Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704

escaping from prison and on the loose and what a spike in attendance. more than 90,000 fans helping the nebraska huskers volleyball team claim a new world record >> good evening, everyone, and welcome. once powerful idalia has made its exit off the north carolina coast, heading into open waters, as residents and officials across four states assess the damage it leaves in its wake splintered and twisted homes, the calling cards of where idalia made landfall yesterday as a major hurricane. its 125-mile-per-hour winds flattening sparsely populated communities like horseshoe beach in florida's big bend region utility crews today making progress as they restore power there have been at least three storm-related fatalities two in florida and one in georgia idalia and its drenching rains caused heavy flooding as it moved northward along the carolina coast rainfall amounts topping ten inches in some parts of north carolina tonight, president biden says he plans to travel to hard-hit florida on saturday. tom llamas is in the storm zone tonight tom, how's the recovery looking >> reporter: hey, lester, good evening to you well, here in horseshoe beach, it's just getting started, but you can see what they're up against piles of debris as far as the eye can see, and over here in this section, you can see far over there that car pushed into the canal by hurricane idalia and on top of all this mess, the mayor here in this town telling me tonight, they've now implemented a curfew to stop looting. tonight, this new video obtained by nbc news showing idalia's historic and devastating storm surge. watch and listen as the storm pushes into steinhatchee, florida, nearly reaching rooftops the water rising from one to eight feet in just over an hour. captain jody griffiths saw it all, trying to protect his marina resort. >> that ship came from our neighbors. the roof here come from the neighbors over on the other side >> reporter: was it like a wall of water, or was it just kind of building >> it was a surge. >> when it came, it came. >> reporter: with many neighborhoods initially cut off, the scale of the devastation here is just beginning to come into focus >> it got higher >> reporter: some, like linda wicker's family, who have owned roy's restaurant for two decades, will have to rebuild from scratch is it a total loss, or -- >> pretty much >> reporter: yeah? >> i mean, the building's not, but the contents are pretty much -- everything's gone. >> reporter: idalia made landfall with a ferocity not seen in this area in more than a century. daring high-water rescues rolled out up and down the coast and more than half a million lost power many have been restored >> the bulk of the outages at this point are in that big bend region, a lot of the rural counties that bore the brunt of the storm. >> reporter: with the president today signing a major disastedisas disaster declaration for florida. >> our nation has your back, and we are not going to -- we're not going to walk away >> reporter: idalia carved a destructive path across the southeast. at least five reported tornadoes breaking out in the storm zone >> that car's flying >> reporter: one flipping this car into the air charleston recorded its fifth-highest tide on record. three people across the region have been killed back in florida, this was idalia's fury up close in horseshoe beach. and this is what's left and here in horseshoe beach, if your home did survive, there's probably only one reason why it was built in the sky, like this one 20 feet high across this quiet, close-knit village, homes torn apart and toppled over >> you always hope that it passes you by, and most of the time, it does, but this time, it didn't >> reporter: the ja jacobs family showed us the home they lost, and shared the memories they're keeping. >> i would put my children to bed, and i had a piano in here, and i would play the piano, and they would go to sleep. >> reporter: what do you want the country to know about horseshoe beach and what happened here in this part of florida >> we're worth saving. we just don't want to be forgotten in all this mess >> reporter: tom llamas, nbc news, horseshoe beach, florida. and as we see those images of homes destroyed, concerns are mounting over another looming problem. gabe gutierrez is in cedar key, with more on what some call the hurricane tax. >> reporter: tonight, with the damage being assessed in idalia's wake, some floridians are worried about another looming disaster insurance. when you first came back here and you saw the damage what went through your head? >> it's a little bit of disbelief, depression >> reporter: amy firestein returned today to find the small hotel she owns ravaged. all the more frustrating, because she says the insurance premiums for her own home doubled recently. >> is it better to just save up money and pay out of pocket or keep paying insurance every year i don't know >> reporter: after weathering hurricane ian last year, as we've reported, florida homeowners are already paying the highest insurance premiums in the country $6,000 a year, versus the national average of $1,700 here in cedar key, nearly nine feet of storm surge tore through these homes. still, florida's chief financial officer says idalia could have been much worse >> the silver lining to this is, idalia did go through one of the least populated areas of the state >> reporter: in december, legislators here passed sweeping changes to property insurance laws some experts say four new insurers soon coming to the state could help keep costs down but others worry it will take years for the market to stabilize. you think insurance rates could rise another 20%, 30% after this hurricane >> easily. easily >> reporter: gregory buck is an insurance provider in palm beach county >> since 2017, none of our companies have -- who write homeowners in florida have made any real money >> reporter: tonight, for homeowners here, mounting questions about future insurance bills. and hurricane season is far from over >> gabe, for context, how do the early damage estimates for idalia compare to hurricane ian? >> reporter: well, lester, it's still very early, but on investment bank estimates this storm cost around $10 billion in damages, far less than hurricane ian, which cost $112 billion. lester >> all right, gabe gutierrez, thank you. we'll