Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704

new images from florida. the devastation from hurricane idalia as the long recovery begins. the worries tonight about financial aid for storm victims. will the federal government run out of money before peak hurricane season? the dramatic body cam. police fatally shooting a pregnant black woman in ohio. the woman in her car accused of shoplifting, appearing to accelerate towards the officer who fires one fatal shot. what her family is now demanding. the manhunt in pennsylvania 48 hours in after an extremely dangerous murderer escaped from a prison near philadelphia. how did he get out? the proud boy who smashed a capitol window with a riot shield and another who helped plan the attack sentenced. how long they'll spend in prison. and going the extra mile, the vietnam vet who uses his daily walks to help those wounded by war. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. and good evening. i'm tom llamas in for lester tonight. as we kick off this holiday weekend, we're following some developing news when it comes to travel. in the air as a record number of flyers make their way through the nation's airports, the faa is investigating a close call that happened at reagan national airport. that incident coming as the tsa expects 14 million passengers to pass through security checkpoints, 2.7 million traveling just today, and though most airlines took responsibility for recent travel headaches, transportation secretary pete buttigieg announced the faa hired an additional 1,500 air traffic controllers this year. it's welcome news for travelers who were plagued by cancellation after cancellation during the summer months. on the roads, traffic backups in pockets of the u.s. including in maryland. this deadly wreck there, the result of a chain reaction crash involving four tractor trailers. our emilie ikeda is tracking all things travel tonight and joins us with more. emilie. >> reporter: well, tom, even driving here to newark airport from new york city took me twice as long, and from the roads to the runways, travelers will face crowds this very busy holiday weekend. one bright spot, though, just over 100 flight cancellations today out of the 50,000 flights scheduled in the u.s. the last big getaway of the summer is here capping off a record-breaking season for air travel marred by a series of close calls. the latest coming today at reagan national airport when an air traffic controller canceled a delta flight's landing because another aircraft was still taking off from the same runway. the faa now investigating. >> we've seen a noticeable increase in serious close calls, and the only acceptable number of these is zero. >> reporter: though transportation secretary pete buttigieg also pointing out, passengers are facing fewer cancellations than earlier this summer and last year when air travel was bogged down by bad weather, air traffic delays and staffing shortages. >> the cancellation rate so far in 2023 is at 1.6%, which is a full percentage point better than last year. >> reporter: tsa screened a record 227.5 million passengers since memorial day weekend, and airports are bracing for another 14 million over the next few days. >> i have never seen a line at an airport this long literally my entire life. >> reporter: from flights to hotels, rental cars and cruises, bookings are up within the u.s. and abroad with a stunning 95 million crisscrossing the country. the rush driving backlogs around major cities and this deadly tractor trailer crash on i-81 in maryland. >> we're actually going to go back on sunday, so we're not dealing with the monday traffic. >> reporter: avoiding long lines in this blockbuster summer of travel. emilie ikeda, nbc news, newark, new jersey. we want to turn now to the storm zone in florida. the road to recovery only just beginning, and tonight, growing concerns fema could run out of money before we even hit the peak of hurricane season. maggie vespa in hard-hit horseshoe beach. >> reporter: tonight, along florida's utterly decimated coastline, a herculean cleanup is under way. in horseshoe beach four generations sift through the rubble of cynthia votro's home. >> we knew we were coming in to nothing, but seeing it in person, it was just beyond comprehension. >> reporter: now, more than 48 hours after idalia made landfall wednesday as a historic and deadly category 3 hurricane, president biden vowing to visit florida's hard-hit big bend region tomorrow, but tonight the president is facing a staggering new problem in his mission to help hurricane victims here. simply put, fema is running out of money. amid a year of extreme weather from historic flooding in california, to devastating tornadoes in the midwest, fema warning it's down to $3.4 billion in disaster relief funds, enough