Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20171020 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20171020

good afternoon, i'm kenny choi. >> i'm anne makovec. chopper 5 was giving us a like at the damage that residents face. you can see evacuees digging through debris where houses once stood. kpix 5's jessica flores reports. >> reporter: i'm on jenna place in coffey park where we found some of the original homeowners of this community. they spent the last three decades here and vowed to build their homes here once again. >> all right. save that. all right! >> reporter: for john and jody, it's the small things keeping them going after they escaped the flames that tore through their santa rosa community. >> we jumped into the car in robes and slipper, didn't have time to grab anything. >> reporter: the city is letting them back in coffey park for the day to sift through the ash for personal items. >> must have been the hinge to the medicine cabinet. >> reporter: they are hoping to find a grandmother's ring. >> so the chances are one in 1,000 that we'll be able to find it. >> reporter: down the street a neighbor remembers what once was. >> you look at it and say, okay, i can see my couch sitting there. sitting back and watching tv. but don't know. i just don't know where to start digging. >> reporter: you can see some household items here like that pot or this fan or this chair. but then there are the items that residents know they will never find here, like the decades worth of photographs that just can't be replaced. >> you keep memories inside you. you look at a picture, you know, it jogs your memory. >> reporter: and the memory of this home, this block, these streets, not even the fire will erase. in their hearts, these residents know jenna place, this community, will be back. jessica flores, kpix 5. residents of journey's end and two other communities until 5 p.m. they will be open to the public sunday. now to the fire watch in the santa cruz mountains. at this hour the bear fire is 40% contained. but kpix 5's mark sayre reports that about 300 structures are still in danger. >> reporter: we are seeing some rain here overnight which should help the firefighting efforts. this fire originally broke out on monday evening so this marks the fourth day of the firefight. it's 320 acres. because this fire has in such dense forest and steep, rugged terrain it's challenging for fire crews. in fact, seven firefighters have been injured and containment lines in some cases are being built away from the actual firelines. there are evacuation centers which are currently open for displaced residents and more than 900 firefighters remain on the fire lines. reporting from the santa cruz mountains, i'm mark sayre, kpix 5. a mess on the roads in san jose this morning. a car hit a pole and knocked it over. this happened near almaden expressway and branham lane. no injuries. a blanket of snow in the sierra today at i-80 at kingvale. the area saw several inches of snow overnight. and around the bay area, a lot of rain, roads slick on the golden gate bridge. >> showers stretching from north to south. neda iranpour here with exactly how much rain we got. >> it was a good helping, actually. i want to show you the peak of all the action. it happened overnight while a lot of people were sleeping. here's a look at kingvale early- morning hours. slick roads out there but the snow is coming down. some of the ski resorts report about 3 inches at the tops of their mountains. now let's look at the storm and where it is right now. it's bringing us a good amount of cloud coverage at this hour. we are probably going to see a few breaks in the clouds this afternoon. but it makes a pretty cloud show this morning. it's really nice out there. but you can see it all winding down. there's just some areas of green right there across eureka, redding with a few showers. san francisco three-tenths, mill valley 4/10ths. mount diablo at the peak almost three-quarters inch. i want to show you what happened across the north bay hills where those fires are burning. this is certainly going to help out those firefighters. a half to three-quarters inch for places like santa rosa, even santa cruz mountains, la honda, ben lomond up to three to .4" of rain. chilly today and then the weekend will be warming up and then the hot, dry air returns again maybe critical fire danger again. more coming up. republicans senator showed unity last night in passing a budget that paves the way to tax reform. all democrats and one republican voted against it. the vote sets the stage to dramatically overhaul the u.s. tax code. it would cut rates for individuals and corporations while getting rid of deductions and tax breaks. >> we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to replace a failing tax code that holds americans back with one that actually works for them. >> meanwhile, democrats claim the gop tax proposal benefits just the wealthy. house speaker paul ryan says they will introduce a new tax bracket to prevent it. the house has to vote on the senate version of the budget. that will happen next week. the back and forth chase of the said she said continues in the white house. president trump denies claims that he was insensitive to a grieving army widow. seth lemon shows us now other military families are speaking out. >> i am so sorry