Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

the great resignation: a record 4.4 million americans quit their jobs just in september. tonight, survivors speaking out. what it was like at that concert that killed nine and injured dozens. >> i remember being crushed from every side by human bodies all around me. >> o'donnell: important recalls: popular baby clothes that could be a choking hazard, and nearly 100,000 pounds of chicken patties that could be dangerous. and to finish the week of "honoring our heroes," steve hartman goes "on the road" with the story of a veteran whose memory lives on, thanks to the kindness of a stranger. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this friday night. we begin tonight with that breaking news and those new criminal charges against former president trump's chief strategist steve bannon. president trump has directed his allies not to cooperate in the congressional investigation into the deadly assault on the u.s. capitol in january, and bannon is among those aides refusing to speak with lawmakers and was indicted today on two counts of contempt of congress. he's expected to turn himself in on monday. president trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows, had until today to respond to a subpoena from the same house investigators. he, too, was a no-show and could face similar charges. investigators want to know exactly what president trump and his advisers were doing and who they were in communication with before and during that violent insurrection as it unfolded. and that's led to an escalating legal battle between team trump and house members looking for answers. cbs' nikole killion landlords us off from capitol hill. good evening, nikole. >> reporter: good evening, norah. and the reaction tonight from lawmakers was swift. the select committee saying tonight that steve bannon's indictment sends a clear message to anyone trying to stonewall their investigation that no one is above the law. tonight, former white house strategist steve bannon is charged with two counts of contempt of congress for failing to comply with a subpoena from the house select committee investigating the january 6 attack on the capitol. according to the indictment, bannon did not produce documents and communications and did not appear for a deposition. each count carries a maximum penalty of up to $1,000 and one year in jail. bannon is the first individual charged in the january 6 probe. the committee alleges bannon appears to have played a multifaceted role in the events of january 6 and had specific knowledge about them, including this warning on his podcast january 5: >> all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. it's not going to happen like you think it's going to happen, okay. it's going to be quite extraordinarily different. >> this is an important step for the department of justice. and i do know people thought it was, you know, a-- an attorney general decision, i suppose, ultimately, the buck stops with him. >> reporter: his indictment comes as the former president's chief of staff, mark meadows, was a no-show today before the select panel, the committee now threatening him with contempt, too, stating, "it's unfortunate mr. meadows has chosen to join a very small group of witnesses who believe they are above the law." mr. trump is also coming under more scrutiny for defending supporters who called for mike pence's execution, making these comments in an interview earlier this year with abc news' jonathan karl. >> you heard those chants. that was terrible. >> he could have-- the people were very angry. >> they said,"hang mike pence." >> it's common sense, john. >> reporter: the select committee hasn't indicated how soon it could issue a contempt citation against meadows. bannon is set to turn himself in here in washington monday. norah. >> o'donnell: nikole killion, thank you. and there is breaking news tonight from los angeles where a judge has freed britney spears from the legal arrangement that has controlled her life, career, and fortune. cbs' carter evans now on uhe big celebration for britney and her fans. >> the conservatorship of britney spears has been terminated ( cheers and applause ). >> reporter: it's independence day for britney spears, hundreds of loyal fans erupted into cheers outside the courthouse after hearing news that a judge ended spears' 13-year conservatorship, meaning the pop star will again be in control of her life. >> i'm just so happy she can get her life back. >> reporter: minutes after the decision, spears posted this message on instagram: "good god, i love my fans so much it's crazy. i think i'm going to cry the rest of the day." late yesterday, spers' fiance posted this video on instagram. the 39-year-old wore a "free britney" t-shirt. >> i think the big challenge she's going to face is making sure she finds people who are trustworthy. >> reporter: spears, whose worth $60 million, hired an accountant with her attorney who now has control over her finances. last month, a judge removed britney spears' father, jamie spears, as her conservator... >> you have been hoping for this so long. >> reporter: earlier this summer, spears told the court the conservatorship under her father was abusive and that he and others in charge should be in jail. she alleged that she was forced to work against her will and to use a contraceptive device to prevent her from having any more children. through his attorney, jamie spears has repeatedly denied all allegations of wrongdoing. britney spears' attorney has vowed to investigate her father. >> jamie spears and others are going to face even more serious ramifications. ( cheers and applause ). >> reporter: now, spears did not appear in court today, and she was able to end her conservatorship without undergoing any further mental evaluations. norah, she is now free to spend her fortune any way she wants. >> o'donnell: quite a scene there in l.a. carter evans, thank you. well, we want to turn now to an alarming rise in covid cases less than two weeks before thanksgiving. new cases are rising, in more than 20 states and hospitalizations are up in 14 states. in colorado, covid wards are packed almost to capacity. and 80% of those patients are unvaccinated. cbs' mola lenghi is there. >> reporter: colorado's surge and average daily covid cases up 17% in the last two weeks is pushing the healthcare system to the brink. >> certainly at the rates that we're going, we're not slowing down right now. >> reporter: 95% of colorado's i.c.u. beds are in use, more than than at any other point during the pandemic. >> as we're moving into the winter season here, is there a certain sense of anxiety as we're approaching? >> yeah, absolutely. i think everybody just worries where are we at? what are we going to do? >> reporter: that anxiety prompted governor jared polis to issue an executive order allowing all adult residents to get boosters. california and new mexico have done the same. >> please, if you got the vaccine six month or more ago, get your booster. it's a really important part of protecting yourself. it's a really important part of ending the pandemic in colorado. >> reporter: this is at odds with federal guidance that limits the extra shots of either pfizer or moderna to vulnerable adults and those at high risk for exposure. a cases climb again, health officials continue to encourage pediatric vaccinations. >> get your 12- to 17-year-olds vaccinated and get your 5- to 11-year-olds vaccinated. >> reporter: the c.d.c. now advising parents, if their child is bout to turn 12, not to wait to get the adult dose. and for those who turn 12 in between vaccinations, to get the adult dose for the second shot. at least 14 states have had a rise in hospitalizations in the last week, compared to the week before. michigan is at a six-month high. beaumont hospital, in detroit, reports as many as 35% of its current patients are fully vaccinated. back in colorado, resources are stretched thin and so is the staff. >> you don't know how anyone could not have feelings of burnout, based on what we've endured these last two years. >> reporter: well, health officials here in colorado predict that hospitalizations could peak between now and the end of the year, with i.c.u. beds already neither full capacity, the governor is calling on hospitals to find up to 500 additional beds, putting even more pressure on healthcare providers, some already at a breaking point, norah. >> o'donnell: daniel nolan from colorado, thank you so much. now to the economy, a record number of americans quit their jobs in september as the so-called great resignation picked up speed. the labor department says more than 4.4 million workers handed in their resignations in september. the arts, entertainment, and recreation industries led the way. experts say it is a sign that the economy is doing well when americans feel comfortable taking risks. all right, the lawsuits against the organizers of that deadly concert in houston are stacking up with more than 50 lawsuits already filed, lawsuits representing hundreds of those injured. they say they expect at least 90 more. cbs' lilia luciano reports tonight on the emotional scars. >> i'll never forget the look of terror on people's faces. >> reporter: dishon isaac is one of more than 200 fans represented by ben crump, suing travis scott and festival promoters. they're all still reliving that horrifying night. >> i just remember bodies everywhere. there was a girl at one point who was holding my hand. i didn't know that girl whatsoever. >> reporter: uniqua smith, a mother of teen twins, attended the festival by herself. >> i remember being crushed from every side by human bodies, all around me. >> reporter: and says a woman behind her began having a seizure. >> the woman hits the ground, and her feet are next to my feet. the only thing that i can think of is if i trip over this woman's feet, we're going to create a pileup. >> reporter: reyna iraheta says there were warning signs hours before the show even started. >> the whole time, i just kept looking around. i was like, this doesn't feel good. something's going on. >an attorney representing more than 150 people released what he says are internal houston fire department logs stating security had lost control of the crowd early in the morning. with calls for medical attention as fans began breaching lines and pushing down barriers. >> there's an ambulance. whoa, whoa, whoa. >> reporter: but scotts' spokesperson says he was not aware of the deaths during the show. >> just like the police officers who were standing in front of the stage with travis, nearly 30 minutes after it was declared a public safety emergency, travis had no idea what was going on until well later, hours and hours later. >> o'donnell: and lilia luciano joins us now from houston. so, criminal charges haven't been ruled out, but what do we been those lawsuits against travis scott? >> reporter: well, norah, we know that so far, travis scott has already lost millions of dollars in canceled events with losses against him and promoter live nation coming from all across the country by hundreds of plaintiffs. and they're asking already for more than half a billion dollars for the death, the injuries, and also for those scars of traumas we heard today. >> o'donnell: all right, thank you, lilia, and to the entire houston team there for following everybody inve development in ts story. we appreciate it. to some drama in the trial of the three men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. a defense lawyer apologized after he said he didn't want any more black pastors in court. that was a reference to reverend al sharpton, who had sat in court with arbery's family. the lawyer said he was sorry to anyone who was offended. all right, in china, the communist party has cleared the way for president xi jinping to remain the nation's leader for life. president biden will hold a virtual summit with xi on monday amid heightened tensions between the two countries, they'll have much to discuss, including a surprise agreement on climate change that was announced at that global summit in scotland. cbs' mark phillips is there, where major issues remain unresolved. >> reporter: the glasgow climate conference got a boost of urgency today from protesters allowed inside the meeting venue. but if the intent was to jolt the conference into actions, it didn't work. >> how could we we possibly in 2021, knowing what the evidence is, be wishy-washy on that subject? >> reporter: u.s. climate envoy john kerry was calling for an end to the unabated use of the dirtiest fossil fuel, coal. yet, china, whose climate delegate, xie zenhua, agreed to a surprise deal here with the u.s. on future climate cooperation, is still building cold-fired power plants. "when it comes to climate change,," he said, "there is more agreement between the u.s. and china than divergence." there has been some agreement here on limiting deforestation, on reducing emissioning of methane, a potent global warming gas, on phasing out coal. but it was all not enough to achieve the declared objective of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees celsius, beyond which the worst of the heat waves, fires, severe storms, melting polar ice, and sea level rise becomes inevitable. >> in tuvalu, we are living the realities of climate change. >> reporter: the lasting image of this conference may be the delegate from the low-lying pcific island nation of tuvalu. at current rates of warming, it will become unlivable. latest here tonight, norah, is that there is no latest. this