Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704

conspiracy charges. the fulton county d.a. accusing of him leading a criminal enterprise to overturn his loss in georgia. 18 co-defendants also charged including rudy giuliani and mark meadows. mr. trump blasting the case as another witch-hunt. tonight, the deadline for him to surrender, and what does it mean for 2024? also tonight, the mounting questions about the response to hawaii's deadly wildfire. many asking, where then, and where is the help now? and officials working to identify the victims. among the dead, a 68-year-old man who died shielding a golden retriever. our team in the fire zone. north korea's new claims about travis king. what he supposedly said about his reason for crossing into the country. severe thunderstorm watches on the east coast on the heels of flash flooding in the mid-atlantic. we're tracking it all. the mother of a 6-year-old virginia student, who shot his teacher, what she pleaded guilty to today. and the superstar surfer who jumped onto his jet ski to help after the fires that devastated his native maui. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening, and welcome. already facing a dizzying crossroads of nearly unprecedented legal and political challenges, donald trump's trail of criminal indictments has grown longer. the newest handed up late last evening by a fulton county, georgia, grand jury. mr. trump hit with 13 charges, accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to unlawfully overturn the 2020 presidential election results after his loss. mr. trump is not facing the music alone. the sweeping indictment names 18 alleged co-conspirators including trump lawyer and former new york mayor rudy giuliani. the georgia case marking the fourth indictment of the ex-president since the end of march. two federal cases and two state prosecutions. mr. trump denying the latest accusations and blasting district attorney fani willis, who has given trump and the other defendants ten days to surrender to authorities. blayne alexander leads us off tonight from atlanta. >> reporter: with his status as a georgia defendant sealed, tonight former president trump is on defense, slamming what he calls another partisan prosecution against him. he is now facing his fourth criminal indictment in nearly five months, a sweeping set of charges announced in a late night news conference by fulton county district attorney fani willis. >> the indictment brings felony charges against donald john trump. >> reporter: she alleges mr. trump and 18 others unlawfully conspired in a criminal enterprise to try and overturn president biden's narrow win in georgia. >> whether they abide by georgia's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election results. >> reporter: cameras tracked nearly every step as the indictment was brought to a judge and unsealed. inside, 13 charges for mr. trump, including pressuring public officials to violate their oath, conspiracy to commit forgery and making false statements. the indictment references this phone call with georgia's republican secretary of state, brad raffensperger, where trump pressured the official to change the election outcome. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: in a statement today, raffensperger did not mention trump by name but wrote, the most basic principles of a strong democracy are accountability and respect for the constitution and rule of law. you either have it, or you don't. the indictment also alleges trump allies recruited individuals to convene and cast fake electoral college votes to disrupt and delay the biden win. the d.a. is using the state's anti-racketeering law, which is modeled on rico statutes, to charge all 19 defendants, including trump attorney rudy giuliani, who helped pioneer the use of rico laws to prosecute the mafia in new york. giuliani is also charged with repeating false statements about the election to georgia lawmakers. tonight, he's calling the indictment, the next chapter in a book of lies targeting mr. trump and his allies. another high-profile defendant, former white house chief of staff, mark meadows, also charged with trying to pressure officials. tonight, he is filing to move the case to federal court. the trump campaign is blasting the indictment calling it, the latest coordinated strike by a biased prosecutor in an overwhelmingly democrat jurisdiction. something willis strongly denies. >> i make decisions in this office based on the facts and the law. the law is completely nonpartisan. >> and, blayne, as i mentioned at the top of the broadcast, the d.a. calling on mr. trump and the other defendants to surrender for an arraignment by the end of next week. what is that going to look like? >> reporter: well, that's right, lester, friday, august 25th at noon is the deadline, and because of georgia law that allows cameras in the courtroom, it's very likely that we would see an arraignment play out on live tv. lester. >> blayne, thank you. this fourth indictment puts mr. trump's legal troubles on even more of a collision course with his campaign. so far it appears to have boosted the republican front-runner. garrett haake now on whether these charges could prove different. >> reporter: the historic fourth indictment of donald trump tonight shaking up the 2024 campaign. the republican front-runner slamming the charges as another witch-hunt by a democratic d.a. and vowing to release what he calls, a conclusive report on monday proving his disproven claims of election fraud in georgia. trump allies blasting the growing set of charges he's facing. >> this should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail. >> reporter: the georgia case also criticized by trump rivals. >> we see the legal system being weaponized against political opponents. that is un-american and unacceptable. >> reporter: even a fierce trump critic. >> i'm uncomfortable with what i read last night. i think that this conflict is essentially covered by the federal indictment. >> reporter: but while previous indictments have been a boost for the republican front-runner, the georgia case could be more politically damaging with televised court proceedings likely to drag on through all of 2024 in a critical battleground state where the popular republican governor and trump critic, brian kemp, is a potential witness against him. kemp posting today, the 2020 election in georgia was not stolen. our elections are fair. the georgia indictment adding to a legal minefield during the heat of the campaign. trump's arraignment likely happening near the first gop debate. then there's that looming federal election interference case prosecutors want to start just before the iowa caucus in january. plus, a march 25th trial over hush money payments in manhattan, and a may 20th trial in florida on the classified documents case. tonight, voters in georgia reacting to the new charges. >> i firmly believe from my standpoint that he's guilty. >> the democrats are scared to death, and they'll do anything they can to keep a republican much less donald trump get into office. >>s as you noted, his calendar is getting complicated and could have an impact on the first republican debate next week. >> reporter: it could, lester. mr. trump is still undecided on whether he'll attend according to two sources i've spoken to. the senior campaign leadership team is opposed, the rnc wants him on that stage. if he does show up, it would be the first opportunity for his rivals to confront him face-to-face about these indictments. lester. >> garrett haake, thank you. laura jarrett joins me. this is a complicated case both for the prosecution and the defense. explain how so. >> reporter: yes, lester, both sides face risks here with a sprawling conspiracy case. for the fulton county district attorney, the charges are complex. they involve a series of different events across state lines over a period of several months, and because this is mostly about actions mr. trump took while he was president, the state will also likely have to deal with a move by his legal team to try to take it to federal court as we saw his former chief of staff do that this evening. as for the defense side opticals, the prosecutor here has thrown a lot of darts at the wall, and legally she only needs a couple to stick to win this case, and based on this indictment, it looks like there are at least a couple cooperating witnesses, and the d.a. is likely hoping others will come around as well. >> she got a lot of attention during the news conference last night and suggested this trial could happen within six months. what are the odds of that? >> just doesn't seem realistic given all the defendants. there will be delays likely well beyond six months, so this trial is unlikely to happen before the 2024 election. >> laura jarrett, thank you. one week now since those devastating wildfires swept through parts of maui, and the death toll now at almost 100 is expected to rise substantially. amid growing concerns about whether more people could have been saved, tom llamas is there for us again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, one week into the maui disaster, and cadaver dogs are still searching for victims as they sift through the ashes. officials expecting up to 20 new victims per day. >> like a bomb went off. itit's the end of all of it. it's gone. >> reporter: locals who lost everything still in a daze trying to connect with loved ones and scrambling to find a place to live. >> i just didn't want to leave like where we had built the nursery, where we, like, were going to bring our baby home to. >> reporter: lahaina residents tashia anderson and kevin campbell are expecting their first child any day now. the fire took the fishing boat they worked on and their home including the hand painted nursery their neighbors crafted for them. >> sometimes it seems like unbearable. it seems like i won't be able to do it but just trying to stay strong. >> reporter: shane tru says he watched a power line ignite dry brush outside his home in the area where the fire was first reported tuesday morning. you see the spark and you see flames. >> flames start almost immediately after from that dry grass. >> reporter: the cause of the fire is still under investigation, but tonight, at least three lawsuits have been filed against hawaiian electric, alleging turning off the power lines would have saved lives. why didn't you shut off the power when the winds started to pick up? >> we're still looking at all the information, and we haven't actually had a chance to do all of that at this time. >> with all due respect, it's been six days though so -- almost six days. >> and we've been putting everything we've got to helping our communities right now. >> reporter: also, maui firefighters stretched thin fighting multiple blazes that deadly day say they had little water pressure to fight the fire and were quickly overmatched by the flames. >> hydrants not working. that's no different than cops being in a gunfight without bullets. >> reporter: today president biden announcing $700 payments to every displaced household for immediate needs. >> every asset they need will be there for them. >> reporter: and besides the grief and misery, locals now reporting a new threat, outsiders trying to cash in on their land. realtors, people