Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240704

hurricane raging on maui and the big island. at least six dead. the flames burning homes and forcing hundreds to evacuate. much of a popular tourist town destroyed. the coast guard rescuing people after they fled into the water. our team in hawaii. also tonight, just hours before president biden's visit to utah, the fbi fatally shooting a man there while serving a warrant after he allegedly threatened to kill the president. the images he posted online of guns and himself in a sniper suit holding a rifle. just revealed, the special counsel's secret search warrant for donald trump's twitter account. what were they looking for? the american nurse and her daughter kidnapped in haiti released after two weeks nearly. was there a ransom? the billion dollar mystery. who won the record mega millions jackpot? our r nbc news exclusive, the mother/d/daughter duo o set to make e history as virgin galactic takes a big leap in space tourism. and he was famous or his work with the band. , bob dylan, and martin scorsese. remembering robbie robertson. ♪ take a load off, fanny ♪ >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening. it was paradise in flames in hawaii where incredibly fast-moving wildfires on the island of maui have claimed at least six lives overnight framing parts of the picturesque tourist destination against a hellish backdrop. homes, businesses, and the historic town of lahaina destroyed. power and communications crippled. residents and visitors urgently evacuated. others running for their lives in desperate sprints to the ocean to escape the heat and smoke. many of the injured treated for burns. the fire sweeping across the western part of maui driven by strong winds fueled by a hurricane hundreds of miles away that initially kept firefighting helicopters on the ground. miguel almaguer has made his way to maui and has this late report. >> reporter: the apocalyptic scene in maui unfolded before sunrise. an island wildfire so explosive, flames poured into the desperate to plunge the ocean escape inferno. >> careful here. >> reporter: the coast guard quickly plucking roughly a dozen from the water as witnesses say the unstoppable blaze ripped across homes and took at least six lives. >> the smoke was just so thick, people were running around looking for refuge. it was -- the heat was unbearable. >> reporter: during the chaotic evacuation -- >> oh, my god. >> reporter: -- hospitals treating at least 20 burn victims quickly became overwhelmed. 911 service went down. cell coverage is out, and the national guard was ordered in to help. >> it really took us by surprise. >> reporter: as 70-mile-an-hour winds fanned the flames, the air attack was grounded. quickly multiple fires erupted. historic sections of lahaina were swallowed by flames and engulfed in smoke. >> this is not a safe place to be on certain parts of maui. we have shelters that are overrun. >> reporter: calling the unfolding catastrophe unprecedented, state officials say some of maui is without power. roads are blocked. hotels are closing, and thousands of tourists and locals are trying to flee. >> our stuff is still at our hotel, so we are here at the airport at nigh no stuff. >> the firestorm came through and took everythiith it. >> reporter: but for those with nowhere to go or no way out, the extent of the damage is still unclear. >> local people have lost everything. they've lost their house, they've lost their animals, and it's devastating. >> reporter: tonight this is the misery in maui as a wildfire turns this tropical paradise into a hellish nightmare. here at the airport acro islan so,000 peoare trying to leave maui, which is still under a state of emergency. airlines are sold out and hotels are evacuating. many have nowhere to turn. lester. >>uel almaguer in hawaii starting us joining me ns hawaii's governor sylvia luke. acting governor luke, as we just reported, there has sadly been loss of life in maui. based on the extent of the destruction you know about so far, do you anticipate there will be more casualties? >> you know, this is the beginning of some of our findings and assessment. it is really a sad day for maui and for the state of hawaii. you know, we never anticipated that we would have this type of brush fires. >> do you have any sense of what you're seeing in terms of people displaced? visitors and locals alike? >> you know, as of this morning, we see reports from the maui county that about 2,000 -- over 2,000 people are at the shelters. that's not including the 2,00ople at the airport. these are mostly visitors waiting to fly back to their final destination and because they were evacuated early, they ended up spending the night at the airport. >> and maui obviously an attractive destination in good times. what is your message to travelers to the island right now? >> i issued an emergency proclamation a few hours ago encouraging people not to travel to maui, you know, whether it's visitors or residents, it's not a safe place for you to be. we have wildfires that are not completely contained. we have travel plans to maui, we ask that you postpone it or cancel it at this time. >> acting governor luke, thank you for taking time out during this very busy period. we do appreciate it. >> thank you, lester. also