Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703

will hard line republicans now try to topple mccarthy? >> if i have to risk my job for standing up for the american public, i will do that and this bizarre moment, a democratic congressman pulling the fire alarm, what he says happened hundreds evacuated after a truck crashes leaking dangerous toxic gas into the air. five people killed in the collision. how dangerous is it? new videos of the epic flooding in new york city. residents returning to their swamped homes, and the wild story of this sea lion escaping from the central park zoo. the deadline tonight to head off the biggest health care strike ever what it means for patients from coast to coast. more than 40 million americans have to resume repaying their student loans starting tomorrow. what you need to know. and are these roundabouts the secret to ending traffic gridlock why more and more cities have commuters driving in circles. >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening going into this weekend the federal government was fully prepared to shutdown at midnight tonight. millions of workers were bracing for weeks or months without pay including our entire military but today kevin mccarthy made a choice after weeks of trying to appease the hard liners in his party, this morning he put forward a short-term fix that didn't require their support. instead he turned to democrats to vote for it >> the bill is passed. and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. >> that choice may keep the government open, but it may cost him his job. but just moments ago we learned that a democratic senator may now be holding up the bill if it does pass, this bill will stop the ticking clock to midnight, but it starts a new clock 45 days now to strike a deal so that we don't go through this whole exercise again in november. we have two reports tonight beginning with r ryan nobles on capitol hill. >> reporter: against all odds the government found a way to avoid a government shutdown >> the bill is passed. and the motion is laid on the table >> reporter: at the 11th hour speaker mccarthy putting a 45-day spending bill on the floor >> it is very clear that i tried every possible way to listen to every single person in the conference. >> reporter: the short-term deal does not include spending cuts or new policies to deal with the border crossing sought by conservatives the proposal caught democrats off-guard, but ultimately agreeing with the plan by an overwhelming majority >> the american people have won the extreme maga republicans have lost. it was a victory for the american people. >> reporter: mccarthy initially sought to pass a bill exclusively with republican votes but was bailed out by democrats as today's measure passed with more democratic votes than republican. >> he needed to work with democrats to get it because he's got a bunch of members of the chaos caucus that are never going to vote for anything. >> reporter: the white house today calling the deal on the hill a big victory, but the last minute passage was not drama. congressman bowman admitted to pulling a fire alarm bowman said it was by accident republicans accuse him of doing it on purpose to delay the vote. while the crisis was averted today, the real work still needs to be done >> we won't be back here in the same place in 45 days >> look, we're going to focus come monday on completing the appropriations bills, but there's a lot of work to do >> and ryan nobles joins us now from capitol hill ryan, we're just learning that the bill may be held up in the senate >> reporter: yeah, that's right, jose even one senator can hold up this process, and we've learned colorado's democratic senator michael bennett is putting a hold on the legislation because he's concerned it lacks funding for ukraine. if bennett doesn't release that hold and it goes beyond midnight, the government will shutdown he's now being persuaded by his colleagues to lift that hold so the government shutdown can be averted jose >> ryan nobles in washington, thank you. that critical house vote could come at a major cost for house speaker kevin mccarthy hard line republicans were already threatening to try to take the speaker's gavel from him even before he got democrats to help pass the bill ali vitali has more. >> reporter: tonight house speaker kevin mccarthy defiant >> if somebody wants to make a motion against me, bring it there has