to hear about your situation. >> reporter: that's president trump speaking to natasha carr whose husband army staff sergeant mark carr had just been killed in afghanistan. >> he's an unbelievable hero. and you know, all the people that served with him are saying how incredible he was. >> reporter: the video was recorded back in april. but the woman just released it to the "washington post" as controversy swirls over president trump's recent calls to gold star families. florida congresswoman frederica wilson says during the president's call to the pregnant wife of army sergeant la david johnson, he couldn't remember the fallen soldier's name and said the sergeant knew what he was getting into. johnson's half sisters say they heard the entire conversation. >> very disrespect of our president someone whom we look up to who is supposed to be a role model to the generations to come to actually say that. >> reporter: wilson and the white house continue trading barbs. thursday night president called wilson wacky saying she lied about the content of the call while wilson accused chief of staff john kelly of calling her a racist term. a massachusetts gold star family is pleading for the controversy to end. >> we have already gone through enough as it is!! and they are making this into a contest. it's disgusting! >> reporter: sarah says president obama sent her family a letter eight years ago when her brother was killed in iraq. although she would have preferred a phone call. general kelly says presidential phone calls do nothing to lighten the burden when a family loses a loved one. seth lemon, cbs news, capitol hill. former presidential adviser steve bannon will be in california this evening. he is going to be the keynote speaker at the state republican party convention in anaheim. organizers are increasing security in anticipation of protests. bannon is back at the conservative breitbart news after his high-profile exit from the trump administration. two weeks after a bombshell expose' in the "new york times" the harvey weinstein sex assault scandal grows. chris martinez reports that another oscar winner has come forward with her story and "a" listers are saying it's time for change in hollywood. >> reporter: in an essay in the "new york times," oscar winner lupida nyong'o detailed two encounters with harvey weinstein. the first as a college student at weinstein's home after a film screaming. she writes: forward and each tale is so powerful." ((narr-2)) director and longtime weinstein pal quentin tarantino told the times he's ashamed for not doing anything about the alleged misconduct. ((sot jodi kantor/ny times correspond arantino said to me specifically on the phone to me two days ago, should i have done more? i knew these stories firsthand. one of them happened to my own girlfriend - mira sorvino. i didn't take it seriously enough." ((narr-3)) actor tom hanks says the weinstein scandal ment for hollywo she left that room but says weinstein propositioned her again during a dinner in new york she declined and as she left she said i just want to know that we are good. he responded, i don't know about your career but you'll be fine. this is the latest in a string of allegations from more than 50 women against the movie producer. >> part of the reason the story is staying alive is that women keep coming forward and each tale is so powerful. >> reporter: director and long- time weinstein pal quentin tarantino told the times he is ashamed for not doing anything about the alleged misconduct. >> tarantino says specifically on the phone two years ago, should i have done more? i knew these stories. one happened to my own girlfriend. i didn't take it seriously enough. >> reporter: tom hanks says the weinstein scandal is a watershed moment for hollywood. >> since when has this brand of common decency and professionalism been put on hold just because of -- just because of sexual dynamics in the workplace? it's inexcusable. >> reporter: los angeles police are also investigating a 2013 rape allegation against weinstein who denies all allegations. raiders fans were treated to an instant classic at the coliseum last night. they ended their four-game losing streak in the final seconds of the game. kansas lead30-24. the replay showed gave them another down. raiders got an extra point to win it 30-31 in dramatic fashion. marshawn lynch had to watch all the excitement unfold from off the field. he was ejected in the second quarter after shoving a referee. it all happened after derek carr was hit late by marcus peters. lynch ran in from the sidelines to get involved. >> but marshawn lynch seems fine facing people after the game. a twitter user posted this shot of him riding bart after last night's game. no confirmation of skittles. bay area shopping service stitch fix takes steps to go public. >> plus, new research showing the potential dangers of ecigarettes. the online subscription and personal shopping service... plans to raise 100-million dollars in an initial public offering on the nasdaq. in the filing, "stitch fix" said it has stitch fix has filed to go public. the all night subscription and personal shopping service plans to raise $100 million in an initial public offering on the nasdaq. in the filing stitch fix said it has 2.2 million active customers. taking a look at the markets -- rather, let's go to the ecigarette