conference, which was supposed to be over today, will now continue into tomorrow. there's indecision in the air here, along with the carbon dioxide. >> o'donnell: mark phillips, thank you. still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." tragic news about a crew member who went to space last month with william shatner. and two important recalls you need to hear about, one involving baby clothes and the other that might be in your freezer. there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops provide temporary relief.s ay xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disea eica don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra 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ordering its baby ruffle rompers and long sleeve wiggle sets. there's concern that those snaps can detach and become a choking hazard. and there's also a warning about chile lime chicken burgers sold at trevaughn latimer. we're talking about 98,000 pounds of patties produced in late august to late september, and they could contain pieces of bone. coming up, cbs' steve hartman is next with the story of a stranger's act of kindness and what it means to a military family. wow... that's so nice! is that a photo of tepechitlan? yeah! the gift of ancestry®, is a walk through your history. do you remember who this is? it's a gift that surprises you, moves you, and bonds you. ...papa? i can see the nose and everything. she was the original strong woman. i know. this holiday, give the gift of family. give the gift of ancestry®. ♪ manhood looks different from guy to guy. but when yours bends in a different direction, you might feel bothered by it. so talk to a urologist. because a bend in your 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this week with cbs' steve hartman "on the road" showing how a stranger's powerful act of kindness helped one military family heal. >> reporter: donna parker is on the last leg of a journey to find the rightful owner of these army uniforms, a journey that began more than two years ago at the bottom of this dumpster. >> these are army suits. whose are these? why are they in the trash? >> reporter: so this became an obsession? >> it did. for a very long time. >>reporter: all she had to go on was a common last name-- mckenzie. but donna researched, posted on social media, even set up tables at festivals around her home in lexington, kentucky, hoping someone might know who these belong to. and eventually, donna did get the full name. >> and when i did, his obituary was the first thing that came up. and it hit me like it would a family member. >> reporter: back in 2018, sergeant keith mckenzie, who had survived two deployments to afghanistan, took his own life. he'd been diagnosed with p.t.s.d. his marriage was crumb blirng his car repossessed-- which is actually how the uniform ended up in the dumpster. this was not at all the answer donna was hoping to find. but it made returning that uniform more important than ever. >> somebody may have wanted them. >> reporter: you could have never guessed how much they were wanted. >> no. >> reporter: 1,000 mails away in waco, texas, keith mckenzie jr., who was left to shag his own fly balls, still feels some bitterness toward his father. but that military service, that's a part of his dad he holds on to dearly and literally. >> i just sit there and hold the dog tags for a good while, i never took them off, since that's kind of all we had. >> reporter: that was all he had. until his mother, crystal, got a phone call from a stranger. >> she answered a prayer that i didn't know i was praying for. some faith that there is people out there that care. >> reporter: crystal and her daughter, kayla, knew donna was coming. >> howdie. >> reporter: but it was a surprise to keghts. >> i brought these for you, all the way from kentucky. >> thank you. >> i've been looking for y'all for a long time. >> thank you. >> reporter: donna parker set out to return a uniform. >> i don't think you understand how much this really means to all of us. >> reporter: but what she really returned to this family was hope. steve hartman, "on the road," near waco, texas. >> o'donnell: hope and faith and a reminder that we will not forget the service and sacrifice of our veterans. we'll be right back. that's the thing about claims, you see. they don't happen on your schedule. i mean, take a chestnut, it doesn't just say “oh, beg pardon, sir, but is now a good time for a jolly bit of window cracking?” i mean, if they did, you wouldn't need a geico claims team that's available 24/7. but, near as i can tell, chestnuts don't talk. or maybe they're just really quiet. geico. your claims team is here for you, 24/7. well, got things to do mr. chestnut, 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is right for you. count me in! me too! >> o'donnell: monday on the cbs evening news, the skyrocketing cost of your thanksgiving feast, from the turkey-- if you can find one-- to all the trimmings. we go to a farm to find out why. if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell. i hope you hav e a gr >> he let me eat some of his food and... >> i did not give him the food. he stole it. >> announcer: a landlord's list of grievances. >> judge judy: how much did you owe him? >> he told me $20. >> judge judy: just $20? >> he got upset that i wasn't giving it to him on the spot. >> announcer: then... >> judge judy: you and mr. horn had an altercation. >> announcer: ...did he take a swing at solving it? >> he came out of the door with a bamboo stick, and i reached in to my closet in self-defense to grab my bat. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 21-year-old chase adrain is suing his former landlord, 73-year-old william "tyler" horn, for the return of a security deposit and laptop and a false arrest. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number 245 on the calendar in the matter of adrain vs. horn. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> judge judy: mr. adrain, you were a tenant of mr. horn's for approximately eight months, according to what i read in your complaint. is that correct? >> yes. >> judge judy: and you're suing him for a variety of things. let's take first things first. first thing is that you had a security deposit that you left with him. >> yes. >> judge judy: and you want the security deposit refunded to you. >> yes. >> judge judy: how much was the security deposit? >> $1,450. >> judge judy: is that correct, mr. horn? >> believe so. >> judge judy: okay, and when did you give him the $1,450? when did you start your tenancy? >> the agreement was entitled -- i have evid-- >> judge judy: just tell me the date. >> 23rd of november, 2015. >> judge judy: and you moved out on what date? >> i moved out on june 21, 2016. >> judge judy: did mr. horn return any part of your security deposit? >> no. >> judge judy: and you just rented a room from him? >> yes. >> judge judy: all right, mr. horn. we're gonna deal with first th

