Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

new video of the f.b.i. interrogating a suspect who tased a police officer during the january 6 insurrection. >> what do you want me to tell you? that i tased him? yes. i'm sorry. >> brennan: as housing prices spike, millions are priced out of the american dream. our report tonight from the least-affordable housing market in this country. and in our series "unifying america," coming in from the cold this holiday season. "operation warm," brings coats and more to kids in need. >> this is this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> brennan: good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm margaret brennan in for norah. we begin with the first confirmed infection from the new covid variant omicron here in the united states. and cbs news has just learned that the c.d.c. is reviewing more potential cases in several states. the first case was detected in n o. patieas fully vaccinated, but not boosted, and had recently traveled to south africa. hundreds of cases of the new variant have now been confirmed in more than 20 countries, prompting the biden administration to prepare stricter testing requirements for all travelers entering the united states, including americans. today, president biden said "this is why boosters are needed," and implored americans to get that additional dose. 135 million americans are eligible for boosters. only about 42 million have actually gotten them so far pb cbs' anna werner leads off our coverage tonight from san francisco. good evening, anna. >> reporter: good evening, margaret. as you said, cbs news has learned the first known u.s. omicron patient came through here, san francisco international airport. now, public health officials are crediting the state's large-scale testing program for finding that case. they say testing will now be stepped up at airports. the patient was identified only as someone between 18 and 49 who landed in the u.s. three days before thanksgiving, developed mild symptoms on thanksgiving day, and tested positive four days later. the sample was then genetically sequenced overnight at a university of california san francisco lab and was confirmed to contain the omicron variant. >> they had received a full dose of the moderna vaccine but no booster. >> reporter: five days after the world health organization declared omicron a variant of concern, little is known. officials are urging the public not to panic, but say it may be more contagious and better able to evade vaccines than any other variant discovered so far. today at the white house, dr. anthony fauci said it will be weeks before researchers can determine how severe and transmissible omicron really is. but current vaccines, he says, probably offer at least some protection. >> we know what we need to do to protect people. get vaccinated, if you're not already vaccinated. get boosted. >> reporter: hospitalizations and deaths were already predicted to increase after a recent surge in cases before omicron was detected. the delta variant still accounts for more than 99% of cases worldwide. now labs across the country are sequencing approximately 80,000 p.c.r. tests a week to see where omicron might show cbs' david begnaud was given access to a new york city lab sequencing about 2,000 of those test samples. >> reporter: how long did it take for delta to become the majority of all covid-positive patients in new york city? >> it was probably six to eight weeks. >> reporter: so is it your guess that once you detect omicron, within, let's say a month and a half to two months, it could be the majority of everything? >> it could definitely be. >> reporter: it's a race against the new variant. right now, international travelers must test negative within 72 hours of their departure for the u.s. from any destination, but the white house is expected to tighten those rules so that everyone coming to the u.s. must test negative within a day of boarding, regardless of whether they are vaccinated. well, the c.d.c. announced yesterday that it was expanding surveillance at four of the nation's busiest airports. that includes here at san francisco international. and we've just learned that the agency is now reviewing more potential cases of the omicron variant in several states. also, the mask mandate for planes, trains, and buses is reportedly going to be extended through march. margaret. >> brennan: those safety protocols still need it. thank you, anna. we turn now to that it deadly school shooting in oxford, michigan. a fourth student died today from his injuries. he was just 17. the accused gunman, a 15-year-old sophomore, is being tried as an adult. we learned today that just hours before the attack, his parents had a school meeting regarding troubling behavior. here's cbs' nancy chen. >> anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. do you understand that right, sir? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: wearing a face mask and handcuffs, 15-year-old ethan crumbley sat motionless as he was arraigned on 24 felony counts, including terrorism and first degree murder his parents also attended virtually. >> there are facts leading up to the shooting that suggest this was not just an impulsive act. >> school shooting at oxford high school. >> reporter: on tuesday, investigators say the sophomore came out of a rest room at oxford high school, and fired at least 30 round fra semiautomatic handgun. hours earlier, authorities say crumbly and his parents met with school officials over behavior concerns. >> sheriff's office. it's safe to come out. >> reporter: cell phone video shows terrified students barricaded behind a locked door before running to safety. >> go! >> reporter: four students, aged 14 to 17, were killed, including justin shilling, who died in the hospital this morning. seven others were injured. >> it was just incredibly disturbing. >> reporter: oakland county sheriff michael bouchard says investinvestigators are scruting school security video that captured the entire rampage. >> from my look at the video, it was random and cold hearted. >> reporter: and crumbley is being held without bond. he pleaded not guilty. the county prosecutor says more charges could be filed, including against his parents. classes here are canceled for the rest of the week, margaret. >> brennan: nancy chen in oxford. thank you. the supreme court heard arguments today in