Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170905 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170905

65 oakland. san francisco 69. here's why we're seeing that clearing. look at this. low pressure system to the left of us, to the west of us out there over the ocean. that's helping to drop down our temperatures bringing in cloud cover and we saw rain just yesterday afternoon because of this, light showers but it helps clear the air a little bit. we have a little bit of a backup over at the bay bridge toll plaza. yeah. we just jumped into the yellow. no metering lights. but we do see the cars all back up in the cash lanes. fastrak moving through just fine. 13 minutes in the yellow from the maze into san francisco. we also have a stalled big rig blocking one lane along westbound 92 as you approach clawiter road. they are still waiting on a tow truck. this is not slowing anyone down. westbound from 880 to 101 is in the green. an earlier accident a hit-and- run crash southbound 880 at mowry avenue, so far speeds moving at the limit. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. the future is up in the air for more than 200,000 californians with the fate of daca set to be decided today. jessica flores reports from berkeley. >> reporter: it's estimate some 400 to 500 students at cal benefit from daca. today they are mobilizing today at 5 p.m. holding a rally here to defend daca. now, about 800,000 people across the united states benefit from "deferred action for childhood arrivals." president obama enacted the program allowing children brought to the country as children legally to stay here. we have 200,000 recipients here. if the program ends, it's estimated the u.s. may lose $460 billion from the national gdp. a woman married to a kpix 5 employee is among the thousands of "dreamers" awaiting a final announcement. >> i got here at two months old. i don't know anything else but america. >> reporter: political reports, the president plans to end the program and delay implementing it for six months. the announcement will be made by attorney general jeff sessions this afternoon. nothing set in stone as of right now. folks plan to be here at 5 p.m. for a rally. in berkeley, jessica flores, kpix 5. this morning, south korea conducting more military drills in the wake of north korea's latest nuclear tests just hours after the u.n. security council held its second emergency meeting in a week. the european union says it's prepared to support tougher economic and diplomatic measures. the white house has said it's not ruling out military action, a sentiment supported by russia, one of north korea's primary trade partners. north korea's reported test of a hydrogen bomb despite new u.n. sanctions so kim jong-un is pushing for a fight. >> he is begging for war. war is never something the united states wants. we don't want it now. but our country's patience is not unlimited. >> the u.s. and south carolina have agreed to lift restrictions on south korean missile warheads. just yesterday the white house approved the sale of billions of dollars of weapons to south korea. many people in houston are demanding answers about what's in the water after hurricane harvey. there's a worry about toxic material in floodwaters. harvey is blamed for at least 60 deaths. damage is estimated at about $180 billion. the good news, houston is now at least 95% dry. the video from nasa shows the strengthening of hurricane irma a category 5. irma could hit puerto rico and the u.s. this weekend. a state of emergency has been declared for the state of florida. dozens of wildfires are burning across the west. this morning thousands of firefighters are on the front lines. kpix 5's sandra osborne is live in gilroy where crews are battling a fast-moving wildfire there. >> reporter: good morning. i can tell you it's definitely very smoky. gilroy police say the air quality is poor for people living nearby. as far as flames this morning, i believe overnight, the weather conditions have really helped because when we got here, we saw a small flare-up on the hillside behind me that's now out. fire crews will be out here to check hot spots after sun-up. this is only 10% contained. the fire started saturday evening in steep terrain to homeless in west gilroy and spread to 100 acres. they have established a line and have air support to prevent spreading even further. one person thinks teens with fireworks may have started it. >> they were up there and i heard pops like fireworks. and next thing i knew, i saw smoke over the hill and the fire started. >> more than 70 fires have been burning in eight states in the west including the largest fire ever to hit the city of los angeles. you may have seen these images. more than 1,000 firefighters battled flames as high as 50 feet burning close to homes right up to the edge of the freeway that connected los angeles to pasadena. and back out here live in gilroy, not only have they been using flame retardants, but they have been scooped up water from the nearby golf course, which has helped. sandra osborne, kpix 5. >> there's a middle school not too far from this. will this impact the school? >> reporter: it's not going to impact the school directly but may impact how kids walk to school or how parents drop kids off. the ranch side of christmas hill park, some of those walking paths are going to be closed off to the public and that's so that fire crews can get in and out of here quickly. so parents, if you take that way if your kids walk there you may have to find a different route. >> thank you. today san francisco city leaders are gearing up for a big battle with big tobacco. anne makovec is live in the newsroom to explain. >> reporter: san francisco supervisors will reconsiderate flavored tobacco ban they passed in june deciding if they want to put up a fight because it's facing a referendum petition to stop it. that recall petition is almost 34,000 signatures now which means it could be decided by san francisco voters. now, the theory behind this ban is that tobacco products flavored like cherries, vanilla, honey are like candy, a gateway to tobacco products meant to hook kids for life. there's already a federal ban on fruitie and candy flavored cigarettes but in most places other products are allowed. >> big tobacco is a predator and they are guilty of profiling, always looking for new customers to backfill the ones that their products have killed. >> reporter: the ban opens the door for a battle. the city versus big tobacco and local store owners. they say most of their customers are grown adults and that tobacco products account for a lot of their business. this would be an expensive and high-profile campaign for both sides. but the board has two options right now. it can repeal the ordinance or it can put the matter on the june ballot. >> anne, the fight against flavored tobacco has been ramping up across the bay area it seems like. >> reporter: santa clara county outlawed the sale of flavored products in unincorporated areas. berkeley created buffers around schools. and the city of oakland could pass a citywide prohibition this month. each of those moves being closely watched as precedents are being set. today three deputies and one former deputy with alameda county are due in court for arraignment. they are accused of mistreating inmates at dublin santa rita jail. the four guards are erik mcdermott, stephen sarcos, and two others. there are charged with intimidation of witness and assault under color of authority. investigators believe they allowed an inmate to through feces at others housed in a jail's maximum security unit. the space does not have cameras. at today's arraignment the judge can decide to increase the guards' bail. time now 5:10. later this morning a group of california activists will launch a new challenge to a controversial policy from the trump administration. >> and bay area drivers could be asked to help pay for repairs to a storm-battered highway. >> i'm tracking hurricane irma as it's upgraded to a cat. 5 this morning. also, tracking our air quality here at home. we'll let you know when things are going to clear up and cool down. >> and we are already starting to see speeds in the yellow. we have your commute time coming in at 27 minutes for westbound 580 heading through the altamont pass. delays on mass transit. we'll have the details coming up. trump's ban on transgender military service members. happening today, equality california's filing a lawsuit seeking to block president trump's ban on transgender military service members. the president's directive bars transgender people from enlisting in or continuing to serve in the military. later this morning, equality california among other los angeles county city leaders will announce the lawsuit that will seek an injunction against the order. equality california is the nation's largest statewide lgbtq civil rights organization. jury selection continues this morning in the case of an illegal immigrant accused of shooting and killing kate steinle in san francisco. jose inez garcia zarate is charged with murder for her death two years ago. the defense says it was an accident. the case gained national attention as part of the debate over immigration policy. drivers on highway 37 may have to pay up for some flood repairs. the 21-mile road was plagued with major flooding this winter and rising sea levels could begin to swamp the highway within 30 years. according to the marin independent journal, a study is recommending a toll of up to $7 to expedite flood prevention projects that may otherwise take decades. officials are considering several