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Accountant , Finances , 0 Million , 60 Million , Court , Others , Charge , Contraceptive Device , Allegations , Children , Wrongdoing , Ramifications , Evaluations , Court Today , Way , Rise , Hospitalizations , Scene , Rising , 14 , Capacity , Patients , Unvaccinated , Mola Lenghi , Covid Wards , 17 , 80 , Use , Rates , Pandemic , Beds , Point , Brink , Healthcare System , 95 , Jared Polis , Anxiety , Sense , Executive Order , Everybody , Residents , Winter Season , Part , Boosters , Booster , Vaccine , Same , California , Odds , New Mexico , Six , Adults , Health Officials , Risk , Vaccinations , Guidance , Shots , Exposure , Moderna , Pfizer , 12 , Adult , Cdc , Child , Dose , Adult Dose , Bout , Shot , Parents , 11 , Reports , Beaumont Hospital , High , Michigan , Detroit , 35 , Back , Staff , Resources , Feelings , Burnout , End , Pressure , Hospitals , Healthcare Providers , Icu , 500 , Economy , Workers , Resignations , Record Number , Speed , Breaking Point , Labor Department , 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, Reference , Sat , Ahmaud Arbery , Three , Nation , Summit , Lawyer , Xi Jinping , Biden , Xi , Leader , Communist Party , China , Climate Change , Countries , Surprise Agreement , Issues , Tensions , Mark Phillips , Scotland , Conference , Intent , Evidence , Actions , The Glasgow Climate Conference , Protesters , Venue , Meeting , Urgency , Boost , Didn T Work , 2021 , Subject , Wishy Washy On , Coal , Climate Delegate , U S Climate Envoy , Fossil Fuel , Power Plants , Deal , Xie Zenhua , On Future Climate Cooperation , Agreement , Divergence , Deforestation , Phasing , Emissioning , Gas , Methane , Polar Ice , Storms , Temperature , Fires , Objective , Heat Waves , Worst , Sea Level , 1 5 , Image , Delegate , Warming , Realities , Island Nation , Tuvalu , Pcific , Unlivable , Indecision , Latest , Air , Carbon Dioxide , Crew Member , News , William Shatner , Baby Clothes , Ideas , Other , Freezer , Dark , Experience , World , Flexibility , Music , Inflammation , Symptoms , Eye 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Military Service , Bitterness , Fly Balls , Dad , Crystal , Mother , Prayer , Kind , Faith , Phone Call , Kayla , Surprise , Care , Howdie , Keghts , Donna Parker Set Out , Hope And Faith , Veterans , Hope , Reminder , Doesn T , Claims , Schedule , Take A Chestnut , Sir , Bit , Window , Geico , Beg Pardon , Chestnuts Don T Talk , 24 7 , Cabenuva , Things , Hiv , Chestnut , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Medicines , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Some , Breastfeeding , Injection Site Reactions , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Fever , Tiredness , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Hygienist , Relief Tion , Cleans , Matc , Round Head , Oral B , Colon Cancer , Cleaning , Habits , Walks , Wow , Sizes , Stages , Cologuard , Colon Cancers , Results , Dna , Stool , Yep , 92 , 45 , Provider , Monday On The , Trimmings , Feast , Turkey , Farm , Dvr , Live , Judge Judy , Announcer , Landlord , Food , Gr , Grievances , List , Ea , 0 , Upset , Swing , Self Defense , Horn , Spot , Altercation , Bat , Door , Bamboo Stick , Closet , Courtroom , Chase Adrain , Captions , Judith Sheindlin , Cbs Television Distribution , 21 , Security Deposit , Return , Laptop , Arrest , Byrd , Tyler , 73 , Parties , Honor , You Re Welcome , Tenant , Complaint , Calendar , Matter , Adrain Vs , 245 , Eight , Yes , Variety , Tenancy , Evid , 23rd Of November , 1450 , 2015 , 23 , 450 , 23rd Of November 2015 , June 21 2016 , Room , Th , Horn Return , Gonna Deal , 2016 ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Norah ODonnell 20240709

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the great resignation: a record 4.4 million americans quit their jobs just in september. tonight, survivors speaking out. what it was like at that concert that killed nine and injured dozens. >> i remember being crushed from every side by human bodies all around me. >> o'donnell: important recalls: popular baby clothes that could be a choking hazard, and nearly 100,000 pounds of chicken patties that could be dangerous. and to finish the week of "honoring our heroes," steve hartman goes "on the road" with the story of a veteran whose memory lives on, thanks to the kindness of a stranger. >> this is the "cbs evening news" with norah o'donnell, reporting from the nation's capital. >> o'donnell: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this friday night. we begin tonight with that breaking news and those new criminal charges against former president trump's chief strategist steve bannon. president trump has directed his allies not to cooperate in the congressional investigation into the deadly assault on the u.s. capitol in january, and bannon is among those aides refusing to speak with lawmakers and was indicted today on two counts of contempt of congress. he's expected to turn himself in on monday. president trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows, had until today to respond to a subpoena from the same house investigators. he, too, was a no-show and could face similar charges. investigators want to know exactly what president trump and his advisers were doing and who they were in communication with before and during that violent insurrection as it unfolded. and that's led to an escalating legal battle between team trump and house members looking for answers. cbs' nikole killion landlords us off from capitol hill. good evening, nikole. >> reporter: good evening, norah. and the reaction tonight from lawmakers was swift. the select committee saying tonight that steve bannon's indictment sends a clear message to anyone trying to stonewall their investigation that no one is above the law. tonight, former white house strategist steve bannon is charged with two counts of contempt of congress for failing to comply with a subpoena from the house select committee investigating the january 6 attack on the capitol. according to the indictment, bannon did not produce documents and communications and did not appear for a deposition. each count carries a maximum penalty of up to $1,000 and one year in jail. bannon is the first individual charged in the january 6 probe. the committee alleges bannon appears to have played a multifaceted role in the events of january 6 and had specific knowledge about them, including this warning on his podcast january 5: >> all hell is going to break loose tomorrow. it's not going to happen like you think it's going to happen, okay. it's going to be