Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20171027 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20171027

county wrapped up a short time ago. abc 7 news was inside the santa rosa high school south gym tonight. our government officials were on hand to answer questions about the lengthy clean-up process. the epa says it will start removing hazardous materials like, refrigerators, tomorrow in coffey park. residents cannot refuse that. it will take several months to the get to every home. army corps of engineers will remove everything. the service will be free. residents can opt out. but will need to pay a private can tractor for the ter vservic. the army corps does not think people will rebuild until springtime. and our reporter was at to night's meeting. he will have more on what residents are saying tonight at 11:00. full containment expected tomorrow on the biggest napa and sonoma county fires. the biggest is the nuns fire at 56,000 acres. now, 94% contained. the atlas fire is at 98% containment, the tubbs fire between calistoga, santa rosa. 95% contained. farther north, the small pocket fire near geyserville is 94% contained. right now, that is according to cal fire. all encouraging news in terms of containment figures. >> bear fire in santa cruz mountains is 100% contained. good news there as well. santa cruz sentinel reports, the sheriff's office is prepared to arrest the person who started it. a news conference is scheduled tomorrow morning where new information is expected to be released on the criminal investigation. the blaze broke out on october 16th. near the town of boulder creek. the fire charre 391 acres and destroyed at least four structures. tonight the 49ers are weighing in on the debate over gun control. it has to do with players taking a knee. and the distrust between police and the communities that they serve. abc 7 news reporter, david louis has the story from levi stadium in santa clara. the niners may be last in the division, but first in the league to bring police into a new initiative to make peace with the communities. yes, cops are ticked off at player protests aimed at them. right or wrong. time to move ahead. >> we cannot dwell on what upsets us. our responsibility to our communities, and to our fellow officers is too great to sacrifice because of hard feelings. we need to move the ball forward. >> the niners have lined up nine police associations to sign a pledge to create a dialogue with citizens to foster mental health services and the support of proposed ban on bump stocks, device used in the las vegas mass shooting that turns a semiautomatic into an all right mati matic -- automatic. you just have common respect for one another and better understanding where everyone is coming from. i think that collectively will make us a better community and better society. >> niners will contribute half a million. york hopes other groups will sign the pledge. 49ers save t 49ers safety likes is initiative. but hopes it to continue until the nfl embraces his and other players issue of oppression. >> we are freeitrying. what the 49ers are doing is a testament. stepping up play. make an effort. >> oakland, san jose santa clara police groups signed the pledge. so did agencies in l.a. and new york. in santa clara, david louis, abc 7 news. >> the high school on lockdown twice after two separate reports of of students bringing guns to school. early earl today, police arrested a 14-year-old buyho waved a handgun in the school bathroom apparently. no one was hurt. in the second incident police talked to another student off campus. but no weapon has been found. there have been three other incidents around the bay area this week. involving students bringing guns to school. berkeley police need your help tonight to find a man suspected of punching someone and birling into the victim with his car. you are looking at a picture of the man taken at the scene on ashby avenue last thursday. the man drove a mercedes sedan with paper plates from a dealership. police tell us. all started when the victim was riding in a car and yelled at the suspect about his erratic driving. well this map shows you where their dispute turned violent on ashby avenue near berkeley branch of the medical center. >> the park range whose gun was stolen june 27th, 2017 from his suv testified in the kate steinle homicide case. prosecutors say the stolen gun was used to kill the 392-year-o392 yea 3932-year-old woman. more on a revealing testimony in court. backpack with a fully loaded handgun was placed on the floor behind the driver's seat. that's what park ranger, testified in court today. when he came back from having dinner with his three children and fiancee, the back seat window was smashed out. and the bag stolen. prosecutors said the gun was used in the shooting death of kate steinle. standing between two co-workers, badge, credentials and second gun clip were taken. the federal park ranger who works for the bureau of land management told the jury he felt comfortable leaving the gun in the suv. parked in san francisco's embarcadero district. car was locked. well little. and suv had tinted windows. >> no question that he acted negligently. and he, he triggered course of events. that led to the death of kate steinle. >> evidence speaks loudest. the park ranger acknowledged the owners manual for the 239 suggests keeping the handgun unloaded for the users' safety. he had driven up with his children with the suv. in court revealed several pieces of clothing were also missing from the suv. the defense has are gaud that the alleged shooter, jose inez garcia serate found the gun on the pier in a piece of cloth and discharged accidentally. the cloth never found. in san francisco, leeann m melendez. a warm day across the bay area. nice outside. our meteorologist and the forecast. we inch towards halloween. >> seeing big changes we head towards halloween. high tuesday at record levels. in san jose. and take a look at san jose. 91 degrees. that is actually a new record, for today, a good 21 degrees above average. tide the record of 93 degrees. 85 in santa rosa. 82, oakland. warm, concord. napa. 92 degrees. half moon bay. 67. take a look at air quality. going to continue to suffer tomorrow. as the warmth is not going away immediately. so spare the air alert is up for tomorrow. the east bay. santa clara. moderate. bay area. spare the air is the latest the calendar year, since the first time this late in the season they're issuing this. not because of the smoke. because of the heat. light winds. and the car exhaust. so take a look at live d dopple seven. you will notice, some changes already under way. right now, point reyes is where we are starting to see some fog. fog expanding and that's not, the only change that is coming. i'll be back with details coming up including halloween forecast. dan. >> great. thank you so much. >> new report says many cars in the new express lane on 680, contra costa shouldn't be there. metropolitan transportation commission. says 40% of the people driving new lanes do not have a fast track transponder. violators notified by mail. but won't be penalized at least for now.ists are using the lane. if they don't have fast track, they will not receive a violation penalty for the first weeks. when the notice comes, they will be invoiced for total amount only. >> the lanes open three weeks ago on southbound 680 from rudger. and on north 680. the mtc says overall lanes are working as expecked with traffic moving faster than in the mixed flow lanes. >> all right, busy night. lot more to got to on abc 7 at 9:00. hear about the stanford scientist who for the first time can see exactly where, and why, batteries in your gadgets catch fire. also, the move by a california court that means a beautiful peninsula beach involved in a year's long legal battle. we'll stay open. the ski resort and high sierra preparing to open for the season tomorrow. tomorrow, no kidding. they'll be skiing. more to come stay with me. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. >> scientific breakthrough could pave the way for safer batteries that last longer. we have seen videos and gadgets that caught fire unexpectedly. jonathan bloom went to the stanford lab where researchers are finally getting a closer look at why some batteries explode. >> punctured the battery. >> when you puncture a battery it catches fire. some batteries catch fire on its own. from hoverboard to samsung galaxy note 7. turns out the batteries were punctured at atomic level. >> when you charge the battery. lithium metal will tend to grow these needle like structures, dendrites. pierce the separator and create short circuits. >> the biggest thing that keeps batteries from getting smaller and holding more energy. getting a closer look at the problem was almost impossible. >> metal. light. it has the a very low melting point. >> this video shows tiny needles falling apart under the microscope. the very active looking at them with the powerful electron beam makes them disintegrate. >> liquid nitrogen. >> this turned out to be the solution. a technique that within a nobel prize for use in biology. freezes the battery before it breaks down. >> we are able to finally stablize the materials. and, zoom in up to a million times magnification. >> because it had never been done before, there is no instruction manual for getting a frozen battery into an electron microscope. turns out it required a trip to the hardware store. >> this funnel goes in. >> funnel, flashlight. therm thermos, let them transfer samples out of the airtight glove box. >> i can take it out of the box. under liquid nitrogen. >> get to atomic. we can see atoms. >> by seeing what they're made of. researchers can find ways to get rid of them. national accelerator lab is backing research to pave the ways for batteries that last ten times as long. >> mooaw >> you can drieve. >> to prevent car fires. phone explosions in the future. >> at stanford, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. >> a beach at center of a year's long controversy will be kept open to swimmers and surfers. the declined to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling that forced billionaire venture capitalist to allow public access to martin's beach. next option appealing to the supreme court. he bought the section of the pacific coastline more than $32 million in 2008 and put up gate and signs saying beach closed. earlier this month, to avoid coastal commission fines, he finally opened the gate but only on certain days and hours. >> well from surfing to skiing tonight. in the high sierra, ski resort preparing for skiers and snow boarders tomorrow, before halloween. mount rose on the nevada side of north tahoe will open a beginner run. pictures the ski resort provided on final preparations. the single slope will be open 8 to noon. a lift ticket is $20. most of the snow is man made you can imagine. but they hope of course, that will change soon. it is after all getting close to that time of year. but in the meantime, we have swelter around the bay area. and meteorologist is back with more on the heat wave. sandy. >> dan from swelter to some slick roadways. next week this time, major changes. already seeing some of the changes under way as you check out live doppler 7. right now. the fog has started to close in. along the mendicino coast. parts of point reyes. see that in the overnight. want to show you where temperatures are heading over the next few days. san jose's average high is 73. still going to be warm. 86. 82. weekend. sunday. monday. going to be right where you should be. or even cooler than there mall for this time of year. do get ready for some big changes in our weather. right now, live look from our east bay hills camera. you can seep a view. back toward the bay. san francisco. visibility its good. 69. san jose, warm, at 75. half moon bay, cool spot at 55 degrees. look at the lovely shot. from the camera, looking towards san francisco, downtown. 63, santa rosa. in the 50s, fairfield to places like half moon bay. concord, liver more in the 60s. a live picture from the emoryville camera. the span. may not look that way. warm bay inland tomorrow. sharper, cooler over the weekend. no tricks just a treat for halloween. look at hour bile hoy hour fore. seeing fog roll closer. 5:00 a.m. near the coastline. morning commute will include, areas of low visibility. around the afternoon hours. most of the fog will pull away. there will be a little sliver along parts of the coast. that will help to bring those temperatures down some more. especially near the coastline. first thing tomorrow morning. upper 40s to the upper 50s t it is going to be a cooler night. so tomorrow, when you get going. good idea to just grab a jacket or sweater. later in the afternoon. lose that jacket or swelter. it will be a warm one again in the south bay. 86. san jose. 83. on the peninsula. 81, san mateo. redwood city. the coastline. nice, mild. 70. half moon bay. 72. downtown, san francisco. 77 degrees. 70, daly city. north bay. going to feel different. with that fog rolling in. and just hanging tough around bodega bay. cooler day. 68. 88. 80, oakland. head inland, warmth with us. 85 degrees in concord. 86, fairfield. 87 in livermore. a look what you need to watch out for. head to the beach tomorrow afternoon. through saturday afternoon. evening. we have a beach hazard statement. current wave heights. 6 to 7 feet. energetic, north westerly swell coming in will wing breakers up to 20 feet. watch out for rip curt ends. and here is the exciting news. big switch up in the weather. november 3. a chance of showers developing. certainly looking wet. friday night. going into saturday. keep that wet weather going. it is november. and in the sierra, this is going to turn into fresh powder. accuweather seven-day forecast. morning fog giving way to sunshine in most areas. cooler day saturday. notice the temperatures. mid 60s to mid 80s. temperatures, will tumble sunday. upper 50s to upper 70s. in the autumn chill with us monday. in time for halloween. going to feel like halloween, dan. low sects to mid 70s. slight chance of showers next thursday. friday, saturday, sunday of the following weekend download the app. check out temperature swings. hour bite hour. minute by minute. >> toasty. >> go from really warm to really school. >> this time of year. >> thank you very much. much more ahead at 9:00. beast mode. works at staying in shape. despite suspension. not his usual workout partners. that story when we show you the pictures. also not one, not two. but eight home runs last night at the world series. tonight major league baseball thinks it knows what its behind the sudden power surge. the sudden power surge. woman: we demand a lot from our eyes every day. i should know. i have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. so i use restasis multidose®. it helps me make more of my own tears, with continued use, twice a day, every day. it's also what i prescribe to my patients who have this condition. restasis multidose® helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose®. savings card holders pay as little as $0 for three bottles. start saving today at extreme heat may have led to a record number of home runs in game two of the world series. one night ago. don't know if you watched that. dodgers and astros come beend for eight home runs in 11 innings of play. at the game's start. 93 degrees. making one of the hottest post season games of all time. brushfire also burning within sight of dodger stayed yuchl in l.a. major league baseball, reports teams hit more home runs in warmer weather. 3.1% of at-bats and home runs in colder temperatures versus 4.4% in warmer temperatures. >> while we are talking sports. tomorrow is al adle's tribute day at the arena. warriors will honor the 1975 championship team head coach. as part of festivities, they'll be giving away this bobblehead. really well done. take a look at this. we have an exclusive look at the inspired suit. that steve kerr will be wearing tomorrow. shiny black suit. bright floral undershirt was designed in san francisco of couture design. designer european clothing. >> he had pockets. and, and used to be the color, and that was the fashion. bring the color on top. made, with the shinier fabric. he also tailored a modern suit in warriors blue with yellow. which he is delivering to kerr today. unfortunately not at the game because he is in the hospital. we understand his condition is not serious. doing okay. sorry we couldn't show you the bobblehead. take my word for it really well done. cute. much more ahead on abc 7 news at 9:00. mystery unveiled. thousand of jfk files are out tonight. next why one decision by president trump is fufli ifueli theer yaez to -- theories tonight. sexual harassment allegations from five women. his employer taking action. his employer taking action. google announcing a at at&t, we believe in access. his employer taking action. google announcing a the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. tonight abc news is pouring over thousand of jfk files released to night by the federal government. but some are being kept under wraps for at least the next months. that adding fuel to conspiracy theories about what hap pebd on november 22nd, 1963. abc news reporter, tom llamas has the story. >> tonight more confusion and drama surrounding the assassination of jfk. president trump announcing some of the secret documents scheduled to be released to day will not be, because they pose a danger to national security. 