to be an adult in the room. >> two-thirds being in the affirmative the rules are suspended. >> reporter: having defense with the business of keeping the government open, mccarthy now bracing for the possibility of his own members coming for his job all because he worked with democrats to avoid a shutdown >> when are you guys going to get over that it's all right that you put america first, that it's all right if republicans and democrats join together to do what is right? >> reporter: that's exactly what some hard line republicans warned him about >> if democrats bail out mccarthy as they may do, then i will lead the resistance to this uniparty. >> reporter: just one member of the house can introduce a motion to vacate, triggering a vote that could oust the speaker, the results of mccarthy's own negotiations to get the job in the first place. the california congressman earning the speaker's gavel after a historic 15 rounds of balloting back in january. conceding power to the far-right of his party. >> that was easy, huh? >> reporter: now a waiting game for threats turned to akds is anyone talking about a motion to vacate >> everyone is talking about it. >> is it going to happen >> i'll say it'll be filed at some point. >> would you vote to oust the speaker >> that isn't what we're talking about right now. >> that's a conversation i'm not even willing to have right now. >> well, that'll be something i chat with my colleagues about. >> ali vitali joins me now. how quickly could we see a move on mccarthy >> reporter: look, a small faction of republicans might be mad enough to make a motion voovacate, but they can't replace mccarthy with nobody and right now there's no consensus choice who could replace him. >> thank you tonight we're getting an astonishing new look at new video from this historic storm that paralyzed parts of new york city yesterday. the flooding blind-sided millions and raises new questions about the impact of climate change on our infrastructure here's george solis. >> reporter: tonight new york city is recovering from friday's record setting rainfall city officials say more than two dozen water rescues took place yesterday. rainfall totals nearly reaching double digits jfk airport reporting its wettest day since 1948 staggering 7 inches fell in parts of brooklyn bar and restaurant owner kelly hayes and a small amount of volunteers throwing out thousands of merchandise. >> the city could do more in the infrastructure and storm drains, but, yeah, climate change >> reporter: outside the bar the roads looked like a river as whirlpools formed near a drain. it was a dramatic scene but possibly something that could become more common unless cities take action >> i think we have a lot or of work to do it means investing in response protocols of people that might be at risk, people who live in basement apartments it means investing in drainage infrastructure >> personal stuff is all lost it's garbage >> reporter: john and his basement in queens submerged in nearly 4 feet of water. >> i've been to war, the world trade center on 9/11, been to katrina, seen all kinds of garbage in my life but this has got to be one of the worst >> reporter: just two years ago in this very same basement a couple and their child lost their lives during catastrophic flooding during hurricane ida tonight the damage is still being tallied, but for one new yorker life has returned to normal a female sea lion able to swim out of her enclosure at central park zoo back home tonight. >> and george joins us from brooklyn, a hospital there where all that rain knocked out the electrical system >> reporter: that's right. officials here, jose, say there were no interruptions to health care and no injuries and patients are still being moved from this hospital to others so repairs at this hospital can take place. jose >> george solis in new york, thank you. about 1 in every 8 americans owes money on student loans and coming tomorrow those are due tomorrow >> reporter: jennifer hernandez doesn't know where she'll find an additional $650 a month to pay her student loans. >> it's frustrating. i do intend to pay my student loans. it's just the amount was so high, i can't afford that. >> reporter: the 35-year-old middle school counselor in the bronx is on an income driven repayment plan with more than $90,000 in loans. >> everything coming in is going towards bills. >> reporter: hernandez is one of the 43 million