Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20240708 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20240708

like grand central with students going to and from class off and on campus but they are taking this seriously. cal has announced they have shut down in-person classes for today and all services of the right now there's a campus police officer or several of them around the student union where they are searching inside. i spoke with an officer. they believe that the suspect they are looking for could be inside. they have been outside this building for at least i'd say the past 30 to 45 minutes. this officer tells me they are looking for a person, a man. this is a person that they know. they have his identity. quote, it's not the first time they have heard of him, according to this officer. they believe he's possibly armed. and why they're concerned about him is because this person made threats against specific people affiliated with the university. so again, they have reason to believe that he might be inside the student union. the student union is shut down, as are other buildings on campus, though we have seen some people coming out of the union. i tried to talk to a couple of -- i believe they were students earlier that were coming out. they didn't have much to say. but again they are looking for this possible suspect inside. there's been no reports of injuries. there's been no reports of anyone being harmed thus far. but again, according to this uc berkeley police officer, they have identified the suspect. they are not releasing the description of this person as of yet and they are asking people to shelter in place. stay away from doors and windows. classes are cancelled. all services are cancelled. they did say that the professors that they could accommodate doing remote, doing virtual, that that would be ideal but obviously that's not the priority right now, the safety of the campus is, as they look for this possible suspect who made, again, credible threats against specific people affiliated with the university. reporting live here at cal, bob redell, today in the bay. >> they know who they're looking for, it is a man, possibly armed with a list of people perhaps that person is intending to harm. we'll keep checking in with you, bob, as we get more information. thank you. stay safe. when we first found out about that threat, we sent out a push alert. you can actually get breaking news alerts on your smartphone. all you have to do is download our free nbc bay area app. all right. so our other top story for this morning is that storm that rolled through early this morning, which will stick around through part of the day. you can look out all of our cameras here. oakland it's still rainy right now though san jose enjoying some sunshine. we want to check in meteorologist vianey arana who's tracking that. >> we have some wind causing some delays at sfo. we are expecting that wind to pick up later on this afternoon. just as we forecasted, we thought there would be this break in the rain because we sort of have three rounds coming in. we have one system that will interact with another and that will bring us the possibility of thunderstorm activity. let's take a look at our mobile doppler radar storm ranger. we're the only ones in the bay area that has this and it does a eat job showing us pinpoint locations. we are seeing a break from the rain. a lot of the earlier rain is off to the east, but look what's just behind it. so you can see all of this out here, this is expected to move on in between now and 3:00. it's likely we're going to get another round of showers and then again into the evening a third round so we'll talk more about the timing of that coming up in a few minutes. don't forget, you can take your free nbc bay area app with you as you go. it's a great tool because those rains move fast and we know you do too. you can see when the storm is going to arrive in your neighborhood. if you download the app, it is more accurate than your iphone weather app. new this morning, this one might be a talker today. mike tyson is coming under fire. this comes as new video appears to show him punching a fellow passenger on a flight from san francisco to florida. that video was obtained by tmz. we are working to confirm what happened onboard that flight. the alleged incident comes just hours after the 55-year-old boxing legend celebrated yesterday. our cameras captured him there in the afternoon. we have reached out to tyson's rep for comment. we have not heard back. nbc bay area is following this story. we will have more for you coming up tonight at 5:00. today is a busy day in the bay area. former president barack obama and vice president kamala harris will be in the area. now, they're on separate trips, one discussing how we consume information, the other dealing with maternal health care. nbc bay area's cierra johnson is live for us from where president obama will be delivering that speech. empty now, but i'm sure it will be a packed house. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, marcus. the auditorium right now is empty, but folks are outside waiting to get in. those security sweeps have been conducted and in a little more than an hour we will hear from the former president in this exact auditorium. the keynote address will focus on the way we create and consume information and how it threatens democracy. now, this event will be co-hosted by the cyber policy center as well as stanford and the obama foundation. now, it begins a little after noon. and this event will be streamed on youtube at sfi stanford. the former president did tweet about this exact issue. we're expecting to hear him dive deeper into the issue as well as discuss social media companies' roles in misinformation. we had a chance to speak with a current stanford graduate student who studies this exact topic. she said she's excited to hear about a topic relevant to her studies as well as hear from a former president. >> i'm really excited to hear president obama speak. i focus on tech policy issues so everything surrounding disinformation, technology policy, how we can ensure democracy given social media developments is real exciting to me so i'm really keen to hear his thoughts on all this. >> reporter: and in the city, the sitting vice president will be at ucsf. kamala harris will tour a health care facility, visit with expecting families as well as talk about the maternal health crisis. now, this visit follows black maternal health week. during that week harris announced several key actions to address maternal health as well as combatting the inequities that lead to worse outcomes for black, native american as well as women in rural communities. as you can see we have a very busy day ahead with two political powerhouses here in the bay area. we will be here when the former president does begin that keynote address. we have an additional reporter here as well as staff there at ucsf to capture vice president kamala harris' visit to talk about maternal health. so a big day. we will of course have the outcomes in our later newscasts as well as on line. we're live at stanford, cierra johnson for nbc bay area news. >> all right, thank you. well, elon musk says he has the money to make a new run at twitter. >> more than $65 billion in funding secured, or so he says. >> so he says and i understand your concern, kris. musk once claimed he had secured funding to take tesla private. the government says that wasn't true. the difference this time around, musk didn't make that claim on twitter, he signed his name to an official government document, an s.e.c. filing. he says he has the money and financing. that's not all of his money. much of it comes through a variety of banks as the world's richest person, they know he's didn't for it. this is about $3 billion more than his first offer, the offer the twitter board turned down. after which it adopted the so-called poison pill, making a set of rules that would prevent musk from buying the company. so again, the money is available, but it hasn't made an offer yet -- he hasn't made an offer yet. musk says having a platform that accepts everyone is important to civilization. you know, guys, he often thinks about things at the civilization level. he's all about starting one on mars. he thinks civilization when it comes to cleaner air and global warming because that's why he's popularizing the electric car. >> but the rules don't seem to apply overall, right? he says he's a champion of free speech but he tries to shut people down. >> he does, and tesla has in the past as well. tesla, by the way, reporting profits. musk made about $16 billion today. >> that's breaking news records too. >> that's a big envelope. >> big, new profit records and the stock is up. so, yeah, he's $16 billion richer today than he was yesterday. >> maybe that's why he's like, yeah, i have the money now. >> until thursday. >> wait for the check to clear, that's what it sounds like. >> thank you, scott. in just about two hours, a defrocked priest and registered sex offender is set to appear before a judge. the man on your screen is accused of drunk driving in a crash that killed a walnut creek man on the sidewalk. it happened on saturday. he hit a couple that were walking on the sidewalk. the man died at the hospital. his wife suffered minor injuries. we continue to follow that breaking news out of uc berkeley. everyone on campus is asked to shelter in place away from doors and windows. if you're not near there, police are asking you to stay away. >> let me give you a live look at the campus right now. right now they are actively looking for a person who may want to harm specific individuals. they want to make it very clear this is not an active shooter situation, but they are asking everyone to stay off campus or inside if you are on campus. we will have updates from the scene, straight ahead. we'll continue to follow that breaking news we've been telling you about since just before 10:00 this morning. people at the campus of uc berkeley are being asked to shelter in place while police investigate a credible, campuswide threat. we want to go right back to bob redell who's at the campus. we hear sirens behind you and know they were searching the student union building. what's new? >> reporter: the sirens are an ambulance passing by. the campus police have the student union to the right and to the left of you, they have a sign out there the building is closed, there's a shelter in place order. i spoke with one officer who believes the suspect could be inside the union. they have had the union locked down and have been looking inside the past hour. according to this officer, they know who the suspect is. it's somebody known to police. what they say is that he made specific threats against specific people affiliated with the university and that possibly someone saw him go in the union, that's why they're looking in there. they say that possibly this person is armed. and i do refer to him as a he, because the suspect is a man. so cal has cancelled in-person classes for today. they have shut down all their services, their food services, their library services. they are