Transcripts For KPIX CBS Overnight News 20171027 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Overnight News 20171027

to rebuild my self-confidence. they really set me free. i mean, look at this smile. >> at clearchoice, you're about to discover what you've been missing all these years. call clearchoice today. >> america is getting more and more beautiful every day. smiles are brighter, confidence is higher, outlooks on life are improving daily. why? because people are calling or going online to schedule an appointment at clearchoice dental implant centers. clearchoice is leading america's smile freedom movement. more people trust us for implants than any other brand. and it all starts with that first call or click. schedule today and your consultation will include a 3-d ct scan. it's time to put caps, crowns, bridges, dentures, and gum disease in your past and let your true self shine into the future. don't hide your smile another day. join the thousands who have set their smiles free. call or go online now. let's make america more beautiful one smile at a time. back to children's home ministries with no one, that familiar to her. no physicians followed her. and away from her family. a sad day in america. >> cbp told us in a statement tonight their checkpoint inpection found the girl was in the u.s. illegally. due to medical condition escorted to the hospital. once medically cleared, she will be processed accordingly and they have informed the mexican consulate of her situation. anthony. >> anna werner, thank you. >> coming up next, an apology from former president george h.w. bush. and later, how an electric car company drove the darkness out company drove the darkness out of the hospital. that cough doesn't sound so good. company drove the darkness out of the hospital. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night. ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. casual fridays at buckingham palace? alright, off you go. surprising. what's not surprising? how much money nathan saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. introducing megared advanced triple absorption it supports your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. and is absorbed by your body three times better. so one megared has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. george h.w. bush, widely respected 41st president of the united states apologized today as a second actress came forward to accuse him of inappropriate touching. to anyone he has offended a spokesman said, mr. bush apologizes most sincerely. here is jerick duncan. >> reporter: actress claims after a stage performance in maine in 2016, the former president grabbed her bottom during a group photo with cast members and mr. bush's wife barbara. another actress wrote on stain gram, bush sexually assaulted me while posing for a photo. in a statement, mr. bush's spokesperson said because the 93-year-old former president is in a wheelchair his arms fall on the lower waist of people. to try to put people at ease. the president routinely tells the same joke on occasion he has patted women's rears in what he intended to be a good natured manner. author of "the new york times" reporter, jody kantur. >> the word good natured did stick out to me from that statement. because part of the conversation we're having now is about what sexual harassment is. >> kantur one of the reporters who three weeks ago today broke the story about harvey weinstein's alleged sexual assault of women. off awe when you all broke the story did you expect it to be what now has become a watershed moment? >> we as staggered as anybody else by the impact. we did not anticipate these rolling waves. >> state department. >> today veteran political journalist, mark haleprin was suspended as contributor to msnbc after accused of sexually harassing five women he used to work with at abc news. >> we see a number of high-profile cases including, recently in the last 24 hours, in which men have had to leave their jobs. because of, of these allegations. so, part of this shift that we are seeing now is that this can be a career ender. >> hundreds of women in politics in california signed a petition saying they had witnessed or experienced dehumanizing behavior by men. next month, lawmakers plan to hold public hearings, on sexual harassment. anthony. >> jericka, thanks. the "overnight news" will be right back. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. introducing degree ultracle♪r black + white saves your white clothes from yellow stains... ...and black clothes from white marks still with 48 hour sweat protection. degree ultraclear black + white it won't let you down you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. pope francis place aid call today to the heavens. he spoke to crew of the international space station, marveling at their opportunity to see earth as he put it from the eyes of god. commander randy bresnick told francis people cannot come up here and not be touched in their souls, no borders, no conflict. just peaceful. the lights are back on at a children's hospital in puerto rico. thanks to a major energy boost from tesla, the silicon valley company, donate aid power system that runs on solar panels and batteries. five weeks after hurricane maria, most of the island is still without power. >> it was quite an ordeal for two american women and their dogs, they were heading from hawaii to tahiti in a sail bet when the engine conked out. for five months they drifted, repeatedly radioing for help. until it finally arrived, tuesday. a fishing boat picked them up 900 miles off japan. tonight, they are safe aboard the uss ashland. up next, the long lost story behind one of the most famous songs in america. if all goes as expected at world series tomorrow. the crowd will stand for the anthem. the baseball anthem. everyone the nose the seventh inning stretch song. there is a story behind it. a love story told tonight by dean reynolds. ♪ take me out to the ball game >> it is a tune that goes hand in mitt with baseball. ♪ take me out to the crowd >> the 1908 diddy, the work of tin pan alley, jack northworth. >> hearing the song. >> sort of a happy tune. >> paula holman runs st. louis cardinals museum. >> i think the song really lives in baseball. it's so enmeshed now. with, with so many people's baseball experience. ♪ ♪ this is an edison black wax cylinder. the first recorded version of the