Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240708

of the north bay. cold start, but we're also dealing with some fog drifting around and we do have low visibility, especially in the north bay around novato. elsewhere, it is mostly clear, even though we've seen fog in san francisco. once all of that clears out, we're headed for the low to mid-60s for today, for a lot of our inland areas hazy sunshine, but a pretty nice day for outdoor activities. we'll talk more about what's ahead in our extended mierk forecast. >> thank you. san francisco has a landmark gun proposal that's up for vote today. kris sanchez joins us with why the city is getting into what is usually a federal matter. >> reporter: laura, when i talked to mayor sam liccardo, he said the city needs to do something because congress has not enacted any meaningful gun reforms since the 1990s, so the city will be moving forward and this is something he first mentioned to me the day of the vt amass shooting. let's take a look at provisions of the ordinance. it would require gun owners to have liability insurance and pay a $25 to $35 fee every year into a nonprofit for gun safety education and social services. the goal is to help victims of gun violence and also to reduce the cost of emergency response to gun violence, things like police response and er visits. >> to create a nonprofit that will be funded with fees from gun owners, that will be entirely focused on initiatives that reduce gun violence in our community. and the best way to do that is by focusing on family members who live in-house holds where a gun is owned. we know that's where the risk of homicide and particularly the risk of suicide is many times greater than for other residents. >> reporter: now, the mayor says this is modelled loosely after what drivers are required to do in terms of insurance. the mayor says people can lower their premiums by doing things like attending safety classes, using gun saves and trigger locks and such. he also told me that he does expect the city to end up in court defending this ordinance and gun rights advocates say he's right, that it punishes law-abiding gun owners and they will sue. >> most importantly, they will not stop gun violence. all this legislation does is punish the legal owners of firearms. taxing a constitutional right is illegal. >> reporter: now, this is not the city of san jose's first foray into gun legislation. they already banned ghost guns and they also helped to defend the assault weapons ban when that expired. all of this will go before the council for a vote later this afternoon. we expect that there will be lengthy public comment ahead of that. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> no downtown. thank you so much. you can watch the complete interview kris had with mayor sam liccardo on our streaming app. download it on roku, apple tv for amazon fire. developing, an east bay family pleading for help to solve a deadly shooting in antioch. it happened along delta fair road. the victim's fiance says 50-year-old victor kennard coleman would do anything to help those who needed it. >> he's active in his grandchildren's lives, what do i say to them? >> police say witnesses did not get a good enough look at either the gunman for his car. investigators are now scouring surveillance video for evidence. tensions mounting over the growing threat at the ukraine/russia border. president biden is weighing his options, as russia appears to be on the brink of an invasion. "today in the bay's" brie jackson live for us this morning. this comes as the u.s. and it's nato allies are sending a clear message to moscow to back off. they're keeping a close eye of the buildup of troops on the border and says that president biden could make a decision about military action in the coming days. 8,500 u.s. troops are on heightened alert this morning as the u.s. weighs military action against russia. during a videoconference monday, president biden spoke with european leaders about a united response. >> i had a very, very, very good meeting, with all the european leaders. >> reporter: the pentagon laying out options. they include moving troops to countries outside of ukraine, flying bombers over the region and sending ships to the black sea. >> what this is about, though, is reassurance to our nato allies. >> reporter: u.s. officials say the preferred path forward is a diplomatic resolution, but suggest russia is the aggressor. >> let's be clear, there is only one country with 100,000 troops pre-positioned on the border, participating in war games, and spreading propaganda. and that's russia. >> reporter: despite amassing troops at the ukrainian border, russia denies plans to invade its neighbor. >> that's exactly the way putin wants it right now. he likes the uncertainty, the ambiguity. >> reporter: nato says it's putting extra forces on standby and sending additional fighter jets and warships. u.s. defense officials stress no deployment orders have been given, but troops are ready to assist nato allies. and back here on capitol hill, republican lawmakers are pushing for sanctions against russia, while democrats say that president biden should wait and see. marcus? >> we all will be waiting to see. brie jackson this morning in washington. thank you. 6:06 right now. students across california may soon be required to be vaccinated for covid to attend class. state senator richard pan introduced this new measure. it would be similar to a vaccination requirement for diseases like measles and mumps. last fall governor newsom made california the first and only state to mandate a vaccination for schoolchildren but families were allowed to opt out. personal beliefs can be cited to avoid flu, hpv and now covid vaccines. pfizer is releasing new find ngs the effectiveness of its booster shot. the study reveals high levels of antibodies that fight the omicron variant four months after a third dose of the pfizer vaccine. researchers also found some decline in antibody levels. it's important to note the decline against omicron was similar to that against the original strain. last week the cdc study found a third shot was 90% effective in preventing hospitalizations. happening today, hayward leaders will consider adopting new policies for police departments unmanned surveillance technology. it will include modifying redaction policies, security efforts and the use of technology during protests and demonstrations. leaders last year agreed to purchase that new technology. 6:08 right now, taking a live look in downtown san jose. i like the way that looks. >> nice, right? >> and hopefully a nice start to the great day. meteorologist kari hall, of course, tracking what we can expect weather-wise. how is it shaping up for us? >> it's starting out cold, but it will be another really nice afternoon. take a look at walnut creek. we have some upper 30s as you're heading out the door. we've seen these 30s around the inland valleys. with the cold start, we are all clear and we've seen in some spots the fog drifting around. but we are clear in walnut creek. as we go into today, sunshine and warming temperatures. great day for getting outside, going for a hike. in parts of the north bay we will start out in the mid-40s. then take a look at the trend for the afternoon. mid-60s today and there will be a little bit of a hazy sky today, but air quality is looking a little better compared to yesterday. we'll see those highs reaching into the low 60s for freemont, 62 in livermore and 62 in san raphael. i'll let you know if there are thy changes coming up. mike, you're starting to see a slow build in the east bay. >> you know there are changes at the bay bridge, where the metering lights have been on almost a half hour. we don't really see a backup yet on this camera shot, but it's just past the toll plaza, and also you see the low clouds, fog that is really starting to kick in many parts of the east bay so that will present an issue. as we look at the maps, it's not enough to trigger a fall alert. the highlighting is in the north bay. maybe some of the fog creeps down across the water and it may be why highway 4 is showing so much volume. meanwhile, the rest of the bay shows a smooth flow of traffic. north 101, our live camera shows that the traffic, the slowing, really broke up there. but we still have low clouds and possibly a little issue with visibility right around 680. back to you. >> thanks, mike. talk about a hot ticket. coming up this morning at 6:25, 49er fans are desperate to see their team in person for the championship game. the block lots of those fans are calling downright ugly. >> reporter: and they're comparing the wall street and stocks to a roller coaster, not a roller coaster i would like to ride. we'll take you to the futures. looks like we're going to have a rough opening as well. let's hope things are sweeter are valentine's day around the corner. more businesses are actually opting out of the popular holiday. we'll talk about it. stay with us. you're watching "today in the bay." and now for our high school's most admired alum. get up there. oh shut up. this is so embarrassing. guys don't make a scene! oh please you love a scene. there's no way it's me... was that good acting? that's why it's you. (giggling) you know her. you love her. you wish you could be her. ruh roh. i told her not to go up there. what are you doing here? (mouths silently) it's anna gomez! (cheering) what? who? our first gigillionaire! gigloni... giggly-a-what? man: with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. so her family has crazy-fast gaming and they stream movies in 8k. i watch so many movies. yeah! give it up for anna. i had no idea that we went to the same high school. we have a lot in common. please get off my stage. okay. okay. live like a gigillionaire. who were those women? get the fastest internet with at&t fiber, now with speeds up to 5 gigs. limited availability. good tuesday morning. right now at 6:13, time to get up and moving. we're seeing a lot of people out the door and temperatures are very chilly. grab a warmer jacket for the start of the day. we go from the mid-30s in the tri-valley to some low 60s for this afternoon. not bad at all. we'll talk about when we can see a change in the pattern coming up in the microclimate forecast. >> and we did have an issue involving a semi truck near the toll plaza here for the san mateo bridge, but that cleared without a problem. it's a clear view without a problem on the san mateo bridge. good morning, mike, good morning, everyone. happy tuesday to you as well. i think the stock market took a lesson from those back and forth football games over the weekend, because it was sure hard to predict what the final score was going to be on wall street. the dow industrials and other indices plunged at the start of trading. at one point the dow was down more than 1,000 points. the s&p 500 in correction territory. this is a time lapse, but it sure