Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240707

the tops of gas, about to top off that new national high. some states smashing records. mystery in the bahamas. three americans dead at the same resort the investigation now into what killed them at these villas that cost thousands per night. new video of the corrections officer believed to be on the run with an escaped inmate and the greatest underdog victory in more than a century. the amazing angle on this historic derby run you have to see. this is nbc "nightly news" with kate snow. good evening the first lady of the united states said she intentionally chose to cross into ukraine on mother's day, a surprise show of support for the ukrainian people for half an hour, dr. jill biden met face to face with the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenskyy. who has been out of sight with her children since the war started. dr. biden asked her how she was doing personally she answered, she gets to hold her children's hands every night, even if she can't be with her husband president zelenskyy and biden joined leaders of the g7 to commemorate the end of world war ii, vowing to help defeat russia, and russian attacks continued today, some american staff returned to the american embassy in kyiv matt bradley starts us off tonight. >> reporter: in ukraine today, a surprise visit by the first lady dr. jill biden entering an active war zone to meet with ukraine's first lady on this mother's day >> i thought it was important to share with the ukrainian people that this war has to stop. and this war has been brutal, and that people of the united states stand with the people of ukraine. >> reporter: sunday's summit, took place is a school that has housed those disp displaced. it marked the first time ukraine's first lady was seen in public she and her two children have been labeled targets, hiding at an undisclosed location first of all, i would like to thank you for a very courageous act, she said the first lady's visit coming as ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy met virtually with leaders of the g7, a gathering of the world's wealthiest democratic countries. the u.s. and allies announcing a fresh round of sanctions targetin russia, and elites members agreed to ban all imports of russian oil. as attacks continue in the east, a russian missile struck a school president zelenskyy says about 60 people sheltering inside were killed only seven managed to escape it's unlikely others have survived this man said the crater is down to the basement it's horrible. but in kyiv, the ukrainian resistance got a surprise guest pop star bono giving a concert in a metro station turned bomb shelter. ♪ a musical encore for yet another bloody sunday in ukraine. tomorrow, the russians will celebrate victory day with a military parade in moscow but ukrainians are watching anxiously, fearful that a new and even harsher assault could be coming. kate >> matt bradley, thank you. back in the u.s. now, the nationwide battle over abortion rights is intensifying following last week's leaked draft ruling from the supreme court. this weekend protests across the country including at the homes of the justices themselves alley have i vitali has more >> reporter: tonight, a new flashpoint in the battle over abortion rights. >> people, united, will never be defeated >> reporter: in madison, wisconsin, police say a molotov cocktail thrown into the headquarters of an anti-abortion group, vandalized with a warning, if abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either. and conservative supreme court justices facing fury. protesters outside the homes of chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh. the trump nominee promised senators roe v. wade was settled precedent to get confirmed to the nation's highest court. but now that leaked draft opinion shows brett kavanaugh among five judges potentially poised to overturn that nearly 50-year precedent. it comes as new polls show 2/3 of americans want roe kept in place. those tensions playing out in protests across the country. houston, chicago, and the steps of the supreme court. >> i'm here on mother's day because everyone should have a choice whether they become a mother or not. >> reporter: and renewed attention on the state. 13 have trigger laws that would automatically restrict abortion among them, south dakota already among the most restricted states for abortion activists >> some patients i have travel 300 miles to get here. we're the closest abortion center to them we are the only one in the state. >> for some women, they already are very much living -- >> women have less rights under this law than men do. how do you justify it >> what i would say, at the end of the day, there is no right to an abortion in the united states constitution >> meanwhile, the senate top republican leaving the door open, saying in an interview, it's possible >> and alli joins me from the white house democrats are talking about this movement on this issue as well but democrats are talking about moving on this issue, as well >> reporter: that's >> thank you the price of gas is going up again. we're now poised to reach a new nationwide record as soon as tomorrow last year as we emerged from covid lockdowns, the average cost per gallon was just $2.96 today, the national average is just under $4.32 and rising here's sam brock with how high prices could go >> reporter: states coast to coast are smashing records for gas prices tonight from new york and illinois, to oregon and washington as the beaches beckon for travel season, and families are forced to deal with high fuel costs. is it sticker shock? >> i just close my eyes and pretend that i'm not spending any money. i see it once my account is close to zero >> reporter: with the standard of value shifting dramatically. >> right now, currently, i come here because it's $4.09 and i support it >> reporter: the numbers poised to pop, as many people are on the move >> it's never a great time to see rising prices, but the worst timing is right now. the term "staycation" could see resurgence >> reporter: the current average across the u.s. is just under $4.32, up from $4.14 a month ago. from one south florida father, he had to reverse course and cancel a family trip planned for this summer is it making you think twice about filling up your tank? >> three times, to tell you the truth >> reporter: as for those feeling the pinch at the pump, it's not spread evenly this map from aaa with the most expensive states in red, shows the west coast and the northeast hammered particularly hard. >> hopefully they don't get , but just trying to look for the best price. that's about it. >> reporter: making this memorial day holiday for many a financial balancing act. >> sam joins me from miami. a lot of us don't want a staycation how high do they think the prices could go? >> reporter: well, analysts right now think that $4.50 a gallon is a virtual guarantee, with many big cities like miami at $5.50 or higher and if china eases lockdowns globally, demand goes up, and prices will as well. kate >> sam brock, thank you. covid cases are rising sharply nationwide with new subvariants popping up and posing new challenges to current vaccines but how concerned should we be >> reporter: tonight, covid is making a comeback with the number of cases surging more than 50% in the last two weeks. >> it feels like ground hog day for so many of us during this pandemic >> reporter: all but one state seeing an increase in infections even as numbers are likely underreported due to at hem testing. new york, again the epicenter of what is looking like a fifth wave governor hochul testing positive just today. >> do you ever get the sense that every time it feels the pandemic might be fading we see these cases -- >> i'm on a tight rope it's minute to minute at this point. you know, as a restauranteur, you don't know what think. >> reporter: omicron emerged just six months ago, sending cases and hospitalizations soaring to unprecedented heights over the winter. since then, new subvariants have continued to pop up and are driving the latest uptick in infections one of them makes up more than 1/3 of cases. research suggests the new versions are getting better at evading protection that means if yo contracted omicron, you could get sick again. >> so it's just a way of the virus getting smarter. that happens every time it reproduces this means it triggers more people getting infected >> reporter: but in glimmer of hope, the severity of cases does not appear to be worsening. hospitalizations and deaths aren't rising as quickly, which the white house attributes to treatments and testing. but estimates of 100 million infections by fall or winter >> if we don't get ahead of this thing, we're going to have a lot of waning immunity this virus continues to evolve, and we may see a sizable wave of infections, hospitalizations and deaths this fall and winter >> emily joins me now on set so are we gettin any closer to vaccines that could target these new variants >> they are working on new shots to better target the super contagious strains, but what's not clear is how many people would even take advantage of another booster. kate >> emily, thank you. still ahead, mystery in paradise. how did three americans die at an exclusive five-star resort in the bahamas? we're back with the mysterious death of three americans in the bahamas. they were found unresponsive in two different villas at an exclusive five-star resort kerry sanders is there and spoke with the guests who knew the victims. >> reporter: on the island paradise of the bahamas, a mystery is still unfolding. why are three american tourists who stayed at the sandals emerald bay resort, dead hotel guests we spoke with say the two couples did not know each other, were on either side of a split beachfront villa at least one couple had complained to friends about nausea and dizziness. >> it is a tragic situation, and it's really hard to wrap your brain around. >> reporter: the resort posts the villas can cost thousands a night. kevin and kara from nashville say they had made friends with vince and donna, who were celebrating a 40th wedding anniversary. >> very sweet couple sorry. very sweet couple. umm, just really good hearted. >> reporter: donna survived and was airlifted to a miami hospital >> we were told that donna woke up feeling paralyzed. >> paralyzed >> paralyzed is what was reported to us couldn't move, said her arms and legs were swollen, and that she could see vince laying in the floor >> at that point, it was -- it may be that he was dead at that point? >> it could be, yeah >> reporter: health experts say dizziness, nausea, and temporary paralysis suggest carbon monoxide poisoning. they are examining the water heater and air-conditioninger and propane sly for a leak the yellow crime scene tape has been taken down, most unaware of what happened. >> my biggest concern is three people passed away in the same villa, another became very ill am i safe to go to sleep? >> reporter: management said it's sending condolences to the families involved. meantime, a government autopsy may reveal what killed these americans. kate >> kerry sanders, thank you. now to the jaw dropping come from behind win that has got everyone talking. the horse rich strike took first place in the kentucky derby yesterday. get this he was such a long shot, as of days ago, he wasn't even supposed to be in the race jessie kirsch now on how he pulled it off >> rich strike is coming up on the inside >> reporter: he was a literal dark horse at 80-1 odds. >> oh, my goodness, the longest shot has won the kentucky derby. >> reporter: rich strike, the longest long shot of the last century to win the most exciting two minutes of sports. >> i fell down the paddock when he hit the wire i about passed out i'm so happy >> reporter: the 3-year-old cwasn't even supposed to race until the day before >> they're off >> reporter: and another horse scratched. and th overhead replay is even more incredible that's rich strike in 15th place, weaving and charging to the front, with help from jockey sonny leone >> sonny leone, they know who he is now >> reporter: but he was already a familiar face in ohio >> this is a fourth win on the cards for this jockey. rich strike pulled it off. i know sonny is good enough he's got elite strength, and he's an elite tactician. >> reporter: mark butt says knowing leone from this track inspired $50 bets on rich strike to win, place, and show, winning butch more than $6,000. >> i still got the chills and i'm still shaking. >> forget rich strike, lightning strike >> reporter: with a thunder clap echoing around the world jessie kirsch, nbc news, youngstown, ohio we're back in a moment with the new way homeowners are fighting