Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20200124 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20200124

arrested 52-year-old charles kenneth and booked him into jail on 10 felony counts of throwing an object at a motor vehicle. >> has ties to several communities inside and outside of the county. we believe he used his slingshot and glass marbles to get to these people. >> reporter: they are now checking whether he is connected to any more of the 69 confirmed cases. the attacks began last fall when drivers car's windows were shattered as they passed through highway 101 and highway 156 in northern monterey county. the last case on january 5th apparently provided the break investigators were looking for. they identified a suspicious vehicle, a gmc sonoma pickup and traced it to residences in san luis obispo county and monterey county tied to the. they believe that he was driving and shooting the slingshot out his window at cars passing in the opposite direction because of how each of the victims vehicles was hit. >> primary locations did occur on the driver side of the vehicles, usually the left rear driver side window and/or the front windshield of the vehicle. >> reporter: now, the chp also says that he was also in possession of a silencer, which is illegal in california although they do not believe any firearm was used in the commission of these crimes. there were no fatalities, nobody seriously injured. but four adults, and one child, were hit with the flying glass. reporting live, len ramirez, kpix 5. new at 5, the campbell union high school district has filed a lawsuit against juul , blaming the e-cigarette company for creating an epidemic among its students. kiet do is joining us live with the latest on the tenet of a finger. >> reporter: the campbell union high school district says vaping has become such a major disruption on their campuses, such a drain on their time and resources that it is time for juul to pay up. >> we are not in the business of combating juul's health crisis. we are in the business of educating students. >> reporter: the spokesperson for the campbell union high school district says their administrators are spending way too much time patrolling the restrooms looking for vaping offenders. so, instead of focusing on educating kids you're saying that vice principals are poking their heads in bathrooms? >> right. you can ask every student in one of our schools or staff members or parent in our school and they can tell you that the impact it has had on our youth israel and it is a direct impact of juul's marketing tactics. >> reporter: spencer hall, a freshman at delmar high, says that the situation has gotten so bad in the bathrooms and he just hold it in all day. >> i prefer not to use the school bathrooms. >> reporter: that is kind of weird do not want to use the bathroom? >> i mean, i can usually wait until i get home. >> reporter: district has filed this lawsuit in conjunction with nine other districts in the central valley and southern california. a point to juul's colorful ads featuring young people vaping. the fda warned the company about the advertising practices targeting youth. the campbell union lawsuit says that because of vaping the school must spend resources on prevention and detection which leads to student absences and diverse funding away from the classrooms. campbell union says they do not have a dollar figure yet but have indicated it'll be more than $25,000. >> how can we be compensated so we are not using taxpayer money to be able to fund and help ease this crisis that is happening in our schools. >> reporter: a parent at delmar high. >> the school district is saying you are targeting our kids. so, you have some blame in this, do you buy that? >> yes, i do. actually, i think they are not just targeting kids. they are targeting society as a whole. >> reporter: so, the 10 lawsuits that were filed this week added to the five from bay area school districts that were filed last month. that is on top of all the school districts that have filed in kansas, arizona and kentucky. we reached out to juul for comment, we have not heard back. they have said in the past that they do not intended to attract younger users and that these lawsuits have no merit. we are live in san jose, kiet do. a marathon session is underway in the u.s. senate as lawmakers presented their case in the impeachment trial of president trump. natalie brand is life for us on capitol hill. she has the latest. natalie? >> reporter: we are in the final stretch of opening arguments day two of opening arguments by house managers. it has been interesting to gauge reaction from senators, senate democrats calling the proceedings so far compelling whilst some of the senate republicans are saying it is repetitive or partisan. it is unclear whether minds will be changed. house managers have spent a day two of their opening arguments laying out the case for the first article of impeachment against president trump. abuse of power. >> he must not remain in power one moment longer. >> lead house manager jerry nadler showed past clips of the president's allies and a current member of his legal defense team calling abuse of power. >> if you have somebody to complete the corrupt the office of president and two abuses trust, and who poses great danger to our liberty you don't need a technical crime. >> reporter: alan dershowitz now takes the opposite president for the president's defense. he