Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20171205 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20171205

>> reporter: the union representative said overtime is a year-round problem. in fact, he has employees regularly filing overtime grievances. drivers say the job is stressful. see ya wants to make sure this -- celia wants to make sure this already challenging time of year doesn't put drivers in unsafe situations. >> if they are stressed and overworked, they need to call off and rest so their heads are straight and they're driving safely on the street. >> reporter: ups said its drivers can expect to be on the hook for these 70 hour stretches from now through january 5th. live in san francisco, susie steimle, kpix5. only on 5 complaints in santa rosa about a contractor doing clean-up from the devastating fires in october, kpix5's emily turner on claims of safety and environmental lapses. emily? >> reporter: liz, the army corps of engineers has gotten about a half a dozen complaints on contractors for debris removal. the only one called out by name is ash brick. last week there was a city meeting regarding debris removal and a public name came up again and again. that was ash brit and as a result of the concerns and complaints regarding this am can, we are now learning -- this company, we are now learning at least one state agency is on the ground investigating. they are one of two primary contractors tasked with the job of cleaning up sonoma county after the fires, but now ashbrit incorporated has also become the center of concern for several santa rosa city officials. >> from this point forward people are being exposed to negative health consequences as a result of poor contracting. you know, it's actually going to be our city on the hook for that and we'll pay the price for that down the road. >> reporter: ash brit is out of florida. today according to the army corps of engineers its crews have cleared 123 properties. the other prime contractor on the job, ecc, has cleared 738. terrain and timetables have played a part in that, but productivity isn't the largest concern officials have with ash brit. it's the safety of the men and women on the job. >> so far we've seen a mixed bag on the use of personal protective equipment. i've seen pictures where there are people on the job site not wearing them and as a city official, we want to make sure that all of these people are wearing personal protective equipment when it's required. >> reporter: the army corps of engineers says it's aware of these complaints and as a rupture, cal osha was on the ground today -- result, cal osha was on the ground today looking into them, but people aren't the only concern. the health of the watershed is another. >> we promised that after the debris removal crews came in they would be responsible for their mitigating runoff and making sure that our watersheds were protected and there was source control around the site. and what we ended up seeing was that a lot of the sites didn't have any. >> reporter: that was during the rains last week. so this week local officials are speaking out and hoping ashbrit hears their concerns. >> that's where it gets really personal. you're dealing with people who have experienced a lot of trauma, a lot of loss already and you want to be able to just promise them that they'll be taken care of and that the work will be done right and quickly, too, but when you promise a certain process will be followed, you want to make sure you're honoring that promise. >> reporter: now we wanted to be fair when we did this story, so last thursday i called ashbrit and i e-mailed them with the concerns that city council as well as all of the locals have regarding their company and their practices. i did not hear back friday, saturday, sunday or all day today. in fact, i have yet to hear back from ashbrit at all. reporting live in santa rosa, emily turner, kpix5. the defense scored a major victory in the kate steinle case. now they want a clean sweep. ken bastida on why lawyers are heading back to court. >> first it was the acquittal of the murder, manslaughter charges. now the defense wants thatwomens conviction tossed out as well. -- that weapons conviction tossed out as well. last week the prosecution said garcia-zarate meant to kill kate steinle. he was only convicted of being a felon in possession of a gun. now the defense said even that verdict was wrong and jurors should have been told that momentary possession of a gun is not necessarily a crime. city pol also for the first time we're hearing from san francisco's sheriff about that verdict and the sanctuary city policy that put the defendant on the streets in the first place. if it weren't for a federal warrant now bearing his name, she admits that he might have walked free again. sheriff hennessy c rther on the >> the fact is that yes, under the circumstances that we have in this case, he would potentially be let out. however in, that case, we have a criminal warrant from the federal government. >> there was no further comment on the verdict or case because of a lawsuit against the trump administration she says over san francisco's sanctuary city status. developing news, city workers in oakland are set to go on strike tomorrow after the latest breakdown in negotiations. the walk-out would shut down a wide range of city services. kpix5's juliette goodrich and why the two sides are so far apart. juliette? >> reporter: well, unless there's a major change or a major change in negotiations this strike is still on. so the city of oakland is preparing and also people inside the building behind me, union leaders are getting their picket signs ready. they say they aren't going to work tomorrow. they're off the job and on the picket line. hehey, >> reporter: a strike will shut down much of the city of oakland. >> you know, nobody wants to see a strike and we don't want to be out here. the people are affected negatively by a strike, but at this point we've gotten to a point where we don't really have a choice. >> reporter: 2,000 plus members of seiu, service employees international union local 1021 and ifpte, international federation of professional and technical engineers, local 21, posted this notice of an indefinite strike beginning tomorrow and with the latest breakdown in talks beginning late this afternoon, clock is ticking to keep it from happening. the main sticking point, cost of living increases. >> we have some members that are 10 to 30% behind their comparable jurisdictions and the proposals that well are seeing will essentially leave them further behind. >> reporter: programs and facilities that will be closed? senior centers, public libraries, recreation centers and programs, housing assistance and also there will be no fire or building inspectors. services that will be unavailable during this strike, street sweeping, public restrooms, routine maintenance work, abandoned auto detail and there will nobody crime or traffic reports. sworn police officers and firefighters will be working. the strike does not affect teachers or staff at the oakland unified school district. >> this strike runs the whole gamut. you work for the crime lab. what do you specifically do? what would you be doing tomorrow? >> i would be performing drug analysis so that cases can get charged and that's not going to happen tomorrow. >> reporter: animal shelters also affected. there will be no adoptions, no registrations. now as far as the city of oakland is concerned, they say that they are preparing for any public works emergency should they occur. we'll stay on top of this. if anything changes in the last hour, we'll have a full report for you tonight at 11:00 on kpix5. in oakland, juliette goodrich, kpix5. little cabins new at 6:00 san jose is partnering up with an architectural firm. these little cabins are meant to deal with a big crisis. kpix5's len ramirez shows us why san jose says that these sleeping cabins are needed now more than ever. >> what's up, amigo? how you doing? >> reporter: pastor scott wages walked through a homeless camp passing out to some what's the only shelter available. the thin blue tarps are for the people living beneath the 202 interchange in san jose, but soon the city hopes to move them into designer microhomes that will look something like this. >> we know that this is not the cure all, but this is an important tool. >> reporter: san jose mayor samb liccardo unveiled designs -- sam liccardo unveiled designs for what the city is calling sleeping cabins, 10 by 12 shelters replacing the sprawling shantytowns that sprung up all over san jose. >> what they are offering us is a vision to restoring dignity to many of our brothers and sisters who are struggling out there on the streets with housing that we can all be proud of and that will be an asset. >> reporter: i showed pictures of the units to elizabeth teen ya who is living in a tent -- pena who is living in a tent with her daughter. >> it has a door, you know. it's nice. i would, you know, yeah. >> reporter: you'd live there. >> yeah. it's better than living on a bench or in a tent. >> reporter: they would also be expensive costing 20 to $30,000 for each 80 square foot unit. >> well, it's certainly worth it. how much is a life worth? because these tents and these tarps, they just get tattered and warn out. so we need something that's really -- worn out. so we need something that's really habitable like that. >> reporter: but designing the shelters may have been the easy part. san jose will now begin the tough political discussions around cost and where the shelter villages will be built. in san jose, len ramirez, kpix5. happening now in san jose parents and students are weighing in on the possible closure of several elementary schools, the oak grove district is dealing with a budget deficit of millions of dollars. the district needs to identify which of these eight elementary schools will need to be consolidated. the move has left many parents frustrated and angry. the district hopes to make a final decision before the end of the year. it was a very windy day throughout the bay area today. did it look