back against giant companies driving up real estate prices officials have a possible new clue in that alabama manhunt mystery. this video shows corrections officer vickie white leaving an inn the day she disappears along with inmate casey white that was april 29th. the two are not related, but the lauder day count sheriff believes that she helped him escape the jail where she was awaiting trial for murder now to our series priced out the little known reason why it's becoming so hard to buy a home in some areas, big corporations are buying up real estate and renting it out now neighborhoods are fighting back. katie beck has more on what's being called the investor invasion. >> reporter: carrie miller says her community in charlotte, north carolina looks different than a year ago. >> you put in the effort and people see you putting in the effort, they will want to put in the effort >> reporter: lawns are better kept, neighbors are looking out for each other she says a frightening shooting outside a rental home last february sparked change >> it took that for folks to really open their eyes >> reporter: she blames the problem on what she calls the investor invasion. a growing trend of families buying up single families and converting them into rental properties. >> people come in and buy a property and you never see them again >> reporter: across town in the potter's glenn subdivision, vincent evans says investor buying was followed by rental properties with poor upkeep, a lack of tep n tenant screening and criminal activity. >> these investment companies want to make money. >> reporter: there's no question that investors are making big buys in residential real estate numbers from last year show they were behind 18% of all home sales nationwide and here in charlotte, 32% of all home sales went to an investor. >> you're pricing people out and not giving people the opportunity to acquire that equity. >> reporter: with high demand and low inventory, first-time home buyers face poor odds to beat out big money investors. some backed by wall street, so homeowners association leaders like miller and evans have gone to work changing the rules >> we added a clause that new homeowners have to live in their house for two years before it can be rented or leased so while we don't target the investors per se, it does that in a round about day >> reporter: miller's board put a one-year requirement in place, as well as capping rental capacity at 47% of homes in the community. both have seen a decline in investor buying and say conditions and safety have improved. but not all are convinced the process is fair. >> this is about home owners associations attempting to dictate who can and cannot live in their community. >> reporter: the investor industry says hoas are overreaching their authority. >> these constructs created by homeowners associations infringe on the pursuit of housing by making housing more restricting, less accessible >> what do you say to that >> i disagree. when you purchase your home here, you have the opportunity to read and review the documents. you sign off on it >> do you think more hoas should be fighting back? >> absolutely. i want to let them know, if you build a relationship within your community, you can get this done as well >> reporter: an ongoing debate on what is fair when some take profit in a community and others take pride. katie beck, nbc news, charlotte. when we come back, dynamic duo. the remarkable story behind the success of this mother/daughter pair of sheriff's deputies there's good news on this mother's day about leading by example, and the sheriff's deputy daughter who designed to honor her mom by following in her footsteps. this mother's day weekend, east baton rouge sheriffs deputies are celebrating a milestone. the mother/daughter duo, now united in serving their community. when did you know you might want to follow in your mom's footsteps? >> i was just like, i want to be just like her when i grow up. >> first time i heard that about broke my heart >> reporter: for both, the journey wasn't easy you were 13 when you got pregnant, right? >> i was 13 when i gave birth, yes. luckily, this is the outcome of it. i didn't let it stop me >> reporter: the young mother persevered and sacrificed, earning one degree all the way to ph.d. inspiring her daughter all the way what was your mom like growing up >> i don't think i remember her sleeping. she was always on the go still like that to this day anything i had going on, she was there. >> reporter: when she was diagnosed with a chronic bowel diseas at 9 years old, kawanda quit her job to take care of her, and then joined the sheriff's department >> i remember her saying, if i'm strong, then it's going to show you that young be strong, too. >> reporter: katraya has been hospitalized more than 90 times in 2020 she lost the ability to walk. last year, she had major surgery. so it was stunning this january when she started the grueling training to become a law enforcement officer, being sworn in just days ago >> when they announced her name, it was like, i had to stay professional because i was in uniform, but i wanted to be that parent that ra around the arena to say that's my child. >> my daughter. >> yes >> reporter: colleagues now, they're celebrating mother's day knowing they've always got each other's backs >> what would you say about your mom's role in this? >> she's the whole reason i applied in the first place. >> how proud are you >> i'm very proud. this doesn't happen every day. do the same profession, and push comes to shove, one day i may save her life and she maybe can save mine. this is one of the best in my book. >> we would like to wish all the moms out there a very happy mother's day that is nbc "nightly news" for this sunday night. i'm kate snow. for all of us here at nbc news, stay safe and have a great night. right now at 6:00, stanford students standing in solidarity with the people of ukraine. their efforts to make sure the war back home isn't forgotten. plus -- >> i thought it was important to show the ukrainian people that this war has to stop. >> first lady jill biden makes a surprise visit to ukraine on this mother's day. what local ukrainians say they hope happen next. but first, a breezy mother's day here in the bay area, though the cool weather won't be sticking around for long. rob's tracking the changing conditions ahead this week.