story. >> yes. turns out ecigarettes may be just as dangerous for your health as regular cigarettes. that's according to a new study. researchers at unc chapel hill say that ecigarettes may trigger damaging immune responses that can lead to lung disease. chronic kidney disease affects three million people in the u.s. it causes more deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer. and one in three americans is at risk. some shocking statistics. joining us is national kidney foundation member and transplant recipient maxine moyer. thanks for being with us. you are on the board because you have a personal experience with this. to the issues of your own, tell us how this started. >> yeah. that's right. so i'm actually a two-time kidney transplant recipient and, um, i was 18. i was at college and i had no symptoms but went into the doctor for sore throat. my blood pressure was dangerous in stroke range so i went through a series of tests over a week's period and found out i had less than 10% kidney function. but i had no idea. >> you had been like that for years? >> yes. my kidney function had declined through the years unknowingly to me and my friends and family. my dad donated a kidney to me. that lasted 16 to 17 years and i needed another one so i was blessed to have friends and family get tested and actually i had a friend who is now a very good friend you can imagine from my book club who was my donor. >> so wonderful. and it goes to show that it can affect anybody sort of out of nowhere. >> that's right. and so those -- the one in three adult americans who are at risk for developing kidney disease, that translates to 73 million americans. and right now, there are 30 million americans who have cron kidney disease but most are asymptomatic. 90% are unaware that they have chronic kidney disease. >> so the luncheon will raise money for the kidney foundation. >> we have the 29th annual national kidney foundation authors luncheon coming up where we have amazing authors who come together every year. we have about 1,000 people join us, the largest literary event in the bay area and so the authors present their stories which are captivating. it's a wonderful day. it's very warm. you get to buy the books and the authors sign the books. >> it's all going to a good cause. we want to put up the information. saturday november 4-th... from 10 am to 3pm... at the hilton in union square. tickets are 135- each... or 13-hundred dollars for a table. you can find more information at "authors luncheon s- org." time for a check of our weather with neda iranpour... thanks, neda. still ahead: protec thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> all right. neda has the forecast. i have some really pretty live cameras to show you this one from sutro. look at the whole bay area. it looks really pretty right around the bay and those clouds are out there. and we are going to see a possible break in the clouds later on this afternoon. current temperatures: in the mountains we had some snow. "sierra at tahoe," hello snow! yes, that's brand-new snow. the first significant snowfall of the season. here's a picture from squaw alpine with three inches at the tops of the mountains. and this one from ski heavenly. a dusting of snow and that's lake tahoe. so it's gorgeous overall. not too significant. it will most likely melt very soon. and i'll show you why in a moment. right now, this low has pretty much left us. we are getting more west winds coming in. they are expecting to get pretty strong later on. this onshore flow going to continue to keep our temperatures cool today but today only. it's also stirring up the ocean along the coast. here's a live look from our cliff house camera. you can really see it there on the water. i want to show you a high surf advisory is in effect until 6:00 today so waves up to 25 feet on those west-facing beaches could be likely so definitely rough conditions for surfers and swimmers. probably not a good idea to do that today. temperatures mid-60s. we'll be maxing out 67. palo alto 66. east bay temperatures in the upper 60s, low 70s. about 10 degrees below average. and san francisco's high today will be 61 pretty much where we are now is all we are going to get warming temperatures to the low and upper 60s. sunset at 6:24. the skies get smoky. hot monday with a dry offshore flow returning. still ahead, protecting your pets from bad air. how to keep them safe when the skies get smoky. around the bay area. not just for humans... but also for our pets. our pet expert dr. jill chase joins us now -- along with s on keeping the foreign california wildfires made air quality terrible around the bay area not just for humans but also for our pets. our pet expert dr. jill chase joins us now along with sammy about keeping animals safe in smoky skies. sammy is a bichon frise. >> i had a client who called me and asked me she was wondering if the poor air quality from the fires would affect her dog. and the answer is yes. it affects all animals, maybe birds even more than anybody else. so it's important when we have poor air quality whether from the fires or from smog or things like that, that you use the same precautions that you would as a human. so we don't want to go to the dog park and run. you don't want to take your dog running at the beach. you want to keep them quiet indoors windows