felt like it was moving this fast. by the end of the day it was like robbie gould was on our side. the markets actually posted a win. what's going on? traders very concerned about the upcoming fed meeting and the possibility of as many as four rate hikes over the course of theetthat traders make on the open as we check out futures, interest rates are headed higher. higher interest rates make it harder for consumers to buy things and it makes it harder for businesses to borrow money and just generally slow down the economy. so investors put their money elsewhere, like bonds. up until now, the stock market had been doing very, very well because there were really no other good places to put money, what traders called a t.i.n.a. market. there is no alternative other than the stock market. the federal open markets committee meets today. this is a prescheduled meeting. it will last today into tomorrow. then we'll get some idea what the central bank is thinking as far as the rate hikes. they're coming, we don't know when, but they could be as soon as maybe next month. president biden met with economic experts to talk about inflation and what to do about it. rate hikes are the most effective tool, but, remember, the white house doesn't control that. and, yes, the president did call a reporter stupid and worse for asking about inflation. we'll talk about that as we talk politics in a half an hour. the one bit of non-inflation news, the "wall street journal" is the first to report that santa clara's nvidia will end its attempt to buy arm. it would have given nvidia a huge advantage in chip making. the american ftc sued to stop the deal and it looks like nvidia saw the writing on the ball. arm is a really big deal in tech that a lot of people have not heard of. we explain what it is and why it matters so much, about ten years ago, with the then-ceo of arm. i'm going to post that to twitter and facebook, so if that's something where you want to find out more what arm is, you're a bit of a chip geek. back to you. >> i'm not a chip geek. >> thanks so much, scott. well, new this morning, some good news for silicon valley. unemployment now back to where it was before the pandemic took hold. the group joint venture of silicon valley put last month's unemployment rate at 2.9%, half of what it was in january of 2021 and it's nine percentage points below the jobless peak that we saw in april of 2020. silicon valley has recovered more than 184,000 jobs. trending this morning, if you're in love, valentine's day can be exhausting. >> it can be, especially when you have to buy all the stuff. the cards, candy, flowers, it really is be overwhelming. there may be a way to avoid anxiety this year. according to axios, more and more companies are allowing customers to opt out of marketing emails ahead of the holidays like valentine's day. that includes etsy. experts say that it can allow consumers to build trust in companies and make them feel more in control. >> there you have it. just right around the corner. >> i've never dated someone who didn't want something on valentine's day. >> don't you want something? >> you know, i don't really care. >> really? >> because if i don't get love the other 364 days, we won't make it to valentine's day. i don't like flowers. >> okay. >> i like candy. >> yeah, all of the above. check, check, check. all right, let's get a look at the forecast. we are still in january. let's not forget. >> and it seems like it's been so long since we've had rain, but as we are waking up and heading out this morning, those temperatures will make you remember that it is january. it is very chilly out there. and we've also had a hazy sky, so we're watching the air quality as the fire burns just to our south and some of that smoke drifts in. a measure of the particulate matter shows moderate air quality for today, all across the bay area. once again, there will be that hazy tint to the sky and it won't be completely blue this afternoon as our temperatures head for the low 60s. 62 for a high today in los gatos and 63 in gilroy. seven-day forecast is coming up. you won't see a lot of changes. we're still in a pattern where we've seen cool coastal temperatures. upper 50s for san francisco and then our north bay highs reach into the upper 60s for some spots, like clear lake, mid-60s for sonoma. we're going to see this continue as the dry weather continues across the region. we can see there's not a whole lot going on across california, as well as the pacific northwest, as high pressure keeps it dry and all of those storms in the pacific are staying away from the bay area. we are going to see some changes in the pattern as the high pressure weakens and moves out of the way, and then as we look ahead to next week there's a potential that we could start to see some rain at least close by, but a lot of these models are backing off on how far south it moves into california. so we may see that rain just to our north and it also looks like there could be at least some precipitation for the sierras. but looking at how much snow we could see, easing off on how much snow we could see, there is still a lot of time between now and then to see how it changes, but we are still dry over these next seven days. we're looking at temperatures for the inland areas reaching into the low 60s, morning temperatures very chilly. san francisco will be in the upper 50s and low 60s over the next few days. and, mike, the commute seems like it's moving pretty smoothly right now. >> it is, kari. it's pretty light right now. we're definitely in the building stages for many of our more popular spots, shall we say. as we take a look out to the roadways, our speed sensors are mostly green around the bay. we like to see that, even through san jose. the first burst eased off. there's still lower visibility on 101 near 680. 101 out of san martin, you see the volume and it is traveling north through morgan hill and through san jose. and then splitting off toward 85 into los gatos as well. the arrows, your usual suspects, and the golden gate bridge has fog, as well as the shore freeway. so be cautious. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 6:21. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> a medical company collects payment twice. now the patient expects half that money back. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. nbc bay area responds next. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. good morning. frances says her doctor prescribed a brace for carpal tunnel and she got it from a company called breg. it later sent her a bill for $14.67 and she paid it. but two days later, frances got a letter from her health insurance company saying it paid the $14.67, too, and she owed nothing. so fran es asked breg for her money back. that didn't happen, so fran. >> chris: ces asked us for help. breg sent her a payment of $14.67. they said thanks to the inquiry, we were able to process her refund request. medical bills can be a big part of your credit report, so if you ever get a bill with an error, you should immediately address it. we recently made a video step by step to help you do that. you can watch it on our website, streaming partners or youtube page. just look for the how-to play list. >> thanks, chris. 6:25 this morning. an eventful, shall we say, 49 hours for 49er faithful ahead of sunday's championship game in los angeles. >> the winner goes to the super bowl, and for a time 9ers fans were locked out from seeing their team in person. the controversy may go even deeper than the game itself. yesterday ticketmaster backtracked on a policy blocking people outside of the l.a. area from buying tickets to the game at sofi stadium. we spoke with one 9ers fan in nevada who purchased his seats before the policy kicked in and he's still not convinced his tickets will still be valid come sunday. >> just because your zip code says southern california, it really doesn't determine if you're a ram or 49er fan. i think the whole thing is in bad taste. >> now, the move sparked a war of words on social media. 9ers fans pointed out during the game two weeks ago, sofi looked for like levi's. the rams are not commenting on ticket gate. >> the excitement builds for the game this weekend. we want to see your fan photos. be sure to ago us @nbc bay area on facebook and twitter and we will be sharing them all week on air right here on "today in the bay." can't wait to see those painted faces and everything else. >> everything else. 6:27. coming up next, top stories we're following, including breaking news. the efforts to develop a vaccine specifically targeting the omicron covid variant. plus -- >> reporter: mayor london breed is looking to expand how the city's police department can utilize surveillance cameras. we'll have that story coming up. >> and still threatening homes in big sur, an update on the wildfire forcing hundreds from their homes. where containment stands this morning. can you see my wall of smiles? when i first started using genesys technology i was kind of embarrased at all the love and attention i got from my customers. people are so moved by how much i understand about them. they start including me in their lives. that's helen and her friends. i arranged a wellness retreat for them. look at those ladies. such wisdom. mmm. but it's really genesys that helps me understand people and what they truly need. i'm just glad i can help. breaking at 6:30, a modified covid vaccine specifically targeting the omicron variant. all new details on the pfizer trial launching this morning. >> plus, combatting crime in san francisco. the controversial new police surveillance plan up for debate in san francisco, and mayor london breed's possible plan b if city leaders say no. >> we have another cold start across the bay area, but it will shape up to be a mild day. we'll take a look if there's any rain in the microclimate forecast coming up. this is "today in the bay." a very good tuesday morning to you. thanks so much for starting your morning with us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. of course, we're broadcasting on television, but we're also broadcasting for you live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. >> this morning we're following breaking news for you. pfizer launching an all-new clinical trial for its latest version of its covid vaccine geared to respond specifically to the omicron variant. in a statement pfizer says the current vaccine does provide a high level of protection from hospitalizations and deaths, but this is also an effort to address future omicron related variants. pharnd the country are now handing out the first of 400 million n95 masks from the white house. the distribution can't come soon enough, with a new covid variant on the horizon. the world health organization says subvariant ba.2 could be more contagious than omicron. it's been detected in 40 different countries. health experts warn identifying the strain is also a challenge. >> the problem with ba.2 subvariant is that it's not as easily identified. you can still tell that it's covid or sars covid 2, but you have to do a more laborious genomic sequencing. >> cases are fallen off since january 10th, but the percentage of people testing positive is still high at 20%. >> in east bay there's still no agreement between oakland teachers and the school district. teachers are demanding better safety measures. the union and district have been in talks for days and still hope to reach an agreement. the union says more than 100 staff members tested positive for covid last week and the remaining staff is stretched thin. we know many of you have questions and we've got some answers for you. head over to and click on the covid faq link on the trending bar. once you get there, you can find information about vaccine mandates, the right masks to protect you and your family and where to get tested. 