says their team is united on this key point. >> the actions alleged and the actions of the president do not reach that level, no matter what school of thought you are. >> reporter: house managers try to demonstrate motive and also presented arguments to counter allegations about the bidens and the debunked theory that ukraine interviewed in the 2016 election. >> everyone else told the president time after time this is nonsense, the russians interfered. not the ukrainians. >> the house managers drove a knife through the heart of those false arguments ahead of time. >> reporter: but republicans say the house show the bidens are central to their argument. >> based on the house managers presentation today, i think we probably are going to need to hear from the former vice president. >> reporter: reissuing the issue of witnesses may, but next week. kamala harris says a trial without witnesses is no trial at all. as for immediate next steps we are expecting house managers to wrap up within a couple of hours. then they have their final day of opening arguments tomorrow, expected to focus on article 2, obstruction of congress. then it is the return of the president's legal team, expected to begin as early as saturday. erotica? >> natalie brand we will be watching live on capitol hill, we appreciate it. the trump administration is taking aim at the practice known as birth tourism. they published some new visa rules today. birth tourism refers to women traveling to the u.s. to give birth so the child can be an american citizen. the new rules say that applicants will be denied tourist visas if consular offices determine that is the reason for their travel. they will have to, instead, prove a medical need to come to the united states. critics say the new policy could put women at risk. london breed is now endorsing mike bloomberg for president. breeden says bloomberg can defeat president trump and has a proven track record as mayor of new york. >> i want real change, i don't want the politics or the drama, i want someone who is not talking about ideas that they've never implemented, nor could they realistically. i really want to focus on that, as well as, someone who has the ability to beat donald trump. >> another presidential candidate, tom steyer, was in the bay area. coming up at 6, da lin will show us what he did during his stops in the east bay. a legend of journalism has passed away. the debate moderator and longtime pbs news hour anchor jim lerer has died. pbs said in a statement that he died "peacefully in his sleep at home. ask" he founded the news hour television program back in 1975. and anchored it for 36 years. he also moderated 12 residential debates, pbs says that is more than any other person in u.s. history. jim lehrer was 85 years old. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, disgraced movie mogul harvey weinstein arrives for day two of his trial barely able to walk. plus, the six biggest night is overshadowed by controversy. i'm chris martinez with recording academies suspended ceo and her bombshell accusations. another trump administration official takes on team climate activist greta thunberg. tonight, he probably wishes he hadn't. all that, plus rain ahead in the bay area sooner than you think. and sooner than we thought actually. we have the forecast coming up when we come back. when it comes to health coverage, it helps to have someone in your corner. that's why there's covered california. we're the only place where you can get financial help to pay for your health insurance. new this year, almost a million people could receive additional financial help from the state to help lower the cost of health insurance... more for those already getting it, and new help for many who haven't gotten help before. so check to see how much you could save. it only takes 5 minutes. the last day to enroll is january 31st. so get covered today. the last day to enroll in 2016 i warned thatt donald trump was a dangerous demagogue, and when the republican congress wouldn't hold him accountable, i went to work helping run winning campaigns in twenty-one house seats. it's time for the senate to act and remove trump from office, and if they won't do their jobs, this november you and i will. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. the 62nd grammy award show is just days away. serious accusations from the academy recently suspended ceo are casting a shadow over music's biggest night. chris martinez has the latest from the staples center in los angeles. >> reporter: crews inside the staples center are making last- minute preps for sunday's grammy award show on cbs. but unlike previous years, the media is not being allowed inside ahead of the show. the recording academy dropped its ceremonial red carpet rollout as the organization finds itself embroiled in controversy. the suspended president of the recording academy, deborah dugan, dropping bombshell accusations. >> this conflicts of interest. >> reporter: in a complaint filed tuesday she claims one our guest artist who came in 18th for song of the year not only sat on the committee deciding those nominees but, is represented by a member of the academy board. she says that artist wound up as one of the final nominees. >> not only are there trustees that have a conflict of interest on particular artists that are nominated, but, more importantly there are artists that are nominated that are in the room. so, for me, that is just