for a few more weeks. the agency prioritizing immediate needs for victims of idalia and last month's maui wildfires. president biden pleading with congress for an extra $16 billion. >> we're going to need a whole hell of a lot more money, and we need to do it in september. we can't wait. >> reporter: meanwhile, in florida, local first responders go door to door offering help while the state delivers trailers to those who lost everything. >> i trust our senators and congressmen hopefully to be able to work it out in a good way. you know, as governor i'll be pulling whatever levers i can to be able to help folks. >> reporter: people here praying washington comes through including 10-year-old luke clampett, who spent the day clearing his grandma's destroyed home. if you could tell the president anything, what would you say? >> help us clean up this place, and help us try to rebuild. >> even the kids there in the big bend of florida asking for help. maggie, we heard in your report that fema is running out of cash. will those families get the help they need? >> reporter: tom, fema says absolutely yes. they say all immediate needs like food and shelter will be met. by the way, that comes alongside new numbers on the cost of idalia's damage. moody analytics putting it between $12 billion and $20 billion. >> maggie vespa and her team in the storm zone tonight. we're following a developing story out of ohio. body cam video released showing the police shooting of a pregnant black woman. she was accused of shoplifting and drove her car at an officer. miguel almaguer tonight with the video and a warning, the images are disturbing. >> hey, out of the car. out of the car. >> reporter: the deadly shooting unfolded roughly 24 seconds after police near columbus, ohio, first ordered ta'kiya young out of her car. >> get out of the car. then get out. >> reporter: as two officers approached, the pregnant shoplifting suspect in a supermarket parking lot, young refused their repeated commands. >> out of the car. >> for what? >> they said you stole stuff. do not leave. >> i didn't steal. >> get out of the car. >> reporter: the officer in front of the car drawing his weapon. then firing a single fatal shot. get out of the car. >> shots fired. >> reporter: after the vehicle appears to move forward. >> stop the car. stop the car. stop. >> reporter: young was taken to a hospital where she later died. the police chief says his officers were assisting on another call when grocery store employees told them young had shoplifted. >> despite being ordered to get out of the car more than a dozen times she refused to do so. the woman put the car in gear and accelerated forward. >> reporter: but young's family attorney says the 21-year-old pregnant mother of two was gunned down in a criminal act. >> you see ta'kiya turn her wheel before the car even begins to move, so it shows there was not an intent on her part to hurt this officer. officers are not allowed to use deadly force because a suspect did not comply, especially one that is not armed. >> reporter: the ohio bureau of criminal investigation is conducting their own independent probe. the officer who fired the single shot last week was placed on administrative leave. >> reporter: a fatal encounter outside a grocery store as investigators work to determine who is to blame. miguel almaguer, nbc news. in pennsylvania tonight, the frantic search for a convicted killer that is now on the loose, and there are growing questions about how he managed to escape from prison in the first place. here's gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: tonight, an urgent manhunt is under way for a convicted murderer who is on the run. police say 34-year-old danelo cavalcante escaped from chester county prison about 30 miles west of philadelphia. >> this man is very dangerous. if you see him, don't approach him and call 911. >> reporter: in 2021 the five foot tall cavalcante stabbed his former girlfriend more than 30 times killing her in front of her children. a jury took just 15 minutes to convict him and last week he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. investigators say he's also wanted for a 2017 homicide in brazil. it's not clear how he escaped. >> we have no evidence at this time to suggest that he had help from anyone. >> reporter: investigators think he is still in the area and are scouring woods and cornfields. hundreds of officers drones, dogs and helicopters on the move. >> just driving up and down this street right here thinking he could be in the woods anywhere, so, you know, not knowing if he's hiding somewhere waiting until dark to come out. i have no idea. >> reporter: nearby schools on alert. >> everyone was trying to, like, contact us and see what's going on and, like, just can't believe this is going