Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20240713 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20240713

Number one industry. We need the income. The beaches are still open. Parking along west cliff and east cliff still closed off. The governor said now is the time to turn up the social pressure on your family. The next few days maybe you have a teenage son or nephew and you think, you know what i should check in and just say, i know you are likely to want to get to the beach but just be careful if you do. Make sure its open and if its not open, you know, abide by the rules. The other big change in santa cruz, face coverings. Santa cruz county, the latest to make it mandatory. It applies to anyone older than 12. You must wear a mask while in line, going to the doctor or riding the bus. Its not required when exercising but carry one just in case. It goes into effect at 11 59 p. M. Tonight. Does that make you feel tt back on the busy easter weekend the county took the step of banning surfing for a few days to keep the crowds away. Ron said it was rough. Terrible. This weekend now back to the top story. The governor updating the efforts against the coronavirus. Since the beginning of this crisis. Also look at the economy in this state at the same time and look at supporting particular industries that have been hit hard by this stay at home order. Today we want to announce an effort to address all three issues at once. That is a partnership that we have formed with fema over the course of the last weeks, we have been working to create a framework for engagement with our federal partners to support an effort, the first in the nation to take care of our seniors, to make sure they are fed, to address the issue of isolation. We estimate 1. 2 million of the seniors in the state of california live alone. Over 5. 7 million older california residents. 1. 2 million live alone. Social lois laided, unable in many respects to cook their own meals. Unable to provide the kind of be provided the nutrition and support we deserve. We have been thinking about what more we can do with these stay at home orders and the expectation that even as we start to toggle back on the stay at home orders that the seniors will continue to be a focus of our energies and our focus of consideration as it relates to making sure they are protected in this crisis. The expectation that our orders for our seniors may come later. They may lag. The need tobe supportive has been top of mind. Working with fema to provide good meals and prepare them. We started thinking about building a partnership with our restaurant industry, with kitchens. With our hospitality. Its been ravaget it led us to an announcement. A partnership with cities and counties to get workers, our wo to prepare and deliver good meals to our seniors. And be able to deliver and prepare and pay for this. This will allow for restaurants to start rehiring people or keep people currently employed and start preparing meals, three meals a day, seven days a week and have them delivered to the seniors throughout the stay of california. We will provide unlimited number of meals. No cap in terms of that support but there is an eligibility cap for seniors. They must have eligibility in this frame. They must either have been at high risk of exposure to coronavirus, must be in a position where their economics are below 600 of federal poverty. Must have already been impacted or exposed directly to coronavirus or more broadly have compromised immune systems. Theres a category in this frame but beyond that now we have the ability to have a locally driven Decision Making to start employing workers and get these restaurants reopened and provide hundreds of thousands if not millions of prepared meals every day, delivered to our seniors throughout the state of california. The reimbursements work along these lines, 16 for breakfast, 17 for lunch, up to 28 for dinner. There are guidelines. I keep saying nutrition for a reason. We want to make sure that we are focused on locally produced produce, we want to connect our farms to this effort. We really want to focus our vales throughout the state of california to get a lot of independent restaurants up and running again as well and have a diversity of option and make sure that what we are sending to our senior is low sodium, not high fructose drinks or sugary of y drinand res guidelin rsthartnership can support local government because the generation of local sales taxes associated with these purchases actually can start generating revenue and support for the local economy. Its one of those rare areas, this first in the Nation Partnership where we are really addressing three problems at the same time in a very meaningful way. This program goes in effect immediately and we are looking forward to local government again making the determination and the decision of which restaurants are eligible for participation, and we will work on reimbursements. We will work on making sure that we are supporting local governments are in of the 25 of local governments requirement in terms of the cost of this program. A very small a. Is born by local government. The state picks up a lot of that and again fema in our federal partnership picks up the rest. The counties will identity igcontinue to that are encourage people to do two things. The local level. If you are a senior and you believe you are eligible for this program. Call your local 211. That will be, i think the Perfect Point of contact to begin the process of eligibility. If you dont have a local 211 in your jurisdiction, go to our covid 19. Ca. Gov website. Im not naive that everybody has access to the internet or even the 211 call center. We will do a lot of outreach with the Department Directors and adult and aging d cities to promoting this program and get be it up and running over the next days, and weeks and hopefully see this scaled throughout this state of california. This we think is a real opportunity for Rural California as well, some of our favorite dining spots that may be closed down. Large number of seniors