options including an elevated causeway along sonoma/solano segments and widening to 4 lanes. google's free shuttles are staying around. it's renewing the service at least until the end of 2018. the program started in 2014 and was only supposed to last a couple of years but after a slow start, ridership has picked up increasing by 60% last year. the shuttles work with an app and any riders say that they run on time -- many riders say that they run on time. shuttle for free for google? it's great. why not? >> it's very much needed in the community. >> and many riders say they arrive on time. many of the shuttles are all- electric but that's led to one downside. drivers can't run the air- conditioning because they drain the batteries in the heat. let's see if other people will be running on time. delays on mass transit this morning. we have disruptions -- downtown oakland on bart, we have 20- minute delays in all directions and this is due to them wrapping up with the weekend work. a fatal accident in redwood city impacting riders who use caltrain. both tracks are blocked. they are hoping to re-open a track and samtrans will be assisting with shuttles so a heads up. you may experience some delays if you are heading through the redwood city area. this accident is impacting surface streets and it has shut down manzanita street and shasta and surrounding streets in the area. so heads up for any drivers who use those surface streets. you will encounter some closures. we are also seeing some slowdowns at the bay bridge toll plaza. yeah. busy day already. and you can see those cars backing up beyond the west grand overcrossing. right now we are still in the yellow. 13 minutes as you make your way from the maze into san francisco. 580 heading through the altamont pass, you will be tapping on the brakes, 27 minutes between 205 and 680. your ride heading out of antioch still moving right at the limit and no delays along 101 heading through the north bay. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. i'm checking hurricane irma right now. upgraded to a category 5 storm. look how massive this is making this the -- one of the top 10 biggest hurricanes, most dangerous hurricanes in the atlantic. 175-mile-per-hour winds. those wind gusts picked up over the past three hours. it's moving west at about 15 miles per hour. still, right now about 270 miles away east of antigua. but you can see what's in its path. so setting this into motion, this started as a category 3 yesterday. that's what we were talking about. now it's up to a 5. there are hurricane warnings in effect for puerto rico and the dominican republic all in the line of the category 5 hurricane through tuesday early morning. that's obviously on their time. now, let's take a look at what's going on here for us. we are going to see our temperatures cooling often a little bit on the clouds are going to creep back in. not quite this morning. we still have clear skies out there this morning. so that's a big break from the smoky conditions we have. here's what we're now starting to see. our typical weather pattern with the onshore flow. those winds coming from the ocean helping cool us down the past several days we have had this east wind that's been coming through bringing the smoke from the fires across the sierra down right into the bay and that's why it's been hovering. we have some areas at gilroy where the fire is burning that's still seeing smoky skies but when you see these west winds that's going to clear things up. right now it's calmed down at the airport. half moon bay, a little breezy there at 7 miles per hour. we are expecting those winds to pick up about 15 to 20 miles per hour. especially in places like vallejo where the west winds are coming out now at 10. fairfield 17. and here's our air quality forecast for the day. moderate rain. we weren't seeing oranges and reds, unhealthy for most of the bay area the past several days so a lot of people's lungs can now breathe easier. our temperatures a lot cooler. 89 in livermore. 87 concord. 75 for you in vallejo. so no 90s in sight. no triple digits in sight. here's a look at the seven-day forecast. we are getting another drop by the end of the week. we are going to see another low coming through in our inland temperatures reaching normal for this time of the year as we get to friday even saturday. along the bay temperatures upper 70s dropping down to the low 70s tomorrow, upper 60s for thursday and friday. so you may want to grab that sweater. along the coast we're cooling off significantly with temperatures dropping down into the low 60s. the marine layer will be returning. trending now, social media's buzzing about how beyonce's famous friend and family celebrated her 36th birthday. they got information by recreating the singer's look from her famous music video. those dressing up included beyonce's daughter, mother and serena williams and former first lady michelle obama. apple's iphone is coming out. some of the contenders for the name, the iphone x with a roman numeral to mark 10 years since the original iphone. the iphone edition and the 8. we are going to find out at an event a week from today at apple's new campus in cupertino. a youtubeer from japan is going viral for playing two calculators to play the song of the summer. ♪[ music ] >> do you recognize that? yeah. chances are you never heard "despacito" like this before. that's what that is. the user figured out how to play the hit pop song on calculators that use music tones and you can see his fingers are moving like a piano. the video has about 200,000 views. in the baseball world, phillies fans are going crazy over this insane steal. watch how rookie nick williams pulled it off. he dives to second, uses a swim- like move to lift his torso and maneuver around the tag. with what's even crazier, this is his first career steal. the umpires confirmed that he was in fact safe! and coming up in sports, giants mark melancon with details on his injury and the surgery needed to fix it. and it's rare a no-hitter. what a n.l. west opponent accomplished last night coming up. mark melancon hasn't lived up to his contract. he confirmed that a muscle condition in his forearm has caused tightness throughout the season and he will need surgery. he will try to play through it and have the surgery in the off season. the giants starting a six-game road trip in the mile high city tied at 3 in the top of the ninth. rockies pitcher greg holland makes a great stop to rob pablo sandoval of a hit. good for him because that was right in his face. the panda is hitless in his last 33 after bats. bottom of the 9th, colorado with the bases loaded. the batter walks on four pitches. rockies win 4-3 and the giants are 0-8 this year at coors field. the angels used 12 pitchers in the game yesterday. matt olson ties the game with the second homer of the game and into extra innings. in the 11th angels calhoun drives in two runs with a triple down the right field line. l.a. wins 11-9. oakland has lost 7 in a row. last night, the diamondbacks jd martinez became the 18th player in major league history to hit four home runs in one game. his final three long balls came in three consecutive innings. arizona crushed the dodgers 13- 0 for their 11th straight win. by the way, jd martinez becomes a free agent this season. andrea nakano for kpix 5 sports. here's your play of the day. a spectacular catch from major league baseball. >> adam leaps! >> my goodness! let's take a look at it again. adam engel of the white sox staying a home run from the indians austin jackson. look at that extension. in the end, chicago lost to cleveland 5-3. thousands of bay area residents are on edge this morning. they are expecting the announcement from the trump administration ending daca, the program that protects undocumented people who came to the country illegally as children. smoke in gilroy. i'm sandra osborne live with an update coming up on the ballybunion fire. decide if they will legalize recreational marijuana later today... continues the one bay area city is poised to decide if they will legalize recreational marijuana later today. >> and as texas continues the long recovery effort after hurricane harvey, another powerful hurricane is barreling toward the u.s. mainland. >> here at home we are clearing and cooling. i'll let you know how cool we're about to get coming up. >> delays at the bay bridge toll plaza. looks like the metering lights are on. we'll check the backup and a couple of accidents coming up. good morning. it's tuesday, september 5th. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. the future is up in the air for more than 200,000 californians with the white house set to make or break daca today. the program protects undocumented people from deportation brought to the country as youth. kpix 5's jessica flores reports. >> reporter: good morning. about 500 berkeley students benefit from daca. that's what they estimate. that's just people who tell the university they benefit from daca so there could be more. people are mobilizing rallying today on campus on sproul plaza at 5 p.m. to defend daca bracing for that announcement today. now, it's estimated about 800,000 people across the united states benefit from daca or "deferred action for childhood arrivals." president obama started the program allowing illegal people brought to the country as children to stay and work here. about a quarter of the dreamers live in california. more than any other state. hundreds of thousands of daca recipients pay taxes. if the program ends, it's estimated the u.s. stands to lose $460 billion in the national gdp. a woman married to a kpix 5 employee is among the thousands of "dreamers" awaiting a final announcement. >> it makes me very sad that people don't want me here, don't want me in my own home. >> politico says the president plans to end the program with a six-month delay kicking the issue to coverage of the this morning, the president said, congress: get ready to do your job, daca! the white house hasn't said, they say but an announcement is planned today. meanwhile, folks here at berkeley plan to rally in sproul plaza at 5 p.m. tonight. jessica flores, kpix 5. hurricane irma is packing more of a punch as it inches closer to puerto rico and florida. people in miami are scrambling to stock up on batteries, gas for generators, food and other essentials. florida officials are scheduled to meet today to assess the danger from the storm which reached cat-5 strength in the last hour. they will be discussing evacuations and flooding. this is a view from the eye of the storm. hurricane hunters are tracking irma flying into its 145-mile- per-hour winds. they are gathering information about the storm's intensity for noaa. members of the oakland urban search-and-rescue received applause at the airport last night as they returned from hurricane harvey in houston. they will never forget the resilience of the people of houston. >> they were very selfless, self-reliant capable people. >> about 45 members of the task force returned last night. more than 2 dozen remaining members are expected home thursday or friday. they will drive back all the equipment. this same team could be called to hurricane irma when it hits florida. a spokesman says they are number one in fema's search-and- rescue rotation for september. this morning thousands of firefighters are on the front lines battling dozens of wildfires across the west including one in gilroy. kpix 5's sandra osborne is live there with the very latest. sandra. >> reporter: good morning. when we first got out here this morning, here in gilroy, we did see one small flare-up beginning to form on the dark hillside behind me that appears to have gone out but i can tell you one thing we're dealing with now is some of the smoke in the air. gilroy police did put out an advisory yesterday. they say the air quality is poor for people living here. the fire started saturday spreading from just five acres to 100 acres. the problem is the steep terrain, loose dirt on a hillside. no structures are threatened. they have been useing air support to keep the fire from spreading. >> it's not right to set off fireworks this time of year with 100-degree weather and dry everywhere. it puts people in danger. that's not right. >> reporter: this fire is one of dozens in the west coast. the mission fire in the sierra has mandatory evacuations in place for certain neighborhoods. right now, crews on that fire say they only have 5% containment with more than 800 acres burning. and here fire crews our last update they have 10% containment and it spread to about 100 acres. later on this morning at sun-up they will be able to get out here and check for hot spots. >> the firefighters are using all their resources nearby including a golf course? >> reporter: yeah. you know, it's pretty interesting. kiet do our reporter who was out here during this yesterday, he got some video of a helicopter scooping up some water from a pond at a golf course and using it on the fire here. they have also been using some flame retardant. but the very interesting thing about the video that i love is that some of the golfers nearby continuing on with their game. but hey, kenny, whatever helps. >> thank you. firefighters battle flames all over the state. this morning, more help is on the way. california national guard will be headed to the front lines. about 350 will get training and join teams, as well. >> hopefully, this cooler weather will help us in that department. >> it will help and we are getting a little tropical moisture feeling out there, too. we got that yesterday afternoon. so the humidity levels were rising, dew point reached up to 60 so it felt almost sticky out there yesterday and we got some light showers. today we are getting a cooldown. a significant cooldown and some clearing at least along the bay near where the gilroy fire is. certainly there's a little bit of smoke, of course, from the actual fire. but all the fires burning across northern california were sending smoke into our area. now the wind is pushing it away. we are getting that onshore flow so that's why we're seeing temperatures down into the 60s right now this morning in oakland, 70 for you in livermore and 69 for san francisco. beautiful view of the coit tower. here's a lack at the winds. when they come from the ocean, they are bringing cooler ocean air into our area and they are coming out of the north- northwest in hayward, south- southwest for half moon bay. 5 to 10-mile-per-hour winds this morning. but the wind gusts are going to pick up later on. fairfield will see wind gusts about 25 to 30. vallejo expected to reach about 20, 25 this afternoon. so the west winds will help drop our temperatures down a little bit. also, we are seeing a little bit of cloud cover out there. the good news is, when it comes to visibility, yesterday we are down to almost 2 miles because of smoke. that haze was bringing our visibility down between 2 to 3- mile-per-hour -- excuse me, three miles. right now, ten-mile visibility. things are clear with just high clouds from this low pressure system that's just off the coast. that brought some showers yesterday. not expecting to see that today but we are getting clearing and the cooling. >> thank you. heading out the door to the eastshore freeway, there are slowdowns. we have an accident westbound 80 approaching carlson and that's backing things up at least -- one lane blocked, possibly two lanes blocked, and traffic backed up beyond san pablo dam road at this point. we're also tracking a problem westbound 80. this is right near richmond parkway. a car broke down and that has one lane blocked. speeds are slowing down and traffic is backing up towards highway 4. here's a live look at interstate 80. this is right near san pablo dam road. and you can see all the brake lights on your screen there. it's about a 22-minute ride making your way from highway 4 to the maze. so give yourself some extra time. the richmond/san rafael bridge is slowing down, as well. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. happening today, the city of benicia will take its first vote on whether or not to legalize marijuana. in november, voters approved proposition 64 legalizing marijuana for recreational use. the city posted an online survey and found 58% of people say both medical and retail pot sales should be permitted. the city council meets tonight at 7:00. estimates of the losses linked to hurricane harvey will top billions. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger here to explain. so jill, you have reported that up to 80% of those impact by harvey don't carry national flood insurance. so what should these people do? >> reporter: boy, it's unbelievable. and with the weather you have been having lately, a lot of people might find themselves in a declared disaster area and if your own insurance doesn't cover you or you don't have government coverage, you will be relying on private donations through organizations like the red cross as well as assistance from the federal government. that should provide a much- needed safety net as we have seen in the past with other storms. those affected should check with to learn details. in some circumstances you may find relief from a standard homeowners policy when any event occurs. your first step, locate the policy, review your coverage. if your car is involved, you will need your auto policy. unfortunately, if those documents are lost or damaged which is likely in some of these situations, you will call the insurance company and do request copies. >> definitely a long process. jill, walk us through what a typical claims process will be like for some of the victims in texas. >> reporter: oh, my gosh. it's -- it's really unbelievable and lengthy. you start with taking photographs or videos, then you do that before you move anything. then you make a list of damaged or lost items and hopefully that includes the date of purchase, value and maybe any receipts if they are floating around. you want to report claims as quickly as possible. insurance companies respond on a first come, first served basis. now, you get your claim number, write it down, then you contact the adjustor. that's the person from the insurance company or third party who comes out, inspects your property. it's very important not to make permanent repairs until the insurance company has inspected that property and has agreed on the cost of the repairs. before you freak out and get that first offer letter from the insurance company, just remember, these can be negotiated. for more on how to file insurance claims go to and one last thing. when you are affected by one of these big events, you want to notify your lenders, that you will be late. >> a lot to do for those victims as they try to get through this disaster. jill schlesinger in new york city, thank you. 5:42. a car cuts a path of destruction through a bay area street before crashing into a showroom. why the driver says he lost control. >> and the next two weeks will be interesting in sacramento as this year's legislative session comes to an end. we'll take a look at some of the weighty issues yet to be solved, next. the legislature returns for the final 2 weeks of this year's