student loan bu borrowers whose payments are due 45-year-old karen has taken to tiktok to stay motivated with a six figure student debt and an $1,100 monthly payment. >> i'm lucky in a sense i can live with my parents and i don't have to worry about paying for groceries this month or student loans. >> reporter: check with your loan servicer to see how much you owe and when it's due consider an inkrm driven repayment plan, and be aware of scams promising immediate loan forgiveness in exchange for a fee 30-year-old bradley in connecticut owes $147,000 he's having second thoughts about getting a loan in the first place. >> being so young and in so much debt for doing something that i thought was going to better my life, it has absolutely been the biggest regret of my life >> reporter: a reality that he and millions of others will once again face tomorrow. priscilla thompson, nbc news up next, breaking news a toxic spill. hundreds evacuated we'll have the very latest ould get ahead of your ibs-c by treating it with linzess. then you could start proactively managing your 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with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. we are just hours away from a deadline that could lead to a massive strike impacting health care for millions across the country. kaiser permanente workers could walk out this week if there's no deal by midnight pacific tonight. liz crotz now on what's at stake. >> reporter: in this season of labor strikes with united auto workers taking on gm, ford, and stellantis and the actors guild continuing to picket hollywood studios, preparations are under way now for what could be the biggest health care workers strike in u.s. history if no deal can be reached by late tonight >> our coalition is one-third of kaiser's workforce, so it will have a huge impact >> reporter: 75,000 health care workers at kaiser permanente are poised for a three day strike beginning wednesday targeting hundreds of facilities across california, colorado, oregon, washington, virginia, and washington, d.c. workers protesting what they say is kaiser's short staffing crisis that puts patients at risk from long wait times for care at the union office here in los angeles members preparing for this strike tell us they've been pushed to the brink from the covid pandemic and their pay has not kept up with inflation or their workload >> i see workers doing the jobs of two to three people so we're running around, we're stressed, busy, exhausted. >> reporter: kaiser permanente which has 39 hospitals and more than 620 medical facilities nationwide says it's hired more than 50,000 front line workers over the last two years despite labor shortage and it's, quote, optimistic it will reach an agreement and avoid this unnecessary strike but the workers set to walk the picket line which includes some nurses, lab technicians, pharmacists, and therapists say kaiser executives have been refusing to bargain in good faith >> liz, if the strike does go forward, just how big will the strike be an impact to patients >> reporter: jose, for some perspective just here in california kaiser has 9.4 million patients and also the largest employer in the state, so even a limited three day strike could have massive implications jose >> thank you we are monitoring breaking news out of illinois a poisoned gas leak following a deadly semi-truck crash now hundreds are being evacuated from their homes. jesse kirsch has the very latest. >> reporter: police say the highway crash led to a toxic gas leak evacuations, too and tonight authorities say five people are dead. >> i do have an 18-year-old male complaining of difficulty of breathing. >> reporter: officials say the illinois pileup involved numerous vehicles including a semi-truck carrying anhydrous pneumonia. >> we have a lot of people suffering >> reporter: so far the causes of death are not clear. meanwhile officials say a hazmat team was able to slow down the gas leak but could not fully stop it. >> they had to mitigate the -- the conditions before they could really get to work on it >> reporter: teams were battling a dangerous gas, anhydrous ammonia inhalation can cause respiratory issues exposure can cause skin and eye irritation and at high concentrations even death is possible according to the cdc >> we knew we had fumes in the air some of them were almost running down the road to get out of the fumes. >> jesse, do we know how long it could take to clean this up >> reporter: yeah, jose, not clear at this point and officials at last word had said that the leak was still not fully stopped. we're told roughly 500 people have been evacuated, and those evacuations are expected to hold at least for tomorrow morning. jose >> jesse kirsch, thank you. still ahead, the rise of roundabouts. why more cities are adding those traffic circles. the question is do they really help cut time off your commute? for colon cancer.