Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240702

scary. yeah. and pretty scary closer to home. right now, we're tracking a fire burning in our sky. ranger was overhead. the neighborhood on quimby road in southeast san francisco. you see it right here. you can see it's not far from lake cunningham. it appears multiple homes are on fire. you can see those flames. it's a black smoke still out there. and you can see another location where smoke is billowing from. we are monitoring this and we will have much more for you later on in this newscast. we are also monitoring the weather and the corral fire closely. weather playing a huge role in these things. rob, what's going on weather wise? it was really two hours time there on the southeast side of lawrence livermore lab flying all the way down to 580 near the tracee hills community. right now, as is typically the case mid afternoon to evening, this is when we see the strongest winds rolling out of the altamont pass down into san joaquin county. you've got temperatures in the upper 70s wind speeds 15 to 30mph. and notice this was the origin point of the fire yesterday, and the winds will continue to see as we head into tonight. that is that kind of wind tunnel out of the altamont pass, right there down on the west side of san joaquin county. gusty conditions, unlike today, are expected to last through the day on monday. so it's good news that they did get to boost to the containment lines today. more challenging conditions ahead. first, a little more wind on monday, then eventually more heat and dry weather as we head towards tuesday. notice the fire danger index for tomorrow. onshore wind and a lot of cloud cover things. not looking too bad, but watch what happens tuesday. elevated fire danger, especially across those inland hills near where the corral fire is burning as we see a pivot to our temperatures as well, the heat risk index by tuesday vaults into the moderate to major category for the bay area. widespread 90s away from the bay and out towards solano county. you're looking at temperatures climbing into the 100 degree range. all of this starting tuesday last through thursday. coming up, we'll talk about when the peak temperatures arrive and more on that wildfire smoke, which continues to move around the bay area. we'll have an air quality forecast as well coming up in our full forecast in about ten minutes. back to you, rob. thank you very much. we're monitoring the weather and the cal fire very closely. our live coverage continues in all our newscasts tonight. and online at plus, rob is going to be back with your full forecast in about 15 minutes. an aide to the israeli prime minister says that israel has agreed to president biden's cease fire plan for gaza. on friday, president biden announced that israel had proposed a three part plan that would ultimately lead to a complete cease fire in the gaza strip. it would also release all of the hostages who have been held there over the last eight months. an aide to benjamin netanyahu said that the prime minister did not like the deal, but wanted the hostages to be released. the official deal has not yet been finalized as russian airstrikes continue in ukraine, us secretary of defense lloyd austin met with ukrainian president vladimir zelensky today in singapore. this happened on the sidelines of the final day of the shangri-la dialog security summit. pentagon says during the meeting, secretary austin reiterated the us's unwavering support for ukraine during the war with russia. the us recently relaxed restrictions on the use of american supplied weapons to strike targets inside of russia. now, following today's meeting, president zelenskyy wrote on x he was grateful to president biden for that decision, but he also spoke on what he calls a total disregard for human life and constant terror being carried out by russia, according to zelensky, russian troops have carried out close to a thousand strikes just this past week alone. today, ukraine imposed emergency power shutdowns in most of the country after ongoing russian attacks on ukraine's power grid in recent weeks. well former president donald trump sat down with the host of fox and friends weekend for the first time since being convicted on all 34 counts in his hush money case, president said he's okay with the prospect of house arrest or even jail. the judge could decide to say, hey, house arrest or even jail. could you face what that could? i'm okay with it. i saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, oh no, you don't want to do that to the press. i said, don't you don't beg for anything. i don't know that the public would stand it. yeah. and meet the press this morning, former manhattan da cyrus vance jr said he does not think the former president will get jail time. if you were still da, would you recommend jail time? well, i'm not going to answer that question, because that's really just for mr. bragg to decide. if you ask me, do i think the court will impose jail in this case? as i said to you, i think yesterday, i think not, but ultimately, that's judge burchard's decision. and with the guilty verdict in trump's case still reverberating through the presidential race, president biden's only surviving son, hunter, is facing potential jail time for federal gun charges. hunter biden's criminal trial opens tomorrow in delaware. he was indicted in september. three counts involving possession of a gun while using narcotics. he has pleaded not guilty. we're going to go back to that breaking news. we're following in san jose. our sky ranger overhead, the neighborhood on quimby road in southeast san jose. this isn't far from lake cunningham, and it appears right here. multiple homes on fire. you can see flames right there shooting out of the roof of this home. firefighters on scene trying to tame those flames. it appears to be in multiple locations. we are working to get more information and we'll bring that to you in just a little bit. well, a meeting will be held this week to discuss a proposed garbage rate increase for people living in san jose. the city is proposing a 6% rate increase if it is approved, the increase will go into effect on july 1st. the city says that the city council still needs to approve the increase. they plan to address any questions at a meeting on tuesday. some people are wondering if it is the same animal. a south bay neighborhood on high alert after several mountain lion sightings, this video right here captured friday night outside a home near roosevelt park in san jose. the big cat came face to face with a brave, though tiny dog. it even climbed to the roof of a house. did the mountain lion that is it spent at least the fourth mountain lion sighting in recent days. now, the day before, another person spotted a mountain lion five miles away near oakland road and murphy avenue. we're at the corner of the road and suddenly a head pops out of the enclosure over there and there was no doubt by the size of it and how close we were that it was a mountain lion. one thing we don't know is , is it the same cat in both of these videos, neighbors say they are optimistic fish and wildlife will be able to track it down and