like this throughout your neighborhood? it did in the east bay, especially in the east bay hills. a couple trees came down. some power lines came down. look at peak wind gusts, 50 miles per hour in the berkeley hills, nearly 80 miles per hour in mount diablo. >> coming up solar panels, how a decision made by president trump could drive the cost way up. >> another state lawmaker accused of sexual assault and we are learning just how far he went to silence his accuser. >> a tragic twist in this deadly bay bridge crash, the toll worker killed was a last minute sub, how the accident could speed up a major change. we exposed affordable housing cheats in san francisco, owners accused of renting out their units illegally. >> get, get away! >> reporter: while living elsewhere. >> stop recording, okay? >> reporter: after our reports the mayor vows to crack down. >> can you promise that this type of abuse is going to stop? >> they're going to pay for it and i want them to be punished. >> reporter: expect original reporting from kpix5 news. expect more. the white house may be on the brink of imposing tough new new at 6:00 thinking about going solar? you might want to move fast. the white house may be on the brink of imposing tough new rules to protect u.s. solar panelmakers, but kpix5's kiet do said it could have the opposite effect. >> reporter: at sky tech solar in san francisco collin swan has crammed his warehouse with as many solar panels that will fit. president trump has about a month and a half left to decide whether or not to impose stiff tariffs on imported panels and so collin loaded up while they were still cheap. >> correct, yeah. we're hoarding them now, as many as we can fit here based on the contracts we already signed just because the tariff hasn't hit yet, but when it does hit, we want to save as much money as we can. >> reporter: earlier this year the u.s. international trade commission heard from two solar companies who filed for bankruptcy, solar world and geneva, arguing cheap solar products made overseas and subsidized by foreign government are being imported into the united states in such increased quantities as to be a substantial cause of serious injury or threat thereof to the domestic industry. >> the u.s. industry has been virtually wiped out. over the last five years more than 30 american companies were driven into bankruptcy or out of the business. >> reporter: the commission agreed and recommended president trump impose a tariff of 10 to 35% on solar product imports to try and boost the few surviving u.s. companies. if. >> we put forward a -- companies. >> we put forward a study that showed as many as 30,000 new jobs would develop if the president takes action to strengthen the u.s. solar industry here. >> reporter: what does this mean for the bay area? the average install price here is about $18,000 for solar, but sky tech thinks if this tariff goes into effect, it could raise the price another $4,000 hurting them and every other solar installer in the country. >> there's a good possibility we'll have to decrease the amount of employees we have if the business is just not there anymore. >> we're hopeful. we're far from optimistic. >> reporter: dan witten with the solar industry association based in washington d.c. said a tariff could throw 10,000 to 80,000 solar installers out of work and talking about solar world, the association did not mince their words. >> the president has roughly a month to make a decision about whether to support u.s. jobs and american solar jobs or to support two companies that essentially have gone bankrupt and are looking for a bailout. >> reporter: a lecturer about climate change at san jose state said if trump won't help california, at least he shouldn't hurt the industry either. >> create for obstacles for states like california who choose to move ahead regardless of policies and outdo ourselves. >> on average imported solar panels from china, korea and the philippines are about 15% cheaper than those made here in the u.s. oakland police are looking for two drivers in a deadly hit and run that's being blamed on street racing. it happened overnight near the walgreen's on 82nd and international boulevard. police say the 49-year-old victim was struck by one of the two cars that crashed while racing. dodge police say this black dodge charger and a maroon bmw were traveling at a high rate of speed when the driver of the dodge lost control and hit the pedestrian. the victim was killed at the scene. the driver of the charger ditched the vehicle and took off. neighbors say that a navy veteran was killed this morning in a house fire in alameda, started in the basement in the home on eagle avenue. neighbors say the victim was an elderly man who lived there alone. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. lots of windy weather for parts of the bay area. this was the screen in the oakland -- scene in oakland hills. this big tree came down blocking traffic on the boulevard. >> it's a shame it was one of the oak trees and not a pine, but mother nature. >> you can see cars carefully moving around debris as crews work to clean up the mess. the high winds also caused part of a tree to come crashing down onto a house in emeryville. in downtown oakland no break from the winds either. flags were whipping and leaves were swirling around. up our way the water was churned up on lake merritt this afternoon. meantime bay water lapping up onto the sidewalk, san francisco's embarcadero. king tides are back, means flooding in low lying coastal areas around the bay. >> on a sunny day there was a lot to talk about. temperatures may drop below freezing tomorrow night in the north bay. it stays breezy overnight, but get up in elevations, the winds will stayelevated anywhere from 30 to 50 miles per hour in gusts. we'll see winds relax significantly by tomorrow afternoon. it was mild today. with the wind didn't get much of a chance to enjoy it. san francisco 63, 62 in half moon bay, santa rosa 65, san jose 64 degrees. satellite and radar review, we have to talk about why it is windy. it's because of this, a huge ridge of high pressure deporting low, pressure difference between the two. in between is the bay area. the winds are coming from the north, so it's a dry wind. that's why it's going to get cold once the wind subsides because the cold air will relax down to the surface. dry air cools off more efficiently overnight. nights are long. it's december now. this ridge will hang out for seven to 10 days at a minimum keeping us completely dry, not just here, all of oregon, all of washington, all of california completely rain free for the next week. we're cool, clear, breezy overnight tonight. the temperatures are cool but not below freezing because the wind will keep the atmosphere mixed up enough the coldest air won't settle down to the surface. redwood city 37, livermore 38 degrees. dry tomorrow, afternoon mild, we'll be in the mid-60s again tomorrow, concord 64, santa rosa 66, san francisco 63, san jose 66. it's tomorrow night where it's going to get below freezing down to the upper 20s in the north bay valleys, but look at the afternoons, sunshine across the board, upper 60s inland and seven days without a single chance of rainfall. a powerful silicon valley boss warns of a consequence of the me too movement, fear of backlash in the workplace. >> i'm dennis o'donnell and did one game convince the 49ers that they had their quarterback of the future? teammates think so. their reaction is next. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. grabbed a share of first place, and they did it minus their rs.. who cares if it's not pretty, right? the raiders won a football game yesterday and grabbed a share of first place. they did it minus their starting receivers. the raiders passing game didn't miss a beat without michael crabtree and without amari cooper. derek carr spread the ball around to eight different receivers for close to 300 yards led by cordarrelle patterson who gave the group a passing grade. >> we did good, man. we are in this league for a reason. we're not just here to be [ bleep ] around. we come out each and every week we got to perform. unfortunately our two guys is down, our one and two receiver, but like i say, every receiver on this roster can go out and make plays. the giants fired their head coach and general manager jerry reese one day after falling to 2-10. eli manning who was benched yesterday by mcadoo will return as new york starting quarterback next week. oh, come all ye49er faithful. they might have a 2-10 record, but the savior is risen. dio today... j ♪ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ♪ . >> i don't know if jimmy garoppolo can walk on water, but i sure got that feeling after listening to sports talk radio today. jimmy gq threw for 300 yards and led a game winning drive to make believers out of his new disciples -- i mean teammates. >> he's a true leader, man. i got chill bumps on my arms, man. he's a wonderful guy. >> he did his thing. he made some throws. i was like wow. >> it's almost like he foresaw we were going to win. >> i tried to say all week it was just a normal game, but obviously i've never come back from chicago like this. it was exciting. it was one of the more fun games i've been a part of. stanford one of three finalists for the heisman trophy. love is the fifth cardinal to be named a finalist in the last nine years, but no one from stanford has won the award since jim plunkett in 1970. arizona state introduced herm edwards as its new football coach. the 63-year-old has not coached in 10 years, but he can still dominate a press conference and wants sun devil fans to hop on the herm express. >> i'm on the train and i'm going to ride it. i will ride this train until it stops. it's not going to stop. you play to win the game. if you want to board on a little bit later, we got a seat for you. might not be comfortable, but you'll have a seat. >> i don't care if they win any football games. i just want to see his postgame news conference. >> that's great. they still love him in monterey and seaside, that area, too, got some roots