on. >> reporter: police believe cavalcante could be trying to head south to mexico, and tonight there's a new $10,000 reward for information leading to his capture. gabe gutierrez, nbc news. we head to washington now. two more members of the far right proud boys were sentenced today for their roles in the january 6th attack. dominic pezzola who was caught on camera smashing a capitol window with a stolen riot shield received ten years, and ethan nordean, the group's seattle leader, received 18 years tying the longest sentence for the attack. sticking to washington, we turn to the key republican questioning if mitch mcconnell is fit to serve after that alarming moment when he appeared to freeze at an event. ali vitali with the late details. >> reporter: tonight, republicans taking on their own. >> the senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. i mean, you know, mitch mcconnell has done some great things, and he deserves credit, but you have to know when to leave. >> reporter: that scathing new shot from presidential contender nikki haley after senator mitch mcconnell froze for more than 30 seconds wednesday at an event in kentucky. >> all right, i'm sorry, you all, we'll need a minute. >> reporter: it's the second time that's happened in two months. the capitol physician saying, mcconnell is medically clear to work and that moments like these are not uncommon in concussion recovery, which the 81-year-old sustained after a fall back in march. senate republicans largely rallying behind their leader. >> i obviously pray that he's healthy. >> reporter: and so is president biden. >> he was his old self on the telephone. >> reporter: age now back in the spotlight at a time when voters are already concerned about it. 77% of americans, including 69% of democrats, think president biden is too old to effectively serve as president. a smaller number, 51% of americans, have age concerns about republican front-runner former president trump. meanwhile, some democrats have called on 90-year-old california senator dianne feinstein to resign after moments of apparent confusion like this. colleagues telling her when to vote. >> just say aye. >> okay, just -- >> aye. >> aye. >> reporter: feinstein's spokesperson said she was preoccupied at the time. >> all right, ali joins us live. in the case of these senators in kentucky and california, do voters have any recourse? >> reporter: voters have no say in any of this, tom, until these senators are up for re-election, but incidents like this underscore that both parties are going to have to contend with the issue of age in 2024. tom. >> a great point. ali vitali from capitol hill. in 60 seconds new reporting out of maui. the significant change in the number of missing and what's being done now with those sirens to prevent future disasters. stay with us. but i've got lead in my foot and spirit in my fingers. woo! ha ha what a hit! and if you have cut rate car insurance the cost to cover that, might tank your season. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. 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"operation mend" helping vets in a big way. that's "nightly news" for this friday. thank you so much for watching. i'm tom llamas. for all of us here at nbc news, have a great night and a great holiday weekend. it is a new era for stamford and -- . it is a new conference. how this will impact you, even if you are not a big sports fan. good afternoon, welcome to nbc bay area news. we are tracking other stories on friday, including holiday weekend travel rush.

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Columbus , 24 , Officers , Suspect , Young , Supermarket Parking Lot , Commands , Stuff , Two , Single , Front , Shots , Vehicle , Weapon , Hospital , Employees , Police Chief , Grocery Store , Stop , Times , Shoplifted , Gear , Mother , Family Attorney , Criminal Act , 21 , Part , Intent , Force , Wheel , Bureau , Probe , Criminal Investigation , Leave , Questions , Killer , Investigators , Encounter , Loose , Frantic Search , On The Run , Gabe Gutierrez , 34 , Man , Cavalcante , Chester County , Philadelphia , Danelo Cavalcante , Don T Approach Him , 30 , 2021 , 911 , Five , Children , Evidence , Girlfriend , Life In Prison Without Parole , Jury , Homicide , Brazil , 15 , 2017 , Move , Woods , Area , Drones , Anyone , Cornfields , Hundreds , Helicopters , Street , Everyone , Somewhere , What S Going On , Hiding , Anywhere , Schools , Alert , Idea , Members , South , Capture , Information , Boys , Mexico , 10000 , 0000 , Group , Camera , Dominic Pezzola , Roles , Ethan Nordean , January 6th , 6 , Ten , Mitch Mcconnell , Event , Questioning , Sentence , Seattle Leader , Republican , 18 , Nursing Home , Senate , Details , Credit , Ali Vitali , Nikki Haley , Kentucky , Back , Leader , Concussion