quite extraordinarily different. >> this is an important step for the department of justice. and i do know people thought it was, you know, a-- an attorney general decision, i suppose, ultimately, the buck stops with him. >> reporter: his indictment comes as the former president's chief of staff, mark meadows, was a no-show today before the select panel, the committee now threatening him with contempt, too, stating, "it's unfortunate mr. meadows has chosen to join a very small group of witnesses who believe they are above the law." mr. trump is also coming under more scrutiny for defending supporters who called for mike pence's execution, making these comments in an interview earlier this year with abc news' jonathan karl. >> you heard those chants. that was terrible. >> he could have-- the people were very angry. >> they said,"hang mike pence." >> it's common sense, john. >> reporter: the select committee hasn't indicated how soon it could issue a contempt citation against meadows. bannon is set to turn himself in here in washington monday. norah. >> o'donnell: nikole killion, thank you. and there is breaking news tonight from los angeles where a judge has freed britney spears from the legal arrangement that has controlled her life, career, and fortune. cbs' carter evans now on uhe big celebration for britney and her fans. >> the conservatorship of britney spears has been terminated ( cheers and applause ). >> reporter: it's independence day for britney spears, hundreds of loyal fans erupted into cheers outside the courthouse after hearing news that a judge ended spears' 13-year conservatorship, meaning the pop star will again be in control of her life. >> i'm just so happy she can get her life back. >> reporter: minutes after the decision, spears posted this message on instagram: "good god, i love my fans so much it's crazy. i think i'm going to cry the rest of the day." late yesterday, spers' fiance posted this video on instagram. the 39-year-old wore a "free britney" t-shirt. >> i think the big challenge she's going to face is making sure she finds people who are trustworthy. >> reporter: spears, whose worth $60 million, hired an accountant with her attorney who now has control over her finances. last month, a judge removed britney spears' father, jamie spears, as her conservator... >> you have been hoping for this so long. >> reporter: earlier this summer, spears told the court the conservatorship under her father was abusive and that he and others in charge should be in jail. she alleged that she was forced to work against her will and to use a contraceptive device to prevent her from having any more children. through his attorney, jamie spears has repeatedly denied all allegations of wrongdoing. britney spears' attorney has vowed to investigate her father. >> jamie spears and others are going to face even more serious ramifications. ( cheers and applause ). >> reporter: now, spears did not appear in court today, and she was able to end her conservatorship without undergoing any further mental evaluations. norah, she is now free to spend her fortune any way she wants. >> o'donnell: quite a scene there in l.a. carter evans, thank you. well, we want to turn now to an alarming rise in covid cases less than two weeks before thanksgiving. new cases are rising, in more than 20 states and hospitalizations are up in 14 states. in colorado, covid wards are packed almost to capacity. and 80% of those patients are unvaccinated. cbs' mola lenghi is there. >> reporter: colorado's surge and average daily covid cases up 17% in the last two weeks is pushing the healthcare system to the brink. >> certainly at the rates that we're going, we're not slowing down right now. >> reporter: 95% of colorado's i.c.u. beds are in use, more than than at any other point during the pandemic. >> as we're moving into the winter season here, is there a certain sense of anxiety as we're approaching? >> yeah, absolutely. i think everybody just worries where are we at? what are we going to do? >> reporter: that anxiety prompted governor jared polis to issue an executive order allowing all adult residents to get boosters. california and new mexico have done the same. >> please, if you got the vaccine six month or more ago, get your booster. it's a really important part of protecting yourself. it's a really important part of ending the pandemic in colorado. >> reporter: this is at odds with federal guidance that limits the extra shots of either pfizer or moderna to vulnerable adults and those at high risk for exposure. a cases climb again, health officials continue to encourage pediatric vaccinations. >> get your 12- to 17-year-olds vaccinated and get your 5- to 11-year-olds vaccinated. >> reporter: the c.d.c. now advising parents, if their child is bout to turn 12, not to wait to get the adult dose. and for those who turn 12 in between vaccinations, to get the adult dose for the second shot. at least 14 states have had a rise in hospitalizations in the last week, compared to the week before. michigan is at a six-month high. beaumont hospital, in detroit, reports as many as 35% of its current patients are fully vaccinated. back in colorado, resources are stretched thin and so is the staff. >> you don't know how anyone could not have feelings of burnout, based on what we've endured these last two years. >> reporter: well, health officials here in colorado predict that hospitalizations could peak between now and the end of the year, with i.c.u. beds already neither full capacity, the governor is calling on hospitals to find up to 500 additional beds, putting even more pressure on healthcare providers, some already at a breaking point, norah. >> o'donnell: daniel nolan from colorado, thank you so much. now to the economy, a record number of americans quit their jobs in september as the so-called great resignation picked up speed. the labor department says more than 4.4 million workers handed in their resignations in september. the arts, entertainment, and recreation industries led the way. experts say it is a sign that the economy is doing well when americans feel comfortable taking risks. all right, the lawsuits against the organizers of that deadly concert in houston are stacking up with more than 50 lawsuits already filed, lawsuits representing hundreds of those injured. they say they expect at least 90 more. cbs' lilia luciano reports tonight on the emotional scars. >> i'll never forget the look of terror on people's faces. >> reporter: dishon isaac is one of more than 200 fans represented by ben crump, suing travis scott and festival promoters. they're all still reliving that horrifying night. >> i just remember bodies everywhere. there was a girl at one point who was holding my hand. i didn't know that girl whatsoever. >> reporter: uniqua smith, a mother