relocate it. well we are celebrating asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage, and tonight we're highlighting the newest cultural district in san francisco, approved by supervisors in 2022, it will celebrate pacific islanders. and there's one woman leading those efforts. i talked to her about the new district and her incredible back story. yeah, i'm a hood chick. and what right, right. gaynor and silitonga is the leading force behind the development of san francisco's pacific islander cultural district. it covers parts of visitacion valley, portola and excelsior. right now, this is the leland corridor, this happens to be part of our pacific islander cultural district. our hope is to definitely sit here and have more pacific islander owned businesses. you're going to display some of the flags from all 24 islands. so what is your vision for this area, for this cultural district? cultural to give a sense of belonging, but then also like learning the ways of how you can navigate the systems here in america, the vision that i have with our cultural district is just true equity. we didn't really realize what disparities were. 73% of us live in low income housing. silitonga grew up in the mission and hunters point, the oldest of six siblings, her family roots are samoan. i am blessed, i am. it's something her sister captured in this documentary for a samoan, which means the samoan way of living. i come from a very great, amazing, dysfunctional family. like sort of that white picket fence or american dream type stuff. but just in the projects where my grandmother, our elders, i think they did a great job at making sure we didn't have to, you know, want while there's that story, there's also another side of her childhood that's more troubling and painful. she joined a gang, became an addict, and started selling drugs. i mean, i was already angry. i didn't know what gangs were, but i was very in tune with this group because they were the first ones that i told this secret to. that secret? a cousin molested her. and when i told them one, it was a big relief. two, they taught me how to protect myself. did anything violent ever happen to you? yes i was shocked twice, you know, stabbed 15 different times, rape three. you know, separate times. how do you find yourself out of something like that? you know, to be honest, you don't. this is where a whole bunch of us just to hang out. she instead integrated it with who she is with the help of people in the community willing to listen like the visitor she saw one day while attending balboa high school, when riots were everyday occurrences and this guy was named, is named rudy corpus. found out about this guy, and he was the first one that i could say, okay, you know what? i'm gonna listen to you. what do you want? nobody ever asked us what we want, right? so we started united players. it was just a school club, you know? and now it's like, you know, it's grown. it's, you know, huge. it was to tackle that violence. but letting us take that you know that chance. yeah. be in charge of it right. silitonga began directing her pain towards advocacy and that brought me to my healing point. in 2017, silitonga founded salt pacific islander association resource hutt, a one stop shop to help the community with all services such as public safety, housing and youth leadership. this is a coalition of different groups and different voices. i have been blessed to be embraced and loved by my latino community, my african american community, my asian, you know, community. pacific islanders make up less than 1% of california's population, according to the regional pacific islander task force. almost 3 in 10 pies in california live in the bay area, and despite those numbers, silitonga is hopeful. i feel very confident for our future because i was always so worried, like we were about to be extinct, you know? and one thing that i see with our people, you know, is this momentum, this sense of like, oh my god, we belong here. and i don't think a lot of our youngsters, you know, know her for what she does. pastor sweetie williams is one of the community's elders. silitonga looks up to as she helps design this district. that's an image, you know, for any any child you know, to go after and mimic her work. what are your hopes for this district? we want our own people to realize that we need to be, you know, standing alone, you know, and find help for our people and educate them on how we got to where we're at right now. what do you feel with everything that you've gone through to do this kind of work today? how i feel now is like, i understand or i feel like i understand what my purpose is, but it'll be like the next generation after us, and i want them to have the best. jia, thanks for the introduction. coming up, oakland's new baseball team already selling out games. how you might still be able to get tickets for the inaugural home opener. plus, marching with pride and standing with love, we'll take you to the pride celebrations in contra costa county today. and from the 70s to wrap up the weekend around dublin, 90s on the way. that plus tracking the latest on the corral fire and how smoke may impact our bay area air quality into the is overhead. the neighborhood on quimby road in south east san jose. you can see there's a person on the roof. it looks like they might be trying to water the roof. yeah, to get those. keep those flames away because right next door, you can see that roof right there. wow. completely damaged by those flames. this is not far from lake cunningham. multiple homes are on fire. we know in multiple locations. and we did reach out to fire officials for information and are waiting to hear more details. we will bring you those as soon as we get more. well, yesterday marked the beginning of pride month and the east bay has already started to celebrate. clayton hosted its third annual pride parade today. live singers kicked off the festivities. the event also featured face painting, arts and crafts, and lots of good food. contra costa county congressman mark desaulnier was also there and spoke pride parades and festivities will continue throughout the bay area this month, culminating with a big pride parade in san francisco on the 30th. oakland s new baseball team, the ballers, is set for a sold out home opener this week. now last week, the team announced its inaugural home opener is sold out. game is set for tuesday at raymond's park. it's the ballers versus the yolo high wheelers, despite being sold out right now, team says more tickets may become available ahead of tuesday. keep your eyes open for that. all right. and let's get talking about this weather because rob mayeda is here now. we're watching multiple fires that are happening, the corral fire, these homes that are on fire in san jose. that just happened, what's that doing to our air? well right now we're watching smoke from that corral fire. and this fire, actually, the wind to the from the northwest, likely pushing that smoke down towards south san jose. but moving forward towards tuesday and wednesday, the hottest temperatures of the year and potentially the highest fire danger for the inland hills, especially