6:32 this morning. san francisco mayor london breed wants to crack down on crime, and today she's introducing a new plan to boost surveillance big time. >> the plan would expand situations where police can use real time surveillance. "today in the bay's" cierra johnson live this morning. sounds like a question of safety versus privacy. >> good morning, yeah, that's exactly right. the ordinance would allow cameras to be monitored live in two situations. currently there are restrictions on when san francisco police are allowed to monitor the cameras. the first situation is in critical events that includes mass assaults using firearms, vehicles or other dangerous weapons, actual or suspected terrorist attacks, hostage and kidnapping incidents, arson, organized theft or burglary, rooting or rioting. crisis areas are areas in the city of repeated or sustained high levels of criminal activity or open-air markets, where public drug sales limit access to community amenities. also where there have been documented increases of violence in the last 14 days. this would be an amendment to the technology ard unanimous that was created back in 2019 and it puts limits on when and why those cameras could be utilized. so mayor london breed will introduce that today to the board of supervisors. if the supervisors can't decide, it will be given to the public to decide. we're live in san francisco. cierra johnson for "today in the bay." happening today, the city of france expected to be named in the new legal action, tied to the recent rise in hate crimes targeting asian-americans. attorneys later this morning plan to announce the federal lawsuit, naming san francisco's district attorney's office. hate crimes against asians are a higher rate that we've been seeing around the nation since the start of pandemic. fire firefighters are knocking down the fire near big sur. it's now 40% contained. since friday over 700 acres are burned just south of carmel-by-the-sea. evacuation orders are still in effect for about 500 people. >> any time we see conditions like this, we think about those wind gusts. >> it's so concerning in january. >> i know, we don't normally see something like that. meteorologist kari hall has been monitoring the conditions out there. hopefully the conditions are making the fight easier for the firefighters out there. >> it is getting a little bit better as we see humidity coming up. but it is still breezy in that area, in monterey county as we take a look at the colorado fire and the winds coming in from the west at about 14 miles per hour. the temperature right now, 46 degrees, so it is a cold fight for those firefighters out there. but the humidity might be helping to slow the spread. and some of that smoke has been drifting into the bay area so it's had an impact on our air quality. today air quality will be moderate as we take a look at some of the measurements of particulate matter across the bay. it may be unhealthy for people who are sensitive to it, but it is improving compared to what we had yesterday, as our temperatures today reach into the upper 50s near the coast and low 60s for the inland areas. mike, you were looking at some crowding in san francisco. >> yeah, looking ahead to this afternoon, perhaps. now, warriors play tonight at chase center so we talked about the evening slowing and congestion for 280. as we look at the map, that would be the extension heading up toward 3rd, warriors way, where the chase center is. at thrive city, starting earlier, 3:30, they're going to have the booster clinic, go for three. they're vaccinating and boosting in anticipation of the february 1st requirement for chase center. we're looking at a smoother drive, but more traffic from 3:30 until game time at 7:30. the rest of the bay, a smooth flow of traffic. easy drive. building in the east bay at the toll plazas. no problems for past university. back to you. >> thanks so much, mike. 6:37 right now. happening today, antioch leaders debate a plan to help fight our climate in crisis, when it comes to city vehicles. city of antioch currently has about 200 vehicles in its fleet. just one of them is electric. eight others are hybrid. city engineers have submitted a plan to transition to all electric and boost the number of charging stations. council members will discuss the plan later today. >> dry january coming to an end. next on "today in the bay," the global challenge you may be thinking about and taking part in and how you can actually keep a healthy habit all year long. >> reporter: the president apologizing after calling someone stupid and worse. let's get to the big board where the misery continues after yesterday's wild ride. >> and you don't want to miss this. a skier caught on camera struggling to make it down icy stairs. the viral clip now has millions of views. this morning we're going to hear from her for the first time. stay with us. you're watching "today in the bay." the viral clip now has millions new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. good tuesday morning. right now at 6:40, we're seeing fog drifting around, especially in the north bay. really dense fog in novato, where visibility is down to zero. i'm watching all of this, as well as what's ahead for the day. we'll take a look at the microclimate forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> and taking a look at the bay bridge, not quite an hour into the metering lights activation, we now see slowing approaching the toll plaza, similar pattern to yesterday. the clouds and fog may play a factor. we'll show you the drive coming up. president biden has apologized to a fox news reporter after calling him stupid. >> in fact, calls him more than just stupid, scott mcgrew. >> he did, the president added an expletive to it. you've probably seen it, but if you haven't, here is the president responding to a question from fox news' peter doocy. >> more inflation. what a stupid son of a -- >> reporter: now, the president is being described as caught on a hot mic. surely, though, the president knew the mic was on. it was sitting right in front of him at the time. it seems unlikely this was a mistake. fox news seemed to have a pretty good laugh about it. they had doocy on set to laugh about it and the president later apologized about it. to be fair, members of both parties have called him stupid. >> are you not going to support anything that he comes to you and asks for? >> why would you say something that stupid? why would you ask something that dumb? >> reporter: that is the late john mccain, who was always a bit short-tempered, and the current president can be short-tempered as well. you may recall in june he apologized to a cnn reporter for what he called his own abrupt behavior. >> why so you so confident he'll change his behavior, mr. president? >> i'm not confident. what do you do all the time? when did i say i was confident. what i said was, let's get it straight, i said what will change their behavior. >> reporter: again, cnn had its reporter on set after the incident to debrief her and talked about the incident for the rest of the day on cnn. and, of course, then-senator biden lashed out at the first presidential debate telling the then current president of the united states, will you just shut up, man, after then-president trump repeatedly interrupted him, making the debates near le unwatchable. now, as for doocy and his question about inflation, it wasn't stupid. it was obvious, inflation is going to hurt the democrats in the midterms. but that's really how reporters would ask someone to address an issue, like asking a gold medal winner if she's happy or a victim of a crime if they're angry. you already know the answer, but that's how you get a quote or a sound bite. in fact, as "the new york times" was covering the biden/doocy issue in one section of the paper, it seemed to be applauding a climate reporter for building a career on asking dumb questions. as you know, there are no dumb questions. ask one on twitter of me. you can find me on twitter @scott mcgrew. >> and you promise not to call us names, right? >> exactly. new this morning, a popular trend to ditch the hangover, reduce your waistline a little bit and save some money. dry january is gaining traction in the bay area. for some the phrase may have a different meaning, but this is actually a month-long challenge that started in brittain a decade ago to abstain from alcohol. a recent british energy. more than half lostocus should never be on finishing the month how you started. >> i just look at dry january as something you do for yourself, not necessarily as a mandate or a contest. you know, if you walk away from it having kind of reset your drinking, that's a positive thing. >> if you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol dependency, there are resources. here's a number, 800-662-help. it's the national hotline for substance abuse and mental health services within the department of health and human services. we'll also post the number on our website. a little more than one week from the start of the winter games and the u.s. olympic team is all set. the olympic committee finalizing all 200 plus athletes head to go beijing and it includes four five-time olympians. one athlete everyone will be cheering for, the fan favorite, of course, shaun white. he's once again qualified for the halfpipe snowboarding and he's determine to reach the top of the mountain. >> shaun white for the gold. >> just pushing everything out of my mind. this right here as the turning point. to contain the excitement and finish it. it felt like an eternity waiting for the scores. >> shaun white takes the gold! >> this is one of my favorite moments of all. there's my mom. i'm going to -- this is what it's all about. >> oh, i love that. >> it never gets old to see him fly hi, flipping and turning. you can see how covid is impacting training on the athletes on our nbc bay area streaming app. just click on winter olympics play list. the games kick off on nbc bay area february 