such a blatant contract conflict of interest. reps despite the controversy, some of the music's biggest stars prepared to for sunday shows, rehearsals are ongoing as crews with the final touches on the grammy state. lizzo is among the most anticipated performers on this year's show. along with fellow newcomer to the island. the two women lead the pack this year with the nominations. >> rock 'n roll is forever. >> reporter: arrowsmith, who is set to receive a 2020 music person of the year award will also take the stage. >> run dmc will perform with them. can we walk this way, it'll be this big career retrospective >> reporter: the according academy will also award a number of music veterans with a special merit award including iggy pop, chicago, and roberta flack. ms. martinez, cbs news los angeles. harvey weinstein hobbled into court for day two of the sexual assault trial the disgraced movie mogul look like he needed help appearing barely able to walk. actress annabelle sure testified against him today and the first face-to-face confrontation with an abuser. she alleges that she was raped more than 25 years ago, but weinstein says any sexual encounters were consensual. the trump administration is loosening federal water regulations operation and development. handing more control to the state governments. the epa is rolling back obama era protections on millions of miles of streams and wetlands. they maintain the move will benefit farm owners, landowners and businesses. but they argue the change may affect the clean water supply it is expected to affect a couple of months. harvey becerra is vowing to fight the change, calling it an unlawful assault on the clean water act. he went on to say that california is not interested in going back to the days when backroom deals and dirty water were the norm. steve middleton had a blunt message for greta thunberg today. he suggested she go to college before weighing in on u.s. economic policy. his comments came at a press conference in switzerland. he was responding to a question about one of her ideas. greta thunberg responded on twitter saying "my gap year ends in august, but it doesn't take a college degree in economics to realize that our remaining carbon budget and ongoing fossil fuel subsidies and investments don't add up." "you either tell us how to achieve this medication or explained to future generations and those affected by the climate emergency why we should abandon our climate commitments." we are getting closer to the end of time according to the scientists who keep the doomsday clock running. it is meant to warn us about how close we are to destroy the earth. scientist pushed the minute hand ahead by 22nd today. it is now hovering just 100 seconds out. the main factor to determine how close we are to midnight, the threat of nuclear weapons and climate change. the last time the clock was reset was 2018 to 11:58 p.m. >> brian hackney joins us now to look at the weather and hopefully better news. i think that is the closest they have ever been. >> let's hope we can reverse direction on that as we have a look at mostly cloudy skies. but, rain on the way for the north bay and for everybody by the time we get to the weekend. right now, it just looks cloudy outside. not that chilly. the temperatures today were in the 60s and spots as we look towards the port of san francisco. the salesforce tower hovering over the city. right now, the numbers are mostly in the 50s, santa rosa 56 and we have cloudy skies being reported for much of the bay. because of the cloudy skies the overnight lows not too bad. santa rosa tonight will be down to 43 degrees 45 degrees over in napa and 42 at fairfield. this is all going to be setting the stage for a little bit of rain coming into the north bay tomorrow and we needed. we are still behind average as we have been pointing out. percentage of averages as low as a third of normal in livermore and 80% of average in santa rosa. the snowpack is not doing that much better, it is really what counts. high clouds are in between the height of the south, low to the north. the low to the north is giving plenty of rain up in washington state before us plenty of clouds. but, in the north bay watch what happens. by the time we get to tomorrow evening it could be a brush with a few showers by 9:00 tomorrow night but it all stays north of the golden gate. would not amount to much. saturday, there is more on the way. this looks as if it will hold together enough to give the south bay a little bit saturday night and sunday morning. and, more rain up north. getting to specific totals for all of that. in the meantime, beach hazards, yet again, sneaker waves out of the shoreline and rip current rights. if you are at the beaches, have a care. tonight, partly cloudy skies, areas of fog. with increasing clouds, how can they increase they are pretty cloudy already? evening chance north, light rain saturday into sunday morning. beginning in the north bay and then sagging south. the amount of rain will diminish rapidly as you get down to about san jose only a few hundredths of an inch. the north bay a quarter of an inch to half an inch. that is saturday night. for tomorrow it'll be cloudy. 