take a turn now to the supreme court. a new financial disclosure today from justice clarence thomas, revealing he accepted three trips from a billionaire friend who is a large republican donor laura jarrett joins us now. laura, justice thomas putting out the new disclosure, also taking aim at some of his critics. >> reporter: yes, lester this was long-awaited, as justice thomas today officially d disclosed several pry vault jet rides he accepted from that conservative mega-donor harlan crow last year. their friendship has been under heavy scrutiny, after reports about all the luxury trips thomas hadn't does closed for years. now, his property sales to crow also now detailed for the first time now, thomas' lawyer says any errors in reporting were just inadvertent mistakes, as the disclosure rules were recently clarified. at least one of those rides from last year thomas says he took was because of security risks after that draft opinion leaked, the one overturning roe versus wade he said he never took any gifts from anyone with any business before the court meantime, senate democrats continue to push for ethics reform on the court, while republicans and thomas' own lawyer say this is all just a partisan smear against the justice, lester. >> all right, laura, thank you. former president trump pleaded not guilty today to election interference charges in georgia he also waved d his arraignment. blayne alexander is in atlanta, and this means mr. trump avoids another court appearance next week >> reporter: well, lester, that's right his arraignment was initially scheduled for next wednesday and of course, it comes on the heels of that extraordinary jailhouse surrender and mug shot last week now, the republican front-runner has also entered a plea of not guilty he has slammed this entire case as politically motivated. now, today, mr. trump also asked to be tried separately from some of his co-defendants who are set to go on trial on october 23rd. all 19 co-defendants are charged with trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results here in georgia now, lester, all of this comes as georgia's republican governor said that he will not call a special legislative session to remove fulton county's democratic d.a. fani willis from office, despite calls from a handful of local republican lawmakers. and lester, today, a judge confirmed that all proceedings related to this case will be livestreamed on the court's youtube channel. lester >> all right, blayne, thank you. two leader or testify far-right proud boys were sentenced today for seditious conspiracy in the january 6th attack joe biggs, who led the group's florida chapter, received 17 years. the second-longest sentence for any january 6th defendant. zachary rehl, the former head of the philadelphia chapter, got 15 years prosecutors had pushed for them to be sentenced to over three decades each in pennsylvania, a convicted murderer is on the loose after escaping from a prison outside philadelphia authorities hunting for danelo cavalcante say he is extremely dangerous. he was sentenced to life without parole just last week for stabbing his ex to death in front of her children anyone who spots him immediately should call 911 also tonight, the horrifying images out of south africa. a five-story building going up in flames, killing more than 70 people, many of them children we get more tonight from matt bradley. >> reporter: you could hear the screams coming from inside the inferno. a fearsome fire engulching a five-story building in johannesburg, killing at least 74 people overnight, including 12 children. the building had been abandoned and was filled with an estimated 200 homeless squatters. witnesses say exits out of the building were blocked. the massive blaze forced some to do the unthinkable >> my in-law, she just hit the window and threw the daughter outside. >> reporter: tonight, the government facing fierce criticism >> it's a wakeup call for us to begin to address the situation of housing in the inner city >> reporter: the reforms will come too late for these homeless victims, for whom there is no place left to go but the streets, and now, nothing left to feel but despair. and tonight, south africa's president pledged to root out those criminal gangs that had taken control of that building, and to launch an investigation into exactly what caused that deadly fire lester >> matt, thank you. back in this country, americans are struggling with the rising cost of everyday items, falling behind, in some cases, on expenses like car loans and credit cards. tom costello is now on the growing economic uncertainty, and what you need to know about dealing with debt. >> reporter: from the gas pump to the grocery aisle, inflation continues to take a big bite out of family budgets in july, personal expenditures jumped another 3.3% from a year ago. we're paying more for pharmaceuticals, recreation, groceries, and clothing and more americans are choosing to charge it, though with credit card interest rates at a record 20.6%, many can't pay the bills. and after spending heavily during the pandemic, more than 3.5% of car loan and credit cards are now delinquent >> right now, i have almost $10,000 in credit card debt, so, i am so ashamed of that, but yeah, that's a big number >> reporter: dolores mason stokes turned to credit cards after being laid off for a second time in nine months she and her husband are now focusing on cutting costs. >> not making more bills. cutting back on cable, all of our streaming services >> reporter: despite record levels of credit card debt, americans continue to spend. so now, the question -- will the fed raise rates even more in september as it fights inflation? >> we will keep at it until the job is done. >> reporter: savvy ladies financial health advisers say now is the time to prioritize debt >> you could have a car loan with a, you know, 5% interest, and you've got -- you're paying 21% on a credit card, it makes the most sense to put that money towards that credit card first. >> reporter: always make more than the minimum payment. wean yourself off cards by using cash. and don't sacrifice your financial future for instant gratification buys tomorrow we'll get the latest critical read on the economy the july unemployment report expected to remain near 50-year lows, despite these rising prices. lester >> all right, tom costello, thank