for the grasses and brush. the view here from dublin looking off to the east this same time yesterday you saw the column of smoke from the corral fire. notice what the wind is doing with the smoke forecast as we go through this evening and tomorrow. generally, west northwest wind should keep most of the smoke away from the bay area. may occasionally see a little bit of it there near the altamont pass during the morning hours, but right now, if the winds staying in the same general direction, no real impacts from smoke, from that wildfire or grass fire that's burning out in san joaquin county. so as we get back into the start of the week, coast to bay, santa clara valley in the moderate range, keep an eye on these levels, especially the inland east bay, as temperatures start to heat up ground level, ozone may get to the unhealthy range for some folks by the middle part of the week, so stay tuned to that air quality forecast right now. 76 degrees in dublin by midweek 90s will be in reach for the tri valley 73 currently in san jose. if those northwest winds at about 16mph, cool in oakland at 62 degrees, and the low clouds and high clouds now moving into san francisco at 61 degrees. and here's a view on the satellite. there you see the low clouds on the coast, the high clouds, the outer fringe of a very soggy storm system. by june, standards for the pacific northwest, that flood watch is in effect for western washington and the trailing edge of this will actually bring some rain chances down into mendocino county. the coastal areas of sonoma county and down the peninsula. for the morning, you can see that we'll have a cloudy start heading into tomorrow morning. so cool for one more day. in fact, the clouds and drizzle may hang on to about lunchtime tomorrow. then the skies clear and temperatures will be warming up towards the middle part of the week. so we start tomorrow in the 50s, drizzle at times, probably all the way through about midday, and then the sun breaks through the clouds and we got 70s and 80s inland in that monday forecast. then high pressure builds in and temperatures will be set to soar. look at the change. 24 hour reversal by tuesday 80s and 90s inland 100 degrees temperatures possible out towards solano county. that will be tuesday into wednesday. then the sea breeze picks up. so those 70s and 80s from san francisco to oakland start to drop a bit. by thursday back into the 80s in san jose, but probably another day of 90s inland for thursday. now, what will lead to the cooling as we head towards next weekend? you see that cut off low moving through southern california. we'll get more clouds. the coastal fog will return, but stay tuned. we may see some thunderstorms showing up over the sierra by next weekend. so tomorrow a cool down before a warm up. cloudy skies. some drizzle will be possible early in the day and then tuesday you don't see this often around the bay area. we're going to see a 20 to 30 degree jump in temperatures just in a 24 hour cycle, and after 2 to 3 days of the hot days and warm nights, we'll really have to watch fire danger as those onshore winds pick up. it will be very dry on thursday, temperatures starting to cool down as we head into next weekend. all right, rob, thank you for that. we've got something special in store for your mornings this week. every day. nbc's today is celebrating the 30th anniversary of studio one a and adjacent plaza in the heart of manhattan. yeah, it is a milestone for the show and brings viewers from across the country and around the world to visit today. we will have that story in just a little bit. we'll be right back after this break. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! it is a milestone for the show and brings viewers from across the country and around the world to visit today. nbc's mark barger shows us some of what's made the plaza special. good morning and welcome to today on a monday morning. welcome to studio one a when bryant gumbel and katie couric christened the street level studio 30 years ago, it was a real moment. it was also a throwback part of our cast is you to when dave garroway started today in 1952, it was reconnecting with those roots and really saying, this is the legacy, a window on the world that also gave the world a window into the inner workings of a still fledgling medium. you got your own desk now go away. when nbc transitioned to color in the 60s, cameras of the day could not keep up with changing sunlight that forced today into a traditional studio for decades . until 1994, it was katie out here and bryant and, you know, it was just so magical. and in the years since, there's a heartbeat and it's this plaza right here. yeah yes! y'all killed it. the magic has only grown over the years. we've transformed this plaza into just about everything. concerts featuring the biggest stars. bruce springsteen is on our plaza. and the annual halloween costume party. jenna and i achieved our lifelong dream of being dallas cowboy cheerleaders . the plaza has become a destination. it's raining, snowing, hail. nothing stops the show for today's extended family. today is our 44th anniversary when people have a special day, something that matters to them. and this is the place that they want to market. it's a connection. we watch every morning that brings today. i always come here when i come to new york and it's audience september closer together. wow, 30 years has gone by like that and who knows what the next 30 years will bring. mark parker, nbc news. today we'll be celebrating great moments on the plaza all week, starting at 7 a.m. right here on nbc bay area. up next. continuing breaking news coverage out of san jose. check it out. firefighters are responding to multiple house fires. we've got details coming up. plus, getting ready to install one of san francisco's most iconic pride symbols. you can help make sure the pink triangle is seen otwin peaks thisn ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ jose, our sky ranger, overhead, a neighborhood on quimby road in southeast san jose. you can see why there are multiple plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. there are flames as you just saw. we are learning that multiple homes are on fire. this is not far from lake cunningham. sj fire tells us they responded to three separate locations. there. you have a live shot from our sky ranger. you can see that big plume of smoke in that area. of course, we're continuing to follow this, but you might want to avoid that area in san jose. again, it's not far from lake cunningham. it's quimby road in southeast san jose, and we will bring you much more as we learn more. a big cleanup effort to get ready for a big pride installation today. more than 100 volunteers helped clean up trash up there on twin peaks. that's where the iconic pink triangle is going to be displayed. once a symbol, gay people were forced to wear it by and now represents pride for the lgbtq plus community. triangle takes us, takes up about an acre, could be seen for up to 20 miles away. now on friday, they're going to lay out and install the pink outline on saturday, volunteers expected to help install the rest of that triangle. organizers say you can still volunteer if you would like to get in on this. following the installation is going to be a commemoration ceremony. the triangle will stay up through june 30th. all right, don't go anywhere. coming up tonight at six. continuing coverage of that massive wildfire near tracey. we've got team coverage tracking, rising temperatures, and we're live near the fire line. stay