asking professors if they can accommodate students virtually to do that, otherwise classes are cancelled. we're inside the plaza and normally there are hundreds of students walking back and forth, this being a late thursday morning, but right now the campus is dead silent for the most part. we have seen people coming out of the student union, people who were inside and told to shelter in place. again, this is not an active shooter situation but it is a credible campus-wise threat and that's why there is this shelter in place order. stay inside, stay away from windows and doors and they are focusing their search on the student union who they believe made threats against specific people affiliated with the university. reporting live at cal, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> we'll keep updating the situation as we get more information. russian president vladimir putin declares the offensive in mariupol a success. putin met with russia's defense minister who informed him fighters are still trapped in a steel plant in the besieged city and he is ordering plans to storm the industrial region be cancelled but he is requesting that the area be blocked by russian troops. >> meanwhile the u.s. is preparing to send in more aid in the form of weapons to ukraine. reid jackson has more on what this latest round will include. >> translator: military operations to free mariupol is a success. >> reporter: russian president putin has ordered his troops not to storm the steel plant where hundreds of ukrainians are holding up. meanwhile russian forces continue their deadly assault in the east. president biden announced a new round of aid to help ukrainians in the eastern region. >> this package includes heavy artillery weapons, dozens of howitzers and 144,000 rou of ammunition. it also includes more tactical drones. >> reporter: the administration is also unleashing more sanctions, including major banks, individuals and the first set of penalties against cryptocurrency mining firms. >> so this is part of our stepped-up effort to crack down on those attempting to evade our unprecedented sanctions. >> reporter: sanctions have failed to stop vladimir putin's aggression so far. russia now saying it test launched it's intercontinental ballistic missile. putin boasting it makes those who threaten russia think twice. the pentagon says russia notified the u.s. in advance and the test was routine and not a threat to the u.s. or its allies. meanwhile ukrainians under attack are standing firm. >> citizens don't want to leave and it's understandable. >> reporter: even with more weapons heading to ukraine, president zelenskyy says help is still not coming fast enough. in addition to a new security package from the u.s., leaders from canada and the netherlands say they'll also send more heavy weapons to ukraine. in washington, i'm brie jackson for nbc news. meanwhile president biden is also announcing a new program to help refugees fleeing ukraine. ukrainians will be able to come directly from europe to the u.s. during an expedient channel with the help of an american sponsor. the program will streamline refugee applications, but it will no longer routinely grant entry to those who show up at the u.s./mexico border seeking asylum as thousands have done since the invasion began. starting monday, that route will no longer be an option except in extreme circumstances according to officials. all right, let's take a look right here. you can see that activity happening right there. storm ranger busy scanning the skies this morning as storms move throughout the bay area. that rain spotty right now. some green on the radar as we can see but certainly moving out of the bay area. >> it's moving out of the bay area the first round, but we have two more rounds coming in. we've got a couple of systems interacting, a jetstream showing some lightning on our radar. that was what we were forecasting heading into the afternoon was the possibility of thunderstorm activity and that's exactly what it's showing. san jose right now, a live look in downtown san jose. you're right, it's not really coming down as heavy as it was early on in the morning. between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. is when we saw the heavier downpours. this is what storm ranger is picking up right now. just a couple of light, scattered showers, a majority of that off to the east. this is what's to come. if you notice, we've still got plenty of instability and moisture just off the coast. that's going to start to sort of make its trek in between now and 3:00 and pick up again into the evening hours. so we've got a couple of spotty areas of rain right now. moving through morgan hill, santa cruz is on deck, about to get a good shower right there, in through monterey, central california, and plenty of sierra snow. i'll get to that in a second. this is that jet streak that i was talking about that's interacting with a cold front passing through. if you pay attention, those are lightning strikes. so we've definitely got plenty of activity. i'm also registering lightning strikes closer to the tracy/stockton area. you can see it right there. there it is, it pops up and that means there's a lot of instability out there, which could also bring the possibility of some small hail as well. so we're not in the clear just yet, despite the fact that it might seem like all is calm. it's also very mild out there. you're probably noticing it's muggy and we've got high humidity. so it gives you that muggy feeling. temperatures will remain in the 50s, topping out in the low 60s for san jose. look at