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Summer , At 50s And 60s , Nightly News , Snow , Taste , Temperatures , The 80s And 90s , Wow , Thanks A Lot , 00 , 6 , 60 , 50 , Seven , 90 , 80 , Jill Biden , U S , First Lady , Face To , Ukraine , Sanctions , Russia , Surprise Visit Inside Ukraine , War , Olena Zelenskyy , Public , In Kyiv , Time , World Leaders , Meeting , Diplomats , Abortion Rights , Molotov Cocktail , Office , Justices , Offices , Attack , Shelter , Police , Protests , Damage , War Rages , Homes Of Supreme Court , Americans , Resort , Bahamas , Gas , Mystery , Investigation , High , Tops , Smashing Records , Three , Corrections Officer , Villas , On The Run , Victory , Cost Thousands , Video , Underdog , Inmate , Kate Snow , Derby , Nbc , Angle , Evening , People , Mother S Day , Dr , Support , Children , Leaders , Zelenskyy , Sight , Husband , G7 , Attacks , Staff , Embassy , Defeat , The End Of World War Ii , Mother , Reporter , Matt Bradley , War Zone , Sunday S Summit , Place , School , Location , Hiding , Targets , Disp , Two , Wall , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Countries , Visit , World , Allies , Gathering , Very Courageous Act , Democratic , Round , Elites , East , Oil , Imports , Members , Missile , Crater , Resistance , Others , Surprise Guest Pop Star , Basement , Man , Concert , Metro Station , Russians , Bloody Sunday , Bomb Shelter , Ukrainians , Battle Over Abortion Rights , Victory Day , Assault , Military Parade In Moscow , Thank You , Homes , Country , Draft Ruling From The Supreme Court , Battle , Cocktail , Group , Flashpoint , Headquarters , United , Wisconsin , Madison , John Roberts , Justice , Protesters , Warning , Conservative Supreme Court Justices Facing Fury , Abortions Aren T Safe , Nominee , Brett Kavanaugh , Precedent , Court , Nation , Judges , Draft Opinion , Polls , Roe V Wade , 2 3 , Five , Roe , Everyone , Tensions , Steps , Choice , Supreme Court , Houston , Chicago , Abortion , Trigger Laws , States , Attention , Patients , South Dakota , 13 , 300 , One , Women , Estate , Rights , Abortion Center , Law , Men , Living , Republican , Door Open , Alli , Interview , United States Constitution , Senate , Issue , Democrats , Movement , White House , Well Reporter , Price , Prices , Covid Lockdowns , Average , Kate Sam Brock , Record , Coast To , 32 , 2 96 , 4 32 , 96 , Families , Gas Prices , Records , Fuel Costs , It Sticker Shock , Beaches , New York , Season , Oregon , Washington , Illinois , Money , Eyes , Account , Standard , Value , Zero , Numbers , Staycation , Resurgence Reporter , It Reporter , Timing , Pop , 09 , 4 09 , Family , Course , Trip , Father , South Florida , 14 , 4 14 , Times , Tank , Pinch , Red , Pump , Truth , Map , Aaa , West Coast , Lot , You Don T , Memorial Day Holiday , Act , Miami , Balancing , Gallon , Guarantee , Lockdowns , Analysts , Cities , China , 5 50 , 50 , 4 50 , Cases , Demand , Vaccines , Covid , Subvariants , Challenges , Ground Hog Day , Number , Many , Comeback , Infections , Hochul , Sense , Increase , Pandemic , Epicenter , At Hem Testing , Fifth Wave , Point , Rope , Restauranteur , Omicron , Six , Hospitalizations , Protection , Versions , Winter , Heights , Uptick , Research , Subvariants Have , 1 3 , Way , Virus , Yo , Contracted Omicron , Deaths , Testing , Hope , Glimmer , Severity , Treatments , Attributes , Wave , Thing , Immunity , Winter Emily , 100 Million , Shots , Variants , Set , Strains , Advantage , Kate Emily , Booster , Paradise , Guests , Kerry Sanders , Death , Each Other , Tourists , Victims , Hotel , Island Paradise , Sandals Emerald Bay Resort , Couples , Dizziness , Nausea , Villa , Friends , Situation , Side , Brain , Split Beachfront , Donna , Celebrating A 40th Wedding Anniversary , Vince , Kevin , Kara , Nashville , 40 , Paralyzed , Hospital , Feeling Paralyzed , Umm , Health Experts , Floor , Arms , Couldn T Move , Vince Laying , Legs , Paralysis , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning , Water Heater , Down , Concern , Another , Leak , Crime Scene Tape , Air Conditioninger , Propane Sly , Management , Condolences , Government Autopsy , Jaw , Win , Lightning Strike , Shot , Race , Kentucky Derby , Everyone Talking , Jessie Kirsch , Odds , Goodness , Dark Horse , 1 , Strike , Sports , Wire , Paddock , Cwasn T , 3 , Sonny Leone , Incredible , Replay , Weaving , Help , Th , Overhead , Front , 15 , Face , Cards , This , Ohio , Track , Elite Strength , Elite Tactician , Mark Butt , Thunder Clap , Bets , Chills , Around The World , 6000 , 000 , 0 , Homeowners , Nbc News , Real Estate Prices , Companies , Youngstown , Inn , Officials , Clue , Manhunt Mystery , Inmate Casey White , Alabama , 29 , April 29th , Home , Lauder , Reason , Series , Jail , Count , Areas , Murder , Trial , Community , Carrie Miller , Real Estate , Katie Beck , Charlotte , Neighborhoods , Fighting , Corporations , Investor Invasion , North Carolina , Effort , Shooting , Effort Reporter , Other , Neighbors , Lawns , Rental Home Last , Investor , Invasion , Problem , Folks , Growing Trend , Investor Buying , Rental Properties , Property , Town , Upkeep , Vincent Evans , A Lack Of Tep N Tenant Screening , Glenn Subdivision , Potter , Home Sales , Investors , Buys , Question , Activity , Investment Companies , 18 , 32 , Opportunity , Home Buyers , Inventory , Equity , Homeowners Association , Wall Street , Evans , House , Clause , Both , Day Reporter , Capping Rental Capacity , Requirement , Miller S Board Put , Per Se , 47 , Conditions , Owners , Associations , Process , Safety , Decline , Cannot , Housing , Homeowners Associations , Constructs , Authority , Pursuit , Investor Industry , Relationship , Hoas , Documents , Sheriff , Daughter , Debate , Profit , Pride , Success , Story , Pair , Dynamic Duo , Deputies , News , Deputy Daughter , Example , Mom , Duo , Footsteps , Milestone , Sheriffs , Following , East Baton Rouge , Heart Reporter , Journey Wasn T , Birth , Yes , Outcome , Degree , Sleeping , Ph D Inspiring , Kawanda , Care , Anything , Job , Department , Saying , Bowel Diseas , 9 , Law Enforcement Officer , Ability , Surgery , Training , Katraya , 2020 , Name , Child , Arena , Uniform , Parent , Ra , Colleagues , Doesn T , Backs , Role , Profession , Best , Life , Book , Moms , Push Comes To Shove , Night , Sunday Night , Efforts , War Back Home Isn T , Solidarity , Students , Weather , Bay Area , Rob ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240707 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240707