2800 other documents just released late tonight. to shed more light into the killing. >> and, mrs. kennedy. >> november 22nd, 1963, president kennedy and the first lady arriving in dallas, that trajic trip through dealey plaza. the first couple of riding through the windy road in dallas. the president an open target for assassin lee harvey oswald. >> president kennedy has been shot in dallas texas. >> from the get go the news was so hard to believe. a single man with a rifle, killing the protected leader of free world. then, just two days later on live television. >> there is lee oswald. he's been shot. >> the man pulled the trigger, shot and killed hill in custody of police officers. all sparking intrigue and doubt. the document from 1964 says investigators looked into claims oswald was working with the fbi as an informant. they concluded he was not. assassins need payrolls. schedules, times, orders. this was a military style ambush from start to finish. this was coup d'etat. >> the film jfk and fictional plot surrounding the conspiracy to kill kennedy fueling more speculation. in part leading congress to pass a law to release all federal assassin record by today. k experts say some documents involve oswald and travel to mexico city. visit to russian embassy and cuban consulate there. everyone will be mining the documents for any clues to the big question. did he act alone. >> i would look to think that these documents would be a final a answer where americans could look at the case say this is what happened. realistically never going to happen. >> abc news reporter, tom llamas on the story. if you would look to browse through the jfk documents, the government released tonight. a link on the website. abc 7 the national archives is providing pdf links to thousand of documents. this one describes operation mongoose. at the time it was a top secret operation involving cuba. well tonight there are reports five women have now accused political analyst mark halprin of sexual harassment while political director at abc news more than ten years ago. the women told their stories of the encounters to cnn from me d meetings, kachl pacampaign, hot denied inappropriate apologized. the statement goes on -- for that i am deeply sorry. and i apologize. abc news says, mark left a decade ago. no complaints were filed during his tenure. halprin stepping away from his job at nbc. today, hbo announced it will not move forward with planned mini-series about the 2016 election featuring halprin. now to a new development in the harvey weinstein case. today he sued his former company for records as he prepares to defend himself. it comes as diane sawyer sits down with ashley judd, her first television interview. judd has come forward to, talk about weinstein. more than, 60 others have followed. >> a girl from kentucky. she is also written about the sexual abuse she endured in her young life. before she went to california, just wanting to be an actor. towering producer harvey weinstein called. >> i remember the lurch when i want to the desk. i said, mr. weinstein, is he on the patio. they said he is in his room the i was like, oh. are you kidding me? >> but youn went up because -- >> i had a business appointment. which is, that's his pattern of s sexual predation. huh he rolled. >> other women asking to give a massage. give him one. watch him in the shower. >> i thought with this volley of noes. ignored kept coming back with all this other stuff. finally i just said. when i win an oscar in one of your movies, okay. and he was like, yeah, when you get nominated. i said no, when i win an oscar. and then i just, fled. and then i just fled. am i proud of that? i'm of two minds. the part that shames myself, says no. the part of me that understand the way shame works, says, that was absolutely brilliant, good job, kid, you got out of there. well done. we all do the best we can. and our best is good enough. it's really okay to have responded however we responded. >> a message for women across the country. some of whom sent us audio tapes. we promised not to reveal their names. >> i have no face in this. i have no name. you know nothing about me. but, i am still scared, i can't lose my job. >> we're doing this for her. you know, if this isn't her moment yet. we are helping create the moment when she can. >> we had a question for this hollywood star who says her belief in god is central in her life. >> what would you say to harvey weinstein today? >> surprising answer. she says, she'll never forgive what he did to women. but there is something else she must do. because of her deep faith. >> you know what i would say to harvey is, i love you, and i understand that you are sick and suffering. and there is help for a guy like you too. it's entirely up to you to get that help. >> diane sawyer reporting. >> tonight, google is trying to help combat fake news that can some times appear on web search searches. announced, partnering with fact check network. the idea is to enlist the network help to increase the number of verified fact checkers on the internet. when you google something not always clear if the answer provided is real or fake. if you look on your screen now, google hopes to dupe this more often. and put a fact check line at the bottom of rumors and myths. this one debunked category 6 hurricanes. they go to category five. right. one of the biggest pharmacies in the country making a bid to buy within of the biggest health insurers. roll ite reuters offers. that cvs offered $66 billion for aetna. pressure from the government to lower health costs by consolidating. government antitrust regulators turned down two similar mergers in the past year. we'll see. >> next, a happy ending to a bizarre missing person's case. this elderly woman disappeared, 42 years ago. she is smiling tonight. but a mystery remains. >> what she was doing for all of all flight at one small airport in alaska could not depart without a seal of approval. you can see why, a massive 450 pound seal blocked the run way at the airport in northern alaska earlier this week. sitting there getting sun. the animal had decide to go on to the run way after a major snowstorm in the area. the seal was essentially taken off the runway on a sled. it did not delay any flights however. great picture. well, two sailors have been recovered and rescued after surviving five months in the pacific. their flight began, their plight began when their engine failed on their boat. the two were headed from hawaii to tahiti. a fishing ship from taiwan discovered them 900 miles southeast from japan. 2600 miles offcourse. a navy ship in the area on routine patrol. assisted in the rescue. jennifer and tasha had set sail with their dogs in the spring. their engine died during bad weather in may. the two thought they could make it to land using the ship's sails. they just couldn't. they had plenty of food and water on board. that helped after two months at sea. well they got worried of course. the sailors started putting out daily distress signals. no ship was close enough to here. the women say their rescuers saved their lives. well, this its certainly not your normal missing persons case. get this a woman missing since 1975, has found, been found alive, 42 years later. the sheriff's office, sullivan county new york says floora stevens was using the last name harris when detectives tracked her down this week in an assisted living facility. near boston. stevens suffers from dit men shah. police say her husband dropped her off for a doctor's appointment in new york in 1975. when he returned to pick her up. she wasn't there. officials say they haven't been able to figure out what she has been doing for the past 42 years. but at lest they now know she is safe. next at 9:00 who, says you can't follow your dreams? >> you are my hero. >> the all right, are you ready for halloween. jessica castro from nbc 7 mornings has speaky ideas to kick off your halloween from our partners at hood line. >> get halloween weekend started early by hitting a sober dance party before work on friday morning. halloween promises to be a magical morning. you will be done at 9:00 in time to hit the office. hop on board the horn blower bell at pier 3, 6:30 a.m. rmt start with yoga on the boat. dance until the sun comes up. >> yes, daybreaker is a sober morning dance party. aimed to start your day with energy and intention. so, a theatrical experience. break dancers, all sorts of really amazing art work, performers, great djs. also, coffee. lots of coffee. >> you do need to buy tickets. they're $35 online. but this week, throw in an extra $5 to help fund raise for victims of the recent north bay fires. if you are more night owl, maybe want a cocktail or two. try the love boat hall when party. friday, saturday night. pier 70. tenth year anniversary. used to be called the ghost ship halloween party. name has changed. this party is big. really big. this year, fat boy slim will perform saturday. moby saturday. there are tickets starting at $85. for the little ones. fun for the family at the academy of sciences. trick or treat at academy at night among the speaky animals and specimens. a silent disco in the aquarium. face painting, pumpkin carving. live animal shows. magic shows. proceeds support a program to provide free, low cost add mission to all kids and their families. tickets are $50. $35 for kids. party starts at our saturday. 