developing tonight, fbi agents shot and killed a man in utah while serving a warrant to him for allegedly making death threats against president biden ahead of his visit to that state. peter alexander has late details. >> reporter: tonight, president biden out west heading to salt lake citst hours after fbi says i agents had a deadly man who had threatened to kill him. the fbi says it happened at 6:15 this morning in nearby provo, utah, where they were serving an arrest warrant on suspect, craig robertson who they say was approximate ly 70 to 75 years old. >> there was a big boom then another one and another one. >> reporter: in court documents, the fbi says robertson posted on social media i hear biden is coming to utah and that he was cleaning the dust off his sniper rifle. this robertson post according to the fbi shows a picture of his weapons, along with threats ahead of the 2024 election cycle. the documents also say robertson posted threats to kill vice president kamala harris and the democratic d.a. in bragg, who is now prosecuting former president trump. during surveillance in march, the fbi says it observed robertson wearing a hat bearing the word "trump," and when agents attempted to speak with him, robertson replied, i said it was a dream adding, don't return without a warrant. >> he was nice to me. it just goes to show, you never know who your neighbors are. >> reporter: it comes amid growing concerns over threats to public officials and their families. capitol police saying the number of investigations is historically high. major incidents include the violent attack on nancy pelosi husband paul and an attempted assassination of brett kavanaugh. the fbi has not released details about what sparked today's deadly confrontation. no fbi agents were injured. lester. >> peter, thank you. now to the secret search warrant on former president trump's twitter account. tonight we've learned it's part of the federal investigation into his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. garrett haake joins us. garrett, this was a move by special counsel jack smith. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, lester. in court documents unsealed today reveal the special counsel obtained a warrant to seize his twitter data earlier this year with the judge okaying a search of the account for evidence of criminal offenses. now, the documents also show the judge slapped twitter now called x with a $350,000 fine for delaying handing over this material as the company fought a nondisclosure order about not informing trump. trump posted, the doj secretly attacked my twitter account calling the warrant a major hit on his civil rights. tonight nbc news has also learned that fulton county, georgia, d.a. fani willis is supposed to introduce her evidence to a grand jury next week and a fourth indictment could soon follow. >> thank you. now to mr. trump's top republican rival, florida governor ron desantis, who made headlines today when he suspended an elected state democratic state prosecutor calling her soft on crime, and tonight she is firing back. gabe gutierrez has that story. >> reporter: tonight, state attorney monique worrell is off the job suspended by florida governor ron desantis. she's now firing back calling him a weak dictator, who's targeting her to prop up his presidential campaign. >> this is absolutely a political hit job. i think that the governor's campaign is failing and that he needed something to put him in the national spotlight. report worrell is a progressive prosecutor in orlando who campaigned on criminal justice reform and was backed by a committee that got money from liberal megadonor george soros. desantis accuses her of refusing to enforce law. >> monique worrell's administration of criminal justice in the ninth circuit has been clearly and fundamentally derelict so as to constitute both neglect of duty and incompetence. >> reporter: the police union criticized worrell for being soft on crime, and today a local sheriff praised desantis' move. >> this governor has always put the victims, has always put the law-abiding citizens ahead of the criminals. >> reporter: her performance slammed. two orlando officers were shot and wounded by a suspect who had been released on bail. worrell tells us she had no say over his release. governor desantis is saying that you're just not enforcing the law, that you're abusing prosecutorial discretion. your response? >> it's not true. crime is down in orange and oseola counties, not up, and that decrease has happened since i took office 2 1/2 years ago. >> reporter: this is the second time desantis has suspended a democratic prosecutor. tonight worrell tells us she's reviewing her legal options. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. an american nurse and her daughter are free tonight in haiti almost two weeks after they were kidnapped at the clinic where the mother works. kristen dahlgren has more for us tonight. >> reporter: for two weeks there had been non ofyear-old nurse alorsainvi or her young daughte nahaven but el roi haiti confirmed their safe release saying, we are praising god for answered prayers. >> we express our deepest appreciation to our haitian and u.s. interagency partners for their assistance in facilitating for their safe release. >> reporter: tonight el roi asking for privacy. it's unclear if they will stay in haiti. a country alix considered her adopted home. >> my name is alix. i'm a nurse from new hampshire, but now i live in haiti. >> reporter: in a video posted on the organization's website before the kidnapping, alix speaks glowingly of the people and her work caring for children at el roi's school with her haitian-born husband. >> i'm so blessed to be able to know so many haitians. >> reporter: but on july 30th, the organization reported she and the couple's child were taken from the port-au-prince campus. it was the same day the state department issued its highest level travel advisory for haiti ordering nonessential personnel to leave. unicef reporting a sharp uptick in the kidnapping of women and children, nearly 300 in the first half of the year. >> these are groups over the past few months who have actually expanded their territory and are extremely more aggressive. >> kristen joining me in the studio. do we know if a ransom was paid in this case? >> reporter: right, lester. these gangs commonly ask for up to a million dollars. in this case we just don't know and may never know. it's unlikely anyone including the state department would want that advertised since it could put other americans in danger, lester. >> good to know they are safe. thanks for that report. to the mystery now in one small florida town where someone woke up a billionaire after winning last night's record-setting mega millions jackpot. sam brock reports from neptune beach. >> reporter: in the city of neptune beach, florida, population, 7,045, a gigan question, who bought at ticket? do you know who won the lottery? >> no, it wasn't me. >> definitely not me. >> reporter: a record $1.58 billion jackpot with a nood publix pro to be lucky location. >> this is so exciting for this a i only buy one ticket. i always say, it just takes $2 and a dream. >> reporter: it's not just the talk of the town, but the nation. >> i woke up this morning to a bunch of text messages. >> reporter: where were necessary text messages coming from? >> vermont. >> reporter: this group thought they played their cards right. >> i bought a ticket and there were no winners because everybody is here. >> reporter: as speculation bubbles, the florida lottery rules are clear, the winner needs to claim the prize within 180 days for the annual payments or 60 days for a lump sum of 783 million. as for what to do with it, one idea would be to buy one of the tastiest subs, the publix sub at $8.49. you could buy 186 million or for the lump sum, 92 million subs. what would you buy with $1.5 billion? >> i would travel. >> the first trip would be to tallahassee so i could collect it. >> reporter: and at some point maybe a lucky soul will but until then it's a billion dollar question. sam brock, nbc news, neptune beach. >> we've got more to tell you about in 60 seconds. the american woman accused of conspiringng to kill h her husband d in a murdeder for hire scheme freed on bond d tonight inin the babahamas. it's lying g dormant, w waiting. and cocould reactitivate. it's lying g dormant, w waiting. shshingles strtrikes as a a pai, blisteriring rash that canan last for r weeks. and it c could wake e at any ti. think yoyou're not a at risk for shshingles? and it c could wake e at any ti. it's time to wake upup. because shshingles couould wakeke up in youou. if youou're over 5 50, talk o yoyour doctor r or pharmacact about t shingles p preventio. yeah, everything's taken care of. -hey, jamimie. -oh, what t am i up tot? jujust visitining a spspecial secrcret client. i can'n't say who o it is, but lelet's just s say she bund her dream m house and her drdream car i can'n't say who o it is, but lelet's just s say she bund fofor round-ththe-clock prprotn with prorogressive.. ohoh. she hahas another r house in m . ohoh. she'e's been an n astronaut, anan architectct, a ceo. ohoh. we're e in front o of her hou, dude. ohoh. i'd loveve to tell y you who her boboyfriend isi, bubut i don't t think i "k"k" i'd loveve to tell y yo, but i dodon't think k i -- "barbibie" in theaeaters. we're back with a shocking alleged murder-for-hire plot and an american woman from georgia out from behind bars in the bahamas after she was charged with a scheme to kill her husband. here's anne thompson. >> reporter: tonight, lindsay shiver is released on bond but she is not free, accused of conspiring to kill her estranged husband robert, the georgia woman now wears an ankle monitor and cannot leave the bahamas where authorities say the plot was hatched. the 36-year-old along with her alleged co-conspirators, terrance bethel and farron newbold, appeared at a bail hearing in nassau this afternoon. in a court document bahamian official s say the trio agreed on july 16th to murder her husband. bethel is said to be her lover, newbold the alleged hit man. they have yet to enter pleas and no comment from their attorney. >> if the only evidence of this conspiracy is a text message saying, kill him, with a photograph, and if there was no offer of money or money exchanged, then i think the defense has a strong case here. >> reporter: now tabloid fodder, shiver's instagram ready life is unraveling. a former beauty queen, shiver met robert, a college football player, at auburn. married for 13 years they had three children