there. >> he spent a lot of time in lake tahoe as well. i interview him every year while i'm there. good guy. good luck to him. >> thanks. coming up in our next half hour naming names at the state capitol, a woman claims an assemblyman followed her into the bathroom and performed a lewd act, how he tried to silence her. >> president trump stands up for michael flynn and launches a new twitter attack on the fbi. >> and a dozen states take on california in a fight over eggs, why they say our laws are costing consumers. our top story at 6:30: president trump continues to tweet and comment about the you're watching kpix5 news. and our top story at 6:30, president trump continues to tweet and comment about the russia investigation. he's defending his former national security advisor and criticizing the fbi. cbs reporter weigia jiang is in washington and some of what the president has been tweeting isn't helping his case at all. >> reporter: allen, that is because one tweet in particular has led to new questions about what president trump knew about michael flynn's role in the investigation and when he knew it leaving some lawmakers -- leading some lawmakers to warn the president to back off. >> i feel badly for general flynn. >> reporter: president trump said what's happened to his former national security advisor michael flynn is unfair. >> hillary clinton lied many times to the fbi. nothing happened to her. flynn lied and they destroyed his life. >> reporter: the fbi did not conclude hillary clinton lied but found flynn did about his contacts with russia during the presidential transition. in multiple weekend tweets the president expressed his displeasure with the fbi writing its reputation is in tatters and accusing the bureau of a dishonest clinton investigation. president trump also denied claims he fired former fbi director james comey for declining his request to drop the investigation into general flynn and in another tweet the president raised new questions about his previous statements writing, "i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi." >> you tweet and comment regarding ongoing criminal investigations at your own peril. i'd be careful if i were you, mr. president. >> reporter: sources tell cbs news the president's lawyer, john dowd, crafted the tweet unintentionally implying the president knew flynn lied to the fbi. flynn pleaded guilty on friday and is cooperating with special counsel robert mueller's investigation. even though the white house is trying to put distance between president trump and that tweet, senator dianne feinstein of california, of course, who is the top democrat on the senate judiciary committee says her panel is starting to see the putting together of an obstruction of justice case against the president. allen. >> weigia jiang in washington, thank you so much. court. st recent ban ap the president has scored a victory for his travel ban at the supreme court. the most recent ban applies to eight countries. six of them have mostly muslim populations. today the high courted the administration can fully en-- court said the administration can fully enforce it. the ruling eliminates lower court protections for travelers with prior connections to the u.s. through family or work. issue are set for later this week... including at >> in is a baseless policy -- this is a baseless policy and yet the supreme court is permitting it to move forward impacting the lives of countless american muslims and others. >> two hearings are set for later this week including at a federal appeals court here in san francisco. she accuses asse for the first time a state lobbyist is naming names involving allegations of sexual misconduct. she accuses assemblyman matt dababneh of forcing her into a bathroom, exposing himself and she said it didn't stop there. kpix5 political reporter melissa caen joins us with the allegations. >> nearly two months ago pamela lopez went public with allegations of sexual assault against an elected official. we do want to warn you these allegations are graphic. >> i felt a warm body rush up behind me, used the weight of the body to push up against me and i heard the door slam behind us. i turned around and realized i was face to face with matt dababneh and he had very quickly exposed himself and began masturbating. >> reporter: on friday dababneh's lawyer sent a letter to lopez saying, "if you proceed with your press conference or make any public statement or inflammatory accusation against mr. dababneh, you will be fully accountable in damages." christine pelosi is general council for we said enough, a group fighting to -- counsel for we said enough, a group fighting to end sexual harassment at the state capitol. >> when a defendant in a case like this hires harvey weinstein's law firm, you can anticipate a very, very rocky road ahead. i'm concerned for what that will mean reputationally for anybody who decides to bring a claim. it's clearly designed to have a chilling effect. >> reporter: but she says it won't stop the case against dababneh. a law firm will be retained by the state assembly to investigate. >> so i don't think the old harvey weinstein tactics are going to world now that there is an army of people saying hey, let's at least give this a fair process. you can't sweep things under the rug and silence poe. >> reporter: lopez wasn't the only one at the -- people. >> reporter: lopez wasn't the only one at the press conference today. >> on one occasion i had to listen to him reveal stories of his sexual prowess. he would open his top desk drawer to show his condoms and once he was sure i'd gotten a view of it, he would smirk or joke about it. i wasn't surprised when i heard pamela's story. it felt familiar to me. pamela and i aren't the only women that matt has harassed. there are others and i've spoken to them. ittee pending th >> reporter: now dababneh has been removed from his position as chairman of the banking and finance committee pending the investigation. the assembly speaker issued a statement this afternoon saying, "the investigation finds that dababneh did commit in result. he must resign or be expelled." melissa caen, kpix5. in the wake of the me too campaign a facebook executive is warning women of a potential hiring backlash. chief operating officer sheryl sandberg wrote, "we have to be vigilant to make sure this happens. i've already heard the rumblings of a backlash. this is why you shouldn't hire women. actually this is why you should." sandberg also talked about her own past experience with harassment including the time a man placed his hand on her leg under the table and during her earlier career when she had to call security after a man came to her hotel room late at night. sandberg is now calling for companies to place clear policies on how to handle accusations of sexual harassment. we continue to follow developing news out of oakland where strike is looming. negotiations have apparently broken down and a range of city services will be shut down. now we just talked to mayor schaaf who said she's disappointed. >> the one issue that remains are raises. we have offered a 4% raise retroactive to july 1st and if revenues come in above projections, up to another 2% in the second year. that is what we have to offer without cutting services. d unified school distric >> police and fire will not be impacted by the strike, nor will teachers and staff at oakland unified school district. we're learning of a sad twist to this deadly toll plaza crash, why the operator killed wasn't supposed to be at work and how her death could speed up a major change. plaza. 46-year-old si si han was killed sa new details in this weekend's deadly crash at the bay bridge toll plaza, 46-year- old cici hung was killed after a box truck slammed into a lien of cars and then the toll -- line of cars and then the toll booth where she was working. she was just filling in for work that day. the crash is renewing the debate about changes to the toll plaza. >> kpix5's phil matier has the story. they were changes that have been talked about for years. >> i use fastrak anyway. for people like me who doesn't come here all the time, we need cash, right? >> reporter: the idea of doing away with cash tolls and with the toll takers on bay area bridgers has actually gone on for some time. just look at the bay bridge or san mateo or richmond san rafael bridge. it's called fastrak. >> you can use fastrak in it right now from any cash paying lane. it's already fully equipped. >> reporter: so in terms of equipment making tolls all electronic is no sweat and that's just what the golden gate bridge did when it went all electronic with toll taking in 2013. how has it worked out for you guys? >> it's been great. toll takers used to collect 500 tolls an hour. we collect 1,500 an hour. >> reporter: there is sat and not just from crashes. -- safety and not just from crashes. >> there has been crimes out on the toll plaza. armed robberies, people with weapons have robbed the toll takers. >> we don't have people in the booths anymore. while we do have accidents at the teleplays arc there's never an issue with -- at the toll plaza, there's never an issue with human life. >> reporter: caltrans said any conversation is for the future and they would need a significant amount of time to find new jobs for the 230 toll takers. still in light of this weekend's deadly collision that decimated a toll station on the bay bridge killing a toll taker, some say it's time for a change. >> i think it will renew a call to move in that direction. dozens of states say california is driving up the price of eggs for everyone, the battle that could be headed to the supreme court. >> you saw that beautiful full moon last night. that means the tides are higher than normal. it is the king tides again tomorrow around 11 a.m., tides as high as 7 feet above medium low water. let's look outside tonight, breezes letting up, the moon rising over the east bay. we'll have your forecast and food for bay area families coming up next. choose it. scoop it. pour it. blend it. no matter how you make it, you'll love our endless variety of beverages. baskin-robbins