song, "take me out to the ball game." the singer is edward meaker. >> matthew barton of the library of congress. >> how many other songs of 1908 do you know that most people can ing sing the chorus. >> the chorus, yes. there is an opening verse to the old song, long forgotten but historically significant. ♪ had the fever and had it bad >> who was katie casey? >> katie casey is a fictional young lady. she is being invited out on a date by her young beau. ♪ ♪ to see if he would lake to go to see a show but this kate said no ♪ ♪ i'll tell you what you can do ♪ ♪ take me out to the ball game take me out with the crowd ♪ >> that's right, the song every fan sings was written from the perspective of a young woman insisting on admission to what was a mostly male preserve and yet a big hit. >> it was a time when it was really important for women to start that process. of stand standi standing up for and bringing awareness to their value as people. >> was "take me out to the ball game." a call for women's liberation. think about that the next time you sing. ♪ well it's one, two, three strikes you're out at the old ball game ♪ dean reynolds. cbs news, st. louis. welcome to the "overnight news." the opioid crisis gripping communities from coast to coast has gotten attention of president trump. he declared it a national public health emergency. overdose deaths quadrupled from 1999 to 2015. and last year alone, claimed about 59,000 lives. the president says it is the worst drug crisis in u.s. history. he is promising aggressive action the but right now he has no drug czar and no secretary of health and human services as far as funding for the drug war it will be up to congress to find the money to begin the battle. major garrett reports. >> we owe it to our children and country to do everything in our power to address this national shame and human tragedy. >> president trump stopped short of declaring the opioid crisis a national emergency. opting instead for a public health emergency declaration. it will streamline some access to addiction treatment, but provides few new resources. financing comes from the public health emergency fund which has a balance of just over $56,000. the federal government estimates the crisis costs $75 billion annually. nearly 12 million people misused opioids last year. >> i'm saying officially right now it is an emergency, it is a national emergency. >> in august and again this month, the president said he would declare a national opioid emergency which would have provided access to billions in federal funds. >> without any additional resource allocation, i think it really doesn't make a difference what we call it. >> the drug czar under president obama said today's announcement did not go far enough. >> it's, largely rhetoric, and, very shallow in terms of -- of really taking major actions against the epidemic. >> in his speech mr. trump talked about addiction in personal terms. he cited his brother fred who died at 43 of alcoholism. >> he would tell me, don't drink. don't drink. he was substantially older. i listened to him. >> shifting the weight of our society thinks about the disease. >> gary's son brian committed suicide after years of strugglng with addiction. what he spoke about today. a great first step. in reducing the shame and stigma that goes along with the disease. but i want to emphasize first step. not one speech, one remark. >> the president lacks key leaders on the opioid front. yet to name new nominees as health and human services secretary, drug czar or administrator of the drug enforcement agency. >> major garrett, thanks. part of the opioid epidemic is cheap heroin brought to shores by drug traffickers. growing number of addicts get them legally from their local pharmacy. the founder of a drug company has been arrested charged in a nationwide conspiracy to distribute a spray designed to help cancer patients. jim axelrod reports. >> i'm at the doctor's office. >> the patient's name? >> sarah fuller. >> reporter: the voice belongs to sales woman from the drug company. impersonating a staffer at a doctor's office and lying to an insurer to get a prescription approved. >> which medication? >> subsys. >> is it also for the breakthrough cancer pain or not? >> breakthrough pain, yeah. >> the patient was sarah fuller. but she did not have cancer. >> point the nozzle into your mouth and under your tongue. >> subsys, spray version of fentanyl. fuller would become addicted to fentanyl. fatally overdosing 15 months later. >> the spray. >> now the company's billionaire founder, dr. john kipur, facing charges of conspiracy and bribery that he recruited doctors and designed a scheme to allow kickbacks to a prescribed subsys to fuller and those look her. >> the real tragedy they were dying. individuals were taking the drug and dying of overdose. >> a former federal prosecutor who advises states on suing opioid manufacturers. >> illinois, a doctor, he was responsible for about 60% of all subsys prescriptions. when the sales representative went to his supervisors and said, this guy is running a pill mill, he is not looking at patients. they said well, stick with him. he is your go-to guy. >> not stay away from him. stick with him. >> no, worse. a doctor they paid over $85,000 in speaker's fees to. one of their top prescribers of, of, subsys. >> cbs news identified headache doctors, back pain specialists, psychiatrist who received thousands to promote the drug last year. the company made 18,000 payments to doctors in 2016 that totaled more than $2 million. >> i would say this is the most egregious case temperature to bottom of conduct, promoting a drug for off label use. >> in 2014, the company had a $10 million budget to pay speakers' fees to doctors. according to the indictment. many speaker program events had no attendees at all. kipur's lawyer tells us his client is innocent and intends to fight the charges vigorously. >> president trump's vow to build a wall along the border with mexico is one step closer to reality. congress hasn't appropriated any money but prototypes of eight different potential versions completed. mireya villarreal is in san diego, outside the two existing walls along the u.s.-mexican border. >> reporter: a lot of the original wall which is what you see on the hill passed this secondary wall is built from vietnam era material. 