closed just very chill. they can go out for a walk to get to the bathroom but really they need to stay inside because the particulate matter from these fires is so tiny, it's so tiny, and it gets into your lungs and you don't even know it. so no exercising, you know, keep it quiet. >> and long term it could be detrimental? >> yeah. if they are exposed to smoke or particulate matter, like that, and you aren't careful about it, then, eventually it leads to lung problems. ideally though if you keep yourself an your pet away from having that happen, it should be fine. >> thank you, dr. jill chase. thanks to sammy for stopping by, as well. if you have any questions about your pet's health and well- being, we want to hear from you. ust email us at [email protected] and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. a young baseball fan loses a prized we're the generation that had it all. we're the generation that had the music and the moves. we're the generation that had the style. well, sometimes. we're the generation that walked where no one had walked before, like no one had walked before, and, boy, did we know how to fly. we're the generation that had a dream and broke down walls. we came together to feed the world's children. we came together to protect them. and in this dangerous world, we have to keep on saving them, protecting them, caring for them even when we're gone. if we remember unicef in our will, we'll remember the children who desperately need our help, and we'll be the generation who left a better world for children. visit how the oakland a's are helping rebuild his collection. that story and more at five. that's it for k-p- i-x 5 news at a young baseball fan loses a prized possession in the wildfires. coming up, how the oakland a's are helping rebuild his collection. we are going to have that and more coming up at 5:00 tonight. so everyone has work for the weekend and now we are ready for the forecast. >> we are going to get a lot of sunshine. so this afternoon they will get ready for high winds too. so keep that in mind. it will be windy from the west. >> a warm weekend in store. >> we hope you enjoy your weekend. cbs eye on the community... presented by target. food has the power to transform lives. with the help of target, the san francisco marin food bank addresses hunger head-on in the community. our food pantries are vibrant. people feel welcomed, and they're being respected. it helps our team members see the work that they do in the store every day... how that actually relates to their communities. cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. ♪ ♪ >> liam: [ sighs ] ♪ ♪

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20171020 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20171020

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good afternoon, i'm kenny choi. >> i'm anne makovec. chopper 5 was giving us a like at the damage that residents face. you can see evacuees digging through debris where houses once stood. kpix 5's jessica flores reports. >> reporter: i'm on jenna place in coffey park where we found some of the original homeowners of this community. they spent the last three decades here and vowed to build their homes here once again. >> all right. save that. all right! >> reporter: for john and jody, it's the small things keeping them going after they escaped the flames that tore through their santa rosa community. >> we jumped into the car in robes and slipper, didn't have time to grab anything. >> reporter: the city is letting them back in coffey park for the day to sift through the ash for personal items. >> must have been the hinge to the medicine cabinet. >> reporter: they are hoping to find a grandmother's ring. >> so the chances are one in 1,000 that we'll be able to find it. >> reporter: down the street a neighbor remembers what once was. >> you look at it and say, okay, i can see my couch sitting there. sitting back and watching tv. but don't know. i just don't know where to start digging. >> reporter: you can see some household items here like that pot or this fan or this chair. but then there are the items that residents know they will never find here, like the decades worth of photographs that just can't be replaced. >> you keep memories inside you. you look at a picture, you know, it jogs your memory. >> reporter: and the memory of this home, this block, these streets, not even the fire will erase. in their hearts, these residents know jenna place, this community, will be back. jessica flores, kpix 5. residents of journey's end and two other communities until 5 p.m. they will be open to the public sunday. now to the fire watch in the santa cruz mountains. at this hour the bear fire is 40% contained. but kpix 5's mark sayre reports that about 300 structures are still in danger. >> reporter: we are seeing some rain here overnight which should help the firefighting efforts. this fire originally broke out on monday evening so this marks the fourth day of the firefight. it's 320 acres. because this fire has in such dense forest and steep, rugged terrain it's challenging for fire crews. in fact, seven firefighters have been injured and containment lines in some cases are being built away from the actual firelines. there are evacuation centers which are currently open for displaced residents and more than 900 firefighters remain on