63 santa rosa, 62 napa, 65 in san jose, 64 for redwood city. in the extended forecast looking for mostly cloudy skies. again for friday and the chance of a few light showers tomorrow evening, north bay. saturday night, early sunday morning we get a better shot of rain that will make it to the south bay. and yet another shot of rain coming in tuesday. you know it makes you feel wet and like we are having a bad winter but the amounts just aren't that much. we will talk more about the timing, and the amount in a few minutes. thank you. there is talk of a cheaper iphone coming to the market. details just ahead. the new perk for apple watch users. tom steyer: no child should have to worry about finding good food in school. so, when my wife kat and i learned california public school children couldn't get fresh produce in the cafeteria, we took action. we partnered with local farmers, school kitchens, a non-profit. that program now serves over 300 million healthy meals every year. the difference between words and actions matters. that's a lesson washington dc could use, right now. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. it is out with the new and in with the old for motorola this month. they are launching a new version of a vintage razr phone. the latest edition of the razr is technically foldable. it is not a flip and definitely not cheap. this razr cost $1500. the original razr launched in 2004 and was the best-selling phone in the u.s. until the iphone came along. it'll be available for presale sunday and be in stores february 6th. apple suppliers will begin production of a new, cheaper iphone next month. according to a bloomberg report, the tech giant is seeking to broaden its reach in the global market with a budget conscious device. it could be unveiled as early as march. it'll be the first lower-cost model since the iphone se which first went on sale in 2016 for under $400. apple is hoping to motivate you to exercise more often by linking your apple watch with equipment at gyms and health clubs. today it launched a program called apple watch connected. if you reach your exercise goals you can earn perks such as gift cards and reduced membership fees. apple is partnering with crunch fitness, orange theory, base camp fitness, and the ymca in selected cities. a new perk for amazon prime members there is free grocery delivery now. prime is offering it fresh service for free just go into amazon and enter your zip code to see if it is available in your area. food will be delivered to your doorstep within two hours with a minimum of $35. ill ahead we update on the coronavirus testing going on in one bay area county. plus the 49ers leave for miami this weekend. next with the one big question people keep throwing a quarterback jimmy g. i got a lot of hate emails, a lot of people threatening me. >> it is a trademark that has riled some vibes and raised some questions. >> these plans should be a public comments. >> reporter: >> is the once sacred about to become just the next consumer product? growing momentum for a plan that could radically shake up your bay bridge commute. is coming up tonight at 7 these bay area kids would one day grow up to be grammy nominated artist to belong to a legendary band who has been through and back. >> we were just inside of a nightmare. >> it has definitely been quite, quite a journey full of extreme highs and extreme lows. death angel's journey from the joy of music to a horrible tragedy and their amazing perseverance is tonight on the kpix5 news at 7. you are watching kpix 5 news at 5 right now on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area an update on our breaking news. the alameda county health department confirms it is testing for possible cases of the coronavirus. that evening i veronica de la cruz. >> i am allen martin. there are no confirmed cases right now. but, the health department says it has fewer than 10 patients who are under investigation. now, they have interviewed those patients. they have taken the medical samples. in the samples have now been shipped off to the cdc in atlanta. the patients under investigation may have either been in wuhan or come in contact with someone who was there. the symptoms they are looking for? high fever and respiratory problems. this comes as china is reporting 25 people have died from the respiratory virus. we are waiting to hear more from the health department and will continue to follow the breaking story throughout the evening both on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. our other big story we are following at 5:30, the 49ers getting in some final home- field practice before they head off to miami. jimmy g keeps getting asked the same question. >> i guess the question is can jimmy, if need be, pass the 49ers to a super bowl victory? so far, and these playoffs is been all run and no pass. as vern glenn reports, he is ready to run and gun. >> reporter: let's face it, jimmy garoppolo and tom brady will be linked for the rest of jimmy g's career. he won two super bowls as brady's backup with the patriots. so, will jimmy g called brady this week for any advice? >> i might. is not a bad idea. the more information you can get about it, having been through it is a little different as a starter than backup. >> reporter: if jimmy garoppolo is tired of the brady questions he doesn't show it. but his teammates are tired of people question their quarterback. >> that is why i love jimmy but i'm tired of talking about jimmy. >> stand there. and, look pretty. kyle shanahan playing right into jimmy garoppolo's strains. >> reporter: the fact is the 49ers have not needed jimmy g to do much in