cappuccino blast®. customize your's today. care block a california egg law. e law that t a dozen states are asking the supreme court to block a california egg law. that law took effect in 2015. it requires that any eggs sold in the state must come from hens that have enough space in their cages. missouri's attorney general is filing a suit on behalf of the state. according to that attorney, the law has cost customers up to $350 million annually due to the higher egg prices. we're following some breaking news out of the east bay. we're getting word emeryville police are responding to reports of a shooting. it happened near the emeryville target store near the mandela parkway. the police chief confirms there is a shooting investigation going on, no word or confirmation of injuries or what might have sparked that shooting, but we'll keep tabs and get to the latest information. let's keep in mind the spirit of the season, people, really. take a look. sky drone 5, sonoma plaza downtown dazzling in the white christmas lights. the palm trees are lit up from the trunk to the tip of the fronds. we're sharing your photos of holiday lights of doesn't have to be lights on your house. check out the parents who decorated, hey, that's a kid in a stroller. cally from walnut creek sharing this photo of her tree and giraffe. share your photos on the kpix5 facebook page and we'll share them with everybody. luckily recently the weather has been pretty clear to check out the holiday lights. >> and the new holiday tradition, the christmas giraffe. >> don't stick your neck out. >> allen is here all week. for those of you who haven't gotten in the holiday spirit yet, hang on, 36 hours, 20s in parts of the bay area tomorrow night, north bay, oakland, concord, livermore 57, still breezy, 58 in santa rosa, 50 in san francisco. why not a freeze tonight because the air misis cold and dry? it's because of the wind. the coldest air has to settle down to the surface under calm conditions to get a freeze around here. tonight we're breezy and stay above freezing. concord, san jose, napa 37. it's still cold, just not below freezing. san rafael tonight 40 and oakland dropping down to 43 degrees. interesting weather pattern. we've been talking about how dry it is going to be and it will at least for the next week, but the transition from stormier weather with some rain to this dry pattern which will hold for a while is a tumultuous one. we're right in between the difference between this ridge and low causing some gusty winds, 79 miles per hour at mount diablo, the wind this morning. the wind will be elevated again tomorrow and relax tomorrow night. that's when the cold air moves in. futurecast typically shows you clouds and precipitation. well, it is showing you the entire lack of it tomorrow into tomorrow night. wednesday nothing changes, but there's a lot going on. now let's look at the wind. this weaning 20 to 30 mile-per- hour wind gusts. we'll go through the night where it relaxes a bit but stays elevated, tomorrow morning a few spots above 20 miles per hour in the breezy category. tomorrow afternoon things are calm in san rafael and the santa cruz mountains, only 4 miles per hour in san jose. that will give us the opportunity tomorrow night to get very chilly throughout the entire bay area, san jose and fremont down to 34 degrees tomorrow night. look at this ridge of high pressure. this is future precipitation for the entire country through friday. not a drop of rain from seattle to san diego. the entire west coast is going dry because of that ridge of high pressure. we're windier than normal through tomorrow. once the wind relaxes we'll see the coldest night of the season tomorrow and not a drop of rain for the next week at least. san jose tomorrow 6 -- 66. san ramon 63. petaluma 67, lake port and st. helena 60s. look at the sunshine across the board, not something we typically do in the month of december, but we will the next seven days. we'll feature highs in the 60s all the way to the beach. it's also going to feature not a drop of rain for each of the next seven days. joined by lots of folks tonight for our food for bay area family drive. joining us, tom rizzo, and a very familiar face ann notarangelo. first off, ann, welcome back. second off, tell us about shell and the multi-decade relationship you've had with the food bank. >> we're so fortunate. we really treasure our relationships with the food bank of contra costa and solano county. it goes back 30 years we've worked with the food bank with our employees raising money and food drives and 20 years since our employees started volunteering at the food bank packing up goods and services and heading them out to the people who need them in the warehouse. >> i feel like i'm listening to enoughs cast again, doesn't it? tom -- to a newscast again, doesn't it? tom, tell us what shell has done and your employees. >> this is a result of the fires in napa and sonoma county wanting to do something. we've been part of the community over 100 years and wanted to show support. we thought about our natural alliance with the food bank and how great of a job they do supporting our communities. so we thought it would be a great idea to support them as they supported those in need up in the north. so we were able to put together some money and let those guys do what they do best which is support those in need. we're really pleased to be able to do this on behalf of our employees. >> thank you to shell, $100,000. very quickly, larry, we hope there's one day there's not a need, but right now there still is. >> very much a need. we very much appreciate what shell has done and helping people affected by disaster in our communities. >> thank you to shell, $100,000 to bay area families! if you want to help, go to we'll be right back. it's a fact. kids who don't eat well don't have the energy to focus, engage, learn and grow. food banks like this one are a lifeline for thousands of bay area children. please join us and our campaign to end hunger. >> help us fill the special bills at any whole foods market or make a donation at checkout. food for bay area families, a community project from whole foods market and kpix5. get a free pecan or pumpkin pie with every $20 order from you can eat it wherever you want, even if you are in someone else's house... santa. enter promo code, freepie, on your next order at ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ have a real place to call home. >> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. in high school today's students rising above scholar didn't have a real place to call home. >> he's determined to have a more stable place in college. >> i'm in calculus. i've got a test. i'm excited. >> reporter: he really said he can't wait to take his math test. >> with calculus i enjoy it because it always has a solution no matter how hard th >>eporter: not only math, steven carroll, a senior at envision academy in oakland, has learned to find solutions for the hard problem in his life. >> in a good way i've become resilient and ambitious because i've just like known -- i've been going through these challenges. >> reporter: for the first time in years steven says his dad, brother and he are together again under one roof. >> hey, steven. >> hey, dad. what's up? >> reporter: while in high school they had no place to call their own staying with family and friends. >> whenever i'd get into a place instead of thinking oh, this place is nice, i was like cool. i wonder how long i'm staying here. >> for them to have gone through that really worried me because i even slept in my van for a while because i put them in a friend's house and i put my van in the driveway. >> reporter: that was then and this is now. steven with his own desk and a place to study. >> that will be a force multiplier for his academics, for his leadership and for his personal growth. >> reporter: steven likes to say he's really into his education. he's applying to private colleges on the east coast to meet new people, gain new perspectives and find a new home away from home. >> i have my plan and i'm going somewhere and i just am really excited and eager to see where i'm going. >> ready for the world. he doesn't worry me at all because i have confidence he's going to make the right choices. >> reporter: we'd love to have you catch up on our other s.r.a. scholars and alums. you can go to our website to watch their stories, for students rising above, i'm sherry hu. two people were shot outside the target in emeryville, one in critical condition, more tonight at 10:00 and 11:00. ♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ weaving your own shoes... by out of flax. or simply adjust your thermostat. do your thing, with energy upgrade california. announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how you doin'? how's everybody? i appreciate y'all. how's everybody? well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] folks, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day, from right up the road, marietta, georgia, it's the champs. it's the carlson family. [carlsons shouting loudly] coray: whoo! whoo! cody: yeah! steve: hey, from dallas, texas, it's the smith family. ethel: whoo! huey: hell, yes! steve: everybody's here tryin' to win theirself a lot of cash, and somebody--somebody might drive out of here in a brand-new car. [cheering and applause] give me cody, give me anndria. top 6 answers on the board. here we go. name something you can honestly say you've never made love in while it's moving. anndria: airplane. steve: airplane. cody: car. steve: car. pass or play? cody: we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play. coray, name something you can honestly say you've never made love in while it's moving. coray: i'm gonna say a bus. steve: a bus. coray: a bus. cash: yeah. nice answer. good answer. coray: whoo! whoo! steve: cash, name something you can honestly say you never made love in while it's moving. cash: i'm gonna say a train, steve. steve: train. coray: good answer. cody: good answer. coray: w

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20171205 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20171205