6:30. end at 9:00. go to and link you with hood line. jessica castro. happy halloween. >> you too, jessica. good stuff. in time for halloween. a ghost cat is on display at bronx zoo. zoo's little snow leopard made the public debut today. isn't that beautiful. snow leopard some times called ghost cats. pale gray coats blend into rocks and snow of course. this cub has not been named yet. and you'll love this. british 9-year-old tonight is offering a good reminder to everyone, follow your dreams and don't let any one, tell you you can't do it. >> hello. my name is isaac. i am 9 years old. my teacher asked my class to think of a challenge and how to overcome it. i put down that my challenge was to become an astronaut. and i would overcome this by working really hard, and being accepted into nasa space program. my teacher wasn't happy with this. she said -- she said we were sta p suppose to peck somethiick some realistic. you were once a 9-year-old boy. when the people around you were telling you, it was impossible, and at times it felt like theyer they were right how did you stay motivated and never give up on your dream to become an astronaut. you are my hero, tim. >> thank you, isaac. >> says that something else? little isaac blew away the audience in london at a question and answer session with tim peak. you heard, his teacher told him becoming an astronut wouldn't be realistic. peak answered, plans may change along way. reaching your goals requires self-confidence and your own abilities. never be afraid to reach for the stars. figuratively and literally. sandy patel? >> loved isaac's advice. time-lapse, emoryville camera. beauty. sun going down. skies were absolutely clear here in the bay area. but things are really starting to change. beginning to see some fog, closing in, with some low visibility ta long talong the c. see that change. tomorrow afternoon. looking at cooler weather along the coastline. still mild. 70s, coast side. 80s inland. now check out the temperature trend. for saturday. going to be a cooling trend. 60s to 80s. we goat in into sunday. feel the difference. monday, autumn chill. waiting for cooler weather it is coming. this is kind of how larry dances i believe. here is your halloween planner. 7:00 a.m. 40s. 50s. creepy cloud at noon. mild and sunny. 4:00 p.m. for the trick-or-treaters. at 7:00. nice, and clear. and cool. so, no rain on those costumes. accuweather seven-day forecast. we are going to see that cooling trend, carry over into the weekend. that's when you will feel it on sunday. upper 50s to upper 70s. the all important, halloween forecast is dry. >> all right. thursday night. increasing clouds. bring in rain possibly. >> thank you, sandy. larry was a kid told his teacher he wanted to be a dancer. teacher said it wouldn't be reamist ream reami reamist -- realistic. you defied the teacher. >> i dent waon't want any recen videos to resurface. stanford playing thursday night football. without their best player. you want to talk ugly moves. keller put the offense on the back and lead this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. abc 7 sports brought to you by your local toyota dealer. >> good evening. you could really see the value of bryce love tonight. love its hurt. couldn't play for stanford. the cardinal almost lost to one of the worst teams in the pac 12. lowly oregon state, love the nation's leading rusher out with a variety of injuries. first quarter. this is quarterback, daryl garrison. 3 yard touchdown. nice cut up the middle there. 7-3. came on 1-6. their head coach. and stanford had four pen al teetal -- penalties. leading two. touchdown run right here. for thomas tyner. cutting it back. leaping in. 18 yards. 14-6 oregon state. and struggle all night. 16 of 33. 141 yards passing. a pick. and, this was nearly picked off in the red zone there. stanford had to settle for a field goal. down. 2:38 left. stanford forces a fumble. coughs it up. stanford, 24 second left. crist, wide side for the game winning score. and somehow stanford pulls out this game. as ugly as it was. 15-14. to the pros and marshawn lynch. not going to play, winning game suspension. and, still suiting up however. practicing with some high school players. lynch posted video of himself running plays at his alma hatter. oakland tech. pity the high school kid that tries to tackle him. classic, marshawn. being marshawn. fun for the kids to practice against a pro like marshawn. what if lynch rolls his ankle. tears up his knee. somebody falls on him. awkwardly. just, so risky. but, here is the raiders minus marshawn. >> we love him. playing with him. love him in the building. we love him on game day. to miss the game. it's hard. next man up. good staeble of backs can do it. >> dolphins minus jay cutler. taking on the ravens. but this is, a nice ball there. 34 yards to the speedy, and 7-0. ravens. second quarter. scary here. watch flacco, slide. goes down late. crushed. kiko alonzo. could have let flacco, concussion. john harbaugh not happy. but we'll see if fines are coming on the play. cult ler's cutl cutler's replacement. this returned by c.j.mosley. ravens crush the dolphins. 40-0. city college of san francisco, football powerhouse for years. nine national tight tlz undtles. abc 7 mike shoeman looks at the program what it offers young aspiring players. rams are 5-2. koi coach collins third year at the helm. they have nothing but respect. >> energy is contagious. gets the guys going. everyone loves play frg him here at city college. >> anybody you can call. any time you have a problem. always there to fix it. great guy. i will call him all the time. text him all the time. like our best friend or something. >> this program gives hope to players who didn't get the full ride they wanted out of high school. a bit of a last chance for their football careers. there are no scholarships at ccsf, but the program's success has sent 26 players to division one schools the last two years. go to cal. really, really bad majoring in mathematics. want to pursue that. >> one, two. >> after losing the first two games. rams half within five straight. and, host san matoe saturday. the conference championship game. and the players all know what's at stake. >> excited for the game. so we know what is the task is at hand. trying to accomplish that this week. >> the team has a special bond. they know they're together for two seasons. of course looking for a conference championship. in san francisco, mike shoeman. abc 7 sports. >> thank you, sharks continuing their road trip tonight in boston. little shark fan there. bruins drafted, joe thornton. first overall. 20 years ago. second period. thornton scoring on the rebound. 20th all time in points. with almost 1400. tied it at one. bruins come back. and rookie, danton highnan the night. scored twice. game winner. 2-1 bruins. abc 7 sports brought to you by toyota. >> thank you very much. here is the bobblehead. thank you very much. >> best bobblehead ever made. >> nice. thank you. coming up to night at 11:00. police arrested this man after the third grade son brought a loaded gun to school. hearing from the neighborhoods. the opioid epidemic, a fire captain shares his story how prescription drugs turpd him in -- drugs into a target. we apprecate your time. hope to see you again in one hour. (ominous music) (gentle dramatic music) - [narrator] today, the stories of two murder cases, one in wilkes-barre, pennsylvania, the other in olathe, kansas. in our first case, to most people he's a doting dentist.