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20200124 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20200124

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arrested 52-year-old charles kenneth and booked him into jail on 10 felony counts of throwing an object at a motor vehicle. >> has ties to several communities inside and outside of the county. we believe he used his slingshot and glass marbles to get to these people. >> reporter: they are now checking whether he is connected to any more of the 69 confirmed cases. the attacks began last fall when drivers car's windows were shattered as they passed through highway 101 and highway 156 in northern monterey county. the last case on january 5th apparently provided the break investigators were looking for. they identified a suspicious vehicle, a gmc sonoma pickup and traced it to residences in san luis obispo county and monterey county tied to the. they believe that he was driving and shooting the slingshot out his window at cars passing in the opposite direction because of how each of the victims vehicles was hit. >> primary locations did occur on the driver side of the vehicles, usually the left rear driver side window and/or the front windshield of the vehicle. >> reporter: now, the chp also says that he was also in possession of a silencer, which is illegal in california although they do not believe any firearm was used in the commission of these crimes. there were no fatalities, nobody seriously injured. but four adults, and one child, were hit with the flying glass. reporting live, len ramirez, kpix 5. new at 5, the campbell union high school district has filed a lawsuit against juul , blaming the e-cigarette company for creating an epidemic among its students. kiet do is joining us live with the latest on the tenet of a finger. >> reporter: the campbell union high school district says vaping has become such a major disruption on their campuses, such a drain on their time and resources that it is time for juul to pay up. >> we are not in the business of combating juul's health crisis. we are in the business of educating students. >> reporter: the spokesperson for the campbell union high school district says their administrators are spending way too much time patrolling the restrooms looking for vaping offenders. so, instead of focusing on educating kids you're saying that vice principals are poking their heads in bathrooms? >> right. you can ask every student in one of our schools or staff members or parent in our school and they can tell you that the impact it has had on our youth israel and it is a direct impact of juul's marketing tactics. >> reporter: spencer hall, a freshman at delmar high, says that the situation has gotten so bad in the bathrooms and he just hold it in all day. >> i prefer not to use the school bathrooms. >> reporter: that is kind of weird do not want to use the bathroom? >> i mean, i can usually wait until i get home. >> reporter: district has filed this lawsuit in conjunction with nine other districts in the central valley and southern california. a point to juul's colorful ads featuring young people vaping. the fda warned the company about the advertising practices targeting youth. the campbell union lawsuit says that because of vaping the school must spend resources on prevention and detection which leads to student absences and diverse funding away from the classrooms. campbell union says they do not have a dollar figure yet but have indicated it'll be more than $25,000. >> how can we be compensated so we are not using taxpayer money to be able to fund and help ease this crisis that is happening in our schools. >> reporter: a parent at delmar high. >> the school district is saying you are targeting our kids. so, you have some blame in this, do you buy that? >> yes, i do. actually, i think they are not just targeting kids. they are targeting society as a whole. >> reporter: so, the 10 lawsuits that were filed this week added to the five from bay area school districts that were filed last month. that is on top of all the school districts that have filed in kansas, arizona and kentucky. we reached out to juul for comment, we have not heard back. they have said in the past that they do not intended to attract younger users and that these lawsuits have no merit. we are live in san jose, kiet do. a marathon session is underway in the u.s. senate as lawmakers presented their case in the impeachment trial of president trump. natalie brand is life for us on capitol hill. she has the latest. natalie? >> reporter: we are in the final stretch of opening arguments day two of opening arguments by house managers. it has been interesting to gauge reaction from senators, senate democrats calling the proceedings so far compelling whilst some of the senate republicans are saying it is repetitive or partisan. it is unclear whether minds will be changed. house managers have spent a day two of their opening arguments laying out the case for the first article of impeachment against president trump. abuse of power. >> he must not remain in power one moment longer. >> lead house manager jerry nadler showed past clips of the president's allies and a current member of his legal defense team calling abuse of power. >> if you have somebody to complete the corrupt the office of president and two abuses trust, and who poses great danger to our liberty you don't need a technical crime. >> reporter: alan dershowitz now takes the opposite president for the president's defense. he