10-1 feet in most places. pales in comparison in size and technology. when you are looking at the new prototypes. space 30 feet apart costing up to $500,000 each. these eight models offer a glimpse of the proposed border wall with mexico. look closer you will see variations dine sign, color and construction. four are solid concrete. four others are made of concrete and combination of materials like steel. each of the prototypes is 30 feet high. what you dent see its what is buried beneath all of this concrete and metal. there is technology that goes done nearly 40 feet to stop from tunnelling which is a big problem here in the san diego area. >> i think eechl one has its own characteristics. >> the san diego division chief for u.s. sus tcustom and border protection. >> we don't select one. we identify key characteristics from one and maybe another that we can use toward the future. >> there are critics that will say this is distraction politics. there isn't any money to make this wall. decide on prototype. >> everywhere, where i have worked. put up tactical infrastructure, it has the worked for us. >> this border wall and prototypes, are monuments to fear. >> the director for the american friend service committee disagrees. >> we are not dealing with immigration way we should be. the border prototype walls aren't doing anything to resolve the issue. >> border patrol will actually be testing agent with border patrol testing this with private citizens over the next few months. what they will be doing, checking out the scale and size, to see how difficult it can be to breach these, prototypes. that process will begin at end of november. >> the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. dishes still wet from your dishwasher? finish jet-dry dries them better and with the brillant results from a bosch dishwasher, your dishes emerge so clean and dry, you'll need a new use for your kitchen towel. finish jet-dry and bosch. for cleaner, drier dishes. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. i just drank tons of water all the time, it was never enough. my dentist suggested biotene, my mouth felt more lubricated. i use the biotene rinse and i use the spray. biotene did make a difference. you don't want anything stopping you from doing what you love. for extra immune support, there's airborne plus beta-immune booster™. the only one made with vitamins and minerals, plus an ingredient proven to boost your natural defenses. airborne. president trump has declared the opioid crisis a nationwide health emergency. last year, 59,000 americans died of drug overdoses. most of them caused by heroin or prescription painkillers. one hard hit community is columbus ohio. >> sitting here looking at you. you look, young, and fresh. you are the girl next door. you were addicted to heroin. >> it is very flattering you say i don't look like a junkie. even miss america could be a junkie. anybody can be a junkie. >> hannah morris is in college now. she says she has been clean for more than two years. but in high school she was using heroin. hannah lives outside columbus in the upper middle-class suburb of worthington. her parents are professionals. the median income here is $87,000 a year. before she got hooked on heroin, hannah thought it was just another party drug. how did you get to the depths? what was the path you took? >> started with weed. and it was fun. and i got to good weed. went to, oh, my gosh. went to pills. and still fun. percocet, xanax, vicodan, all that stuff. heroin started smoking at first. >> at 15. my gosh that was amazing. >> you remember now? >> say i have never done a drug mine life. i would be happiness at a 6, 7. out of 10. and then you take heroin, you are at 26. and you are like, i want that again. >> reporter: hannah says it was so addictive she and several students went from smoking it parties to shooting it up aat high school. >> doing it at school in the bathroom. >> syringe? >> syringe. have it in my purse already to go. >> johna morrison has been off harrison more than now years. she comes from a town. smaller and more rural than hannah's. she says her addiction started with pain pills you can get with a prescription. chemically they're all most identical to heroin. >> i got on pain pills pretty bad when i was 15, 16. >> reporter: the heroin came. >> when i was 18. >> reporter: an easy transition from pain pills to heroin? >> very. i didn't realize that heroin is an opioid. i didn't know the same thing as pills i was using. >> reporter: why were you using all the zpludrugs? >> in a small town. nothing to do. hanging out with older people. that was our way of having fun. partying. >> this is the worst drug epidemic in my lifetime. >> mike dewine is attorney general of ohio. former u.s. senator, congressman. county prosecutor fortunate we met him at a state crime lab outside columbus. >> in every single county. in our cities, also in the wealthier suburbs, small towns. no place in ohio where you can hide from it. >> reporter: that pervasive. >> there is no place in ohio, where, you couldn't hatch it delivered to you in 15, 20 minutes. >> i can text and say, do you have this? we can meet. they would bring it to my house. leave it under the mat. it's pretty easy to get. >> reporter: full service? >> uh-huh. to me easier to get than weed or cocaine, definitely easier. >> reporter: dealers with connections to mexican cartels sell heroin everywhere. even in the department store parking lot outside columbus. our cameras captured this by undercover police informant. >> what is this? >> attorney general mike dewine staffers say mexican heroin can be cheap. $10 a hit or less. some of it is cut with drugs that make it powerful and deadly. and dealers keep inventing new ways to outwit law enforcement. >> what do you have here? >> tablets. pressed to look like prescription tablet. but they contain heroin. >> heroin in pill form. >> lack like pills. >> this is new? >> very new. only seen a few cases in the lab. >> something else mike dewine says is new since his days as county prosecutor. heroin has lost its stigma as a poisonous back alley drug. no psychological barrier that stops a young person or holder person. >> who is the typical heroin user in ohio today? >> anybody watching today, this show, it could be your family. there is no typical person. it just has permeated every segment of society. in ohio. >> each the well to do town of pickeri pickerington, 30 minutes outside of columbus. tyler campbell, star of the high school