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Iconic Salvatore Mundi. The record 450 million price. And the first black woman to command the corps of cadets at west point. Simone askew as part of our new series. We begin today with a look at eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. Surrounding this whole area. Panicked, people are scared. Rage right now with the wind gusts. New wildfires explode across Southern California. This has been a long week and were not done yet. A major snowstorm is making its way from the south up to new england. The hardest ive seen it snow here in texas. Outrage across much of the middle east over President Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. Two students and a gunman dead after a shooting at a high school in northwestern new mexico. No one else was hurt. Republican congressman trent franks stepping down as a House Ethics Committee launches a probe into possible Sexual Harassment. Senator al franken announced he will step down. This has been a tough few weeks for me. A white former Police Officer is sentenced to 20 years in prison for shooting an unarmed black motorist to death. All that intercepted. Falcons, 2017. And all that matters. President trump honors veterans at the white house for National Pearl harbor remembrance day. Just remember pearl harbor and go on to victory. On cbs this morning. Any tragedy, what gets me the most heart is seeing people being their best selves. In Southern California, this man here stopped in the middle of a firestorm to save a wild rabbit. Aw. That is the sweetest thing ive ever seen. If that guys not using that as the tinder profile, hes not serious about life. Eye opener presented by toyota, lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Im Norah Odonnell with gayle king and bianna golodryga. Battling another massive wildfire. A huge area of the state is now in flame. The new fire in San Diego County erupted yesterday and exploded in size. Dry and windy conditions are fueling these flames. More than 500 homes and other buildings have been destroyed across the region. More than 190,000 people are under evacuation orders. And at least one person has been killed. Six major fires are now raging across Southern California. They have burned more than 220 square miles. Carter evans is in bonsall, california, near the new fire, carter, good morningwa. Reporter good morning. We were here about 6 00 last night when this home caught fire. We watched it burn. It was just raging when firefighters were here. They were putting everything they had on it. It did not seem to make a difference. This is one of about a dozen homes that burned in this fastmoving fire. Its still going. As the fire spread from home to home, firefighters worked endlessly to stop it in its tracks. Fierce winds about 35 Miles Per Hour carry embers through the air, putting more than 1,000 structures in danger. At first, this crew had no access to a hydrant, leaving them with only 500 gallons of water to try to contain the flames. When firefighters came across this home, it was already burning. You could see theyre putting a lot of water on it right now. But its hardly doing anything. At this point, theyre just trying to keep the flames from spreading. The lilac fire in San Diego County exploded to more than 4,100 acres in just a few hours thursday. These are fully involved. Theres nothing we can do about it. Were going to let those burn down to the ground. We have crews surrounding this whole area. Were going to make a stand and were going to protect all the ones that we can. Reporter several homes in this community were incinerated. While others just down the street were untouched. The lilac fire is just the latest in a string of fires tearing through Southern California since monday. Officials are concerned shifting winds expected today could cause the largest of those, the thomas fire in ventura county, to scorch other communities. At least 439 structures have burned so far in this fire. Back at this Horse Training Center in San Diego County, people were forced to set hundreds of thoroughbreds free from their burning barn. They say about 25 horses died while trying to escape. Jennifer bramblett helped rescue some from a field nearby. Everybody just grabbing horses. Were trying barns that burnt down. Whats it like to know you wont save them all . I think we caught most of the loose ones. Everybody will work all night long. Well find them. Reporter you could see some old books, blanket smoldering there in this fire thats still burning. A lot of schools are going to be closed in san diego today. This windy weather is unusual this time of year. So close to winter. And firefighters say it could take weeks for these fires to die down. Gayle. Carter, stay safe, thanks. Whenever weathercaster lonnie quinn of our station wcbs is here tracking the latest fire conditions. Lonnie, i certainly hope you got better news this morning, good morning. Look, Mother Nature not helping out. The problem with the santa anas, theyre super dry, theyre strong, theyre exacerbated by the mountain passes. Winds at 20, 30, 40 miles an hour. Today, there is going to be a bit of a shift. Now, any time you get those winds off the water any way, shape or form, theres a little more moisture. Thats the better situation. Look at this, it lasts for a second. It goes right back to a santa ana flow as you go through the nighttime hours into saturday, into sunday. Whenever you see that blue shading coming up, those are winds at 30 miles an hour or stronger. I see this as a very bad situation. Im also looking for rain. That would be a huge help, right . I do not see rain in this area for two weeks or so. Norah, well keep an eye on everything. Lonnie, thank you. Winter storm systems will impact millions of people from texas to maine over the next few days. San antonio texas, my home city, saw rare snowfall overnight. More than 2 inches fell for the first time in more than 30 years. The system is making its way through the south and up the northeast. Winter weather alerts are in effect from the Mexican Border to the canadian border. Nearly 18 inches of lakeeffect snow fell in parts of new york, pennsylvania and michigan. At least one person in michigan died. Don dahler is in hamburg, new york, where the snow is piling up, don, good morning. Reporter good morning. From fire to ice this morning, right . Its been snowing steadily in hamburg overnight. Some of the areas reporting about 15 inches of snow. Right here, id say we probably have about a foot of accumulation. But people in the buffalo area are used to getting slammed by winter weather. But when it happens all at once, it can be dangerous. The concern of course this morning is the commute. Some areas still have whiteout conditions. And the roads are very, very slippery, very dangerous. The plows and the police have been out all night making sure people get to where they need to go safely. But in michigan, these conditions caused a 20car pileup. We saw yesterday a lot of cars slipping and sliding, trying to make their way up the hills. We also witnessed something really unusual. A four wheel drive pickup truck pulling a tractor trailer rig out of some ice. You dont see that every day. Good commercial for the car company. Its been warm here recently. So the folks are having a hard time adjusting i think to the new reality. We actually witnessed some guys shoveling in shorts. And without shirts. Don, thank you. Hundreds of palestinians are clashing this morning with Israeli Forces in the west bank. The protests are part of a socalled it a of rage over President Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital. Demonstrationings have stretched from chicago to gaza and from jordan to pakistan. Seth doane is in the west bank city of ramallah, not far from jerusalem, amid the protests. Reporter good morning. Friday prayers are now over and the protests here in ramallah have already begun. You can see palestinians have lit some tires on fire behind me just down the road. They are throwing rocks toward Israeli Forces who are further down the road. You can see them in their helmets. They are occasionally returning fire of tear gas and rubber bullets. Today, Palestinian Protesters again clashed are Israeli Security forces. Theyre furious with the u. S. For, in their view, unilaterally siding with israel. Bracing for violence, hundreds of additional Israeli Security reinforcements were deployed early this morning. While the faithful of all ages including young men were allowed into the al aqsa mosques. Its one of the holiest sites for muslims and at the heart of the controversy over President Trumps decision. Across the region, protesters filled streets in egypt, jordan and in turkey, where