♪ ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪ we had a talk. ♪knew just what to say.♪ ♪i asked for cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ -when you bundle your home or renters with your auto, progressive provides protection for almost everything you own. -but do you really need... -my weighted hoop? it's for my snatched waist. foot treadmill. purse that says purse. my tuesday chalice. lake making kit. mushroom humidifier. futuristic coat rack. tells you how many coats are on it. two. 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Related Keywords

Kevin Mccarthy , Government Shutdown , Vote , Line , Democrats , Fix , Millions , Livelihood , Congress , Republican , Dash , Bill Will Hard Line , Min Hail Mary , Job , Public , Congressman , Fire Alarm , American , People , Flooding , Hundreds , New York City , Residents , Hair , Homes , Toxic Gas , Collision , Videos , Truck , Epic , Five , Patients , Sea Lion , Health Care Strike , Story , Central Park Zoo , Coast To , 40 Million , Cities , Roundabouts , Mexican Americans , Circles , Student Loans , Traffic Gridlock , Commuters , Secret , Government , Shutdown , Workers , Pay , Nightly News , Jose Diaz Balart , Nbc , Announcer , Party , Choice , Liners , Support , Bill , Motion , Table , Objection , Deal , Senator , Ticking Clock , Exercise , 45 , Reporter , Way , Ryan Nobles , Capitol Hill , Against All Odds , Two , Spending Bill , Speaker , Floor , Person , Conference , The 11th Hour , 11 , Plan , Conservatives , Policies , Proposal , Border , Cuts , Crossing , Off Guard , Votes , Victory , Majority , Members , Caucus , Measure , Chaos , Anything , White House , Bunch , Congressman Bowman , The Hill , Accident Republicans , Passage , Drama , Purpose , Place , Work , Crisis , Appropriations Bills , Lot , That S Right , Process , Colorado , Senate , One , Bennett Doesn T , Hold , Michael Bennett , Colleagues , Will Shutdown , Legislation , Funding , Ukraine , Washington , Hard Line , Gavel , House Vote , Cost , Defiant , Somebody , House Speaker , Bill Ali Vitali , Adult , Room , Rules , Affirmative , Being , Defense , Business , Possibility , Open , Guys , America First , House , Member , Uniparty , Resistance , Results , Northern California , Rounds , Back , Negotiations , 15 , Akds , Anyone , Waiting Game , Power , Threats , Huh , Something , Everyone , Point , Isn T , Conversation , Faction , Move On Mccarthy , Motion Voovacate , Parts , Consensus Choice , Nobody , Look , Storm , Video , Impact , Infrastructure , Questions , Climate Change , George Solis , Friday , Record Setting Rainfall City Officials , Rainfall , Water Rescues , Digits , Amount , Kelly Hayes , Thousands , Bar , Volunteers , Brooklyn , Jfk Airport , 1948 , 7 , City , The Roads , Scene , Storm Drains , Drain , Merchandise , River , Whirlpools , Risk , Response Protocols , Investing , Action , Basement Apartments , John , It , Basement , Water , Kinds , Garbage , Stuff , Feet , Queens , War , World Trade Center , Katrina , 9 11 , 4 , Life , Child , Lives , Damage , Hurricane Ida , Central Park Zoo Back Home Tonight , Enclosure , New Yorker , Hospital , Health Care , Repairs , Officials , Rain , System , Interruptions , Injuries , Money , 1 , 8 , Jennifer Hernandez Doesn T Know , 50 , 650 , Everything , Repayment , Loans , Middle School Counselor , Income , Bronx , 0000 , 90000 , 35 , Bills , Payments , Student Loan Bu Borrowers , Tiktok , 43 Million , Payment , Student Debt , Figure , Sense , Parents , Six , 100 , 1100 , Loan , Groceries , Scams , Fee , Forgiveness , Loan Servicer , Exchange , Debt , Thoughts , Connecticut , 30 , 147000 , 47000 , News , Regret , Nbc News , Others , Reality , Toxic Spill , Priscilla Thompson , Next , Linzess , Belly Pain , Constipation , Symptoms , Laxative , Pill , Say Yess , Ibs C , Help , Stomach Pain , Children , Bloating , Discomfort , Bowel Movements , Bowel Blockage , Doctor , Side Effects , Side Effect , Abbvie , Diarrhea , Yess , Aren T , Stools , Ironwood , Wayfair , Deals , Head , Home , Big Deal , Day Ood , Am Ia , Dream Sofa , Savings , Price , Half , Energy , Protein , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , Vaccine , Rsv , Respiratory Disease , Make It Arexvy , Lungs , Airways , 60 , Asthma , Conditions , Copd , Diabetes , 82 , Ingredients , Reactions , Health Conditions , Response , Immune Systems , 94 , Pain , Headache , Muscle Pain , Injection Site Pain , Fatigue , Strike , Deadline , Kaiser Permanente , Country , Midnight Pacific Tonight , Stake , Liz Crotz , United Auto Workers , Season , Strikes , Labor , Guild , Hollywood Studios , Actors , Ford , Gm , Stellantis , Kaiser , Health Care Workers , Workforce , Coalition , History , Preparations , Facilities , Oregon , Virginia , 75000 , Three , Times , Office , Care , Brink , Staffing , Washington D C , Los Angeles , Union , Workload , Hospitals , Inflation , Jobs , Covid , 39 , Labor Shortage , Agreement , Front Line , Quote , 620 , 50000 , Lab Technicians , Picket Line , Faith , Nurses , Go Forward , Executives , Therapists , Perspective , Estate , Employer , 9 4 Million , Gas Leak , Crash , Breaking News , Jesse Kirsch , Implications , Illinois , Breathing , Toxic Gas Leak Evacuations , Difficulty , Highway Crash Led , Police , Authorities , 18 , Vehicles , Pneumonia , Causes , Death , Carrying , Pileup , It Reporter , Hazmat Team , Teams , Skin , Eye , Fumes , Anhydrous Ammonia Inhalation , Gas , Issues , Irritation , Exposure , Cdc , Leak , Road , Word , Rise , Evacuations , 500 , Traffic Circles , Commute , Colon Cancer , Question , Voice , Answer , Doc , Talk , Cologuard , Non Invasive , Provider , Purse , Protection , Chalice , Auto , Progressive , Renters , Hoop , Waist , Kit , Coat Rack , Foot Treadmill , Lake Making , Mushroom Humidifier , Aleve , Pain Relief , Music , Coats , Magic , 12 , Fast Food , Combo , Knorr Taste Combos , Soooo Good , Ramen Noodle Recipe , Dinner Rituals , Powder , Touch , Try Alevex , Delightful Carrots , Bok Choy , Eczema Treatment , Injections , Pitch , Pills , Cream , Steroids , Infections , Opzelura , Ability , Eczema Treatment Reimagined , Jak Inhibitors , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Events , Counts , Blood Clots , Lung , Hepatitis B , Tb , Blood Cell , Lymphoma , Eczema , Cold , Relief Reimagined , Solution , Many , Don T Love , Intersections , Love Roundabouts , Traffic Circle , Rotary , Roundabout Reporter , Mayor , South , Oxford , Mississippi , Roundabout Capital , Driving , Mow Matter , Nickname Roundabout Robin Reporter , Everywhere , Nickname , Town , Europe , 21 , Bend , Lincoln , Nebraska , Area , 34 , Drivers , Studies , Injury , Saving , Conflict Points , Rates , Indiana , Slow Down , 90 , 75 , 140 , Difference , Daily , Seat , Front Row , Marvin King , School , Father , Bye , Stop , Kids , Course , Crashes , Growth , Numbers , Roundabout Opened A Second Lane Last Summer , 130 , 40 , Rides , Car , Roundabout , Mayors , Corner , Road Map , Calls , Shingrix , Women , Car Culture , Love , The Boys Club , Fainting , Shingles , Dose , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Swelling , Stomach , Injection Site , Pharmacist , Shivering , Tiredness , Redness , Fever , Migraine , Didn T , Look At Me Now , Qulipta , Nothing , Migraine Medicine , Broccoli Recipe , Sleepiness , Chicken Cheddar , Delivery Apps , Don T , Nausea , Zero , Corners , Makers , Improvement , Tomatoes , Pain Relief Patches , Peeling , Salonpas , Zucchini , Silky , 89 , Medicine , Sizes , Array , Things , Symptom Improvement , Breztri , Won T , Heart Condition , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , High Blood Pressure , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Tongue , Latinas , Tradition , Hispanic Heritage Month , Twist , Women Driving Change , Group , Passion , Style , Generation , Culture , Riders , Cars , Paint , Fun Culture , Gravity , Community , Car Club Culture , Meaning , I M Talking , 70 , Lady , Part , Shift , Debby Martin , Anna , Grandmothers , Grandkids , Cousins , Nieces , Yes Oh , Yes , Generational , Nephews , Family Thing , Hearts , Wheel , Tens Of Thousands , Families , Most , Thing , Receiving End , Event , Family , Daughter , Example , Football , Need , Privilege , Big Time , Michigan State Vs , Iowa , Run , Walk , Stadium , Iowa City , College Football , Mi ,

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