and lived in a multimillion dollar home in southwest georgia, but this april he filed for divorce accusing her of cheating. she denied that and accused him of domestic violence. released on $100,000 cash bond, shiver must report to authorities three times a week as her case makes its way through the bahamian justice system. anne thompson, nbc news. up next we'll tell you about a milestone in space t tourism. our exclclusive withth the first mother/daughter team to ever go to space. space. sasalonpas lididocaine flel. a a super thinin, flexiblele h with m maximum sasalonpas lididocaine flel. otc strengngth lidocaiaine that contotours to thehe y sasalonpas lididocaine flel. to r relieve paiain right wherere it hurtsts. and didid we mentition, it rea, really s sticks? to r relieve paiain right wherere it hurtsts. sasalonpas, itit's good memedi. to r relieve paiain right wherere it hurtsts. ♪ limu ememu & doug ♪ what d do we alwayays say, so? liliberty mututual customimis yoyour car insnsurance.... so y you only papay for r what you n need. that's's my boy. now you u get out ththere, anand you makeke us proud,d, ? ♪ bye, uncncle limu. ♪ stay offff the freeweways! onlyayay for what t you need.. ♪ libertyty. liberty.y. libertrty. libertyty. ♪ [sneeze] (♪♪♪) asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref that s starts workrking in 30 miminutes, asastepro allelergy, steroid d free allerergy ref whilile other alallergy spraysys take hoururs. withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff you cacan astepro o and go! withth astepro's's unbeatablby fast allerergy relieff (a(ambience ofof room, criric, scrolllling contenent on phon) they'r're off fromom sch, (a(ambience ofof room, criric, scrolllling contenent on phon) but not rereally home.e. imimages and v videos. socicial media,, fifine-tuned t to suck thehem. and d steal themem away. alone you u can't stopop i. togethther we willll. we havave a plan.. join us. we havave a plan.. ( ( ♪♪ ) ) ♪♪ when y you have chchronic kidney disisease... therere are placaces you'u'd like t to be. like here.e. and d here. nonot so much h here. ifif you have e chronic kidney disisease, farxiga cacan help youou keep l living lifefe. ♪ farxiga ♪ and d farxiga rereduces ththe risk of f kidney faiail, which can n lead to didialysi. farxiga can cause serious s sie efeffects inclcluding dehyhydr, urinarary tract oror genital yt infectionsns in women n and m, and low w blood sugagar. ketotoacidosis is a s serious sidide effect thatat may lead d to death.. a rarare life-ththreateningg bactcterial infefection in t the skin ofof the perinim could occucur. stop t taking farxrxiga and cl yourur doctor riright away ifif you have e symptoms of thihis bacteriaial infecti, an allergigic reactionon, oror ketoacidodosis. farxiga a can help y you keepep living lilife. ask k your doctotor for farxra fofor chronic c kidney disise. ifif you can''t affordrd your mededication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ farxiga ♪ the countdown is on tonight, virgin galactic making the final preparations for its first mission with all civilian passengers. gadi schwartz now with our nbc news exclusive with those making this historic flighght. >> reporter: t-minus one more day for launch a at virgin galactic's space port america and the newest space pilot can't wait. >> till you actually come in and they're counting down, you're all of a sudden, l like, ohoh, we're rereally goingng to do o this thingng. > reporter:r: in less than 2 24 hours kekelly lalatimer willll be at thehe helm o of "unity" " on the sasame ship ththat sent sir richard branson and his crew beyond the stratosphere in 2021. >> it feels like we're at the turning point of a new age in space travel. >> reporter: hoping to bring tourism to the cosmos, it's's the latest salvovo in the new space race a and the first t virgin galactic flight t to carry regular fofolks. >> you'r're going. >> reporter: like keisha schahaff and her 18-year-old daughter ana lucky enough to skip the $450,000 per ticket by winning their seats in a lottery, and they'll become the first mother and daughter duo to go to space. what are you looking forward to the most? >> looking back and seeing our beautiful planetet and then lolooking acrossss to see my daughter's face while she's looking at it as well. >> reporter: the 90-minute flight blasting off to three times the speed of sound with three magical minutes of total weightlessness. >> and then you go, oh, okay. >> reporter: and to find out what to expect, i took a spin in their cockpit simulator. >> two, one, and fire. so, we fire up the motor, and off we go. >> and there we go. and now earth is above us. wait. what? >> reporter: the launch of a lifetime at the edge of a new frontier. where do you think humanity goes from here? >> outward and upward. this is the very beginning. it's going to grow dramatically. >> reporter: gadi schwartz, nbc news from new mexico's gateway to space. and up next for us, the last waltz for robbie robertson, legendary songwriter of the band. ♪ t take a loaoad ofoff, fafanny ♪ [sfx: : phone p] ♪ what? tweeeen milestonones like thth. mamay start atat age 9. hpv v vaccinatioion, a tytype of cancncer preventnti. against t certain hpv-v-related cacancers... can n start thenen too. for mostst people, hpv v clears