what is widely seen as the most significant abortion case in a generation. the justices' ruling likely won't come for months, but the hearing itself sparked intense debate, both inside and outside the court here in washington. a cbs news poll finds more than 60% of americans want to keep the 1973 "roe v. wade" ruling, which prohibits states from banning abortion after about 24 weeks of pregnancy. we get more now from cbs' jan crawford at the supreme court. >> reporter: from across the country, thousands came to make their voices heard, from michigan... >> it's a very serious threat to our ability to shape our futures and our lives. >> reporter: this mother and daughter from pennsylvania. >> i pray to god that it's overturned for the sanctity of-- upholding the sanctity of human life. >> reporter: inside the courtroom, liberal justices argued "roe v. wade" was too established to overturn. >> it's been 50 years of decisions saying that this is part of our law. >> reporter: ...and would put at risk the court's legitimacy. >> will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the constitution and its reading are just political acts? >> reporter: but a majority of the justices appeared inclined to uphold mississippi's ban on abortions after 15 weeks. chief justice john roberts suggested the court wouldn't have to overturn "roe." >> if you think that the issue is one of choice, that women should have a choice to terminate their pregnancy, why would 15 weeks be an inappropriate line? >> reporter: but that would still be a major retreat from its last big abortion case in 1992, when the court drew that line at viability, around 24 weeks. mississippi's only abortion clinic, now at the center of the fight, performs abortions up to 16 weeks. >> that's the question is where does the line get drawn? it's just-- it's them chipping away. >> reporter: a lawyer for mississippi said the justices shouldn't be drawing the lines, that the issue should be up to the states. states. , which struck a chord with justice brett kavanaugh. >> why should this court be the arbiter rather than congress, the state legislatures, state supreme courts, the people being able to resolve this? >> reporter: now, back in 1992, the court seemed then to be almost certain to overturn "roe v. wade," but former justice anthony kennedy changed his mind and provided that key vote to save it. so that's an important reminder that no matter how things may look today, a lot can change between now and june when we expect this decision. margaret. >> brennan: and jan crawford will be covering it all. thank you. the supreme court's ruling in the mississippi case could impact abortion laws across the country. cbs' janet shamlian reports tonight from texas, the state which now has the nation's most-restrictive law. law. >> reporter: with the future of abortion in america on the line, today, both sides of the emotional issuying voices. >> end the scourge, the bludgeoning, the horror. >> reporter: questions across the country tonight, "what access to the procedure will look like if "roe v. wade" is overturned. >> today in the "dobbs" case is the most clear attack on "roe v. wade" that we've experienced since the 70s. >> reporter: the legal showdown could take away the constitutional right to the procedure, leaving it to the states, and some are ready. 12 have trigger laws that would automatically halt or nearly all abortions if "roe" is overturned. >> we know when about ban good gs into effect it has a detrimental effect for people neding access to care. >> reporter: but it doesn't have to be overturned to have impact, experts say. the court could weaken the decision, littling how long into a pregnancy the right to an abortion is protected. when you realized you could not get the procedure in texas, what did you think? >> i cried. >> reporter: this texas mom of two flew to this denver clinic for her abortion, which could become the norm for women in other states that ban the procedure. here in texas, they're awaiting a supreme court ruling on the ban currently in effect. any ruling by the high court is likely to result in years of new lawsuits. margaret. >> brennan: janet shamlian, thank you. there is breaking news tonight about a former justice department official who is refusing to cooperate with the congressional committee investigating the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. here is cbs' kris van cleave. >> reporter: tonight, moving towards contempt, the committee investigating january 6 is set to vote to advance a contempt of congress charge against trump-era d.o.j. official jeffrey clarke, who has refused to cooperate. clarke worked with mr. trump to overturn the election by spreading baseless claims of voter fraud. this comes after steve bannon was indicted on contempt charges last month. >> you don't blow off a congressional subpoena, and executive privilege is just a distraction and a sideshow. >> reporter: and a new look tonight at one of those charged for storming the capitol. >> i thought i was helping to asset country. >> reporter: this is danny rodriguez, accused of multiple violent crimes, speaking to the f.b.i. >> i thought we were doing the right thing. >> reporter: here you can see it apergz the california man is tasing d.c. police officer michael fanone. >> why did you tase him? >> i don't know. i'm a piece of ( bleep ). i'm sorry. >> reporter: this as threats to lawmakers have soared since january 6, including this one sent to minnesota democrat ilhan omar. >> >> you will not live much longer. >> reporter: omar, one of two muslim women in congress, says she received the racist, profanity-laced voice mail after lauren boebert likened her to a suicide bomber. >> she doesn't have a backpack. we should be fine. >> there are active discussions under way to make sure th uren boebes hel accountable. >> reporter: bobert did apologize on twitter, but after a contentious call with omar, she went back on the offensive. rank and file republicans have entered the frey. and that results in a twitter feud that's starting to feel a bit like a food fight. marg reg. >> brennan: kris van cleave at the capitol. as home prices rise around the country, buyers in high-cost areas will be able to borrow nearly $1 million for a mortgage alone backed by the federal government. fannie mae and freddie mac say the cap on their mortgages will increase next year, and some of the hottest markets