the fire lines. reporting from the santa cruz mountains, i'm mark sayre, kpix 5. a mess on the roads in san jose this morning. a car hit a pole and knocked it over. this happened near almaden expressway and branham lane. no injuries. a blanket of snow in the sierra today at i-80 at kingvale. the area saw several inches of snow overnight. and around the bay area, a lot of rain, roads slick on the golden gate bridge. >> showers stretching from north to south. neda iranpour here with exactly how much rain we got. >> it was a good helping, actually. i want to show you the peak of all the action. it happened overnight while a lot of people were sleeping. here's a look at kingvale early- morning hours. slick roads out there but the snow is coming down. some of the ski resorts report about 3 inches at the tops of their mountains. now let's look at the storm and where it is right now. it's bringing us a good amount of cloud coverage at this hour. we are probably going to see a few breaks in the clouds this afternoon. but it makes a pretty cloud show this morning. it's really nice out there. but you can see it all winding down. there's just some areas of green right there across eureka, redding with a few showers. san francisco three-tenths, mill valley 4/10ths. mount diablo at the peak almost three-quarters inch. i want to show you what happened across the north bay hills where those fires are burning. this is certainly going to help out those firefighters. a half to three-quarters inch for places like santa rosa, even santa cruz mountains, la honda, ben lomond up to three to .4" of rain. chilly today and then the weekend will be warming up and then the hot, dry air returns again maybe critical fire danger again. more coming up. republicans senator showed unity last night in passing a budget that paves the way to tax reform. all democrats and one republican voted against it. the vote sets the stage to dramatically overhaul the u.s. tax code. it would cut rates for individuals and corporations while getting rid of deductions and tax breaks. >> we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to replace a failing tax code that holds americans back with one that actually works for them. >> meanwhile, democrats claim the gop tax proposal benefits just the wealthy. house speaker paul ryan says they will introduce a new tax bracket to prevent it. the house has to vote on the senate version of the budget. that will happen next week. the back and forth chase of the said she said continues in the white house. president trump denies claims that he was insensitive to a grieving army widow. seth lemon shows us now other military families are speaking out. >> i am so sorry to hear about your situation. >> reporter: that's president trump speaking to natasha carr whose husband army staff sergeant mark carr had just been killed in afghanistan. >> he's an unbelievable hero. and you know, all the people that served with him are saying how incredible he was. >> reporter: the video was recorded back in april. but the woman just released it to the "washington post" as controversy swirls over president trump's recent calls to gold star families. florida congresswoman frederica wilson says during the president's call to the pregnant wife of army sergeant la david johnson, he couldn't remember the fallen soldier's name and said the sergeant knew what he was getting into. johnson's half sisters say they heard the entire conversation. >> very disrespect of our president someone whom we look up to who is supposed to be a role model to the generations to come to actually say that. >> reporter: wilson and the white house continue trading barbs. thursday night president called wilson wacky saying she lied about the content of the call while wilson accused chief of staff john kelly of calling her a racist term. a massachusetts gold star family is pleading for the controversy to end. >> we have already gone through enough as it is!! and they are making this into a contest. it's disgusting! >> reporter: sarah says president obama sent her family a letter eight years ago when her brother was killed in iraq. although she would have preferred a phone call. general kelly says presidential phone calls do nothing to lighten the burden when a family loses a loved one. seth lemon, cbs news, capitol hill. former presidential adviser steve bannon will be in california this evening. he is going to be the keynote speaker at the state republican party convention in anaheim. organizers are increasing security in anticipation of protests. bannon is back at the conservative breitbart news after his high-profile exit from the trump administration. two weeks after a bombshell expose' in the "new york times" the harvey weinstein sex assault scandal grows. chris martinez reports that another oscar winner has come forward with her story and "a" listers are saying it's time for change in hollywood. >> reporter: in an essay in the "new york times," oscar winner lupida nyong'o detailed two encounters with harvey weinstein. the first as a college student at weinstein's home after a film screaming. she writes: forward and each tale is so powerful." ((narr-2)) director and longtime weinstein pal quentin tarantino told the times he's ashamed for not doing anything about the alleged misconduct. ((sot jodi kantor/ny times correspond arantino said to me specifically