of teen twins, attended the festival by herself. >> i remember being crushed from every side by human bodies, all around me. >> reporter: and says a woman behind her began having a seizure. >> the woman hits the ground, and her feet are next to my feet. the only thing that i can think of is if i trip over this woman's feet, we're going to create a pileup. >> reporter: reyna iraheta says there were warning signs hours before the show even started. >> the whole time, i just kept looking around. i was like, this doesn't feel good. something's going on. >an attorney representing more than 150 people released what he says are internal houston fire department logs stating security had lost control of the crowd early in the morning. with calls for medical attention as fans began breaching lines and pushing down barriers. >> there's an ambulance. whoa, whoa, whoa. >> reporter: but scotts' spokesperson says he was not aware of the deaths during the show. >> just like the police officers who were standing in front of the stage with travis, nearly 30 minutes after it was declared a public safety emergency, travis had no idea what was going on until well later, hours and hours later. >> o'donnell: and lilia luciano joins us now from houston. so, criminal charges haven't been ruled out, but what do we been those lawsuits against travis scott? >> reporter: well, norah, we know that so far, travis scott has already lost millions of dollars in canceled events with losses against him and promoter live nation coming from all across the country by hundreds of plaintiffs. and they're asking already for more than half a billion dollars for the death, the injuries, and also for those scars of traumas we heard today. >> o'donnell: all right, thank you, lilia, and to the entire houston team there for following everybody inve development in ts story. we appreciate it. to some drama in the trial of the three men accused of killing ahmaud arbery. a defense lawyer apologized after he said he didn't want any more black pastors in court. that was a reference to reverend al sharpton, who had sat in court with arbery's family. the lawyer said he was sorry to anyone who was offended. all right, in china, the communist party has cleared the way for president xi jinping to remain the nation's leader for life. president biden will hold a virtual summit with xi on monday amid heightened tensions between the two countries, they'll have much to discuss, including a surprise agreement on climate change that was announced at that global summit in scotland. cbs' mark phillips is there, where major issues remain unresolved. >> reporter: the glasgow climate conference got a boost of urgency today from protesters allowed inside the meeting venue. but if the intent was to jolt the conference into actions, it didn't work. >> how could we we possibly in 2021, knowing what the evidence is, be wishy-washy on that subject? >> reporter: u.s. climate envoy john kerry was calling for an end to the unabated use of the dirtiest fossil fuel, coal. yet, china, whose climate delegate, xie zenhua, agreed to a surprise deal here with the u.s. on future climate cooperation, is still building cold-fired power plants. "when it comes to climate change,," he said, "there is more agreement between the u.s. and china than divergence." there has been some agreement here on limiting deforestation, on reducing emissioning of methane, a potent global warming gas, on phasing out coal. but it was all not enough to achieve the declared objective of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees celsius, beyond which the worst of the heat waves, fires, severe storms, melting polar ice, and sea level rise becomes inevitable. >> in tuvalu, we are living the realities of climate change. >> reporter: the lasting image of this conference may be the delegate from the low-lying pcific island nation of tuvalu. at current rates of warming, it will become unlivable. latest here tonight, norah, is that there is no latest. this conference, which was supposed to be over today, will now continue into tomorrow. there's indecision in the air here, along with the carbon dioxide. >> o'donnell: mark phillips, thank you. still ahead on tonight's "cbs evening news." tragic news about a crew member who went to space last month with william shatner. and two important recalls you need to hear about, one involving baby clothes and the other that might be in your freezer. there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops provide temporary relief.s ay xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disea eica don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra 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ordering its baby ruffle rompers and long sleeve wiggle sets. there's concern that those snaps can detach and become a choking hazard. and there's also a warning about chile lime chicken burgers sold at trevaughn latimer. we're talking about 98,000 pounds of patties produced in late august to late september, and they could contain pieces of bone. coming up, cbs' steve hartman is next with the story of a stranger's act of kindness and what it means to a military family. wow... that's so nice! is that a photo of tepechitlan? yeah! the gift of ancestry®, is a walk through your history. do you remember who this is? it's a gift that surprises you, moves you, and bonds you. ...papa? i can see the nose and everything. she was the original strong woman. i know. this holiday, give the gift of family. give the gift of ancestry®. ♪ manhood looks different from guy to guy. but when yours bends in a different direction, you might feel bothered by it. so talk to a urologist. because a bend in your 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your manhood could look like. find a xiaflex-trained urologist at ♪♪ this flag isn't backwards. it's facing this way because it's moving forward. talk to a urologist about what your manhood could look like. ♪♪ just like the men and women who wear it on their uniforms and the country it represents. they're all only meant to move one direction which is why we fly it this way on the flanks of the all-new grand wagoneer. moving boldly and unstoppably forward. what makes new salonpas arthritis gel so good for arthritis pain? salonpas contains the most prescribed topical pain relief ingredient. it's clinically proven, reduces inflammation and comes in original prescription strength. salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ >> o'donnell: all this week, to mark veteran's day, we've shared stories to honor the service and sacrifice of our nation's heroes. we wrap up this week with cbs' steve hartman "on the road" showing how a stranger's powerful act of kindness helped one military family heal. >> reporter: donna parker is on the last leg of