are not ones that you would expect. cbs' mark strassmann checked out the boom in boise. >> reporter: ask anyone here, boise, idaho, is having its biggest gold rush since the 1860s. it's called real estate. >> it was just completely insane the amount prices went up, 30% in a year. >> reporter: jennifer louis sells real estate in boise's boom. >> 10, 20 people in a bidding war, sometimes even more. this year, we had homes that sold $100,000 over the asking price. >> reporter: boise is now america's least-affordable housing market. home prices dwarf incomes. one study compared boise's median-priced home-- almost $535,000. that's 10 times higher than the median income for one person here, almost nine times higher than the median income for a couple. want to make an offer? better be all cash above the asking price. >> what project do you think we should do next? >> reporter: max hampton and kelsey taylor got lucky with their new home-- $414,000. stung by a series of rejected offers, they found a seller who wanted a local buyer. >> yeah, it was super discouraging. i remember a lot of hard nights, a lot of hard conversations. >> reporter: sticker shocks? >> yeah, is still make us a big angry. >> reporter: angry. >> yeah. >> angry i would say. >> reporter: because? >> why is it like this when just a couple of years ago it wasn't. >> reporter: boise has beauty, a winning lifestyle, and too few homedz for sale. the pandemic created next-level frenzy. investors and workers from neighboring states snapping up homes, driving up prices. jennifer louis' family has grown. her home's value has doubled. but she can't afford to buy bigger. have you put an offer on a house? >> we wanted to. but the realtor said they wouldn't even look at a contingent offer. it's money that talks. >> reporter: people here keep telling us this housing market is changing who boise is. younger buyers squeezed out moving away, older sellers cashing up on the, moving away. and for the more approachably priced homes, there's no end in sight. margaret. >> brennan: mark strassmann, thank you. still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the wife of a beloved music executive is gunned down inside her beverly hills mansion. and a powerful explosion rocks a new york city neighborhood. ♪ after a night like this, crest has you covered. crest, the official toothpaste of santa. follow us @crest to celebrate the 12 days of crest smiles. like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. why give your family just any eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. only eggland's best. >> brennan: six people were hurt this morning when a home in brooklyn, new york, exploded. the blast sent debris flying across the street. windows and doors were blown out and fire quickly spread to other apartments. more than 50 people were evacuated and tenants say they smelled gas 12 hours earlier and warned the landlord. philanthropist jacqueline avant was shot and killed today during a beverly hills home invasion. she was married to music legend clarence avant for 54 years. police say he was home at the time. clarence avant is known as the requested godfather of black music." that's what he was called when he was inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame in october. former president obama called him one of his favorite people. jacqueline avant was 81 years old. up next, our series "unifying america," and a story that's sure to warm your heart. [steve] we met online about 10 years ago. as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. better skin from your body wash? i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. >> brennan: about 27 million american children live in low-income families and are in need of a coat to bundle up against the cold. cbs' nikki battiste now with a story that will warm your heart as we continue our series "unifying america." >> reporter: a brand-new warm coat-- the simple necessity third grader mikayla did not have when we met her on a 30-degree day. >> it's freezing. my hands are freezing. my body is freezing. >> reporter: she's one of 800 students at this new york city public school taking home a winter jacket, thanks to "operation warm." >> the coat is the first thing. it's the tangible thing. but what that really provides is warmth, physical warmth, the emotional warmth. >> reporter: in the past 23 years, the nonprofit has manufactured more than four million coats for children in need across the country, paid for by donations. >> it's the difference between going to school on a cold day or staying home. >> reporter: coat requests have tripled during the pandemic. kids, like kindergartener isabella, get to pick their coat color. oh, i love it! what's your favorite color? >> pink and purple. >> reporter: each costs under $25 to make, but the joy one brings is priceless. on a scale of one to 10, how excited are you to get a nice warm coat today? >> 100 out of 10. >> reporter: 100? nikki battiste, cbs news, new york. >> brennan: 100 out of 10. >> brennan: 100 out of 10. we'll be right back.a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. what is... an overpass? come on! question, is that an “s” or a “5”? think it's a 5... i thought so. argh! frustration...loading. 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Cbs Evening News , Cbs , News , Kpix News , Starting Ored , Margaret Brennan , Omicron , Case , Country , Travelers , Patient , America , Symptoms , Details , Cdc , Testing Requirements , Learning , Plus , Hospitalizations , School Shooting , Students , Adult , Deaths , Murder , Charges , Terrorism , Prediction , Teen , Michigan , Four , Abortion , Law , Abortions , Issue , Women , Supreme Court Showdown The , Mississippi , Cold Hearted , 15 , Police Officer , Suspect , Video , Insurrection , Housing Prices Spike , Yes , Fbi , January 6 , 6 , Operation Warm , Housing Market , Report , Series , Cold , Coats , Unifying America , Millions , Holiday Season , The American Dream , Need , Kids , Norah O Donnell , Nation S Capital , Cases , Covid Variant Omicron , Infection , Norah , States , Variant , Biden , Countries , Hundreds , O Patieas , South Africa , 20 , Boosters , Administration , Coverage , Pb , Anna Werner , San Francisco , 135 Million , 42 Million , Reporter , Airports , Officials , Margaret , State , Testing , Public Health , Omicron Patient , Testing Program , San Francisco International Airport , Someone , Sample , 18 , 49 , Three , Omicron Variant , Vaccine , Booster , Lab , Dose , University Of California San Francisco , Moderna , World Health Organization , Five , Vaccines , Concern , Public , Panic , Little , Omicron A , White House , People , Anthony Fauci , Protection , Dr , Researchers , Surge , Delta Variant , 99 , New York City , Access , Show Cbs , Lab Sequencing , David Begnaud , Pcr , 80000 , 2000 , Majority , Patients , Guess , Test Samples , Delta , Half , Two , Six , Eight , Everything , Departure , Race , Destination , 72 , Nation , Everyone , Boarding , Rules , Surveillance , San Francisco International , Mask Mandate , Buses , Planes , Trains , Agency , Student , Accused Gunman , Oxford , Safety Protocols , Injuries , 17 , Parents , Attack , Anything , Behavior , Nancy Chen , School Meeting , Face Mask , Court , Felony Counts , Handcuffs , Degree , Crumbley , Right , Sir , Motionless , Sat , 24 , Shooting , Oxford High School , Act , Facts , Tuesday , School Officials , Behavior Concerns , Rest Room , Fra Semiautomatic Handgun , Investigators , Authorities , 30 , Sheriff , Office , Cell Phone Video , Safe , Safety , Door , Go , Hospital , Including Justin Shilling , Others , 14 , Seven , Look , Scruting School Security Video , Rampage , Investinvestigators , Oakland County Sheriff , Michael Bouchard , Rest , County , Bond , Prosecutor , Classes , High Court , Justices Shouldn T , Ruling , Hearing , Supreme Court , Generation , Arguments , Debate , Washington , Pregnancy , Roe V Wade , Poll , 1973 , 60 , Voices , Thousands , Futures , Threat , Ability , Courtroom , Sanctity Of Human Life , Lives , Daughter , Mother , Pennsylvania , God , Risk , Institution , Part , Decisions , Legitimacy , Stench , 50 , Constitution , Perception , Reading , Acts , Roe , Ban , Choice , John Roberts , Court Wouldn T , One , Line , Retreat , Big Abortion Case , Viability , 1992 , Question , Lines , Fight , Center , Chipping , Abortion Clinic , 16 , Justice , Congress , State Supreme Courts , Chord , Arbiter , Brett Kavanaugh , Mind , Anthony Kennedy , Lot , Things , Decision , Matter , Reminder , Vote , Jan Crawford , Texas , Abortion Laws , Janet Shamlian , Procedure , Sides , Questions , Bludgeoning , Horror , Scourge , Issuying , It , Showdown , Dobbs , 70 , Effect , Some , Trigger Laws , 12 , Care , Littling , Impact , It Doesn T , Experts , Clinic , Norm , Supreme Court Ruling , Denver , Lawsuits , Department Official , Committee , Set , Kris Van Cleave , U S Capitol , Moving Towards Contempt , Contempt Of Congress , Mr , Jeffrey Clarke , Contempt , Trump , Election , Voter Fraud , Claims , Steve Bannon , Doj , Distraction , Sideshow , Executive Privilege , Asset Country , Subpoena , Danny Rodriguez , Thing , Crimes , Piece , California Man , D C , I Don T Know , Bleep , Michael Fanone , Threats , Lawmakers , Ilhan Omar , Democrat , Minnesota , Way , Backpack , Voice Mail , Racist , Suicide Bomber , Th , Discussions , Lauren Boebert , Bobert , Feud , Offensive , Call , File , Republicans , Results , Twitter , Uren Boebes , Frey , Hel Accountable , Home Prices , Buyers , Food Fight , Areas , Mortgage , Bit , Marg Reg , Million , 1 Million , Boise , Markets , Mortgages , Boom , Fannie Mae , Government , Cap , Anyone , Mark Strassmann , Freddie Mac , Jennifer Louis , Real Estate , Amount Prices , Gold Rush , Idaho , 1860 , Homes , Asking Price , Incomes , Bidding War , 00000 , 10 , 100000 , Home , Offer , Income , Times , Couple , Study , Person , Nine , 35000 , 535000 , Max Hampton , Seller , Offers , Project , Cash , Kelsey Taylor , 14000 , 414000 , Buyer , Conversations , Sticker Shocks , Big Angry , Pandemic , Lifestyle , Investors , Sale , Frenzy , Level , Workers , Wasn T , Boise Has Beauty , House , Family , Money , Prices , Value , Talks , Realtor , Sellers , Approachably , Who Boise Is , Wife , Music Executive , Mansion , Explosion , Beverly Hills , No End In Sight , Neighborhood , Crest , Toothpaste , Santa , Point , Hands , Crest Smiles , Dupuytren S Contracture , Treatments , Game Changer , Option , Hand Specialist , Factsonhand Com , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Doctors , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Eggs , Taste , Best , Eggland S Best , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Debris , Blast , The Street , Brooklyn , Philanthropist Jacqueline Avant , Landlord , Doors , Apartments , Fire , Tenants , Windows , Clarence Avant , Music , Home Invasion , Police , 54 , Story , Heart , Obama , Up Next , The Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame , 81 , Vision , Prescription , Change , Hearing Aids , Life , Prevagen , Memory , Sense , Healthier Brain , Skin , Body Wash , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay Body , Olay , 3 , Coat , Children , Nikki Battiste , Families , 27 Million , Warm Coat , Mikayla , Body , Necessity , Warmth , Public School , Winter Jacket , 800 , Donations , Nonprofit , Difference , 23 , Four Million , Color , Coat Requests , Coat Color , Purple , Kindergartener Isabella , Costs , Scale , Joy , 5 , 25 , 100 , Saw , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , 4 , 92 , O Man , Wrinkly , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Wrinkles , S , Dryer , Overpass , Megasheet , Ways , Laser Sounds , Sfx , Robot Tests , Error Human , Nobody , Chai Latte , Rob Ott , Argh , Frustration Loading , Condition , Urologist , Manhood , Guy , Bend , Erection , Switch , Direction , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Geico , Treatment , Don T , Treatment Area , Stretching , Xiaflex , Buildup , Scar Tissue , Men , Exercises , Fda , Any , Side Effects , Ingredients , Injury , Reactions , Collagenase , Urethra , Penile Fracture , Anaphylaxis , Help , May , Blood Thinners , Back Pain Reactions , Bleeding , Bleeding Condition , Treatment Cycle , Site , Bruising , Activity , Doctor , Doing , Beverages , Enamel , Foods , Minerals , Surface , Pronamel Repair , Pronamel , O Otleve , Dimension , Something , Imagination , Surprises , Notifications , Portfolio , Decision Tech , Challenge , Heartburn , Fidelity , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Zero , Town , Eye On America , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Crime , Trust , Law Enforcement , Dvr , Live , Cbs Captioned By Media Access Group , Captioning Sponsored , Judge Judy , Announcer , Wrinkle , Good , Reunion , Husband , Wgbh