signs read jerusalem belongs to islam. In pakistan, they lit both the u. S. And israeli flags on fire. Clashes with police sparked earlier in the week. We were in bethlehem for those. Now theres whoa. Okay. Now projectiles have just been thrown in our direction. Were moving back. Thats where we met 21yearold University Student nasia among the protesters who say the u. S. Is no longer qualified to be a mediator. We are looking forward that america is a country that will make peace here. This is how we used to look at america. Reporter but jerusalems mayor told us he thought President Trumps change of policy would ultimately bring peace. He is keeping his promise in the campaign and for us in jerusalem, its a major important milestone. Reporter hamas, the powerful Islamic Group in control of the gaza strip, has called for a new intefadeh or palestinian uprising. The question, norah, is will the violence continue and expand past this day of rage. All right, seth doane in the west bank, thank you. The House Ethics Committee opened two new Sexual Harassment investigations into republican congressman trend franks and Blake Farenthold. The same day republican senator franken said he would step down. Congressman franks also announced his resignation yesterday over complaints he made very unusual requests to female staff members. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill. Nancy, good morning. Reporter good morning. Multiple congressional sources tell us that franks had asked his aides whether they would ever be willing to serve as pregnancy surrogates. He and his wife were hoping to have a third child. He announced his plan to step down just hours after the House Ethics Committee voted to investigate. Ill let the statement speak for itself. What does the statement say . Take a look at it. Reporter franks offered that details to reporters, but in his lengthy statement, he explained that he and his wife have long struggled with infertility, saying we experienced three miscarriages. He admitted that his discussion of surrogacy with two previous female subordinates may have made each feel uncomfortable. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he was briefed on credible claims of misconduct by representative trent franks and he found the allegations to be serious. The announcement came on the heels of minnesota senator al frankens decision to step down. I will be resigning as member of the United States senate. Reporter franken was defiant until the end. Some of the allegations against me are simply not true. Others i remember very differently. I really thought it was an isolated incident until i found out it wasnt and p isolated incident. Reporter tina dupuy is one of the women accusing franken of groping or kissing. I felt like he was blaming the president , he was blaming other people. Help was blaming the women who came forward. He was not taking personal responsibility for what he did. It was really a Tipping Point i think. Reporter senator Amy Klobuchar had urged her fellow minnesota democrat to step down. Going forward, what message does this send about Sexual Harassment on capitol hill . I think were in a very difficult time period but in the end were going to have better workplaces. Reporter just yesterday the House Ethics Committee established a subcommittee to investigate claims regarding texas congressman and republican Blake Farenthold in light of new details about an 84,000 settlement he reached with a former female staffer paid by taxpayers. Farenthold has denied any wrongdoing, gayle. All right, thank you, nancy. President trumps plan to speak at the opening of a new Civil Rights Museum is triggering a backlash. Civil rights icon congressman john lewis, along with fellow democrat Benny Thompson said they will not attend the ceremony tomorrow in mississippi. They are protesting the president s policies. Major garrett is at the white house with latest on this story. Major, good morning. Reporter good morning. Mississippi is central to the civil rights story in america. One of the young organizers of the 1964 freedom summer congressman john lewis will protest again this weekend when mississippi celebrates a movement it used to scorn. Civil rights is about equality. Reporter congressman Benny Thompson had harsh words for the president before his trip to mississippi. We wish the people the best in the opening ceremony. But this is not the time for to be a photo op for President Trump who has no civil rights record. Reporter White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders called the boycott an affront to the incredible sacrifice civil rights leaders made to right the injustices in our history. Georgia Democrat John lewis sacrificed his well being for Voting Rights and was savagely beaten by state police attempting to halt the march from selma to montgomery. I dont see the president elect as legitimate president. Reporter lewis also skipped President Trumps inauguration. Trump said on twitter lewis should spend more time fixing his horrible and crimeinfested district. To the africanamerican community, i say vote for donald j. Trump. I will fix it. Reporter President Trumps campaign won the support of white nationalists who still cheer his election. Not all of those people were white supremacissupremacists. Reporter many see the Harsh Criticism of africanamerican players dealing during the National Anthem as racially motivated. The naacp called the president s visit to mississippi an insult. Former democratic mayor ray mabus said the president s support of white supremists and racism is the exact opposite of what the museum is about. Some africanamerican leaders said the president should go to the Museum Opening to learn more about the bitter racial divide in america. Phil bryant, the republican governor who invited the president to mississippi, said his visit will bring worldwide attention to the museum. Major, thank you. The house and Senate Approved a bill last night to fund the government for the next two weeks. And avoid a Government Shutdown this weekend. 14 senators voted against the bill. It is now up to President Trump to sign the measure. It gives congress until december 22nd to pass a funding plan for 2018. Stocks opened higher about 45 minutes ago after the new jobs report out this morning showed the strength of the u. S. Economy. The employment growth outpaced wall streets expectations. Employers added 228,000 jobs in november. The Unemployment Rate was unchanged at 4. 1 . That is the 17year low. A former South Carolina Police Officer will spend 20 years in prison for killing an unarmed black man. Michael slager shot walter scott in the back five times while he ran from a traffic stop in 2015. The former North Charleston Police Officer pleaded guilty to violating scotts civil rights. Scotts family described how slager apologized to each of them yesterday in court. He called, he said every last one of our names in court today. And apologized. Thinking i praise god for each and every one of you all, i thank god for all the prayers that went up for our family. Well, nicely said in such a tough situation. The family said that they forgive slager. They really appreciated that apology yesterday. A man saved by his girlfriend in the las vegas mags ke massacre just made a big move forward in his recovery. Adrianna dias has been following his progress. She saved me. Whats that face mean . I dont look at it like that. I look at it as we saved each other. Ahead, the touching homecoming when he returned to california for the First Time Since the shooting. Announcer this National Weather report sponsored by blue buffalo. You love your pets like family. So feed them like family with blue. A former a former u. S. Army officer is helping somalia take on one of africas most dangerous terror groups. Were in the somali capital with how drones are being used to try to stop deadly bomb attacks. Youre watching cbs this morning. Announcer this this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by ensure, for the strength and energy to always be you. Ensure, for the strength and energy to always be you. In just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. To to me hes, well, dad. Son pro golfer. So when his joint pain from Psoriatic Arthritis got really bad, it scared me. And what could that pain mean . Joint pain could mean joint damage. 