Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703

the driver in custody. what we're learning. the spring storms and tornado threat across the country. and is april snow headed for new england? al roker is here. the significant progress in the race to reopen the port of baltimore after that massive bridge collapse. the temporary fix to get ships in and out. the major escalation in the middle east. iran accusing israel of striking its consulate in syria and killing two top generals. convicted double murderer alex murdaugh back in court, sentenced to 40 more years for stealing from his clients. why some of his victims say they forgive him. a lawyer for nfl star rashee rice says he's cooperating with police after reports his car was involved in a major crash. authorities asking for help i.d.-ing the man in this video. and he's young and driven. the gamer turned nascar star who just claimed his first major checkered flag. >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. good evening and welcome. breaking tonight, a pair of closely watched abortion rulings late today by florida's supreme court. the conservative majority panel opening the door for a ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. a point at which some women don't know they are pregnant. but in a separate ruling the court will leave it to florida voters to decide whether to restore abortion rights when they go to the polls in november. senior legal correspondent laura jarrett starts us off tonight. >> reporter: tonight florida's highest court paving the way for a strict abortion ban to go into effect, while also sending the issue back to the voters this november. the conservative court finding the state's constitution does not protect abortion rights, which will now allow florida to ban the procedure as early as six weeks into pregnancy, before many women know that they're pregnant. that law signed last year by republican governor ron desantis, now set to go into effect in the next 30 days. >> we are here today to defend those who can't defend themselves. >> reporter: it's all likely to usher in a sea change not only in florida but throughout the south as the state has seen a surge in patients from surrounding states that have passed stricter bans since roe v. wade was overturned. but at the same time the court today also approving key language for a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights after advocates gathered enough signatures for voters to decide the issue this november. >> i feel like women should not be told what to do. >> i don't think they should have abortion at all. >> reporter: if passed, it would guarantee the right to abortion before viability, which is usually around 24 weeks, or when necessary to protect the patient's health. >> and laura, it's not just florida that could have abortion on the ballot in november. >> reporter: that's right, lester. several different states are considering ballot measures like these. some they've already succeeded. the advocates have succeeded getting them on the ballot. but in the meantime, in the short term, lester, this abortion ban, this six-week abortion ban is going to start in the next 30 days in florida. >> all right. laura, thanks very much. just developing tonight, a driver near atlanta ramming his car into the front gate of the fbi office there. blayne alexander reports he is in custody tonight. >> reporter: tonight, a major security scare at the fbi field office in atlanta when agents say a man driving this vehicle used it to try and force his way inside. >> we can confirm a person rammed into the fbi atlanta's front gate shortly after noon today. he was not associated with this facility. >> reporter: the fbi says the driver tried to get past the security checkpoint by following an employee's vehicle inside. but the security barrier engaged and the suspect crashed his car into it. officials say he then jumped out of the car and tried to run toward the building but only made it a few feet before being tackled. >> several of our special agents who were passing by apprehended him. his motives at this point are not known. the suspect was taken to a local area hospital, where he's being evaluated. >> reporter: the suspect was never close to actually getting inside of the building, officials say, and note it's too early to tell whether this was a potential act of terror. tonight, fbi officials are not releasing the name of the suspect and say no weapons were found inside the car. and tonight officials are considering both state and federal