3rd. >> remember when we used to call shaun white the flying tomato back in his younger days? >> right. >> no more. >> just a gold medalist. >> good to watch. a wise person once said, since we're talking about snowboarding, it's not how you fall, it's how you get back up. >> one woman now the subject of viral fame. watch the right corner of your screen in this video. it's trending this morning. >> natural snow, conditions are fantastic right now. we're expecting some pretty cool temps over the next few days. if you're planning on joining us over the next couple of days, make sure you dress warm and bring your googles because it is going to be a bit chilly. >> so a pennsylvania ski resort was doing a weather report and you see the woman struggling to hang onto the railing. the video now has more than 1 million views and thousands of retweets. she's been nick named mrs. bean after the british comedian. >> everything here is a black diamond. it's crazy. but i'm just happy to be here. >> there you go. you heard it from mrs. bean herself. come out and join us this weekend. >> everything is a black diamond, just getting down the stairs, even. it turns out it was all just for show. the ski resort admits the slip was a pre-planned stunt to get attention. you can kind of tell. >> she should have just started sliding down like little kids at home. >> it certainly works. got to take it easy. >> we're talking about it. winner. so looking at that, i'm sure a lot of people want to head over to tahoe and do some skiing, maybe sliding down some steps. meteorologist kari hall, of course, is monitoring what we can expect weather-wise. snow covered through the sierras? >> it looks like it's going to happen next week. let's get you out the door on this tuesday morning. a live look outside in dublin as we are seeing cold temperatures or feeling cold temperatures. we're seeing a mostly clear sky as you're starting out and we're going to see the temperatures go from the upper 30s where we are right now. we're at 39 degrees in santa rosa and it's 36 in morgan hill, 36 in dublin. after this cold start, we are going to warm up nicely as we head to the south bay. take a look at our high temperatures. some low to mid-60s for parts of the east bay with antioch headed for 65, 62 in freemont and some upper 50s for oakland today. upper 50s, also, near the coastline and in san mateo. san francisco staying in the upper 50s today. our north bay highs reach up to 68 degrees. sonoma today, 65 degrees. we're stuck in this weather pattern. it's been dry throughout the month and no significant change in our temperatures. that continues as we go throughout the week. high pressure has kept it dry, keeping the air sinking and skies clear. we'll start to finally budge and move out of the way as we head toward the end of the weekend and early next week. right now we're seeing the storm track and what could be rain close to the bay area staying just to our north. now, our models are still going back and forth, so we still have time to see it change. it does show for the rain outlook that a lot of the rain may be up around the reading area and then also to the north. as far as where we could see snow in the sierras, we're seeing a lot less in this run of the computer model. we'll be keeping an eye on how much snow we could get next week. we're dry, nice quiet weather, cold mornings, mild afternoons, and we're going to see that continue into the weekend. mike, you're seeing the fog slow the commute for the south bay. >> yeah, in patches. we've seen cameras in san jose, for example, near 101 and 680 and the map shows you slowing, pretty typical spot. the buildup is back at capitol expressway. more slowing was expected, but some folks are held up in morgan hill because of a crash north 101. keep that in mind if you're leaving san martin. hayward, 880, as well as the dublin interchange, no big surprises. your westbound commute, fog creeping down the east shore freeway. and the bay bridge, we have folks there without a problem. the metering lights are on and there are low clouds. back to you. >> thanks so much, mike. it is 6:51 and happening now, san raphael plans to spend millions to prevent future flooding in the city and along interstate 580. it will include rebuilding the san quentin pump station. the plan calls for spending more than $3 million in pandemic relief funding. previous state and federal grant applications for the push for a vaccine specifically targeting the omicron covid variant. plus -- >> reporter: i'm kris sanchez in san jose, which is taking on gun control with an ordinance that requires a gun owner, something that might found familiar to those of us who drive. i'll explain. >> and guess what, marcus and i are on facebook live right now, broadcasting. broadcasting on air and on facebook. why don't you join us? we'll be back in two minutes. you can get a sneak behind-the-scenes. we'll be right back. and now for our high school's most admired alum. get up there. oh shut up. this is so embarrassing. guys don't make a scene! oh please you love a scene. there's no way it's me... was that good acting? that's why it's you. (giggling) you know her. you love her. you wish you could be her. ruh roh. i told her not to go up there. what are you doing here? (mouths silently) it's anna gomez! (cheering) what? who? our first gigillionaire! gigloni... giggly-a-what? anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. so her family has crazy-fast gaming and they stream movies in 8k. i watch so many movies. yeah! give it up for anna. i had no idea that we went to the same high school. we have a lot in common. please get off my stage. okay. okay. live like a gigillionaire. who were those women? get the fastest internet with at&t fiber, now with speeds up to 5 gigs. limited availability. and welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at the top stories on "today in the bay." >> that's starting with breaking news. the dow jones industrial average is dropping drastically this morning. down more than 600 points this morning. the markets really have roller coastered over the last few days as the wild ride is continuing. yesterday the markets were down over 1,000 points, but then rallied and picked up. but with the markets being open just about 25 minutes, down right now about 650 points. we'll keep monitoring. >> and there is more breaking news for you this morning. pfizer launching a clinical trial for the latest version of its covid vaccine. this is geared to respond specifically to the omicron variant. now, in a statement, pfizer says the current vaccine does provide a high level of protection from hospitalizations and death. but this is also an effort to address future omicron related variants. students across california may soon be required to be vaccinated for covid to attend class. sacramento state senator richard pan introduced the new measure. it would be similar to vaccination requirements for diseases like measles and mumps. last fall governor newsom said california the only to mandate a vaccination for school children but families were allowed to opt out. personal choice can be cited for flu, hvp and covid vaccines. the city of san jose is taking on gun control. it could mean funds to prevent gun violence and try to help victims when it cannot. >> "today in the bay's" kris sanchez is live to explain the ordinance. this could be the first of its kind anywhere in the nation. >> reporter: yes, it is, and mayor sam liccardo who proposes this ordinance says this really is meant to save lives, to prevent gun violence, and to get gun owners to shoulder their responsibility in paying for the effects of gun ownership. san jose's ordinance would require gun owners to own liability insurance, also pay $25 to $35 in annual fees for gun safety education and social services. the goal is to help victims of gun violence and help pay for emergency response to such violence. now, the mayor says this is a harm reduction approach that gives gun owners a way to lower their premiums by doing things like attending safety classes using gun saves and trigger locks. but one thing the mayor and gun advocates agree on, this ordinance is likely to end up this court. >> most importantly, they will not stop gun violence. all this legislation does is punish the legal owners of firearms. taxing a constitutional right is illegal. >> it's not simply a question of being law-abiding. it's a question ensuring that everybody is well-informed and has the right incentives, and with a little nagging from an insurance company is doing the right thing to protect themselves and their families. >> reporter: now, this ordinance would be the first of its kind in the nation. we know other communities are trying to piecemeal their gun reform as congress has not enacted any reasonable reforms since the 1990s. this will be up for discussion this afternoon. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> you can watch kris's complete interview with mayor liccardo on our streaming app. download it on roku, apple tv or amazon fire. >> let's take a live look outside in san francisco. beautiful start to this tuesday morning. i want to get a look at that forecast for you today. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that. kari? >> it's a little bit cold this morning, but we are going to have a nice days on our temperatures head for the low 60s for our inland areas. foggy in some spots, but clearing out today and this weather continues throughout the rest of the week. still no changes, even into early next week. mike? >> yeah, the fog and the crowd playing a part here at the richmond side of the san raphael bridge. a smooth drive approaching, but you see the clouds in the background. more prominent on north 101, slows a bit through the fog as well. this is unusually heavy, although we've had it for a number of days the past few months, this is going to be an issue for 101. >> that's right. take it easy as you head out the door. if you're nice and cozy inside, we thank you for joining us for "today in the bay." >> taking a live look at this from san jose. oh, yes, carl making its way down to san jose. >> carl is making a visit of the south bay. >> it reminds me of michael jackson's thriller. thanks for joining us. the "today" show is next. good morning. heightened alert. the pentagon tells thousands of u.s. troops to be ready for deployment as tensions escalate over a possible russian invasion of ukraine. >> they have not only shown no signs of de-escalating but they are in fact adding more force capability. >> congress now requesting an emergency briefing on the growing crisis. so what's the next move for the white house and for vladimir putin? we're live with the very latest. wild ride. all eyes on wall street after a roller coaster day. the dow plummeting more than a thousand points before an

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Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240708 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20240708