session. the clock is ticking on state lawmakers. today a couple of big bills are up for discussion when the legislature returns for the final two weeks of this year's session. anne makovec is live in the newsroom with a preview. >> reporter: we are going to see a lot of action in sacramento over the next two weeks. state lawmakers dealing with issues like affordable housing, a water bond and whether california should become a sanctuary state. now, one measure that's close to passing a bill on what happens to rape kits after they are collected from victims. right now in california, the kit doesn't have to be tested and law enforcement doesn't have to tell the victims why. but this bill requires the agencies to report the number of untested rape kits and allow survivors to know the status of their kits. >> we have had a very significant coalition of survivors of sexual assault. district attorney, other members of law enforcement who have wanted more accountability and more transparency for why we have had such a massive backlog of rape evidence kits. >> but there's also a contingency saying it's costs too much. two bills last year died in committee. this bill is one vote in the wait of passage in the hands of the full senate. no bill close to passage would end lunch shaming. that's the practice of denying regular lunch to kids who can't pay for lunch. the law already says that kids who are enrolled in free or reduced lunch programs must be treated the same as those who pay full price. but not every family even knows about that free lunch program and in some school districts, a student who can't pay gets half a cheese sandwich. pretty sad. the state legislature reconvenes in sacramento this morning. >> we're definitely going to see some fights over funding and money at least some heated discussions? >> yeah. california has a little extra money this year including $1.5 billion in "cap and trade" option revenues. the governor released his proposal last week but the assembly and senate will be fighting over where the money should go, anything from earthquake readiness to rebates for electric vehicles. >> thank you. a huge mess at the tesla showroom in san francisco after a car jumped the curb and crashed into the building. yesterday afternoon, a mercedes skipped the curb on van ness and o'farrell, taking out a mailbox, a utility pole and a few bumpers before stopping partially inside the showroom. police say the driver was trying to pass someone and realized his lane was about to end. and that's when he says he accidentally slammed the accelerator instead of the brakes. >> a car going from that way to the shop. >> he didn't hit pedestrians or cars inside the dealership. he was taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay. that's amazing that he didn't hit any car in the showroom. >> right. >> tesla is. >> you don't own a tesla but you have to pay for all this damage. [ laughter ] >> messy situation there. hopefully they don't look too bad on the roads. actually, we are tracking a couple of incidents and it's making things really slow for drivers. on the eastshore freeway. we have an accident westbound 80 approaching carlson boulevard and that has things backed up beyond san pablo dam road. we're also tracking a lane blocked on westbound 80 near richmond parkway causing a backup towards highway 4. so give yourself some extra time. speeds in the yellow with a travel time of 22 minutes from highway 4 down towards the bay bridge toll plaza. here's a look at interstate 80 near san pablo dam road and it looks like they are starting to clear the lane along westbound 80 near carlson because traffic is starting to pick up but still heavy westbound. over at the richmond/san rafael bridge, a lot of, using this as an alternate route -- a lot of folks using this as an alternate route this morning, a few cars backing up, nothing major, eight minutes to 101. here's the macarthur maze where 580, 880 and 80 come together. you can see traffic is slow from there to the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are on. and it's looking like a parking lot. we have about a 23-minute ride along the eastshore freeway, 16 minutes from the maze into san francisco. so give yourself some extra time. also, if you are using mass transit, bart has delays in downtown oakland in all directions 20 minutes due to the weekend track maintenance that they were doing and we are dealing with a fatal accident in redwood city. it may slow you down along the tracks there for caltrain. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. i want to show you what's going on with hurricane irma now. upgraded to a cat-5. that's 175- mile-per-hour winds. it's moving west at 14 miles per hour. this is expected to be very dangerous life-threatening storm with the winds, the rain and the storm surge, as well. it is right now about 20 miles from making landfall at the lesser antilles. looks like perform also in the line. cuba, as well. and southern portions of florida. let's show you this other view so you can get an idea. it started as a category 3. that's what it was yesterday. this morning it was 4. and just in the past hour it's a 5. hurricane warnings in effect throughout the islands there. puerto rico's governor declared a state of emergency, florida as well for the all the counties in florida because they are expecting the storm surge to really cause an impact. but you can see all the islands in the path here as it moves towards the southern florida. it may hit the u.s. by the way by this weekend. let's talk about what's going on at home. we can see a nice clear view of the golden gate this morning. we don't have the hazy conditions at least not along the bay. we are seeing clearing and cooler temperatures out there. in fact, our air quality now has been downgraded to moderate air quality. we saw the oranges and reds unhealthy range for the past several days so it's nice to get that break. you can go outside and enjoy the outdoors today especially with temperatures like this. 81 for you today in palo alto. mountain view 81. 80 union city. hayward a cooler 80 degrees. so temperatures dropping off about 30, 35 degrees from what we had over the weekend. antioch 89. danville 88 today. fairfield 85. no 90s in sight in fact. 83 for new petaluma. looking along the coast, cool conditions returning. these are near normal temperatures to the north, temperatures in cloverdale 85. temperatures will be lower thursday through the weekend. you can see that here on the seven-day forecast. we are dropping to the low 80s inland. upper 60s along the bay. and the coast will be in the low 60s as we get towards the weekend. i know it's only tuesday. we just got off a three-day weekend but we can look ahead to the weekend and talk about the cooler air. over to you -- we'll be right back. the family of a san rafael teen is getting a payout.. more than two years after she was killed while jogging. au van on the family of a san rafael teen is getting a payout more than two years after she was killed while jogging. she was hit by a van in june 2015. her family claims she was forced to jog on the road because the city failed to clear a fallen tree limb from the sidewalk. her mother sued the city of san rafael, marin county and the driver. she will receive a total of $800,000. since the accident, the city has been trimming trees and shrubs in the area. a ceremony is planned this morning to celebrate a milestone at moscone convention center in san francisco. the second of three expansion phases at the complex now complete. the third phase is scheduled to be finished late next year and when it's all done it will have 1 1/2 million square feet of space. all right. more and more americans are steering clear of movie theaters. >> and their decisions have sparked a 25-year low for summer ticket sales. with no new wide releases, hollywood essentially took labor day weekend off. it didn't help the industry that several films made less than expected. some who have been skipping out say the scripts and the costs are keeping them away. some data shows sales were down 16% from may to labor day compared to the same period last year. 5:56. coming up, the united states is weighing the next move against north korea after the country conducted a powerful nuclear test. how its neighbors to the south are responding. >> reporter: and thousands of bay area residents are on edge today as the trump administration signals it will end daca. the details coming up. ♪ keeping up. it takes hard work, tight budgets and a little support. and pg&e is ready to do our part. our care program can save you 20% or more on your monthly bill. it just takes a few minutes to apply and you'll see the savings on your next bill. when having a little extra can mean a lot ...turn to care. go to and enroll today. is as they await president trump's decision about daca... and ultimately their futures d, hundreds of thousands of people in limbo in california as they await president trump's decision about daca and ultimately their futures. >> and as tensions on the korean peninsula grow, the u.s. weighs its response to another north korea nuclear test. good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. let's start with traffic and weather. >> interstate 80 is a mess. westbound 80 near fitzgerald a two car crash has one lane blocked. he cause is under investigation. traffic backing up towards highway 4 at this point. we are also tracking an earlier accident no longer blocking lanes westbound 80 approaching carlson boulevard. that is keeping your ride in the yellow. we have a