a journey to find the rightful owner of these army uniforms, a journey that began more than two years ago at the bottom of this dumpster. >> these are army suits. whose are these? why are they in the trash? >> reporter: so this became an obsession? >> it did. for a very long time. >>reporter: all she had to go on was a common last name-- mckenzie. but donna researched, posted on social media, even set up tables at festivals around her home in lexington, kentucky, hoping someone might know who these belong to. and eventually, donna did get the full name. >> and when i did, his obituary was the first thing that came up. and it hit me like it would a family member. >> reporter: back in 2018, sergeant keith mckenzie, who had survived two deployments to afghanistan, took his own life. he'd been diagnosed with p.t.s.d. his marriage was crumb blirng his car repossessed-- which is actually how the uniform ended up in the dumpster. this was not at all the answer donna was hoping to find. but it made returning that uniform more important than ever. >> somebody may have wanted them. >> reporter: you could have never guessed how much they were wanted. >> no. >> reporter: 1,000 mails away in waco, texas, keith mckenzie jr., who was left to shag his own fly balls, still feels some bitterness toward his father. but that military service, that's a part of his dad he holds on to dearly and literally. >> i just sit there and hold the dog tags for a good while, i never took them off, since that's kind of all we had. >> reporter: that was all he had. until his mother, crystal, got a phone call from a stranger. >> she answered a prayer that i didn't know i was praying for. some faith that there is people out there that care. >> reporter: crystal and her daughter, kayla, knew donna was coming. >> howdie. >> reporter: but it was a surprise to keghts. >> i brought these for you, all the way from kentucky. >> thank you. >> i've been looking for y'all for a long time. >> thank you. >> reporter: donna parker set out to return a uniform. >> i don't think you understand how much this really means to all of us. >> reporter: but what she really returned to this family was hope. steve hartman, "on the road," near waco, texas. >> o'donnell: hope and faith and a reminder that we will not forget the service and sacrifice of our veterans. we'll be right back. that's the thing about claims, you see. they don't happen on your schedule. i mean, take a chestnut, it doesn't just say “oh, beg pardon, sir, but is now a good time for a jolly bit of window cracking?” i mean, if they did, you wouldn't need a geico claims team that's available 24/7. but, near as i can tell, chestnuts don't talk. or maybe they're just really quiet. geico. your claims team is here for you, 24/7. well, got things to do mr. chestnut, 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once-monthly cabenuva. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ ♪ just two pills for matc all day pain relief.tion. aleve it, and see what's possible. and also try alevex topical pain relief. my hygienist cleans with a round head. so does my oral-b my hygienist personalizes my cleaning. so does my oral-b oral-b delivers the wow of a professional clean feel every day. healthy habits come in all sizes. like little walks. and, getting screened for colon cancer. that's big because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi. i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers, even in early stages. early stages! yep, it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. count me in! me too! >> o'donnell: monday on the cbs evening news, the skyrocketing cost of your thanksgiving feast, from the turkey-- if you can find one-- to all the trimmings. we go to a farm to find out why. if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your dvr so you can watch us later. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell. i hope you hav e a gr >> he let me eat some of his food and... >> i did not give him the food. he stole it. >> announcer: a landlord's list of grievances. >> judge judy: how much did you owe him? >> he told me $20. >> judge judy: just $20? >> he got upset that i wasn't giving it to him on the spot. >> announcer: then... >> judge judy: you and mr. horn had an altercation. >> announcer: ...did he take a swing at solving it? >> he came out of the door with a bamboo stick, and i reached in to my closet in self-defense to grab my bat. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution 21-year-old chase adrain is suing his former landlord, 73-year-old william "tyler" horn, for the return of a security deposit and laptop and a false arrest. >> byrd: order! all rise! your honor, this is case number 245 on the calendar in the matter of adrain vs. horn. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome, judge. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. >> judge judy: mr. adrain, you were a tenant of mr. horn's for approximately eight months, according to what i read in your complaint. is that correct? >> yes. >> judge judy: and you're suing him for a variety of things. let's take first things first. first thing is that you had a security deposit that you left with him. >> yes. >> judge judy: and you want the security deposit refunded to you. >> yes. >> judge judy: how much was the security deposit? >> $1,450. >> judge judy: is that correct, mr. horn? >> believe so. >> judge judy: okay, and when did you give him the $1,450? when did you start your tenancy? >> the agreement was entitled -- i have evid-- >> judge judy: just tell me the date. >> 23rd of november, 2015. >> judge judy: and you moved out on what date? >> i moved out on june 21, 2016. >> judge judy: did mr. horn return any part of your security deposit? >> no. >> judge judy: and you just rented a room from him? >> yes. >> judge judy: all right, mr. horn. we're gonna deal with first th