on the phone to me two days ago, should i have done more? i knew these stories firsthand. one of them happened to my own girlfriend - mira sorvino. i didn't take it seriously enough." ((narr-3)) actor tom hanks says the weinstein scandal ment for hollywo she left that room but says weinstein propositioned her again during a dinner in new york she declined and as she left she said i just want to know that we are good. he responded, i don't know about your career but you'll be fine. this is the latest in a string of allegations from more than 50 women against the movie producer. >> part of the reason the story is staying alive is that women keep coming forward and each tale is so powerful. >> reporter: director and long- time weinstein pal quentin tarantino told the times he is ashamed for not doing anything about the alleged misconduct. >> tarantino says specifically on the phone two years ago, should i have done more? i knew these stories. one happened to my own girlfriend. i didn't take it seriously enough. >> reporter: tom hanks says the weinstein scandal is a watershed moment for hollywood. >> since when has this brand of common decency and professionalism been put on hold just because of -- just because of sexual dynamics in the workplace? it's inexcusable. >> reporter: los angeles police are also investigating a 2013 rape allegation against weinstein who denies all allegations. raiders fans were treated to an instant classic at the coliseum last night. they ended their four-game losing streak in the final seconds of the game. kansas lead30-24. the replay showed gave them another down. raiders got an extra point to win it 30-31 in dramatic fashion. marshawn lynch had to watch all the excitement unfold from off the field. he was ejected in the second quarter after shoving a referee. it all happened after derek carr was hit late by marcus peters. lynch ran in from the sidelines to get involved. >> but marshawn lynch seems fine facing people after the game. a twitter user posted this shot of him riding bart after last night's game. no confirmation of skittles. bay area shopping service stitch fix takes steps to go public. >> plus, new research showing the potential dangers of ecigarettes. the online subscription and personal shopping service... plans to raise 100-million dollars in an initial public offering on the nasdaq. in the filing, "stitch fix" said it has stitch fix has filed to go public. the all night subscription and personal shopping service plans to raise $100 million in an initial public offering on the nasdaq. in the filing stitch fix said it has 2.2 million active customers. taking a look at the markets -- rather, let's go to the ecigarette story. >> yes. turns out ecigarettes may be just as dangerous for your health as regular cigarettes. that's according to a new study. researchers at unc chapel hill say that ecigarettes may trigger damaging immune responses that can lead to lung disease. chronic kidney disease affects three million people in the u.s. it causes more deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer. and one in three americans is at risk. some shocking statistics. joining us is national kidney foundation member and transplant recipient maxine moyer. thanks for being with us. you are on the board because you have a personal experience with this. to the issues of your own, tell us how this started. >> yeah. that's right. so i'm actually a two-time kidney transplant recipient and, um, i was 18. i was at college and i had no symptoms but went into the doctor for sore throat. my blood pressure was dangerous in stroke range so i went through a series of tests over a week's period and found out i had less than 10% kidney function. but i had no idea. >> you had been like that for years? >> yes. my kidney function had declined through the years unknowingly to me and my friends and family. my dad donated a kidney to me. that lasted 16 to 17 years and i needed another one so i was blessed to have friends and family get tested and actually i had a friend who is now a very good friend you can imagine from my book club who was my donor. >> so wonderful. and it goes to show that it can affect anybody sort of out of nowhere. >> that's right. and so those -- the one in three adult americans who are at risk for developing kidney disease, that translates to 73 million americans. and right now, there are 30 million americans who have cron kidney disease but most are asymptomatic. 90% are unaware that they have chronic kidney disease. >> so the luncheon will raise money for the kidney foundation. >> we have the 29th annual national kidney foundation authors luncheon coming up where we have amazing authors who come together every year. we have about 1,000 people join us, the largest literary event in the bay area and so the authors present their stories which are captivating. it's a wonderful day. it's very warm. you get to buy the books and the authors sign the books. >> it's all going to a good cause. we want to put up the information. saturday november 4-th... from 10 am to 3pm... at the hilton in union square. tickets are 135- each... or 13-hundred dollars for a table. you can find more information at "authors luncheon s- org." time for a check of our weather with neda iranpour... thanks, neda. still ahead: protec thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> all