in the real estate industry, are calling your family and your friends who have lost everything to buy their plots of land? >> it is disgusting. it's a land grab, and i know that our lahaina community, we are resilient and we will do whatever it takes to protect lahaina. >> reporter: tiana lawrence is one of the lucky ones. her home is still standing. with true aloha spirit she's hosting families displaced including her aunt whose lahaina home of four generations was reduced to ash. is there still hope for the missing, or is that -- is that fading every single day? >> i personally don't have any hope left that the missing, that any of them are going to be alive. failure. complete and utter failure. >> reporter: amid so much heartbreak, we're learning more on the victims. like franklin trejos who tried driving to safety. his remains were found draped protectively over sam, the golden retriever he loved. alabama native carole hartley was last seen in the backyard of her lahaina home. her family says a search party found her remains over the weekend. the wildfires may now be contained, but as more of the dead are identified, they are still finding a way to torment this community. tom llamas, nbc news, maui. also tonight, the threat of severe storms, 22 million people at risk from southern new jersey to north carolina after heavy rain swept through the mid-atlantic late yesterday. it caused flash flooding in washington that trapped people in cars and flooded an animal day care facility. officials said several dogs died. up to three inches of rain fell in some areas. for the first time tonight, there's word from north korea about that u.s. soldier who bolted last month. north korea's state media says private travis king confessed to crossing into the north because of, quote, inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination against the u.s. army or within the u.s. army. the pentagon says it can't verify the alleged comments and remains focused on king's safe return. in 60 seconds, the stunning case of a 6-year-old boy shooting his teacher in class. we're there as his mother is in court. the alarming details about the shooting, what her son said moments after firing the gun next. i'm m mark and i lilive in vero beachch, florida.a. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we e exercise. i nonoticed i wawasn't as shp as i i used to b be. mymy wife intrtroduced mee to prerevagen and so i i said "yeaeah, i'll t try it out.t." i noticed d that i felelt shar, i felt l like i was s able o respond d to things s quicke. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. . at stores s everye withouout a prescrcription. [ sighs ] can't sleep? just a lot on my mind. i can't sleep either. it only gets tougher with age. mom, what? well, knowing progressive can protect your home, auto, and business should help you relax. good, because i could use a good night's sleep! me too. d'yknow how early the chimney sweep gets up every day? wait, is this all a dream? why would d jamie be in my dre? i am america's biggest spokesesperson! -debatable. -i said biggest! well, he's gotot you therer. it's the case that it's the case that left so many stunned, the 6-year-old virginia student who shot his teacher. today the boy's mother pleading guilty to child neglect. kathy park has new details about what happened that day. >> reporter: tonight, the legal fallout deepening for the mother of a virginia boy who shot and seriously injured his first grade teacher. deja taylor pleaded guilty to felony child neglect, which could carry a prison sentence of up to five years. >> does she feel responsible for what happened? >> oh, yes, she feels very responsible, feels very bad. >> reporter: taylor already pleaded guilty in federal court in june to using marijuana while possessing a firearm. in the courtroom today, prosecutors shared new details about the moments after the 6-year-old shot abby zwerner at richneck elementary saying he shouted, eff you, i shot my teacher and later saying he stole the gun from his mom saying, i needed to shoot my teacher. the teacher is still recovering. >> i have the scar up here, and i still have some bullet fragments up here. >> reporter: she spoke to savannah guthrie earlier this year. >> i remember him pointing the gun at me. i remember the look on his face. i remember the gun going off. >> reporter: zwerner has filed a $40 million lawsuit and her attorney says, our focus remains on justice or abby. newport news public schools said in a statement that it cannot comment on legal actions. according to the family attorney, the boy has regular contact with his mother but is currently in the custody of his great-grandfather. we've also learned he is in therapy and improving every day. lester. >> all right, kathy, thank you. up next could the home of the future be the office of the past? how developers are filling empty buildings with work from home on the rise. skyryr. ♪ t things are e looking upu♪ ♪ i'v've got sympmptom relief♪ ♪ control o of my crohnhn's means evererything to o me. ♪ ♪ ♪ contrtrol is evererything to ♪ fefeel significant symymptom rerelief with h skyrizi, including g less abdomominal pn and fewewer bowel movementnts at 4 weeeeks. skyryrizi is thehe first anand only il-l-23 inhibitir for crohn'n's that c can delir both clilinical remimission and endodoscopic impmprovemen. ththe majorityty of pepeople on skskyrizi achieved l long lastining remimission at 1 1 year. serious alallergic reaeactios anand an increreased ririsk of infefections or a a lower abibility to fight ththem may occccur. tellll your doctctor if you ue anan infectionon or symptoto, had d a vaccine e or plan to. liver proboblems may o occur inin crohn's disease.e. ask your g gastroenterologogit hohow you can n take contrtrl of youour crohn's with skykyri. ♪ ♪ controlol is everytything to ♪ learn n how abbvieie could d help you s save. inez, lelet me ask y you, you're usising head and d shoulders,s, right? inez, lelet me ask y you, only when n i see flakakes. thenen i switch h back to my reregular shamampoo you shouould use it t every w, otherwrwise the flflakes wiwill come baback. he's's right, yoyou know. otherwrwise the flflakes wiwill come baback. isis that tinyny troy? the ingrededients in heaead and shououlders keepep the microrobes that cauause flakes s at . microbobes, reallyly? they'r're always o on your scalplp...little e rasca. but gogood news, therere's no itctchiness, they'r're always o on your scalplp...little e rasca. dryness s or flakes s down ! i i love tiny y troy. dryness s or flakes s down ! he's thehe best. dryness s or flakes s down ! make everyry wash coununt! littlele help, plelease. (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my chihildren are really worried. my tip is,s, send y your kids a a text. it may b be the lastst time that you d do. (a(announcer) ) you can ququ. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. did you know one of nissan's evs s survived t the north p ? ♪♪ and one cacan go 0-600 inin 2.8 secononds... ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ and ththey're all l emission f . but t don't get t an ev for ththe “e"e”... and ththey're all l emission f . ♪ geget it becauause it pins yoyou to your r sea. ♪ ♪ ♪ spsparks your r imaginatioio. and tatakes your b breath away. nissan e evs aren't jusust electricic, they e electrify y you. ♪ they e electrify y you. we're back now with two we're back now with two big problems facing america's cities, the housing crunch, and office buildings sitting empty due to work from home trends, but could both issues have a single solution? here's brian cheung. >> reporter: from these floors in downtown kansas city, amc's leaders used to call shots in their battle for movie theater dominance, but the company moved out of the historic building in 2013, and now the meeting rooms and executive suites are becoming living rooms and en suites. >> this could be the kitchen. >> uh-huh. i could be making dinner right here. >> reporter: there are 21 floors in this building. seven have already been converted into over 100 apartment units. developer price brothers plans on converting the remaining floors into another 280. what has been the big challenge for converting a building like this that's historic? >> i think needing to preserve the integrity of the building, finding floor plans that fit within the space. >> reporter: residents say they like the novelty of living in an old office space. >> you walk into these buildings, and it's beautiful because they were for executives and executive suites. >> reporter: it's one answer to the rising problem of empty offices fueled in part by work from home trends. real estate firm cbre says 18% of office space now sits empty, a 30-year high. cities like san francisco, denver and atlanta dealing with vacancy rates well above that. developers are getting creative to fill the space. old offices turned into classssrooms and biotech labs. >> nobody wants to have a city backdrop that has unoccupied buildings that are decrepit and generally not attractive to their city, and so this is somewhat of a watershed moment to make sure that our cities can reinvent themselves. >> reporter: reinventing isn't easy. zoning laws and the cost of conversion are already obstacles. one study estimates only 15% of office buildings are convertible. back in kansas city at sky on main, the uniformed shape of the building allows for a copy and paste approach. >> every one of the floors that we're doing here is just exact same layout all the way up. >> reporter: the finished units an example of what could be when the conditions are just right. do you expect to see more buildings downtown make conversions like this one? >> i do expect that. >> why? >> well, once they've seen that we've been successful. >> reporter: even though this office isn't a house, proof that it can become a home. brian cheung, nbc news, kansas city, missouri. up next for us tonight, he's a champion surfer from maui now on a mission to help those who have lost so much. to helpp tho who h have se (man) what if f my type 2 2 diabets takes ovover? 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>> i mean, my mission right now is to serve the people however i can. >> reporter: with roads jammed, kai jumped on his jet ski. many still cut off from food and precious medication. >> there's no electricity. they need diapers and bottles. >> reporter: he was contacted to help when friends and family who lost homes said they were still waiting on government aid. >> the frustration is like where is everybody? >> reporter: something we heard from residents. >> if people can't get their insulin, they're going to die. >> i still have loved ones that's trapped, for examplple, my dad. >> reporter: the government says it's doing all it can to care for a remote area with limited resources. >> i think the real problem has been the communication and i just don't believe that our state officials, county know what to do. there's certain things that need to happen immediately, and i'm proud of the community for doing that. >> reporter: the hawaiian word is kokua. it means to pitch in with kindness no matter what. steve patterson, nbc news, maui. and that's "nightly news" for this tuesday. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night.