football team. played division i. his parents wayne and christy campbell say heroin habit grew from opiate painkillers, legally, after he injured his shoulder. >> what were the pills? >> vicodan. >> 60 for a shoulder surgery. >> there mall prescription. >> for the procedure. >> easy for kids to sell excess pills, popular recreational drugs in high school and college. so in demand that one pill can cost up to $80. pill addicts like tyler often switch to heroin because it is cheaper opiate with a bigger high. tyler was in and out of rehab four times. the night he came home the last time he couldn't fight the uncontrollable urge that his heroin addiction. he shot up in his bedroom, and died of a heroin overdose. he wasn't the only addict on his college football team. unfortunately the quarterback died four months after tyler. same situation. >> overdose. >> first if you didn't talk about it. >> after tyler died, the campbells met many families whose children were heroin addicts in suburbs of columbus. like tyler most got hooked on pills first. >> started with pain bills. >> tj and heidi riggs daughter died of a heroin overdose. high school basketball player and captain of the golf team. their daughter alyssa died of overdose in 2015. brenda stewart has two sons in recovery. tracy morrison is jenna morri n morrison's mother and has second daughter who is a recovering addict. rob brandt's son was an addict. >> he battled it through high school. >> his son robbie got hooked on pain pills described by a denti dentist. after his wisdom teeth were remove. in training with the national guard hoping to serve in afghanistan. >> when he came home he met up with an old friend that he used to buy and sell prescription medications with. that old friend introduced him to heroin. and we did the, we did rehab. relapse. did rehab. he got clean. but the drug called his name again. and he said yes. and that was the last time. he passed from an accidental overdose. >> for many parents the hardest thing to accept was losing their children after they thought they had final lely beaten the addiction. >> she passed away the day after st. patrick's day. she post on st. patrick's day, picture of her. on her laptop, study doing home work. staying, staying no partying for me. not even a single drink. i'm staying in and i'm working. and, the next day she used. and that was the last time she used. >> i am a nurse. >> tracy morrison, jenna's mother trained to be a nurse more than 30 years ago. she says the medical profession must bear some responsibility for the heroin epidemic. she says doctors overprescribe pain medication. >> i graduated in the 80s. nursing director when we decide to swing the pendulum from, not treating pain to treat everybody's pain. i was part of that. and at that time, i had no idea. that we were addicting people. >> in 2014, three quarters of a billion pain pills were prescribed by doctors in ohio. nearly 65 fills for every man, woman and child in the state. >> how did you respond when your daughters told you. they were using heroin? >> well first told me they were using the pills. how i found out they were using heroin, i came home from work one day. made dinner. and i was yelling for my youngest daughter to come for dinner. she didn't. i walked into her bedroom. and her boy friend was shooting her up. >> you saw this? >> saw it. >> what did you do? >> dropped the plate of food. i dropped it. i was hysterical. >> you can see the full report on our website, cbs the "overnight news" will be right back. do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or... that's good for my teeth? now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. the fbi has launched a nationwide crackdown on what it calls epidemic of child sex trafficking. jeff pegues went along on several raid and reports now from fbi headquarters in washington. >> called operation cross-country. and so far this year, 84 children have been recovered, at 120 alleged traffickers arrested. they have been focusing on baltimore. but investigators say this epidemic touches communities everywhere across america. on a recent night north of baltimo baltimore. looking for young girls caught up in sex trafficking. corporal chris hyde uses his fen to scroll through dating sites looking for suspicious ads. >> hey. >> searching the internet. see a girl that may look young. this girl looks young. let's make a date. >> a coast to coast effort that has fbi agents and local police working together to make arrests. and recover victims. according to the fbi since the initiative began in 2003, more than 6,500 children have been recovered and more than 2,500 people convict ford trafficking related crimes. paula bate executive assistant director of the fbi. >> not just the big cities, right, the small towns too. >> jeff, we see it everywhere. it is pervasive and persist ent. national and even international. we are talking about those most vulnerable in our society, kids, children, being exploited. >> back in baltimore, wynn and team have set up a date in a hotel room and find a prostitute who took to the streets in her mid teens. >> 16. how did that happen? >> i don't know. i just started like, doing it because it was, there was no money anywhere. >> time, time again she has survived. >> i'm been through a lot. held at gun point. been raped. been through a lot of stuff mine life. >> for this now 24-year-old woman an opportunity for a new life. >> take your ad down. purchase a plane ticket. head home. kid this being one of your last days. >> okay. >> reporter: when investigators recover children, they work with child protective services to find a safe police to live putting the people who victimize in living stronger, we have been profiling older americans who are an inspiration for people of all ages. this morning, we'll introduce you to folks who discovered the fountain of youth in the waters of chicago. dean reynolds has their story. plieg the bubbly creek. group of women defies the odds with every stroke. >> do you think it is lengthening your life. >> exercise? >> yes. i do. i do. >> and lengthening her life is the point for amber golman these days. >> i'm stage four. never be done with treatment. in treatment the rest of my life. >> amber and friend are members of recovery on water about 80 women in all. ages 40 and older. all dieing anotioned with breast cancer. some like amber had double mastectomies and continue