Recovery , Saying , Capitol , Voters , Spotlight , Telephone , Self , Americans , 77 , 69 , Democrats , Dianne Feinstein , Republican Front Runner , Trump , 90 , 51 , Feinstein S Spokesperson , Confusion , Colleagues , Aye , Recourse , Any , Case , Say , Missing , Age , Reporting , Change , Parties , Disasters , Sirens , Issue , Underscore , Re Election , Stay , Incidents , Capitol Hill , 2024 , 60 , Spirit , Car Insurance , Lead , Foot , Hit , Cut Rate , Fingers , Ha , Nutrition , Mayhem , Allstate , Citi Custom Cash , Kind , Muscle , Vitamins , Heart Health , Support Immune , Protein , Minerals , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Spending , Category , Spend , Citi Com Customcash , Billing Cycle , 5 , 500 , 00 , Officials , Update , Community , Shores , Healing , Tragedy , Prayer , Ritual , Mourning , Sam Brock , Lahaina , Hawaiian Islands , Most , Deaths , Names , List , Unaccounted , 50 , 115 , A Thousand , Digits , Figures , Doubt , Skepticism , God , Doesn T , Mayor , Impact , Response , Gravity , Charge , Staff , Fatalities , Eoc , Emergency Director , Conference , Interests , Command Structure , Champion , Resigned , Oahu , Procedures , Wildfire Event , Siren , Interim Emergency Director , Residents , Mistake , Sign Siren System , Box Office Record , Roots , In Lahaina Today The Beacon Of Hope , Tender Loving Care , Taylor Swift , Famed Banyan Tree , Symbol Of Hope , Lot , Time , Mind , Titan Submersible , Dream , Sleep , Business , Auto , Night , Jamie , Mom , Progressive , Good , Wait , D Yknow , Chimney Sweep , Fan , Josh Allen , Spokesperson , Neighbors , Hero Fan , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Yea , Uh , 1 , Vo , Football Season , Mmhm , Get Nfl Sunday Ticket , Verizon , Youtubetv , Myplan , 2 , Antidepressant , Lift , Symptoms , Vraylar , Depression , Value , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , 49 , 449 , Depression Symptoms , Weight , Studies , Saw , Dementia , Patients , Risk , Death , Fever , Changes , High Blood Sugar , Antidepressants , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Stroke , Thoughts , Behavior , Adults , Coma , Side Effects , Cholesterol , Issues , Stomach , Weight Gain , Restlessness , Dizziness , Appetite , Fatigue , Treatment , Movement Dysfunction , Son , Process , Ya , Shave , Razor , Abbvie , On Yuh Face , Dad , Guy , Pops , It Ain T My Dad , Ugh , Little Somethin , Face , Gillettelabs , Flexdisc , Contours , Shaving Experience , Hairs , Green Bar , Gillette Labs , Texts , Gillette , Gamechanga , Lookin , Bout Hookin , Best , Doors , Advisor , Generation , Shaving , Fidelity , Bettuh , Estate Planning , Income , Growth , Specialists , Wealth , Access , Everybody , Job , Spider Man , Tickets , Box Office Record Set , Concert Film , Amc Theatres , 6 Million , 26 Million , Titanic , Submersible , Sky News , Team , Tom Costello , Partners , Buffalo , Submersible Titan , Wreckage , Titan , Men , Guys , Ways , Rate , Explorers , Focus , Father S Day , Brethren , Lots , Entrepreneurs , 2 1 , Implosion , Navy , Sounds , Amount , Clock , Breath , Location , Equipment , Sub , Crew , World , Rov , Water , The Titan , Signs Of Life , Canada , Drone , Chance , Debris Field , Feet , Bow , Survivors , Combination Of , Ocean Floor , 1600 , U S Coast Guard , Disappointment , Sea Floor , Miracle , Walk , Veterans , Board , Cause , Inquiry , Harry Smith , Liberty Mutual , That S My Boy , Huh , Pay , Freeways , Uncle Limu , Diabetes , Stop Mounjaro , Type 2 Diabetes , Isn , Body , Blood Sugar , A1c , You , 4 , 7 , Don T , It , Doctor , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , Gallbladder Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Taking Mounjaro , Swelling , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vision Changes , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Card , Automatic , Automatic Sashimi , Oooooohhh , Shoes , Commercials , Surgery , Wasn T , Toes , Medication , Rebecca , 1 800 Quit Now , 800 , Feeling , Yeah , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Fail , Tuberculosis , Hope , Try , Infection , Ability , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Dermatologist , Look , Others , Walking , Ric Ryan , Some , Ric , Wave , Walking Man , Murphys , Vets , Town , Operation Mend , Why Don T I Start , Wife , Ucla , Joey Palk , Ied Explosion , Hospitalizations , Surgeries , He Couldn T , Mirror , Reflection , Hands , Arms , Sunglasses , Hoodie , Middle , Shops , Cans , Ric Walking , Rick , Quarters , Big Ones , Operation Mend S , Bit , Hips , Knees , Well , Don T Know , Us 200000 , 200000 , Direction , Step , Wall , Have A Great Night And Holiday Weekend , Watching , Helping Vets , Big Sports Fan , Stamford , Nbc Bay Area , Holiday Weekend Travel Rush , Friday ,

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