charges. lester? >> blayne alexander, thank you. tens of millions are in the crosshairs of severe weather tonight and tomorrow in the midwest and south from the same storm that caused major flooding and surprisingly heavy snow in california over the weekend. al roker is tracking it for us. al, a dangerous situation brewing. >> in fact, lester, it is developing right now. a volatile situation. we have 8 million people under tornado watches from st. louis, kansas city down to oklahoma city and just north of dallas until late tonight. and then we've also got, as you can see, this line of showers and thunderstorms moving into the midwest. flood watches for 16 million people. tonight we are really concerned about this area right in central oklahoma where we've got damaging hail, wind gusts, nocturnal tornadoes. these are twice as deadly as daytime tornadoes. fort smith, joplin, st. louis, poplar bluff, and then we move into tomorrow. the threat ramps up to 55 million people in the upper ohio river valley from columbus, nashville, chattanooga, birmingham. we're looking at rainfall amounts anywhere from two to three inches. and on the back side of this system, lester we've got a major snowstorm, blizzard conditions possible in parts of northern new england for up to 18 inches of snow. >> al roker, thank you. six days since baltimore's key bridge collapsed after being struck by a cargo ship there is progress in the urgent effort to reopen the port. officials saying crews have already opened a narrow channel to allow recovery vessels to access the disaster site. aaron gilchrist is there. >> reporter: tonight authorities battling more bad weather in the urgent mission to get a portion of the baltimore port back open. today announcing a temporary channel now complete. >> it will help us to get more vessels in the water around the site of the collapse. >> reporter: we were out on the water with the coast guard late today. with this temporary shipping channel now open, we're seeing one of the first ships to go through off in the distance here. a barge being pushed by a tugboat. the operation in full swing six days after the francis scott key bridge collapsed when a container ship struck one of its pillars. we know crews were out this weekend with cutting torches slicing these pieces of metal. you're looking at now some of the first pieces that were cut and they're waiting to be removed. the new 11-foot-deep temporary shipping lane expected to allow only vessels essential to salvage operations. more than 370 engineers, technicians, logistics experts and others working around the clock. the plan, clear the bridge wreckage from the channel, stabilize the "dali," remove the bridge span from its bow and eventually remove some cargo containers so the massive ship can be refloated and brought back to port. all of this expected to take weeks at least. >> we're going to move as rapidly as possible, but we're going to continue to do it safely. >> reporter: every day the port remains closed to have a major impact on both the supply chain and the 8,000 jobs that directly depend on this busy waterway being open. 140,000 workers have some connection to this shipping hub. >> it stung seeing it come down. >> reporter: chris elliott is a longshoreman, the folks who handle all the products moving from ship to shore at the port. since the bridge collapse chris has been in limbo. >> the uncertainty has to be hard, though. >> yeah, it is. every day you're thinking about the future and the uncertainty. you know, you lose some sleep over it. got bills to pay. >> reporter: tonight we're also learning the owner of the container ship petitioned the court to limit its liability for this accident. and president biden plans to visit the wreckage on friday. lester? >> all right, aaron, thank you. in south carolina a new sentence for alex murdaugh today for federal financial crimes. priya sclidar joins us. priya, this comes on top of multiple state sentences including for the murder of his wife and son. >> that's right, lester. today murdaugh was sentenced to 40 years in prison and $8 million in restitution for stealing millions from his family law firm's personal injury clients. this is in addition to the two life sentences without parole he's already serving for killing his wife and son and 27 years in state prison for similar financial crimes. murdaugh appeared in court today in an orange jumpsuit and shackles and addressed the judge for 13 minutes. he said he's remorseful and embarrassed about what he did and that he thinks about his victims