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of the north bay. cold start, but we're also dealing with some fog drifting around and we do have low visibility, especially in the north bay around novato. elsewhere, it is mostly clear, even though we've seen fog in san francisco. once all of that clears out, we're headed for the low to mid-60s for today, for a lot of our inland areas hazy sunshine, but a pretty nice day for outdoor activities. we'll talk more about what's ahead in our extended mierk forecast. >> thank you. san francisco has a landmark gun proposal that's up for vote today. kris sanchez joins us with why the city is getting into what is usually a federal matter. >> reporter: laura, when i talked to mayor sam liccardo, he said the city needs to do something because congress has not enacted any meaningful gun reforms since the 1990s, so the city will be moving forward and this is something he first mentioned to me the day of the vt amass shooting. let's take a look at provisions of the ordinance. it would require gun owners to have liability insurance and pay a $25 to $35 fee every year into a nonprofit for gun safety education and social services. the goal is to help victims of gun violence and also to reduce the cost of emergency response to gun violence, things like police response and er visits. >> to create a nonprofit that will be funded with fees from gun owners, that will be entirely focused on initiatives that reduce gun violence in our community. and the best way to do that is by focusing on family members who live in-house holds where a gun is owned. we know that's where the risk of homicide and particularly the risk of suicide is many times greater than for other residents. >> reporter: now, the mayor says this is modelled loosely after what drivers are required to do in terms of insurance. the mayor says people can lower their premiums by doing things like attending safety classes, using gun saves and trigger locks and such. he also told me that he does expect the city to end up in court defending this ordinance and gun rights advocates say he's right, that it punishes law-abiding gun owners and they will sue. >> most importantly, they will not stop gun violence. all this legislation does is punish the legal owners of firearms. taxing a constitutional right is illegal. >> reporter: now, this is not the city of san jose's first foray into gun legislation. they already banned ghost guns and they also helped to defend the assault weapons ban when that expired. all of this will go before the council for a vote later this afternoon. we expect that there will be lengthy public comment ahead of that. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> no downtown. thank you so much. you can watch the complete interview kris had with mayor sam liccardo on our streaming app. download it on roku, apple tv for amazon fire. developing, an east bay family pleading for help to solve a deadly shooting in antioch. it happened along delta fair road. the victim's fiance says 50-year-old victor kennard coleman would do anything to help those who needed it. >> he's active in his grandchildren's lives, what do i say to them? >> police say witnesses did not get a good enough look at either the gunman for his car. investigators are now scouring surveillance video for evidence. tensions mounting over the growing threat at the ukraine/russia border. president biden is weighing his options, as russia appears to be on the brink of an invasion. "today in the bay's" brie jackson live for us this morning. this comes as the u.s. and it's nato allies are sending a clear message to moscow to back off. they're keeping a close eye of the buildup of troops on the border and says that president biden could make a decision about military action in the coming days. 8,500 u.s. troops are on heightened alert this morning as the u.s. weighs military action against russia. during a videoconference monday, president biden spoke with european leaders about a united response. >> i had a very, very, very good meeting, with all the european leaders. >> reporter: the pentagon laying out options. they include moving troops to countries outside of ukraine, flying bombers over the region and sending ships to the black sea. >> what this is about, though, is reassurance to our nato allies. >> reporter: u.s. officials say the preferred path forward is a diplomatic resolution, but suggest russia is the aggressor. >> let's be clear, there is only one country with 100,000 troops pre-positioned on the border, participating in war games, and spreading propaganda. and that's russia. >> reporter: despite amassing troops at the ukrainian border, russia denies plans to invade its neighbor. >> that's exactly the way putin wants it right now. he likes the uncertainty, the ambiguity. >> reporter: nato says it's putting extra forces on standby and sending additional fighter jets and warships. u.s. defense officials stress no deployment orders have been given, but troops are ready to assist nato allies. and back here on capitol hill, republican lawmakers are pushing for sanctions against russia, while democrats say that president biden should wait and see. marcus? >> we all will be waiting to see. brie jackson this morning in washington. thank you. 6:06 right now. students across california may soon be required to be vaccinated for covid to attend class. state senator richard pan introduced this new measure. it would be similar to a vaccination requirement for diseases like measles and mumps. last fall governor newsom made california the first and only state to mandate a vaccination for schoolchildren but families were allowed to opt out. personal beliefs can be cited to avoid flu, hpv and now covid vaccines. pfizer is releasing new find ngs the effectiveness of its booster shot. the study reveals high levels of antibodies that fight the omicron variant four months after a third dose of the pfizer vaccine. researchers also found some decline in antibody levels. it's important to note the decline against omicron was similar to that against the original strain. last week the cdc study found a third shot was 90% effective in preventing hospitalizations. happening today, hayward leaders will consider adopting new policies for police departments unmanned surveillance technology. it will include modifying redaction policies, security efforts and the use of technology during protests and demonstrations. leaders last year agreed to purchase that new technology. 6:08 right now, taking a live look in downtown san jose. i like the way that looks. >> nice, right? >> and hopefully a nice start to the great day. meteorologist kari hall, of course, tracking what we can expect weather-wise. how is it shaping up for us? >> it's starting out cold, but it will be another really nice afternoon. take a look at walnut creek. we have some upper 30s as you're heading out the door. we've seen these 30s around the inland valleys. with the cold start, we are all clear and we've seen in some spots the fog drifting around. but we are clear in walnut creek. as we go into today, sunshine and warming temperatures. great day for getting outside, going for a hike. in parts of the north bay we will start out in the mid-40s. then take a look at the trend for the afternoon. mid-60s today and there will be a little bit of a hazy sky today, but air quality is looking a little better compared to yesterday. we'll see those highs reaching into the low 60s for freemont, 62 in livermore and 62 in san raphael. i'll let you know if there are thy changes coming up. mike, you're starting to see a slow build in the east bay. >> you know there are changes at the bay bridge, where the metering lights have been on almost a half hour. we don't really see a backup yet on this camera shot, but it's just past the toll plaza, and also you see the low clouds, fog that is really starting to kick in many parts of the east bay so that will present an issue. as we look at the maps, it's not enough to trigger a fall alert. the highlighting is in the north bay. maybe some of the fog creeps down across the water and it may be why highway 4 is showing so much volume. meanwhile, the rest of the bay shows a smooth flow of traffic. north 101, our live camera shows that the traffic, the slowing, really broke up there. but we still have low clouds and possibly a little issue with visibility right around 680. back to you. >> thanks, mike. talk about a hot ticket. coming up this morning at 6:25, 49er fans are desperate to see their team in person for the championship game. the block lots of those fans are calling downright ugly. >> reporter: and they're comparing the wall street and stocks to a roller coaster, not a roller coaster i would like to ride. we'll take you to the futures. looks like we're going to have a rough opening as well. let's hope things are sweeter are valentine's day around the corner. more businesses are actually opting out of the popular holiday. we'll talk about it. stay with us. you're watching "today in the bay." and now for our high school's most admired alum. get up there. oh shut up. this is so embarrassing. guys don't make a scene! oh please you love a scene. there's no way it's me... was that good acting? that's why it's you. (giggling) you know her. you love her. you wish you could be her. ruh roh. i told her not to go up there. what are you doing here? (mouths silently) it's anna gomez! (cheering) what? who? our first gigillionaire! gigloni... giggly-a-what? man: with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. so her family has crazy-fast gaming and they stream movies in 8k. i watch so many movies. yeah! give it up for anna. i had no idea that we went to the same high school. we have a lot in common. please get off my stage. okay. okay. live like a gigillionaire. who were those women? get the fastest internet with at&t fiber, now with speeds up to 5 gigs. limited availability. good tuesday morning. right now at 6:13, time to get up and moving. we're seeing a lot of people out the door and temperatures are very chilly. grab a warmer jacket for the start of the day. we go from the mid-30s in the tri-valley to some low 60s for this afternoon. not bad at all. we'll talk about when we can see a change in the pattern coming up in the microclimate forecast. >> and we did have an issue involving a semi truck near the toll plaza here for the san mateo bridge, but that cleared without a problem. it's a clear view without a problem on the san mateo bridge. good morning, mike, good morning, everyone. happy tuesday to you as well. i think the stock market took a lesson from those back and forth football games over the weekend, because it was sure hard to predict what the final score was going to be on wall street. the dow industrials and other indices plunged at the start of trading. at one point the dow was down more than 1,000 points. the s&p 500 