Access Org , Annulment , Car , Intentions , Hogwash , Funds , Judith Sheindlin , Kevin Landen , Ex Wife , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Robin Lindquist , Lease , Car Loan , Parties , Rise , Calendar , You Re Welcome , Byrd , Landen Vs , 558 , Defendant , Timeline , Huh , Seat , Folks , Landen , Complaint , Each Other , Ford Mustang , 400 , 1998 , 2400 , Thinking , Man , Cause , Property , Loan ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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new video of the f.b.i. interrogating a suspect who tased a police officer during the january 6 insurrection. >> what do you want me to tell you? that i tased him? yes. i'm sorry. >> brennan: as housing prices spike, millions are priced out of the american dream. our report tonight from the least-affordable housing market in this country. and in our series "unifying america," coming in from the cold this holiday season. "operation warm," brings coats and more to kids in need. >> this is this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> brennan: good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm margaret brennan in for norah. we begin with the first confirmed infection from the new covid variant omicron here in the united states. and cbs news has just learned that the c.d.c. is reviewing more potential cases in several states. the first case was detected in n o. patieas fully vaccinated, but not boosted, and had recently traveled to south africa. hundreds of cases of the new variant have now been confirmed in more than 20 countries, prompting the biden administration to prepare stricter testing requirements for all travelers entering the united states, including americans. today, president biden said "this is why boosters are needed," and implored americans to get that additional dose. 135 million americans are eligible for boosters. only about 42 million have actually gotten them so far pb cbs' anna werner leads off our coverage tonight from san francisco. good evening, anna. >> reporter: good evening, margaret. as you said, cbs news has learned the first known u.s. omicron patient came through here, san francisco international airport. now, public health officials are crediting the state's large-scale testing program for finding that case. they say testing will now be stepped up at airports. the patient was identified only as someone between 18 and 49 who landed in the u.s. three days before thanksgiving, developed mild symptoms on thanksgiving day, and tested positive four days later. the sample was then genetically sequenced overnight at a university of california san francisco lab and was confirmed to contain the omicron variant. >> they had received a full dose of the moderna vaccine but no booster. >> reporter: five days after the world health organization declared omicron a variant of concern, little is known. officials are urging the public not to panic, but say it may be more contagious and better able to evade vaccines than any other variant discovered so far. today at the white house, dr. anthony fauci said it will be weeks before researchers can determine how severe and transmissible omicron really is. but current vaccines, he says, probably offer at least some protection. >> we know what we need to do to protect people. get vaccinated, if you're not already vaccinated. get boosted. >> reporter: hospitalizations and deaths were already predicted to increase after a recent surge in cases before omicron was detected. the delta variant still accounts for more than 99% of cases worldwide. now labs across the country are sequencing approximately 80,000 p.c.r. tests a week to see where omicron might show cbs' david begnaud was given access to a new york city lab sequencing about 2,000 of those test samples. >> reporter: how long did it take for delta to become the majority of all covid-positive patients in new york city? >> it was probably six to eight weeks. >> reporter: so is it your guess that once you detect omicron, within, let's say a month and a half to two months, it could be the majority of everything? >> it could definitely be. >> reporter: it's a race against the new variant. right now, international travelers must test negative within 72 hours of their departure for the u.s. from any destination, but the white house is expected to tighten those rules so that everyone coming to the u.s. must test negative within a day of boarding, regardless of whether they are vaccinated. well, the c.d.c. announced yesterday that it was expanding surveillance at four of the nation's busiest airports. that includes here at san francisco international. and we've just learned that the agency is now reviewing more potential cases of the omicron variant in several states. also, the mask mandate for planes, trains, and buses is reportedly going to be extended through march. margaret. >> brennan: those safety protocols still need it. thank you, anna. we turn now to that it deadly school shooting in oxford, michigan. a fourth student died today from his injuries. he was just 17. the accused gunman, a 15-year-old sophomore, is being tried as an adult. we learned today that just hours before the attack, his parents had a school meeting regarding troubling behavior. here's cbs' nancy chen. >> anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. do you understand that right, sir? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: wearing a face mask and handcuffs, 15-year-old ethan crumbley sat motionless as he was arraigned on 24 felony counts, including terrorism and first degree murder his parents also attended virtually. >> there are facts leading up to the shooting that suggest this was not just an impulsive act. >> school shooting at oxford high school. >> reporter: on tuesday, investigators say the sophomore came out of a rest room at oxford high school, and fired at least 30 round fra semiautomatic handgun. hours earlier, authorities say crumbly and his parents met with school officials over behavior concerns. >> sheriff's office. it's safe to come out. >> reporter: cell phone video shows terrified students barricaded behind a locked door before running to safety. >> go! >> reporter: four students, aged 14 to 17, were killed, including justin shilling, who died in the hospital this morning. seven others were injured. >> it was just incredibly disturbing. >> reporter: oakland county sheriff michael bouchard says