says their team is united on this key point. >> the actions alleged and the actions of the president do not reach that level, no matter what school of thought you are. >> reporter: house managers try to demonstrate motive and also presented arguments to counter allegations about the bidens and the debunked theory that ukraine interviewed in the 2016 election. >> everyone else told the president time after time this is nonsense, the russians interfered. not the ukrainians. >> the house managers drove a knife through the heart of those false arguments ahead of time. >> reporter: but republicans say the house show the bidens are central to their argument. >> based on the house managers presentation today, i think we probably are going to need to hear from the former vice president. >> reporter: reissuing the issue of witnesses may, but next week. kamala harris says a trial without witnesses is no trial at all. as for immediate next steps we are expecting house managers to wrap up within a couple of hours. then they have their final day of opening arguments tomorrow, expected to focus on article 2, obstruction of congress. then it is the return of the president's legal team, expected to begin as early as saturday. erotica? >> natalie brand we will be watching live on capitol hill, we appreciate it. the trump administration is taking aim at the practice known as birth tourism. they published some new visa rules today. birth tourism refers to women traveling to the u.s. to give birth so the child can be an american citizen. the new rules say that applicants will be denied tourist visas if consular offices determine that is the reason for their travel. they will have to, instead, prove a medical need to come to the united states. critics say the new policy could put women at risk. london breed is now endorsing mike bloomberg for president. breeden says bloomberg can defeat president trump and has a proven track record as mayor of new york. >> i want real change, i don't want the politics or the drama, i want someone who is not talking about ideas that they've never implemented, nor could they realistically. i really want to focus on that, as well as, someone who has the ability to beat donald trump. >> another presidential candidate, tom steyer, was in the bay area. coming up at 6, da lin will show us what he did during his stops in the east bay. a legend of journalism has passed away. the debate moderator and longtime pbs news hour anchor jim lerer has died. pbs said in a statement that he died "peacefully in his sleep at home. ask" he founded the news hour television program back in 1975. and anchored it for 36 years. he also moderated 12 residential debates, pbs says that is more than any other person in u.s. history. jim lehrer was 85 years old. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, disgraced movie mogul harvey weinstein arrives for day two of his trial barely able to walk. plus, the six biggest night is overshadowed by controversy. i'm chris martinez with recording academies suspended ceo and her bombshell accusations. another trump administration official takes on team climate activist greta thunberg. tonight, he probably wishes he hadn't. all that, plus rain ahead in the bay area sooner than you think. and sooner than we thought actually. we have the forecast coming up when we come back. when it comes to health coverage, it helps to have someone in your corner. that's why there's covered california. we're the only place where you can get financial help to pay for your health insurance. new this year, almost a million people could receive additional financial help from the state to help lower the cost of health insurance... more for those already getting it, and new help for many who haven't gotten help before. so check to see how much you could save. it only takes 5 minutes. the last day to enroll is january 31st. so get covered today. the last day to enroll in 2016 i warned thatt donald trump was a dangerous demagogue, and when the republican congress wouldn't hold him accountable, i went to work helping run winning campaigns in twenty-one house seats. it's time for the senate to act and remove trump from office, and if they won't do their jobs, this november you and i will. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. the 62nd grammy award show is just days away. serious accusations from the academy recently suspended ceo are casting a shadow over music's biggest night. chris martinez has the latest from the staples center in los angeles. >> reporter: crews inside the staples center are making last- minute preps for sunday's grammy award show on cbs. but unlike previous years, the media is not being allowed inside ahead of the show. the recording academy dropped its ceremonial red carpet rollout as the organization finds itself embroiled in controversy. the suspended president of the recording academy, deborah dugan, dropping bombshell accusations. >> this conflicts of interest. >> reporter: in a complaint filed tuesday she claims one our guest artist who came in 18th for song of the year not only sat on the committee deciding those nominees but, is represented by a member of the academy board. she says that artist wound up as one of the final nominees. >> not only are there trustees that have a conflict of interest on particular artists that are nominated, but, more importantly there are artists that are nominated that are in the room. so, for me, that is just