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>> reporter: the union representative said overtime is a year-round problem. in fact, he has employees regularly filing overtime grievances. drivers say the job is stressful. see ya wants to make sure this -- celia wants to make sure this already challenging time of year doesn't put drivers in unsafe situations. >> if they are stressed and overworked, they need to call off and rest so their heads are straight and they're driving safely on the street. >> reporter: ups said its drivers can expect to be on the hook for these 70 hour stretches from now through january 5th. live in san francisco, susie steimle, kpix5. only on 5 complaints in santa rosa about a contractor doing clean-up from the devastating fires in october, kpix5's emily turner on claims of safety and environmental lapses. emily? >> reporter: liz, the army corps of engineers has gotten about a half a dozen complaints on contractors for debris removal. the only one called out by name is ash brick. last week there was a city meeting regarding debris removal and a public name came up again and again. that was ash brit and as a result of the concerns and complaints regarding this am can, we are now learning -- this company, we are now learning at least one state agency is on the ground investigating. they are one of two primary contractors tasked with the job of cleaning up sonoma county after the fires, but now ashbrit incorporated has also become the center of concern for several santa rosa city officials. >> from this point forward people are being exposed to negative health consequences as a result of poor contracting. you know, it's actually going to be our city on the hook for that and we'll pay the price for that down the road. >> reporter: ash brit is out of florida. today according to the army corps of engineers its crews have cleared 123 properties. the other prime contractor on the job, ecc, has cleared 738. terrain and timetables have played a part in that, but productivity isn't the largest concern officials have with ash brit. it's the safety of the men and women on the job. >> so far we've seen a mixed bag on the use of personal protective equipment. i've seen pictures where there are people on the job site not wearing them and as a city official, we want to make sure that all of these people are wearing personal protective equipment when it's required. >> reporter: the army corps of engineers says it's aware of these complaints and as a rupture, cal osha was on the ground today -- result, cal osha was on the ground today looking into them, but people aren't the only concern. the health of the watershed is another. >> we promised that after the debris removal crews came in they would be responsible for their mitigating runoff and making sure that our watersheds were protected and there was source control around the site. and what we ended up seeing was that a lot of the sites didn't have any. >> reporter: that was during the rains last week. so this week local officials are speaking out and hoping ashbrit hears their concerns. >> that's where it gets really personal. you're dealing with people who have experienced a lot of trauma, a lot of loss already and you want to be able to just promise them that they'll be taken care of and that the work will be done right and quickly, too, but when you promise a certain process will be followed, you want to make sure you're honoring that promise. >> reporter: now we wanted to be fair when we did this story, so last thursday i called ashbrit and i e-mailed them with the concerns that city council as well as all of the locals have regarding their company and their practices. i did not hear back friday, saturday, sunday or all day today. in fact, i have yet to hear back from ashbrit at all. reporting live in santa rosa, emily turner, kpix5. the defense scored a major victory in the kate steinle case. now they want a clean sweep. ken bastida on why lawyers are heading back to court. >> first it was the acquittal of the murder, manslaughter charges. now the defense wants thatwomens conviction tossed out as well. -- that weapons conviction tossed out as well. last week the prosecution said garcia-zarate meant to kill kate steinle. he was only convicted of being a felon in possession of a gun. now the defense said even that verdict was wrong and jurors should have been told that momentary possession of a gun is not necessarily a crime. city pol also for the first time we're hearing from san francisco's sheriff about that verdict and the sanctuary city policy that put the defendant on the streets in the first place. if it weren't for a federal warrant now bearing his name, she admits that he might have walked free again. sheriff hennessy c rther on the >> the fact is that yes, under the circumstances that we have in this case, he would potentially be let out. however in, that case, we have a criminal warrant from the federal government. >> there was no further comment on the verdict or case because of a lawsuit against the trump administration she says over san francisco's sanctuary city status. developing news, city workers in oakland are set to go on strike tomorrow after the latest breakdown in negotiations. the walk-out would shut down a wide range of city services. kpix5's juliette goodrich and why the two sides are so far apart. juliette? >> reporter: well, unless there's a major change or a major change in negotiations this strike is still on. so the city of oakland is preparing and also people inside the building behind me, union leaders are getting their picket signs ready. they say they aren't going to work tomorrow. they're off the job and on the picket line. hehey, >> reporter: a strike will shut down much of the city of oakland. >> you know, nobody wants to see a strike and we don't want to be out here. the people are affected negatively by a strike, but at this point we've gotten to a point where we don't really have a choice. >> reporter: 2,000 plus members of seiu, service employees international union local 1021 and ifpte, international federation of professional and technical engineers, local 21, posted this notice of an indefinite strike beginning tomorrow and with the latest breakdown in talks beginning late this afternoon, clock is ticking to keep it from happening. the main sticking point, cost of living increases. >> we have some members that are 10 to 30% behind their comparable jurisdictions and the proposals that well are seeing will essentially leave them further behind. >> reporter: programs and facilities that will be closed? senior centers, public libraries, recreation centers and programs, housing assistance and also there will be no fire or building inspectors. services that will be unavailable during this strike, street sweeping, public restrooms, routine maintenance work, abandoned auto detail and there will nobody crime or traffic reports. sworn police officers and firefighters will be working. the strike does not affect teachers or staff at the oakland unified school district. >> this strike runs the whole gamut. you work for the crime lab. what do you specifically do? what would you be doing tomorrow? >> i would be performing drug analysis so that cases can get charged and that's not going to happen tomorrow. >> reporter: animal shelters also affected. there will be no adoptions, no registrations. now as far as the city of oakland is concerned, they say that they are preparing for any public works emergency should they occur. we'll stay on top of this. if anything changes in the last hour, we'll have a full report for you tonight at 11:00 on kpix5. in oakland, juliette goodrich, kpix5. little cabins new at 6:00 san jose is partnering up with an architectural firm. these little cabins are meant to deal with a big crisis. kpix5's len ramirez shows us why san jose says that these sleeping cabins are needed now more than ever. >> what's up, amigo? how you doing? >> reporter: pastor scott wages walked through a homeless camp passing out to some what's the only shelter available. the thin blue tarps are for the people living beneath the 202 interchange in san jose, but soon the city hopes to move them into designer microhomes that will look something like this. >> we know that this is not the cure all, but this is an important tool. >> reporter: san jose mayor samb liccardo unveiled designs -- sam liccardo unveiled designs for what the city is calling sleeping cabins, 10 by 12 shelters replacing the sprawling shantytowns that sprung up all over san jose. >> what they are offering us is a vision to restoring dignity to many of our brothers and sisters who are struggling out there on the streets with housing that we can all be proud of and that will be an asset. >> reporter: i showed pictures of the units to elizabeth teen ya who is living in a tent -- pena who is living in a tent with her daughter. >> it has a door, you know. it's nice. i would, you know, yeah. >> reporter: you'd live there. >> yeah. it's better than living on a bench or in a tent. >> reporter: they would also be expensive costing 20 to $30,000 for each 80 square foot unit. >> well, it's certainly worth it. how much is a life worth? because these tents and these tarps, they just get tattered and warn out. so we need something that's really -- worn out. so we need something that's really habitable like that. >> reporter: but designing the shelters may have been the easy part. san jose will now begin the tough political discussions around cost and where the shelter villages will be built. in san jose, len ramirez, kpix5. happening now in san jose parents and students are weighing in on the possible closure of several elementary schools, the oak grove district is dealing with a budget deficit of millions of dollars. the district needs to identify which of these eight elementary schools will need to be consolidated. the move has left many parents frustrated and angry. the district hopes to make a final decision before the end of the year. it was a very windy day throughout the bay area today. did it look like this