in treatment. others are in remission. while rowing may seem taxing for people like them. benefits are apparent. >> i can tell an enormous difference in my energy level. outlook. attitude. keeping my body, healthy and active. is, is my top priority now. and, i am, i am a much happier person, for it. i think a phenomenal idea. >> the doctor is an oncologist at northwestern memorial hospital. off awe being competitive just helps your endorphins gets your body ready to fight the next fight. >> on a saturday, amber and sma mates competed for best times. they didn't exactly set any speed record. remember these women are in another race. a competition in which, every second is precious. >> could you imagined yourself doing this? >> no, no way. >> it opened a window on a future amber golman hopes to experience. >> it is an amazing opportunity to be out there and to have the, the strength to do it. and, to know that we can do this, it's, it's -- indescribable. really. e says, it won't be her last.nd dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. that's the "overnight news" for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and of course, cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city. captioning funded by cbs it's friday, october 27th, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." more than 2,000 documents related to jfk's assassination are released for the public to see, but it's what's missing from that treasure trove that may keep the conspiracy theories going. the opioid crisis is declared a national emergency, what that means for people fighting to keep clean. and tampa police release new video they hope will track down a killer. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good to it

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Mexico , New York , United States , San Diego Division , California , Japan , Ashland , Illinois , Togo , Ohio , Chicago , Americans , Mexican , American , Chris Hyde , Mike Dewine , Paula Holman , Tracy Morrison , Hannah Morris , Columbus Tyler Campbell , Brenda Stewart , Mireya Villarreal , America Cbp , Anthony Anna Werner , Jim Axelrod , Matthew Barton , Francis Place , Heidi Riggs , Randy Alvarez ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Overnight News 20171027 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Overnight News 20171027

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(coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. introducing degree ultracle♪r black + white saves your white clothes from yellow stains... ...and black clothes from white marks still with 48 hour sweat protection. degree ultraclear black + white it won't let you down you're lucky you're cute. lysol max cover with 2x wider coverage kills 99.9% of bacteria. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. pope francis place aid call today to the heavens. he spoke to crew of the international space station, marveling at their opportunity to see earth as he put it from the eyes of god. commander randy bresnick told francis people cannot come up here and not be touched in their souls, no borders, no conflict. just peaceful. the lights are back on at a children's hospital in puerto rico. thanks to a major energy boost from tesla, the silicon valley company, donate aid power system that runs on solar panels and batteries. five weeks after hurricane maria, most of the island is still without power. >> it was quite an ordeal for two american women and their dogs, they were heading from hawaii to tahiti in a sail bet when the engine conked out. for five months they drifted, repeatedly radioing for help. until it finally arrived, tuesday. a fishing boat picked them up 900 miles off japan. tonight, they are safe aboard the uss ashland. up next, the long lost story behind one of the most famous songs in america. if all goes as expected at world series tomorrow. the crowd will stand for the anthem. the baseball anthem. everyone the nose the seventh inning stretch song. there is a story behind it. a love story told tonight by dean reynolds. ♪ take me out to the ball game >> it is a tune that goes hand in mitt with baseball. ♪ take me out to the crowd >> the 1908 diddy, the work of tin pan alley, jack northworth. >> hearing the song. >> sort of a happy tune. >> paula holman runs st. louis cardinals museum. >> i think the song really lives in baseball. it's so enmeshed now. with, with so many people's baseball experience. ♪ ♪ this is an edison black wax cylinder. the first recorded version of the song, "take me out to the ball game." the singer is edward meaker. >> matthew barton of the library of congress. >> how many other songs of 1908 do you know that most people can ing sing the chorus. >> the chorus, yes. there is an opening verse to the old song, long forgotten but historically significant. ♪ had the fever and had it bad >> who was katie casey? >> katie casey is a fictional young lady. she is being invited out on a date by her young beau. ♪ ♪ to see if he would lake to go to see a show but this kate said no ♪ ♪ i'll tell you what you can do ♪ ♪ take me out to the ball game take me out with the crowd ♪ >> that's right, the song every fan sings was written from the perspective of a young woman insisting on admission to what was a mostly male preserve and yet a big hit. >> it was a time when it was really important for women to start that process. of stand standi standing up for and bringing awareness to their value as people. >> was "take me out to the ball game." a call for women's liberation. think about that the next time you sing. ♪ well it's one, two, three strikes you're out at the old ball game ♪ dean reynolds. cbs news, st. louis. welcome to the "overnight news." the opioid crisis gripping communities from coast to coast has gotten attention of president trump. he declared it a national public health emergency. overdose deaths quadrupled from 1999 to 2015. and last year alone, claimed about 59,000 lives. the president says it is the worst drug crisis in u.s. history. he is promising aggressive action the but right now he has no drug czar and no secretary of health and human services as far as funding for the drug war it will be up to congress to find the money to begin the battle. major garrett reports. >> we owe it to our children and country to do everything in our power to address this national shame and human tragedy. >> president trump stopped short of declaring the