executive privilege. it's not clear when the former president will have to turn over those documents including notes and visitor logs from the day of the january 6th insurrection. we turn now to president bien's efforts to prevent a foreign policy crisis on the russia-ukraine border where nearly 100,000 russian troops are amassed and could invade. cbs's weijia jiang has new details tonight from the white house. >> reporter: in a one-hour phone call this afternoon, president biden reiterated to ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky that the u.s. and n.a.t.o. allies will offer support if rust invades. nearly 100,000 russian troops have already flooded the border. ukrainian military officials reportedly warned that they are not equipped to deal with the full-scale attack without the help of western forces, and experts predicted that the russians could wipe out the ukrainian army in under one hour. on wednesday, the president ruled out sending in u.s. troops. >> that is not on the table. >> reporter: zelensky said his country needs more help on top of 88 tons of ammunition and antitank missiles the u.s. spried earlier this year, there are also 150 american military advisors in ukraine. president biden warned island tuesday there would be severe consequences if russia invades. >> i am absolutely c confident e got the message. >> reporter: today he spoke with the leaders of nine countries on n.a.t.o.'s eastern flank, uneasy about the instability in the region. >> our objective is to make clear the significant and severe economic consequences if russia were to invade ukraine. >> reporter: but today, vladimir putin escalated his rhetoric saying that the situation in ukraine resembles genocide. the white house dismissed the comment, advising the public to take it with a grain of salt, pointing out that the aggression is coming from russia. norah. >> o'donnell: weijia jiang, thank you. well, there is a contaminated water crisis on the hu hawaiian island of o'ahu impacted military families. the u.s. navy has been forced to shut down the use of two underground jet fuel storage tanks after complaints of water smelling and looking like it contains fuel. cbs's lilia luciano reports from honolulu. >> reporter: crystal murray and her four children left home about a week ago after spending days unknowingly drinking, cooking and bathing with toxic water. >> like the whole house started smelling literally like a mechanic's shop, and then the next morning i ended up in the hospital. >> reporter: the navy now admits their water was contaminated by jet fuel leaking from this transfer facility. it was flowing into the faucets of thousands of military homes. the military mobilized troops to distribute safe water. >> go get your towel, please. >> reporter: mothers like jamie yuccas can bathe their children like this. >> how long have i been poisoning myself and my kids? our children haven't bathed since saturday, we have been baifting out of bottled water. >> reporter: at town hall meetics, military officials have tried to reassure anxious families. >> i understand your from you administrations -- frustrations and concerns and i understand them. we are working day and night to figure out the sources of the odors. >> reporter: for many, reassurance came too late. >> when we could smell the fuel in the water, i was told we cannot get told anything, we canot give you any information. why is that okay? >> sir, it's not okay, bottom line. >> i have an 18-week high-risk pregnant wife and i'm being told you can use the water, go away. >> reporter: the murrays and thousands of military families have now been forced to move from their contaminated homes. she's not sure what it would mean to return here. how would you feel coming back here? >> nervous. i think i'll probably take my own money and kind of check the water. >> reporter: many of those families evacuated to this busy hotel and the risk of toxic water may extend beyond military families. those navy fuel tanks sit above a source that supplies water, norah, for more than 400,000 people here in honolulu. >> o'donnell: wow, what a critical story. lilia luciano, thank you. well, now, some eye opening news for millions of americans who wear glasses. new prescription eyedrops became available today that