throughout your neighborhood? it did in the east bay, especially in the east bay hills. a couple trees came down. some power lines came down. look at peak wind gusts, 50 miles per hour in the berkeley hills, nearly 80 miles per hour in mount diablo. >> coming up solar panels, how a decision made by president trump could drive the cost way up. >> another state lawmaker accused of sexual assault and we are learning just how far he went to silence his accuser. >> a tragic twist in this deadly bay bridge crash, the toll worker killed was a last minute sub, how the accident could speed up a major change. we exposed affordable housing cheats in san francisco, owners accused of renting out their units illegally. >> get, get away! >> reporter: while living elsewhere. >> stop recording, okay? >> reporter: after our reports the mayor vows to crack down. >> can you promise that this type of abuse is going to stop? >> they're going to pay for it and i want them to be punished. >> reporter: expect original reporting from kpix5 news. expect more. the white house may be on the brink of imposing tough new new at 6:00 thinking about going solar? you might want to move fast. the white house may be on the brink of imposing tough new rules to protect u.s. solar panelmakers, but kpix5's kiet do said it could have the opposite effect. >> reporter: at sky tech solar in san francisco collin swan has crammed his warehouse with as many solar panels that will fit. president trump has about a month and a half left to decide whether or not to impose stiff tariffs on imported panels and so collin loaded up while they were still cheap. >> correct, yeah. we're hoarding them now, as many as we can fit here based on the contracts we already signed just because the tariff hasn't hit yet, but when it does hit, we want to save as much money as we can. >> reporter: earlier this year the u.s. international trade commission heard from two solar companies who filed for bankruptcy, solar world and geneva, arguing cheap solar products made overseas and subsidized by foreign government are being imported into the united states in such increased quantities as to be a substantial cause of serious injury or threat thereof to the domestic industry. >> the u.s. industry has been virtually wiped out. over the last five years more than 30 american companies were driven into bankruptcy or out of the business. >> reporter: the commission agreed and recommended president trump impose a tariff of 10 to 35% on solar product imports to try and boost the few surviving u.s. companies. if. >> we put forward a -- companies. >> we put forward a study that showed as many as 30,000 new jobs would develop if the president takes action to strengthen the u.s. solar industry here. >> reporter: what does this mean for the bay area? the average install price here is about $18,000 for solar, but sky tech thinks if this tariff goes into effect, it could raise the price another $4,000 hurting them and every other solar installer in the country. >> there's a good possibility we'll have to decrease the amount of employees we have if the business is just not there anymore. >> we're hopeful. we're far from optimistic. >> reporter: dan witten with the solar industry association based in washington d.c. said a tariff could throw 10,000 to 80,000 solar installers out of work and talking about solar world, the association did not mince their words. >> the president has roughly a month to make a decision about whether to support u.s. jobs and american solar jobs or to support two companies that essentially have gone bankrupt and are looking for a bailout. >> reporter: a lecturer about climate change at san jose state said if trump won't help california, at least he shouldn't hurt the industry either. >> create for obstacles for states like california who choose to move ahead regardless of policies and outdo ourselves. >> on average imported solar panels from china, korea and the philippines are about 15% cheaper than those made here in the u.s. oakland police are looking for two drivers in a deadly hit and run that's being blamed on street racing. it happened overnight near the walgreen's on 82nd and international boulevard. police say the 49-year-old victim was struck by one of the two cars that crashed while racing. dodge police say this black dodge charger and a maroon bmw were traveling at a high rate of speed when the driver of the dodge lost control and hit the pedestrian. the victim was killed at the scene. the driver of the charger ditched the vehicle and took off. neighbors say that a navy veteran was killed this morning in a house fire in alameda, started in the basement in the home on eagle avenue. neighbors say the victim was an elderly man who lived there alone. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. lots of windy weather for parts of the bay area. this was the screen in the oakland -- scene in oakland hills. this big tree came down blocking traffic on the boulevard. >> it's a shame it was one of the oak trees and not a pine, but mother nature. >> you can see cars carefully moving around debris as crews work to clean up the mess. the high winds also caused part of a tree to come crashing down onto a house in emeryville. in downtown oakland no break from the winds either. flags were whipping and leaves were swirling around. up our way the water was churned up on lake merritt this afternoon. meantime bay water lapping up onto the sidewalk, san francisco's embarcadero. king tides are back, means flooding in low lying coastal areas around the bay. >> on a sunny day there was a lot to talk about. temperatures may drop below freezing tomorrow night in the north bay. it stays breezy overnight, but get up in elevations, the winds will stayelevated anywhere from 30 to 50 miles per hour in gusts. we'll see winds relax significantly by tomorrow afternoon. it was mild today. with the wind didn't get much of a chance to enjoy it. san francisco 63, 62 in half moon bay, santa rosa 65, san jose 64 degrees. satellite and radar review, we have to talk about why it is windy. it's because of this, a huge ridge of high pressure deporting low, pressure difference between the two. in between is the bay area. the winds are coming from the north, so it's a dry wind. that's why it's going to get cold once the wind subsides because the cold air will relax down to the surface. dry air cools off more efficiently overnight. nights are long. it's december now. this ridge will hang out for seven to 10 days at a minimum keeping us completely dry, not just here, all of oregon, all of washington, all of california completely rain free for the next week. we're cool, clear, breezy overnight tonight. the temperatures are cool but not below freezing because the wind will keep the atmosphere mixed up enough the coldest air won't settle down to the surface. redwood city 37, livermore 38 degrees. dry tomorrow, afternoon mild, we'll be in the mid-60s again tomorrow, concord 64, santa rosa 66, san francisco 63, san jose 66. it's tomorrow night where it's going to get below freezing down to the upper 20s in the north bay valleys, but look at the afternoons, sunshine across the board, upper 60s inland and seven days without a single chance of rainfall. a powerful silicon valley boss warns of a consequence of the me too movement, fear of backlash in the workplace. >> i'm dennis o'donnell and did one game convince the 49ers that they had their quarterback of the future? teammates think so. their reaction is next. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. grabbed a share of first place, and they did it minus their rs.. who cares if it's not pretty, right? the raiders won a football game yesterday and grabbed a share of first place. they did it minus their starting receivers. the raiders passing game didn't miss a beat without michael crabtree and without amari cooper. derek carr spread the ball around to eight different receivers for close to 300 yards led by cordarrelle patterson who gave the group a passing grade. >> we did good, man. we are in this league for a reason. we're not just here to be [ bleep ] around. we come out each and every week we got to perform. unfortunately our two guys is down, our one and two receiver, but like i say, every receiver on this roster can go out and make plays. the giants fired their head coach and general manager jerry reese one day after falling to 2-10. eli manning who was benched yesterday by mcadoo will return as new york starting quarterback next week. oh, come all ye49er faithful. they might have a 2-10 record, but the savior is risen. dio today... j ♪ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ♪ . >> i don't know if jimmy garoppolo can walk on water, but i sure got that feeling after listening to sports talk radio today. jimmy gq threw for 300 yards and led a game winning drive to make believers out of his new disciples -- i mean teammates. >> he's a true leader, man. i got chill bumps on my arms, man. he's a wonderful guy. >> he did his thing. he made some throws. i was like wow. >> it's almost like he foresaw we were going to win. >> i tried to say all week it was just a normal game, but obviously i've never come back from chicago like this. it was exciting. it was one of the more fun games i've been a part of. stanford one of three finalists for the heisman trophy. love is the fifth cardinal to be named a finalist in the last nine years, but no one from stanford has won the award since jim plunkett in 1970. arizona state introduced herm edwards as its new football coach. the 63-year-old has not coached in 10 years, but he can still dominate a press conference and wants sun devil fans to hop on the herm express. >> i'm on the train and i'm going to ride it. i will ride this train until it stops. it's not going to stop. you play to win the game. if you want to board on a little bit later, we got a seat for you. might not be comfortable, but you'll have a seat. >> i don't care if they win any football games. i just want to see his postgame news conference. >> that's great. they still love him in monterey and seaside, that area, too, got some roots there. >> he spent