such a blatant contract conflict of interest. reps despite the controversy, some of the music's biggest stars prepared to for sunday shows, rehearsals are ongoing as crews with the final touches on the grammy state. lizzo is among the most anticipated performers on this year's show. along with fellow newcomer to the island. the two women lead the pack this year with the nominations. >> rock 'n roll is forever. >> reporter: arrowsmith, who is set to receive a 2020 music person of the year award will also take the stage. >> run dmc will perform with them. can we walk this way, it'll be this big career retrospective >> reporter: the according academy will also award a number of music veterans with a special merit award including iggy pop, chicago, and roberta flack. ms. martinez, cbs news los angeles. harvey weinstein hobbled into court for day two of the sexual assault trial the disgraced movie mogul look like he needed help appearing barely able to walk. actress annabelle sure testified against him today and the first face-to-face confrontation with an abuser. she alleges that she was raped more than 25 years ago, but weinstein says any sexual encounters were consensual. the trump administration is loosening federal water regulations operation and development. handing more control to the state governments. the epa is rolling back obama era protections on millions of miles of streams and wetlands. they maintain the move will benefit farm owners, landowners and businesses. but they argue the change may affect the clean water supply it is expected to affect a couple of months. harvey becerra is vowing to fight the change, calling it an unlawful assault on the clean water act. he went on to say that california is not interested in going back to the days when backroom deals and dirty water were the norm. steve middleton had a blunt message for greta thunberg today. he suggested she go to college before weighing in on u.s. economic policy. his comments came at a press conference in switzerland. he was responding to a question about one of her ideas. greta thunberg responded on twitter saying "my gap year ends in august, but it doesn't take a college degree in economics to realize that our remaining carbon budget and ongoing fossil fuel subsidies and investments don't add up." "you either tell us how to achieve this medication or explained to future generations and those affected by the climate emergency why we should abandon our climate commitments." we are getting closer to the end of time according to the scientists who keep the doomsday clock running. it is meant to warn us about how close we are to destroy the earth. scientist pushed the minute hand ahead by 22nd today. it is now hovering just 100 seconds out. the main factor to determine how close we are to midnight, the threat of nuclear weapons and climate change. the last time the clock was reset was 2018 to 11:58 p.m. >> brian hackney joins us now to look at the weather and hopefully better news. i think that is the closest they have ever been. >> let's hope we can reverse direction on that as we have a look at mostly cloudy skies. but, rain on the way for the north bay and for everybody by the time we get to the weekend. right now, it just looks cloudy outside. not that chilly. the temperatures today were in the 60s and spots as we look towards the port of san francisco. the salesforce tower hovering over the city. right now, the numbers are mostly in the 50s, santa rosa 56 and we have cloudy skies being reported for much of the bay. because of the cloudy skies the overnight lows not too bad. santa rosa tonight will be down to 43 degrees 45 degrees over in napa and 42 at fairfield. this is all going to be setting the stage for a little bit of rain coming into the north bay tomorrow and we needed. we are still behind average as we have been pointing out. percentage of averages as low as a third of normal in livermore and 80% of average in santa rosa. the snowpack is not doing that much better, it is really what counts. high clouds are in between the height of the south, low to the north. the low to the north is giving plenty of rain up in washington state before us plenty of clouds. but, in the north bay watch what happens. by the time we get to tomorrow evening it could be a brush with a few showers by 9:00 tomorrow night but it all stays north of the golden gate. would not amount to much. saturday, there is more on the way. this looks as if it will hold together enough to give the south bay a little bit saturday night and sunday morning. and, more rain up north. getting to specific totals for all of that. in the meantime, beach hazards, yet again, sneaker waves out of the shoreline and rip current rights. if you are at the beaches, have a care. tonight, partly cloudy skies, areas of fog. with increasing clouds, how can they increase they are pretty cloudy already? evening chance north, light rain saturday into sunday morning. beginning in the north bay and then sagging south. the amount of rain will diminish rapidly as you get down to about san jose only a few hundredths of an inch. the north bay a quarter of an inch to half an inch. that is saturday night. for tomorrow it'll be cloudy. 