could potentially replace reading glasses for people who have trouble seeing close up. one woman tells cbs's jericka duncan the drops changed her life. >> reporter: for most her life, toni wright has had perfect vision but after turning 50 she used readers allowing her to see things clearly that are close up. how many readers do you think you have in all. >> probably eight pairs. >> reporter: in 2019, her doctor told her about eyedrops with the potential to correct her vision problems temporarily. >> i would put the drops in my eyes in the morning. >> reporter: what did you notice instantly? >> i would not need my readers as much. >> reporter: wright was one of 750 participants in a clinical trial to test vuity, the first yierp to -- eye drop to treat presbyopia, it takes effect in about 15 minutes. >> vuity utilizes the eye's natural ability to reduce the pupil size. reducing the pupil size expands the depth of peeled or focus. >> reporter: one drop in each eye provides sharper vision for six to ten hours. a spokesperson for vuity says the medicine wll cost about $80t expected to be covered by insurance. the drug works best in people age 40 to 55 and side effects included headaches and red eyes. as for toni wright, it's an easy backup solution with a clear advantage. >> definitely a life changer. just a convenience to have that option. >> reporter: jericka duncan, cbs news, zelienople, pennsylvania. >> o'donnell: 'tis the season of giving which also meanseth the season of shipping. nearly 60% of americans will buy their gifts online this year and that means hundreds of millions of packages. so how does it all get done? well we got rare access inside the fedex processing center here in los angeles to find out. >> i feel like in some ways we're inside santa's workshop. >> o'donnell: santa may see you when you're sleeping and he knows his helpers at fedex are wide awake. >> it's 3:30 a.m. it's the middle of the night and there's a lot going on. >> our employees, they look forward to this time of year because they know so many folks are depending on us to get them their packages. >> o'donnell: fedex expects to ship 100 million more packages this holiday season and each day 240,000 go through this facility alone. starting this summer, fedex added 14.4 million square feet of sorting capacity for this holiday season. >> on the peak, we're here long days. >> reporter: peak season. peak season. >> reporter: kyle showed us a step in the complicated dance. >> when the packages go bay, liebles up. >> reporter: bobby willis is vice president of operations on west coast for fedex and took us on santa's slaying, a boeing 767. no passengers on board. >> no passengers on this part of the aircraft, only cargo. >> o'donnell: how long does it take to fill a plane like this? >> 30 and 40 minutes. >> o'donnell: pretty fast. yes, we can do it prase fast. >> o'donnell: it's a live game of tetrus called t stacking, placed in the metal containers designed to fit on the cargo plane. does a plane like this go out empty or even half full? >> no. >> o'donnell: especially not this time of year. >> not this time of year. >> o'donnell: and not just toys on these conveyor belts. >> but also our vaccines. >> o'donnell: operations manager steve was there for the first shipment of shots a year ago. so that vaccine likely came through here in fedex. >> exactly. >> o'donnell: how long are the vaccines in the fedex network? >> from pickup to delivery a total of 20 hours. we're saving lives. potentially millions of people with those 290 million vaccines that are coming through our system that we've delivered, to me that's incredible. >> o'donnell: between vaccine shipments and the holiday season, this is fedex's super bowl, and steve calls his employees industrial athletes. >> every day, first five minutes is a stretch and flex. they're coming out here living 50 pounds, packages up to 150 pounds coming through the system, you've got to be warm, loose and ready to go. >> o'donnell: ready to go like this treatment in griffin. it's physically demanding, not only at night. >> it is. it takes our arms, upper bodies to do this. >> o'donnell: santa's elves need big muscles. ( laughter ) >> yes! >> o'donnell: big muscles indeed, they work very hard. tonight ahead on "cbs evening news," a major snowstorm wallops the west while forecasters warn of a possible tornado outbreak. brand prescribed by cardiologists. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. ge entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive ure ouar so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. when traders tell us how to make thinkorswim even better, we listen. like jack. he wanted a streamlined version he could access anywhere, no download necessary. and kim. she wanted to execute a pre-set trade strategy in seconds. so we gave 'em thinkorswim web. because platforms this innovative, aren't just made for traders - they're made by them. thinkorswim trading. from td ameritrade. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. rob did his best to manage his constipation with belly pain day after day. but after realizing it was ibs-c, he found another way. and finally said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements, and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain. especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. >> o'donnell: the mountains here in the west are getting much-needed snow. california's sierra, utah's wasatch mountsens have a fresh foot of snow. another foot expected in utah and colorado tomorrow. friday, at least six inches of snow could bury upper parts of midwest include the twin cities and south record high temperatures could give way to a tornado outbreak. president biden and congressional leaders paid tribute to former u.s. soldier and senator bob dole as he lay in state at the u.s. capitol. dole died sunday after stage four lung cancer at age 98. the president called bob dole a giant in our history. dole's funeral is tomorrow at the washington national cathedral. winged corruss return to california in droves and people are sure happy to see them. 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[lea] i'm a retired art teacher. [steve] we met online about 10 years ago. as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> o'donnell: to more, a holiday tradition, the 15 15th annual "on the road" secret santa, find out who he's helping this yea >> judge judy: so you give him the thousand dollars. and you were having second thoughts. >> announcer: a cautious car buyer bails on their deal. >> we came to the agreement that he would give me my deposit back. >> judge judy: the next day, she told you she didn't want to buy the car. >> that is not true. >> announcer: is he laughing all the way to the bank? >> judge judy: when did you sell the car? >> two days after. >> judge judy: that means that you sold a $2,500 car for $3,500. that's pretty good. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 22-year-old darian randles is suing cristafer gunter for the return of a deposit she put down on a car. >> byrd: order. all rise. >> byrd: now it's case number 104 on the calendar, in the matter of randles vs. gunter. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> judge judy: mr. gunter, what do you do for a living, sir? >> i own my own business. >> judge judy: what kind of business? >> uh, auto mechanic shop. >> judge judy: where? >> in victorville. >> judge judy: how long have you owned it? >> it's been about 8 months now. >> judge judy: now, you were selling a car. what kind of car? >> a 2000 honda civic ex. >> judge judy: where did you get it? >> uh, it's been in the family ever since it came out. >> judge judy: so it went through several members of your family. >> three. >> judge judy: three members of your family since 2000. >> yes, ma'am. >> judge judy: when did it become yours? >> when my father passed away. >> judge judy: when -- when was that? >> in 2009. >> judge judy: when did you decide to sell it? >> when i had purchased a new vehicle. >> judge judy: when was that? >> i believe it was february 2016. >> judge judy: you put an ad for the car online? >> yes. >> judge judy: what service? >> i put it on facebook, craigslist and autotrader. >> judge judy: and how much were you selling it for? >> uh, $2,500. >> judge judy: is that the blue book value of the car? >> yes. >> judge judy: how many miles did it have? >> i think it was 170,000. >> judge judy: lot of mileage. >> yes. >> judge judy: but one would assume that you took good care of it because that's your business. >> yes. >> judge judy: do you remember what date in february? >>t