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the tops of gas, about to top off that new national high. some states smashing records. mystery in the bahamas. three americans dead at the same resort the investigation now into what killed them at these villas that cost thousands per night. new video of the corrections officer believed to be on the run with an escaped inmate and the greatest underdog victory in more than a century. the amazing angle on this historic derby run you have to see. this is nbc "nightly news" with kate snow. good evening the first lady of the united states said she intentionally chose to cross into ukraine on mother's day, a surprise show of support for the ukrainian people for half an hour, dr. jill biden met face to face with the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenskyy. who has been out of sight with her children since the war started. dr. biden asked her how she was doing personally she answered, she gets to hold her children's hands every night, even if she can't be with her husband president zelenskyy and biden joined leaders of the g7 to commemorate the end of world war ii, vowing to help defeat russia, and russian attacks continued today, some american staff returned to the american embassy in kyiv matt bradley starts us off tonight. >> reporter: in ukraine today, a surprise visit by the first lady dr. jill biden entering an active war zone to meet with ukraine's first lady on this mother's day >> i thought it was important to share with the ukrainian people that this war has to stop. and this war has been brutal, and that people of the united states stand with the people of ukraine. >> reporter: sunday's summit, took place is a school that has housed those disp displaced. it marked the first time ukraine's first lady was seen in public she and her two children have been labeled targets, hiding at an undisclosed location first of all, i would like to thank you for a very courageous act, she said the first lady's visit coming as ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy met virtually with leaders of the g7, a gathering of the world's wealthiest democratic countries. the u.s. and allies announcing a fresh round of sanctions targetin russia, and elites members agreed to ban all imports of russian oil. as attacks continue in the east, a russian missile struck a school president zelenskyy says about 60 people sheltering inside were killed only seven managed to escape it's unlikely others have survived this man said the crater is down to the basement it's horrible. but in kyiv, the ukrainian resistance got a surprise guest pop star bono giving a concert in a metro station turned bomb shelter. ♪ a musical encore for yet another bloody sunday in ukraine. tomorrow, the russians will celebrate victory day with a military parade in moscow but ukrainians are watching anxiously, fearful that a new and even harsher assault could be coming. kate >> matt bradley, thank you. back in the u.s. now, the nationwide battle over abortion rights is intensifying following last week's leaked draft ruling from the supreme court. this weekend protests across the country including at the homes of the justices themselves alley have i vitali has more >> reporter: tonight, a new flashpoint in the battle over abortion rights. >> people, united, will never be defeated >> reporter: in madison, wisconsin, police say a molotov cocktail thrown into the headquarters of an anti-abortion group, vandalized with a warning, if abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either. and conservative supreme court justices facing fury. protesters outside the homes of chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh. the trump nominee promised senators roe v. wade was settled precedent to get confirmed to the nation's highest court. but now that leaked draft opinion shows brett kavanaugh among five judges potentially poised to overturn that nearly 50-year precedent. it comes as new polls show 2/3 of americans want roe kept in place. those tensions playing out in protests across the country. houston, chicago, and the steps of the supreme court. >> i'm here on mother's day because everyone should have a choice whether they become a mother or not. >> reporter: and renewed attention on the state. 13 have trigger laws that would automatically restrict abortion among them, south dakota already among the most restricted states for abortion activists >> some patients i have travel 300 miles to get here. we're the closest abortion center to them we are the only one in the state. >> for some women, they already are very much living -- >> women have less rights under this law than men do. how do you justify it >> what i would say, at the end of the day, there is no right to an abortion in the united states constitution >> meanwhile, the senate top republican leaving the door open, saying in an interview, it's possible >> and alli joins me from the white house democrats are talking about this movement on this issue as well but democrats are talking about moving on this issue, as well >> reporter: that's >> thank you the price of gas is going up again. we're now poised to reach a new nationwide record as soon as tomorrow last year as we emerged from covid lockdowns, the average cost per gallon was just $2.96 today, the national average is just under $4.32 and rising here's sam brock with how high prices could go >> reporter: states coast to coast are smashing records for gas prices tonight from new york and illinois, to oregon and washington as the beaches beckon for travel season, and families are forced to deal with high fuel costs. is it sticker shock? >> i just close my eyes and pretend that i'm not spending any money. i see it once my account is close to zero >> reporter: with the standard of value shifting dramatically. >> right now, currently, i come here because it's $4.09 and i support it >> reporter: the numbers poised to pop, as many people are on the move >> it's never a great time to see rising prices, but the worst timing is right now. the term "staycation" could see resurgence >> reporter: the current average across the u.s. is just under $4.32, up from $4.14 a month ago. from one south florida father, he had to reverse course and cancel a family trip planned for this summer is it making you think twice about