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170905 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170905

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65 oakland. san francisco 69. here's why we're seeing that clearing. look at this. low pressure system to the left of us, to the west of us out there over the ocean. that's helping to drop down our temperatures bringing in cloud cover and we saw rain just yesterday afternoon because of this, light showers but it helps clear the air a little bit. we have a little bit of a backup over at the bay bridge toll plaza. yeah. we just jumped into the yellow. no metering lights. but we do see the cars all back up in the cash lanes. fastrak moving through just fine. 13 minutes in the yellow from the maze into san francisco. we also have a stalled big rig blocking one lane along westbound 92 as you approach clawiter road. they are still waiting on a tow truck. this is not slowing anyone down. westbound from 880 to 101 is in the green. an earlier accident a hit-and- run crash southbound 880 at mowry avenue, so far speeds moving at the limit. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. the future is up in the air for more than 200,000 californians with the fate of daca set to be decided today. jessica flores reports from berkeley. >> reporter: it's estimate some 400 to 500 students at cal benefit from daca. today they are mobilizing today at 5 p.m. holding a rally here to defend daca. now, about 800,000 people across the united states benefit from "deferred action for childhood arrivals." president obama enacted the program allowing children brought to the country as children legally to stay here. we have 200,000 recipients here. if the program ends, it's estimated the u.s. may lose $460 billion from the national gdp. a woman married to a kpix 5 employee is among the thousands of "dreamers" awaiting a final announcement. >> i got here at two months old. i don't know anything else but america. >> reporter: political reports, the president plans to end the program and delay implementing it for six months. the announcement will be made by attorney general jeff sessions this afternoon. nothing set in stone as of right now. folks plan to be here at 5 p.m. for a rally. in berkeley, jessica flores, kpix 5. this morning, south korea conducting more military drills in the wake of north korea's latest nuclear tests just hours after the u.n. security council held its second emergency meeting in a week. the european union says it's prepared to support tougher economic and diplomatic measures. the white house has said it's not ruling out military action, a sentiment supported by russia, one of north korea's primary trade partners. north korea's reported test of a hydrogen bomb despite new u.n. sanctions so kim jong-un is pushing for a fight. >> he is begging for war. war is never something the united states wants. we don't want it now. but our country's patience is not unlimited. >> the u.s. and south carolina have agreed to lift restrictions on south korean missile warheads. just yesterday the white house approved the sale of billions of dollars of weapons to south korea. many people in houston are demanding answers about what's in the water after hurricane harvey. there's a worry about toxic material in floodwaters. harvey is blamed for at least 60 deaths. damage is estimated at about $180 billion. the good news, houston is now at least 95% dry. the video from nasa shows the strengthening of hurricane irma a category 5. irma could hit puerto rico and the u.s. this weekend. a state of emergency has been declared for the state of florida. dozens of wildfires are burning across the west. this morning thousands of firefighters are on the front lines. kpix 5's sandra osborne is live in gilroy where crews are battling a fast-moving wildfire there. >> reporter: good morning. i can tell you it's definitely very smoky. gilroy police say the air quality is poor for people living nearby. as far as flames this morning, i believe overnight, the weather conditions have really helped because when we got here, we saw a small flare-up on the hillside behind me that's now out. fire crews will be out here to check hot spots after sun-up. this is only 10% contained. the fire started saturday evening in steep terrain to homeless in west gilroy and spread to 100 acres. they have established a line and have air support to prevent spreading even further. one person thinks teens with fireworks may have started it. >> they were up there and i heard pops like fireworks. and next thing i knew, i saw smoke over the hill and the fire started. >> more than 70 fires have been burning in eight states in the west including the largest fire ever to hit the city of los angeles. you may have seen these images. more than 1,000 firefighters battled flames as high as 50 feet burning close to homes right up to the edge of the freeway that connected los angeles to pasadena. and back out here live in gilroy, not only have they been using flame retardants, but they have been scooped up water from the nearby golf course, which has helped. sandra osborne, kpix 5. >> there's a middle school not too far from this. will this impact the school? >> reporter: it's not going to impact the school directly but may impact how kids walk to school or how parents drop kids off. the ranch side of christmas hill park, some of those walking paths are going to be closed off to the public and that's so that fire crews can get in and out of here quickly. so parents, if you take that way if your kids walk there you may have to find a different route. >> thank you. today san francisco city leaders are gearing up for a big battle with big tobacco. anne makovec is live in the newsroom to explain. >> reporter: san francisco supervisors will reconsiderate flavored tobacco ban they passed in june deciding if they want to put up a fight because it's facing a referendum petition to stop it. that recall petition is almost 34,000 signatures now which means it could be decided by san francisco voters. now, the theory behind this ban is that tobacco products flavored like cherries, vanilla, honey are like candy, a gateway to tobacco products meant to hook kids for life. there's already a federal ban on fruitie and candy flavored cigarettes but in most places other products are allowed. >> big tobacco is a predator and they are guilty of profiling, always looking for new customers to backfill the ones that their products have killed. >> reporter: the ban opens the door for a battle. the city versus big tobacco and local store owners. they say most of their customers are grown adults and that tobacco products account for a lot of their business. this would be an expensive and high-profile campaign for both sides. but the board has two options right now. it can repeal the ordinance or it can put the matter on the june ballot. >> anne, the fight against flavored tobacco has been ramping up across the bay area it seems like. >> reporter: santa clara county outlawed the sale of flavored products in unincorporated areas. berkeley created buffers around schools. and the city of oakland could pass a citywide prohibition this month. each of those moves being closely watched as precedents are being set. today three deputies and one former deputy with alameda county are due in court for arraignment. they are accused of mistreating inmates at dublin santa rita jail. the four guards are erik mcdermott, stephen sarcos, and two others. there are charged with intimidation of witness and assault under color of authority. investigators believe they allowed an inmate to through feces at others housed in a jail's maximum security unit. the space does not have cameras. at today's arraignment the judge can decide to increase the guards' bail. time now 5:10. later this morning a group of california activists will launch a new challenge to a controversial policy from the trump administration. >> and bay area drivers could be asked to help pay for repairs to a storm-battered highway. >> i'm tracking hurricane irma as it's upgraded to a cat. 5 this morning. also, tracking our air quality here at home. we'll let you know when things are going to clear up and cool down. >> and we are already starting to see speeds in the yellow. we have your commute time coming in at 27 minutes for westbound 580 heading through the altamont pass. delays on mass transit. we'll have the details coming up. trump's ban on transgender military service members. happening today, equality california's filing a lawsuit seeking to block president trump's ban on transgender military service members. the president's directive bars transgender people from enlisting in or continuing to serve in the military. later this morning, equality california among other los angeles county city leaders will announce the lawsuit that will seek an injunction against the order. equality california is the nation's largest statewide lgbtq civil rights organization. jury selection continues this morning in the case of an illegal immigrant accused of shooting and killing kate steinle in san francisco. jose inez garcia zarate is charged with murder for her death two years ago. the defense says it was an accident. the case gained national attention as part of the debate over immigration policy. drivers on highway 37 may have to pay up for some flood repairs. the 21-mile road was plagued with major flooding this winter and rising sea levels could begin to swamp the highway within 30 years. according to the marin independent journal, a study is recommending a toll of up to $7 to expedite flood prevention projects that may otherwise take decades. officials are considering several