right. neda has the forecast. i have some really pretty live cameras to show you this one from sutro. look at the whole bay area. it looks really pretty right around the bay and those clouds are out there. and we are going to see a possible break in the clouds later on this afternoon. current temperatures: in the mountains we had some snow. "sierra at tahoe," hello snow! yes, that's brand-new snow. the first significant snowfall of the season. here's a picture from squaw alpine with three inches at the tops of the mountains. and this one from ski heavenly. a dusting of snow and that's lake tahoe. so it's gorgeous overall. not too significant. it will most likely melt very soon. and i'll show you why in a moment. right now, this low has pretty much left us. we are getting more west winds coming in. they are expecting to get pretty strong later on. this onshore flow going to continue to keep our temperatures cool today but today only. it's also stirring up the ocean along the coast. here's a live look from our cliff house camera. you can really see it there on the water. i want to show you a high surf advisory is in effect until 6:00 today so waves up to 25 feet on those west-facing beaches could be likely so definitely rough conditions for surfers and swimmers. probably not a good idea to do that today. temperatures mid-60s. we'll be maxing out 67. palo alto 66. east bay temperatures in the upper 60s, low 70s. about 10 degrees below average. and san francisco's high today will be 61 pretty much where we are now is all we are going to get warming temperatures to the low and upper 60s. sunset at 6:24. the skies get smoky. hot monday with a dry offshore flow returning. still ahead, protecting your pets from bad air. how to keep them safe when the skies get smoky. around the bay area. not just for humans... but also for our pets. our pet expert dr. jill chase joins us now -- along with s on keeping the foreign california wildfires made air quality terrible around the bay area not just for humans but also for our pets. our pet expert dr. jill chase joins us now along with sammy about keeping animals safe in smoky skies. sammy is a bichon frise. >> i had a client who called me and asked me she was wondering if the poor air quality from the fires would affect her dog. and the answer is yes. it affects all animals, maybe birds even more than anybody else. so it's important when we have poor air quality whether from the fires or from smog or things like that, that you use the same precautions that you would as a human. so we don't want to go to the dog park and run. you don't want to take your dog running at the beach. you want to keep them quiet indoors windows closed just very chill. they can go out for a walk to get to the bathroom but really they need to stay inside because the particulate matter from these fires is so tiny, it's so tiny, and it gets into your lungs and you don't even know it. so no exercising, you know, keep it quiet. >> and long term it could be detrimental? >> yeah. if they are exposed to smoke or particulate matter, like that, and you aren't careful about it, then, eventually it leads to lung problems. ideally though if you keep yourself an your pet away from having that happen, it should be fine. >> thank you, dr. jill chase. thanks to sammy for stopping by, as well. if you have any questions about your pet's health and well- being, we want to hear from you. ust email us at and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. a young baseball fan loses a prized we're the generation that had it all. we're the generation that had the music and the moves. we're the generation that had the style. well, sometimes. we're the generation that walked where no one had walked before, like no one had walked before, and, boy, did we know how to fly. we're the generation that had a dream and broke down walls. we came together to feed the world's children. we came together to protect them. and in this dangerous world, we have to keep on saving them, protecting them, caring for them even when we're gone. if we remember unicef in our will, we'll remember the children who desperately need our help, and we'll be the generation who left a better world for children. visit how the oakland a's are helping rebuild his collection. that story and more at five. that's it for k-p- i-x 5 news at a young baseball fan loses a prized possession in the wildfires. coming up, how the oakland a's are helping rebuild his collection. we are going to have that and more coming up at 5:00 tonight. so everyone has work for the weekend and now we are ready for the forecast. >> we are going to get a lot of sunshine. so this afternoon they will get ready for high winds too. so keep that in mind. it will be windy from the west. >> a warm weekend in store. >> we hope you enjoy your weekend. cbs eye on the community... presented by target. food has the power to transform lives. with the help of target, the san francisco marin food bank addresses hunger head-on in the community. our food pantries are vibrant. people feel welcomed, and they're being respected. it helps our team members see the work that they do in the store every day... how that actually relates to their communities. cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target. ♪ ♪ >> liam: [ sighs ] ♪ ♪

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