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20171027 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20171027

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county wrapped up a short time ago. abc 7 news was inside the santa rosa high school south gym tonight. our government officials were on hand to answer questions about the lengthy clean-up process. the epa says it will start removing hazardous materials like, refrigerators, tomorrow in coffey park. residents cannot refuse that. it will take several months to the get to every home. army corps of engineers will remove everything. the service will be free. residents can opt out. but will need to pay a private can tractor for the ter vservic. the army corps does not think people will rebuild until springtime. and our reporter was at to night's meeting. he will have more on what residents are saying tonight at 11:00. full containment expected tomorrow on the biggest napa and sonoma county fires. the biggest is the nuns fire at 56,000 acres. now, 94% contained. the atlas fire is at 98% containment, the tubbs fire between calistoga, santa rosa. 95% contained. farther north, the small pocket fire near geyserville is 94% contained. right now, that is according to cal fire. all encouraging news in terms of containment figures. >> bear fire in santa cruz mountains is 100% contained. good news there as well. santa cruz sentinel reports, the sheriff's office is prepared to arrest the person who started it. a news conference is scheduled tomorrow morning where new information is expected to be released on the criminal investigation. the blaze broke out on october 16th. near the town of boulder creek. the fire charre 391 acres and destroyed at least four structures. tonight the 49ers are weighing in on the debate over gun control. it has to do with players taking a knee. and the distrust between police and the communities that they serve. abc 7 news reporter, david louis has the story from levi stadium in santa clara. the niners may be last in the division, but first in the league to bring police into a new initiative to make peace with the communities. yes, cops are ticked off at player protests aimed at them. right or wrong. time to move ahead. >> we cannot dwell on what upsets us. our responsibility to our communities, and to our fellow officers is too great to sacrifice because of hard feelings. we need to move the ball forward. >> the niners have lined up nine police associations to sign a pledge to create a dialogue with citizens to foster mental health services and the support of proposed ban on bump stocks, device used in the las vegas mass shooting that turns a semiautomatic into an all right mati matic -- automatic. you just have common respect for one another and better understanding where everyone is coming from. i think that collectively will make us a better community and better society. >> niners will contribute half a million. york hopes other groups will sign the pledge. 49ers save t 49ers safety likes is initiative. but hopes it to continue until the nfl embraces his and other players issue of oppression. >> we are freeitrying. what the 49ers are doing is a testament. stepping up play. make an effort. >> oakland, san jose santa clara police groups signed the pledge. so did agencies in l.a. and new york. in santa clara, david louis, abc 7 news. >> the high school on lockdown twice after two separate reports of of students bringing guns to school. early earl today, police arrested a 14-year-old buyho waved a handgun in the school bathroom apparently. no one was hurt. in the second incident police talked to another student off campus. but no weapon has been found. there have been three other incidents around the bay area this week. involving students bringing guns to school. berkeley police need your help tonight to find a man suspected of punching someone and birling into the victim with his car. you are looking at a picture of the man taken at the scene on ashby avenue last thursday. the man drove a mercedes sedan with paper plates from a dealership. police tell us. all started when the victim was riding in a car and yelled at the suspect about his erratic driving. well this map shows you where their dispute turned violent on ashby avenue near berkeley branch of the medical center. >> the park range whose gun was stolen june 27th, 2017 from his suv testified in the kate steinle homicide case. prosecutors say the stolen gun was used to kill the 392-year-o392 yea 3932-year-old woman. more on a revealing testimony in court. backpack with a fully loaded handgun was placed on the floor behind the driver's seat. that's what park ranger, testified in court today. when he came back from having dinner with his three children and fiancee, the back seat window was smashed out. and the bag stolen. prosecutors said the gun was used in the shooting death of kate steinle. standing between two co-workers, badge, credentials and second gun clip were taken. the federal park ranger who works for the bureau of land management told the jury he felt comfortable leaving the gun in the suv. parked in san francisco's embarcadero district. car was locked. well little. and suv had tinted windows. >> no question that he acted negligently. and he, he triggered course of events. that led to the death of kate steinle. >> evidence speaks loudest. the park ranger acknowledged the owners manual for the 239 suggests keeping the handgun unloaded for the users' safety. he had driven up with his children with the suv. in court revealed several pieces of clothing were also missing from the suv. the defense has are gaud that the alleged shooter, jose inez garcia serate found the gun on the pier in a piece of cloth and discharged accidentally. the cloth never found. in san francisco, leeann m melendez. a warm day across the bay area. nice outside. our meteorologist and the forecast. we inch towards halloween. >> seeing big changes we head towards halloween. high tuesday at record levels. in san jose. and take a look at san jose. 91 degrees. that is actually a new record, for today, a good 21 degrees above average. tide the record of 93 degrees. 85 in santa rosa. 82, oakland. warm, concord. napa. 92 degrees. half moon bay. 67. take a look at air quality. going to continue to suffer tomorrow. as the warmth is not going away immediately. so spare the air alert is up for tomorrow. the east bay. santa clara. moderate. bay area. spare the air is the latest the calendar year, since the first time this late in the season they're issuing this. not because of the smoke. because of the heat. light winds. and the car exhaust. so take a look at live d dopple seven. you will notice, some changes already under way. right now, point reyes is where we are starting to see some fog. fog expanding and that's not, the only change that is coming. i'll be back with details coming up including halloween forecast. dan. >> great. thank you so much. >> new report says many cars in the new express lane on 680, contra costa shouldn't be there. metropolitan transportation commission. says 40% of the people driving new lanes do not have a fast track transponder. violators notified by mail. but won't be penalized at least for now.ists are using the lane. if they don't have fast track, they will not receive a violation penalty for the first weeks. when the notice comes, they will be invoiced for total amount only. >> the lanes open three weeks ago on southbound 680 from rudger. and on north 680. the mtc says overall lanes are working as expecked with traffic moving faster than in the mixed flow lanes. >> all right, busy night. lot more to got to on abc 7 at 9:00. hear about the stanford scientist who for the first time can see exactly where, and why, batteries in your gadgets catch fire. also, the move by a california court that means a beautiful peninsula beach involved in a year's long legal battle. we'll stay open. the ski resort and high sierra preparing to open for the season tomorrow. tomorrow, no kidding. they'll be skiing. more to come stay with me. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. >> scientific breakthrough could pave the way for safer batteries that last longer. we have seen videos and gadgets that caught fire unexpectedly. jonathan bloom went to the stanford lab where researchers are finally getting a closer look at why some batteries explode. >> punctured the battery. >> when you puncture a battery it catches fire. some batteries catch fire on its own. from hoverboard to samsung galaxy note 7. turns out the batteries were punctured at atomic level. >> when you charge the battery. lithium metal will tend to grow these needle like structures, dendrites. pierce the separator and create short circuits. >> the biggest thing that keeps batteries from getting smaller and holding more energy. getting a closer look at the problem was almost impossible. >> metal. light. it has the a very low melting point. >> this video shows tiny needles falling apart under the microscope. the very active looking at them with the powerful electron beam makes them disintegrate. >> liquid nitrogen. >> this turned out to be the solution. a technique that within a nobel prize for use in biology. freezes the battery before it breaks down. >> we are able to finally stablize the materials. and, zoom in up to a million times magnification. >> because it had never been done before, there is no instruction manual for getting a frozen battery into an electron microscope. turns out it required a trip to the hardware store. >> this funnel goes in. >> funnel, flashlight. therm thermos, let them transfer samples out of the airtight glove box. >> i can take it out of the box. under liquid nitrogen. >> get to atomic. we can see atoms. >> by seeing what they're made of. researchers can find ways to get rid of them. national accelerator lab is backing research to pave the ways for batteries that last ten times as long. >> mooaw >> you can drieve. >> to prevent car fires. phone explosions in the future. >> at stanford, jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. >> a beach at center of a year's long controversy will be kept open to swimmers and surfers. the declined to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling that forced billionaire venture capitalist to allow public access to martin's beach. next option appealing to the supreme court. he bought the section of the pacific coastline more than $32 million in 2008 and put up gate and signs saying beach closed. earlier this month, to avoid coastal commission fines, he finally opened the gate but only on certain days and hours. >> well from surfing to skiing tonight. in the high sierra, ski resort preparing for skiers and snow boarders tomorrow, before halloween. mount rose on the nevada side of north tahoe will open a beginner run. pictures the ski resort provided on final preparations. the single slope will be open 8 to noon. a lift ticket is $20. most of the snow is man made you can imagine. but they hope of course, that will change soon. it is after all getting close to that time of year. but in the meantime, we have swelter around the bay area. and meteorologist is back with more on the heat wave. sandy. >> dan from swelter to some slick roadways. next week this time, major changes. already seeing some of the changes under way as you check out live doppler 7. right now. the fog has started to close in. along the mendicino coast. parts of point reyes. see that in the overnight. want to show you where temperatures are heading over the next few days. san jose's average high is 73. still going to be warm. 86. 82. weekend. sunday. monday. going to be right where you should be. or even cooler than there mall for this time of year. do get ready for some big changes in our weather. right now, live look from our east bay hills camera. you can seep a view. back toward the bay. san francisco. visibility its good. 69. san jose, warm, at 75. half moon bay, cool spot at 55 degrees. look at the lovely shot. from the camera, looking towards san francisco, downtown. 63, santa rosa. in the 50s, fairfield to places like half moon bay. concord, liver more in the 60s. a live picture from the emoryville camera. the span. may not look that way. warm bay inland tomorrow. sharper, cooler over the weekend. no tricks just a treat for halloween. look at hour bile hoy hour fore. seeing fog roll closer. 5:00 a.m. near the coastline. morning commute will include, areas of low visibility. around the afternoon hours. most of the fog will pull away. there will be a little sliver along parts of the coast. that will help to bring those temperatures down some more. especially near the coastline. first thing tomorrow morning. upper 40s to the upper 50s t it is going to be a cooler night. so tomorrow, when you get going. good idea to just grab a jacket or sweater. later in the afternoon. lose that jacket or swelter. it will be a warm one again in the south bay. 86. san jose. 83. on the peninsula. 81, san mateo. redwood city. the coastline. nice, mild. 70. half moon bay. 72. downtown, san francisco. 77 degrees. 70, daly city. north bay. going to feel different. with that fog rolling in. and just hanging tough around bodega bay. cooler day. 68. 88. 80, oakland. head inland, warmth with us. 85 degrees in concord. 86, fairfield. 87 in livermore. a look what you need to watch out for. head to the beach tomorrow afternoon. through saturday afternoon. evening. we have a beach hazard statement. current wave heights. 6 to 7 feet. energetic, north westerly swell coming in will wing breakers up to 20 feet. watch out for rip curt ends. and here is the exciting news. big switch up in the weather. november 3. a chance of showers developing. certainly looking wet. friday night. going into saturday. keep that wet weather going. it is november. and in the sierra, this is going to turn into fresh powder. accuweather seven-day forecast. morning fog giving way to sunshine in most areas. cooler day saturday. notice the temperatures. mid 60s to mid 80s. temperatures, will tumble sunday. upper 50s to upper 70s. in the autumn chill with us monday. in time for halloween. going to feel like halloween, dan. low sects to mid 70s. slight chance of showers next thursday. friday, saturday, sunday of the following weekend download the app. check out temperature swings. hour bite hour. minute by minute. >> toasty. >> go from really warm to really school. >> this time of year. >> thank you very much. much more ahead at 9:00. beast mode. works at staying in shape. despite suspension. not his usual workout partners. that story when we show you the pictures. also not one, not two. but eight home runs last night at the world series. tonight major league baseball thinks it knows what its behind the sudden power surge. the sudden power surge. woman: we demand a lot from our eyes every day. i should know. i have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. so i use restasis multidose®. it helps me make more of my own tears, with continued use, twice a day, every day. it's also what i prescribe to my patients who have this condition. restasis multidose® helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose®. savings card holders pay as little as $0 for three bottles. start saving today at extreme heat may have led to a record number of home runs in game two of the world series. one night ago. don't know if you watched that. dodgers and astros come beend for eight home runs in 11 innings of play. at the game's start. 93 degrees. making one of the hottest post season games of all time. brushfire also burning within sight of dodger stayed yuchl in l.a. major league baseball, reports teams hit more home runs in warmer weather. 3.1% of at-bats and home runs in colder temperatures versus 4.4% in warmer temperatures. >> while we are talking sports. tomorrow is al adle's tribute day at the arena. warriors will honor the 1975 championship team head coach. as part of festivities, they'll be giving away this bobblehead. really well done. take a look at this. we have an exclusive look at the inspired suit. that steve kerr will be wearing tomorrow. shiny black suit. bright floral undershirt was designed in san francisco of couture design. designer european clothing. >> he had pockets. and, and used to be the color, and that was the fashion. bring the color on top. made, with the shinier fabric. he also tailored a modern suit in warriors blue with yellow. which he is delivering to kerr today. unfortunately not at the game because he is in the hospital. we understand his condition is not serious. doing okay. sorry we couldn't show you the bobblehead. take my word for it really well done. cute. much more ahead on abc 7 news at 9:00. mystery unveiled. thousand of jfk files are out tonight. next why one decision by president trump is fufli ifueli theer yaez to -- theories tonight. sexual harassment allegations from five women. his employer taking action. his employer taking action. google announcing a at at&t, we believe in access. his employer taking action. google announcing a the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. tonight abc news is pouring over thousand of jfk files released to night by the federal government. but some are being kept under wraps for at least the next months. that adding fuel to conspiracy theories about what hap pebd on november 22nd, 1963. abc news reporter, tom llamas has the story. >> tonight more confusion and drama surrounding the assassination of jfk. president trump announcing some of the secret documents scheduled to be released to day will not be, because they pose a danger to national security. 