socially isolated in our rural communities, begin to connect those dots and ben its not just about the meals. Its about a human connection. Its about someone just checking in as they deliver those meals and making sure that people are okay. Extends a wellness narrat isp thats Something Else i wanted to speak to as well today. We are expanding, significantly expanding our wellness and outreach efforts as part of our announcement today. We are working with the department of aging and depa oup a ment. She withis program. To build on existing supports of outreach for wellness and check ins in the state of california, bring them to another level. We have through their leadership developed a Wonderful Partnership with Sacramento State and all of their students that are focused on the issues of aging, others that are going to be supporting this effort along with United Airlines. I just want to bring up United Airlines as a point of personal privilege because United Airlines reached out to us and said what can with we do with so many of our call center takers. The folks that reason ott lines. Usually dealing an overwhelming volume of calls about travel plans. Obviously those vis elr be sending them over to edd for Unemployment Insurance processing. No we have 1,340 people that we already have transferred, anabt that in a moment. We thought they would be perfect because of how they are organized and positioned to be able to make wellness calls in partnership with Sacramento State and in partnership with the department of aging. We just want to thank United Airlines. I love the idea that the folks that we usually check into get our travel arrangements done or be checking in with our seniors and older residents, just to check in on their Mental Health and see what they need. In addition to that we are, working with sert. I may have mentioned, in the last number of press conferences. Its our Emergency Response teams throughout the state of california. They will provide another 900 staff so we are well in excess of 1,000 new folks that are going to be focusing in on these wellness checks and we have created what we call a friendship line. 888 6701360. You will see that right on the screen. That is the line, people can call just to check in, just to call to see that, well, not only check in by making that phone call but know that we will have people checking in on you, checking into see if they can be supportive of your needs. Of just need someone to talk to thats the line to call. You need someone, you know, to just listen for five, ten, 20 minutes you dont need anything in particular. You just need to get something off your chest you want to share some thoughts, how you are feeling thats the line. Thats why we call it a friendship line. We have great partnership. That line has been up for some time with the Alzheimers Association and folks have been checking in for people, dementia and other need. We want to broaden that access and ita Broader Group of individuals. I encourage people that may be listening or watching to go to 888 6701360. Make that phone call if you need a lile ional t or just want le oton the other line. Thats the architecture of the framework of the announcement today. More supports for seniors. Particularly those that are required to stay at home and are the most at risk to this disease. Also supporting our restaurants and hospitality industry. Supporting our communities in terms of the Economic Activity that this program will generate. Then making available this resource, this new army of lunteeanort staff to make sure we are doing wellness checks in proactively and creating a line where you can proactively reach out for some support, emotional support and other ice. That is broad strokes. We have Ken Mccoy Wade who is head of the department of aging who helped build autopsy that all of this and kim is here to talk about it and will be here to answer questions in a moment as well. Kim. Thank you, gotoea directly to older california residents and, thank you, for being the her. You were the first to answer the call of our governor on march 15th to stay at home and because you answered that call you have driven the curve down and saved lives. We are here as you just heard to reaffirm our commitment to serve you and partner with you. We see you. We see the lead her ship that you have shown in staying home and driving that curve down. Being the first to go home. We see the sack tice that you older adults are making. Your jo in health care or the halls of congress. You arent volunteering, are you missing our halls of worship in this holy month, are you missing your grandchildren. We see you. We remember all of those who we have lost. We will not forget you were not a number. We know your names. We want to hear your stories. We are joining you and your families in grieving. You are dearly, dearly missed. Looking ahead we need to continue saving lives here in california. We are moving with unprecedented innovation. We know we cant tolerate the inequity. We are concerned on doubling down in the d isp arities we are seeing in elder communities. We are so pleased to see the growing response to homeless elders moving off the streets and moving out of shelters and into more like a home. We know we cant tolerate hunger. Thats why we are so excited by the partnership with the restaurants. We have been delivering more meals than ever in march and itll grow even more in april and may because of these partnerships with a win win for every sector of the community. As our governor said we cant tolerate loneliness. Loneliness is a terrible threat to the health and the community and thats why we are so grateful that you have all made, all across the state up to 1. 