Related Keywords

Charges , Indictment , Election , Georgia , Donald John Trump , President , Probe , Counts , Racketeering , 13 , Rudy Giuliani , Conspiracy , Loss , Enterprise , The D A , Fulton County , Co Defendants , 18 , Sprawling Conspiracy Case , Mr , Mark Meadows , Witch Hunt , Response , Questions , Hawaii , 2024 , Officials , Victims , Man , Help , Team , Wildfire , Shielding , Fire Zone , Golden Retriever , 68 , Virginia Student , Mother , Travis King , Country , Flash Flooding , Claims , Crossing , Reason , Thunderstorm , Mid Atlantic , Heels , East Coast , North Korea , 6 , Superstar Surfer , Teacher , Jet Ski , Maui , Nbc Nightly News , Announcer , Who , Lester Holt , Evening , Challenges , Trail , Dizzying Crossroads , Indictments , Part , Hit , Grand Jury , Election Results , Music , 2020 , Defendants , Fani Willis , Trump , Co Conspirators , Cases , End , State Prosecutions , Lawyer , Ex President , Accusations , New York , March , Two , Ten , Defense , Prosecution , U S , Status , Blayne Alexander , Georgia Defendant , Authorities , Former , Atlanta , Set , Felony Charges , News Conference , Late Night , Five , Others , Biden , Win , Cameras , Process , Judge , Step , Criminal Racketeering Enterprise , Phone Call , Republican , Pressuring , Oath , Forgery , Secretary Of State , Inside , Making False Statements , Votes , Election Outcome , Brad Raffensperger , 11780 , One , Estate , Statement , Respect , Democracy , Name , Principles , Accountability , Rule Of Law , Allies , Law , Individuals , Electoral College , Biden Win , Rico , Statutes , Statements , Laws , Use , Pioneer , Mafia , 19 , Chief Of Staff , Defendant , Lawmakers , White House , Book Of Lies , Prosecutor , It , Something , Pressure Officials , Trump Campaign , Filing , Jurisdiction , Strike , Federal Court , Democrat , Office , Facts , Top , Decisions , Blayne , Georgia Law , Courtroom , Arraignment , Broadcast , Calling , The End , 25 , Friday August 25th At Noon , Campaign , Front Runner , Garrett Haake , Collision Course , Arraignment Play , Tv , Troubles , Democratic D A , Report , Jurisdictions , Election Fraud , Jail , Bunch , Ballot Box , Reporter , Rivals , Opponents , Georgia Case , System , Battleground State , Wall , Conflict , Boost , Court Proceedings , Kemp Posting Today , Brian Kemp , Governor , Witness , Debate , Elections , Interference , Minefield , Heat , Case , Prosecutors , Payments , Plus , Voters , Caucus , Documents , Standpoint , May 20th Trial , March 25th Trial Over Hush Money , Florida , Iowa , Manhattan , 20 , May 20th , March 25th , Death , Anything , Calendar , Impact , Rnc , Show Up , Campaign Leadership Team , Laura Jarrett , Opportunity , Sources , Stage , Thank You , Series , Sides , District Attorney , Risks , Events , State Lines , Yes , Lot , Actions , Move , Defense Side Opticals , Darts , Trial , Attention , Couple , Witnesses , Last Night , Wildfires , Just Doesn T , Delays , Odds , Six , People , Parts , Death Toll , Tom Llamas , Concerns , Maui Disaster , 100 , Dogs , Bomb , Cadaver , Itit , The Ashes , Locals , Everything , Place , Nursery , Loved Ones , Home , Scrambling , Daze , Baby , Fire , Neighbors , Child , Fishing Boat , Hand , Kevin Campbell , Lahaina Residents Tashia Anderson , Power Line , Shane Tru , Flames , Area , Cause , Lawsuits , Tuesday Morning , Spark , Brush , Grass , Investigation , Three , We Haven T , Power , Chance , Winds , Power Lines , Lives , Hawaiian Electric , Didn T , Turning , Information , Water Pressure , Communities , Firefighters , Fighting , Multiple , Household , Asset , Being , Bullets , Cops , Gunfight , Needs , Hydrants , 00 , 700 , Family , Land , Threat , Realtors , Friends , Grief , Outsiders , Misery , Real Estate Industry , Plots , Land Grab , Our Lahaina Community , Tiana Lawrence , Lahaina , Families , Ones , Aunt , True Aloha Spirit , Four , Missing , Failure , Any , Hope , Heartbreak , Generations , Ash , Carole Hartley , Franklin Trejos , Weekend , Backyard , Search Party , Safety , Protectively , Driving , Over Sam , Alabama , Remains , Community , Risk , Way , Nbc News , Dead , Storms , 22 Million , Rain , Animal Day Care Facility , Cars , North Carolina , Heavy Rain , Washington , Southern New Jersey , King , Time , North , State Media , Areas , Word , Soldier , Quote , Boy , Pentagon , Comments , Maltreatment , Discrimination , U S Army , Safe Return , 60 , Details , Court , Children , Wife , Class , Shooting , Son , Gun Next , Vero Beachch , Florida A , Ruthann , Things , Intrtroduced Mee To Prerevagen , O , B , It Out T , Wawasn T , Shp , Yeaeah , We E Exercise , Mymy , Quicke , Felelt Shar , Stores , Everye , Withouout A Prescrcription , Mind , Prevagen , Business , Night , Dream , Sleep , Mom , Age , Progressive , Auto , Good , Wait , Chimney Sweep , D Yknow , Jamie , Dre , Gotot You Therer , Spokesesperson , Child Neglect , Student , Fallout , Virginia , Kathy Park , Stunned , Deja Taylor , Felony , Grade , Deepening , Prison Sentence , Virginia Boy Who , Firearm , Marijuana , Abby Zwerner , Richneck Elementary , Eff You , Gun , Face , Mom Saying , Bullet Fragments , Scar , Look , Savannah Guthrie , Attorney , Lawsuit , Focus , 40 Million , 0 Million , Newport News Public Schools , Contact , Family Attorney , Justice , Abby , Custody , Buildings , Therapy , Great Grandfather , Work , Kathy , Rise , Developers , Skyryr , Contrtrol , Sympmptom Relief Control O Of My Crohnhn , Upu I V , H Skyrizi , Symymptom Rerelief , Fefeel , Including G Less Abdomominal Pn , C , Thehe First Anand , Skyryrizi , Il L , Reaeactios Anand , Fewewer Bowel Movementnts , Clilinical Remimission , Long Lastining Remimission , Weeeeks , Endodoscopic Impmprovemen , Ththe Majorityty , Pepeople On Skskyrizi , Serious Alallergic , 1 , 4 , 23 , Plan , Doctctor , Liver Proboblems May O , Da Vaccine E , Symptoto , Take Contrtrl , Inin Crohn S , Disease E Ask , Infefections , Anan Infectionon , Fight Ththem May Occccur , Increreased Ririsk , Gastroenterologogit Hohow , D , Help You S Save , Everytything , Shoulders , Me Ask Y You , Controlol , Head , Youour Crohn , Inez , Lelet , Skykyri , Flflakes Wiwill , Ni See Flakakes , Every W , Otherwrwise , Reregular Shamampoo , Thenen , Ingrededients , Cauause Flakes S At , Come Baback , E Rasca , They R , Yoyou Know , Tinyny Troy , The Microrobes , Reallyly , Microbobes , He S Right , Isis , Heaead , Shououlders Keepep , Down Ii Love Tiny Y Troy , Flakes , Dryness , Chihildren , Make Everyry , Gogood News , Wash Coununt , Littlele Help , Therere , No Itctchiness , Thehe Best , Plelease , Copd , Tip , Text , Kids , Ququ , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now Did , Nissan , Evs S Survived T , Sea , Ththey , Emission F , Ththe E , R , Secononds , T Don Get An Ev , Geget , Becauause , 600 , 2 8 , 0 , Aren T , They E Electrify Y You , Jusust Electricic , Nissan E , B Breath , Evs , R Imaginatioio , Spsparks , Problems , Cities , Housing Crunch , Solution , Issues , Home Trends , Building , Floors , Here S Brian Cheung , Executive Suites , Rooms , Leaders , Shots , Battle , Movie Theater Dominance , Meeting , Company , Downtown Kansas City , Amc , 2013 , Apartment Units , Kitchen , Dinner , Seven , En Suites , Uh Huh , 21 , Space , Floor Plans , Integrity , Challenge , Brothers , Developer Price , 280 , Residents , Office Space , Problem , Offices , Living , Novelty , Executives , Answer , Work From Home Trends , Cbre , High , Vacancy Rates , Real Estate , San Francisco , Denver , 30 , City Backdrop , City , Nobody , Classssrooms , Biotech Labs , Office Buildings , Study , Zoning Laws , Watershed , Conversion , Cost , Obstacles , Reinventing Isn T Easy , 15 , Units , Kansas City , Back , Sky On Main , Layout , Paste , Approach , Copy , Example , Proof , Conditions , Conversions , Office Isn T A House , Mission , Diabets , Champion Surfer , Missouri , Ovover , Helpp Tho Who H Have Se , 2 , Whwhat , Mounjaroro , Woman , Diabetetes Differenently , Wewy Momounjaro , Do Isn T En , Youour Body Reregulate Blolood Sugar , Li , Avovo , Mounjajaro , Peoeople Reachehedc , How Mumuch Food Yoyou , Helelp Decre , Mounjao Lostst , 3 , 7 , 5 , Takeke Mounjaro , Cancer , Medullarary Thyroid D , Dodon T , Away , Famimily , Stop M Mounjaro , Yoyoe , Call Yor Doctctor , Allerergic Reactition , To Itit , If E Allelergic , Chihildr , Multitiple Endocrcrine , Peoplelh Tytype , Neopla Syndndrome Type E 2 , Lumr Swelelling , Yoyour Neck , Plalan , Seserious Sidede , Tataking Mounjnjaro , Doctoror , Vivision Chang , Didiarrhea Whicich , You E Nursrsing , Oror Diabetic C Retinopaththy , See Stomacach Pain , Gagallbladder , Includude Pancreatatitis , Ininsulin Ras , Sulfonylylurea , Pregngnant , Vomititing , Inclulude Naus , Side Effffects , Doors , Weekly Momounjaro , Places , Avo , Adventures , Diaiabetes Diffffery , Caususe Dehydratatid , Kidney Prproblems , Womoman , Mouounjaro , Abouout Oncece , Mama , Advisor , Waiter Number , Unplanned , Goals , Fidelity , Mwah , It T S The E , Balance , Picture , Reward , Money Management , Shohopping , Symptptoms Withthout Knockiking You Out , C Clarity , Clalaritin Knocksks , Momost Wonderfrful Time Of T , Out Symptptoms , Ovever 200 Allelergens , Non N , Mamake , Live Clalaritin Cleaear , Yourur Spending G Honey , 200 , Saveve , Car , Me Putut A Remindeder On My Phonone , You Neeeed , Remindeder On My Phonone , Check Itit Out , Liberty Mumutual , I Llll Look Intoto , Sasave 700 Dodollars , Mom M , Dollarsrs Jujust , Swititching , Dollarsrs Ooooooh , , Payay , Lows , P Dad , Ththe Hs And D , Liberty , Libertrty , Libertyty , What T You Nee , Liliberty , Airirport , Ohohhhhhh , Struggliling , Takake Contntrol , Symptoms , Medicicines , Highghs , Y Tt , Lolows , T Vraylar , Vraylylar , Vraylar R , Inin Adults , Bipolar R 1 , Depepres , Acutute Manic , Epepisodes , Subsbstantial Imimpt On W Weight , Patients , Increreased Riskk Of D , Unususual Changeges , Provenen , Spepectrum , Relf Anand , Bibipolar 1 Sysympt , Vraylyr Clinical S Studie , Eldederly Dementntia , Subsbstantial Imimpt , Ststroke , Behavar , Riskk Callll , Suiuicidal Thououghts , Lead , Inin Childrenn And D , Confusision Which H May , Uncontrtrollable Muscle M , Threatetening Reactct , Lilife , Deatath , High B Blood Sugarar , Which N , Young Adulults , Ststiff Muscls , Behavar Antitidepressantnts , Reportrt Fever , Which May Y Be Permanenent , High Cholesteterol , Weightht Gain , May Ococcur , To Cocoma , Movementnt Dysfunctition , Restlessneness , Stotomach Iss Are E , Vraylr Sidede Effects M May , Abbe Sidede Effects M May , Sidede , Seveveral Weweeks , Side Effefects , Sleepineness , Commomon , Helplp You Sa , Call To Action , Surfing Star , Maui Community , Steve Patterson , Ways , Heart , Heal , Nation , Island , Maui Superstar Pro , Some , Surfer , Waves , World , Kai Lenny , Crisis , Home State , Board , Megaphone , Spin Drifting , Homes , Electricity , Medication , Food , Bottles , Diapers , Kai , Roads Jammed , Government , Everybody , Insulin , Communication , Frustration , Dad , Government Aid , Resources , Examplple , No Matter What , State Officials , County , Hawaiian Word Is Kokua , Everyone , Care , Each Other ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704

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conspiracy charges. the fulton county d.a. accusing of him leading a criminal enterprise to overturn his loss in georgia. 18 co-defendants also charged including rudy giuliani and mark meadows. mr. trump blasting the case as another witch-hunt. tonight, the deadline for him to surrender, and what does it mean for 2024? also tonight, the mounting questions about the response to hawaii's deadly wildfire. many asking, where then, and where is the help now? and officials working to identify the victims. among the dead, a 68-year-old man who died shielding a golden retriever. our team in the fire zone. north korea's new claims about travis king. what he supposedly said about his reason for crossing into the country. severe thunderstorm watches on the east coast on the heels of flash flooding in the mid-atlantic. we're tracking it all. the mother of a 6-year-old virginia student, who shot his teacher, what she pleaded guilty to today. and the superstar surfer who jumped onto his jet ski to help after the fires that devastated his native maui. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening, and welcome. already facing a dizzying crossroads of nearly unprecedented legal and political challenges, donald trump's trail of criminal indictments has grown longer. the newest handed up late last evening by a fulton county, georgia, grand jury. mr. trump hit with 13 charges, accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to unlawfully overturn the 2020 presidential election results after his loss. mr. trump is not facing the music alone. the sweeping indictment names 18 alleged co-conspirators including trump lawyer and former new york mayor rudy giuliani. the georgia case marking the fourth indictment of the ex-president since the end of march. two federal cases and two state prosecutions. mr. trump denying the latest accusations and blasting district attorney fani willis, who has given trump and the other defendants ten days to surrender to authorities. blayne alexander leads us off tonight from atlanta. >> reporter: with his status as a georgia defendant sealed, tonight former president trump is on defense, slamming what he calls another partisan prosecution against him. he is now facing his fourth criminal indictment in nearly five months, a sweeping set of charges announced in a late night news conference by fulton county district attorney fani willis. >> the indictment brings felony charges against donald john trump. >> reporter: she alleges mr. trump and 18 others unlawfully conspired in a criminal enterprise to try and overturn president biden's narrow win in georgia. >> whether they abide by georgia's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election results. >> reporter: cameras tracked nearly every step as the indictment was brought to a judge and unsealed. inside, 13 charges for mr. trump, including pressuring public officials to violate their oath, conspiracy to commit forgery and making false statements. the indictment references this phone call with georgia's republican secretary of state, brad raffensperger, where trump pressured the official to change the election outcome. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: in a statement today, raffensperger did not mention trump by name but wrote, the most basic principles of a strong democracy are accountability and respect for the constitution and rule of law. you either have it, or you don't. the indictment also alleges trump allies recruited individuals to convene and cast fake electoral college votes to disrupt and delay the biden win. the d.a. is using the state's anti-racketeering law, which is modeled on rico statutes, to charge all 19 defendants, including trump attorney rudy giuliani, who helped pioneer the use of rico laws to prosecute the mafia in new york. giuliani is also charged with repeating false statements about the election to georgia lawmakers. tonight, he's calling the indictment, the next chapter in a book of lies targeting mr. trump and his allies. another high-profile defendant, former white house chief of staff, mark meadows, also charged with trying to pressure officials. tonight, he is filing to move the case to federal court. the trump campaign is blasting the indictment calling it, the latest coordinated strike by a biased prosecutor in an overwhelmingly democrat jurisdiction. something willis strongly denies. >> i make decisions