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Panera. Food as it should be. Aswitch to new pantene light as air foam conditioner, full of rich prov nutrients. For 100 conditioning, 0 weight new pantene foam conditioner. Capital with how drones are ahead, three things you should know this morning, including why the pope wants to change one of the most famous prayers in christianity. Plus, the real buyer of the 450 million lenaonardo paintin is revealed. Good morning, it is 7 26. Im anne makovec. A packed house for a Community Meeting yesterday addressing a Police Shooting in San Francisco. A lot of people in the crowd were outraged after Police Showed this body cam video of an officer shooting and killing an unarmed man. It turns out it was a rookie cop who had just graduated. The police chief says he held that meeting to be transparent. And bart planning to reduce its carbon footprint. The board of directors just renewed two power purchase agreements for Renewable Energy. Its system will be 90 powered that way by the year 2021. Stay with us, traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. 7 27. A slow ride heading into San Francisco this morning. This is a live look at the eastshore freeway right at ashby. Its in the red 36 minutes heading westbound from highway 4 to the maze. And another 36 heading into San Francisco across the bay bridge. Once you get into the city, traffic actually is flowing in both directions. 9 minutes from90 to sierra point parkway. An accident causing delays southbound near sfo. Give yourself some extra time. Heres whats happening outside. Gorgeous views, hazy conditions so ahead of this sunrise we will start to see more of that haze this afternoon. Temperatures cooler. 30s and 50s 37 in concord we are under the spare the air alert until sunday. Want to want to see something cool . Video of a meteor streaking across the sky in jersey. He was on patrol early sunday morning when the meteor just whizzed by and exploded in the atmosphere. Think, am i really seeing things . Yes, you really are. You have to go back and watch tape after that. Kept driving. Well done. Welcome back to cbs this morning on this friday. Here are three things you should know this morning. 12 Million People in Southern California got a tex alert yesterday about the dangerous wildfire conditions. That is the largest ever issued by the state office of emergency services. People complain during past fires that they never received any alerts. State lawmaker s announced plan yesterday to introduce new legislation to improve Emergency Alert protocols. The white house says the u. S. Has no plans to pull out of the olympics in february. Press secretary sanders tweeted the u. S. Looks forward to participating. Some questions arose after members of the Trump Administration cited security concerns over north korea. The regime claims it can deliver a Nuclear Weapon to anywhere in the u. S. Pope francis says the Roman Catholic church should change its translation of the lords prayer. In a tv interview wednesday, he said the phrase lead us not into temptation should instead be do not let us fall into temptation. The pope says the current version of the most wellknown christian prayer speaks of a god who induces temptation. We spent all that time memorizing it. Now we got to have a new lesson. A new report suggests that the saudi arabias crown prince is the mysterious buyer of a rare Leonardo Da Vinci painting. The Salvatore Mundi painting set in our studio before it went to auction. 450 million. It was a very special day i have to say when it was here in the studio in the corner. The wall street journal reports that prince mohammad bin salman used a proxy to buy the masterpiece. Well, Holly Williams has just returned from saudi arabia. Shes with us in istanbul with more on how this purchase could reflect the princes vision for the kingdom. Holly, good morning. Reporter good morning. Crown prince bin salman is known as a fan of the arts and a reformer. This reported purchase which we cannot independently confirm comes as he also leads a corruption crackdown on saudi arabias wealthy elite. Crown Prince Mohammed is king salmans anointed successor in his oilrich islamic kingdom. Sold. Reporter the reported purchase of a painting for nearly half a billion dollars might not look good in the midst of leading a corruption crackdown. Though theres no suggestion the money was illgotten. Its pocket change compared to the staggering misuse of public funds revealed by economy minister mohammed al tuwaijri. 20 billion a year. Reporter 20 billion a year has been lost to corruption . Its negligence, its overspending. Reporter al tuwaijri took over as minister after the last one was reportedly detained for corruption last month. One of more than 300 rounded up for questioning. Some held in a luxury hotel. Apparently including several members of the saudi royal family. Critics say what the crown prince is doing with this corruption crackdown is sidelining or silencing his rivals. You think he needs that . Hes the most popular leader we come across, you know, in our history. Reporter that might be true, but criticizing the crown prince would be downright dangerous. I want to reporter its only in london that saudi dissident dared to make videos satirizing the saudi government. He said saudi corruption is much bigger than the current clamp down. Speaking up your mind, this is a crime in saudi arabia. People being has disappeared and been charged. Reporter those detained will be forced to hand over part of their fortunes. Its thought those payments could total up to 100 billion. Bianna. The timing of that purchase does raise eyebrows though when the talk is about transparency and corruption. I think its time for us to take a trip to the louvre if thats where its at. How about that. What do you think . The louvre in abu dhabi. Ryan said me no speak english. Very expensive. Holly williams, our thanks to you. A former member of u. S. Military intelligence is helping fight one of the deadliest terror groups in africa. He is a pioneer in the u. S. Militarys use of drones. That expertise is now being used in somalias fight against al shabab, the Al Qaeda Linked terror group. Debra patta is in the somalia capital of mogadishu with a look at the terror strategy. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Threat of unpredictable violence is ever present here. Al shaab bas reach is vast and theyre one of the most dangerous of africas organized militant groups. Al shabab no longer controls the crumbling city of mogadishu, but it has still been able to wreak havoc with its relentless bombing campaign. Their weapon of choice has been the vehicle bomb. Like the one used for dem devastating effect on october 14th, killing over 500 people in the capital. We have repeatedly been told that al shabab has eyes and ears everywhere, that they blend easily into local communities. A quiet street like this may not look menacing but it can turn nasty in an instant. Former u. S. Military Intelligence Officer brent velicovich wants to change that. He has donated commercial drones to the Somali Police force and is training them to use the technology in the fight against al shabab. When they go into different areas to clear parts that are under shab baab control, they w fly those drones ahead of them to look out for bombs. Reporter another tactic is to plant one bomb and as First Responders arrive, they detonate another, killing everyone who has rushed to help. Investigators will fly our drones and make sure that the area is safe for First Responders to come into. Reporter somalia intelligence has told us that al shabab continues to practice its bomb making skills over and over again until they get it right. And in this al shabab footage, they test one of their bombs on an African Peacekeeping convoy. Drone technology could help thwart attacks like these. It significantly alters the way they fight terrorism. Exactly. Imagine walking into a situation where you dont know if the people in the house or a compound have weapons, if they have explosives. As you can see from the air what youre about to walk into, that changes the game. Reporter al shababs bombs are increasingly more complex and more powerful. The simple Drone Technology could provide a much needed boost for the overworked underresourced somalia counterterrorism units, norah. Really interesting, debra patta in mogadishu, thank you. Las Vegas Shooting survivor mike castor was forced to relearn everyday tasks after he was paralyzed in the disaster. We were there for his emotional return home. Why he credits his girlfriend with saving his life. Youre watching cbs this morning. Youre watching cbs this morning. 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Sfx balloon squeals goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. With saving his life. The official Las Vegas Victims Fund created to help victims of the mass shooting in the city has now raised more than 14 million. That total is expected to rise before the cutoff date for donations on january 31st. Mike caster is one of the around 500 people hurt when the gunman opened fire on the Country Music festival. 