opioid crisis a national emergency. opting instead for a public health emergency declaration. it will streamline some access to addiction treatment, but provides few new resources. financing comes from the public health emergency fund which has a balance of just over $56,000. the federal government estimates the crisis costs $75 billion annually. nearly 12 million people misused opioids last year. >> i'm saying officially right now it is an emergency, it is a national emergency. >> in august and again this month, the president said he would declare a national opioid emergency which would have provided access to billions in federal funds. >> without any additional resource allocation, i think it really doesn't make a difference what we call it. >> the drug czar under president obama said today's announcement did not go far enough. >> it's, largely rhetoric, and, very shallow in terms of -- of really taking major actions against the epidemic. >> in his speech mr. trump talked about addiction in personal terms. he cited his brother fred who died at 43 of alcoholism. >> he would tell me, don't drink. don't drink. he was substantially older. i listened to him. >> shifting the weight of our society thinks about the disease. >> gary's son brian committed suicide after years of strugglng with addiction. what he spoke about today. a great first step. in reducing the shame and stigma that goes along with the disease. but i want to emphasize first step. not one speech, one remark. >> the president lacks key leaders on the opioid front. yet to name new nominees as health and human services secretary, drug czar or administrator of the drug enforcement agency. >> major garrett, thanks. part of the opioid epidemic is cheap heroin brought to shores by drug traffickers. growing number of addicts get them legally from their local pharmacy. the founder of a drug company has been arrested charged in a nationwide conspiracy to distribute a spray designed to help cancer patients. jim axelrod reports. >> i'm at the doctor's office. >> the patient's name? >> sarah fuller. >> reporter: the voice belongs to sales woman from the drug company. impersonating a staffer at a doctor's office and lying to an insurer to get a prescription approved. >> which medication? >> subsys. >> is it also for the breakthrough cancer pain or not? >> breakthrough pain, yeah. >> the patient was sarah fuller. but she did not have cancer. >> point the nozzle into your mouth and under your tongue. >> subsys, spray version of fentanyl. fuller would become addicted to fentanyl. fatally overdosing 15 months later. >> the spray. >> now the company's billionaire founder, dr. john kipur, facing charges of conspiracy and bribery that he recruited doctors and designed a scheme to allow kickbacks to a prescribed subsys to fuller and those look her. >> the real tragedy they were dying. individuals were taking the drug and dying of overdose. >> a former federal prosecutor who advises states on suing opioid manufacturers. >> illinois, a doctor, he was responsible for about 60% of all subsys prescriptions. when the sales representative went to his supervisors and said, this guy is running a pill mill, he is not looking at patients. they said well, stick with him. he is your go-to guy. >> not stay away from him. stick with him. >> no, worse. a doctor they paid over $85,000 in speaker's fees to. one of their top prescribers of, of, subsys. >> cbs news identified headache doctors, back pain specialists, psychiatrist who received thousands to promote the drug last year. the company made 18,000 payments to doctors in 2016 that totaled more than $2 million. >> i would say this is the most egregious case temperature to bottom of conduct, promoting a drug for off label use. >> in 2014, the company had a $10 million budget to pay speakers' fees to doctors. according to the indictment. many speaker program events had no attendees at all. kipur's lawyer tells us his client is innocent and intends to fight the charges vigorously. >> president trump's vow to build a wall along the border with mexico is one step closer to reality. congress hasn't appropriated any money but prototypes of eight different potential versions completed. mireya villarreal is in san diego, outside the two existing walls along the u.s.-mexican border. >> reporter: a lot of the original wall which is what you see on the hill passed this secondary wall is built from vietnam era material. 10-1 feet in most places. pales in comparison in size and technology. when you are looking at the new prototypes. space 30 feet apart costing up to $500,000 each. these eight models offer a glimpse of the proposed border wall with mexico. look closer you will see variations dine sign, color and construction. four are solid concrete. four others are made of concrete and combination of materials like steel. each of the prototypes is 30 feet high. what you dent see its what is buried beneath all of this concrete and metal. there is technology that goes done nearly 40 feet to stop from tunnelling which is a big problem here in the san diego area. >> i think eechl one has its own characteristics. >> the san diego division chief for u.s. sus tcustom and border protection. >> we don't select one. we identify key characteristics from one and maybe another that we can use toward the future. >> there are critics that will say this is distraction politics. there isn't any money to make this wall. decide on prototype. >> everywhere, where i have worked. put up tactical infrastructure, it has the worked for us. >> this border wall and prototypes, are monuments to fear. >> the director for the american friend service committee disagrees. >> we are not dealing with immigration way we should be. the border prototype walls aren't doing anything to resolve the issue. >> border patrol will actually be testing agent with border patrol testing this with private citizens over the next few months. what they will be doing, checking out the scale and size, to see how difficult it can be to breach these, prototypes. that process will begin at end of november. >> the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. dishes still wet from your dishwasher? finish jet-dry dries them better and with the brillant results from a bosch dishwasher, your dishes emerge so clean and dry, you'll need a new use for your kitchen towel. finish jet-dry and bosch. for cleaner, drier