a lot of time in lake tahoe as well. i interview him every year while i'm there. good guy. good luck to him. >> thanks. coming up in our next half hour naming names at the state capitol, a woman claims an assemblyman followed her into the bathroom and performed a lewd act, how he tried to silence her. >> president trump stands up for michael flynn and launches a new twitter attack on the fbi. >> and a dozen states take on california in a fight over eggs, why they say our laws are costing consumers. our top story at 6:30: president trump continues to tweet and comment about the you're watching kpix5 news. and our top story at 6:30, president trump continues to tweet and comment about the russia investigation. he's defending his former national security advisor and criticizing the fbi. cbs reporter weigia jiang is in washington and some of what the president has been tweeting isn't helping his case at all. >> reporter: allen, that is because one tweet in particular has led to new questions about what president trump knew about michael flynn's role in the investigation and when he knew it leaving some lawmakers -- leading some lawmakers to warn the president to back off. >> i feel badly for general flynn. >> reporter: president trump said what's happened to his former national security advisor michael flynn is unfair. >> hillary clinton lied many times to the fbi. nothing happened to her. flynn lied and they destroyed his life. >> reporter: the fbi did not conclude hillary clinton lied but found flynn did about his contacts with russia during the presidential transition. in multiple weekend tweets the president expressed his displeasure with the fbi writing its reputation is in tatters and accusing the bureau of a dishonest clinton investigation. president trump also denied claims he fired former fbi director james comey for declining his request to drop the investigation into general flynn and in another tweet the president raised new questions about his previous statements writing, "i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the vice president and the fbi." >> you tweet and comment regarding ongoing criminal investigations at your own peril. i'd be careful if i were you, mr. president. >> reporter: sources tell cbs news the president's lawyer, john dowd, crafted the tweet unintentionally implying the president knew flynn lied to the fbi. flynn pleaded guilty on friday and is cooperating with special counsel robert mueller's investigation. even though the white house is trying to put distance between president trump and that tweet, senator dianne feinstein of california, of course, who is the top democrat on the senate judiciary committee says her panel is starting to see the putting together of an obstruction of justice case against the president. allen. >> weigia jiang in washington, thank you so much. court. st recent ban ap the president has scored a victory for his travel ban at the supreme court. the most recent ban applies to eight countries. six of them have mostly muslim populations. today the high courted the administration can fully en-- court said the administration can fully enforce it. the ruling eliminates lower court protections for travelers with prior connections to the u.s. through family or work. issue are set for later this week... including at >> in is a baseless policy -- this is a baseless policy and yet the supreme court is permitting it to move forward impacting the lives of countless american muslims and others. >> two hearings are set for later this week including at a federal appeals court here in san francisco. she accuses asse for the first time a state lobbyist is naming names involving allegations of sexual misconduct. she accuses assemblyman matt dababneh of forcing her into a bathroom, exposing himself and she said it didn't stop there. kpix5 political reporter melissa caen joins us with the allegations. >> nearly two months ago pamela lopez went public with allegations of sexual assault against an elected official. we do want to warn you these allegations are graphic. >> i felt a warm body rush up behind me, used the weight of the body to push up against me and i heard the door slam behind us. i turned around and realized i was face to face with matt dababneh and he had very quickly exposed himself and began masturbating. >> reporter: on friday dababneh's lawyer sent a letter to lopez saying, "if you proceed with your press conference or make any public statement or inflammatory accusation against mr. dababneh, you will be fully accountable in damages." christine pelosi is general council for we said enough, a group fighting to -- counsel for we said enough, a group fighting to end sexual harassment at the state capitol. >> when a defendant in a case like this hires harvey weinstein's law firm, you can anticipate a very, very rocky road ahead. i'm concerned for what that will mean reputationally for anybody who decides to bring a claim. it's clearly designed to have a chilling effect. >> reporter: but she says it won't stop the case against dababneh. a law firm will be retained by the state assembly to investigate. >> so i don't think the old harvey weinstein tactics are going to world now that there is an army of people saying hey, let's at least give this a fair process. you can't sweep things under the rug and silence poe. >> reporter: lopez wasn't the only one at the -- people. >> reporter: lopez wasn't the only one at the press conference today. >> on one occasion i had to listen to him reveal stories of his sexual prowess. he would open his top desk drawer to show his condoms and once he was sure i'd gotten a view of it, he would smirk or joke about it. i wasn't surprised when i heard pamela's story. it felt familiar to me. pamela and i aren't the only women that matt has harassed. there are others and i've spoken to them. ittee pending th >> reporter: now dababneh has been removed from his position as chairman of the banking and finance committee pending the investigation. the assembly speaker issued a statement this afternoon saying, "the investigation finds that dababneh did commit in result. he must resign or be expelled." melissa caen, kpix5. in the wake of the me too campaign a facebook executive is warning women of a potential hiring backlash. chief operating officer sheryl sandberg wrote, "we have to be vigilant to make sure this happens. i've already heard the rumblings of a backlash. this is why you shouldn't hire women. actually this is why you should." sandberg also talked about her own past experience with harassment including the time a man placed his hand on her leg under the table and during her earlier career when she had to call security after a man came to her hotel room late at night. sandberg is now calling for companies to place clear policies on how to handle accusations of sexual harassment. we continue to follow developing news out of oakland where strike is looming. negotiations have apparently broken down and a range of city services will be shut down. now we just talked to mayor schaaf who said she's disappointed. >> the one issue that remains are raises. we have offered a 4% raise retroactive to july 1st and if revenues come in above projections, up to another 2% in the second year. that is what we have to offer without cutting services. d unified school distric >> police and fire will not be impacted by the strike, nor will teachers and staff at oakland unified school district. we're learning of a sad twist to this deadly toll plaza crash, why the operator killed wasn't supposed to be at work and how her death could speed up a major change. plaza. 46-year-old si si han was killed sa new details in this weekend's deadly crash at the bay bridge toll plaza, 46-year- old cici hung was killed after a box truck slammed into a lien of cars and then the toll -- line of cars and then the toll booth where she was working. she was just filling in for work that day. the crash is renewing the debate about changes to the toll plaza. >> kpix5's phil matier has the story. they were changes that have been talked about for years. >> i use fastrak anyway. for people like me who doesn't come here all the time, we need cash, right? >> reporter: the idea of doing away with cash tolls and with the toll takers on bay area bridgers has actually gone on for some time. just look at the bay bridge or san mateo or richmond san rafael bridge. it's called fastrak. >> you can use fastrak in it right now from any cash paying lane. it's already fully equipped. >> reporter: so in terms of equipment making tolls all electronic is no sweat and that's just what the golden gate bridge did when it went all electronic with toll taking in 2013. how has it worked out for you guys? >> it's been great. toll takers used to collect 500 tolls an hour. we collect 1,500 an hour. >> reporter: there is sat and not just from crashes. -- safety and not just from crashes. >> there has been crimes out on the toll plaza. armed robberies, people with weapons have robbed the toll takers. >> we don't have people in the booths anymore. while we do have accidents at the teleplays arc there's never an issue with -- at the toll plaza, there's never an issue with human life. >> reporter: caltrans said any conversation is for the future and they would need a significant amount of time to find new jobs for the 230 toll takers. still in light of this weekend's deadly collision that decimated a toll station on the bay bridge killing a toll taker, some say it's time for a change. >> i think it will renew a call to move in that direction. dozens of states say california is driving up the price of eggs for everyone, the battle that could be headed to the supreme court. >> you saw that beautiful full moon last night. that means the tides are higher than normal. it is the king tides again tomorrow around 11 a.m., tides as high as 7 feet above medium low water. let's look outside tonight, breezes letting up, the moon rising over the east bay. we'll have your forecast and food for bay area families coming up next. choose it. scoop it. pour it. blend it. no matter how you make it, you'll love our endless variety of