in correction territory. this is a time lapse, but it sure felt like it was moving this fast. by the end of the day it was like robbie gould was on our side. the markets actually posted a win. what's going on? traders very concerned about the upcoming fed meeting and the possibility of as many as four rate hikes over the course of theetthat traders make on the open as we check out futures, interest rates are headed higher. higher interest rates make it harder for consumers to buy things and it makes it harder for businesses to borrow money and just generally slow down the economy. so investors put their money elsewhere, like bonds. up until now, the stock market had been doing very, very well because there were really no other good places to put money, what traders called a t.i.n.a. market. there is no alternative other than the stock market. the federal open markets committee meets today. this is a prescheduled meeting. it will last today into tomorrow. then we'll get some idea what the central bank is thinking as far as the rate hikes. they're coming, we don't know when, but they could be as soon as maybe next month. president biden met with economic experts to talk about inflation and what to do about it. rate hikes are the most effective tool, but, remember, the white house doesn't control that. and, yes, the president did call a reporter stupid and worse for asking about inflation. we'll talk about that as we talk politics in a half an hour. the one bit of non-inflation news, the "wall street journal" is the first to report that santa clara's nvidia will end its attempt to buy arm. it would have given nvidia a huge advantage in chip making. the american ftc sued to stop the deal and it looks like nvidia saw the writing on the ball. arm is a really big deal in tech that a lot of people have not heard of. we explain what it is and why it matters so much, about ten years ago, with the then-ceo of arm. i'm going to post that to twitter and facebook, so if that's something where you want to find out more what arm is, you're a bit of a chip geek. back to you. >> i'm not a chip geek. >> thanks so much, scott. well, new this morning, some good news for silicon valley. unemployment now back to where it was before the pandemic took hold. the group joint venture of silicon valley put last month's unemployment rate at 2.9%, half of what it was in january of 2021 and it's nine percentage points below the jobless peak that we saw in april of 2020. silicon valley has recovered more than 184,000 jobs. trending this morning, if you're in love, valentine's day can be exhausting. >> it can be, especially when you have to buy all the stuff. the cards, candy, flowers, it really is be overwhelming. there may be a way to avoid anxiety this year. according to axios, more and more companies are allowing customers to opt out of marketing emails ahead of the holidays like valentine's day. that includes etsy. experts say that it can allow consumers to build trust in companies and make them feel more in control. >> there you have it. just right around the corner. >> i've never dated someone who didn't want something on valentine's day. >> don't you want something? >> you know, i don't really care. >> really? >> because if i don't get love the other 364 days, we won't make it to valentine's day. i don't like flowers. >> okay. >> i like candy. >> yeah, all of the above. check, check, check. all right, let's get a look at the forecast. we are still in january. let's not forget. >> and it seems like it's been so long since we've had rain, but as we are waking up and heading out this morning, those temperatures will make you remember that it is january. it is very chilly out there. and we've also had a hazy sky, so we're watching the air quality as the fire burns just to our south and some of that smoke drifts in. a measure of the particulate matter shows moderate air quality for today, all across the bay area. once again, there will be that hazy tint to the sky and it won't be completely blue this afternoon as our temperatures head for the low 60s. 62 for a high today in los gatos and 63 in gilroy. seven-day forecast is coming up. you won't see a lot of changes. we're still in a pattern where we've seen cool coastal temperatures. upper 50s for san francisco and then our north bay highs reach into the upper 60s for some spots, like clear lake, mid-60s for sonoma. we're going to see this continue as the dry weather continues across the region. we can see there's not a whole lot going on across california, as well as the pacific northwest, as high pressure keeps it dry and all of those storms in the pacific are staying away from the bay area. we are going to see some changes in the pattern as the high pressure weakens and moves out of the way, and then as we look ahead to next week there's a potential that we could start to see some rain at least close by, but a lot of these models are backing off on how far south it moves into california. so we may see that rain just to our north and it also looks like there could be at least some precipitation for the sierras. but looking at how much snow we could see, easing off on how much snow we could see, there is still a lot of time between now and then to see how it changes, but we are still dry over these next seven days. we're looking at temperatures for the inland areas reaching into the low 60s, morning temperatures very chilly. san francisco will be in the upper 50s and low 60s over the next few days. and, mike, the commute seems like it's moving pretty smoothly right now. >> it is, kari. it's pretty light right now. we're definitely in the building stages for many of our more popular spots, shall we say. as we take a look out to the roadways, our speed sensors are mostly green around the bay. we like to see that, even through san jose. the first burst eased off. there's still lower visibility on 101 near 680. 101 out of san martin, you see the volume and it is traveling north through morgan hill and through san jose. and then splitting off toward 85 into los gatos as well. the arrows, your usual suspects, and the golden gate bridge has fog, as well as the shore freeway. so be cautious. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 6:21. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> a medical company collects payment twice. now the patient expects half that money back. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. nbc bay area responds next. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. good morning. frances says her doctor prescribed a brace for carpal tunnel and she got it from a company called breg. it later sent her a bill for $14.67 and she paid it. but two days later, frances got a letter from her health insurance company saying it paid the $14.67, too, and she owed nothing. so fran es asked breg for her money back. that didn't happen, so fran. >> chris: ces asked us for help. breg sent her a payment of $14.67. they said thanks to the inquiry, we were able to process her refund request. medical bills can be a big part of your credit report, so if you ever get a bill with an error, you should immediately address it. we recently made a video step by step to help you do that. you can watch it on our website, streaming partners or youtube page. just look for the how-to play list. >> thanks, chris. 6:25 this morning. an eventful, shall we say, 49 hours for 49er faithful ahead of sunday's championship game in los angeles. >> the winner goes to the super bowl, and for a time 9ers fans were locked out from seeing their team in person. the controversy may go even deeper than the game itself. yesterday ticketmaster backtracked on a policy blocking people outside of the l.a. area from buying tickets to the game at sofi stadium. we spoke with one 9ers fan in nevada who purchased his seats before the policy kicked in and he's still not convinced his tickets will still be valid come sunday. >> just because your zip code says southern california, it really doesn't determine if you're a ram or 49er fan. i think the whole thing is in bad taste. >> now, the move sparked a war of words on social media. 9ers fans pointed out during the game two weeks ago, sofi looked for like levi's. the rams are not commenting on ticket gate. >> the excitement builds for the game this weekend. we want to see your fan photos. be sure to ago us @nbc bay area on facebook and twitter and we will be sharing them all week on air right here on "today in the bay." can't wait to see those painted faces and everything else. >> everything else. 6:27. coming up next, top stories we're following, including breaking news. the efforts to develop a vaccine specifically targeting the omicron covid variant. plus -- >> reporter: mayor london breed is looking to expand how the city's police department can utilize surveillance cameras. we'll have that story coming up. >> and still threatening homes in big sur, an update on the wildfire forcing hundreds from their homes. where containment stands this morning. can you see my wall of smiles? when i first started using genesys technology i was kind of embarrased at all the love and attention i got from my customers. people are so moved by how much i understand about them. they start including me in their lives. that's helen and her friends. i arranged a wellness retreat for them. look at those ladies. such wisdom. mmm. but it's really genesys that helps me understand people and what they truly need. i'm just glad i can help. breaking at 6:30, a modified covid vaccine specifically targeting the omicron variant. all new details on the pfizer trial launching this morning. >> plus, combatting crime in san francisco. the controversial new police surveillance plan up for debate in san francisco, and mayor london breed's possible plan b if city leaders say no. >> we have another cold start across the bay area, but it will shape up to be a mild day. we'll take a look if there's any rain in the microclimate forecast coming up. this is "today in the bay." a very good tuesday morning to you. thanks so much for starting your morning with us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. of course, we're broadcasting on television, but we're also broadcasting for you live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. >> this morning we're following breaking news for you. pfizer launching an all-new clinical trial for its latest version of its covid vaccine geared to respond specifically to the omicron variant. in a statement pfizer says the current vaccine does provide a high level of protection from hospitalizations and deaths, but this is also an effort to address future omicron related variants. pharnd the country are now handing out the first of 400 million n95 masks from the white house. the distribution can't come soon enough, with a new covid variant on the horizon. the world health organization says subvariant ba.2 could be more contagious than omicron. it's been detected in 40 different countries. health experts warn identifying the strain is also a challenge. >> the problem with ba.2 subvariant is that it's not as easily identified. you can still tell that it's covid or sars covid 2, but you have to do a more laborious genomic sequencing. >> cases are fallen off since january 10th, but the percentage of people testing positive is still high at 20%. >> in east bay there's still no agreement between oakland teachers and the school district. teachers are demanding better safety measures. the union and district have been in talks for days and still hope to reach an agreement. the union says more than 100 staff members tested positive for covid last week and the remaining staff is stretched thin. we know many of you have questions and we've got some answers for you. head over to and click on the covid faq link on the trending bar. once you get there, you can find information about vaccine mandates, the right masks to protect you and your family and where to get tested. 