in this office based on the facts and the law. the law is completely nonpartisan. >> and, blayne, as i mentioned at the top of the broadcast, the d.a. calling on mr. trump and the other defendants to surrender for an arraignment by the end of next week. what is that going to look like? >> reporter: well, that's right, lester, friday, august 25th at noon is the deadline, and because of georgia law that allows cameras in the courtroom, it's very likely that we would see an arraignment play out on live tv. lester. >> blayne, thank you. this fourth indictment puts mr. trump's legal troubles on even more of a collision course with his campaign. so far it appears to have boosted the republican front-runner. garrett haake now on whether these charges could prove different. >> reporter: the historic fourth indictment of donald trump tonight shaking up the 2024 campaign. the republican front-runner slamming the charges as another witch-hunt by a democratic d.a. and vowing to release what he calls, a conclusive report on monday proving his disproven claims of election fraud in georgia. trump allies blasting the growing set of charges he's facing. >> this should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail. >> reporter: the georgia case also criticized by trump rivals. >> we see the legal system being weaponized against political opponents. that is un-american and unacceptable. >> reporter: even a fierce trump critic. >> i'm uncomfortable with what i read last night. i think that this conflict is essentially covered by the federal indictment. >> reporter: but while previous indictments have been a boost for the republican front-runner, the georgia case could be more politically damaging with televised court proceedings likely to drag on through all of 2024 in a critical battleground state where the popular republican governor and trump critic, brian kemp, is a potential witness against him. kemp posting today, the 2020 election in georgia was not stolen. our elections are fair. the georgia indictment adding to a legal minefield during the heat of the campaign. trump's arraignment likely happening near the first gop debate. then there's that looming federal election interference case prosecutors want to start just before the iowa caucus in january. plus, a march 25th trial over hush money payments in manhattan, and a may 20th trial in florida on the classified documents case. tonight, voters in georgia reacting to the new charges. >> i firmly believe from my standpoint that he's guilty. >> the democrats are scared to death, and they'll do anything they can to keep a republican much less donald trump get into office. >>s as you noted, his calendar is getting complicated and could have an impact on the first republican debate next week. >> reporter: it could, lester. mr. trump is still undecided on whether he'll attend according to two sources i've spoken to. the senior campaign leadership team is opposed, the rnc wants him on that stage. if he does show up, it would be the first opportunity for his rivals to confront him face-to-face about these indictments. lester. >> garrett haake, thank you. laura jarrett joins me. this is a complicated case both for the prosecution and the defense. explain how so. >> reporter: yes, lester, both sides face risks here with a sprawling conspiracy case. for the fulton county district attorney, the charges are complex. they involve a series of different events across state lines over a period of several months, and because this is mostly about actions mr. trump took while he was president, the state will also likely have to deal with a move by his legal team to try to take it to federal court as we saw his former chief of staff do that this evening. as for the defense side opticals, the prosecutor here has thrown a lot of darts at the wall, and legally she only needs a couple to stick to win this case, and based on this indictment, it looks like there are at least a couple cooperating witnesses, and the d.a. is likely hoping others will come around as well. >> she got a lot of attention during the news conference last night and suggested this trial could happen within six months. what are the odds of that? >> just doesn't seem realistic given all the defendants. there will be delays likely well beyond six months, so this trial is unlikely to happen before the 2024 election. >> laura jarrett, thank you. one week now since those devastating wildfires swept through parts of maui, and the death toll now at almost 100 is expected to rise substantially. amid growing concerns about whether more people could have been saved, tom llamas is there for us again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, one week into the maui disaster, and cadaver dogs are still searching for victims as they sift through the ashes. officials expecting up to 20 new victims per day. >> like a bomb went off. itit's the end of all of it. it's gone. >> reporter: locals who lost everything still in a daze trying to connect with loved ones and scrambling to find a place to live. >> i just didn't want to leave like where we had built the nursery, where we, like, were going to bring our baby home to. >> reporter: lahaina residents tashia anderson and kevin campbell are expecting their first child any day now. the fire took the fishing boat they worked on and their home including the hand painted nursery their neighbors crafted for them. >> sometimes it seems like unbearable. it seems like i won't be able to do it but just trying to stay strong. >> reporter: shane tru says he watched a power line ignite dry brush outside his home in the area where the fire was first reported tuesday morning. you see the spark and you see flames. >> flames start almost immediately after from that dry grass. >> reporter: the cause of the fire is still under investigation, but tonight, at least three lawsuits have been filed against hawaiian electric, alleging turning off the power lines would have saved lives. why didn't you shut off the power when the winds started to pick up? >> we're still looking at all the information, and we haven't actually had a chance to do all of that at this time. >> with all due respect, it's been six days though so -- almost six days. >> and we've been putting everything we've got to helping our communities right now. >> reporter: also, maui firefighters stretched thin fighting multiple blazes that deadly day say they had little water pressure to fight the fire and were quickly overmatched by the flames. >> hydrants not working. that's no different than cops being in a gunfight without bullets. >> reporter: today president biden announcing $700 payments to every displaced household for immediate needs. >> every asset they need will be there for them. >> reporter: and besides the grief and misery, locals now reporting a new threat, outsiders trying to cash in on their land. realtors, people in the real estate industry, are calling your family and your friends who have lost everything to buy their plots of land? >> it is disgusting. it's a land grab, and i know that our lahaina community, we are resilient and we will do whatever it takes to protect lahaina. >> reporter: tiana lawrence is one of the lucky ones. her home is still standing. with true aloha spirit she's hosting families displaced including her aunt whose lahaina home of four generations was reduced to ash. is there still hope for the missing, or is that -- is that fading every single day? >> i personally don't have any hope left that the missing, that any of them are going to be alive. failure. complete and utter failure. >> reporter: amid so much heartbreak, we're learning more on the victims. like franklin trejos who tried driving to safety. his remains were found draped protectively over sam, the golden retriever he loved. alabama native carole