beverages. baskin-robbins cappuccino blast®. customize your's today. care block a california egg law. e law that t a dozen states are asking the supreme court to block a california egg law. that law took effect in 2015. it requires that any eggs sold in the state must come from hens that have enough space in their cages. missouri's attorney general is filing a suit on behalf of the state. according to that attorney, the law has cost customers up to $350 million annually due to the higher egg prices. we're following some breaking news out of the east bay. we're getting word emeryville police are responding to reports of a shooting. it happened near the emeryville target store near the mandela parkway. the police chief confirms there is a shooting investigation going on, no word or confirmation of injuries or what might have sparked that shooting, but we'll keep tabs and get to the latest information. let's keep in mind the spirit of the season, people, really. take a look. sky drone 5, sonoma plaza downtown dazzling in the white christmas lights. the palm trees are lit up from the trunk to the tip of the fronds. we're sharing your photos of holiday lights of doesn't have to be lights on your house. check out the parents who decorated, hey, that's a kid in a stroller. cally from walnut creek sharing this photo of her tree and giraffe. share your photos on the kpix5 facebook page and we'll share them with everybody. luckily recently the weather has been pretty clear to check out the holiday lights. >> and the new holiday tradition, the christmas giraffe. >> don't stick your neck out. >> allen is here all week. for those of you who haven't gotten in the holiday spirit yet, hang on, 36 hours, 20s in parts of the bay area tomorrow night, north bay, oakland, concord, livermore 57, still breezy, 58 in santa rosa, 50 in san francisco. why not a freeze tonight because the air misis cold and dry? it's because of the wind. the coldest air has to settle down to the surface under calm conditions to get a freeze around here. tonight we're breezy and stay above freezing. concord, san jose, napa 37. it's still cold, just not below freezing. san rafael tonight 40 and oakland dropping down to 43 degrees. interesting weather pattern. we've been talking about how dry it is going to be and it will at least for the next week, but the transition from stormier weather with some rain to this dry pattern which will hold for a while is a tumultuous one. we're right in between the difference between this ridge and low causing some gusty winds, 79 miles per hour at mount diablo, the wind this morning. the wind will be elevated again tomorrow and relax tomorrow night. that's when the cold air moves in. futurecast typically shows you clouds and precipitation. well, it is showing you the entire lack of it tomorrow into tomorrow night. wednesday nothing changes, but there's a lot going on. now let's look at the wind. this weaning 20 to 30 mile-per- hour wind gusts. we'll go through the night where it relaxes a bit but stays elevated, tomorrow morning a few spots above 20 miles per hour in the breezy category. tomorrow afternoon things are calm in san rafael and the santa cruz mountains, only 4 miles per hour in san jose. that will give us the opportunity tomorrow night to get very chilly throughout the entire bay area, san jose and fremont down to 34 degrees tomorrow night. look at this ridge of high pressure. this is future precipitation for the entire country through friday. not a drop of rain from seattle to san diego. the entire west coast is going dry because of that ridge of high pressure. we're windier than normal through tomorrow. once the wind relaxes we'll see the coldest night of the season tomorrow and not a drop of rain for the next week at least. san jose tomorrow 6 -- 66. san ramon 63. petaluma 67, lake port and st. helena 60s. look at the sunshine across the board, not something we typically do in the month of december, but we will the next seven days. we'll feature highs in the 60s all the way to the beach. it's also going to feature not a drop of rain for each of the next seven days. joined by lots of folks tonight for our food for bay area family drive. joining us, tom rizzo, and a very familiar face ann notarangelo. first off, ann, welcome back. second off, tell us about shell and the multi-decade relationship you've had with the food bank. >> we're so fortunate. we really treasure our relationships with the food bank of contra costa and solano county. it goes back 30 years we've worked with the food bank with our employees raising money and food drives and 20 years since our employees started volunteering at the food bank packing up goods and services and heading them out to the people who need them in the warehouse. >> i feel like i'm listening to enoughs cast again, doesn't it? tom -- to a newscast again, doesn't it? tom, tell us what shell has done and your employees. >> this is a result of the fires in napa and sonoma county wanting to do something. we've been part of the community over 100 years and wanted to show support. we thought about our natural alliance with the food bank and how great of a job they do supporting our communities. so we thought it would be a great idea to support them as they supported those in need up in the north. so we were able to put together some money and let those guys do what they do best which is support those in need. we're really pleased to be able to do this on behalf of our employees. >> thank you to shell, $100,000. very quickly, larry, we hope there's one day there's not a need, but right now there still is. >> very much a need. we very much appreciate what shell has done and helping people affected by disaster in our communities. >> thank you to shell, $100,000 to bay area families! if you want to help, go to we'll be right back. it's a fact. kids who don't eat well don't have the energy to focus, engage, learn and grow. food banks like this one are a lifeline for thousands of bay area children. please join us and our campaign to end hunger. >> help us fill the special bills at any whole foods market or make a donation at checkout. food for bay area families, a community project from whole foods market and kpix5. get a free pecan or pumpkin pie with every $20 order from you can eat it wherever you want, even if you are in someone else's house... santa. enter promo code, freepie, on your next order at ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ have a real place to call home. >> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. in high school today's students rising above scholar didn't have a real place to call home. >> he's determined to have a more stable place in college. >> i'm in calculus. i've got a test. i'm excited. >> reporter: he really said he can't wait to take his math test. >> with calculus i enjoy it because it always has a solution no matter how hard th >>eporter: not only math, steven carroll, a senior at envision academy in oakland, has learned to find solutions for the hard problem in his life. >> in a good way i've become resilient and ambitious because i've just like known -- i've been going through these challenges. >> reporter: for the first time in years steven says his dad, brother and he are together again under one roof. >> hey, steven. >> hey, dad. what's up? >> reporter: while in high school they had no place to call their own staying with family and friends. >> whenever i'd get into a place instead of thinking oh, this place is nice, i was like cool. i wonder how long i'm staying here. >> for them to have gone through that really worried me because i even slept in my van for a while because i put them in a friend's house and i put my van in the driveway. >> reporter: that was then and this is now. steven with his own desk and a place to study. >> that will be a force multiplier for his academics, for his leadership and for his personal growth. >> reporter: steven likes to say he's really into his education. he's applying to private colleges on the east coast to meet new people, gain new perspectives and find a new home away from home. >> i have my plan and i'm going somewhere and i just am really excited and eager to see where i'm going. >> ready for the world. he doesn't worry me at all because i have confidence he's going to make the right choices. >> reporter: we'd love to have you catch up on our other s.r.a. scholars and alums. you can go to our website to watch their stories, for students rising above, i'm sherry hu. two people were shot outside the target in emeryville, one in critical condition, more tonight at 10:00 and 11:00. ♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ weaving your own shoes... by out of flax. or simply adjust your thermostat. do your thing, with energy upgrade california. announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how you doin'? how's everybody? i appreciate y'all. how's everybody? well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] folks, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day, from right up the road, marietta, georgia, it's the champs. it's the carlson family. [carlsons shouting loudly] coray: whoo! whoo! cody: yeah! steve: hey, from dallas, texas, it's the smith family. ethel: whoo! huey: hell, yes! steve: everybody's here tryin' to win theirself a lot of cash, and somebody--somebody might drive out of here in a brand-new car. [cheering and applause] give me cody, give me anndria. top 6 answers on the board. here we go. name something you can honestly say you've never made love in while it's moving. anndria: airplane. steve: airplane. cody: car. steve: car. pass or play? cody: we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play. coray, name something you can honestly say you've never made love in while it's moving. coray: i'm gonna say a bus. steve: a bus. coray: a bus. cash: yeah. nice answer. good answer. coray: whoo! whoo! steve: cash, name something you can honestly say you never made love in while it's moving. cash: i'm gonna say a train, steve. steve: train. coray: good answer. cody: good answer. coray: w

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