58 people were killed. Adriana diaz met caster days after the massacre and has been following his progress ever since. Hi, mike. Welcome home. Reporter it was a heartfelt homecoming for mike caster. Latest stop on his long road to recovery. Hes back home in Southern California for the First Time Since the night this photo was taken. At a Country Music festival in las vegas. Caster was shot in the back. His girlfriend risked her life to get him to the hospital. We met them two days later. Mike, if tani wasnt there . Well, i did take a bullet for her. She was just hanging back so reporter doctors said it was too dangerous to remove the shrapnel lodged in his spine, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. But casters a fighter. For the last eight week, recovery has been his fulltime job at craig hospital, a rehab center in denver. At 41, he has to relearn what used to be second nature. You never think of all the things that you took for granted, you know. They were so easy. Now, you know, going to the bathroom or just sitting in a chair. Reporter are you angry or frustrated that youre in this position . I mean, i go through sometimes where i get angry but its not going to change anything. Just got to kind of take it how it is. Reporter do you still think about that night . No, we havent really gone back to it or watched. Weve kind of just been focused on rehab, getting home. Reporter moving forward . Moving forward, exactly. Hes still the same mike. Reporter temple put her life and job on hold to be with him. Hed do it for me in a hea heartbeat. Reporter whats been the hardest part for you . Like, on our bad days that we have, like, thats tough. But at the same time, its like we dont dwell. Its just a bump in the road. We still have an amazing future. Thats what we look forward to. Reporter now theyre navigating life in a new way. Go up and over reporter everything from boarding a plane to getting in a car with special hand controls. Casters family has a go fund me page to help pay for his recovery, Wheelchair Accessible home and car. What are you most looking forward to about going home . Just being back, seeing our dogs, our roommates, my family, dogs. Reporter hes only home for a few days before he goes back to denver for outpatient therapy. Again, temple will be by his side. She saved me, shes my hero, huh . Reporter whats that face mean . I dont look at it as that. I look at it as, like, we saved each other. Reporter for cbs this morning, adriana diaz, palm spring, california. That was nice, that update. Its good to see. They have to get used to a new normal but they have each other. You can tell. Were all pulling for you both. I love how the dogs greet you. Dogs give you such unconditional love. Its therapy. Reporter it really is, really it. Coming up next, a look at this mornings other headlines, including a cabinet secretarys reported use of expensive government helicopters for Washington Area events. Yikes. Plus, senator john thune. He will be here in studio 57 to talk about the republican tax bill negotiations. And the resignation of this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by the greatest showman. Believe in the impossible in theaters december 20th. Parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. 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Thank you. The white house says the president was just suffering from a dry throat. I guess that happens the all of us. You know, president do a big old visit, Walter Reed Medical Center and their results are made public. Barack obama, we knew what his Blood Pressure was and was trying to quit smoke and was chewing gum. All do that. Interior secretary ryan zinke booked National Helicopters to attend washington avents. The newly released sum every flights cost 1,400. They said they were for business. In july he flew from washington to visit for a horse riding incident. 48 hours has been following this case. 85yearold john fight was convicted of strangling 25yearold former beauty queen eileen garza. He was a priest at the time. The family embraced as the verdict was red. They look at the wildest ride so far. At one point the Digital Currency briefly jumped above 19,000 yesterday before quickly retreating. At 5 00 p. M. Eastern bitcoin was trading just above 15,000 glrs up 17 for the day. Bitcoin is up more than 1,500 . What a climb. All right. When new Jersey Devils star Blake Coleman was handled a jar of pickles, he got a lot of attention. Why pickle juice could be the next big sports drink. Little t. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line up of ford cars, trucks and suvs. For a limited time, get an additional 1,000 cash back on top of 0 financing for 72 months. Get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event. Type 2 diabetes. Here to test peoples knowledge about get these exclusive offers so you have type 2 diabetes . Yes i do. True or false. Type 2 diabetes more than doubles your chance of dying from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or a stroke. That cant be true, can it . Actually, it is true. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. 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Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Isnt it time to talk to your doctor about jardiance . Absolutely. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Yep, and my teeth are yellow. I mean i knew they werent perfect, but, ugh. Oh well, all hope is lost oh thanks clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. Time for whitestrips. Crest glamorous White Whitestrips are the only adaaccepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. They work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Hey, nice smile thanks i crushed the tissue test yeah you did crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Pain from a headache whcan make this. Ld,. Feel like this. Allinone cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the 1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. Tylenol®. In day four of a strike in oakland. The main issue is wages. And mayor libby schaaf says the city ha good morning, its 4 minutes before 8 00. Im anne makovec. Thousands of city workers are in day 4 of a strike in oakland. The main issue is wages and maybe libby schaaf says the city has made its final offer. Its not clear when negotiations might resume. And the vta is holding its annual stuck the bus toy drive at christmas in the park tomorrow. The stuff the bus toy drive is in support of toys for tots. You can drop off new toys from 9 a. M. To 5 p. M. At Plaza De Cesar Chavez in downtown san jose. Your bay area traffic and weather coming up next. Good morning. Time now 7 57. We continue to monitor these slowdowns along the 880 excuse me, heading through oakland. This is right near the coliseum. We have been dealing with delays. Its about 33 minutes heading northbound towards the maze from 238. San mateo bridge in the yellow out of the red. So thats good news. 23 minutes over to foster city, san mateo, but once you get on 101, its a slow ride heading in that northbound direction up to 380 if you are heading to sfo, be prepared for some slowdowns. Chp has been running traffic breaks from an earlier crash. As the sun rises even more we are going to get a look at some of the high clouds in the haze sitting right below some of the north bay valleys going to experience haze today. Temperatures in the 30s and 40s still. 32 in santa rosa so still cool beginnings to your day. Calm winds and thats whats not pushing any cool air out of there and its also whats leading to those hazy conditions. Thats why we have a spare the air alert in effect from now through sunday. Hey, good morning to our viewers in the west. It is friday, december 8, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Senator john thune is here in studio 57 to talk about the gop tax plan. Well ask the third ranking republican how he respond to the Many Americans who say it is tilted for the rich and corporations. Plus, pioneering west point cadet simone askew. Meet the first black woman to command the corps of cadets in our new series, profiles in service. First here is todays eye opener at 8 00. Firefighters in Southern California are battling another massive wildfire. A huge area of the state now in flames. This home caught fire. We watched it burn. It was just raging when firefighters were here. Looking for rain. That would be a huge help, right . I do not see rain in this area for two weeks or so. From fire to ice this morning, it has been snowing steadily and some of the areas reporting about 15 inkches of snow. I would say we have probably about a foot protests in ramallah have already begun. You can see palestinians lit some tires on fire behind me. They are throwing rocks toward Israeli Forces sources tell us franks asked his aides if they would be willing to serve as preg nabsy surrogates President Trumps plan to speak at a Civil Rights Museum with backlash amazon is now making it possible to create a shopping profile for your cat. Yeah, all you have to do is go to amazon and type in i am single, and [ cheering and applause ] im gayle king with Norah Odonnell and beana golodryga. Firefighters are battling six ranging wildfires in Southern California. Two new fires erupted including one in san diego counties. More than 220 square miles of Southern California burned this week. These fires destroyed more than 500 homes and buildings more than 190,000 people are under evacuation orders. At least one person is dead. As astronaut aboard the International Space station took these images. Look at this. They show the plumes of smoke ex tending over the pacific ocean. Incredible photo. Firefighters battled last night to save several homes like this one in california. 