6:32 this morning. san francisco mayor london breed wants to crack down on crime, and today she's introducing a new plan to boost surveillance big time. >> the plan would expand situations where police can use real time surveillance. "today in the bay's" cierra johnson live this morning. sounds like a question of safety versus privacy. >> good morning, yeah, that's exactly right. the ordinance would allow cameras to be monitored live in two situations. currently there are restrictions on when san francisco police are allowed to monitor the cameras. the first situation is in critical events that includes mass assaults using firearms, vehicles or other dangerous weapons, actual or suspected terrorist attacks, hostage and kidnapping incidents, arson, organized theft or burglary, rooting or rioting. crisis areas are areas in the city of repeated or sustained high levels of criminal activity or open-air markets, where public drug sales limit access to community amenities. also where there have been documented increases of violence in the last 14 days. this would be an amendment to the technology ard unanimous that was created back in 2019 and it puts limits on when and why those cameras could be utilized. so mayor london breed will introduce that today to the board of supervisors. if the supervisors can't decide, it will be given to the public to decide. we're live in san francisco. cierra johnson for "today in the bay." happening today, the city of france expected to be named in the new legal action, tied to the recent rise in hate crimes targeting asian-americans. attorneys later this morning plan to announce the federal lawsuit, naming san francisco's district attorney's office. hate crimes against asians are a higher rate that we've been seeing around the nation since the start of pandemic. fire firefighters are knocking down the fire near big sur. it's now 40% contained. since friday over 700 acres are burned just south of carmel-by-the-sea. evacuation orders are still in effect for about 500 people. >> any time we see conditions like this, we think about those wind gusts. >> it's so concerning in january. >> i know, we don't normally see something like that. meteorologist kari hall has been monitoring the conditions out there. hopefully the conditions are making the fight easier for the firefighters out there. >> it is getting a little bit better as we see humidity coming up. but it is still breezy in that area, in monterey county as we take a look at the colorado fire and the winds coming in from the west at about 14 miles per hour. the temperature right now, 46 degrees, so it is a cold fight for those firefighters out there. but the humidity might be helping to slow the spread. and some of that smoke has been drifting into the bay area so it's had an impact on our air quality. today air quality will be moderate as we take a look at some of the measurements of particulate matter across the bay. it may be unhealthy for people who are sensitive to it, but it is improving compared to what we had yesterday, as our temperatures today reach into the upper 50s near the coast and low 60s for the inland areas. mike, you were looking at some crowding in san francisco. >> yeah, looking ahead to this afternoon, perhaps. now, warriors play tonight at chase center so we talked about the evening slowing and congestion for 280. as we look at the map, that would be the extension heading up toward 3rd, warriors way, where the chase center is. at thrive city, starting earlier, 3:30, they're going to have the booster clinic, go for three. they're vaccinating and boosting in anticipation of the february 1st requirement for chase center. we're looking at a smoother drive, but more traffic from 3:30 until game time at 7:30. the rest of the bay, a smooth flow of traffic. easy drive. building in the east bay at the toll plazas. no problems for past university. back to you. >> thanks so much, mike. 6:37 right now. happening today, antioch leaders debate a plan to help fight our climate in crisis, when it comes to city vehicles. city of antioch currently has about 200 vehicles in its fleet. just one of them is electric. eight others are hybrid. city engineers have submitted a plan to transition to all electric and boost the number of charging stations. council members will discuss the plan later today. >> dry january coming to an end. next on "today in the bay," the global challenge you may be thinking about and taking part in and how you can actually keep a healthy habit all year long. >> reporter: the president apologizing after calling someone stupid and worse. let's get to the big board where the misery continues after yesterday's wild ride. >> and you don't want to miss this. a skier caught on camera struggling to make it down icy stairs. the viral clip now has millions of views. this morning we're going to hear from her for the first time. stay with us. you're watching "today in the bay." the viral clip now has millions new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. good tuesday morning. right now at 6:40, we're seeing fog drifting around, especially in the north bay. really dense fog in novato, where visibility is down to zero. i'm watching all of this, as well as what's ahead for the day. we'll take a look at the microclimate forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> and taking a look at the bay bridge, not quite an hour into the metering lights activation, we now see slowing approaching the toll plaza, similar pattern to yesterday. the clouds and fog may play a factor. we'll show you the drive coming up. president biden has apologized to a fox news reporter after calling him stupid. >> in fact, calls him more than just stupid, scott mcgrew. >> he did, the president added an expletive to it. you've probably seen it, but if you haven't, here is the president responding to a question from fox news' peter doocy. >> more inflation. what a stupid son of a -- >> reporter: now, the president is being described as caught on a hot mic. surely, though, the president knew the mic was on. it was sitting right in front of him at the time. it seems unlikely this was a mistake. fox news seemed to have a pretty good laugh about it. they had doocy on set to laugh about it and the president later apologized about it. to be fair, members of both parties have called him stupid. >> are you not going to support anything that he comes to you and asks for? >> why would you say something that stupid? why would you ask something that dumb? >> reporter: that is the late john mccain, who was always a bit short-tempered, and the current president can be short-tempered as well. you may recall in june he apologized to a cnn reporter for what he called his own abrupt behavior. >> why so you so confident he'll change his behavior, mr. president? >> i'm not confident. what do you do all the time? when did i say i was confident. what i said was, let's get it straight, i said what will change their behavior. >> reporter: again, cnn had its reporter on set after the incident to debrief her and talked about the incident for the rest of the day on cnn. and, of course, then-senator biden lashed out at the first presidential debate telling the then current president of the united states, will you just shut up, man, after then-president trump repeatedly interrupted him, making the debates near le unwatchable. now, as for doocy and his question about inflation, it wasn't stupid. it was obvious, inflation is going to hurt the democrats in the midterms. but that's really how reporters would ask someone to address an issue, like asking a gold medal winner if she's happy or a victim of a crime if they're angry. you already know the answer, but that's how you get a quote or a sound bite. in fact, as "the new york times" was covering the biden/doocy issue in one section of the paper, it seemed to be applauding a climate reporter for building a career on asking dumb questions. as you know, there are no dumb questions. ask one on twitter of me. you can find me on twitter @scott mcgrew. >> and you promise not to call us names, right? >> exactly. new this morning, a popular trend to ditch the hangover, reduce your waistline a little bit and save some money. dry january is gaining traction in the bay area. for some the phrase may have a different meaning, but this is actually a month-long challenge that started in brittain a decade ago to abstain from alcohol. a recent british energy. more than half lostocus should never be on finishing the month how you started. >> i just look at dry january as something you do for yourself, not necessarily as a mandate or a contest. you know, if you walk away from it having kind of reset your drinking, that's a positive thing. >> if you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol dependency, there are resources. here's a number, 800-662-help. it's the national hotline for substance abuse and mental health services within the department of health and human services. we'll also post the number on our website. a little more than one week from the start of the winter games and the u.s. olympic team is all set. the olympic committee finalizing all 200 plus athletes head to go beijing and it includes four five-time olympians. one athlete everyone will be cheering for, the fan favorite, of course, shaun white. he's once again qualified for the halfpipe snowboarding and he's determine to reach the top of the mountain. >> shaun white for the gold. >> just pushing everything out of my mind. this right here as the turning point. to contain the excitement and finish it. it felt like an eternity waiting for the scores. >> shaun white takes the gold! >> this is one of my favorite moments of all. there's my mom. i'm going to -- this is what it's all about. >> oh, i love that. >> it never gets old to see him fly hi, flipping and turning. you can see how covid is impacting training on the athletes on our nbc bay area streaming app. just click on winter olympics play