7 million calls we can count and now with the friendship line there will be more calls, even more connection and human connection. We are committed to bridging the Digital Divide for older california residents too. Living at home, in senior living, the Digital Divide has to be bridged. Last but not least i have to shout out the students who are really showing us that we are all in this together all across generations, young and old coming together to feed, to talk, to connect, to stay home. Stay healthy and safe. Im so proud that california believes in the california for all across the life span for that 8yearold who has a learning challenge who is at home, struggling school learns, to at80arld o wed now living at loan and grateful for these new invertments and partnerships to continue. Thank you. Thank you, kim. Thank you for your leadership and your team and support. Thank you for recognizing those Family Member that have been torn apart because of a loss of a loved one. Large number of our seniors at risk to coronavirus. Its just an opportunity, and a reminder as always to make this fundamental point. Even if you feel you are young and healthy, and you are somehow not necessarily high risk, this disease, i want to remind you that there are others that you may love, Family Members, people in your direct circle of friends and relations that may be more at risk but none more precious than our seniors, the folks that raised up. The folks that built our middle class and the most Precious Resource we have and so, we are committed to their health, to their safety, and working through these new guidelines and these new partnerships. I think we have advanced this cause. Again, the eligibility requirements will be put out at local and county levels, up and down the state. These are for people otherwise not eligible for other programs or not getting support. Meals on wheels can only do so much this is a variant on the incredible work they do but at a huge scale that we think can make a huge impact in the lives of potentially millions. First in the nation and again, deep gratitude to the partnerships including the incredible partnership with fema, the federal government for allowing us to f this program. Kim, made point about lives lost. Ask i appreciate that as we do every day. Our press conference we extend our sympathies to those that lost their lives over the last 24 hours. 93 additional people lost their lives compared to time i spoke yesterday until today. We saw 5 more people test positive over the last 24 hours for coronavirus. Again those should be sobering stats as it relates to the desire that we all have to get back to some sort of normalcy and answer the question of when that will happen. The good news in terms of the stats to which we gena tap a lot of consideration in terms not only of our daily briefings but in terms of monitoring our capacity to be again, to augment the stay at home orders, hospitalizations, and icu numbers. Hospitalizations were flat yesterday. No growth. Again you saw yesterdays decline from the previous today. Today we are seeing with that decline a flattening. Some stability. We continue to say stability in our models but particularly in hospitalizations. Thats good news. Accordingly our icu numbers ppened at once at wenng s ster of this pandemic. That wasnt just hospitalization numbers down the day before but also icu numbers and those people under investigation. Good news is three of the four indications showed a flattening or decline. Only the icu numbers showed an increase. The number of pu is for ius dropped. Some encouraging signs but we arent by any stretch the imagination in a position to say that those six indications that we make our de future of orders, that any new lights are yet green. We were able just 48 hours ago to make at nounment as it relates to scheduled surgeries. That was the first step on our way to ultimately producing the kinds of augmentation that all of you expect and demand. We continue to be aware in the other spaces and we continue to monitor information as it comes in realtime from all across the state of california. I will remind you what i said. I recognize california is despite it being a state is many parts and that means we recognize the incredible importance of recognizing regions and how local conditions are distinct from one another. All the information veyou is in the aggreg ate. None of us live in that so when we consider loosening the stay at home orders we will consider local conditions and consider those things, not only from the perspective of the spread of the virus, not only from the perspective of the number of deaths and trend lines but in terms of the broader capacity. Whats the Hospital Capacity whats the resource capacity from a physical perspective, whats the Human Resource capacity as it relates to potential surge if there is a new outbreak and increase in the spread of the virus if one city tle start coin city and then go back home we will have consider all of these things in total. Again thats part of our larger effort with those six specific indications that we continue to update on a daily basis and i will update u as soon we hareifying to answering that question of when. We dont debate dates. We only are guided by indications and the indications that will ultimately allow us to reopen safely, and very, very thoughtfully. With that we just wanted to again, announce some very good news in terms of broader program, and the new procedures we have put in place with the local partners. We look forward to supporting mayors and county leaders in this project as we grow and as we expand it. We continue to recognize the importance of addressing the needs of social t isolated and their Mental Health needs and that is what this friendship line was all about and i continue just want to thank all the partners that came around the table of course the last few weeks to help put this Partnership Together to make at noun went we have today. Just one final point before i open it up to questions. As we do we always want to ask before the end, that is to ask you if you are willing to help in important not only the causes we announced here today but more broadly, the cause d thats the cause of contribution. Just a few days ago we announced the california for all. Ca. Gov website. I told you we had 20,000 people call in that first day. We are over 26,000 of you have filled out the application an

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