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Killion Landlords , Capitol Hill , One , Anyone , Law , White House , Jail , Attack , Count , Communications , Documents , Capitol , Deposition , Penalty , 1000 , 000 , Events , Warning , Individual , Probe , Knowledge , Podcast , Role , January 5 , People , Step , Attorney General , Department Of Justice , Decision , Chief Of Staff , Panel , Mr , Witnesses , Supporters , Meadows , Contempt , Scrutiny , Group , Above The Law , Mike Pence , Comments , Chants , Interview , Execution , Abc News , John Kerry , Common Sense , Hang Mike Pence , Jonathan Karl , The Select Committee Hasn T , Contempt Citation , Judge , Fans , Life , Arrangement , Career , L A Carter Evans , Fortune , Los Angeles , Uhe Big Celebration For Britney , Conservatorship , Hearing News , Cheers , Applause , Hundreds , Courthouse , Independence Day , 13 , Spears , Control , Pop Star , Instagram , Face , Rest , Fiance , Video , T Shirt , Spers , Big Challenge , 39 , Father , Jamie Spears , Attorney , Conservator , Accountant , Finances , 0 Million , 60 Million , Court , Others , Charge , Contraceptive Device , Allegations , Children , Wrongdoing , Ramifications , Evaluations , Court Today , Way , Rise , Hospitalizations , Scene , Rising , 14 , Capacity , Patients , Unvaccinated , Mola Lenghi , Covid Wards , 17 , 80 , Use , Rates , Pandemic , Beds , Point , Brink , Healthcare System , 95 , Jared Polis , Anxiety , Sense , Executive Order , Everybody , Residents , Winter Season , Part , Boosters , Booster , Vaccine , Same , California , Odds , New Mexico , Six , Adults , Health Officials , Risk , Vaccinations , Guidance , Shots , Exposure , Moderna , Pfizer , 12 , Adult , Cdc , Child , Dose , Adult Dose , Bout , Shot , Parents , 11 , Reports , Beaumont Hospital , High , Michigan , Detroit , 35 , Back , Staff , Resources , Feelings , Burnout , End , Pressure , Hospitals , Healthcare Providers , Icu , 500 , Economy , Workers , Resignations , Record Number , Speed , Breaking Point , Labor Department , Daniel Nolan , Lawsuits , Right , Arts , Sign , Risks , Entertainment , Organizers , Recreation Industries , Experts , Scars , More , Houston , Injured , Lilia Luciano , 90 , 50 , Travis Scott , Faces , Festival Promoters , Look , Terror , Bodies , Dishon Isaac , Ben Crump , 200 , Girl , Uniqua Smith , Festival , Hand , Everywhere , Twins , Thing , Woman , Feet , Ground , Seizure , Pileup , Reyna Iraheta , Show , Something , Houston Fire Department , Doesn T Feel Good , 150 , Security , Calls , Crowd , Attention , Breaching Lines , Barriers , Police Officers , Stage , Whoa , Deaths , Idea , Ambulance , Safety , Emergency , Standing , Front , Spokesperson , Scotts , 30 , Criminal Charges Haven T , Wall , Country , Promoter , Plaintiffs , Millions , Losses , Live Nation , Team , Thank You , Everybody Inve Development In Ts Story , Injuries , Death , Traumas , Entire , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Family , Men , Defense Lawyer , Reverend Al Sharpton , Killing , Drama , Trial , Pastors , Reference , Sat , Ahmaud Arbery , Three , Nation , Summit , Lawyer , Xi Jinping , Biden , Xi , Leader , Communist Party , China , Climate Change , Countries , Surprise Agreement , Issues , Tensions , Mark Phillips , Scotland , Conference , Intent , Evidence , Actions , The Glasgow Climate Conference , Protesters , Venue , Meeting , Urgency , Boost , Didn T Work , 2021 , Subject , Wishy Washy On , Coal , Climate Delegate , U S Climate Envoy , Fossil Fuel , Power Plants , Deal , Xie Zenhua , On Future Climate Cooperation , Agreement , Divergence , Deforestation , Phasing , Emissioning , Gas , Methane , Polar Ice , Storms , Temperature , Fires , Objective , Heat Waves , Worst , Sea Level , 1 5 , Image , Delegate , Warming , Realities , Island Nation , Tuvalu , Pcific , Unlivable , Indecision , Latest , Air , Carbon Dioxide , Crew Member , News , William Shatner , Baby Clothes , Ideas , Other , Freezer , Dark , Experience , World , Flexibility , Music , Inflammation , Symptoms , Eye Disease , Ay Xiidra , Eye Drops , Eica Don T , Side Effects , Eye , Xiidra , Eye Drop , Signs , Relief , Vision , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , Disea , Fda , Doctor , Holiday , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Surface , Umph , 15 , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Bogeys , Limu , Helicopter , Pay , Woooooooooooooo , It , Alevex Topical Pain Relief , Pills , Pain Relief , Aleve , Crash , Tech Executive , Plane , Glen De Vries , New Jersey , Cause , Flight Instructor , Rocket , Space , Blue Origin , Snaps , Concern , Sets , Sleeve , Wiggle , Chile Lime Chicken Burgers , Ruffle Rompers , Children S Clothing Manufacturer Hanna Andersson , Of A Stranger S Act Kindness , Patties , Bone , Pieces , Coming Up , Trevaughn Latimer , 98000 , Gift , Ancestry , Photo , Tepechitlan , Walk , Everything , Nose , History , Bonds , Papa , Manhood , Guy , Direction , Urologist , Condition , Treatment , Bend , Erection , Xiaflex , Buildup , Scar Tissue , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Ingredients , Treatment Area , Any , Stretching , Exercises , Collagenase , Urethra , May , Help , Reactions , Back Pain Reactions , Injury , Activity , Bleeding Condition , Anaphylaxis , Penile Fracture , Treatment Cycle , 4 , Blood Thinners , Site , Bleeding , Bruising , Bentcarrot Com This Flag Isn T Backwards , One Direction , Uniforms , Women , Arthritis Pain , Flanks , Arthritis Gel , Forward , Grand Wagoneer , Salonpas , Pain Relief Ingredient , Medicine , Prescription Strength , Trees , Green Red , Me And You , What A Wonderful World O Donnell , Service , Sacrifice , Stories , Stranger S Powerful Act , Heal , Donna Parker , Journey , Dumpster , Owner , Army Uniforms , Leg , Bottom , Army Suits , Name , Mckenzie , Trash , Obsession , Kentucky , Social Media , Obituary , Home , Tables , Someone , Lexington , Keith Mckenzie Jr , Family Member , Deployments , Afghanistan , 2018 , Uniform , Marriage , Answer , Ptsd , Car , Crumb Blirng , Waco , Texas , Mails , Somebody , Dog Tags , Military Service , Bitterness , Fly Balls , Dad , Crystal , Mother , Prayer , Kind , Faith , Phone Call , Kayla , Surprise , Care , Howdie , Keghts , Donna Parker Set Out , Hope And Faith , Veterans , Hope , Reminder , Doesn T , Claims , Schedule , Take A Chestnut , Sir , Bit , Window , Geico , Beg Pardon , Chestnuts Don T Talk , 24 7 , Cabenuva , Things , Hiv , Chestnut , Hiv Treatment , Healthcare Provider , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Me Undetectable , Liver Problems , Medicines , Depression , Treatment Appointments , Some , Breastfeeding , Injection Site Reactions , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Fever , Tiredness , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Hygienist , Relief Tion , Cleans , Matc , Round Head , Oral B , Colon Cancer , Cleaning , Habits , Walks , Wow , Sizes , Stages , Cologuard , Colon Cancers , Results , Dna , Stool , Yep , 92 , 45 , Provider , Monday On The , Trimmings , Feast , Turkey , Farm , Dvr , Live , Judge Judy , Announcer , Landlord , Food , Gr , Grievances , List , Ea , 0 , Upset , Swing , Self Defense , Horn , Spot , Altercation , Bat , Door , Bamboo Stick , Closet , Courtroom , Chase Adrain , Captions , Judith Sheindlin , Cbs Television Distribution , 21 , Security Deposit , Return , Laptop , Arrest , Byrd , Tyler , 73 , Parties , Honor , You Re Welcome , Tenant , Complaint , Calendar , Matter , Adrain Vs , 245 , Eight , Yes , Variety , Tenancy , Evid , 23rd Of November , 1450 , 2015 , 23 , 450 , 23rd Of November 2015 , June 21 2016 , Room , Th , Horn Return , Gonna Deal , 2016 ,

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