1,300 members of the California National guard have been called up to help with the fires. Carter evans is at that destroyed home north of san diego where the lilac fire is burning. Carter, good morning. Reporter good morning. This home caught fire about 6 00 last night, and we watched as firefighters tried to save it, but the flames were just too much and now there is nothing left. This fire quickly exploded in size, blown by winds gusting up to 35 miles an hour. At least six people, including two firefighters, were injured by the flames yesterday. At least a dozen structures have been destroyed including one neighborhood where nearly an entire block of homes caught fire. At a nearby Horse Training Center, hundreds of thoroughbreds had to be set free from burning barns. About 25 died while trying to escape. The largest fire burning this morning is the thomas fire in ventura county. More than 130,000 acres have burned. There are worries that shifting winds today could cause it to spread even more. One of the reasons this string of fires has been so bad is because of heavy rain last year and early this year, that created more plant growth which has since dried out and become fuel for the flames. There are about 5,700 firefighters working on these fires in Southern California right now, and these windy conditions that are fuelling the flames are expected to continue in some places through the weekend. And we really should commend those brave firefighters risking their lives 24 7. Carter, thank you Congress Passed an emergency spending bill last night to keep the federal government open two more weeks. It gives lawmakers until december 22nd to reach a longterm deal. Thats one issue members want to address before the upcoming holiday break. Another major challenge is tax reform. Next week the house and senate may need to settle differences between their bills. John thune is one of eight republicans named to the Tax Reform Conference Committee to negotiate the legislation. Senator, good morning. Good to have you here. Thanks, norah. Nice to be with you. Let me ask you about the cbs news poll because it Shows Americans see the tax cuts as overwhelmingly benefitting corporations and wealthy. Twothirds of americans think corporations wont use the tax cut in order to hire people and create jobs. Do you have assurances from big businesses that theyre going to reinvest in workers . Well, all of the analysis that weve seen, norah, suggests that it may vary how much they put back into the business, how much they pay out and distribute in dividends or how much they plow into raising wages and benefits. But it is some amount. And if you use 25 or 75 , you get a different number, but all of the analysis thats been done suggests that reducing the corporate rate, the business rate, allot of the money will flow into higher wages. We have seen as much as 4,000 per household in this country in terms of the wage impact of lowering business rates. You even suggested to corporations they could use the tax cut money to give workers a raise. Workers think it is a great idea but we heard some corporations say no, theyre passing it on to the shareholders. Is there anything that could be done, can you convince the corporations this might be a good thing . Of course we will encourage it, gayle. In a free market economy, obviously they make that decision. But we think if they distribute it in the form of dividends to shareholders, that is getting back into the economy, benefitting a lot of Pension Funds and retirement funds. Not better than the workers though. But we think a lot will go back to workers. Any company that sees their tax burden reduced by that amount is if they want to grow and expand their operation going to have to hire more workers. In a Competitive Labor market we think it raises wages for workers in this country. Clearly so many of these issues are partisan. One that is not is the Childrens Health Insurance Program chip. Right. It has bipartisan approval. Theres a new paper out this morning, an oped in the New York Times from a Bipartisan Group of governors saying, please save kids health care. That fund ran out last september. It is expected to run out nationwide by early next year if it is not replenished. 13,000 children alone in your state are affected by this, 9 million in the country as a whole. Why cant congress at least come together when it comes to providing health care for our youngest . And we will. I mean that is something that everybody agrees upon. The chip program is actually something that got authorized, i think my first year in congress, but it has broad bipartisan support. My guess is it will hitch a ride on whatever the yearend spending bill is that we do. As you noted in my state, for example, the impact isnt going to be felt until early next year, so we have a little bit of a window here, but i think it will get done in the next couple of weeks. A lot of worried families out there. Right. Let me ask you this because we did some of the analysis on the Median Household Income in your state of south dakota where the average income is about 50,000 a year. So that person would pay about 1. 4 less in taxes. The wealthiest though 1 of south dakotans would pay nearly 4 less, thats based on the senate tax plan. What would you say to the middle class citizen in south dakota who says, why are they getting a bigger cut . Well, if you look at, norah, you know, for example the Tax Foundation has done an analysis of an average family in my state and have shown that the tax cut would be about 2,500 per family. But i just asked people, you know, sit down and look at your own tax circumstances, plug in your numbers into your tax return. If you double the standard deduction, if you double the child tax credit, if you get the benefit of the lower rates, you know, an average family of four with the combined annual income of 73,000 a year will see a reduction of about 2,200 and that represents a 60 reduction of what theyre paying under current law. Everybodys circumstances will be different. But if you are on the lower end of the income scale with that doubling of the standard deduction, i think you will see a dramatically lower tax. I get youre trying to simplify the tax code, but what about people losing deductions they count on, state and local taxes, medical expenses, the student Loan Interest . All of those could hit people. There will be fewer itemizers, although many of the deductions you mention are kept in the Senate Version of the bill. If you want to item ieize you c take mortgage interest and medical expenses above a certain amount. If you choose to itemize you can take advantage of that. I think where most will experience the benefit is reduction in rates. I think you will see a lowering of rates, particularly if you look at the senate bill and how it flows through the different income categories. But everybodys tax circumstances are different. I encourage people to sit down and figure out what the impacts are for them and their families. Can i ask you to address the concerns of adding to the deficit . Because it will add to the deficit, over a trillion dollars. I know the numbers are not final, but we had senator Bernie Sanders here yesterday. I know hes on the opposite political spectrum than you. Bernie had a different point of view than i . Surprise. Hes making the case once the tax cuts go through in order to balance the budget there will be cuts in medicare and social security. Can you guarantee those cuts wont be made . Well, what i will guarantee is that if we make reforms and we do need to make reforms to make entitlement programs sustainable that those are going to be reforms that might, for example, say lessen the rate of growth in some of the programs over time. But one of the ways that you deal with the deficit and the debt is you get a faster growing economy, and we have a really sluggish economy. If we get the economy growing at even 2 1 2 as opposed to 1. 