dishes. that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour cough medicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. i just drank tons of water all the time, it was never enough. my dentist suggested biotene, my mouth felt more lubricated. i use the biotene rinse and i use the spray. biotene did make a difference. you don't want anything stopping you from doing what you love. for extra immune support, there's airborne plus beta-immune booster™. the only one made with vitamins and minerals, plus an ingredient proven to boost your natural defenses. airborne. president trump has declared the opioid crisis a nationwide health emergency. last year, 59,000 americans died of drug overdoses. most of them caused by heroin or prescription painkillers. one hard hit community is columbus ohio. >> sitting here looking at you. you look, young, and fresh. you are the girl next door. you were addicted to heroin. >> it is very flattering you say i don't look like a junkie. even miss america could be a junkie. anybody can be a junkie. >> hannah morris is in college now. she says she has been clean for more than two years. but in high school she was using heroin. hannah lives outside columbus in the upper middle-class suburb of worthington. her parents are professionals. the median income here is $87,000 a year. before she got hooked on heroin, hannah thought it was just another party drug. how did you get to the depths? what was the path you took? >> started with weed. and it was fun. and i got to good weed. went to, oh, my gosh. went to pills. and still fun. percocet, xanax, vicodan, all that stuff. heroin started smoking at first. >> at 15. my gosh that was amazing. >> you remember now? >> say i have never done a drug mine life. i would be happiness at a 6, 7. out of 10. and then you take heroin, you are at 26. and you are like, i want that again. >> reporter: hannah says it was so addictive she and several students went from smoking it parties to shooting it up aat high school. >> doing it at school in the bathroom. >> syringe? >> syringe. have it in my purse already to go. >> johna morrison has been off harrison more than now years. she comes from a town. smaller and more rural than hannah's. she says her addiction started with pain pills you can get with a prescription. chemically they're all most identical to heroin. >> i got on pain pills pretty bad when i was 15, 16. >> reporter: the heroin came. >> when i was 18. >> reporter: an easy transition from pain pills to heroin? >> very. i didn't realize that heroin is an opioid. i didn't know the same thing as pills i was using. >> reporter: why were you using all the zpludrugs? >> in a small town. nothing to do. hanging out with older people. that was our way of having fun. partying. >> this is the worst drug epidemic in my lifetime. >> mike dewine is attorney general of ohio. former u.s. senator, congressman. county prosecutor fortunate we met him at a state crime lab outside columbus. >> in every single county. in our cities, also in the wealthier suburbs, small towns. no place in ohio where you can hide from it. >> reporter: that pervasive. >> there is no place in ohio, where, you couldn't hatch it delivered to you in 15, 20 minutes. >> i can text and say, do you have this? we can meet. they would bring it to my house. leave it under the mat. it's pretty easy to get. >> reporter: full service? >> uh-huh. to me easier to get than weed or cocaine, definitely easier. >> reporter: dealers with connections to mexican cartels sell heroin everywhere. even in the department store parking lot outside columbus. our cameras captured this by undercover police informant. >> what is this? >> attorney general mike dewine staffers say mexican heroin can be cheap. $10 a hit or less. some of it is cut with drugs that make it powerful and deadly. and dealers keep inventing new ways to outwit law enforcement. >> what do you have here? >> tablets. pressed to look like prescription tablet. but they contain heroin. >> heroin in pill form. >> lack like pills. >> this is new? >> very new. only seen a few cases in the lab. >> something else mike dewine says is new since his days as county prosecutor. heroin has lost its stigma as a poisonous back alley drug. no psychological barrier that stops a young person or holder person. >> who is the typical heroin user in ohio today? >> anybody watching today, this show, it could be your family. there is no typical person. it just has permeated every segment of society. in ohio. >> each the well to do town of pickeri pickerington, 30 minutes outside of columbus. tyler campbell, star of the high school football team. played division i. his parents wayne and christy campbell say heroin habit grew from opiate painkillers, legally, after he injured his shoulder. >> what were the pills? >> vicodan. >> 60 for a shoulder surgery. >> there mall prescription. >> for the procedure. >> easy for kids to sell excess pills, popular recreational drugs in high school and college. so in demand that one pill can cost up to $80. pill addicts like tyler often switch to heroin because it is cheaper opiate with a bigger high. tyler was in and out of rehab four times. the night he came home the last time he couldn't fight the uncontrollable urge that his heroin addiction. he shot up in his bedroom, and died of a heroin overdose. he wasn't the only addict on his college football team. unfortunately the quarterback died four months after tyler. same situation. >> overdose. >> first if you didn't talk about it. >> after tyler died, the campbells met many families whose children were heroin addicts in suburbs of columbus. like tyler most got hooked on pills first. >> started with pain bills. >> tj and heidi riggs daughter died of a heroin overdose. high school basketball player and captain of the golf team. their daughter alyssa died of overdose in 2015. brenda stewart has two sons in recovery. tracy morrison is jenna morri n morrison's mother and has second daughter who is a recovering addict. rob brandt's son was an addict. >> he battled it through high school. >> his son robbie got hooked on pain pills described by a denti dentist. after his wisdom teeth were remove. in training with the national guard hoping to serve in afghanistan. >> when he came home he met up with an old friend that he used to buy and sell prescription medications with. that old friend introduced him to heroin. and we did the, we did rehab. relapse. did rehab. he got