2800 other documents just released late tonight. to shed more light into the killing. >> and, mrs. kennedy. >> november 22nd, 1963, president kennedy and the first lady arriving in dallas, that trajic trip through dealey plaza. the first couple of riding through the windy road in dallas. the president an open target for assassin lee harvey oswald. >> president kennedy has been shot in dallas texas. >> from the get go the news was so hard to believe. a single man with a rifle, killing the protected leader of free world. then, just two days later on live television. >> there is lee oswald. he's been shot. >> the man pulled the trigger, shot and killed hill in custody of police officers. all sparking intrigue and doubt. the document from 1964 says investigators looked into claims oswald was working with the fbi as an informant. they concluded he was not. assassins need payrolls. schedules, times, orders. this was a military style ambush from start to finish. this was coup d'etat. >> the film jfk and fictional plot surrounding the conspiracy to kill kennedy fueling more speculation. in part leading congress to pass a law to release all federal assassin record by today. k experts say some documents involve oswald and travel to mexico city. visit to russian embassy and cuban consulate there. everyone will be mining the documents for any clues to the big question. did he act alone. >> i would look to think that these documents would be a final a answer where americans could look at the case say this is what happened. realistically never going to happen. >> abc news reporter, tom llamas on the story. if you would look to browse through the jfk documents, the government released tonight. a link on the website. abc 7 the national archives is providing pdf links to thousand of documents. this one describes operation mongoose. at the time it was a top secret operation involving cuba. well tonight there are reports five women have now accused political analyst mark halprin of sexual harassment while political director at abc news more than ten years ago. the women told their stories of the encounters to cnn from me d meetings, kachl pacampaign, hot denied inappropriate apologized. the statement goes on -- for that i am deeply sorry. and i apologize. abc news says, mark left a decade ago. no complaints were filed during his tenure. halprin stepping away from his job at nbc. today, hbo announced it will not move forward with planned mini-series about the 2016 election featuring halprin. now to a new development in the harvey weinstein case. today he sued his former company for records as he prepares to defend himself. it comes as diane sawyer sits down with ashley judd, her first television interview. judd has come forward to, talk about weinstein. more than, 60 others have followed. >> a girl from kentucky. she is also written about the sexual abuse she endured in her young life. before she went to california, just wanting to be an actor. towering producer harvey weinstein called. >> i remember the lurch when i want to the desk. i said, mr. weinstein, is he on the patio. they said he is in his room the i was like, oh. are you kidding me? >> but youn went up because -- >> i had a business appointment. which is, that's his pattern of s sexual predation. huh he rolled. >> other women asking to give a massage. give him one. watch him in the shower. >> i thought with this volley of noes. ignored kept coming back with all this other stuff. finally i just said. when i win an oscar in one of your movies, okay. and he was like, yeah, when you get nominated. i said no, when i win an oscar. and then i just, fled. and then i just fled. am i proud of that? i'm of two minds. the part that shames myself, says no. the part of me that understand the way shame works, says, that was absolutely brilliant, good job, kid, you got out of there. well done. we all do the best we can. and our best is good enough. it's really okay to have responded however we responded. >> a message for women across the country. some of whom sent us audio tapes. we promised not to reveal their names. >> i have no face in this. i have no name. you know nothing about me. but, i am still scared, i can't lose my job. >> we're doing this for her. you know, if this isn't her moment yet. we are helping create the moment when she can. >> we had a question for this hollywood star who says her belief in god is central in her life. >> what would you say to harvey weinstein today? >> surprising answer. she says, she'll never forgive what he did to women. but there is something else she must do. because of her deep faith. >> you know what i would say to harvey is, i love you, and i understand that you are sick and suffering. and there is help for a guy like you too. it's entirely up to you to get that help. >> diane sawyer reporting. >> tonight, google is trying to help combat fake news that can some times appear on web search searches. announced, partnering with fact check network. the idea is to enlist the network help to increase the number of verified fact checkers on the internet. when you google something not always clear if the answer provided is real or fake. if you look on your screen now, google hopes to dupe this more often. and put a fact check line at the bottom of rumors and myths. this one debunked category 6 hurricanes. they go to category five. right. one of the biggest pharmacies in the country making a bid to buy within of the biggest health insurers. roll ite reuters offers. that cvs offered $66 billion for aetna. pressure from the government to lower health costs by consolidating. government antitrust regulators turned down two similar mergers in the past year. we'll see. >> next, a happy ending to a bizarre missing person's case. this elderly woman disappeared, 42 years ago. she is smiling tonight. but a mystery remains. >> what she was doing for all of all flight at one small airport in alaska could not depart without a seal of approval. you can see why, a massive 450 pound seal blocked the run way at the airport in northern alaska earlier this week. sitting there getting sun. the animal had decide to go on to the run way after a major snowstorm in the area. the seal was essentially taken off the runway on a sled. it did not delay any flights however. great picture. well, two sailors have been recovered and rescued after surviving five months in the pacific. their flight began, their plight began when their engine failed on their boat. the two were headed from hawaii to tahiti. a fishing ship from taiwan discovered them 900 miles southeast from japan. 2600 miles offcourse. a navy ship in the area on routine patrol. assisted in the rescue. jennifer and tasha had set sail with their dogs in the spring. their engine died during bad weather in may. the two thought they could make it to land using the ship's sails. they just couldn't. they had plenty of food and water on board. that helped after two months at sea. well they got worried of course. the sailors started putting out daily distress signals. no ship was close enough to here. the women say their rescuers saved their lives. well, this its certainly not your normal missing persons case. get this a woman missing since 1975, has found, been found alive, 42 years later. the sheriff's office, sullivan county new york says floora stevens was using the last name harris when detectives tracked her down this week in an assisted living facility. near boston. stevens suffers from dit men shah. police say her husband dropped her off for a doctor's appointment in new york in 1975. when he returned to pick her up. she wasn't there. officials say they haven't been able to figure out what she has been doing for the past 42 years. but at lest they now know she is safe. next at 9:00 who, says you can't follow your dreams? >> you are my hero. >> the all right, are you ready for halloween. jessica castro from nbc 7 mornings has speaky ideas to kick off your halloween from our partners at hood line. >> get halloween weekend started early by hitting a sober dance party before work on friday morning. halloween promises to be a magical morning. you will be done at 9:00 in time to hit the office. hop on board the horn blower bell at pier 3, 6:30 a.m. rmt start with yoga on the boat. dance until the sun comes up. >> yes, daybreaker is a sober morning dance party. aimed to start your day with energy and intention. so, a theatrical experience. break dancers, all sorts of really amazing art work, performers, great djs. also, coffee. lots of coffee. >> you do need to buy tickets. they're $35 online. but this week, throw in an extra $5 to help fund raise for victims of the recent north bay fires. if you are more night owl, maybe want a cocktail or two. try the love boat hall when party. friday, saturday night. pier 70. tenth year anniversary. used to be called the ghost ship halloween party. name has changed. this party is big. really big. this year, fat boy slim will perform saturday. moby saturday. there are tickets starting at $85. for the little ones. fun for the family at the academy of sciences. trick or treat at academy at night among the speaky animals and specimens. a silent disco in the aquarium. face painting, pumpkin carving. live animal shows. magic shows. proceeds support a program to provide free, low cost add mission to all kids and their families. tickets are $50. $35 for kids. party starts at our saturday. 