investinvestigators are scruting school security video that captured the entire rampage. >> from my look at the video, it was random and cold hearted. >> reporter: and crumbley is being held without bond. he pleaded not guilty. the county prosecutor says more charges could be filed, including against his parents. classes here are canceled for the rest of the week, margaret. >> brennan: nancy chen in oxford. thank you. the supreme court heard arguments today in what is widely seen as the most significant abortion case in a generation. the justices' ruling likely won't come for months, but the hearing itself sparked intense debate, both inside and outside the court here in washington. a cbs news poll finds more than 60% of americans want to keep the 1973 "roe v. wade" ruling, which prohibits states from banning abortion after about 24 weeks of pregnancy. we get more now from cbs' jan crawford at the supreme court. >> reporter: from across the country, thousands came to make their voices heard, from michigan... >> it's a very serious threat to our ability to shape our futures and our lives. >> reporter: this mother and daughter from pennsylvania. >> i pray to god that it's overturned for the sanctity of-- upholding the sanctity of human life. >> reporter: inside the courtroom, liberal justices argued "roe v. wade" was too established to overturn. >> it's been 50 years of decisions saying that this is part of our law. >> reporter: ...and would put at risk the court's legitimacy. >> will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the constitution and its reading are just political acts? >> reporter: but a majority of the justices appeared inclined to uphold mississippi's ban on abortions after 15 weeks. chief justice john roberts suggested the court wouldn't have to overturn "roe." >> if you think that the issue is one of choice, that women should have a choice to terminate their pregnancy, why would 15 weeks be an inappropriate line? >> reporter: but that would still be a major retreat from its last big abortion case in 1992, when the court drew that line at viability, around 24 weeks. mississippi's only abortion clinic, now at the center of the fight, performs abortions up to 16 weeks. >> that's the question is where does the line get drawn? it's just-- it's them chipping away. >> reporter: a lawyer for mississippi said the justices shouldn't be drawing the lines, that the issue should be up to the states. states. , which struck a chord with justice brett kavanaugh. >> why should this court be the arbiter rather than congress, the state legislatures, state supreme courts, the people being able to resolve this? >> reporter: now, back in 1992, the court seemed then to be almost certain to overturn "roe v. wade," but former justice anthony kennedy changed his mind and provided that key vote to save it. so that's an important reminder that no matter how things may look today, a lot can change between now and june when we expect this decision. margaret. >> brennan: and jan crawford will be covering it all. thank you. the supreme court's ruling in the mississippi case could impact abortion laws across the country. cbs' janet shamlian reports tonight from texas, the state which now has the nation's most-restrictive law. law. >> reporter: with the future of abortion in america on the line, today, both sides of the emotional issuying voices. >> end the scourge, the bludgeoning, the horror. >> reporter: questions across the country tonight, "what access to the procedure will look like if "roe v. wade" is overturned. >> today in the "dobbs" case is the most clear attack on "roe v. wade" that we've experienced since the 70s. >> reporter: the legal showdown could take away the constitutional right to the procedure, leaving it to the states, and some are ready. 12 have trigger laws that would automatically halt or nearly all abortions if "roe" is overturned. >> we know when about ban good gs into effect it has a detrimental effect for people neding access to care. >> reporter: but it doesn't have to be overturned to have impact, experts say. the court could weaken the decision, littling how long into a pregnancy the right to an abortion is protected. when you realized you could not get the procedure in texas, what did you think? >> i cried. >> reporter: this texas mom of two flew to this denver clinic for her abortion, which could become the norm for women in other states that ban the procedure. here in texas, they're awaiting a supreme court ruling on the ban currently in effect. any ruling by the high court is likely to result in years of new lawsuits. margaret. >> brennan: janet shamlian, thank you. there is breaking news tonight about a former justice department official who is refusing to cooperate with the congressional committee investigating the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. here is cbs' kris van cleave. >> reporter: tonight, moving towards contempt, the committee investigating january 6 is set to vote to advance a contempt of congress charge against trump-era d.o.j. official jeffrey clarke, who has refused to cooperate. clarke worked with mr. trump to overturn the election by spreading baseless claims of voter fraud. this comes after steve bannon was indicted on contempt charges last month. >> you don't blow off a congressional subpoena, and executive privilege is just a distraction and a sideshow. >> reporter: and a new look tonight at one of those charged for storming the capitol. >> i thought i was helping to asset country. >> reporter: this is danny rodriguez, accused of multiple violent crimes, speaking to the f.b.i. >> i thought we were doing the right thing. >> reporter: here you can see it apergz the california man is tasing d.c. police officer michael fanone. >> why did you tase him? >> i don't know. i'm a piece of ( bleep ). i'm sorry. >> reporter: this as threats to lawmakers have soared since january 6, including this one sent to minnesota democrat ilhan omar. >> >> you will not live much longer. >> reporter: omar, one of two muslim women in congress, says she received the racist, profanity-laced voice mail after lauren boebert likened her to a suicide bomber. >> she doesn't have a backpack. we should be fine. >> there are active discussions under way to make sure th uren boebes hel accountable. >> reporter: bobert did apologize on twitter, but after a contentious call with omar, she went back on the