list. the games kick off on nbc bay area february 3rd. >> remember when we used to call shaun white the flying tomato back in his younger days? >> right. >> no more. >> just a gold medalist. >> good to watch. a wise person once said, since we're talking about snowboarding, it's not how you fall, it's how you get back up. >> one woman now the subject of viral fame. watch the right corner of your screen in this video. it's trending this morning. >> natural snow, conditions are fantastic right now. we're expecting some pretty cool temps over the next few days. if you're planning on joining us over the next couple of days, make sure you dress warm and bring your googles because it is going to be a bit chilly. >> so a pennsylvania ski resort was doing a weather report and you see the woman struggling to hang onto the railing. the video now has more than 1 million views and thousands of retweets. she's been nick named mrs. bean after the british comedian. >> everything here is a black diamond. it's crazy. but i'm just happy to be here. >> there you go. you heard it from mrs. bean herself. come out and join us this weekend. >> everything is a black diamond, just getting down the stairs, even. it turns out it was all just for show. the ski resort admits the slip was a pre-planned stunt to get attention. you can kind of tell. >> she should have just started sliding down like little kids at home. >> it certainly works. got to take it easy. >> we're talking about it. winner. so looking at that, i'm sure a lot of people want to head over to tahoe and do some skiing, maybe sliding down some steps. meteorologist kari hall, of course, is monitoring what we can expect weather-wise. snow covered through the sierras? >> it looks like it's going to happen next week. let's get you out the door on this tuesday morning. a live look outside in dublin as we are seeing cold temperatures or feeling cold temperatures. we're seeing a mostly clear sky as you're starting out and we're going to see the temperatures go from the upper 30s where we are right now. we're at 39 degrees in santa rosa and it's 36 in morgan hill, 36 in dublin. after this cold start, we are going to warm up nicely as we head to the south bay. take a look at our high temperatures. some low to mid-60s for parts of the east bay with antioch headed for 65, 62 in freemont and some upper 50s for oakland today. upper 50s, also, near the coastline and in san mateo. san francisco staying in the upper 50s today. our north bay highs reach up to 68 degrees. sonoma today, 65 degrees. we're stuck in this weather pattern. it's been dry throughout the month and no significant change in our temperatures. that continues as we go throughout the week. high pressure has kept it dry, keeping the air sinking and skies clear. we'll start to finally budge and move out of the way as we head toward the end of the weekend and early next week. right now we're seeing the storm track and what could be rain close to the bay area staying just to our north. now, our models are still going back and forth, so we still have time to see it change. it does show for the rain outlook that a lot of the rain may be up around the reading area and then also to the north. as far as where we could see snow in the sierras, we're seeing a lot less in this run of the computer model. we'll be keeping an eye on how much snow we could get next week. we're dry, nice quiet weather, cold mornings, mild afternoons, and we're going to see that continue into the weekend. mike, you're seeing the fog slow the commute for the south bay. >> yeah, in patches. we've seen cameras in san jose, for example, near 101 and 680 and the map shows you slowing, pretty typical spot. the buildup is back at capitol expressway. more slowing was expected, but some folks are held up in morgan hill because of a crash north 101. keep that in mind if you're leaving san martin. hayward, 880, as well as the dublin interchange, no big surprises. your westbound commute, fog creeping down the east shore freeway. and the bay bridge, we have folks there without a problem. the metering lights are on and there are low clouds. back to you. >> thanks so much, mike. it is 6:51 and happening now, san raphael plans to spend millions to prevent future flooding in the city and along interstate 580. it will include rebuilding the san quentin pump station. the plan calls for spending more than $3 million in pandemic relief funding. previous state and federal grant applications for the push for a vaccine specifically targeting the omicron covid variant. plus -- >> reporter: i'm kris sanchez in san jose, which is taking on gun control with an ordinance that requires a gun owner, something that might found familiar to those of us who drive. i'll explain. >> and guess what, marcus and i are on facebook live right now, broadcasting. broadcasting on air and on facebook. why don't you join us? we'll be back in two minutes. you can get a sneak behind-the-scenes. we'll be right back. and now for our high school's most admired alum. get up there. oh shut up. this is so embarrassing. guys don't make a scene! oh please you love a scene. there's no way it's me... was that good acting? that's why it's you. (giggling) you know her. you love her. you wish you could be her. ruh roh. i told her not to go up there. what are you doing here? (mouths silently) it's anna gomez! (cheering) what? who? our first gigillionaire! gigloni... giggly-a-what? anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. so her family has crazy-fast gaming and they stream movies in 8k. i watch so many movies. yeah! give it up for anna. i had no idea that we went to the same high school. we have a lot in common. please get off my stage. okay. okay. live like a gigillionaire. who were those women? get the fastest internet with at&t fiber, now with speeds up to 5 gigs. limited availability. and welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at the top stories on "today in the bay." >> that's starting with breaking news. the dow jones industrial average is dropping drastically this morning. down more than 600 points this morning. the markets really have roller coastered over the last few days as the wild ride is continuing. yesterday the markets were down over 1,000 points, but then rallied and picked up. but with the markets being open just about 25 minutes, down right now about 650 points. we'll keep monitoring. >> and there is more breaking news for you this morning. pfizer launching a clinical trial for the latest version of its covid vaccine. this is geared to respond specifically to the omicron variant. now, in a statement, pfizer says the current vaccine does provide a high level of protection from hospitalizations and death. but this is also an effort to address future omicron related variants. students across california may soon be required to be vaccinated for covid to attend class. sacramento state senator richard pan introduced the new measure. it would be similar to vaccination requirements for diseases like measles and mumps. last fall governor newsom said california the only to mandate a vaccination for school children but families were allowed to opt out. personal choice can be cited for flu, hvp and covid vaccines. the city of san jose is taking on gun control. it could mean funds to prevent gun violence and try to help victims when it cannot. >> "today in the bay's" kris sanchez is live to explain the ordinance. this could be the first of its kind anywhere in the nation. >> reporter: yes, it is, and mayor sam liccardo who proposes this ordinance says this really is meant to save lives, to prevent gun violence, and to get gun owners to shoulder their responsibility in paying for the effects of gun ownership. san jose's ordinance would require gun owners to own liability insurance, also pay $25 to $35 in annual fees for gun safety education and social services. the goal is to help victims of gun violence and help pay for emergency response to such violence. now, the mayor says this is a harm reduction approach that gives gun owners a way to lower their premiums by doing things like attending safety classes using gun saves and trigger locks. but one thing the mayor and gun advocates agree on, this ordinance is likely to end up this court. >> most importantly, they will not stop gun violence. all this legislation does is punish the legal owners of firearms. taxing a constitutional right is illegal. >> it's not simply a question of being law-abiding. it's a question ensuring that everybody is well-informed and has the right incentives, and with a little nagging from an insurance company is doing the right thing to protect themselves and their families. >> reporter: now, this ordinance would be the first of its kind in the nation. we know other communities are trying to piecemeal their gun reform as congress has not enacted any reasonable reforms since the 1990s. this will be up for discussion this afternoon. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> you can watch kris's complete interview with mayor liccardo on our streaming app. download it on roku, apple tv or amazon fire. >> let's take a live look outside in san francisco. beautiful start to this tuesday morning. i want to get a look at that forecast for you today. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that. kari? >> it's a little bit cold this morning, but we are going to have a nice days on our temperatures head for the low 60s for our inland areas. foggy in some spots, but clearing out today and this weather continues throughout the rest of the week. still no changes, even into early next week. mike? >> yeah, the fog and the crowd playing a part here at the richmond side of the san raphael bridge. a smooth drive approaching, but you see the clouds in the background. more prominent on north 101, slows a bit through the fog as well. this is unusually heavy, although we've had it for a number of days the past few months, this is going to be an issue for 101. >> that's right. take it easy as you head out the door. if you're nice and cozy inside, we thank you for joining us for "today in the bay." >> taking a live look at this from san jose. oh, yes, carl making its way down to san jose. >> carl is making a visit of the south bay. >> it reminds me of michael jackson's thriller. thanks for joining us. the "today" show is next. good morning. heightened alert. the pentagon tells thousands of u.s. troops to be ready for deployment as tensions escalate over a possible russian invasion of ukraine. >> they have not only shown no signs of de-escalating but they are in fact adding more force capability. >> congress now requesting an emergency briefing on the growing crisis. so what's the next move for the white house and for vladimir putin? we're live with the very latest. wild ride. all eyes on wall street after a roller coaster day. the dow plummeting more than a thousand points before an

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