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Flames , Nbc , Matter , Corral Fire , Sky Ranger , Land , Tracee , 14000 , Grass Fire , One , Country , Chills , Home , Weapons , Threat , Lab , Science , Technology , Centers , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , People , Part , Firefighters , Evacuation Orders , Alert , Community , Containment , Progress , Crews , Warnings , 30 , City , Effect , Scale , Freeway , Road , San Francisco , Sky , Lake Cunningham , Neighborhood On Quimby , Ranger , Fire Burning , Closer To Home , Smoke , Homes , Location , Billowing , Weather , Way , Rob Mayeda , Things , Newscast , Side , What S Going On , Role , Two , Temperatures , Winds , Case , Point , Tracee Hills Community , Origin , San Joaquin County , Upper 70s , Altamont Pass , 15 , 70 , 580 , Conditions , Kind , News , Wind Tunnel , West Side , Wind , Lot , Cloud Cover , Heat , First , Fire Danger Index , Bay Area , Fire Danger , Heat Risk Index , Pivot , Category , Vaults , Wall , Coming Up , Bay , Degree Range , Solano County , Wildfire Smoke , 90 , 100 , Coverage , Air Quality Forecast , Forecast , Newscasts , Cal Fire , Ten , Biden , Prime Minister , Aide , On Friday , Cease Fire Plan , Israeli , Gaza , Nbcbayarea Com , Deal , Hostages , Cease Fire , Plan , Benjamin Netanyahu , Eight , Three , Us , Vladimir Zelensky , Lloyd Austin , Airstrikes , Sidelines , Ukrainian , Russian , Singapore , Meeting , Ukraine , Support , Restrictions , War , Use , Secretary Austin , Shangri La Dialog Security Summit , Pentagon , Decision , Disregard , Targets , Human Life , Terror , Donald Trump , Troops , Attacks , Power Grid , Emergency Power Shutdowns , Thousand , A Thousand , Counts , House Arrest , Time , Jail , Host , Fox And Friends Weekend , Prospect , Sat , Hush Money Case , 34 , Anything , Press , Public , Judge , Television Saying , Lawyers , Oh No , Don T You Beg , Morning , Question , Cyrus Vance Jr , President , Former Manhattan Da , Still Da , Burchard , Court , Trump , Mr , Verdict , Bragg , Gun Charges , Race , Possession , Son , Hunter , Hunter Biden S Criminal Trial Opens Tomorrow In Delaware , San Jose , Southeast , Gun , Sky Ranger Overhead , Narcotics , Isn T , Roof , Information , Locations , Scene , City Council , Bit , Increase , Garbage Rate Increase , Rate Increase , July 1st , 6 , 1 , Neighborhood , Animal , Questions , South Bay , Video , Friday Night Outside A Home Near Roosevelt Park , Mountain Lion Sightings , Mountain Lion , House , Mountain Lion Sighting , Face To , Dog , Brave , Big Cat , Doubt , Person , Oakland , Enclosure , Head , Corner , Size , Murphy Avenue , Five , Thing , Wildlife , Both , Asian American , Neighbors , Cat , Videos , Fish , Pacific Islander Heritage , Native Hawaiian , District , Pacific Islanders , Woman , Supervisors , Efforts , 2022 , Silitonga , Force , Back Story , Parts , Development , Visitacion Valley , Gaynor , Hood Chick , Portola , Excelsior , Businesses , Hope , Leland Corridor , Area , Vision , Ways , Sense , Islands , Some , Systems , Belonging , Flags , 24 , Housing , Equity , Mission , 73 , Something , Family , Family Roots , Oldest , Siblings , Living , Sister , Documentary , Sort , Hunters Point , Samoan , Six , Elders , Picket Fence , Job , Projects , Grandmother , American Dream Type Stuff , Story , Childhood , Addict , Drugs , Gang , Gangs , Ones , Group , Secret , Tune , Cousin , Relief , Times , Rape , Help , African American Community , It , Balboa High School , Visitor , Bunch , You Don T , Guy , Occurrences , Nobody , Rudy Corpus , Riots , Chance , Charge , Players , School Club , Violence , Take That , Founded Salt Pacific Islander Association Resource Hutt , Pain , Advocacy , Healing Point , 2017 , Coalition , Groups , Public Safety , Youth Leadership , Voices , Southern California , Population , Asian , Pacific Islander Task Force , 10 , 3 , Momentum , Numbers , Sweetie Williams , Youngsters , Like , Oh My God , Work , Child , Image , Hopes , Everything , Purpose , Thanks , Generation , Introduction , Best , Jia , Home Opener , Pride , Baseball Team , Tickets , Plus , Contra Costa County , Standing , Games , Love , Pride Celebrations , Air Quality , Dublin , South East San Jose , Door , Details , Officials , Pride Parade Today , Pride Month , Beginning , Clayton , Festivities , Mark Desaulnier , Pride Parades , Singers , Event , Painting , Crafts , Lots , Food , Team , Ballers , Game , Set , Big Pride Parade In San Francisco , Raymond S Park , Eyes , Being , Yolo High Wheelers , Fires , Happening , Hair , Doing , Danger , Northwest , Grasses , View , Notice , Smoke Forecast , Most , Brush , Column , West Northwest Wind , Wildfire , Start , Impacts , Direction , Coast To Bay , Orange , Ozone , Ground Level , Levels , Folks , Eye , Santa Clara Valley , Clouds , Reach , Midweek 90s , Tri Valley 73 , 62 , 76 , 16 , Coast , Storm System , Satellite , Fringe , Trailing Edge , Standards , Flood , Pacific Northwest , Western Washington , 61 , Drizzle , Areas , Mendocino County , Sonoma County , Peninsula , Fact , Rain Chances , Midday , Got 70s And 80s , Sun , 50 , 80 , Pressure , Soar , Tuesday 80s , Cooling , Sea Breeze , 70s And 80s , Thunderstorms , Moving , Cool Down , Sierra By , Cloudy Skies , Coastal Fog Will Return , Onshore Winds , Cycle , 20 , 2 , Plaza , Mornings , Store , Something Special , Heart , Studio One , Manhattan , World , Milestone , Show , Viewers , Break , Just A Little Bit , Network , Comcast Business , Business , Speed , Customers , Plans , Speeds , Cost , Verizon , At T , T Mobile , 12 , Speed Plans , Miss , Prepaid Card , Don T , 49 99 , 00 , 800 , 9 99 , Mark Barger , Throwback Part , Monday Morning , The Street Level Studio , Katie Couric , Plaza Special , Bryant Gumbel , Window , Legacy , Roots , Cast , Dave Garroway , Inner Workings , 1952 , Sunlight , Studio , Medium , Desk , Cameras , 60 , Heartbeat , Magic , 1994 , Stars , Concerts , Halloween Costume Party , Bruce Springsteen , Jenna , Destination , Nothing , Dream Of Being Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders , Snowing , Hail , 44 , Market , Place , Wow , Connection , Audience , New York , Nbc News , Mark Parker , House Fires , Breaking News Coverage , Nbc Bay Area , 7 , Pink Triangle , Symbols , Iconic Pride , Otwin Peaks Thisn , Inspiration , Cow , Piggy Bank , Cash , Checking Account , Savings Habit , Cash Reward , Shape , Bmo Jose , Mugs , Smoke Billowing , Plumes , Sj Fire , Saw , Shot , Course , Plume , Quimby Road , Big Pride Installation Today , Iconic , Symbol , Big Cleanup Effort , Twin Peaks , Acre , Outline , Lgbtq Plus Community , Installation , Rest , Commemoration Ceremony , Anywhere , June 30th , Don T Go , Organizers , Fire Line , Stay , Team Coverage Tracking ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240702 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240702