hartley was last seen in the backyard of her lahaina home. her family says a search party found her remains over the weekend. the wildfires may now be contained, but as more of the dead are identified, they are still finding a way to torment this community. tom llamas, nbc news, maui. also tonight, the threat of severe storms, 22 million people at risk from southern new jersey to north carolina after heavy rain swept through the mid-atlantic late yesterday. it caused flash flooding in washington that trapped people in cars and flooded an animal day care facility. officials said several dogs died. up to three inches of rain fell in some areas. for the first time tonight, there's word from north korea about that u.s. soldier who bolted last month. north korea's state media says private travis king confessed to crossing into the north because of, quote, inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination against the u.s. army or within the u.s. army. the pentagon says it can't verify the alleged comments and remains focused on king's safe return. in 60 seconds, the stunning case of a 6-year-old boy shooting his teacher in class. we're there as his mother is in court. the alarming details about the shooting, what her son said moments after firing the gun next. i'm m mark and i lilive in vero beachch, florida.a. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we e exercise. i nonoticed i wawasn't as shp as i i used to b be. mymy wife intrtroduced mee to prerevagen and so i i said "yeaeah, i'll t try it out.t." i noticed d that i felelt shar, i felt l like i was s able o respond d to things s quicke. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. . at stores s everye withouout a prescrcription. [ sighs ] can't sleep? just a lot on my mind. i can't sleep either. it only gets tougher with age. mom, what? well, knowing progressive can protect your home, auto, and business should help you relax. good, because i could use a good night's sleep! me too. d'yknow how early the chimney sweep gets up every day? wait, is this all a dream? why would d jamie be in my dre? i am america's biggest spokesesperson! -debatable. -i said biggest! well, he's gotot you therer. it's the case that it's the case that left so many stunned, the 6-year-old virginia student who shot his teacher. today the boy's mother pleading guilty to child neglect. kathy park has new details about what happened that day. >> reporter: tonight, the legal fallout deepening for the mother of a virginia boy who shot and seriously injured his first grade teacher. deja taylor pleaded guilty to felony child neglect, which could carry a prison sentence of up to five years. >> does she feel responsible for what happened? >> oh, yes, she feels very responsible, feels very bad. >> reporter: taylor already pleaded guilty in federal court in june to using marijuana while possessing a firearm. in the courtroom today, prosecutors shared new details about the moments after the 6-year-old shot abby zwerner at richneck elementary saying he shouted, eff you, i shot my teacher and later saying he stole the gun from his mom saying, i needed to shoot my teacher. the teacher is still recovering. >> i have the scar up here, and i still have some bullet fragments up here. >> reporter: she spoke to savannah guthrie earlier this year. >> i remember him pointing the gun at me. i remember the look on his face. i remember the gun going off. >> reporter: zwerner has filed a $40 million lawsuit and her attorney says, our focus remains on justice or abby. newport news public schools said in a statement that it cannot comment on legal actions. according to the family attorney, the boy has regular contact with his mother but is currently in the custody of his great-grandfather. we've also learned he is in therapy and improving every day. lester. >> all right, kathy, thank you. up next could the home of the future be the office of the past? how developers are filling empty buildings with work from home on the rise. skyryr. ♪ t things are e looking upu♪ ♪ i'v've got sympmptom relief♪ ♪ control o of my crohnhn's means evererything to o me. ♪ ♪ ♪ contrtrol is evererything to ♪ fefeel significant symymptom rerelief with h skyrizi, including g less abdomominal pn and fewewer bowel movementnts at 4 weeeeks. skyryrizi is thehe first anand only il-l-23 inhibitir for crohn'n's that c can delir both clilinical remimission and endodoscopic impmprovemen. ththe majorityty of pepeople on skskyrizi achieved l long lastining remimission at 1 1 year. serious alallergic reaeactios anand an increreased ririsk of infefections or a a lower abibility to fight ththem may occccur. tellll your doctctor if you ue anan infectionon or symptoto, had d a vaccine e or plan to. liver proboblems may o occur inin crohn's disease.e. ask your g gastroenterologogit hohow you can n take contrtrl of youour crohn's with skykyri. ♪ ♪ controlol is everytything to ♪ learn n how abbvieie could d help you s save. inez, lelet me ask y you, you're usising head and d shoulders,s, right? inez, lelet me ask y you, only when n i see flakakes. thenen i switch h back to my reregular shamampoo you shouould use it t every w, otherwrwise the flflakes wiwill come baback. he's's right, yoyou know. otherwrwise the flflakes wiwill come baback. isis that tinyny troy? the ingrededients in heaead and shououlders keepep the microrobes that cauause flakes s at . microbobes, reallyly? they'r're always o on your scalplp...little e rasca. but gogood news, therere's no itctchiness, they'r're always o on your scalplp...little e rasca. dryness s or flakes s down ! i i love tiny y troy. dryness s or flakes s down ! he's thehe best. dryness s or flakes s down ! make everyry wash coununt! littlele help, plelease. (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my chihildren are really worried. my tip is,s, send y your kids a a text. it may b be the lastst time that you d do. (a(announcer) ) you can ququ. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. did you know one of nissan's evs s survived t the north p ? ♪♪ and one cacan go 0-600 inin 2.8 secononds... ♪♪ ♪ ♪♪ and ththey're all l emission f . but t don't get t an ev for ththe “e"e”... and ththey're all l emission f . ♪ geget it becauause it pins yoyou to your r sea. ♪ ♪ ♪ spsparks your r imaginatioio. and tatakes your b breath away. nissan e evs aren't jusust electricic, they e electrify y you. ♪ they e electrify y you. we're back now with two we're back now with two big problems facing america's cities, the housing crunch, and office buildings sitting empty due to work from home trends, but could both issues have a single solution? here's brian cheung. >> reporter: from these floors in downtown kansas city, amc's leaders used to call shots in their battle for movie theater dominance, but the company moved out of the historic building in 2013, and now the meeting rooms and executive suites are becoming living rooms and en suites. >> this could be the kitchen. >> uh-huh. i could be making dinner right here. >> reporter: there are 21 floors in this building. seven have already been converted into over 100 apartment units. developer price brothers plans on converting the remaining floors into another 280. what has been the big challenge for converting a building like this that's historic? >> i think needing to preserve the integrity of the building, finding floor plans that fit within the space. >> reporter: residents say they like the novelty of living in an old office space. >> you walk into these buildings, and it's beautiful because they were for executives and executive suites. >> reporter: it's one answer to the rising problem of empty offices fueled in part by work from home trends. real estate firm cbre says 18% of office space now sits empty, a 30-year high. cities like san francisco, denver and