you. in 60 seconds, buster murdaugh speaking out for the first time what he said about his convicted murderer father we're back with a health update on top senate republican mitch mcconnell, who appeared to freeze at an event yesterday a doctor for the u.s. capitol said today mcconnell is medically cleared to work president biden said he spoke to mcconnell and has no concerns about the senator's ability to do his job tonight, buster murdaugh is speaking out, defending his dad, alex, convicted following the infamous trial that put him behind bars for life stephanie gosk has details. >> this is not what i needed >> reporter: in his first on-camera interview since his mother and brother were killed on their family estate in south carolina, buster murdaugh defends himself, and his father, alex, who is serving a life sentence for the double murder. speaking with fox nation >> you think it was a crappy motive, and yet, 12 jurors all agreed that your dad killed your mom and paul >> that's right. >> what do you think about that >> i do not believe it was fair >> reporter: questions have swirled around buster over a different death. former classmate stephen smith, a 19-year-old whose body was discovered in 2015 on a road about 15 miles from the family property, where years later, maggie and paul murdaugh were shot and killed initially ruleda hit and run, the case was reopened in the weeks after the double murder, and state law enforcement is now investigating smith's death as a homicide. there were unsubstantiated rumors that he and buster murdaugh were in a relationship murdaugh has never been identified as a suspect, and does not face any criminal charges. >> i never had anything to do with his murder, and i never had anything to do with him on a physical level of any regard >> reporter: murdaugh was at his father's trial every day, taking the stand in his defense. but this was his response in the interview when asked if he thinks his father is a psychopath >> i'm not prepared to sit here that it encompasses him as a whole, but certainly, i think there are characteristics when you look at the manipulation and the lies and the carrying out of that and such, and i think that's a fair assessment. >> stephanie joining me now alex murdaugh has gotten into trouble for participating in a new documentary. what happened? >> reporter: yeah, he has. according to the corrections department, his attorney actually recorded a phone conversation where he was reading some journal entries. now, that is not a crime, but it does break the rules, and he has lost his phone privileges his attorney wouldn't comment on the issue, but said he has the utmost respect for the director of the department of corrections, lester. >> all right, stephanie gosk, thank you for that still ahead, the rising health risks as more women turn to drinking. what you need to know. tonight, we're learning more about the alarming impact alcohol is having on women in america it turns outs more are drinking and dying of alcohol-related disease. here's kate snow >> reporter: aya mentel is a busy medical assistant now, sober almost five years. a far cry from life in her 20s. >> there was a bar right around the corner that opened at 8:00 a.m., and i was the first customer there and i was the last person to leave, after a series of bars throughout the day >> reporter: she would shake if she didn't drink every hour so she'd carry whiskey in tiny mouthwash bottles. if you hadn't gotten help - >> i would have died i would have died. >> reporter: in 2018, she went to rehab, but months into recovery, aya started to notice changes in her health. >> my hair was falling out, i was a funhouse mirror with a distended stomach and yellow - >> reporter: yellow skin >> yeah. >> reporter: she went to a doctor and found out she'd done serious damage to her liver. >> stage 4 cirrhosis i was 29 when i was diagnosed. >> reporter: the rate of alcohol-related deaths among women is increasing, up nearly 15%. rising faster than that of men. researchers point to changing patterns. women are drinking more because they're coping with stress, and alcohol use is normalized women take longer to metabolize control than men >> it sticks around more and can have more of that negative effect on their bodies >> reporter: dr. tatyana kushner is a liver disease specialist at mount sinai hospital. >> i think the scary part is that the women aren't aware how the alcohol that they're drinking is affecting their health, and it comes as a surprise when they come in and they already have advanced liver disease. >> reporter: liver damage can lead to needing a transplant in some cases, scarring can get better by quitting drinking, like aya did. >> you're the prettiest kitty. >> reporter: she hopes sharing her story might inspire other women. >> i hope they ask for help and that was the hardest thing to do. ♪ >> reporter: she plans to go to nursing school ♪ >> reporter: is now engaged, and performs music with her fiancee. how does it feel >> amazing i got more back than i ever wanted. i didn't even know the things that i have today. >> reporter: kate snow, nbc news, new york when we come back here tonight, the history-making night on the hardwoods. how a women's volleyball game just smashed world records. finally tonight, mystery inhistory in the heartland. an astonishing record-setting crowd for the women's volleyball game everyone's talking about. here's jesse kirsch with all the excitement >> reporter: at first glance, no surprise. the university of nebraska's faithful fans filling the school's football stadium. but last night, they were watching an entirely different sport. has it set in for you guys what's happened >> i don't think so, no >> no. >> reporter: welcome to volleyball day in nebraska, an outdoor clean sweep for the cornhusker women's team, followed by a worldwide first. >> puts it away for nebraska >> reporter: memorial stadium's official attendance, 92,003 the university says that's a new world record for attendance at a women's sporting event, topping last year's soccer crowd in barcelona. >> soaking it all in, coach? >> reporter: nebraska's junior alexy rodriguez couldn't stop smiling. >> i think it's putting volleyball and women's sports on a bigger map. >> reporter: four-time national champion coach john cook says original originally, they just wanted to reclaim an attendance record from