the temperature tren. it's spotty on and off all through today and through tomorrow morning. dublin 61 degrees. the winds expected to pick up. i want to take you through about 1:30. we get another round of showers that starts to really push through, scattered, but mostly widespread, southward of the golden gate bridge. then at about 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, we get another round of showers into the early morning hours on friday morning. so as far as estimated rainfall totals, we've already seen close to half an inch in a lot of spots. additionally this is what we could see on top of that, heading into friday morning. so an additional half an inch could put a lot of those coastal mountains at just a little over an inch of rain. there's also a beach hazard statement in effect. that means that we've got dangerous conditions out around the coastline and a winter storm warning will be in place until tomorrow morning. definitely not a good day to travel to tahoe today or tomorrow. you've got to wait until the weekend and that's when the sunshine kicks in. >> be sure to follow vianey on social media. she's posting updates about the storm on facebook, twitter and instagram. if you have photos of the weather happening in your neighborhood, post them there and we might see them on the air. we continue to follow that breaking news off the uc berkeley campus. a live look from sky ranger overhead as there is an active investigation under way at the student union. an active search in fact. >> everyone being told to stay off campus, stay indoors if you are. the college has cancelled classes for the day. bob redell has another update coming up in just a bit. and happening now, almost half of americans are breathing more unhealthy air than ever before, according to a new american lung association report. it states that 137 million people are experiencing the days of very unhealthy and hazardous air quality that in the previous two decades combined. the worst five areas for short-term particle pollution were here in california. the worst, as you might guess, fresno area and bakersfield. but fairbanks, alaska, came in third followed by the bay area and redding. we'll be back after the break. and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. i want to get you back to that breaking news we've been following throughout the newscast. classes at uc berkeley are being cancelled today and that shelter in place is being issued. >> let's get right back to nbc bay area's bob redell who is on the campus right now. bob, you know that there's a particular building that they're looking at? >> reporter: correct. the student union, which is right next to the plaza. keep in mind, normally this plaza would be jammed with students so this gives you an indication that people here at cal are taking this shelter-in-place order very seriously and staying inside. there are officers -- a couple of officers down there and they're also inside looking for a specific person. this is the suspect who one officer tells me made threats against specific people, some of whom are affiliated with the university. they believe this person is possibly inside the union, so the union is shut down. there are officers inside looking for this person and they're also concerned that this person is armed. this person by the way is a man. that's the only information they would tell us. they do have his name, they know who he is but are not putting out that information, nor are they putting out a description. it was early this morning that the campus did issue that shelter-in-place telling people to stay away from doors and windows and citing a credible, campuswide threat, but they did note this is not an active shooter situation. there have been no reports of injuries. again, they are focused on the student union building looking for the specific person who made those threats. reporting live here at cal, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, bob. >> we will continue to follow updates on this investigation throughout the day. when we first found out about that threat, we sent out a push alert on our app. download that app and get the breaking news alert sent right to your phone. it is free. you can download it from all app services. you might be saying, oh, the rain is done and vianey is saying for now. >> yeah, not just yet. we talked about this, you're going to get breaks and sunshine, but we've got another period of rain that's moving between now and 3:00 and then another round of rain between 5:00 and really into the overnight hours, early morning. we're already seeing some lightning strikes just off the coast so that could mean the threat for thunderstorms, especially later in the evening when we have two systems interact. we're going to get sunny on the weekend. >> we'll battle through the next 24 hours. >> well, thanks for joining us for this edition of our midday newscast. our next one is at 5:00. i'm mark and i live in vero beach, florida. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. right now on "california live" it's autism acceptance month and we're spotlighting a company that is riding to raise awareness. >> we're commemorating air america heritage month and learning how to make a traditional summer salad. plus the tips to have a $500 wedding from a couple who pulled it off. >> it's about the bride and the groom first and foremost. they're coming to see and cover you guys and witness what you guys got. i'm lawrence zarians and i'm with j.d. schwartz. 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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20240708 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20240708