on n its own. but fofor others, , it can cae certrtain cancerers later inin . emembrace thisis phase. help protetect them inin the ne. starting a at age 9, t tao your c child's doctor a about. help protetect them inin the ne. hpv vaccinination. help protetect them inin the ne. inez, lelet me ask y you, you're usising head and d shoulders,s, right? inez, lelet me ask y you, only when n i see flakakes. thenen i switch h back to my reregular shamampoo you shouould use it t every w, otherwrwise the flflakes wiwill come baback. he's's right, yoyou know. otherwrwise the flflakes wiwill come baback. isis that tinyny troy? the ingrededients in heaead and shououlders keepep the microrobes that cauause flakes s at . microbobes, reallyly? they'r're always o on your scalplp...little e rasca. but gogood news, therere's no itctchiness, they'r're always o on your scalplp...little e rasca. dryness s or flakes s down ! i i love tiny y troy. dryness s or flakes s down ! he's thehe best. dryness s or flakes s down ! make everyry wash coununt! littlele help, plelease. i'm a bearar. i'm m coming outut of hibernrnn afafter the bebest nap of my lifefe... and papa i is hungry.. anand while yoyou're hittit' the e trail, i'm m hitting yoyour cooler. oh, cheddadar! i've gotot hot dog b buns! and yourur cut-ratee car ininsurance mimight not papay for all l t. so get a allstate, a and be ber prototected fromom mayhem, lilike me. roar. (sfx: : family scrcreams in backgrouound) ♪ it't's the e most wondel time of f the year ♪ ♪ ♪ it't's the e most wondel time of f the year ♪ non-n-drowsy clalaritin knocksks out symptptoms from ovever 200 allelergens. non-n-drowsy clalaritin knocksks out symptptoms withthout knockiking you out. feel the c clarity and mamake today withthout knockiking you out. the momost wonderfrful time of t the year. withthout knockiking you out. live clalaritin cleaear. toto you?out knockiking you out. yoyou get ropeped in with phone offers,s, that bind you to a 3-year device contract. yoyou get ropeped in with phone offers,s, break k free with h t-mobile! introducucing go5g p plus, the e first planan that alwas giveves new and d existing c cus introducucing go5g p plus, the same g great devicice d, introducucing go5g p plus, anand you're u upgrade reaey in two yeaears versus s t. introducucing go5g p plus, right nonow, bring t-momobile your r pe introducucing go5g p plus, and get ththe amazing g ie 14 on n us. trappeped. freeee. get the e amazing ipiphone 14 o on us. freeee. trapapped. free.e. relapsing g ms isn't t the onlyly thing i h have going g. that's whyhy i take kekesimpt. it's t the only b-b-cell treatat fofor rms i cacan take at t e oncece a month.. kesimpmpta was proroven superr at rededucing ththe rate of f relapses actitive lesionsns and slowining disabilility progreression vs a aubagio. don'n't take k kesimpta if youou have hepapatitis b and tetell your dodoctor if you havave had it,, asas it could d come back.. kesimpmpta can cauause serios side e effects, includuding infectctions. while nono cases of f pml were repororted in rmsms clinicalal trials, it couould happen.n. tell y your doctoror if you hd oror plan to h have vaccinin, or if you u are or plalan toto become prpregnant. kekesimpta mayay cause a d dece in somome types ofof antibodi. the momost cocommon side e effects arae uppeper respiratatory tractt infefection, heaeadache, and d injection n reactions. ask yoyour doctor r about trtreating rmsms with kesisim. finally, he was a member of a legendary rock group, robbie robertson, the front man for the band has finally, he was a member of a legendary rock group, robbie robertson, the front man for the band, has died. kate snow and how he helped define an era of music. ♪ take a load off fanny ♪ >> reporter: he was a writer behind some of the songs everyone sings along too, a storyteller, he said. ♪ and put the load right on me ♪ >> reporter: robbie robertson wrote songs and played guitar with the band simply called just that, the band. >> when you write a song, you paint the whole picture in the song. >> reporter: his big break playing with bob dylan on his 1966 tour. ♪♪ >> reporter: robertson's music with the band became part of the soundtrack of the 1970s. in 1976 robert's director martin scorsese filmed their farewell show for "the last waltz." ♪ crisple creek ♪ >> reporter: robertson went on to make solo albums. ♪♪ the band would get back together without him. he would go on to a prolific career composing for films like "raging bull," the color of money," and "the gangs of new york." >> my mother was born on an indian reservation. it's the first musical influence, and she would take me there in the summertime. first time i saw someone sitting there playing guitar, i thought, oh, boy, i got to get in on this. this is -- this looks great to me. >> reporter: at 80 robertson recently finished his 14th score for a film with martin scorsese, who said tonight, there's never enough time with anyone you love, and i loved robbie. kate snow, nbc news. ♪ put the load right on me ♪ that's "nightly news" for this wednesday. thanks for watching. i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night. ♪ and you put t the load right onon me ♪ a deadly inferno burning in paradise. the buildings burned, the evacuations, and the fear on the island of maui.