filling up your tank? >> three times, to tell you the truth >> reporter: as for those feeling the pinch at the pump, it's not spread evenly this map from aaa with the most expensive states in red, shows the west coast and the northeast hammered particularly hard. >> hopefully they don't get , but just trying to look for the best price. that's about it. >> reporter: making this memorial day holiday for many a financial balancing act. >> sam joins me from miami. a lot of us don't want a staycation how high do they think the prices could go? >> reporter: well, analysts right now think that $4.50 a gallon is a virtual guarantee, with many big cities like miami at $5.50 or higher and if china eases lockdowns globally, demand goes up, and prices will as well. kate >> sam brock, thank you. covid cases are rising sharply nationwide with new subvariants popping up and posing new challenges to current vaccines but how concerned should we be >> reporter: tonight, covid is making a comeback with the number of cases surging more than 50% in the last two weeks. >> it feels like ground hog day for so many of us during this pandemic >> reporter: all but one state seeing an increase in infections even as numbers are likely underreported due to at hem testing. new york, again the epicenter of what is looking like a fifth wave governor hochul testing positive just today. >> do you ever get the sense that every time it feels the pandemic might be fading we see these cases -- >> i'm on a tight rope it's minute to minute at this point. you know, as a restauranteur, you don't know what think. >> reporter: omicron emerged just six months ago, sending cases and hospitalizations soaring to unprecedented heights over the winter. since then, new subvariants have continued to pop up and are driving the latest uptick in infections one of them makes up more than 1/3 of cases. research suggests the new versions are getting better at evading protection that means if yo contracted omicron, you could get sick again. >> so it's just a way of the virus getting smarter. that happens every time it reproduces this means it triggers more people getting infected >> reporter: but in glimmer of hope, the severity of cases does not appear to be worsening. hospitalizations and deaths aren't rising as quickly, which the white house attributes to treatments and testing. but estimates of 100 million infections by fall or winter >> if we don't get ahead of this thing, we're going to have a lot of waning immunity this virus continues to evolve, and we may see a sizable wave of infections, hospitalizations and deaths this fall and winter >> emily joins me now on set so are we gettin any closer to vaccines that could target these new variants >> they are working on new shots to better target the super contagious strains, but what's not clear is how many people would even take advantage of another booster. kate >> emily, thank you. still ahead, mystery in paradise. how did three americans die at an exclusive five-star resort in the bahamas? we're back with the mysterious death of three americans in the bahamas. they were found unresponsive in two different villas at an exclusive five-star resort kerry sanders is there and spoke with the guests who knew the victims. >> reporter: on the island paradise of the bahamas, a mystery is still unfolding. why are three american tourists who stayed at the sandals emerald bay resort, dead hotel guests we spoke with say the two couples did not know each other, were on either side of a split beachfront villa at least one couple had complained to friends about nausea and dizziness. >> it is a tragic situation, and it's really hard to wrap your brain around. >> reporter: the resort posts the villas can cost thousands a night. kevin and kara from nashville say they had made friends with vince and donna, who were celebrating a 40th wedding anniversary. >> very sweet couple sorry. very sweet couple. umm, just really good hearted. >> reporter: donna survived and was airlifted to a miami hospital >> we were told that donna woke up feeling paralyzed. >> paralyzed >> paralyzed is what was reported to us couldn't move, said her arms and legs were swollen, and that she could see vince laying in the floor >> at that point, it was -- it may be that he was dead at that point? >> it could be, yeah >> reporter: health experts say dizziness, nausea, and temporary paralysis suggest carbon monoxide poisoning. they are examining the water heater and air-conditioninger and propane sly for a leak the yellow crime scene tape has been taken down, most unaware of what happened. >> my biggest concern is three people passed away in the same villa, another became very ill am i safe to go to sleep? >> reporter: management said it's sending condolences to the families involved. meantime, a government autopsy may reveal what killed these americans. kate >> kerry sanders, thank you. now to the jaw dropping come from behind win that has got everyone talking. the horse rich strike took first place in the kentucky derby yesterday. get this he was such a long shot, as of days ago, he wasn't even supposed to be in the race jessie kirsch now on how he pulled it off >> rich strike is coming up on the inside >> reporter: he was a literal dark horse at 80-1 odds. >> oh, my goodness, the longest shot has won the kentucky derby. >> reporter: rich strike, the longest long shot of the last century to win the most exciting two minutes of sports. >> i fell down the paddock when he hit the wire i about passed out i'm so happy >> reporter: the 3-year-old cwasn't even supposed to race until the day before >> they're off >> reporter: and another horse scratched. and th overhead replay is even more incredible that's rich strike in 15th place, weaving and charging to the front, with help from jockey sonny leone >> sonny leone, they know who he is now >> reporter: but he was already a familiar face in ohio >> this is a fourth win on the cards for this jockey. rich strike pulled it off. i know sonny is good enough he's got elite strength, and he's an elite tactician. >> reporter: mark butt says knowing leone from this track inspired $50 bets on rich strike to win, place, and show, winning butch more than $6,000. >> i still got the chills and i'm still shaking. >> forget rich strike, lightning strike >> reporter: with a thunder clap echoing around the world jessie kirsch, nbc news, youngstown, ohio we're back in a moment with the