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like grand central with students going to and from class off and on campus but they are taking this seriously. cal has announced they have shut down in-person classes for today and all services of the right now there's a campus police officer or several of them around the student union where they are searching inside. i spoke with an officer. they believe that the suspect they are looking for could be inside. they have been outside this building for at least i'd say the past 30 to 45 minutes. this officer tells me they are looking for a person, a man. this is a person that they know. they have his identity. quote, it's not the first time they have heard of him, according to this officer. they believe he's possibly armed. and why they're concerned about him is because this person made threats against specific people affiliated with the university. so again, they have reason to believe that he might be inside the student union. the student union is shut down, as are other buildings on campus, though we have seen some people coming out of the union. i tried to talk to a couple of -- i believe they were students earlier that were coming out. they didn't have much to say. but again they are looking for this possible suspect inside. there's been no reports of injuries. there's been no reports of anyone being harmed thus far. but again, according to this uc berkeley police officer, they have identified the suspect. they are not releasing the description of this person as of yet and they are asking people to shelter in place. stay away from doors and windows. classes are cancelled. all services are cancelled. they did say that the professors that they could accommodate doing remote, doing virtual, that that would be ideal but obviously that's not the priority right now, the safety of the campus is, as they look for this possible suspect who made, again, credible threats against specific people affiliated with the university. reporting live here at cal, bob redell, today in the bay. >> they know who they're looking for, it is a man, possibly armed with a list of people perhaps that person is intending to harm. we'll keep checking in with you, bob, as we get more information. thank you. stay safe. when we first found out about that threat, we sent out a push alert. you can actually get breaking news alerts on your smartphone. all you have to do is download our free nbc bay area app. all right. so our other top story for this morning is that storm that rolled through early this morning, which will stick around through part of the day. you can look out all of our cameras here. oakland it's still rainy right now though san jose enjoying some sunshine. we want to check in meteorologist vianey arana who's tracking that. >> we have some wind causing some delays at sfo. we are expecting that wind to pick up later on this afternoon. just as we forecasted, we thought there would be this break in the rain because we sort of have three rounds coming in. we have one system that will interact with another and that will bring us the possibility of thunderstorm activity. let's take a look at our mobile doppler radar storm ranger. we're the only ones in the bay area that has this and it does a eat job showing us pinpoint locations. we are seeing a break from the rain. a lot of the earlier rain is off to the east, but look what's just behind it. so you can see all of this out here, this is expected to move on in between now and 3:00. it's likely we're going to get another round of showers and then again into the evening a third round so we'll talk more about the timing of that coming up in a few minutes. don't forget, you can take your free nbc bay area app with you as you go. it's a great tool because those rains move fast and we know you do too. you can see when the storm is going to arrive in your neighborhood. if you download the app, it is more accurate than your iphone weather app. new this morning, this one might be a talker today. mike tyson is coming under fire. this comes as new video appears to show him punching a fellow passenger on a flight from san francisco to florida. that video was obtained by tmz. we are working to confirm what happened onboard that flight. the alleged incident comes just hours after the 55-year-old boxing legend celebrated yesterday. our cameras captured him there in the afternoon. we have reached out to tyson's rep for comment. we have not heard back. nbc bay area is following this story. we will have more for you coming up tonight at 5:00. today is a busy day in the bay area. former president barack obama and vice president kamala harris will be in the area. now, they're on separate trips, one discussing how we consume information, the other dealing with maternal health care. nbc bay area's cierra johnson is live for us from where president obama will be delivering that speech. empty now, but i'm sure it will be a packed house. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, marcus. the auditorium right now is empty, but folks are outside waiting to get in. those security sweeps have been conducted and in a little more than an hour we will hear from the former president in this exact auditorium. the keynote address will focus on the way we create and consume information and how it threatens democracy. now, this event will be co-hosted by the cyber policy center as well as stanford and the obama foundation. now, it begins a little after noon. and this event will be streamed on youtube at sfi stanford. the former president did tweet about this exact issue. we're expecting to hear him dive deeper into the issue as well as discuss social media companies' roles in misinformation. we had a chance to speak with a current stanford graduate student who studies this exact topic. she said she's excited to hear about a topic relevant to her studies as well as hear from a former president. >> i'm really excited to hear president obama speak. i focus on tech policy issues so everything surrounding disinformation, technology policy, how we can ensure democracy given social media developments is real exciting to me so i'm really keen to hear his thoughts on all this. >> reporter: and in the city, the sitting vice president will be at ucsf. kamala harris will tour a health care facility, visit with expecting families as well as talk about the maternal health crisis. now, this visit follows black maternal health week. during that week harris announced several key actions to address maternal health as well as combatting the inequities that lead to worse outcomes for black, native american as well as women in rural communities. as you can see we have a very busy day ahead with two political powerhouses here in the bay area. we will be here when the former president does begin that keynote address. we have an additional reporter here as well as staff there at ucsf to capture vice president kamala harris' visit to talk about maternal health. so a big day. we will of course have the outcomes in our later newscasts as well as on line. we're live at stanford, cierra johnson for nbc bay area news. >> all right, thank you. well, elon musk says he has the money to make a new run at twitter. >> more than $65 billion in funding secured, or so he says. >> so he says and i understand your concern, kris. musk once claimed he had secured funding to take tesla private. the government says that wasn't true. the difference this time around, musk didn't make that claim on twitter, he signed his name to an official government document, an s.e.c. filing. he says he has the money and financing. that's not all of his money. much of it comes through a variety of banks as the world's richest person, they know he's didn't for it. this is about $3 billion more than his first offer, the offer the twitter board turned down. after which it adopted the so-called poison pill, making a set of rules that would prevent musk from buying the company. so again, the money is available, but it hasn't made an offer yet -- he hasn't made an offer yet. musk says having a platform that accepts everyone is important to civilization. you know, guys, he often thinks about things at the civilization level. he's all about starting one on mars. he thinks civilization when it comes to cleaner air and global warming because that's why he's popularizing the electric car. >> but the rules don't seem to apply overall, right? he says he's a champion of free speech but he tries to shut people down. >> he does, and tesla has in the past as well. tesla, by the way, reporting profits. musk made about $16 billion today. >> that's breaking news records too. >> that's a big envelope. >> big, new profit records and the stock is up. so, yeah, he's $16 billion richer today than he was yesterday. >> maybe that's why he's like, yeah, i have the money now. >> until thursday. >> wait for the check to clear, that's what it sounds like. >> thank you, scott. in just about two hours, a defrocked priest and registered sex offender is set to appear before a judge. the man on your screen is accused of drunk driving in a crash that killed a walnut creek man on the sidewalk. it happened on saturday. he hit a couple that were walking on the sidewalk. the man died at the hospital. his wife suffered minor injuries. we continue to follow that breaking news out of uc berkeley. everyone on campus is asked to shelter in place away from doors and windows. if you're not near there, police are asking you to stay away. >> let me give you a live look at the campus right now. right now they are actively looking for a person who may want to harm specific individuals. they want to make it very clear this is not an active shooter situation, but they are asking everyone to stay off campus or inside if you are on campus. we will have updates from the scene, straight ahead. we'll continue to follow that breaking news we've been telling you about since just before 10:00 this morning. people at the campus of uc berkeley are being asked to shelter in place while police investigate a credible, campuswide threat. we want to go right back to bob redell who's at the campus. we hear sirens behind you and know they were searching the student union building. what's new? >> reporter: the sirens are an ambulance passing by. the campus police have the student union to the right and to the left of you, they have a sign out there the building is closed, there's a shelter in place order. i spoke with one officer who believes the suspect could be inside the union. they have had the union locked down and have been looking inside the past hour. according to this officer, they know who the suspect is. it's somebody known to police. what they say is that he made specific threats against specific people affiliated with the university and that possibly someone saw him go in the union, that's why they're looking in there. they say that possibly this person is armed. and i do refer to him as a he, because the suspect is a man. so cal has cancelled in-person classes for today. they have shut down all their services, their food services, their