atlanta dealing with vacancy rates well above that. developers are getting creative to fill the space. old offices turned into classssrooms and biotech labs. >> nobody wants to have a city backdrop that has unoccupied buildings that are decrepit and generally not attractive to their city, and so this is somewhat of a watershed moment to make sure that our cities can reinvent themselves. >> reporter: reinventing isn't easy. zoning laws and the cost of conversion are already obstacles. one study estimates only 15% of office buildings are convertible. back in kansas city at sky on main, the uniformed shape of the building allows for a copy and paste approach. >> every one of the floors that we're doing here is just exact same layout all the way up. >> reporter: the finished units an example of what could be when the conditions are just right. do you expect to see more buildings downtown make conversions like this one? >> i do expect that. >> why? >> well, once they've seen that we've been successful. >> reporter: even though this office isn't a house, proof that it can become a home. brian cheung, nbc news, kansas city, missouri. up next for us tonight, he's a champion surfer from maui now on a mission to help those who have lost so much. to helpp tho who h have se (man) what if f my type 2 2 diabets takes ovover? (woman) whwhat if all l i do isn''t en? or what t if i can do diabetetes differenently? (avovo) now w you can wiwith once-wewy momounjaro. mounjaroro helps youour body reregulate blolood sugar,, and mounjajaro can helelp decre how mumuch food yoyou eat. 3 ouout of 4 peoeople reachehedc of less ththan 7%. plus p people takiking mounjao lostst up to 25 5 pounds. mounjajaro is not t for peoplelh tytype 1 diabebetes or chihildr. dodon't takeke mounjaro,o, if'e allelergic to itit, you oror your famimily have medullarary thyroid d cancer, or multitiple endocrcrine neopla syndndrome type e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor doctctor right a away, if yoyoe an allerergic reactition, a lumr swelelling in yoyour neck, s see stomacach pain, vivision chang, oror diabetic c retinopaththy. seserious sidede effects m y includude pancreatatitis and gagallbladder r problems. tataking mounjnjaro with sulfonylylurea or ininsulin ras low blblood sugar r risk. tell y your doctoror if you'e nursrsing, pregngnant, or plalan to be. side effffects inclulude naus, vomititing, and didiarrhea whicich can caususe dehydratatid may worsenen kidney prproblems. (womoman) i i can do diaiabetes diffffery with mouounjaro. (avo) ask your d doctor abouout oncece-weekly momounjaro. doors take us places. so you bought a place. to new adventures. -oh. mwah. -planned... -and unplanned. -surprise! -they lead to goals. -for you, mama. and connect us to family. i didn't get the part. your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors. but i did get waiter number 2. because they know you. they can help you create a comprehensive plan for your full financial picture and personalized money management with the right balance of risk and reward. doors were meant to be opened. ♪ it't's the e most wondel time of f the year ♪ ♪ ♪ it't's the e most wondel time of f the year ♪ non-n-drowsy clalaritin knocksks out symptptoms from ovever 200 allelergens. non-n-drowsy clalaritin knocksks out symptptoms withthout knockiking you out. feel the c clarity and mamake today withthout knockiking you out. the momost wonderfrful time of t the year. withthout knockiking you out. live clalaritin cleaear. more shohopping? you shouould watch yourur spending g honey. more shohopping? i'm m saving witith liberty mumutual, mom.m. they customize your c car insuranance so you onlnly pay for whwhat you neeeed. check itit out, so you onlnly pay for whwhat you neeeed. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs jujust by swititching. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs ooooooh, i'llll look intoto that. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs let me putut a remindeder on my phonone. sasave $700 dodollars. let me putut a remindeder on my phonone. pick up p dad from airirport? ohohhhhhh. only payay for what t you nee. ♪ l liberty. liliberty. libertrty. libertyty. ♪ only payay for what t you nee. struggliling with ththe hs and d lows of bibipolar 1? ask about t vraylar. struggliling with ththe hs and d lows of bibipolar 1? because yoyou are greaeater than youour bipolar r 1, and you cacan help takake contntrol of youour symptoms - - with vraylylar. some medicicines only y tt the lolows or highghs. vraylar r treats depepres, acutute manic, some medicicines only y tt the lolows or highghs. anand mixed epepisodes off bibipolar 1 inin adults. some medicicines only y tt the lolows or highghs. provenen, full-spepectrum relf for all bibipolar 1 sysympt. provenen, full-spepectrum relf anand in vraylyr clinical s studie, provenen, full-spepectrum relf most saw o subsbstantial imimpt on w weight. most saw o subsbstantial imimpt eldederly dementntia patients have increreased riskk of d death or ststroke. eldederly dementntia patients have increreased riskk callll your doctctor about unususual changeges in behavar or suiuicidal thououghts. callll your doctctor about unususual changeges in behavar antitidepressantnts can incrce these inin childrenn and d young adulults. reportrt fever, ststiff muscls or confusision which h may mean a a lilife-threatetening reactct, or uncontrtrollable muscle m movements which h may mean a a lilife-threatetening reactct, which may y be permanenent. high b blood sugarar, which n lead to cocoma or deatath, weightht gain and d high cholesteterol may ococcur. movementnt dysfunctition and d restlessneness are commonon side effefects. sleepineness and stotomach iss are e also commomon. sidede effects m may not apppr for seveveral weweeks. ask about t vraylr sidede effects m may not apppr for seveveral weweeks. and d learn how w abbe sidede effects m may not apppr for seveveral weweeks. could helplp you sa. finally, we want to tell you about the maui community coming together to solve problems they say local officials simply aren't and the surfing star leading the call to action. here's steve patterson. >> reporter: in the hours after the nation's deadliest fire ripped through the heart of maui, residents from across the island were already finding ways to heal. neighbors helping neighbors by land and by sea. maui superstar pro surfer kai lenny is known for shredding some of the world's biggest waves. >> kai lenny, spin drifting. >> reporter: now in a crisis that's consuming his home state, he's laying down his board for a megaphone. what's your mission right now? >> i mean, my mission right now is to serve the people however i can. >> reporter: with roads jammed, kai jumped on his jet ski. many still cut off from food and precious medication. >> there's no electricity. they need diapers and bottles. >> reporter: he was contacted to help when friends and family who lost homes said they were still waiting on government aid. >> the frustration is like where is everybody? >> reporter: something we heard from residents. >> if people can't get their insulin, they're going to die. >> i still have loved ones that's trapped, for examplple, my dad. >> reporter: the government says it's doing all it can to care for a remote area with limited resources. >> i think the real problem has been the communication and i just don't believe that our state officials, county know what to do. there's certain things that need to happen immediately, and i'm proud of the community for doing that. >> reporter: the hawaiian word is kokua. it means to pitch in with kindness no matter what. steve patterson, nbc news, maui. and that's "nightly news" for this tuesday. thank you for watching, everyone. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night.