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scary. yeah. and pretty scary closer to home. right now, we're tracking a fire burning in our sky. ranger was overhead. the neighborhood on quimby road in southeast san francisco. you see it right here. you can see it's not far from lake cunningham. it appears multiple homes are on fire. you can see those flames. it's a black smoke still out there. and you can see another location where smoke is billowing from. we are monitoring this and we will have much more for you later on in this newscast. we are also monitoring the weather and the corral fire closely. weather playing a huge role in these things. rob, what's going on weather wise? it was really two hours time there on the southeast side of lawrence livermore lab flying all the way down to 580 near the tracee hills community. right now, as is typically the case mid afternoon to evening, this is when we see the strongest winds rolling out of the altamont pass down into san joaquin county. you've got temperatures in the upper 70s wind speeds 15 to 30mph. and notice this was the origin point of the fire yesterday, and the winds will continue to see as we head into tonight. that is that kind of wind tunnel out of the altamont pass, right there down on the west side of san joaquin county. gusty conditions, unlike today, are expected to last through the day on monday. so it's good news that they did get to boost to the containment lines today. more challenging conditions ahead. first, a little more wind on monday, then eventually more heat and dry weather as we head towards tuesday. notice the fire danger index for tomorrow. onshore wind and a lot of cloud cover things. not looking too bad, but watch what happens tuesday. elevated fire danger, especially across those inland hills near where the corral fire is burning as we see a pivot to our temperatures as well, the heat risk index by tuesday vaults into the moderate to major category for the bay area. widespread 90s away from the bay and out towards solano county. you're looking at temperatures climbing into the 100 degree range. all of this starting tuesday last through thursday. coming up, we'll talk about when the peak temperatures arrive and more on that wildfire smoke, which continues to move around the bay area. we'll have an air quality forecast as well coming up in our full forecast in about ten minutes. back to you, rob. thank you very much. we're monitoring the weather and the cal fire very closely. our live coverage continues in all our newscasts tonight. and online at plus, rob is going to be back with your full forecast in about 15 minutes. an aide to the israeli prime minister says that israel has agreed to president biden's cease fire plan for gaza. on friday, president biden announced that israel had proposed a three part plan that would ultimately lead to a complete cease fire in the gaza strip. it would also release all of the hostages who have been held there over the last eight months. an aide to benjamin netanyahu said that the prime minister did not like the deal, but wanted the hostages to be released. the official deal has not yet been finalized as russian airstrikes continue in ukraine, us secretary of defense lloyd austin met with ukrainian president vladimir zelensky today in singapore. this happened on the sidelines of the final day of the shangri-la dialog security summit. pentagon says during the meeting, secretary austin reiterated the us's unwavering support for ukraine during the war with russia. the us recently relaxed restrictions on the use of american supplied weapons to strike targets inside of russia. now, following today's meeting, president zelenskyy wrote on x he was grateful to president biden for that decision, but he also spoke on what he calls a total disregard for human life and constant terror being carried out by russia, according to zelensky, russian troops have carried out close to a thousand strikes just this past week alone. today, ukraine imposed emergency power shutdowns in most of the country after ongoing russian attacks on ukraine's power grid in recent weeks. well former president donald trump sat down with the host of fox and friends weekend for the first time since being convicted on all 34 counts in his hush money case, president said he's okay with the prospect of house arrest or even jail. the judge could decide to say, hey, house arrest or even jail. could you face what that could? i'm okay with it. i saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, oh no, you don't want to do that to the press. i said, don't you don't beg for anything. i don't know that the public would stand it. yeah. and meet the press this morning, former manhattan da cyrus vance jr said he does not think the former president will get jail time. if you were still da, would you recommend jail time? well, i'm not going to answer that question, because that's really just for mr. bragg to decide. if you ask me, do i think the court will impose jail in this case? as i said to you, i think yesterday, i think not, but ultimately, that's judge burchard's decision. and with the guilty verdict in trump's case still reverberating through the presidential race, president biden's only surviving son, hunter, is facing potential jail time for federal gun charges. hunter biden's criminal trial opens tomorrow in delaware. he was indicted in september. three counts involving possession of a gun while using narcotics. he has pleaded not guilty. we're going to go back to that breaking news. we're following in san jose. our sky ranger overhead, the neighborhood on quimby road in southeast san jose. this isn't far from lake cunningham, and it appears right here. multiple homes on fire. you can see flames right there shooting out of the roof of this home. firefighters on scene trying to tame those flames. it appears to be in multiple locations. we are working to get more information and we'll bring that to you in just a little bit. well, a meeting will be held this week to discuss a proposed garbage rate increase for people living in san jose. the city is proposing a 6% rate increase if it is approved, the increase will go into effect on july 1st. the city says that the city council still needs to approve the increase. they plan to address any questions at a meeting on tuesday. some people are wondering if it is the same animal. a south bay neighborhood on high alert after several mountain lion sightings, this video right here captured friday night outside a home near roosevelt park in san jose. the big cat came face to face with a brave, though tiny dog. it even climbed to the roof of a house. did the mountain lion that is it spent at least the fourth mountain lion sighting in recent days. now, the day before, another person spotted a mountain lion five miles away near oakland road and murphy avenue. we're at the corner of the road and suddenly a head pops out of the enclosure over there and there was no doubt by the size of it and how close we were that it was a mountain lion. one thing we don't know is , is it the same cat in both of these videos, neighbors say they are optimistic fish