new way homeowners are fighting back against giant companies driving up real estate prices officials have a possible new clue in that alabama manhunt mystery. this video shows corrections officer vickie white leaving an inn the day she disappears along with inmate casey white that was april 29th. the two are not related, but the lauder day count sheriff believes that she helped him escape the jail where she was awaiting trial for murder now to our series priced out the little known reason why it's becoming so hard to buy a home in some areas, big corporations are buying up real estate and renting it out now neighborhoods are fighting back. katie beck has more on what's being called the investor invasion. >> reporter: carrie miller says her community in charlotte, north carolina looks different than a year ago. >> you put in the effort and people see you putting in the effort, they will want to put in the effort >> reporter: lawns are better kept, neighbors are looking out for each other she says a frightening shooting outside a rental home last february sparked change >> it took that for folks to really open their eyes >> reporter: she blames the problem on what she calls the investor invasion. a growing trend of families buying up single families and converting them into rental properties. >> people come in and buy a property and you never see them again >> reporter: across town in the potter's glenn subdivision, vincent evans says investor buying was followed by rental properties with poor upkeep, a lack of tep n tenant screening and criminal activity. >> these investment companies want to make money. >> reporter: there's no question that investors are making big buys in residential real estate numbers from last year show they were behind 18% of all home sales nationwide and here in charlotte, 32% of all home sales went to an investor. >> you're pricing people out and not giving people the opportunity to acquire that equity. >> reporter: with high demand and low inventory, first-time home buyers face poor odds to beat out big money investors. some backed by wall street, so homeowners association leaders like miller and evans have gone to work changing the rules >> we added a clause that new homeowners have to live in their house for two years before it can be rented or leased so while we don't target the investors per se, it does that in a round about day >> reporter: miller's board put a one-year requirement in place, as well as capping rental capacity at 47% of homes in the community. both have seen a decline in investor buying and say conditions and safety have improved. but not all are convinced the process is fair. >> this is about home owners associations attempting to dictate who can and cannot live in their community. >> reporter: the investor industry says hoas are overreaching their authority. >> these constructs created by homeowners associations infringe on the pursuit of housing by making housing more restricting, less accessible >> what do you say to that >> i disagree. when you purchase your home here, you have the opportunity to read and review the documents. you sign off on it >> do you think more hoas should be fighting back? >> absolutely. i want to let them know, if you build a relationship within your community, you can get this done as well >> reporter: an ongoing debate on what is fair when some take profit in a community and others take pride. katie beck, nbc news, charlotte. when we come back, dynamic duo. the remarkable story behind the success of this mother/daughter pair of sheriff's deputies there's good news on this mother's day about leading by example, and the sheriff's deputy daughter who designed to honor her mom by following in her footsteps. this mother's day weekend, east baton rouge sheriffs deputies are celebrating a milestone. the mother/daughter duo, now united in serving their community. when did you know you might want to follow in your mom's footsteps? >> i was just like, i want to be just like her when i grow up. >> first time i heard that about broke my heart >> reporter: for both, the journey wasn't easy you were 13 when you got pregnant, right? >> i was 13 when i gave birth, yes. luckily, this is the outcome of it. i didn't let it stop me >> reporter: the young mother persevered and sacrificed, earning one degree all the way to ph.d. inspiring her daughter all the way what was your mom like growing up >> i don't think i remember her sleeping. she was always on the go still like that to this day anything i had going on, she was there. >> reporter: when she was diagnosed with a chronic bowel diseas at 9 years old, kawanda quit her job to take care of her, and then joined the sheriff's department >> i remember her saying, if i'm strong, then it's going to show you that young be strong, too. >> reporter: katraya has been hospitalized more than 90 times in 2020 she lost the ability to walk. last year, she had major surgery. so it was stunning this january when she started the grueling training to become a law enforcement officer, being sworn in just days ago >> when they announced her name, it was like, i had to stay professional because i was in uniform, but i wanted to be that parent that ra around the arena to say that's my child. >> my daughter. >> yes >> reporter: colleagues now, they're celebrating mother's day knowing they've always got each other's backs >> what would you say about your mom's role in this? >> she's the whole reason i applied in the first place. >> how proud are you >> i'm very proud. this doesn't happen every day. do the same profession, and push comes to shove, one day i may save her life and she maybe can save mine. this is one of the best in my book. >> we would like to wish all the moms out there a very happy mother's day that is nbc "nightly news" for this sunday night. i'm kate snow. for all of us here at nbc news, stay safe and have a great night. right now at 6:00, stanford students standing in solidarity with the people of ukraine. their efforts to make sure the war back home isn't forgotten. plus -- >> i thought it was important to show the ukrainian people that this war has to stop. >> first lady jill biden makes a surprise visit to ukraine on this mother's day. what local ukrainians say they hope happen next. but first, a breezy mother's day here in the bay area, though the cool weather won't be sticking around for long. rob's tracking the changing conditions ahead this week.