another school so, this started with you trying to just hit around 20,000 people, is what you're telling me >> i would have been ecstatic with 20,000 people in the stadium. >> reporter: but the cornhuskers spiked 20,000 -- and then some >> that wouldn't happen anywhere else in the world, really, like, volleyball is, you know, nebraska is the epicenter for volleyball and for the sport. >> i kept reminding everyone to just enjoy the moment and to soak it all in. >> reporter: a one of a kind spectacle making history and setting the bar high jesse kirsch, nbc news and that's "nightly news" for this thursday. thank you for watching, everyone i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night . right now on "nbc bay area news tonight," the hazy skies, believe it or not, are starting to clear up. when will our air quality, though, be back to normal? also oakland mayor sheng thao changing her tone when it comes to the a's proposed move to las vegas and their owner, john fisher. >> there's a new story to tell, a false narrative that the oakland a's is telling about why they had to leave the city of oakland. and, again, i continue to call b.s. on that. >> so who's telling the truth, and where do we stand right now? the mayor is with us this evening. plus -- >> this isn't

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Florida , Water , Homes , Powerful Idalia , Nothing , Trees , Families , Winds , North Carolina , 700 , Three , Clarence Thomas , Donald Trump , Mega Donor , Trips , Even , Billionaire , Team , Storm Zone Tonight , Jet , Disclosure By , Gop , Arraignment , Court , Trial , Charges , Judge , Georgia , Interference , Pleading , Cameras , Boys Leader , One , Murderer , Children , Building Fire , Punishment , Learning , Manhunt , Pennsylvania , 74 , 6 , January 6th , 12 , Attendance , Record , Fans , Prison , Spike , Nebraska Huskers Volleyball Team , 90000 , Everyone , Coast , Evening , Waters , States , Officials , Exit , Residents , Four , Damage , Calling Cards , Hurricane , Communities , Splintered , Idalia Made Landfall Yesterday , 125 Mile Per Hour , 125 , Power , Horseshoe Beach , Rains , Georgia Idalia , Fatalities , Big Bend Region Utility Crews Today Making Progress , Two , Biden , Parts , Tom Llamas , Flooding , Hard Hit , On Saturday , Ten , Reporter , Recovery , Storm Zone Tonight Tom , Section , Piles , Debris , Eye , Car , Mayor , Top , Mess , Hurricane Idalia , Town , Looting , Canal , Curfew , Storm , Feet , Storm Surge , Nbc News , Rooftops , Video , Steinhatchee , Eight , Roof , It , Captain Jody Griffiths , Neighbors , Ship , Saw , Marina Resort , Side , Wall , Some , Family , Scratch , Scale , Total Loss , Surge , Neighborhoods , Devastation , Roy S Restaurant , Linda Wicker , Building , Everything , Contents , Ferocity , Many , Area , Rescues , Outages , Point , Bulk , Big Bend , A Million , Counties , Back , Region , Brunt , Nation , Lot , Signing A Major Disastedisas Disaster Declaration , Ja Jacobs Family , Southeast , Storm Zone , Tornadoes , Tide On Record , Air Charleston , Idalia Carved A Destructive Path , Five , People , Home , Fury , Most , Quiet , Reason , Sky , Knit Village , 20 , Country , Piano , Memories , Bed , Didn T , Mess Reporter , Images , Part , Saving , Concerns , Gabe Gutierrez , Floridians , Cedar Key , Problem , Hurricane Tax , Wake , Insurance , Amy Firestein , Depression Reporter , Hotel , Disaster , Head , Disbelief , Bit , Money , Premiums , Pocket , Homeowners , Chief Financial Officer , Weathering Hurricane Ian Last Year , Average , 000 , 1700 , Nine , 6000 , Changes , Insurers , Property Insurance , Estate , Areas , Silver Lining , Legislators , Laws , December , Experts , Rates , Keep Costs , Insurance Provider , Market , Others , Palm Beach County , Gregory Buck , 30 , Bills , Questions , Hurricane Season , Companies , None , Over Gabe , 2017 , Lester Matt , Damages , Context , Hurricane Ian , Investment Bank , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Justice , Laura Jarrett , Billionaire Friend , Disclosure , Turn , Supreme Court , 12 Billion , 112 Billion , Critics , Aim , Us , Time , Lawyer , Friendship , Scrutiny , Property Sales , Thomas Hadn T , Harlan Crow , Pry Vault Jet , Reporting , Roe Versus Wade , Draft Opinion , Rides , Security Risks , Mistakes , Disclosure Rules , Errors , Democrats , President , Anyone , Smear , Gifts , Senate , Business , Ethics , Former , Trump , Mr , Blayne Alexander , D , Court Appearance , Atlanta , Case , Course , Plea , Jailhouse , Front Runner , Surrender , Heels , Mug Shot , Co Defendants , Governor , Election Results , Set , October 23rd , 2020 , 23 , 19 , Office , Calls , Session , Handful , Lawmakers , Proceedings , Fulton County , Democratic D A , Fani Willis , Livestreamed , Leader , Youtube Channel , Seditious Conspiracy , Who Led The Group , Joe Biggs , Boys , Zachary Rehl , Chapter , Defendant , Sentence , Prosecutors , Philadelphia , 15 , 17 , Life , Death , Front , Ex , Parole , Prison Outside Philadelphia Authorities Hunting , Danelo Cavalcante , Loose , Flames , South Africa , 911 , 70 , Inferno , Matt Bradley , Johannesburg , Fearsome Fire Engulching , In Law , Window , Blaze , Squatters , Daughter , Witnesses , 200 , Government , Reforms , Wakeup Call , Criticism , Situation , Victims , Housing , Inner City , Gangs , Control , Streets , Place , Despair , Whom , Cases , Credit Cards , Fire , Cost , Car Loans , Investigation , Items , Tom Costello , Expenses , Falling Behind , Inflation , Debt , Bite , Uncertainty , Grocery Aisle , Family Budgets , Gas Pump , Credit Card Interest Rates , Expenditures , Groceries , Pharmaceuticals , Recreation , Clothing , 20 6 , 3 , Credit Card Debt , Car Loan , Dolores Mason Stokes , Pandemic , Number , 10000 , 0000 , 3 5 , Cutting Costs , Levels , Husband , Cable , Services , Job , Fed , Question , Raise , Savvy Ladies Financial , Health Advisers , Credit Card , Interest , Payment , Cash , Sense , 21 , 5 , Economy , Sacrifice , Gratification , Don T , Lows , Prices , Unemployment , 50 , Father , Buster Murdaugh , 60 , Doctor , Event , Senator , Ability , Health Update , Mitch Mcconnell , U S Capitol , Bars , Stephanie Gosk , Alex Murdaugh , Details , Murder , Interview , Life Sentence , Family Estate , Brother , Mother , South Carolina , Fox , Dad , Paul , Mom , Jurors , Motive , Stephen Smith , Property , Buster , Body , Paul Murdaugh , Road , Ruleda , Hit And Run , Maggie , 2015 , Rumors , Relationship Murdaugh , State Law Enforcement , Homicide , Anything , Stand , Level , Defense , Suspect , Psychopath , Characteristics , Response , Lies , Whole , Manipulation , Phone Conversation , Attorney , Assessment , Documentary , Trouble , Corrections Department , Women , Drinking , Wouldn T , Health , Crime , Respect , Comment , Phone Privileges , Director , Issue , Department Of Corrections , Journal Entries , Rules , Alcohol , Impact , Corner , Aya Mentel , Medical Assistant , Disease , Bar , Leave , Customer , Series , Person , Kate Snow , Far Cry , 00 , 8 , Help , Mouthwash , Bottles , Whiskey , You Hadn T , 2018 , Hair , Rehab , Stomach , Funhouse Mirror , Skin , Falling Out , Men , Liver , Deaths , Rate , Researchers , Cirrhosis , Patterns , 4 , 29 , Alcohol Use , More , Stress , Liver Disease Specialist , Effect , Bodies , Mount Sinai Hospital , Tatyana Kushner , Surprise , Liver Damage , Liver Disease , Story , Scarring , Thing , Transplant , Kitty , Music , Fiancee , Nursing School , Things , Volleyball Game , Hardwoods , World Records , New York , Excitement Reporter , Crowd , Heartland , Jesse Kirsch , Mystery Inhistory , Sport , Glance , University Of Nebraska , Football Stadium , The School , Nebraska , Sweep , First , Memorial Stadium , Cornhusker , Sporting Event , Soccer Crowd , University , Coach , Women S , Nebraska S Junior Alexy Rodriguez Couldn T , Barcelona , 92003 , Volleyball , John Cook , School , Map , Women S Sports , Stop Smiling , World , Stadium , Volleyball Is , Anywhere , 20000 , Epicenter , One Of A Kind Spectacle Making History , Bar High Jesse Kirsch , Each Other , Care , Nightly News , Lester Holt , News Tonight , Air Quality , Nbc Bay Area , Hazy Skies , Oakland A S , Sheng Thao , John Fisher , Narrative , A , Move , Tone , Oakland , Las Vegas , City , Isn T , The Truth ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704

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escaping from prison and on the loose and what a spike in attendance. more than 90,000 fans helping the nebraska huskers volleyball team claim a new world record >> good evening, everyone, and welcome. once powerful idalia has made its exit off the north carolina coast, heading into open waters, as residents and officials across four states assess the damage it leaves in its wake splintered and twisted homes, the calling cards of where idalia made landfall yesterday as a major hurricane. its 125-mile-per-hour winds flattening sparsely populated communities like horseshoe beach in florida's big bend region utility crews today making progress as they restore power there have been at least three storm-related fatalities two in florida and one in georgia idalia and its drenching rains caused heavy flooding as it moved northward along the carolina coast rainfall amounts topping ten inches in some parts of north carolina tonight, president biden says he plans to travel to hard-hit florida on saturday. tom llamas is in the storm zone tonight tom, how's the recovery looking >> reporter: hey, lester, good evening to you well, here in horseshoe beach, it's just getting started, but you can see what they're up against piles of debris as far as the eye can see, and over here in this section, you can see far over there that car pushed into the canal by hurricane idalia and on top of all this mess, the mayor here in this town telling me tonight, they've now implemented a curfew to stop looting. tonight, this new video obtained by nbc news showing idalia's historic and devastating storm surge. watch and listen as the storm pushes into steinhatchee, florida, nearly reaching rooftops the water rising from one to eight feet in just over an hour. captain jody griffiths saw it all, trying to protect his marina resort. >> that ship came from our neighbors. the roof here come from the neighbors over on the other side >> reporter: was it like a wall of water, or was it just kind of building >> it was a surge. >> when it came, it came. >> reporter: with many neighborhoods initially cut off, the scale of the devastation here is just beginning to come into focus >> it got higher >> reporter: some, like linda wicker's family, who have owned roy's restaurant for two decades, will have to rebuild from scratch is it a total loss, or -- >> pretty much >> reporter: yeah? >> i mean, the building's not, but the contents are pretty much -- everything's gone. >> reporter: idalia made landfall with a ferocity not seen in this area in more than a century. daring high-water rescues rolled out up and down the coast and more than half a million lost power many have been restored >> the bulk of the outages at this point are in that big bend region, a lot of the rural counties that bore the brunt of the storm. >> reporter: with the president today signing a major disastedisas disaster declaration for florida. >> our nation has your back, and we are not going to -- we're not going to walk away >> reporter: idalia carved a destructive path across the southeast. at least five reported tornadoes breaking out in the storm zone >> that car's flying >> reporter: one flipping this car into the air charleston recorded its fifth-highest tide on record. three people across the region have been killed back in florida, this was idalia's fury up close in horseshoe beach. and this is what's left and here in horseshoe beach, if your home did survive, there's probably only one reason why it was built in the sky, like this one 20 feet high across this quiet, close-knit village, homes torn apart and toppled over >> you always hope that it passes you by, and most of the time, it does, but this time, it didn't >> reporter: the ja jacobs family showed us the home they lost, and shared the memories they're keeping. >> i would put my children to bed, and i had a piano in here, and i would play the piano, and they would go to sleep. >> reporter: what do you want the country to know about horseshoe beach and what happened here in this part of florida >> we're worth saving. we just don't want to be forgotten in all this mess >> reporter: tom llamas, nbc news, horseshoe beach, florida. and as we see those images of homes destroyed, concerns are mounting over another looming problem. gabe gutierrez is in cedar key, with more on what some call the hurricane tax. >> reporter: tonight, with the damage being