and wildlife will be able to track it down and relocate it. well we are celebrating asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage, and tonight we're highlighting the newest cultural district in san francisco, approved by supervisors in 2022, it will celebrate pacific islanders. and there's one woman leading those efforts. i talked to her about the new district and her incredible back story. yeah, i'm a hood chick. and what right, right. gaynor and silitonga is the leading force behind the development of san francisco's pacific islander cultural district. it covers parts of visitacion valley, portola and excelsior. right now, this is the leland corridor, this happens to be part of our pacific islander cultural district. our hope is to definitely sit here and have more pacific islander owned businesses. you're going to display some of the flags from all 24 islands. so what is your vision for this area, for this cultural district? cultural to give a sense of belonging, but then also like learning the ways of how you can navigate the systems here in america, the vision that i have with our cultural district is just true equity. we didn't really realize what disparities were. 73% of us live in low income housing. silitonga grew up in the mission and hunters point, the oldest of six siblings, her family roots are samoan. i am blessed, i am. it's something her sister captured in this documentary for a samoan, which means the samoan way of living. i come from a very great, amazing, dysfunctional family. like sort of that white picket fence or american dream type stuff. but just in the projects where my grandmother, our elders, i think they did a great job at making sure we didn't have to, you know, want while there's that story, there's also another side of her childhood that's more troubling and painful. she joined a gang, became an addict, and started selling drugs. i mean, i was already angry. i didn't know what gangs were, but i was very in tune with this group because they were the first ones that i told this secret to. that secret? a cousin molested her. and when i told them one, it was a big relief. two, they taught me how to protect myself. did anything violent ever happen to you? yes i was shocked twice, you know, stabbed 15 different times, rape three. you know, separate times. how do you find yourself out of something like that? you know, to be honest, you don't. this is where a whole bunch of us just to hang out. she instead integrated it with who she is with the help of people in the community willing to listen like the visitor she saw one day while attending balboa high school, when riots were everyday occurrences and this guy was named, is named rudy corpus. found out about this guy, and he was the first one that i could say, okay, you know what? i'm gonna listen to you. what do you want? nobody ever asked us what we want, right? so we started united players. it was just a school club, you know? and now it's like, you know, it's grown. it's, you know, huge. it was to tackle that violence. but letting us take that you know that chance. yeah. be in charge of it right. silitonga began directing her pain towards advocacy and that brought me to my healing point. in 2017, silitonga founded salt pacific islander association resource hutt, a one stop shop to help the community with all services such as public safety, housing and youth leadership. this is a coalition of different groups and different voices. i have been blessed to be embraced and loved by my latino community, my african american community, my asian, you know, community. pacific islanders make up less than 1% of california's population, according to the regional pacific islander task force. almost 3 in 10 pies in california live in the bay area, and despite those numbers, silitonga is hopeful. i feel very confident for our future because i was always so worried, like we were about to be extinct, you know? and one thing that i see with our people, you know, is this momentum, this sense of like, oh my god, we belong here. and i don't think a lot of our youngsters, you know, know her for what she does. pastor sweetie williams is one of the community's elders. silitonga looks up to as she helps design this district. that's an image, you know, for any any child you know, to go after and mimic her work. what are your hopes for this district? we want our own people to realize that we need to be, you know, standing alone, you know, and find help for our people and educate them on how we got to where we're at right now. what do you feel with everything that you've gone through to do this kind of work today? how i feel now is like, i understand or i feel like i understand what my purpose is, but it'll be like the next generation after us, and i want them to have the best. jia, thanks for the introduction. coming up, oakland's new baseball team already selling out games. how you might still be able to get tickets for the inaugural home opener. plus, marching with pride and standing with love, we'll take you to the pride celebrations in contra costa county today. and from the 70s to wrap up the weekend around dublin, 90s on the way. that plus tracking the latest on the corral fire and how smoke may impact our bay area air quality into the is overhead. the neighborhood on quimby road in south east san jose. you can see there's a person on the roof. it looks like they might be trying to water the roof. yeah, to get those. keep those flames away because right next door, you can see that roof right there. wow. completely damaged by those flames. this is not far from lake cunningham. multiple homes are on fire. we know in multiple locations. and we did reach out to fire officials for information and are waiting to hear more details. we will bring you those as soon as we get more. well, yesterday marked the beginning of pride month and the east bay has already started to celebrate. clayton hosted its third annual pride parade today. live singers kicked off the festivities. the event also featured face painting, arts and crafts, and lots of good food. contra costa county congressman mark desaulnier was also there and spoke pride parades and festivities will continue throughout the bay area this month, culminating with a big pride parade in san francisco on the 30th. oakland s new baseball team, the ballers, is set for a sold out home opener this week. now last week, the team announced its inaugural home opener is sold out. game is set for tuesday at raymond's park. it's the ballers versus the yolo high wheelers, despite being sold out right now, team says more tickets may become available ahead of tuesday. keep your eyes open for that. all right. and let's get talking about this weather because rob mayeda is here now. we're watching multiple fires that are happening, the corral fire, these homes that are on fire in san jose. that just happened, what's that doing to our air? well right now we're watching smoke from that corral fire. and this fire, actually, the wind to the from the northwest, likely pushing that smoke down towards south san jose. but moving forward towards tuesday and wednesday, the hottest temperatures of the year and potentially the highest