5 to 2 which we have seen for the last decade, you will get more government revenue. For each increase it generates a trillion over a decade. One of the ways to deal with the problem that bernie identified, yes, we have to hit faster growth. Can we turn to the resignation of al franken yesterday. He said the irony is not lost on him that the man who bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval office. What do you say to that now that it looks like roy moore might be coming to senate . Well, think there are men across all kind also of Different Industries that are learning there are consequences to bad behavior and i think it is a gad thing. What happened yesterday is unfortunate in the senate, but i think on capitol hill the discussion were having is long overdue. Yes. I think what it points out is that action is needed. You know, we cant continue to accept the status quo there or anywhere else for that matter. You called for roy moore to step aside. That clearly is not the case. What will you all do if he is elect . I think the one thing i said all along is if he comes to washington, hell immediately be under an ethics cloud, probably an ethics investigation. The result of which could be recommending expulsion, could be recommending sen sure. There are Different Things that the Ethics Committee can conclude, but it is a huge distraction. The simplest, wisest thing for him to do in the best interests of the country and our party is to step aside and allow another republican to get into that race because i think we would win the seat. And yet the rnc is supporting him . Well, thats unfortunate. I dont condone that. I think they made the right move in the first place. All right, senator. Very good. Good to have you at the table. Thank you. Nice to see you in person. Likewise. You look as good in person as you do on tv. Thanks, gayle. Welcome. Youre welcome. Cramps can be a big obstacles for athletes. David jacobson looks at an unusual solution. How does what is in here affect what happens out here on this football field . Coming up on cbs this morning, we will give you all of the juicy details. K a west point cadet is making history and she hasnt even graduated from the u. S. Military academy. Ahead, in our new series profiles in service were going to meet the first black woman to lead cadets at west point and learn how volleyball gave her a hard lesson in leadership. Youre watching cbs this morning. How volleyball gave her a hard lesson in leadership. Youre watching cbs this morning. You were borne to rock. Borne to piggyback. And you dont want anything stopping you. Airborne plus betaimmune booster™ is the only immune support with vitamins and minerals, plus an added ingredient proven to boost your natural defenses. Airborne. Cars here and there. Badeals everywhere. Hurry in and save. Its not too late. Save lots of cash. Long as it lasts. Deals so much better. Than an ugly sweater. Come and get your toyota. Come and get your toyota right now during toyotathon. Get great year end savings on a huge selection of our most popular models offer ends january 2nd. For great deals on other toyotas, visit toyota. Com. Come and get your toyota toyota. Lets go places. Why do people have eyebrows . Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . Why is it all . No more questions for you ouph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Yeah, happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. I got your back. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. In todays morning rounds, a look at a curious way to fight cramps during or after physical activity. The sports drink market is reportedly a 6. 6 billion industry. Many athletes rely on brands like gatorade or powerade to help. Dana jacobson is here with why a growing number are turning to something from a different section of the supermarket. Dana, really . It is true. They are drinking pickle brine right out of the pickle jar, and some athletes from high school to college to pro actually swear by it. Experts will tell you it can work but you may be surprised by how it works. Reporter after a long practice it is not what you would expect to see. Maryland Football Players looking to replenish reaching for pickles like this linebacker. I like to eat the pickle and drink the juice. Reporter that juice called brine fights cramps. Have you noticed a difference from using the pickles . Definitely notice a difference. You dont cramp as much, you feel more hydrated. Reporter brine is that salty, vinegar liquid that gives pickles their flavor. The sodium and electrolytes you sweat out during practice, it is a quick way to cover and replenish. Reporter strengthening coach says pickle brine makes sense if his athletes find it effective. Reporter is it better than some of the other things people are used to using . I dont know if it is better than anything specific, but it gives a different twist of different taste and flavor for guys. I think some guys swear by it more. Reporter Blake Coleman swears by it. The new Jersey Devils forward gained attention in october when he was handed a jar of pickles as he came off the ice. He started drinking pickle brine in college when a teammate suggested it. Reporter you have to think it was a little crazy. Yeah, i still think it is pretty crazy. I would stick with anything that works though. It is like a neurological thing where the taste is so sour it tricks your mind or Something Like that. Reporter turns out coleman is right. The reason it may work is not because of the electrolyte. Reporter performance nutritionist heidi solnek says it is the taste. It tastes so awful it is interrupting the Central Nervous system pathway thats creating the cramping. Having Something Like pickle brine might be so horrendous that it shocks your system and it kbrupts that pathway. That stops the cramping. Reporter while pickle brine is not likely to hurt an athlete i think there are other more practical ways when it comes to recovery that makes more sense in terms of getting in some carbohydrate and heating a meals. Reporter maybe thats why his teammates are not jumping on to the brine bandwagon, at least now. Anybody else coming around . Im still in the solo camp, some of the boys are eating the pickles but the juice is all mine. Popular thought. I get the pickle. It is just drinking the juice cold that makes you go and shocks your system like heidi said and that why it can immediately stop. But it works. And a hangover, too. There you go. Thank, dana. Ahead a warning that navigation apps could be leading drivers toward danger. Be careful. We will be right back. Cbs morning round sponsored by theraflu, the power to feel better. Theraflu, the power to feel better. Back. Announcer cbs this morning sponsored by their a flu, the power to feel better. Fast. So you can play on. 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Catch scofflaws, who hop on trains without paying fares. The Transit System is now good morning, its 8 25 every 25. Caltrain may try a new approach to catch fare cheats. The Transit System is now thinking of issuing its own citations instead of going through the court system. The fines would be less expensive but caltrain would keep the money. The state Fish Game Commission is banning sportfishing for abalone off the Northern California coast for the 2018 season. State biologists say that the abalone population is about to collapse. So yesterday the Commission Voted unanimously to close the fishery for one year. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Good morning. 8 27. Were tracking an accident on westbound 4. This is right near san marco boulevard. It has all but one lane blocked at this time. And traffic is slowing down to below 15 miles an hour approaching the scene of the crash as all those cars have to funnel into one lane. So about a 25minute ride from loveridge to 680 likely to get much slower until chp can get all those vehicles cleared out of the road. Eastshore freeway starting to lighten up but our travel times still in the red. 36 minutes from highway 4 over to the maze. And 880 is getting slow as well heading through oakland. The bay bridge toll plaza out of the red into the yellow. We are tracking a 20minute commute for drivers heading into San Francisco this morning. Not too bad. And the Golden Gate Bridge a little busy but still moving at the limit. Lets check in with neda. Heres another view of that Golden Gate Bridge. We can see a few high clouds out there and haze through the weekend. Temperatures warming up slightly. Now youre in the 40s in oakland. You were in the 30s all morning long. 36 in livermore. And 32 degrees still freezing in santa rosa. Heres a look at our wind speeds so calm conditions between 3 to 5, 7mileperhour winds in berkeley. Winds coming out of the east still the offshore wind. But because they are still calm, across the north bay especially the hazy continues, a spare the air day through sunday. This is the first winter spare the air alert. Strong ridge not moving. [ music ] im on top of the world im on top of the world thats a good song to kick off this friday with. It is nice to be on top of the world. It is. I think it is a good feeling. I wouldnt know. I want to go there. I want to go there. I want to go there. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Right now it is time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Our partners at c net say police are warning some navigation apps could put california drivers in danger from fires. It is reported apps directed some to the 405 even though it was closed by fire. The wall street journals reports stocks and home buyers helped total Household Net Worth rise. The net worth of u. S. Households reached more than 96 trillion in the third quarter, an increase of nearly 2 from previous quarter. Household well it climb amid solid business and Consumer Confidence and a strong labor market, too. Americans are saving more. And Britains Guardian says naples traditional art of making pizza won World Heritage status from unesco. Italy argued the art of preparing and flipping the dough and baking it in a woodfired oven was part of the countrys cultural and gastroniical tradition. It was one of 33 added to the cultural list students are diving into computer code for Computer Science education week. Schools completed a socalled hour of code this week. The lessons are part of a campaign created by code. Org. This nonprofit is working to foster an interest in Computer Science education and create access in schools nationwide. Nearly 500 Million Students and educators around the world have learned basic computer coding through the Program Since it started four years ago. Code. Org cofounder and ceo, has hadi toby here at the table. We should thank you and your twin brother for this. Thank you for having me. We are glad you are here because you say one hour of coding can change your life. Most people are intimidated and scared and you say dont be scared. Weve had tens of millions of students, literally about 15 of all students on the planet have tried an hour of code. What you learn in one hour, you dont become a coder in one hour. What you learn is that it is not as intimidating as what you see on tv with people typing super fasts and 1s and 0s showing up on the screen. Thats not how it is done. Especially in school you can start as early at kindergarten and the tutorials are easy and so much fun. You taught yourself to code at the age of ten. Thats what i think is fascinating about you guys. A lot of people start learning the field on their own. The reason we are trying to get it into schools is because every kid has the opportunity or should have the opportunity to learn, but most wont be selftaught. This is something that should be integrated as part of the School System some everybody if they want to have the chance. I now you pushed the Trump Administration to redirect 200 million into this and then Silicon Valley or the Tech Industry followed with another 300. How does that half a billion dollar in Computer Science funding translate into coding . So the real the real use of that money, what it is important to do is help americas teachers learn how to teach Computer Science. If you went to a school and said, you know, why arent you teaching this, they would say, because we dont have teachers who themselves learned it. If the teachers dont know it, you know, you got to start the system somewhere. The number one use of the money is to train existing teachers, math teachers, english teachers, history teachers so they can teach a little Computer Science as part of the school day. One of the problems we are hearing from the corporate world when it comes to hiring is that the jobs are here, we just dont have people trained for these jobs. Exactly. No offense to the math, we have them saying dont teach tryi trigonome trigonometry, teach coding because thats what theyre going to need. We are not saying dont teach something, because we dont want to pick fights would say coding is more useful than trigonometr. Thats for sure more jobs in it. I think education is important to give people a wellrounded background in all sorts of things. I hear you. We think it is important to offer it as an option. The majority of american schools dont offer a choice to teach, to learn Computer Science. If your kid is going to a school that doesnt offer, they wont have that chance. What is your basic explanation to let people know exacting what coding is . We have all heard the word. We all think it is very theres a lot of numbers. What exactly does it do . Writing code is basically giving a computer instructions for something you want it to do. You know, if you ever had an idea of saying, oh, they should build an app that does blahblahblah, first of all you should think, i should build an app. But the way you would build that is using coding. This plays into were all about female empowerment as of late. Talking about in Silicon Valley specifically, more stem jobs for women in particular, science, technology, math, engineering. You hear organizations like girls who code. What are you doing specifically it is important for the guys to know how to do it, but what are you doing to tailor to women, to bring them to the sector as well . This is so important and part of why were trying to get it into the School System is when you teach something as part of school, you get much more balance. If you look inside math ac mathematics in high schools is equal between girls and boys, about 4951. What weve done in code. Org, we announced 10 Million Girls have accounts on code. Org. If only 1 of the girls coding on code. Org went on to study it in college it would balance the disparity between men and women. I love it. So great to have you here. Thank you so much. The young woman leading 4400 west point cadets praises her mom for her historic achievement. Reporter how much do you credit your mother with where you are today . About 110 of it. Reporter yeah . I mean every every single ounce of it. My mom kept me busy, and shell tell you it was to keep me away from boys and out of trouble, and it worked. Ahead in our new series profiles in service we will meet the first africanamerican woman to serve as first captain of the entire the army and Navy Football teams face off tomorrow in one of the biggest rivalries in college football. It will air on cbs. West point cadet simone askew will lead the march of the u. S. Military academy cadets. She is first black woman to command the corps of cadets. It is a role previously held by general Douglas Mac Arthur and four star general officers who command forces in korea and afghanistan. First we introduce you to askew in our new series profiles in service. It is a look at people who dedicate their lives to helping others. We visited askew at west point to learn what inspires her commitment to service. Reporter the u. S. Military academy is americas Oldest Service academy, more than 200 years old. But never in its history has it had someone like simone askew. At 21, she is the highest ranking cadet at west point, commanding a brigade of 4,400. Reporter so youre the only one with this amount of stripes and this star. Exactly. Reporter askew is the first africanamerican woman select to serve as first captain of the corps of cadets. My focus now is really to be the best first captain i can be, regardless of gender or race. And that when the first class graduates in may i am remembered as a good leader and not necessarily as a good africanamerican female leader. Reporter and yet gender and race do set her apart as the child of a white mom and a black dad, askew says she often felt excluded. Forced me at a young age to be okay with my own sense of identity. So in all senses it was a positive thing. Reporter at west point 22 of cadets are women and less than 4 are black women. Seeing someone at least at the surface who you can relate to provides a motivation. Im very encouraged by the enthusiasm and attention you guys have provided today and i would just ask you to strive for greater things. Reporter for some, that person is simone. And for her, that person is pat locke. It makes everything that you do, that you endure worth it. Reporter in 1980, locke was one of the first two africanamerican