assessed in idalia's wake, some floridians are worried about another looming disaster insurance. when you first came back here and you saw the damage what went through your head? >> it's a little bit of disbelief, depression >> reporter: amy firestein returned today to find the small hotel she owns ravaged. all the more frustrating, because she says the insurance premiums for her own home doubled recently. >> is it better to just save up money and pay out of pocket or keep paying insurance every year i don't know >> reporter: after weathering hurricane ian last year, as we've reported, florida homeowners are already paying the highest insurance premiums in the country $6,000 a year, versus the national average of $1,700 here in cedar key, nearly nine feet of storm surge tore through these homes. still, florida's chief financial officer says idalia could have been much worse >> the silver lining to this is, idalia did go through one of the least populated areas of the state >> reporter: in december, legislators here passed sweeping changes to property insurance laws some experts say four new insurers soon coming to the state could help keep costs down but others worry it will take years for the market to stabilize. you think insurance rates could rise another 20%, 30% after this hurricane >> easily. easily >> reporter: gregory buck is an insurance provider in palm beach county >> since 2017, none of our companies have -- who write homeowners in florida have made any real money >> reporter: tonight, for homeowners here, mounting questions about future insurance bills. and hurricane season is far from over >> gabe, for context, how do the early damage estimates for idalia compare to hurricane ian? >> reporter: well, lester, it's still very early, but on investment bank estimates this storm cost around $10 billion in damages, far less than hurricane ian, which cost $112 billion. lester >> all right, gabe gutierrez, thank you. we'll take a turn now to the supreme court. a new financial disclosure today from justice clarence thomas, revealing he accepted three trips from a billionaire friend who is a large republican donor laura jarrett joins us now. laura, justice thomas putting out the new disclosure, also taking aim at some of his critics. >> reporter: yes, lester this was long-awaited, as justice thomas today officially d disclosed several pry vault jet rides he accepted from that conservative mega-donor harlan crow last year. their friendship has been under heavy scrutiny, after reports about all the luxury trips thomas hadn't does closed for years. now, his property sales to crow also now detailed for the first time now, thomas' lawyer says any errors in reporting were just inadvertent mistakes, as the disclosure rules were recently clarified. at least one of those rides from last year thomas says he took was because of security risks after that draft opinion leaked, the one overturning roe versus wade he said he never took any gifts from anyone with any business before the court meantime, senate democrats continue to push for ethics reform on the court, while republicans and thomas' own lawyer say this is all just a partisan smear against the justice, lester. >> all right, laura, thank you. former president trump pleaded not guilty today to election interference charges in georgia he also waved d his arraignment. blayne alexander is in atlanta, and this means mr. trump avoids another court appearance next week >> reporter: well, lester, that's right his arraignment was initially scheduled for next wednesday and of course, it comes on the heels of that extraordinary jailhouse surrender and mug shot last week now, the republican front-runner has also entered a plea of not guilty he has slammed this entire case as politically motivated. now, today, mr. trump also asked to be tried separately from some of his co-defendants who are set to go on trial on october 23rd. all 19 co-defendants are charged with trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results here in georgia now, lester, all of this comes as georgia's republican governor said that he will not call a special legislative session to remove fulton county's democratic d.a. fani willis from office, despite calls from a handful of local republican lawmakers. and lester, today, a judge confirmed that all proceedings related to this case will be livestreamed on the court's youtube channel. lester >> all right, blayne, thank you. two leader or testify far-right proud boys were sentenced today for seditious conspiracy in the january 6th attack joe biggs, who led the group's florida chapter, received 17 years. the second-longest sentence for any january 6th defendant. zachary rehl, the former head of the philadelphia chapter, got 15 years prosecutors had pushed for them to be sentenced to over three decades each in pennsylvania, a convicted murderer is on the loose after escaping from a prison outside philadelphia authorities hunting for danelo cavalcante say he is extremely dangerous. he was sentenced to life without parole just last week for stabbing his ex to death in front of her children anyone who spots him immediately should call 911 also tonight, the horrifying images out of south africa. a five-story building going up in flames, killing more than 70 people, many of them children we get more tonight from matt bradley. >> reporter: you could hear the screams coming from inside the inferno. a fearsome fire engulching a five-story building in johannesburg, killing at least 74 people overnight, including 12 children. the building had been abandoned and was filled with an estimated 200 homeless squatters. witnesses say exits out of the building were blocked. the massive blaze forced some to do the unthinkable >> my in-law, she just hit the window and threw the daughter outside. >> reporter: tonight, the government facing fierce criticism >> it's a wakeup call for us to begin to address the situation of housing in the inner city >> reporter: the reforms will come too late for these homeless victims, for whom there is no place left to go but the streets, and now, nothing left to feel but despair. and tonight, south africa's president pledged to root out those criminal gangs that had taken control of that building, and to launch an investigation into exactly what caused that deadly fire lester >> matt, thank you. back in this country, americans are struggling