fire danger for the inland hills, especially for the grasses and brush. the view here from dublin looking off to the east this same time yesterday you saw the column of smoke from the corral fire. notice what the wind is doing with the smoke forecast as we go through this evening and tomorrow. generally, west northwest wind should keep most of the smoke away from the bay area. may occasionally see a little bit of it there near the altamont pass during the morning hours, but right now, if the winds staying in the same general direction, no real impacts from smoke, from that wildfire or grass fire that's burning out in san joaquin county. so as we get back into the start of the week, coast to bay, santa clara valley in the moderate range, keep an eye on these levels, especially the inland east bay, as temperatures start to heat up ground level, ozone may get to the unhealthy range for some folks by the middle part of the week, so stay tuned to that air quality forecast right now. 76 degrees in dublin by midweek 90s will be in reach for the tri valley 73 currently in san jose. if those northwest winds at about 16mph, cool in oakland at 62 degrees, and the low clouds and high clouds now moving into san francisco at 61 degrees. and here's a view on the satellite. there you see the low clouds on the coast, the high clouds, the outer fringe of a very soggy storm system. by june, standards for the pacific northwest, that flood watch is in effect for western washington and the trailing edge of this will actually bring some rain chances down into mendocino county. the coastal areas of sonoma county and down the peninsula. for the morning, you can see that we'll have a cloudy start heading into tomorrow morning. so cool for one more day. in fact, the clouds and drizzle may hang on to about lunchtime tomorrow. then the skies clear and temperatures will be warming up towards the middle part of the week. so we start tomorrow in the 50s, drizzle at times, probably all the way through about midday, and then the sun breaks through the clouds and we got 70s and 80s inland in that monday forecast. then high pressure builds in and temperatures will be set to soar. look at the change. 24 hour reversal by tuesday 80s and 90s inland 100 degrees temperatures possible out towards solano county. that will be tuesday into wednesday. then the sea breeze picks up. so those 70s and 80s from san francisco to oakland start to drop a bit. by thursday back into the 80s in san jose, but probably another day of 90s inland for thursday. now, what will lead to the cooling as we head towards next weekend? you see that cut off low moving through southern california. we'll get more clouds. the coastal fog will return, but stay tuned. we may see some thunderstorms showing up over the sierra by next weekend. so tomorrow a cool down before a warm up. cloudy skies. some drizzle will be possible early in the day and then tuesday you don't see this often around the bay area. we're going to see a 20 to 30 degree jump in temperatures just in a 24 hour cycle, and after 2 to 3 days of the hot days and warm nights, we'll really have to watch fire danger as those onshore winds pick up. it will be very dry on thursday, temperatures starting to cool down as we head into next weekend. all right, rob, thank you for that. we've got something special in store for your mornings this week. every day. nbc's today is celebrating the 30th anniversary of studio one a and adjacent plaza in the heart of manhattan. yeah, it is a milestone for the show and brings viewers from across the country and around the world to visit today. we will have that story in just a little bit. we'll be right back after this break. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! it is a milestone for the show and brings viewers from across the country and around the world to visit today. nbc's mark barger shows us some of what's made the plaza special. good morning and welcome to today on a monday morning. welcome to studio one a when bryant gumbel and katie couric christened the street level studio 30 years ago, it was a real moment. it was also a throwback part of our cast is you to when dave garroway started today in 1952, it was reconnecting with those roots and really saying, this is the legacy, a window on the world that also gave the world a window into the inner workings of a still fledgling medium. you got your own desk now go away. when nbc transitioned to color in the 60s, cameras of the day could not keep up with changing sunlight that forced today into a traditional studio for decades . until 1994, it was katie out here and bryant and, you know, it was just so magical. and in the years since, there's a heartbeat and it's this plaza right here. yeah yes! y'all killed it. the magic has only grown over the years. we've transformed this plaza into just about everything. concerts featuring the biggest stars. bruce springsteen is on our plaza. and the annual halloween costume party. jenna and i achieved our lifelong dream of being dallas cowboy cheerleaders . the plaza has become a destination. it's raining, snowing, hail. nothing stops the show for today's extended family. today is our 44th anniversary when people have a special day, something that matters to them. and this is the place that they want to market. it's a connection. we watch every morning that brings today. i always come here when i come to new york and it's audience september closer together. wow, 30 years has gone by like that and who knows what the next 30 years will bring. mark parker, nbc news. today we'll be celebrating great moments on the plaza all week, starting at 7 a.m. right here on nbc bay area. up next. continuing breaking news coverage out of san jose. check it out. firefighters are responding to multiple house fires. we've got details coming up. plus, getting ready to install one of san francisco's most iconic pride symbols. you can help make sure the pink triangle is seen otwin peaks thisn ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ jose, our sky ranger, overhead, a neighborhood on quimby road in southeast san jose. you can see why there are multiple plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. there are flames as you just saw. we are learning that multiple homes are on fire. this is not far from lake cunningham. sj fire tells us they responded to three separate locations. there. you have a live shot from our sky ranger. you can see that big plume of smoke in that area. of course, we're continuing to follow this, but you might want to avoid that area in san jose. again, it's not far from lake cunningham. it's quimby road in southeast san jose, and we will bring you much more as we learn more. a big cleanup effort to get ready for a big pride installation today. more than 100 volunteers helped clean up trash up there on twin peaks. that's where the iconic pink triangle is going to be displayed. once a symbol, gay people were forced to wear it by and now represents pride for the lgbtq plus community. triangle takes us, takes up about an acre, could be seen for up to 20 miles away. now on friday, they're going to lay out and install the pink outline on saturday, volunteers expected to help install the rest of that triangle. organizers say you can still volunteer if you would like to get in on this. following the installation is going to be a commemoration ceremony. the triangle will stay up through june 30th. all right, don't go anywhere. coming up tonight at six. continuing coverage of that massive wildfire near tracey. we've got team coverage tracking, rising temperatures, and we're live near the fire line. stay