library services. they are asking professors if they can accommodate students virtually to do that, otherwise classes are cancelled. we're inside the plaza and normally there are hundreds of students walking back and forth, this being a late thursday morning, but right now the campus is dead silent for the most part. we have seen people coming out of the student union, people who were inside and told to shelter in place. again, this is not an active shooter situation but it is a credible campus-wise threat and that's why there is this shelter in place order. stay inside, stay away from windows and doors and they are focusing their search on the student union who they believe made threats against specific people affiliated with the university. reporting live at cal, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> we'll keep updating the situation as we get more information. russian president vladimir putin declares the offensive in mariupol a success. putin met with russia's defense minister who informed him fighters are still trapped in a steel plant in the besieged city and he is ordering plans to storm the industrial region be cancelled but he is requesting that the area be blocked by russian troops. >> meanwhile the u.s. is preparing to send in more aid in the form of weapons to ukraine. reid jackson has more on what this latest round will include. >> translator: military operations to free mariupol is a success. >> reporter: russian president putin has ordered his troops not to storm the steel plant where hundreds of ukrainians are holding up. meanwhile russian forces continue their deadly assault in the east. president biden announced a new round of aid to help ukrainians in the eastern region. >> this package includes heavy artillery weapons, dozens of howitzers and 144,000 rou of ammunition. it also includes more tactical drones. >> reporter: the administration is also unleashing more sanctions, including major banks, individuals and the first set of penalties against cryptocurrency mining firms. >> so this is part of our stepped-up effort to crack down on those attempting to evade our unprecedented sanctions. >> reporter: sanctions have failed to stop vladimir putin's aggression so far. russia now saying it test launched it's intercontinental ballistic missile. putin boasting it makes those who threaten russia think twice. the pentagon says russia notified the u.s. in advance and the test was routine and not a threat to the u.s. or its allies. meanwhile ukrainians under attack are standing firm. >> citizens don't want to leave and it's understandable. >> reporter: even with more weapons heading to ukraine, president zelenskyy says help is still not coming fast enough. in addition to a new security package from the u.s., leaders from canada and the netherlands say they'll also send more heavy weapons to ukraine. in washington, i'm brie jackson for nbc news. meanwhile president biden is also announcing a new program to help refugees fleeing ukraine. ukrainians will be able to come directly from europe to the u.s. during an expedient channel with the help of an american sponsor. the program will streamline refugee applications, but it will no longer routinely grant entry to those who show up at the u.s./mexico border seeking asylum as thousands have done since the invasion began. starting monday, that route will no longer be an option except in extreme circumstances according to officials. all right, let's take a look right here. you can see that activity happening right there. storm ranger busy scanning the skies this morning as storms move throughout the bay area. that rain spotty right now. some green on the radar as we can see but certainly moving out of the bay area. >> it's moving out of the bay area the first round, but we have two more rounds coming in. we've got a couple of systems interacting, a jetstream showing some lightning on our radar. that was what we were forecasting heading into the afternoon was the possibility of thunderstorm activity and that's exactly what it's showing. san jose right now, a live look in downtown san jose. you're right, it's not really coming down as heavy as it was early on in the morning. between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. is when we saw the heavier downpours. this is what storm ranger is picking up right now. just a couple of light, scattered showers, a majority of that off to the east. this is what's to come. if you notice, we've still got plenty of instability and moisture just off the coast. that's going to start to sort of make its trek in between now and 3:00 and pick up again into the evening hours. so we've got a couple of spotty areas of rain right now. moving through morgan hill, santa cruz is on deck, about to get a good shower right there, in through monterey, central california, and plenty of sierra snow. i'll get to that in a second. this is that jet streak that i was talking about that's interacting with a cold front passing through. if you pay attention, those are lightning strikes. so we've definitely got plenty of activity. i'm also registering lightning strikes closer to the tracy/stockton area. you can see it right there. there it is, it pops up and that means there's a lot of instability out there, which could also bring the possibility of some small hail as well. so we're not in the clear just yet, despite the fact that it might seem like all is calm. it's also very mild out there. you're probably noticing it's muggy and we've got high humidity. so it gives you that muggy feeling. temperatures will remain in the 50s, topping out in the low 