63 santa rosa, 62 napa, 65 in san jose, 64 for redwood city. in the extended forecast looking for mostly cloudy skies. again for friday and the chance of a few light showers tomorrow evening, north bay. saturday night, early sunday morning we get a better shot of rain that will make it to the south bay. and yet another shot of rain coming in tuesday. you know it makes you feel wet and like we are having a bad winter but the amounts just aren't that much. we will talk more about the timing, and the amount in a few minutes. thank you. there is talk of a cheaper iphone coming to the market. details just ahead. the new perk for apple watch users. tom steyer: no child should have to worry about finding good food in school. so, when my wife kat and i learned california public school children couldn't get fresh produce in the cafeteria, we took action. we partnered with local farmers, school kitchens, a non-profit. that program now serves over 300 million healthy meals every year. the difference between words and actions matters. that's a lesson washington dc could use, right now. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. it is out with the new and in with the old for motorola this month. they are launching a new version of a vintage razr phone. the latest edition of the razr is technically foldable. it is not a flip and definitely not cheap. this razr cost $1500. the original razr launched in 2004 and was the best-selling phone in the u.s. until the iphone came along. it'll be available for presale sunday and be in stores february 6th. apple suppliers will begin production of a new, cheaper iphone next month. according to a bloomberg report, the tech giant is seeking to broaden its reach in the global market with a budget conscious device. it could be unveiled as early as march. it'll be the first lower-cost model since the iphone se which first went on sale in 2016 for under $400. apple is hoping to motivate you to exercise more often by linking your apple watch with equipment at gyms and health clubs. today it launched a program called apple watch connected. if you reach your exercise goals you can earn perks such as gift cards and reduced membership fees. apple is partnering with crunch fitness, orange theory, base camp fitness, and the ymca in selected cities. a new perk for amazon prime members there is free grocery delivery now. prime is offering it fresh service for free just go into amazon and enter your zip code to see if it is available in your area. food will be delivered to your doorstep within two hours with a minimum of $35. ill ahead we update on the coronavirus testing going on in one bay area county. plus the 49ers leave for miami this weekend. next with the one big question people keep throwing a quarterback jimmy g. i got a lot of hate emails, a lot of people threatening me. >> it is a trademark that has riled some vibes and raised some questions. >> these plans should be a public comments. >> reporter: >> is the once sacred about to become just the next consumer product? growing momentum for a plan that could radically shake up your bay bridge commute. is coming up tonight at 7 these bay area kids would one day grow up to be grammy nominated artist to belong to a legendary band who has been through and back. >> we were just inside of a nightmare. >> it has definitely been quite, quite a journey full of extreme highs and extreme lows. death angel's journey from the joy of music to a horrible tragedy and their amazing perseverance is tonight on the kpix5 news at 7. you are watching kpix 5 news at 5 right now on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area an update on our breaking news. the alameda county health department confirms it is testing for possible cases of the coronavirus. that evening i veronica de la cruz. >> i am allen martin. there are no confirmed cases right now. but, the health department says it has fewer than 10 patients who are under investigation. now, they have interviewed those patients. they have taken the medical samples. in the samples have now been shipped off to the cdc in atlanta. the patients under investigation may have either been in wuhan or come in contact with someone who was there. the symptoms they are looking for? high fever and respiratory problems. this comes as china is reporting 25 people have died from the respiratory virus. we are waiting to hear more from the health department and will continue to follow the breaking story throughout the evening both on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. our other big story we are following at 5:30, the 49ers getting in some final home- field practice before they head off to miami. jimmy g keeps getting asked the same question. >> i guess the question is can jimmy, if need be, pass the 49ers to a super bowl victory? so far, and these playoffs is been all run and no pass. as vern glenn reports, he is ready to run and gun. >> reporter: let's face it, jimmy garoppolo and tom brady will be linked for the rest of jimmy g's career. he won two super bowls as brady's backup with the patriots. so, will jimmy g called brady this week for any advice? >> i might. is not a bad idea. the more information you can get about it, having been through it is a little different as a starter than backup. >> reporter: if jimmy garoppolo is tired of the brady questions he doesn't show it. but his teammates are tired of people question their quarterback. >> that is why i love jimmy but i'm tired of talking about jimmy. >> stand there. and, look pretty. kyle shanahan playing right into jimmy garoppolo's strains. >> reporter: the fact is the 49ers have not needed jimmy g to do much in

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