offensive. rank and file republicans have entered the frey. and that results in a twitter feud that's starting to feel a bit like a food fight. marg reg. >> brennan: kris van cleave at the capitol. as home prices rise around the country, buyers in high-cost areas will be able to borrow nearly $1 million for a mortgage alone backed by the federal government. fannie mae and freddie mac say the cap on their mortgages will increase next year, and some of the hottest markets are not ones that you would expect. cbs' mark strassmann checked out the boom in boise. >> reporter: ask anyone here, boise, idaho, is having its biggest gold rush since the 1860s. it's called real estate. >> it was just completely insane the amount prices went up, 30% in a year. >> reporter: jennifer louis sells real estate in boise's boom. >> 10, 20 people in a bidding war, sometimes even more. this year, we had homes that sold $100,000 over the asking price. >> reporter: boise is now america's least-affordable housing market. home prices dwarf incomes. one study compared boise's median-priced home-- almost $535,000. that's 10 times higher than the median income for one person here, almost nine times higher than the median income for a couple. want to make an offer? better be all cash above the asking price. >> what project do you think we should do next? >> reporter: max hampton and kelsey taylor got lucky with their new home-- $414,000. stung by a series of rejected offers, they found a seller who wanted a local buyer. >> yeah, it was super discouraging. i remember a lot of hard nights, a lot of hard conversations. >> reporter: sticker shocks? >> yeah, is still make us a big angry. >> reporter: angry. >> yeah. >> angry i would say. >> reporter: because? >> why is it like this when just a couple of years ago it wasn't. >> reporter: boise has beauty, a winning lifestyle, and too few homedz for sale. the pandemic created next-level frenzy. investors and workers from neighboring states snapping up homes, driving up prices. jennifer louis' family has grown. her home's value has doubled. but she can't afford to buy bigger. have you put an offer on a house? >> we wanted to. but the realtor said they wouldn't even look at a contingent offer. it's money that talks. >> reporter: people here keep telling us this housing market is changing who boise is. younger buyers squeezed out moving away, older sellers cashing up on the, moving away. and for the more approachably priced homes, there's no end in sight. margaret. >> brennan: mark strassmann, thank you. still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news," the wife of a beloved music executive is gunned down inside her beverly hills mansion. and a powerful explosion rocks a new york city neighborhood. ♪ after a night like this, crest has you covered. crest, the official toothpaste of santa. follow us @crest to celebrate the 12 days of crest smiles. like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. why give your family just any eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. only eggland's best. >> brennan: six people were hurt this morning when a home in brooklyn, new york, exploded. the blast sent debris flying across the street. windows and doors were blown out and fire quickly spread to other apartments. more than 50 people were evacuated and tenants say they smelled gas 12 hours earlier and warned the landlord. philanthropist jacqueline avant was shot and killed today during a beverly hills home invasion. she was married to music legend clarence avant for 54 years. police say he was home at the time. clarence avant is known as the requested godfather of black music." that's what he was called when he was inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame in october. former president obama called him one of his favorite people. jacqueline avant was 81 years old. up next, our series "unifying america," and a story that's sure to warm your heart. [steve] we met online about 10 years ago. as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. better skin from your body wash? i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. >> brennan: about 27 million american children live in low-income families and are in need of a coat to bundle up against the cold. cbs' nikki battiste now with a story that will warm your heart as we continue our series "unifying america." >> reporter: a brand-new warm coat-- the simple necessity third grader mikayla did not have when we met her on a 30-degree day. >> it's freezing. my hands are freezing. my body is freezing. >> reporter: she's one of 800 students at this new york city public school taking home a winter jacket, thanks to "operation warm." >> the coat is the first thing. it's the tangible thing. but what that really provides is warmth, physical warmth, the emotional warmth. >> reporter: in the past 23 years, the nonprofit has manufactured more than four million coats for children in need across the country, paid for by donations. >> it's the difference between going to school on a cold day or staying home. >> reporter: coat requests have tripled during the pandemic. kids, like kindergartener isabella, get to pick their coat color. oh, i love it! what's your favorite color? >> pink and purple. >> reporter: each costs under $25 to make, but the joy one brings is priceless. on a scale of one to 10, how excited are you to get a nice warm coat today? >> 100 out of 10. >> reporter: 100? nikki battiste, cbs news, new york. >> brennan: 100 out of 10. >> brennan: 100 out of 10. we'll be right back.a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. what is... an overpass? come on! question, is that an “s” or a “5”? think it's a 5... i thought so. argh! frustration...loading. 