women to graduate from the academy. Weve been building to simone for the last 35 years. You see so much of our nation in her, the way that she thinks, the way that she carries herself. She knows she wants to be a leader because she can make a difference. Reporter it is a dedication to service askew learned from her mom. Reporter what does service mean to you . Definitely giving when there is not a foreseeable benefit or beneficial outcome to yourself. Reporter so when did that idea of Selfless Service come to you . It was definitely the example of my mom. Reporter pam askew develops Affordable Housing for primarily black communities in washington, d. C. That is service to a community that she doesnt receive benefit from or at least initially does not have any connection to. And seeing her do that and be committed and devoted to that was something i knew i wanted to do when i grew up, just to be exactly like her. Reporter how much do you credit your mother with where you are today . About 110 of it. Reporter yeah. I mean every every single ounce of it. My mom kept me busy, and shell tell you it was to keep me away from boys and out of trouble, and it worked. Reporter she credits a big volleyball tournament in high school with helping her learn what she calls one of the most important qualities of leadership, temperament. It was down to maybe the last game point and i freaked out. I didnt feel comfortable and we lost the game, and i credited a lot of that to my inability to remain calm. That lesson alone, along with many others, taught me a lot about what i valued in leaders and also the type of leader i wanted to be. Reporter now askew says she is trying to be a leader her fellow cadets deserve. After listening to you i keep thinking about how temperament leads to performance, leads to success. Thats it, yeah . It is so important because it sets a climate in your own head, but also in the atmosphere around you, making sure you make other people feel comfortable is really the key to success in a lot of what we do in the army because it is a people business. Isnt she incredible . Let me just tell you, simone askew is also one of 32 American Students awarded the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to continue her studies at the university of oxford in england. After that she says she will stay in the military as long as they will have her, and for now today is her 21st birthday. So happy birthday happy birthday, simone. Does she play the piano and make her own clothes . Ever since bianna came back with the story, you were raving about simone. I get it. I love what she said wanting to be the best regardless of gender and race. I love her and her mom. You think about so many great people dedicated to the service of this country every day. Yes. And she is one of them along with many others. She is such a bright leader i think for our future as well. What a gift she is for the country. She said it is a businesspeople. Askew for president , anyone . She has my vote. You can hear more on the podcast. Coming up next we will look at all that mattered this week. You are watching cbs this morning. We will be right back. Go simone that mattered this week. For mildtomoderate eczema . It can be used almost everywhere on almost everybody. The arm of an arm wrestler . The back of a quarterback . The face of a fairy . Prescription eucrisa is a nose to toes eczema ointment. It blocks overactive pde4 enzymes within your skin. And its steroidfree. Do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. Allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. The most common side effect is application site pain. Ask your doctor about eucrisa. Our week is over. I hope you had a good time. Be sure to tune in to the cbs evening news with jeff glor tonight as we leave you, we take a look back at the week. Have a good weekend. The fire burning in a territory bigger than atlanta. Roughly 20 miles. The winds are now starting to pick up. Believe it or not, its actually chilly. How long have you lived here . About 40 years. Five generations in this house. Where you see those flames burning right now, thats where a 200unit apartment billing once stood. It is now gone. I am determined. It is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. The National Security experts around the president cautioned him strongly not to do this. We are in bethlehem, surrounded by palestinians. You can hear them being thrown over and over again. Ill be resigning as members of the United States senate. To have him fall so fast is very disappointing to the entire party. To the ioc its punishment for statesponsored cheating. The officials and the russians set a new speed record for skiing up a mountain. Give us a role. You are ruining every roller coaster ride in my future. If needed, were ready to go right now, 100 . When you lost your sight, did you keep running . No. When i lost my sight, i was too scared to run. We did it together, i guess. Good job, buddy. Dont leave yet, michael. If you stand up, youll walk right in front of the camera. Live tv. Live tv. Norah and i never make mistakes. I know. You dont. Can you do better . Eating cheese every day may actually be good for you. What kind of cheese do you like . Mozzarella, gruyere, swiss, munst munster, other than pepper jack, i dont know much about cheese. When you first see the sea creature, he is much unattractive, banld the end of the movie, he has tender and loving hands. You can see past it. Youre more than carol burnett. Youre a space in which a huge amount of love happens. Jim . He said it just the way i wrote it. New cbs evening news anchor, jeff glor, yay. Youre holding the job that Walter Cronkite held. Some nerves are good, right . Jeff glor, cbs news anchor. Its so nice when your family is proud of you. With champagne to Community Meeting last night to address a fatal officer involved shooting in San Francisco. Crowd were good morning, its 8 55. Im kenny choi. Nearly 100 people packed a Community Meeting last night to address a fatal officer involved shooting in San Francisco. Many in the crowd were outraged after Police Showed this body cam video of an officer shooting and killing an unarmed man. The police chief said he held the meeting to be transparent. Bart is trying to go greener by reducing the carbon footprint. The board of directors renewed two Renewable Energy contracts. They will be 90 Renewable Energy by 2021. You cant buy Recreational Marijuana in benicia. They voted to disallow dispensary in the area. Later this month lawmakers will discuss allowing marijuana sales and deliveries outside of the downtown area in benicia. Traffic and weather in just a moment. Choose it. Scoop it. Pour it. Blend it. No matter how you make it, youll love our endless variety of beverages. Baskinrobbins cappuccino blast®. Customize yours today. Good morning. 8 57. A fatal trash on northbound 680 right near gold hill and traffic is backing up in that northbound direction. We have speeds dipping below 15 Miles Per Hour approaching the scene south of 80. Give yourself some extra time. Only one lane of traffic is open heading up towards 80. Along highway 4 an earlier accident now in the clearing stages. But look at that travel time. Over an hour, an hour and a half to go from loveridge to 680. Major delays heading out of antioch westbound highway 4. Hats a check of your traffic; over to you. High clouds and haze. In the 40s and the 50s. It was a chillily start to the day. Not pushing through the area. Air quality bad because of the fires in Southern California. We are going to to see offshore winds. Southern california will continue to get santa ana winds. Everyday of the year. My children and my family are on my mind when im working all the time. My neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so its important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. Its an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. Be informed about outages in your area. Sign up for outage alerts at pge. Com outagealerts. Together, were building a better california. Wayne laughing guess whos coming home tiffany screaming jonathan money wayne yes number one wayne youve got the big deal screaming wayne wayne youve got the car laughing wayne yes, yes lets go for the big deal, baby jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne hey, there, welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. Who wants to make a deal . cheers and applause up top in the burgundy. I think youre a renaissance. Youre a ladyinwaiting. cheers and applause erika. Hello. Wayne how are you . Im wonderful, wonderful. You made my year. Wayne i made your. Well. My year. Wayne youre welcome. Maybe my decade, maybe

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