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Cs O Donnell , News , Cbs , Ou See , Ian , Evening News , Kpix , 3 , 00 , Cases , Rise , Covid , Millions , Step , Teens , Republicking Pfizer Boosters , Cdc , Vie Vent A Winter Surge , Jussie Smollett , Patients , Breaking News , Case , Verdict , Hospitals , Chicago , Brink , 42 , President , Country , Help , Ukraine , West , Lines , Alarm , Troop Buildup , World , Russian , Water , Navy , Kids , Hotels , Drinking Water , Military Families , Vet Fuel , Hawaii , Eyedrops , Season , Shipping , Reading Glasses , Facility , Americans , Fedex , Tis , Monarch Butterflies , Holiday , California , Clock , Wings Of Hope , Norah O Donnell , Cbs Evening News , People , Booster Shots , Officials , Push , Fda , Boosters , Covid Immunity , Health , Immunity , Everyone , Authorizing Pfizer , Los Angeles , Omicron Variant , 17 , 18 , 16 , Most , Surge , Booster , States , , Omicron Infections , Concern , 24 , Troops , Northeast , Nikki Battiste , Hospitalizations , National Guard , Delta Variant , Reporter , Hospital , Pennsylvania , Wilkes Barre , Coverage , Waiting Room , E R , 20 , Protection , New York , Maine , New Hampshire , Age Group , Deaths , Averaging , 117000 , Seven , Majority , Signs , 37 , 64 , 75 , Vaccinations , Highest , Nation , Third , Holiday Gatherings , Vaccination Rates , One , 50 , Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center , 35 , Easy Reed , Physician , Overflow , Unvaccinated , Covid Unit , Capacity , 120 , Warnings , Couple , Virus , Covid Related Treatment , Baby , Covid Patients , Both , Three , Vaccine , Jussie Smollett Guilty , Jury , Norah , Shot , Reason , Goodness , Staging , Parents , Actor , Attack , Charlie De Mar , Courthouse , Evening , Details , Charges , Counts , Five , Verdicts , Head , Six , Hate Crime , Video , Conduct , Fate , Felony , It , Stand , Defense , Police Officers , Men , Women , Nine , Two , Brothers , Attackers , Victim , Slurs , Bleach , Rope , Neck , January 2019 , 2019 , Story , Prosecutors , Stopt , Publicity , Holes , 3500 , 500 , Investigation , Testimony , Finding , Cook County , Aspects , Documents , Loss , Trump , Smollett , Battle , Remarks , Federal Appeals Court , U S Capitol , Claim , Unique , Executive Privilege , Congressional Committee , Congress , Foreign Policy Crisis , Visitor Logs , Notes , Efforts , January 6th Insurrection , Bien , 6 , January 6th , Biden , Phone Call , White House , Afternoon , Weijia Jiang Has , 100000 , Border , Support , Nato , Rust Invades , Volodymyr Zelensky , Allies , Experts , Army , Forces , On Wednesday , Missiles , Table , Top , Ammunition , 88 , Consequences , Message , Island , Advisors , Spried , Invades , 150 , Leaders , Countries , Objective , Region , Instability , Eastern Flank , Vladimir Putin , Comment , Public , Situation , Rhetoric , Genocide , Aggression , Grain , Salt , Families , U S Navy , Use , Water Crisis , Thank You , Weijia Jiang , Hu Hawaiian Island , O Ahu , Children , Fuel , Crystal Murray , Lilia Luciano , Storage Tanks , Complaints , Water Smelling , Home , Underground Jet Fuel , Honolulu , Four , House , Drinking , Mechanic , Shop , Bathing , Thousands , Mothers , Towel , Transfer Facility , Military Homes , Military , Faucets , Jet Fuel , Children Haven T , Jamie Yuccas , Baifting , You Administrations , Many , Concerns , Sources , Frustrations , Odors , Town Hall Meetics , Sir , Reassurance , Anything , Okay , Wife , Information , Bottom Line , Murrays , Homes , Kind , Money , Risk , Hotel , Check , Nervous , Source , Fuel Tanks , 400000 , Prescription Eyedrops , Glasses , Woman , Duncan , Trouble , Jericka Duncan , Life , Things , Readers , Vision , Wall , Toni Wright , Doctor , Eyes , Vision Problems , Pairs , Potential , Eight , Test Vuity , Participants , Yierp To , Clinical Trial , 750 , Pupil Size , Ability , Presbyopia , Effect , Focus , Depth , The Eye , 15 , Side Effects , Eye , Insurance , Medicine Wll Cost , Drug , Spokesperson , Vuity , 55 , 0 , 80 , Ten , 40 , Life Changer , Headaches , Convenience , Backup , Advantage , Solution , Option , Packages , Cbs News , Gifts , Giving , Hundreds , Zelienople , 60 , Helpers , Ways , Sleeping , Fedex Processing Center , Santa S Workshop , Access , Santa , Employees , Lot , Middle , Folks , 30 , Holiday Season , Sorting Capacity , 240000 , 100 Million , 14 4 Million , Kyle , Peak , Dance , Peak Season , Packages Go Bay , Passengers , Boeing 767 , Vice President , Part , Operations , Liebles Up , On Santa , West Coast , Bobby Willis , 767 , Game , Plane , Cargo , Aircraft , Prase Fast , Tetrus , T Stacking , Cargo Plane , Containers , Steve , Vaccines , Shipment , Toys , Conveyor Belts , Vaccine Shipments , System , Network , Pickup , 290 Million , Stretch , Athletes , Flex , Super Bowl , Treatment , The System , Griffin , Muscles , Snowstorm , Arms , Bodies , Laughter , Santa S Elves , Tornado Outbreak , Forecasters , Entresto , Heart , Superior , Ge Entresto , Brand , Cardiologists , Ure Ouar , Don T , Blood , Death , Body , Harm , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Ace , Arb , Potassium , Heart Failure , Traders , Jack , Download , Anywhere , Version , Em Thinkorswim , Kim , Web , Platforms , Aren T , Thinkorswim Trading , Td Ameritrade , Pre Set Trade Strategy , Daughter , Pay , Wash , Couldn T , Stains , Bargain Detergent , Tide , Linzess , Rob , Way , Best , Yess , Belly Pain , Laxative , Constipation , Ibs C , Bowel Movements , Symptoms Belly Pain , Stomach Pain , Bloating , Discomfort , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Side Effect , Abbvie , Pain , Diarrhea , Area , Swelling , Gas , Ironwood , Snow , Mountains , California S Sierra , Utah , Foot , Parts , Temperatures , Wasatch Mountsens , Colorado , Twin Cities , Friday , Midwest , Bob Dole , State , Soldier , Tribute , Lung Cancer , 98 , Funeral , Giant , History , Dole , Washington National Cathedral , Judith Sheindlin , Money Manager , Market , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Droves , Wave , Client Portfolios , Winged Corruss , Investments , Commissions , Client , Views , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Interest , Act , Skin , Eczema , Clients , Under Control , Moderate , Atopic Dermatitis , Dupixent , Yep , Hitting Eczema , It Counts , Anaphylaxis , Reactions , Relief , Adults , Itch , Vision Changes , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Infection , Feels , Asthma Medicines , Don T Change , Family , Change , Eggs , Eczema Specialist , Taste , Eggland S Best , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Heart Attack , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Ulcers , Stroke , Benefits , Heart Protection , Mind , Butter , Pal , Word , Cup , More , Come On In , Geico Motorcycle , Fifteen , Groups , Golfers , Carter Evans , Crack Of Dawn , Return , Butterfly Lovers , Aflutter , Counting , Hole , Clustering , Pine Cones , Researcher Richard Brockman , Monarchs , Thought , Some , Winter , Leaves , Verge , Extinction , Factors , 200000 , 2000 , Comeback , Monarchs Cluster , Monarch , Numbers , Habitat Loss , Populations , Insecticides , Energy , Final , Generations , Trees , Polleny , Plans , Journey , Insects , Spectacular , In My Life , Husband , Truck , Aspirin Regimen , Heart Isn T , Lightning Strikes , Bayer Aspirin , Thing , Vehicles , Businesses , Tailpipe Emissions , Head Turner , The Lights On , Zero , Sixty , Blood Clot , Dvt , Game Plan , Corner , Questions , Revolutionary , Eliquis Didn T , Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Another , Pe , Injection , Artificial Heart Valve , Care , Medicines , Numbness , Bruise , Bruising , Muscle Weakness , Tingling , Procedures , Bewe Listen Nt Game , Lea , Art Teacher , A Retired School Counselor , North Pole , Alaska , Prevagen , Hearing , Prescription , Memory , Hearing Aids , 10 , Sense , Healthier Brain , Judge Judy , Announcer , Holiday Tradition , On The Road , Thoughts , Car Buyer , Deal , Agreement , Secret Santa , Yea , Car , Deposit , Bank , The Next Day , 2500 , Courtroom , Captions , Darian Randles , Cbs Television Distribution , 22 , Order , Calendar , Cristafer Gunter , Byrd , 104 , Uh , Business , Parties , You Re Welcome , Matter , Living , Auto Mechanic Shop , Victorville , Randles Vs , 8 , Yes , Members , Honda Civic , Father , Ma Am , Vehicle , Ad , Autotrader , Facebook , Craigslist , 2009 , February 2016 , 2016 , Blue Book Value , Mileage , 170000 , T ,

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