Related Keywords

People , Flames , Wildfire , Ocean , Hawaii , State Of Emergency , Inferno , Far Away Hurricane Raging On Maui , Water , Team , Tourist Town , Coast Guard , Hundreds , Much , Big Island , Flames Burning Homes , Six , Fbi , Man , Warrant , Biden , President , Visit , Utah , Guns , Images , Daughter , Nurse , Twitter , Special Counsel , Search Warrant , Rifle , Sniper , Suit , Donald Trump , The American , Two , Mother , R , Nbc News Exclusive , Record , Ransom , Big Leap In Space Tourism , Here E And D , Jackpot , Millions , Virgin Galactic , Dollar Mystery , Duo O Set , Band , Robbie Robertson , Martin Scorsese , Work , Bob Dylan , Remembering , Wildfires , Fanny Announcer , Nbc Nightly News , Load Off , Island Of Maui Have , Lester Holt , Visitors , Homes , Residents , Power , Town , Communications , Backdrop , Businesses , Tourist Destination , Lahaina , Smoke , Heat , Fire , Part , Others , Winds , Lives , Burns , Many , Sprints , Injured , Reporter , Report , Miguel Almaguer , Way 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, Provo , Arrest Warrant , Biden Out West , Salt Lake , 15 , 6 , One , Craig Robertson , Suspect , Social Media , Boom , Court Documents , 75 , Threats , Kamala Harris , Documents , Sniper Rifle , Dust , Weapons , Election Cycle , Picture , 2024 , Trump , In Bragg , Hat Bearing , Word , Surveillance , Democratic D A , March , Don T Return Without A Warrant , Officials , Show , Concerns , Neighbors , Families , Number , Capitol Police , Paul , Incidents , Investigations , Attack , Assassination , Nancy Pelosi , Account , Confrontation , Brett Kavanaugh , Investigation , Election , Move , Efforts , Court Documents Unsealed Today , Garrett , Jack Smith , Garrett Haake , 2020 , Evidence , Judge , Offenses , Search , Data , Fine , 50000 , 350000 , Company , Nondisclosure , Material , Order , Fani Willis , Southwest Georgia , Rights , Hit , Fulton County , Grand Jury , D A , Indictment , Doj , Ron Desantis , Prosecutor , Crime , Florida , Republican , Gabe Gutierrez , Firing , Story , Mr , Who Made Headlines , Democratic , Monique Worrell , Campaign , Job , Hit Job , Dictator , Something , Report Worrell , Spotlight , Orlando , On Criminal Justice Reform , Money , Law , Committee , Criminal Justice , Administration , Liberal Megadonor , George Soros , Ninth Circuit , Worrell , Neglect , Duty , Incompetence , Sheriff , Police Union , Release , Governor , Criminals , Victims , Bail , Citizens , Performance , Officers , Counties , Response , Prosecutorial Discretion , Decrease , Oseola , 2 1 , Tonight Worrell , Options , Daughte Nahaven , Works , Clinic , Kristen Dahlgren , Ofyear , Alorsainvi , Saying , El Roi , Partners , Alix , Country , Haiti , Interagency , Assistance , Appreciation , Privacy , Home , Prayers , Tonight El Roi , My Name , New Hampshire , Husband , Organization , Children , Kidnapping , Video , School , Website , Glowingly , Child , State Department , Reporting , Travel Advisory , Campus , Couple , Nonessential Personnel , Level , July 30th , Port Au Prince , Unicef , 30 , Groups , Women , Half , Uptick , 300 , Anyone , Case , Territory , Gangs , Studio , A Million Dollars , A Million , Someone , Mystery , Thanks , Danger , Billionaire , Neptune Beach , Safe , Mega Millions Jackpot , Sam Brock , Ticket , Lottery , In The City , Wasn T Me , Gigan Question , Population , 7045 , Location , Pro , Ai , Nood Publix , 58 Billion , 2 , 1 58 Billion , , Group , Text Messages , Winners , Nation , Bunch , Talk Of The Town , Vermont , Cards , Lump Sum , Everybody , Winner , Prize , Speculation Bubbles , Payments , Florida Lottery Rules , 180 , 783 Million , 60 , Idea , Subs , Lucky Soul , Trip , Point , Publix Sub , 1 5 Billion , 49 , 5 Billion , 8 49 , 186 Million , 92 Million , Woman , Husband D , Bond D , Dollar Question , Kill H , Tonight Inin The Babahamas , Conspiringng , Murdeder For Hire Scheme , A Billion Dollar , A Billion , C , Risk , Lying G Dormant , Yoyou , W Waiting , Shshingles , Cocould Reactitivate , Ti , Shshingles Strtrikes , Aa Pai , Canan , Blisteriring Rash , Just S Say , O , Care Of , Can N T Say , O Yoyour , Jujust Visitining , Youou , Lelet , Shingles P Preventio , Upup , Couould Wakeke , Pharmacact , Jamimie , Tot , Spspecial Secrcret Client , 50 , 5 , Prprotn , Ohoh , Front O , Car , Astronaut , Ceo , Round Ththe , She E S , Bund Fofor , Prorogressive , Boboyfriend Isi , Drdream , Anan Architectct , Her Hou , Dude , Bubut I Don T , I K , Loveve To Tell Y Yo , Barbibie , Theaeaters , Dodon T Think Ki , Lindsay Shiver , Bahamas , Bond , Plot , Scheme , Bars , Anne Thompson , Shiver Met Robert , Ankle Monitor , Conspiring , Authorities , 36 , Bahamian Official S Say The Trio , Bail Hearing , Co Conspirators , Farron Newbold , Terrance Bethel , Hit Man , Text Message Saying , Comment , Lover , Attorney , Conspiracy , Pleas , Bethel , July 16th , Kill Him , 16 , College Football Player , Shiver , Instagram Ready Life Is Unraveling , Offer , Defense , Photograph , Now Tabloid Fodder , Cheating , Divorce , Multimillion Dollar Home , At Auburn , Three , 13 , Domestic Violence , Cash , Bahamian Justice System , 100000 , 00000 , Tourism , Space , Milestone , Exclclusive Withth , Sasalonpas Lididocaine Flel , It Hurtsts , Wherere , R Relieve Paiain , Flexiblele H , Thehe Y Sasalonpas , Aa Super Thinin , Strengngth Lidocaiaine , Otc , We Alwayays Say , Sasalonpas , Didid , Limu Ememu , We Mentition , Itit , Memedi , Customimis Yoyour , Liliberty Mututual , Car Insnsurance , You N Need , Ththere , Uncncle Limu , That S , Anand You Makeke , My Boy , Steroid D , Allerergy , Liberty Y , Sneeze , Asastepro Allelergy , Libertyty , Freeweways , Libertrty , Onlyayay , Miminutes , Stay Offff , Ref Whilile , Videos , Go , Cacan Astepro O , Unbeatablby Fast Allerergy Relieff , Take Hoururs , Scrolllling Contenent On Phon , On Phon , Withth Astepro S , Scrolllling Contenent , Ambience Ofof Room , Criric , Alallergy Spraysys , Rereally Home E Imimages , Off Fromom Sch , D , Plan , We Willll , Socicial Media , Themem Away , Fifine , Suck Thehem , Togethther , Therere , Like T , Kidney Disisease , Farxiga , Rereduces Ththe , Lead , Which Can N , Living Lifefe , Farxiga Cacan , Nonot , To Didialysi , Ifif You Have E Chronic Kidney Disisease , Kidney Faiail , Death , Urinarary Tract Oror Genital Yt Infectionsns In Women N And M , Life Ththreateningg , Bactcterial Infefection In T The Skin Ofof , Ketotoacidosis , Sidide Effect Thatat , Blood Sugagar , Sie Efeffects , Inclcluding Dehyhydr , Rarare , Cl Yourur , Doctor , Doctotor , Symptoms , Thihis Bacteriaial Infecti , Stop T Taking Farxrxiga , Farxra Fofor Chronic C , Ask K , Allergigic Reactionon , You Keepep Living Lilife , Kidney Disise , Perinim , Oror Ketoacidodosis , Occucur , Astrazeneca , You Can , Ifif , Mededication , Countdown , Gadi Schwartz , Flighght , Preparations , Passengers , Mission , T Minus , Counting Down , Like , Space Pilot , Space Port America , All Of A Sudden , Thingng , Richard