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Officials , Margaret , State , Testing , Public Health , Omicron Patient , Testing Program , San Francisco International Airport , Someone , Sample , 18 , 49 , Three , Omicron Variant , Vaccine , Booster , Lab , Dose , University Of California San Francisco , Moderna , World Health Organization , Five , Vaccines , Concern , Public , Panic , Little , Omicron A , White House , People , Anthony Fauci , Protection , Dr , Researchers , Surge , Delta Variant , 99 , New York City , Access , Show Cbs , Lab Sequencing , David Begnaud , Pcr , 80000 , 2000 , Majority , Patients , Guess , Test Samples , Delta , Half , Two , Six , Eight , Everything , Departure , Race , Destination , 72 , Nation , Everyone , Boarding , Rules , Surveillance , San Francisco International , Mask Mandate , Buses , Planes , Trains , Agency , Student , Accused Gunman , Oxford , Safety Protocols , Injuries , 17 , Parents , Attack , Anything , Behavior , Nancy Chen , School Meeting , Face Mask , Court , Felony Counts , Handcuffs , Degree , Crumbley , Right , Sir , Motionless , Sat , 24 , Shooting , Oxford High School , Act , Facts , Tuesday , School Officials , Behavior Concerns , Rest Room , Fra Semiautomatic Handgun , Investigators , Authorities , 30 , Sheriff , Office , Cell Phone Video , Safe , Safety , Door , Go , Hospital , Including Justin Shilling , Others , 14 , Seven , Look , Scruting School Security Video , Rampage , Investinvestigators , Oakland County Sheriff , Michael Bouchard , Rest , County , Bond , Prosecutor , Classes , High Court , Justices Shouldn T , Ruling , Hearing , Supreme Court , Generation , Arguments , Debate , Washington , Pregnancy , Roe V Wade , Poll , 1973 , 60 , Voices , Thousands , Futures , Threat , Ability , Courtroom , Sanctity Of Human Life , Lives , Daughter , Mother , Pennsylvania , God , Risk , Institution , Part , Decisions , Legitimacy , Stench , 50 , Constitution , Perception , Reading , Acts , Roe , Ban , Choice , John Roberts , Court Wouldn T , One , Line , Retreat , Big Abortion Case , Viability , 1992 , Question , Lines , Fight , Center , Chipping , Abortion Clinic , 16 , Justice , Congress , State Supreme Courts , Chord , Arbiter , Brett Kavanaugh , Mind , Anthony Kennedy , Lot , Things , Decision , Matter , Reminder , Vote , Jan Crawford , Texas , Abortion Laws , Janet Shamlian , Procedure , Sides , Questions , Bludgeoning , Horror , Scourge , Issuying , It , Showdown , Dobbs , 70 , Effect , Some , Trigger Laws , 12 , Care , Littling , Impact , It Doesn T , Experts , Clinic , Norm , Supreme Court Ruling , Denver , Lawsuits , Department Official , Committee , Set , Kris Van Cleave , U S Capitol , Moving Towards Contempt , Contempt Of Congress , Mr , Jeffrey Clarke , Contempt , Trump , Election , Voter Fraud , Claims , Steve Bannon , Doj , Distraction , Sideshow , Executive Privilege , Asset Country , Subpoena , Danny Rodriguez , Thing , Crimes , Piece , California Man , D C , I Don T Know , Bleep , Michael Fanone , Threats , Lawmakers , Ilhan Omar , Democrat , Minnesota , Way , Backpack , Voice Mail , Racist , Suicide Bomber , Th , Discussions , Lauren Boebert , Bobert , Feud , Offensive , Call , File , Republicans , Results , Twitter , Uren Boebes , Frey , Hel Accountable , Home Prices , Buyers , Food Fight , Areas , Mortgage , Bit , Marg Reg , Million , 1 Million , Boise , Markets , Mortgages , Boom , Fannie Mae , Government , Cap , Anyone , Mark Strassmann , Freddie Mac , Jennifer Louis , Real Estate , Amount Prices , Gold Rush , Idaho , 1860 , Homes , Asking Price , Incomes , Bidding War , 00000 , 10 , 100000 , Home , Offer , Income , Times , Couple , Study , Person , Nine , 35000 , 535000 , Max Hampton , Seller , Offers , Project , Cash , Kelsey Taylor , 14000 , 414000 , Buyer , Conversations , Sticker Shocks , Big Angry , Pandemic , Lifestyle , Investors , Sale , Frenzy , Level , Workers , Wasn T , Boise Has Beauty , House , Family , Money , Prices , Value , Talks , Realtor , Sellers , Approachably , Who Boise Is , Wife , Music Executive , Mansion , Explosion , Beverly Hills , No End In Sight , Neighborhood , Crest , Toothpaste , Santa , Point , Hands , Crest Smiles , Dupuytren S Contracture , Treatments , Game Changer , Option , Hand Specialist , Factsonhand Com , Trust Tylenol , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Pain , Joint Pain , Doctors , Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Eggs , Taste , Best , Eggland S Best , Only Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Debris , Blast , The Street , Brooklyn , Philanthropist Jacqueline Avant , Landlord , Doors , Apartments , Fire , Tenants , Windows , Clarence Avant , Music , Home Invasion , Police , 54 , Story , Heart , Obama , Up Next , The Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame , 81 , Vision , Prescription , Change , Hearing Aids , Life , Prevagen , Memory , Sense , Healthier Brain , Skin , Body Wash , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay Body , Olay , 3 , Coat , Children , Nikki Battiste , Families , 27 Million , Warm Coat , Mikayla , Body , Necessity , Warmth , Public School , Winter Jacket , 800 , Donations , Nonprofit , Difference , 23 , Four Million , Color , Coat Requests , Coat Color , Purple , Kindergartener Isabella , Costs , Scale , Joy , 5 , 25 , 100 , Saw , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , 4 , 92 , O Man , Wrinkly , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Wrinkles , S , Dryer , Overpass , Megasheet , Ways , Laser Sounds , Sfx , Robot Tests , Error Human , Nobody , Chai Latte , Rob Ott , Argh , Frustration Loading , Condition , Urologist , Manhood , Guy , Bend , Erection , Switch , Direction , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Geico , Treatment , Don T , Treatment Area , Stretching , Xiaflex , Buildup , Scar Tissue , Men , Exercises , Fda , Any , Side Effects , Ingredients , Injury , Reactions , Collagenase , Urethra , Penile Fracture , Anaphylaxis , Help , May , Blood Thinners , Back Pain Reactions , Bleeding , Bleeding Condition , Treatment Cycle , Site , Bruising , Activity , Doctor , Doing , Beverages , Enamel , Foods , Minerals , Surface , Pronamel Repair , Pronamel , O Otleve , Dimension , Something , Imagination , Surprises , Notifications , Portfolio , Decision Tech , Challenge , Heartburn , Fidelity , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Zero , Town , Eye On America , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Crime , Trust , Law Enforcement , Dvr , Live , Cbs Captioned By Media Access Group , Captioning Sponsored , Judge Judy , Announcer , Wrinkle , Good , Reunion , Husband , Wgbh Access Org , Annulment , Car , Intentions , Hogwash , Funds , Judith Sheindlin , Kevin Landen , Ex Wife , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Robin Lindquist , Lease , Car Loan , Parties , Rise , Calendar , You Re Welcome , Byrd , Landen Vs , 558 , Defendant , Timeline , Huh , Seat , Folks , Landen , Complaint , Each Other , Ford Mustang , 400 , 1998 , 2400 , Thinking , Man , Cause , Property , Loan ,

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