with the rising cost of everyday items, falling behind, in some cases, on expenses like car loans and credit cards. tom costello is now on the growing economic uncertainty, and what you need to know about dealing with debt. >> reporter: from the gas pump to the grocery aisle, inflation continues to take a big bite out of family budgets in july, personal expenditures jumped another 3.3% from a year ago. we're paying more for pharmaceuticals, recreation, groceries, and clothing and more americans are choosing to charge it, though with credit card interest rates at a record 20.6%, many can't pay the bills. and after spending heavily during the pandemic, more than 3.5% of car loan and credit cards are now delinquent >> right now, i have almost $10,000 in credit card debt, so, i am so ashamed of that, but yeah, that's a big number >> reporter: dolores mason stokes turned to credit cards after being laid off for a second time in nine months she and her husband are now focusing on cutting costs. >> not making more bills. cutting back on cable, all of our streaming services >> reporter: despite record levels of credit card debt, americans continue to spend. so now, the question -- will the fed raise rates even more in september as it fights inflation? >> we will keep at it until the job is done. >> reporter: savvy ladies financial health advisers say now is the time to prioritize debt >> you could have a car loan with a, you know, 5% interest, and you've got -- you're paying 21% on a credit card, it makes the most sense to put that money towards that credit card first. >> reporter: always make more than the minimum payment. wean yourself off cards by using cash. and don't sacrifice your financial future for instant gratification buys tomorrow we'll get the latest critical read on the economy the july unemployment report expected to remain near 50-year lows, despite these rising prices. lester >> all right, tom costello, thank you. in 60 seconds, buster murdaugh speaking out for the first time what he said about his convicted murderer father we're back with a health update on top senate republican mitch mcconnell, who appeared to freeze at an event yesterday a doctor for the u.s. capitol said today mcconnell is medically cleared to work president biden said he spoke to mcconnell and has no concerns about the senator's ability to do his job tonight, buster murdaugh is speaking out, defending his dad, alex, convicted following the infamous trial that put him behind bars for life stephanie gosk has details. >> this is not what i needed >> reporter: in his first on-camera interview since his mother and brother were killed on their family estate in south carolina, buster murdaugh defends himself, and his father, alex, who is serving a life sentence for the double murder. speaking with fox nation >> you think it was a crappy motive, and yet, 12 jurors all agreed that your dad killed your mom and paul >> that's right. >> what do you think about that >> i do not believe it was fair >> reporter: questions have swirled around buster over a different death. former classmate stephen smith, a 19-year-old whose body was discovered in 2015 on a road about 15 miles from the family property, where years later, maggie and paul murdaugh were shot and killed initially ruleda hit and run, the case was reopened in the weeks after the double murder, and state law enforcement is now investigating smith's death as a homicide. there were unsubstantiated rumors that he and buster murdaugh were in a relationship murdaugh has never been identified as a suspect, and does not face any criminal charges. >> i never had anything to do with his murder, and i never had anything to do with him on a physical level of any regard >> reporter: murdaugh was at his father's trial every day, taking the stand in his defense. but this was his response in the interview when asked if he thinks his father is a psychopath >> i'm not prepared to sit here that it encompasses him as a whole, but certainly, i think there are characteristics when you look at the manipulation and the lies and the carrying out of that and such, and i think that's a fair assessment. >> stephanie joining me now alex murdaugh has gotten into trouble for participating in a new documentary. what happened? >> reporter: yeah, he has. according to the corrections department, his attorney actually recorded a phone conversation where he was reading some journal entries. now, that is not a crime, but it does break the rules, and he has lost his phone privileges his attorney wouldn't comment on the issue, but said he has the utmost respect for the director of the department of corrections, lester. >> all right, stephanie gosk, thank you for that still ahead, the rising health risks as more women turn to drinking. what you need to know. tonight, we're learning more about the alarming impact alcohol is having on women in america it turns outs more are drinking and dying of alcohol-related disease. here's kate snow >> reporter: aya mentel is a busy medical assistant now, sober almost five years. a far cry from life in her 20s. >> there was a bar right around the corner that opened at 8:00 a.m., and i was the first customer there and i was the last person to leave, after a series of bars throughout the day >> reporter: she would shake if she didn't drink every hour so she'd carry whiskey in tiny mouthwash bottles. if you hadn't gotten help - >> i would have died i would have died. >> reporter: in 2018, she went to rehab, but months into recovery, aya started to notice changes in her health. >> my hair was falling out, i was a funhouse mirror with a distended stomach and yellow - >> reporter: yellow skin >> yeah. >> reporter: she went to a doctor and found out she'd done serious damage to her liver. >> stage 4 cirrhosis i was 29 when i was diagnosed. >> reporter: the rate of alcohol-related deaths among women is increasing, up nearly 15%. rising faster than that of men. researchers point to changing patterns. women are drinking more because they're coping with stress, and alcohol use is normalized women take longer to metabolize control than men >> it sticks around more and can have more of that negative effect on their bodies >> reporter: dr. tatyana kushner is a liver disease specialist at mount sinai hospital. >> i think the scary part is that the women aren't aware how the alcohol that they're