60s for san jose. look at the temperature tren. it's spotty on and off all through today and through tomorrow morning. dublin 61 degrees. the winds expected to pick up. i want to take you through about 1:30. we get another round of showers that starts to really push through, scattered, but mostly widespread, southward of the golden gate bridge. then at about 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, we get another round of showers into the early morning hours on friday morning. so as far as estimated rainfall totals, we've already seen close to half an inch in a lot of spots. additionally this is what we could see on top of that, heading into friday morning. so an additional half an inch could put a lot of those coastal mountains at just a little over an inch of rain. there's also a beach hazard statement in effect. that means that we've got dangerous conditions out around the coastline and a winter storm warning will be in place until tomorrow morning. definitely not a good day to travel to tahoe today or tomorrow. you've got to wait until the weekend and that's when the sunshine kicks in. >> be sure to follow vianey on social media. she's posting updates about the storm on facebook, twitter and instagram. if you have photos of the weather happening in your neighborhood, post them there and we might see them on the air. we continue to follow that breaking news off the uc berkeley campus. a live look from sky ranger overhead as there is an active investigation under way at the student union. an active search in fact. >> everyone being told to stay off campus, stay indoors if you are. the college has cancelled classes for the day. bob redell has another update coming up in just a bit. and happening now, almost half of americans are breathing more unhealthy air than ever before, according to a new american lung association report. it states that 137 million people are experiencing the days of very unhealthy and hazardous air quality that in the previous two decades combined. the worst five areas for short-term particle pollution were here in california. the worst, as you might guess, fresno area and bakersfield. but fairbanks, alaska, came in third followed by the bay area and redding. we'll be back after the break. and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. i want to get you back to that breaking news we've been following throughout the newscast. classes at uc berkeley are being cancelled today and that shelter in place is being issued. >> let's get right back to nbc bay area's bob redell who is on the campus right now. bob, you know that there's a particular building that they're looking at? >> reporter: correct. the student union, which is right next to the plaza. keep in mind, normally this plaza would be jammed with students so this gives you an indication that people here at cal are taking this shelter-in-place order very seriously and staying inside. there are officers -- a couple of officers down there and they're also inside looking for a specific person. this is the suspect who one officer tells me made threats against specific people, some of whom are affiliated with the university. they believe this person is possibly inside the union, so the union is shut down. there are officers inside looking for this person and they're also concerned that this person is armed. this person by the way is a man. that's the only information they would tell us. they do have his name, they know who he is but are not putting out that information, nor are they putting out a description. it was early this morning that the campus did issue that shelter-in-place telling people to stay away from doors and windows and citing a credible, campuswide threat, but they did note this is not an active shooter situation. there have been no reports of injuries. again, they are focused on the student union building looking for the specific person who made those threats. reporting live here at cal, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, bob. >> we will continue to follow updates on this investigation throughout the day. when we first found out about that threat, we sent out a push alert on our app. download that app and get the breaking news alert sent right to your phone. it is free. you can download it from all app services. you might be saying, oh, the rain is done and vianey is saying for now. >> yeah, not just yet. we talked about this, you're going to get breaks and sunshine, but we've got another period of rain that's moving between now and 3:00 and then another round of rain between 5:00 and really into the overnight hours, early morning. we're already seeing some lightning strikes just off the coast so that could mean the threat for thunderstorms, especially later in the evening when we have two systems interact. we're going to get sunny on the weekend. >> we'll battle through the next 24 hours. >> well, thanks for joining us for this edition of our midday newscast. our next one is at 5:00. i'm mark and i live in vero beach, florida. my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. right now on "california live" it's autism acceptance month and we're spotlighting a company that is riding to raise awareness. >> we're commemorating air america heritage month and learning how to make a traditional summer salad. plus the tips to have a $500 wedding from a couple who pulled it off. >> it's about the bride and the groom first and foremost. they're coming to see and cover you guys and witness what you guys got. i'm lawrence zarians and i'm with j.d. schwartz. 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