options including an elevated causeway along sonoma/solano segments and widening to 4 lanes. google's free shuttles are staying around. it's renewing the service at least until the end of 2018. the program started in 2014 and was only supposed to last a couple of years but after a slow start, ridership has picked up increasing by 60% last year. the shuttles work with an app and any riders say that they run on time -- many riders say that they run on time. shuttle for free for google? it's great. why not? >> it's very much needed in the community. >> and many riders say they arrive on time. many of the shuttles are all- electric but that's led to one downside. drivers can't run the air- conditioning because they drain the batteries in the heat. let's see if other people will be running on time. delays on mass transit this morning. we have disruptions -- downtown oakland on bart, we have 20- minute delays in all directions and this is due to them wrapping up with the weekend work. a fatal accident in redwood city impacting riders who use caltrain. both tracks are blocked. they are hoping to re-open a track and samtrans will be assisting with shuttles so a heads up. you may experience some delays if you are heading through the redwood city area. this accident is impacting surface streets and it has shut down manzanita street and shasta and surrounding streets in the area. so heads up for any drivers who use those surface streets. you will encounter some closures. we are also seeing some slowdowns at the bay bridge toll plaza. yeah. busy day already. and you can see those cars backing up beyond the west grand overcrossing. right now we are still in the yellow. 13 minutes as you make your way from the maze into san francisco. 580 heading through the altamont pass, you will be tapping on the brakes, 27 minutes between 205 and 680. your ride heading out of antioch still moving right at the limit and no delays along 101 heading through the north bay. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. i'm checking hurricane irma right now. upgraded to a category 5 storm. look how massive this is making this the -- one of the top 10 biggest hurricanes, most dangerous hurricanes in the atlantic. 175-mile-per-hour winds. those wind gusts picked up over the past three hours. it's moving west at about 15 miles per hour. still, right now about 270 miles away east of antigua. but you can see what's in its path. so setting this into motion, this started as a category 3 yesterday. that's what we were talking about. now it's up to a 5. there are hurricane warnings in effect for puerto rico and the dominican republic all in the line of the category 5 hurricane through tuesday early morning. that's obviously on their time. now, let's take a look at what's going on here for us. we are going to see our temperatures cooling often a little bit on the clouds are going to creep back in. not quite this morning. we still have clear skies out there this morning. so that's a big break from the smoky conditions we have. here's what we're now starting to see. our typical weather pattern with the onshore flow. those winds coming from the ocean helping cool us down the past several days we have had this east wind that's been coming through bringing the smoke from the fires across the sierra down right into the bay and that's why it's been hovering. we have some areas at gilroy where the fire is burning that's still seeing smoky skies but when you see these west winds that's going to clear things up. right now it's calmed down at the airport. half moon bay, a little breezy there at 7 miles per hour. we are expecting those winds to pick up about 15 to 20 miles per hour. especially in places like vallejo where the west winds are coming out now at 10. fairfield 17. and here's our air quality forecast for the day. moderate rain. we weren't seeing oranges and reds, unhealthy for most of the bay area the past several days so a lot of people's lungs can now breathe easier. our temperatures a lot cooler. 89 in livermore. 87 concord. 75 for you in vallejo. so no 90s in sight. no triple digits in sight. here's a look at the seven-day forecast. we are getting another drop by the end of the week. we are going to see another low coming through in our inland temperatures reaching normal for this time of the year as we get to friday even saturday. along the bay temperatures upper 70s dropping down to the low 70s tomorrow, upper 60s for thursday and friday. so you may want to grab that sweater. along the coast we're cooling off significantly with temperatures dropping down into the low 60s. the marine layer will be returning. trending now, social media's buzzing about how beyonce's famous friend and family celebrated her 36th birthday. they got information by recreating the singer's look from her famous music video. those dressing up included beyonce's daughter, mother and serena williams and former first lady michelle obama. apple's iphone is coming out. some of the contenders for the name, the iphone x with a roman numeral to mark 10 years since the original iphone. the iphone edition and the 8. we are going to find out at an event a week from today at apple's new campus in cupertino. a youtubeer from japan is going viral for playing two calculators to play the song of the summer. ♪[ music ] >> do you recognize that? yeah. chances are you never heard "despacito" like this before. that's what that is. the user figured out how to play the hit pop song on calculators that use music tones and you can see his fingers are moving like a piano. the video has about 200,000 views. in the baseball world, phillies fans are going crazy over this insane steal. watch how rookie nick williams pulled it off. he dives to second, uses a swim- like move to lift his torso and maneuver around the tag. with what's even crazier, this is his first career steal. the umpires confirmed that he was in fact safe! and coming up in sports, giants mark melancon with details on his injury and the surgery needed to fix it. and it's rare a no-hitter. what a n.l. west opponent accomplished last night coming up. mark melancon hasn't lived up to his contract. he confirmed that a muscle condition in his forearm has caused tightness throughout the season and he will need surgery. he will try to play through it and have the surgery in the off season. the giants starting a six-game road trip in the mile high city tied at 3 in the top of the ninth. rockies pitcher greg holland makes a great stop to rob pablo sandoval of a hit. good for him because that was right in his face. the panda is hitless in his last 33 after bats. bottom of the 9th, colorado with the bases loaded. the batter walks on four pitches. rockies win 4-3 and the giants are 0-8 this year at coors field. the angels used 12 pitchers in the game yesterday. matt olson ties the game with the second homer of the game and into extra innings. in the 11th angels calhoun drives in two runs with a triple down the right field line. l.a. wins 11-9. oakland has lost 7 in a row. last night, the diamondbacks jd martinez became the 18th player in major league history to hit four home runs in one game. his final three long balls came in three consecutive innings. arizona crushed the dodgers 13- 0 for their 11th straight win. by the way, jd martinez becomes a free agent this season. andrea nakano for kpix 5 sports. here's your play of the day. a spectacular catch from major league baseball. >> adam leaps! >> my goodness! let's take a look at it again. adam engel of the white sox staying a home run from the indians austin jackson. look at that extension. in the end, chicago lost to cleveland 5-3. thousands of bay area residents are on edge this morning. they are expecting the announcement from the trump administration ending daca, the program that protects undocumented people who came to the country illegally as children. smoke in gilroy. i'm sandra osborne live with an update coming up on the ballybunion fire. decide if they will legalize recreational marijuana later today... continues the one bay area city is poised to decide if they will legalize recreational marijuana later today. >> and as texas continues the long recovery effort after hurricane harvey, another powerful hurricane is barreling toward the u.s. mainland. >> here at home we are clearing and cooling. i'll let you know how cool we're about to get coming up. >> delays at the bay bridge toll plaza. looks like the metering lights are on. we'll check the backup and a couple of accidents coming up. good morning. it's tuesday, september 5th. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. the future is up in the air for more than 200,000 californians with the white house set to make or break daca today. the program protects undocumented people from deportation brought to the country as youth. kpix 5's jessica flores reports. >> reporter: good morning. about 500 berkeley students benefit from daca. that's what they estimate. that's just people who tell the university they benefit from daca so there could be more. people are mobilizing rallying today on campus on sproul plaza at 5 p.m. to defend daca bracing for that announcement today. now, it's estimated about 800,000 people across the united states benefit from daca or "deferred action for childhood arrivals." president obama started the program allowing illegal people brought to the country as children to stay and work here. about a quarter of the dreamers live in california. more than any other state. hundreds of thousands of daca recipients pay taxes. if the program ends, it's estimated the u.s. stands to lose $460 billion in the national gdp. a woman married to a kpix 5 employee is among the thousands of "dreamers" awaiting a final announcement. >> it makes me very sad that people don't want me here, don't want me in my own home. >> politico says the president plans to end the program with a six-month delay kicking the issue to coverage of the this morning, the president said, congress: get ready to do your job, daca! the white house hasn't said, they say but an announcement is planned today. meanwhile, folks here at berkeley plan to rally in sproul plaza at 5 p.m. tonight. jessica flores, kpix 5. hurricane irma is packing more of a punch as it inches closer to puerto rico and florida. people in miami are scrambling to stock up on batteries, gas for generators, food and other essentials. florida officials are scheduled to meet today to assess the danger from the storm which reached cat-5 strength in the last hour. they will be discussing evacuations and flooding. this is a view from the eye of the storm. hurricane hunters are tracking irma flying into its 145-mile- per-hour winds. they are gathering information about the storm's intensity for noaa. members of the oakland urban search-and-rescue received applause at the airport last night as they returned from hurricane harvey in houston. they will never forget the resilience of the people of houston. >> they were very selfless, self-reliant capable people. >> about 45 members of the task force returned last night. more than 2 dozen remaining members are expected home thursday or friday. they will drive back all the equipment. this same team could be called to hurricane irma when it hits florida. a spokesman says they are number one in fema's search-and- rescue rotation for september. this morning thousands of firefighters are on the front lines battling dozens of wildfires across the west including one in gilroy. kpix 5's sandra osborne is live there with the very latest. sandra. >> reporter: good morning. when we first got out here this morning, here in gilroy, we did see one small flare-up beginning to form on the dark hillside behind me that appears to have gone out but i can tell you one thing we're dealing with now is some of the smoke in the air. gilroy police did put out an advisory yesterday. they say the air quality is poor for people living here. the fire started saturday spreading from just five acres to 100 acres. the problem is the steep terrain, loose dirt on a hillside. no structures are threatened. they have been useing air support to keep the fire from spreading. >> it's not right to set off fireworks this time of year with 100-degree weather and dry everywhere. it puts people in danger. that's not right. >> reporter: this fire is one of dozens in the west coast. the mission fire in the sierra has mandatory evacuations in place for certain neighborhoods. right now, crews on that fire say they only have 5% containment with more than 800 acres burning. and here fire crews our last update they have 10% containment and it spread to about 100 acres. later on this morning at sun-up they will be able to get out here and check for hot spots. >> the firefighters are using all their resources nearby including a golf course? >> reporter: yeah. you know, it's pretty interesting. kiet do our reporter who was out here during this yesterday, he got some video of a helicopter scooping up some water from a pond at a golf course and using it on the fire here. they have also been using some flame retardant. but the very interesting thing about the video that i love is that some of the golfers nearby continuing on with their game. but hey, kenny, whatever helps. >> thank you. firefighters battle flames all over the state. this morning, more help is on the way. california national guard will be headed to the front lines. about 350 will get training and join teams, as well. >> hopefully, this cooler weather will help us in that department. >> it will help and we are getting a little tropical moisture feeling out there, too. we got that yesterday afternoon. so the humidity levels were rising, dew point reached up to 60 so it felt almost sticky out there yesterday and we got some light showers. today we are getting a cooldown. a significant cooldown and some clearing at least along the bay near where the gilroy fire is. certainly there's a little bit of smoke, of course, from the actual fire. but all the fires burning across northern california were sending smoke into our area. now the wind is pushing it away. we are getting that onshore flow so that's why we're seeing temperatures down into the 60s right now this morning in oakland, 70 for you in livermore and 69 for san francisco. beautiful view of the coit tower. here's a lack at the winds. when they come from the ocean, they are bringing cooler ocean air into our area and they are coming out of the north- northwest in hayward, south- southwest for half moon bay. 5 to 10-mile-per-hour winds this morning. but the wind gusts are going to pick up later on. fairfield will see wind gusts about 25 to 30. vallejo expected to reach about 20, 25 this afternoon. so the west winds will help drop our temperatures down a little bit. also, we are seeing a little bit of cloud cover out there. the good news is, when it comes to visibility, yesterday we are down to almost 2 miles because of smoke. that haze was bringing our visibility down between 2 to 3- mile-per-hour -- excuse me, three miles. right now, ten-mile visibility. things are clear with just high clouds from this low pressure system that's just off the coast. that brought some showers yesterday. not expecting to see that today but we are getting clearing and the cooling. >> thank you. heading out the door to the eastshore freeway, there are slowdowns. we have an accident westbound 80 approaching carlson and that's backing things up at least -- one lane blocked, possibly two lanes blocked, and traffic backed up beyond san pablo dam road at this point. we're also tracking a problem westbound 80. this is right near richmond parkway. a car broke down and that has one lane blocked. speeds are slowing down and traffic is backing up towards highway 4. here's a live look at interstate 80. this is right near san pablo dam road. and you can see all the brake lights on your screen there. it's about a 22-minute ride making your way from highway 4 to the maze. so give yourself some extra time. the richmond/san rafael bridge is slowing down, as well. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. happening today, the city of benicia will take its first vote on whether or not to legalize marijuana. in november, voters approved proposition 64 legalizing marijuana for recreational use. the city posted an online survey and found 58% of people say both medical and retail pot sales should be permitted. the city council meets tonight at 7:00. estimates of the losses linked to hurricane harvey will top billions. cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger here to explain. so jill, you have reported that up to 80% of those impact by harvey don't carry national flood insurance. so what should these people do? >> reporter: boy, it's unbelievable. and with the weather you have been having lately, a lot of people might find themselves in a declared disaster area and if your own insurance doesn't cover you or you don't have government coverage, you will be relying on private donations through organizations like the red cross as well as assistance from the federal government. that should provide a much- needed safety net as we have seen in the past with other storms. those affected should check with to learn details. in some circumstances you may find relief from a standard homeowners policy when any event occurs. your first step, locate the policy, review your coverage. if your car is involved, you will need your auto policy. unfortunately, if those documents are lost or damaged which is likely in some of these situations, you will call the insurance company and do request copies. >> definitely a long process. jill, walk us through what a typical claims process will be like for some of the victims in texas. >> reporter: oh, my gosh. it's -- it's really unbelievable and lengthy. you start with taking photographs or videos, then you do that before you move anything. then you make a list of damaged or lost items and hopefully that includes the date of purchase, value and maybe any receipts if they are floating around. you want to report claims as quickly as possible. insurance companies respond on a first come, first served basis. now, you get your claim number, write it down, then you contact the adjustor. that's the person from the insurance company or third party who comes out, inspects your property. it's very important not to make permanent repairs until the insurance company has inspected that property and has agreed on the cost of the repairs. before you freak out and get that first offer letter from the insurance company, just remember, these can be negotiated. for more on how to file insurance claims go to and one last thing. when you are affected by one of these big events, you want to notify your lenders, that you will be late. >> a lot to do for those victims as they try to get through this disaster. jill schlesinger in new york city, thank you. 5:42. a car cuts a path of destruction through a bay area street before crashing into a showroom. why the driver says he lost control. >> and the next two weeks will be interesting in sacramento as this year's legislative session comes to an end. we'll take a look at some of the weighty issues yet to be solved, next. the legislature returns for the final 2 weeks of this year's