every day. two of his victims also appeared in court today and said they forgive him. lester? >> priya sridhar, thank you. tonight a lawyer for nfl player rashee rice said he is cooperating as authorities investigate a six-vehicle crash in dallas that may have involved one of his cars. priscilla thompson now with late details. >> reporter: for the first time since this terrifying crash kansas city chiefs wide receiver rashee rice is responding amid reports that his car may have been involved. his attorney writing in a statement that rice is cooperating fully with authorities and will take all necessary steps to address this situation responsibly, adding his thoughts are with everyone impacted. the response comes 48 hours after this six-car crash caused, police say, by this lamborghini and corvette speeding down the expressway. >> major accident on the freeway at the 6700 block of north central expressway northbound. >> reporter: dramatic dashcam video shows the moment police say the drivers lost control, one car slamming into the center median as the other appears to spin out. kayla quinn says she and her 4-year-old son were headed home after a day at the zoo when they were among those hit. "this could have ended way worse," she wrote on social media. "both cars hitting me yet me and my baby walked out untouched." police say all injuries were minor and the occupants of the lamborghini and the corvette all ran from the scene. moments after the crash a bystander captured this video. >> you guys all right? >> yeah. my chest. >> where are you guys heading? you guys all right? >> yeah. >> you guys just going to leave it? >> reporter: tonight the nfl not commenting. but the chiefs president telling kcml talk radio this. >> we'll get to the bottom of it. we'll gather the facts. and then we'll react accordingly. >> reporter: dallas police are not saying if rice was involved in the actual crash, and they're asking for the public's help in identifying the men in the video. lester? >> priscilla thompson, thank you. in the middle east iran is claiming tonight that an israeli air strike in syria killed some of its senior commanders at an iranian diplomatic building in damascus. raf sanchez has more. >> reporter: tonight the fiery aftermath of what appears to be a targeted strike in syria. smoke and flames bill logue from an iranian diplomatic building in damascus. debris scattered on the street. iran says the blast killed two generals and five officers from its revolutionary guard, and it's blaming israel and vowing revenge. israel not commenting. iran is a primary backer of both hezbollah and hamas. as fears grow of a widening conflict outside gaza, where today israel announced the end of what it calls a two-week counterterror raid on al shifa hospital, leaving behind a trail of destruction. israel says hamas used the hospital as a base and that israeli commandos killed 200 militants and captured senior hamas operatives. the u.s. saying hamas is hiding among civilians. >> hamas should not -- should not be operating out of hospitals. but as we've also said, we do not want firefights in a hospital. >> reporter: the world health organization says at least 21 patients died during the israeli siege. and gaza's hamas-run health ministry said they found bodies of civilians decomposing in the dirt. among them dr. ahmed maqadmeh according to his family and palestinian media. a dedicated surgeon, his colleagues said he refused to leave his patients behind. >> he opted to stay in northern gaza in shifa and ali to look after his patients. >> reporter: and officials saying an iranian-made drone hit an israeli naval base. there were no casualties but israel calling it a very serious incident. lester? >> raf sanchez, thank you. in 60 seconds the $20 an hour pay hike for fast food workers in california. but what will the impact be on meal prices? next. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. more than 500,000 fast food workers got a raise today to $20 an hour as a new look took effect in california. it's meant to offset the high cost of living, but it may also means you'll pay more for your burger. here's liz kreutz. >> something is better than nothing. >> reporter: for three years anisha williams has worked at jack in the box, struggling to make ends meet as a single mom in high-priced los angeles. >> they need to know that their workers are struggling. some workers are homeless. >> reporter: that's why today marks a moment she's been waiting for. anisha is among hundreds of thousands of fast food workers across california getting a raise. >> we need this. we need this so bad. >> reporter: after years of protest restaurant chains with more than 60 locations nationwide must now pay their california employees at least $20 an hour. it's one of the highest minimum wages in the country and the first time state lawmakers have mandated a minimum wage for just one industry. supporters say it's time for the billion-dollar corporations to pay a living wage. >> how's it going? >> reporter: but many franchise owners like jessica diambra, who runs 11 mcdonald's across l.a., says the law puts an unfair strain on their businesses already operating on slim margins. >> do you feel targeted that it's specifically for fast food? >> yes. and i think people just don't realize, they see this big mcdonald brand and just think oh, they've got all the money in the world, and it's just that's not at all how it is. >> reporter: mcdonald's, chipotle and starbucks already saying they plan to raise prices to offset the rising labor costs. pizza hut pre-emptively laid off 1,200 delivery drivers like michael ojeda. >> i was very frustrated. a lot of us got our jobs taken from us. >> reporter: he was let go after eight years. >> what's the point of the raise if you don't have a job anymore? >> reporter: experts say the law may also lead to shorter hours and expedite the push to automation, replacing people with technology. >> economists often say there's no such thing as a free lunch. does that apply here? >> it really applies here. but we forget that somebody's paying for it somewhere. >> reporter: but for anisha as the cost of living rises she says a few extra dollars goes a long way. >> i'm praying that this $20 will actually do something for me and my children. >> reporter: liz kreutz, nbc news, los angeles. up next for us tonight, colleges' warnings over financial aid chaos. could it impact thousands of students' ability to go to college in the fall? to seves or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. 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Bluff , Upper Ohio River Valley , 55 Million , System , Back Side , Parts , Anywhere , Rainfall , Blizzard Conditions , Snowstorm , Birmingham , Chattanooga , Nashville , Columbus , 18 , Three , Channel , Port , Bridge , Crews , Cargo Ship , Recovery Vessels , Effort , Baltimore , Portion , Aaron Gilchrist , Mission , Disaster Site , Baltimore Port Back Open , Vessels , Water , Collapse , Operation , Site , Barge Being , Coast , Distance , Tugboat , Shipping Channel , One , Container Ship , Pieces , Pillars , Metal , Torches Slicing , Francis Scott Key Bridge , Wreckage , Bridge Span , Operations , Logistics Experts , Technicians , Plan , Others , Engineers , Clock , Dali , Deep Temporary Shipping Lane , 370 , 11 , Ship , Cargo Containers , Bow , Workers , Impact , Jobs , Supply Chain , Shipping Hub , Connection , Waterway Being Open , 8000 , 140000 , Uncertainty , Folks , Longshoreman , Limbo , Products , Chris Elliott , Collapse Chris , Accident , President , Owner , Sleep , Liability , Bills , Biden Plans , Priya Sclidar , Son , Wife , Alex Murdaugh Today For Federal Financial Crimes , Murder , Sentence , Sentences , South Carolina , Restitution , State Prison , Life Sentences , Injury , Family Law Firm , Parole , Addition , 27 , Million , Crimes , Judge , Shackles , Orange Jumpsuit , 13 , Player , Priya Sridhar , Rashee Rice , Time , Cars , Reports , Priscilla Thompson , Details , Kansas City Chiefs , Wide Receiver , Rice , Statement , Steps , Response , Thoughts , Everyone , Attorney Writing , 48 , Corvette , Police Say , Speeding , Expressway , Lamborghini , Freeway , North Central Expressway , Dramatic Dashcam , 6700 , Drivers , Control , Kayla Quinn , Mother , Center , Home , 4 , Social Media , Hit , Ran , Baby , Occupants , Injuries , Guys , Scene , Bystander , Chest , Facts , Chiefs , Bottom , Public , Kcml Talk Radio This , Raf Sanchez , Air Strike , Commanders , Men , Damascus , Aftermath , Strike , Smoke , Debris , The Street , Flames Bill Logue , Hamas , Officers , Backer , Blast , Guard , Revenge , Fears , Hezbollah , Five , The End , Conflict , Destruction , Trail , Counterterror Raid , Base , Northern Gaza , Al Shifa Hospital , Civilians , Saying , Hospitals , Hiding , Operatives , Commandos , Militants , Senior , 200 , Hamas Run Health Ministry , Firefights , Siege , Bodies , Dirt , World Health Organization , 21 , Family , Surgeon , Ahmed Maqadmeh , Colleagues , Media , Dr , Shifa , Drone Hit An Israeli Naval Base , Fast Food Workers , A1c , Weight , Power , Cv Risk , Incident , Meal Prices , Casualties , Pay , Next , 20 , 60 , 3 , 0 , Risk , Adults , Stroke , Death , Heart Disease , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Attack , Events , Studies , Majority , 7 , Don T , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Reuse , Pens , Share , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Isn T , Stop Ozempic , 2 , 14 , 1 , Side Effects , Dehydration , Reaction , Insulin , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Type 2 Diabetes , Kidney Problems , 500000 , Something , Nothing , Look , Burger , Anisha Williams , Liz Kreutz , Cost Of Living , Thousands , Jack In The Box , Mom , Hundreds , Los Angeles , Raise , Locations , Employees , Protest Restaurant Chains , Wages , Wage , State Lawmakers , Industry , Corporations , Living Wage , Supporters , Franchise Owners , Businesses , Margins , Strain , Mcdonald S , Jessica Diambra , L A , Big Mcdonald Brand , Fast Food , World , Prices , Money , Chipotle , Starbucks , Don T Realize , Yes , Delivery Drivers , Lot , Labor Costs , Experts , Pre Emptively , Job , Michael Ojeda , Pizza Hut , 1200 , Eight , Thing , Somebody , Somewhere , Technology , Lunch , Push To Automation , Economists , Children , Nbc News , College , Students , Aid , Colleges , Rinvoq , Check , Ability , It , Chaos , Seves , Warnings , Pill , Symptoms , Damage , Remission , Relief , Doctor Saw Damage , Fatigue , Flares , Intestinal Lining , Infections , Blood Clots , Crohn S , Symptom Relief , Uc , Fatal , Tb , Doctor , Reactions , Skin , Cancers , Lymphoma , Gi , Tears , Heart Disease Risk Factor , 50 , Work , Abbvie , Advice , Ameriprise , Personalized , Confidence , Gastroenterologist , Goals , Put Uc And Crohn S , Gels , Faster , Wonder , Ameriprise Financial , Advil Liqui , 9 , 10 , Pain , Pain Away , Hot Dog Diet , Inflammation , Source , Science , Type , Body Health , Menthol Cigarette , Cigarette , Nutrients , Matters , Ads , Soothing , Ethan , Tip , Dream , Pursuit , Exception , Vitiligo , Pigment , 1 800 Quit Now You , 800 , Opzelura , It S Time , Choice , Prescription Treatment , Nonsegmental Vitiligo , Fda , Hepatitis B , Cream , Skin Cancer , Lung , Acne , Counts , Itching , Blood Cell , Repigmentation , Jak Inhibitors , Dermatologist , Refilling Opzelura , Series , Glitches , Stephanie Gosk , Universities , Pressure , Kids , Alarm , College Financial Aid Approvals , Schools , School , Enrollment , Frustrating Virginia High Schooler , Kate Tunstall , Issues , Many , Mounting , Government , None , Don T Have Offers , Financial Aid Form Fafsa , Tragedy , College Officials , Survey , Nation , 67 , Number , Most , Ones , Irony , Education , Challenges , Aren T , Question , Questions , Lots , Rollout , Transition , Form , Congress , 103 , Department Employees , Delays , Dozens , Doe , May 1st , Aid Offers , Loosening , Requirements , Tunstalls Wait , Seven , Kid , Video Games , Mountain , College Diploma , Deal , Debt , Body , Contours , Nascar , Medicine , Win , Otc , Strength Lidocaine , Salonpas , Fast Lane , Flexh , Customers , My Name Is David , Pharmacist , Memory , Prevagen , Number One , 44 , Prescription , Stores , David , Child , Itch , Eczema , Dermatologists , Allergists , About Dupixent , Infection , Vision , Eye Pain , Eye Problems , Joint Aches , Asthma , Eczema Specialist , Guy , Speed , Punishment , Bet , Dignity , Wasn T , Team , Cars Honking , Huh , Car Insurance , Cut Rate , Allstate , Mayhem , Odds , Hahaha , Story , Taking Jardiance , Sugar , Twenty Four , Urinary Tract Infections , Ketoacidosis , Genital Yeast , Kidney Function , Perineum , Stop Jardiance , Infection Ketoacidosis , Blood Sugar , Limb Loss , Legs , Pain Relief , Aleve , Music , Magic , 12 , Try Alevex , News , Hero , Lou Conter , The Last Living Survivor , World War Ii , Uss Arizona , Age , Attack On Pearl Harbor , Japanese , Marines , Sailors , 1000 , 1941 , 102 , Sam Brock , Fans , Rajah Caruth , Accomplishments , First Career Win , Las Vegas , Four , Level , Truck , History , Wendell Scott , Spire Motor Sports , 71 , Passion , Background , Racer , Part , Bubba Wallace , Drive , Tire Pressure , Program , Footsteps , Springboard , Stuff , Diversity , Teen Serving , North Carolina , And I Simulator Machines , Daniel Suarez , Cadence , Life , Support , Reason , Parent , Jump , Rajah , Difference , Garage , Inspiration , Caruth , Reality , Each Other , Care , Success Story , Moorsville , Real Estate Market , Heights , Numbers , Bay , Nbc Bay Area ,

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