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Search Party , Safety , Protectively , Driving , Over Sam , Alabama , Remains , Community , Risk , Way , Nbc News , Dead , Storms , 22 Million , Rain , Animal Day Care Facility , Cars , North Carolina , Heavy Rain , Washington , Southern New Jersey , King , Time , North , State Media , Areas , Word , Soldier , Quote , Boy , Pentagon , Comments , Maltreatment , Discrimination , U S Army , Safe Return , 60 , Details , Court , Children , Wife , Class , Shooting , Son , Gun Next , Vero Beachch , Florida A , Ruthann , Things , Intrtroduced Mee To Prerevagen , O , B , It Out T , Wawasn T , Shp , Yeaeah , We E Exercise , Mymy , Quicke , Felelt Shar , Stores , Everye , Withouout A Prescrcription , Mind , Prevagen , Business , Night , Dream , Sleep , Mom , Age , Progressive , Auto , Good , Wait , Chimney Sweep , D Yknow , Jamie , Dre , Gotot You Therer , Spokesesperson , Child Neglect , Student , Fallout , Virginia , Kathy Park , Stunned , Deja Taylor , Felony , Grade , Deepening , Prison Sentence , Virginia Boy Who , Firearm , Marijuana , Abby Zwerner , Richneck Elementary , Eff You , Gun , Face , Mom Saying , Bullet Fragments , Scar , Look , Savannah Guthrie , Attorney , Lawsuit , Focus , 40 Million , 0 Million , Newport News Public Schools , Contact , Family Attorney , Justice , Abby , Custody , Buildings , Therapy , Great Grandfather , Work , Kathy , Rise , Developers , Skyryr , Contrtrol , Sympmptom Relief Control O Of My Crohnhn , Upu I V , H Skyrizi , Symymptom Rerelief , Fefeel , Including G Less Abdomominal Pn , C , Thehe First Anand , Skyryrizi , Il L , Reaeactios Anand , Fewewer Bowel Movementnts , Clilinical Remimission , Long Lastining Remimission , Weeeeks , Endodoscopic Impmprovemen , Ththe Majorityty , Pepeople On Skskyrizi , Serious Alallergic , 1 , 4 , 23 , Plan , Doctctor , Liver Proboblems May O , Da Vaccine E , Symptoto , Take Contrtrl , Inin Crohn S , Disease E Ask , Infefections , Anan Infectionon , Fight Ththem May Occccur , Increreased Ririsk , Gastroenterologogit Hohow , D , Help You S Save , Everytything , Shoulders , Me Ask Y You , Controlol , Head , Youour Crohn , Inez , Lelet , Skykyri , Flflakes Wiwill , Ni See Flakakes , Every W , Otherwrwise , Reregular Shamampoo , Thenen , Ingrededients , Cauause Flakes S At , Come Baback , E Rasca , They R , Yoyou Know , Tinyny Troy , The Microrobes , Reallyly , Microbobes , He S Right , Isis , Heaead , Shououlders Keepep , Down Ii Love Tiny Y Troy , Flakes , Dryness , Chihildren , Make Everyry , Gogood News , Wash Coununt , Littlele Help , Therere , No Itctchiness , Thehe Best , Plelease , Copd , Tip , Text , Kids , Ququ , 800 , 1 800 Quit Now Did , Nissan , Evs S Survived T , Sea , Ththey , Emission F , Ththe E , R , Secononds , T Don Get An Ev , Geget , Becauause , 600 , 2 8 , 0 , Aren T , They E Electrify Y You , Jusust Electricic , Nissan E , B Breath , Evs , R Imaginatioio , Spsparks , Problems , Cities , Housing Crunch , Solution , Issues , Home Trends , Building , Floors , Here S Brian Cheung , Executive Suites , Rooms , Leaders , Shots , Battle , Movie Theater Dominance , Meeting , Company , Downtown Kansas City , Amc , 2013 , Apartment Units , Kitchen , Dinner , Seven , En Suites , Uh Huh , 21 , Space , Floor Plans , Integrity , Challenge , Brothers , Developer Price , 280 , Residents , Office Space , Problem , Offices , Living , Novelty , Executives , Answer , Work From Home Trends , Cbre , High , Vacancy Rates , Real Estate , San Francisco , Denver , 30 , City Backdrop , City , Nobody , Classssrooms , Biotech Labs , Office Buildings , Study , Zoning Laws , Watershed , Conversion , Cost , Obstacles , Reinventing Isn T Easy , 15 , Units , Kansas City , Back , Sky On Main , Layout , Paste , Approach , Copy , Example , Proof , Conditions , Conversions , Office Isn T A House , Mission , Diabets , Champion Surfer , Missouri , Ovover , Helpp Tho Who H Have Se , 2 , Whwhat , Mounjaroro , Woman , Diabetetes Differenently , Wewy Momounjaro , Do Isn T En , Youour Body Reregulate Blolood Sugar , Li , Avovo , Mounjajaro , Peoeople Reachehedc , How Mumuch Food Yoyou , Helelp Decre , Mounjao Lostst , 3 , 7 , 5 , Takeke Mounjaro , Cancer , Medullarary Thyroid D , Dodon T , Away , Famimily , Stop M Mounjaro , Yoyoe , Call Yor Doctctor , Allerergic Reactition , To Itit , If E Allelergic , Chihildr , Multitiple Endocrcrine , Peoplelh Tytype , Neopla Syndndrome Type E 2 , Lumr Swelelling , Yoyour Neck , Plalan , Seserious Sidede , Tataking Mounjnjaro , Doctoror , Vivision Chang , Didiarrhea Whicich , You E Nursrsing , Oror Diabetic C Retinopaththy , See Stomacach Pain , Gagallbladder , Includude Pancreatatitis , Ininsulin Ras , Sulfonylylurea , Pregngnant , Vomititing , Inclulude Naus , Side Effffects , Doors , Weekly Momounjaro , Places , Avo , Adventures , Diaiabetes Diffffery , Caususe Dehydratatid , Kidney Prproblems , Womoman , Mouounjaro , Abouout Oncece , Mama , Advisor , Waiter Number , Unplanned , Goals , Fidelity , Mwah , It T S The E , Balance , Picture , Reward , Money Management , Shohopping , Symptptoms Withthout Knockiking You Out , C Clarity , Clalaritin Knocksks , Momost Wonderfrful Time Of T , Out Symptptoms , Ovever 200 Allelergens , Non N , Mamake , Live Clalaritin Cleaear , Yourur Spending G Honey , 200 , Saveve , Car , Me Putut A Remindeder On My Phonone , You Neeeed , Remindeder On My Phonone , Check Itit Out , Liberty Mumutual , I Llll Look Intoto , Sasave 700 Dodollars , Mom M , Dollarsrs Jujust , Swititching , Dollarsrs Ooooooh , , Payay , Lows , P Dad , Ththe Hs And D , Liberty , Libertrty , Libertyty , What T You Nee , Liliberty , Airirport , Ohohhhhhh , Struggliling , Takake Contntrol , Symptoms , Medicicines , Highghs , Y Tt , Lolows , T Vraylar , Vraylylar , Vraylar R , Inin Adults , Bipolar R 1 , Depepres , Acutute Manic , Epepisodes , Subsbstantial Imimpt On W Weight , Patients , Increreased Riskk Of D , Unususual Changeges , Provenen , Spepectrum , Relf Anand , Bibipolar 1 Sysympt , Vraylyr Clinical S Studie , Eldederly Dementntia , Subsbstantial Imimpt , Ststroke , Behavar , Riskk Callll , Suiuicidal Thououghts , Lead , Inin Childrenn And D , Confusision Which H May , Uncontrtrollable Muscle M , Threatetening Reactct , Lilife , Deatath , High B Blood Sugarar , Which N , Young Adulults , Ststiff Muscls , Behavar Antitidepressantnts , Reportrt Fever , Which May Y Be Permanenent , High Cholesteterol , Weightht Gain , May Ococcur , To Cocoma , Movementnt Dysfunctition , Restlessneness , Stotomach Iss Are E , Vraylr Sidede Effects M May , Abbe Sidede Effects M May , Sidede , Seveveral Weweeks , Side Effefects , Sleepineness , Commomon , Helplp You Sa , Call To Action , Surfing Star , Maui Community , Steve Patterson , Ways , Heart , Heal , Nation , Island , Maui Superstar Pro , Some , Surfer , Waves , World , Kai Lenny , Crisis , Home State , Board , Megaphone , Spin Drifting , Homes , Electricity , Medication , Food , Bottles , Diapers , Kai , Roads Jammed , Government , Everybody , Insulin , Communication , Frustration , Dad , Government Aid , Resources , Examplple , No Matter What , State Officials , County , Hawaiian Word Is Kokua , Everyone , Care , Each Other ,

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