session. the clock is ticking on state lawmakers. today a couple of big bills are up for discussion when the legislature returns for the final two weeks of this year's session. anne makovec is live in the newsroom with a preview. >> reporter: we are going to see a lot of action in sacramento over the next two weeks. state lawmakers dealing with issues like affordable housing, a water bond and whether california should become a sanctuary state. now, one measure that's close to passing a bill on what happens to rape kits after they are collected from victims. right now in california, the kit doesn't have to be tested and law enforcement doesn't have to tell the victims why. but this bill requires the agencies to report the number of untested rape kits and allow survivors to know the status of their kits. >> we have had a very significant coalition of survivors of sexual assault. district attorney, other members of law enforcement who have wanted more accountability and more transparency for why we have had such a massive backlog of rape evidence kits. >> but there's also a contingency saying it's costs too much. two bills last year died in committee. this bill is one vote in the wait of passage in the hands of the full senate. no bill close to passage would end lunch shaming. that's the practice of denying regular lunch to kids who can't pay for lunch. the law already says that kids who are enrolled in free or reduced lunch programs must be treated the same as those who pay full price. but not every family even knows about that free lunch program and in some school districts, a student who can't pay gets half a cheese sandwich. pretty sad. the state legislature reconvenes in sacramento this morning. >> we're definitely going to see some fights over funding and money at least some heated discussions? >> yeah. california has a little extra money this year including $1.5 billion in "cap and trade" option revenues. the governor released his proposal last week but the assembly and senate will be fighting over where the money should go, anything from earthquake readiness to rebates for electric vehicles. >> thank you. a huge mess at the tesla showroom in san francisco after a car jumped the curb and crashed into the building. yesterday afternoon, a mercedes skipped the curb on van ness and o'farrell, taking out a mailbox, a utility pole and a few bumpers before stopping partially inside the showroom. police say the driver was trying to pass someone and realized his lane was about to end. and that's when he says he accidentally slammed the accelerator instead of the brakes. >> a car going from that way to the shop. >> he didn't hit pedestrians or cars inside the dealership. he was taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay. that's amazing that he didn't hit any car in the showroom. >> right. >> tesla is. >> you don't own a tesla but you have to pay for all this damage. [ laughter ] >> messy situation there. hopefully they don't look too bad on the roads. actually, we are tracking a couple of incidents and it's making things really slow for drivers. on the eastshore freeway. we have an accident westbound 80 approaching carlson boulevard and that has things backed up beyond san pablo dam road. we're also tracking a lane blocked on westbound 80 near richmond parkway causing a backup towards highway 4. so give yourself some extra time. speeds in the yellow with a travel time of 22 minutes from highway 4 down towards the bay bridge toll plaza. here's a look at interstate 80 near san pablo dam road and it looks like they are starting to clear the lane along westbound 80 near carlson because traffic is starting to pick up but still heavy westbound. over at the richmond/san rafael bridge, a lot of, using this as an alternate route -- a lot of folks using this as an alternate route this morning, a few cars backing up, nothing major, eight minutes to 101. here's the macarthur maze where 580, 880 and 80 come together. you can see traffic is slow from there to the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are on. and it's looking like a parking lot. we have about a 23-minute ride along the eastshore freeway, 16 minutes from the maze into san francisco. so give yourself some extra time. also, if you are using mass transit, bart has delays in downtown oakland in all directions 20 minutes due to the weekend track maintenance that they were doing and we are dealing with a fatal accident in redwood city. it may slow you down along the tracks there for caltrain. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. i want to show you what's going on with hurricane irma now. upgraded to a cat-5. that's 175- mile-per-hour winds. it's moving west at 14 miles per hour. this is expected to be very dangerous life-threatening storm with the winds, the rain and the storm surge, as well. it is right now about 20 miles from making landfall at the lesser antilles. looks like perform also in the line. cuba, as well. and southern portions of florida. let's show you this other view so you can get an idea. it started as a category 3. that's what it was yesterday. this morning it was 4. and just in the past hour it's a 5. hurricane warnings in effect throughout the islands there. puerto rico's governor declared a state of emergency, florida as well for the all the counties in florida because they are expecting the storm surge to really cause an impact. but you can see all the islands in the path here as it moves towards the southern florida. it may hit the u.s. by the way by this weekend. let's talk about what's going on at home. we can see a nice clear view of the golden gate this morning. we don't have the hazy conditions at least not along the bay. we are seeing clearing and cooler temperatures out there. in fact, our air quality now has been downgraded to moderate air quality. we saw the oranges and reds unhealthy range for the past several days so it's nice to get that break. you can go outside and enjoy the outdoors today especially with temperatures like this. 81 for you today in palo alto. mountain view 81. 80 union city. hayward a cooler 80 degrees. so temperatures dropping off about 30, 35 degrees from what we had over the weekend. antioch 89. danville 88 today. fairfield 85. no 90s in sight in fact. 83 for new petaluma. looking along the coast, cool conditions returning. these are near normal temperatures to the north, temperatures in cloverdale 85. temperatures will be lower thursday through the weekend. you can see that here on the seven-day forecast. we are dropping to the low 80s inland. upper 60s along the bay. and the coast will be in the low 60s as we get towards the weekend. i know it's only tuesday. we just got off a three-day weekend but we can look ahead to the weekend and talk about the cooler air. over to you -- we'll be right back. the family of a san rafael teen is getting a payout.. more than two years after she was killed while jogging. au van on the family of a san rafael teen is getting a payout more than two years after she was killed while jogging. she was hit by a van in june 2015. her family claims she was forced to jog on the road because the city failed to clear a fallen tree limb from the sidewalk. her mother sued the city of san rafael, marin county and the driver. she will receive a total of $800,000. since the accident, the city has been trimming trees and shrubs in the area. a ceremony is planned this morning to celebrate a milestone at moscone convention center in san francisco. the second of three expansion phases at the complex now complete. the third phase is scheduled to be finished late next year and when it's all done it will have 1 1/2 million square feet of space. all right. more and more americans are steering clear of movie theaters. >> and their decisions have sparked a 25-year low for summer ticket sales. with no new wide releases, hollywood essentially took labor day weekend off. it didn't help the industry that several films made less than expected. some who have been skipping out say the scripts and the costs are keeping them away. some data shows sales were down 16% from may to labor day compared to the same period last year. 5:56. coming up, the united states is weighing the next move against north korea after the country conducted a powerful nuclear test. how its neighbors to the south are responding. >> reporter: and thousands of bay area residents are on edge today as the trump administration signals it will end daca. the details coming up. ♪ keeping up. it takes hard work, tight budgets and a little support. and pg&e is ready to do our part. our care program can save you 20% or more on your monthly bill. it just takes a few minutes to apply and you'll see the savings on your next bill. when having a little extra can mean a lot ...turn to care. go to and enroll today. is as they await president trump's decision about daca... and ultimately their futures d, hundreds of thousands of people in limbo in california as they await president trump's decision about daca and ultimately their futures. >> and as tensions on the korean peninsula grow, the u.s. weighs its response to another north korea nuclear test. good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. let's start with traffic and weather. >> interstate 80 is a mess. westbound 80 near fitzgerald a two car crash has one lane blocked. he cause is under investigation. traffic backing up towards highway 4 at this point. we are also tracking an earlier accident no longer blocking lanes westbound 80 approaching carlson boulevard. that is keeping your ride in the yellow. we have a

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