Branson , On The Sasame Ship Ththat , Crew , Stratosphere , Thehe Helm O , Space Travel , Lalatimer Willll , Rereally Goingng , Turning Point , Unity , 2021 , 24 , Keisha Schahaff , You R , Space Race A And The First T Virgin Galactic Flight , Cosmos , Salvovo , Fofolks , It S , 18 , Most , Duo , Seats , Lolooking Acrossss , Beautiful Planetet , 450000 , Flight , Weightlessness , Speed Of Sound , Face , 90 , Lifetime , Launch , Spin , Cockpit Simulator , Motor , Earth , Frontier , Edge , Humanity , Gateway , New Mexico , Loaoad Ofoff , Sfx , Songwriter , T Take , The Last Waltz , Fafanny , Fofor , Hpv V Clears On N , Hpv V Vaccinatioion , Like Thth , Tweeeen Milestonones , Hpv V Related Cacancers , Cae Certrtain Cancerers , Mamay , Cancncer Preventnti , Start Thenen Too , 9 , Help , Every W , Doctor A , Me Ask Y You , Shoulders , Head , Ne , Ni See Flakakes , Inez , Hpv Vaccinination , Thenen , Emembrace Thisis Phase , Reregular Shamampoo , Flflakes Wiwill , Gogood News , Ingrededients , Cauause Flakes S At , Otherwrwise , He S Right , Come Baback , They R , E Rasca , Tinyny Troy , The Microrobes , Shououlders Keepep , Heaead , Microbobes , Yoyou Know , Isis , Reallyly , No Itctchiness , Down Ii Love Tiny Y Troy , Flakes , Dryness , Papa , Wash Coununt , Make Everyry , Littlele Help , My Lifefe , Bearar , Thehe Best , Plelease , Hibernrnn Afafter , Bebest Nap , Outut , Hot Dog B Buns , Anand , Car Ininsurance , The E Trail , Hittit , Yoyour Cooler , Cheddadar , Cut Ratee , Allstate , Symptptoms Withthout Knockiking You Out , Roar , Clalaritin Knocksks , Ovever 200 Allelergens , Lilike Me , Out Symptptoms , Non N , Ber Prototected Fromom Mayhem , Family Scrcreams In Backgrouound , Phone Offers , Contract , Toto You , Momost Wonderfrful Time Of T , C Clarity , Bind , Out Knockiking You , Break K , Mamake , Yoyou Get Ropeped , Live Clalaritin Cleaear , T Mobile , 3 , Go5g P Plus , Great Devicice D , Versus S , Introducucing Go5g P Plus , Ie 14 On N , Introducucing , The E First Planan , Ththe Amazing G , T Introducucing , Nonow , Momobile , Trappeped , Upgrade Reaey , Alwas Giveves , 14 , Isn T The Onlyly Thing Ih Have Going G , On Us , Freeee , Kekesimpt , Free E Relapsing G , Treatat Fofor , Rms I Cacan , Trapapped , Te Oncece A Month , Amazing Ipiphone , Whyhy , Side E , Rate , Effects , Don N T Take K Kesimpta , Dodoctor , Rededucing Ththe , Kesimpmpta , Asas , Proroven Superr , Cauause , You Havave , Relapses Actitive Lesionsns , Slowining Disabilility Progreression , Vs A Aubagio , Youou Have Hepapatitis B , Doctoror , Cases , Momost Cocommon Side E , Dece , Includuding Infectctions , Repororted , Nono , You Hd Oror Plan To H Have Vaccinin , Toto , Prpregnant , Pml , Couould Happen , Plalan , Rmsms Clinicalal Trials , Somome , Ofof Antibodi , Kekesimpta Mayay , Arae Uppeper , Reactions , Ask Yoyour , Respiratatory Tractt Infefection , Injection N , Kesisim , Heaeadache , Trtreating Rmsms , Kate Snow , Member , Music , Of A Legendary Rock Group , Load Off Fanny , Load , Guitar , Songs , Everyone , Storyteller , Writer , Song , Tour , Soundtrack , Big Break Playing , 1970 , 1966 , Farewell Show , 1976 , Crisple Creek Reporter , Career Composing , Albums , Films , Raging Bull , Influence , Summertime , The Gangs Of New York , Color Of Money , Indian Reservation , Film , Boy , Loved Robbie , 14th Score , 80 , Care , Each Other , Watching , Evacuations , Fear , Buildings , Inferno Burning , Paradise ,

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