drinking is affecting their health, and it comes as a surprise when they come in and they already have advanced liver disease. >> reporter: liver damage can lead to needing a transplant in some cases, scarring can get better by quitting drinking, like aya did. >> you're the prettiest kitty. >> reporter: she hopes sharing her story might inspire other women. >> i hope they ask for help and that was the hardest thing to do. ♪ >> reporter: she plans to go to nursing school ♪ >> reporter: is now engaged, and performs music with her fiancee. how does it feel >> amazing i got more back than i ever wanted. i didn't even know the things that i have today. >> reporter: kate snow, nbc news, new york when we come back here tonight, the history-making night on the hardwoods. how a women's volleyball game just smashed world records. finally tonight, mystery inhistory in the heartland. an astonishing record-setting crowd for the women's volleyball game everyone's talking about. here's jesse kirsch with all the excitement >> reporter: at first glance, no surprise. the university of nebraska's faithful fans filling the school's football stadium. but last night, they were watching an entirely different sport. has it set in for you guys what's happened >> i don't think so, no >> no. >> reporter: welcome to volleyball day in nebraska, an outdoor clean sweep for the cornhusker women's team, followed by a worldwide first. >> puts it away for nebraska >> reporter: memorial stadium's official attendance, 92,003 the university says that's a new world record for attendance at a women's sporting event, topping last year's soccer crowd in barcelona. >> soaking it all in, coach? >> reporter: nebraska's junior alexy rodriguez couldn't stop smiling. >> i think it's putting volleyball and women's sports on a bigger map. >> reporter: four-time national champion coach john cook says original originally, they just wanted to reclaim an attendance record from another school so, this started with you trying to just hit around 20,000 people, is what you're telling me >> i would have been ecstatic with 20,000 people in the stadium. >> reporter: but the cornhuskers spiked 20,000 -- and then some >> that wouldn't happen anywhere else in the world, really, like, volleyball is, you know, nebraska is the epicenter for volleyball and for the sport. >> i kept reminding everyone to just enjoy the moment and to soak it all in. >> reporter: a one of a kind spectacle making history and setting the bar high jesse kirsch, nbc news and that's "nightly news" for this thursday. thank you for watching, everyone i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night . right now on "nbc bay area news tonight," the hazy skies, believe it or not, are starting to clear up. when will our air quality, though, be back to normal? also oakland mayor sheng thao changing her tone when it comes to the a's proposed move to las vegas and their owner, john fisher. >> there's a new story to tell, a false narrative that the oakland a's is telling about why they had to leave the city of oakland. and, again, i continue to call b.s. on that. >> so who's telling the truth, and where do we stand right now? the mayor is with us this evening. plus -- >> this isn't

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Hurricane Tax , Wake , Insurance , Amy Firestein , Depression Reporter , Hotel , Disaster , Head , Disbelief , Bit , Money , Premiums , Pocket , Homeowners , Chief Financial Officer , Weathering Hurricane Ian Last Year , Average , 000 , 1700 , Nine , 6000 , Changes , Insurers , Property Insurance , Estate , Areas , Silver Lining , Legislators , Laws , December , Experts , Rates , Keep Costs , Insurance Provider , Market , Others , Palm Beach County , Gregory Buck , 30 , Bills , Questions , Hurricane Season , Companies , None , Over Gabe , 2017 , Lester Matt , Damages , Context , Hurricane Ian , Investment Bank , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , Justice , Laura Jarrett , Billionaire Friend , Disclosure , Turn , Supreme Court , 12 Billion , 112 Billion , Critics , Aim , Us , Time , Lawyer , Friendship , Scrutiny , Property Sales , Thomas Hadn T , Harlan Crow , Pry Vault Jet , Reporting , Roe Versus Wade , Draft Opinion , Rides , Security Risks , Mistakes , Disclosure Rules , Errors , Democrats , President , Anyone , Smear , Gifts , Senate , Business , Ethics , Former , Trump , Mr , Blayne Alexander , D , Court Appearance , Atlanta , Case , Course , Plea , Jailhouse , Front Runner , Surrender , Heels , Mug Shot , Co Defendants , Governor , Election Results , Set , October 23rd , 2020 , 23 , 19 , Office , Calls , Session , Handful , Lawmakers , Proceedings , Fulton County , Democratic D A , Fani Willis , Livestreamed , Leader , Youtube Channel , Seditious Conspiracy , Who Led The Group , Joe Biggs , Boys , Zachary Rehl , Chapter , Defendant , Sentence , Prosecutors , Philadelphia , 15 , 17 , Life , Death , Front , Ex , Parole , Prison Outside Philadelphia Authorities Hunting , Danelo Cavalcante , Loose , Flames , South Africa , 911 , 70 , Inferno , Matt Bradley , Johannesburg , Fearsome Fire Engulching , In Law , Window , Blaze , Squatters , Daughter , Witnesses , 200 , Government , Reforms , Wakeup Call , Criticism , Situation , Victims , Housing , Inner City , Gangs , Control 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Motive , Stephen Smith , Property , Buster , Body , Paul Murdaugh , Road , Ruleda , Hit And Run , Maggie , 2015 , Rumors , Relationship Murdaugh , State Law Enforcement , Homicide , Anything , Stand , Level , Defense , Suspect , Psychopath , Characteristics , Response , Lies , Whole , Manipulation , Phone Conversation , Attorney , Assessment , Documentary , Trouble , Corrections Department , Women , Drinking , Wouldn T , Health , Crime , Respect , Comment , Phone Privileges , Director , Issue , Department Of Corrections , Journal Entries , Rules , Alcohol , Impact , Corner , Aya Mentel , Medical Assistant , Disease , Bar , Leave , Customer , Series , Person , Kate Snow , Far Cry , 00 , 8 , Help , Mouthwash , Bottles , Whiskey , You Hadn T , 2018 , Hair , Rehab , Stomach , Funhouse Mirror , Skin , Falling Out , Men , Liver , Deaths , Rate , Researchers , Cirrhosis , Patterns , 4 , 29 , Alcohol Use , More , Stress , Liver Disease Specialist , Effect , Bodies , Mount Sinai Hospital , 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