Related Keywords

Flames , Nbc , Matter , Corral Fire , Sky Ranger , Land , Tracee , 14000 , Grass Fire , One , Country , Chills , Home , Weapons , Threat , Lab , Science , Technology , Centers , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , People , Part , Firefighters , Evacuation Orders , Alert , Community , Containment , Progress , Crews , Warnings , 30 , City , Effect , Scale , Freeway , Road , San Francisco , Sky , Lake Cunningham , Neighborhood On Quimby , Ranger , Fire Burning , Closer To Home , Smoke , Homes , Location , Billowing , Weather , Way , Rob Mayeda , Things , Newscast , Side , What S Going On , Role , Two , Temperatures , Winds , Case , Point , Tracee Hills Community , Origin , San Joaquin County , Upper 70s , Altamont Pass , 15 , 70 , 580 , Conditions , Kind , News , Wind Tunnel , West Side , Wind , Lot , Cloud Cover , Heat , First , Fire Danger Index , Bay Area , Fire Danger , Heat Risk Index , Pivot , Category , Vaults , Wall , Coming Up , Bay , Degree Range , Solano County , Wildfire Smoke , 90 , 100 , Coverage , Air Quality Forecast , Forecast , Newscasts , Cal Fire , Ten , Biden , Prime Minister , Aide , On Friday , Cease Fire Plan , Israeli , Gaza , Nbcbayarea Com , Deal , Hostages , Cease Fire , Plan , Benjamin Netanyahu , Eight , Three , Us , Vladimir Zelensky , Lloyd Austin , Airstrikes , Sidelines , Ukrainian , Russian , Singapore , Meeting , Ukraine , Support , Restrictions , War , Use , Secretary Austin , Shangri La Dialog Security Summit , Pentagon , Decision , Disregard , Targets , Human Life , Terror , Donald Trump , Troops , Attacks , Power Grid , Emergency Power Shutdowns , Thousand , A Thousand , Counts , House Arrest , Time , Jail , Host , Fox And Friends Weekend , Prospect , Sat , Hush Money Case , 34 , Anything , Press , Public , Judge , Television Saying , Lawyers , Oh No , Don T You Beg , Morning , Question , Cyrus Vance Jr , President , Former Manhattan Da , Still Da , Burchard , Court , Trump , Mr , Verdict , Bragg , Gun Charges , Race , Possession , Son , Hunter , Hunter Biden S Criminal Trial Opens Tomorrow In Delaware , San Jose , Southeast , Gun , Sky Ranger Overhead , Narcotics , Isn T , Roof , Information , Locations , Scene , City Council , Bit , Increase , Garbage Rate Increase , Rate Increase , July 1st , 6 , 1 , Neighborhood , Animal , Questions , South Bay , Video , Friday Night Outside A Home Near Roosevelt Park , Mountain Lion Sightings , Mountain Lion , House , Mountain Lion Sighting , Face To , Dog , Brave , Big Cat , Doubt , Person , Oakland , Enclosure , Head , Corner , Size , Murphy Avenue , Five , Thing , Wildlife , Both , Asian American , Neighbors , Cat , Videos , Fish , Pacific Islander Heritage , Native Hawaiian , District , Pacific Islanders , Woman , Supervisors , Efforts , 2022 , Silitonga , Force , Back Story , Parts , Development , Visitacion Valley , Gaynor , Hood Chick , Portola , Excelsior , Businesses , Hope , Leland Corridor , Area , Vision , Ways , Sense , Islands , Some , Systems , Belonging , Flags , 24 , Housing , Equity , Mission , 73 , Something , Family , Family Roots , Oldest , Siblings , Living , Sister , Documentary , Sort , Hunters Point , Samoan , Six , Elders , Picket Fence , Job , Projects , Grandmother , American Dream Type Stuff , Story , Childhood , Addict , Drugs , Gang , Gangs , Ones , Group , Secret , Tune , Cousin , Relief , Times , Rape , Help , African American Community , It , Balboa High School , Visitor , Bunch , You Don T , Guy , Occurrences , Nobody , Rudy Corpus , Riots , Chance , Charge , Players , School Club , Violence , Take That , Founded Salt Pacific Islander Association Resource Hutt , Pain , Advocacy , Healing Point , 2017 , Coalition , Groups , Public Safety , Youth Leadership , Voices , Southern California , Population , Asian , Pacific Islander Task Force , 10 , 3 , Momentum , Numbers , Sweetie Williams , Youngsters , Like , Oh My God , Work , Child , Image , Hopes , Everything , Purpose , Thanks , Generation , Introduction , Best , Jia , Home Opener , Pride , Baseball Team , Tickets , Plus , Contra Costa County , Standing , Games , Love , Pride Celebrations , Air Quality , Dublin , South East San Jose , Door , Details , Officials , Pride Parade Today , Pride Month , Beginning , Clayton , Festivities , Mark Desaulnier , Pride Parades , Singers , Event , Painting , Crafts , Lots , Food , Team , Ballers , Game , Set , Big Pride Parade In San Francisco , Raymond S Park , Eyes , Being , Yolo High Wheelers , Fires , Happening , Hair , Doing , Danger , Northwest , Grasses , View , Notice , Smoke Forecast , Most , Brush , Column , West Northwest Wind , Wildfire , Start , Impacts , Direction , Coast To Bay , Orange , Ozone , Ground Level , Levels , Folks , Eye , Santa Clara Valley , Clouds , Reach , Midweek 90s , Tri Valley 73 , 62 , 76 , 16 , Coast , Storm System , Satellite , Fringe , Trailing Edge , Standards , Flood , Pacific Northwest , Western Washington , 61 , Drizzle , Areas , Mendocino County , Sonoma County , Peninsula , Fact , Rain Chances , Midday , Got 70s And 80s , Sun , 50 , 80 , Pressure , Soar , Tuesday 80s , Cooling , Sea Breeze , 70s And 80s , Thunderstorms , Moving , Cool Down , Sierra By , Cloudy Skies , Coastal Fog Will Return , Onshore Winds , Cycle , 20 , 2 , Plaza , Mornings , Store , Something Special , Heart , Studio One , Manhattan , World , Milestone , Show , Viewers , Break , Just A Little Bit , Network , Comcast Business , Business , Speed , Customers , Plans , Speeds , Cost , Verizon , At T , T Mobile , 12 , Speed Plans , Miss , Prepaid Card , Don T , 49 99 , 00 , 800 , 9 99 , Mark Barger , Throwback Part , Monday Morning , The Street Level Studio , Katie Couric , Plaza Special , Bryant Gumbel , Window , Legacy , Roots , Cast , Dave Garroway , Inner Workings , 1952 , Sunlight , Studio , Medium , Desk , Cameras , 60 , Heartbeat , Magic , 1994 , Stars , Concerts , Halloween Costume Party , Bruce Springsteen , Jenna , Destination , Nothing , Dream Of Being Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders , Snowing , Hail , 44 , Market , Place , Wow , Connection , Audience , New York , Nbc News , Mark Parker , House Fires , Breaking News Coverage , Nbc Bay Area , 7 , Pink Triangle , Symbols , Iconic Pride , Otwin Peaks Thisn , Inspiration , Cow , Piggy Bank , Cash , Checking Account , Savings Habit , Cash Reward , Shape , Bmo Jose , Mugs , Smoke Billowing , Plumes , Sj Fire , Saw , Shot , Course , Plume , Quimby Road , Big Pride Installation Today , Iconic , Symbol , Big Cleanup Effort , Twin Peaks , Acre , Outline , Lgbtq Plus Community , Installation , Rest , Commemoration Ceremony , Anywhere , June 30th , Don T Go , Organizers , Fire Line , Stay , Team Coverage Tracking ,

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