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Women , Estate , Rights , Abortion Center , Law , Men , Living , Republican , Door Open , Alli , Interview , United States Constitution , Senate , Issue , Democrats , Movement , White House , Well Reporter , Price , Prices , Covid Lockdowns , Average , Kate Sam Brock , Record , Coast To , 32 , 2 96 , 4 32 , 96 , Families , Gas Prices , Records , Fuel Costs , It Sticker Shock , Beaches , New York , Season , Oregon , Washington , Illinois , Money , Eyes , Account , Standard , Value , Zero , Numbers , Staycation , Resurgence Reporter , It Reporter , Timing , Pop , 09 , 4 09 , Family , Course , Trip , Father , South Florida , 14 , 4 14 , Times , Tank , Pinch , Red , Pump , Truth , Map , Aaa , West Coast , Lot , You Don T , Memorial Day Holiday , Act , Miami , Balancing , Gallon , Guarantee , Lockdowns , Analysts , Cities , China , 5 50 , 50 , 4 50 , Cases , Demand , Vaccines , Covid , Subvariants , Challenges , Ground Hog Day , Number , Many , Comeback , Infections , Hochul , Sense , Increase , Pandemic , Epicenter , At Hem Testing , Fifth Wave , Point , Rope , Restauranteur , Omicron , Six , Hospitalizations , Protection , Versions , Winter , Heights , Uptick , Research , Subvariants Have , 1 3 , Way , Virus , Yo , Contracted Omicron , Deaths , Testing , Hope , Glimmer , Severity , Treatments , Attributes , Wave , Thing , Immunity , Winter Emily , 100 Million , Shots , Variants , Set , Strains , Advantage , Kate Emily , Booster , Paradise , Guests , Kerry Sanders , Death , Each Other , Tourists , Victims , Hotel , Island Paradise , Sandals Emerald Bay Resort , Couples , Dizziness , Nausea , Villa , Friends , Situation , Side , Brain , Split Beachfront , Donna , Celebrating A 40th Wedding Anniversary , Vince , Kevin , Kara , Nashville , 40 , Paralyzed , Hospital , Feeling Paralyzed , Umm , Health Experts , Floor , Arms , Couldn T Move , Vince Laying , Legs , Paralysis , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning , Water Heater , Down , Concern , Another , Leak , Crime Scene Tape , Air Conditioninger , Propane Sly , Management , Condolences , Government Autopsy , Jaw , Win , Lightning Strike , Shot , Race , Kentucky Derby , Everyone Talking , Jessie Kirsch , Odds , Goodness , Dark Horse , 1 , Strike , Sports , Wire , Paddock , Cwasn T , 3 , Sonny Leone , Incredible , Replay , Weaving , Help , Th , Overhead , Front , 15 , Face , Cards , This , Ohio , Track , Elite Strength , Elite Tactician , Mark Butt , Thunder Clap , Bets , Chills , Around The World , 6000 , 000 , 0 , Homeowners , Nbc News , Real Estate Prices , Companies , Youngstown , Inn , Officials , Clue , Manhunt Mystery , Inmate Casey White , Alabama , 29 , April 29th , Home , Lauder , Reason , Series , Jail , Count , Areas , Murder , Trial , Community , Carrie Miller , Real Estate , Katie Beck , Charlotte , Neighborhoods , Fighting , Corporations , Investor Invasion , North Carolina , Effort , Shooting , Effort Reporter , Other , Neighbors , Lawns , Rental Home Last , Investor , Invasion , Problem , 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Job , Department , Saying , Bowel Diseas , 9 , Law Enforcement Officer , Ability , Surgery , Training , Katraya , 2020 , Name , Child , Arena , Uniform , Parent , Ra , Colleagues , Doesn T , Backs , Role , Profession , Best , Life , Book , Moms , Push Comes To Shove , Night , Sunday Night , Efforts , War Back Home Isn T , Solidarity , Students , Weather , Bay Area , Rob ,

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