6:30. end at 9:00. go to and link you with hood line. jessica castro. happy halloween. >> you too, jessica. good stuff. in time for halloween. a ghost cat is on display at bronx zoo. zoo's little snow leopard made the public debut today. isn't that beautiful. snow leopard some times called ghost cats. pale gray coats blend into rocks and snow of course. this cub has not been named yet. and you'll love this. british 9-year-old tonight is offering a good reminder to everyone, follow your dreams and don't let any one, tell you you can't do it. >> hello. my name is isaac. i am 9 years old. my teacher asked my class to think of a challenge and how to overcome it. i put down that my challenge was to become an astronaut. and i would overcome this by working really hard, and being accepted into nasa space program. my teacher wasn't happy with this. she said -- she said we were sta p suppose to peck somethiick some realistic. you were once a 9-year-old boy. when the people around you were telling you, it was impossible, and at times it felt like theyer they were right how did you stay motivated and never give up on your dream to become an astronaut. you are my hero, tim. >> thank you, isaac. >> says that something else? little isaac blew away the audience in london at a question and answer session with tim peak. you heard, his teacher told him becoming an astronut wouldn't be realistic. peak answered, plans may change along way. reaching your goals requires self-confidence and your own abilities. never be afraid to reach for the stars. figuratively and literally. sandy patel? >> loved isaac's advice. time-lapse, emoryville camera. beauty. sun going down. skies were absolutely clear here in the bay area. but things are really starting to change. beginning to see some fog, closing in, with some low visibility ta long talong the c. see that change. tomorrow afternoon. looking at cooler weather along the coastline. still mild. 70s, coast side. 80s inland. now check out the temperature trend. for saturday. going to be a cooling trend. 60s to 80s. we goat in into sunday. feel the difference. monday, autumn chill. waiting for cooler weather it is coming. this is kind of how larry dances i believe. here is your halloween planner. 7:00 a.m. 40s. 50s. creepy cloud at noon. mild and sunny. 4:00 p.m. for the trick-or-treaters. at 7:00. nice, and clear. and cool. so, no rain on those costumes. accuweather seven-day forecast. we are going to see that cooling trend, carry over into the weekend. that's when you will feel it on sunday. upper 50s to upper 70s. the all important, halloween forecast is dry. >> all right. thursday night. increasing clouds. bring in rain possibly. >> thank you, sandy. larry was a kid told his teacher he wanted to be a dancer. teacher said it wouldn't be reamist ream reami reamist -- realistic. you defied the teacher. >> i dent waon't want any recen videos to resurface. stanford playing thursday night football. without their best player. you want to talk ugly moves. keller put the offense on the back and lead this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. abc 7 sports brought to you by your local toyota dealer. >> good evening. you could really see the value of bryce love tonight. love its hurt. couldn't play for stanford. the cardinal almost lost to one of the worst teams in the pac 12. lowly oregon state, love the nation's leading rusher out with a variety of injuries. first quarter. this is quarterback, daryl garrison. 3 yard touchdown. nice cut up the middle there. 7-3. came on 1-6. their head coach. and stanford had four pen al teetal -- penalties. leading two. touchdown run right here. for thomas tyner. cutting it back. leaping in. 18 yards. 14-6 oregon state. and struggle all night. 16 of 33. 141 yards passing. a pick. and, this was nearly picked off in the red zone there. stanford had to settle for a field goal. down. 2:38 left. stanford forces a fumble. coughs it up. stanford, 24 second left. crist, wide side for the game winning score. and somehow stanford pulls out this game. as ugly as it was. 15-14. to the pros and marshawn lynch. not going to play, winning game suspension. and, still suiting up however. practicing with some high school players. lynch posted video of himself running plays at his alma hatter. oakland tech. pity the high school kid that tries to tackle him. classic, marshawn. being marshawn. fun for the kids to practice against a pro like marshawn. what if lynch rolls his ankle. tears up his knee. somebody falls on him. awkwardly. just, so risky. but, here is the raiders minus marshawn. >> we love him. playing with him. love him in the building. we love him on game day. to miss the game. it's hard. next man up. good staeble of backs can do it. >> dolphins minus jay cutler. taking on the ravens. but this is, a nice ball there. 34 yards to the speedy, and 7-0. ravens. second quarter. scary here. watch flacco, slide. goes down late. crushed. kiko alonzo. could have let flacco, concussion. john harbaugh not happy. but we'll see if fines are coming on the play. cult ler's cutl cutler's replacement. this returned by c.j.mosley. ravens crush the dolphins. 40-0. city college of san francisco, football powerhouse for years. nine national tight tlz undtles. abc 7 mike shoeman looks at the program what it offers young aspiring players. rams are 5-2. koi coach collins third year at the helm. they have nothing but respect. >> energy is contagious. gets the guys going. everyone loves play frg him here at city college. >> anybody you can call. any time you have a problem. always there to fix it. great guy. i will call him all the time. text him all the time. like our best friend or something. >> this program gives hope to players who didn't get the full ride they wanted out of high school. a bit of a last chance for their football careers. there are no scholarships at ccsf, but the program's success has sent 26 players to division one schools the last two years. go to cal. really, really bad majoring in mathematics. want to pursue that. >> one, two. >> after losing the first two games. rams half within five straight. and, host san matoe saturday. the conference championship game. and the players all know what's at stake. >> excited for the game. so we know what is the task is at hand. trying to accomplish that this week. >> the team has a special bond. they know they're together for two seasons. of course looking for a conference championship. in san francisco, mike shoeman. abc 7 sports. >> thank you, sharks continuing their road trip tonight in boston. little shark fan there. bruins drafted, joe thornton. first overall. 20 years ago. second period. thornton scoring on the rebound. 20th all time in points. with almost 1400. tied it at one. bruins come back. and rookie, danton highnan the night. scored twice. game winner. 2-1 bruins. abc 7 sports brought to you by toyota. >> thank you very much. here is the bobblehead. thank you very much. >> best bobblehead ever made. >> nice. thank you. coming up to night at 11:00. police arrested this man after the third grade son brought a loaded gun to school. hearing from the neighborhoods. the opioid epidemic, a fire captain shares his story how prescription drugs turpd him in -- drugs into a target. we apprecate your time. hope to see you again in one hour. (ominous music) (gentle dramatic music) - [narrator] today, the stories of two murder cases, one in wilkes-barre, pennsylvania, the other in olathe, kansas. in our first case, to most people he's a doting dentist.

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