clean. but the drug called his name again. and he said yes. and that was the last time. he passed from an accidental overdose. >> for many parents the hardest thing to accept was losing their children after they thought they had final lely beaten the addiction. >> she passed away the day after st. patrick's day. she post on st. patrick's day, picture of her. on her laptop, study doing home work. staying, staying no partying for me. not even a single drink. i'm staying in and i'm working. and, the next day she used. and that was the last time she used. >> i am a nurse. >> tracy morrison, jenna's mother trained to be a nurse more than 30 years ago. she says the medical profession must bear some responsibility for the heroin epidemic. she says doctors overprescribe pain medication. >> i graduated in the 80s. nursing director when we decide to swing the pendulum from, not treating pain to treat everybody's pain. i was part of that. and at that time, i had no idea. that we were addicting people. >> in 2014, three quarters of a billion pain pills were prescribed by doctors in ohio. nearly 65 fills for every man, woman and child in the state. >> how did you respond when your daughters told you. they were using heroin? >> well first told me they were using the pills. how i found out they were using heroin, i came home from work one day. made dinner. and i was yelling for my youngest daughter to come for dinner. she didn't. i walked into her bedroom. and her boy friend was shooting her up. >> you saw this? >> saw it. >> what did you do? >> dropped the plate of food. i dropped it. i was hysterical. >> you can see the full report on our website, cbs the "overnight news" will be right back. do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or... that's good for my teeth? now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours,and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. the fbi has launched a nationwide crackdown on what it calls epidemic of child sex trafficking. jeff pegues went along on several raid and reports now from fbi headquarters in washington. >> called operation cross-country. and so far this year, 84 children have been recovered, at 120 alleged traffickers arrested. they have been focusing on baltimore. but investigators say this epidemic touches communities everywhere across america. on a recent night north of baltimo baltimore. looking for young girls caught up in sex trafficking. corporal chris hyde uses his fen to scroll through dating sites looking for suspicious ads. >> hey. >> searching the internet. see a girl that may look young. this girl looks young. let's make a date. >> a coast to coast effort that has fbi agents and local police working together to make arrests. and recover victims. according to the fbi since the initiative began in 2003, more than 6,500 children have been recovered and more than 2,500 people convict ford trafficking related crimes. paula bate executive assistant director of the fbi. >> not just the big cities, right, the small towns too. >> jeff, we see it everywhere. it is pervasive and persist ent. national and even international. we are talking about those most vulnerable in our society, kids, children, being exploited. >> back in baltimore, wynn and team have set up a date in a hotel room and find a prostitute who took to the streets in her mid teens. >> 16. how did that happen? >> i don't know. i just started like, doing it because it was, there was no money anywhere. >> time, time again she has survived. >> i'm been through a lot. held at gun point. been raped. been through a lot of stuff mine life. >> for this now 24-year-old woman an opportunity for a new life. >> take your ad down. purchase a plane ticket. head home. kid this being one of your last days. >> okay. >> reporter: when investigators recover children, they work with child protective services to find a safe police to live putting the people who victimize in living stronger, we have been profiling older americans who are an inspiration for people of all ages. this morning, we'll introduce you to folks who discovered the fountain of youth in the waters of chicago. dean reynolds has their story. plieg the bubbly creek. group of women defies the odds with every stroke. >> do you think it is lengthening your life. >> exercise? >> yes. i do. i do. >> and lengthening her life is the point for amber golman these days. >> i'm stage four. never be done with treatment. in treatment the rest of my life. >> amber and friend are members of recovery on water about 80 women in all. ages 40 and older. all dieing anotioned with breast cancer. some like amber had double mastectomies and continue in treatment. others are in remission. while rowing may seem taxing for people like them. benefits are apparent. >> i can tell an enormous difference in my energy level. outlook. attitude. keeping my body, healthy and active. is, is my top priority now. and, i am, i am a much happier person, for it. i think a phenomenal idea. >> the doctor is an oncologist at northwestern memorial hospital. off awe being competitive just helps your endorphins gets your body ready to fight the next fight. >> on a saturday, amber and sma mates competed for best times. they didn't exactly set any speed record. remember these women are in another race. a competition in which, every second is precious. >> could you imagined yourself doing this? >> no, no way. >> it opened a window on a future amber golman hopes to experience. >> it is an amazing opportunity to be out there and to have the, the strength to do it. and, to know that we can do this, it's, it's -- indescribable. really. e says, it won't be her last.nd dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. that's the "overnight news" for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and of course, cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city. captioning funded by cbs it's friday, october 27th, 2017. this is the "cbs morning news." more than 2,000 documents related to jfk's assassination are released for the public to see, but it's what's missing from that treasure trove that may keep the conspiracy theories going. the opioid crisis is declared a national emergency, what that means for people fighting to keep clean. and tampa police release new video they hope will track down a killer. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good to it

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